Fuels & Fairness Study Guide v1
Fuels & Fairness Study Guide v1
Fuels & Fairness Study Guide v1
South Island School
Know what fossil fuels are and the three types.
KEY Understand what a chemical formula is and be able to state the chemical
formula of some common chemicals including water, carbon dioxide and
Understand how to use valency to deduce the chemical formula of a
compound containing a metal and a non-metal.
Be able to draw the structural and displayed formula for alkanes with up
to 5 carbon atoms per molecule, and to name the unbranched chain
Know the names and uses of the main fractions obtained from crude oil:
refinery gases, gasoline, kerosene, diesel, fuel oil and bitumen.
Know the trend in boiling points, viscosity and colour of the fractions
obtained from crude oil.
Know that a fuel is a substance that, when burned, releases heat energy.
Fossil Fuels 2
Chemical Formulas 6
Valency 8
Chemical Reactions 12
Combustion Reactions 12
The Alkanes 14
Chemical Equations 17
Practise Questions 22
Glossary 25
Answers to Questions 27
How to use this study guide
This study guide contains a comprehensive set of notes that covers all of the key Learning
Outcomes (KLOs) for this unit of inquiry. There is also a glossary of key words at the back of
the study guide and some practice questions that you can try after you have done your
Fossil Fuels
Millions of years ago tiny plants and animals (plankton) that were living in the sea died. They
sank to the bottom of the sea. As the years passed by, layers of sediment covered the dead
animals and plants. As more and more sediment covered them they were exposed to high
pressure. They were also exposed to the high temperatures from within the earth. This
combination of high temperature and pressure turns the dead plankton into crude oil. Natural
gas is often also formed with crude oil. Figure 2 shows how oil is formed.
Atoms, Elements, Molecules, Compounds and Mixtures.
Below are the definitions for the words atom, element, molecule, compound and
mixture. It is important to fully understand the meaning of these words.
Now You Try 1
1. State whether you think the following boxes contain an element, a compound or a
Challenge Yourself 1
Figure 7 - These molecules can all be found in crude oil.
The properties of a hydrocarbon depends upon the size of its molecule. Small molecules
have different properties to larger molecules. Figure 8 shows some of the trends in
• Boiling Point – Larger hydrocarbon molecules have higher boiling points than
smaller molecules. This is because they have greater forces between the molecules
due to the greater surface area. These forces are known as intermolecular forces
of attraction. More energy is needed to overcome stronger intermolecular forces of
attraction, and this means the boiling point is higher.
• Smaller hydrocarbon molecules are more volatile. This means that they evaporate
(turn from a liquid to a gas easier). This is because they have weaker
intermolecular forces of attraction than larger hydrocarbon molecules.
• Larger hydrocarbon molecules are more viscous. This means they pour or flow
more slowly. Molecules of small hydrocarbons are less viscous (they flow easily /
they are runny). This, once again, is because larger hydrocarbons have stronger
forces between their molecules (stronger intermolecular forces of attraction).
1. CH4, C12H26 and C8H18 are all molecules that can be found in crude oil.
Chemical Formulas
Before we look more at crude oil it is important to understand the term chemical formula.
This is sometimes called a molecular formula when it is referring to a molecule.
Figure 10. A carbon dioxide molecule. This Carbon dioxide has the chemical formula CO2. This
contains two oxygen atoms (red) and one means that molecules of carbon dioxide contain
carbon atom (black). Carbon dioxide has the
one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms. Figure 10
chemical formula CO2.
shows a molecule of carbon dioxide.
Oxygen is an element. However, its atoms pair up
into molecules. Oxygen has the chemical formula
O2. Therefore, an oxygen molecule consists of two
1. Carbon monoxide is a compound. Its molecules contain one carbon atom and
one oxygen atom. Write the chemical formula for carbon monoxide.
2. Sulphur dioxide is a compound. Its molecules contain one sulphur atom and two
oxygen atoms. Write the chemical formula for sulphur dioxide.
3. Nitrogen dioxide is a compound. Its molecules contain one nitrogen atom and two
oxygen atoms. Write the chemical formula for nitrogen dioxide.
Challenge Yourself 2
Carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide all have something in
common in relation to burning fossil fuels. Find out what this is.
The valency of an element tells us how many bonds the atoms of that element can
form. For example, oxygen atoms have a valency of two. This means that oxygen atoms
form two bonds when they bond with other elements. The valency of an element can
easily be found by looking at the group number that the element is found in the periodic
table. Groups are the columns of the periodic table e.g. Group 1 is the first column of
the periodic table. Figure 13 shows how the valency of an element can be found from
the group of the periodic table that it is found in.
Figure 13. This table shows how the valency can be found for an element, if we
know what group of the periodic table it is in.
Step 1: Use a periodic table to find out the group number for sodium and oxygen.
Step 2: Use the table in figure 13 to look up the valencies for sodium and oxygen.
Step 3: Write down the symbols for sodium and oxygen and write down the valency
of each element underneath itself.
Step 5: Write out the chemical formula. Since the 2 is pointed towards sodium (Na)
this means there are two sodiums. Since the one is pointed towards the
oxygen this means there is one oxygen.
Tip - We only write a number if there is
more than one atom of that type in the
The following example shows how this method can be used for determining the
chemical formula of magnesium oxide.
Chemical Formulas
Step 1: Magnesium is in group 2 and
oxygen is in group 6 of the periodic table. The particles in compounds containing metal
and non-metal elements are called ions (not
Step 2 Magnesium has a valency of 2 atoms). These compounds exist in giant
and oxygen has a valency of 2. lattices containing millions of ions. For these
compounds the chemical formula shows the
Step 3 ratio of the ions e.g a sample of NaCl will
contain an equal number of Na and Cl ions,
whilst a sample of Na2O contains twice as
many Na ions as O ions. Chemical formulas
Step 4:
for compounds (or elements) containing only
non-metal atoms exist as molecules. The
chemical formula, often referred to as a
molecular formula, shows the actual number of
Step 5
each type of atom in the molecule.
Step 6 This chemical formula is not in its simplest ratio. 2:2 can be written as 1:1. The
chemical formula can therefore be simplified.
Valencies are not as useful when dealing with compounds that consist of only non-metal
elements and chemical formulas are not simplified to the simplest ratio e.g. ethane is a
compound that consists of only carbon and hydrogen atoms (it is a hydrocarbon).
Carbon and hydrogen are both non-metals and ethane has the chemical formula C2H6.
This chemical formula is not simplified to CH3 because a molecule of ethane always
contains two carbon atoms and six hydrogen atoms.
Write chemical formulas for the following compounds that contain both a metal and a
Separating two liquids from each other.
Figure 15. Experimental set up for a simple distillation. Water has a lower
boiling point than ink so it is separated from the ink water mixture.
The boiling point of water is 100 oC and this is much lower than that of ink. When the
ink water is heated its temperature increases. Eventually it will get to 100 oC. The
water evaporates and turns from a liquid to a gas. This allows it to travel up from the
flask and through the condenser. The condenser has cold water running through it
cooling its inner tube. This causes the gaseous water in the inner tube to cool down
and condense. This pure water now drips through into the beaker and does not
contain any ink. In this way the water is separated from the ink.
Separating Crude Oil
Crude oil isn’t very useful when it has been extracted from the ground. It is a mixture
of hydrocarbons consisting of many different sized molecules. However, we can
separate this mixture into groups of similar sized molecules with similar boiling points.
These are called fractions. Fractions are very useful, and these can be obtained by
carrying out a type of distillation called fractional distillation.
At the bottom of the tower the
hydrocarbons are very large
molecules. This means they have
very high boiling points. The tower is
not hot enough for them to evaporate
into a gas. They remain as a liquid,
even after heating, and are tapped off
from the bottom of the fractionating
Figure 17. A mnemonic to help you remember
the names of the fractions in crude oil, and the
order that they come off from the fractionating
Chemical Reactions
In a chemical reaction the substances that react together are known as the reactants.
The substances that they change into are known as the products. This can be written
as a word equation as shown below. The arrow shows that the reactants are
changing into new substances (the products).
Reactants Products
Combustion Reactions
A fuel is a substance, that when
Combustion is the name that is given to a chemical burned, release lots of energy.
reaction in which a fuel is burnt in oxygen. Oxygen makes
up about 20% of the air. Hydrocarbons can be used as
fuels and they burn in air (oxygen) to produce carbon
dioxide and water. A large amount of energy is released
as heat during this reaction. This release of heat energy
makes fuels very useful.
An example of this reaction is burning methane in oxygen. This can be written as a
word equation.
When this reaction is carried out in plenty of oxygen then only carbon dioxide and
water are produced. This reaction is known as complete combustion.
If a hydrocarbon undergoes combustion and there isn’t enough oxygen, then carbon
(soot) and carbon monoxide are formed instead of carbon dioxide.
Diesel - used as a fuel for lorries, buses and some Molecular Formula vs Chemical
Fuel Oil - used as a fuel for ships.
A chemical formula shows the
Bitumen - not very flammable. It consists of large number of atoms in a molecule of
molecules and is dark in colour. It can be mixed a substance e.g. the chemical
with small rocks to make a material that can be formula of water is H2O. A
used to make the top surface of a road. molecular formula is the same
thing as a chemical formula, but
The Alkanes only refers to compounds that
consist entirely of non-metals.
The fraction of crude oil that is separated at the top
This is because molecules are
of the fractionating tower is called the refinery
only formed from non-metal
gases. This mixture of hydrocarbons contains
methane, ethane, propane and butane. These four atoms. If a compound contains a
compounds are the first four alkanes. metal the term molecular formula
should not be used. This means
The alkanes are the simplest family of that the term chemical formula
hydrocarbons. Each member of the family differs by can be used for all substances,
the previous member by having an extra carbon but the term molecular formula
atom and two extra hydrogens. For example, can only be used for substances
methane is the first member of the alkane family. It consisting of only non-metals.
has the molecular formula CH4. The next member
of the alkane family is ethane. It has the molecular
formula C2H6. Figure 19 shows the names and
molecular formulas for the first 5 alkanes.
Ethane C2H6
Propane C3H8
Butane C4H10
Pentane C5H12
An easy way to remember the first four alkanes
is Monkeys Eat Peanut Butter. This is shown in
figure 20.
An easy way of writing a structural formula is shown below. The structural formula being written is for
butane, C4H10.
Step 1: Draw the displayed formula for butane, C4H10. See figure 21 for this.
Step 2: Write down C to represent the carbon atom that is furthest left in the displayed formula.
Step 3: Write down the atoms that are bonded to this carbon, ignoring the carbon that is bonded to its
right. In this case, we have 3 hydrogen atoms. Write this down next to your C using a
subscript for the 3.
Step 4: Move across to the next (second) carbon atom. Write this down.
Step 5: Write down the atoms that are bonded to this carbon, ignoring the carbon that is bonded to its
right. In this case we have 2 hydrogen atoms. Write this down next to your C using a subscript
for the 2.
Step 6: Continue to repeat steps 4 and 5 until you have accounted for every atom in the displayed
Figure 22 is a table that shows the molecular formula, displayed formula and
Figure 22. A table to show the name, molecular formula, displayed formula and structural formula of
the first 5 alkanes.
Now You Try 6 Challenge Yourself 3
1. Write down the molecular formula for alkanes Look at your answer to
containing: question 2 on Now You
Try 6. Some of the
a) 6 carbon atoms compounds are not
alkanes, but they all have
b) 8 carbon atoms
things in common with
c) 24 hydrogen atoms each other. They are a
different family of organic
2. Identify the compounds below that are compounds. Find out
alkanes: what this family is called
and any other facts that
C10H22 , C9H18. , C20H40. , C15H32. , C4H8
you can about this family.
Organic Compounds
Most compounds containing carbon are referred to as organic compounds. Organic compounds
can be split into different families. The alkanes are the simplest family of organic compounds.
Each family is referred to as a homologous series. A homologous series, such as the alkanes, is a
series of compounds with similar chemical properties (they react in similar ways). Each member
differs by one carbon and two hydrogen atoms (CH2).
Chemical Equations
We have already been introduced to word equations. This shows the reactants in a
chemical reaction and shows the products that they turn into. Hydrogen reacts with
oxygen gas to produce water. The word equation for this reaction is shown below.
A chemical equation shows the same information as a word equation, but does it using
the chemical formulas of the reactants and products instead. It is important to balance a
chemical equation so that there are the same number of atoms on both sides (reactant's
side and product’s side) of the equation. This is because atoms are not created or
destroyed in a chemical reaction. They just reassemble themselves into new products.
Let's try writing a chemical equation for the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen.
H2 + O2
H2 + O2
H2 + O2 H 2O
Step 4 - The chemical equation now needs balancing. This is explained below.
A balanced chemical equation has the same number of atoms on both the
reactant’s side and the product’s side. Our chemical equation currently looks like
H2 + O2 H 2O
Both sides of the equation have two hydrogen atoms, so these are balanced.
However, the left hand side contains two oxygen atoms, but the right hand side
only has one. The oxygen atoms need balancing. When balancing a chemical
equation numbers can only be placed in front of the reactants and products as
shown below.
Water has the chemical formula H2O and it is essential to drink this as part of a
healthy diet. H2O2 is not water. It is a substance called hydrogen peroxide and
drinking it will make you very ill!
So, it is important that you only balance a chemical equation by placing numbers in
front of the reactants and products as shown below.
The oxygen atoms are currently unbalanced. We have two on the left hand side,
but only one on the right hand side. We can place a two in front of H2O to balance
__H2 + __O2 2 H 2O
The oxygen atoms are now balanced. Previously, the hydrogen atoms were
balanced, but by putting a two in front of H2O we have unbalanced them. The
hydrogens should now be balanced again. We can do this by placing a two in front
of H2.
2 H2 + O2 2 H 2O
This chemical equation is now balanced. We have four hydrogen atoms and two
oxygen atoms on both sides of the equation.
CH4 + O2
Step 4: Balance the equation. Carbon is already balanced, but hydrogen isn’t. We
will balance the hydrogen atoms.
The carbon atoms (one on each side) and the hydrogen atoms (four on each side)
are now balanced. The oxygen atoms are left and they are currently unbalanced.
We have two oxygen atoms on the left hand side, but four on the right hand side.
We will now balance the oxygen atoms
C2H6 + O2
Now You Try 7
1. When sodium (Na) reacts with oxygen (O2) to produce sodium oxide (Na2O).
2. When Sodium (Na) reacts with chlorine (Cl2) to produce sodium chloride
3. When propane reacts with oxygen (O2) to produce carbon dioxide (CO2) and
water (H2O)
There are some practise questions to help with your revision on the next page.
Practise Questions
a) Atom
b) Molecule
c) Compound
d) Mixture
e) Hydrocarbon
f) Alkane
g) Molecular Formula
h) Chemical Formula
i) Chemical equation
2. List the first five alkanes and write their molecular formulas.
a) 10 carbon atoms
b) 12 hydrogen atoms
c) 30 hydrogen atoms
d) 16 carbon atoms
e) 80 carbon atoms
5. Draw the displayed formula and the write the structural formula for hexane,
which is an alkane with the molecular formula C6H14.
6. List the 6 fractions of crude oil in the order that they come off the fractionating
tower (from top to bottom).
7. Using your answers from Q6 identify the fraction of crude oil:
g) The fraction that doesn’t evaporate when the oil is heated during
fractional distillation.
11. Name the main use for the following fractions of crude oil:
a) Refinery gases
b) Diesel
c) Bitumen
Alkane A B C D E
Boiling Point 91 -28 430 65 33
c) Which alkane is the most viscous?
a) Potassium fluoride
b) Lithium oxide
c) Aluminium chloride
d) Magnesium fluoride
e) Magnesium nitride
f) Aluminium sulphide
14. Write a word equation and a chemical equation for the following reactions:
b) When aluminium (Al) reacts with oxygen (O2) to produce aluminium oxide
15. Describe how fractional distillation is used to separate crude oil into its
different fractions.
Atom - The simplest particle and is the building block for all other substances.
Boiling - When a liquid turns into a gas. This can happen throughout the liquid.
Boiling Point - The temperature at which a substance turns from a liquid into a gas.
Chemical formula - This shows the number of atoms of each element in molecules and
the ratio of particles in compounds containing metals. CO2 and NaCl are both chemical
Compound - contains atoms of two or more elements that are bonded together.
Crude Oil - a fossil fuel. This is a mixture and contains fractions that are useful.
Diatomic - molecules formed from the bonding of two of the same type of atom.
Displayed Formula - shows all of the bonds and atoms in a particular molecule.
Evaporation - when a liquid turns into a gas. This only happens at the surface of the
Fossil Fuel - A fuel that formed from dead plants and animals millions of years ago. Coal,
crude oil and natural gas are all fossil fuels.
Fractional distillation - A separating technique used to separate crude oil into its
Fractions - The different parts of crude oil.
Incomplete combustion - when a substance burns, but there is not enough oxygen for this
to happen completely.
Intermolecular forces of attraction - the forces of attraction that occur between all
molecules. Intermolecular forces of attraction are generally stronger for larger molecules.
Mixture- two or more substances that are mixed together, but that can be separated.
Molecular formula - Tells us how many of each type of atom are in a molecule e.g H2O.
Simple distillation - a separating technique that can be used to separate a liquid from
either a solid or another liquid (if its boiling point is different).
Structural formula - Shows the structure of a compound, but does not have to show all of
the bonds.
Valency - a measure of how many bonds an element can form. It can be a useful tool for
finding the chemical formula of a compound consisting of a metal and a non-metal.
Viscosity - the thickness of a liquid. Liquids with high viscosity flow more slowly than those
with low viscosity.
Volatile - how easily a substance evaporates. Substances with a high volatility evaporate
Answers - Now You Try 1
Challenge Yourself 1
All the answers below are based on red atoms being oxygen, white atoms being
hydrogen and black atoms being carbon. Blue atoms are not defined.
Box 4 - There are several possible answers for this one. The substance is a gas because
the atoms are spread out. This substance does not form molecules. Helium, Neon and
Argon are some of the possible answers.
1. CO
2. SO2
3. NO2
Challenge Yourself 2
They are all pollutants that come from burning fossil fuels.
Fossil fuels, such as oil and coal, contain sulphur. When the fossil fuel is burnt
sulphur dioxide is formed. When sulphur dioxide reacts with water in the air it forms
acid rain.
Nitrogen dioxide is formed in car engines. Nitrogen and oxygen don’t react together
under normal conditions, but they do at very high temperatures. Car engines are
very hot and this causes nitrogen dioxide to be formed as air is present and this
consists of mainly nitrogen and oxygen.
1. K2O
2. NaCl
3. AlF3
4. MgCl2
5. Al2O3
Now You Try 6
1a. C6H14
1b. C8H18
1c. C11H24
Challenge Yourself 3
They all belong to the family called the alkenes. Members of this family have the
general formula CnH2n and their members contain at least one carbon carbon double
1. 4 Na + O2 2 Na2O
2. 2 Na + Cl2 2 NaCl
4. C + O2 CO2
5. 2 H2 + O2 2 H 2O