Nanoscience and nanotechnology are considered to be the key technologies for the current century. Efforts are being
made worldwide to create smart and intelligent textiles by incorporating various nanoparticles or creating nanostructured
surfaces and nanofibres which lead to unprecedented level of textile performance, such as stain resistant, self-cleaning,
antistatic, UV protective, etc. However, there are many challenges in the research and development of nanotechnology based
products. The precise control of nanoparticle size, size distribution, dispersion at nanolevel and deposition on textile
substrate needs sophisticated characterization techniques, such as particle size analyzer, electron microscopy
(SEM/TEM/HRTEM), atomic force microscopy, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photon spectroscopy, etc.
This paper discusses the basic principle and applications of these instrumental techniques in the field of nanotechnology
research in textiles.
Keywords: Atomic force microscopy, Electron microscopy, Nanocomposite, Nanofibres, Nanomaterials, Particle size analyzer
techniques such as scanning electron microscopy scattered electrons and characteristic X-rays are
(SEM), transmission electron microscopy generated that contain information about the sample's
(TEM/HRTEM), scanning tunneling microscopy surface topography, composition, etc. The SEM can
(STM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), etc. have produce very high-resolution images of a sample
been developed to observe the sub micron size surface, revealing details about 1-5 nm in size in its
materials. Though the principles of all the techniques primary detection mode i.e. secondary electron imaging.
are different but one common thing is that they Characteristic X-rays are the second most common
produce a highly magnified image of the surface or imaging mode for an SEM. These characteristic X-rays
the bulk of the sample. Nanomaterials can only be are used to identify the elemental composition of the
observed through these imaging techniques as human sample by a technique known as energy dispersive X-
eye as well as optical microscope cannot be used to ray (EDX). Back-scattered electrons (BSE) that come
see dimensions at nano level. Basic principles and from the sample may also be used to form an image.
applications of all these imaging techniques used in BSE images are often used in analytical SEM along with
nanotechnology research are described below. the spectra made from the characteristic X-rays as clues
to the elemental composition of the sample.
2.1 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) In a typical SEM, the beam passes through pairs of
The scanning electron microscope (Fig. 1) is an scanning coils or pairs of deflector plates in the
electron microscope that images the sample surface electron column to the final lens, which deflect the
by scanning it with a high energy beam of electrons. beam horizontally and vertically so that it scans in a
Conventional light microscopes use a series of glass raster fashion over a rectangular area of the sample
lenses to bend light waves and create a magnified surface. Electronic devices are used to detect and
image while the scanning electron microscope creates amplify the signals and display them as an image on a
the magnified images by using electrons instead of cathode ray tube in which the raster scanning is
light waves.1 synchronized with that of the microscope. The image
displayed is therefore a distribution map of the
2.1.1 Basic Principle
intensity of the signal being emitted from the scanned
When the beam of electrons strikes the surface of the
area of the specimen.
specimen and interacts with the atoms of the sample,
SEM requires that the specimens should be
signals in the form of secondary electrons, back
conductive for the electron beam to scan the surface
and that the electrons have a path to ground for
conventional imaging. Non-conductive solid
specimens are generally coated with a layer of
conductive material by low vacuum sputter coating or
high vacuum evaporation. This is done to prevent the
accumulation of static electric charge on the specimen
during electron irradiation. Non-conducting
specimens may also be imaged uncoated using
specialized SEM instrumentation such as the
"Environmental SEM" (ESEM) or in field emission
gun (FEG) SEM operated at low voltage, high
vacuum or at low vacuum, high voltage.
2.1.2 Applications
The SEM shows very detailed three dimensional
images at much high magnifications (up to ×300000)
as compared to light microscope (up to × 10000). But
as the images are created without light waves, they are
black and white. The surface structure of polymer
nanocomposites, fracture surfaces, nanofibres,
nanoparticles and nanocoating can be imaged through
Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of SEM1 SEM with great clarity. As very high resolution images
Fig. 2(a) Electrospun nylon 6 nanofibres with surface bound silver nanoparticles2, (b) peptide nanofibre scaffold for tissue
engineering3, and (c) SEM image of plied CNT yarn4
Fig. 4 SEM images and EDX spectra of nanoporous materials made of (a) pure platinum, (b ) 1:1 gold-palladium, (c) 3:1 gold-
silver7 and (d) cotton cloth with silver nanoparticles8
4.6 wt %. The dark line represents an individual clay 2.5 Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
layer, whereas the bright area represents the PP The atomic force microscope (Fig. 7) is ideal for
matrix.9 TEM images reveal the distribution and quantitatively measuring the nanometer scale surface
dispersion of nanoparticles in polymer matrices of roughness and for visualizing the surface nano-texture
nanocomposite fibres, nanocoatings, etc. The extent on many types of material surfaces including polymer
of exfoliation, intercalation and orientation of nanocomposites and nanofinished or nanocoated
nanoparticles can also be visualized using the TEM textiles. Advantages of the AFM for such applications
micrograph. are derived from the fact that the AFM is non-
destructive technique and it has a very high three
2.4 High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy dimensional spatial resolution.
2.5.1 Basic Principle
High resolution transmission electron microscopy
The basic principle and applications of atomic
is an imaging mode of the transmission electron
force microscopy have been the subject of a number
microscope that allows the imaging of the
of excellent reviews.12-14 In atomic force microscopy,
crystallographic structure of a sample at an atomic
a probe consisting of a sharp tip (nominal tip radius is
in the order of 10 nm) located near the end of a
2.4.1 Basic Principle cantilever beam is raster scanned across the surface of
As opposed to conventional microscopy, HRTEM a specimen using piezoelectric scanners. Changes in
does not use absorption by the sample for image the tip specimen interaction are often monitored using
formation, but the contrast arises from the an optical lever detection system, in which a laser is
interference in the image plane of the electron wave reflected off of the cantilever and onto a position-
with itself. Each imaging electron interacts sensitive photodiode. During scanning, a particular
independently with the sample. As a result of the operating parameter is maintained at a constant level,
interaction with the sample, the electron wave passes and images are generated through a feedback loop
through the imaging system of the microscope where between the optical detection system and the
it undergoes further phase change and interferes as the piezoelectric scanners. There are three scan modes for
image wave in the imaging plane. It is important to AFM, namely contact mode, non contact mode and
realize that the recorded image is not a direct tapping mode.
representation of the samples crystallographic In contact mode, the tip scans the specimen in close
structure. contact with the surface of the material. The repulsive
force on the tip is set by pushing the cantilever against
2.4.2 Applications
Because of its high resolution, it is an invaluable
tool to study nanoscale properties of crystalline
material. At present, the highest resolution possible is
0.8 Å. At these small scales, individual atoms and
crystalline defects can be imaged. A typical HRTEM
image of the material is shown in Fig.6 (ref. 10).
Fig. 8AFM images of (a) nanofibres and (b) nanofibres laid on nonwoven substrate
conduction electrons in the metal known as surface resolution TEM images of the corresponding particle
plasmon resonance. The surface plasmon resonance are shown above their respective spectrum. This
peak in UV absorption spectra is shown by these example is a representative of the principle conclusion
plasmon resonant nanoparticles. The magnitude, peak that the peak shifts as per the particle shape and the
wavelength, and spectral bandwidth of the plasmon triangular shaped particles appear mostly red,
resonance associated with a nanoparticle are particles that form a pentagon appear green, and the
dependent on the particle’s size, shape, and material blue particles are spherical.
composition, as well as the local environment. The optical absorption spectra of metal
Besides biological labelling and nanoscale nanoparticles shift to longer wavelengths with
biosensing silver nanoparticles have received
considerable attention to the textile and polymer
researchers due to their attractive antimicrobial
properties. The surface plasmon resonance peak in
absorption spectra of silver particles is shown by an
absorption maximum at 420-500 nm. The surface
peaks vary with size, shape and concentration of the
metallic nanoparticles. Figure 14 (ref. 25) shows how
the value of λmax is shifted towards higher
wavelengths with increasing Ag content (λmax = 398
nm at 5 × 10 -4 M Ag sol and λmax = 406 nm at 5%
Ag/kaolinite) in a silver nanoparticle/kaolinite
composites. It is reported26 that the truncated
triangular silver nanoparticles with a [111] lattice
plane as the basal plane displayed the strongest
biocidal actin compared with spherical, rod shaped
nanoparticles or with Ag+ (in the form of AgNO3).
This shape of the silver nanoparticles can be
identified by observing the corresponding peak. Fig. 14UV- Vis absorption spectrum of 5 × 10 -4 M Ag sol and
Figure 15 (ref. 27) shows the spectrum of an spectra of suspensions of Ag/kaolinite samples at different silver
individual red, green, and blue particle, and the high- contents (1, 1.5 and 5% Ag)
Fig. 15 (a) Optical spectroscopy measurements of individual silver nanoparticles of different shapes and (b) colour image of a
typical sample of silver nanoparticles as viewed under the dark field microscope (top picture), and a bright field TEM image of the same
collection of silver nanoparticles (bottom picture)27
increasing particle size.28 The position and shape of scattered rays from other atomic planes. Under this
the plasmon absorption of silver nanoclusters are condition the reflections combine to form new
strongly dependent on the particle size, dielectric enhanced wave fronts that mutually reinforce each
medium, and surface-adsorbed species.29 According other (constructive interference). The relation by
to Mie’s theory30 only a single surface plasmon which diffraction occurs is known as the Bragg’s law
resonance (SPR) band is expected in the absorption or equation.32 As each crystalline material including
spectra of spherical nanoparticles, whereas the semi crystalline polymers as well as metal and
anisotropic particles could give rise to two or more metal oxide nanoparticles and layered silicate
SPR bands depending on the shape of the particles. nanoclays have a characteristic atomic structure, it
The number of SPR peaks increases as the symmetry will diffract X-rays in a unique characteristic
of the nanoparticle decreases.30 Thus, spherical diffraction order or pattern.
nanoparticles, circular disks, and triangular nanoplates
of silver show one, two and more peaks respectively. 4.1.2 Applications
Figure 16 (ref. 31) shows some typical UV–VIS X-ray diffraction data from polymers generally
spectra of the suspension after the reactants had been provide information about crystallinity, crystallite
mixed and sonicated under an atmosphere of air for size, orientation of the crystallites and phase
different periods of time at 270C. In this case, the composition in semi crystalline polymers. With
colour of the solution started to change from appropriate accessories, X-ray diffraction
colourless to light brown after the reaction had instrumentation can be used to study the phase change
proceeded for 15 min. This change in colour suggests as a function of stress or temperature, to determine
the formation of silver nanoparticles in the solution. lattice strain, to measure the crystalline modulus, and
with the aid of molecular modelling to determine the
4 Characterization of Nanomaterials by X-ray structure of polymer.
4.1 Wide Angle X-Ray Diffraction Besides the above-mentioned characterization this
X-rays are electromagnetic radiation similar to sophisticated technique can also be used to
light, but with a much shorter wavelength (few characterize polymer-layered silicate (clay)
Angstrom). They are produced when electrically nanocomposites. Polymer/layered silicate nanoclay
charged particles of sufficient energy are decelerated. composites have attracted great interest, both in
In an X-ray tube, the high voltage maintained across industry and in academia, because they often exhibit
the electrodes draws electrons toward a metal target remarkable improvement in materials properties at
(the anode). X-rays are produced at the point of very low clay content (3–6 wt %), when compared
impact, and radiate in all directions. with virgin polymer or conventional composites. The
4.1.1 Basic Principle use of organoclays as precursors to nanocomposite
If an incident X-ray beam encounters a crystal formation has been extended into various polymer
lattice, general scattering occurs. Although most systems (thermoset and thermoplastic) including
scattering interferes with itself and is eliminated epoxy and others.
(destructive interference), diffraction occurs when For true nanocomposites, the clay nanolayers must
scattering in a certain direction is in phase with be uniformly dispersed and exfoliated in the polymer
Fig. 16(a) UV–Vis absorption spectra taken from a reaction solution after the reactants had been mixed and sonicated in air at 27 °C for
different periods, and (b) a plot of the intensity of the plasmon peak vs reaction time
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