Battle Ca
Battle Ca
Battle Ca
Cats Ultimate
Version 1.1
By: frostfiresoul
Table of Contents
Part 1 - Downloading the software
Extract the major version with WinRar or 7zip and place the
minor .jar in the top level of the extracted folder.
Over on the right, you have your Tool Box and Tool options.
It may appear to be complicated, but for basic drawing and
editing, you only need to know a few tools. Hovering over
the icons will give you the name of the tool.
Measure Tool - Gives (x,y) values for points and can measure
lengths. Displays information at bottom of Canvas Window.
Eraser Tool - Use this tool to erase pixels. Toggle Hard edge to
make your eraser sharper
The 2 small boxes will set the colors back to white and black.
Here is where you need to use the Measure Tool in Gimp. Find
the part you want to measure and determine the top left corner
of that part. This will be the x and y value of the part. Click and
drag from that point to determine the width and height of that
part. That will be the w and h values. Then, name the part
whatever you want to help you remember. Repeat for all parts.
If you want, you can eyeball each piece and keep plugging in
values until it works, but making sure to measure correctly will
help in the long run. Outlines will appear whenever you fully
input a part.
img - This value determines what part it uses from .imgcut. The
values are displayed on the side of the preview.
Go to (8) and click add line to create a new line. You might
see a part disappear or do other weird things, but this is
Have fun