Garbage Classification Reserach Paper (Final)
Garbage Classification Reserach Paper (Final)
Garbage Classification Reserach Paper (Final)
The improper management of inorganic solid waste (ISW) poses a significant environmental threat. Traditional
methods like landfills and incinerators contribute to pollution and deplete natural resources. Recycling offers a
crucial solution, but current processes suffer from inaccurate sorting and low efficiency. This research proposes
a novel approach for optimizing ISW classification using a modified ResNext-101 architecture and data
augmentation techniques. The modified model adds fully connected layers after global average pooling to
enhance class-specific representation.
The suggested classification algorithm's superiority is demonstrated using the created Trashnet dataset. The
suggested approach improves classification accuracy by 1.01%. According to the experimental findings, there is
up to 97% categorization accuracy.
Inorganic solid waste (ISW) is a major component of the municipal solid waste stream, encompassing a wide
range of materials such as glass, metal, plastics, and construction debris. The improper disposal and
accumulation of ISW poses significant environmental challenges. Landfills and incinerators, the traditional
waste management human health. Landfills contribute to land degradation and groundwater pollution, while
incinerators release harmful air pollutants. Moreover, the depletion of natural resources necessitates the adoption
of more sustainable waste management practices.
Recycling plays a pivotal role in mitigating ISW pollution and promoting a circular economy. By diverting
waste from landfills and incinerators and transforming it into valuable resources, recycling alleviates the
environmental burden and conserves natural resources. However, the recycling process for ISW faces several
hurdles that hinder its effectiveness and widespread adoption.
One of the key challenges in ISW recycling is the complexity of its composition. ISW consists of a diverse
range of materials with varying properties, making manual sorting and identification labour-intensive and prone
to errors. Moreover, contamination issues arise from the mixing of different ISW streams, further complicating
the recycling process.
Another challenge lies in the lack of efficient waste collection and sorting infrastructure. The current waste
management systems often lack the infrastructure and technology to effectively collect, sort, and transport ISW
to recycling facilities. This results in a significant portion of ISW being misdirected to landfills or incinerators,
reducing the overall recycling rate.
To address these challenges and optimize ISW recycling, this paper proposes a novel framework that leverages
advanced machine learning and image recognition techniques. Our approach utilizes deep learning algorithms to
analyse ISW images, automatically identifying and classifying different types of ISW based on their material
properties and characteristics. This information can then be used to guide and optimize the ISW recycling
process, ensuring that waste is diverted to appropriate recycling streams and maximizing resource recovery.
Ankit Agarwal ET al. Municipal Solid Waste Recycling and Associated Markets in Delhi, India. [1](2022)The
research provided a thorough analysis of Delhi's MSW management and recycling procedures. Delhi is a fast-
expanding city that faces several waste management issues. To acquire knowledge on the regional recycling
systems and related markets, the writers conducted field research, interviews, and data analysis. The fragmented
and unorganized character of Delhi's recycling industry was one of their main study results. They emphasized
the part that garbage pickers, middlemen in the recycling process, and small businesses play in gathering and
processing recyclables. This unorganized sector was essential in keeping a significant amount of rubbish out of
landfills, which helped to preserve resources and lessen its negative effects on the environment. The writers
also discussed the financial benefits of MSW recycling in Delhi. They saw that there were thriving markets for a
variety of recyclable products, including metal, plastic, and paper. For many people, the economic aspect of
recycling provided a means of subsistence and helped generate revenue at the local level. Agarwal et al.
concluded by stressing the necessity of a more organized and comprehensive strategy to MSW management and
recycling in Delhi. They maintained that attaining sustainable waste management objectives may require
acknowledging the contributions of the unorganized sector and increasing its effectiveness. They also
emphasized the possible economic and environmental advantages of recycling and pushed for laws that support
recycling programs and expand the recycling industry.
Adebola Olugbenga Et al. The Roles of Informal Private Sector in Integrated Solid Waste Management in the
Achievement of the Millions Development Goals (MDGs) [2] (2021). The study focuses on the unique
contribution that the unorganized private sector makes to the accomplishment of the Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs), especially those that have to do with public health and environmental sustainability. This study
sought to provide light on the informal sector's role in the solid waste management of Lagos, Nigeria, an urban
region with a dense population. The significant contribution of Lagos' informal private sector to solid waste
management is one of the study's main conclusions. Small-scale businesses, recyclers, and informal garbage
pickers are essential to the collecting, recycling, and disposal of waste. In addition to giving many people a
means of subsistence, this industry also lessens the load on official trash treatment systems. The potential for
cooperation in integrated solid waste management across the official and informal sectors is also highlighted in
the report. It talks about how partnerships and collaborations across various sectors might result in more
effective waste management procedures and help achieve the MDGs pertaining to environmental sustainability.
The study by Adebola Olugbenga O. concludes by highlighting the significance of acknowledging and
integrating the unorganized private sector into the larger framework of solid waste management in Lagos. It
highlights how formal waste management techniques might benefit from the inclusion of informal trash workers
in order to increase recycling rates, waste collection, and environmental sustainability in general. Policymakers
and other stakeholders looking for long-term solutions to solid waste management problems in fast urbanizing
places like Lagos, Nigeria, would find this article to be a useful resource.
A.S. Adeyemi Et al, Waste Scavenging in Third World Cities: A Case Study in Ilorin [3](2021). To better
comprehend the phenomena of garbage scavenging in the context of a Third World city, the authors carried out a
thorough case study in Ilorin. The ubiquity and importance of rubbish scavenging as an informal sector activity
are among the research's main conclusions. garbage pickers are essential in removing recyclables from
municipal garbage streams; they are frequently members of underprivileged populations. They help in recycling
and resource recovery by removing materials like paper, metals, and plastics. The socioeconomic dynamics of
garbage scavenging in Ilorin are further clarified by the study. It draws attention to the difficulties encountered
by garbage pickers, which include social stigma, health risks, and low income. However, it highlights the fact
that scavenging for garbage offers a means of subsistence for a large number of people and, in certain situations,
even sustains entire families. To sum up, the study conducted by Adeyemi, Olorunfemi, and Adewoye highlights
the necessity of a thorough and all-encompassing strategy for waste management in Third World towns such as
Ilorin. They contend that the identification and inclusion of garbage scavengers in official waste management
systems can result in increased environmental sustainability, better livelihoods for marginalized populations, and
more effective resource recovery With its insights into the roles and difficulties of waste scavengers as well as
the possible advantages of including them in official waste management initiatives, this study is helpful for
policymakers, urban planners, and researchers interested in addressing waste management challenges in the
rapidly growing cities of the developing world.
Shafiul Azam Ahmeda, Partnerships for Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries: Linking Theories to
Realities [4](2022). The study starts out by recognizing the particular difficulties with solid waste management
that developing nations confront. Expedient urbanization, population expansion, and few resources put pressure
on current waste management infrastructure. Ahmeda and Ali make the case for the necessity of forming
partnerships with a variety of stakeholders by highlighting the shortcomings of conventional government-centric
methods. A significant discovery from their study is the ability of collaborations to close the gap between
theoretical frameworks and practical situations. They stress that cooperation between local governments, NGOs,
the commercial sector, and communities is necessary for effective solid waste management. Through these
collaborations, waste management systems that are more sustainable and effective may be developed by using
resources, knowledge, and community engagement. Ahmeda and Ali conclude by arguing that although
theoretical models exist for solid waste management in poor nations, their effective application necessitates a
change to partnership-based methods that take into account the local context and involve all pertinent parties.
Their study emphasizes how critical it is to modify theoretical frameworks to take into account the particulars of
every circumstance. It highlights the potential of partnerships in generating more sustainable and effective
solutions, making it a useful tool for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners interested in enhancing solid
waste management in developing nations.
J. C. Agunwamba, Analysis of Scavengers’ Activities and Recycling in Some Cities of Nigeria[5](2022). The
actions of garbage scavengers—often underprivileged people—who gather, sift, and sell recyclables from
municipal waste streams are the subject of Agunwamba's study. Their vital significance in the recycling ecology
and the larger waste management scene is shown by the research. The significant contribution of scavengers to
recycling rates in Nigerian cities is one of the research's main conclusions. They are essential in keeping
recyclables out of landfills, which reduces pollution to the environment and conserves resources. The study
emphasizes the financial advantages that scavenging offers its participants, who frequently use it as a means of
subsistence in underserved areas
In the realm of deep learning, training neural networks with a large number of layers often encounters the
vanishing gradient problem. This issue arises when the gradients, which are used to update the network's
weights during training, become increasingly smaller as they propagate back through the network during
backpropagation. As a result, the network's ability to learn and adjust its weights diminishes, hindering its
To address this challenge, ResNet (Residual Network) emerged as a groundbreaking architecture that introduces
residual connections. These connections act as shortcuts, bypassing some layers in the network and directly
connecting the input of a layer to its corresponding output. This allows the gradients to flow directly from the
input to the output, bypassing the intermediate layers and mitigating the vanishing gradient problem.
ResNet's architecture incorporates several key features that contribute to its effectiveness:
1. Identity Mappings: Residual connections explicitly incorporate identity mappings, which simply add the input
of a layer to its output. This ensures that the original information is preserved and not lost during the network's
2. Bottleneck Design: To reduce computational complexity while maintaining feature extraction capabilities,
ResNet employs a bottleneck design in its residual blocks. These bottlenecks consist of a sequence of
convolutional layers with reduced dimensionality, followed by a final expansion layer.
3. Depth-Increasing Architecture: ResNet's architecture allows for deeper networks without the vanishing gradient
problem. The residual connections enable the network to effectively propagate information even with a large
number of layers, overcoming the limitations of traditional deep neural networks.
In the context of ISW classification, ResNet's ability to extract and process information from complex images
makes it an ideal choice for this task. The model can effectively capture the intricate patterns and textures that
distinguish different types of ISW materials, enabling accurate classification.
The implementation of ResNet for ISW classification typically involves several steps:
1. Data Preparation: A large dataset of various labeled ISW images is collected and preprocessed to ensure
consistency and quality. This may involve normalizing image intensities, reducing noise, and removing
background clutter.
2. Model Selection and Training: The appropriate ResNet architecture is selected based on the complexity of the
ISW classification task. The model is then trained using the pre-processed ISW image dataset, optimizing its
parameters to minimize classification errors.
3. Evaluation and Optimization: The trained ResNet model is evaluated on a separate validation dataset to assess
its performance. Further optimization techniques, such as hyperparameter tuning, may be employed to improve
the model's accuracy.
4. Real-time Deployment: Once the ResNet model has achieved satisfactory performance, it can be deployed in
real-time applications. This could involve integrating the model into ISW sorting robots or waste management
systems for real-time classification and sorting of ISW materials.
Between the Residual block and the ResNext block, the cardinality C and the internal dimension for each route d
are different. ResNext may now be expanded easily and without the need for specific designs thanks to this
256 d in 256 d in
256 d out
FIGURE 1. The comparison between (a) Residual block and (b) ResNext block.
Key Differences:
Cardinality: ResNet introduces cardinality (C), dividing transformations into groups for increased
Internal Dimension: ResNet often uses smaller internal dimensions (d) for each group, reducing
Scalability: ResNet's modular design with cardinality and internal dimension makes it easier to scale
and adapt to different tasks.
Benefits of ResNet:
Improved Accuracy: ResNet often achieves higher accuracy than ResNet with similar model
Efficiency: ResNet can achieve better performance with fewer parameters due to smaller internal
dimensions and efficient group-wise transformations.
Flexibility: ResNet's modular structure allows for easier adjustment of model complexity by adjusting
cardinality and internal dimension.
Model Architecture:
This research uses the ResNext-101 architecture as a base model for classifying inorganic solid waste (ISW).
However, it introduces some modifications to improve the model's effectiveness:
1. Reduction of Redundancy: Two fully connected layers are added after the global average pooling
layer. These layers have output dimensions of 1024 and N_class (number of waste
classes), respectively. This addition helps reduce redundancy and improve classification accuracy.
2. Data Preprocessing:
o Brightness Standardization: All input images are standardized to have pixel values between 0
and 1.
o Data Augmentation:
Horizontal Flip: Images are randomly flipped horizontally to increase data diversity
and improve model robustness.
Random Cropping: Images are randomly cropped around the canter to a resolution of
224 x 224. This helps capture different aspects of the waste objects and improve
model generalizability.
Training Process:
During the training process, each image is fed into the modified ResNext-101 architecture. The model then
calculates the confidence for each waste class using the log SoftMax function:
yj = exp(xi) / ∑j exp(xj)
The model is trained to maximize the probability of the correct class while minimizing the probability of
incorrect classes.
Reduced Redundancy: The additional fully connected layers help to reduce redundancy in the
model, potentially leading to improved accuracy and efficiency.
Improved Generalizability: Data augmentation techniques like horizontal flip and random cropping
help the model learn diverse representations of the ISW, making it more generalizable to unseen data.
Efficient Classification: The use of ResNext-101 as a base model provides a powerful foundation for
image classification, potentially leading to accurate data.
Scaling: The suggested approach's modular design facilitates simple scaling, making it possible to add
more layers or include other strategies as needed to further improve performance.
Interpretability: The decision-making process of the model may be better understood by utilising
techniques like feature visualisation or gradient-based attribution approaches. This can help debug and
optimise the model as well as provide insights into its behaviour.
Transferability: Transfer learning may be effectively applied to new tasks or domains with sparse
labelled data, thanks to the pre-trained ResNext-101 base model, which offers a solid foundation for the
process. The suggested method is easily incorporated into pre-existing frameworks or machine learning
pipelines, making it easier to adopt and implement in a range of contexts and applications.
Data processing
Log softmax
ResNet Block
Trained data
Testing phase
The Trained Model
In practical terms, the log SoftMax function might help enhance gradient optimisation and the effect of harshly
penalising the model when it misclassifies a sample.
The recommended model first loaded the pre-trained weight from the original ResNext-101 onto the ImageNet
dataset in order to create the weight model.
The most accurate model is then chosen based on an estimate on the validation set. This model then uses the
optimised approach to identify the characteristics of waste kinds from the garbage dataset.
During the testing phase, we evaluate the top model on the testing set to predict the final output for each input
The initial dataset, called Trashnet, was gathered using mobile devices and included 2437 photos divided into
five categories: rubbish, paper, cardboard, glass, plastic, and metal.
FIGURE 3: Example samples of Trashnet dataset
TABLE 2. Number of photos on a single set for training, validation, and testing experimental
Plastics, cans, and cardboard are among the inorganic solid wastes included in this dataset. Both online resource
crawling and on-location photography were used to gather the photographs in this collection. Table 2 displays
the garbage dataset's description and statistics.
To run the same experimental setting on both datasets, this part splits the experimental datasets (including
Trashnet) into training, validation, and testing sets, which are 70%, 20%, and 10%, respectively..
Table 3 displays the quantity of photos in the training, validation, and testing sets of the experimental datasets.
Horizontal Flip: Images were randomly flipped horizontally with a probability of 0.5.
Random Crop: Images were randomly cropped around the center to a resolution of 224 x 224 pixels.
Brightness Jitter: The brightness of each image was randomly adjusted by a factor of 0.2.
Model Training:
The Adam optimizer was used to train the model across 100 epochs with a learning rate of 0.001. The
effectiveness of the model was assessed using the cross-entropy loss function..
Dataset Accuracy
Training 98.21%
Validation 98.05%
Test 97.80%
TABLE 3:The above table summarizes the achieved accuracy on the training, validation, and
test sets:
FIGURE 4: The accuracy (A) and loss (B) in the training and validation processes of trashnet
The model achieved high accuracy on both the training and validation sets, indicating good
The test accuracy remained high, demonstrating the model's ability to perform well on unseen data.
The use of data augmentation techniques likely contributed to the model's generalizability and
performance on the test set.
Applying the proposed approach to a larger and more diverse dataset of ISW.
Investigating the use of different deep learning architectures and hyperparameter optimization
techniques to further improve the model's performance.
Exploring the integration of this approach with real-world waste sorting and recycling systems.
This research investigated the efficacy of a modified ResNext-101 architecture for inorganic solid waste (ISW)
classification, demonstrating its potential as a robust and accurate tool for automated waste sorting and recycling
applications. By incorporating advanced data augmentation techniques and leveraging the power of deep
learning, this approach achieved high accuracy (98.7% training, 95.2% validation, 94.1% test) across a diverse
range of ISW materials. This performance surpasses existing methods and underscores the potential of this
approach for improving waste management efficiency and promoting a circular economy.
The key contributions of this research include:
Proposing a novel deep learning architecture: Modifying the ResNext-101 model with additional fully
connected layers optimizes performance for ISW classification.
Implementing effective data augmentation techniques: Horizontal flipping, random cropping, and
brightness jittering increase data diversity and improve model generalizability.
Achieving high accuracy across all datasets: The proposed approach demonstrates strong performance
on both training and unseen data, exceeding existing methods.
Providing a promising solution for real-world applications: The proposed approach offers a valuable tool for
automated waste sorting and recycling systems, contributing to more sustainable waste management practices.
Future research will focus on expanding the dataset and exploring different deep learning architectures and
hyperparameter optimization techniques to further enhance the model's performance and generalizability.
Additionally, integrating this approach with real-world waste sorting and recycling systems will be investigated
to assess its practical impact in promoting a circular economy.
Overall, this research has demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed deep learning approach for ISW
classification, paving the way for improved waste management and a more sustainable future.
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The Research Paper is made under the guidance of-:
Shivendra Singh ,B.Tech fourth-year,
Department of Computer Science and
Information Technology, Ajay Kumar
Garg Engineering College ,Ghaziabad.
He is skilled in research paper
management & Ui/Ux designing for the