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Battle Ca

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Animating with Battle

Cats Ultimate

Version 1.1

By: frostfiresoul
Table of Contents
Part 1 - Downloading the software

Part 2 - Creating your sprite-sheet

Part 3 - Creating your .imgcut

Part 4 - Creating your .mamodel

Part 5 - Creating your .maanim

Part 1 - Downloading the software

To download the software as of 09-07-2018, go to the Battle Cats

Ultimate subreddit (or go to the discord linked on the
subreddit) and download the current major version and minor
version of the program. You will need to have Java to run this

Major Download Link

Minor Download Link

Extract the major version with WinRar or 7zip and place the
minor .jar in the top level of the extracted folder.

Once you’re done with that, go into the BCUB/res/anim and

create a folder with the name of your unit. I will use CatMoji for
my animation.

** i have no idea what the process is anymore lol, if you’re

reading this, i assume you’ve already installed BCU**
Part 2 - Creating your sprite-sheet

To get started with your sprite-sheet, I recommend you to

download Gimp or Paint.net as a free image editing software,
but for this guide, I will use Gimp I find it more user friendly.

Starting up gimp will open up 3

windows, but for now what you
want to do is go to the top left,
click File, and then New.

A new window should pop up asking if

you want to change your image size.
Most Battle Cats sprite-sheets are 512
x 256 px. It can be as big as you want
it, but smaller sizes will be easier to
measure and cut. Change the size
and hit Ok.
Gimp will open up a blank canvas with the borders defined by a
dotted yellow line. You can start drawing on this if you want to,
but we will need to remove the background first.

If you aren’t already on it, open up the layers tab on

the left window (The stack of 3 papers). Delete that
layer by hitting the trash can icon in the
middle of the window, and create a new
layer with the paper icon on the same row.
Change layer type to transparency if it’s
not already on it and click OK.

This will give you a

checkerboard pattern on your
canvas, but this will not show on
your final image. It is only there
to show that the image is
transparent and that nothing is
currently drawn on it.

Over on the right, you have your Tool Box and Tool options.
It may appear to be complicated, but for basic drawing and
editing, you only need to know a few tools. Hovering over
the icons will give you the name of the tool.

Rectangle Select Tool - Can select in rectangular shapes

Free Select Tool - Can select in any shape, click to create the
outline for your selection, and join the ends together to
complete the selection.

Adding to your selection can be done by holding Shift

while selecting

If you can’t remember keyboard shortcuts, right-click on

the canvas, go to edit, and you can Cut, Copy, Copy Visible, and

If you paste an image, to confirm placement, you must

have a selection tool selected.

Measure Tool - Gives (x,y) values for points and can measure
lengths. Displays information at bottom of Canvas Window.

Rotate Tool - Select an image with a selection tool, then select

the Rotate Tool. Click on the canvas and a window will open up,
allowing you to rotate either by moving the slider, or dragging
the corners of your image.

Scale Tool - Select an image with a selection tool,

then select the Scale Tool. Click on the canvas and a
window will open up, allowing you to expand your
image by changing the x and y values or grabbing
the corners of your image. Clicking the chain will lock
and unlock the function of keeping the proportions of
your image.

Bucket Fill Tool - Fill an enclosed area with color. To

edit harshness of fill, scroll down in tool options to
threshold and raise or lower the value
Pencil Tool - Use this to draw with only solid pixels

Paintbrush Tool - Use this to draw with pixels of varying opacity

Eraser Tool - Use this tool to erase pixels. Toggle Hard edge to
make your eraser sharper

All three of these tools share the same Tool Options,

except for Eraser which has a few more.

Opacity - Changes how transparent your tool is

Size - Changes the size of your tool

Playing around with dynamics will let you be

able to use pen-pressure but I haven’t used
those yet.

Read this if you want to find out how to do this.

Scrolling in and out will zoom in and out on the


Holding down space while moving the mouse

will move you around the canvas.
Clicking on a box will switch you to that color.

Clicking on the arrows will swap the 2 colors around.

Useful for quick-swapping

The 2 small boxes will set the colors back to white and black.

Double Clicking on a box will open up the color selector.

To export your image, go to File, then Export.

Change “All files” to PNG image, and export to your named

This is my simple sprite-sheet. Depending on whether you want
to do frame by frame animation (look at Basic Unit
sprite-sheets), or puppet rig animation (look at most Uber
sprite-sheets) you might have more or less on your image.
Part 3 - Creating your .imgcut

Now that you have your sprite-sheet created, open up the

newest version of BCU and open edit imgcut.

Here is where you need to use the Measure Tool in Gimp. Find
the part you want to measure and determine the top left corner
of that part. This will be the x and y value of the part. Click and
drag from that point to determine the width and height of that
part. That will be the w and h values. Then, name the part
whatever you want to help you remember. Repeat for all parts.
If you want, you can eyeball each piece and keep plugging in
values until it works, but making sure to measure correctly will
help in the long run. Outlines will appear whenever you fully
input a part.

Note: Something that I have observed from official animations

is that PONOS adds a “Dummy” part with nothing inside as the
part with id 0. This helps with another part later.
Part 4 - Creating your .mamodel

Enter this by going back to the menu and going to Edit

Let’s explain the different values

id - This is what you will refer to later whenever you are

animating. It’s automatically filled out for you.

Parent - This value determines what a part’s parent is. If it’s -1

then the part does not have a parent. If it does have a parent,
the parent value of the child will be the same value as the id
value of the parent part. The child’s pivot will be on the same
point as the parent’s pivot without any transformations.

img - This value determines what part it uses from .imgcut. The
values are displayed on the side of the preview.

z-order - Z-order determines when a part is drawn. A part with a

higher z-order value will be on top of one with a lower value
pos-x - Moves a part relative to its parent’s pivot along the

pos-y - Moves a part relative to its parent’s pivot along the


pivot-x - Moves a part’s pivot point on itself along the x-axis If

you want a part to rotate on a certain point, you would edit this

pivot-y - Moves a part’s pivot point on itself along the y-axis If

you want a part to rotate on a certain point, you would edit this

scale-x - Makes a part wider or thinner. Neutral value is 1000.

scale-y - Makes a part taller or shorter. Neutral value is 1000.

Angle - Rotates a part clockwise. Max value is 3600. Can also be

negative to rotate counter-clockwise.

Opacity - Controls how transparent a part is. Max value is 255

Glow - Glow can either be 0 or 1. 0 means no glow, and 1

means that it will remove all black from a part. Looking at
Cosmo’s sprite-sheet, you can see that some of the glowing
effects are surrounded in black. With glow, all black is
removed from the part, making the effect transparent.
Honestly, you don’t need this as you can just make your part
transparent without the black background.
Name - Nothing important, just make sure to name things
properly for convenience. Note that the names of parts from
copied animations are usually a string of question marks, so
renaming them manually may be helpful.

Similar to .imgcut, .mamodel uses the dummy part that we

made. This dummy will be the parent to all our parts so we can
move the entire unit around. Other parts that you want to keep
together should also use the dummy image model.
Part 5 - Creating your .maanim
Enter this by going back to the menu and going to Edit

At first, the viewer will be blank, but after selecting your

animation in (1), 3 things will appear. The unit's sprite-sheet will
appear in (7) along with the names and ids that you gave the
pieces in Part 3, while (3) shows the names and ids of all the
pieces you made in Part 4. Next, choose the animation in (2)
that you will begin working on. Know that you do not have to
create an animation for burrowing unless you intend to make
your unit a zombie unit. Once you have selected an animation,
your unit will appear in (4), known as the viewer window.
To start animating, click the add line button next to (6) and a
new line will appear.

Part ID - What part you are trying to animate

Enter the part id of the part you are trying to animate. If I
wanted to animate CatMoji’s head, then I would choose
enter 2, which I can reference from (3).

Modification - What you are doing with that part

(5) shows a list of all of the modification you can do to a
part. These are exactly the same as the ones in Part 4.
(Except for extend which I have no idea what it does.)

Loop - Whether a part of an animation loops or not

-1 is an infinite loop that won’t stop unless the unit switches
to a different animation. 1 will not loop and will wait for all
of the other animations to finish before it restarts.

Name - It’s a name

What did you expect, it’s a name

Each line manipulates a part a certain way, but you can

have multiple lines affecting one part.

For example, these 2 lines allow the head to be scaled and

rotated at the same time.
Let’s start writing out animation lines. I will use this line I made
in (6) as an example. I will be scaling CatMoji’s Head

Go to (8) and click add line to create a new line. You might
see a part disappear or do other weird things, but this is

Frame - Represents what the state of a part is at a certain

frame. (Ex: At frame 0, the part is at a scale of 0, or
non-existent. At frame 10, the part is at a scale of 1000, or
normal scale.)

Value - How much a part is changing

This is different for each Modification. (Ex: For Scale, value
changes size, but for Sprite, value is what Sprite ID, from
Part 3, a piece will change to.)

Easing - Rate of animation

0 - Linear Ease - The animation will flow at a constant pace
(Ex: If an object is moving, it will move at the same speed
the entire time)
1 - No easing - Basically skips that line
Don’t use it. It’s stupid
** it does have a purpose for specific effects**

3 - Sine Easing - Speed up at beginning at end

Sine easing slows down at the beginning, speeds up to
normal speed in the middle, and slows down at the end.
This is useful for making some animations look more
“lifelike” or fluid.

2 - Ease in or Ease out - Slower at beginning or or end

The animation will slow down at the beginning and then
speed up to a normal speed or start at a normal speed
and slow down at the end. This is the only type of easing
that uses “Parameter”.

Parameter - Rate of Ease In/Out

Negative Numbers - Ease In
Positive Numbers - Ease Out
Having a number closer to 0 makes the easing happen
sooner and slower

Remember to put your easing modifications on the line

before the frame you want to ease to.
Let’s animate Catmoji Growing and Changing Sprites

So, I start with a new modification line set to Part ID 2, and

a modification of 8 to scale the head. I ignore changing
the loop because I don’t need this to stop during the
I then create a new frame line set at frame zero and a
value of 1000 to set the size of Catmoji’s head at neutral
during the beginning of the animation. Setting easing to 3
lets the animation have an ease in and out
I then create a new line for the next part of the animation. I
set frame to 50 and value to 3000 so that between frames 0
and 50 CatMoji’s head scales from a value of 1000 to 3000.

Now, I make a new modification line with the modification

of 2, so we can change the head from a normal head to an
attack head.

I like to add a line at frame zero with no change in value

for Modification Lines that don’t begin at frame 0.
At frame 60, I set the value to 2 so that the sprite can
change from 1 which is labeled as “ Head Neutral” to 2
which is labeled as “Attack Head 1”. This results in the
CatMoji’s head opening after it finishes growing. I then add
another Frame Line at frame 90 to have Catmoji hold that
face for 30 frames since this is the last Frame Line in the
Since we did that, I need to go back to the Scale
Modification Line and set a new Frame Line at Frame 90 so
that the animation does not desync.

Now you have learned how to animate.

Have fun

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