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To Detect Acidic and Basic Radicals in The Different Water Sample KMC

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Sameer Sah Department of Chemistry

Class-XII (P3) KMSS Balkumari, Lalitpur

School- Kathmandu Model

Secondary School

I am overwhelmed in all humbleness and gratefulness to acknowledge my depth to

all those who have helped me to put these ideas, well above the level of simplicity
and into something concrete. I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude
to the Mr. Manoj kumar Gurung, Mrs. Purnima Bajracharya Shakya, Mr. Yagya
Prashad Chapagain and Mrs. Alina Maharjan who gave me the golden opportunity
to do this wonderful project on “TO DETECT ACID AND BASIC RADICALS
FROM WATER MOLECULES”, which also helped me in doing a lot of Research
and I came to know about so many new things. I am really thankful to them. Any
attempt at any level can’t be satisfactorily completed without the support and
guidance of my teachers and friends. I would like to thank my teachers who helped
me a lot in gathering different information, collecting data and guiding me from
time to time in making this project, despite of their busy schedules, they gave me
different ideas in making this project unique.

WATER MOLECULES” by Mr. Sameer Sah of Kathmandu Model Secondary
School prepared under the supervision of Mrs. Purnima Bajracharya Shakya
submitted of the partial fulfillment of Chemistry Grade XII has been accepted.

Supervisor HOD

Name: Purnima Bajracharya Name: Manoj kumar gurung

Department of Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
School/college: Kathmandu model
School: Kathmandu model secondary school.
secondary school.

WATER MOLECULES” by Mr. Sameer Sah of Kathmandu Model Secondary
School has been prepared under the supervision of the partial fulfillment of
Chemistry Grade XII. I, therefore, recommend the project work report for


Name: Purnima Bajracharya



Department of Chemistry

School: Kathmandu Model

Secondary School.

Date: 12/1/2022

I hereby declare that the project work “TO DETECT ACID AND BASIC
RADICALS FROM WATER MOLECULES” submitted to Department of
Chemistry Kathmandu Model Secondary School in the form of hard copy of
project work which has done under the supervision of Mrs. Purnima Bajracharya
Shakya and is submitted for the partial fulfillment of Chemistry Grade XII.

Your Obedient Student

Name- Sameer Sah


School- Kathmandu Model

Secondary School
Table of Contents
Certificate of approval………………………………………………………………i

Recommendation letter……………………………………………………………..ii

Declaration letter…………………………………………………………………..iii


Abstract: .....................................................................................................................1
Introduction: ...............................................................................................................2
Wet tests for acid radicals: ......................................................................................2
Wet test for basic radicals: ......................................................................................2
Objective: ...................................................................................................................3
Apparatus required:.................................................................................................3
Chemical required: ..................................................................................................3
Theory: .......................................................................................................................4
Procedure I: ................................................................................................................5
Procedure II: ...............................................................................................................5
Methods ......................................................................................................................6
1. Wet test for acid radicals: .................................................................................6
a. For Bagmati river water : ..............................................................................6
b. For Filtrated water: ........................................................................................7
c. For Tap water : ..............................................................................................8
2. Wet test for basic radicals: ...............................................................................9
i. For Bagmati river water: ...............................................................................9
ii. For well water:.............................................................................................11
CONCLUSION: .......................................................................................................14
PRECAUTIONS: .....................................................................................................14
REFERENCE ...........................................................................................................15

In order to perform the experiment to detect acid and basic radicals in water
resources original solution was prepared by dissolving inorganic salt sample in half
test tube water. Bagmati river water, filtrated water and tap water were taken as
different sources of water. The silver nitrate test for all three sources gives the
detection of presence of Chloride ion. Similarly, presence of nitrate ion was
detected in filtrated water.

Similarly, for basic radicals group detection tests were performed where presence
of group IIIB radicals and group V metal ions were detected. According to
confirmatory test Zinc and Magnesium were detected.

Wet tests for acid radicals: Salt or mixture is treated with dil. H2SO4 and also
with conc. H2SO4 separately and by observing the types of gases evolved.
Confirmatory checks of anions are done.

Wet test for basic radicals: These tests are carried out using the salt sample in
solution form. For this an Original Solution (O.S) of the salt or the mixture of salts
was prepared. The Original Solution was made by dissolving the given salt was the
following solvents strictly in the order given below:

(i) Cold water

(ii) Hot water

(iii) dil. HCl

(iv) Conc. HCl

Salt or Mixture + Solvent → Original Solution

The order of solvent must be followed as it helps in understanding the solubility

pattern of the salt. Now the original solution obtained above was used for analysis
of basic radicals except in the case of ammonium ions (+4NH). In the analysis of
ammonium ions, the solid salt was used instead of solution of the salt.

The basic radicals are classified into six different groups based on the reagent used.
The reagent, with which the particular basic radicals form precipitate, was called
its group reagent and the radicals are termed as group radicals. Since, one did not
know which group radical to test for therefore, while analyzing a salt the solution
was checked for the presence of the radicals of all groups.

To study the presence of acid and basic radicals in various source of water

Apparatus required: Chemical required:

i) Burner i) Dil HCl
ii) Breaker ii) Conc. HCl
iii) Test tube iii) Conc. HNO3
iv) Match stick iv) Aqua regia
v) Filter paper v) Water
vi) Tripod stand vi) H2SO4
vii) Funnel vii) AgNO3
viii) NH4Cl
ix) Na4HPO4

Qualitative analysis: The process of identification of various elements or radicals
present in the given sample is called qualitative analysis.

Analytical reagent: Analytical reagent is a class of chemical reagents for

analytical testing with being able to provide molecules, ions or radicals in the
qualitative or quantitative analysis.

Water: Water is an inorganic, transparent, bland, scentless, and almost drab

synthetic substance, which was the principal constituent of Earth's hydrosphere and
the liquids of all known living creatures.

Radical: An atom or group of atom which having either +ve or –ve charge that
behaves as single unit during chemical reaction. Example: Cl-, SO42-, Na+, Mg2+,

Acid radical: the negatively charged radical which generally comes from acid is
called acid radical. Example: Cl-, SO42-, etc.

Basic radical: the positively charged radical which generally comes from base is
called basic radical. Example: Na+, Mg2+, etc.

Wet test: The test which was performed preparing the solution of salt sample in
suitable solvent (usually water) is called wet test.

Wet tests for Acid radicals involve the following tests:

a. Test for carbonate

b. Preparation of Na2CO3 extract
c. analysis of Na2CO3 extract
d. In presence of each other.

Wet tests for basic radicals involve the following tests:

a. Solution preparation.
b. Tests of inferring radicals
c. Removals of interfering radicals
d. Group separation

Procedure I:

For the detection of acidic and basic radicals of water resources, different sources
of water were taken like tap water, well water, and Bagmati river water. Then it
was filtered by the method of filtration.

For acidic radical following text were performed like silver nitrate, Barium
chloride test.

For basic radicals, following test were performed like Group I, Group II, Group
IIIA, Group IIIB, Group IV and Group V.

Procedure II:
For acid radicals:

In order to perform the wet test of acid radicals, the given inorganic salt sample
was dissolved in half test tube water and various tests of detection like silver
nitrate test, barium chloride test and nitrate ion tests were performed.

For basic radicals:

In order to perform the wet test of basic radicals, the given inorganic salt sample
was dissolved in half test tube water. Then according to the table given below
groups were separated at first and ions were confirmed by confirmatory test.

1. Wet test for acid radicals:

a. For Bagmati river water:

Silver nitrate AgNO3 test:
Experiment Observation Inference

About 1mL O.S. was PPT was observed.

taken in clean and dry Presence of Cl- ion.
test tube, 3-4 drops of Curdy white ppt was
dil. HNO3 was added. obtained which was
The solution was boiled soluble in NH4OH and
and cooled. Then, 2-3 white ppt reappears by
drops of AgNO3 solution adding HNO3.
was added.

Test reaction:

Cl- + AgNO3 AgCl + NO3-

White ppt
AgCl + 2NH4OH Ag(NH3)2Cl +2H2O

Ag(NH3)2Cl + 2HNO3 AgCl + 2NH4O3

White ppt

b. For Filtrated water:
Experiment Observation Inference

About 1mL O.S. was taken PPT was observed.

in clean and dry test tube, Presence of Cl- ion.
3-4 drops of dil. HNO3 was Curdy white ppt was
added. The solution was obtained which was
boiled and cooled. Then, 2- soluble in NH4OH and
3 drops of AgNO3 solution white ppt reappears by
was added. adding HNO3.

About 1mL O.S was taken No ppt was observed. Absence of CO32- or
in clean and dry test tube, SO42- or SO32-
2-3 drops of BaCl2 solution
was added.

About 1mL O.S. was taken

in clean and dry test tube,
2mL of conc. H2SO4 was
added slowly drop by drop A Brown colored ring Presence of NO3- ion.
with constant shaking and was seen at the junction
cooling in tap water. About of two liquid layers.
1mL of freshly prepared
FeSO4 solution was added
slowly from the wall of
inclined test tube.

Test reaction:

NO3- + H2SO4 HNO3 + HSO4-

6 FeSO4 + 2HNO3 + 3H2SO4 3 FE2(SO4)3 + 2 NO + 4 H2O

FeSO4 + NO FeSO4 .NO

Dark brown ring nitrosyl ferrous sulphate

c. For Tap water:

Silver nitrate AgNO3 test:

Experiment Observation Inference

About 1ml O.S. was PPT was observed.

taken in clean and dry Presence of Cl- ion.
test tube, 3-4 drops of Curdy white ppt was
dil. HNO3 was added. obtained which was
The solution was boiled soluble in NH4OH and
and cooled. Then, 2-3 white ppt reappears by
drops of AgNO3 solution adding HNO3.
was added.

Test reaction:

Cl- + AgNO3 AgCl + NO3-

White ppt
AgCl + 2NH4OH Ag(NH3)2Cl +2H2O

Ag(NH3)2Cl + 2HNO3 AgCl + 2NH4O3

White ppt

2. Wet test for basic radicals:
i. For Bagmati river water:
Experiment Observation Inference


About 1mL of original

solution was taken in Precipitate did not Absence of group-I
clean test tube and 2-3 form. radicals.
drops of dilute HCl
solution was added.


About 1mL of original Precipitate did not Absence of group-II

solution was taken in form. radicals.
clean test tube and 2-3
drops of dilute HCl
solution was added. After
that, it was warmed and
H2S gas was passed
through the solution for
10 seconds.


About 1mL of original

solution was taken in
clean test tube (2-3 drops Precipitate did not Absence of group-III
of conc. HNO3 was added form. A radicals.
and it was boiled if Fe
was suspected from dry
test). 2 mL of NH4Cl
solution was added to the
test tube and made
alkaline by adding 4-5
drops NH4OH solution.

Group-IIIB Precipitate forms. Presence of Group-
IIIB radicals.

The solution of group- White ppt of ZnS was Presence of Zn++

IIIA was warmed (if observed.
group-IIIA was absent)
and H2S gas was passed
through the solution for
10 seconds.

1. Test for Zinc ion (Zn++):

Experiment Observation Inference

Action with NaOH White ppt was Presence of Zn++ ion

solution observed and soluble due to Zn(OH)2.
in excess of reagent.
About 1mL original
solution was taken in
clean test and few drops of
NaOH solution were

Test reaction:

Zn++ + 2 NaOH ZnCo(OH)2 + 2Na+

White ppt

Zn(OH)2 + 2NaOH Na2ZnO2 + 2H2O
Sodium Zincate

ii. For well water:
Experiment Observation Inference


About 1mL of original

solution was taken in Precipitate did not form. Absence of group-I
clean test tube and 2-3 radicals.
drops of dilute HCl
solution was added.


About 1mL of original Precipitate did not form. Absence of group-II

solution was taken in radicals.
clean test tube and 2-3
drops of dilute HCl
solution was added. After
that, it was warmed and
H2S gas was passed
through the solution for
10 seconds.


About 1mL of original

solution was taken in
clean test tube (2-3 drops Precipitate did not form. Absence of group-III A
of conc. HNO3 was added radicals.
and it was boiled if Fe
was suspected from dry
test). 2 mL of NH4Cl
solution was added to the
test tube and made
alkaline by adding 4-5
drops NH4OH solution.


The solution of group-

IIIA was warmed (if
group-IIIA was absent) Precipitate did not form Absence of group-III B
and H2S gas was passed radicals.
through the solution for
10 seconds.


About 1mL of original

solution was taken in
clean test tube, 1-2 g of Precipitate did not form Absence of group-III B
solid NH4Cl was added radicals.
and 4-5 drops of NH4OH
solution was added to
make solution alkaline.
After that, 4-5 drops of
Na2HPO4 was added and
shaken well.

About 1 ml of original Precipitate formed. Presence of group V

solution was take in clean radicals.
test tube, 1-2 g of solid White ppt of
NH4Cl solution was added Mg(NH4)2PO4 was Presence of Mg++
to make solution Alkaline. observed.
After that, 4-5 drops of
Na4HPO4 was added and
shaken well.

Group-V Metal ions(Basic radicals)[Mg++]

2. Test for Mg++

Experiment Observation Inference

Action with NH4OH White gelatinous ppt was

solution observed which was Presence of Mg++ ion.
soluble in NH4Cl.
About 1mL original
solution was taken in
clean test and few drops
of NH4OH solution were

Test reaction:

Mg++ + 2 NH4OH Mg(OH)2 + 2 NH4+

White gelatinous ppt


i) For acid radicals: The acid radical, NO3-, Cl-, was present in the given
water sample which was identify by wet ways.

ii) For basic radicals: The Basic radical, Mg++, Zn++ was present in the given
water sample which was identify by wet ways.

Acid radicals and Basic radicals can be identify in the given water sample by wet

i) The test tube should be dried gently.
ii) The minimum amount of salt sample should be used.
iii) The chemical reagent should be added carefully.
iv) The ppt should be observed carefully.
v) The solution should be heated gently.
vi) The test tube should be washed properly in every test.
vii) The test should be done by using test tube holder.


1. https://www.wikipedia.org/
2. http://www.expertsmind.com
3. https://southsidemedical.net/
4. https://www.sciencedirect.com/

1. Integrated chemistry practical
2. Modern chemistry Grade XII


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