Tutorial 11
Tutorial 11
Tutorial 11
Table 4.2
Y X1
100 3540
120 3500
130 3420
140 3410
152 3360
162 3351
178 3250
185 3210
195 3150
200 3100
250 3050
254 3024
260 3018
270 3008
285 2988
a. Given the data in Table 4.2, Regress lny = β1 + β2 lnx1 + β3 lnx2 + β4 lnx3 + β5 lnx4.
Dependent Variable: LNY
Method: Leas t Squares
Date: 04/14/22 Time: 13:44
Sample: 1 15
Included observations: 15
lny= -37.4339- 0.3071 lnx1+ 0.7566 lnx2+ 0.0423 lnx3+ 4.1730 lnx4
Test Equation:
Dependent Variable: RESID
Method: Leas t Squares
Date: 04/14/22 Time: 13:48
Sample: 1 15
Included observations: 15
Pres ample missing value lagged residuals set to zero.
H0: No autocorrelation
H1: Autocorrelation
P= 0.1961 (>0.1), not significant at 10% significance level.
Fail to reject H0, there is no autocorrelation in the model.
Test Equation:
Dependent Variable: RESID^2
Method: Leas t Squares
Date: 04/14/22 Time: 13:52
Sample: 1 15
Included observations: 15
Collinear test regressors dropped from specification
0 Jarque-Bera 0.092018
-0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 Probability 0.955033
e. Test whether the model specification is correct and stable at 1% significance level.
Ramsey RESET Test
Equation: UNTITLED
Omitted Variables: Squares of fitted values
Specification: LNY C LNX1 LNX2 LNX3 LNX4
Value df Probability
t-statistic 1.484871 9 0.1717
F-statistic 2.204841 (1, 9) 0.1717
Likelihood ratio 3.286820 1 0.0698
F-test summary:
Sum of Sq. df Mean Squares
Test SSR 0.004303 1 0.004303
Restricted SSR 0.021866 10 0.002187
Unrestricted SSR 0.017564 9 0.001952
LR test summary:
Restricted LogL 27.69732
Unrestricted LogL 29.34073
H0: No mis-specified
H1: Mis-specified
P = 0.0698 (>0.01), not significant at 1% significance level.
Failed to reject H0, there is no mis-specified in the model.
Question 2
Test Equation:
Dependent Variable: RESID^2
Method: Least Squares
Sample: 1980 2016
Included observations: 37
Based on the White’s General Heteroscedasticity test, identify and explain whether
there is a heteroscedasticity problem at 5% significance level.
Fail to reject H0 since the Chi-square statistic is smaller than the Chi-square critical value.
There is no heteroscedasticity in the model.