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Vehicle Suspension Modeling Notes

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The document discusses vehicle suspension modeling including reasons for modeling suspensions, component modeling using a half-car model, mathematical modeling, time and frequency domain responses.

Reasons for modeling vehicle suspensions include virtual suspension tuning, design considerations like suspension travel and geometry, and frequency response analysis.

A half-car suspension model represents the front or rear half of a vehicle and includes components like springs, shock absorbers, tires, wheels, and their interconnections. It is used to model vehicle ride and handling characteristics.

Vehicle Suspension Modeling

Dr. Javier A. Kypuros

Vehicle Systems Modeling and Control
Department of Mechanical Engineering
The University of Texas – Pan American

08/04/08 Vehicle Suspension Modeling Notes 1

Reasons for Modeling Vehicle
● Virtual suspension tuning
 Spring rate
 Shock absorber damping constant
 Tire wall stiffness and air pressure
 Mass of unsprung weight (wheel, rotor, brakes, etc.)
● Design: suspension travel and geometry
● Frequency response analysis

08/04/08 Vehicle Suspension Modeling Notes 2

Half-Car Suspension
Component Modeling

08/04/08 Vehicle Suspension Modeling Notes 3

Half-Car Suspension

08/04/08 Vehicle Suspension Modeling Notes 4

Half-Car Suspension
Kinematic Constraint Equations

08/04/08 Vehicle Suspension Modeling Notes 5

Half-Car Suspension
Mathematical Modeling
Assuming small amplitude pitch about the center of mass the state-space representation is:

From the outputs, the

velocity of the center of
mass and the pitch velocity,
can be integrated to get the
vertical motion and pitch
(i.e. θ and yc).

08/04/08 Vehicle Suspension Modeling Notes 6

Time Domain Responses
First-Order Systems

08/04/08 Vehicle Suspension Modeling Notes 7

Time Domain Responses
Second-Order Systems

08/04/08 Vehicle Suspension Modeling Notes 8

Time Domain Responses
Higher-Order Systems

08/04/08 Vehicle Suspension Modeling Notes 9

Half-Car Suspension
Time-Domain Responses

08/04/08 Vehicle Suspension Modeling Notes 10

Road Surface Inputs
● When conducting frequency response
analysis, it is useful to expose the
suspension model to a bandwidth of
frequency inputs
● This can be simulated by exciting the
vehicle suspension model with fixed
amplitude oscillations of different
● The frequency of the oscillations can
be varied 1 of 2 ways:
 Constant wave length and variable
vehicle speed
 Constant vehicle speed and
variable wave length
● This procedure is similar to a sine-
sweep test in electronic circuits

08/04/08 Vehicle Suspension Modeling Notes 11

Sinusoidal Frequency Response

08/04/08 Vehicle Suspension Modeling Notes 12

Magnitude and Phase Angle

● The Magnitude is the ratio, in decibels (dB = 20 log M), of

the output signal amplitude to the input signal amplitude.
● The Phase Angle, relative to the output signal, is the
fraction of a cycle, in degrees, that has gone by since the
input signal passed through a given value.

08/04/08 Vehicle Suspension Modeling Notes 13

A Sine Sweep Test
● Basic procedure is to input ● Results plotted on a semi-
a sinusoid of known logarithmic plot
frequency and amplitude to ● Magnitude (amplitude)
excite the system
ratio, M(ω), converted to
● Measure the output dB and phase angle, φ(ω),
amplitude and phase shift in degrees
● If the system is linear, the ● Maintain the amplitude
output sinusoid frequency constant
should be the same as the ● Refer to Bode Plot Notes
at class Web site for more
● Repeat the procedure for a details
range of frequency inputs

08/04/08 Vehicle Suspension Modeling Notes 14

Motorcycle Suspension
Sine Sweep Test (1 of 3)

Y s s sV s s V s s bsk

= = = 2
Y road s sV road s V road s ms bsk
Note that though the transfer function is in terms of the velocities, the output/input relation
in terms of displacements is the same because the velocities are related to the
displacements through derivatives.
08/04/08 Vehicle Suspension Modeling Notes 15
Motorcycle Suspension
Sine Sweep Test (2 of 3)
● Assuming constant
velocity, the frequency of
oscillation is ω = kV
(rad/sec) and f = kV/2π
● Thus the frequency can be
set by setting V or k
 V = 2πf /k
 k = 2πf /V
● Magnitude and phase
angle can be measured
from simulated results
08/04/08 Vehicle Suspension Modeling Notes 16
Motorcycle Suspension
Sine Sweep Test (3 of 3)
● Increasing the damping
constant, b, decreases the
magnitude amplification at
the natural frequency
● Increasing the spring
stiffness, k, increases the
frequency at which the
natural frequency occurs
● Video of response at
resonant frequency
● Video of response at higher

08/04/08 Vehicle Suspension Modeling Notes 17

Notes on
Sinusoidal Frequency Response
● Recall that M is the ratio of the output amplitude to the
input amplitude
● Also recall that in Bode plots magnitude is in dB;
because 20 log10(1) = 0,
 dB > 0 implies M > 1
 dB < 0 implies M < 1
● Spikes in magnitude will occur in and around the
natural frequencies of the system
● You must be concerned with frequency ranges where
the magnitude spikes above 0 dB
08/04/08 Vehicle Suspension Modeling Notes 18
Half Car Suspension
Vehicle Sinusoidal Frequency Response
● At around 0.8 Hz the
vehicle frequency
response peaks
above 0 dB
● The vehicle
translational motion,
yc, is the most
magnified d hc d yc pc
== and =v c=
dt Ic dt ms

08/04/08 Vehicle Suspension Modeling Notes 19

Half Car Suspension
Suspension Sinusoidal Frequency

Natural frequencies at around 0.8
and 8 Hz
● Response spikes above 0 dB at
both frequencies, however, we the
suspension should absorb the
energy and not the vehicle so
magnitude amplification is not
necessarily unreasonable as long
as the motion does not exceed the
allowable suspension travel
● Note that the front suspension

 
deflection, δfs, is most affected by d  fs pc hc p fus
the front input, yroad(x), and the rear =v fs−v fus=vc L f −v fus= L f −
dt ms I c m fus
suspension deflection, δfs, is
affected most by the rear input,
d  rs
dt  pc

hc prus
=v rs −v rus=v c−L r −v rus = −L r −
ms I c mrus
08/04/08 Vehicle Suspension Modeling Notes 20
Half Car Suspension
Tire Sinusoidal Frequency Response
● Again natural
frequencies occur at
around 0.8 and 8 Hz
● Magnitudes spike
above 0 dB at the
● Large amplitude
deflections of the tire d  ft p fus
=v fus −v road  x= −v road x
wall can result in dt m fus
d  rs p
damage to the rim dt
=v fus −v road  x−L= rus −v road x−L
08/04/08 Vehicle Suspension Modeling Notes 21
Half Car Suspension
Speed Bumps

● Speed bumps in a parking lot

 10 MPH (~ 4.7 m/s)
 12 inches wide (width ~ 0.3 m)
 5 inches tall (height ~ 0.13 m)
 Separated by 20 ft (peak-to-peak ~ 6m)

08/04/08 Vehicle Suspension Modeling Notes 22

Half Car Suspension
Speed Bumps Results

08/04/08 Vehicle Suspension Modeling Notes 23

Half Car Suspension
Highway Warning Track

● Warning track is a series of ruts stamped into the asphalt

on the shoulder
● Rut geometry
 ~ 2 inches deep (depth ~ 0.05 m)
 ~ 3 inches wide or ~ 6 inches peak-to-peak (peak-to-
peak ~ 0.015 m)
● Vehicle traveling on the highway at about 65-70 MPH (~ 30
08/04/08 Vehicle Suspension Modeling Notes 24
Half Car Suspension
Highway Warning Track Results

08/04/08 Vehicle Suspension Modeling Notes 25

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