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Game By: Ben Dutter THE BASICS 2 5. Third Leg 8
Jessica Dutter 6. Predatory Maw 8
7. Little 8
Art and Logo: Sam Mameli
9. Strong 9
ANCESTRIES3 10. Dexterous 9
Sensitivity Pam “the Dovetailor” 1. Elf Ancestry 4 11. Tough 9
Editing: Punzalan 2. Dwarf Ancestry 4 12. Sharp 9
3. Halfling Ancestry 4 13. Wise 9
4. Human Ancestry 4 14. Charismatic 9
5. Wyrmkin Ancestry 4 15. Herbivore 9
6. Psibug Ancestry 4 16. Carnivore 9
7. Colossan Ancestry 5 17. Thaumivore 10
8. Eternal Ancestry 5 18. Terravore 10
9. Frogkin Ancestry 5 19. Amphibious 10
This PDF is designed (and encouraged) to be 10. Raptorian Ancestry 5 20. Venerable 10
printed at home. It uses standard US letter 11. Saurian Ancestry 5 21. Telepathic 10
8.5” x 11” paper. The holder of this file has 12. Corpseflea Ancestry 5 22. Undead 10
permission to print it for personal use at
office or commercial-grade printers. LIFE PATHS 6 LINEAGE CULTURE 11
Elf Paragon 13
LINEAGE TRAITS 8 Dwarf Paragon 14
1. Amorphous 8 Halfling Paragon 15
2. Dense Bones 8
3. Chitinous 8 BIOESSENTIALISM16
4. Third Arm 8


FTD: ORIGINS is an rpg supplement that The classic six ABILITY SCORES are core to
focuses on additional rules for fantasy most OSR and fantasy rpgs, and represent
peoples and cultures. These systems help the fundamental aspects of a character.
flesh PCs out with new flavor and mechani- Many players find these attributes helpful
cal nuance, as well as grant the opportunity when playing their PC; high INT means
to randomly create unique characters. academic or witty, low CON means frail, etc.

• ANCESTRIES: pre-made origins with This is fun and useful! But, it’s problematic
mechanical and narrative impacts when there are elements of a PC tied to
things that they can’t control, such as their
• LIFE PATHS: a technique to sequentially “race.” We don’t condone the notion that a
generate a character’s background species or a culture is inherently superior.

• LINEAGES: a unique trait paired with a In Five Torches Deep, ability scores do not
distinct culture to make a people define every aspect of a character. Their INT
Basics, Ability Scores

score doesn’t reflect their overall intellect

• PARAGONS: “race-as-class” for the or capacity for learning; STR doesn’t define
classic elves, dwarves, and halflings how athletic or powerful they are. Instead,
ability scores are relegated to a few specific
Each PC can use any of the above origins as actions or “checks” that relate to adventure.
an alternate to the core rules in FTD Core or
5e (and in some cases, combine them). A PC’s ability scores are a reflection of how
that PC behaves under the pressure of a
life-threatening situation. If there’s no
IDEAL USE drama, stakes, or ramifications, then there’s
no need to engage with the rules.
An ideal table for FTD: ORIGINS loves the idea
of creating their own fantasy creatures,
It is best to decouple a PC’s capabilities from
wants more mechanical and narrative heft
their six stats. The PC with a 5 INT isn’t
for their characters, or wants to reincorpo-
unintelligent; they simply choke, forget,
rate old-school ancestry-focused classes.
or are plagued by arcane forces that wish
them ill. The PC with 5 STR isn’t a weakling;
COMPATIBILITY they’re cursed with tough foes or awful luck.

FTD: ORIGINS is designed for use with Five As such, an ancestry’s, bloodline’s, or PC’s
Torches Deep, but is compatible with any ability score modifiers do not define its full
classic six-stat fantasy rpg. The PCs will capabilities; but instead represent the base-
have more capabilities to track than in FTD line for partaking in adventure checks. Read
Core, and not all are beneficial to the player. more about our thoughts on this on pg 16.

An ANCESTRY is a more comprehensive form
of “race” for Five Torches Deep and similar Lumiskel has the ELF ANCESTRY. At
rpgs. If the simple ability-rolling rules of first level, he’s more likely to have a
FTD Core are not enough for your table, then higher DEX and INT than humans,
consider implementing ANCESTRIES for PCs. but a tighter spread on the other four
ANCESTRIES have no class restrictions. abilities (averaging 10).

ABILITY SCORES During play, Lumiskel encounters

some ancient artifacts; the GM reasons
Each ANCESTRY modifies ability score gener- that given the elf’s aged knowledge
ation. This is a slight buff over the race rules he simply knows a summary of what
in FTD Core, but it will be hardly noticeable the artifact is, and grants a proficiency
outside of extreme cases. bonus when Lumiskel tries to operate
the artifact as a check.

ANCESTRY FEATURES Later, the elf attempts to convince a

hostile party to a truce, but since the

ANCESTRIES provide a PC with beneficial (at elf is cold and aloof, the GM bestows
times detrimental) features that describe its disadvantage to his CHA check to do so.
typical traits and characteristics, as well as
some mechanical elements that help shape This works to Lumiskel’s benefit later,
the way a particular ANCESTRY PC plays. when a charlatan attempts to hoodwink
the party (but his cynicism gives him
advantage to resist the attempt).
While the party travels overland,
In addition to the listed rules, an ANCESTRY
Lumiskel only needs half rest as the
should be used for fictional positioning as a
weather is clear and the moon is out.
PC’s class, actions, or reputation would:
But once they enter a dungeon, the elf’s
strength wanes and starts each day
• PERMISSIONS: the GM can grant or deny
with an accumulating -1 to Resilience.
permission for certain actions (the
player is encouraged to propose ideas)
Eventually the party reaches an elf
fortress, and the NPCs plan on turning
• PROFICIENCY: at times an ANCESTRY is a
away any adventurers who come to
relevant source for proficiency mods
their door. But since Lumiskel is an elf,
the GM decides that the elves will at
• DIS/ADVANTAGE: like proficiency, the PC
least hear the PC’s request (permission
may have dis/advantage to a check
uniquely granted to this PC).


Cold, rational, regal, aloof, nearly immortal. Unassuming, curious, eager. They wish to Birthed from gold, flame, and foul magic,
Elves care for introspection and perfection. experience the world and revel in emotion. Wyrmkin are feared and fiercely followed.


Roll 4d6, take 3 highest for DEX and INT Roll 4d6, take 3 highest for WIS and CHA Roll 4d6, take 3 highest for STR and CHA
Roll 5d6, take middle 3 in STR to CHA order Roll 5d6, take middle 3 in STR to CHA order Roll 3d6 for the rest in STR to CHA order


You’ve lived a dozen lifetimes; know a great You empathize with and befriend anyone, You view most creatures as prey, and they
deal, but may have become cynical. You find bravely standing up for them against all naturally fear you. You ooze power and stink
it hard to empathize, but easy to recall. odds. Your comrades value your fellowship. of fire. In turn, you can sense their fear.


You draw strength from the moon. Rest half Gain dis/advantage to non-combat checks You’re immune to natural fire and heat. You
Example Ancestries

as much in moonlight, but reduce your max affected by size (+hiding, -lifting, +balance, can eat gold as food. Eating 100gp at once
RES by 1 per day you don’t see the moon. -intimidation). If the GM is unsure, ignore. heals 1 HP and restores 1 RES.


Productive, stubborn, hardy, patient. Care Passionate, creative, fervent, aspirational. Communal, deft, gregarious, telepathic.
for legacy and monumental achievement. Humanity is defined by its constant hunger. Psibug’s lives are defined by their family.


Roll 4d6, take 3 highest for STR and CON Roll 4d6, take 3 highest for 1 chosen ability Roll 4d6, take 3 highest for DEX and WIS
Roll 5d6, take middle 3 in STR to CHA order Roll 3d6 for the rest in STR to CHA order Roll 3d6 for the rest in STR to CHA order


You understand the fundamental scaffolds You focus on your passions and pursue them Psibugs communicate through their mind
that loft the world. You can build and create endlessly. You learn quickly, and can master and empathy. You struggle with “crude”
nearly anything, but are always dissatisfied. one niche subject to near deific levels. languages such as speech and writing.


You care little for the overworld. Increase all You can choose to bring yourself to 0 HP Bond to WIS mod (min 1) willing people
light levels by one step (well lit to brilliant). from extreme effort or self-sacrifice to pass or creatures. You can sense their location,
Stone sings to you but you fear open water. any check (GM fiat). Injuries still apply. feelings, and health over any distance.


Descended from titans; somber, thoughtful, Solitary, amphibious, patient, cautious. Reptilian, swift, stealthy, paranoid. Saurians
patient, massive, with imposing strength. Frogkin are calm until the precise moment. are resilient and pragmatic hunters.


STR is 12+1d6, DEX is 6+1d6 Roll 4d6, take 3 highest for CON and INT Roll 4d6, take 3 highest for DEX and CON
Roll 5d6, take middle 3 in STR to CHA order Roll 3d6 for the rest in STR to CHA order Roll 3d6 for the rest in STR to CHA order


You see the littler folk as children needing Frogkin naturally isolate, and find the large All life eats other life, and in turn gets eaten.
guidance, tolerance, and protection. Most communities of others confusing. The Your nihilistic but dogged survival grants
innately admire your restrained power. bustle, politics, and fraternization scare you. you perseverance over many softer peoples.


Bend iron, lift tons, and punch through You can breathe underwater, freely climb You need the sun’s warmth and nourish-

Example Ancestries
stone. You can’t fit in tight spaces, can’t most surfaces, and make a STR check to leap ment. An hour sunbathing restores 2 RES
hide well, and eat twice as much food. 30.’ But your max load is only half your STR. and 1 HP. Lose 2x RES in darkness or cold.


Flesh long since decayed, bones unearthed, Avian, proud, perceptive, agile. Raptorians A tiny parasitic wisp of energy that inhabits
destined to spend eternity in skeletal form. wish to see, know, and command all. the corpse of an intelligent creature.


Pick a lineage (pg. 7) and roll as they would. Roll 4d6, take 3 highest for DEX and WIS Roll 3d6 in INT, WIS, CHA order
Roll 3d6 for the rest in STR to CHA order Roll (or assume) STR, DEX, CON per the host
You’re an undead skeleton from long ago. PIERCING SCRUTINY FILL THY VESSEL
Recall past eras, but not recent history. Most Constantly judge, assess, and challenge You’re a speck of flitting sentience. You can
think you’re a monster and will flee or fight. others. Your incredible perception and acute parasitically control an intelligent corpse.
senses make you naturally suspicious. Your mental abilities remain, but you adopt
You don’t eat or sleep, and can’t die so your host’s physical abilities. Lose 1 point
long as your skull is intact. You’re immune HOLLOW BONES to each of STR, DEX, and CON per day until
to poisons and weather. Go to 0 HP when Speed +10’, adv to balance, leaping, climb- the host decays. If you don’t find a new host
taking any critical hit regardless of damage. ing. Always break a bone when you hit 0 HP within 1 hour you die. A host’s abilities can’t
You can only be healed magically. in addition to other injuries. be healed. You appear undead and grotesque.

A LIFE PATH generates a PC’s abilities and
history irrespective of their heritage. LIFE HISTORY: REASON HISTORY: FALLOUT
PATHS replace ability score rolls from ances-
tries, lineages, or other methods. LIFE PATHS 1 Forced +1 CON, +2 WIS 1 Ripped muscles: -2 STR, -1 DEX
have no class restrictions.
2 Inherited +2 CON, +1 CHA 2 Busted inner ear: -2 DEX, -1 WIS
HISTORY ROLL 3 Trained +2 DEX, +1 INT 3 Pierced lung: -2 CON, -1 STR

Roll at least 3 times (a PC’s early life, past, 4 Volunteered +1 STR, +2 INT 4 Crushed skull: -2 INT, -1 WIS
and recent life before adventuring with a
5 Obligated +2 STR, +1 WIS 5 Suffered trauma: -2 WIS, -1 CHA
class). Each HISTORY roll beyond three forces
a roll on the FALLOUT table. Max five rolls. 6 Hired +1 DEX, +2 CHA 6 Terribly ashamed: -2 CHA, -1 INT

Each HISTORY roll pairs a reason and event. 7 Lose an eye, +1 CHA, -1 WIS
Work with the GM to interpret these results
8 Lose many teeth, only eat soft food
to fit with the setting (e.g. forced + crafting
Life Paths

might mean the PC was an indentured 9 Weak heart: -4 to max RES, -1 CON
servant to a shipwright in a naval setting).
1 Labor +2 STR 10 Bad back: -4 to max Load, -1 STR
The HISTORY roll primarily adds bonuses to Roll disadv when gaining HP per level
2 Crafting +2 DEX 11
a PC’s ability scores, but the GM may grant
proficiency to checks related to their inter- 3 Education +2 INT 12 Lose a hand; dis/adv when relevant
pretation of the PC’s HISTORY.
4 Hunting +2 DEX 13 Lose a foot; dis/adv when relevant
ABILITY SCORES 5 Urban life +2 WIS 14 You’re hunted by an enemy faction
Each PC starts with an 8 in all six ability
scores. The HISTORY rolls apply a bonus per 6 Survival +2 CON 15 1/6 chance a demon appears per day
their listing for each roll. You can’t swap any 7 Politics +2 CHA 16 Insomnia: WIS check to rest or sleep
ability scores, and ignore any ability score
bonuses due to a race, ancestry, lineage, or 8 Business +2 CHA 17 Phobia: -4 WIS, morale when near it
other character creation system.
9 Fighting +2 STR 18 You owe a huge debt to a foul group
The rolls are final, with the exception that 10 Tactics +2 INT 19 Horrifically disfigured (burned, etc)
the player may choose to roll more than
three times as discussed above. Once the 11 Travel +2 CON 20 Roll twice and take both
player confirms to the GM that they’re done,
they’re done. There is a limit of five HISTORY 12 Cloister +2 WIS
rolls per PC unless beginning at higher than
level 1 (add 1 max roll at level 4 and 8).

A LINEAGE is a catch-all term that defines the LINEAGE TRAITS LINEAGE CULTURE
TRAITS and CULTURAL aspects of a character.
The LINEAGE rules in this book make a PC’s TRAITS refer to the descriptive qualities A lineage’s CULTURE reflects the society it
selection of “race” a bit more complex but of that character, their bloodline, or their originated from. Like TRAITS, it’s only meant
provide additional flavor and crunch. GMs family. The qualities listed can be defined as a shorthand to inform the knowledge or
should curate what’s available to match as your table prefers: physical, societal, training the PC has, and isn’t meant to fully
their setting and table’s expectations. magical, or another force that shapes them. describe or crudely summarize a society.

Create a LINEAGE by combining any TRAIT Each table’s interpretation of a particular Each CULTURE consists of a structure and
and CULTURE from the following pages. TRAIT will vary; one table’s version of third a resource. This might not have a direct
Neither of these denote that a specific leg will be very different from another. Pick impact, but describes that PC’s background
“race” or “species” is a monoculture or which you want, or roll 1d22. Any ability and what skills they might have gained. The
without diversity; indeed each can be a score modifiers are replaced by the results GM can use these vague descriptions as pro-
unique aspect for a single individual, family, of a LIFE PATH, the same as any PC (pg 6). ficiency, or simply for fictional positioning.
faction, or group of NPCs.

The GM and players should use the PCs’

LINEAGE much like any trait or tool of the
character: informing the fictional posi-
tioning and allowing (or denying) certain
tasks. The few benefits and penalties listed
with each LINEAGE are just a start; ultimately
the GM should expand these as relevant.
LINEAGES have no class restrictions.

Tina wants to create a LINEAGE. She

rolls chitinous (trait) and clanship
+ crafting (culture). She imagines a
society of heavily plated insectoids
organized into matriarchal clans. They
focus on digging and using quality
metal to craft fine tools and armor.

The GM thinks that Tina’s PC is famil-

iar with delving and metallurgy. These
wouldn’t apply proficiency but give
relevant fictional positioning.


Your bones are particularly dense, heavy, Like your three-armed cousins, you have a
and well-connected with sinew. The added unique form of locomotion that grants extra
weight and durability benefits and burdens. athleticism, speed, and lifting capacity.

• Your bones are unbreakable • Fully functional third “leg”

• Half bludgeoning/bashing dmg taken • +10’ to movement speed
• Adv to resist being tripped/grappled • Adv to jump, run, lift, or carry
• It’s almost impossible for you to swim • Quick/concentrate to use third leg
• -2 to your max LOAD limit • Need custom armor, clothes
• Heal no HP from unsafe rests • Need 20% more food per day (1.2 SUP)


You’re covered in a thick carapace, layers You possess a predatory mouth, with sharp
Lineage Traits

of scales, or some kind of exoskeleton. Your piercing teeth and a flexible mandible. Ter-
skin is resilient but your muscles weary. rifying, but hindering in kinder pursuits.

• Your skin is hard like mail armor • Powerful predatory bite

• Ignore extreme hot or cold weather • Bite melee attack: 1d8 + STR mod
• Natural 14 + DEX mod AC • Adv to intimidation and similar
• Can’t wear non-magical armor • You only eat raw, fresh kills


Gain only half HP from any healing
-2 to your max RESILIENCE per day

Disadv to diplomacy, charm, calm
Most creatures fear or distrust you


Your skeletal structure is malleable; organs Whether through a prehensile tail, tentacle, You’re compact, standing to a human’s hip.
and meat are squishy. Fit into tight spaces long tongue or some other appendage, you You use your diminutive frame for precise,
and flow around obstacles with ease. have a third functioning arm-like limb. cautious, quiet, and agile pursuits.

• Push through 6” gaps and spaces • Fully functional third “arm” • About half the size of a human
• Easily escape bonds, grapples • Adv to athletics, climbing, holding • Adv to stealth, escape, and similar
• +1 AC when wearing light/no armor • +1 to hit with melee weapons • You only eat half as much food per day
• At 0 HP dislocate limb + another injury • Quick/concentrate to use third arm • Downgrade all dmg dice (d8 to d6, etc)
• No +prof bonus to STR checks/attacks • Need customized armor, clothes, etc • Need custom “small” armor, clothes
• Double slashing damage taken • Need an extra hour of sleep for full rest • 20’ move speed; -33% overland travel


You possess a towering figure and powerful Full of grit and durability, you’re hard to kill You’re compelling, carry a presence, and
structure. Most smaller people cower like and even harder to tire. Pushing through demand attention. Your ability to talk your-
children beneath your massive might. your problems makes lessons hard to stick. self out of danger has made you a bit soft.

• 20% bigger than humans • You’re exceptionally resilient • You’re magnetically compelling
• Double your max LOAD • Roll 4d6, take 3 highest for CON score • Roll 4d6, take 3 highest for CHA score
• Add your +prof to physical attack dmg • Auto-pass CON checks under DC 12 • Auto-pass CHA checks under DC 12
• Disadv to stealth, escape, and similar • Half your max SUPPLY • Disadv to Injury Table results
• Need custom armor, clothes • Roll 4d6, drop highest for INT score • Roll 4d6, drop highest for CON score
• Need twice the food per day (2 SUP) • Disadv to learning, adapting, etc • Disadv to checks vs non-sentients


Your muscles are imbued with inexplicable Your mind is thirsty and dynamic, able to You exclusively consume plants and fungus.

Lineage Traits
(some say magic, others unique structure) learn and apply knowledge quickly. An eager This makes it easy to find food but demands
strength far beyond what is expected. mind is, however, more difficult to defend. a constant stream of sustenance.

• You’re frighteningly strong • You’re astoundingly intelligent • Can live off wild plants of all kinds
• Roll 4d6, take 3 highest for STR score • Roll 4d6, take 3 highest for INT score • Immune to plant-based poison
• Auto-pass STR checks under DC 12 • Auto-pass INT checks under DC 12 • Short nap with a snack gives +1 to RES
• Burn 2 RESILIENCE per hour • Roll morale for every fight • Eating non-plants makes you very ill
• Roll 4d6, drop highest for DEX score • Roll 4d6, drop highest for WIS score • Eat each waking hour or suffer -1 HP
• Disadv to finesse, delicacy, and similar • Disadv to resist mental atks/checks • Most creatures see you as weak/prey


You’re lithe, agile, and balanced. Reaction You’re sagely, willful, capable of withstand- You’re likely an apex predator, a creature
times are quicker, coordination more acute. ing psychic and persuasive attacks alike. that feasts on the flesh and bones of prey.
Delicacy detriments strength, however. Facing inward prevents external influence. You smell like danger and blood.

• You’re gracefully agile and quick • You possess great mental fortitude • You subsist entirely off flesh
• Roll 4d6, take 3 highest for DEX score • Roll 4d6, take 3 highest for WIS score • Immune to animal venoms and toxins
• Auto-pass DEX checks under DC 12 • Auto-pass WIS checks under DC 12 • Feast and “store” up to 10 SUP of food
• Half your max LOAD • -1 magic item wielding limit (min. 1) • Eating non-meat makes you very ill
• Roll 4d6, drop highest for STR score • Roll 4d6, drop highest for CHA score • Naturally sleep 10-12 hours for full rest
• Disadv to brute strength and similar • Disadv to persuasion, charm, etc • Non-carnivores strongly distrust you


You are closer to a plant than a creature, You age slowly over the centuries, granting
directly absorbing energy. This makes you great wisdom but alienating you from
move in deliberate, methodical ways. shorter lived, often jealous mortals.

• You live by consuming energy • You age at 1/10th the normal speed
• Heat, magic, or sun act as food • Auto-pass any knowledge check <DC 15
• Take half damage from energy/element • Need only half as much food
• Movement speed reduced -10’ (20’) • Disadv to all social checks
• Disadv to reflexes, dodging, quickness • Take twice as long to learn or think
• Can’t “eat” while armored/full LOAD • Susceptible to fey or “other” magic


Rich soil is a sumptuous feast to you, and You can sense and emanate psychic energy
Lineage Traits

you survive by consuming and absorbing the as easily as most do with sound. This grants
minerals latent within the earth itself. you new social vectors to attack and defend.

• 1 LOAD of soil is 1 SUP of food • You have subtle telepathy

• Can “eat” while asleep in soil • CHA check to forcefully telepath others
• Take half damage from falling/similar • WIS check to sense others’ thoughts
• Disadv to resist disease, poison • Disadv vs any psychic attacks
• Always take max damage from fire • CON check every night to fall asleep
• Susceptible to earth magic or similar • Magic healing is halved for you


You breathe water as easily as air. You’re a Your soul is trapped in a decaying prison for
great swimmer with wet skin and gills, but all time. Most revile you and think you evil,
are soft of bone and flexible of sinew. but you are a victim more than a monster.

• You can breathe air and water • You can’t die outside of a specific ritual
• Auto-pass any swim/water check • No need to eat, breathe, or sleep
• Adv to flexibility, cramming, etc • Immune to weather and fear
• Need 2x the food in dry/hot climates • Nearly all creatures attack you or flee
• Exhausted if not soaking wet for 4+ hrs • Disadv to Injury Table rolls
• Susceptible to water magic or similar • Can only be healed through magic

Know politics, society. Value guilds Gathering, scavenging. Can find static
and similar professional unions. resources, hidden treasures, etc.

Know trade, negotiation, appraisal. Tilling fields, cultivating crops. Know
Value the “guiding” force of markets. weather, agriculture, and fertility.

Ambitious, honorable. You prioritize Stalking, killing, and harvesting prey.
your reputation and social standing. Good at trails, butchery, and stealth.

Lineage Culture
Recognize authority, castes. Value the Why sow when you can take? Good at
strength of “unity and leadership.” scouting forts, tracking caravans, etc.

Selfless, family first, empathetic. You Sales, transport, and commerce. Good
care little for those not in the clan. at haggling, navigation, business.

Connected to the divine. Strong faith, Creation of goods and industry. Good
believe this world is ephemeral. at crafting, manufacturing, art.

Military chain of command controls Academics, espionage, exploration.
all. Everything is war or logistics. Focus on the pursuit of information.

Sharing for the greater good. Greed, Nomadically herd large animals.
ambition, strata may confuse you. Husbandry, leatherwork, etc.

PARAGONS, or “race-as-class” in other
games, are icons of their people. These rules
allow a PC to start as a specific ancestry
and associated class, leaning into its classic
fantasy tropes and abilities. A PC can swap
their current class and levels for a PARAGON
of their ancestry, GM permitting.

Generally, a PARAGON requires the PC to

belong to that ancestry or race (you must be
an elf to be an ELF PARAGON). However the
GM may choose to waive this restriction if
they “reskin” the class into something that
fits their setting or has similar justification.


Each PARAGON starts with a “token;” this

can be any memento or item that bears
significance in that culture. A dwarf token
might be an ancestral helmet, an elf an
arcane signet ring, a halfling a unique flute,
etc. Work with your GM to create a token.


The Elf, Dwarf, and Halfling were chosen
as they are the three non-human “races”
presented in Five Torches Deep core. They
are likely the most common fantasy races in
rpgs with an undoubted Tolkinesque influ-
ence. This isn’t to say that other ancestries
can’t or don’t have paragons; indeed an orc
or a human paragon might be an interesting
take on a modern classic.

That being said, the focus on these three

classes is simply for alignment with FTD
and bears no preferential implication.

You gain proficiency to wilderness, mon-
STARTING HP 4 + CON mod sters, and geography related checks.
HP PER LEVEL 1d6 + CON mod
Ignore diff terrain Deal +2 ranged dmg
ARMOR Light, shields
Immune to surprise Natural climb speed
WEAPON PROF Simple + warbows
Adv to perception Detect arcane sigils
You can see accurately 2x as far as normal
PROF CHECKS Stealth, senses, arcane,


You gain proficiency to agility, crafting, and
1 Starting HP, ELF equipment medicine related checks.

Elf Paragon
2 You can sense all nearby creatures
ELF PARAGONS are the archetypal champi- Martial proficiency Can wear hvy armor
ons of their people: ancient, thoughtful, 3 Pick an archetype, pick a feature
mystical. They are touched by the arcane, Deal +2 melee dmg +1 arcane cantrip
related to fey, and ageless. Their long lives 4 +1 to any ability score
make them introspective and meditative. Adv to resist magic Detect arcane sigils
5 Advantage to all defensive WIS checks
Paragons even more so: bastions of culture, Summon magic blade, -1 RES, lasts 10 min
lore, and magical dedication. 6 +1 to any ability score
7 Pick a new archetype feature
These elves are rare; uncharacteristically
focused on their history and carefully 8 +1 to any ability score
chosen to represent their cabals. Many view ELF ARCANIST
them with pride, a unique pinnacle of true 9 Trance for 1 hour, restore all RES
elvenness; others resent them or mock them You gain proficiency to magic lore, manual
for their cliche adherence to stereotypes. dexterity, and history related checks.

Most adventurous elves that interact with ELF EQUIPMENT

other lineages are likely PARAGONS, only Can cast/use scrolls +1 arcane lvl 1 spell
reinforcing the notion that all elves behave Deal +2 magic dmg +2 arcane cantrips
Light armor, shield 3 sundries, max SUP
this way. Of course this is far from the truth;
most “normal” elves live quiet lives far 1h simple melee Elf medicine kit Adv to magic items Detect arcane sigils
away from the machinations of humans,
dungeons, and the cruel necessities of gold. Warbow + arrows Elf token 1/rest, dispel a spell effect below your lvl

You gain proficiency to tactics, logistics, and
STARTING HP 6 + CON mod inspiration related checks.
HP PER LEVEL 1d10 + CON mod
Quick: 1 ally +1 AC +1 “free” hench
ARMOR All, shields
+4 max retainers Retain. do +2 dmg
Adv to giving orders Adv to ally morale
Ordered retainers gain your +prof bonus
PROF CHECKS Mountain, athletics,
diplomacy, archetype


You gain proficiency to stealth, ancient lore,
Dwarf Paragon

1 Starting HP, DWARF equipment and dungeoneering related checks.

2 You can precisely smell nearby metal
DWARF PARAGONS are the iconic dwarf, Natural climb speed No pen. hvy armor
clad in heavy armor, blocky head wrapped 3 Pick an archetype, pick a feature
in thick beard and hair, full of obstinate Auto-detect traps Adv to dungeon lore
charisma and ancient cunning. They’re 4 +1 to any ability score
connected deeply to the heart of the earth, Adv to perception Adv to stealth
5 Adv to all defensive CON checks
both its master and its kin; and capable of 10 mins to identify any magic item or door
overcoming hurdles with patience and skill. 6 +1 to any ability score
7 Pick a new archetype feature
Where humans are filled with greed and
consumption, dwarves are compelled by 8 +1 to any ability score
the virtue of work itself. Their paragons are DWARF STONEWALL
filled with a sense of ancient purpose, duty, 9 Beating 5HD+ enemies counts as rest
and an oath to uphold the dwarven way to You gain proficiency to smithing, monsters,
the best of their ability. Many humans think and intimidation related checks.
of dwarf paragons as zealots of a faith which
finds hard work and self-betterment holy. DWARF EQUIPMENT AC+DEX mod w/hvy +1 DUR all items
Many paragons strike out from the clois- +6 dmg vs goblins Immune to poison
Pick armor, shield 4 sundries, max SUP
tered halls of their homes in order to acquire
knowledge and rare artifacts. Some are the Pick 3 weapons Dwarf smith’s kit Quick: take damage for 1 hit ally in 10’
last vestiges of a fallen clan, emboldened by
a sense of purpose to right their past folly. Dungoneer’s kit Dwarf token Move: next hit +1d6 dmg (+2d6 at lvl 9)

You gain proficiency to burglary, appraisal,
STARTING HP 5 + CON mod and deception related checks.
HP PER LEVEL 1d8 + CON mod
Adv to stealth Adv vs locks/traps
ARMOR Light, shields
Adv to perception Gain +2 AC in cover
Prof bonus doubled when your RES is full
Full round action: go invisible for 1 round
PROF CHECKS Stealth, haggling, will-
power, archetype


You gain proficiency to inspiration, diplo-

Halfling Paragon
1 Starting HP, HALFLING equipment macy, and insight related checks.
2 Move in/share bigger creature’s space
HALFLING PARAGONS view themselves as +20’ move speed Adv to retreat
the heroes, diplomats, and spies for their 3 Pick an archetype, pick a feature
people. Many halfling communities conjoin Adv to roll to return Adv vs Injury Table
with those of the tallfolk, or go out of their 4 +1 to any ability score
way to remain hidden in harsh wilderness or Quick: 1 ally’s check adds your prof too
5 Immune to any fear or mental effects
nomadic trails. Paragons seek to influence 1/rest, all allies gain 1 free move action
the world for their people’s benefit, and take 6 +1 to any ability score
it as a high honor worthy of life or death.
7 Pick a new archetype feature
Halflings are naturally courageous and 8 +1 to any ability score
humble, their paragons impressively so. HALFLING CHUCKER
They have a great wanderlust and curiosity, 9 Reroll any natural 1s on any d20 roll
and wish to learn by doing (and finding their You gain proficiency to perception, accu-
limitations). This causes halfling paragons racy, and improvised tools related checks.
to find themselves in situations that many
would deem unnecessarily risky. HALFLING EQUIPMENT Improv thrown wpn Thrown crit 19-20
Halfling paragons aren’t uncommon, nor do 2x throwable range Adv to perception
Light armor, shield 5 sundries, max SUP
they make up the majority of their people’s
adventurers. They often seek out parties of 2 simple weapons Halfling chef’s kit All thrown weapons deal martial dmg
mixed heritage to better their chances at
making meaningful connections. Healer’s kit Halfling token Attempt “impossible” feats of throwing


Classic rpgs are rooted in colonialist, racist, Five Torches Deep sadly supports these So what have we done, mechanically, to try
and other bigoted concepts. Going into new problematic interpretations and systems. In to improve this situation while remaining
areas, killing monsters, and stealing their our attempt to make a game that is compat- both in the spirit and function of FTD?
stuff is largely based on the cruel realities of ible and “easy to adopt” for players of the
historical and modern colonial conquest. most popular rpg, we looked the other way. • ANCESTRIES are closest to “races” in
Just ignore the problem and it’ll disappear, an osr context, but given the way that
Of course a GM can change the content of right? Well, not so much. rolling is handled all of the ancestries
their game, and designers can reinterpret (except the Colossan, due to their size)
monsters as mindless avatars of chaos Part of this supplement addresses these have the same range of ability scores.
rather than sentient foreigners, but many issues in the core design. Anybody can
of these hurtful and prejudiced themes are have a high INT or CHA, any culture can • LIFE PATHS completely replace any
buried deep into the heart of rpgs. come from any species, that one’s journey ability score or numerical benefits of
through life is more defining than their belonging to any given race, ancestry,
Perhaps the most odious is the idea of bloodline. That being said, this is a fantasy or whatever else. This means that a
“race,” and how a PC’s race (largely equated game, and we believe that it’s fun to explore PC’s personal history is more mean-

with biological species) has an impact on characters that have supernatural traits. A ingful than their culture or biology.
their capabilities as an adventurer. A PC third arm, magical aura, super strength, or
with orcblood will never be as smart, or as an eidetic memory are fun in play. • LINEAGES are a combination of traits
cunning, or as magically powerful as an elf. and cultures, both of which can come
It is a thin line to walk. We don’t wish to from any number of sources (nature,
Whether or not this came from a place of perpetuate any harmful stereotypes. We nurture, magic, environment, etc). It’s
“game balance” or the roots of the hobby as condemn any form of bioessentialism or designed as a tool to create your own
a wargame combat simulator is irrelevant. prejudice. But just like a superhero can peoples, clans, or origins.
It’s painful that many people, including have a unique power, our fantasy heroes
one of the designers of Five Torches Deep, can belong to a people that afford them • PARAGONS represent an intentional
can draw parallels between rpgs and the extraordinary abilities. It should be uplifting cliche. They’re meant to break the
real-world prejudices that they’ve faced and provocative, it should make people ask fourth wall and lean into the trope
throughout their life; that antiquated and questions at the table. “How does a society that all elves are a certain way or all
bigoted pseudoscience (like eugenics) has a of chameleons, giants, or undead function?” dwarves are a certain way, but this is
place at their table; that the game they love called out explicitly as not the case.
reinforces these ideas in a harmful, white- But, this inherently creates an issue with (Also, the GM can let other races or
washed, normalized, gleeful way. the reverse, “How can a sentient species be ancestries play as a Paragon).
less intelligent than another?” One way we
The implication is that in the rpg world, address this is the adage that ability scores These aren’t foolproof, and it’s very easy
there are entire species that are less capable do not represent general capability (only to use these tools to slip back into the same
than others, and that many of the abilities as they pertain to adventure), and that the prejudices and biases that we’re all guilty
we ascribe to “civilization” are from a place PC may belong to a group that shares these of. That being said we hope that this sup-
of genetic bioessentialism rather than from traits (but this group isn’t necessarily an plement helps some tables play a more open
one’s culture or environment. Obviously, entire species or culture). This is still a bit of and inclusive game; and be mindful of the
this is problematic. a cop out, and we recognize that. intersection of fantasy and real prejudice.

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