ITWR: Comparative Analysis Evaluation (EAST ASIAN)
ITWR: Comparative Analysis Evaluation (EAST ASIAN)
ITWR: Comparative Analysis Evaluation (EAST ASIAN)
Origin of the According to Shinto mythology, the According to yin-yang mythology, Confucius didn't clearly
Universe and heavens and the earth were initially the interactions between the two address the origin or creation
Humankind combined into a massive cloud. The initial opposing energies of yin and of the universe in
cloud split into two halves, and the yang led to the creation of the Confucianism. He does,
clearer portion of the cloud lifted to form universe. Things must have both however, think that the Way
heaven. Then the heavier elements of the yang, or being, and yin, or lack of of Heaven can be reached
cloud dropped down and turned into a being, since they are perceived as via self-knowledge and that
sea of murky water. The plant's flower changing, as processes that come our human nature is a gift
burst open between the heavens and the into being and go out of existence from Heaven. In their view,
earth, and the first god appeared. Then, (Yinyang (Yin-yang) | Internet we must constantly work on
this first deity made Izanami, who is Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ourselves if we are to
Izanagi's wife or sister, and Izanagi, who n.d.). comprehend the will of
is the god of all that is light and celestial. heaven. The triangle of
The responsibility of completing the Heaven, Earth, and humanity
universe's creation was subsequently is now complete
handed to both gods. The two gods stood (Independence Hall
on a rainbow called "Ama-no-ukihashi." Association, n.d.).
Izanami plunged a jewel crested
spear into the ocean. When he pulled the
spear back, the drips of water off the
spear formed the first of the Japanese
archipelago and islands. Izanagi and
Izanami went to settle down on this
isle, and together, they created the
islands of Japan. Izanagi continued his
given task after Izanami died giving
birth, he commenced the first cleaning
ritual washing his left eye and creating
the sun goddess Amaterasu. When he
washed his right eye, the moon goddess
Tsuki-Yumi came forth. From his nose
he created Susanowo, the god of the seas
and the storms. He then proceeded with
the creation of the first people and
animals, thus concluded the creation of
Earth (Aston, 2011).
Morality In Shinto, there are no moral absolutes; In actuality, Taoism advises its Confucius' moral philosophy
instead, actions and thoughts are judged adherents to conduct morally in the proclaims a sense of
according to their circumstances, same ways that other religions do. community and selflessness
including their intention, purpose, It encourages kind, helpful, and that communitarians support
timing, and place. These factors all play gentle behavior and condemns with its central assertions of
a role in determining whether an action murder, theft, lying, and "cultivating oneself so as to
is good or harmful (BBC - Religions - promiscuity. According to Taoists, provide peace and prosperity
Shinto: Ethics in Shinto, n.d.). engaging in such positive behavior for others" and "sagely
is crucial to both benefiting oneself within and kingly beyond."
and the world at large (BBC - The "principle of utility"
Religions - Taoism: Taoist Ethics, must then be used since
n.d.). determining what may be
most beneficial to the
common good becomes an
essential moral principle
(Tsai, n.d.)
Purpose The overarching goals of Shinto ethics Taoism instructs its adherents to Confucianism's main goal is
are to foster harmony and purity in all pursue happiness or the highest to show its adherents how to
aspects of life. A pure and true heart is good by severing all ties to earthly establish harmony, the most
what is meant by purity, which also pursuits and intense wants up until crucial societal ideal.
refers to moral purity. It is believed that complete freedom from all activity Confucianism's basic tenet is
humans are inherently good and that evil is accomplished (wu wei or vo vi the significance of
is the work of wicked spirits. Therefore, in Vietnamese). Inaction, possessing high moral
the goal of Shinto is to make offerings simplicity, and living in tune with character, which can then
and pray to the kami in order to drive nature are key Taoist tenets (BBC influence one's environment
away evil spirits (Shintoism, n.d.). - Religions - Taoism: Taoist through the concept of
Ethics, n.d.). "cosmic harmony."
(National Geographic
Society, 2022).
Views on In Shinto's native Japanese tradition, The religion of Taoism is gender- Confucianism is frequently
Women women have an important role, notably neutral. The idea of Yin Yang, linked to oppressing women,
as temple custodians and shamans, or which holds that the masculine and whether it is by subjecting
miko, an unusual type of involvement. feminine are complementary, them to their fathers as
Although the prohibition against female intertwined, and equal, implies children, husbands as
Shinto priests was lifted after World War this. The Tao Te Ching uses spouses, or sons as widows.
II, there are still just a few female Shinto female metaphors to describe the Foot binding, concubinage,
priests among the current clergy. In Tao, such as the mother of the and widow suicide are other
Shinto, women have traditionally been universe and the mother of all oppressive practices related
referred to as miko, or "children of God." things. Women have long been to Confucian values. In
Though men are thus viewed as the acknowledged as having an equal Confucian society, women
actors carrying out the spirit's will, they role in spiritual life in Taoism. traditionally played no
are consistently considered as gates Since the beginning of organized formal duties outside of the
between men and spirits. In the oldest Taoism, women have served as house. The ideal position for
documents of Shinto, which date from priests, and there are many stories a woman was to manage a
the second to the seventh centuries, of female deities in Taoist big house (Batista, 2017).
women were seen as fertility mythology. Taoism places a strong
representatives and carriers. Starting in focus on traits that are typically
the 7th century, the nieces or daughters associated with women, such as
of the Emperor or Empress served as suppleness and yielding, modesty,
mediators at one of Shinto's holiest and non-aggression. It
places, the Ise Shrine, according to demonstrates how the weak will
Japanese folklore, which is documented triumph against the strong (BBC -
in the Nihon Shoki (Shinto, 2022). Religions - Taoism: Taoist Ethics,
Reference list
Batista . (2017, August 29). The Confucianism-Feminism Conflict: Why a New Understanding is Necessary –
Schwarzman Scholars. Schwarzman Scholars. Retrieved October 29, 2022, from
BBC. (n.d.). BBC - Religions - Taoism: Taoist ethics. BBC - Religions - Taoism: Taoist Ethics. Retrieved
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BBC - Religions - Taoism: Taoist ethics. (n.d.). BBC - Religions - Taoism: Taoist Ethics. Retrieved October 29,
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Shinto. (2022, March 22). Japan Guide. Retrieved October 29, 2022, from
National Geographic Society. (2022, May 19). Confucianism | National Geographic Society. Confucianism |
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Tsai. (n.d.). The Journal of Medical Ethics. The Bioethical Principles and Confucius’ Moral Philosophy.
BBC - Religions - Taoism: Taoist ethics. (n.d.). BBC - Religions - Taoism: Taoist Ethics. Retrieved October 29,
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BBC - Religions - Shinto: Ethics in Shinto. (n.d.). BBC - Religions - Shinto: Ethics in Shinto. Retrieved October
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Independence Hall Association. (n.d.). The Independence Hall Association. Taoism and Confucianism —
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Aston, G. (2011). Shinto by William George Aston. Hellenica World. Retrieved October 29, 2022, from