It is used for creating and manipulating text documents. Word processing means the process of manipulation of text using computers. Sunday Sivachandra Sivachandra 1st Features of Word Processing Word processing software makes document genetation and management very efficient. Some of the importatnt features of word processing softwares are: 2. It permits printing selceted text 3. It allows to change font and size of fonts 4. It allows to adjust page size and margins 5. Facility to add bulletins and numbers to lines or paragrahs etc.. 6. Facitlity to move text within the document 7. Facility to define headers and footers in a document 8. Creating multiple column documents 9. Preparing table of contents 10.Facility to check spelling and grammar 11.Indexing a document 12.Adjustable line spacing and character spacing Advantages of Word Processing: 13.Word processing software produces error free documents. Word Processing software like MS Word marks out errors by
underlining the word having error in red ink. If it is grammatical error, such error is marked in green. 14.Word processing avoids retyping documents. If there are errors, the errors be corrected without retyping the whole document. 15.Word processing permits in printing multiple copies of the document. Once a document is created, any number of copies can be printed out of it. 16.Word processor permits in checking spelling and grammar automatically. Word processing software checks spelling of words with a built in dictionary. It allows the user to add new word to the dictionay. 17.Word processor helps in choosing the most appropriate word in a context. If the user does not get the right word to be used in a sentence, he can invoke the built in thesaurus. The thesaurus suggests synonyms for the user to select to replace the word typed in. 18.Facility to generate beautifully formatted documents. The word processing software provides lot of formatting features like page set up facilty, headers and footers, font formatting, numbering and bulletins etc. 19.Word processing software provide facitlity to choose right fonts and format them. 20.Another advantage of word processing is mail merge facility. It helps in personlaising mail if the user send documents to a large number of people frequently. 21.Word processing software permits producing documents in different quality of printing. 22.New word processing software like MS Word has additional facilities such as inserting objects from other files and linking of documents through hypertext. MS Word MS Word is a word processing software developed by Microsoft Corporation, USA. MS Word is the most popular word processing software in the world today. It comes bundled with MS
ACCESS, MS EXCEL, MS POWERPOINT etc,. in Microsoft Office. It runs on Windows operating System. MS - Word is a process of menu calculating the text. The text menu calculation means typing, editing and formatting any kind of letter or document. Features of MS Word: 23.Easy to cut, copy and paste text. 24.To correct or delete or insert characters, words, lines, images etc. anywhere in the document 25.To format and organize your documents. 26.To checks spelling & grammar. Automatic corrections for common mistakes as you type. 27.Numbering, Bulleting and Shading tools are there. 28.Special futures for web pages designer for Internet users. Applications of MS-word:-
Starting word:We can start MS-word in different ways. To start ms- word we can use any of the following methods. 29. Select, start programmes ms- office ms word. (or)
30. Click
bar. (or) 31. Select, start run command. It opens a dialogue box; enter winword. Any one of the above methods, MS-word will be open immediately, and allows us to do the work properly. Parts of MS Word application window: 32.Title bar: Title bar displays the title. (Name) of the window. It has control box at left side and minimize, maximize, restore, close buttons, at right hand side. 33.Control box: Control box is a small button appeared on left side of the Title bar. To open the control box by clicking mouse on it or Alt+space bar keys. It displays a menu with following commands. 1. Restore 2. Move 3. Size