DLL - Math 8 - Q3
DLL - Math 8 - Q3
DLL - Math 8 - Q3
I. OBJECTIVES Objective over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons
exercises and remedial activities maybe done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are using Formatives Assessment Strategies. Valuing objectives
support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lesson. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the
curriculum guide.
A. Content Standards: Demonstrates -ICL Bonifacio Demonstrates Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates
understanding of key Demonstrates understanding of key of key concepts of logic and understanding of key
concepts of logic and understanding of key concepts of logic and reasoning concepts of logic and
reasoning concepts of logic and reasoning reasoning
reasoning -ICL Rizal
B. Performance Standards: Is able to communicate -ICL Bonifacio Is able to communicate Is able to communicate Is able to communicate
mathematical thinking with Is able to communicate mathematical thinking with mathematical thinking with mathematical thinking
coherence and clarity in mathematical thinking coherence and clarity in coherence and clarity in with coherence and
formulating and analyzing with coherence and formulating and analyzing formulating and analyzing clarity in formulating and
arguments clarity in formulating arguments arguments analyzing arguments
and analyzing arguments -ICL Rizal
C. Learning Competencies/ - Identify the hypothesis - ICL Bonifacio - Provide formal arguments - Write formal arguments as - Explain the need for
Objectives: Write the LC and conclusions of if-then -Distinguish between that explain results of a series of statements that defined terms previously
code for each and other types of inductive and deductive phenomenon or a situation make up a proof (both direct introduced
At the end of the period, at least statement reasoning -ICL Rizal and indirect) - Differentiate between
75% of the students will to: - Formulate the inverse, - Provide formal - Explain the need for postulate and theorem
converse and arguments that explain M8GE-IIg-1, M8GE-IIg-2 defined terms previously
contrapositive of an results of phenomenon introduced M8GE-IIg-2, M8GE-IIh-1
implication or a situation - Differentiate between
M8GE-IIf-1 M8GE-IIf-2 postulate and theorem
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content in a week or two.
III. LEARNING RESOURCES List the materials to be used in different days. Varied resources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson an in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and
manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages 350 – 357 350 – 357 350 – 357 350 – 357 350 – 357
2. Learner’s Materials Pages 321 – 325 321 – 325 326 – 327 326 – 327 326 – 327
3. Text book Pages
4. Additional Materials from Set of pictures, cartolina Set of pictures, cartolina Math Learner’s Module Math Learner’s Module and Math Learner’s Module
Learning resources(LR)Portal
strips, manila paper strips, manila paper and Set of pictures, Set of pictures, cartolina and Set of pictures,
cartolina strips, manila strips, manila paper cartolina strips, manila
paper paper
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing Previous Present the essential Write on the Manila paper Write on the Manila Prepare a short quiz about Present the other part of
Lesson or Presenting question to the class the definition of paper the meaning of the topic giving a conclusion.
New Lesson “If your room is dirty what hypothesis and conclusion implication and present it Converse, inverse and
would you do?” then present it to the class to the class Contrapositive
B. Establishing a Purpose The learner demonstrates Formulate the inverse, The learner demonstrates Formulate the inverse, The learner demonstrates
for the Lesson understanding of the key converse and understanding of the key converse and contrapositive understanding of the key
concepts of axiomatic contrapositive on an concepts of axiomatic on an implication concepts of axiomatic
development of geometry implication development of geometry development of geometry
C. Presenting Ask the students with this What will you do if you Ask the students with this What will you do if you were Ask the students with this
Examples/Instances of question, is it possible to were asked to make a question, is it possible to asked to make a decision question, is it possible to
the Lesson make a valid conclusion decision that will affect make a valid conclusion that will affect many people? make a valid conclusion
without even going many people? without even going without even going
through the process of through the process of through the process of
investigation? investigation? investigation?
D. Discussing New Discuss the methods of Discuss the methods of Allow them to formulate Discuss the inverse, Discuss the inverse,
Concepts and formulating a hypothesis formulating a hypothesis their own hypothesis and converse and contrapositive converse and
Practicing New Skills#1 and a conclusion and a conclusion give an a conclusion of an implication contrapositive of an
examples. implication
E. Discussing New Concepts and The learner is able to The learner is able to The learner is able to formulate/ The learner is able to The learner is able to
Practicing New Skills#2 formulate/ solve real – formulate/ solve real – solve real – life problems involving formulate/ solve real – life formulate/ solve real –
life problems involving life problems involving reasoning problems involving reasoning life problems involving
reasoning reasoning reasoning
F. Developing Mastery The learner is able to The learner is able to The learner is able to formulate/ The learner is able to The learner is able to
(Leads To Formative Assessment 3) formulate/ solve real – formulate/ solve real – solve real – life problems involving formulate/ solve real – life formulate/ solve real –
life problems involving life problems involving reasoning by giving a situation problems involving reasoning life problems involving
reasoning by giving a reasoning by giving a talks about a hypothesis and a by giving a situation talks reasoning by giving a
situation talks about a situation talks about a conclusion about a hypothesis and a situation talks about a
hypothesis and a hypothesis and a conclusion hypothesis and a
conclusion conclusion conclusion
G. Finding Practical Application of The students will give The students will give The students will give their Answering worksheets The students will give
Concepts and Skills in Daily their individual idea their individual idea individual idea about the essential their individual idea
Living about the essential about the essential question about the essential
question question question
Some of the student Some of the student Some of the student Some of the student Some of the student trying
cannot directly give their cannot directly give their cannot directly give their cannot directly give their their best to formulate
own hypothesis own hypothesis but there’s own hypothesis but there’s own hypothesis but there’s inverse, converse and
an improvement an improvement they try an improvement they try contrapositive
their best to do it their best to do it
H. Making Generalization
and Abstractions about the
I. Evaluating Learning
O. Reviewing Previous Lesson or Draw the graph of Graph each pair of Illustrate the different Perform the activity 1 Perform the
Presenting New Lesson the linear equation linear equation systems of linear equation on page 268 and activity 3 on page
in a Cartesian plane answer the guide 271 that enable to
questions solve problems by
following the steps
P. Establishing a Purpose for the Describe the graphs Describe the graph Categorize the given Solving systems of Solving Problems
Lesson of two linear of each pair of system of linear equation linear equation by involving linear
equations in the linear equation graphing equations in two
same coordinate variables
Q. Presenting Examples/Instances Perform activity 2 Give more Determine whether each Recall on graphing Discuss the given
of the Lesson on page 254 exercises on system of linear equations using slope intercept problem with
graphing systems is consistent, dependent or form illustration
of linear equation inconsistent
R. Discussing New Concepts and Discuss the Determine the Perform activity 3 on page Give an illustrative Follow procedures
Practicing New Skills#1 answers of the systems when two 258 example in solving system
follow up questions lines intersect by substitution
in the activity
S. Discussing New Concepts and Read and Determine the Graph the system and tell Discuss the concept of Solve more
Practicing New Skills#2 understand some system when two whether each is consistent, finding solution of problems by
important note on lines do not dependent or inconsistent system of linear showing solutions
systems of linear intersect equation in the and graphs
equation intersecting point
T. Developing Mastery Differentiate the Differentiate the Determine the system of Draw the graphs of Compare the
(Leads To Formative Assessment 3) three systems of slopes of the two linear equation through each system and give method of solving
linear equations systems when two slopes and y intercepts the coordinates of the systems by
lines intersect and point of intersection graphing and
do not intersect substitution
U. Finding Practical Application of Compare the slopes Represent Do the activity in the Solve real life Formulate a word
Concepts and Skills in Daily of the lines defined problems systems worksheets problems using problem involving
by linear equation of linear equation graphing method system of linear
that involves equations then
finding values of solve
two quantities
H. Making Generalization
and Abstractions about the
I. Evaluating Learning