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08 Handout 2

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is stronger than that of a straight wire. In this case, if the fingers of the
Electromagnetism right hand are curled in the direction of the current, then the thumb
points to the North pole of the field (see Figure 2).
Electromagnetism is the branch of physics that studies the
relationship between electricity and magnetism. It is because an
electric current produces a magnetic field, and a changing magnetic
field produces an electric current.

Magnetism from Electricity

While doing a demonstration in physics in 1820, Danish physicist Hans
Christian Oersted discovered that a moving charge or a current-
carrying wire produces a magnetic field around it in addition to its
electric field. The direction of the magnetic field in a straight wire can
be determined by following the "right-hand rule".
Figure 2. The "right-hand" rule visualized on a solenoid
Source: https://www.miniphysics.com/ss-magnetic-field-due-to-current-in-a-solenoid.html
To do this, grasp the wire with the right hand in such a way that the
thumb points to the direction of the conventional current. The fingers Ampere later formulated a law for computing the magnetic field for
curl in the direction of the magnetic field. When a current pass through different conduct configurations. Ampere also designed the prototype
a straight wire, the magnetic lines of force form concentric circles with galvanometer to measure current based on the deflection of a
their centers at the axis of the wire and their planes perpendicular to magnetic needle. Not to be outdone, Jean-Baptiste Biot and Felix
the wire (see Figure 1). Savart formulated the Biot-Savart Law for determining the magnetic
field at a point in space due to an electric current.

In addition. to the discovery that a moving charge creates a magnetic

field, it was also that the magnetic field exerts a force on a moving
charge or on a current-carrying conductor. The magnitude of this force
for a moving charge is given by the formula,

𝑭 = 𝒒𝒗𝑩 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝜽,

where 𝑭 is the force, 𝒒 is the charge, 𝒗 is the magnitude of the velocity

of the moving charge, 𝑩 is magnitude of the magnetic field, and 𝜽 is
Figure 1. The "right-hand" rule visualized the angle between the direction of velocity of the charge the magnetic
Source: https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/395851/left-or-right-hand-rule field. In case of a current-carrying conductor with a length 𝑳, the force
exerted by the magnetic field is given as,
Shortly after Oersted announced his discovery that a current-carrying
wire produces a magnetic field, French physicist André-Marie Ampere 𝑭 = 𝑰𝑳𝑩 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝜽,
conducted experiments and concluded that electric current passing
through a coil or a solenoid produces a magnetic field. A solenoid is where 𝜽 is the angle between the length of the conductor and the
simply a long coil of several turns of wire. The magnetic field produced magnetic field.

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his experiments, Faraday connected a coil of wire to a galvanometer,
One (1) of the applications of this effect of magnetic field is the as shown in Figure 3.
mechanism behind a motor. A motor is a device that converts electrical
energy to mechanical energy. It consists of a coil placed in a magnetic
field. It works on the principle that a magnetic field exerts a force on a
moving charge. This force rotates the attached shaft, and the rotation
does the work.

Ampere showed that two parallel current-carrying wires attract each

other magnetically if the currents are in the same direction; they repel
each other if the currents are in opposite directions. This experiment
led him to formulate a law known as Ampere's force law, which allows
for the determination of the magnitude and direction of the magnetic
forces acting upon two current-carrying wires in proximity to one

The Ampere's law is also the basis for the standard definition of a
current. A current of one ampere is the constant current which, if
maintained in two straight parallel conductors of infinite length, of
negligible circular cross section, and placed one meter apart in Figure 3. A diagram of a magnet's interaction to a solenoid, producing current moving away from the direction
where the magnet is moving
vacuum, would produce between these conductors a force equal to Source: https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/electromagnetism/electromagnetic-induction.html

𝟐 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟕 𝐍 per unit length. Recall that a current of one ampere

constitutes a charge of one coulomb passing a given point in one He noticed that the meter registered a brief current when he moved
second. the bar magnet quickly toward the coil. Pulling the bar magnet away
from the coil also produced a brief current but in opposite direction.
Electricity from Magnetism When the magnet was stationary, no current was detected. As the
If electric current produces a magnetic field, then the reverse is also magnet is moved quickly into the coil, the magnetic field at the coil
true - a changing magnetic field can produce electric current in a becomes stronger. An induced current flow in a direction to produce
process called electromagnetic induction. The current and the some magnetic field lines from right to left, making the near end a
electromotive force (or EMF) produced are called induced current north pole to prevent the magnet from plunging into the coil. Pulling
and induced EMF, respectively. Two (2) major laws govern the bar magnet out weakens the magnetic field. A current is induced
electromagnetic induction: Faraday's Law and Lenz's Law. in such a direction as to produce more flux through the coil, making
the near end a south pole to prevent the bar magnet from moving
Faraday's Law states that an induced current (and hence induced away.
EMF) is produced whenever there is a change in magnetic flux in a
circuit. The induced EMF is proportional to the rate of change of the Unifying Electricity and Magnetism
magnetic flux. Lenz's Law states that the induced current flows in a James Clerk Maxwell realized that the results of independent studies
direction to oppose the change causing it. These laws are about electricity and magnetism revealed that they are not distinct
demonstrated in the following experiments performed by Faraday, to phenomena. Electricity and magnetism are but manifestations of a
whom the discovery of electromagnetic induction is credited. In one of single force - electromagnetic force. Maxwell devised a set of four

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(4) mathematical equations that unified electric and magnetic Discovery of Radio Waves
phenomena into what is now known as electromagnetic theory. His Heinrich Hertz was credited for having discovered radio waves in the
equations, which form the basis of electromagnetism, are in late 1880s. Hertz's apparatus consisted of two metal balls connected
differential form but in essence may be stated as follows: to two (2) brass plates that served as a transmitter. An induction coil
• Like charges repel; unlike charges attract. was used to produce electric sparks between the two brass balls. A
• Magnetic monopoles do not exist. coil of wire with a small spark gap acted as a receiver. As sparks
• A changing electric field produces a magnetic field. jumped across the two brass balls in the transmitter, sparks were also
• A changing magnetic field produces an electric field. observed in the gap in the receiver.

Figure 4. Light dissected as both electric and magnetic waves

Source: https://www.toppr.com/guides/physics/communication-systems/propagation-of-electromagnetic-waves/

Maxwell demonstrated that changing electric and magnetic fields

travel through space in the form of waves and at the speed of light.
Figure 5. Heinrich Hertz's setup that let him detect radio waves, a form of electromagnetic wave
This physical constant is derived by using differential equations, where Source: http://www.sparkmuseum.com/BOOK_HERTZ.HTM
the second-order derivatives of the electric and magnetic fields, to
which both electric permittivity (𝜺0 ) and magnetic permeability (𝝁𝟎 ) Hertz reasoned out that the sparks in the transmitter setup changing
are derived. After derivations, these two (2) variables are used to magnetic and electric fields that propagated as waves to the receiver.
derive the phase speed of light using the formula, When these waves reached the receiver, the changing electric field
caused the charges in the loop to oscillate, producing the spark.
𝟏 Furthermore, Hertz determined that these waves travel at the speed
𝒗= . of light and have frequencies ranging from 50 MHz to 300 MHz. These
√𝜺𝟎 𝝁 𝟎
waves were formerly called Hertzian waves, which was later changed
to radio waves. The unit of frequency is hertz, in honor of Heinrich
If 𝝁𝟎 ≈ (𝟒𝝅 × 𝟏. 𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝟖𝟐) × 𝟏𝟎−𝟕 𝐇/𝐦, and 𝜺𝟎 ≈ 𝟏. 𝟓 ×
𝟏𝟎−𝟏𝟎 𝐅/𝐦, this gives us the speed of light 𝒄 ≈ 𝟑 × 𝟏𝟎𝟖 𝐦/𝐬.

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Cacanindin, D.D.A., …, Sharma, M. Ph.D. (2016). General physics 2.
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Santiago, K. S., & Silverio, A. A. (2016). Exploring life through
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