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Exploring The People's Perception and Attitude Towards Solid Waste Management in Commercial Area A Case of Sango, Ogun State Nigeria

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Exploring the People’s Perception and Attitude

towards Solid Waste Management in Commercial
Area: A Case of Sango, Ogun State Nigeria
Onukogu Humphrey Franciscoa, Mohd Rusli Yacob*a Abdullahi Adamub,
a b
Department of Environmental Studies, Department of Environmental and Resource Management,
Faculty of Forestry and Environment Universiti Putra Faculty of Engineering and Environmental Design,
Malaysia (UPM) Serdang, Selangor D.E Malaysıa Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto, Nigeria

Abstract:- Commercial areas are among the key places expenditure needed to provide the service, the absence of
in municipalities that generate quite ample amount of financial support, limited resources, the unwillingness of the
solid waste of various kindsmajorly due to inefficient users to pay for the service and lack of proper use of
waste managementsystems.However, public economic instruments have hampered the delivery of proper
participation has a direct bearing on efficient solid waste waste management services.According to Nathanson,
management andthus, peoples’ perception and attitude (2017), The tasks of solid waste management present
towards solid waste have significant influence on success complex technical challenges. They pose a wide variety of
of the solid waste management system. The objective of administrative, economic, and social problems that must be
the present study is to explore the peoples’ attitude and managed and solved.
perception towards solid waste in commercial area of
Sango, Ogun State, Nigeria.A survey wasemployed on Waste management practices especially the municipal
200 randomly selected vendorsfromcommercial areas of solid waste differ for developed and developing nations,
Sangousing a self-administered, validated questionnaire urban and rural areas, and for residential, commercial and
as the research instrument. The data was analyses with industrial centers. Failure to provide basic waste
the aid of statistical pages (SPSSv23 and MS Excel) using management facility makes citizens to dump waste on the
both descriptive statistics and interferential (Pearson streets, open spaces, drains, and water bodies near their
Correlation). The result of the study shows that the vicinity creating unhygienic and insanitary
respondents have shown high level of positive perception conditions(Kumar & Nandini, 2013).Commercial areas are
and attitude towards solid waste management in the characterized with the production of high amount of waste
commercial area. More so, age has the strongest of various categories. About 10-30% of waste produced in
relationship with attitude towards solid waste developing countries are generated from the commercial
management while level of education has the strongest areas (Nabegu, 2010). Waste generated from these areas are
relationship with their perception about the solid waste quite heterogeneous in nature making them difficult to be
management.Based on the study result, it can be utilized as raw materials (Valkenburg et al., 2008).
concluded that attitude and perception about solid waste
management is positively related with age and level of In Nigeria, solid waste generation ranges from 0.44 to
education. Thus, it can be recommended that efforts 0.66 kg per capita per day and up to 25 million tons per
should be geared towards bringing people into solid annum, with household and commercial areas contributing
waste management in public places such as commercial about 10% of total urban waste burden(Estate & Iweka,
areas in order to tap from the benefit of the positive 2009). Municipal waste density in the Country falls within
perception and good attitudes they held towards waste the range 280 to 370 kg/m (Zhang, Tan, & Gersberg, 2010).
management. Reports have shown that roughlytwo thirds of these wastes
are dumped indiscriminately on the streets and in the drains
Keywords:- Attitude, Commercial area,Nigeria, Perception, thus posing serious environmental health
Solid waste. hazards(Emelumadu, Azubike, Nnebue, & Fazubike, 2016).

I. INTRODUCTION The perception of one’s capability is said to set a limit

to what to do and ultimately what can be achieved. The
Population explosion, booming economy, rapid influence of perception which describes how a person views
urbanization and the rise in community living standards himself and the world around him and how it tends to
have greatly accelerated the municipal solid waste govern behavior is explained by Anomie
generation rate in developing countries(Guerrero, Maas, & theory,(1968).Community participation has a direct bearing
Hogland, 2013). Municipalities, usually responsible for on efficient Solid Waste Management. In this sense,
waste management in the cities face the challenges of individual’s perception will influence the cultural values,
providing effective and efficient system to the inhabitants. responses, and success of the solid waste management
Moreover, they often face problems beyond their ability to system. Thus, perception on waste management services is
mainly due to lack of organization, financial resources, important for achieving safe, clean and healthy environment
complexity and system multi dimensionality (Ezebilo, (Kumar & Nandini, 2013).According to Longe, Longe, &
2013). Due to financial resources for instance, the huge Ukpebor, (2009), people’s perception on solid waste

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
management system is characterized with irregularity and collection methods, insufficient coverage of the collection
inefficient collection system; with poor monitoring of the system and improper disposal of solid waste.
private waste service providers by the local authority. In the
study by Bom, Belbase, & Bibriven Lila, (2017),their The main sources of municipal solid waste are from
findings shows that more than 80% of surveyed respondents domestic areas, commercial centers, food stores, slaughter
indicated that environmental perception and concern was the areas, warehouses and institutional premises (Fronti & Poor,
major motivation to recycling of waste material. 1994). Study by Magutu & Onsongo, (2010), showed thatthe
major sources of MSW are foodwastes, paper, plastic, rags,
More so, Nabegu, (2010), found that attitudes have metal and glass, with some hazardous household waste, such
been positively influenced through awareness-building as; electric light bulbs, batteries, discarded medicines and
campaigns on the negative impacts of inadequate waste automotive parts. MSW is thus seenas primarily coming
collection with regard to public health and environmental from households and commercial areas.It also comprise of
conditions, and the value of effective disposal.Haider, wastes from offices, hotels,shopping complexes/shops,
Amber, Ammara, Mahrukh, & Aisha, (2015), on their part, schools, institutions, and from municipal services such as
have explained that people’s attitudes varied based with streetcleaning and maintenance of recreational areas. In
respect to waste storage and segregation, placement and some countries the solid wastesmanagement system also
collection of solid waste and regarding reuse of old items. handles human wastes such as night-soil, ashes from
They further observed that perception of males and females incinerators,septic tank sludge and sludge from sewage
about disposal of solid waste varied and males were seen to treatment plants. The complexities and enormityof the
be more concerned with segregation and recycling than challenges become evident when considering other waste
females. In this regards, the present work is set within the types to be managed andthese include industrial solid waste,
effective municipal solid waste management framework, municipal wastewater, industrial wastewater, stormwater
especially as it focuses on investigating the stakeholders’ and hazardous waste.
perception andattitudetowardssolid waste management
system. Commercial waste consists of those types of wastes
generated from business premises.The composition of waste
II. LITERATURE from these areas are usually food waste, yard waste, wood,
plastics, papers, metals, leather,rubbers, inert materials,
The increase in population, urbanization and batteries, paint containers, textiles, constructionand
industrialization including globalization, has led to the demolishing materials and many others which would be
challenge of solid waste management (SWM) in many difficult to classify (Miezah, Obiri-danso, Kádár, Fei-baffoe,
countries and made it even more complex(Nkansah, Dafor, & Mensah, 2015).
& Essel-Gaisey, 2015). This is attributed to inadequate
regulatory framework that has manifestedin lack of interest III. METHODOLOGY
of private sector investment in service delivery,
uncoordinatedinstitutional functions, low political will, low A. Study Area
capacity to discharges duties, poor data information Sango Ota, the local government headquarters of Ado-
forplanning, andpoor attitude of waste generator (Tobore, Odo/Ota is the most populated among the 20 LGAs in Ogun
2014).These challenges have resulted in health related State, South Western Nigeria (Fig 3.1). The city has an
problems, loss of properties as a result of choked gutters, estimated population of about six hundred and sixty nine
indiscriminate waste disposal and uncollected refuse in thousand, eight hundred and eighty six hundred
communal waste containers. These wastes eventually find (669,886)people based, with a growth rate of 3.5%). The
themselves in water bodies destroying the city is located on longitude 30 14’ 32”Eand latitude60 42’
ecosystem(Nkansah et al., 2015). 19” N, and it is one of the industrial hubs with the highest
concentrations of industries in Nigeria. It accommodates
According to Ogwueleka, (2009), the volume of solid several hundred industries which include food, beverages
waste generated continues to increase at a faster rate than and tobacco; pulp and paper products; chemical and
the ability of the agencies to improve on the financial and pharmaceuticals; metallurgy; gas; plastics; wood processing;
technical resources needed to curb thesituation. Solid waste and non-metallic mineral products (Omole, Emenike,
management has emerged as one of the greatest challenges Tenebe, Akinde, & Badejo, 2015). The proximity of Sango
facing state and local government environmental protection Ota to Lagos especially border town of Idiroko has led to the
agencies in Nigeria (Tobore, 2014). Solid waste creation of two larger markets namely; the Kayero market
management in Nigeria is characterized by inefficient and Oba T.T Dada market, which later fused together and
are commonly referred to as the Sango Ota market.

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig. 1: Map of Nigeria (A) showing Ogun State (B) and Sango Ota (C)

B. Population and Sampling IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION

The population of the study comprised of the shop/
business premises owners in the commercial area of Sango A. Socio-Economic Characteristics
Ota. Based on available data from the local authorities on The socio economic profile of the respondent as
business premises that are paying tax to the government, presented on Table 1 shows that based on gender
there are 1730 business premises in the commercial area distribution, male were 77.5% while female were 22.5%. On
which formed the study population. As Chuan, (2006) stated respondents’ age, it ranges between 18 and over 56 years
that many studies are conducted using Cohen’s (1988) old, with mean age =35 years. Those whose age were 18-25
statistical power analysis as the guideline for estimating the years old were 23.0% while the older respondents (56 years
desired sample size, the sample size used in this study was and above) were 8.0%. In terms of education level, it was
determined based on the Cohen formula. According to found that 24.5% have reported to have never been to
Chuan, (2006), using Cohen formula, sample size of 120 is school, 20.5% attended only primary, 40% secondary school
sufficient enough to answer research objectives using, both, while the remaining 15.0% had reported to have university
correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. Thus degree. About ownership of the business premises, only
this study adopted this sample size and increased it to round 24.5% were the actual owners of the shop while the
number (200) in order to take care of missing values.Lastly, remaining 74.5% were only shop attendants.
this study employed simple random sampling technique to
distribute the 200 samples from the total list of shop owners/ On marital status, those who were married were 66.5%,
business premises within the commercial area. single were 25.0%, divorced were 5.5%and widows 3.0%.
Percentage of respondent based on business type shows
Data collection was carried on the selected cosmetics has 21.0%, food items 37.0%, electronics 28.5%,
respondents using questionnaire admiration. The fruits and juice 11.0% and others were 2.5%. Moreover,
questionnaire was in Likert scale and multi-category format, gross monthly income of the respondents was obtained as
which were distributed to the respondents after seeking for those with income within the range of 10,000-20,000 were
their consent to participate in the survey. The answered 43.5%, 21,000-30,000 income bracket were 30%, while
questionnaires were collected back and analyses with the aid those who earn 31,000-40,000 were 20.5%. Only 4.5% earn
of a computer software package (SPSS version 23). between 41,000-50,000, while those who earn between
51,000 above constituted only 1.5%.

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Element (n=200) Mean Freq. Percentage (%)
Female 45 22.5
Male 155 77.5
Age 35.80
18-25years 46 23.0
26-35 years 53 26.5
36-45 years 59 29.5
46-55years 26 13.0
56 years above 16 8.0
Shop Ownership
Not owner 151 75.5
Owned 49 24.5
Educational level
Never been to school 49 24.5
Primary 41 20.5
Secondary 80 40.0
Tertiary 30 15.0
Marital Status
Married 133 66.5
Single 50 25.0
Widow 6 3.0
Divorce 11 5.5
Business Type
Cosmetics 42 21.0
Food items 74 37.0
Electronics 57 28.5
Fruits and Juices 22 11.0
Others 5 2.5
Gross monthly income (Naira) 23644.5
10,000-20,000 87 43.5
21,000-30,000 60 30.0
31,000-40,000 41 20.5
41,000-50,000 9 4.5
51,000 above 3 1.5
Table 1: Socio-Economic Characteristics of the Respondents

B. The Respondents Perception towards Solid waste were undecided. Those who disagree were 6.5% whereas
Management service in the Market those who strongly disagree were just 1.0%.
The respondent perception about solid waste
management in the market premises was measured on 5- “I will support any government’s decision and plan to
point likert scale and the result is presented in percentage in engage private sector participation in solid waste collection
Table 2. The responses obtained indicate that the services” was the statement that 25.5% of the respondents
respondents have shown high level of positive perception strongly agree with it, 35.0% agreed while 31.5% remained
about solid waste management and handling in the undecided. However, only 5.0% disagree and 3.0% strongly
commercial area of Sango, Ogun State. The statement that disagree with the statement.
“Solid waste management service is not handled effectively
and efficiently in this commercial centre”, majority of the More so, on the statement that said “I am interested in
respondents (42%) strongly agree, and 30% agree, whereas improvement in solid waste management in our
only 2.5% disagree and 3.5% strongly disagree. However, neighborhood”, 33.5% strongly agreed with it, 35.5% agreed
those who remain neutral about the statement were 16.5%. while 4.5% disagree and 2.0% strongly disagree with the
statement. Only 24.5% remained neutral about the
When respondents were asked that Government should statement. Again, when respondents were presented with
only partake in the contracting process of private solid waste the statement that said “I am satisfied with the overall solid
service providers, majority of the respondents (45%) waste management in this area”, majority of the responding
strongly agree with the statement, 35.5% agreed, and 13.0% (33.0%) strongly agree with the statement, 31.0% agree,
remain neutral. However, 1.0% strongly disagrees while whereas 29.5 were undecided. However, only 4.0% disagree
5.0% disagrees. The responses on Poor solid waste and 22.5% strongly disagree with the statement.
management causes environmental deterioration in our
business premises show mixed result. About 27.5 strongly
agree with the statement, 37.5% agreed, while 37.5% again

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
For the last statement used on measuring the 35.5% agreeing. For those who disagree, they constituted
respondents’ perception (I am willing to pay more for 6.5%, those who strongly disagree were 1.5% whereas
services that will enhance environmental quality), majority 18.5% remain neutral.
of them (38.0%) strongly agree with the statement and

PERCEPTION Mean 1 2 3 4 5
1 Solid waste management services is not handled effectively and efficiently in this 4.11 3.5 2.5 16.5 30.0 42.5
commercial centre
2 Government should only partake in the contracting process of private solid waste 4.20 1.0 5.0 13.0 35.5 45.5
service providers
3 Poor solid waste management causes environmental deterioration in our business 3.84 1.0 6.5 27.5 37.5 27.5
4 I will support any government’s decision and plan to engage private sector 3.75 3.0 5.0 31.5 35.0 25.5
participation in solid waste collection services
5 I am interested in improvement in solid waste management in our neighbourhood 3.94 2.0 4.5 24.5 35.5 33.5
6 I am satisfied with the overall solid waste management in this area 3.88 2.5 4.0 29.5 31.0 33.0
7 I am willing to pay more for services that will enhance environmental quality 4.02 1.5 6.5 18.5 35.5 38.0
Table 2: Perception about Solid waste Management service

Note: 1=Strongly agree, 2=disagree, 3=Neutral, 4=Agree, 5=Strongly agree

In other to investigate the overall respondents’ level of second category that revealed a moderate level of perception
perception, composite score of the 8 items measuring the were 32.0%. However, only 8.0% out of the total valid
‘perception’ construct was determined. The overall score for responses obtained shows low level of perception towards
the items were categorized in to 3 groups namely; low, solid waste management. With this outcome, it can be
moderate and high perception based on individual total presume that majority of the respondents in the commercial
score. The frequency distributions and percentage of each area of Sango had a high perception towards solid waste
category is shown in Table 2. The result shows that more management and therefore, indicates the likelihood of their
than half of the respondents (60.0%) had indicated a high willingness to support solid waste management program that
level of perception towards solid waste management. The will aimed at reducing waste in the market.




80 64


40 32.0

20 8.0

Low Perception Moderate High Perception
Frequency 16 64 120
Per cent 8.0 32.0 60.0

Fig. 2: Respondents’ Level of perception towards Solid waste Management

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
C. Respondents Attitude Towards solid Waste management neutral. On the other hand, 3.5% disagree with the
in the Market statement, whereas 1.5% strongly disagrees.
Respondents’ attitude towards solid waste management
in the commercial area of Sango, in Ogun state Nigeria was “I really want to see our business premises is clean for
explore using 10 items measured on a 5-point likert scale. people to live there healthy and happily” is the statement
The result (Table 3) shows that majority of the respondents that majority of the respondents (44.5%) strongly agree with
have responded positively to the statement, which indicates it, and 43.0% also agree while 4.5% disagree and 1.0%
a positive view that translates into a positive attitude strongly disagree with it. Only 7.0% were undecided. In
towards the solid waste management in the area. addition, the statement that says “I so much have passion for
environmental quality improvement, especially as it relates
For the first item used in measuring the respondent’s to SWM” had 43.5% strongly agree response and 45.0%
attitude, it states that “Monthly environmental sanitation agree. About 8.0% were neutral while 2.5% disagree and
exercise has impact on environmental pollution reduction in 1.0% strongly disagreeing with the statement. More than
our neighborhood”. About 22.0% strongly agree with the half of the respondents (52.0%) agree to the statement that
statement, 44.5% agree and 16.0 were neutral. Those who “I have never heard anything about private solid waste
disagree were 9.5% and the remaining 8.0% strongly service providers” and 32.5% even strongly agree with the
disagree with the statement. The second item stated that statement. But for those who held negative view about the
“SWM issues are included in my priorities and thus, willing statement, 4.5% disagree, 2.5% strongly disagree and 8.5%
to take part in environmental quality improvement” and were undecided.
those among the respondents that strongly agree with it were
30.0%. Majority of the respondents (50.0%) also agree, About the statement that says “I get disturbed seeing
while 13.0% were undecided. However, Only 4.5% disagree my environment in a dirty condition everyday”, 38.5%
and 2.5% strongly disagree with the statement. strongly disagree with the statement and 47.0% agree, while
7.5% were neutral. Those who disagree were 4.0% and
For the statement “Government’s policy on SWM in those who strongly disagree with the statement were 3.0%.
commercial areas has open up new avenues for us on SWM The last item used in measuring the respondent’s attitude is
services”, about 39.5% strongly agree, 42.5% agree while the statement that says “I cherished clean and tidy
5.0% disagree and 1.5% strongly disagree. However, only environment because I have concern for the future
11.5% remained undecided. More so,the statement “SWM generation”. Majority (46.5%) voted strongly agree to the
issues are important for the economic and societal statement and 45.5% agree while 3.0% were neutral. About
development” has 38.0% response as strongly agree. 45.5% 4.0% disagree and 1.0% strongly disagrees with the
agree, 12.5% were neutral whereas 3.0% disagree and 1.0% statement. To make conclusion about the general
strongly disagrees. From the responses, about12.5% respondents view with regards to the items measuring
remains undecided. For the statement “I am ready to accept attitudes towards solid waste management, the study
any new policy on SWM in which would improve quality of outcome have portrayed that majority of the respondents in
the environment”, 35.5% strongly agree with the statement, the study area held a more positive attitude towards the solid
Majority of them (50.5%) also agree while 9.0% were waste management in the commercial area of Sango, in
Ogun state

ATTITUDE Mean 1 2 3 4 5
1 Monthly environmental sanitation exercise has impact on environmental 3.63 8.0 9.5 16.0 44.5 22.0
pollution reduction in our neighborhood.
2 SWM issues are included in my priorities and thus, willing to take part 4.01 2.5 4.5 13.0 50.0 30.0
in environmental quality improvement
3 Government’s policy on SWM in commercial areas has open up new 4.12 1.5 5.0 11.5 42.5 39.5
avenues for us on SWM services
4 SWM issues are important for the economic and societal development 4.17 1.0 3.0 12.5 45.5 38.0
5 I am ready to accept any new policy on SWM in the that would improve 4.15 1.5 3.5 9.0 50.0 35.5
quality of the environment
6 I really want to see our business premises is clean for people to live 4.26 1.0 4.5 7.0 43.0 44.5
there healthy and happily
7 I so much have passion for environmental quality improvement, 4.28 1.0 2.5 8.0 45.0 43.5
especially as it relates to SWM
8 I have never heard anything about private solid waste service providers 4.08 2.5 4.5 8.5 52.0 32.5
9 I get disturbed seeing my environment in a dirty condition everyday 4.14 3.0 4.0 7.5 47.0 38.5
10 I cherished clean and tidy environment because I have concern for the 4.33 1.0 4.0 3.0 45.5 46.5
future generation
Table 3: Attitude Towards solid Waste management in the Market

Note: 1=Strongly agree, 2=disagree, 3=Neutral, 4=Agree, 5=Strongly agree

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The overall respondents’ level of attitude towards solid exhibiting a ‘Good’ level of attitude towards solid waste
waste management (Fig 3) was measured as an index and management. Those who exhibit ‘Moderate’ level of
categorized base on levels (Poor, Moderate and Good). The attitudes towards solid waste management constitute 15.5%,
result indicates the positive inclination of the respondents’ whereas only 4.0% shows ‘Poor’ level of attitudes.
attitude towards solid waste management, with about 80.5%

180.0 161




100.0 80.5


40.0 15.5
4.0 8

Poor Attitude Moderate Attitude Good Attitude
% 4.0 15.5 80.5
8 31 161

Fig. 3: Respondents’ Level of perception towards Solid waste Management

D. Correlation Analyses respondents’ income has a significant and positive

Pearson correlation was carried out in order to examine relationship with attitude towards solid waste management
the relationship between the dependent variables(attitude in the area, r= 0.511, p=.014. This shows that positive
and perception) and the independent variables (age, years of attitude towards solid waste management is positively
education and income). The result is presented in Table 4.6, related with higher income.
which shows that thedependentvariables ‘attitude and
perception’ havesignificant and positive relationship with all On the other hand, for the perception about solid waste
the independent variables. The relationship between the management in the commercial area, the study outcome
respondents’ age and attitude towards solid waste shows that it has a statistically significant relationship with
management in the commercial area of Sango was respondents’ age, r=0.363, p= .002. This also means that
statistically significant, with correlation coefficient value high perception is significantly related with higher age.
(r)=0.556(p=.000). This outcome indicated that with Years of education of the respondents also had significant
increase in age, the attitude towards solid waste and positive relationship with perception, r=0.471, p=.000.
management also increases among respondents in the study This result indicated that the more the years spent on
area. For the relationship between respondents’ years of education by the respondent, the higher his perception about
education with attitude, the result shows a statistically solid waste management in the study area.Lastly,
significant positive correlation, with r= 0.432, p=.000. This respondents’ income was also positively correlated with
result revealed that the more years someone spent acquiring perception, r=.321, p=.000. This means that higher
education, the more he will exhibit positive and good perception about solid waste management is significantly
attitude towards solid waste management.Moreover, the and positively related with high income of the respondent.
result of the correlation analyses indicated that the


R P-value R P-value
Age of Respondents .556 .000 .363 .002
Years of Education of Respondents .432 .000 .471 .000
Income of Respondents .511 .014 .321 .000
Table 4: Result of the Pearson Correlation

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
V. CONCLUSION into solid waste management in public places such as
commercial areas in order to tap from the benefit of the
The quest for an effective solid waste management positive perception and good attitudes they held towards
policy leads to a search for a comprehensive, coordinated waste management. This will go a long way in ensuring
and governmental planning which will combine with effective management of waste in such areas. Awareness
adequate legislation, adequate fiscal provision, public campaign on the significance of solid waste management is
involvement and awareness to bring about the expected also appropriate as people will tend to change their negative
improvement in the quality of urban environment. There is ways of handling solid waste to a more scientific and
hardly any state government in Nigeria that has not shown civilized ways.
concern in the area of urban solid waste management,yet
there is no city in Nigeria that is not groaning under the REFERENCES
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