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OptimumKinematics - Help File

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Suspension Design and Analysis Software

8801 E. Hampden Avenue

Suite 210
Denver, CO 80231 USA
Phone: +1-303-752-1562
1 Table of Figures 5
2 Welcome 7
2.1 Feedback 7

3 Introduction 8
3.1 Installation Requirements 10
3.1.1 Hardware Requirements 10

3.1.2 Software Requirements 11

3.2 Licensing 11

4 Quick Start 12
4.1 Launching the Application 12
4.1.1 Graphical User Interface 12

4.1.2 Creating a New Project 13

4.1.3 Opening an Existing Project 14

4.1.4 Saving a Project 14

4.2 Options Menu 15

4.3 Design Overview 17

4.3.1 Vehicle 17

4.3.2 Suspension 18

4.3.3 Suspension Design 18

4.3.4 Vehicle Setup 19

4.3.5 Motion 21

4.4 Simulation Overview 22

4.5 Analysis Overview 25

OptimumKinematics 2|Page
4.5.1 Chart 25

4.5.2 Table 26

4.5.3 View 27

4.5.4 WorkSheet 28

5 Detailed Overview 29
5.1 Reference System 29

5.2 Design 30
5.2.1 Suspension Design 30

5.2.2 Modify Suspension 35

5.2.3 3D Visualization 36

5.2.4 Importing and Exporting Suspension 37

5.2.5 Creating a Vehicle Setup 37

5.2.6 Importing and Exporting a Vehicle Setup 38

5.2.7 Creating a Motion 38

5.2.8 Importing and Exporting Motion Profiles 39

5.2.9 Import Track Data 40

5.3 Simulation 42
5.3.1 Quick Run 43

5.3.2 Create/Run 43

5.4 Analysis 45
5.4.1 Analysis Results 46

5.4.2 Import/Export Results 48

5.4.3 Analysis reports 48

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6 Frequently Asked Questions 54
6.1 I lost my License Key 54

6.2 How many computers can I install the software on? 54

6.3 I have no internet access to activate my license key. 54

6.4 I can’t install OptimumKinematics correctly. 54

6.5 Can I import suspensions from previous OptimumK Versions? 54

6.6 Why are my instant centers, roll centers or pitch centers not calculated?

6.7 When running a simulation, I receive an error message stating that solver
couldn’t meet the required accuracy. 55

6.8 Can I Import Track Data into OptimumKinematics? 55

6.9 Can I add to the default suspension templates on my Hard Drive? 55

6.10 What is the difference between Geometric and Kinematic Roll Centers?

6.11 Nothing shows on the 3D Visualization. 55

6.12 What is the difference between heave and single wheel motion ratio for
dependent and independent suspension? 57

7 Reference & Appendix 59

7.1 Default Suspension Types 59
7.1.1 Front 59

7.1.2 Rear 63

7.2 Default Motion Types 70

7.3 Glossary and Definitions 70

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7.3.1 Motion Definitions 70

7.3.2 Input Definitions 71

7.3.3 Output definitions 73

7.4 Available Results Channels 85

7.5 Hotkeys 94

7.6 Contact Information 95

1 Table of Figures
Figure 1 Backstage 12
Figure 2 Graphical User Interface 13
Figure 3 Design Window 17
Figure 4 Suspension Design Window 18
Figure 5 Vehicle Setup Window 19
Figure 6 Vehicle Reference Distance 20
Figure 7 Motion Window 21
Figure 8 Simulation Overview 22
Figure 9 Simulation Window 23
Figure 10 Analysis Window 25
Figure 11 Analysis Report Chart 26
Figure 12 Analysis Report Table 27
Figure 13 Analysis 3D View 28
Figure 14 WorkSheet Report 28
Figure 15 Default Vehicle Reference System 29
Figure 16 Design Window 30
Figure 17 Suspension Design Window 31
Figure 18 Creating a Suspension 31
Figure 19 Highlighting Points 33
Figure 20 Point Editor 34
Figure 21 Output Data (Quick Search) 35
Figure 22 Output Data (Pinned) 35
Figure 23 Modifying a Suspension 36
Figure 24 Creating a Vehicle Setup 37
OptimumKinematics 5|Page
Figure 25 Creating a Motion 38
Figure 26 OptimumKinematics Motion File 40
Figure 27 Example Sensor Configuration 41
Figure 28 Example Import Motion File 42
Figure 29 Example Imported Motion 42
Figure 30 Batch Run (Multiple Iterations) 43
Figure 31 Design of Experiment (DOE) 44
Figure 32 Calculating a Simulation 45
Figure 33 Analysis 46
Figure 34 Results (Chart View) 47
Figure 35 Results (Table View) 47
Figure 36 Creating a Chart 49
Figure 37 ChartSeries Editor 50
Figure 38 Creating a Table 51
Figure 39 Creating a View 52
Figure 40 View Playback Controls 52
Figure 41 WorkSheet Report 53
Figure 42 NVIDIA Control Panel 56
Figure 43 Independent Suspension Motion Ratio 57
Figure 44 Dependent Suspension Motion Ratio 58
Figure 45 Rim Diameter 71
Figure 46 Halftrack 72
Figure 47 Reference Distance 72
Figure 48 Camber Angle 73
Figure 49 Toe Angle 74
Figure 50 Toe Distance 75
Figure 51 Mechanical Trail 76
Figure 52 Scrub Radius 77
Figure 53 Front View Virtual Swing Arm Angle 78
Figure 54 Side Virtual Swing Arm Length vs. Wheelbase 79
Figure 55 Instantaneous Axis 80
Figure 56 Kinematic Pitch Center 81
Figure 57 Kinematic Pitch Axis 81
Figure 58 Kinematic Roll Center 82
Figure 59 Kinematic Roll Axis 83
Figure 60 Roll Axis Inclination 83
Figure 61 Ackerman Percentage 84

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2 Welcome

Thank you for purchasing OptimumKinematics, the newest benchmark in kinematics analysis
software. This help file contains information regarding the features and functions of

2.1 Feedback
OptimumKinematics is a continually evolving program and we give high regard to any
suggestions, comments, complaints and/or criticisms that OptimumKinematics users might
have. Please contact us at softwaresupport@optimumg.com and we will endeavor to improve
OptimumKinematics based on your feedback.

Within OptimumKinematics the user is able to report any issues, features or ideas. Users have
the option to report feedback. Read the Quick Start section to see how to do this.

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3 Introduction
OptimumKinematics has been developed with the goal of providing users with a powerful
kinematics tool that is both easy to use, and easy to integrate into your existing workflow.

It can be used to rapidly simulate the kinematic properties of a suspension design, providing
detailed output and visualization for a broad range of output channels.

OptimumKinematics builds upon the success of OptimumK, providing more scope for different
suspensions, a greater selection of output channels and greater modularity between designs.
The ability to animate and visualize motion, compare multiple suspension simulations back to
back and import and output data in a standard format (for use in Microsoft® Excel or MATLAB®)
all remain.

Major improvements for version two are:

 New User Interface. The philosophy and workflow has stayed the same in
OptimumKinematics as the previous release. However, the new interface uses controls
that are available with the new version of the .NET® Framework (Version 4 and higher).
This is now the same standard control interface used by other Windows® products.
o An interface layout similar to the Windows® products should reduce the learning
period of OptimumKinematics.
o The Ribbon Bar Control for quick access to all of the functionalities of the
software. Buttons are filtered depending on the active control.
o A multiple document interface (MDI) allows for flexibility and customization of
the layout of the application. The ability to make edits to multiple points and
instantly see the comparison is now possible.
o Adjust the size and display and location of the controls and window panes to
better organize the working space and maximize performance.
 New Project Framework. The project data is no longer saving in a single file. Each object
(for instance; Suspension, Motion or Analysis Results) is saved in a unique file. Each file
has a specific extension and icon and will be easily recognized on your hard drive. The
Project Tree reflects the directory that is created in your hard drive. This has multiple
o The risk of corruption and losing all of the data belonging to one project is
decreased. An object can be corrupted or missing without affecting the rest of
the objects belonging to the project.
o The loading and saving performance has been improved by more than 30%
o The sharing of files is faster and easier with the new proprietary file. There is no
need to use Excel as a tool to share files.
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o Better organization of your Suspension, Motion and Analysis Results objects
with the introduction of a “Vehicle” level in the project tree.
 New Design Tools. The input forms have been redesigned for faster design and
modifications of your suspensions and motions.
o Suspension points can be edited directly in the 3D visualization.
o The static outputs of your suspension are calculated automatically and display in
o Add/Remove/Modify motion points directly in the chart.
o The possibility to interpolate your motion points to have a smooth curve.
 New Analysis Tools. The tools that you know and use in OptimumK 1.1 have been
redesigned and are now more powerful for faster and deeper analysis. The tools have
been expanded to include:
o Quick preview of the simulation result with a table or chart.
o Display of the data is faster, thanks to the memory-mapping of the result file.
This allows a faster reading of the simulation result data from the hard drive.
o Table reports and chart data can be copied to the clipboard easily for use in
other software such as Microsoft® Excel or MATLAB®.
o Customizable graphs with more options for the title (font, color, etc.), axis (title,
gridlines, primary and secondary, etc.), and legend.
o More channels have been pre-calculated into the software to allow you to
quickly analyze your simulation data from within the software. There is now no
need for further post-software calculations.
o Animated table, chart and 3D visualization for a complete review of your
simulation. Animation is played on all tables, charts and 3D visualization in real-

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3.1 Installation Requirements
3.1.1 Hardware Requirements


 Intel® Pentium 4™, Intel® Xeon™ and Intel® Core™

 AMD® Athlon™, AMD® Opteron™ and AMD® Turion™


 Minimum: 512MB RAM

 Recommended: 1GB RAM or more
 Virtual Memory recommended to be twice the amount of RAM


 At least 100MB of free disk space. Includes installation of OptimumKinematics and

required software components (see Software Requirements)


 Internet connectivity for License Activation and Deactivation.

Display Adapter

 Minimum: Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0c capable card with 32MB RAM

 Recommended: Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0c capable NVIDIA® GeForce® or
ATI® Radeon® with 128MB RAM or higher.

Display Unit

 Minimum: 15” screen with resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels

 Recommended: 19” screen with resolution of 1280 x 1024 pixels
21” screen with resolution of 1280 x 1200 pixels


 Mouse or other pointing device.

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3.1.2 Software Requirements

Operating System

 Microsoft® Windows® XP (32 or 64-bit) or Microsoft® Windows® Vista (32 or 64-bit) or

Microsoft® Windows® 7 (32 or 64-bit)


 Microsoft® .NET® Framework 4.0 or higher

 Microsoft® Windows Installer 3.1 or higher


 Microsoft® Excel™ version 10 or higher for import or export of data.

 SlimDX Redistributable for .NET 4.0 version or higher for 3D visualization.
 Microsoft Office Database Engine 2007

3.2 Licensing

OptimumKinematics comes with a 14-day trial version. To further use the software after the
initial period two options are available:

 Request a Trial Key to extend the trial period to be valid for a certain number of days or
until a certain date.
 Purchase a Full-Time Key that has no expiration date. This type of key can be
transferred from one computer to another (An internet connection required for
activation and deactivation of the key).
o Activation. In the Backstage (Graphical User Interface, Under File) select License
and then ApplyKey. You will be asked for the Key, your Name and E-Mail
o Deactivation. Keys must be deactivated on one computer before being activated
on another computer. Deactivation must be done manually through the
Backstage under ‘License’.

In the case that an internet connection is not available for periodic activation, the user will have
a small grace period to ensure that they do not lose access to OptimumKinematics.

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4 Quick Start
The following section will help you to quickly learn how to utilize the main features of
OptimumKinematics. For a more detailed overview of the software please refer to the Detailed

4.1 Launching the Application

4.1.1 Graphical User Interface

When opening the software, you will arrive at the Backstage. This is where you will manage
your projects and adjust Licensing and projects Options Menu.

Figure 1 Backstage

Once a project has been created you will leave the Backstage and enter the Main GUI. The
Main GUI is organized in the following way:

 The top is the Ribbon Control Bar with all shortcuts to functionalities of the software.
 The center is the Document Manager where you will be able to edit project files.
 The left contains the Project Trees, allowing you to organize project files.

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Figure 2 Graphical User Interface

The Ribbon Control Bar contains all the buttons that will help you interact with the application.

The Document Manager allows the user to have multiple tabbed documents open at the same
time. The tabs can be dragged and dropped to be displayed side by side, or in any other
configuration on the same screen. In the Options Menu the user has the ability to change the
color of these tabs to better keep things organized.

The Project Tree allows you to manage all aspects of your project. Vehicles can be added and
organized into differing subfolders, likewise with the suspensions, setups and motions in the

4.1.2 Creating a New Project

The first step is to create a New Project. This is found under the file tab. You will be asked to
select a name and a directory for your project.

Upon creating a new project, a folder will be created on your hard drive in the selected
directory. All the files related to your project will be saved in this location. Here are the
different files that you could find:

OptimumKinematics 13 | P a g e
Name Extension Icon

Project File .O2Pro

Suspension File .O2Sus

Vehicle Setup File .O2Set

Motion File .O2Mot

Simulation File .O2Sim

Result File .O2Res

Chart File .O2Cha

Table File .O2Tab

View File .O2Vie

Worksheet File .O2Wor

User File .O2Uso

4.1.3 Opening an Existing Project

When it comes time to open an existing project, you will need to locate the directory in which
the project was saved in. Within the folder you will find the OptimumKinematics Project File.

4.1.4 Saving a Project

The project can be saved using the Save button in the Backstage (Graphical User Interface,
Under File) or using the shortcut (Ctrl + S). The project can be saved to another location using
the Save As button in the Backstage or using the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + Shift + S).

When closing the application, if the project has not been saved the application will ask if you
want to save the project.

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4.2 Options Menu
The following settings may be changed to adapt to your specific needs:

 Units
o Units of Length. Meter, Kilometer, Centimeter, Millimeter, Inch, Thousandth of
an Inch, Foot, Yard or Mile.
o Units of Angle. Radian, Degree or Revolution.
 Referential
o Longitudinal Axis. You may define this axis to either be the X, Y or Z and which
direction you would prefer to be positive.
o Lateral Axis. You may define this axis to either be the X, Y or Z and which
direction you would prefer to be positive.
o Vertical Axis. You may define this axis to either be the X, Y or Z and which
direction you would prefer to be positive.
 Motion Steps
o User has the option to override the Number of Steps for a given simulation. The
default value is 20 steps.
 Roll/Pitch Axes
o Moving Axis.
o Fixed Axis on the Ground.
o User Defined Fixed Axis.
 Display
o Here the user can change the default colors used to associate the following:
 Background Color
 Roll Center
 Roll Axis
 Pitch Center
 Pitch Axis
 Contact Patch
 Wheel Center
 KPI Ground
 Front View Instantaneous Center
 Side View Instantaneous Center
 Front View Instantaneous Axis
 Side View Instantaneous Axis
 Instantaneous Axis

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 Names
o The user is asked to name the following Objects before they are created:
 Vehicle
 Motion
 Setup
 Simulation
 Result
 Chart
 Table
 View
o By unchecking the box next to the name you choose to let OptimumKinematics
use the default name and not ask you for a different name.
 Numbers
o Here the user may change the number of decimal places that are viewed. The
default value is three decimal places.
 Documents Tab
o The color of the Tab in the Document Manager and the option to Open After
Creation may be changed for the following items:
 Suspension
 Setup
 Motion
 Simulation
 Result
 Chart
 Table
 View
 Result
o Here the user can have OptimumKinematics Automatically Add Results to the
Document Manager.

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4.3 Design Overview

Figure 3 Design Window

The design section is where the Suspension, Vehicle Setup and Motion profiles are constructed
and managed.

Selecting each of the following sections under the Project Tree will bring it up in the Document

 Suspension contains all the front and rear suspension systems that have been created,
with certain static output channels available for immediate review in real time for each
 Vehicle Setup contains the vehicle setups and front and rear suspension configurations,
with certain static output channels available for immediate review in real time.
 Motion contains the motion profiles for simulation.

4.3.1 Vehicle

The first step is to create a new vehicle by clicking on the Create Vehicle button on the Ribbon
Control Bar. This new type of object in OptimumKinematics helps the user to have better
organization. All elements created under the vehicle will belong to a library of objects available
for the given vehicle. These objects can be copied, pasted or moved to another vehicle or sub
folder for better organization.

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4.3.2 Suspension

The next step is to build a suspension design. Three main options exist:

 Creating a suspension. You will be able to select the type of geometry, the type of
actuation and anti-roll bars from a large library of elements.
 Importing and Exporting Suspension. You may choose to import from an Excel file,
OptimumK 1.1 Excel file or from proprietary files.
 Default Suspension Types. Choose from one of the premade available files.

At this time you have the ability to adjust all of the connection points between the components
to match that of your actual design.

4.3.3 Suspension Design

Figure 4 Suspension Design Window

The suspension design Document Manager includes the following sections:

 Suspension Input Data. This allows all suspension data points to be entered, as well as
parameters for visualization colors, wheel and rim information as well as reference
 3D Visualization. Suspension data points can be edited by double-clicking on the
suspension points in the 3D Visualization window. The visualization can also be rotated,
zoomed and panned by either left, middle and right clicking, and dragging the mouse.
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Additional visualization of the roll axis, pitch axis and instant centers can be shown by
enabling the display options in the Options Menu, located on the projects Backstage
(Graphical User Interface, under File).
 Suspension Output Data. This pane displays the output data of all available data
channels at static. Information such as roll center location, mechanical trail, scrub
radius, caster and KPI angle, as well as all other available data channels are updated in
real time as points are edited.
 Comments. Add comments to your design to help maintain organization.

The controls can be resized and minimized in order to maximize your working space. It is also
important to remember that the suspension setups can be modified, renamed and exported.

4.3.4 Vehicle Setup

Figure 5 Vehicle Setup Window

The vehicle setup is a new feature of OptimumKinematics, and it is where front and rear
suspensions are mated together to form a vehicle for simulation.

The vehicle setup design includes the following sections:

 Setup Input Data. This allows front and rear suspension setups to be assigned to a
vehicle setup, and the reference distance. Note - this is the distance between the front

OptimumKinematics 19 | P a g e
and rear reference planes and is not necessarily the same value as wheelbase.

Figure 6 Vehicle Reference Distance

 3D Visualization. The visualization can be rotated, zoomed and panned by left, middle
and right clicking, and dragging the mouse. Additional visualization of the roll axis, pitch
axis and instant centers can be shown by enabling the display options in the Options
Menu, located on the projects Backstage (Graphical User Interface, Under File).
 Setup Output Data. Check the static output of your suspension such as roll center,
mechanical trails, scrub radius, caster and KPI angle.
 Comments. Add comments to your design to help maintain organization.

The Ribbon Control Bar contains options to import setups from other OptimumKinematics
Projects or from excel files. If importing from an OptimumKinematics Project, the .O2Set files
will only contain references to the front and rear suspension files. The actual front and rear
suspensions will not be imported. For this reason, we recommend exporting a setup from one
project before import it to another, rather than directly locating the files on your hard drive.

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4.3.5 Motion

Motion allows for the creation of motion paths for simulation. Motion profiles can be created
by hand, imported from previous files or imported from logged track data.

Four options are available on the Ribbon Control Bar to create a motion:

 Creating a Motion. You have the ability to enter the points graphically or numerically.
 Importing and Exporting Motion. From an Excel file, OptimumK 1.1 Excel file or a
proprietary file.
 Import Track Data. From a data acquisition system.

Figure 7 Motion Window

The motion Document Manager includes the following:

 Motion Input Parameters allows customization of the number of simulation steps and
whether motion points should be interpolated.
 Motion Input Data Table allows motion data points to be entered, modified or deleted.
Selecting between Heave, Roll, Pitch and Steering will switch between the different
motion profiles to be edited. Any combination of the vehicle in different states of
Heave, Roll, Pitch and Steering are possible.
 Motion Input Data Chart allows motion profile points to be added, removed or edited
via a graphical interface. A Left Click will add a data point at the location of your mouse

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and a Right Click will remove a data point at the location specified by your mouse. Ctrl +
Left Click will move a data point. Clicking on the different types of motion will switch
that form of motion to the active graph for editing, as indicated by the mouse cursor
 Comments. Add comments to your design to help maintain organization.

4.4 Simulation Overview

The simulation is a new type of object introduced in OptimumKinematics. The simulation
document manager contains just one main section, the Simulation Input Data pane, which
allows vehicle configurations and motion profile to be mated to each other, and simulations to
be run.

Figure 8 Simulation Overview

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Figure 9 Simulation Window

Two options are available in the Ribbon Control Bar to create a simulation:

 Create simulation. This option will allow you to re-run the same simulation with the
saved Vehicle, Motion and Vehicle Setup.
o Single Iteration. Same properties as the quick run.
o Batch Run. When utilizing the batch run feature you are able to simulate ONE
vehicle setup and ONE motion over a VARIETY of user chosen pickup points and
compare the results. See Create/Run in Detailed Overview for more
o Design of Experiment. This feature allows you to select MULTIPLE vehicle setups
and MULTIPLE motions and compare the results. See Create/Run in Detailed
Overview for more information.
 Quick Run simulation. With this option you will need to select the Vehicle, Motion and
Vehicle Setup each time.

Next step is to Run the simulation to acquire the Results. When running the simulation, a
progress bar shows the completion of the simulation and 3D Visualization. A simulation can be
cancelled or stopped at any time.

NOTE - If you stop the simulation you will be able to view the results up until the stop point, but
if you cancel it the results will not be saved.

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Once the simulation has finished OptimumKinematics will automatically show the Results Tab in
the Document Manager.

When using the Quick Run feature, you will be asked to define which Vehicle, Motion and
Vehicle Setup. This is perfect for getting to analysis in a hurry. If you plan on running the same
simulation for multiple different types of motion, it would be beneficial to create the simulation
so you can just click Run.

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4.5 Analysis Overview
After the simulation is complete, a result file is created. A preview of the result file can be
immediately seen in the Document Manager either in table or chart format. The selected
channel or channels that are displayed in the preview chart (or table) is a global setting and will
be common across all projects and results.

Figure 10 Analysis Window

Selecting results from the Results Project Tree will bring up a quick preview of the data in the
Document Manager. After selecting the Reports Tree, A new report can be added. Three kinds
of reports are available:

 Chart. Create a chart showing the selected data for the X and Y axis.
 Table. Create and compare tabular data between simulations.
 View. Create 3D Visualizations so you can see exactly what is happening in your
 WorkSheet. Create an arrangement of Charts, Tables and Views to assist in the analysis

4.5.1 Chart

Report Charts allow the graphical plotting of two variables and their relationship to each other.
Multiple results can be plotted on one chart, and a secondary axis can also be implemented.

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Charts are fully customizable using the buttons on the Ribbon Control Bar or by clicking inside
the Report Chart Area. This is covered in greater detail in the Detailed Overview section.

Figure 11 Analysis Report Chart

4.5.2 Table

Report Tables allow the tabular display of multiple channels across multiple runs next to each
other. Channels for display are chosen through the Reports Input Data pane and results are
chosen through the Results Input Data pane. Table data can be readily copied to the clipboard
(Ctrl + C) for further analysis in external programs if required.

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Figure 12 Analysis Report Table

4.5.3 View

Report Views allow 3D visualization and animated playback of a vehicle through a simulation
run. New views can be added from the Ribbon Control Bar.

The view Document Manager contains the following:

 Reports Input Data contains a list of available simulation results for visualization.
 The 3D View visualization can be rotated, zoomed and panned by either left, middle and
right clicking, and dragging the mouse. Additional visualization of the roll axis, pitch axis
and instant centers can be shown by enabling the display options in the Options Menu,
located on the projects Backstage (Graphical User Interface, Under File).
 Comments. Add comments to your design to help maintain organization.

OptimumKinematics 27 | P a g e
Figure 13 Analysis 3D View

4.5.4 WorkSheet

The WorkSheet allows you the ability to view multiple Charts, Tables and Views in the same
viewing window. Arrange the sheets either ‘Horizontally’, ‘Vertically’ or ‘Tiled’ and watch them
as the simulation progresses.

Figure 14 WorkSheet Report

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5 Detailed Overview
The following section contains more detailed information than is given in the Quick Start Guide.
Menu options, simulation settings and software parameters are more fully explored. Definitions
are provided for the available output data channels and the pre-existing suspension templates
are outlined.

5.1 Reference System

By default, OptimumKinematics uses the following coordinate system.

Axis Direction Name Color

Longitudinal Points to Front or Rear of Car X Red
Lateral Points to Left or Right of Car Y Green
Vertical Points Vertically up or down Z Blue
Roll Counter Clockwise Positive Mx Red
Pitch Counter Clockwise Positive My Green
Yaw Counter Clockwise Positive Mz Blue




Figure 15 Default Vehicle Reference System

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5.2 Design
The design section allows a user control over the front and rear suspension design, the vehicle
setup and the simulated motion profiles.

The Design section is comprised of the Project Tree, the Document Manager and the Ribbon
Control Bar.

The Ribbon Control Bar contains all relevant menu options for creating or modifying
suspension, setup and motion profiles. It also contains the option to add a new Vehicle to the

A Vehicle must be added to the project before a suspension can be implemented.

Figure 16 Design Window

5.2.1 Suspension Design

The suspension design document manager is comprised of three sections.

 The Suspension Input Data Pane

 The 3D Visualization Pane
 The Suspension Output Data Pane

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Figure 17 Suspension Design Window Creating a suspension

After a Vehicle has been added to the selected project, Selecting Create Suspension from the
Ribbon Control Bar will allow you to define a suspension setup – This can be seen in the
following figure.

Figure 18 Creating a Suspension

OptimumKinematics 31 | P a g e
The options that are available are as follows:

 Axle.
o Front.
o Rear.
 Geometry.
o Double A-Arm.
o Mac Pherson.
o Mac Pherson Pivot Arm (Front Only).
o Five Links (Rear Only).
o Live Axle, 2 A-Arms (Rear Only).
o Live Axle, 2 Trailing Arms w/ Panhard Bar (Rear Only).
o Live Axle, 4 Trailing Arms w/ Watts Linkage (Rear Only).
 Steering (Front only).
o Rack and Pinion.
o Recirculating Ball.
 Actuation.
o Direct CoilOver.
o Separate Springs/Dampers.
o Push/Pull.
o Torsion Bar.
o MonoShock Rotational.
o MonoShock Slider.
o Push/Pull w/ 3rd Spring.
 Number CoilOvers. You are able to have up to 3 CoilOvers.
 Actuation Attachment. Depending on the number of CoilOvers, or Springs/Dampers you
will be able to choose the attachment
o Upright.
o Lower A-Arm.
o Upper A-Arm.
o Chassis (Rear Only).
o Axle (Rear Only).
 Anti-Roll Bar.
o U-Bar.
o U-Bar Rocker.
o T-Bar.
o T-Bar w/ 3rd Spring.

OptimumKinematics 32 | P a g e Input Data

After a suspension has been created, additional suspension parameters can be entered in the
Suspension Input Data pane. This pane defines all of the input parameters for a given
suspension, including the location of the end points for all suspension members, steering
geometry properties, wheel and rim information and any non-suspension reference points of
your choosing, such as center of gravity or lowest bodywork points.

The following figure shows how points are highlighted in ‘red’ in the 3D Visualization when you
select a point in the Input Data window.

Figure 19 Highlighting Points

The location of each point can either be given as a list of semicolon (;) separated x, y, z points
(IE - x;y;z) or the input item may be expanded and each x, y, z point entered individually. The
values for all points should reflect their location when the car is at static.

Alternatively, a suspension point may be double clicked upon in the 3d visualization window –
allowing the x, y, z coordinates to be adjusted directly from the visualization pane. The
following figure shows this pane.

NOTE - If you hold down the ‘CTRL’ key and click and hold on a point you are able to drag it in
the 3D visualization window. While dragging the point you can also notice that the coordinates
in the Input Window will be instantaneously changing with your mouse movement.

OptimumKinematics 33 | P a g e
Figure 20 Point Editor

A brief description of what a selected suspension point represent is also shown beneath each

OptimumKinematics has many premade front and rear suspension setups to choose from.
Within the suspension setups the user maintains the ability to modify any of the existing setups
or create a suspension setup from scratch. Output Data

After the information on the input tab has been completed, the corresponding information
regarding the newly create suspension is available under the output tab.

Output channels can be quickly sorted through, via the quick search box. Search results will be
displayed if a channel contains the search string anywhere inside the channel name.

OptimumKinematics 34 | P a g e
Figure 21 Output Data (Quick Search)

Output items of interest may be ‘pinned’ to the top of the list, ensuring that they are easier to
find at all times.

Figure 22 Output Data (Pinned)

5.2.2 Modify Suspension

Modifying suspension geometry allows you to ensure that the geometry created matches that
of your car.

OptimumKinematics 35 | P a g e
Figure 23 Modifying a Suspension

5.2.3 3D Visualization

The document manager will show a 3d visualization of the modeled suspension system. When
designing a front or rear suspension, it will only display that axle. When entering a vehicle
setup, it will display the whole vehicle suspension.

 Left click + Drag: Rotate

 Middle click + Drag: Zoom
 Right click + Drag: Pan
 Right click: Adjust visualization options

The following visualization options are available:

 Adjust Background Color

 Projection
o Parallel
o Perspective
 Switch to a predefined view:
o Isometric
o Front
o Back
o Left
o Right

OptimumKinematics 36 | P a g e
o Top
o Bottom
 Fill mode:
o Point
o Wireframe
o Solid (Default)
 Copy the visualization area to the clipboard
 Fit the suspension visualization to the window.

Predefined views, fitting to window, copying to clipboard and adjusting the background color
are also accessible from the toolbar at the top.

5.2.4 Importing and Exporting Suspension

Suspension configurations can be imported and exported from the Ribbon Control Bar. Both
OptimumKinematics projects and Excel files can be imported – allowing OptimumK v1 files to
be imported into OptimumKinematics through excel file exports from v1.

5.2.5 Creating a Vehicle Setup

Once you have the suspension setup of your choice the next step is to create a vehicle setup.
With Setup highlighted within the Design Tree you are able to Create a new vehicle setup.

Figure 24 Creating a Vehicle Setup

OptimumKinematics 37 | P a g e
With the “New Setup” created you can now assign suspension setups to the front and rear of a
vehicle and apply a reference distance. It should be noted that this is the distance between the
front and rear reference planes and is not necessarily the same value as wheelbase.

5.2.6 Importing and Exporting a Vehicle Setup

Use the Import and Export features to save and reuse your vehicle setups. You will notice that
when it is time to Export the vehicle setup you have two options for the file type:

 OptimumK Vehicle Setup File.

 Excel File.

The default .O2Veh setup files that can be found inside your project directory, (located on your
hard drive) only contain information on which suspension files are in use, and the
corresponding reference distance.

To import a vehicle setup you simply highlight Setup from the Design Tree, click on the Import
button located on the Ribbon Control Bar, select the file that you would like to import and click
Open when you are finished.

5.2.7 Creating a Motion

Figure 25 Creating a Motion

OptimumKinematics 38 | P a g e
After selecting ‘Create Motion’ you will have the option to add points to the Heave, Roll, Pitch
and Steering motion profiles.

Within the Motion Input Data Chart:

 Clicking on a Heave, Roll, Pitch or Steering graph will set that as the active motion
profile to edit.
 Left click at a point will add a point.
 Right click on a point will delete the selected point.
 Ctrl+Left Click on a point will drag the selected point.

Within the Motion Input Data Table:

 Selecting from the Heave, Roll, Pitch, or Steering radio buttons will set that as the
active motion profile to edit.
 Right clicking on items in the X,Y table of points will allow a point to be deleted.
 Points may also be copied to and from excel

The user also has the option to interpolate the motion, resulting in smoother motion paths. The
user may also override the number of steps in the simulation.

5.2.8 Importing and Exporting Motion Profiles

The Ribbon Control Bar contains options to either Import motion files from other
OptimumKinematics projects or previously exported data in either an OptimumKinematics or
Excel format.

Important: Make sure that the units that are in the File that you are importing match the units
you have selected in the Options Menu.

Here is an example of what an exported OptimumKinematics Motion File would look like. This is
the format that OptimumKinematics is looking for when you are importing a Motion File of this

OptimumKinematics 39 | P a g e
Figure 26 OptimumKinematics Motion File

Once you have selected the proper file, OptimumKinematics will automatically show the
Motion in the Document Manager. At this time you are able to modify the values or run the

5.2.9 Import Track Data

When importing track data you need not worry about the formatting of the Excel or CSV file.
You will manually select the data from the file to ensure that the proper data is assigned to the
proper channels.

NOTE - The track import function is only an approximation of the chassis position as it assumes
a constant motion ratio, track, wheelbase, etc.

The following options are available for importing track data:

 Utilizing three ride height sensors in known locations.

 Utilizing damper position sensors on a vehicle with known motion ratios.

The following example shows importing track data using ride height sensors; with 2 front
sensors and 1 rear sensors. Located on the Ribbon Control Bar you will find the Import button
for track data.

Once the data file has been opened OptimumKinematics will show in a window very similar to
that of Excel.

The next step is to define the layout of your the sensors - this is found when you click on the
Sensor Configuration button at the top left corner of the data to import.

OptimumKinematics 40 | P a g e
The Sensor Configuration window will now open and let you choose the Sensor Type, Sensor
Combination and the ability to insert the distance values. Again, you need to remember to keep
matching units between these distances and the chosen units in OptimumKinematics. The units
can be changed by accessing the Options Menu.

By clicking OK in the Sensor Configuration window you will be brought back to the Import
Motion window and you can click on the Select Data button to bring you to the Select Ranges
window shown below.

Figure 27 Example Sensor Configuration

OptimumKinematics 41 | P a g e
Figure 28 Example Import Motion File

Figure 29 Example Imported Motion

5.3 Simulation
The simulation management settings are a new feature introduced in OptimumKinematics. The
simulation Document Manager contains just one main section, the Simulation Input Data
pane, which allows vehicle configurations and motion profile to be mated to each other, and
simulations to be run.

OptimumKinematics 42 | P a g e
Two options are available to create a simulation:

 Quick Run. With this option you will need to select the Vehicle, Motion and Vehicle
Setup each time.
 Create/Run. This option will allow you to re-run the same simulation with the saved
Vehicle, Motion and Vehicle Setup.

5.3.1 Quick Run

When using the Quick Run feature, you will be asked to define which Vehicle, Motion and
Vehicle Setup. This is perfect for getting to analysis in a hurry. If you plan on running the same
simulation for multiple different types of motion, it would be beneficial to create the simulation
so you can just click Run.

5.3.2 Create/Run

Next step is to Run the simulation to acquire the Results. When running the simulation, a
progress bar shows the completion of the simulation and 3D Visualization. A simulation can be
cancelled or stopped at any time.

NOTE - If you stop the simulation you will be able to view the results up until the stop point, but
if you cancel it the results will not be saved.

Figure 28 shows the Batch Run (Multiple Iterations) feature in OptimumKinematics.

Figure 30 Batch Run (Multiple Iterations)

OptimumKinematics 43 | P a g e
When running multiple iterations you are able to see how changing the location of one or
multiple points can change the location of key features such as roll centers, pitch center and
more! You are able to view these results side by side to compare your different design options.
Utilizing this feature you are able to have only one Motion and one Vehicle Setup.

Figure 29 shows the Design of Experiment feature in OptimumKinematics.

Figure 31 Design of Experiment (DOE)

When running a simulation using the Design of Experiment feature you have the ability to select
multiple Motions and multiple Vehicle Setups and view the results side by side.

OptimumKinematics 44 | P a g e
Figure 32 Calculating a Simulation

Once the simulation has finished OptimumKinematics will automatically show the Results Tab in
the Results Document Manager.

5.4 Analysis
The analysis environment contains two Project Trees in the left hand pane; the Results tree and
the Reports tree. Both are detailed below.

OptimumKinematics 45 | P a g e
Figure 33 Analysis

5.4.1 Analysis Results

Immediately after a simulation has been run, the results are available to view in the Document
Manager. For every simulation run, a new set of results is generated.

After selecting a simulations result, the reported channels can be viewed in either chart form or
table form. The channels that are reported in this section are global settings - the same
channels will be shown here between different simulation results, and different
OptimumKinematics projects.

For a full list of result channels, see Available Results Channels.

OptimumKinematics 46 | P a g e
Figure 34 Results (Chart View)

Figure 35 Results (Table View)

OptimumKinematics 47 | P a g e
5.4.2 Import/Export Results

Results file can be exported to the following files.

 OptimumKinematics [.O2res]
 Excel [.xlsx and .xls]
 CSV [.csv]

Results from previous simulations may be imported from any .02Res files.

5.4.3 Analysis reports

The analysis Reports Tree contains the reports that have been generated for a project.

The following reports are available:

 2D Charts
 Tables
 Visualisations

To add a report to a project, select the project in the Reports Tree, and add the desired report
by selecting create chart, create table or create view.

OptimumKinematics 48 | P a g e Creating a Chart

Figure 36 Creating a Chart

Clicking add chart will bring up the Chart Series Editor. A chart may contain multiple series of

Each series consists of the following:

 Series Name
 X Channel
 Y Channel
 Selected Results
 Line options
 Marker options

If a chart contains multiple series, it is possible to plot certain channels against a secondary axis.

When graphing a single selected result – the graphed color will be the color selected under ‘line
options’, when multiple results are graphed on the same chart, the graphed color will be that of
the color nominated under the results Project Tree.

OptimumKinematics 49 | P a g e
Figure 37 ChartSeries Editor

Each chart can displays results from multiple simulation runs. The selected results can be
chosen via the Chart Series editor, via the Data menu option (on the Ribbon Control Bar) or by
right clicking on the chart.

Axis, Title and Legend options are accessible from the Ribbon Control Bar.

The following options are accessible by right clicking on the chart.

 Title
 Legend
 Horizontal Axis
 Vertical Axis
 Tools
o Zoom/Pan
o Cursor
 Data

OptimumKinematics 50 | P a g e
o Add/Remove Series
o Add Result
o Remove Result
o Clear Result
 Copy to Clipboard
 Copy Data to Clipboard
 Save as Picture. Creating a Table

Figure 38 Creating a Table

Adding a table will allow a user to see the numerical values at each step in the simulation.
Tables also include the following calculated values:

 Maximum Value
 Minimum Value
 Average Value
 Start Value
 End Value
 Maximum Absolute Value
 Variance Value
 Standard Deviation Value.

OptimumKinematics 51 | P a g e
Selecting a channel and a simulation result will display the information in the Document
Manager. Values for each result will be displayed for each selected channel.

The values shown in a table report can be readily copied to the clipboard, for further processing
in Excel or MATLAB®. Creating a View

Figure 39 Creating a View

A view is used to visualize the motion of a suspension throughout a given simulation. After
selecting ‘Create a View’, individual result files can be selected and played back. The Reports
Input Data pane lists the available simulation results for visualization. Animating Charts, Tables and 3D Views

Figure 40 View Playback Controls

OptimumKinematics 52 | P a g e
The playback controls can be found on the Ribbon Control Bar. They allow a user to replay the
simulation steps, watching animations of the key values or the whole suspension system
through its range of motion. The playback speed and the step size can be adjusted, and
individual frames can be navigated through. Selecting the progress bar directly will allow the
user to either skip or pan to a specific stage of the motion completion. Creating a WorkSheet

Figure 41 WorkSheet Report

The WorkSheet is a great way to organize and view your most interesting and important results
side by side. With the ability to also view them as they are changing during the simulation this is
a great way to analyze and compare different results and setups.

OptimumKinematics 53 | P a g e
6 Frequently Asked Questions
6.1 I lost my License Key
License keys can be retrieved from your account on our client services center,
http://www.login.optimumg.com. Account details for the client services center can be found in
the confirmation email sent when OptimumKinematics was purchased. If you require further
assistance please contact softwaresupport@optimumg.com

6.2 How many computers can I install the software on?

A license key allows you to use the software on a single computer, but it is possible to have the
software installed on multiple computers. If the software is installed on multiple computers, it
cannot be used by more than one computer at any one time. This process is managed via
activating and deactivating a license key manually, which does require an internet connection.

6.3 I have no internet access to activate my license key.

If a license key is attempting to be activated (or reactivated), and a license key cannot be found,
a user will have a small grace period to connect the computer to the internet. During this grace
period, the program will be fully functional, but will only be able to start for a further five starts.

6.4 I can’t install OptimumKinematics correctly.

OptimumKinematics must be installed to a location that you have permission to install to. If you
are unable to install OptimumKinematics due to permission issues, please contact your network

6.5 Can I import suspensions from previous OptimumK Versions?

Yes, OptimumK v1 suspensions may be imported into OptimumKinematics. They must first be
exported from OptimumK v1 as an excel file, which OptimumKinematics can then import.

6.6 Why are my instant centers, roll centers or pitch centers not
This occurs due to the instant centers being located at infinity – as is the case for truly parallel
suspension setups. A method of solving this is to slightly offset the inboard or outboard pickup
points by a fractional amount of one unit, allowing the instant center location to be solved.

OptimumKinematics 54 | P a g e
6.7 When running a simulation, I receive an error message stating that
solver couldn’t meet the required accuracy.
This occurs when the motion paths used in the simulation exceed that of what the suspension
system is physically capable of. For instance, if excessively large values for heave, roll, pitch or
steering are sent for simulation, the suspension is not capable of that range of motion.

6.8 Can I Import Track Data into OptimumKinematics?

Yes, track data can be imported into OptimumK as a motion path. Data can either come from
three ride height sensors located around the car, or from suspension travel data gather from
damper position sensors. The imported file format can be either Excel or .CSV files.

6.9 Can I add to the default suspension templates on my Hard Drive?

The location of the default suspension templates is under ‘C:\Program
Files\OptimumG\OptimumKinematics\Templates’. Adding exported suspension files (*.O2sus)
will make these templates readily available to import into a project.

6.10 What is the difference between Geometric and Kinematic Roll

Geometric roll centers are calculated by taking the intersection between various planes of
suspension members to locate the instant centers, then taking an axis from the instant centers
to the contact patch. At the point that the instant axis cross, lies the roll center. This differs for
the kinematic roll center calculation, as the instant centers are not found from the intersection
of the various planes, but are found by iteratively applying a slight disturbance to the wheel
center location, allowing movement in all six degrees. The kinematic method accounts for the
effects of bump steer and steering, and can be readily applied to any independent suspension

6.11 Nothing shows on the 3D Visualization.

If you are using NVIDIA then go under Control panel, Appearance and Personalization. You
should be able to open the NVIDIA Control Panel. The window should be similar to Figure 37.

OptimumKinematics 55 | P a g e
Figure 42 NVIDIA Control Panel

Select ‘Manage 3D Settings’ on the left tree and select ‘High-Performance NVIDIA Processor’ for
the preferred graphics processor.

OptimumKinematics 56 | P a g e
6.12 What is the difference between heave and single wheel motion ratio
for dependent and independent suspension?
The Figure shown below is a table of values depicting the difference between the Heave Motion
Ratio and the Single Right/Left Motion Ratio for an independent suspension when one degree
of roll is imposed. Because the suspension components are independent you will notice that
the single right motion ratio is zero with relation to the front left, but the single right motion
ratio is exactly the same as the front right.

Figure 43 Independent Suspension Motion Ratio

The situation changes slightly when you have a dependent suspension as shown in the next
figure. In this situation there is never a zero Motion Ratio, this is because it is a dependent
suspension and when one wheel is moved it will directly affect the movement of the other

OptimumKinematics 57 | P a g e
Figure 44 Dependent Suspension Motion Ratio

OptimumKinematics 58 | P a g e
7 Reference & Appendix
7.1 Default Suspension Types
7.1.1 Front

OptimumKinematics 59 | P a g e
OptimumKinematics 60 | P a g e
OptimumKinematics 61 | P a g e
OptimumKinematics 62 | P a g e
7.1.2 Rear

OptimumKinematics 63 | P a g e
OptimumKinematics 64 | P a g e
OptimumKinematics 65 | P a g e
OptimumKinematics 66 | P a g e
OptimumKinematics 67 | P a g e
OptimumKinematics 68 | P a g e
OptimumKinematics 69 | P a g e
7.2 Default Motion Types
Default motion types include:

 Combined Heave & Roll. 20mm of positive heave and 1.5˚ of positive roll.
 Heave +20mm. 20mm of positive heave. (see Positive Heave)
 Heave +40mm. 40mm of positive heave. (see Positive Heave)
 Pitch +1.5deg. 1.5˚ of positive pitch. (see Positive Pitch)
 Roll +1.5deg. 1.5˚ of positive roll. (see Positive Roll)
 Steering +270deg. 270˚ of inboard steering tie rods towards the default positive lateral
axis. (see Positive Steering)

7.3 Glossary and Definitions

7.3.1 Motion Definitions Positive Heave

Positive heave is defined as the chassis body moving along the positive vertical axis. (Default
axis : Z)

Note – When Positive Roll

Positive roll is defined as an anticlockwise rotation about the longitudinal axis (default: X), when
the longitudinal axis is viewed head on. Positive Pitch

Positive pitch is defined as an anticlockwise rotation about the lateral axis (default: Y), when the
lateral axis is viewed head on. Positive Steering

Positive Steering is defined as migration of the inboard steering tie rods towards the default
positive lateral axis.

OptimumKinematics 70 | P a g e
7.3.2 Input Definitions Tire Diameter

The tire diameter is the outside diameter of the tire. This value can be given as the loaded,
unloaded or rolling diameter of the tire. Tire Width

The tire width is the overall width of the tire. It is used for visualization purposes only. Rim Diameter

The Rim diameter is the diameter of the rim edge, not the tire bead seat. This is used as a
reference point to measure toe distance.

Figure 45 Rim Diameter Halftrack

The halftrack is the horizontal difference from the center of the tire contact patch to the
longitudinal axis.

OptimumKinematics 71 | P a g e
Figure 46 Halftrack Reference Distance

The reference distance refers to the distance between the front and rear reference planes.

Figure 47 Reference Distance

OptimumKinematics 72 | P a g e
7.3.3 Output definitions Camber Angle

Camber is defined as the inclination angle between the side plane (vertical-longitudinal plane)
and the rim plane lying on the centerline of the rim. Positive camber is defined as the tops of
the wheels tipping away from the vehicle.

Figure 48 Camber Angle

OptimumKinematics 73 | P a g e Toe Angle

Toe is defined as the angular deflection from the vehicles centerline and the centerline of the
rim. Positive toe (toe out) is defined as a wheel splaying out from the direction of travel. Toe
Angle carries the same sign as Toe Distance.

Figure 49 Toe Angle Motion Ratio

The motion ratio is calculated in the following way:

OptimumKinematics 74 | P a g e Toe distance

Toe distance is defined as the total lateral distance between the leading and trailing edge of
one side of a vehicles rim. Toe distance is taken to have the same sign as the angular toe
measurement. Positive toe angle equates to positive toe distance.

Figure 50 Toe Distance

OptimumKinematics 75 | P a g e Caster Angle

Caster is defined as the angle between the steering axis and the wheel centerline extending
perpendicular from the contact patch, viewed perpendicular to the side view (vertical-
longitudinal plane).

Positive caster is defined as the steering axis tilting back from the wheel centerline in side view
(perpendicular to the longitudinal-vertical axis). Mechanical Trail

Mechanical Trail is defined as the distance between the intersection of the steering access and
the ground measured to the center of the contact patch, viewed perpendicular to the vertical-
longitudinal plane.

Positive mechanical trail is defined as the steering axis intersecting the ground plane before the
contact patch.

Figure 51 Mechanical Trail

OptimumKinematics 76 | P a g e King Pin Angle

King pin angle is defined as the angle between the steering axis and an axis extending
perpendicular from the contact patch, viewed front on (perpendicular to the vertical-lateral

Positive king pin angle is defined as the top of the steering axis being closer to the vehicle
centerline. The Scrub Radius

Scrub Radius is defined as the distance between the intersection of the steering access and the
ground measured to the center of the contact patch, viewed perpendicular to the vertical-
lateral plane.

Positive scrub radius is defined as the steering axis intersecting the ground plane between the
vehicle centerline and the contact patch.

Figure 52 Scrub Radius

OptimumKinematics 77 | P a g e Front View Instantaneous center

The front view instant center point is where the instant axis intersects a vertical plane between
the two front or rear tire contact patches. Front View Virtual Swing Arm Length

The front view virtual swing arm length is defined as the distance between the contact patch
and the front view instant center. Front View Virtual Swing Arm Angle

The front view virtual swing arm angle is defined as the angle formed between the ground
plane and the front view virtual swing arm, viewed from the front. Positive angles occur when
the instant center is located above the ground.

Figure 53 Front View Virtual Swing Arm Angle

OptimumKinematics 78 | P a g e Side view instantaneous center

The Side view instant center point is where the instant axis intersects a vertical plane between
the two left or right contact patches. Side View Virtual Swing Arm Length

The side view virtual swing arm length is defined as the distance between the contact patch and
the side view instant center. Side View Virtual Swing Arm Angle

The side view virtual swing arm angle is defined as the angle that the side view virtual swing
arm forms with the ground plane, viewed from the side (longitudinal-vertical) plane. Side Virtual Swing Arm Length vs. Wheelbase

The side view virtual swing arm length vs. wheelbase is defined as the side view virtual swing
arm length divided by wheelbase.

Figure 54 Side Virtual Swing Arm Length vs. Wheelbase

OptimumKinematics 79 | P a g e Instantaneous Axis

The instantaneous axis is the axis which the non-suspended mass rotates around as the
suspension articulates. Each corner of the car has its own instantaneous axis. The instantaneous
axis is located by moving the wheel up and down by a small increment and determining the
point about which the wheel rotates, taking into account all suspension links –including tie rods
and suspension.

Figure 55 Instantaneous Axis

OptimumKinematics 80 | P a g e Kinematic Pitch Center

Figure 56 Kinematic Pitch Center Kinematic Pitch Axis

Figure 57 Kinematic Pitch Axis

OptimumKinematics 81 | P a g e Kinematic Roll Center

The Kinematic Roll Center is the intersection point between the left and right planes, which are
defined by the instant axis and contact patch point, and the vertical plane between the left and
right contact patches. This point is not stationary – it can move as the suspension articulates.

Figure 58 Kinematic Roll Center

OptimumKinematics 82 | P a g e Kinematic Roll Axis

The Roll Axis is a line drawn between the Front and Rear Roll Centers. This is the axis about
which the suspended mass rotates around.

Figure 59 Kinematic Roll Axis Roll Axis Inclination

The Roll Axis Inclination is defined as the angle between the kinematic roll axis and the ground
plane, viewed perpendicular to the vertical-longitudinal plane.

Figure 60 Roll Axis Inclination

OptimumKinematics 83 | P a g e Ackerman Percentage Definition

The Ackerman percentage is defined as a function of the inside steer angle, the outside steer
angle, the front track and the vehicle wheelbase. The equations are as follows.

Figure 61 Ackerman Percentage

OptimumKinematics 84 | P a g e
7.4 Available Results Channels
Motion [Percentage Completion]
Motion [Heave]
Motion [Roll]
Motion [Pitch]
Motion [Steering]
Kinematic Roll Center X [Front]
Kinematic Roll Center Y [Front]
Kinematic Roll Center Z [Front]
Kinematic Roll Center X [Rear]
Kinematic Roll Center Y [Rear]
Kinematic Roll Center Z [Rear]
Kinematic Pitch Center X [Left]
Kinematic Pitch Center Y [Left]
Kinematic Pitch Center Z [Left]
Kinematic Pitch Center X [Right]
Kinematic Pitch Center Y [Right]
Kinematic Pitch Center Z [Right]
Front View Instantaneous Center X [Front Left]
Front View Instantaneous Center Y [Front Left]
Front View Instantaneous Center Z [Front Left]
Front View Instantaneous Center X [Front Right]
Front View Instantaneous Center Y [Front Right]
Front View Instantaneous Center Z [Front Right]
Front View Instantaneous Center X [Rear Left]
Front View Instantaneous Center Y [Rear Left]
Front View Instantaneous Center Z [Rear Left]
Front View Instantaneous Center X [Rear Right]
Front View Instantaneous Center Y [Rear Right]
Front View Instantaneous Center Z [Rear Right]
Side View Instantaneous Center X [Front Left]
Side View Instantaneous Center Y [Front Left]
Side View Instantaneous Center Z [Front Left]
Side View Instantaneous Center X [Front Right]
Side View Instantaneous Center Y [Front Right]
Side View Instantaneous Center Z [Front Right]
Side View Instantaneous Center X [Rear Left]
Side View Instantaneous Center Y [Rear Left]
Side View Instantaneous Center Z [Rear Left]
Side View Instantaneous Center X [Rear Right]

OptimumKinematics 85 | P a g e
Side View Instantaneous Center Y [Rear Right]
Side View Instantaneous Center Z [Rear Right]
Heave Motion Ratio CoilOver [Front Left]
Heave Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Front Left]
Heave Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Front Left]
Heave Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Front Left]
Heave Motion Ratio CoilOver [Front]
Heave Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Front]
Heave Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Front]
Heave Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Front]
Heave Motion Ratio CoilOver [Front Right]
Heave Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Front Right]
Heave Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Front Right]
Heave Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Front Right]
Heave Motion Ratio Spring [Front Left]
Heave Motion Ratio Spring 1 [Front Left]
Heave Motion Ratio Spring 2 [Front Left]
Heave Motion Ratio Spring 3 [Front Left]
Heave Motion Ratio Spring [Front Right]
Heave Motion Ratio Spring 1 [Front Right]
Heave Motion Ratio Spring 2 [Front Right]
Heave Motion Ratio Spring 3 [Front Right]
Heave Motion Ratio Damper [Front Left]
Heave Motion Ratio Damper 1 [Front Left]
Heave Motion Ratio Damper 2 [Front Left]
Heave Motion Ratio Damper 3 [Front Left]
Heave Motion Ratio Damper [Front Right]
Heave Motion Ratio Damper 1 [Front Right]
Heave Motion Ratio Damper 2 [Front Right]
Heave Motion Ratio Damper 3 [Front Right]
Heave Motion Ratio ARB Angle [Front]
Heave Motion Ratio ARB Displacement [Front]
Heave Motion Ratio CoilOver [Rear Left]
Heave Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Rear Left]
Heave Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Rear Left]
Heave Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Rear Left]
Heave Motion Ratio CoilOver [Rear]
Heave Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Rear]
Heave Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Rear]
Heave Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Rear]
Heave Motion Ratio CoilOver [Rear Right]

OptimumKinematics 86 | P a g e
Heave Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Rear Right]
Heave Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Rear Right]
Heave Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Rear Right]
Heave Motion Ratio Spring [Rear Left]
Heave Motion Ratio Spring 1 [Rear Left]
Heave Motion Ratio Spring 2 [Rear Left]
Heave Motion Ratio Spring 3 [Rear Left]
Heave Motion Ratio Spring [Rear Right]
Heave Motion Ratio Spring 1 [Rear Right]
Heave Motion Ratio Spring 2 [Rear Right]
Heave Motion Ratio Spring 3 [Rear Right]
Heave Motion Ratio Damper [Rear Left]
Heave Motion Ratio Damper 1 [Rear Left]
Heave Motion Ratio Damper 2 [Rear Left]
Heave Motion Ratio Damper 3 [Rear Left]
Heave Motion Ratio Damper [Rear Right]
Heave Motion Ratio Damper 1 [Rear Right]
Heave Motion Ratio Damper 2 [Rear Right]
Heave Motion Ratio Damper 3 [Rear Right]
Heave Motion Ratio ARB Angle [Rear]
Heave Motion Ratio ARB Displacement [Rear]
Roll Motion Ratio CoilOver [Front Left]
Roll Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Front Left]
Roll Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Front Left]
Roll Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Front Left]
Roll Motion Ratio CoilOver [Front]
Roll Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Front]
Roll Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Front]
Roll Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Front]
Roll Motion Ratio CoilOver [Front Right]
Roll Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Front Right]
Roll Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Front Right]
Roll Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Front Right]
Roll Motion Ratio Spring [Front Left]
Roll Motion Ratio Spring 1 [Front Left]
Roll Motion Ratio Spring 2 [Front Left]
Roll Motion Ratio Spring 3 [Front Left]
Roll Motion Ratio Spring [Front Right]
Roll Motion Ratio Spring 1 [Front Right]
Roll Motion Ratio Spring 2 [Front Right]
Roll Motion Ratio Spring 3 [Front Right]

OptimumKinematics 87 | P a g e
Roll Motion Ratio Damper [Front Left]
Roll Motion Ratio Damper 1 [Front Left]
Roll Motion Ratio Damper 2 [Front Left]
Roll Motion Ratio Damper 3 [Front Left]
Roll Motion Ratio Damper [Front Right]
Roll Motion Ratio Damper 1 [Front Right]
Roll Motion Ratio Damper 2 [Front Right]
Roll Motion Ratio Damper 3 [Front Right]
Roll Motion Ratio ARB Angle [Front]
Roll Motion Ratio ARB Displacement [Front]
Roll Motion Ratio CoilOver [Rear Left]
Roll Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Rear Left]
Roll Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Rear Left]
Roll Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Rear Left]
Roll Motion Ratio CoilOver [Rear]
Roll Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Rear]
Roll Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Rear]
Roll Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Rear]
Roll Motion Ratio CoilOver [Rear Right]
Roll Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Rear Right]
Roll Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Rear Right]
Roll Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Rear Right]
Roll Motion Ratio Spring [Rear Left]
Roll Motion Ratio Spring 1 [Rear Left]
Roll Motion Ratio Spring 2 [Rear Left]
Roll Motion Ratio Spring 3 [Rear Left]
Roll Motion Ratio Spring [Rear Right]
Roll Motion Ratio Spring 1 [Rear Right]
Roll Motion Ratio Spring 2 [Rear Right]
Roll Motion Ratio Spring 3 [Rear Right]
Roll Motion Ratio Damper [Rear Left]
Roll Motion Ratio Damper 1 [Rear Left]
Roll Motion Ratio Damper 2 [Rear Left]
Roll Motion Ratio Damper 3 [Rear Left]
Roll Motion Ratio Damper [Rear Right]
Roll Motion Ratio Damper 1 [Rear Right]
Roll Motion Ratio Damper 2 [Rear Right]
Roll Motion Ratio Damper 3 [Rear Right]
Roll Motion Ratio ARB Angle [Rear]
Roll Motion Ratio ARB Displacement [Rear]
Pitch Motion Ratio CoilOver [Front Left]

OptimumKinematics 88 | P a g e
Pitch Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Front Left]
Pitch Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Front Left]
Pitch Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Front Left]
Pitch Motion Ratio CoilOver [Front]
Pitch Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Front]
Pitch Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Front]
Pitch Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Front]
Pitch Motion Ratio CoilOver [Front Right]
Pitch Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Front Right]
Pitch Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Front Right]
Pitch Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Front Right]
Pitch Motion Ratio Spring [Front Left]
Pitch Motion Ratio Spring 1 [Front Left]
Pitch Motion Ratio Spring 2 [Front Left]
Pitch Motion Ratio Spring 3 [Front Left]
Pitch Motion Ratio Spring [Front Right]
Pitch Motion Ratio Spring 1 [Front Right]
Pitch Motion Ratio Spring 2 [Front Right]
Pitch Motion Ratio Spring 3 [Front Right]
Pitch Motion Ratio Damper [Front Left]
Pitch Motion Ratio Damper 1 [Front Left]
Pitch Motion Ratio Damper 2 [Front Left]
Pitch Motion Ratio Damper 3 [Front Left]
Pitch Motion Ratio Damper [Front Right]
Pitch Motion Ratio Damper 1 [Front Right]
Pitch Motion Ratio Damper 2 [Front Right]
Pitch Motion Ratio Damper 3 [Front Right]
Pitch Motion Ratio ARB Angle [Front]
Pitch Motion Ratio ARB Displacement [Front]
Pitch Motion Ratio CoilOver [Rear Left]
Pitch Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Rear Left]
Pitch Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Rear Left]
Pitch Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Rear Left]
Pitch Motion Ratio CoilOver [Rear]
Pitch Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Rear]
Pitch Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Rear]
Pitch Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Rear]
Pitch Motion Ratio CoilOver [Rear Right]
Pitch Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Rear Right]
Pitch Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Rear Right]
Pitch Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Rear Right]

OptimumKinematics 89 | P a g e
Pitch Motion Ratio Spring [Rear Left]
Pitch Motion Ratio Spring 1 [Rear Left]
Pitch Motion Ratio Spring 2 [Rear Left]
Pitch Motion Ratio Spring 3 [Rear Left]
Pitch Motion Ratio Spring [Rear Right]
Pitch Motion Ratio Spring 1 [Rear Right]
Pitch Motion Ratio Spring 2 [Rear Right]
Pitch Motion Ratio Spring 3 [Rear Right]
Pitch Motion Ratio Damper [Rear Left]
Pitch Motion Ratio Damper 1 [Rear Left]
Pitch Motion Ratio Damper 2 [Rear Left]
Pitch Motion Ratio Damper 3 [Rear Left]
Pitch Motion Ratio Damper [Rear Right]
Pitch Motion Ratio Damper 1 [Rear Right]
Pitch Motion Ratio Damper 2 [Rear Right]
Pitch Motion Ratio Damper 3 [Rear Right]
Pitch Motion Ratio ARB Angle [Rear]
Pitch Motion Ratio ARB Displacement [Rear]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver [Front Left]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Front Left]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Front Left]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Front Left]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver [Front]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Front]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Front]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Front]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver [Front Right]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Front Right]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Front Right]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Front Right]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Spring [Front Left]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Spring 1 [Front Left]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Spring 2 [Front Left]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Spring 3 [Front Left]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Spring [Front Right]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Spring 1 [Front Right]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Spring 2 [Front Right]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Spring 3 [Front Right]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Damper [Front Left]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Damper 1 [Front Left]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Damper 2 [Front Left]

OptimumKinematics 90 | P a g e
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Damper 3 [Front Left]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Damper [Front Right]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Damper 1 [Front Right]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Damper 2 [Front Right]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Damper 3 [Front Right]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio ARB Angle [Front]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio ARB Displacement [Front]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver [Rear Left]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Rear Left]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Rear Left]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Rear Left]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver [Rear]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Rear]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Rear]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Rear]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver [Rear Right]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Rear Right]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Rear Right]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Rear Right]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Spring [Rear Left]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Spring 1 [Rear Left]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Spring 2 [Rear Left]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Spring 3 [Rear Left]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Spring [Rear Right]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Spring 1 [Rear Right]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Spring 2 [Rear Right]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Spring 3 [Rear Right]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Damper [Rear Left]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Damper 1 [Rear Left]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Damper 2 [Rear Left]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Damper 3 [Rear Left]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Damper [Rear Right]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Damper 1 [Rear Right]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Damper 2 [Rear Right]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio Damper 3 [Rear Right]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio ARB Angle [Rear]
Single Left Wheel Motion Ratio ARB Displacement [Rear]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver [Front Left]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Front Left]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Front Left]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Front Left]

OptimumKinematics 91 | P a g e
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver [Front]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Front]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Front]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Front]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver [Front Right]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Front Right]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Front Right]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Front Right]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Spring [Front Left]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Spring 1 [Front Left]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Spring 2 [Front Left]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Spring 3 [Front Left]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Spring [Front Right]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Spring 1 [Front Right]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Spring 2 [Front Right]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Spring 3 [Front Right]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Damper [Front Left]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Damper 1 [Front Left]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Damper 2 [Front Left]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Damper 3 [Front Left]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Damper [Front Right]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Damper 1 [Front Right]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Damper 2 [Front Right]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Damper 3 [Front Right]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio ARB Angle [Front]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio ARB Displacement [Front]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver [Rear Left]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Rear Left]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Rear Left]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Rear Left]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver [Rear]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Rear]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Rear]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Rear]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver [Rear Right]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 1 [Rear Right]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 2 [Rear Right]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio CoilOver 3 [Rear Right]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Spring [Rear Left]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Spring 1 [Rear Left]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Spring 2 [Rear Left]

OptimumKinematics 92 | P a g e
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Spring 3 [Rear Left]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Spring [Rear Right]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Spring 1 [Rear Right]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Spring 2 [Rear Right]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Spring 3 [Rear Right]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Damper [Rear Left]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Damper 1 [Rear Left]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Damper 2 [Rear Left]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Damper 3 [Rear Left]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Damper [Rear Right]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Damper 1 [Rear Right]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Damper 2 [Rear Right]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio Damper 3 [Rear Right]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio ARB Angle [Rear]
Single Right Wheel Motion Ratio ARB Displacement [Rear]
Wheelbase [Left]
Wheelbase [Right]
Wheelbase Average
Percentage Ackermann [Front]
Inside vs. Outside Steer Angle [Front]
Steering Wheel Angle vs. Steering Angle [Front Left]
Steering Wheel Angle vs. Steering Angle [Front Right]
Steering Wheel Angle vs. Steering Angle Average [Front]
Roll Axis Inclination Angle
Front View Swing Arm Length [Front Left]
Front View Swing Arm Length [Front Right]
Front View Swing Arm Length [Rear Left]
Front View Swing Arm Length [Rear Right]
Side View Swing Arm Length [Front Left]
Side View Swing Arm Length [Front Right]
Side View Swing Arm Length [Rear Left]
Side View Swing Arm Length [Rear Right]
Front View Swing Arm Angle [Front Left]
Front View Swing Arm Angle [Front Right]
Front View Swing Arm Angle [Rear Left]
Front View Swing Arm Angle [Rear Right]
Side View Swing Arm Angle [Front Left]
Side View Swing Arm Angle [Front Right]
Side View Swing Arm Angle [Rear Left]
Side View Swing Arm Angle [Rear Right]

OptimumKinematics 93 | P a g e
7.5 Hotkeys
Windows General
Alt + Letter Activate a Main F1 Help
Menu item that has F9 Options
the letter
Alt + F File Motion
S Save Mouse Left Click Add Points
A Save As Mouse Right Click Remove Points
O Close Ctrl + Mouse Left Modify Points
R Recent Click
N New
L License Visualization Rotation
T Options Mouse Left Click Pan
B About Mouse Right Click Zoom
X Exit Mouse Wheel
Alt + D Design
Alt + S Simulation Simulation
Alt + A Analysis F4 Launch

File Animation
Ctrl + N New Project F5 Play/Pause
Ctrl + O Open Project F6 Stop
Ctrl + S Save Project F7 Move Backward
Ctrl + Shift + S Save As Project F8 Move Forward

Edit Bug Reporting

Ctrl + X Cut Object F2 Online Form
Ctrl + C Copy Object
Ctrl + V Paste Object
Delete Delete Object

OptimumKinematics 94 | P a g e
7.6 Contact Information

8801 E. Hampden Avenue

Suite 210
Denver, CO 80231 USA
Phone: +1-303-752-1562

OptimumKinematics 95 | P a g e

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