Wireless Sensor Network System To Monitor The Fish Farm: Kirankumar G.Sutar, Prof - Ramesh T.Patil
Wireless Sensor Network System To Monitor The Fish Farm: Kirankumar G.Sutar, Prof - Ramesh T.Patil
Wireless Sensor Network System To Monitor The Fish Farm: Kirankumar G.Sutar, Prof - Ramesh T.Patil
Vol. 3, Issue 5, Sep-Oct 2013, pp.194-197
In recent years, the interest in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has been growing dramatically. To meet this
trend, we have designed Wireless Sensor Network system to monitor the fish farm. We present a practical appli-
cation of wireless network. The application requires two different kinds of modules; the sensor itself and the
wireless module. The sensor collects and transmits the information to a wireless module using wired connection.
Once the information reaches the wireless node, it is forwarded to the central unit through a wireless protocol.
The sensor module includes a temperature sensor and pH sensor. The wireless node collects the sensed data by
means of an asynchronic wired serial polling communication. The use of this kind of protocol allows connecting
a single master with multiple slaves. In our particular case, we have connected one master with two slaves using
a transmission rate of 9600 bits per second. The wireless transmission follows the standard IEEE 802.15.4 and
implements the routing protocol based on the ZigBee standard.
Keywords- pH, Temperature, Wireless Sensor Network, ZigBee.
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Kirankumar G.Sutar et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
Vol. 3, Issue 5, Sep-Oct 2013, pp.194-197
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Kirankumar G.Sutar et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
Vol. 3, Issue 5, Sep-Oct 2013, pp.194-197
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Figure 5: GUI using National Instruments LabVIEW. frigerated vehicle”. In IEEE 6th Symposium
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In this paper, fish farm monitoring system [9] Zigbee Alliance,www.zigbee.org
based on wireless sensor network is presented. The [10] National semiconductors, at national.com
system is constituted by a base station and sensor
nodes. Data connection between the node and base Kirankumar G.Sutar
station is realized using wireless sensor network tech- He is a Master’s candidate in Business
nology. In the node side, water quality data such as pH Studies. He holds B.E. in Electronics en-
and temperature is collected by sensors. The sensed gineering from Shivaji Universi-
parameters with their exact precision values are trans- ty,Kolhapur,.He is interested in the appli-
mitted to the observing station through wireless com- cations of wireless sensor network for the environmen-
munication and details are monitored by the adminis- tal monitoring .He is currently working toward the
trator. M.Tech degree in Electronics from the Department of
When any of the parameter is found to be Electronics and Telecommunication,RIT,Islampur
above a threshold value an indicator will indicate it. (MS).
Finally, the prototype system with a sensor nodes
and base station is designed and implemented. Real- Prof.Ramesh T.Patil
time water quality data can be seen from a GUI win- He has 16 Years of experience in the
dow in Personal Computer. The system has advantages field of Academic and is actively involved
such as low power consumption, more flexible to dep- in research and development activities. He
loy and so on. obtained his Masters degree (Electronics)
from Shivaji University, Kolhapur. Presently he is
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