Exploring The People's Perception and Attitude Towards Solid Waste Management in Commercial Area A Case of Sango, Ogun State Nigeria
Exploring The People's Perception and Attitude Towards Solid Waste Management in Commercial Area A Case of Sango, Ogun State Nigeria
Exploring The People's Perception and Attitude Towards Solid Waste Management in Commercial Area A Case of Sango, Ogun State Nigeria
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Commercial areas are among the key places expenditure needed to provide the service, the absence of
in municipalities that generate quite ample amount of financial support, limited resources, the unwillingness of the
solid waste of various kindsmajorly due to inefficient users to pay for the service and lack of proper use of
waste managementsystems.However, public economic instruments have hampered the delivery of proper
participation has a direct bearing on efficient solid waste waste management services.According to Nathanson,
management andthus, peoples’ perception and attitude (2017), The tasks of solid waste management present
towards solid waste have significant influence on success complex technical challenges. They pose a wide variety of
of the solid waste management system. The objective of administrative, economic, and social problems that must be
the present study is to explore the peoples’ attitude and managed and solved.
perception towards solid waste in commercial area of
Sango, Ogun State, Nigeria.A survey wasemployed on Waste management practices especially the municipal
200 randomly selected vendorsfromcommercial areas of solid waste differ for developed and developing nations,
Sangousing a self-administered, validated questionnaire urban and rural areas, and for residential, commercial and
as the research instrument. The data was analyses with industrial centers. Failure to provide basic waste
the aid of statistical pages (SPSSv23 and MS Excel) using management facility makes citizens to dump waste on the
both descriptive statistics and interferential (Pearson streets, open spaces, drains, and water bodies near their
Correlation). The result of the study shows that the vicinity creating unhygienic and insanitary
respondents have shown high level of positive perception conditions(Kumar & Nandini, 2013).Commercial areas are
and attitude towards solid waste management in the characterized with the production of high amount of waste
commercial area. More so, age has the strongest of various categories. About 10-30% of waste produced in
relationship with attitude towards solid waste developing countries are generated from the commercial
management while level of education has the strongest areas (Nabegu, 2010). Waste generated from these areas are
relationship with their perception about the solid waste quite heterogeneous in nature making them difficult to be
management.Based on the study result, it can be utilized as raw materials (Valkenburg et al., 2008).
concluded that attitude and perception about solid waste
management is positively related with age and level of In Nigeria, solid waste generation ranges from 0.44 to
education. Thus, it can be recommended that efforts 0.66 kg per capita per day and up to 25 million tons per
should be geared towards bringing people into solid annum, with household and commercial areas contributing
waste management in public places such as commercial about 10% of total urban waste burden(Estate & Iweka,
areas in order to tap from the benefit of the positive 2009). Municipal waste density in the Country falls within
perception and good attitudes they held towards waste the range 280 to 370 kg/m (Zhang, Tan, & Gersberg, 2010).
management. Reports have shown that roughlytwo thirds of these wastes
are dumped indiscriminately on the streets and in the drains
Keywords:- Attitude, Commercial area,Nigeria, Perception, thus posing serious environmental health
Solid waste. hazards(Emelumadu, Azubike, Nnebue, & Fazubike, 2016).
Fig. 1: Map of Nigeria (A) showing Ogun State (B) and Sango Ota (C)
B. The Respondents Perception towards Solid waste were undecided. Those who disagree were 6.5% whereas
Management service in the Market those who strongly disagree were just 1.0%.
The respondent perception about solid waste
management in the market premises was measured on 5- “I will support any government’s decision and plan to
point likert scale and the result is presented in percentage in engage private sector participation in solid waste collection
Table 2. The responses obtained indicate that the services” was the statement that 25.5% of the respondents
respondents have shown high level of positive perception strongly agree with it, 35.0% agreed while 31.5% remained
about solid waste management and handling in the undecided. However, only 5.0% disagree and 3.0% strongly
commercial area of Sango, Ogun State. The statement that disagree with the statement.
“Solid waste management service is not handled effectively
and efficiently in this commercial centre”, majority of the More so, on the statement that said “I am interested in
respondents (42%) strongly agree, and 30% agree, whereas improvement in solid waste management in our
only 2.5% disagree and 3.5% strongly disagree. However, neighborhood”, 33.5% strongly agreed with it, 35.5% agreed
those who remain neutral about the statement were 16.5%. while 4.5% disagree and 2.0% strongly disagree with the
statement. Only 24.5% remained neutral about the
When respondents were asked that Government should statement. Again, when respondents were presented with
only partake in the contracting process of private solid waste the statement that said “I am satisfied with the overall solid
service providers, majority of the respondents (45%) waste management in this area”, majority of the responding
strongly agree with the statement, 35.5% agreed, and 13.0% (33.0%) strongly agree with the statement, 31.0% agree,
remain neutral. However, 1.0% strongly disagrees while whereas 29.5 were undecided. However, only 4.0% disagree
5.0% disagrees. The responses on Poor solid waste and 22.5% strongly disagree with the statement.
management causes environmental deterioration in our
business premises show mixed result. About 27.5 strongly
agree with the statement, 37.5% agreed, while 37.5% again
PERCEPTION Mean 1 2 3 4 5
1 Solid waste management services is not handled effectively and efficiently in this 4.11 3.5 2.5 16.5 30.0 42.5
commercial centre
2 Government should only partake in the contracting process of private solid waste 4.20 1.0 5.0 13.0 35.5 45.5
service providers
3 Poor solid waste management causes environmental deterioration in our business 3.84 1.0 6.5 27.5 37.5 27.5
4 I will support any government’s decision and plan to engage private sector 3.75 3.0 5.0 31.5 35.0 25.5
participation in solid waste collection services
5 I am interested in improvement in solid waste management in our neighbourhood 3.94 2.0 4.5 24.5 35.5 33.5
6 I am satisfied with the overall solid waste management in this area 3.88 2.5 4.0 29.5 31.0 33.0
7 I am willing to pay more for services that will enhance environmental quality 4.02 1.5 6.5 18.5 35.5 38.0
Table 2: Perception about Solid waste Management service
In other to investigate the overall respondents’ level of second category that revealed a moderate level of perception
perception, composite score of the 8 items measuring the were 32.0%. However, only 8.0% out of the total valid
‘perception’ construct was determined. The overall score for responses obtained shows low level of perception towards
the items were categorized in to 3 groups namely; low, solid waste management. With this outcome, it can be
moderate and high perception based on individual total presume that majority of the respondents in the commercial
score. The frequency distributions and percentage of each area of Sango had a high perception towards solid waste
category is shown in Table 2. The result shows that more management and therefore, indicates the likelihood of their
than half of the respondents (60.0%) had indicated a high willingness to support solid waste management program that
level of perception towards solid waste management. The will aimed at reducing waste in the market.
80 64
40 32.0
20 8.0
Low Perception Moderate High Perception
Frequency 16 64 120
Per cent 8.0 32.0 60.0
ATTITUDE Mean 1 2 3 4 5
1 Monthly environmental sanitation exercise has impact on environmental 3.63 8.0 9.5 16.0 44.5 22.0
pollution reduction in our neighborhood.
2 SWM issues are included in my priorities and thus, willing to take part 4.01 2.5 4.5 13.0 50.0 30.0
in environmental quality improvement
3 Government’s policy on SWM in commercial areas has open up new 4.12 1.5 5.0 11.5 42.5 39.5
avenues for us on SWM services
4 SWM issues are important for the economic and societal development 4.17 1.0 3.0 12.5 45.5 38.0
5 I am ready to accept any new policy on SWM in the that would improve 4.15 1.5 3.5 9.0 50.0 35.5
quality of the environment
6 I really want to see our business premises is clean for people to live 4.26 1.0 4.5 7.0 43.0 44.5
there healthy and happily
7 I so much have passion for environmental quality improvement, 4.28 1.0 2.5 8.0 45.0 43.5
especially as it relates to SWM
8 I have never heard anything about private solid waste service providers 4.08 2.5 4.5 8.5 52.0 32.5
9 I get disturbed seeing my environment in a dirty condition everyday 4.14 3.0 4.0 7.5 47.0 38.5
10 I cherished clean and tidy environment because I have concern for the 4.33 1.0 4.0 3.0 45.5 46.5
future generation
Table 3: Attitude Towards solid Waste management in the Market
180.0 161
100.0 80.5
40.0 15.5
4.0 8
Poor Attitude Moderate Attitude Good Attitude
% 4.0 15.5 80.5
8 31 161