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Conversational Newari

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Iswaranand SresthacharYa

Jagan Nath MaskeY

Austin Hale

Surnmer Institute of Linguistics

Institute for Nepal Studies
Tribhuvan University
August 1971

I swaraaaJrd --Sres thachar5ra

hrofessor of Newarl
literatr:re, Mab.endra
Ratna. hrbLiq*.CoJ-1ege
a,nd. Saraswati CoJ-J.ege,
Jag"' Nath Maskey
Research Assietant i:e
Newari, Surnmer Institute
of l,inguistics
Austin Ha]-e
liagrristic Coord.i -ator
Summer lasti.tute of
!i ngrristics

Summer Iastitute of linguietics

I:estitute for NepaJ. Studies
tribhrrva',r University
Au€rrst, L9TL

The langrraeie learr:ing material-s preeeated. in this wol-u.ne

represent the firet part of a larrg:r:e.ge learning course in
Newari. Ilrese mate::ial-s are intend.ed. f or use with a :ratiwe
speaker of Newari. ff at aJ-J- possible, cJ.asses shoul.d hawe
a.t ].east two etud.ents since certain of the coraversatio::s
requ:ire three speakers
The emphasis in this part of the course is upon the rud.imer-
of grammar, especiall-y the norphology of noums and verbs.
The twenty five lessons contained. in this vol-ume are organi
around twenty fiwe short cosveraetions. The eon.trersations
d.ee.I mostly with buying and. selling, eating, and. wisiting
friend-s. The wocabu]-ary preserrted in these cotaversations
is controJ-led a.::d avera.gea about ten new word.s a J-esson.
The wocabuJ.ary of tLrese coraversations eonstitute what shoui-
be the stud.erat's active 'rocabul-ary by the time he completee
this portion of the course. lhe strrd.ent is adwised to mast
th.e conversations prese::ted in this vol-u-me. In addition tc
thie, a nr:mber of other word-s are presented f or use in
various d-ril1s. Ihese ad,d.itionel word.s may be wiewed as
passive wocabuJ-a.ry for t}lis portion of the course. Ihe
gloesary at the end. of the voJ-u:ae inc}:.d-es both active a.nd
passiwe wocabr:J-a.ries.
Numerorrs ad.equate accounts of the Deva-z'ragri script are
awailabJ-e to tbe str-ld-ent elsewhere, thrrs no e-ttempt is made
i:: this rrolume to teach the script. For those to whom the
ecript may be usefuJ- , we have repeated. the colaversations ir
Dewanag:ri script at the end of tbe voJ-r.:me.
In this edition of the co'd.rse no dttr.*rpt is mad.e to cover
the warious dialects of Ne-.reri spoken in Kathmar:du Vall-ey-
Ihe d-ial-ect presented is tbat of t}. e city of Eathmandu.
fhis dialect d-iffers co::siderabJ.y, both phonoJ-oqically and.
l-exica3-ly, from t.hat of tshelctapur-
Suggestions for the improwenent of subseguent editions will
be gratefuJ-l.y reeeiwed. by tbe authors at the following
L,ir4uistic Coordinator'
Su:r:mer Institute of ling:uistics
3ox 11! , Kathma.:ed,r-r, Nepa1

fhis wolume has grown to its present form as the resur-t

of the help and cooperation of many people. Irtre woul-d like
to express o'ur eincez:e thanks to Dr. T. N. IJpraity, Vice
Chance].]-or of Iribhuvarl University, for encouraging ue
to contribute t}.is voh:me to the series of pedagogiea't
grammars of the languages of Nepal cu.rrently being prod-rrced
bv the rnstitute for Nepal stud.ies. l^ie wourd, arso like to
thank Mr. Punya Ratna Bajracharya and. Professor tej Ralrra
Kansalcar for their waluable contributions to tlie gramrratica
a.naJ-ysis upon which this volume is built. To Miss Kad_am
Mainya Re.jbhandari we are indebted for typing the Dewa.:eaga:
passages found in AppenCix A. !/e a.l-so wieh to express our
appreciation to Mr. David l{argrawe and Mr. Bhajuman Bahad.rrr
Tamang for the tedious l-abor they pu-t forth in the d.upJ-icat.
of this volume. And final.)-y, to our famil-ies we wish to
express our gratitude for the encouragement and. understandi:
we received. from them during the months of work read.ing to
the completion of this wol-ume.
I srrre.ranand Sre sthacharJra
Jagan Nath Ma.skey
Austin Hale
September 22, lgTJ-
Conwersational Newari z Brra'ta
Genera]-: Ihere are certain discrepanctes between the
vocabul-e,ry entries in the lessons of this vo}:me and the
glossary entries in Append.ix B. fn the wocabulary entries
examples in Newari are sometimes r.urder3.ined and' sometimes
not, whereas the gJ-oesary has no und.er)-ining. In the
wocabulary errtriee classifiere are treated. as class J nor:ns
with the ad.ded comnent that they are bor:nd to prefixed.
nr;merals. In the glossary, c].assifiers are ]-abeled C, wLrich
is intended to indicate that they inf]-ect morphologieal-ly
a.s elass J nou::s but are boi:nd to prefixed, numerals. The
fa.cts w}lich both systems attempt to describe are the sa.me.
ta.bl-e of contents, first sheet, ].ine 68 (sixth ]-irie from
with suffixee).
Tab1e of eontents, second sheet, line 93 l-. uppletive ---)
1. Suppletiwe
Page 1, Iine 7 (seventh l-ine from the top, starting with the
page number as the first line) irnmitate ---) imitate.
Page 2, line J deletez page, line 18 item for rubbing

ra: n ) Bhwsa'.r.a:rl,
Page 5, line I tww ---> fw

OB - (see page 227 fov this abbrewiation)

].ine 24 ha,smastered. -.--) Lras ma,stered


Page 42, line l-2 2. Substitution

Page 44, l-ine 2L-22 (honorific)
Page 48, ].ine 5 first word. is swarka:
Corrwersational Newari z Errata (sheet 2>


khaa ].ine 88 bfry ---) b.rry
,age 82, l-ine 12 bwy ---) bwy
Page,84, Iine 12 unclear }.eading at the beginning of thre
.l-ine shou-l-d read. OSK =
words e't the begiruzins of tbre :.ine
'"u""i3;1'::_to ,x;':;"

' ?age 98, l-j-ne 1] ckrvrn ) chwn,

ll ],:::- il;u ;1,::";::"o ; "*:ll:i J]"],: ::=i:?:fi ' ;, ;;
that presented.
on page 174. The a.ccount of case rotation
as a resr:.lt of duaJ- function rvoul-d. reqriire that -k hawe

il":=ilT'll.'irx;* :i :l;.^ri;:'*u"* given in the

Page 1,23, 3-ine 18 shoul-C read Thr,ra gayr ya.ifl"-a.: byya:
Page L26, J-ine gB 'to ask has ---) ,to ask, has
_ s5v

Page L29, ].ine 5 and ]-ine 5 thirty ---> three l-ine 78,

o*::niu Ti;: y,- - ;1, il:; :"- - - r':: :.: | *,|"-
'^ "
-:'-?' "

Page A36, J-ine 7 Z > NR - Z J-ine 11 objBdt

;;;: ;:":;- -n*:::,:l _::1":;;{;;-;;}1, "**"*',''
Gorrversati-ona1 Nevrari: Errata (sheet J)

l.ine 7B shouJ-d read A. I{bea. Majyw Laz ?

?a.ge )-49, ].ine J Makhw jy ---) tlakhw. .-y line 11 del_et

Page 161, l-ine 43 delete: d.hyaba:

Page )-62, J.ine 4 delete: dhyaba,:
?age L67, l-ine l-2 jakaya: ---) jaka ya:

read 1{an, jytaa ja: nay' jyykal.a.

Page A75, ]-ines 1-B, 28, and 5B Substitute the fo].]-owing

Jyn, wayta chang"w 3.a:g3rn, d.aa,: Chaya:.
f tol-d hrim to beat yor-r
Ihe last exa.mple of page 175 (which the exanpJ-e
gi-wen above is to repl-ace) is wrongJ.y glossed, and.
i s not reIa.ted. to the preced,ing examp3.e in the
d.esired. ma.nner.

Page 1?8, l-ine 8B anrxila.ry forms ---)ar:xiliary and compleme"


?age 7-85, ].i-ne l-8 sen ences ---) sentences

Page 187, l-ine 10 an exarnple ---) the first of the fol1owin6

examples. Insert fo].lowing ]-ine 20 Z - bhapyS,sz r.aya;
ConversationaJ- Newari: Errata (sheet 4)
kaya: trlsal;,.az
Page 3-88, l-ine 18 d.hwnka: ---) dhwnkaa:
Page !94, J-ine 11 rnarJnlan ) mary laan-,
Page 2AL, J-ine 68 fflr$
Page 2O7, )-ine l-O @ r--) k



i_ 0

Page 2L7 , ]-ine 4 h?qr;=rr > ftTr:qT


line 7B ,iffi: ___> Tq{m :

?age 27-9, line B --- ) ------.c--

€Brlt $\)

i_ .v
?age 212, line 16 jyaana:n, is a werba]. prefix, rrot a nolul,
Bee page ]-91.
Page 235, ]-ine 19 tha:(t) should Lrave the fo]-]-owing entry:
tha: (t) 7 |rand -pa:
3 arm -pw
K <3> <4o).
Page 23(, line 6 ma: (m) b,as a semantica]-ly irregu]-ar p].ural
<SfP> meaning 'mother and other members of the famiJ-y'
Conversationa]. Newari: Errata,
(sheet 5)
?age 22, f.ine 28 ayrsa:n, ___)
Page 23 , J-ine 5 ay r sa::, ,
paee 34,1ine
18 the
1 younger brother,s ""-i-;:"T;''onrr"_ should read
wife, aoral" rr"*, gre.ndsori,E
?a"ge 46, line 4- the entry for bhaw
1 younger bz,other, s wife, bha1y_ should read
"ori u ,rr. r gran6so,,,s wife.

Page 5I, line 6 .yank.v ___

) rrarrk:r:r
Page 57, iine 9 _gwwya:,ta
Page 54, line 48 ma.stasyan,
---) ma.stasyay,rr.:
the entry for mysa, I oror..r, Line rB
oAp myets,y shou.].d .read. [op
= 'aen,/ *y"t.rv.y;;;i** = mysta

Page 67, line 12 delete

t.Le ]-ine beginning with **fhese fo:

Page 11O, Iine 2 ten

rupees ___) ten and a ha].f
Page lll-, l-ine g ny,pww ___) rupees

Pa.ge117, line 28 waya: khyca: ___)

waye.: ].a:gJzr, khyca:
Page 275' 14 add. .the fo110wing to
OAp = mastay'6a:e, the entry for maca:
Page 277, Iine 14 ad.d.
2 woman oP - mysta. the fo'lowing to the entry
oAp = *iriJ,rl.rr., for mysa:
/ mystasrrr,rr,
llab].e of Contents
Guid.e to ko u::rciatioa. . . aa .J_
A. Co:rsona''ts. aaa.
B.VoweIE...... a.a.
I;essoa 1. A Good ?en aa . l-o
1. Attributiwe modifier conetruction .11-
2. Copula.e: Fha, jww, d.w .u_
3. Question word.e: Ia,: , .@, ehw .LL
4. C].aeeifiere . . .L2
f-resson 2. .A:e Attractiwe Book "16
l-. Demonstratiwee. . .L6
2.Gwandgww......... "L7
freesor3. ,. ' A Eaned.eorne Cap .20
1. Verbs: pa.st, future, arrd. etatiwe forme. . . o .20
2. Case forms of eingul-a.r Bronoujas .21
Seesorx 4. Shopping for Sh.oes . . . . .25
l-. Nou:a morphol.ogy: lrow to read gJ.ossary entries .26
A. Affixation . . aa .26
B. Stem a].teraatioa .2A
C. Samp].e g].ossary e:otries. . .3t
D. Abbrewiatiolrs used" in nou-n entries .12
Iresson 5. trbrpensiwe Shoee shoul_d be Good .78
lesson 6. Paesing a Store lli:ed.ow .44
1. An optione.I age:etiwe formation. .44
ir 2. Othernouns9ffixes .. .. .. .45
T-resson 7. At the Ca,p Store .49
L. Ce.se forms with pJ-uro1s o . . . . .51
2. Case forms with cJ.a.ssifiere ?
Ieseon 8. What are you going to buy? . . -5A
l-. Ihe d.iminutiwe suffix -5A
Eab]-e of Coatents

Ireeeon 9. Passing SYamrs Houee 65

L. Personal. pronouns 65

Ilesson 10. Is this your House? . . . 7A

1. Verb morphology; how to read glossary entries. . 79

A. PrincipalPa,rts.. . - 79
B. Brincipal Part formation 80
C. Sample g!-ossary entries. . 8a
D. Abbrewiatione used. in verb entries - 82
I,esson )-1 . Come 6ee EIy llorree . . Aa
TreSSon L2. BuyingaPicture. '. ..9e
1. Person markers: conju:tct and dlsiunct forms 99
!esson J-1. Buying Rice ,,;..O7

1. Ce.6e fralles for verbe: brr.v l-an I1]g .1O4

I,esson 14. Suying Bread. t . .109
1. Ca.se frnmes for verbs: kyag ma:I kae: "l-10
Ieseon 15. Buying Vegetables. . . .116
1. Causetive ca6e rotation .1r_6
fresson 16. In the Grain Ma.rket .L23
l-. Case fra.rnes for verbs Eg YLva'. (khanr> r-ryan. . .L24
2. Phrases with Ia,:Evn, and ]:a:khaytn. .L27
I,esson l-7. In the Vegetable Market -13O
1. uppletiwecamsatives r. .172
2. Semantical-)-y irreg:ul-ar cau.eatiwes | . .1.73
). Caee frames for verbs: nya:e qa: haa.
I,esson l-8. heparingYegetables.. .. o..1lB
1. Case frames f or verbs: ta,a rrank twa^rr bhapmr. .l..79
tresson 19. A friend for Dinner . . .145
1. Case fr=me6 for verbs: igrr g Tsp .'ihaq: . . .146
IresSOn 20. lablefa'I k.. ... ' .. o.. "L52
l-. Case fra-ures for verbs: tww fu thwrs bw dyy .157
Iab1e of Contents
tresson2L. VieitinsiaFriend.. .. ..3-57
)-. Case fra"mee for verbs: cwa:: tharrtn,-g@ kh.e,
I,esson 22. Introducting a l"riend. " L64
1. Case framee for verbs: irw bal-Ia: bhyn a.pwaa
sa:. . . L65
Iesson 2J. Tab]-e TaIk ]-75
l-. Ca.se rotation in eobedded. clauses. . , , L'14
lesson 24. More Iab1e Tal-k. . 18,
L. Tense markere in embedd.ed cIe,uses. . . 184
2. Short werb etems 1"87
I,eeson 25. Smo] I Tal-k . . 19O

Append.ix A: Conwers?tione in Dewanagari

Append.ix B: G].ossary


Coawersational Newari - L
' Guid.e to ko:runciation.
We e,ssume thst the student wiLL be etud.ying Newari with the
heJ-p of anative epeaker of the La:egr:age. For thie reasorr
we giwe only the barest or:tlinee of the phonology here. We
encourage the etud.ent to make a continued. a"r:.d conscior:s effc
tlrroughout hie etud.ies to immitate th.e pronunciation of his

A. Consona:a.te.

the eor.sonarr.te of J,Iewari may be ]-isted as fo].].ows:

f,abia]. Apica]- Irnmina]. Dorsal G].ottal-
Stope p 4
b k
b d E

3:ricatiwee h
Naspl s (n)
liqrrids l_

The doreal-naea1 r1 occurs i:e the Bhpktapur d-ial-ect. In
Katlrm=ndo [n] o"c-urs only aE a variar,t release of long
nasal wowel-s a:ed. as a warianit of g bef ore d.orsa] eonsonants.
liord.s which begin with n irx Bb.ektapur often begin with IIr ir:
Kathma::d.u. sinee r+e d.o-aot attempt to d.ear- with the Bh.aktap
din]-eet in thie editio:r of conversationar Newari, no further
mention wil-1 be mad,e of I.
Al-L consonants except tb.e fricativesr g a,nd. E eluster with !
fhus al-]. woiceless consonznts other th; fricatiwee may be
either ?.sr:irated (crustering with !) or r::easpirated. (not
c},stering with !). Aspira.ted. stops are ref-ea.sed" witb. a
slight puff of air. unaepirated stops are not. The strrd.ent
is encouraged. to work through the forl-owing list with the
he3-p of a, :eatiwe speaker of Newari
Conwersationa]- ltlewari 2

Unaepirated Aepirated.
pw page, seed. phw be abIe, weal
py f or:r phy saad
;',e. a;.e pha:

paa !* have intercotrrse i phaa,! take i

ty soup thy gem
tw sug:ar cane thw br:radle-of
gathw gardner
ta: kind.s of tha: jya: weawing
taia; elaer sister thaa ee].f r o$trTr
k3ry insect khy feees
kww piece Lhww l-ame ma:t
kr*w spade makhw is not
k.az thread mykl'a: eye6
ksa, d.reggs of wine klraa is
cy sal-t chy you (respect)
cww ,! heee]. d owre J chw what
cw itern for rubbing
ce2 night ch.aa.: hard. (tactiJ.e)
cal-aa 3.andsl-ide cha you: orae

*Ihough inperatiwes are written 1ong, tbey are prorrounced.

short. lhe reasorl for writirrg them 3.ong ie given in the
section on vowe].e beIow.
A voiced coneo:aarrt rr.ay be either breath:r (c3.ustering with h)
or c]-ear (not c1-rrstering with !). Breathy cor3.sona.nts are
eomewhat Elore 3-ax in woice quality than cl-ear consonar:ts.
Breathy corrsorrants inCuce breathiness in the wowels that
fol-I.ow them. Ihe st'udent is eaeoi:raged. to go thror.rgb. the
f oJ-3-owing 3-ist with the help of a native speaker of Newa.ri.

Cl-ear Breathy
bwn' fieJ.d. bhw pl-ate
byy! giwel bhy section of a
citrus trrrit
ba.: fl-ood bhaa: price
ban t fl-oor , gror:::d. bha ka: ya to d.emonstrate ,
shouting slogans
in proceseion.
Conversatioaal Newa:ri - 3

C].ear Breathy
dy be (respect) dhvv cl-od.
dw be dbww dust
d.I:wn' tiger
da:]-a (he> beat d.ha: Ia (}.e) eaid.
da.a, to me dhaa. weights for me'

jv I jhsrv we (i-nclueiwe)
jwJ-a <it> becarne jhwl- mosquito net
iat cooked rice jhaa: come, g:o (resp
3ak:a or:-1-y jlraagaa bird.
gvv rotten BhJrn, repu!-eiwe thin
gwnt forest ghwty a kind of J-iqu
gw nine
gai shawl gYre..a: ! ad.just I put in
ga.e. caassifier, rol:nd. ghaa. pitcber
obj ects

my fire mhyca: pocket

mww greerl grain m.}.wtw mouth
mwla 1ap mh.ww handful-
,J}aa.i gar3-a:rd mhaa; rror dontt want
mata Iamp mha body

tay two zrhy :ra.sa]. mucoug

aww I let'e go (short nhw d.ay
for gg4gg nw*!)
r1wrIa (he) ewallowed
:eaa: ! ta.ke ! nha: green a3-gae
naa I eat,! nhana. <it> eol-].apseiI

l-rv bra.ss
lwn I go3-d. l-hww ! beat I (rice)
Ia: meat l-Lra.a: hand i
1al-a (he) cut (paddY)
1a.a water
ra.: m ttaIo rha;s jwla <it> varrisheo
ra: ja: king
:ratha. c}.ariot taarLran, gw big
Conwersa.tione.l Newari - 4
fn loe"rr worde we find a second. kind of consonant c].uster
consisting of stop pJ.us g.
frythybfry earth brata. a faet
ja: tra: feetiwal- d.rysyaa. view
kr3rpa: fsvor graha., eclipee
Certain peeuJ-iarities of coneona::ts shoul-d. be noted. here arld
practiced by the student with the he]-p of a native speaker.
1. fhe bilabial p and the clueter ph often have a eright
fricative rel-ease before w. rn word. final- poeition
P.h ie pronounced. as a frieative. practice this with
the fo3.J.owing gx,amp3.es.
pw page, seeC. se.phww book
pw6a: eeed., l-ia of err ta:ryph pra.ise
inj< pot plrw be ab1e, ruel_l-
jya:pw farmer phwta (it) wa_s fiiis.hef
pwry round piece of raaph.w not ab1e, welt-
fJ-at bread pb.r.rsa. head of the bed
pwja: worsh.ip rna:ph yazta (he) forgave
3-we.: pw d.ispute " jawa: ph e:eswer
ta: pw bridge g:w3-a: ph rose
pwnhy ful_J- moor:
i<i:ya: pw joking
2. A eimi).ar fricatiwe release oceurs with ! a:ad. bh
wb.en they ocer.tr before w. Sraetice the fol-J-owing
sTsmp]-es with a natiwe speaker.

bwn' fiel-d bhr.rsa: r.a: n , ; Newa.ri

brory o1d. womarr. eeremony
bwra: o]-d. rc.an bw]-rrrsya dim
bhw pl-ate Cabr,r-.r s-bage
bhwty e. kind of wegetable b,.'ii:.wn, slowl_y
bhww se.m of a garment L:"r'' a (he) rrixed. (with
bhwk.La: earthquake oil)
bhwtww kitchen stowe br^rkara (he) d.efeated.
bbwtyme":I-y kite l-:rl:hwrt birthmark
bwl-wca: rice flour soup l_-wiy::, birthday
bwbw fried. corn (chil-d
Coawereatioaa1 Newari - 5

,. Conso::a:lte articu-l-ated. with the torrgue tend. to be

fronted. before tlre fro:tt vowel g a::d backed. before
the baek vowe1. w. Ttrork through the foJ.3-owiag Liet
with a native speetrrer.
Sroat Back
ey lor:se B'I,I whc, straw
ty drop tww sugar carae
dy be (respect) d.w there is
ny two nww I J-et's go
Iiry brase J-ww j pul-lJ
k3ry ineect kww spad.e
cvv rotten gw nine
thv geE thw br::rd.}e
dhvv cl-od. dhww dust
nhy nasa]. mucug nhw day
ghr-y cl-arified butter gh;rsa,: cl-enched. fist
khv feees khww l-arae ma.n

4. l'Ihea h occu:re between wowels it is either guite 1ax

or is eJ.id,ed. altogether. Sy3-'l abl.e ini-t:al- h i:educe
breathiness in a foJ.lowing woweJ-. ;rJork through. t!.e
f o'l'1 owing ]-ist with a native speaker.
fnitial MediaI
hSrra: d.iamond pyha: n, outrvard.
hww whin dw):a: n, i-nward.
hwag ho]-e kr,.'aha:::, ,l n--r- r.'-
haa leaf thaLa:n, uprvard.
h3m, Asaf oetid.a l-rnrahan t
5. tihen n occu.:rg before a dorsa]- ccnsonant (e or k) it
assimil-ates to dorsal. position In]. fhe ]ec"E:--rg'
woweL is often J-engthened. in this positi on as well-.
Work through the f oIl-owing J.i st with. er r:.ative speak
Unassimilated. Assimi]-ated.
cwaJSa (he) stayed Cwamg'7Y (he) wa.s stayi
ya;Ea (h.e) spura (thread) ya.ngif (Lrc ) was spir:::
nyar?.a, (he) heard. nya]3gitr (he) used. to b.
twana (he) dra.rak twanl:al-a (ire) caused. to
jrnrana (he) arrested jlranJ<a1a (he) car:sed. to
pwaraa <it> we.s empty pwankaJ-a (he) emptied
Convergationa]. Newari 6

B. Vowels.
fhe simple wowels of Newari may be l-isted ae fol'lowe.
Front Back
Short Long S}.ort Long

Nasal- Jm.
t JEr r wrr r wrr,

Orol- a? a.a? a. a,a.

Nasa-l- a:n' a:n, anr &8,

Certain other wowel- qrlal.ities are represented as clrrsters of

simple vowels. These may be listed. as folJ.ows:
Front Back
Short T,ong Short Long

ya [e] ,y' [r'] ,o. ["]

a:yr [*']
Each of these cl-usters a'l so he.s a ::asa,]- counte:.part. lhese
clusters often sor:nd. nucb. like simpl-e vowe]-s in norna]- speech.
The approximate phonetic wa}:es of each is gi.ven abowe in
brackets. Other cl-uste:'s are noreal-J-y heard as clueters
lNote especiaJ-]y_that ye.a" Lyc'J is not simpl-y a J'engthened
wersion of :ra L"J. _ This '*'i11 be exemp]-ified in the note ora
imperd.tives bel-o*. ] llith the exeeptions listed in tLre chart
abowe r I arrd w are pronouneed as gJ.iCes when they preced.e
otber vowel-s. Ehe fo1.l.owing aist iJ-J.ustrates simpl-e wowels,
both 3-ong and. short.
Short trong
chy you (respect> jhylr we (incl-usive)
sY louse Elry (he) wil't die
taz brid.ge taa: J.ock and. key
tw 6ugar cal:.e tww mustard
wa.yta to him jytaa to me
r^raIa (he) cq,me ].aa water
nhy nasp] mue uB nhyy in the nasaJ. muc L:r-s
khy feces khyy in the feces
ConwersationaL Nesari - 7
Short LrOng
wa3 pa.d.dy waP.i f e:rce
E'Y ].or:ee syy (he) wi].l d.ie
69,: cow Ea,a,3 compost, f erti
sal-a. horse 6aa. woice
SW who ?, etra,w wayrnt srnrw a kind. of ra
chy you (reopect) ehJiy (he) riil.]- croE
chw wh.a,t ? mataa: chww (he) tried, n
to bear
cha xour orf.e ehaa,pwaa you (hieh ho::c
cb.a: l-a (be) r+orslriped ch,aa.: ]lard (te.cti].e)
The foJ-.lowing l-iet i'l'1rrs{3stee cLueters which often sound. I
s5-mple wowels, together with 6ome evidence for their staf;s
c]-usters. Go through this l-ist rtrith a natiwe speaker of Ne

Simp!-e Yowel- Aong CJ-uster

ayt mha bod.y mhayt in the bod-y
tha].a pot thalay' in the pot
gwaJ3, p€L a small pot Bwararpayr in the snal.i 1.
ban t
fl-oor, gror:nd ba:r'y I on the fl-oo:-' ,
6&:1 t
}.air Bo.'yt in the hair
]-ant roa.d. J.aaty! o:: tbe ro:rir
e": y t ]-e": meat 1e-: y I in the meat
sJrula: tree sSrma: yr i:r tb.e tree
ja: cooked rice ja: y' in the eooked,
wa,: tooth wa: yr on the too-th
appa: brick appa: y I in the bri-ck
ca; mlrd" ca:yt in the mud.
ta: bridge ta,: y I
on the bridge
tysa: ornoment tysa:yr on the or'l:.e,rr.e]3

Sb.ort Cl-uster Aong Cll..rrster

yayr ctr3ranr hou.se chyantyt in the house
I-aptya. ].eaf lapt5ray' ora the l-eef,
. yar}r Kathmand.u ya::'yt in Katbmandu
\ran I d.a.]- kya::'yr in the del-
€94'n' I
liver eya:rtyt i:r a;h+ l-:-r'er
gg: cwa top, peak cwayt o:e tlre top
kwa bottom kway t a.t the bottcm
tb.wan t beer thwarr'yt in the beer
dwan t heap dwan I yr on the Llepp
Conwersational Newari - B
whea a: follows .g in non-word.-finar position it is srightly
fronted and l-owered.
No::-word.-final- Word fina]-
n5ra: ta (he) bought fish
ya:kana i-*edia.te).y ya.a: (he) d.oes (hab
gya: ny i:rtelJ.igent g,yaa2 (he) is afraio
gya:ta (he) beca-e afraid
lIhere g or g preced.e a. voweJ- other than gr they are usual.J-y
pronotr::ced. a,s gl-id.es or semivowele. Go through the fo3-l.owj-:
J-ist with a natiwe epeaker.
Yowe]. Gl-ide
byJ-a (he) gave byya, giwing
my3.a (he) eo]-d Eyya: ae1J-ing
tayJ.a (he) touched thSrya: touclzing
eyla (be) L:aew Eyya: knowing
hyla (he) waehed. hyya: waehing
byy (he) wi)-l giwe b5nrw I giwe J

Jr]1y (be) wi-I1 distribute Jrw'rr, J d.ietribute J

6Jrny (h.e) wi']1- co].lect slfr^'n, I cof.].ect J

cy).a. (ize) mo*.red. cJrww i move J

yla (he) washed. Srww I wash l
eyI-a (he) rineed sSrw ! rinse j
w]-a (she) atrtrJ-ied wykal.a" (e}:e) carrsed
Bascara, me,scar-a" to be
clr].a (he) sharpeneC cwykaJ-a (he) caused, to
pw3.a (he) repaid. pwykal-a (he) caused. to
swl-a (he) hid sw;rkal-a' (he)caused to
wwj be,rk J wa;? tooth
The studer.t will have noticed. by this time that the imperati
form of the werb, though written rong is pronor:nced. short.
fhe reaso:r for writing the imperative forms J_ong is that
the J.ong sequence yaa is pronourrced approximate1y [yr. ],
whereas t-he correspoad.ing short sequ.encer v&, is pronounced.
either [$.] or ["]. A shortened yae.! .o*.Io.,..;-":-t;;I';;
not as ['.] or ["]. The iraperatives of these forms cannot,
therefore simpl-y be written lra. For the sa.ke of co::.sistency,
we hawe ehosen to treat ar1 other imperatiwes as analogous tc
this one, using the exeramation point to :iepresent phonetic
Coaverea,tio''eL Newa,ri - 9

fbe following List ii}.rstretes tbe vowel qua]-ity d.i.fference

betwee:r JIU anA ggg w}lich forces us to rrrite certain imperatj
gg Form ggg Sorm
khyaJ.a (he) invested khya.a,! inwesti
cbyal.a (he) ueed chyaa! rrse !
gya3-a (he) Yubbed. gyaal vubl
tyal-a (he) preesed. tya.e.l press i
kyal-a. (he) ground kyaa ! grind.J
phya.J.a (he) I.icked phyaal J.ickl
ahyaJ.a (he) chewed rrJayaa I chew j
ya]-a (he) .I-iked yaa! J.ike l
thysla (he) crawaed Lh3ra,a ! crs,w3- i

If th,e imperatiwe fortas of th.eee werbs were written short,

their spe'l ]-ing wou1d. represent tbe wrong vowel qua.U-ty.
I'or a more d.eta.iled. treatment of the sou:ed system of Newari
tbe reader is d-irected. to Ivlargrit a:ed Arretin I1a1e, Newari
Shonemie .Sum*ar[, fibeto Br:rme:: Phonemic Sr:mroaries - V,
Sr:-mme:' Institute of tringuistics' ?ribhuvan Univereity, Octo-
L969. tb.ere are some differencee between the o='thography u
b.ere n-d that rrsed. in the pho::emic eunurary. Many of tlrese
d.ifferences inwo]-ve or.,l y the repreeentatior:. of indiwidual w,
Ih.e fo]].owi:rg systematic diffe:rencee, bowever, should be no-
Pboaemic Su-rnma.ry Cclewersg'tional- Newari
Short y:l. JB'
Nasa].ized wj. wnr
Vowe]-s a: r2.. a! r: I
S"ILo 8,la

Trong JfJrn
' Jrn ,
Nasal-ized wvr:e., r{r1 r
Vornrels aa,zrL, a 3r1 ,
aaII , &Ia r

Yowel ay'. a:yl

The d.lstinction between '\r-vr:., a:ed. rrrr:r. (wlrere w is any wowel)
has been aband.oned in this vo1r:ne. Due to the high frequenc;
of loans in normal- speech, we find it necessary in this woJ.u*
to d-istinguish r from d. In the phonemic rlr-*.=y [f ] wae wii
as a positionurl wa.riant of /a/. fhis was po66ibl-e onJ-y by
exc3-uding loa:r word.s from the corpus.
Conwerse,tio''e1 Newari - 10
Ireeson l-. A Good. Pen.
A. fb.wa chw Lhas? lih.at is this?
B. Tbwa cwaea.: khaa.. This is a pen.
A. fhwa, bhyn, J-a: ? ls it good.?

A. Gana nya:aa:? lfhere d.id, (you) buy it?

B. PaeaS-ay' n3ra:na.:. (I) bought it at the store"
A. Thwa paea3-ayr bh3mg:lr Does this store hawe
. clraBa: dw l-a: ? good. pens?
3. Dw. Chykya bhirnelr Yes. Do you b.ave
cwasB: dw I.a: ? a good. pen?
A. Marw. Cwasa.: Laz dw, No. I d.o heve a pe!.,
bhfrn, raajww. but not a good one.
Chapw nya:y' ma:!.a. ft ie rreceesery (for me)
to buy one.
New Voeabu].ary.

bhfrn, to be good., d..rabIe. kha.a to be, genera)_J-y ueed.

wrth predicate nominal-s.
chapw Cha is the nu-serol-
'or3e' , -.pll is tbe 1,a: Question word. in yes-no
cl-essifier for ].ongr euestions. Also occurg
thin objects. a6 an emphatic partic].e.
chykya Chy ie the respect lne,rw Negatiwe form of dw
form of the second. tto be'.
person pronou:l', tyout,
-k:reu is e. loca,tive majww Negative form of jJ,,"rg
affix. rto bet.
cb.w wha"t? ma:la. to be necegsary, need
(past d.isjr.r:ect. form)
swa,Ea: pen (the werb cwa&.
meaJrs ' to wrlte ' ) . r2.ya: na: to buy (past con junct
dw to be (statiwe form)
This is a:: existential nya:yt to buy (frrture conjr:rrct
coprrIa". f orm).
Coaversationa.l Newari - 1L
gq'"a where ? paea''lay' store (l.ocatiwe
orm) '
jww to be (geaeralJ-y used.
with ad.jectives). t}:.wa thi-s

S3ammg,3 Notee.
1. Attributive mod.ifier const:'uct:'.c::.
Ihe affix -.g 3.inke a mod.ifi-er attributively to an inanimat
bhyresw cwasa: a good. pen
bhsm.gw pasa€. a good store
the affix -mha is used to l-i::l< a mod.ifier attributivel-y to
an arrimate nor:n.
bh:rnrm.ba manww e good. person
bbfn,mha phaz e good. hrog

2. Copul-as.
Ihree kind.s of copul-as ere exemplified. in this )-esson- Car
shou-1d be taken not to confuse them.
Ihwa cwasa; Lhaa. This is a pera.
Thwa bhya, jlrw. Ihis is a good. one.
Pasp'l ayt ewasa: dw. Ihe sto:re has a pen.
Khaa is the identificatioaa3- copuJ-a, general.J-y used with
pred,icate :eou:rs in tb.e un:aarked form. g34- is t}-e ad.jective
copuJ-a, genera3.l.y used. with modifie:,rs occurring without
connectives such as -.glg or -pg@. Dw is t}re ez-istential,
locative, or possessive copuS-a. fiith dw animate a:rd. r
inanimate posseasion are distingtrished by the form of the
Jykya. cwasa: dw. f have a Den.
Jy chamha };azyt dw. I l:a.ve a so!1.
3or inanimate posseased, objecte zhe possessor is in the
l-ocative form. For a.nimate pos"eeseL.b.irrg=, the posseiEar
is in t}"e short genitive form.

3. Questio4 jforgg.
The interrogatiwe in }trewari is genere.Ily signa]-]-ed by a
question word.. Yes-no questions are sig::alIed by E,
usua1J-y ia sertence-fj-na]- pocition. locative content
Conwersationa]- Newari - L2
questions are sig:ra.]-Ied by 3.ocative question word.s sueh as
@ twhere?'. Nomj-na1. content gueetions are signal-J.ed by
nomin"al- qrrestion words such a,s chw twha.t?t.
Thwa bhyn , 7-az ? Is this good ?
Gana ::Jra: tta: ? llhere d.id (you) buy it ?
Tb.wa chw khaa? What is th'i s ?
rt shoul-d. also be noted that the form of the ver.b is generally
th.at of the expeeted answer. For this reason, lpfrgi, the
eonjr.i:rct form of the verb 'buy' occr:r.s j-n the question,
G.?na r.va:nall ? rather tiean the d.iejrmct form nrra:t?, even
though tbe verb of the questio:: does not hawe a first persoa
subject. The answer is expectec to be a fi:-st person statenen-
with a conjunct verb. Irn simple staten:en-bs the coajr.:nct form
oceu.l's with first person subjects, the di-sjunct fo:"n wiih
non-first perso:e subjects. rn simple questions, the conju::ct
form occurg witb. second. person subjects, the disjr:nct with
non-seeond person subjects. J
4. Cl-assifiers .
rn Newari most n.ou-rls require classifiers when quantified- by
a nr-uber. There ere lnany d.iffez'ent classes of nouls, each
of vrhich requi:'ee qua:rtification b;r Ereans of a different
Cwasa.: marw. <I> b.ar:e no pen.
Chapw nya:y' rna:l-a. < I > mr-rs'f buy o::e .

rn the second sentence abowe, the numbez. with i-fs classifier,

-pw fr.r-rretions as a pronou:: referring back to 'uhe anteced.ent,
cwasa: 'pent. In marry case6 c]-assifiers Bair be pair.ed. r,:j-th
nouns on tbe basis of the shape of the :.eferent of the ncu11
in the real worrd,. 3- pen is long and th,in, like na-ny other
nou::s whj-eh take the classifier -g. A pictu:.c is flat, rike
many othe= objecte w}:ose nou:l-names e.r.e qr-rantificc j.n terms
of the classifier -paa:. fhe agreement betr,-oc- a nor.r::. e:r-d-
its pronominal- quenti-fi er is further irh',-;t:ated by -!h.e
foJ-I-owiag sentences.
fUpa:_ marl^r. <I> no pictrr::e"
Chapaa: nya:yr ma:J-a. (I) buy one,
Saphww mdrrv. (I) no book.
Chqgrrrw. nya: y, ma:1a-. (-I) buy one.
marw. - <I>ha.ve no tea..
cha::w-r:r nya:yr ma:Ia. <r) rnust buy a packe:"
Xa: wI:ra marr,r. <I> have no cau]-ifl.ower"
Chathlra.a: nya:y' ma:J-a. <I> must bu;r s brrneh.
Ooave:rsstisaa,f,. Nerari * 17

1. Substltutio_n Dri]-L.
Ehe object of thle d.riIl ie to elrable the studeat to practice
a, conversatio:ea]. frame. fo lend wariety to the repetition'
variorrs substitution l-iets are giwe:r, keyed. to substitution
points in th.e frame by the l-ettere X and Y. While exposllr'e
to the substitution iteres given bel-ow is d.esirabl-e, the main
goaJ. of the d.ril-l- is sastery of tb.e frame. Each of the
substitution j-tems giwe= below is j-ntroduced in a conversation
of some aater ).esson i:: this voLume. A seconda.ry goa3. is to
begin d.ri-'l ]-ing tLre agreement reguired. between a :aoun and ite
pronominal. quantifier. 3or an:y given repetition of the d.rill,
onl-y one walue of X and Y are to be used.. Ihe choice of CL
is governed by the choiee of X.
The d-riJ.J- is d.esigraed. ior uee by two peopJ-e, A and 3"
A. Thwa chw khaa?
3. f]:.wa X kh.aa.
A. Thwa X bhSz=, Laz ?
B. thwa bhfn, jrrw-
A. Gana :eya:na: ?
B . Y :aya: r:.a: .

A. Thwa Y bhrnaev x dw l-a: ?

B. Dw. Chykya bh3zg:w tr dw l-a: ?

A. Marw. X Le: dw, bb.5m, majww.
Cha- CI, nya:5rt ma:l-a.
Substitu.tion Items:
x gt, T
cwasa: -pw perx pasn]ayt at the store
sa.ph.ww -gv-w book Asanay I i:: Asara
nha:ytkan, mirror chya.nryr at home
k;rtrra: -Dea:
-t_ - picture I-antyt ot: the road
ja:ky -mk-r3r rice a,raa there
bajv -:l1ft-=Jf beaten rr-ce t}:ana Lrere
kaany -ln1a'rJr corn 1_.
!3!,,-ry l-s e, mea-
Itrary v'. 2 fl-at bread sureI.rreor ililr" equa]-
a,:].w -pea potatoes pathi
pya: j onions to 2O or about
-pP*a. 20 ga)-3.oas.
ka:wl.ya -
'l'at.-a a . cau].if].ower z
cya: *ao -A measure of weight
equa]. to about 2OO g:'e:ns.
Coawersationa]- Newari - 14
2. Traneforltoation dri]-L.
Ihe objeet of this dri!-J. is to establish j-n the student,e mind
a paraphrase, or near-paraphrase re3-ationship between two
different s5mtactic structllre6, orae with an a.d.jectiwa] pred.ieate
and one with e. :eominal. pred,icate. The adjectiwal predicate form
is giwen by A a.s stinu-Lue. B. respond,s with the corresponding
aomj-nal. predieate forrn.
A. Thr.ra el;tzsai bhfn, iww. fhis pen is good.
B. Thwa b:qr=gr,r cwaaa: kinaaz lhis j-s a good pen.
A. Thwa c-t;'asa: ba:nr1aa: jww. [hie pen is attractive.
B. Ehis is an attractive pen.
A. fhwa cit?-=a.z ae.apw jww. This pen is thick"
B. ihis is a thick pen.
A. fhwa cli'aea: cypw jww. this pen is thj-n.
B. Thie is a thin pen.
A. Ihwa cwe-sa: ba3-l.aa: jww. This pen is durab1e.
B. Ihis i= a durab3.e pen"
A. thwa c-rra.sa: thykayt jww. Ihis pen is expensive"
3. Tirj.s is an expensiwe pen.
A. Thwa cwe-a3: dan, jvn+. I:ris pen is cheap.
B. This ie a cLreap peir.
In the foJ-l-owing the pairs are reve-;cci snd saplrww'bookr is
substituted for cwa.sa:. Note that th.e adjectiwes taa- 'big,
and. c:r- 'sma3.l-' require classifiers in bcth conetrrrctiorrs.
Thrrs while we .b"e.ve cyDlrEn, gwase-: ta thin p€Dt, lye hawe
cyrhansw saphww 'a saal-I bock I , a:ed cv-o_ae-:g lr:lpg-:- 'a smar].
picture. I
A. Ehwa clv.rhsngw saphv.rv khaa. I5.rs ie a srna11- book.
B. Tbwa saph''n114 ca'rhar:, jww. this book is sma11 .
A. lllwa ba.f-l-aa:grv saphr..'w kha-a.This j-s a strrdy book.
B. This trook is sturd.y.
A. Thwa thykay'g-r sa.phww khaa.this is an expensive book.
B. T-hj.s bcok is expensive.
A. Thwa dp:ngw saphww kha,a.. This j.s a ch.eap book"
B. I-:ris book is cheap.
Copvereatioz'aJ. Nerrari - L5
A. fbwa bhJmgu sa,phr+rr kh^s,a. this is a str:rd.y book.
' B. Ihi s book is sturd.y.
A. lhwa ba.:arLaa,:gr'r ea.phrrn Lhg,a. Ihre is a,n attractiwe
B. book.
A. lhwa taa.rhangr saphwr+ khas,. This is a J-arge book.

rhi s dril1 may be ad.apted. for furth.er repetition by repracing

.lp-hrir by rra,riorre otber noruas u-sted. under x in a?irl l-, page
I.3, abowe.
3. tra"nsformatiora d.rille with subetitution
the object of this drirl is to afford the student further
expoeure to'rrarious r3oLrnsr pnd to give frames for the use of
the r:rrmarkec form and frames for the rrse of the locatiwe foz'm
of the rroun. Eac} eub-d.rill ie cyclicol. fhe first wo'tue of
X or Y mrret be different from the second val-ue clrosen. rn the
eubeequent repetition of tbe sub-driJ-l , the second va^l-u.e
becomes the firet va'lue, For vo]ues of x a::.d y see thre riete
given i. dri]-l- 1, page !7, above. The first sub-d.ri]-]-
i:rwolwes a question, a, suggested arrewer a-d a rejection of the
er.:.ggeeted answer, ell within the predicate nomi:eal- copuJ-a.
A. thva. chw Lhaa? i'Ih.s.t is this?
thwa __.f,_ khaa La: ? Is it a(n) ?
B. It{akhw. No:
thwe. X rrhaa. It'e a(n)
fhe seeond. sub-dril'l inwolwes question a:ad. onswer with. srrb-
stitu.tion of a l-ocative :eour..
A. Th.wa ganra. nya:na:? l.Ihere d.id. you buy th.is?
Y nJre,:rra.: J-a: ? Did. you br.qy it , ?
3. Mstrhw. No.
Thwa Y t:.Jra:l:la3. <f> bought it
Th,e third. sub-driI1 inwolves question amd. arr.erwer with sub-
etitrrtion of a l-ocatiwe with.i:r a f-ocs,tiwe copuJ_a.
A. T}.wa gana d.w? l'Ih.ere wa.s this ?
fhwa. Y dw l-a: ? IIas it ?
B. Marw. No.
?bwa Y d.w. ft wa.s
Conwergs.tio-a1 Nerari - L6
Iresso:a 2. An Attractive Book.

A. Thwa ehw Lhaa.? What is tbis?

B. Thwa saphww l"haa. thie ie a book.
A. ?hwa ba:n rl;aa'. Ia: ? Is it attractiwe ?
3. Ba:n,J-aa: hyayt jww. Ver;r attractive.
A" Thwa- ga:ca. nya:na.:? lll:ere did <you> buy it?
B" Hrar, paeo'layt nya:zra.:. (I) bought it in th.e store over there"
A. Ua pa.se'lay' ba:nrJ.aa:gn' Does that store .b.awe (other) nice
eaphxw dw l-a: ? books?
B. Dw. Chykya ba:nrJ.aa:gw Don't you hs.we e.
eaphww marw Aa.: ? :zice book?
A. I1arw, wk;rn, chag:rn^r nya:yr No, 60 I need to brry one.
Nerr Vocabu]-ary.
ba:nrLaa.: nice, attractiwe hwn, that orre over there
cb,a.g'r^rw Cha is tbe
numeral- eaphww book
t one t the cl-ass-
, gww is
ifier for misce]-]-aneous lla that (r-rn:aerked form)
wk;rn, that (agent f orm = ' so i
hyayt emphatic particle therefore')
@3ammg.3 Notes.
1. Demonstratives.
Certein defonstratiwes may function either as d.eterminere or
a.s pronoums. So fer we hawe encor:ntered three of these"
thwa this, this one
wa tbat, that olae
hvm, tha.t, that orie (d.ista:nt)
A fourth may be mentioned here to complete the four-way
proximal-d.i stal paradi gra.
a:ma this, t}.ie one (very near)
Convereatio-o1 Newari - A7

2. Gw a:d gww.
In lesson 1 we encor:ntered -gw as qn attributive co::r.ective"
Wa pasa.}ay' ba:nrlaa:gro' saphvrrq dw Ia: ?
In the fir,p] Bentelece of the conversation for ]-esson 2 we find
- rrw used. e.s a claseifier bor::aO to a nr:meraf- .
Me.rw, wk5rn, chagvw nya:y' ma:Ia.
These two affixee sbould be caref'..r-l-l-y d.ietingrrished since they
beJ.ong to d.:-ffereat parad:-gms. Ihe classifier form w!:ich is
bound. to a ::uneral is cor.troll-ed by the nouri quantifieC and is
parad.igmatical-J-y reJ-ated io a J-arge number of oth.er cJ.aesifiers.
The attributive con::eciive ie -gw r"'ith an i::a.:rimate nolta heaC,
-m}.a with =- a::imate noun head.. There a.re only two nembers of
the attributiwe connective pe.rad.igr,, while tb"ere an^e over
twenty merabers of the classifier pa='adigu. The caassifier
occujrs with n'.:mbers and lritb the acjectives ta.a- 'big' and
sJ- t sr:a"l 'l t . The attributiwe corrnectirre occr.r.rs yrith c:"y non-
nlrmerica] ncdifier r*i-tb.in the noun phrase. These differences
may be j-I1r:st:'ated as fo"i -i ows.
chpgwv ba:n,].aa: gw saphww. Gae att:'actiwe book.
chakhe.: ba:nr1ea:gw chyant. Gne attractir-e horree.
ehara-i:a ba:n,I-a.e:nha rna:rrru'. One attractiwe per-6cn.
cltz ze-'. ba : n ,La.e: gr.: k5'pa : . One attractive pi-ct'*re.
cha:rr* ba: n r J.aa: g1r' cwasa: . One attractr-ve pen.
Ia genera.]. one nray think of classifiere aE inCicators of the
shape or forra of am object a^rrd the attributive connectiwe as
indicating onl-y the a:-rinate-i-na:aimate status of the objeet.
T)ri'l -l a

,. Substitution d.ri1]-.
The object of this d.riJ-I. is to acqr-raint the student with the
for:-r d.emonstratives mentioned on p&ge l-6 above, and to expoae
him to the predicate r:.se of adjectives in yes-no questions.
A. chw khaa?
eaphww khaa.
A. ]-a: ?
B. Malrhs', saphw-w mal htl^r.
For val\res of X and Y, e s€ 'uhe f ollowing page.
Corrwersation"a"l Newari - l_g

A eecoad. wariant of th.is driLl- e'r lows the second, spealrer to

re.apond. in the affirmative.
A. X chw khaa?
B. X.sa.phwwkhaa.
A. X Z La-.?
B. ICraa, X saphww Z hyay' jvru,.'
A third waria::t of this dril-l substitutes cwaFa: 'pen' for
saDhww rbook' and extends the d,ia"1og,Lre.
A. X chw khaa?
B. X eue.sa! Lhaa.
A. X l,j aaz ?
B. T{lnaa., chykya }'I -g, cwe,sa: dw 1a: ?
A. Dw, chl&ya lye-?
B. l.Iarw, wk3rn, chapw rqra:yt ma:1a.
i'fhere l{ = 6Lr*, 6ood. taapw thick
ba; n , J-po : ni ce cy-j),w thin
ba1.J.aa: durab).e taahaa: ).cng
thykay' expe-sive cyhaa: ehort
den, cheap
and X - e':ne this (near) wa that
thws t]:.is. iru"rr, that (far)
and Z - bh3-n, good" taarhan, big
ba:nr1_aa: nice ta.apanr thick
ba'] 't aa: dr:.rabl_e carb.aa, sma.I-J.
thykay' expensiwe clrpan' thin
dan, cheap
2. transformation d.ri].]. with substitution.
The object of this dril-l ie to giwe praetive i-n the use of
the t}.ree coprrt-as, and. to d.rirI a paraphrase; or near-parap-b.rase
reJ-ationship among: the three.
A. Jygw saphww ba:n,Laat jww. I,Iy book is nice
B' Jygw saphww tra:n,1aa:gw khaa. i{y book is a nice one.
c. Jykya ba:n,Laa-:gw saphww d.w. irlith me is a niee book =
I have a nice book
Convereational Nerrari - L9
A. Jygw saphrnr ba3..la.a: jr,nr- My book ie durabl-e.
B. My book is a dura.bl-e one.
c. ' I }.ave a d.r:rable book.
A. Jygw cltraea: ba:nrla.a.z iww. My Pen is 7'i ce.
B. My pen is a nice one.
I have a nice pen.
A. Jygw saphrvw bs::e,Laaz majwr,r. My book j-s not nice.
B. My book is not a nice one.
c. f do not have a nice book.
A. Jykya thykaf 'g:w kJrpa: dw. I hawe a-rr expensirre picture.
My pictr:re is expensiwe.
c. My picture i-s an expensive orre.
D. I do not have a:f expelrsive picture.
E. i''Iy picture is not expeneiwe.
F. l'Iy pictrre is not a:l.l expensive one.
Add-itiona)- vaz'iety ca- be obteined in this ciril-l- by substitution
of r.'ariolrs nouns and a.d.jeetiwes for the onee chosen abowe, and
by using tbe e'w khae. sentences aB the stimr:-lus sentences.
1. Pe:'son asz'eernent drill-.
lhe werb fo:'m of a question is in general- the form expected.
in the angyrer. ?he fo'!louing f:'anes give t.be releva:et agreenent
patterns. Fil-J. the blanks ora}\r witb l-ocative forms and.
substitrrte warious locative words to give variety.
A. Chfn, gana raya: na": ? I,there d.id. you buy <it> ?
B. J5m, rrya:na: . f bought <it>
A. VIan, gane nya,:ta? !,lhere d,id he buy it?
B. llan, nya.: ta- I{e bought it
A. J5m, g.ar:.a raya:ta tbay'n, ? Uhere d.id. f buy it (uneertai-n) ?

B. Chfn, _ nya:ta. You bought it

In the abowe d.ri3-)- , the first pers.on form used is g:ra:na: and
the second. and third person f orm is rtva: ta. I'Ie wil-l- refer to
first person f orms ae con.irrrrct f orms, non-first person f orms as
dis.ir:nct. Substitute werbs as fo3.J.ows and. repeat the d,riJ.1.
Conjunct forms are given first: ewe4il'. cwa::a 'stay, J-iwe'.
swalra: swa]-a ']-ook t .
Conwersational Newa.ri 2A

Iresson J. A lla:edsone Ca.p.

A. lJa chw kbaa? What is th,a.t?

B. tapwly khaa..
\;Ia. That is a cap.
A. lla bh3'n, Ia: ? Is it good?
B. Majww ay'6a::t, bar., )-aaz . No, but it is good looki-ng"
A. tla gaaa nya:na:? l'Ihere dj-d (you) buy it
3. II'*m, pa.sa)-ay'. I:: ti:at store over there.
A. GuJ-y ka:J-a? iiorv much d,id" it cost?
B. I$ya:rka: ka:l-a. ft cost fiwe rupees.
Chytaa rran, rtaa: Lat? Do you ::eed. one too?
A. It{waa: jykya d-w. }do , I hawe or-re .

New Vocabu.]-ary.

eyt ee:n, but,. aithough o.e.ar :reeC, be necessary

ch.ytaa Chy is the respect mirrae-: not need. (irregular
fo=m of the second per- negatiwe cf ti:e verb
son pronoi:n, t yoL t , rna:I, to need., be necesoar'y)
-taa is an ob jeet n,ro . -]ra. \r.,o , i - *Lra r-.mara-r
offf*. tfiwe,, _r.Ka: :s a class_
cwly how nuch ifier for mone), meaaing
jykya Jir is the first person - *!eL t .
t *r:rra4g

pr.onoun, tIt , -k]ra is a nat3, also

].ocatiwe affix tapw3-y cap (espec5-a'1 1y the
ka:J-a takes, coats (past Nepa1i nationa1 cap.)
diejunct form of the
rrerb kaa: )
Grarrmar Notes.
l-. Verbs: past, future, and etative forms.
In each tense the reguJ-ar verb in Newa:'i ha.s two forms, a,
conjr.:lct form and a disjrrrrct form. The driJ.3.s of tlre preceding
Iesson hawe a'] ready made use of this fact. ft has a].so been
:roted that the person form of th.e werb (eonjr-mct or disjr:net)
rrsed in a question is general.3.y tha.t of the expected. Blaswer.
This expaains the use of nya:na: in l.ine ! above.
Conversatio::a.1 Newari - 2L
It is possible to d.iagra.m for:r important forms of the werb
as fo3.l-ows. The cLraracteristic end,ings of the respective
forms appea.r in tbe cells.
I Conjunct
I Disjr:nct
i'utr:re i -ya -y' -y i -y
Past Itt -a.z -a.a.i i -a - X

Figaue 1. Characieristic werb endings.

*?hi s form is ].ater referred to as the l-form"

In add,ition to these forms there is a base form which we use

for ].isti::g a verb in the g].ossary. Verbs also hawe imperatiwe
and ca.usatiwe forms. Some werbs |rawe a eeparate stative form
as weIL. Bhe verbs r:sed. i:r conwersatio:es to this point hawe
the foJ-l-owing f orms (Imperatiwes, car:satives, a.nd long f orms
e,re omi',;ted here).
Base r\rture tr\tr:re Past Past Stative
Form Conjunct Dis jtrnet Conjr.urct Die julct
d.a. day' day daya: data d.w be
jww jwy jwy jwya,: jlrl-a jww be
kaa: ka:y' ka:y kaya: ka:l-a take
k}..a kha"yt khay khaya: k}:a.ta. khaa be
ma: l- ma.:3-ya ma:3-y ma:Ia: rna:J-a maa: need
nya: nya: y' nJra: y nya:na: rr5ra: ta b.y
Figr:.re 2. Verb forms.
A more detail-ed accorrnt of werb forms appears in lesson lO.
2. Case forms of singu-l-ar pronouns
Io tbris point we hawe had. isolated instances of each of four
case forms. Ihe fo]]owing is a table of siagu].ar caae forms
for the prono'urs eneountered. thus far.
Conwerea.tiona]. Newari 22

First Pereon Second Person Ehird Pereon

Unmarked jY chy wa
Agent JJm chlm, !/ala,
jykya chykya waykYa
Object jytaa c\rtaa .,raYta

l-. Substitution d.ril-Is.
fhe object of these d.ril-ls ie primarily to help the etudent
gain fluency with the frames inwolwed. rather than to teach
wocabuJ-ary. fhe substitution iteme will be introduced in
later coravergatiorrs.
A. lla chw kbaa? Irllrat is trrat?
B. lia X khaa. That is a(n)
A. !,Ia Y Laz? Ie it ?-

B. I'iajww, &y'Ea:n, but it's

lrlhere X = tapw]-y cap -!--No, rrba:y'kan, mirror
eeP- bOOk ]a-:ka:n, ShOe(S)
ewasa: pen chYent house
arrd Y = bh1m, good ba:n,Iaai good-looking
thykay' exPensiwe Pw1a:n, o)-d
d.an, cheap r,hww new
ba].}a: durab]-e
In the following variations of this d.ri3-1, X is fixed and
the choice of substituti-on items for Y is]ig.ited to a
sroa'l'ler set. Shese drit].s inwo].ve disagreereent, thrrs Y mrlst
d.if f er from Y' .
A. lia chw khaa? lrlhrat is that ?
B. Wa ]-aa khaa That is water.
A. Wa Y l.az? Is it ?

B. Majwwt dy'sa:n' --jl-.No, but it is

lihere Y = saa.3 rtastyt, bh.rne, tprrre, goodt -
Conwersatio',oJ. Nelrari - 23
A. l{a chw Lhaa? Vlhat is that?
B. I{a k5rpa: k}r.aa.. that is a picture.
A. tr{a Y ].a: ? Ieit ?

B. Majww, dytsa.:nt --J--No, but it is

trIhere Y = ta.arlaa,z rlarger , erDa,a: rEmaJJt , da:r. rcheapr,
thykay' rexpensiYer.
i{ith the follor+ing d.rill-s we begin to introduce the nrlurbers.
Fo] l owing are tlre ::umbers one through ten. The parenthesized
forms are free forme used in cor.mting without caassifiers.
i,trhere rao parerrtheeized form appeare, tbe free f orms are the
6arae as the bor:nd forms. Nepa-li numbers are qr-lite often rrsed
in pla.ce of ttre free forms, but not in p)-ace of the bou:rd fo::me.
c}.a- (chy) one Lhw- Elx
ny- trvo n]lay t - 6even
GWa- three cya:- eight
pya- (py) f or:r gw- (gwn | ) nine
nJra: - firre jhy- (sa:nr d.a ) ten
In the fo]lowing d.rill, substitute a bound form of a number
for the bl-onk.
A. ltla gana nya:r::az? llhere did you buy that ?
B. Hwn, pasa1-ay' . In that store over there"
A. Gw1-y ka.zLa? How mrrch d.id. it cost ?
B. -rka: ka.:]-a. ft cost rupees"
Ch5rtaa. nan, ma.a:-Ia:? Do you need one too?
A. Ivlaa:. Ay'sa:ra, thykay' Yes, brrt that's ez1>ensive"

2. Ad.dition dri1]-s.
, \.,
In the fo3-3.owing d"ril.ls, replace the'r:nd.erLined. numbers with
numlers {rom lhq }iet above. In adding piee, the cJ-assifier
!g:a.a, i-s irsed
A. Chaga^a wa cbagaayaz gw1y? Oee pice a-::d. one pice is
Lrow mrrclr?
B. Nrrgaa- Iwo pice.
In adding ha3.f-rupees, the classifier -mie.a,,is rrsed.
A. Chamwaa. wa chamwa.syai gwly? Orre mohar and one mcha.r
is how much?
B. Ngmwaa. Two moLrars.
Co:ewerea,tiona] Newari 24
In adding guarter-rupeee, the c3-aseifier -eg,ka ie used.
A. chaswka wa chaswkaya: ewLy? o::e =J"r.a orr. suka is
how much?
B. Sgswke..

In the fo1.J-owing d.ri)-3-, X is a nurnber and. Y is a Eolaey

e].a.esifier (-rka: -g.a,a -mwaa. -ewka). This d.ri]-l reguires
Eome ingenuity orl the part of both A and B to j-nsr:re that
B wi3-J- be abJ-e to give-*"an q.swer.
A. X Y wa X Y -ya:g-r+J-y?
D. A l- r

* .-"-rilf *nr.may so is the fo'r ]-owins::

A. Cho-waa wa chaswkaya: gwl-y?
B. Swaswke.:.
Conwereatiorr.f Newari - 25

Iresson 4. Sho:oseilrs for Shoes.

A. Gana jha: y' g:rr? llhere a.re you going?
B. ?asas wa"1ya,. (I'm) going shopping.
A. Chw ayaa: jhazy'gw? llhat are you going to buy?
B . T-ra: ka : n, TLyaE : wa]xJra. (Irm) going to buy shoes.
Chy nan, jha:y' Laz? irlil-l you eome too?
A. I,a:ka:n, rawaa: ay'Ba:n, Though f d.onrt need. sLroes t nl&y
pa:6a: wayt Laz? I cone to keep you company?
3. Jyw. I'ine.
A. Gwgw paea3-ay' wanya? To wl:.ich shopping area are we going?
B. AEanFyt hyay, wanya. Asan is where we are going.
A. A:r'a ba:nr3.a:gw wa bhyngw Ihey h.a,ve a.ttractive and
J-a: ka: re, dw. d.r:rabl-e shoee there.
New Vocabul-e.ry.

arra tlrere (locatiwe adverb) J.a:ka:n, shoe (The l-ocatiwe

Ase', oee of the more famorrs t:* is La:ka:may" fhe
market centers of Kath-
gloesary listing for this
mand.*. trocative f orm word' is Ia: ka: (m) ' )
is Asanayr nya: to buy (Ihe l.ong <I.,> form
g:wgw which? occurring in the conversation
i s ntraa.: . The future con-
jhaa: to go, come (respect). junct is nya.:yr, tlre future
th.e future conjunct form d.isjunct is nya:y, the past
used. with -gw in the con- conjr:nct is nrra::r.a.: , the
wersation is .iha:yr. past d.isjunct is ffga:tg.
The futrre d.isjunct is pasaa shop' shopping arrea
jha:rr, tue paei l.ti,-r.t (The loeatiwe form is
d is .iha:ya:, ttre past 'paealav" rhe glossary
d.iojunct is jha.:]-a. Jn listing for this word' is
the queetion j-n ]-ine 5, Pasa'(l-)'
.iha:y' occurs aB a eon-
tracted. form of :-ihaj.E:.pa:sa: way' to come al.ong as
jfy to be fitting, rieht a friend., to keep (someorre)
appropriate. Ihe form in company. (Pajea: is 'friend.'
l-ine I is stative: irrw. waa is 'to coroe ' . The past
Past conjunct is .iyya: , conjr:nct is warra:, the
past disjunct is jy]-a past d,isju:ect is wa]-a, the
future conjr.:nct and dis- futrre conjunct is wayt,
junct is jrr.r. the frrtrire disjunct is way.
Conversationa]- Newari 26

wa. and
l-. Noun morphology: how to read g]-ossary entries'
ReguJ-ar raourrs in Newari may d.iffer from one another in forrr
a. Ihe c)-assifiere by which they are quaJrtified.
b. The way in i.rhich the p}:.ral is formed.
c. the way in which the locative is formed-.
d. The form of the obJ-ique stem.
The first three of these potentia3- differences we discuse
und.er A. Affixation, the fourth we d.iscuss in 3. Stem a]-ter-
nation. In C. 5amp1e glossary entries, we discues the inter-
pretation of entries for nouns in the gloesary. In D. Abbre-
wiations rrsed in noun entries we 3-iet certain special symbols
used. in nou:i entries.
A. Affixation.
Three cl-assee of nor:ns can be defined. in terms of d"ifferences
in affixation, prowided. that we define affixation broadly
enough to include cJ-assifiers affixed. to numera-Ls as wel-3- ae
cage and nr:mber markers euffixed to nouns. These classes
ca:r be rrsed a6 a basis for abbreviating lexical. ir:formation
in th.e g3.ossary. Figure J- summarizes some of the more
importa"nt reguJ-arities chara.cte:'izing the three cl-asses of
rroune established on the basis of d.ifferences in affixation,
broadJ-y d.efined..
IItr C)-ass3- C3.a.ss2 | C1asel
-------r-r------ --------+'
Cl-assifier I -th* | 'Iiruraerous cl-assifiers i

tr'ormation i +-pyrr, I +-tro" I

I,ocative U-form + O-form* +

Formation -vazkya / |
-aJr (af ter a
-krra consona-t)
-:rr (after g / at )
-Ja (after y/ n>
Agen-tive I O-foru + -n, (after stem-final. vowels) t.
Formi:"tion : -an. (after stem-final consonarrts) :
t-i I -
Figrre 1- Characteristic differences among rlor.rn e]-asses.
. Conwersational Newari - 27
[he fo3-!.owing notes appl-y to figrrre 1, page 25.
* U-form = upri€iht form, O-form = obliqrre form
** The p}:re] formation, U-form + -ta, d.oes occur in cl-ase
7, but ueual3-y with the mea.:ring 'kinds ofr. ft is in
aray event quite margina!-, ewen to the point of being
proecribed by certain grammari-arrs.
Ihe cel-Is in figure ]. may be filled with e:ra:r.ples of Newari
nou::6 as fo].]-ows:
C]-assl- C].ass 2 C].ass J
ehamha ma:nr chaml:.a ban.'iaa: chapa: ]-a:ka:n,
one mot}'er one peddler olae shoe
ma:n, prrn. ba:njaa: ta l-a:ka:n. ta,
mothers ped-d.l-ers (kind.s of) shoes
yalr..va La: ka: n,
many shoes
raa: n. :ra: kya kya
barr.i aa: ya: la: ka: ma"y '
wi-th mother with a ped.dJ-er i:e a 6lr.oe
ma:man, barl.ia: l-an, l-a: ka: ma.n,
by mother by a pedd.l-er by a shoe
Figure 2. I'll-rrstrations of class differences in
r?.ouin formation.
I Irr genera-l tLre nouns of cJ-ass L are honored a,nimate noun6,
those of c1a.ss 2 ate non-lronored animate :eouns, and. those
of cl-ass 3 are inarrimate nor:ns.
I'rom figrrre 1 it may be 6een that once a raoun is l-abel-ed. as
belonging to cl-ass 1 or to c1.ase 2, there is no further
need. to specify ite cl.assifier, its pl-ural., or its loca.tive,
' sinee class memberehip uniquel-y deterraines these formatio:r-s.
The onJ-y further Epecificatio:r tha.t mrrst be made for nouns
of cla.sses 1 and 2 is the specification of the oblique stem
' form, in the event that it d.iffers from the upright form.
For class J no'.rns it is necessary to specify tLre cJ.assifier
or set of c]-sssifiers in terms of which the nor:.n may be
quantified. It is a].so laecessa,ry to na.l<e some note of the
p1ural form, since 6ome nourts (espeeiaJ.l-y time nor:::s) hawe
a p1ural. sense with the p)-ura3. affix, other nou.:rs take the
pluraS- affix on-Iy with the selase 'kinds of ', vrhile stil-t
others reject the ph:.ral- affix entirely. ft is al.so
Conversational- Newari - 28
necessary to specify the oblique form of cJ-ass J stems, in
instances where these differ from the upright form.
How are these epecificatione mad.e j-n the glossary? Ihe
foll-owing tabulation summarizes the way in which these items
are marked:
a. Cl-assifiers: fhese are listed. in the entry for clase
J nou:es. Nouns marked. L oy 2 take onl.y -mha, hence
c3.assifier J-ieting is omitted. for nouns of cla.eses l-
and, 2
b. P}:ra1 : .An M ind.icates tha.t a c].ass J nor:rr bas -ta
with a p3-ura). interpretation ([ stand.s for 'many').
A K indicates that a cJ-ass 5 nor-:n |ras a pJ-ura3- with
a rkinds of interpretation. N? ind.ice.tes that no
p3-ura1 is possible. Cl-aes l- and. 2 nouns would. a-Ll-
have [, thus M is understood (not specified) in
these entriee.
c. Ob3-ioqq qte4 fqlqe: I'Ihere on!.y one form is l-isted.
,@sized letters, the oblique and the
upright forms e.re identical- . llhere one form is
J-isted with a pe.renthesized l-etter or letters at
the end of the form, the parenthesized l-etters are
retained ia the ob3-ique form and deleted in the
upright form (vritb conpensatory J.engthening of the
preced.ing voweJ-, a:rd in the ce,se of parenthesized
nasaJ.s, r';ith conpensator.y nasal.'ization as v,'eII .)
'dhere two forras are listed, the first form is the
rrnmarked form, the second. is the oblique form.
B. Stem a]-ternation
For the purpose of this discussion we wiiJ. d.istingr:ish four
generaJ- sorts of nourr etems. Figrre 3 il-3-ustrates thcse four
sorts in terms of c3-ass 1 nor:ns given in the form rrsed in the
gJ-oseary entry.
Iltt Invariant I A!.tcrnating :
Consonant- I 1- ma:].yE i 3. Ea _<m2
final- I *.ster I mother
. 'fina.]-
i 2. pa:sa: i 4- gJ'aJEez i
illt f.iend tendI
I e-* I
---:----- :--------
Sigr:re ). Four kind.s of cJ-ass 1 noun stems.
Conversationa]. Newari - 29
Cl-aes a nor:ne ehow the oblique form of the stem only in the
agentiwe fo::aa,tioa. The r:annarked., p}ura}, locatiwe, and'
agentiwe forrre of each of th.e DouItE i:r figure 5 are given
in figr:re 4 be).ov.
Uprigb.t ObI-ique
Unma.rked fl,:ra]. Lrocative Agentive
]-. -o:Iyk na:J-ykptrm, ma: l.ykya: kya ma:lykan t

Pa: sa,: 3ra: kya pa.:sa:n,

3' trla:!., PJrrr ,ya:k5ra
ma::1 rDa: mgJ3,
4. dyaa d.5ra^ep5m, dyaaya:k;ra d.3rawan,

Figure 4. Stem alterzration in cl-ass 1 nor:ns.

Note tb,at i- tb.e uprigh.t forms of a-lternating stems, EEj.SE}
ared d.ya(wa) there is compensatory lengthening acconpa-n;ring
tkrrr loss of tb.e parenthesized elements, where 31r symbo3-izes
a J.engthening antd nasa'l 5 zat.iar- of the preceding vowel. Note
further that i:a tle oblique fo:m the parenthesized elements
of the alterae.ting stem6 are retained.
A similar eet of for:r types may be i'] l ustrated for cAass 2
:_ Invariant rl
Irlt : Af-ternating ;
Consoaant- i l, ra:chyas 3. k:r(I) :
final- I gia.lrt : insect :

Vowe].- 2. !.9 4. c.'rra(wa.) i

fina]- Enoke serwarrt :

tr.igure 5. For.rr kiad.s of class 2 noun 6tens.

CLass 2 noune shorr the oblique form of the stem onLy in the
a,gentiwe fornation. The unmarked, pl-r:.ra1 , J-ocatiwe, and
agentiwe forms of each of the nouns in figr:re 5 are given in
f ielrre 6. Note tbet the final- wowels cf the a3-terreating
stems a.re 3-e:rgthe:eed. in the upright forms.
Conwersa.tional Newari 70

UPright Obl.ique

Uremarked P}uraa Lrocatiwe Agentive

1. ra:chyas ra.:chyasta ra:chyasya:kya ra: chyasan,

2. bv byta b5'-5ra: kYa byn,
3- klry kYYta kYY-Ya:kYa kyJ-an,
4. cyaa cYa.ata cyaa,ya:kya cyawa,n,

tr.igrrre 6. Stern alternation in c!-aes 2 nor:ns.

In claes J nouns we find. four different forms of tLre locatiwet
each cond"itioned by the stem final- segment. For t} is reason
we give somewhat frrl-l-er exempJ-ifica.tion for vowel final class
3 nor:ns than rve do for classes 1 and. 2.

Consonant : f-. rva;.i 3. pasa(].)

fina1 onlon shop
Vowel- 2. kyaba 4. trrnr(thl')
fina]- garden weIL
fl-at bread
potatoes ;
I -------T I

Figr-rre 7. I'orr kinds of cJ.ase J nor:n stems.

Cl-aes 3 nor:r:.s s}.ow the obl-ique fo:m of the stem in both the
l-ocatiwe and the agentive forms. The l:nmarked, Iocatiwe and
a.gentiwe forms of nouns in figure ? are given in figure 8-
Since the p1ura,1. is quite marginpL to cJ.ass 5 nor:ns we omit
it. Note the lengtheaing of vowele in tlee upright forme of
a'l ternating stems pasa(I) a:ed }wnr (thy>.
Coaversatioaa.]. Nerrari - 3L
Uprigb.t : ObI-ique
U::.merked. I Locative Agentiwe
l-' PJ'a: j pJrai jay' pya: jan,
2. kya.ba kSrabayr \raban,
Inratha: kwat):a: y' kwatha:n,
IIlary marJar me^r5,:n,
a:trw a:J-wy a,:l-wn,
3. paea.B pasa] ayt pasal-an,
4. tw:e, trrn I tfury tm' th5ne,

tr.igrrre 8. Stem and affix a'l terne.tioa in cJ.ase. J Ieol:.ns.

C. Samol-e glossary eatriee.

fn the glossary we h.ave fol-l-owed e. ste-Edard form of entry.
An entr5r contains the foJ.l-owing parts:
e.. Nominal ba.ee
b. Noun class
9. Eng3-ieh gJ-oss
d.. C]-a"ssifier(s)
e. P}:raJ- use
f . Optione.J- fonas a:ed irreg:r1-arities.
Ilre standard forra of e:rtry is illustrated by the fo].l-or+ing
pa: sa: 1 friend
From the inf ormation girren in figr:re J-, the reader ka.ows that
pa:sa: Lrae -m.La as its c].assifierr-pyrrr as its plura].r -v&:k.ye.
or -kva ae its l-ocatiwe affix, and -EL a6 its agentive a.ffix.
Vtre baow furth.er, from the form of the nourr base in the entry,
that the u-form and tbe o-form of the stem are identicar.
dya(wa) 1 goa
rn this iastaace, th.e form of the nou.r3 base in the entry
indicates to us that the u-form is drra.a e"nd the o-form is
dya.wa-. trbom figrre l- we know tbat the U-form combines with
the p1ura]-: dyaa-pqn, with the l_ocative: dyaa-ya:kya or
dvaa-k:ra a.nd. that the O-form combines with the agentive:
^ d.lrawa-:i,. Ihe c].assifier ie -mha, as is indicated by the
fact tha.t this noun belo:rgs to cle.ss 1.
Conversationn]. Newa,ri - 3Z
mh3ra:yt mhya:c- J. daughter
The first form Listed. ia the entry above is the U-form, the
second ie the O-form. .Otherwise the interpretation of this
entry is the Eame a6 for dya(wa) above. The U-form combines
with the plura].: mhrra.:y'plrn, end with the locatiwe:
mhya:y'ya:krra. [he O-form combines with the agentiwe:
mhya.; can. .

ra:chYas 2 giant
lhe p]-ura]- form is ra:chyaeta as indicated in figure 1 above.
Otherwise the interpretation of this entry is the sarne as for
]fa:6a: abowe.
]-a(kh) 3 water -pty K
In the ca6e of class 3 nou:as, the O-form is used both for
l-ocatiwe and agentiwe. The locative form indicated by the
entry above is thus lakhey' a:rd the agentive is ].akhan,.
The cJ-aseifier given j.s -pty thus chspty J.aa 'a drop of
waterr. The r:nmarked form is I-engthened: }aa,. The {
indicates that the p3.ural -ta is used. in the senee rkinds
of '. If an $ ha.d occurred. here, it wouJ-d hawe indicated the,t
tbe pJ.ura3. -ta cou-I-d. hawe been used in a ph:raI sense.
maca: 2 child. [f = maste.]
the entry a.bove 6ay6 tbat the pl.ural- is irregular. The p1ural-
is not maca"zta as it woul-d have been if it were :'egrrlar, but
ie rather maste-. If both forms had been poseib3-e, we would.
I:awe used the spcbo]- OP = withi.n the square brackets to ind.ica.te
'optiona3- p}:ral. form' .
D. Abbreviations r:sed in norrn entries.
Th.e abbrewia.tione used in nor:n entries contain certain
basic synboJ.e as fo3.lows':
A = Ihe agentive is irregrr].ar (end. wil-]. be listed in
the entry fo].l-owing the equaLs sign>
C Classifier
D Noun is quantified d.irectl-y without the use of a
I - The instnlmenta1 is irregu-l-a.r (and wiU- be J.isted.).
K Claes J nor:n takes p]-ura]- in the sen6e tkinds of t.
Tr = The locatiwe is irregu1ar (and wil]. be listed.).
M Class ] nou:r takes plura]- in the 6ense 'many'.
P - fhe pIura1 form is irregrr]-ar (and wi]-l be listed).
S = [he source form is irregtr.].ar (arrd wi].]. be listed)-
Conversationa.L Newari - 55
In ad.d.ition to theee basic e3rubo1s, there are certaia prefix
ssrmbo1s that combine with them. Wben a certai:e fo=u is l-ackirag,
the prefix N appears.
NA Agentiwe form is 3-acking.
}i*I Locatiwe form is l-acking.
Ii-P P1ura1 form is Laeling.
NC Tl.ere is :ro classifier for this fonn.
tr{hen an optional irregu.J-ar forn occrre aJ-ong sid.e the reguJ.ar
form, tb.e prefix p appears:
OA = there is arr' optiona]- agentiwe form (which ie then listed).
OI, = there i6 on optiona]. l-ocatiwe form.
Certain forms are replaciwe. In thj-e inetance the prefix R
oc eu:rE:
RP The ph:raL form is rep).aciwe.
In general there may be a need. to J-iet repJ.aeiwes. Thus far
we trave onJ-y one kind of replaeiwe. VIe iIl-ustra,te it here
rather thpn I-isting it in the g].oesary entries:
waytnr -m]:a L crazy man RP
The rep3.aeive p3-ura-1- for coiapourrds with -roha is pgpr. fhe
p}.:ral- form of walrrn'mha is thus waytrf,tpy'tn,.
l-. Interpretir:g g]-ossary entries for nourrs.
fhe ob ject of thi s d.ri'l'l is to a.cquai:et the stude:et with the
i:efJ-ectiona3. patter:re of various cLassee of norrns. Earl-y sets
are sorted eo as to infl.ect with. simiLar patterns. I'a,ter eets
are mi-xed.. The strrdent is not expected. to .l-earn th.e 3.*ica1
items themselves, but is expected rather to co:ece:rtre"te uporl
ma,sterj-ng the interpreta"tion of gJ.ossary entries.
a. Set l- (Cl-ass J-, consonarrt fina.I.)
Supply the r:nmarked, p}:ro] , locative, and. agentive forms
for eacb. :aoul3.. T}.is should be done oralIy, not in writi:rg.
ma:1yk L master [na:\rk ma:].ykpyn, ma3]-y]nra.:Llra ma:1ykan, ]
may rmsa:b 1 mistress
ma:ra:j L majesty
jrha:n l fami-].y
ka:1 .1 death Nf
gwthyya:r 1 gtrthi member
Conwersationa]. Newari - 34
b. Set 2 (C].ass 1, rrowel fina]-). Supp1y ora].]-y the
rrnmarked., p}:ral. , l-ocatiwe, a.:rd. ggentiwe forme for each norlrl'
nJmy L fatherts sister J-a:::y L queel:.
bwry 1 oJ.d womarr ma:rtry 1 minister
jh:rthy 1 o1d woman jwjw 1 king
nhyathw 1 first r^rife sa:hw 1 merchant
d.a: jw 3- older brother tata.: jw 1 elder sister-in-l-aw
kyahyant 1 yor.ln.g:er sister J.ya:eya 1 young worna;r
pa: sa: l- friend. r-a'. ja.. l- king
bwra: 1 oJ-d man ba: jya: l- grand.father
raysa: 1 wife kyja: 1 yoirnger brother
tata: 1 el-der sister

c. Set 3 (c].ass 1, a].ternating consone.:at fina]-)

Supply ore.l ].y the unmarked., p3-ural- , I-ocative, a:ed agentiwe
forms for each nourr.
ma: (m) 1 mother nl:ya: y' mhya: c- ]- daughter
bhaw bhal-y- 1 younger kala: (t) 1 wife
brother's son'e wife,
gra.:ed.sont s wife

d. Set 4 (cJ.ass 1, al-ternating vowe3. final-) Suppl.y

ora]-I-y the r:nmarked, pJ-uraJ-, locative, and agentive f srns f or
ea,ch noun.
ka: y' ka:3ra - l- son ehe,y' cha.ya- L grandson
d1-a (wa) 1 god

e. Set 5 (class 2, inwa.riant wor,,'cl fina-l) Suppl-y

tlre r:lmarked., pJ-ura,J-, I-ocatiwe, a.::d. agentiwe f orns f or each

by 2 snake kysy 2 eJ-ephant

syka:ry 2 hunter phay 2 sheep (a1so pha.y(s))*
wJrrf, | 2 mad woman dwgw 2 goa.t
pasw 2 beast chvrn' 2 rnouse
bha: ttw 2 d.owe khwn' 2 thief
*This convention, omitted. from the section on abbrewiations,
giwes an alternate base form. SuppJ-y aIJ. forms for both bases"
Conversationa.L Newari - 35

-ii e. Set 5 (eoatinued')

dhwat 2 tiger jyapw 2 farmer
gy:eeia 2 lioa sa'f-s 2 }eorse
kfuri:a:: 2 dog }:e-z 2 bee
taa,ca. 2 boy, chiJ-d kha: 2 eock
o? = masta wa''nt 2 mad man
f . Set 6 (cJ.aes 2, al-ternatiag consona.rrt fin=].)
- Supply ora3-Ly the unmarked, pl-uraf., locatiwe, "'d ag:entiwe
forms for each noun.
ewalay' cualae- 2 she goat aarrw(kh) 2 person
kwaky(J-) 2 a bl-ack song kwa(kh) 2 crow
bird' d.hwa,n' (1) 2 jacke]-
trhSra: (k) 2 a harnting banja: (1) 2 a peddJ-er
i'11'- kwEoha(l-) 2 potter
wyka: (l)
E,! 2 tai-l-or jawa: (1) 2 herd-er
bhw jy(::) 2 f]-y b:'trhw(n) 2 Pid'geon
phwa.gy(n> 2 beggar kY(].> 2 insect
ma:lra(1 ) 2 monkey haytnt hae- 2 googe
- phay(s) 2 sheep (aaso pha.y) d'hay'nr dhas- 2 bed' bug
' I' mJray t m3ras- 2 buf fal-o

Ihe student is encouraged to return to this d.rill periodice]1y

and to go through it with a natiwe speaker of Newari r::etj-L
he haimastered the patterns involwed. . f'c should. be noted. tha.t
severa-l- words wiLL fit into more than one pattern, and th.at
not all speakers will agree ae to the patterlas which shoul-d.
be preferred for a number of words. It is not the point of
this d.ri1-1 to teach rrew vocabulary, but -ather to give praetice
in inflectionaL patter:es. Class' , nouns wil-L be cowered. by
drills in the next leseon. fbom this point ot1: :aoun6 wiJ-l be
.giwe:e in their standard gJ-ossary fors.
2. Substitutiore dri]-]-.
It'e object of the fo.llowing d.ri3.l- is to aid. tl-e student in
mastering certai:e fra.mes. Ihe items substituted for X are
giwea f or the saLe of wariety in repeating the fra:ne "
ConwersationaL Newari 76

A. Gana jha:y'grt?
B. ?asae, warJra.
A. Chw nyaa: jazy'eiw?
B. X nya&: warr5ra.
Chy nan, jha:yt Laz ?
A. X rlwg,e"i
Ayrsa:n, pa:8a,2, ve'yt ).a:?
B. Jsrw.
V/here X = n-l:a:y'ka(n), k5rpa: , c\ta,ez? , gwa]-bhya zraz , a:]-w,
kaany, rnw6ya: , l.a:bha: , pya: j, chwcr.r(n), mary,
ka:wJ-ya, me-iy' , ja:ky, 3-ad.dw
7. Substitution dri]-]-.
The object of the foal-owing driJ.3- is to girre practice in the
use of the locatiwe
A. Gwg'w X warrya?
D. Y x lryayt waaya.
Where X = the ].ocative forms of the fol]-owing: chyan' 'houser,
1e:rt troel.d' , kwatha: trooErt , k:,'ab:r tge,rdent , tvnet (thrr)
'weJ-l. ' ,
arrd. Y = irny tmyt, chymy tyourt, pa:sa:ya: tof a friendr,
ma.:rl,lra: rmotherrst, ymy ttheir.t, waye: thitt.
4. lransforrla.tion d.ri]-l-.
this d.ri]'t is structured as a series of related situations
regarding wb,icb qrrestiong are poeed. the student si:oul-d. answer
the questione without looking at the book. For situatiozrs fo'l'l owing
the second., the strrdent is expected. to construct questiorre
plal.ogous to those posed. in the earJ.ier situations.
Situation: JTrt,aa chagww saphww ma:J-a.
llkyn , jy pa: sa: ya: chyan ' y I
wa"r}a: .
Questions: 1. Sw wana? [.ly *"',r., . 1
2. Gana. wana: ? [P.r.*ry* chyen'yt warra: .l
7. Cha:yr we"na:? llvt*u saphww ma:]-a.
4. Gwgw chyanryr wana: ? ""*' ' ]
[?=.r.-ry* chyan'yt *"rr-r. ]
Convereationa]. Newari 37

5. Chw ma.:l-a? [Ch.g*, sa.phww ma:]-a. ]

6. SwSrba ms:l-a? [ Jytaa na:]a. ]
7. Gwa"e,guv saphww ma:].a?
Icurer* sa.phww ma:]a. ]
Note the interpJ.ay of conjunct <t'a,na,:) arrd- d.isjr:nct (@,
ma:la) forms in this drilI . Sirree ma:I rto need, be ::ecessaryt
ie imperso:eaI , it wil-1 not occur in a 'first persota' eonjunct
form. lria:e tto got occurs in the co:ejunct form in questions
which anticipate a first person response. A question begirr:ring
with sw 'who', is a requ.est for information about the person
inwoJ.wed" in the action, hence wil-I not occur with a conjunet
form of tb.e verb. It does not assr:me a first person response.
Situation: Ra:rnya:ta swangww saphw-w ma:1a.
Wkfrn r p3'. su-iya.a pasal-ay t wa-rra.
Queetions: l-. Sw wana?
2. Gana wa:ra?
3. Cha:y'wena.?
4. Gwg'w pasalay' wa.na"?
5. Chw ma. zl-,a?
6. Swyta ma:]-a?
7. Gw].y saphw na:Ia?

Si!1a!ioa: Chytaa rryjw 3-a:ka:n, maz1a.

llkfrn, Asanayt pasal-ayt wa.r:az.
Ttuis dri]-]- ca,- be extend.ed by the strrdent to a considerabl-e
extent by substitution. Ihis shoul-d. be d.one with the help
of a native speaker.
5. Number d.ril-]..
lhis d.ril-J. ean be rrsed to give praetice ir: the r-rse of m.mbers
e.::d. c]-aseifiers. Items in parentheses a.re optional-.
} A. Chapw cr^rasa.:ya: gwJ.y tww?
B. X -rka: (tya: ) tww.
A. Daa nypw cwasa: byya: dysan, !
Gwl-y ma: l-a?
B. Y -rka: ma:]-a.
ltlhere X is any number and Y is twiee as n'Iuch as X.
Conversationa]- Newari - 38
Repeat the preced.ing driJ-l. substituting one of the fol l owing
for cwasa:. The appropriate classifier appeare in pareatheeee
before the substitution item.
[-son<]-y>] saphw(Iy) [-p", ] rDary
[ -e, <1> ] l-ad.dw [ -pr: <t> ] n]eay'ka(n)
[ -trrrucrv> ] pye,: j

f,eeson 5. Expensilre Shoes shoul-d. be Good,.

A. jha:y'gv?
Ga:ea sre (you) going?
B. Asanay' vranya. (Irrn) going to Asan.
A. Cha:y' jha:y'gw thay'n, ? Wliy are (you) going?
B. I'atkazrt, Ttya;e'z wa.nya. <I> am going to buy shoee"
A. A::a bhSagw d,w 1,e-z? Are there good one6 there?
B. BhnAr,r Ea=w Ba: If there s.r'e no good orreB,
ana nya:y' mak.Lw. <I> won't buy any there.
A. Dhyaba: tww thayin, A3-though (they) cost morrey,

3. Khaa.. Athya hyay' ya:yr. Tes, that's just wLrat I'11 d.o.

New Vgcabu1ary
athya J-ike that tleayrn, l-ike (a.Iso used. e"6 a.
cha:y'why2ParticleofPo].itene66 or uuacsrttrinty).
d.hyaba: 1 Eroney, pice ye iyr future conjrrnct form
makhw negative of kha 'bet. of ya: rdot.
sa: if, al-though
Conwersational- Newari - 39
l-. Interpreting glossary entries for noune.
The object of this d.ril-I is to a.cquaint the student with the
inflectionaJ- pa.tterne of various c3-assee of nouns. The stu.dent
is not expecteg to learn the 3.exicq]- iteme themselves, but is
expected, rather, to concentrate upon rnastering the interpre-
tation of gJ-oseary entries.
a. Set l- (e].ass J, j-nwariant eonsonant fin=]s)
Suppl-y oral-J.y the agentive, locatiwe, a"rrd. unmarked forms.
PJ.ural epecificatione have beea caitted from the listinge
for th.is dril-]..
mra'c 7 ehair -g:w(].y) ta: ryph T praise -g'w(Iy)
gajap , wonder NC pa:p 3 sin -gw(l,y)
jara: ph 5 ertgwer -gw(Iy) sarrga.t 7 comparly -gw(ly)
bakhat 1 time -gw(1y) a:pat 7 troub].e -gw(1y)
band.wk 7 rif].e -pw pad 3 title -gw(Iy)
kys5,u 7 kind.s -gw(]-y) dha:a 1 wea].th -gvr(ly)
g:wn t he]-p -gw(l-y) hwl- ', crowd. -gw(].y)
b. Set 2 (c]-aes J, invarient vowe]. finn]s) Supp].y
ora.Lly the agentiwe, locatiwe, and ur:marked f orme. Ph:ra1
specifications hawe been oraitted from the examplee i:e tliis
d.ril'I set.
my 5 fire -kw(ty) sy6y 3 bottle -ga(1)
hy 5 bl-ood -ty -pty khy 3 feces -kr., -pwa,(I)
6;rn'3 wood -kw -kw(ty) -pa:ytn' -}rw(ty) -tya: (k)
kaasy 7 operl roof -gn(].y) ty 7 stitch, Eou.p -ty
gra.z].y . 5 heel -ga.(l-) rDary 3 fJ.at bread. -pa:
,$ bhw 3 plate -pa: (t) lmr' 1 go1d. -kw(ty)
kha.swTfogNC glrn' 7 forest -gw(Iy)
mhwtw 7 mouth -pwa: (1) pa: Iw 3 gigrrer -kw<ty)
l-ani 3 road -pw
mat,a 3 ]-amp -pwa: (3-) sabda 5 word -S-vu(].y)
swtha 3 morrring -gw(1y) swarga t heawen -gw'(1y)
thal-a 3 pot -ga(I) khant J matter, fact -gw(].y)
Convereationa]- Newari - 40
ba^rt' 3 floor, gror:nd chyant J lr.orrse -kha:
-Sw<ly, )-aptya. 7 (Iarge) Ieaf -pa:
kyan' J da1, l-entils -ty ewa 3 top, peak NC
kwa 3 bottom NC thwan' J beer -ty
La: 5 meat -kw(ty) ia: 1 cooked rice -ga(].)
jya: , work -gr"(].y) mwnjyaz 3 meeting -gw(].y)
l.ha: pa: 7 door -pai swkaz 3 tllread -pw
swka 7 suka, qr.:.arter rupee ja:tre,z t festiwal -gw(l_y)
D kwatha: 3 room -gw(Iy) -kw(ty)
l-a: bhe.: 3 gar]-ic -thw gl:ranta-z J Lrour _eiw<ay>
-kw -kw(ty) wa: , tooth _pw
kyara: J banana -pw ta: 3 bridge -pw
a: se-z t hope -e-w<.ly> ca: 7 rnud. -kw(ty) -kw
c. Set 3 (cl_ass 7, elte:.nating consonarrt fina]-s)
suppJ-y tlre unmarked, agentive and locative f orms. parrror
specificatioae have been omitted. for the pu:rposes of this set.
khyanr khyan I e- 7 egg ee,ra: (p) 3 curse -gl',(1y)
-ga(].) hwa(t > t ho]-e -pwa: (1)
wasa(t) 3 cl-oth - jw ].|ra: (t) 3 hand. _pw
'l hwanr (t)
3 stone -ga(1) mhwe,sa(t > 1 forehead -g:w(l-y)
mya myae- 3 tongrrs -pw kway'n | (c > 7 bond -kw(ty)
I-way' l-wae- 7 d.isease Bwpa: yr13, Ewpa: c- 5 cl_oud
_gw(l_y) _kw(ty)
€:wa: y' gwa: c- 7 musts.che twa: (th) 1 mouth -gw(ly)
-Pw twn' (thy) rn,eLl- -ga.(J_)
pwg.3 <th> 5 stomach -ga(J_) Ia(kh) j water _pty
y(kh), spitta.l -pty bhwayrblrway- 3 feast _Cw<ay>
ta(m) t Ernger -ka(].) bara: (m) , peanut -rhya -ga.(I)
-g:w(3-y) rrha:yrka(n) 5 mirror _pa: (t)
ga: (m) 3 wi]-]-age -gw(1y) ]-a:ka: (m) j ehoe _pa: _jw
sa]-a: (m) 3 chalk -kw(ty) na: (m) 7 t:Fme -gr"r(ly)
Conwereational- Newari - 4L

].a(n) 3 shirt -pa:(t) ba:kho(n> 5 story -pw
cyka(n) 3 oi]. -ty swa: <n> , f].ower -pwa: <1>
- nJrpa(n) 7 tail- -pw chwcr,s(n) 5 wheat fJ-our -rBe"r:a:
nwga(]-) 3 beart -gw(3-y) -mlra: -pty -m}:w(l-y)
gha(3.) 1 pitcher -ga(3-) wa: sa(3-) 3 medicirre -glr3.y
ja: (1) 5 net, trap -Jr -ca: (L)
ta: (1) 1 lock and key -jw sa(3.) 3 woiee -grv(Iy) D
ha(J.) 7 heaf -ha(I.) pe.sa(I-) 1 s}-op -€w(Iy>
amga(]-) 7 waLl- -ga(l-) ja(]-) 7 Lieht -gr^,(].y)
y(1) 3 time -gw<]-y> dya dyas- 3 country -g:!r(ly)
ma:yr ma:6- 3 puJ-se gha:y'n, gha:e- 1 gra6E -pE
-ga(J-) nJra:yt nl:a: s- 1 nose -pw
bha:yr bha: e- 3 3.anguage pbayt pha.s- 1 wing NC
-gr',(ly) ba:yr ba3 s- 3 overrrJ.ght stop,
u shelter -gw<1y>
d. Set 4 (cle.ss J, a]-ternating wowel fina.l-s) Supp\l"
nr^otfy the rrnmarked., locative, a-d agentiwe forms. ?].ura.]- spec-
ifl.cations have been omitted. for the pu:eposes of this d.ri']'l set.
pa.pw(ty) 7 wing, feather pwlrhw(ly> 7 pond -gw<Iy>
-pa: -pw paw paty- 3 ]-etter -pw(ty)
swkb.w(1y> 5 mat -pa: (t) kw<l-y> 7 }.oe -pw
(a3.so swk}lw(ty) ) . dhaw dhal.y- 7 curd -kw -ga(I.)
Eaw sa\r- 3 cow f eces , Lharr khaay- 3 oil coke -pa: (t)
manure -kr+(ty) -kw angw(]-y) 3 ring -pa,: (t)'
eandlrw(].y) 7 trunk -ga(1) jSrw(wa) 7 bod.y -ew(].y)

e. Set 5 (mixed.) SuppJ-y ora1J-y the r:ruoa.rked., locatiwe,

a.::d a.gentive forms. ?Iura,I specifieations have been omitted..
l-wa: pw 1 fight -ka(].) dwrw 7 mi]-k -ty
bha:]-w 2 bear pSrwa: (I) 2 keeper
ka: pa(t> 7 cloth -kw kha.(t > ) cart, cha:,iot _gw(ly)
-kw(ty) bha.w bhaty- 2 cat
Co:rversationri Newari - 42
ma:ha iTaiwy l- gueen maa:dya(wa) l- Sharrlcar
ca? ca:laLr- 7 night -ca.- pya(n) 7 arlus -ga(l)
pyaikha(n) 3 da.:ece, drama chwa(n) 5 bamboo shoots -kw(ty)
-gw(Iy) ea: bw(n) 7 soap -ga(L)
cwkw(Iy) 3 3-atcb, bar, bol-t jhya: (i) 7 window -pa: (t)
-gr"r(]-y) -pw d.hvra(].) 1 ].ine D
kaw 2 blacks:aith A= kaw nan,
fhe student is enccuraged to return to this d.riJ.l periodical.).y
and to go tb.roueh it witb. e nati-we epeaker of Newari r:ntil- }.e
hae n:agtereC tbe patterrre invol.ved.

2. Sutr ;titution dri]*l.

The object of tiee foJ-l-owing dri).J. ie to aid the stud.ent in
mastering the fz'anre. 3he itencs errbstitut6d for X are given
for the eal<e of veriety.
A. G*ta j ba: y' gw ?
3. X lranya.
A. Cha:y' jha:y'gw thay'n, ?
B. Y :cyae2 lranya.
A. A-rra b\':egh' dr; Laz ?
3. Bh5rng"- mar''w sa:
ana :rya:y' makhw.
Where X = Asa& paer()-) ana ga: (m) chye,'
arrd. Y = ewa.se': aaphrnr(ly) mary cya: a:l_w k3rpa: pya: j

7. Situation Cri11.
rn this d.ri'].t the stud.ent is given a situati-on in Newari and
asked questio-e about it.
Sitr:atio:e: lla pasa-l-ay' be.:nrJ-a:gr,, wa bh3rngw
cwasa: dw. A;rtsa:rr, tasalrarr, thykye,"
tr'Ik5rn, harSrn, rena nyBiyr maphw.
Questions: Q. Har5rn, cwasa: nJratta Lar?
A. Ha.ryn, cprasa: manyaa:.
Conwerea.tiona.l Newa.rj_ _ 45

Q. Cha:y' maxryaa: ?
A. faskan, thykay' wk5m,.
a. Cwa.sa: ba : n , J-aa : l-:az ?
A. Cwasa: ba:rer1a.a: wa bh;rn,,
a. Sw na.:n, nya:yr ua.phw?
A. Har3rn, nya:y' maphw.
a. Chw nya:y' mapLrw?
A. Cwasa: n;ra:yt maphw.
a. IIa cvyasa: thykay, majw-w sa:
Ha.r;m, rLya,.y la: ?
A. Nya:y.
A. l{a cwasa: b}ryn, majw.w sa:
HarSrnr rry&:y 1:a: ?
A. Nya:y uakhw.
Conversatio'.a1 Newari - 44
tresson 6. Passing a Store lli:ed.ow.
.l\.. Swaya: d.ysan,: ?Iease ]-ook j
Hrnrn, chw tha.y'r:r? Ilha.t is that?
-8. !Ia. tapwJ.y khaa.. That ie a cap.
Ii.. Makhw. No.
La:kazn, thay'n, cr,rar],. It looks J-ika a shoe.
B. lapw1y thay'n, hyay' It certain3-y looks l-ike a
clran, jytaa Ia: . cap to me !
A. Lazkazrl, hyay' kl..a.a. It rea.J.!-y is a shoe.
Chapa: jaka. (but) just a sing]-e one.
New Voca.bu-l-ary.

#waya: gerurCiwe form of the ie cwanya, the futrrre

werb swa 'to look'. lhe d.isjr:nct fo='n is ggy,
future ccnjr:::ct iE swa:,'', the past conjr:rrct form
the futr:.re d.isju:act is is cwana: , and the past
swalr, the pa"et conjunct C.isji:nct form is cwana-.
is swaya:, ald the past
f.isjunct is swata. iSriaa 'to me' v is the

first person "i pronoun,

d}'sa:l , I impe;'atj-ve fcz'n of -ta.a is a:l object affix.

the verb drry 'to ber (b.on- An alter:eatirre f orm f or
orific ). Ihe futr,:.re con- ,i:rtaa is d,aa.
jurrct a;nd disjr:.:ect is Cyy,
the past conjunct i= aG, jaka just only
and. the past Cisjr:nct is
cwarl , )-ong r'orm of the werb
cwarr t to Eeern, appear t .
The future conjr:nct form
Grammar Notes.
1. An optiona]. gtrntlve formation.
In prewious J-essor3.s we have seen that llouns may form agentives
by suffixing -n, or -Br!, to the O-form of the noun.
ConversationaL Newari - 45
Vowel 3ina1 Steoe Consona::t Fi:eal Stems
O-form + -Sr- O-fo::m + -grr,.
tapwJ.y-nr lr'ith a cap l-a:ka:m-an, with a shoe
cwa6a:-r1 , with a pen pya: j-an, with a,:e onion
saphwJ-y-n, wj-th a book pasal.-an, with a store
pa:sa:-n, by a friend. kyJ--an, by an insect
cyaJ.a-n, by a serya-t banja:J.-an, by a pedd3-er
ka:yayt-n, by a son ma:tn-an, by a mother
rn a.d.dition to thie form of the agentive, nourrs of c.l-asees l_
and. 2 hawe another, optiona3. , agentive form. fhis form
consists of the U-form of the nout3 fol_lowed by nan,.
pa:sa:-na::, by a friend, k5ry-nan, by a"1 insect
cyaa-naJr, by a senravrt banjaa:-nar1, by a ped.d,J-er
ka:yt-rxan, by a son rne,:l1 ,-13.€11L, by a motb.er
rheee two forme of the agentive appear to be fur]-y inter-
changeab]-e for animate xtoun6, heving the same meanings and
rarage of uees.
2. Other notra suffixes
There are a number of other nour:. suffixes which a.ttach to the
u-form of the r:.orln. rnclud.ed. qmorrg these are the possessive
adjective forms -ya:gw(1y) -Ira:mha the benefact-ive /
purposive form -lra:].a:A-Jrn. and tb.e object forro -ya,:ta.
pa:6a:-ya:glr cwa6a: a friend's pen
ps,: aa:-ya:mhs, ka:yr a friend'e 6on
pa:6a:-ya: l-a:g5rn, for a friend
!Ian, pe:sa:yatAa cl"ag:urw IIe gawe his friend a book.
saphww by3-a
the uses of these and other ca6e forms wirr be treated i-n
more d.etai]. in la.ter ].essons.
1. Agentiwe forms.
The object of this dri11 is to prowide the student with
add.i-tionar opportunity for learning patterned rerationships
between u-forms and o-forms in nouns. Nor:ns are listed below
in thei-r glossary entry forms. The stud.ent is to give both
possibJ.e a.geative forme for each noul1.
Conversational Newari 46

ma:I-yk I master nJmy 1 fath.er's sister

I-a:ny 1 queera ma,: (m) 1 mother
mhya: y' mhya: c- l- d.aughter bLraw bhal-y- I younger brother 'e
kala.: (t) 1 wife sonrg wife
ka: y' ka: ya- l- 60rr chayr clraya- 1 grandson
dya(wa) I god by 2 snake
kysy 2 elepha:et manw(kh).2 person
kwa(h> 2 erow d.hwanr(1) 2 jackel
khya: (kh) 2 a lraulting bhwjy(n) 2 f1y
spirit bakhw(n) 2 pigeon
phay(s) 2 sheep dhay'n' dbae- 2 bed. bug
myayr myae- 2 buffa]'o hay'n' hae- 2 goo6e
2. Asentiwe subetitution d.ri]-]-.
Each of the f o'l'l ol;ing sentences contains one or rnore nor:ns in
gJ-ossary entry form enclosed in square brackets. Read each
sentenee twice. On the first reading substj-tute the -nan,
agentiwe foroa for tne parenthesized el-ements rvhere possibl-e
'(that is, substitute -nan, for c!.ass L end 2 nouns, not for
class J nor:ns). On the second. :'eading substitute tne -\- /
-arr, e.gentive forn.
1. Jr.my I p. , thl.,a cwasa: I rryt, rke' : ] nya: ta.
"., ]
i,!y friend bought this pen f or fiwe rupee6.
2. Ilt*, <*>] Hr.y-ya;ta [uty] d,a::.a.
Mother beat llari- -l,;ith a stick.
7. Jymy, [fr,yt ka:ya-] ana chagww saphww t.a]..a.
My son put a book there.
4. Chpmha [m".rr*<uu>] IIary-ya:kya. chagr.rw saphrvw ka:l-a..
A certain person took a book from }Iari.
5. Chamha [U"rlj.: <1>] thaa ka:y'-ya:ta cha.gww khan' dhe:J.a.
A certain pedd].er to1d. his son something.
6. Jrrmy [t*fr: <t>] rvayta chapw cwasa: byIa.
i{y wife gave him a pen.
Conversational Newari 47

7. Cbe^mha[roa:ka(a)] jYtaa s]rata..

A monkey l-ooked at me.
8. Hary-ya:kya tha.a [crray' chaya-] bwsw eaphww dw'
I{ari has a book that wa.s giwen to him by Lris rrandson.
g. [Tr.ttt ) iv** ghwa:ta.
(My) e].der sister Puohed me.
10. Isa:rrw1 ]-a:ka:n, cyta.
The merchar.t tied. (his) shoes.
1l-. [ru.rr: (t) ha:r:ag Ikirvpt<t>] cyta.
(My) wife tied the cloth with a Ie39'
L2. Cha.mha [manw<kh>J lIary-ya:ta tataa Isa(I>] saatala.
A-certain .Eg ca.I-led to Ilari with a loud woice"
. Substitution driI1:
1 conir:nctions -
The object of this dri']'l is to re).ate the fol3-owing conjunctions
to one asother in the student's mind.i e,E-t 'if ', wkrrn, tBot,
aytEa:rt, Ea:11 tthorrght.
'althought, '
A. Hwn, pasa.]-ay' blurrrg:w J-a:ka.:n, dw aa":?
B. Bhfngw lnarw X ana nya:yr makbw.
A. Dnyaba: tww Y bh3rngw nYa:Y' r.aai.
rrlhere X = Ea: , wLyn , d, <notl.ing at al-1>
and.Y-aytEa:rt, 6a:n,
The fol-lowing i6 a rrariant of the preceding.
A. Ih^'::r pe.saI-ay' bhSmgw Ia:ka:n, dw 1a: ?
B. Bhirngw tnarw Y jytaa nya:yr hyay' r:ra.a.i.
A.Dhyaba: apwaa tww X ana nya:y' maphw.
4. Situajion dril1.
In this d.ri]l- the etud.ent is given a situation in Newari and
asked qpestions about it. The stud.ent should. answer the
qrrestions without looking at the book.
Convereational Newari 48

Situation: Wa paealay' ba:nrJ-a:g"w weE

bhyngw cwaea.: dw, dyt sa:n,
tasakan, thykya. Cwaea:ya:
i'\arka: tww eaPhwwya: nya:rka,:
tww wa 1a: ka: n, ya: n36rrka tww .
Iiaryya:kya nya:rka: jaka d.hyabe.:
dr+. i'Ilcfn, wa,n , cwasa : jaka nya: ta"

Qr:estions: Q. Cr+asa: elrapwya: gw3-y tww?

A. Cwasa: chapwya: swarka: tww.
a. Saphwvr chagwwya: gwJ-y tww?
A. Saphww chagwwya: nye.:rka: tww.
a. la:ka:n, chajwya: gwJ-y tww?
A. La:ka:n, chajwya: nySrrka: tww.
q. Ear3rya:kya gwaarka: d.hyabe: d.w?
A. Iiar;rya:kya rya.irka: jaka dw.
a. Haryn, chw rl]'a:ts?
A. Har;rn, cwase: chapw jaka nyazta"
a. Ear3.n, cwasa: clrapw me.rryaa: ee.l
sa.phil-rn, chagww jaka ga:rr, nlra:yr
phvr l-a: ?
A. Phw.
a. i{ar5rn, cr.,'e.sa: c}rapw wa saphww
ehagww ma.nyaaz s€,2 Latka,zrt,
chajw nya:y' phw l-a: ?
- A. Maphw.
a. Cb.a.:yr maphw?
A. HazXrya:kya nya:rka: jaka dw wk5rrrr.
After going through the situation driIl- severa1 times, B
shoul-d, a:iswer without looking at the book. After the a::swers
hawe been mastered, the sitrration shou-l-d be changed. Both the
items and the prices may be changed.
Conversationa]. Newari - 49
Sesson 7. At the Cap Store.
A = CuEtoroer
B - Custoaer'e friend
C = Shonlceeper
A-C = A ePeale to C
A-C ?aea.l-ya: bha: jw. Oh ehopkeeper.
Chykya bhpegw 'bapwl-y Do you have cry good caps ?
dw la: ?
C-A Dw. Gwgu jsrw? Yes. ltrhich one is right?
Srce.ya: dyaan, I P).ease l-ookJ
B-A Erm:, ba,:nr1aa:. fhe one over there looke god.
A-C Jyw. Yes
Wa kyerra: d.ysa:c., I Show me tb.a.t one, p1-ease.
C-A Swaya: dysan, I P]-eaee tp:,re a Iook.
Thwgw bhyn, taan, jww. This oa.e is al-so weIL made.
A-C Gw3.y tww thay'la, ? How much d.oes <it> cost?
C-A Nya:rka: jaka. Oxl-y five rupees.
B-C Ihwa swaya€L: tfarr, Isntt there a better
bhynsw marw La: ? one tha"n this ?
C-B Der. Thwg:w BwaJra: dysa"n, I Yes, plea.se l-ook at this orae.
A-g Ihwk36ra: gw1y tww tb.a.yrn, ? Ilow mrrch is this one?
g-A Thwkyya: cya.:rka: jaka. fhie one is only eight.rupees.
B-A Ihwg:w ba::rr3-aa: aytsa:n, Ihough this one is ettractive,
bhyn, thay'n, El&cw€Ja. it is not reo] ].y wel1 mad.e.
C-B lvlakhw. fhat's not true !
Ihwesr balla:y. fhie one wi.Ll_ be durab1e.
A-C Cya:rka: thykayr Eight rupees is expeasive,
majwr* Laz ? isnrt it ?
C-A Dhyaba: tww thaytn, ft costs Boney, (but it)
bal] a: y. wil]. be d.urabl-e.
Conversational Newari - 50

B-C la:1aa , ay ' sa: r:,

Ba"zr:-r It is attractiwe , bu.t tlra,t I s
apwaJ.a. too much.
C-AB Apwaa majww. ft ie not too much.
Nhayr:rka:tya: jlmy hya.yr ft co6t us seven e^zrd a hal-f
tww. rupees.
A-B 3a11a:y Ea.: thvra hyay' If it wiJ-l be durabJ.e, eh.or:J-d.n't
nya:y' ma:I1ry aaz? I buy this one?
e-AB thwgr+ ba:n,}aa: bhyn, this one is a.ttractiwe, (it)
r1arr, jwr,'. is aJ-so weJ-l made.
A-C Byya: dysa-n, ! Please Biwe <it to me),!
Thwgw hyay' yaril<ya. I wil-)- take this one.
Iiew Yoeabuf-ar}..
apwa3-a to be excessiwe, too byya: to give. this ie the
rnuch. ?his is the pa.st past conjr:rrct form of by:r.
Cisjunct fou'm of qnwa"a. the futr.se conjunct is b:nr,
It is an inpersonai verb aE j-e the futqre diSjr:nct.
]-acking ircperative and The past d,isjunct is b.y1a.
first pe?'son forms. the po=::":t'*
past con jl-inct is apwatra: JI43y ^-t"irst ^p:t"?:.
. f o:'m or :lv ' -L ' . J-T f-6
tne :uTure ccnJurrct LE
?pv;arrt , anc ttre future used' both as a piural exclu-
d.is junct is apway. ihe sive possessiwe 'our' and
eLpwaa, f ound. on the third. ?",a singu1ar possessive
line of this page is a indicating respect for the
sta.tiwe form. possessed. object: jl'm:r
kalaa.: 'my wifer. the
ba1J-a:y to be strong, d.rrrable. singr:J-ar jg kal-a^a.: 'my wife,
lhis is the futrlre dis- shows a.ffection, end.earment"
junct form. of bal-l-a:
Ihe future conjunct is kyaJla: Past eonjr:rrct form of
balla:rr', the past con- ayal 'to show'' rhe future
junct is ba"].].a:na:, and conjr-rnct form is klranya'
the past d.isjunct is the future d'isjunct form
baIla:ta. The negative is k'Yg.rtg' the past d'is-
is irr-lurar in that it junct is k]zana'
has a single 1: bama.]-a:ta.
ba: n , -La: -I-aa: to be good"
Iooking. The medial- -Ia:
is an emphatic prefix.
ConwersationpL Newari 5t
ma:l-yy tr'utu.re d,isjr:nct form thykay' aj expeneive
of ma,:I 'to :reed., be yankya Future conjr:rrct form
rz.ecea6.aryr. Ii is e.n (causative) of :ran I to
impereonal rrerb J.acking carryr . fhe corresponding
first person and imper- future d.isjr:nct is ;4g&EI,
ative forms. Ihe frrture the paet conjunct is g@:,
conjr:nct form is rna:1rra, and. the past d.isjunct is
the past conjr:nct form yanka]-a.
is ma.:].a:, and. the paet
disjr:nct form is ma:14..
pasalyaz 2 shopkeeper
swayaa: than
thwg:ra this
1. Caee forms with p].rrals.
Case forms occur with p]ural rrouras ae weal as with singrrl-er
rrouns. The order of affixes is the foalowing:
Stem (P1ura"]. Affi=) (Case)
Sinee tLrere a.re two p}:ro] aff ixes, one f or cl-ass J- and one
for classes 2 and 3, there are two patterns of case affixation
in the plura] . i'Ie may distinguish U-forms and O-forms for
these two p3-ural affixes.

Itl U-forro : O-form

C]-ass 1 I -pyn' -pvnv / -pv
Class 2, 3 I
-ua -tayt

Figrrre 1 Upright a.nd obliqrre forms of the

pl-ur=L e.ffix.
A sampJ-e paradigm comparing singul-ar and pJ-ura}. forms may
be given as fol3-ows.
n:other t
SinguJ-ar P)-ura1.., P].ural-^
Unmarked ma: t2, Ina:nr-PYEr ,
Ina.:n, -p]rrl,
I,oea.tive ma:ra, -Ya:kya ma:n, -PYE, -kya ma: n, -pyny-kya
Agentive h4.m-ofr
ue.rI 9+^t ma ; ri. r - pJr- sa.rr , me:n, -pJrny-sa,n,
Continued on the fo.I1-owing page.
Conversationa]- Newari - 52

Singr.r-Iar PJ-uraJ-, P1ura1,

Objeet rsa,in,-yazta, rna il1 r -pJra ,
-ta ma: rt, -p5rn3r-ta
Genitive Era:n, -ya? w ma: n , -pJrn , -g:hr ma: ra, -plrnlr-9"1,7

Figure 2. Singrflar o,nd p3.ura)- forms of eJ-ass 1 norrns.

'llhe two forms of the p1ura1 given in figr:re 2 above appear to
'be used interchangeabJ-y. The reader wil-)- notice that, the agentive
suffix is different in the pJ-ural from what it is in the singrrlar.
A si'ni Iar paradigrr can a].so be given f or class 2 nor::as " The
parad.igm is essential-3-y the same a6 it woul-d be for class J
rrouu:s. Sinee plr:raJ- ie marginaJ. for clase J nouls, no separate
parad-igm is given.

'pedd.Ier' Singr:-1-ar ?l-ural-

[nmarked banjaa t -ta

T,ocatiwe banjaa: -tay '-kya
Agentive ba::j aa z -tay' - san ,

Ob j ect banjaaz-i-ayr-ta
Geniti-ve berrjaa z -tay '-gw

Figr:.re 7. Singrrl-ar and p1ura1 forme of cl-ass 2 and3

there is an optioa.al a.gentiwe for the singrrJ-ar: ban.iaa:-netar
but :rotlring paraJ-I-el exists for the pIural-. i'Ihen the geni-tive
is rrsed as a case with verbs, rather thpn a pogse6sir,.e, it
|ras a short forra: be.rr.jaa:-Ira-: , !g:rjaa:-ta]r'. y,tleere the
possessed object is a::imate, -m}:a replaces -gw i:r. t!:e genitiwe
2. Case forms with c]-ass.Lfiers.
Classifiers with prefixed. numeral.s are often used, pronomina)-I-y.
For a:: example which has o't reag.y been encor:ntered., see the
last sentence of the conrrersation for ]-esson 1. Since elassi-
fiers are used pronomina)-1-y, they a3-so occur with ca6e affixes.
fhe following is an examp3-e of a cJ.assifier ueed as a aocatiwe
Ea:mya:kya nygww saplrww dw. Ram }-as two books.
ChagwJ.yy ya.kwa. k5rpa dw. In one of them there are
many pictr:,res.
Conwersationa]. Newari 55

C3-assifiers behave 3-ike cJ-ass J nor:::s with. reopeet to case

affi=ation. The O-forzn occlrrs with both the agentiwe and
the ]-oeatiwe a.ffi=es. The U-form oecurs with other affixee.
Ihe optiona'l agentiva ritb. -t1a.Jxr doee not occur, rror d.oes
the pLural. sffi= occrir; Case forms of certain
c).assifiers are giwen in figrrre 4.

-gw<1Y) -gl/w -gw3.yy -gw3.yr:r -gwwyaz,ta -gwwya: (g:w)

-ga(1) -ge"a -gaJ-ay' -ga1an, -gaayatt,a -ga"aya,: (gw)
- Po. -pe.: -pa:yr -pa:n, -pa:ya: ta -pa:ya: (g"rr)
-pw -pw -pwy -pwt3 r -1rwya... te, -prrJra: (gw)
-pa: (t) -paa: -pa:tayr -pa:tan, -paazyazta, -paa:ya: (g:w)
Figr-rre 4. Case forme of class J cla.ssifiers.
+The rlse of the O-forro of the c].assifier
is different
f:'om that of the nou.n. Thie may be discussed J-ater.
the cl-assifi-er -EEg which occurs with c3-ass 1 and class 2
r,orrnE d,iffers from ihe class 1 claesifiere in that it takes
t}- e 6ame ]-ocative affix a.s cl-a.so ]- and 2 nouns.

-g}ha -mha -mhan, -mb.a.ya: (gw)

,rahasykya -mhasyta -m}"asSrya: (g:w)
m.Lay' sylAra eyta
-m.Layt -mh.ay' strrya: (gw)
fi'igure 5. Case f orms of class 1 arrd 2 c]-assifiere.
The rrse of cl-assifiers a6 pronouJl.s in the various caseg maJr
be iJ.).ustrated by sentences such as the foJ-J-owing:
Ra:mya":kya nygww saphww d.w. Ram b.as two books.
Chag"wl-yy yakwa pypa,. dw. One of them has many pietr:res.
Chagw1-;rn, yalrwa jya: byw. One of them gave Lrim e. great
d.e^'l of r+ork.
Chagwwya:gw bhr,ran, banr].aa:. One of tLrem Lras nice Baper.
Convereational Newari - 54

Ra:mya: slramlea ka:y' dw. RajBhae tllree so:as'

Che.mha yakwa khara' 6aa, One of them eaid' Itrany things'
ChamhapykJrad.. nygw'l^, Gce of them has two books'
saphww dw.
ja: thw1a.
Chamha-rr, Oneof them cooked rice'
Chan'*rasyta ma:man, Mother gave money to olae
d.hyaba: byla.. of therc.
Chamhaya:g:w khan' ba:n,1aa1. O:ae of therc epeaks nicely'

t. P].ura1 g-ase, forms with nouns'
Ihere is a regrrlar shift from the o-form of the agentive
singu].ar to the U-form of the tagentiwe plural- for class 1
a-rrd. class 2 no'une- the pr.]rpoee of this d:'il-I ie to prowide
ti.e student with materiaf- for practicj-ng this shift. The
gaoesary forrc is gi'ren for each noux. The stucent is to
prowide the agentive sing.;lar a.nd the agentiwe piura.l forms"
Cya(wa) ]. god ma: (m) 1 moth.er
pa: sa: 1 friend ma:)-yk J- naster
mhya:y' mhya:c- 1 daughter kal-a: (t) wife
ka: y' ka: ya- l- 6otx chay' chaya- 1 grandson
nJrny 1 father's sister bwry L / 2 oId woman
bwrar I / 2 o1d man Be:hw I merchant
d.e.: jw 1 elder brother
tata: l- e].der sieter k1'ja: L younger brother
ba: jya: 1 grarrdfather way'ka(3-) he, she (respect)
thwayrka(I) 1 this orae bY 2 snake
(respect ) kyey 2 e].ePhant
phay(s) 2 sheep dwgw 2 goat
ma:ka,(}) 2 monkey mae;a;i 2 chi1.d. tOf = masta
manvr(kh) 2 perso)a OAP = mastaY'Ea:3, / mast tytt, ]
banja: (1) 2 pedd].er bhwjY(n) 2 f1Y
dhay'n' dhas- 2 bed bug myayr myas- 2 buffelo
Ioar = dhay'n,tasyan,] mysa,z 2 woman [oep = myste,s5ra.t"]
Conwereationa]- Nerpari 55

2. Pl-ural substitutio:: d.ril-L.

Each of the following senteneee contains a nou.in in its gJ-ossary
entry form enclosed in sqrrare lrrackets. Read. eacb sentence
three times out 1oud. &a the first reading substitute the -nan,
agentive sing:ular form for the bracketed entry. On the second
reading substitute the pJ-ura1 agentiwe form for tLre b::aeketed
entry. Oa the third reading subetitute the -g- / -&rrr agentiwe
singuJ-ar form. for the bracketed entry.
1. [rrry'ka:rr]] chagww eaphww nyazta.
Son bor:ght a book. *Some speakere Lrawe ka:rralrr- here.
2. Jlmy [ma.:<m>] tarka:ry day'ka1.a.
My mother prepared vegetabJ-es. (The pJ-ura1 of mother doee
not mean rmothersr but rather tmother and other membgrs of
the fami).yr.
' 3 . I fr., pasaJ-ay ' aa.: ka: :r, ewata.
"., ]
A friend Eaw Bhoes in the ehop.
4. Iitry'ka(I)] jvg'* chyal'yrk5rpa: khana
He (respect> saw e, picture in ray h,ouse.
5. Itfrru.ytka(]-)] chanta 'rChyan'y' hw:::.,l" dha.:La.
fhis one (reepect) said to you "Go home iil
6. I trt*, ] iaz nal-e..
Elder sister ate riee.
7. [ira:-a: <t> ] bajy ta]-a.
- fhe wife ser"ved. beaten rice.
8. [u]:.ya,: y' rnhya: c- ] wayta swata,.
fhe d.auehter saw }eim.
g. [mr.rv] ja: by3-a.
Satherts sister gave rice.
l-o. Isa:frr] jykya d,hyabe.: ka:1a.
The merchant took moraey from me.
Repeat the d.riJ-I substituting cl-ass 2 nouns from the l-ist in
dri1J. 1 above for the items in square brackets abo've.
Converea.tional Newari 56

7. Tra::sfcrmation dri]-Ls.
The object of the foJ.l-owing d.riII ie to give the student
practice in rela,ting the fami]-iar imperative and the honorific
or polite impera,tive forms. Some of these reJ-ations. are
irregrr-1-ar, since imperatives are sometimee irregu_Lar.
A. Swaa: I,ook I
B. Swaya: dysarr, J P3-ease l-ookl
A. Hwn, J Go !
B. Jha: sa.rr, I PJ.ease go I
A. Nyan,l l,isteni
B. Nyar.a: dysaa,: ?l-ease listen.:
A. \lae-z ! Cemej
B. Jha: sa.rr, I Please come i
4. Substitutio4 d.ri]-]-s: question and a:eswer.
In ad.d.iti"on to the obwioue substitutions built into the
follorn'ing dril-]-, there is a].ternation between honorific
and faniJ-iar forms in the questions. Remember that the
honorific forms carrnct be used in th6 first per'Eonr Eo
that, a first person ansr,trer to an honorific question in-
vo]-vee a shift from honorific we:"b to familiar werb.
A. Cha:y'tha::a waya:gw? (famil_iar question)
B. Jyt*" X raa:l-a. l,Ikyn, wa.ygw.

B. Jyrt,aa X ma : 1e.. i,fi<tr"n , waJrya: .

A. Cha:yr eJra wana: ? <fpmil-iar queotion)
B. Jytaa X nya:y' ya).a. Itkfrn, we.rra,:.
A. Cha:y' atxa j.b.a:ya: ? (respect question)
B. Jyrt"aa X nya:y' ma:I.a. ItkSrn, wana:.
A. Cha:y' wa wa]-a? <famil_iar question)
B. llayta X ma.:J-a.. Wk3ne, wa3.a..
A. Cha:yt way'kaa jha:l.a? (respect question)
B. l,Iay'kaafa:ta X na:1ap i.Ik3rn, wal-a.
ltrhere X = tapwly, la:ka:n, nha:yrkan, kSrpa: saphww cwasa:
a: J-w ka: wl.ya ma: y' pya: j l-a : bha : chwcwn ,
Conversationa1 Newari - 57
" The fo'Ilowing substitution drif-l usee the Eame substitutions
for X as the preceding d.ril-3-. X' is a dj-fferent member of the
substitution set tha:e X.
A. Swaya: dysan, !
Ifwnr chw tha"y'n, ?

B. \t{a X khaa.
Chyta.a ma,:J.a !a:?
A. Jytaa_X makhw,
Xr_ ma:f-a.
3. Cllytaa X mwaa: La: ?

A. llwa.az -

Jykya dw.

5. Use of cwarr 'ggggg'.

rhe fo'l'l owing dril-I illrrstrates the rrse of cwan in the senge
of t6eemst.
A. Hwn, Sya: m thay r n, clra-n r .
B. Makb.w jytaa 3.a:
Bhwban thaytn, cwa:r.r.
A. Ana hrwn, a.:1w thayrn, cr.raJrr.
B. Itlacrran, jytaa 1a.:
IIa ewa.f bhjrajra": thayIn, cwarr,.
A. \:laylca swa]-bhlra:ra: rrya:y' .r*r th.ayrn, cwanr.
B. Makhw, jytaa Ia:
!Ian, pya: j rrya: y thay t n, cwa^rr e .
This d.riII can be extend.ed. by substitutiog warior:.s items from
the lists above for the r:rrderl-ined. word.s in this d.rirl-.
Conversational Newari - 5g

Seeson 8. Wh*t E you going to burr?

A, 3ha: jw chy gana jha:yrgw? f'riend, w}:ere are you going?

Chy gana jha:y'gw J-J,a? Ar.d where are you going?

A, Jy paaae. wanya. I'm going shopping.
B, CLrw nyaa: jhazy'gvr? \:lhat are (you) going to buy?
A, TapwJ.y wa saphwv nyaa; (Irn) going to buy a c:zp and
wa.:rrya . a book.
A:ma tapw!-y garLa. lihere did (you) buy
nya:na:gw? this ca.p?
B. Asanay' nya:na:gw. <I> bought it in rrsan.
Ba:n,!aa": !az? fs it attractive?
A. Ba: n ,L'a.az . Yes.
GwIy twwgw 3-ya? And how nuch did it cost?
B. Nya:rka: jaka. On3-y fj.r'e rupees.
?hwa ba:nr)-aa: ay'sa:n, Thougb it is nice looking,
bal.l-a:y naki:.w thay'n, It does not seem to be
cwa:l. d.rrrable "
Ai Chy nan, pa:sa3 jna:y' I-a: ? IJiiJ.I you come al-ong to keep
me conpany?
ts. J3rw. Yes.

Ney Vocabu1ary
a"ima, this, this one (wery iy I
near) 13ra question word used ia
chy you (respect) response questions a,rrd.
cnyan' ) rrouse, Llome -kha: in continuation questions'

GreJnma.r Notes.
1. The diminutive suffix.
The d.irninutive suffix -ca: / --V occurs immed.iately fo3.3-owing
a rloun stem in the U-forn and thus is a.lso invo].ved in ease
formation. It has tvro meani:rgs, tsma3.J. j.n sizet, and tof
Conwersa.ticna]. Newa.ri - 59
smal-J- importa:nce' . 3ig::re 1 gives a paradigm cf singular
diminutiwe forms.
Glossary Form dwgnr ma: (m)
Unmarked dwg:w-cer: ma.:n)-cai
Locative dwgw-cy-kya ma:n,-cy-kya
Agerrtiwe dwgw-ca:-n, Ina:nr-cat-TL,
Obj drrgw-cy-ta ma:n r-cy-ta
Genitiwe dwgw-cy-g-w ma;n r -cy-Bw

Figure 1. A parad.igm of singuJ-ar diminutive forms.

It shoul-d. be noted. t}.at the d.im:inutive of ma:(m) 'mother' is
used in two wayB. It ie used by chiJ.d.ren for their mothers
as a term of a.ffection. It is aJ-so used. as a. perjorative in
forms auch a6 aa6aa ma:n,-ca: rwife's motherr. idith class l
no1rr3.6, -ce.i often displays semantic irregrrlarities. lrlith
cl-ass 2 nouns it seems rDore regr.rLar in denoting inferiority
of size or importe.nce.
Diminutives may al.so occur in the pJ-ural-. Fig.ure 2 giwes a
pa:"adigm of p}:raJ- dimi:eutiwe forms.

GJ.ossary tr\r'om d.wgw ma: (m)

Urrmarked dwgw-caz-ta ma:nr-ca:-tar
Irocatiwe dwgw-ca: *tay t -kya ma: n , -ce.? -tayt -kya
ma:n,-ca,z -pJmr-kya
Agentiwe t
dwgw-ca: -tay -san r E& -czi -tay t -sarl,
-c4: -pJrrry-Ban,
ma: rr. t
Object dlrgw-ca: -tayt -ta ma:n, -ca,r -tayt -ta
Genitiwe d.wgw-ca:-tayt-g"w ma:n r-cez-tay' -gw
ma: rr, - c€L: - p-\zrJr- g3r

Figrrre 2. A paradigu of pJ.ura1 d.j-minutive forme.

+The -ta p1ura1 with ma:nr-cai carries a pejoreitive sense.
The -px:a, pJ.ural- r &rr affectionate 6ense.
Convereationa]- Newari 60
l-. Diminutiwe, P1ura]- , and Case foz.me.
The object of this d-rirr is to afford the stud.ent further
opportr:rrity for drilling the various forms of nor:ns. Nouns
are giwen in their glossary form. lhe stud.ent is to supply
r>ra3-1y the foJ-)-owing forms for each rrou:3.
Locative locative p].uraI
Diminutive Dininutiwe p1rlral_
Locatiwe Dininutiwe l,ocative Diminutirre ?]-i:ral_
To start with the teacher shoi-uld. giwe the singrrlar forms ae
stimulir and the stu.dent shor:.ld respond with prural forms.
As the stud.ent gains proficiency he should be able to give
a].]. six forms.
ma: (rn) I mother kala: (t) l_ wife
ka: yr ka: yay' - 1 son da: jw 1 el-der brother
banja: (1) 2 peodler phay(s) 2 sheep
Extend thi-s d.riII by working from the lists given on pageg
71 35, 79 - 42 and 46,
Repeat this d.ri)-l supp3-ying the fol.J-owing fo:.ms:
Ageniive Agentiwe plura1
Diminutive Diminutive p].ura].
Agentive Diminutirre Agentive Diminutiwe plurs]-
llork firet from the list given above, then from the lisis
given on pagea 73 35, 79 - 42, ar.d 46.
Repeat this d.ri-l1- supplf i:rg the f ol_lowing forme:
Object Object Dinainutiwe
Gerritive Genitiwe Diminutiwe
Agentive Agentirre Diminutive
locatiwe Loce.tiwe Diminutive
Iriork first from the list given above, then from the
given on pages JJ 75, 79 - 42, a:rd. 46. lists
Co:rversa.tior:aL Newari - 6L
2. Substitution d.ri]-l-: diminutive, plura1 a:ad case
Each of the fol] owing sentencee contains a noun in its g]-oesary
entry form encLosed. in square brackets. After each Equrare
bra.eket is a letter denoting a case forra [a = Ag:entive,
L = Ttocative, O = Object, G = Geaitiwe]. Read each sentence
orace, suppJ.ying the appropriate case form.
1. [arerrl, t".u",:ka.a.g:w ]aJrpw nyakww d.w.
[he eoat has two Long horns.
2. [a**]r, n]r5ryyan, d.w.
the goat has a tai]-
,. Iarg:*]a gha.:ytnr ns1 g*.
The goat ate grass.
4. [a*e*Jo wayta cwata.
fhe eoat butted hin.
5. [a*s""]o da:ra.
Ihe goa.t wa.s beaten.
6. [arer^,Jo sva:ta.
The soat was kil-]-ed..
7. [a,re."]n mhay' 6a-l:.r 5rakwa dw.
The goat ha.s much hair on }.is body.
8. [arg"*]G ,hryr te.amh.a pya:sy dw.
The goat kras man5r ticks on Lris bod.y.
g. [na.:(m)1, rrtt*t dhyaba: d.r,,r.
Mother has a lot of money
10. Ima.:<myJ, Ur.rrr,J-aa:gw tysa: dw.
I{other has nice orr:aments.
l-1. [ma:(n)JO j.: thw3.a.
Mother cooked rice
J:2. [ma:(m)JO ar-* nya:na3 ha],a
Mother bor:.ght milk and brought (it home).
L3. [ma: (m)Jo ur-t. by].a..
Mother was scolded.
Conversational Newari - 62

l-4. [ma: <m> jO

gy yal.ta.
ur:'r z

Someone bowed dovm to mother.

l-5. Ihwa [ma: (m)]n Ottntv'n, k]ra,a.
lhis is qqlbq{s younger sister.
15 . Ihwa I na: (u) J *r.".t khaa.
This is motleer I s cloth.
Repeat the d.riJ.I supplying the appropriate caae forms for the
diminutive forn of a].]. bracketed. noune.
Repeat the dril-I once lnore supplying the appropriate case
forms for the p]-uraL form of a.l-I bz'acketed nouns. The p1ural
of ma: (m) rmother' is tc be interpreted. as 'mother and otlrer
faniJ.y membersr.
Repeat the dri3-). again supplying the appropriate ca.6e forms
for the d.iminuti-rre p].ura1 forns of ail bracketed nouns.
Repeat the whole d.ri].I once more, substituting the following
nou:is for those in brackets ae appropriate.
ka].a: (t) l- v;ife
d.a: jw 1 el-der brother
ban ja: (I) 2 pedd-l-er
phay(e> 2 sheep
ma: ka(l-) 2 mo:'J<e3'
myayr myas- 2 buffal-o
chayt chaya.y'- 1 g:randson
3. Tranef ormation dri].l: classif iers.
Tbe object of this d.riIl- is to afford the stud.ent another
opportr::rity to dril-J. selection betr+een cl-ass J nouas and
their cl-assifiers.
A. Yakwa manww d.w. There are many men.
B. taamha manww d.w. There a.re tnanJr rren.
A. Yakwa l-an' dw. fhere are marry roads.
B. ta=lra: ]-ant dw. There are many roads.
A. Yakwa cwasa: dw. lhere a.re many perra.
B. Taapw crrasa: dw There are many pens.
Co:eversationa,l Newari - 67
A. IaJrwa X d.r'r.
B. fee-_Y. X dw.
The walues of X a.nd Y may be supp]-ied by coneuating the
fo3-3.owing gl-oesa.ry entriee.
e.:].w 7 potatoe -ga(1) -pa(nr3-) -dba.:ny E
bajy 7 beaten rice -pw(].y) -mhw(l-y) -bhwa: (1) K

bha: (l-) 7 price -gw(l-y) K

ehyan' t house, home -kha: K
dhyaba z 3 money, piee -ga(I) K
ja: 7 cooked. rice -pya(]-) -kw(ty) f
kwatha z 3 room -gw(J-y) -kw(ty) K
1e,:ka: (ra) 3 shoe -jw -pa: K

4. Sitr:e-tion dril-].s.
Situaticn: Pasa3-ayr nyjwaa J-a:ka:n, dw.
Chajwaaya: swSuka: twrn'. Myagl.rya:
n56rrka.: jaka. Swyrkar: twweiw bb.Jrn,
ba: n, Laaz ba,l la: rral1r iwv'
NJrJrrka: twwgr,tr ba:nr]-aa: sairrr
bhp, wa bal.3-aa: me.jww.
Questi o:le : Q . l{a ny jwaa la : ka : may' gwsw Ia. : ka::e ,

thykay' jww?
A. Sw3rrka: tlrwgw chajr+ae. J-a:ka:n, wa
Bwayaa: thykay' jvrw.
a. tr'tra nyjwaa J.a:ka:mayr gwg-w Ia:ka::e,
bh:rn, jww
A. lla n56rka: twwgw swayaa.: thwa
sw5rrka: turgr bbsm, jww.
a. i{a nyjwa.a l-a:ka:may' gwgw ball-e.e: jwur?
A. l'Ia ny5rrka: twwgrn' Ewayaa: thwa swJrrkal
twwgw ballaa: jw-"-.
Repeat the d-ri]I substituting other itenee for shoes ' ehangizrg
prices e.nd c]-aseifiers to fit the items ci:osen.
Conwersatione"]. Newari 64

Sitrration: Pas&1-Jrazya'.fura swzag&a tapwJ.y dw"

C}::age.aya; bhaa:. charka: jaka. Ua
ba.:nr)-a.a: thykayr majww thay'n,
ballaa: nar!, majww. Myagw tapwly
ba:nr)-aa: ba)-J-ae": thayrn, thykay'
bhae": nS6rrka:.
'jaka drr sa:
Queetioras: Q. Sya;mya:kya nya:rka:
€:wg:w tapwly nya.:y' phw?
A. Sye.:mya:ta nygal.a^::, me,Jre"a. wk3m,
pasa.Lsra: ya:Iara myagw tapw)-y
swayr d,he,:3.a. Pasa)-ye.:n., baJ-J-aa: grr
ba:nrLa.a.zgr wa thykayr majww6:w kyana."
A. Swarrge,3.ay' Sye.:r:ar., gwg:w nya.:ta jr.ry?
A. Nya:rka: twwgv nya:ta jr"5r.
a. Cha:y'?
A. i'Ja;kye, nya:rka: jaka dw.
Nya:rka: twwgru bh}.n, rcajwr*',
sa:ra, ba:nr3.ae: wa ba]-l-aai na:e jwlr"
a. Sya:n5ra:kya sw3rrka: d-hyaba: dw sa:
g:Frgar tapwly nyar:yr phw?

A. Sya:man, swa^r:ga).ay' chagaa. yaagw

nya: yr phw.
a. I'Ian, gwg:w nya:y J-ya?
A. Nya:y' 1a: swerrga'l an, plew a:yr 6a:rr'
n5r5rka: twwg:w re5ra : y.
A. Che,:yr?
A. l'Iayta bhfrngw ba].3.aa:gw wa be.:nrJ-aa.:gw
maa: rrkyn, ,r*rrU*: twwgw nya;y"
Ccnversationa]. Newari - 65

Lreseon 9. Pa,esirag Srram' e HouEe.

A. Chfra,nt ga.na tb.ay'lx, ? llhere ie your house?

B. IIwrr, hyayt kb..aa. <It> ie ower there.
Clryan'y' jh.a:yt Laz? l'Ii3.l- you come home with me?
A. J3ns, warrya- Yes <I> wil-J. coute.
GwIy warrya D,a,a,i tbtay'l,-r? 'About Lrow far must one go?
B. Apwaa wa,nya Inwaa,:. Not too fa"r.
A. Jyw. Ay'sa: l.raJrya. Fine, if eo ItJ.J- come.
La arra-B start walking together. ]
A. T.,ant J-a: ba:n,l-e.a: jww. The road ie nice.
Hwn, chyanr ba.::rrJ-a:.i . Ihat Lrouse over there is nice.
Wa ewyg:w thay'a, ? l'Ihose is it ?
B. Pa":sa:ya:g'w byay' khaa. It beJ-ongs to a friend.
A. Sw pa:6a:.the.y'rrr? i'Ihich friend ?
B. Sya:mye,:gvr k.Laa. <It> beJ-onge to Syam.
A. Chyarrrya: Cwly twwgw About how much d.id the
the.y'n, ? house cost?
B. Apwaa makhw. Not too much.
Nh,aY'dwaa joLe. (It cost) just TOOO rupeego
New Vocabularrr.
-d.wa(I) thoueond (nr:mera1 1a:er 7 road., waJr -pw -twa,: (1)
bor:nd to arr affixed -ka: K
nusrera]. . 'or:.e thousand.t
ie dwachr,,- u,..t -arairi Bw *::-:__i"nitiwe
form is
fo].]-ows the :rr-rnera,]. otEer-
wiee: nydwa(]-) 'two SSra:m A ma:n'e given rrBJD€o
tleousand' , swadwa(].)
t three
thousand' ).
Graurmar Notes.
1. Persona.l- pronouuns.
There are three sets of pereonal pronouns, ;[gg!Iiar, t:ronounB,
used. with child.ren a,nd inferiors,
lrespect prolaourrg, a.nd. high
honorific pronouns. There are no first person respect protaou.:na.
Conwersationa,l Nevrari 66

lhe first person high honorific pronouns would. be used. by a

king wh,en referri:rg to himseLf. In the first peraon p3.ural-
faniliar there ie a d.istinction betwee:r inc].usive a-nd. excl-rreiwe
forme. Ia the incJ-usive, 'wet incir:d.ee the pereon addressed
as weJ-l. [ 're' = 'you a.nd. me t or 'you an:.d. ,r"'l . In the exc.]-usive
forms 'we' excludes the person ad.d.ressed ['*et = 'rye but not
you']. The a.lternative forme given for the p1ura1 respect
pronouns a.re intercha-ngeably used, though the -prrnlr- f orms
are possibl-y tnore frequent.
The gerritive forms ending in -.gg are ueed with inanimate
poeseesed objects: we.y-sw eaphww 'hie bookr. The genitiwe
forms end.ing in -:dra are rrsed with aninate poesessed. objecte
wan-lrha ka:tr' 'hi.e eon'. There are ehort forms of the genitive
ae we).).. Of tb.eae jg ciay chan. carr be ueed. on3-y with
e.:nime.te poagassecl objecte. a'tL other fo:cros of the gienitiyo
in vhieh -!Bh.u or -.8[ e,rc e.beent can be ueed with both anioa,te
ard Lne.:rlJ-nste poaeeeeed. objects,
Siresrrlar l-et Pereon 2:ed ?ereon Jrd Pereon
U iv ch.a wa
A jv-n, cho -:1 r wa-n,
I jv-kve cha:e-,kye we-ya:kya
o jy-taa. chan+ta wa-ya: ta
daa. wa-yta
jv-gw cha.n-gw wa-ya: gw
jy-roha chanr-a}2g, wa-ya:mha.
ilay* wa-Yg:!'r
I ir"* charl, ** waya' xx ]***
Figrrre 1. SinguJ-ar fa::li3-iar pronorrrrel,
*lb-is form ind.icates respect for the poseessed. object
**These forrns are used to irrd.icate end.earment of the
possessed. object to the poe6e6sor.
***These forme wiJ-l- a)-so be referred. to ae I sSrntaetic
genitiveer. These are the forms of the genitive
wh.ich mark ca6e rel.ations between pronouns and
verbe within a sentence.
Coaversatioaa1 Newari * 67
P1r:ra1 1st ExcI. l-et lacl-. 2nd ?erson Jrd. Person
U jypyn, jhmr chypSm r J-pJEI,'
A j5nay-ean, jhyy-ss^n, ch5rmy-64^n., y-rtry-Bagl ,
I jymy-kya jhyy-kya ch5rmy-kya, 3runy-kya
O jiruy-ta jhyy-ta chymy-ta 3rmy-ta
G jycay-g:w jhrnr-gw cLr5my-gw Jrny-g:w
j5nuy-mha jhyy-mha chylry-m.La irny-mh^e.
I ji.rny* jhyy* chynoy ymy]***
Figure 2. Hlural fareili-ar pronor:ns.
*Ihis form indicatee respect for the poesessed objeet.
**These forms are r:sed. to ind.icate endearment'
+**These forms are also used. a,s syntactic genitiwee.

wi]-L be understood to indicate that the form so marked takes

-gg before inanimate posaessed objecte and -mha before animate
possessed objects.
Sineu-l-ar ?l-r:ra"]-

2nd ?erson 5rd. Person 2:rd ?erson 7rd ?erson

U chy way'kaa. chyka.p5m, waytkaap3rn,
A chy-n, wayrkal--an, chykapy-sa.n, way'kaapy-sarrr,
chykap;rny- Ean r w&y'ka,ap5rny- 6an ,

L ehy-kya wayrkaa-ya:kgra chykapSrn,-kya way'kaap5m,-kya.

chykepyny-kya way'kaap3my-kya.
O chy-taa 'r,rayrkaa-yazta. chykap3mr-ta wayrka.ap5rnr-ta.
chykap5my-1"* way'kaa.p5rny-ta
G chy- way'kaaya:- chykap;mr- way'ka,ap5a.r-
chyka.pSmy- way'kaapJrny-
{ [ehv* waytkaaya: chykapSmy way'taapyrxy]***
Figure f. Respect pronourre.
*This foru is used. to indicate e:edearment.
+**Ihese forms are al-so used as s5r:etactic genitiwes.
Conversational Newari 6A

The high }-onorif,ic protrouna are formed by add.ing suffixes to

the u-form of the fomiliar pronoura. The first per6or! forme
take the suffix -sapwara, the no:e-first person forms tol"e the
suffix -spwaIa. Ior the second. person forms an spf,iqrae'r
-1apwa1a formation is poesible, as is a formation on the
stem cha.apwa(l). while the proliferation of high hoaorific
forms is great, their rrse outside of eertain bigh easte
fe-n'ili-es is not very freguent.
].st Person 2nd Person Jrd Person
U jy-sapwe.l a cha-spwal-a wa-spwa'l e.
A jy-sapwal.an, c}:a-spwa.l an, wa-spwal-an,
L jy-sapwal-aya:kya cha.- spwaJ-aya: \ra r+a- spwal-a;ra: Iqre
cha-J-apwa3.aya: kya
clraa.pwa.aya: kya
O jy-sapwaLayazta c!:a-spwal-aya: ta. wa-spwa.l-a-ye: ta
cha-I-apwa1,ayaz ta
clraapwaayaz t,a.
G jy-sapwa)-aya:- cb.a-spwa3-aya: - wa- spwal-aya: -
cha-Iapwal-aya: -
jf-safwal.aya: cha-spwa).aya.: wa- spwq.'l afa:
i ] *
Fig'u.re 4. Singul-ar high honorific pronouns.
*T}:ese forios occur as s;rntactic genitives.

TLre wers large number of plura] high honorifie forms that

exist may be attributed to the fol-lowireg observations:
Tb,e first person plurn] inel-usive luay be formed without
the pJ-ural morpheme, or vrith either of its two waria::ts,
lcyn, ptmy. the second. person pl_ura]. may be -ormed. with
spwala lapwaf-a or with chaapwa(l-), eac|:. of uhich may occur
with both pIur.l va.riants. The first person excl-,.sive and
the th.ird person high honorific forms also combine with
bot}. plura.l wariarrts. the proliferation of hieh honorific
pJ-rrraJ-s whicLr resuJ.t are listed in figrre j.
Convereati-ona,l Newa,rj. 69
l-st Person Inc1. 2nd Person
U jhy,y-sapwa)-a cha.- spwal-a-p5,-r:.,
jhyy-sapwal-a-p;,.n, cha* )-a.pwaJ-a - p5z-re,
jhyy-sapwaJ-a-n, cha-spwaI.a-py-sarr,
jh31r- saprva3.a-py- san, cha- s pwal-a-p3rn5r- s an,
j hSry- s apwaJ.a- pSrny- s an, cha-J-apwaJ.a-py-ean,
c ha- l-apwal-a- pyny- saJ).,
L jhyy- sapr,ra3-a-ya : kya cha-spwa3-a-p3rn, -kya
j hyy- sapvraJ-a- p5rn, -kJra cha-spwa3.a-pfny-kya
j hyy- s apvral-a - p3,zry- kya cha-l-apwaJ.a- pyn, -k3ra
c ha - J.aprva]-a - pSrny- kya
cha.apwaa.-pJrn, -kya
o jh3'y-sapwo'l a-ya: ta cha- epwa].a-pyrn, -ta
jhyy- sapwa1a- p3,a:, - ta cha-spwal.a-ppry-ta
j |ryy- s aprval-a- pSrny- t a cha-J-apwa3-a-p;m , -ta
clraapr.raa-pJrn , -ta
G jhyy- sapr,,a.1a- ye.z - cha-spwal.a-p5rn, -
jhl,ir- sapval-a-pyrr r - cha-epwal.a-p;my-
jfury-sapwal.a-p;rny_ cha-Iapwal-a-p3rn, -
cha-J.apwo."i a-p)'ny-
chaapwaapJn:, -
-- jEvr:;apivari:v;;------ :f:1:ffi3i#r,,;----*
jhyy-sapwal.a-p3my eha-]apwola_pyny
*Ih.ese f orms appear as sSrntactic genitives.
Fig:ure 5 is continued on the fol-l_owing page.
Conve:rsationaf- Newari 70
!!gge& (Continued)
l-st ?erson Exclusive Jrd Person
U jy-eapwal-a-p5m, wa-spwa3-a-pJrrl,
A jy-sapvra3.a-py-san, wa-spwal-a-py-san,
j y- sapwa3.a-pyny- sa.rr, ss:l,
wa- spwal.a- pJmy*
L jy-eapwa3-a-p3m,-kya wa-epwal.a-pJrn, -kyg
jy-eapwal-a-pyny-kya wa-spwaJ.a-p3,my-kya
0 jy-eapwal-a-p;m,-ta wa- spwal-a- ta
jy- sapwala-p3,ary-ta IrJn2. , -
G jy-sapwa]-a-pJm, - wa-spvral-a,-pyrl , -
j y- s apweJ-a- pJrny- wa-spwala-pyny-
jy-sapwal.a-p3rny* wa-spwaJ-a-p;rny*
Figure 5. Plural_ high honorlfie pronouns.
*?|rese fo:.rae occur a.6 sy-ntactic genitives.
'l. Transfornetion dri]-l_: r;1u:"e-1 forras of pronor:ns.
ihe objeet of this drirI is to give the student opportunity
to practice substituting pIu:-oI pronou,rs forme for einguJ_a.r
forns' The teacher is to give the A sentence in each pair
as e stimulus and the student is to :-eepond v,,i_th
in which the underl-ined. pronou," in the A sentencee,isB repraced
by the corespond.ing pIura]- foro. Note a-!so the use of
trlure'l in r.ocatives.
A. Bha: jw chrr gana jha:y'gw ?
B. Bha: jwpfm, chrrkapyn r g&rr&. jha : y r gw ?
A. Ka: y I cha ga.na. wa.n3ragw ?

A. Bha: jw way'kaa ga'aa jha.:ygw?


A. Bha: jw E €:ana wan;rgrr?

A. 3ha: jw chyre, jyaana:n, bhapy dhwna le":?


A. Ka:yt cha.n. bajy nay' d-hr..rna ].a: ?

Convereationa,l Newari - 7L
A. Bha: jw way'ka].ara. bh.e.pyla laz?
A. Bha: jw lgggl cya,: twa,ne I-a,: ?
A. Bha: jw chvlya db.yaba.: dw La.:?
A. Eazy I chsr.rrkya cwasa: d.w ]-a: ?
A. Bha: jw fsyf ka-a:ra,:k:r,a saphww dn ls: ?
A. Bha: jw wasrklra a:Iw d.w l-a: ?
A. Bha: ju chytaa mhan, phw J-e.l thay'rt,?
A. K.atyt cb.e.nta aaphww maa: I-s: ?
A. Bha:jw waykaa,ya:ta c}:w ma.:ny thayrrrr?
A. Bha: jw va:rta raarxr yay 1a: ?
A. Bha: jw chv.tsw ciryamt galaa?
A. Ka:yr changv tapwJ.y gana?
A- Bha: jw waytkaaya:gw na:n., chw thayt:l , ?
A. Bha: jw waya:gu pasaEr, gana?

A. Bha: jw ch:umha ;la:Ba,: gana?

A. Ka:yI chan,mha pa,36a: gan;a?
A. 3ha: jw wayrkaaya:mhg pe,:se,: gana?
A. Bha.: jw waya:mlra pa:ela,: gana?
Repeat the drill giving alterzrative eingrrlar and plpraf. forme.
Give a3-l- posoible forus for each und.erlined. pronoun.
Conversational Neurari 72

The preceding driJ.J- is organj-zed in a1terrrate pairs. Respect

forms alternate with fpmili*r forms. Repeat the dri] 1

substituting the respect form correaponding to eac]: fa-iJ-iar

form given a::d substituting the corresponding fanaiJ-ier form
for each reepect form. Substitute ka:yt for each occurrence
of bha:.iw and vice verea. Note that certain verbs occur
only with respect forms, and. certain other verbs occllr onJ.y
with f=qiliar forms. Have the teacher use the A fo::me as
stimu-l-us forms to begin with. Later have him rrse the B forms
as we]-1.
2. P:'onoung in d.iscorJrse.
The cbjeet of this driJ-l is to provid.e the student with an
opportunity to practice the systematic ehange of person that
is reqrrired in retel-I.ing a story from a different point of
w-iew. For:r versions of a short narrative are giwen below.
The first version is to3-d by a narrator in the third person.
lhe second. ve:'sion ie to3.d by the nother in the first persolr"
Ihe third. we:'sion is tclC by the elola in the first
person. lhe fourth wersion is told by the shopkeeper in the
first person. A.l-1 of ti:ese wereions a.re to3.d to an outsider,
that is, to one who was not irrvolved in the originaJ- action
recor.rnted b;r the story. Further wersiorrs oorrl-d be eonstructed.
in r"'hich the rrarious eha:.acter.s te].l- the etory as a first
person aceourrt to other characters who were invol-ved in the
action. The shopkeeper, for exa.np1e, coul_d. te1J- the story
to the rnother with fi:-st jlergon p:-onouns for the shopkeeper,
a:rd second peraorr respect prorrou:la for the mother. rle could
teIl the story to the son r.'ith second. person f.-iJ-iar pronoume
for the sota.
Version 1: Outsid.e Narrator.
1. Asanayt chagww pasaa cw. lhez'e was a store in Asa:e.
2. Wa ja:ky bajy pases. kha.a.. It was a store (that sold)
bea.ten and r:ncooked rice.
3. Ana bh3,rngi^' bajy wa ma:rsy There they have good beaten
ja:ky nan, dw. rice and a, good grade of
ulcooked. rice.
4 . lta paeaJ-ay' chakaa ma: n r wB A mother: and (her) 6on once
ka:yr pasaa wana. went shopping in that store.
5 . Ka: y t nan, ttBh.srngr^r ja : ky I}-e son said 'rS}. ow (rrs) some
kyana: dy6an, I'r dha:J-a. g:ood uncooked rice, p]-ease,l "
Conversatioaa1 Nerra.ri - 7,
6. ?asaJ-ya:n, 5rmyta bbyngw Ihe shopkeeper showed }.im a
rna:rsy ja:ky kya.rra. Sood grade of r:ncooked rice.
7. Kazyr r3an, kayaa.: svrata.. The son took it a:ed. looked at it.
8. Lgrpaz rna:xrryazta. kyana. Trater he showed. it to mother.
9. I,[a:man, "Thwa hyay' iJrw." I{other said "Ihis (rice) ie
d.ha:l-a. good.. "
10. Kazy ' na.rr., paeal-ya: ya:kya The son asked the shopkeeper
bhaa: nyan-a. about the price.
11 . Pasalya:n, yrn)'ta dha:Ia The shopkeeper said "Nine and
'rPlrach5rya: gwrka;tya:." a. haJ.f rupeee a patlri."
L2. Ma:man, "Tasa.kan, thykaVt lilother said., "It is very
jwLa." dha:I.a. expensiwe."
17- ?asaJ-ya:n, 'rth.wa taska.n, The skropkeeper said. "This
bh5rigw khaa. Yanka: Ewaya: (rice) is very good.
dysanr."' d-}-a:I-a.. Tele a 1ook, p1ea6ei"
L4- Ymysan, phac.hry jaka nJrn, Tb-is time they took onJ.y
yanka: 6way' d..b.ayaaz kaSra: one pathi, thinking to
hal-a. try it out.
Each of the foJ-3-ovring wersions is narrated in the first pereora
by one of the participa.nts in the ewent.
Vereion 2: I{other Versio:e J: Son Version 4: Shopkeepe:'
1. Asanayt chagww 1. Asanay' chagr.rw 1. Asenay' jygw paaaa
.@ dw. ])asa.a, dr+. eha.gww dw.
2, ?la ja:ky bajy 2. lia ja:ky bajy 2. VIa ja:ky bajy
pasa^a. khaa.. pa.saa ki:aa. pa.Baa k}.aa..
1. Ana bh5rngw bajy 3. Ana bhla:Cw bajy 7. J:rew rraealalr' bhyngr
wa raa:rsy ja:ky wa ma.:rsy ja:ky bajy wa ma.:rsy
na11 , d.w. nan, d.w. ja.:ky rrarl , dw.
4. l{a pasa.J-ayr cha- 4. }Ia pasa1.ayr cha"- 4. Thwa pa.eal.ay' cha-
k*a j-U wa ka:y' kaa E-&. wa ig kaa g;g. wa ka:yl
pa.Eea wa.na:. pasaa wana.:. paeaa. wa].a"
5. Ka:yrna:r, 'rBh5m- 5. Jyn, ItBhSmg"w 5. Kq:rrtmhan, "Bh5rngw
e1w ja:ky kyana: ja:ky kyana: ja:ky kyana:
d.ysan, i't -d.ha:].a. dysan, I'r dha,ya:.. dysan, l" d.ha:la.
6. Pasa]'rra:n, .iymyta. 6. Pasa]-ya:n, .iymy- 6. Jyn, rrmyta, bh5rngr -r/
bh5rngwma,:rsy ta bhyng:w lna.:rsy Ea:rsy ja:ky ,/
ja:ky kyana. ja.:ky kyana. krra.na:. t
Conversationa]- Newari 74

7. Ea:tr'na.rr. kayra,az 7. J.iE, kaSraaz 7. Ka:yrmha:e. kaya^a:

swa,ta. . swaya:. swata.
8. IlSrpa: .irta"a. 8. I3rpa.: ma:n,Ira:ta 8. f-l3rpa: ma:a,,mhey'-
kya.aa. kva.na:. gulg kyarae.
9. JE,. "lhwa hyay' 9. Ma:mgn, trThwa 9. Ma:mha.lrrsruran,
jJrw." dha.ya: . hyayt jJrtr. tt 'r1hwa furay' jl.w. t'
dha.:].a. dha: l-a.
10. Ka.;yrnarr. Da6a- 10. Jyn, pa,F&l-ya:- 10. Ka:y'mh.an. jyk{a
l-ya:rra:k'r,,:a bha^e.: .ya:kya bhaa: bhea: gf,gga.
nyana. nyarra:.
11. Pasa-].:ra:rr.- .irroy- LL. Pa.ea].ya:n. .irnny-lJ-. Jrrn. rrrnrr.tq dharra.:
ta d.l:.a:Ia "Eha- ta d.ha:].a trPha- ',Phach5rya; gu-rka:-
ch5rya: g:rnrrka: t3ra: .I' cll;rya: gwrka: tSra: . r' tya: . "
L2. Jlrn, "Iasalran, !2. PIa:man, ttla,sa- L2. Ma:n.mha.a.. trTasalrate,
thykay' jr.,La." kan, thykay' thykay' jw3.a."
d.}.e:ra:, jwl-a." d.ha:I-a. dha:]-a.
l-3. Pasal-rra:n, 15. Pa.sal-ya:n. A3. Jyn, I'Thwa taska:r
I'Thwa taska.:a, 'tthwa taskaa bhfrngw 'Lhas,.
bhSagw khaa.. bh:rngw khaa.. ya.:rka: swaye:
Yanka: swaya: Yanlca: Bwayg: dysan, I't -dhaya:.
dysan, j" @]g. dysan, l'r d.ha:].a.
L4. Jlrmysan, phaclgr L4. J:rurlrean. pachy L4. Ymysan. phe.chy
- jaka n;rn, yanJca:
sway' dLrayaa:
jaka laJna, yan'l<sz jaka nJrn, 1.aaka.:
sway' dhaya^e.: svray' i.hayaa.:
kaya: I:aya; . }<aya: ha.ya:. kaya: .rrarrlcaf-a"
this dri]_l cen be rrsed. in a. number of ways. The teaeher can.
assurDe the role of e-nJr of the four narrators giwen a.bowe and.
the student can asguune the :eole of any of tbe other narrators.
At the beginrring, the teacher can u6e the utterances of Lris
chosen wersion a.s stimu-l-us to which. t}. e student may respond
one by one with the corregponding sentences of his chosse
wereion. TLuis is best d.one without looking at the wersion
vritte:e in tlre book. After a fa.ir comroand of the re3.atioashipe
betweea the warious vereions is obtained, the student may elect
to read' one wersion, oraJ-Iy tra.rrs3.ating it i:eto a^11other wersion
as he reads. looki.,g at vereion J-, for example, he might give
a,:r ora]- rendition of version 4.
In add.ition to this, the teacher wiLL be abJ.e to supply additionpl
versions a.s fo].]-ows:
Conversatione,]- Newari 75
a.. Uninwo3.ved narrator telJ.s the etory to
1. Mottrer
2. Son
3. Sl:.opkeeper
, b. Mother recalls the sboppi:eg trip, recourlting it to
1. Son
2. Shopkeeper
c. Son recal-)-s the shopping trip, recou.rs.ting it to
]-. Mother
2. Shopkeeper
d.. Shopkeeper recalls the shopping trip, teJ_linS it to
1. Mother
2. Son
3. Substitution dri1]-e.
The object of these drilre is to afford the stud.ent further
practice in tkre rrse of certain frames.
A. Gana jha.:y'gw?
B. X wanya.
Chy, gana jha:y'g:w l.ya?
A. Jy nan, - X wa.nJra.
i,trLr.ere X = the loeative form of one of tb.e following:
chyan' J horrse pa.sa(I) 7 shop, shoppirs.g &re&
Asan 3 p].ace narne lan, j road /
\raba 3 garden ana there
kwa.tha: J room hwnkana over there

A. Chykya bhlrngw X dt* 1a: ?

B" Iuiarw
X l-a.: dw, bhyn, majww.
Chykya ba.:n,l-a.e-igw d.w J.a: 1ya?
A. Ba:nrJ-aa:g"w 3-a: dw.
Wbere X = 3.a:ka,'.n, saphww tl'a:y'kan, kypa.: tapwJ-y
Conversationa]. Newari 76

The foJ.lowing dri3-1- is a cycJ-ical- dri3.l- with chaining sub-

stitution. The second rrou:e in parentheses in the l-ast
sentence is saphww. Ihis noura takes the pla.ce of tapwly
on the second cye1e. The rrourl which repJ-aces sephwr^, as the
second troLun of the last eentence in the second cycle becomes
thre first noun of the first sentence in the third cycle.
A. iia [tapurty] chygw kbaa )-a:?
B. Ir,Itaa, jygw hyay' kiraa.
Chykya. r:an, d.rs )-az Lya?
A. Jykya nan, dw.
A: ruaya: gwJ-y twi.rgw thay'n, ?
B. Apwaa matww
Khwrkaz jak.a.
Jygw Itr::rlvJ swayaa: thwa Isrpir.r*]r'=: apwaa tvivr.
Subatitution ehain: tepw3-y saphron' ewasa: nl:a:y'kan,
Ia: ka: n, k3rpa:
Ihe fo3-)-ov.'ing d.:'iJ-). is to be treated as a general-ized. eub-
stitution driI1. Substitution may be made for any under-
lined word in the dri-r L.
A. Chlrky" bh:rngw tapw]-.-r dvr ia: ?.
B. Dw. Gwgw jirw? Swaya: dysan, !
A. Jytaa ba:n,l-aa: sw wa i}ry 3g!w1g kyana: Cysan, I
B. Dangw ba: n. l-aa: Ea: rr, ba]-]-a: y makhw.
A. Thwgw J.ya?
B. Thwgw thyke.yr ayr6a:ra, taskan, ba]-]-aa:.
A. Thwkyya: gw3.y twwgw l-ya?
B. Apwa.a makhw charka: jaka.
Noun substitution items: saphww cwasa: n]:a:y'ka"n, J.a:ka:n,
Ad.jective substitution items: bhyngw cy + classifier
ta + c].assifier.
Conwersational_ Newari Z7
?he object of the fo'rl0wing d.rir3-
practice in selecti.ng ie to give the etud.ent
the correct c]assiiier
to go with a noun.
A. Chykya bhrrnew tapwl_:r d.w 1a: ?
B. Dw. Gwaagaa maa1gw thay,n, ?
A' Apwaa makl:w. Pyanreaa jaka dayr
wan., ga,,i.
subetitutions for un.erlined items
made from the fol_Iowine Iist. in the above drill may be
Cwasa: pW saphw(Iy) gw(1y)
nha:ytka(:r) pa: (t) ].a:ka: (m) jw
k3r1ra: pa: (t) rDary pe.2
1addw ga (1) 1a:bha: thw
pya, j ka]-ya ma:yr man&,:
gwel bhya.: ra; pa().) ka:w1ya thwa: (k)
4. Situe.tion dri].}.
Situation: IIarJTra:kya k}.wrka: jaka d.hyaba.:
PasaJ-ay I cwa6a: nypt^, ba: n
,Laa: gw d.r+.
Chapwya: swarka: tww. Myagwya:
nye:rka: tww.

Questions: a. Har;6ra:kya gwae.rka: d.hyaba: d.u?

A.. Eewrka: jeka.
a. Paeplayr gwaapw cwasa: dw?
A. i{3rpw jaka.
a. trrla cwasa:ye.: elrly gvrJ.y tww?
A. Chapwya: swa.rka.: wa r1yagwya: nJra:rka:
a. Thwgw3ra: cha.:yr nya:rka: twta 1ya.?
A. lhwgw wg:w sr4raya,a.: yakwa bal_Ia:.
a. Myag:w swayae: thwgw cwasa: gwly d.c-,
thay'n, ?
A. NSrrka: jaka.
This dril' ca'n be extend.ed.
appropriate classifiere e.ndby substituting other items, with
prices in place of those ,rsea abowe.
Conversatio'ral Newari - 78

Leeson 10. Is tir-ie vour Houae?

A. Ana chygw chyan' g:rtgw rlhich of those houses is

thay'r:, ? Yor:rs ?
B. Hvmgw kb.aa. ?hat orre over there.
fakha: majww. ftrs not big-
A. Athya |ryay' ktraa. ?hat ' s true-

Crrk]:a ay'sa:n, jf'ww. though eroa].jL, it is suitable"

B. Dhyaba: apvla.a rnarw vrk3rn, Since <f> did not have much
thwa Lryay' nSra:raa:. money, I bought this one.
ItU"v enter t]re house together-]
A. Chr.n, thwa cfuran' gwl-5rn, 3or how much did you buy
nya:na:gw? +!:'ie house?
B. NJ'a:dwaa jaka twr.rgw. 7-t ccst on.].y 5OOO rupees.
A:ea dysa.n, ! Pl-ease sit thereJ
A. i:rw. ?har& Ycu.
Thwa 6wygw kr+atha: thay'n, ? llhose :'oom is this?
B. Thwa Sya:mya:grr khaa. I::ie is Syam's (room).
A. ?Iwatha: ba:nrJ.e-a:. ?he :-oom is nice.
Ewnr chw thay'n, ? libat is tha.t?
B. lla saphww kLraa. ?het j-s a bcok.
A. Ga"na :eya: na: gw ? i-'1ee:r'e d.id (you) buy it ?
B. Bhwata:hytmr. Tn Bhota.hiti.
A. Thwa saphwwya: gw3-y ka:Ia? IIcw much did. this book cost?
B. Saphww t\rkay' ay'Ea:rr, although this book is expen-
ba:nr7-aa: jww. sive, it is nice.
A. Jytaa. chakaa kya.na: flease show it to me
dysan, ! once !
B. J5rw. Swaya: dysa:e, I Fine. P1ease take a lookl
Conwerea.tiona^I- Newari - 79

New Vocabu-l-a.rr.
Bhrrata:hfty eh.opping a'rea gw3-yn, agentiwe form of 6{LU
near Asan in Katbmandu f
how much?t.
famous for ite book kwatha: 3 room -gw(J-y) -kw(ty)
cy'lrha: snall- (!rouse) 9g is tqkha:form bie (horzse) Ta ie one
one form of the adjec- of the adjective 'big',
tive 'smaa].r, -kha: is -kha.: is the c].assifier for
houses. Comparre this pro-
the classifier for houses. nominal- use with ta-akba.:
ch:ranr rmeny horrses t .
Graromar Notes.
1. Verb ry3[oloef: how to read g]-ossary entries.
A. hrincipa-]- parts.
The regxrl-ar verb in Newari may be viewed a,s bawing seve:a
principal parts. lle wj-]l refer to these as foJ-J.ows:
1. A-forrn: A paet d.isjunct form ending i. -9,
tla ehyantyt wana,. IIe went home.
2. A:-form: A past conjr::ect form ending in -a:
Jy chyantyt warra: I rrent home.
tr'la clryan'yt warla: crrax.a. EIe was €loing home.
5. Y-form: A- future d.is jr.::ect foru ending in -14.
Ida chya.n'.v' warry. I{e wiIL go home.
4- TA-form: A future conjr:-u.et form errding in -y or -frt
or -Je deperrding on the cla.se of the werb.
Jy chyan'y' warrya. I wil-l go home.
Jyrtaa wanya. rnaa: . It ie raecessary for me to gp.
tr tr-forsr: A past d.isjr:nct form eonsisting of a. 3.engtheaed
form of the werb stem.
lJa ch;re.n'y' !ra.E., ba.I-a.y' tlhen he went b.ome
6. f-form: An imperatiwe form. Stop-fine] verbp]- bases
hawe the suffix -9. Other regrrl-ar werbs hawe a
phonetical-J-y shbrtened. version of the L-form. In
these instances the f-form is written as the l-form
foJ-I.owed. by an excJ-amatioa poi-nt. The exclamatiorr
point indicates phonetic shortening. fbe inperative
of wa:e tgot is irregrr)-ar: hw::', !.
Conwersationp] Newari - 80
Chyanry' hw:o. i Go home !
The I-form of the verb is r.rritten 1.ong br:t pronotrnoed
short. the rea,Eo:r for writi:eg the imperatiwe f orme
J.ong ie that the I-ong Bequence :raa is pronor:need.
approximateJ.y Iy"'] whereas the coqrgspond.ipa short
sequence ya is pronor.rrlced eit}-er [y"] or [.)a-- 4
shortened-gge! comee out as [y"] and not tt [x"] o=
["]. The imperative of verbs euch as khya]- 'to inveet,
rrset, or pbggg 'to l-ick' for this reasots mrlst be
written vrith W, and cau.rrot be adequately represented
with :ra. For the sake of consietenCxr we hawe
ehosen to treat al-l other imperativee as a:ea1ogol1s
to these, writi:rg them all 3-ong ,nd ueixg the
excJ-amation point to represent phonetic shortening"
7. K-form: tbe caueative stem ending in the deriwatiwe
morpbeme -k. The causative stem wi"l 'l occujr in each
of the eix forms oerationed abowe. Ihe causatiwe of
l,'an 'go' is suppaetive: yank- 'talre (with) r .
Jya, wayta chyan'y' yanka:. I took him home (witb me)"
B. S-forro: A stative form. &e3-y certain verbs h.awe a"
distinct stative foru. Ihe stative form wi].L not
be wiewed as a principal part but rather aE an
i:'regrrJ-arity pecuJ-iar to certain werbs.
Ihwa cwa6a: Lha.e.. this is a pen.
B. Principal- ::az't formation.
It is possible to distinguish fiwe major e).asses of werbs.
Ihe class to whic.b any given verb beJ.ongs Eay be deter*ined
quite simpJ.y from its g3.ossarlr epel'l ing or ba.se form as
C]-ass f: Ends i. p. [*u-+ tto co' ]
Cl-ass II: Ends in a. single vowel-. [.t*, 'to d.o']
Claes III: End.s in a geminate vorse]-. [U:.y 'to giwe']
C].ass fV: End.s in ]. [rna:]- tto be rr"cessary']
C1a,ss V: Ends in p, 3, or k. [saa.t 'to, ca'11']
tiithin each major class there axe a. number of minor werb
cl-asses. ?hese minor cl-aeses are determined. by the particu1ar
vowel or wor,rel sequence which occurs in the fina-1 syllabJ-e
of tkre base. Given the major class of the verb and the last
vowel or wowel Eequence in the base (the form used at the
Conversationa]. Neueri - 81
beginning of ttre gloss;arJr entry), it is a simple matter to
d.etermine a.LL 6even reg:r1.ar principal. parts of tbe verb.
Where irreg:rr1.ar principal- parte exist they are noted. in the
gl-ossary. fhe baeic forms of the verb are giwen in figure 1-.
A A. Y YA I Tt K

C]-ass I
-Jrn lma Jnxa: JnaY JrJ1ya 5rr,rn, I Jrwn e Jn3k-
-Vn Vna Vna: vny Vn5ra Vn, I Vn, V:rk-
CLass ff
-y yta Jnae,: \,,... Jry Wrw ! Jrww yk-
-w wta w:aa.: wy wy wwj ww wk-
-a ata aya,i ay ayt aE, a,y k-t

-ai azta a:r].ai aiy aryt z!

e"a. aa. a: k-
-w& wata waya: way way I
waa I waa, wak-
Cl-aee III
-ylr yaa Jryz. Jry Jry Yww 'l Jfww 5ryk-
-w"w wf-a. wJra; wy wy wwi w-w wyk-
-W Y]-a vya: Yy Vy' \tVl lrv vy'k-
C].ass fV
-y1 yaa y1a: vlv ylya rrww ! Jr}I}/ yyk-
-w1 w].a wf-a: wIy wJ-ya wwj ww wyk-
-V]. V]-a Vla: vIv VJ.ya \rtlJ w vy'k-
Clpss V
-P PaIa pa. pv pya pfnrw I pyww pak-
-t ta.la ta-z ty tya trry ! tww tak-
-k kpla. ka: ky kya
kinr i khrw
f igrrre 1. hciacipaJ- part forma.tion for reguJ-ar werbs.
[y "trnas for anJr vowe3- not o]-ready ]-isted r,rithin
a giwen verb cJ-ass. ]
C. g].ossary entries.
A few sxempl-eB wi] 1 Berve to i] 'l ustrate how figllre 1 may be
ueed. to determine the principa1 parte of regula.r verbs, given
their wocabuJ-ary entry forms.
bhJrn v to be good L = !4EA.
From the spelling of the base form we see that this werb
beJ-ongs to cl-ass I and tb.at the l-aet vowel of the baee J.= ;4.
lle thus enter fieure l- at the 3.ine headed. -8. Reading across
we derive the fo].].owing principa1 parte: A-forrn: bh:rnel
Conversatio'"a.l Neuari - A2

A:-form: bhrrna: Y-form: bhrrrrv YA-form: bhvnrra I-form:

bhvwu. !. Irom the g].oeelary entry we eee that the I'-form ie
irregu.l-ar, bhme. Eo lre diereg:ard. the tab]-e of fo:us at tlti-e
poi::.t. trrom the ch.srt we construct the K-form as bhfrnk-
bw Vimps to be cooked (of food.)
The l-abel- Vimps teJ-le ue that this verb J-ack an f -fo::o, a::d
that it has no first persorr forme. From its spelling we 6ee
that thie verb be1oags to cl-aas II and that the last wowel of
the base is g. Reading acrose on the J.ine hea.ded -w in figrre 1
we d.erive the following forme: A-forn: bwta A:-form; bwna:
Y-form: bw:r YA-foru bwy f-fo:m (3-acking) I-fo-'m: tyww
K-fonn: bwk-.
brry v to give
Enteri-g figri.re 1at the ].ine head.ed -ry we deriwe the fo]lowi-g
forms: A-form: bnr].a A:-fors: blr.y-a: Y-form: b:r-y YA-form:
brry I-form: bsrrw l,-fo:ra: brrww K-forn: brryk-.
ma:J. Vimps to be neceesarJr N = Ewaai
Entering the 3.ine headed. -V1 we read acrosa "nd deriwe the
fol'lowing forms: A-foru: ma:].a A:-form: ma,.)-a: Y-form:
ma:l-:r IA-forn: roa:].rra l-forn: (lacking in verbe marked.
Vimpe) fr-forn: maa.: K-fo:ra: ma:y'k-. The note in the
gJ-ossa.ry entry [NEr"-, ] *=.rr:a" ..s tha.t the negative form
o'! the verb is irregriJ.ar.
thak V complement wez.b with ih" ,to come backt
Siaco the base form of this werb end.s in -E, it belo:rgs to
cl-ase V. Entering the J.ine headed -k and reading asross,
we derive the fo1-J-owing forcrs: A-form: the.kala A:-form:
tha.ba: Y-form: thaky YA-form; thakya l-form: thakl'rrl
f,-form: thakww. Verbs in -E lack K-forms.
. D. Abbrewiations rreed. in rrerb entries.
The rrse of o for optioreal and. the use of tbe equals sig:r to
]-ink a', abbrewiatory s5rmboJ- to a:e irregu-l-ar form are the 6arne
for werb entriee as they were for noun entries. The rrse of
N to iadicate t}"e lack of certain principal parte is also
quite similar- [corpa.re with the section th.at begins on page
32 abowe. ] Ihere a.re certain be.eic s5rorboJ-6 a.s foJ-lows:
A - The A-form is irregr:J-ar (a:ad. wil-l be l-isted foJ-lowing
. the equa'l s sign in the g3.ossary entry. )
A: = The A:-form is iregu3-ar (a.nd wiJ-3. be J.isted.).
Co:rversationa.J. Newari - A3

Y- 3be Y-form is irreeu1ar (and wi].]. be lieted.).

YA = the YA-form is iregu]-ar (end wil'! be l-isted.).
T = ?he l-fo:ru is irreguJ-ar (and wi]-]. be listed.) "
L - Ibe A-form is irregu]-ar (and. wil-l- be ]-isted).
K = The K-form is irreg:u1ar (arrd. wi].]. be listed).
These basic s3nabo3-e are reeed, when the onlJr occurring form ie
arr irreguJ-ar form. llben tbe reg:rJ-ar form oecu.rs a'Io''g side
a:e irregul-a.r form we epeak of optional irregr:J-ar fo::ms, a'nd
these vriih a prefixed O. O may be prefixed to any
of the basic s;rrnbols giwen above r the fo3.lowing i6 orrJ-y oae
possible 61amp1€.
OA = There is an optionaf,- irregrrJ-ar A-form (wh'ich wi] 1
be ].isted fo]-]-orring the equa]-s sigta in the entry).
Certgin werbs are defective, J-a.cking certain forms. Ehese
defectiwe werbs are marked i:e oae of two way6:
Vimps This syubo3- i:edi-cates tlrat the verb Lacks a:e
imperative and aacks o1]- fin:ite conjr:nct (firet-
person indicatiwe, second-persort interroga.tiwe)
NA Thie e5mboJ- i:edica.tes that the verb l-acks sn
A-fo::m. N prefixed to any baeic symboJ- j:rd'icates
tb.e l-ack of tbe form represerrted. by t}-e baeic e;rmbol"
A few verbs }-awe specia-). stative forme. The possession of a
distinct statiwe form is .rr-iewed a.s an irregu]-arity, eince most
werbs l-aek distinct statiwe forms
S - There ig s sta.tive form of the werb (r^rhich wil]. be
3-isted. folJ.owi:eg tb.e equaJ-s sign in the entr5rl.
Certain forms of th.e verb may have mea,:eirrge not easily deter-
mined from the meaning giwen for the base. Such forms will
be prefixed with the symbol- SI (semarrtica^l3.y irregrrlar).
Semantical1y irregrrJ-ar forms wil-1 be J-isted ia a separate
entry in the woeabuJ-ary l-ist
SIK Th.ere is a. morphoS-ogical-Ly regrr3-ar causative f orn '
but it is sema.:etical.J-y irreg:r:j-ar. fhis form ca:e
be d.etermirred by corrsuJ-tiag figrrre 1 above and
thr:s wil] not be l-ieted in the entry. Orce the
form has been determined, tlre reader may look it
up in the vocabuS-erry, since eemantical ]-y irregrrl-ar
forms will be giwe- separate errtries.
Co::ryereationa]. Nerrari - 84
In some instancee suppletiwe forms wi-tl be l-ieted for hel-p
a6 ero6e reference, a-d to ind.icate at the ea.m,e time tb,at no
aon-euppletive form is used.. Sr-tppletive forres wi l-l- be inCicated.
a.s f oIl-owe:
SE = fhere is a. semantically regliJ-ar, morpho].ogica].].y
euppJ-etive causatiwe (wb.ich wiJ-3. be J-isted, f o'l lowing
, the equaJ.s oigr.). E prefixed to any ba,sic s5nmbol
indice.tes suppletion in that particul-a.r form.
A suppletiwe forru rnay oceu:r al.ong sid.e t}le regrrl.ar foru.
Such forms wiJ-J- be treated as optionaJ- suppJ-etive forms,
f- jl( - r-or€ is an optiona3- supp1etive causatiwe which
occr.r.r6 in addition to the morphologica't ''l y regrrJ.ar
can:sa"tirre form (wh.ich wil-). be listed in ttre wocabuJ-ary
entry f o1'l owing the equa3.e sig:e. ).
The use of a hyphen within a verbe,J- base may al.so be wiern'ed.
&B ar! abbrewiatory dewice. Verb bases are geteeraJ_J_y morro-
ey]'l s61" in llewari. Po]-ysy] I abic werbs general_J_y consist of
a prefix fo] 'lowed by a base. Tbe negative prefix is affixed
directly to the base, rrerre= to a prefix. rn wocabu1ary e:etries
werb prefi'res a:.e separa,ted from bases by mea:re of a hfphen,
rhis \rphen marks the position of the negatiwe prefix wl:en
it is preeent.
1w-man Vimps to remember
This werb hae the negative A-form: Iw-ma-rna:ea r(he) did not
remembert. .

1. Interpreting glossar.-r entries for werbs.
Sb.e objeet of this ariit is to a.cqrraint the student nith the
wa.riorrs infl-ectional- patter:es of verbs. The.studeBt is not
expected. to lea:::a the lexica.l- iteros themselwee, but rather to
master the princip1es gowerr:ing the infrectior: of werbe"
a. Set l- (cJ.ase f werbs) Suppay oraily the A-form,
A:-form, Y-fozzo, and. yA-form for each werb.

tm V to distribute bhfrt V to be good. I = bhyn'

khyn V to reject, ch5m V to be comfo:rtabl-e
crj-tici ze
atrrn V to put otrr (a sari), coll-ect
cJrn "' to gather, join
(J-etters), compo6e mJrrr Vimps to fe61
(poetry, mrrsic) kwn V to imprison
Conwersatj-ona1 Newari - 85
khrrn V to cook (of cury) twzz V to tear off stripe (of
ba,mboo or 6ugar ca^r:.e)
thr.s:a V to dip (a pen), to
bury, to ca.use to dlne Yimpa to be d.ipped (of a
col-I.apse pelr>, to coJ-Iapse OSK -
dhr,rn VimPs to be finisb.ed.
garl v to intervene <between Em v to joi-a' eo'laect' gatlr'er
fighters) ta:r V to increaee, add
gart Vimpe to be dry tan Vimps to be l-ost
than lr tt wake rrp, l-ift up, drn V to get r:.p, stan:d" rrp
"''!1 e- i cause to etand. OSK = than \
pd.n V to stop, to wa.rm dan Vinps to become cheep"
one'S ha'nd-s
ran v to weigh
yan v to spin (threed')
kyan v to show (somethi:eg to
tyan V to be about to someone)
(do sometbing)
dyan v to s].eep
nyen v to hear' listen
wan v to go r = Lrwn,I
cwarl V to stay, J.ive (in a jwa'n
place) a]-eo used. as arf,. v to hold' arrest
arrxil-iary with a contin- tr+an V to smoke, <irink
uotlE force'
d.wan v to be ,,rrong
Certain verb entries wiJ.J- have botb a prefix and a baee. The
prefix is separated from the base by a hyphen. rhe hJr'1rhen is
w-ritten prinaril-y to indieate the position of the negatiwe
prefix for the verb. rn the following set the student is to
supply ora)-J-y th.e negative fo:me of each werb.
b. Set 2 (c1ass f werbs) SuppJ.y the negative A-form,
the negatirre A:-form, the negatiwe Y-form, and the negatiwe
YA-form for each verb.
mhwr*-cJra v to grab ihrraa-khen v to pour (cooked.
lw-man vimps to remember food) into a cl-ay Pot' to
rt.ir:, I:a::m someone.
Iwa-ma.n vimps to forget
ewa_than v to pack
nhSra*tha'n v to suggest
l-ae.-tb.an v to fi].]. with water
ta'-dhe,n f to en-large neyr-nan v to be experienced in
J.y-dnan, V to 3.ea:e ba.ck ealing
kwty-wan V to fo'l L down
I = kwty-hrrn, j
Co:rwersationa]- Newari - 85
c. Set J (cJ.ass I verbs) Using the gl-ossary entriee
given for sets 1a:ed 2 above, suppl-y for each werb the l-form,
fr..formr end the E-forra lrith the A-form affix.
2. Genera].ized. substitution drill.
the student is encouraged to explore possibilities for sub-
stitution in the fol-lowing conversation. Explore these nith
a :zative speaker of Newari. Some suggestions for this are
given at the end of the corrveroation.
A. ?asa.a gana thay'ra, ? llbere is the shop?
B. Ho'rar lryay' kLraa. It's over there.
PaaaLayr jha:y' La:? Are you gcing shopping?
A. JJrw. Jha: saa, I Yes , come along

i3. GwJ-y nya:y' maa,: thay'n, ? [ P-i" is ambigu.ous, meaning either

'Iiow much must one buy?' or 'How
fer must orre go?']
A. Aplraa nya.:y' rnwae.:. [o, =o anbiguous: either 'Not too
fa:r. I o:' 'Not too much.']
B. J;nn, ay'sa: jlra: san, ,! Gcod., 1et's go,l
Chr+ nya:y' rr.ar-.igw tb.ay'n, ? I,'r'hat d.o you need. to buy?
A. J3-taa ja:ky bajy nya.:yr I =eed to buy u::cooked. z'ice
fraa.2gw Cw. arad beaten :'ice.
B. Ay'sa: jygrrr peealay' If 60r please come to uy sbop.
jha: san, !
Ch5rte,a gvrJ.y gw1.y :oaa: About }.ow much do you need of eaeh?
thay t ra, ?
A. Ja:ky pyapha: }.or:r pathi of uncooked rice aad
bajy phatya:. one and a hal-f pathi of bea.ten rice.
Ja:ky phachyya: gw3-y Abor:t how mueh is a pa.thi of
tww thay'n, ? rrncooked rice ?
B. Ib.wg:w ph.ach5rya.: khr*-rka: A pathi of th:is kind. is six rupeeer,
tl:.wgwya: nJ:ay'rka:tya.:. A pathi of this (other) kind. is
seven and a hal-f rupee6.
A. f):wgwya.: cha:y'nleayrrka:- l{fur is a pat}ri of this kind aeverr
ty:: J-ya? a.nd a hal-f ?
Conversationa.]. Newari - A7
B. 1his kind is better than that
llg:w ewa5ra.a.: thwg:w Srabwa
bhJra, thwkJrya: ja: rler1, kind. and tastes better as
taskan, Eiaac,:. wel 1.

Substitute different numera1.s for those given abowe. Substitute

d"ifferent items to be purclrased., and. be su.re to select the
correct c3.assifier for each. Some reasonabJ-e priees for a,Iternate
items are the foJ-I-orting.
Per EgE- per !@
ja: ky Rs. .75 - 1' OO 6.00 - 8. oo
baty Rs. .BO I. O0 7. OO E. OO
kaany Rs. .60 .75 4.Aa 6. OO
Other items soJ-A in terrae of other units of measure may also
be substituted.
Item Classifier Suggested. priees
].a:bha: -thw -kalya pyaa-;na: - nyaa:na: / chathw
pye,: j -thw -kal.ya swaswka: - nJra: swka, / cha.tLrw
ka:wJ-ya -thwa:(k) charka: - nSrrka: / che-thwaa:
a:1w -dha.: ny swarka: - pyarka: / chad.bar: ny
3. Situation dri]-]..
Situationz TlarJrya: K5rapw13ry cykha:gv cllyanr dr
wa Sya:nye.: Asa.nayt. Earlrya: clrakhe:
chykha:gw chyan' d.w. IlIa chyarr'
Kyapwlylr d.w. Sya:mya: Aoanayr
takha : gw chya"r:.' d.w.

Qr.reetions: Q. Ilar;rya: chyan' gana dw?

A. Haryya: ch.lra:e' Kyapw]-Jnr dw.
a. Swya: chyant Aeanay' dw?
A. Sya:cryai chyant Asanayr dw.
a. Kyapwlry ewya: ci:yan' dw?
A. I1ar3rya: chyan' Kyapwl-Jry dw.
Conwersationa]- Neror.a,ri - Ba

T,esson 11 . Come aee gJ Housei

A. Jhra:san, ! Swaya: dysan, l Come, please take a looki

Thwgw jygw kwat}.a: khaa- this is my roon.
B, Ihwgw kvratLra: takvrw jww. Ihis rooul is 3.arge'
A. Swaya: dysan, ! Hwn, kyaba ?leaee take a look. That
rLar\, thwa hyay' ehyan'- garden a]so belongs to
ya:gw khaa. this se?ne house.
B. E]'aba nar3, takrlw hyay' jww. Ehe garden is also large'
Ilr,vn, trnrr:., khaa Ia: thral'tlar ? Ie that a re]-1 over there?
A. K}"a.a. ?rrn, rial3, kyabaya:- Yes, the we)-J. also belorrgs
gw hyay' khaa. to the garden.
B. Tiuura chyan'ya: nya:d.vraa flive thorrsand (rupees) is not
ti:ykay' rlakl:w. expensiwe for thie house'
A. Khaa. Thykay' srakhvr. true, it wae not expeasirre"
B. Thwa rr}.a:y'kan, gwJ-3rn, Ior how nuch did (you) buy
nya:r-ra:gr^r? this mirror?
A . Chapaa : ya : :r$.ay' rka : One nirror e ost on] y seven

jaka ka:).a" rupees.

B. Chykya" rra"n, chya-nty' nha:yr- You a3.so h:'e.rre a mirror at
kp-, dw. IrSakhw !a:? home, don't You?
A. Dw. Tapaa: majww. Yes (but> it's not big.
i.ik1m, chapaa: jytaa laa,rr' So f uou-l-d like (to buy)
- 5"aa.
B. Jyw. Ihykay'mak]:w. Firre. Ihey're not expensive"
CLry na.n, chapaaz rtya.zyla.2 You shou-l-d buy one too-
dysan, !
A. Jyw. Chapaa: nya.:y'. Good. <I'11> buy one.
Cypaa:gw nya:yt majSrw. Orre shror.rld.n't buy a small one"
Coaversational- Ner,rari - 89
New Vocabu.]-ary

jha:ea:er! Imperative of rrhg;y'ka(n> 5 mirror -pa,:(t)

.ihaa: V to go, to K
come (respect) ' twn' (thy > 7 we]-]. -ga1!) -gw(l-y)
k3raba 7 garden -sw(Iy) K (a]-so twnr (1) )
-kw(tY) K yaa Vimps to J-ike
L. Interpreting glossary entries for verbs.
Given the fol-lowing partial- glossary entries for verbs and'
figu:e 1on page 81 abowe, determine the A-form, the A:-form,
and the negative A-form for each verb.
ba-I).a: Vimpe to be strorrg, jha.a.: Y to go, to come (respect)
d.urable N = ba-ma-La: I = jha:san,,!
ba:n,-Ie.: Vimps to be good jww V to be (with a.d.jectivaS-
looking, attractive pred.icates) to become.
bha-pyy V to d.rirr-lcr €at, jlry Vimpe to be right, to
emoke (respect form) fit, to be appropriate,
bhrn v to be good L = suitable'
bhyre. kag.z V to take, to cost
bw vimps to be cocked (of az = kaya:
food.) khu"n V to cook (of curry)
bYY V to giwe kYo.' V to show
cwan V to live, etay ]-an V to weigh (something)
cwa.rr Vimps' to seen, to ma:l- Vimps to be neceseary
apI)e&r. N = S{aai
d.a Vimps to be (existent- my)-ayt yai V to come to ar:.
ial- and locatiwe) agreement
S = fu, ONA = ma.nta V to eat
ONS = rpa,r.hr
Clrfwrs. vr-mBs to frrrj-s]1 na:pe'-la! V to meet (eomeone)
dlrr Y to be (respect> nyan v to hear' ask
I = drrsan,l nya: V to buy
}raa. V to bring L = hym,l/ pa6aa wa.n V to go shopping
hatyy!/ ,rtWi f = traaaa hwn, !
Conwersa,tional Newari 90
pa:6a: w?n V to go al.ong thak V werbal auxiliary with
aa a, friend., to keep the Eenae rcome back'
someone coltrpanJr thww v to cook (of riee)
r = pa:6a: Er-.'
pha vimpe to be ab]-e tw vimps to cost A: = twva:
$=phw twa.rr V to d.rink
phya-tw V to eit d.owra tyar: Virnps to be about to
(d'o something) Y = tYnlr
6aa vimps to }c:ow (how to
d.o soneth-ing) waa V to cone J = wa: i
ea. Viarps to be tasty wan V to go I = hwrr, I
swa V to l-ook SiK SK = chwa.a
:'a,- v to put (eonetkring ysa Yimpe to like
inbo someth.ing), to ya- Vimpe to bring
give in t:ruet I = t:ry,
,*: V to d,o
ta.:. V to add
thaa Vimps to "roke a profit
?o tli-rough tbe J-ist abowe once more and determine the caugatiwe
A-form anC tbe causatiwe A:-forrn of eacb. verb.
ba-I3.a, IU.-f Lz:'*al-:a ba-]-Ia: ke.: ]
Go through ibe l.ist of entries once rnore or.d supply the Y-form
a:rd. the YA-forn of each verb.
ba-3-J.a r I tr-t1-a: y ba-13-a: y' ]
etc -
Go th,rougb the entries once e.ga"in supp3-ying the causatiwe
Y-fo:rm a::d the causative YA-form of each verb.
ba-)-J.a: Ila-]-La:ty ba-l-).a: -kya]
2. Person a.greement dri]-I , pronor-un insertion.
Ihe object of this driJ-J. is to give the stgdent opportunity
to practice tb.e agreercent pa.tterns between subject and werb
which occur in senterace€, with personaJ- verbs. In the fol-lowing
set of senterlces the subjects are missing. SuppJ-y either
wart, 'het or itrn, 'It as reguired by the form of the verb.
The werb is nrra: 'to buyr .
A. saphww nya: ta. C. saphww raya:y.
B. saphww nya:na: D. saphww nya:yt,
Conversat:-orr*f Newari - gL

E. saphww nya:na: g:rtr.

F. eaphww rayaas gat.

G. sa,phww nya: y ' gw .
H. saphww rrya:ygw.

In the fo].].owi::g 6et the verb is brnr rto give' .

A. lla.r56ra:ta saphww byJ-a.

B. Haryya:ta saphww b;rya: .

C. Ilaryya: ta byvrgw.
D. Ear;5ra: ta b;rya : gw.
E. Haryya: ta b;ry.
f'. Har;rya: ta byyg:w.

I:r the fol]-owing set the verb is k.Laa' ntra:a 'to ask'.
A. thaa da: jwya:kya cha.gr,r.w khan' nyana.
B. thaa da: j wya: \ra chagww kLran ' nyana : .
C. thaa da:jwya:kya chagww khan' nyana:gw"
D. thaa d-a: jwya:kya chagww khan' nyang-w.
E. thaa da: jwyazkyd, chag"wrvkhe:t' nya.ny.
I'. t]:.aa d-a: jwya:kya eha.gww khanr nyanya.
G. tkraa da: jwyazkya cb.agww k}.an' nyanygw.
H. tlraa d.a: jwya:kya cha,gww khant nyanyag-w.

T- the fo]-].owing set the verb is haa 'to bring'.

A. thana cha.gww oE,phrrw hala..
B. tha.na chag"wvr saphww ha.ya:.
C. thana chagww saphww haytg"w.
D. thana chagww saphww haya.:gw.
E. thana cSagww saphww hay'.
F. thana chagww saphww haagw.
G. thana cllagww saphww hayg;w.
H. thrana chagww saphww hay.
Convereationa1 Nelrari 92

,. Person asreemenl dri]-l, Ie* insertion

In the fo1.3-owin! sentences the werb ie given j-n bra.ckets in
its glossary entry form. Supp]-y the past &iejr:nct (A-form)
or the past coajua.ct (A:-form) as required by the subject
of the sentence.
A. llan, saphww [ryrr ].
B. J5rn, H-aryryazta sa.phww [Uyr].
C . lia bh3rn, mar.w'w I j** ] .

D. !Ia. Bhwata : hytyya; ch;ran ' y' [ .r* J .

E . Jy Sya : rnjra: pasaLay ' [ ** ] .

F. '!{ay' kaa :*e.raga}ay' I jnaa , ] .

G. Thrna sapLrwwya: :aya zrkaz [t*].
. Jai r- 1
ii' LbwJ.
i. llan, thana ehagrr.w oaphww [U.*].
J. J;rn, thaa da: jwya: kya chag:w'w khan' Irryrrr] .

E. J3rn, eaphuw [*v.t ] .

L. lfan, ilar-rrya:ta saphrn'w [Ury].
i{' Jy bhyn, rnanr^rw I j'""'],
N. Jy Shwata:hytyya: chyan'y' ["or*].
O. l'ia Sya:mJie,: pasal.ay' [*aa].
P. J5rn, thana chagw-w saphww [U..].
In the foll-owing sentences the verb is giwen in brackets in
ite glossary entry form. Supply the future d,isjr:nct (Y-form)
or t}.e future conjunct (YA-form) as reqr-rired. by the sentence.
A. J3rn, thana cLragww saphww [irm].
B. l,Iehr eaphww [r.y.r].
C. IIa Sya*ya: paeal.ay' [r*r].
D. J5rr, Haryya:ta sapllww [Ury].
E. Ja: Itr]
F. ttre.n, thana chagww saphww [fr."].
G. Jy Sya:mya: pasa]-ay' [re.n].
H. Jy bhl-n, manww [5,"*J.
Conversationa]- Newari - 93

I. Jtrrn, saphww [ny".t ].

J. Jy Bhwatathytyya: chyan'y' ["rr*].
K. I}lwa sa,phwwya: nya:rka: [t*].
L. llay'kaa lttangaLayt I jir.aa: ].
M. lJa Bhwata:hytyya: chya"n'y' [."r*].
N. !tran, thaa da: jwya:kya chagrrw khan' [nyan].

4. Iransformati.on dri].l , verb forms.

Ihe object of the foJ-l-owing d^riJ-3. is to provid.e the student
with additional opportunity to practice pereon agreerDerrt in
rrarious tense forms.
A. lia bhyn, ma.nww jwJ.a.
B. Jy bhyn, rDanww jwya:.
g. tta bh;m, manww jwy.
D. Jy bhyn, xcanww jwy.
A. t,Ia Bhwata:hyt3rya.: chyan'yr cwana..
B. Jv
C. }ta.
D- Jv
A. lrla Sya:Erya: pasal.ay' wa3-a.
B- Jv
C. Wa

D. Jv
A. llan, saphww ::ya:ta.
B. Jyn,
C. llant,
D. J5m,
A. !Ian, Haryya:te. saphww by1a.
B. J5rn,
C. tr'/an,
D. J5m,
Conversational Nenari - 94

A. Ra:man, tbaz da:iwya:kya ehagww k}:an' nyan'a'

B. JSrn'
C. Ra.:man,
D. J3rn,
A. llanr thana, chagww eaphw'w hala'
3. JJ-n '
C. tla::'
D. J}'::,
The following sete of four are given to provide opportr:uity
fcr p:'a.ctice in the gg tenses'
A. Ua bhYn' ma:lw'w jwwgw'
B. Jy bhYa' maJrww jwYa:gw'
C. li- bh3m, EaJaww irrYgw'
D. Jy bhYn, Iaaraww iwygw'
tt". l{a Bhwata:hytyya: chya-n'yr cwan'gw'
B. Jv
C . l'Ia
D. Jv

A. lia Sya:lnYa: Pasa3.aY' waa'gw'

B. Jv
C. tr'Ja.

D. Jv

A. !Ia:r, saphw-* laya,a:gw.

8.. J5m,
C . Itra;r:.,


A. llan, IIarYYa: ta saPhww bYwgw'

B. J5rn,
C. tlan,
D. JSrn '
Conwersatj-ona]- Newa:ri 95

A. Ra:ma;n, thaa da: jwya:kya ehagww k}-an' nyangw.

B. J3rn,
C. Ra:man,
D. J5m,

A. !Ian, thana chagww saphww haagw.

B. J5rn,
C . llan,

D. JSrn ,

S. Substi-tution d"ri]-l.
Ihe object .of thie d.ril-J- is to giwe oppo:'tunity for piactice
of fras'es. Items in parentheses are optiona]. .
A. Ana chygw chyanr gwgw thay'nr?
B. X khaa..
Y (ma) jr+w.
A. Chyn, thrra chyan' gw13rn, By&:nazgw?
B. Z d.waa jaka twwgw.
Ana dysan, I
lJhere X = hwngw thwgw wgw tlrwa wa a..t*a Lrwn'
a.nd, Y = takha: cykl:a? ba:nrl.aaz bhfrn, nhwv ba11aa:
thykay' Ca::,
and Z - any nr:mber between two a,nd" 90

A. Th.wa swyygw X thayrn, ?

B. Thwa I[ -ya: (gw) khaa.
A. W gana d.w?
l{here X = saphww kypa: ].a:ka:n, ewasa: nha:y'kan, chya:rl
pasaa kwatha: kyaba tapwJ-y
vI - Sya: u. I{ary Bhwban ka: y t ma: n, wa
and Y = chya^:'r'y' pasa].ya. kwatha: y' kyabayr Asanay'
Conversationa]. Newari - 96

6. Transformatio:: dri]-l , near parapb.rase.

The object of this drilJ- is to provid.e opportunity for dril-J-ing
a r:.ear paraphrase reJ-ationship between two kinde of sentenees.
A. fhwa saphwwya: gwJ.y ka.'.i-a?
B. Chfn, thwa saphwrr gwlyn, ny&znaz?
A. thwa chyan'ya: grrl]-y kazf,a?
A. / t":ka:n,ya: gwJ.y ira'.La?

A. !i:wa lrypa'.yaz g'*11r L.azl-a?


A. fhwa cwasa:ya: gruJ.y ka:La"?


A. fhwa tapr^rJ-1-ya: gv,')-y ka:l-a?


7. Situation dri]-]..
Situation: fhwa dangw eaphwr* wkJ,-n, tbwa
sapl:r^'J-1'y kypa, *p*L. marw.

fl:.wgv; sapLrww, thykay' r,;k1rn, t}:wa saphwJ.Sry

yakwa. kypa: dw. Dangr* saphwl-yy chyarrr-
ya:Bw k:rpa: kyaba:ya: kypa: wa pasaaya:gw
kypa: jaka d.w. ?h1rtr3y'g"i.r sap}.wlyy
pya: j ya: gw ka: r'rJ-ay' ya: gw J-a: blra: ya-: gw
a: Iwya: gw gvral-bhya: ra:S.: g-w 1a : ka: n, -
ya:grtrr tapvr).yya:gw wa myagw rnary cwasa,:-
ya:gw narl , dw.

Questions: a. Ana g-vraagww saphwrv dw?

A. Nygww saphww d.'c.
a. NyprJ-y gwg-w ba:n,1aa: jww?
A. Thykay' gr* yakwa ba : n , J-aa : j ww.
ConwersationaL Newari - 97
a. ?hgrka,y'gil chasyt ba:arJ.aa,: jvm?
A. Thykay' gw saphwl]ry yakwa ba: n,J-a,: g:lr
k5rpa.: d.w.

A. Dangw15ry Lya?
A. Syapaa: khwpaa: jaka klrca: dw.
a. Chyan'ya:g:w kypa: maa. sa: glrg:w
saphww rryazy' ma:Iy l-ya,?
A. DarrgwlSry chyan'ya: k:pa: I.a: d.w,
ayr ea:n, ba:nrlaa,: majww.
Ill5rkay' gwl-yy ehya^n' ya : gw k5rpa.:
ta,sakan, ba:nr3.aa:.
a. Tapwly wa 3-a:ka;nrya?gv kSrpa:
tca.a,z ela: l-ya?
A. VIa. J-a: thykay'g'w saphwJ-yy jaka d.w.
Conversational Newari 98

12. Brrvi:rg g Pictrre.

[ = Shopkeeper
3 - Customer
C = I"riend of cuetomer
A-3 JLra:sa,n, I Jha.:san, ! Please come!
Chytaa chw ma:l-a thay':o ,? llhat d.o you need?
B-A liwnp kypa: chakaa kye;n,a: ?lease shor+ (me) that picture
dysan, I over there.
A-B Kypa: l-a: ba:nrJ.aaz we. ?he picture is large a:ed. beautiful-
tapaa: wkSrnr thyka5''. and so it is expensive.
A-C Chytaa 1ya? A-r'rd you (what d.o you need)?
C-A Jytaa chwn' Bwaa:. f don't need. anything.
Jy pa:sa: je.ka lraya:gw. I onJ-y cs.tne to keep my friend
B-A fhwk3lra: i.hyaba: yakwa Does that one cost rouch.
tww ia: ? money?
A-B Apwaa matr','w''n.ray'rka: It doesn't cost too much,
jaka. on3-y seven rupees"
3-C Thwgw ba:n,La.az Laz? Is this one niee?
C-B Jytaa 1s: hwngw yaa I think I 3-ike that one
thay'n, cwaJlr. over there.
B-A Hwngl+ chakaa kyana: Please show me that one
dyeanr 6a: j orf.ce.
A-B Swaya: dysan, I lJ.ease l-ook.'
fhwgw nan, ba:n,la.a'. tb.is one is aJ.so beautifu!.
d-hyaba: nar: , yakwa and. it doee not cost so
matww mr:.ch.

C-B !/g'w swayaa: thwgw That one seerns more beautifu-l-

ba:nrlaa: tha3nrn, cwarr,. than this orre.
B-C JW. That's right
B-A Thwgw hyay' byya: dysan, PJ-ease give me this onei
ea: i Ihwa d.hyaba: PJ-ease take this money!
kaya; dysan, .'
Conwersati-onal Newa.ri - 99

$ew Vocabula.rrr.
chr.m I t &ny
Eota€ waa. Y to come I = waaz !
kaa: V to take Az = k.ayez wg:r a. demonstrative adjectiwe
k;rpa: 5 picture -pa: (t) meaning ttLrat' . the f orm
wgw occurs with i:eanimate
noLInB, the f orm wmha. occurg
Laz Coneessive or emphatic with animate rrour.E.
particl-e usua.Ily occrrrri::g
in eenterlce non-fina]- yakwa much, marry
6a3 post verbal emphatic
Grammar l{otee.
1. Person markers: conjunet and d-is.iu:r.ct forms.
In siraple declarative sentences, persona]- verbs vrith first
person eubjects occu.r in the conjr::ect form. Personal- werbe
with non-first pereon eubjects occur in the d.isjr:::ct form.
1. Jy waya.: I cqm€.
2. Cha wal-a. You c-me.
3. IrJa wal-a. He caure.
Ehe form waraa: tco're' is disjunct. Ihe form wa1a, rcame'
is eonjunct. In simple declarative senteneee the speech
situation focuses rrpon the speaker. lrle sayr then, that
matrix focus is upon the spea-ker. Where the matrix focus
is the 6a^rre a,e the subject of the eentence, the conjunet
form is used.. In interrogative sentences the ma.trix focus
is on the hearer. irlhen asking a. question, the speaker
genera3-1y paueas, focr:sing attention upon the hearer wlriae
expecting an araewer. Ihus, in simple interroga.tiwe sentences,
pereoaaJ- werbs with second. person subjects occur in the con-
jr:nct form. Pereonal werbe with non-second. person subjects
oeeur in the d.isjr:nct form.
4. Jy wala Laz? Did I come?
5. Cha. rrayaz Laz? Did. you come?
6. lta we.l-a. Laz ? Did. he come?
In complex 'se:atences, the su.bordinate sentenee taLes the
conjunct form when its subject is identical to the matrix
focus. ff tbe subord,inate sentenee is declarative the
matrix fccrrs is the subject of the main sentence.
7. ltran, wa wal-a dha:J-a. He said that he (soueone else) ca:ne
8. IJa.n, we" waya: dl:a:l-a. IIe said that he (himself) came.
ConwersationaL Newari - 1OO

fn eubord.inate d.eclaratirre eente::cee, t}.e verb is conjuret

if the subject of the verb refere to the Bqme ind.iwidual- ae
the subject of the main sentence, otherwise the werb is
d.isjunct. Ihis can be i].]-ustrated quite wel-l- in terme of
senteneeB containing d-irect quotation.
9, J3rn, "Jy waya:" dhaya:. I said' I'I cam€.ri
10. Chan, "Jy waya.i't dha:J-a. You said "I came.rl
l-1 , 'i'tran, waya:" dha:1a. He eaid "I ca.Irs.r'
L2. J1ar, "Cha wal-ail d.!ra:J.a. I said "Yorr came.rr
11 . Chan, "Ch.a wa]-a'r dha:]-a. You eaid "Yor:' ca:re.r'
14. lla-rr,'rCha wa]-a" d-Lra:l-a- I{e saidtrYou ce-Be.t'
15. J3rn, "ltla wa]-a" dlra:ya:. I said "He cgme."
L6. Char:., "\rla wa]-a" Cha:]-a. You said "I{e c3JI1€."
L7. IIan, "itJa wal-a" dha:J-a. Iie said "He cs.me'"
In direct quotation, the pronoun .iy refers to the 6peaker,
and in ti.lese sentences, to the subject of dhaa.: rto Eay'"
The occrrrret2ce of j14 e.s subject of the d.irect quote thus
reqr:iree that its werb be in the conj''"rnct form' l'Ibere cha
and wa occur we find the d.isjr:.net form of the werb in the
d,irect qr:ote.
Di*'ect]y quoted qrrestions have a pattern similar to eimpl-e
.ra urr'+-? I was a.sked'?Did I come?"
!9. J v4< "Jy waaa Ia:?" dha:Ia.
L9. Chanta "Jy wala aa: ?" d.ha:}a. You were asked "Did I corne?"
20. lrlayta "Jy wal-a Laz?'dha:Ia. He wa6 a6ked "Did I come?"
2L. Jytaa "Cha wey'oi l-a.: ?'r dha:Ia. f was asked' "Did you come?"
22. Chanta,"Cha wayaz l-.a.t?" dha:la. Yorr were asked "Did
yorr come ?"
21 . Wayta "Chg, waya2 f-a: ?'r dha:la. Iie was asked "Did
you come?
24. Jytaa "IIa ral-a I-a:?'r dha:J.a. I rnras asked "Did Lre come?"
25. Chanta"'l.Ia r.ra,]-a l-a: ?" dha:Ia. You were asked "Did Lre come?"
26. Wayta t'!Ia ws.l-a 1-az?tt dha.:aa. IIe was asked "Did he come?"
Vl}.ere the subject of the directly quoted question refere to
the Bqme individ.ua]- as the object of dha:].a, the verb of the
quoted question is in t}'e conjunct form.
Ind.ireit guotatio:a of questions is highly u:enaturaJ. in
Conversational Newarj- - 1O].

1. Tra.nsforBation dril-Is.
The object of the following d.riII is to acquaint the student
with e. near-paraphrase relationehip between two kind.s of
structure i.n Newari.
A. Hwa, kyaba r:.a,n, thwa hyay' chya:erya:gw khaa..
B. Hwn, kyaba nan, thwa chya:a'yr hyayt dw.
A. Ilwn, l-an' na.n, thwa hyay' chyen'-ya:gw klraa.

A. Hwn, kwatha: taata, tLrwa hyay' chyan'ya:g:w khaa.


A. Ewn' twn, natrr, thwa hyay' chyanrya:gw Lhaa.

A. Hwn, saphww nan, thwa hyay' pasal.ay' dw.
B. IIwn, saphww nan, thwa hyayt pe.6aa.ya:gu khaa.
A. Hw:e, cwa6a: t2.al3, thwa Lr;rayr pasalayr dw.
A. Hwn; tapvr3.y nan, thwa hyay' paeal_ayt dw.

A. Ewn, 1a:ka:n, narr, thwa hyay' paea,l.ay' dw.

A. IIlm, kypa: l3al1 , thwa hyayt paeal.ayt dw.
A. Ewn, rrlea:yrkan, ri.arr, thwa hyayt pasal-ay' dw.
Another paii of near paraphrase struetrres is giwen berow.
A.'Thwa nL:.a,:y'kan, gwJ-3m, nya:na: g"w?
B. Thwa nha:ytkan,ya: gwJ.y twwgw?
-lr. Thwa. J-a:ka,:n, gw1ynr nJre,..na..gw?

A. thwa saphww gw).rrn, Dyat,nazgw?

Convereationa]- Newari - LOz
A. Ihwa cwasa: gwJ-;m, ::yaina:g'w?
A. Thwa mary gw]-ynt Dy&znazgw?
To the preced.ing pair of near paraphrase structures, a thi-rd
can be add.ed:
C. Thwa nha;y'kan,ya: gwly kae.:gw?
Repeat th.e preced.ing d-ril-l-, giving al-1 three strrrctures for
ach senterrce.
2. Person markers.
Ihe verbs of th.e fol-l-owing se:rtences are given in gJ.ossary
entry forra in sqrrare bz'ackets. Read. the sentences a1oud,
suppl-ying the correet f orm of the wez'b.
1. lIqFr wa [*at] [aut.t]. He said that he (someone else) came"
2. Wan, we [**] [ail"-: J. He said that he (himse].f) came.
3. Che [rr*] f*, ? Did. you come?
+. ,ryn, "Jy [*r.]" [air**, ]. I said. "f ce.me,,
5. Jy:e, jy [ra*] [au*r, ]. I said that I came.
6. Chan, 5y [r.*J [ai..rr]. you said that f came.
7. '.ian, cha [*r.J [alm, ]. Iie said. that you came.
. 8. chan, eha [*"..] [au-., ]. Tou said. that you (yo..rself) ce.me
9. Jyn, cha [wa"aj [4fl.*, ]. f sa-id. that yorl .-qme.
10. 'rJan, wayta "C!ra [*."] He asked, him "Did. you come?,
Laz ?" I aU*r, ].
11. 'riarr, cb.a::ta "cha [rr*] iie asked yorr rrDid. yorr come?rl
Laz ?tt I afr"*, ].
t tz. I{a.:a, c}ra [r*1 [arr-.r]. He said. that you came.
l.l. Cherr, "Cb.e [r"r*J" [aft.r"r]. you sa.id ,you c&m€.rr
]4. ]rla:r, "Jy [wa.a.]', [au"-rJ. He said ,I ca-trre.r,
Convereatione.l Nevarj. - LO7

Iresoon 15. Br.wing Rice.

A. Ja:ky d.w )-a: thay'n, chykya? Do you have e''y rice?
B. Dw. Gwl.y ma.s,:gw thay'rtr? Yeo. Iiow mueh do.you:reed?
A. Apwaa rnwaa: jytaa. I d.onrt need. very muelr.
Chwn, da.a sa3 ga.a.i . If there is 6oloe it wi].l be enoug:h"
Thwa chw ja:ky thay'rtr? What kind.of rice ie this?
B. Th.wa rna:rsy ja:ky lrhpg. fhis is marsy rice.
A. Ja:ky 1a.: ba:n,3.aa:. It is nice rice.
Chw bhaa: tb.ay'n, ? ltrhat is the price?
B. Bhykayr majww. It'e not expensive.
Phachy5ra: rr.leayrrka:tya: One pathi ie onJ-y seven arrd
jaka. a half rupeelE.
A. Ilwn, bajy bhfirgn llhaa ).a: ? Is tha,t beaten rice of good.
B. Bajy bhfrnsw wa ba.::rr1aa:gw []re beaten rice botb Looks
kh.ae.. Swaya: d.year:, t good arrd ie good. Elease l_ookJ
A. PhachS4ga: gwly th.ay':a, ? How much is a pathi?
B. Phach5rya: n.Lay'rka: hyayt A pathi is o..ly seve:x rupeeel.
' iaka'
A. Agr'sa: wa rna:rey ja:ky If so, pJ-ease give (me) a
phacby wa bajy phachy path.i of that marsy rice
by;ra: dysa::'r Ea: i o''d. a pathi of beaten rice.
New Vocabu1arw.
bajy 3 beaten rice -pw ja:ky 7 r::acooked. rice -ga(].)
-mhw(Iy) -bh.wa: (l_) r _mhw(l_y) K
bha.: (1) 3 price -gw<]-y> K ma:rsy 5 a high qua].ity of
daa ].ong form of da tto bet uncooked' rice NC NP
(usua'l 1y occurs as a com-
ga. Yimps to be enorrgh, pound., rna:ralr ja,:ky a,nd
srrffice- talres the sqme cr-a,ssifiers
aE ja:ky. )
Conversatio:ea1 Newari - ]-O4

Gromtqa.r NOtee.
1. Ca,se frames for verbs.
In previoue leesorls we hawe giwen a:r introd.uction to noun
morphology. i,lith the hel.p of material presented thr:s far
the student shoul-d be abJ-e to construct and to j-d.entify the
five major case forms of any noun given in the glossary.
Hawing a.cquainted the str:.dent with the f orms, we now turn
or:.r attention to the use of theee forms in sinrpJ-e sentences.
It shoul-d be noted. at t.Le outset that our use of the term
'case' is different from that of 3il]-ore in that we d,o not
attempt to deal- with rEore than ihe errrface forns of tlre nouns
inwolved. Our decision as to wirich of a.11 th.e possible casee
that cara cooceur with a given verb are included in a given
c&Be frame is at this poi-nt somevrb.at arbitra.ry. A grea.t dea'I
of ana.lyeis reme.ins to be done before a more consistent
grarrmatica!- characterizatLon. can be made of Newari case graJlullar.
Or.lr use of the notion 'ca.se frame' may be thought of as a
refinement of a traditional c].assification of werbs (a:rd
coneequently of elausee) as rintransitiwe, transitiwe,
ditra:sitive' and the Iike. Eaclr of the verbs introduced
as active vocabu1ary in thie wolume wil-1 be d.iscussed in terms
of ite ca-Ee freme.
the werb brr 'to givet gowerns the case frame Aeent Ob.iect
Genitiwe-Ia.:&tn:, Unnarked. lle represent this in abbrewiated
form as A O G]- U. Of the fou:' cases in the fra"'ne onJ-y U is
obJ.igatory. A11 othere may be optionpl-3-y ornitted. The agentiwe
marke the noun which refers to t}- e gr-ver. Ihis form aJ-so
dete:'mines whether the verb will- be conjunct or disiunct, a:ed.
thue nay be considered. the subject of the verb. If the agentive
of a, simpJ-e eentence with brry is firet pereorl, Ey-y rvi3-1. be
conjr:lct. If the agentiwe is non-first person in a decla.rative
sj-mple sentence, blnr wi]-l be d-isjunct. The qbject marks the
nor*n wLriclr. refers to the recipient. This wou-l-d. be translated
a.s tlre ind.irect object in English. the eenitive with Ia:gyn,
marks the noun that refere to that whicb wa6 reeeiwed. by the
age:rt in return for the item given. The r:lmarked form id.en-
tifies the item given.
!Ian, jytaa. khyca:3ra: (1a:g5rn,) jh5rrka: byl.a.
He gave loe terr rupees for a dog.
tr{ithin Gl-, l-a:gtm, is often omitted.
'[,Ian, jytaa khyca:ya: jhyrka: byJ-a.
Conversatio*a1 Newari - 1O5

Any eubset of the set of optional case6 carl be rrsed to

fora a Eet:terrce. Thie wide ra:rge of optional- elements
appeara to nake woice markers (such ae the EngJ.ish a.ctive
and. passiwe) qr:ite urrneeessary.

Jytaa khyca.:ya: jh5rrka: byJ.a.

Ten rupees were given to me for the d.og.
I'Ian, kb.yca:ya: jh5rrka.: by3.a.
I{e gave ten rupees for the dog.
Wan, jytaa jhSrrka: byJ-a.
IIe ga.ve me ten rupees.
llan, jh;rrke.: byJ.a.
Iie gave ten rupees.
Jytaa jhyrka: byl-a.
len rupees were giwen to roe.
\,I U

&5rca; ya: jhfrka: byJ-a.

Tae rupeea rrrere given for the d.og.
Jh;rrka: byle..
Ten rupees were giwen.
The werb ].arr 'to weigb.' ha.s the caee frame A O U. Either 4
or O may be omitted. optiona]]y, but not both. The aEentiwe
is the subject of Ian. fhe agentive marks the noun which
refers to tlre one wlro d.oes the weighing. Object merke t}.e
raoun referring to tkre one for whom the weighing is d-one.
Jln4a4ked identifies the item weigh.ed.
.T3nf., wa5rta a:J-w 3.ana:.
f weighed. the potatoes for him.
The werb 1an howewer a.1so occura with the ca6e fra-rae A O
. where aeentive marks the one who does the weighing and
Conversationa] Newari 106

object marks the item weig}.ed-

Jlrn, khyea: yazta 3.ana: .
I weighed. the d.og.
!/e may combine these two frames as A O o where thre
object marker on g is not allowed when o is present and.
wLrere the object prarker on I ie optional- r'rhen p ie not
present. In e.rry case, inanimate norrns reject object
raarkers even when they occiir for O in a ease frame (See
grammar note 2. Other rroutt suffixes , page 45 abowe ' )
\layta khyca: lana.
The dog was weighed for irim.
Ihe werb da 'to be' in its statiwe form d.w gowerns the
case frame L U. locatiwe na.rks the possessor, 9!43ltre.{
identj-fies the ineninate possessed object.
Cl:ykya cwasa: dvr Ia: ?
Do you hawe a pen?
Tlris case fra-'ae app]-iee, lrowever, only where the U is
inanimate. Hnere U is animate, fu oecrrrs with the case
frame G u. Here eenitiwe ::ia:"ks the posse6sor a.nd r:nmarke4
identifies the aniroate poESeESed being.

lraya: nynha ka:yr dw.

He has two sons.
Note the"t the genitiwe form waya: is an examp1e of the
s3rntactic genitive mentioned ota page 66 abowe.
Dri'l ''l s.
l-. Case f rarnes.
In the following sentences there are nouns enclosed in eqrrare
brackets. Theee nourrs are l-isted j-n their gJ-ossary entry
forms. fiith the heJ-p of thre grarunar note above and' the
English g3-oss giwen for each sentenee, read the Eentences
alorrd supplying the appropriate case forms.
1. [:,r] [rr] [pvrt j ] ]-ana: . I weighed t]re orliong f or him"
ConwersationaL Newari - LAT
2. wa lpasa]-ya:] irrrry lprr"r.r] that shopkeeper weighed
thwa [r., ] Ia.aa.. this rueat for my fz'iend.
1. Jymy [pr,t..t] tn * [rnanw<kh)1. i{y fri-end gave one mirror
chapaa: Irr:r.:y'ka(n) J by3-a. to thie per6on.
4. I Sy] [u.y"*t ] ]'rrr., . I weighed. the d.og,
j. [:v] [tuy"a,'] :-u.,r.. The d og was lreighed f or me "
6. [:y] khyca: ] uyr*. the dog was given to me.
7. I jypi.r', ] [rpyrr, ] [..or.u", ] fie gave them a pela.
B. lrry'ka(1) ] ir*y Ika:y' ka: ya- ] Ile weighed my son.
9- [irrvv] [,.pr.r.,] [tapurty] bvva:- 1Je gave them a cap.
10. [**l Iypi.rr, ] taapr,rw Io*u.=*, ] i{e gave them many pens.
ar. [r".j wa yakwa [a:]-w] t*rrr. He weighed. tlrose marry
L2. [or"J ba:n,]-aa:gw [nrr*:y'ka(n)J He .hras a good ).ooking
dw. mirrOr.
A1. [**J taam]:a [nhya:y' mhya:c-] He has ruany d-a,ughters.
l-4. [*r] chamha taarlqrmha [a*e*] Ee weighed a large goat.
l-5. [o,r] [iy] cha^nha Iaorg*] tana. iie weighed a goat f or me.
16. [ma: (m) ] [ errre*<r:> ] ]-ana. I,lother weighed. the wheat
t'7. Iaa: jv,] [r': <m> ] [s**I- the e).der brother weighed
bhya rr*r) 1ana. the tomatoes for mother.
l-8. [roa: <m> ] chapww [ I{other was giwen a pen.
"rc."..r ]
19. I jvpyrr, ] pyamha [argr] ar. Ide have f our goats.
2c.. I jyp:.rr, ] pyar,gl^rw I saphw<J-y> ] lte have forrr books.
Co:eversatioaa]- Newari - l-OB

2r" [na:(n)] ,s t. [tyj"r] dw. I{other has two yor:nger

22, [gwa]-bhy*rr*, ] ]-ara. ?he tomatoes were weighed..
23. [thvca.r] trnr. Tbe dog wae weighed.
24. [**] [gwa]bhya,t"r] ]-ana. 3he tomatoes rn,ere weigheil
f or Lrim.
25. [*.] [gr^,a]-bhya.:ra: ] t":rr. 5e weighed the tomatoes.
26. [rr] [thy**,] t"r.*. ?.be dog was weighed for him.
27. [*.] [*ryorr ] ]a:ea. Ee weighed. the dog.
24. [Ru.tr] [paeary*: ] [t".pw].vJ frara gave the shopkeeper
Ijuy=t*r ] by:-a. ten :r-upeee for the cap.
Conwersatio:ea,} Newari - 3O9
esson ]-4. Burrins B::ead..
A = Customer
B = Byeta:rd er
C = Shopkeeper
A-B Thanea tnary pa.6aa gana drrr? Where is the brea.d. shop
aror::ad. here ?

B-A lla, hyayt ]lhns. that'e it. (pointing)

Chw me,:]a thay'n, ? Uhat do you need_?
A-B Chwn, mary nJra:yt ma:l-a. (I) need to buy aome f3-st
r. comes io the bokeryjr
[A bread..

A-C Hwn, mary cha:pa:ya: How much is a piece of tha.t

gw3.y th.ay'n, ? flat brea6?
. C-A Thwa chapa:ya: ch^arka: A piece of that is oal-y cne
jaka. rupee
A-C Hwagrrlra: 3-ya.? And how much is that over
there ?

C-A Thwafa: zrarr, charka: That ie also a rupee,

hfraY I lthag.-
I, A-C Chy\ra cygaag'w ]-addw nan, Do you a].so have sma]-f-
dw 1a:? Eweet bread bal-Is? '
C-.A Dw. Yes.
A-e Chage.a J-addqra: gwaaga& How many pice is one ba]1?
dh6reba: tww?
C-A Da.e.ga.a, matww. It d.oes not cost maly pice.
i' Chagaaya: nya: gaa dhyaba: One bal-J- costs onJ-y fiwe
jaka tww. pice.
A-C A5rt sa: wa mar.Jr nya:f>a: If so pJ_ease giwe me five of
nya:pa.: wa la.ddw jhygaa each kind of fl_at bread and.
byya: dysan, I ten sweet bread. ball-s.
{ C-A J:rvr. Kaya: dysan, I Fine. pl_eaee take (them).
A-C Dhya.ba: gwJ-y ma.:la thay'n, ? How much wiIJ. that be?
<lit. IIow much money is needed?)
Conversational- Nesari - LLO
C-A Pi:wkan, ya: jhlrka: tya: Oe3-y ten rupees f or a.l ]-
jaka ma:1a. of it.
A-C D\rabaz kaya'. d.ysan, I ?]-ease toke the money.!
DSrsan, ga: i Please etay seated J (a polite
way of taJring J-eave. )
C-A tr3rpa: l.ypa: nan, mary If you need bread aga.in
rnaa.z sa: jha: san, J pl-ease come back.
A-O Jf"r. Thana hyay' way'. I'LI come here agaj,n"

New Voce,bu]-ar.y.
-ga(1) cJ-assifier for ror:nd Erary 3 f]-at bread -pa: K
obj ecte.
ph.wka: n, al-J-
gwa(3-)- how many? used with
cl-assifiere. tha.na h.ere (note the fo3.J-owing
l-addw 3 ba]-].s of sweet bread
the,na 'h.ere ' g4g 'there'
-ge'(1) K thwa rthis' gg 'thatr)
lSrpa: l-e.ter
Gramma.:r Notee.
1. Case,frames for rrerbs.
fn thi-s ''l esson we wi 1l- consid.er the case fraroes f or tb.ree
verbs, kyan rto 6howr, na:]- rto J-ook for, be neceesaryr, and.
kaa: rto tP].et '
The verb kvan governs the ease fr-me A o u where A is the subject
and tbe a:rimate initiator of the action, the one who does the
showing, is the anima.te recipient, the one to whom sornething
is showrs, and u is the item ehowrx. of these three cases, onJ-y
1, is obl ig:atory.
llan r jytaa khyca: kyana. l0eyca: kyana.
He sb.owed. me the d.og. The dog was ghowr:..
o U
JSrtaa khyca: kyana.
lhe dog was shov.'n to me.
l',,pn r .lrhyea: kyana.
Iie showed. the dog (to someone)
COrrversatio.'o1 Newari - 'l:l 1
fhe verb ma:1 tto be:eecessaryt governs tl:e frame O U. This
rrerb hae rro eubject in this frame. f:: simple sentences onJ-y
the d.isjunct forms occu:r. O marke th.e noun referring to the
persorr i:r need, for whom something i6 laeceesary or needed.
! marke the item which is needed. Onfy U is obJ-igatory.
Jytaa aypww cwasa: ma:J.a.
I need two peno.
Jy*a,e, nyo.ha irhyea: ma:J.a.
I needed two dogs.
Saphww ma:3-a
A book was needed.

Kl5rca: ma : ).a.
A dog was need.ed..
t.he verb ma:]. rto look for' gowerns the ca6e frame A U"
A ie eubject a.nd marks the one who looks for sonething.
U ie the item eought. O:eLy lI is obl-igatory.
J5rn, saphww ma:1a.:.
I looked for a book.

Saphww ma:la.
A book was looked for.
Ihe werb kaa: 'to take' gowerns the case frame A I G]- U.
Ihe sub ject is A. A me.rks the animate agent who takes,
L marks the source from nhich tb.e item is taken, G]. the
money or goods given i', exchange for the item takere, atad
u ma:'ks the item talren. of these eases onJ-y u is obrigatory.
We.::, jykya wa l-a zka,t,r:,Jtr&:nya.:rka: ka:].a.
He took fiwe rupees from me for those shoes.
Jykya wa )-a:ka:nrya: nya:rka: ka.:l-a.
Five rupees r^rere token from me for those shoee.
Conversational Newari - 7)-2

'The precediag eentence couf-d a'] eo be glossed. 'Ihoee shoes

' eost me five ru.pees.'
Wa.::, wa I.azka:.nrya: nya:rka: ka:l-a.
He took five rupeee for those shoes.
l'Ian, jykya rrya:rka: ka:Ia.
He took fiwe r*pee6 from me.
Wa 1a:ka;::rya: nya:rka: ka:l-a.
Fiwe rupees were tpksn for those shoes.
= Tbose shoes cost fiwe rupees.
Jykya nya.:rka: ka:l-a.
Fiwe ri:pees were talcen from me.
Wan, rrya: rka: ka: Ia.
IIe took firre rupees.
Itrya:rke: ka:l-a.
Fiwe rupees were taken-
1. Case f='ances for werbs.
In the fo1J-owing senterrces there are llolJIIS in glossary entry
form enclosed in square brackets. liith the help of the gre.mmar
note supply the ca6e forms required. to express in Newari the
approximate meaning ind.icatea by the &aglish gIoss.
i. [r.rai [iv] ["uyao'l kyana. He showed me the house.
2. [u.ri.i [Rrrnr] [trp"., ] ty*rr*. Eiary e]rowed the pieture
to Ram.
3. [ln*r<h>] [rr:bha:] ma:]-a, Mother needed some gar]-ic"
4. [pt, se.phrv<]-y>] ma:l-a. The friend needed a book"
"", ] [
5. [r:*: ".., ] [ "rpt orcfy> ] ma:]a. Ihe friend looked for
a book.
Conversationa]- Newari _ LL5
6. [pas*ty.:] [tyj.r] [nha:y'- Ihe shopkeeper took money for
ka(n)] [arrv.u.:] k r1*. t]re mirror from younger
7. [*"y'ka(I)] [iq:.y] [la:k*:<r>] Ile took ten rupees from us
[54ot"r ] ta::-a. for the shoes.
8- [ iy] [tv.ut] 6.*rr., . r showed the gan'den (to s. o. ).
g- [lv] [tvata] tvn,".. lhe garden was shown to me.
10. [oUry'ka(n) ] kyt-*. The mirror was s]rown (to s. o. ).
1l-. [*r..r] [rr:<*>] ma:ra. The child needed mother.
t2. [**"tr] [.t:<m>] ma:Ia. The chi]-d 1ooked. for mot]rer.
a7 - [ na: (m) ] rna : 3-a - Mother vras needed .

[r,'y'ka-a..pJm, ] [t.:y' ka:ya-] rhey took twenty rupee' from

[Ia:Ua: <80>] fny:rka: ] ta:ta. (u.ry) son for the shoes.
- 15. [pasa]-ya: bha: jw] [ jrp:.rr, ] The shopkeeper took money
[dhyaua: ] ke.:l-a. from us.
l-6- ["hrpyrr, ] [trv".r ] [auv.u*r ] Money vras taken from you
kazl-,a. for the dog.
- r you took money for the
17- L.hvpv,,,] [i.uvca:] [arryaur:]
ka:].a. dog.
18. [p*,"",] [rrr<r>] [.yr:rka:] The friend took eight rupees
ka:].a. from mother.
- 19. [ma: (m) ] [p"t =., ] ["y.:rka: ] iuother gave eight rupeeg
by1a. to a frie:rd..
'i. 20. [trry' ka:ya] [rrytka(]-)] <My, son gave him twenty
[Ia:ka:<o,>] [ngrrka:] uyrr. rupees for t]re shoes.
2l . [ii.pl.t,] [pasalyr: bha: jw] ]Je gave money to the shop-
[auya.ua: ] trn keeper.
22. lpasatya: ] [J-a:ta: <m>] Ihe shopkeeper save thi:sty
, iswyrka:] by3-a. rupees for the shoes.
27. [prs*]y.:] [:-a:ta:<u>] Ihe shopkeeper was given
[swlrrka: ] uyrr thirty rr.pees for the sleoes.
Conwersationa.l Nerrari - ].44
24. [paea].ya; bb.a.: jw] [.tfr] ]ana. fhe shopkeeper weig]red tbe
2:i, [pasa-].ya: bha: jw] [":fr] T]re potatoes were r,veig]red
Iana. for the ehopkeeper.
2.6 " [:fryy] [trpr, ] kyana: . ]ie showed the pieture (to e. o. ).
. [iirmr] [ayprr] kyana. lrle were e]rcra t]re pictr:re.
2. Situati-on dri}]-.
Situatiog: Hary ya:kya nb.ay'rkat jaka, d.w.
C}:.agww paeaJ-ay' n3rpaa: kgrpa: dw.
Cha.paaz tapa.az wa ba:ar1:aa-z txarr, juv.
I'le5rya: bha.a: jhynrn5ra.:rka: khaa,.
Mya,gw cha,paa: dw. lla cJ-pa&": wa
ba:n,)-a.a: ma jwv. t/a,ya: pyarka: tya:
jaka bhe.a: kh.aa.
}IyaCw pa.sal-ay' swapaa.: k5rpa: d.w.
Chapaa: taskan' ba:nrJ.aa: wk3rya:
n5rysvrarka: tya: bh.ae.: d.hra : l-a.
I,!3ragw chrapaa: dw . Ha :ean , ba: ta, -
malaa: rajww wkSrya: jhSra, cha:rka:
dha:J-a. Svrapaa: g:r.rya: pyarka: bhae,:'
dha:l.a. 'ytra d..b.a: sa: ba:n rre-Aaa;.
Questions: Q. IIa:r]rya:kya g'wJ-y d.hyaba: dw?
A. Ha:r36ra,:kYa n}.ay'rka: ja,ka d.w.
a. tr'Ia nyg:w pasa3.a.y' gwaapa.a: k54pa: d.w?.
A. Nygw pasa).ayr nJra:pae.z k:rpa: dw.
a. lla kypa:ya: gw)-y cwJ.y d.hyaba: tww thay'n, ?

A. Chaglrvr pa,sa.J-ay I chapa,a : ye,: jhirn r taya : rka :

wa chapae-zye.z pyarka: tya: wa m;rag:w
pasaJ-ay' ch.apaa: k3rpa: ya: nyyswarka: -
tya: d}.a:J-a. Mya.gwya: jhyn, cy&:rka:
Conversational Ner.ra.ri - 1I5
dha : J.a. Swapa.a: g:wya ! pyarka:
O. NJrpaa: k5rpa.: kyangw pa.sal:ay'
chapaa:ya: gwJ-y gwl.y bhae-: d.l-a:Ia.?
A. Chapaa:ya: jhf.rrrrrya:rka: wa
Eyagwya: pyarka: tya: dira:J-a.
0. I,lyagw pasa3-ay, gr^rl.y gwJ.y bhaaz ya:ta 1ya?
A, Chapaa.: ya: nyyswarka: tya: ruyagwye :
jhyn, chya.:rka: swapa,a I gwyai p3rarka:
jaka bhaaz yazta.
a. liayta gwgu, yal-a lya.?
A. Ya la'z r5rswarka..tya: twwgw ya;:a.
a. llaykya r\lra:rka: jaka dw sa:
nS6rewarkattya: twwgw nyaty, phay la.:?
A. Nya:yr maphw wk5rnr warr, k3rpa: rnanya.s:.
a. lla nya:y'ta Cwly d.hyaba: tanya.
ma: l-a, 1ya ?
A. Jhyn rcya,zrka:tya: tanya ma:J.a.

Coaversationa]- Newari _ 116
Ieseoa 15. Br,r:nine Veqetab].es.
A. Garra jha:y,gw? llhere are yolr going?
Chy l_a: ta.rka:ry pa'aa ft looks ,ike you are about to
jha:y' tyan, thayrn, cwatlr.
to the wegetabl-e market.
B. I{haa. Jy tarka:ry nyaa: ?rue.
f a* going to buy
wanYe tyana:, vegetables.
chy gana jha:y'g:w l-ya? p1d. where are you going?
Chyan'yt jha:y'gv Ia? .p^re you going home?
A. Jy naa, kaany tnwsya:
f arn a].so going and r,ril.]- buy
r^ra chl+cwn, r.azy,
corn, soyabeans, wheat
nyaa: wanya. f]-ou:.r &rrd pu]se.
J3rw. Jy ay'sa: tarka:ry Good. If so I wiIJ- go to the
pasaa !ra.n-ya
egetabJ-e market.
Ilanca,: na:pal_a:y'. J,.t i see you J-ater on toi.ay.
New Vocabu]-ary.

ehwcw(n) 3 wheat flour na: pa3-a: V to meet (eorreone

-Ptv K
harrca: ]-ater on tod.ay na: pa!-a: Virnps to neet
kaany 7 eorr:., maize _ga(J_) soneone r.rn_intenti onal_].y)

. -!ohw(].y) K tarka:ry 3 vegetabJ_es _thw

ma: y' ma: s- 3 prrlse -ke.Iya K
-ga(1) -mhw('l y) K tyan V to be about to (do
mw6ya: 3 soyabeans scraething) NI I{I(
_mhw(Iy) K -ga(1)

Grammar Notes.
1. Causa.tive caee rotation.
The causa'tiwe form of the verb
adding the suffix _k is regularly constructed. by
to the appropriate
fhe morphor-ogica, aEtair"- i..r. form of the werb.,
The causatiwe form of t;; ,."1U, been covered. in lesson ro.
certain regular charrges however, also inwolves
in the case frame. consid.er the
;il: H ;::,3.;.; ;i ,T e-'-pl". rn u." ,.o,,-eausative we
Conversational- Newari - LL7
A o G1 u
IIa:e, jytaa 3.a:ka:zrrya: (J.a:g:rnr) nySrrka: by3-a.
He gave me twenty nrpeea for the ehoes.
Changing thie to the caueatiwe irrwolwee the introductiorr of
a, rrew agent (caueative agent) and a rotatio:r of cases from
tha.t manifested. by tb.e non-causative frame.
AOG]-a GTi U

Har5m, wayta. jygw (Ia:gJnar) l-a:ka:n, Jra: (1.a: gJrn, ) nYYrka; bYYlceLls.
Flary caused b.im to giwe me twenty rupees for th.e shoes.
lle may wiew the causative morpl:eme -E rr a werb which takes
the non-earrsative c3.ause as its complement. fhe causative
morpheme may thue be wiewed as hawing the frame A C]- where
C1 etand.s for the u:ad-erll'i-ng no!r-causatiwe c1-ause occrrr.rir.|€l
ae the eompJ-eqent of the causative.
4 q1 I
lJan , j ytaa }a: ka : t2., ya: ny5rrka: brry

siace e, causative sentence cannot hawe more than one agent,

the { of the causative frame inducee a domino-J.ike case rotatioa
in the eompleme:et clause. The complement 4 becomes e.n O. If
the complement origina"II-y had ,- O in ad.d.ition to a- 4, th.i I
eha::ge would. result in a se::tence with two O's, which is also
qrl un,a'cceptsble sitrration. Tbe und.erJ-ying o in this sitr:ation
clranges to a G]. . since a ee:rtence may brawe more tha.n one e
no further shenge is genera]-.]-y ind.ueed. The rul-e may be
expreeeed. as fol-3-owe:
a [a<o>... ]., a Io<er>...].,
This ru]-e may be illustrated in terms of other werbe. For
- the proper operation of this rul-e, h.owewer, we mrrst distingrrish
F betweer. 9 ire which -ye.: ta is ob3.igatory with arrimate nouns a.nd.
o in which -tra:te io optSona]- with animate nou.rr6. Ihe ca.usatiwe
c&se rotatiorr app3.ies onJ-y to O.
tAOo / ../
y'vn, w.a5rta khyca: lana: . I weighed the dog for him.
Ha.ryn, jytaa waya: khyca: l-ankal-a. Hary caused me to weigh
the dog f or him.
Convereati,oaa]- Newari 118

Compa.re this with the folJ-owing:

_A_ O
(Yatt'a) )-anat f weighed. the dog.
f vn,
kLverd.z -

HarSrrr , jyiaa khyca: (ya: ta) 3.a::l<al.a. I{ary caused ate to
weigh the dog.
The sarne retation appl-ies to ti:e case frarne f or kvana t to sh.ovr t

)'iarr, jytaa khyciz. kyane,. He sho'tted me the dog"
Harlm, wayta jygw Ia:g3,zr, khyea: kyankala i1ary causeci } im tc
show n,e the dog.
If there is no A in the !!, caee rotation fa.ils to occur.
This pattern may be iiJ-uetrated as f ol-l-ows.
t/ f was shown a picture.
// Bip=: kvana-
Har3rn, jytaa k5rpa: kyanka3-a. Hary caused. ne to be
shown a pictr.re.
With certain werbs ti:is giwes rise to arcbiguity since the
causstiwe sentence may be deriwed from a C)- vrith e 4 by
case rotation.
J3rn, kl'pa: kyaila: . I showed. (sorneone)
it e. picture.
Hary'n, jyta.a kypa: kya-kal-a. Iiary caused me to
show (someone) a
1. Tra:rsformation dril-l-: causatiwe.
The object of this d-ri}I is to establish in the mind of the
student the pattern of rela,tions}.ips between canrsatirre and
non-cau6atiwe th.at has been presented. thus far. In the first
hal-f of the driI]. the str:.d,ent is to transform the non-ca.usatiwe
sentence given in A into a coI:responding causatiwe sentence
beginning with Harlrn, in B. In the second. ha]-f of the drill-
Co:vereational. Newari - It9
the causatiwe sentence givea in a ie to be transformed into
a lxon-causatiwe eentenee, dropping the first agent a:ed.
changing the werb form as required..
A. Vlarr, iyte.a sa.phww byJ-a. Ee gave me a book.
B. Ha.rJrn, wayta jygw 3-a:g5rn, EarSr ha.d h5.m give rue a
saphww b;rykal-a. book.
A. J5rn, waSrta 3-a:ka:n, byya:. f ga,ve lrim shoes.
B. I{ary }:ad me give h:im shoes.
A. Jfrtae kypa: kyana. f wa.s shown a pictr:re.
3. IIary ba.d. (someolae) s.Low me
a pief,ure.
A. lJan, jytsa k3r1ra: kJrarra. Ee showed me a pictr:re.
B- Eary had b:im sbow me
a picture.
A. !Ipn, a:l-w Let::.". He weighed. potatoes.
B. Eary ha.d him weigh potatoes.
A. JyA,a,a a:J.w l-aaa. Potatoes were reigb.ed. for me.
B- Ha.ry hed potatoes weigb.ed
for me.
A. Har5rn, jyte.a \rpa: Iarnnlralg. Eary camsed. iae to be shown
a. picture.
B. f wae showla a pictrrre.
A. Ilarpe, iJrbaa kypa.: kyanrkata. Hary caused me to show er
picture (to someorre).
B. f showed (someone) a picture.
A. Ha.rJne, Ra:mya:ta jygw 1a:g5m, Hary caused" Rem 16 .give
cwasa: byykaJ-a. me a perj.
B. ftam gave rDe a peta.
A. Har5m, jyta.a a:3.w J-ankal-a. Hary caused me to weigh
B. f weighed. potatoes.
Convereatioaa]- Newari - 12O

A. IIarSm, jygw J.a:gtrm, a:J-w Eary eaused. potatoes to be

Innlra1a. weighed for me.
B. Potatoes were wei€:hed for me"
2. Subetitution dri].l.
fbe f oJ.J-owing substitution d,ri]1 provides opportunity f or a
review of determj-:rers, adjectivee, and r:umbers.
A. X chw ja:k:r thay'Tt,?
B. _ X laa:rsy je:ky k}.aa.
}'tr]rere X = thwa a.ifia hwn; \nra wgw th.vgw hwr:gw azmag',{

A. lhwa chw X thay'n, ?

Where i1 = bajf &ary }ad.d.w mwsya: kaa.rry chwcw(n) a:Iw
and Y = bbJrngw dangrnr ba.: n, ]-aa: gw thgrkayr g'w saa: g-w
A. Chw bhaa: thay'13, ?
B. fhykay' majww.
C]. -va: Nr M

i{here C1 = pa(I) d}ra:ny kr^r'n'l-a mwry uiar}a.:

Nr = eha ny El/a py& rLJia: 'Lhw nha.y' c5ra: gw jhy
end. M = !trwe,a air1a": -rka: -rka:tJfa: swka: ga(J-)
3. Transformation d.ri]-l-.
The fol-J-owing d.ril-3. i].]-ustratee a pattern of near paraphrase
between three structures.
A. Bajy ba:n,1a.a:g:w wa bh;rngw k.Laa.
B. Bajy ba:n,I-a.a: wa bh5rn, jww.
C. Bajy ba:n, J-aa: wa b}ltrm,
A. Ja:ky ba:n,La.a.:gw wa bhir.gr kha.a.

A. Mary ba:nrl-aa,:g"w wa'bhyngw khaa.


Co::versational- Newari - l-A1
A. Mwsya: ba:::rJ-aa:gw wa bhSmgrv khe,a.
A. Chwcrrn, ba:n,l*e"zgw wa bh5mgw khaa.
A. Pya: j ba:n,1'aa..g'w .!{a bhyngw khae,.

A. Cwasa: ba:nr3-aa:gt.l wa bhSrngw k!:aa..


4. Situation d.ri].l_.
Th.e fo'l'l owing situation d.ri] r prowid.ee a pattern f or impro-
wisa.tion of dril-Is. l{ith the herp of the tea.cher, ttrere are
ma,]:y substitutions which ca.n be made within the eituation that
tri'I 1 cal-I for aaswers different from tLr.ose given beIow. The
stud.ent himself can make substitutions wittr respect to pricee
a'rd. iteos.
Situation: HarJrya: chagww pasaa d.w. IIa pasaa
Asa,na.yt dw. 't'Ia pase.J-ayr bhlmgw
ja:ky d.w. lla ba:nrlaa.: nan, jww.
Ana. pasa.J-ay' ata:rsy ja:ky wa me.:yr
kyan'na:3, dw. Ita:rsy ja:ky3.a:
bhaa: nb.a.y'rka:tya: k}.aa. Wa. pasa-I.ay'
bajy na.la, dw. Bajy bhyn, &5r'sa.:n,
ba: n, noa)-aa:
Coavereational Newari - 1,22

Qu.estions: Q. Ilar367a: pasa,a gana dw?

.0,. llaya: pae,aa Aeanay' d.w.
a. lia chw pasa,a kbaa?
A. Wa ja:ky bajy pa6a.a kha.a.
a. Ana na.;rsy ja:ky d.w 14.: thay'rz,?
A. Dw. Cha:yt marw?
a. Vayaz pasa].ayt ma:gtkyent laa.rt d.w J-a: ?
A. Dw. Cba:yt ma:rrr?
a. Ma.:rsy ja:kyJra: chw bhoaz lya?
A. ?tra.ch3rya: nlray'rka: tyaz .
a. Ha,r5rn, chw chw ::ya: ta Lya?
A. l'Ian, Era:rsy ja:ky wa bajy n;ra:ta..
Conversationa1 Newari - 123
Lesson J-6. In the Grain ltaqket.
A. Chykya bhr"ngw kaany iowsya; Do yor.r hawe erry good corn and
dw J.a: ? eoyabeane?
B. Dw. Nypb.a: pyapha: 6a: Yes. Perhaps two or t}.ree pathi.
day. [f,it. two or four pathi]
GwJ.y $a.a.2gw thrayt:a, ? How much do you need?
A. Thwkyya: bha"a: chw thay'n,? llhat is the price of this?
B. Kaar5r plraehyya: nya:rka: Corrr is five rupees a pat}.i
wa wgwya: nya:rka:t5ra: and that is on)-y fiwe and
jaka. a ha3-f.
A. Byya: dysen, aaz! Kaany Hleaee give (me some)J Oae pathi
phachy wa Ewsya.: phatya: . of corn and a. pathi and a hal-f
of soyabeans. $
B. Kaya: dysa.n, Ba:: PJ-ease take it.
A. Chykya ba:nrIa,a:gw chrorcwn, Do you also h.ave aome nice
rrarr, dw Ia: ? wheat fJ-orr?
B. Dw. Swa.ya: d.ysa.rr, ! Yes. Please take a 1ook.
A. Ihwe. gay' ya:ra,*. byya: Ylhst is the price of this?
dyygw ?

B. Cha d.ha:ny3ra: pyarka: kba"e.. It'e forrr rupees a dharni.

Dangw ma,e-. sa; swarka.: If you need cheep (flour)
jaka twwgw :iar!, dw. there is al-oo some for tkrree
A. Ma:ytya: l..ya? And. puLse?
B. Phachyya: nhaytrka:tyaz (It's) only seven rupees
hyayr jaka. a pathi.
A. Ay'sa: chwcrrn, cha dha:ny If eo, put in a dlrarny of wheat
wa na:y' phachy nan, flour arrd. a pathi of pu)-se,
taya: dysan, ! p3-ease.
B. Myagw chw chw m&:ny thay'n,?'[I]rat else (do you) need?
A. ThwlJrn, hyay' ga.a": this will be enough.
Conversationa]. Newari - ]-24
New Voeabr:l-ar:r.

dan, - a-j cheep verbal. affLx meanj-ng t yet,

sti]-].r . fn this l-esson it
-d,ha:ny 3 dhar:ei, aunit I:as been rendered tg]-eer .
of weight equa3- to 12 gJ-oss eould have read:
pau or about 2.4 Ke. Ihe
rl{}lat do you sti11 need.?r
bou:ad. to a prefixed
numeral pha- -pha: pathi, a r:lit of
gayt hor*? occurs as part volrrme equiwalent to eight
of an idiomr R&yr y3:Lrr man& or about one gaJ-J-on
pha- occurs onJ-y with the
'iJhat to d.o?r used as nr"rmber torLet: phach.-rr torre
a.n indication of per- pathi'
plexity. AJ-so occurs -pha: occurs wit!.r
as part of the idioms eJ-J. other nrrmbers:
ttwo pethi' , 6wapLra:+trcha:
gay' Va.:naa:$94 and 'three
gay' ya:nae.:kaat . These pathi' .
idione oceur on].y in taa V to put (sonething into
guestione and on)-y in somet!:.ing) I - tyyJ
the sense 'hlhat ie the
price ?' thvrJ-yn, this is an ernphatic
form of thwa which should
nya- aj other. Al.so used- not be confused r,rj-th e-n
with time ncLrng in the agentiwe or Bource form"
sense tnextt::nyagw )taa"2
tnext weekt , mlragw l-a: Jra': V to do. this verb is
tnezt nontht, my&gw dant a.].so used as a habitual
rnext yearr. auxiJ-iary.

Grammar Notea.
I. Case f'romes for weu.bs.
In thie lesson we introCuce caee franes f or tLrree verbs:
Traa tto eat', r,yel tto brryt, and(khanr>nyan rto askt ' Ihe
rrerb:aaa'to eat'takes the ease fra-ne A-s, where A is the
one who eats and o marks the item eeten. Either A or g may
be omitted.. The eubjeet of naa is A.

J;rn, ja: raaya: llan, ja: nal a.

I ate rice. I{e ate rice "
A o
!tran, nya: (ya: ta) nal-a. \ian, nal.a. Ja: na]-e..
Iie ate (liwe) fish. He e.te. Rice was eaten'
' Conversationa]. Newari - L25

Ehe carrsatiwe induees ca6e rotati-on in the normal f,ashion:

A o
ilarr, ja: nal.a. He ate rice-
Ilar5rn, wayta ia: nakal.a' Hary had h1m eat riee'
The verb BJa: tto brry'has the case frame A I I U' narkefh-'
subject of nv-a: is 4' A marke the one who buys ' !
marks-tlre l'oney
the one from roto,o the item io purchased., J
or goods given in exchange for the item purchased, a,nd. !
marke the item prrrchased' OnI-y U is obl-igatory'

'ulatt, jykya nlrrka:n, eaphww nya:ta'

He borrght a book from me for two rupees'
Jykya n5rrka:n, saPhww nYa:ta'
A book was bought from me for two rupees'

Ilarr, . n5rrka:n, saPhww n3ra:ta'

He bought a book for two rupees'
A I, U

l'Ian, iykYa saPbw"w nYa:ta'

He bought a book from me'

llan, saPhww nYa: ta'

He bought a book'
Nyz'ka:n, saPhww nYa: ta'
A book wa.e borrght for two ruPeee'

Saphww n5re,:ta. \
A book was bought'
but it has no
the verb nrra: tto buyr hae A in ite case fr^merotation
O. For this reasora on-1y one part of the caee ru]-e
fpplies in the ca.usa'tive: { becomes O'
Corrversationa]. Newari L26

lian, jykya Ra:mya: J-a:g5rn, n5rrka:n, sap}.ww nya:ta.
IIe bought a book for Ram from me for tr+o rupees.
Ilaryn, wayta jykya Ra:mya: la:gJn:, n;rrka:n, saphww rrpik,al-a.
Hary caused. him to buy a book frorn rae f or Eam f or two n:pees.
I,/here A is absent from the underJ.y:-ng conpJ-enent, QI , no
change of case occurs in the causatiwe. Causative examples
paral.J.el.ing the norr-callsatiwe exe-'nples giwen above are given
belor+ in the reverse ord.er of those giwen a"bove. ldords in
rotated eases are under].ined.
IIar3rn, saphww nya:ka3.a.
Hary carrsed a book to be bought.
I{ar3rn, nyrka:n, saphww nya:kal-a.
Ilary carrsed a book to be bought f or two rupee6.
Ha:rl'r:, wayta saphww n,a:kal-a.
IIary caueed him to buy a book.
Hary caused him to buy a bcok from me.
Haryn, walrta n3rz'ka:rr, saphwr+ nya:ka3.a.
Hary caused. him to br.ry a book for two rupee6.
HarSrn, jykya n3'rka:n, sapLrww nJra:ka)-a.
Hary caused a book to be bought from ne for two rrlpees.
Ha.r5m, wav-ta jykya n5rrka:n, saphww nya:kai-a.
Ilary caused hj-m to buy a book from me for two rupees.
The verb@gn'->::ren 'to ask has the case fra"me A I G1
where A is the animate agent who d.oes the asking, ! i_e tLre
animate 6ou.rce from whom the a.:eswer is sought, an:d- Gl is the
topie or subject matter invo]-wed in the asking. fhe subject
is A. A).l cases are optional , but a-t J-east orae shouJ-d be
Ittran, jykya chya:e'ya: khan' rr3rarra.
IIe asked me about a horrse.
Convereationa,]. Newari - L27
I' G].
Jykya. ctrgranrya: khan' nyana.
I was asked about a house.
Wan, jykya khan' nye.rta.
He aeked me about something. <I,it. abor:t the matter)
the carrsative invo3-ves ca.6e rotation on1-y for A.
Wan, jykya saphwwya: khan' rtyarra. He asked me about
A O L G1 abook.
Har3m, EXta jykya saphwwya: khan' nyana. Hary had him ask
me about a book.
2. Phrases with ].a:gyn, and pa:khpy'n..
Speakers differ in their aeeeptance of phrases with ]-a:gf'n,
anC pa:khaytn,. For Eome epeakers these phrases are freely
accepted in a wide range of sentences. For other speakere
their rrse ie rather restricted. IIe do not yet know what
l-ies behind. tliese dif ferences. In the follor+ing exa.mples
pLrrases with pa:khayrn, are used to mark a proxy.

lJan, i}'taa Ra:mya: pa:khay'n. khyca: kyana.

Ile showed. me the dog on Ram'e behal.f .
mlra: pa:Fhay t l3., saphww ma: la.
A book was looked for on Sya:m's behe.J-f .

Wan, jykya Gwa:ra:hra: pa:khay'n, chyan'ya: kb.arr' nyana.

He asked. me about a, kror:.oe on Gopa1's behaJ-f .
In the foll-owing examples phraeee with pa:khay'::.. are used
to mark a Eource
ltran, ka:lrt pa.:k}-ayIn. khant nyal.a.
He asked. his son for information.
Chaurl:a dwgwca: .iym.y tata:rra:
qakkr.a"y'n, chwaya: h,a.ag:w khaa"
One goat was sent from ray sister.

In the foJ-lowing examples phrases with 1_ejjtrfu are used to

mark a benefactiwe.
Ra: mlra : 1a: gyn . saphww nya: ta.
A book vras bought for Ram.
Conversationa]- Newari - L2A
}trarr, jykya Gwapa:]-ya: pa'.k]hay':r., Ra:mlra: Ia:gyn, chyazt'ya,z kha.n'
IIe aeked rne ora Gopal's behal-f concerning a, house for Ram.
Jytaa. Ra:mlra: ]-a:g:rn. cwasa: ma:l-a.
I needed two pe:rs for Ram.
1. Case fra.mee f or werbs
tl:e object of the foJ-J-owing dril-I is to giwe the student
opportrrnity for practice in inserting ca,ses in various
case frames. The wori.s i-n square b:"ackets are girren in
thei:' glossary entry fcrns. The student is to read the
seniencee a3-oud, sr:.pp1ying the appropriate case forrrs a.s
need.ed in order to approximate the neaning of the English
gloss giwen.
1. ["r] [ry=r ] na].a. Iie ate fieh.
2. [urrJ Iiv] [:"., ] naka]-a. He caused me to eat rice.
1. [:v] [i*,] naka:. I caused rice to be eaten.
4. [:v] [:rr] naka3-a. I was caused to eat rice.
,. [lr*] neJ.a. It ]ras eaten.
6. [r".] na]-a. He ate.
7. [vral naka]-a. ft was caused. to be eaten.
8. [*.J naka)-a. ]Ie was caused. to eat.
g . [rorJ nakafa. Ile cai:-sed <soileone) to eat.
10. [*r] [iy] [n*,ro] [nlrrcta:] Iie bousht a book fron me for
Isaphw<3.y>] nya:ta. twenty rupees.
1l-. [r".] [Sv] [n3,3rrka: ] ge bousht a book for me for
I saphw(J.yy ] rr3ra: ta.. twenty rupee6.
L2. [lory'ka(a)] [Sv] [ny3rrka:] H" bought a book from me for
Ieaphw<)-y>] nya:ta. twenty rupees.
A7. [rcyrka(l)] [i"] [nyyrka.:] a uoot was bought from ]rim for
[saphw<3-y>] nya:ta. me for twenty rupees.
L4. [**] [swr.=i..:] [saphw<ly>] He bought a book for thirty
nya: ta. rupees.
Conwereationa.1 Newari - 3-29

15. [r"J Iswarka: ] [sap]rw<1y>] A book was bought from him

nSra: ta. for thirty rr:pees.
16. [r.] [ewarka.: ] [srpu*<rv>] A book was bought for him
nya: ta. for tlrirty rrrpees.
a7. I iv] ["']
[ 5r6"ta, J I caused. him to buy a book
I eaphw(]-y> ] ,y.t ka: . for ten rupees.
l_4. I sy] [*.J I jalot*' ] I wae caueed to buy a book from
I eaphw(Iy> ] oytrkel a.. him for ten rupees.
19. Iiy] [*'] [iarot''] I wa"e cauged to buy a book for
I sapbw(1y> ] nya:ka].a. h.im for ten rupees.
20. Iiy] [*'J Ijirr't"'] A book wae caused. to be bought
I saphw<]-y> ] nya: ka3-a. from me for bim for tae rupees.
2.. Iru.] [Sv] chyan'ya.: khaa' He aeked me a.bout the horrse.
Zl. I rr) [ Sv] chyanrya: k]:en' He asked on ciy behal-f about
nye.raa. the house.
Z). [rr] [ iy] chyan'ya: kha.:nr He asked about a horrse for
nJraIIa. IDE.

24. [",.J [n*,r] [:v] [e*ap':t] on ny behaJ-f

He asked Ra^m
I saph",<]-yi] khan' nyana. about a book for Gope.I.
25. Ir*] [4.,r] [iy] [crapa:r] IIe caused. Ra- to ask me aborrt
Isaphw<J.y>] kha.nr nyana. a book on Gopal's behal-f .
26. Ir-] [n.'rJ Isy] [e*'pa:r] He ca.used. Ram to aek about a
I saphw (1y> ] kh*n' n;ra.ma. book for Gopal on my behal-f.
27, [,r'1 [n'rr] [iy] [ enoapa:t] He caused. Rqm to be asked about
[eaphw<]-y>] khsa' nyana,, a book for Gcpa'l on my beha.If.
24. Ir'] [n*,.] [iy] [ewapa:t] Ee wae ce.ueed to ask Ram on my
[saphw(]-y>] tu*rl' n5rana. behaJ.f about a book for Gopal-.
Co:ewersationa^l- Newari - L3O

Iresson 17. fn the Vesetable Market.

A. !hwa, a:1w chad.ha;nJrya,: gwJ-y? How much is a dhar:ri of these
potatoes ?

B. Ihwk5rya: ntrmka:tya: jaka. (It's) onJ-y two and a hal-f

rupeea (a dLrarni) for these.
A. Thwa 6waya.a: bh3rngw marv, You hawe better (potatoes) than
La: chykya? these, don't you?
B. Dw. Ihwgw Er.raya: dysan, I Pl-ease 3-ook at these. [hese
Thwkyya: swarka:. are three rupees (a dharni).
A. Chache,:ny J.ana: dysan, I PJ-ea,se weigh one dharni l
3. Myag:r,r chr+ chw ma:ny thay'n, ? ltrhat el.se do you need?
A. i{wn, g"waJ-bhya:ra: pan'3-aya: About how mrich is one pau
gwJ.y thay'n, ? of those tomatoes?
B. Pan'J-aya: charkaz jaka. A pau is only one rupee.
A. Shaa: apr,re.a jwl-a. fhe price hae become excessive"
Swaswka:n, mabyw Laz? t'Jon't (you) give them for tlrree
suka a pau?
B. Ya-rrka: dysan, I ?J-ease takei
GwJ.y ruaa.:g:w thayrn, ? About how much do you need,?
A. Km'Ia jaka daasa: gaa:. If there are two pau it is enough.
Ilr":e, pya; j cha.iral.ye.ya: gwJ-y IIow much do you teLe for a
kaya: ? bu::dle of these onions ?
B. Chaka3-yaya: chamwael, jaka. Juet a mohar e" br:rrd.Ie.
A. taskan, thykay' jw1a. (Ihey) have become very expensiwe.
Hwn, J.a:bha.: chathwya: J.ya? And how much for a bund.le of
that garlic?
B. Nya.a:na: je.ka. Onl-y fiwe alraa (a buncLr.).
A. Thwaya: t3arr, bhaa: thykayr The priee of these has a)-so
jwJ-a. become very high.
B. Yanka: dysan, J My1a.y' ?l-eaee take (tLrem). We wil-3.
Ya:nae:bJry ka:. agree on the price.
Convereatiorr.a.l Newari - L7l.
A. Jyw. Ayrsa: pya:j cha- Fine. f f so (give me) a br:nd.J.e
ka,3-yaya: cyaa,zraar of o:rions for eight anna, and
Ia:bha :ya: Flyaa.zr:a,i jaka a bunch of garl-ic for four.
yraa'. !
B. Jyw. Gw1.y bfrr chytaa.? Good. How mrrch sha].]- f giwe yorr?
A. Pya:j nyka.J.ya }a;bha; n5rthw ?Lease Biwe (ne) two br.rndles of
bfya: dysan, I onions and two br:nches of garJ.ie.
Hwn , ka: wJ-ya chathwaa.: 5ra: How much wi)-J. you ta.lre for a
gwly ka5ra: d.56ra: ? head of that caulif]-orrr?
B. Thwg:rorya: n5rrka: thwg:wya,: Pwo rupees for this one, three
swarka:. rlrpeee for tl:is one.
A. llklrya: r3.ar?., bha.a: apwala. these are al.so too expensive.
Nyttrwaa:ya:n, pyarka.: bJry I'I1 giwe you four rupees for
majSrw Laz ? both heade, how about t}l.at?
P Cha.mwaa ta.na.: byya: dyea^n, i P].ease ad.d orae mohar.
A. Pyarka: hyay' apwaa, thay'n, Ewen four rupees seems too
cwa,rL r . much (to me).
B. Tha, 1a: mathaa. Profit? No profit.
Ayt sa: n, yanJca: dysan , J So taLe it p]-ease|
New Vocabr:]-ary.

a:l-w 7 potatoe -Eta(].) K ka:wJ.ya 7 caul-ifl-our -thwa: (k)

s.zrta.i aJrna, a unit of money -thwa: (1) K
eqr:aJ- to four pice. krrrrla 7 two pe,u doee not
Occurs a"s a. c]-assifier occur with numerF] 6.
bor:nd to prefixed nr:nera]s.1anr V to weigh
gw;, lbhya,:ra,: 7 tomatoe
J.a: b}.a: gar3-ic5 -gE.(J-)
-ga(I) K
. -thw -ka\ra K
-kal ya 3 bund-l-e. cl-ass- -mwa(I) 3 moha,r, unit of
ifier occurring with' tnoney eqrra). to fifty pice
prefixed nr:.mera)-s. A
or ha.l-f a rupee. Occr:rs
-ka]-ye. is J-arger than with prefixed numera'l s.
a -.!hw 'bu::ch t .
ka: emphatic particJ.e. mSr!.ayt-ya: V to oome to arr
Conwersational Newari - 132
pya3 5 onior: -ga<]-> -thw tasa"kan, very, much
-ka3.ya K th:aa Vimpe to ma.ke a profit
swka,: 7 suka monetary unit
equa]. to twenty-five -thw , bunch. Bound to numerals"
piee or one quarter of a -tllwa.: (k) -thwa: (1) 3 head,
rupee. Occurs vrith bf-ossom, cJ-assifier used
pref ixed. nu-meral-s. with eau]-iflor:r and flowers.
tan V to add
Grammar Notes.
1. Supp]-etiwe carrsatiwes.
Certain verbs he.ve, in addition to or j-nsteaC of a morphologic-
a}J.y regrrl-ar ca.usative, a euppletive eauaative stem. !'or 6one
of these verbs the supp!-etive etem is greatly preferred. to the
reg:rrlar stem. Some of these verbe are l.isted beIow.
Verb Sup:rletive Camsative
wa.n go chwaa eend
khan see kyarr show
dan stand than prop up, maLe stand
daI be broken thal- break
dyan eleep thyaa put to sleep
dwn co1J-a,pse thvrn cause to col] apee
baa: be separate phaa: separate
Iwa:k-jya: be mixed Iwa:k-chya: mix
twa-dw]. be broken twa-thwl breaL
twa-dhwI be broken
hwa-gan be d.ril-l-ed. hwa-k}lan dri11 (a hole)
ba":1anr-ewan rent a house ba:lanr-taa rent a house
(fror: someone) (to soroeone>
cwajn stay (some- te-a keep(somewhere)
kwa-j5ry be decid.ed kwa-clr]'y d.ecid.e
ya-ga.'. be hanged ya-kha: hang (someone)
ne.: n , -dan be f amous :aa: n , -i"a make f amous
Supp1.etive caueatives are l-isted ia the g)-ossa.ry entry after
the abbrewiation OK = . i{here sn'l y the euppletiwe f orm is
al-J-owed.r we hawe K = . Notice the relation between woiced
stops in non-ca.usatiwe stems and woiceJ.ess aspira,ted. stops
in ca.usative verbe in a number of the pairs giwen above
Conversa.tiona.]. Newari - Arj
2. Semantieally irregu-l-ar causati_.vee.
certain werbe hawe morphological-1y re€u]-ar causatiwes, the
meanings df which can:aot easily be d.etermined. from the non-
causative fora. rn the glossa.ry the non-causatiwe forms of
such verbs are l-a.be.led. sIE (semantiea1ry irregrrlar ea.usative)
and. a separate entry is gi-ven for the causative form. A .few
verbs of this sort are ]-isted below.
d.a be, exist day'k- prepare, make, mend
hran go wank- ruia (of color)
jhaa: come, go (respect) jha: y'k- go away (d.isrespect)
3. Ca.se framee f or werbe.
rn ttis leeson we introduce cage frames for t}ree rrerbs:
nlran 'to heart, Ea: tto be enought, and Lraa rto bring,.
Tb.ewerb nyan rto hearr governs the caee fra.me A s u, where
4 is the subject. A marks tbe one wb.o hears, ! marks the
inanimate source, ald U aarks the itero hea,rd, Nrran also
governa the frame A Gp U, wh.ere g! is tLre animate aource.
In both franes U is obJ-igatory.
Wan, ka : y t pa: k.Layt n, lnya nyarra.
He heard. the Bot:g from (his) sol3..
ltrph r ryad5rwe,I-a-rr, mya rrJra.l2.e,.
IIe hea.rd the aong on the radio.

fn the camsatirre we get the u.euaJ- case rotation.

Har3m, warrta thaa ka:y' pa;khay'n, mSra nyanJcal.a.
Hary carrsed- him to hear the aong from his own 60rr.
Ha.r5rn, walrta ryad3rwa3-an; mya nyankn]-a.
Eary car:sed him to hea,r the song on the radio.

fhe werb Ea: rto be enouglr' governs the case fra^me O U. Ga:
is iropersonal- a,nd thus has no subject. ft does not occu:r i-n
the imperative and has no first per6otL conjrinct forms.
O marks the animate being for rvhom the item srrffices,
the item that ie sufficient. lf marke
&r1y U is obJ.igatory.
Conrersationp] Ner,rari _ L7+
ltlayta La.a ga:ta.
Ihere was enough water for him.
Laa gazte".
Ihere wa,6 enoLlgh water.

Khyca:ya;ta, rr.a.saz ga:ta.

fhe:'e wae enough food for the dog"
Since the case frame contains no A, th.e causative ind.uces no
rotation of casea.

Iiar5rn, wayta. Laa gazka3.a.

Ilary caused. there to be enougLr water for him.
= Ilary provided enough water for him.
the verb Lraa tto bring' go.'enee the case fra_rne A o u, whero
A rrarks the one wkro does trre bringing, ! is the or" ro, wbom
the item is brought, a"nd u raarks the i-tem brought. onJ_y u
is ob]-igatory- The subject of hae. is a. The causative
bringe about the norraal_ :.otation of
J3rn, wayta ja.:ky haya:.
I b:'ought fish for |rira.
Hary-n, .iytaa .waya: ]-a: sy::. ja: ky hay'kal-a.
Hary caused me to bring rice for }.im.
1" Case frames for verbs.
The foJ-lowing sentencea are a=anged as a kind. of buird.-up
drirl in which we etart with a mi-nimal frame for a giwen werb
and' build up longer Bequences aa a.I1owed by the ca.se frame.
Read al-oud-, supplying the reqrrired caae forms for the items
in square brackete.
l-. [*yr] nyaraa.. The Bong was heard.
2. [*".] [*vr] nyana.. Iie heard the song.
3. [*r] [rv*] nyana. The sor:r.g was heard from lsim,
4. [ryaaywa<]->] [roy.] nyane. The 6ong was heard on the radio"
5. [iy] [*.y'ka(]-)] [*yr] nyana:. r heard the song from him"
Conversationa.l Newari - lr5
6. lirrw] [rya.dywa<1)J [r"r] ]Je heard t]re sons on the
n5ra:na:. radio.
7. [*".] [tt.r, ka:y' ka:ya-] He asked. his son about it.
khant nyana.
8. [rr] [tnr. kazyr ka:ya-] He heard about it from ]ris
kllant nyana. sorl..
g. [Ua:pa<t>] gazta. There was enough c]-ot]r.
l-O. [cfry] [ta:pa<t>] ga":ta. There was enough cloth for you.
11. [U*:U:.r<r.>] nJrarrlcaJ.a. A story was to3-d
L2. [r*] [ua:t}ra<n>] nyankaLa". He was to]-d a story.
L5. [rr] [Ua:tUacn)] nyo.t aLa. He toLd. a eitory.
L4. [nr=y] [.o*J [ua:u.acn>] Hary to].d him a story.
nyanlrel a.
A5. [fr<U.>] e*rkaLa. Enough water waa provided.
i6. [iy] [tr<AU>) e^zkaz. I provid.ed enough water.
L7. [iv] [fr<aU>] errka]-a. I was provid.ed. with enough water.
18. lnrry] [iy] [rr<ta>] uary provid.ed me with enoush
ga:kal.a. water.
l-9. [saphw<Iy>] h=]-a. A book rve"s brought.
2C . [ypr.n,] [saprrr<Iv>] ha-Ia. t]rey brouglrt a book.
2L. [rpyrr,] [eaphw<].y>] ha]-a. A book wae brought to them.
22. [rrJ [rpyrr,] [srprrr<)-y>] IIe brought t]r.em a book.
Itn'I a.
27. [n.ry] [iv] [rcJ Hary had. me bring ]rim a book.
Ieaphw<J.y>] hay'kaIa
' 2. Substitution dri].l-.
In the following substitution d.ri1.J- be sure to matc}. the
l}oun6 with tLre proper c]-assifiers.
[A] A. Hwre, X cha Y -ya.: gh,Iy thay'rt,?
B. Thwa cha _!_-ya: IfR M jaka.
Values for X, Y, l(8, and. M appear on the next page.
Conwereatior:a-l Newari - 176
Where X = ]-addw mary chwcw(n) a:].w 1e.:bha.: saphw(Iy)
] = ga(1) ta: pa(J.) dha:n5r gw(ly)
NR = cha tty Ewa pya nya: Lhw rr.hay' cya3 g:w jhy
M = B3nat d.hya,ba: swka: mwaa rka,: rka: tyaz

[l] a. x -lra.: gwry t-ya?

B. lhwaya: nera, Z h;ray' khaa,.
Vtrhere X = a.trna. thwa we, thwgw w€:w hr,rngw a:mag:w
Z = e.zrrai d.hyaba: swka: mwaa rka: rka ; tya :

,. Transformation dri].l.
The objedt of this driJ-J. is to heJ-p the student eetablish in
bris mind. the strrrctural- rela.tionelr.ip between three taear-
A. Ihwa marJrJra: naJ], charka: hyay' k}.ae.
3. Thwa rrarlTra: t1s:a, charka: hyay' tww.
' C. Ihwa marJrye: rran, charka: hyayt jaka.
A. thwa chwasa:ya.: raar, nSrrka: hyay' khaa.
A. ?h-ura saphwrr,'ya: rran, nJt='ka: hgray' khaa.
Extend this d.ril-]- by subetituting ka:w1ya kyT:a: nha:yrka(n)
.'ia:ky ]-ad.dw and tapwl-rr for saphw(]-.v) in the ]-ast A a.bove.
The object of this d.rilI is to il-lrrstrate some permutations
poesible und.er pa.ra"phrase. It a]-so il-lustrates deletion of trvw.
A. Hwn, Eary chapa,:ya: gvrl-v tb.ay,n, ?
B. Hwn, chapa: marJrJra: gw3.y thay'n, ?
C. Hrnrn, lnary chapa:ya: grl3-y tww thay'nr?
D. Hwn, chapa: marJ[ra: gwt-y tww tha,y'n, ?
A. Hwn, kaw3.ya cha thwae"iya: gwJ-y thay'ra, ?
Convereationa]. Newari - ]-.37

A. Eu-n, tapw3-y oba ga.a.ya.: g3r1y thay'ra, ?

Extend. this d.ri].L by subetituting mary klr:ca: ewalblr.va:ra:
and ].a:b}.a: for tapw]-y in tkre ]-ast A abowe.

4. Sitr:-ation dri]_L.
Situation: Sya:mya: k;ra jhyn, eharka: tya:
d.h3raba.: dw. tJa mary paeaJ.ay'
lrana. IIa paea3.ayr yakwa mary
d.w. Ana J.addw na.zl, dw. Cb.a.ge.a
1addwya: nJra.!gaa d.hSraba: tww.
chata:ya: charka.: jaka
tww. Ilarl, j\rka.: tya: ya: :eJra: pe:
:eya:pa: tnary wa mya..gae. l-ad.d.w
nya: ta,.

Questione: Q. Sya:mlra:kya gwly d.hyaba.: dw?

A. !Ie.ya:k:ra jh:rn, charka: tya.: dw.
a. lJa gana wana?
A. Mary paeal.ayr warra,.
a. Wa pasa]ayr ch.w ch.w mary d.w?
:' A. A:ea, 5rakwa mary wa laddw laan, d.w.
a. Mary cha,pa:ya: gr^r]-y twta?
A. Chapa: marJ6rs,: charka: jaka twta.
a. Ladcw chagaaya: J.ya?
A. lfk5rya: nye.:gaa d.hye.ba: je.ka.
a. tlan, chw ehw rna,ry nya:ta 1ya?
Conwersationa]. Newari - lJB

A. Mary nya:Pa: :aya:Pa? wa Laddw

nJra: ge.a. tva;n t nSra: ta.
a. Waykya gwaarka: day trtnY lYa aa: ?

A. trtaykya cha.rka: jaka daY'

f-,eseon18' Preparine V.egetab].ee'

A = Husband
B = i.Ii-fe
A-B A;me cirw yazna,.? Ii?hat ie it that you are doing?
B-A Jg: thwye: cwans.:. I am cooking rice'
A-B Jaz roabwwny ]:8-..? Ien't t}.e rice cooked yet?
jaka mabwr^'n3r. curry ie not yet cooked"
A-3 (ya:l , chr+ khvrna: ? i'Ihe.t kind^ of curry are you cooking?
B_A ua:y' kyan' khwne:. I am cooking pulse cuffy.
A-B Tarka:ry chw day'ka: 3nd what kind of vegetablee
1ya? ar€ You PreParing?
B-A Sarka::ry 1a: nya:na: The wegetables bawe not yet
raahaa_ny. corle. I r,it. Ihe vegetables
b.ave not Yet been bought and'
brousht. ]
C-B Earka:ry nJrEr:na: hay' The wegetables have come'
d}.wna. Kay dysan, ! PJ-eaee tqke tleem'
B-C Chw chw tarka:ry raya:na: llhat kind. of te,rkary d'id. you
bayaz, ? bring?
C-B A: l-w pya: j Ia: bha: Ihe6e are potatoee , onions ,
ka:walya wa g:wa3-bhya:re.: ga.rlic, cauJ-iflour, a,nd'
thwa hYaYt khaa. tomatoes'
Kay dysan, ! Elease take them'
B-C Jyw. Good.
Conwereational Newari - L39
B-A A^a.: chw te.=ka:ry dayrkYa Now what vegetables shou.}d I
fJe '
prepare ?

A-B Aa,:.ka:w]-ya dayrkyyi ?repare caul-ifJ-our laow.

La:bha: a:].w chata: Also prepare one kind of
r:arl., day'kyyt potatoes (with) garlic.
B-A Jaz bwy dhwnkala. The riee has finj-shed cooking.
llk3rn , taata.: day'kya So I wiJ.J- not prepare marry kinds
makhwta. Ch.ata'. iaka (of vegetabJ-es). f will onlY
daYtkya. prepare one kind.
New Vocabuf-ar:r.
a,a,z l30w ja: 3 cooked. rice -prra (hand-
fu1> -khran' (serrringl -dhv(k)
bw Vimps to be cooked. (b4,11 , lump) -Da: Jr' n' (bal I ,
dayrk- V to prepare. fhis )-ump) f
is the morpbologica3-).y Lhwr: V to cook (used on!-y of'&ge4-
reguaar, oemantical-3.y t curry t
irreguJ-ar causatiwe of , thus g1oesary entrY
d.a tto be, existt .
wi]-]. be kyanr-khvrn.
d.hwn Vimpe to be finiehed
1 curry -ptrr (drop) -tw
(spoonfu-l-) -dhawa(1) (Iad].e-
,l dhwn-k- V to finieh ftr1> K
haa V to bring- f = n:rn! ta: 1 kinds, patterns. Occure
halrrry l hatrrrr J nh.yy ! rith prefixed nr.lmeral-e. NC NP
thww V to cook (on1y of rice:
gloeea"ry eietry ie .ia: -thww. )
GlpmmgS Notes.
l-. Case frames for verbe.
In thie lesso:: we wiLl- coneider the case frames f or folrr werb6,
taa tto putr, ya.nk rto carryt, twa.n rto drink, to smoker, and
bhaprry rto eatr.to d.rink, to Emoke (respect form)t.
The verb taa'to putt gowe::ree the froTe A I o. A is the subject,
controlling the form of the verb' Orfy o is obligatory. ALl
other elements of the frame are optione,l .
A r.,
ana saphww te.3.a.
IIe put the book there.
Conversationa]. Newari - 14O

chyan'y' kl:yca: (ya: ta) tola,"
I{e put the d.og in the house.
Inlan, khyca,: (ya:ta) tal-a
He put the dog somewhere.

Chyan'yr kbyea: (ya:ta) tal-a.

The Cog wae put in the hor:ee.
fhe norma]- rotatiorr of cases occuro in the causatiwe.
l,Iarr, jytaa c}.yan 'y' khyca: (ya: ta) tay I ka1a.
Iie caused ne to pr:t the dog in the Lrorrse.

The verb yank tto carryt govelalg the case frome A I, o, rt'her€
A ie the subject, and onl-y o ie obligatory.
ch;ran'y' ja:ky yanka1a-
I{e carried :rice into tLre horrse.
r,Ian chya.zr'y' khyca: (ya: ta) yanJraJ-a.
lle carried the dog into the |rouse.
A o -o
!Jan, ja:ky yanrka3-a. Ja:kY Yad<a1a.
IIe carrieC the rice. The riee vras ea:'ried.'
One strange irregrrl-arity in the ea6e frerne for :rank- j-s tha.t
where g is a hulran noun, ya:ta is obJ.iSatory.
llar:, chyan'y' kyja:ya:ta yankal-a.
He carried the younger brother i:eto t}:e hor:se.
[]re verb twa:e ito arink, to emoket gowez-ng the ce6e frame A U"
A ie the subject. Neither A nor 9 is obl.igatory, but one of
the two mrrst be chosen, otherwise the sentence is not complete.
llan, Iaa twana. VJan, twana. laa, twe.na.
He drank water. He dranl<" itater wae drunk-
A U He smoked,
I,Ie"rr, clrrwas twana
He smoked. a cigarette.
Conversationa]- Newaz'i - ]-+1
?he causative occurs rrith the :eormar z-ota.tion of ca6es.
llan, jytaa J-aa twa::ka1a.
He caused, roe to dr:i-nk rrater.
3he werb bhapy:ir'to eat, to d.rinJr, to smoke (respect)f governs
the caae frame A g. A is the subject, controlling thre form of
the verb. Neither A nor o are obrigatory but at least one mrrst
be clrosen if the eentence is to be compJ_ete.
Way kal-arr, cy&:
He dranl: tea.

lrlay 'kal-an r DJr& : (ya: ta) bhapyla,

He ate (liwe) fieh.
Cya: bhapy)-a,
lea was dn:nk.
ka).an, bhapyJ.a.
He ate / d,:.anl< / s!.roked.
since this is a respect form it takes o-ly second. and third.
perBon subjects- ocJ-y the respect forms of the pronoun are
used' as subjects for respect verbe. Ihe causative occurs with
the normal rotation of ca.EeE.
i^ian, way'kaaya: ta. cya: bhapyka).a.
He caused him to d.rink tea.

1. Caee frames for verbs.
Read. tlr.e foll-owing sentences out roud., suppr-ying the case
forms reqrrired for the items encl-osed. in square bra.ckets.
1. [ta:ta:<ro>] ta1a. Ihe sh.oes were put somewLrere.
2. [kwattra:] [ra:ka:<r>] ta,ra..The shoes were put in the room.
1. [r^,*] [kwatha:] fr:ka.:(m)] u" put t]re shoes in tb.e roon.
4. [rrr j [tyjr, ] [rr*tt..r ] u" had yor:nger brot]rer put the
I ta: ka: <m> ] tay ka1a.
shoes in tkre room.
Conwereetiona]- Newari - L42
5. [tyjrr] [kwattra:] []-a:ka;- The yor:nger brother ca*sed the
<ro>] ta.yrkal-a. sl:oes to be put in the room.
6. [ayj.r] [k rtrrrr] [rrzkaz- The younger brotlrer was caused.
<rc>] tay'kal-a. to put the shoee in the room.
7. [atf*] yankal.a.. T]re potatoes were carried.
8. [chyan'] [=:f*] Sra::ka]-a. Ihe potatoes were carried. into
the house.
g. [*r] [pasa(].)] [t.rta:ry] He carried vegetab]-es into
yanlra)-a. the shop,
l-O. [a*rr] tr.rrr. Ihe milk was Cru:-rk
l-l-. [.*z-*..] t*-r"=- Ihe cigarette was smoked..
L2. [*"] [t.<uir.>] tr"":rrr. He drank we.ter
l-1. [unat5rrJ [:v] [.y.r] the gent3-eman caused. me to
twanka]-a. drink tea.
L4. ["frv] [.y*, ] tr*..:..!.u., You caused. tea to be d.runk.
L5. [.f.y] ["y.r] t*rrttu.I*. You were caused. to drink tea.
].6. [dru=*] Ueapyla. I{il-k was dr.unk.
L7. [*ry'ka(]-)] [f*r] bhrapy]-a. He ate meat.
14. [rry'ka(f)] [i*r] bhapy- He was caused to eat neat.
yka1a. *
19. [**.yrka(I)] [].*, ] He caused meat to be eaten.
bhapyykp] a. *
20. [Sv] [*ry'ka(].)] [frr] r caused him to eat mea.t.
bh.ap5ryka:.* *Note phonetic shortening in d.j-syll-abic stems:
bhapyka]-a bb.apyka:.
2. Substitution d.riU-s.
fhe fol-l-owing driIIs offer an occasion for practicing the
re1ationship between respect arrd. non-respect' forms in qr:estions
and answers. Respect werbs are not rrsed with first persorl
subj ects.
A. Chy J.a: X pa6aa jha:yt tyan, thayrn, cwEr). 1.
B. Khaa. Jy X nya.a: wa.nJra tya.na:.
I/here X - mary ja:ky bajy saphww Ia:ka: (m) tapwly a:Iw
Corrvereatio-a] Newari - A45

A. Cby J-a: X l,as.a'a jho:yt tyran, th'ay':r, cwa.nr '

B. Makhw. Jy Y- nya.a.: warxJra tyana:.
Where X ie supp]-ied. from tb.e l-iet on tb'e preceding page
o-d Y : ].a:bh.a.: pya: j ka.any mwsya: ka:wlya gwal-bh3ra:ra:
k:rpa: tarka:rY kYa.n'

3. Tratsformation d.ri].l-s.
*n" ,ortffit"ilnre.ctice in rel-atios nea,r-
paraphrase structures.
A. Jy aytea: tarka:ry Paaaa wa.nJra.
B. Jy ayrea: tarka:r5r :iya-a' s'anJra.
A. Jy a.yr sa: mary pasaa wa.nya.
A. Jy qy'ee.: l-a:ka:a, 1rasaa wEnYF.

A. Jy aytsa: cbwcwn, pasaa wanJra-.

A. Jy alrrse,: ja:ky bajy paFaa lraEye,.
-0.. Jy aytsa"; tapw\r pasas, warlJra..
A. fir ayr-ea: cuaea.: pa.a€r. rdarJra.
A. Jy ayea: nh.a:yrkaJr, pa6s.a wa.nya.
A. Chyaxrryt jha;yrg:w ]-a:?
B. Cb.yanryr jha:ytgw khaa 1e.:?
C. Chyantyt jha:y'gw kllaa 3-a: thay':a, ?
" A. pgsa]ay, jl:a:ytgw Le,z?
Conwersatione.l- Newari - L44

A. Kya.bay' jlta:y'gw 3-az?


A. Aeettay ' jha:yr gv Ia: ?

A. I'{ar,gaf-ayt ittr:Ytgw Laz?

A . tslratha: y' jha: y' g:w ]-a": ?

4. Situation d.ri].l--
The following sitr.ration is the basis for the ensrring exchange
of questions and. atls'pre:'s. the situation may be modified by
the teacher, giwing the student a:l opportr::rity to imp:'ovise
in answering the questions that follow-
Situaticn: Gwapa:I- tarka:ry nya.a; walaJra tya:ra.
l,"olyl ,==, ca:pate:tii. ldonr "Chy EerLa'
jha:yr glr?rr dhayaa: nyarra. Gwapa:)-an, lLant
Haryya:ta "Chy ga.:ra jha:y'grnr 3.ya?" d.ha:Ia.
I'Jan, ttKaany tnwsya: nyaai wa,rrya,." d.ha:1a-

Questions: Q. Gwapa:3. gana waJrya ty=ngw?

A. lia tarka:ry rryaa: wanya tyang:ur.
a. I{an, Ew rra: pala zta?
A. !Ia:n, Ha4r na:pa1-a:ta.
a. IlarSrn, Gwapa:1ya:ta" chw dLra:1a?
A. I'Ian, "CLry gar.a jha:ytgw?" d.ha:3-a.
0. Gwapa:J-an, chw d-iea":aa 3-ya?
A. trtan, na:3., "Chy ga.rra jha:y'gw J.ya.?" d.he.:1a.
a. HarSrn, chw dha:J-a J.ya?
A. llan, "Kaany IDrrrsyaz rryaa: vrarrya.tt dha:1a.
Conversationa]- Newari- - ]-45
eeeon l-9. A tr'riend for Dinner,
A. Host
3. Gueet
A. llay' d.hwna La,z? Have you come?
Ana phya.tw. Sit there, pJ.ease.
B. Jyw. Good

t A. Jaz nayr dhwna Laz? I{awe you finished eating rice?

B. Madhwnny. Not yet
A. Aa: tLrarra hyayt ja: nayr You wiI-J. eat here now,
ma j5rw La: ? won' t you ?

B. Jfrw. Cha: y I maiSrw ? Fine . llley not ?

A. A;r'saz rLaa werrya ka:. If so 3-et rrs g:o.
* B. Ja: bwwgw dw J-a: ? Ls the rice cooked?
- A. Dw. Bwy hyay' d.]rr^rnkaJ-a. It has a3-ready finished
[a u=irrgs the mea]-] "ooking.
B. Thwa la: ma:y' kyan' a:l-w These vegetab3-es J.ook like
).a:bha: tarka:ry th.ay'n, puase, cury, potatoea,
_r cwarl, . and garJ-ic.
A. I0raa.. Gwa1bhya.Ta. Yes. There is a-Lso
rf.a;a, dw. tomatoe <Eauce>.
B. Ihr,ra chw 3-ya? A::d. what is this?
. 3llwa ka:wl-yaya: tarka:ry Tbis is cooked. canrf-ifl-our"
f B. Eya:j ta.rka:ry Ba"rr, 1a:? Are these cooked. onione?
A. &,aa. MajSrw l-a: ? Yesr Is that a-1-right?
B. Taata: jwl-a ka:. You would.n't hawe .Lad to 6erve
so ma.ny kind.s(of wegetables).
[rrit. fhere are so Earry kind.s. ]
New Vocabul-a.ry.
phya-tw V to sit dovrn
A].so occurs as phya-tww.
Co::.versationa.l Newari - L46
Gramma.r ltlotes.
1. Case fra"mes for verbs.
In this lesson r.re wial- coneider the case frames for four werbs:
tan 'to add"t, warl tto got, waa tto comet, a"nd. ;i@ rto comet
to go (respect) r.

Ihe werb tan governs the case frame A I U. $ is the subject

and onJ.y U is obl.igatory.
idarr, cya:Jrt carrrY tana.
Iie ad.d.ed. sr.rga:' to the tea.
Iiial , cJrny iana.
He added Eugar.
y' clrny tana.
Sugar was added. to the tea-
Cyny tana.
Sugar was add.ed -
Norma]- case rotation oceurs in the causatiwe.
lia.n, wayta cya: y' cArn3r tarrl<al-a.
He carrsed hia to add sugar to the tea.
fhe wez.b r^'an'to go' controls the frame U f;. Neither of the
ea6es is obliga"tory, but one rarrst be chosen, otLrerwise the
sentence wi]''l be incornplete. U is the subj.ect.
!'Ia ga: ma.y t wa.rre. -
He went to the wil.3.age-
l'Ia warra..
He went
Ga:mayt wana..
Someone went to the vi3-J-age.
The carrsative of wan is suppletiwe, chwa rto send'. Ihis
werb gowerns the caee frame A O I,.
!Ian, wayta. gazmay' chwata-
He serat him to the vil-Iage -
Corrversationa]- Newari - l47
[he werb waa 'to come' gowerz:.s the frame U I,. Neit]:er is
obl-igatory, br:t one of the two mrrst be chosen. U is subject.
ltra chyan'yr wa1a.
IIe came home.
Wa waIa.
He came.
Chyanyt wal-s.

Someone came home.

The suppJ-etive causatiwe haa 'to bring' is genera^).J-y pref erred.
to the morpho].oeically reguJ-ar causatiwe. I{aa gowerns the
i,ian, jytaa ch;ran'::al3., ja:kfr l:aIa.
IIe brought me soiDe rice from tlre house.
fhe rre:'b .'ihaa: tto come, to go (respect form)t goverzrs the
case frame U l,. U is the subject. Both case6 are optional,
but at least one mrest be chosen.
I'Iay'kaa chya.n'yr jha:3-a.
IIe went krome.
l'Iay'kaa jha:l-a.
He went.
Ch.yan'yr jha.;Ia,.
Someone went Lrome,
The carrsative of ihaa: is semantical-].y irregr:]-ar in that it
ie a. highly d.isrespectful- form wit]:. sinioter impJ.ications.
IIa chyantyt jha.:yrka1a.
He went home. (as a resuf-t of something bad. that he d.id.)
this caueatiwe is a-Iso s3rntacticaJ.l-y irregrrl-az'. It ooee not
take a causative agent, no:'d.oes it r:nd,ergo rotation of case"
The semantica)-J-y reguJ-ar carrsative is suppletive: chwa !to eendr "

J5rn, waytkaayazta chyantyt chwaya:
I sent him Lrome.
Conversationa.l- Newari - 148
Dril l-s.
l-. Case frames for werbs.
Read the fo3-l-owing sentences out loud, suppl-ying the ease
f orras required. for the items encl-osed in square brackets "
1. [f.<tn>] turr.. l,iate:r was ad.&ed.
2. [r*J [fr<Ur>] trrre.. i{e ad.ded water.
3. [ar=*] [:-r<tt >] t".t r. Hater r*as add.ed. to .the mttk.
4. [*r] [dr*=r] [f*<ur>] tana, I{e addec rrater to the mi"tk"
5. ["i.r.v] tana. Sugar was ad.ded..
6. [rrJ ["vr.y] tanka]-a. IIe caused sugar to be added..
7. [r.] ["rrrv] tanka].a. iie r,ras eaused to add. sugar.
8- [Sv] ["yr., ] ["v."v] ta:eka:. I ca.used sllgar to be a.cded to
th.e tea"
g. [:v] [.vrr ] ["r=ry] r was caueed. to add Eusar to
tanka]-a. tlre tea.
'l-O. [ci:yan'] ]rana. Someone went ]rome.
11. [ "'" ) \t?-rra. He went.
L2. [*.] [chyan'] warra. Iie sent hoae.
]-7. [iy] [r".J [chyan'] I sent hlim home.
chwaya: .

]-4. [:v] [chyan'] chwata. I was sent home.

i-5. [ar:p.<t>] rang wankal.a. The color in the cl-oth ran.
16. [*rJ [twatha:] wa3-a. Iie came into tkre room.
L7. [**J [iy] [cnyan'] ha1a. iie brought me home.
18. [r**] [;v] [chyan'] ]:a.J-a. He bz'ousht sometLring,to me
from home.

' 2. Substitution dri]-1.

A. Chykya X -gvr T nsJ3., dw 1a: ?
B. Dw, Z dysa.rn, I
tr'tr]rere X = ba:nr].:aaz bhfrnr d.a-, thykay' sa.a:
Y - chwcwn, kaany rnwsya: ja:ky rDa:y' bajy mary J-addw
a.nd. Z = kalra: 6waya: yankaz
Convereationa,I Nernari _ i. 4g
A. ChSr la: X pasaa jha:y tyara, tha.y,n,
cwFrn, .
B. Ma"khw iy f nya.&: wsrlya tya:ea:.
Where f, = narJr je.:ky bajy saphww la.:ka.:n,
Y = eya: a:]-w chwcwn, l:a:bha:
pya: j kaany
A. Ihwa gayt yasna: byya: dSrygw?
B. Chadha:nyya: $R_ f k}:aa.
X -gw sraa: sa: _ IIR _ y_ jaka twwg:w nan, d.w.
lJhere X = ba:nr1aa: bh3rn,
sas.: d.an, thykay, bar):rma..tss3
mabh3rn, masaa:
Y = dhyaba: a:na: mwaa rka:
7. Tra.nsformation d.ril-l_s.
d.ri].t rera.tes five different near_paraphra.se
A. Thwa k;rpa:ya: bhaa: chw thay,n,?
B. Thwa kypa.:5ra.: chw bhaa: thay,n,
C. fhwa kSpa:ya: bhaa: ewly tha.y,n,
D. Thwa k3rpa:ya: grvJ.y bhaa: thay,n,
E. Thwa kypa:ya.: grvJ.y tww thay,rrr?
A. Thwa ma:yrya: bha,a: chw thay,n, ?


A. Thwa nha:yrkan,ya: bhaa: ehw

thay'ix, ?



Thi-" dri3-J. may be extend.ed. by substitutin

tr,e-i""i "i'3offi
ja:k.v a:Iw for nha:y,k+:l i.i eaphww
Ccnversationa]- Newari - l-5O

The following d,ri1I relates three d.ifferent near-paraph.rase

A. Chad.ha:nyya: Pyarka: kha,a'.
B. Cha,dha:::yya: PYarka.: tww.
C. Chadha:nyye.. PYan^kaz .
A. Clea paaYa: n3rz'ka: khaa.

A. ?hachyya; gw:'ka: khaa.


T}.is d.riJ-J. can be extenCed by substituting kwn'Ia. chamana:
!EL.va:yg- for phachv in ti:e ]-ast A a-bove, and by changing
?he following d.ril] giwes practiee in patterns expz'eesing
appro=imate araol:nts. ';Ihere in English we Eay 'tlrree ort four'
in Newari we Eay say '!::e or two t or 'two or f or:rt or f our
or six' but not t two 'or three t .
A. Nypha: pyapha: sa: daY.
B. Nypha: pyapha: 6a: dw.
A. Nymana: pyemana: Ee.: day-
A. Nypw pyapw ae: day-

A. ?yapa: khwpa: sa: daY.

A. ftramhww khwmhww sa: day.
A. C}.apa: raypa.: Ba: day.
A. Nyrka: pya,rka: 6a: day.
A. Chadha:ny nydl:a:ny sa: day.
Convereatioaa1 Newari - 151'
O. Situa.tioa dri]-]..
Sitr:e.tionz llangeJ.ayr 1;,a,e,aa. cbagww d.w. lla ja:ky
bajy pasaa khaa. Ata. kaa.::y mwsya: Tra.
mya myag:w rle.r:, dw. Kaany phach3rya:
blraa.: nSra:rka: kJtaa- Ivlwsya: phachgrya:
nllayt rka: tya: tww. Ma: y' phac.Lryya: nEr:l,
r:.ha.y trka.: tya: Lr5ray' . C}:.wcwn, chadha:nJrya:
grtmwaa jaka. Hary ana pasaS-ayr wa::a. tlan,
kaar5r phachy nya:ta. I{t:sya: phatya3 rlara,
rlye.z t"a. Chwcwn , ehad.h a: ny nya : ta . Ma: y I
phachy nara, rtya-tta.

Questions: Q. !Ialg;''] ayt chw pasaa d.vr?

A. Ma:y' phachSrya.: ,chw bhae': yazta?
a. Cbwcwn, cha.dha:nyya: Iya?
a. Mwsya.: pbachyya: 3-ya.?
a. Eary gana wa-na.?
a. Ilan, ana ehw chw nSrrazta?
A. Pb.wke"1,ya: gwJ-y d.hyaba,: twta Lya?

Anewers: A. Ana ja:ky bajy pasaa d.w.

A. Ma:y' phach5rya: nhay'=ka:tya: d}la:J-a"
A. liktr6ra.: g'wErwa.a jaka.
A. VIa ph,achJnra: rr.hyarka:tya: khaa.
A. Hary ja:ky baj;r pasaJ-ay' wsrea.
A. l{an, kaa.ny mwsya: chr^rcwnr wa, ma:yr nya:ta,
A. Phwkan,ya: n;6reya:rka: wa chaswka: twta.
Conwereatio.af, Newari - .l52
f,esson 2O Table TaIk-
A. Ct'a gana wanya tyeaz,z? are you about to go?
B. Jy laz pa6aa wanya Now I am going to the
tyana'. a.a-i . store.
A. Jaz rray' dhwna J-a: c.han, ? I{ave you finisb-ed eating rice?
B. Dhvrrra. Cha.n, 1ya? Yes. And;'rou?
A. Jy J-a: mad.Lrwn,ny. f am not yet finished..
Chan, &&: chw nya.a: Now rrha.t are you. going to
14'al:'Jra tYana: ? bt'-Y?
B. Cvrasa: chapw Tlye"az I a-ra going to buy a pen.
vanya -t Y rna: .
A. ','Ia i:ya1'' jaka la.:ky Ie that o11 you need; ox
rayag-w l1an, chw:ar riy3:Vr do you a3-so need
p.aa.z gw dw? something el-se ?
B. Itlyag:w ckrwn, nya:y' =:waa:. I don't need a::ything e1se"
Ja:ky bajy wa kaa-rry I need to ask the price of
mwsya:ya; bhaa.: nyair-ya z'ice, beaten riee, cor:n,
mpa : gi" dw. arrd soyabeane.
A. Ka:sa: hanca: chya:-:'y' O.8., cone to (ry) house
cklakaa waa.: I J.ater on tod.ay.
B. J5nr. Chyan' y' lray' I Fine. I 'l-1 come .

New Vocabuf-arrr
ka:sa: expletive 'O.K. I rrgaln V to ask (Itrote that
fine' the occu.rcence here of
Ia:ky conjunction 'orr' lalran 'e'sk tlee price'
(used in questions) i:"f:*t";t*;: ffi"ffi
Ihe an.].ysie given orr page
!26 above may be in error. Since bha.a: can substitute for
- khanr in this frame, khan probably beJ.ongs to the case fra-me
as U and not to the wez'b as a prefix.>
ConversationaL Nerrari - L53
Gra.mnar Notes.
1. Case fra.mee {or verbs.
In this lesson ws will- consider the ca6e frames for five werbs,
tww tto eost', khi,,rn rto cook (of er:rry)r, thww rto cook (of
rice)'r bw 'to be cooked. I , and dy:r 'to sit (respect) r.
TLre verb _twwrto eost'be paid'ha.e the frame G U. It is an
impersona.l werb and thus ha.s no subject. U is obJ-igatory.

ltla tapwlJrya: r\li'a:rka: twta.

That cap coet five rupees. ori
Five rupees were paid fcr that cap.
the canrsative ind.r:ce6 :ao rotation of eases.
!lan, wa tapwJ-yyu^z nya:rka: twykal.a.
I{e caused five rlrpees to be pa.id for t}ra.t cap.
The werb kliwn'cook'gover:es the frome A O U. A is subject"
Onf-y U is obligato:'y. This verb cou-l-d. aaso be anal-yzed ae
klranr-khwn sinee o-]-y the cooking of curry is referred to as
Wan, wayta kyan' k}:wna.
He cooked. cu:rry for him.
Normal case rotation occnrs in the cau.eative.
J3rn, chytaa wa1a2 3.a:g3rn, kyan' kl:wnka.:.
I caused you to cook curry for him.
The rrerb thww rcook' gowerns the frcms A O U. A is subjeet.
Onl-y U is obJ-igatory. Ihis werb could al.eo be area3.yzed. aa
.ia:-thww, since this word for 'cook' appJ.ies onl-y to rice.
1/an, wayta ja: thwl-a. J5rrr, waSrta ja: thwya:.
He cooked. rice for |rim. I cooked rice for }lim.
Normal ea6e rotation occurs in the ca.usatiwe.
Ch5rn, wayta jygw ]-a:g}.n, ja: thwyka]-a..
You car:.sed him to cook ric"e for me.
Conwersationa]- Newarj- - 154
The verh @ 'be cookedr governs the frame O U. this verb is
impersona"l. a-d. t}:.rrs has no oubject. I is obJ.iga.tory.
Jaz bwta.
T}.e rice was cooked.
\tayta ja; bwta".
The riee was cooked. for him.
Ihe causatiwe requires no ease rotation"
Iian, ja: bwkaJ.a.
He caused rice to be cooked
Jlrr, wayta ja: bwka:.
I cameed rice to be cooiced. for hin.
Ihis term for 'cook' is a general. ter:m used with meat,
wege'Lab3-es, bread, rice, cl:rry, and. other items.

The verb drry'to sitt (respect) gowerns the case fr=me U I,.
U is subject. O\rJ-y ! is obJ-igatory.
fiay'kaa 3.a:sa.:y' dy)-a.
lie sat on the pslfress.
fn the carrsative. dry is repJ-aced. by taa 'put' or by ph:ratwk-
t cat:Be to sit t .

tr'ian, way'kaaya: ta 1a: sa.: y' phyatwka,I'a.
He eamsed him to sit on the mattress.
I. Caee fragles for werbs.
Read. the following sentences out Ioud, suppJ-ying tlre ca'6e
f orms regrrired. for the items encJ.osed in sguare bra,ckets.
1. [ra.] [rwr:rka:] t*t.. rt cost five rupees.
2. [d,o**"rr] [ny.=t..t] twta. The goat cost fifty rupee6.
7. [rc] [la:t.:<*>] [rrerrtrr] H. caused fourty rupees to be.
twyka.J-a. pa.id f or the skroes.
4. Tapwly cha[ga(1)] [pvaru*r] Four rupees wae paid for
twta. one cap.
Conversationa]- Newari - l-55

5. [rn] kSren' khwna. He cooked. currxr-

6. [*rJ kysa' l.hwna. Curry was cooked f,or him.
7. [iy] [*.J kya^n' khwnka:. I eaused b.im to cook eurry.
a. I;,r] [*rJ kyan'k]rwnka:. I caused cur::3r to be cooked for h.im.
9. [;y] [**J kyal,r k]:wnka.Ia. I was eaused to cook cu-rqr for ]rim.
l-o. [iy] iri thr.r:ra.:. r cooked rice-
1l-. ["fry] [;y] ja: thw].a. You cooked rice for me-
L2. ["\y] ja: thw].a. Rice we.s cooked for vou.
l7. ["rrv] [wa] ja: thwyka]-a.. You eanreed. Lrim to cook rice.
L4. ["rry] [*r] j., thwyka3.a. You eeueed rice to be cooked for h.im.
l-5. [:y] [r*] [ti.v] iaz r ea,used ]rim to cook rice
thwyka:. for You.
:-.6. [*=y] bwta. The bread was baked
17. [.,o.J [**ry] bwkal-a.. rle baLed the bread.
18. ["uy] [oor.y] bwkaaa- You baked the bread-
19. ["rry] [r*v] bwka]-a. The bread was baked for you-
20. ["fry] [*.rv] bwko:. I baked the bread for you.
2] . [r+rJ [:v] [.*tv] bwks'Ia. Iie bslred th.e bread for me"
22. [*ry'ka(1)] [frt"r,] He sat on the mattress

23. [,,rryrlra(].)] [f.rr*,] IIe was seated (caused. to sit)

plr5ratwkaS-a. on the mattrees
24. [**] ["r.y] [kwathai] H" seated. you i:e the room.

2. Substitution d.rill.
. A. A:ma chw ya:na.: cwana: ?
B. X, , Y cwa^na.!
llh.ere X = ja: kyant tarka:ry marTr bajy ja: l.addw La(kh)
cyaz sap}.w(l-y) k5rpa: cwasa: kllan' bhaa:
a::.d. Y = thwya,: khrnrna: daytka: naya.: twana: swaya: kaya.:
b.ayaz nyana:
Conversa.tional- Newari - ].56
5i. Situation dri]-l.
dituation: Ma;ya: ja.: thwya: cwana. VIan, kye"rr' na:n,
khwn^a,: cwaJre'. Jaz bwta. KSran' na.rr, bwta.
Tarka:ry d.h.a.a: 6a: mahaany. Sya:m wp'] a,.
tr'Ian, " Ja.i bwta )-az ?tt d.ha:J.a. Ma: ya:n , tt Jei
kyanr bwta.r' db.a:3.a. Sya:man, ItTarka:ry
chw ya:na: J-ya.?" d.h.a:l-a. I.Ia.n, t'Iarka:ry
J-a: 6ph3g113r. " d.l.a: l_a. GvrapaJ.an, tarka: ry
hp a vrk;ry a:1-wr pya: j, ka:wl.ya wa, gweJ-
bhya:ra: narl , dw. Gwapa:j-an, rrfa"rka:ry
chw chr+ day'IAra?r dha:}a. Ma:ya:r:,
I'Ta.ata: day'kya naJchw chata: jaka d.ay,kya."
dba: l-a.

Questions: Q. l{-^zyat chw ya:ne: cwena?

A. I,Ian, ia: thwye: cwa:ea.
a. Ana sw wela?
A. Sya:m wa1a.
a. I',ran, chw Cha:.l-e"?
A. ttJa: bwta] e:tt d.ha:Ia.
a. Ma:ya:n, chw dha:l-a 13re.?
A. "Je.z 1a: bwta tarka:ry mahaarryil d.ha:l-a.
a. Tarka:ry sro-tl:.a:r1 , rrya: waJra Lya,?
A. Gwapa:J-an, nyaa.: wana.
a. !Jan, nya,:ne": hajLa Ie,: Lya?
A. Ho1 a c}.a:yt mahay?
a. I,Jan, chw chw tarka:ry nJra:na: hel_a J-ya?
A. A:l_w pya: j ka:rulya wa gwalbhya:ra: nan hp..ta.
a, Ma.:ya:n, ehw chw tarka:ry dayrkala )-ya?
A. taa.ta: maday'kww chata: jalca tarka:ry day'kal-a.
a. laata: cha:yr maday'kwwg:w J-ya?
A. Jaz bwy d.hwnka'l a wkJan, .
Coaversationa]- Newa,ri - 157
Iresson 21. Vieitine a I"riend'.
A = Father
C = Ivlother
A-3 Thana swaa ! tsa: rtryazta Trook here I TeIl mother to
tarka:ry daytky d.lraa.: I prepare the vegetables.
B-A Jyw. Chw tarka:ry da.yrky Yes. What wegetables ehou-l-d. I
d.]re.: y' g:w ? tel-I her to Prepare ?
A-3 Ba:wlya a:Iw wa pya: j Te1I (her) to prepare cauliflorrr-
tayaa: d.ay'ky dhaa: I with onions. [lit. putting in
onions. ]
B-A Jin^r. Yes.
A-B Ma:nJra;ta cya: wa chwcwn, TeJ-I mother.to prepare tea amd
mary rlara, d.ay'ky dhaa: j wbeat bread as wel-l--
Pa: sa: I:?ay dhaya: byn. IeLL (her) that a friend ie
[rriena arriwes] "oming.
A-O Jha:6err, ! Thana chygw Come in pJ-ease. IIere we are going
hyayt khart jwya: cwangrr. to taLk about you.
Kivatha:yt jba:sa,rrr l ?l-ease come into the room.
Thana dysan, i Please sit here.
C-A Ihwa c}r3rgw hyay' kwatha.: This seems to be your room"
tbe.ytn, cw8Jo.7.

A-C trfia.khw. Ka:yt3ra:gwlrhaa. No. It'e (my) sonrs (room).

C-A Ewn, kJrpa: kazytSra:g'w Laz? Is that a picture of your son?
A-C Taha€.. Thwg:w ka:y'Jra.:g1{. Yes. this one is of (my) sorl.
fhwgw waya: pa:aa:ya:gw. Ihie one is of his friend.
C-A Aa: ka:yt ga,na, Lya? 3:ad. where is I'our son now?
A-C Asanrya.: chye.rr'yr. (IIe is) a.t his house i:e Asarl-
C-A Ana ka:y' paealayr cwanygw Is your son l-iving there
]-a: ? in the store?
A-C I0:aa. Ja: nayrta thane. IIe comes here to eat rice.
hyay' way.
Conversatione.I Newari - 158
New Vocabrrl-ary.

cyai 3 tea -pty -ty K ma:(m) I motLrer

d.ha.a: V to r;Eyt tel]- -ta in the ]-ast sentence of the
b. uudJr?3
.,ll^- converaation fOr this
l- sorr (the- lesson ' -ta is a'ffixed' to
kazyr ka iyayt - na]rr a'nd' Lre's the meaning
obJ-ique form is also rin ord'er to ea'tt '
optional]-y ka::ra-.
Both forms appear in
this riolurne. )
klr,a;r" 7 nat'i,er, fact -gw(Iy)

Grammar Notes.
1. Case frames for verbs.
In thie lesson we wi]-]- coneider tiae case frameg for five werbs:
cwa31 t to stay ( somewhere) , tharrt:r, -.cwaJl t to seerg ' eppeer , look
like', kha'to be (identificational)', da'to be (existential)',
and ;ig4g 'io be (descriptiwe) I .

The verb cwen'to staytgowerns the case frame U L. -U is

subject. On-ly I is ob3.igatory.
thawnt wa cleyarrtyt cwel3.a.
He staYed. horce todaY.
Ihaw:e' chyan' y t cwarra.
Someone stayed home todaY.
fh.e camsative of cwan is ta"a 'to keep I . Ib'e verb ;!g
talres the frane A O l.
l}rawnt wa-ra, wa"yta chyaatyt ta'J.a.
He kept hiu home today.
The verb tha.tr'n,-cwa.rr f to 6eern, to appear, to look liket
gover:ns a rather rrnusual. frame, [p. The second. If occurg
imroed.iately before thayrn.. Both instances of U are obligatory"
fhwa l-wnt thayrn, cwaraa,.
This 3-ooked J-ike goId,.
Conversationc]. Newari - ]-59
thayrn, cwsJra.
!tra k.Lyca: dhwtr'
Bhst dog l-ooked like a ti.ger
The causatiwe of this verb is morphoaogica'l'ly reguJ-ar. The
first I ir the non-causative frame rotates irregrl3-arJ.y to O
in the causative.
A o
?Iara, wa. khyca:ya:ta, dhwa' thay'n, cwankala.
He made that d.og J-ook 3-ike a. tiger.
The werb kh.a aJ-so Lrae the unusua-l frame 9-9, both ca.ses of
w}rj.ch are obJ.igatory. Kha ie the copul-a for equative or
identificational clanrses. Kb.a is impersonaJ. arrd. thus has
I3o sr:bject.
Ra:m chra-raha pa:sa,: khaa.
Ra- is a friend.
Ra:m cham}-a pa: sa: khata-
R.am became a friend.
fhe causative induces an unusua]- rotation of eases. Ihe
first U becomes O und.er canesative.
tlan, Ra:mya.:ta pa: sa: kb.ay'kal-a.
He mad.e Rara (his) fri-end.
the werb d.a has the frame f, U where orrJ.y IJ i" cbl.igatory.
Da is impersona-I a.:ed thus ha.e no subject. !e is the copuJ-a
for eristential and possessive clauses.
K5rabay' khyca,: eha.mha dw.
Ihere ie a dog in the garden.
Ra:mya:kya taprLy chagaa dw.
Ram has a. ca.p.
In possessive cLarrses where U is animate, the frame ie G U.
Ra:mya: ka:yr n5rmha d.w-
Ro- has two sone.
Conrrersationa] Newari - 160
Da a,lso occu.rs with the frane O U.
Wayta. jYa: d.w.
TLrere is work for his.
The ear:"sative appears not to i::d-r:ce case rotation. fhe
carrsatiwe has two genses, one of whieh is sercantically
tr'Ia.::, pasalaY' marY daytkala"
He carrsed bread to be in the shoP'
I{e prepar"ed (baked.) bread in the ehop'
Ihe lrerb .iww has a nuraber of d-ifferent fra;nes associated' with
a:rumber of different meanings. It roay be thougi:t of as a
copuJ-a for nor:ns arrd. adjectiwee in descriptirre statements' or
it may be thought of a.s a.rerbalj-zer fo:r nouns and. adjectiwes'
Cha bhyn, jwrn'.' Cha ja:ncay' pa: s jwla
Wa way'n' jwla. CI:-a pya:khanay'nyjan, jwla'
Ile beeame a med Inal3.. Yorr acted like a raan in ti:e p1ay"
\lay1-a tastan, d'ykka jwJ-e.' or lJa taeta-n, Cykka jwJ-a'
H.e beca."le very sad. IIe be:a:'ae very sad'
I'Jan, r^'ayta taskan, b5r:'a.:my jwykala'
Ee eaused h.im to becorne \rery eick'
In ad"d"ition to the regrrJ-ar caueatiwe, .iww- also has a suppletive
canrsatiwe, ya: .
1{4r., wayta taskan, b5ra:mY Ya:ta'
I{e car:sed }:im to become very sick'
1. Case frames for weibs.
Read. the following sentences out loud, supplying the case
forms reqrrired for t}.e items enclosed in Equare brackets.
l-. [rt] [r*ttrtt,] cwana. I{e stayed in the room'
2. [:v] [t*rti.t, ] taya:, - f kept (something) in the rloQm'
Co:rversational- Newa.ri - l-61

,. [iy] [krrtu*t ] t=ft- r was kept in the roorn'

4. ["rry] [iy] tha.y'n, errlar]a. You ]-ook ]-ike me'
5. [*tvrka(I)] fpaea].va:] He is a shopkeeper'
6- [*t1 [na:(m)] [ntt*l His :eame is Ram'

_ khs€..
7. [*".] [ga: (n) ] [er,rr- His wi1la-ge is Ga.:nk]eya,1.
, khya(J-) ] Ur."..
8. [r.] ["y*t ] dw. fhere is tea for him'
9- [r".] ["v.., ] atvrkala. He prepared tea"
10. lntr*] [chya<n>] [ttp*Iv] There is a cap o'. Re':m's head'
IL. [r"J [n.,*] [chya(n)] ne put a cap on Ram's head.
Itrp*ry] day'ka]-a.
L2. Us-'[naty] tr.tt iww. That bread is tasty'
17. lla [*"rr*<kb>] bhrrn, jww- fhat man is good-'
l-4. lla [roysa:] taste5,, wJmt That woman went quite crazy.
-, l-5. ["rti day'kwwgw [t.tt.:ry] The wegetabl-es ]re prepared
te.stara, F&31w jwJ.a. became very spicy.

2. Subatitution d-ri]-]..
A. Ay'sa: X T -Ya: NR - Z jaka. Yaaz, I
B. J5rw. GwJ.y b5ry chyta^a.?
,. llhere X = Ia,;bha.: pya: j a:tw ehwcw:e, 8:wa1bb.ya:ra: Itra'r'y
kypa: cwasa: tapwly saPhww Lazkazn,
Y = thw kal-ya dha:ny tb.wa.a: paa paz ta: paa':
pw ga.a, €:ww jw
Z - errr-e;z azta:tyaz d.hyaba: swka.: rka: rka:tyai

A. NR - Y Z byYa: d]'san, i
3. Ka.ya: dysan, !
Coaversa,tional Newari - ]-62
A. IIR - X tana: byya: dysan, !
B. NR - X Lyayr a,pwaa thay'n, cwaJrr.
Where X = a.:nar a.zraa'.tya'. dhyaba: swka: mwa.a rkaz rka:tya.:

3. Tra.nsformation d.ri]-}.
Ihe f ol l-owing d.ri].]. re].ates three diff erent structr:res that
Itawe simiJ-ar mea:ri-nge.
A. Hwn, ka:w].ya cba.thwa.a.:ya: gwly kaya: d.yya.:?
B. Hwn, ka;r^r3.ya eha.thwa.a:ya: gwly d,leaya: dyJra: ?
C. H-nrn, ka:w15ra ch.athwae.:ye,: gwl5m, byya,: dmra: ?
A- Hr,rn, J.a:blea: che,tbwya.: gwl-y kaya: dyya: ?
A. Hwn, pya: j chol.a3.yalra: gwJ-y ka;ra: d3;Xra: ?

A. Hwn, k3rlra: cb.apaazyaz gh,ly kaya: dyya: ?

A. Hr,rt, J-a:ka:re, cha.jwSra: gwJ-y kaya,: dSrya: ?


A. Ihnrn, taary ctrata:ya": gway kaya: d"5rya:?

A. I{w:n, cwasa.: chapwSra: gw3.y kaya: d.yya,: ?

Conwereaii-onal Newari - 3.57

4. Situa.tion dril 1.

Mwaty tarka:ry pasal.ay' warta,. trIan,

pya: j swata. lfkSrya: bhaa.; nya.na.
llky5ra: bh.aa: chakal-yaya: c.hamwaa
d.ha:1a. I'IaJI, J-a:bLra.:ya.: nala, bkraa:
ya.: ta. I'Ikyya : nyaa : tra : dha : l-a.
Mwatyn, wkyya.: rlar3, bhaa: thykaY'
jwJ-a .rha:Ia. Mwat,rya:ta mylay' ya::La:
yanka: dysarr, ! d.ha:Ia. trJan, l5a,smha,ne
bhaa: byJ-a. Fya: j chakelyaya: eya,air^ai
wa }a:bha:ya: pya.a:na: pyaa:n.ai jakaya:
d-ba:J-a. MwatSrn, thaagw bha:rvan, Ia:bha:
wa pya: j nya:na: Lra).a.

Questione: a. Mr*aty garla warta?

A. lla tarka:ry pasaJ.ay' wana.
a. lJa cLra:y' ana wana?
A. liaya: pya: j wa J-a:bha: nya:yr ma.:1e,.
a. Pya: j chaka]-yaya: gw]-y bha-a? ye:ta?
A. Chakal-ya pya.tiyaz cllqmwaa d.ha:J-a.
a. ltan, cha"mwaI.an, hyay' nyazta La: Lye,?
A. Manyae.: .
a. Harr, pya: j nya: hy.yt manya,az Laz J.ya.?
A. Nya: Ia.: rrye-zta cha,kaayagi cya,azrraz
jaka b551aa.: nya'.ta.
a. Irla"rr, 1a:b}.a: rra,rr, llya:ta l-a: ?
A. I0eae.. IIan, 1a:bha: rllarr, ttyazt"a.
a. Cb.akalyaya.: gw3.lm, nye.:ta l.ya?
A. cbaka!-yaya: pya.a:na:ra, r:ryatta.
Conwersationa1 Newari ' L64

T.aae^- 22. Introducing a Friend.

A. Eost
3. ilost'6 Eon
C. Guest
D. IIost's wife.
A-B T=ar.a. swaa: Listen to me: [fit' Look herel]
l.-A Cbezy' thay'n, ? i'Ihat ie j-t: [f it' Why?]
l'If there is any
A_3 izlrr,ya:ta ''Mary bww Ea: fe}l motLrer
i-ivana hJ,':r, !" dhaa: i bread, bring it here l"
E-.ii "::.-r . Ye s '

A-ts I'iary mabww Ba:I}lnairle- : And if there is no baked bread'

yazta "Kwatha:yr' waa: j't tell motlrer"tCone:to-tlee
dhaa: ! rooml"
F,- i .r-.-1'. Yes.
C-.r. I;wa rfan' ka;yt }a: ? Is lre olso your son?
L-C :'=a. [hwa cSrdhykaarn]ra Yes, he ie (rny) younger
ka.: Y' kha^a sorl'
D-A l{.r'y bwta. ilay' iy]-a ]-a: the breaC is baked"' [ray I
thay'rt, ? bring (sone) ?
A-! .'1-"r. The,na sl{aa j Yes ' Look here 'l

3ra:ta mhasyyka-: byy. this friend of mine'

fb.way']g:aa jtsray pu'aa:nt- lle is an o1d friend of
m}.a pa:sa: khaa. mine'
G-n Npma.stya. P]-ea'sed' to meet you'
iww. ' b'ere '

L-D Ee.:aaz nay'gw kaya: hyn,: O'K' Sring (the bread) a:rd' we

wi].l eat.
:,-}], ^ LJw YgS.
Conwersationa]. Newa:ri - ].;65
New Voeabu.].arrr.
cy-d.lr.ykaa younger. -qf goodbye,. Eere it io treed
Ineane ema].jl, , dhyks.a
a6 a.l:t eguiva]-ent for the
rneErns 'heightt. Eng3-ish rpreased. to meet
kha.n' - jr+w Vimpe to tai k You ' '
(about aomeone or Eome- na: <rB> 7 narne _gw(Iy) K
pwJ-a:n'- aj o1d
namastya a greeting form
used. in wariorrs situa_ thway'kaa he, ehe. This i_s a
tions to mearr 'I:e11o, tespect form of the pro-
noun thwa.
Qrgmmar Notes.
1. Ca.ee frames for }zerbs.
rn this lesson we wirl correider the ca,se frames for five
werbe, ,i,yI tto be right, appropriate', bal1a: ,to be strong,
d.urabJ-e: , bhirn , to be good ' , apwaa 'to IL excessiwe,
sa: rto taste good'. , and
The werb i:r.v has the frame o u. J,rr has no subject and o
is opti'onaI' u is obligatory. .A-n embed.ded clause (c1) may
substitute for !.
Jgrtaa wa 3-a:ka:a, jyJ-a.
?hat shoe fits me.
Jytaa wa mary jyJ-a.
That bread is right for me.
Jytaa ja: ne.yr jyJ-a.
It'e al-rigb.t for me to eat rice.
fhe causative indrrees no ro.tation of cases.
IIan, wa jya: jyykal.a.
He did ttre work proper3.y.
llarr, jytaa ja:: agj't j5ryka.J-a..
CL may be the onJ-y eJ-ement ia the case frame.
vl"vta-J..-rr&E jy:-a.
ft's a.lright to feed him rice.
Conversationa]. Newari - ]-66
The verb bal-la: occurs with the frome !. I.b.e subjeet of the
verb is I and ! is obligatory.
Wa ba]-]-a: ta..
He became strong.

Jy baJ-I-a:na:
I was strong.
Cha ba].laa: j
Be strongl
U beco:aes O in the carrsatiwe.
Lla.r'r, ehytaa bal-Ia: kal-a.
He caused. you to become strong.
TLre werb bh:rn is inpersona]- . It a]-so occurs vrj-th the fr=me U.
Since it is inpersonal it has no subject, does not accept
first person f orrrs, and |ras no i:aperatiwe.
fa sc+Jy' @'.-
that narr is good.
ifi\5.^.- U LL-*^
U-lyV ir4.
Eam beca.rne good..

U becorues O in the carrsative.

J;rn, rrayta bhSrnka:.
I caused. ]rim to be good.
The verb e,])wa.a is impersona]. . It occurs with the frame O U.
OnJ.yf- is ob3-igatory. Since it is impersonal. it has no
subject, no first 1rerson forms, and no imperative.
llaya.: jya: apwaa.
His work is excessiwe
irl"y., kh.-' apwaa.
His tal-k is intemperate.
Conversationa]- Newari - L67
Jytaa ja: apwa)-a.
The rice ras too mr:.ch for me.

The causative does not seem to ind.uce case rotation.

!Ia.::, tarka:ryy cy aplrayrkala.
He cauaed there to be too much se.].t in the vegetab]-es.
In certain sentences" there seens to be an t"raderlying d.w
with apwaa.
!/aykya d.hyaba.: apwala.
He has too mrrch rnoney.
The I in thig case frarne, with ite possessive senge may
be aecor:lted. for in terns of o., under].ying .gg.

The verb e: is inpersonaf-, J-acking a subject, first per6ol3

conjunct forms, a.:ed. an imperative. It occura in the ea.Ee
frame 9J, where O is optional.
llayta nrary taskan, sa: ta.
The bread tasted very good to him.
Ihe carrsative d.oes not appear to induce case rotation.
?Ian, jytaa ja: rray' ea:kala.
He caused me to enjoy eating rice.
Wan, tarka.iry sa,:kal-a.
He prepared. tasty rregetables.
. 1. Case frames €or verbs. ,

Read the fol-lowing sentences out loud, supplying the case

forms required for the iteme enclosed. in squa.re brackets.
1. [Sy] a.na. wa.nya jyJ-a. It was al-right for me to go tLrere.
2. ["'.] thua [tapwry] jy]-a. fhat ca.p fit him.
3. [r"] [itt] nek5ra iy].a. It wa.s a].right to feed him rice
4. [ma:(m)]' [ir:] nay' jyla- It was a].right for.nethar to
eat rice.
Conversationa.]- Newari -. l-68
5. ltrty' ka:ya-] [;.r] ft was al-right to feed. son
nalrya jyla. rice.
6. [*".J [r*r] lanya jy].a. It was a]-rig]rt for ]rim to
weigh the meat.
7. [r.l [f"., ] lanya jyIa. It was a]-risht to weigh the
meat for h.im.
B. i'ia [tfru.rl'] ka.nya jyJ-a. It was aJ-right to tell- that
g. [rorJ [ur*rr'] ka.nya jyfa. It was al-right to teJ-J- hirn
-th,t n:atter.
10. [or.] lJ-rt ] . c.aagw jw. f t's al-right t]rat he ate meat.
11, l.ia [nanvr<kh>] ba).3.aa:. That man is strong.
L2. [r.l [fyj.r J Urff":ka]-a. iie mace his yoirnger brotber
L1 . l,la r-l
[ma:cyj tastan, bh3rnr. That bread is wery gcod.
14. [llrJ [l.t] apwala. The rice was too nuch for him.
t5. [ulal[ jv., ] apwa].a. His vrork was excessi-ve.
16 . !!rar+-n ' I ta::ka : ry] tasta":'r, lhe wegetables tastei very
sa: ta. good. today.
).7. [tor] [:*t ] nay' sls,.a:. He ]ras an appetite fo:' eating
18. [r.l [:y] [i.r ] nay' IIe makes ne enjoy eating rice.
sa: ka-Ia.

2. Substitution d.ril-Is.
A. Aa: thana hyay' X na"y' maj3rw Laz ?
B. Jyw. C}.a:y'maj3rw.
A. TLrwa, J-a: X tarka : ry thay' n , cwan , .
3. Klraa. Y rrarl , dw.
Vtrhere X = ja: bajy tarka:ry mary kaany mwsya: a:l_w
ka:wIya pya: j J.a:bha:
and Y = gwalbhya:ra: a:Iw ka:wlya pya:j Ia:bha:
Conwersationa]- Newari - L69
A. Charr, a;a: chw nJraa: uanrya tyanaz?
B. X NR - CI, taye.,a.i waJrya tya-rra: .
. A. Ka;saz hanca; Y cba,kaa, waa:
B. JW. Y way'.
Where X = cwasa: nha:y'ka,n, aa:ka;n, clary l-add.w ka:wlya
pya: j la:bha,; eaphww kypa. cya: kaany mwsya:
chwc.nrn, a:lw gvalbhya:ra:
NR = any number
CL = an appropriate elassifier
Y - ehyan'yI pasal-ay' AsanayI kyabayt kwa.tha:y'
srra tha:a.e, hwnkana thwkhya wkhya

3. Transfornation d,ril-].et t

The foI-lowing drilLs il-l-ustrate certain systematic near-

parapb.ra,se relationships between sentences.
A. Thwa ka.:w]-yaya: tarka:rY khaa.
3. Ib.wa tarka:ry ka:trlyaya:g"w kha.a.
C. fhwa kawJ-ya tarka:ry kha.a-
A. tLrwa ]-a:bhe:ya3 tarka:rY kha.s.-
A. Thwa. a:J-wya: tarka:ry kha"a..

A. Thwa pya:jya: tarka:ry khaa.

This d.ri]-]. ma.y be extended by substituting other appropriate
food items
A. Ihwa chw k]laa?
B. Ihwa chw thay'n, ?
C. thwa chw?
Conversational- Newari - 17O
A. Wa chw Lhaa.?
A. A:machw kha,a,?
[his d.ril-J- ca":a be extend.ed by substrtuting other demonstratiwes
such as hwn. thwew wgw hwngw a:rne.Erlr.
A. Myagw chr^rn, nya:yt rnwaa:.
B. Myagw chvm, 41ra:yt Ba.a.ig'w marr{.
C . Chr^nrr, myaglr ttya.z yt mwaa: .

D. Chvrn, rnyagu nya:yr sla.aig'w tuarw.

A. Myagw chwn, Valyt rnwaa:

A. l'[yagw chwn, dha:y' Bwaa.:

This d.ril-J- ca:: be extend.ed by substituting other werbs such
as ka:yt nlranlra swarrr kyarr-va laayt.
A. Mwsya:ya: bhaa: nyanya Ita.aigw dw.
B. Mwsya:ya: bhaa3 nyanya ma:I.a.
A. A:Iuya: bhaa: nJra^r\ya ma.a!g'w dw.
A. Ja:k3rya: bhaa,: nya:eJra ma.a.zgw d.w,

lhis d.riJ-J. can be extend.ed. by substituting other items 6uch as

ba.iy marq ta,rka: r:r gwa.Ibhrra:ra; .
Conversationa]. Newari - 171
4. Situa.tion d,ri]-]-s.
Situation: Ra,:m HarSrya: c}.yan'y' r.rala.. Ra. zmya"zta
wan, tiJa: raa.yr d.hwrra 1a: ?tr dha:J-a.
Ra : ma:: , e}:.r^m , rnaranlr. IiarJ,':: , t Iha^rra }ryay
t t

rraa jtt dha:J-a.

Ra:man, ,tJ3rwtt dha:1a.
Ypfn, n5rmhan, iaz naa vrana.
Questions: Q. Ra:m gana waJ.a?
A. Haryya: chyan'y'.
a. Ilar3rrr, Ra: mya: ta chw dha: l_a ?
A. "Je"z laayt dhwna ]-a: ?'r d.}:.a.:1a.
a. Ra:man, ja: :iay' dhr^mka].a laz Lya?
A. Wan, chwn, maf,1any.
A. lrJan, ana hyay' ja: nal_a La:?
A. K}.aa. lian, ana hyay' ja: na] a.
a. Cha:y' na3-a Lya?
A. Wan, chw::, hyayt marrany wk3rn,
a. Wa sw na:part, ja: nala l-ya?
A. Hary na:pe-n,
Situation: Byak]:a: d.a: jw pasaa. wan5rata warra. !Jan,
l-antyt grnrl-ma:n, da:jw na:pal-a:ta. !tran,
Byakha.:ya:kya I'Gana wanya tyana: ?" dha:1a.
ItIa pasaa wanya tyanrm}.a khaa. !Jan, kwJ.ma:n,-
ya:kya nyarra ttC.Lart, ja: ne.yr dhwns J-a?t, lIan,
ttnhwrratt d,b,a,:1-a. llan, nan, ,,Ja,: laayt d.hwna. 1.az?rl
d.lrayaa: nya::a. Byakha.:ya: dha.a: sa: ja
manaany khany sa: K'ro'lma:ra,ye: ja:ky bajy ya;
bhaa: rryanya maa:gt dw. l,J.J<yn, t'Ha.nca
na:pa3.a:yttr dhayaa: thaa thaagw 3.antyI warta,.
Conversati-ona] Newari - L72

QugsJione: Q. Byairha: daz jw gana, wanyata wanza?

A. Pasaa wanyata. wa.na..
a . llan, 6w rta: paJ-a z ta?
A. Kw3-ma:n, da: jw na: pa'i a: ta.
a. Ge.na na: pal.a z ta?
A. Lan ' y ' Tte"i pol az ta.
A. Byakha:ya: jaz nayr dhr"'nkal-a Laz?
4. I{adhwn}wr.rn3'.
a. Kwl.ma:n,yaz Lya?
A. }ian, ja: rlay' &:wnkwwgw dr'r.
a. Kwlma:n, 6eJra wanjia tyan,mhp ?
A. l'Ia pasal.ay' lranya tyan,mha khaa.
A. Cha: y t wanya tyan , g:w lya ?
A. l{aya: ja:ky bajylra: bhaa: nJranya raaa:gw dw"
a. Aa: yp-v-n, gerle- warra Lya?
A. Thaa thaagw J-an'y' warra.
Conversational Newari - 177
Leeaon 27. Tab1e ta.Ik.
A = Eost's l{ife C = Grrest
B = Fost I! - Son of l{oet
A-B Chwcwn, mary rxa.r1 , hayt ShaLL I bring the wlreat bread
Ia:ky cya: nar3., hayt ? first or shall f also bring tea?
B-A Mary wa tarka:ry Bring the brea.d and vegetabl-es
nJrn, hynr l first,l
B-g Chy ga:ean, jha.:y' Do you sti}3. need to go
ma.:ny Laz ? somewhere ?
C-B l{waa:. thanan:, chyan'y' No. I will go home from
hyay' wa.:eyagw khaa. here.
B-C Chygvr chyan' pwJ-a:ngw Do you sti)-I stay in the
hyay' tyn3r Lal.? saJlle old house?
C-B lfleaa.. Nhwwgw ganaJr, Ies. Eow could I buy
nya:y' phay? a new one?
A-C Bhapyy I Bhapyyl Please eat i
Thwa mary chyarr'y' hyay' 3i:is bread was made in
day'ka z gw kbaa. thie very Lrouoe.
B-C Bhapyyl PJ.ease eat i
B-A Tarka:ry r3arr., kaya: Bring some vegetable curry
h3rn, ,! Ta.rka:ryy al.so: Did you also put
pya: j we, kawlya t:Lar:r., caul-iflorlr a.nd. onione in
taa La: cha.n, ? the ourry?
A-B Taya:. Gwa)-b}.ya:ra: Yes, I d'id. f a)-so put in
rLe"rt, tayaz. Sa: y l.a 3 tomatoes. liiJ.l it ta.ste
ttlay'rl, ? good ?

C-A Sa:y. Gwal.bLrya:ra: Yee, it wil-l-. I l-ike

jytaa tasaka.rr, yBa.. tomatoes very mueh.
B-A Ka:sa: tarka:ry kaya: O.K. bring the curryj f,ook
h3rn, i Thana swaa sa: j herel First have son
Ka:yrya:ta 1aa n3m, bring 6o!0e water !
byya: h5m, I
Conwersationa]- Newari - L74
A-B Jyw. Chykapyny Good. P].ease
bhapSryat dysan, ! eat I

B*C Ka:sa:. Bhapyy pa:Ea: i O.K. Please eat, friend i

C-B Mary tasakan, saa:. The brea.d. is very tasty.
J3rmy chyan'yr ka:y'ya: In my horree my son also
rran, chwcvm, narJr likes vrheat brea.d very
taskan, yzz. rnuch.
D-B Laa kaya: d1'Ean, I ?]-ease have some water.
B-D .A-na t.aya: t} a.kyrl' I Just put the rrater there and
i{a: n ,yaz ia " Cya: nan , go back (to your pl-ace),1
daYrkYl' !'r dhaa: 'l Tel-I rrother t'he:care some
tea aIeo,l tt
D-B Jyw. Good.

I{er" Vocabu.].ary.

bhap V to eat (respect) pba Vinps to be abJ-e $ = ph.w

l.a(kh) 1 water -pty -ty sa: \riraps to be tasty, to
E taste good.
nhww- a j raew t!r.a-k V (having d.one something)
rl1'rr; f irst to return, go back.

Granrmer Notes.
1. Case rotation in embeoded clauseE.
1r/e hawe a3-ready encou.rrtered one kind of embedded, cl-euee r
no-ely, the clan:se embeddcdwithin the ceusatiwe (see tbe
grar:rmar note on page 116, above). l'Ie have thus al-ready
encor:ntered. the phenonenon of ca6e rotation by mea.ns of
which variorre werb-participa-::t rel.ationships between the
main and. the embedded cl-arree are expressed.. Ce.se rotation
genera.J-J-y i6 a sig:a of a participant in duol fr:nction.
In a simple sentence r.re may find a participant marked, a.s
an {r the animate performer of the action referred to by
the verb.

lla.:a, 3-aa twana.

IIe drank rrater.
Conversatioaa]- Newari - L7,
Here waJr, refers to the animate agent who performs the
aet of dri*king water. fn the caueative watl, is replaced
by wa.vta.
J5rn, wayta. Laa twastkaz.
f caused h.im to dri.'lr water.
Ilere wa.rrta. sti1l refers to the animate agent who perfot mE
the act of drinki:eg trater, but it al-so refere to the object
of my causation. The subordinate cla"use relationship between
participant and verb is tLrat of agent, the ma.in cl-ause rela-
tionship between participent a::d the causative -k is that of
object. llhere this kind of dual fr:nction occurs in Newe.ri,
the form of th.e noun is general-ly determined by the main
cla,use fi:.nction rather than by the subordinate clause
fr:nction. The parell e3-s between the eaueative and. other
complement werbs carr be seen from sxamples such as the
fo] l owin€: .
Jy::, r^ra5rba Ie.a twan, d.Lraya:.
f toId him to drink water.
Here again, E;4!e refere both to the ernimate agent lr.ho
performs the act of d.rirr.lcing water e.nd. to the object of
tLre main verb, the one I toId. to do sometLring. As usua.l ,
the main elause relatio:rship is the one that comes to
the sr:rfa"ee ia the caee markings.
J5rn, vrayta laa twan:rgw lqha.na:
f saw Llim drinking water.
Here wayta refere both to the agent who drinks and to the
object who is 6eeri. The main clause i:ewol-wes seeing, so
the object marker ie what come6 to th.e su.rface.
Case rotation is not l-imited to 4 --> O. fhe foJ-lowing
sentences ilLustrate the rotation of O to G]. as weIL3
lian, chanta da.:l-a.
He beat you.
J3rn, wa.5rta ch.angw 3-a:g5nr, daa:gw tazyai.
I hea.rd. him bea.ting you.
Conversationa]- Newa.ri- L76
The notion of participa.-ts in dual fr:r:.ction can al-so prowid.e
an expJ.anation for tle rotation of g to Q which we had
prewiously viewed as irregu!-ar. Consid.er the foJ-J-owing
JY ana warJr&.
f wii-). go there.
Jyie.a ana wa:lya" yz?-.
I enjoy going there.
iiere jlrtaa is not on].y tre cne who goeg, but is a].so the
one to whom going is p3.easing. Ihe main el_ause has the
werb lraa 'be pleased', 60 the object ma:.ker is the one
that appears. The fol,J-owing is simiJ-ar.
J]rtaa ana wanJra rsazi .
It is necessary for ne io go there. '
A:"otation of ee.se froia U to A can be i--l 'iustrated by tbe
f ol"'l owing pair of sentences.
v{a arta }rana. 'rIan, ana wanyag:w swata.
He went there. i{e tz'ied to go there.
fn the second sentence of the pair, tr'ia::., refers to the
one who tries, as weJ*3. as to the otre who goes (in the ewent
that he succeeds).
Juet as the frpmes for verbs in siiaple sentences differ from
verb to verb, eo al-so the fra:qes for verbs in conplex sen-
tences differ from werb to verb. Not e'l 'l embedded c]-auses
show rotation of case. I.iIe nqy, for example, jistinguish a
cJ-ass of a,:xiJ-iary verbs. which appear to have no effect
upon tkre case frames of their complement or embeCded" clamse.
Consider the fol-J-owing examples.
IIan, l-aa twa.na.. He drank water
Wa ana. wana.. He rnrent there.
Ir,ia::, laa twanya d.hlrnkaIa. He finished. drinJcing water.
IrIa ana w'arrya d-hwnl<a1a.. He finished. going there"
!Iar,, 1aa twana: cwar.a. He wa.s drinking water (contin-
VIa ana wana: cwa"na. He was going there <.oHBSfi}y>'
Conversationa.]. Newari - L77
Wan, l-a.a twa.rryag:w ya.a: Ee drinlce water (habitua]-]-y)'
ttra ana wanyag-h, Jraas . IIe goes tb.ere (habitually).
Irlen, 1a,a twanya tya:ea. He was about 'to drirrk wate?,
lla ana lra.nya tyana. Ile was about to go there.
IIan, l-a.a twanya jyl.a. ft was a)-right that he d.rank water.
tr{a ana wanya. jyJ-a, It was al-right that he went there.
WayazLaa twanya ga:ta. He d.rar:k enorrgh water.
Wa ana ws,nya ga,zta. He went there enough.
ltlan, l-aa twanya 6aa,. IIe knows how to drink water.
lla ana wanya saa. He h:ows how to go there.
IIan, l-aa twanya phw. IIe ie ab]-e to drink water.
\le" ar:a wanya phw. IIe ie ab3.e to go there.
ida:r, l.aa twanya. g.a.a"r. I{e must drink water.
lJa a.na wrnya maa: . He mrrst go tLrere.
l'larr 1aa twanSra )-azta. Hedrank wa.ter by mistalre.
lJa ane. wanya ).azta. Ilewent there by mista-ke.

1. Case rotation ia embedded clauses.
The foJ.J.owing d.riIl- is organized accord-ing to complement
verbs. Read ea.ch sentence out 1oud, suppll.ing the appropriate
case forms for the nour3.B l.ieted in eqrrare brackets.
l-. [:v:ov-,=,] [,.ror,] [toprry]
b5rya: - We gave them caps.
2. . ..by;r phw. !Ie were abJ.e to give them cap6.
? ...byy ma:)-a. ltre needed to give them caps.

4. . . .b3r5r jyJ-a. It was aJ-right that we gave

them cap6
5. ..byya: ewana,. tte were giwing tLrem caps.
6. . . byy tyanl. tie were aborrt to give them caps.
7. . . byy gazta. itle gave them enough caps
8. . . byy d.hwne.. t/e finished giwing them caps.
Conversatio:ea]- Newari - l-7A
r. {'o'l [;y] [trp".,]
kyana,. He showed me the picture.
2" I;ranya. phw. IIe was able to show me the picture.
7" ...kyarrya ma:3.a. Ile needed to show me the pictrlre"
4. ...kyan3ra. jyJ-a. It was al-right for him to show
me the picture.
5. .. -kyana: cwana. lie was showing me the pietrrre.
6, ...kyanya tyana. He was about to show me the
7. ...kyanya ga:ta. IIe showed me the picture enough.
a. ...kyarrya d.|rwrrlcaJ-a. IIe finished ohowing me the
9. ...kya:ryagu, swata. He tried. to shorv me the
10. ...kyanya yal.a. IIe 1ike,l. to shor+ rae the picture.
l-1 " ...kyankal-a. Scmeone e'iused hin to show me
the pictu.re.
L2" ...kyanya d.ha:Ia. Sorceone toid him to show me
the pj.etur.e.
Extend this d.rillI by t=lring each of the fo'] "t owing sentences
through the paradigm of au:ciI-ery forns execrplified abowe.
1..I{ar1.n, a:1w n3ra:ta. Ea-ry bought potatoes.
2. Ma:mar., FJ'a: j day'ke] e.. Mother prepared. onions.
3" .Pasa\ya::r, saphwwya: the ehopkeeper took tr+enty
n3rlrrke.: ka:).a. rupees for the sh.oes.
4. fssa]yairrl wa5rta. J-a:bha: [he sh.opkeeper weighed.
l-ana. potatoes for him.
5" irtra.:e, khant nyana. rie asked about something.
Conversationaf. Newari _ 1.79
2. Subetitution dri]-].c.
A..tlwn, x - y _ya:gwJ-a.z?
B. Khaa,_ Ihwgrr y _yr:g1r
X khaa.
Ifhere X = kjrpa,:._ cwe,sa: saphww
ir.}.a:yrkan, pasaa ehyan,kr,va.tha: ta.pwly J.a: ka: n,
and Y - ka:yr tna:n c wa- t.b.wa

A. X _yal,ta y bww sa: thana htrm, d.}.aa: i

B. Jl'w.
X * ma:n, ka;y, pa.:sa: r4re
lrwn, way,ka
and Y = mary ia: a:Iw tarka,:ry
ka:wIya pya:j f-a:bha, kyanr .chwewn, ,oa=y
. Ua. : wl_ya te.rka. : rv "y*l a:Iw tarka:ry
p-va: j tu.=ta,:
=y Ia : ,b!s: tarla : rg
A' x iymv I -mrra pB;Ba.: k1.e.a.
B. Namastya.
lIhere X - thwa.y,kaa way,kae.
thwa thr,rm-tra wa w.m]:.a hu,a,
and Y = pwJ-a:n, nhww bhlm,
ba;nrl-aa: bal.J-aa:
3. Transforme,tion dri]-l_s.
rel-atee rour structures with
:hi*T:=i":::1'r somewhat

. A. Ewn, k3rpa; ka:y,ya:€rr ].a: ?

B. Ilw:e, kfpa: ka:y,ya:g:w khaa
1a: ?
C. Ilw:r, kypa: ka:ytya:ej, k5aa
l_a: thay,:l , ?
D. Hw:a, \rpa.: ka:y,ya:gw?
A. Ihwa saphww pa:Baiya.gw Laz?

rh's dri11 c-i be extend.ed
by substituting
cwa6a': la:ka:n' nhe':y'ka-rr'' and tapr*Iy for nouaa sueh as
saphww and ,:ypa:.

Convereationa]. Newari - 18O

[he fo3'lowing d.ril.J- reJ-ates two structuree with somewhat

simil-ar mea.nings.
A. Aa: kazyt gana, Lya.?
B. Aa: ka:y' gana thay'lx, ?
A. Aa: ma:r1 , ge.i1a Lya?
A. Aaz pa:sa: gana lya?

A. Aa: wa garla !ye?


A. Aat way'kaa gana lya?


A. Aa: sakalayrn, gerLa J-ya?

A. Aaz l1e.ry gana l-ya?

The foJ.J-owine d.rill- re3.ates three structures with eomewhat

simi3.ar meenings.
A. Ka.:sa: rray'gw kaya: Lr3m, I
B. Ea:sa: nayrgw kaya: hatry!
C. Ka:sa: raa.yrgw kaya: wa.a: i
A. Ke.zee-: luary kaya; brJra, !
A'. Ea: sa: bajy kaya: h3rn, !
fhis d.ri1-1' can be extend.ed by sr.rbetituting. other nouns such
aG ja: cwasa: ]-aa crra: and sa.phww for lgig a::d. mary above.
Conversationa1 Newari - 181
The foi1owing drilI relates three etructures with eimiLar
A. na:n,
Thwaytkaa,ya,: Bwd.d.ha.
B. Ihwaytkaaya: !za:n, tswd.d.ha k}:aa.
C. Thwayrkaa Bwdd.Iia khaa.
A. Irlay'ka,aya: na:rr, Syal<ha:.
A. Anaya,: na:n, latma:nr.

A. Ilaya: rlain, Ilary.

A. Thwaya: rla:11 , KwJ-ma:n,.

A. Hrnrnrya: raa:n, Mwaty.



4. Situatioa dri].].s.
Situationz Lstaa:n, raan, wa.ya: pa;6a.:ya: c}:yan'yt
nJrpaa: kypa: khaJra. C.hapaa: pa:sa:ya:
ka:yrya:gw wa. tnyagw chapa,a: ka:y'ya:
pa:Ea.;yaigw kha,a. !tra chyan.'yt raartt
Asanayr wana: cwa.:ta. Asanayt t:.atx,
3rmy chyan' dw. Chagww pasaa nan, dw.
Pa:sa:ya: ka:y'mha ja: nayrta ana, hyay'
Conversationa1 Newari - 182
O.ueetions: Q. I,atraa:n, gaae- wana?
A. lttayai riais,a2yaz chyenryr wa13a.
a. llan, ana chw khana?
A. Nypaa: kypa: khana.
a. Wa swya: swya:gw k;pa: khaa?
A. Taarytrahasya:gw wa wayaz pa;sa:ya:gr^r.
a. Kazy 'mha gana 'wa.Tta, lye-?
A. Asanayt war3a.
a. Asanay' cira: y' wangw ?
A. Ana na:a, jnny chya:nt Cw.
a. Ana yrny pasae. nan, dw J-a: ?
A. Dr+.
a. Ka: yr ya: ia: gaae- taaygnr l-ya ?
L. Nay'ta chya:r'yr hyay' wanygw khaa.

$ituation: Bvtdd.ha pa: sa: ya.: chyan'y' warra. llayta

kr.ratha y' phyatwkala. Swdd.haya z ta ar:,s,.

nay t ta saatw'r,'gw khaa. ?a: sa: n}.an , thaa

ka:yrya: ta'tl'iary brr-rn-sa: h3rn,,1" dha:l-a.
i'ie waya: ka:y' khaa. Pwnch3naSrn, kwatha.:yI
rnrayaa.: "ilay' jy3.a Ia.: ?" dha: Ia . Pa.: Ba: rnb.a;n,
Bwid.haya: ta. nha.s3ryka: byJ-a.

Questions: Q. Bwd.d-ha g.aaa wana?

A. Pa: sa.:ya: clryanty' r\rarr.a,
a. \layta gana phya.twkala?
-9.. Kwatha:y' phyatwka3-a.
0. llayta cha,:y' arra saatvrwg-w khaa?
A. Na.y'ta eaatvrwg:w khaa.
A. Pe.:sa:mhan, thaa ka:ytya:ta clr dha:Ia?
A. "l'[ary bww 6ar h5rn, l" dha:]-a.
Conversationa1 Newari - LA1
chw dinaz1:a?
A. PwnchSrrap, kwatha:y' waya:
A. ,'Hay, jyla }a: ?" dha:la'
a. Pa'.ea2,nharr, Inyag:w chu ya:ta'

A. Bwdd.haYa.zta nltasyyka: bYla'

Lessor- 24. More table Tal-k'

A = Host's Uife p= Host's Son
B = Host
How old. is Your YouJrger
C-3 CYchYkaamha ka:Y'
g:waad-an' data?
B-C NYa: d.an' khwdan' jaka IIe is onJ-Y five or E1x
years o1d'
mary naa Lrwn I You go eat some
bread too !
A-3 Chan, narl , '
D-A JYw'
have some ctrry'
A-tsC Tarka:rY kaYa: dYsan' 'l
? How is the bread?
ivrary gaY t cwarr, thaYt n '
C-A Saa: ' JrmY wa hYaY'- It'e good. lle were iust
Lha;rt jwYa: cwaIlgw' commenting on it'

A-C lCraY iY daY'kYa 1a': I didn't think I knew how

Ea saa' to PrePare eurry'
T}.e wheat bread taeted very
C-A JYtaa J.a: chwcwla' tnary
tasakan, ea'?ta" good to me.

A-C Sarka:rY bbaPYYa: dYsan'

! P]-ease have some curry'
Can (we) bring You BoIBe tea'?
A-B CYa: na-n, h:a'a' 6s':Ia'
iYIa laz? [r,it- rs it right if some tea
is also broueht?]
B-A JYw. Haa sa:n, iYla' Yes- It's right if some is
C-A JYtaa cyai marw sa':13' Itrs a.lright if there is no
'ivw. tea for me.
A-C CYa: bhaPYYa:n, chw What (harm) wi]-l <it> be to
jwY thaY'n, ? krave a cuP of tea?
Conversational Newari - 184
C-A Tharra way'ta chyan'yt Just before I came here J |ra.d a
cya: twana: waya:gw. cr:.p of tea. [f,i-t. I had a. cup
of tea at home in order to come
here. ]
A-C Aa: tharra bhaca: bhapy: Now what (harm) wilJ- there be in
ya:n, chw jwy? ha.ving a J.ittl.e here?
C-A Jyr,r b}-aca: jaka haya: Fiae, bring just a J.ittJ.e,l
Cysa::, ,l

i'iew Yocabul-ary.
bh.acaz e l-rttle s&a Vinrps to know (|row to d.o
sometlring) '
-c.an' , year bo'.urd. to a
prefixed numera). or twan V to d.rj-nk (non-respect)
quantifie:'. Occr.l,rs
here rr'ith g$a,a- thow
me.ny ? '

Graiinrzr Notes.
1. Tense ma:'kere in embedded c].auses.
fn sicrple eentences tl:e tense marking in the vex'b reJ-e.tes
the action o:' state referred. to by the ve:-b to the time of
spealring. fense in sinpJ-e sentenees is thus fairJ.y simpJ.e
to rrnoe:"stanC.
l. Jy chyan'y' wanya. f wi'l 1 go hone.
2. lla clrya.n ' y' l/a:ry. IIe wi] 'l go home .
7. Jy ch,ya::'yt waJra:. I went home.
4. tr'Ja chyan' y' wena. IIe went home .
In examples <l> a-d <2> we find the werbs wanya and wanlr
referring to the action of going aB a future action in
rel-ation to the time of speaking. In examp1ee <7> and <4>
we find the werbs wana: and war.a referring to the action
of going a,s a past aetion in relation to the time of
rn eomplex senterrces, the embedded (or subord.inate) verb is
a.lso ma.rked. for tense. rhis tense ma.rker, howewer, u.srra] ly
rel-ates the tine of the action of the subord.inate verb to that
of tkre main verb, and. not to the time of epeaJ<ing. I,Ie get,
for example, sentences such as the folJ-owing in which a. past
Convereationa]. Newari - 185
tenee marker occurs witb a rrerb which refers to an action
which is actual.l-y future witb. reference to the time of
5. Thathya j.',rg:w sa: thwa If thie Lra.ppens, it wiJ.l.
jya: Jmysan' ya:yl become laecessary for
ma:1a: wa.ny. t}.em to do it.
In <5> the verb ma:].e:'be:eece66a.ry' occtrrs with a pa.st tense
marker. From the eentence we can 6ee, however, that the
state of necessity referred to had not yet come about at
the time of speaking. fhe verb raa:]-a: is arr embedded verb.
The paet ten6e marker here marks the necessity ae concurrent
or simul-taneoue with waray, tbe futr:re ingreseive auxi_Iiary.
ILre werb ya.r]rt 'to do' ocor,lrs with a future marker. This
future ma,rker may be vier"red os reJ-ating the verb 'to do' to
ma:].a:' Ihe need precedes tb'e doing, hence the futrrre marker
on lra: lr t .
lle a]-so fiad werbs in embedded Een ences with future tense
markers. Verbs so marked often refer to eventa or states
th,a.t hawe a3-ready occurred.
6. Ib,awnya wa jya: jJrn, ft became raecesaary for
{.ryr ma:la: wana. me to do it le.st year.
fn example <6> the verb ya:r/t ie future in form but refere
to an event whieh oecurred prior to the time of speaking.
?he future form of va:rr si&aa1s that doing occ',rred forJ-owtrrg
occumence of a need. The fr:ture form of rra:y' thus ral_ates
fa:rrr to ma:].a: a"nd not to tbe tirne of speolring. The tense-
marking in subordinate cl-arrees re].ates subord.i-nate clauses in
time to their main or metrix c!-amses, not direct).y to the
time of speaking.
Certain apparent exceptions to the principJ.e posited. here
shoul-d probabJ-y be discuseed. Coneider the foJ_Iowing
7. J5rn, ya:y' tyana3- I was a.bout to d.o it.
a. J5rn, ya: y I gw jwl.a. It ie decided that I sha].].
do it.
9. J5m, ya:y' phw. I o- a.bl-e to d.o it.
10. J5rn, ya:yt maa:. I raust d.o it.
J5rn , ya: y I g:w swa'ya: . T tried to do it.
L2. J;rn, ya3yi dhwna. f finished. doing it.
l-5.J5rn, ya:yr l-a:ta. f did it by rcistal<e"
14. J5rn, ya:yr ga:ta. I did it enor-rgh.
Examples <7> through <l-1> are fairJ-y straightforward..
Conversationa]- Newari - l-86
Examples <L2> through <L4> are not so straightforward.
rt is reasona.ble that 'being about to do sometlring' or ,decid.ing
to d.o something'or'being able to d.o something' or'hawing to
do something' or rtrying to do somethingt general-Iy occu.r6
prior tordoing eomething' . But in genera1 tfiniskring
d.oing something' , t real-j-zJ-ng that something was d.one by
mi6trke', or 'being enorrgh' we think of as cond.itions
obtaining after 'doing eomething'. [here ie, however,
a way of accounting for these examples as we}J.. lhese
are i-nstances of a crite:'iorr state. The time referenee
of the embed.ded conplernent werb form is to prior concepts.
one nust know what e nietake is in ord.er to recognize one
when it occu.rs. one rnust know what conpletion involves,
or what ' enough' is, in order to recognize ful-f il] ment
of conditiors.e prerequisi-te to charaeterlzing an act as
corcprete or. suffieient. The d.oing referred to by the
enbeddec complement alwaye forlovrs the aequisition of these
c: iteria by the speaker. the time reference, tLren, appeare
to be to acquisition of criterj-a rather than to ful-fil-Iment
of tne cri.te:.ia.
A simple past tense r:aarker on the enbedded complement werb
norma"lry signal-s that the action :-eferred to is somehow
sirnrrltaneorrs with that referred to by the main verb.
L5. J5rn, h'e,r1 , vazru-.: I saw him doing it.
cwangw khana:
The verb v?"irrai is:ar"kec fcr past tense anc is simrltarreous
,^'ith the continuous a-u>:i].iary cwenqw. The auxiiiary cwa.:egw
is past tense, and the continuous action referred. to is
sinnul-teneous with that of k}.ana:, the main verb.
A third set of ::oarkers sigrrars that the action referred. to
by the cornplement werb ie ir: some sense prior to trrat of
the raain werb.
16. 1.{a, a.na wana: clra.na. He was goj-ng there.
l'l- 'l'Ia ana wanaa: cwana.- He went there and stayed.
In exomp3-e <l-6> wana: 'go.t is simultaneous with the
continuous a"rrxili.-y cwa:ea,. rn (rT) wana&: terminates
at th.e point'in tirne 'ut.y;-b-"gins. A lengthened
form of the past conjunct"rh.r, often
"*rn" signars a. seguentiar temporal
rerationehip between comprement verb a.nd. main verb. At
this vrriting the anal-ysis of tense markers in Newari is far
from complete. rt is hoped that this fragmentary treatment
wil-]- be he]-pfu]-.
Conversationa]. Newari - 187
2. Shori werb stems.
rn the *".-"=;.1f"=b morpho].ogy wtrich. begins on p.se
'l 9 abowe, we noted the existence of a J-ong etem form of the
verb. We noted further that the impera.tive forms of most
werbs are d,erived. from the J-ong stem by phonetic shortening.
ft shouJ-d a.lso be noted tb.at there exists a short verb etem,
d.erived from the J.ong etem by phonemic ehortening. In the
next to last sentence of the conversation for ]-esson l-7 we
find. e'rl-eEalBlie1
Tha Ia: ma thae.. Profit? No profit.
Ya J-a: Ela yae.. I,ike it? <I> don,t l.ike it.
1. Substitution d.ri].]-s.
A. X -ya:ta Y nJm, byya: krlm, !
B. Jyw. Chykap3rny Z dysan, !
Wbere X - ka:yr pa:sa: &a.ylr w& thwa hwn, wayrkaa.
thway'kaa wmha thwnha
Y = 1aa cyaz mary tarkazry pya:j tarka:ry
a:J-w tarka;ry ka:w3-ya tarka:ry pya:j tarka:ry

A. rr X -yatta Y day'k;ry,l" dhaa: j

B. Jrrw.
Where X - ka:y' me:n; w& thwa hwn,
and Y = mary chwcwn, mary tarka:ry J-ad.d,w bajy
kaany rnwsya:

2. Tr?nsformation dril]-s.
The forl-owing arirl relates tlrree structures with simil'ar
A. Chwcwa, mary nJrn, hay' 1a:ky eya: nan, inaytc
B. Chwcm, mary n3nn, hayt ky cya: raala, ha.yt ?
C. Chwcwn, mary nJrn, hayt l-a: cya: nan, hayt ?
A. Lad.dw nJEr, hay' J-a:ky cye.: nara, Lr'ayr?
Conversatiorral Newari _ l-gg
- A. Baiy'nJrn, hay, 1a:ky cya: naJ!.r.,
A. Iarka:ry nJrn, hay, Ia:ky laa
rle^rr, hay, ?

A. Saphww nyn, hay, ia:ky cwasa: narl , hayt?


A, Ja"z njrn, !ra5r' Ia:ky tarka:ry nan , Ltay,?


:3lil:iowins d'i1, relates two structures with similar

A. Jytaa cya: aarw se:n, jJnr.
3. Jyrtaa cJra: naJ.ae 6a:r1 jyw.
A. Jytaa maly lca,rw se:n, jJrw.

A. .T3rtaa bajy marw 6a:n, jJrw.

fhis dril. can be extended by substituiing
kaanv qra:'v' no,-n6 such as
ffi"r= ka.anv
f"t'o'"'*, g,arJr a.nd
3.. . .y r-.y ilrr, '
chwc-*.rr. mwsva:
' ";E: bairr.
3. Situation dri]-l-.

GYa:n, fha,kwn, Ra: ja:ya:

Eta:n, khaa.
!lat)., chwcwn, tnary d.a,y,kyygr,r
Baa:. I/a
tarka:ry nar,, da.ytkya saa.
l,ia3ra: chyan,y,
Ra:a Ka:iy wala. l,Iayta mary
wa. ta.rka.:ry
::akc] a. Mary taekanr
sBE ! . Iarka: ry ,'an,
saa: hyayr d.ha:y' ma,a:.
Mary wa tarka:ry
hay' d.hwnka.: cya: byy hala.
Corrversationa,l- Newari - 189
Qreetions: Q. Gya:n, fha,kwnr ew kha.a?
A. Ra: ja:yaz fre,.D, kha.a.
O. I{an, day'klrygw ch.w e,aaz?
A. tla^rr, daytkfygw mary 6a,e.:.
a. lla. tarka:ry nan, day'kya saa )-a;?
A. Sa.a.
A. llan, dayrkyyg:w tarka:ry saa: ).a: 1ya?
A. Saa: Lryay' d.ha:y' maa:.
a. Cya: gaba3-ay' byy hal-a?
A. Mary wa tarka:ry tra.yr d.hwr:kaa:.
Co:rversationa]. Newari - 19O
Jresson 25. Spna]]- TaIk.
A = I'riend
B = Friend
:i..I1 Namastya. Go,.a jlra:yt He11o. 'ilhere are you about
tyanaz? to go?
B-A Asanay' paeaa wanya I am about to go shopping in
tyana.: . Chy 1ya ? Asa:l. -And you ?
ti iL Jy chya:r'y' ttrarrya tyana.:. I arn about to go hrome.
Chy jyaane-zr:, d.hwna I.a: ? iiave you eaten your morr::ing meal-?
B-A Dhwna. Chy J-ya? Yes, and you?
Vlay'kaa sw 1ya? tr;rho is he?
A-B fhwe. taadhykaa:slha kazy' Ee is (ny) o)-der sorr. His
khae". ?hvraya: rra: n , narne is l'loti Ka j i .
Mwaty Ka: jy.
C.^B Namastya. P]-eased to meet you.
B -e Na.mastya. Chyari'y I The pJ-easu.re is rnine. Is ,

saka).ay'n, n]:an, phw everyone weIJ- at yorrr

Laz thay'n, ? house?
A-B Sa.kal-ay'n, mhan, phw. Yes, 'Lhey are aJ-J. wela.
Ci:y ]-ya? .&^nd you?
B-A Sa-ka"l-ay'ra, n-Lra:a, phw. lle are al-l weJ-J. .
A-'fJ Asanayr chw nya: jha:ytg:r.r i'Ihat e,re you going to buy
thayrn, ? in Aean?
B-.A A:]-w bhaca: wa gwa].- .(I) need. to buy a few potatoes,
bhya:ra.: ma:yt wa kaan5r sorae tomatoes, 6ome puIse,
nya:yt maa:gw d,w. and. colfln.
A-B Ka 2la.i . f,ypa i rt&:pala:y' . O. K. , (we) wiII meet later.
Cleyanry' chakaa nan, Come onee to my house.
jha,a: sa:11 , jl,wgw khaa.
B-A Jyw. i{ayrka: . Namastya. Good., I r 1l' come, goodbye.
AC,-,8 Nama.stya. Goodbye "
Conversati.ona,l- Newari - '191
New Yocabu-l-ary.

jyaanatn, raorn:ing meal. . mhan, phw Vimps to be wel]-,

occlrEi a6 a prefix with in good health.
warioi:s werbs. Does not
ocsur independently as a sakal-ayrnr- aj whoJ-e used. al-so
nourl . jya.anaitt, -d.hwn rto without -mha. or -gw to refer
finish eating the rnorning to one'E whole famiJ.y or house-
mea1t, jyaan.a;n,-bhapy hold.
.i:raa-rra:n, -W .iyaana:n, -
:{a. 'to eat the morning
mea1r, .irraena'.g-bvr
.iyaana:n, -th:dtr 'to eook the
morning meal-.
l. Substi tu'ti-on dri].].s.
fn the f o1-J-ov;ing drilJ-s, X a.:ad. X' refer to d.ifferent words
taken.from the list for X. X and X' mr.rst be different.
A. x 1/
r J--^^-

Xt gayr clrle-n, t.Lraytn, ?

D. Saa:. J1'rny wa h.yayr khan' jwya: cwangw.
!/here X = ln&ry bajy ja: kaany mwsya: chvrcwn,
chwcrn'n, aary tarka:ry cya2
a-d Y = kaya: bhapyya: naya:

A. x Y dyean, I
B. ,' haa sa:n, jy1.a Lat?
_rrarl ,
A. JW. I{aa sa:n, jy3.a.
llhere X = ra&ry bajy ja: kaany rnwaya: chwcvrn, ma,ry
tarka:ry cyaz
and Y = naya: bhapyya: kaya:

A. IIay I kaa aw).ya ?

D. Ihwa X -mha Y k-haa.
Itrhere X = taad.hykaa cyd.hyka.a bhyn, ba:n,J-a: bal-].aa:
taad.han, cyd.ha::,
and Y - ka: y t pa: sa: raa: n,
Conversationa1 Newari - ]-92
A. Kaz sat . T.,J.pa: X .
Y clrakaa ttatr', jhaar e,a2rr, jywgw kh.e.a.
B. Jyw. Z ka.z. Namastya
'ldhere X = rra.:pa.I-a:yr wayt d.ba:yt nyorrya sway' blaf
kyanya nya: y' raay' twanya J_anya. day'kya
I = chyan'y' pasa)-ay, kyaba.y' kwatha: y' Asar:.ay r
and Z = weyt Tta.:ps]a:y' dha:yt nyanya ewayr byy
kyan5rsl. nya: y t n&y ' trvanya 1a:eya day ,kya
2. Tra"nqformation dri]-]-s.
the foi].ovring d.ri].]- re]-ates three different strrrctr:res with
simi].ar neaning:s.
A. Kaz y' yaz clilrcvin, raary taekara r 5ra&.
B. Ka:ytya:ia chwcwn, maz.y taska-n t Vd&.
C. Kazyatt, ci:wcwn, rilary taska:r yakww.
A. l,ia:n,ya: ka: "*1ya tarka:ry taskan, yaa.


A. Pa:sa:ya: bajy taskanr y&&.


A. \layaz jaz ky na::y taska-n, y&d.

A. t,Iaytkaaya: ri..eiy' kyar" taska::t ya;&.


A. Thway'kaaya: l-a.dd.w taskan, yaa..
A. Hvrnrya: cya? taskan t ylde-.

Conwersationa-]. Nevrari - ;-'93

The fo3.J-owing d.riJ.I- reJ.ates two d.ifferent structuree with a

simi3-ar mea:ai.ng.
A. Chy jya.ana:n, dbwna Lat?
B. Chy jya.ana:rr, dhrnma ).a: thay'ta,?
A. Chy bajy dhr+aa l-a: ?
A. Chy ja: bhapy o}.wna J.a: ?
A. Cfur mary bhapy dhwna la: ?

A. Chy cya: bhapy dhrnna laz ?

A. ChY cYa: tura.na: dYY rthwna 1a: ?


A. Chy ja: nayr dl:wrr.a ).a:?


The followine d.ri}I relates four different etructures with a

similar meening'
A. Ihwa taadlrykaaurha kazy I k.Laa.
3. Thwa ka:y' taadhykaamha k}.aa.
C. [hwa ka:y' taad]rykaamha.
D. Thwa taad.hykaamha ka:y'.
A. Ihwa bhyn,mha pa: sa: khaa.
A. Ihwa ba:nr!.aa:mha pa:sat trhaa.

This d.riJ-I. can be extended. by substituting other adjectives
such as c:rdhykaa- ba]-l-a.a: - taadha:r. - cyd.han. - f or those
Conversationa-l Ner+ari L94

3. Situation C.ri]-]-s.
Situation: Gya:n, Thakwnrya: tarka:ry day'kyygw
taskarr, saa.'.. Mary nan, d.ay'kya saa.
llan, daytkyygw Eiary nar-i, saa: jww.
Ch.yan t yr waamha pa: sa: fL , rr Ckrwer^m , mary
taskan, sa: ta"." dha:1a. Gya:n, fhakwnarr,
"Khay jy day'kya J-a: rnasaa.t'd.ha:1a.
Que st i ons : a. Gya:n, Ihakwrran, chw day'kyygw saa:?
A. \la.n, i"arka:ry day'kyygrn' taskan, saa:.
a. i,Ja mary-::an, daytkS,a, Eaa Laz ?
A. Saa. Cha:y'rcasaa?
a. lIa:r, day'kyygw raaf'y sae,: 1a: Lya?
A. Saa:. Saa; h]'ay' jww.
a. Chyan ' 3r ' waamha pa : sa: l:. , chw d.ha :Lz?
L. t'Chi,'ci"rn, mary taskan, Eea.a.tt db.a:1a.
a. G]ta:n, Thakwna::, chw dhazl-a Lya?
A. 'rKhay ka : day ' kya Ia : masaa . " dha: Ia.

a; {--.a!i ^-. liwattr' Ila: jy F.a.:n ka: jyya; ka:y' .'',,aa.

i,ir-raty Ka: j3r;:., Ia:rt y ' pa: sa 2 na: pal-a : ta.
ilta:a, thaa. pe,:sa:ya:ta ka:y.t mha sSarka:
byJ.a. Mwat5,'r: , ::aroastya ya : ta. Pa : ea : -
n::1an , i-rarr , ttlfar,:astyatr &a: Ia. 3naca:
J.ypa: pa: 6a:mharr, chya:rtyt sakal-yan,
"mha:r, phw 3-a,z ?'t nya:ra. Ra:m Ka: j3m,
tt Sakalay t
r: , mha:1 , phw . " dha : l-e.. trtan ,
na.rl , rrChygw chyantyr J-ya.tt dhaya:
rrya.na. Pa: sa:miea:r, na.:n, ttSakaJ.a,ytn,
mha:r, hyay t phw. " dha: J-a " Bb.aca:
).ypa: ypyn, thaa thaagw l-an'y' warra.
Conversationa]. Newari - 195
Queslions: Q. Mwa,ty Ea: jy sw khaa.?
A. Ra:m Ea: j55ra: ka:y' kha.a,.
Q. Ra:m Ka: j;ne, l.anryt sw na:pal-azte,?
A. Waya: pa:sa3 na:pe.Iata.
a. Wan, swSrta. sw Eha syyka: by!-a?
A. Wan, pa.iae.:yazta k.azy' m]:a syyka: byJ.a.
a. Ka:y' mha::, chw ya..ta Lya.?
A. Wan, narnastya yal.ta.
a. Tazaa'. mh.a:a, 3-Jra?,
A. KI:aa. l{aa, taa^rt, ttNamastyail d_ha:l-a.
a. Trfpaz pa;sa:nhan, chw d,ha:l-a Lya?
A. Wq:e, ]-a: we.r.], c\ra:n ryt saka].E-ytn,
rrMhan, phw La.t?'1 nyana.
a. Ra:oan, c}:u Clra:J-a J.ya?
A. t'SaLal,aJrt11rnha.n, phw.tt dha:Ia.
a. Ra:mo-r mh.=n, phw. La,: rna::yarr, I.a: 1ya?
A. Nyana. C}-a:y' manyanSr?
a. Pa: sa;n, chr dba:J.e. Iya?
A. lrlorr n.alf, t'Sa,kal.aytnrmhan, phw.tt d.ha:J-a.
a. Ymy myagw ch.w ckrw khan' jwl-a 1:ya?
A. Apwa khant majww. Bhaca: l-ypa: JrpJm,
thaa thaa.g:w J-an'y' vrana..

4. Transformation drills.
The following dril'l relates f or:r different etructu.res with
similar meanings. Note tlre rree of the short stem of the werb.
1. Iha. l-a: mathaa aytEa:la' ya.ka: dysan, !
2. Ihay.'ta La,z mathaa ay'sa:n, ya-nka: dysan, !
3. Mathaa ay'Ea:r:, yanka: dyean, I
4. Mathaa sa:rr, yanka: dysan, !
Co:eversational_ Newari - Lg6
l-. Sa 3-a: Era.saa ayr sa:n, ka.ngra.

l-. Srra I.a; mae,wa,a, aytEa:n, kha.na.

1 . Sa : l.a : masa.a, : ey t Ea: ra , rra3.a.


1. Dha.: J-a: mad.!:.aai ay tse.:rr, khaa.

l-. Na 3-a: rlarraa ayr Ea:r:, e,e.wz.z,; BJrvr.

1. Bwant Ia: mebwan, a3r,Ba::r, r*ay\ra. waa.

l-. T(a.r' Ia: mpkant arrsa:te., syl_a.
Conversatione,]- Newe,ri
- A97
Sa- t La: ma,saiz, ayr sa:n, mwaa: ray.

NSrn t i., ElarlJrn a,y'sa:n , rra,ya.: by].a.


Bw )-a: nabww ny ayrsa::r, raay, jyf.a.

Na f-a: mprraa ny ayt6a:n, 6awaa: eyw.

Dhr,rn' l-a.: raad.hwnr :11r ayt sa:rr, nayr malrhwta.

Sa J.a: masa& r\Jr ay t sa:n, syane.: b5ry.

Kant 3.a: makanr n5r ayt sa:n, thww.

Sy J-a: ne.d.haa ny ay' sa: n, ba: n r J-a: te,.

Conversationa]- Newari - 198
The following dri]1 rel-ates five d.ifferent stnectrrres with
simi].ar meanings. Note the use of Ia: (emphatic) with pre-
fixed verbe.
1. Ba:n, laz maLe,az aytsa:n, jyw.
2. Ba:n, 1,a',ytta, La.z m,alaai ay'sa::1 , jyw.
3. Ba:n rma"La.a,? ay tga:n, jyw.
4. Ba:n,mal.aa: 6e.:n, jyw.
5. Ba":tt, J.a: ba:nrme!-a.aa aytga:n, jytr.
1. Ba J-a: ma,Iaai ay'sait:, ba:nrlae,:.
l-. Gwe, 3-a z s.al:e.ai ay'Ea:ra, ohyaiaatwv.
4- )

1. Phya 1a: metww ayt6a:n, rga.r.ra:l ,.


l-. Gwa l*a: matww e,y'6a;rr, dhyacwJ-a.


Append.ix A Conversationa]. Newe.ri - L99
AK qrE fit qTIT
fi' sH.E q: ?


F, P,q f{ or ?

€. ,Ef{E.t
4. TN qTTT ?

g. Wr'{ EqTTf I

s. s4 qssq fw6 =+rr g o-r ?

€. EI

@ fr{ etrr E ui- ?

fr rfF- 1 A{if o-{- g I

T'l'J qT- I Ag ;irq qTO I

f{U qT*{ qiuig e-r

5q'E q: ?

wwq: I

q'ETW: 0-t.' ?
qToT: E qI
er{ T{ qfiT ?

E Wq E't=rT I
q'qw e.irT sT- E s-r ?
TQil eToT:[ q'T- TF- 0T ?
Conversationa]. Newari 2OO

fr' T0- I
rffi q q'rq qrs I

H,T{ qre{ qRT:f, irsrd

qEq: ?

q' 6:
ngfs I

qfTET ?

s{, .t-t ETur:

E rFr q1ar ?

Ewo{ I

f,fu rrs t
q16-f 66 I

fu:l qr: or ?
s'. ET: f#g I

sTsT qrq
il- ,TT qi-lq't ?

q. qq:*t
E qr': rfiT{ ?

6. uFrT qT: t'{ I


$'. ol# rqT: I
Co::wersa,tionaL Newari - 2OL

qqT qTq-r q'{ oT ?

{q'. fcE" I

F. U q$-c'q qt ?

s. q€-q i el' I
q. er qror:{ q eu *"i g r

ETK qpi rzHr q{ o-FTr-

q. ,H $-rT{ ?

s. q,s-q qt I

T, Erq $.TTJ q ?

{{. o-m-t: qr: +{ I

tr. q,dfqtEsT ?
s. fryg rr vr EiT Erq qg

s. t?rff q, ?l fr{ eryrq qr: I

€. g: I qtTtzrq I

gKJ qTl] g

qi. *o, frfi


EEel ?
s. qdgft6: I

q, rel orsT!{q l
({. TSfs ll t =q fqfr-: sT I
Conwersati-ona1 I{ewari - 2O2

s'. ur,ti t €;: I

Qq'i' qtr I

ETS qE ngrd w
F. qT:q:E I

g. qr,qTz€ I

{. RreT I
qi -T. r&r Tryj
{-qi. Etu[frs?
**d aa

G -qi, E ET$T:
fr' rr. fqs q hTI' fqf; I

r -tr. *r-6fr t


fi-r. ffoqll ?

G rT. qq TqziT T fqt Tr

oT ?

:T -q.
E I g,[ WT f=$ I

q -r. UFq-r Ufo q 1l ?

rr -S'. gfwiT qTi EAT I

s4. gf,ry:. .
q{sr -FT l{ rq' t
Ei -q. qg I g[ eToTs I
ConvereationaL Newari - 2A3


fr -{. q-rff ttqq q-{. or ?

T -q. EqqT { h ewrs I

E -q-. q; or or: q{Tr q'qo I

T S-,E1. q..q',: S{, I

-cffie'r' ffit q r

qr$ qrPt E ET: rn'-Tq ?

tr. rrr$ ft iH Errq[ ?

€. a

&++ I

fO ryF-r{'{ b ?

$-'. fq qH: fr I

q. E qil : EF-T{{ ?
s'. dffu q eT E'r: +{ I

a-:Fr: trg.f$ rH E'TT]T ?

G. qsrq ETTI{ I

, E'ror: oT

S,. EIOT:'

UFs q'{ t
s. qrfif ffi I

Ersr: q En EffiTE qg q
q. I

E'. fe q qr{n $-Tq sr ?

€. fiEI
Conversationa]. Newari - 2A4
gy1 wv g'Tqrr h
tr' &Tqq
€. Ettr: I

H $-T{ or ?

q, fqs qi' I
-.G? q-t ryf
It lr,\ ---f- :U ?

({. q-q': e? E-r: r

ft-. fqs e{q-r q1' t

(tq/ q/ (Y qrFgEq)
fr. b
a a.
or- dur:
g. I

-s Q EruT': I

qg4ryii ?

€. t' G:
qE-rii-tT I


ETrqTq ?
s, RTqqTf, E: t

s. fu-l- W qJ ?{ ?

€. q-ql qgr q-6: I

fr-gwu la

fe6EEor ?

4. oafcgEUia,

s. Ef,q: I
Conversatio'e-] Newa,ri - 20'


f,sli E5{, I

q'. dl t' g: I
fE€r qT f{r I

-qqT eftr{': Efh-

G. ,

s-F* I

(E-ft@ferffi I )

+. GwfUru=qrnrd?
q. ET6:ffiq:{, ffidl
q. f6M I
qq ga3 sqPil- q ?

€. ?{{ernur{{{: I

{. Eqqr qirn:

E€LT ?
{q. q qT- €: I

s. TT :qffiI1 ?

6. qarft-F*s I

s. Tq qTq-l- gFo rro ?'

q. vn- f@ q qr eror}g

s. fq6: @': Fmr Bq' a


€. fft- , tw't' Tct I

Conwersational Newari 206

ft-q'g mv hqq q.
t. ^C
s. r:F-Tg t wr TEq t
T{ trrJ ffilr {q: r

q. {[ ErTrc q q. I

s. wr fqq I
" -&
EEqqlWt'ffir{s: I

€. Hq'T Q.t q ,
t, I

' fr. sl,
g 1 Tqerru t' I

H. &
Tq a-i' ETs: f?{q re I

s, Gl , teTTgl
(r. qa. €+ U6 Er+rT ?

{. QTI-3T E-{+-i Rq q'TO I

E. ffi'afu=r.{.EqEin?
r. Et ffiT: qg.
ffi e'rr fET': T q:

q. fffi, tsq tl-S :

ft q Eq"r': alrr #i l

fr-f+gg vru frqr qf,oq

1ffTr q.wlT t

s. qT:q: E I

T. qTqTE I
Coavereational Newari. - z}tll
s - q.
.o, O
uF-TEI t Efi-T{r t
f@: E 'rro ?{ ?

fr. E f+.n qr,: qT1ffi


{q'- I

?' - g. fsqr E-ioT: E eHT: , a-,ft^fm1 I

s - q'. fffi.: b ?
T - S', Frc': g *t
Tq fril"
Effi qznT I

q - r. uJdi' qqT qE q, fl. ?

s' - G. flq': q( =sryf w t

s - T. T{ ETUT: OT ?
rI - G. fqo: OI'E[ q:A{ Eq' I
' _g
({ - fi. Et @: qiT r{s qT t

s'- q. g'4; aq$ I


g,J T qTSr:,
"4qT = I
qq q(
r - €. w{ wT: UJ Ergr: H q'

€-T. fqsl
q-q-. gdtfEryfqffi t

qq qq-r ffir fq{ I

f+eg viv Grrrs, uT: q €i'rq
q?. qrrf 5 0r li

f& t
Conversational- Newari - z1a


s. E ,
gfun, :Xli ?

s. q-cer:
E.l;: Frol t
5E e:irr
r\! IT : I

c.;:r ;x, q_I_ff,

'{Y B q ?

T4 rn-
i |
.! q1ft g; I

S . TTTF OT q'TET: ,
eqr:i{ ?

lq -e--
I <JriU H\t I
- '6,
q-ifl-r I

q, Eq-ftf+ge: er?
€ . -; T'IT q' qTST:T
q-iq G: I
s41 fqq I

91 .
:Li Iffl I ,tlg--i--
t-.t !

({. q-rf,'f ={qil t 9tr

L 'L__

F. q{ vi. q qt-fr qTff, q*fr ^6

qrq .it-ft ftq-f ffi Vf I

Fn-egg viv r,ft .re.W

tr. E-r: q:E I

Va a,
({. q q-ir qE I

Convereaiioraa.]. Newari - 2O9

rr. qft qf,err. I

s'- q. ET rFr qql rr 5 :

{I-fi. qtg: I

fr-({. furfrqrqqrs I

(rqt qfi qs-q Ef{ )

tr - T. t 'rff €qrqT Ufd l{ ?

T- s,. e{q eTrqT mf w

s-r fuqru ?

rr -s. e{q{n I mi t' r+: I

s - I'' ffr frT:t o1g T g ol- ?

rr_6.8 I

s - T. EI': O-{fl q:T: }qe-r ( ?

r - s. olr Tqr
er :qT qrr: q'4i' w ( |

{ - rr. qq vr q r,ft: eTdn- ETqT q'

ufi rm-rr: rqqr rqq r

T - T'. TW, -'*f fqq I

frqig qr e{

mftr w:
iF. qa $-aqr{ r
Co:ewerea,tional Newa'ri 2LO


fe nrr 'flq @ ?1 +
a+ffi =m: I

q. €: , fr fiE-,rft qr: dl' q+,1 I

rQ r4 $TTJ b ?

\-- rn.T{,J
E{ Or ?

q. fq q s:fi ErqT qtr rr'* Er: qi' I

q. o-
Tq-s, 1q ,4fq.'r- ffi-TT{ qq;
*f q{
=!- ,,

ra-: TTq 6IE I

' ffig'K qFI qrfr e-FE riq@.(

tr. @ fro tr:ft't-sr- E o-r ?

g. E,
-rt-5T -Eq',s-Ttr qE I

---=- ,r.r:f,
Ttu - u?
q. g,kifl-: €?j ?
q. s:fr q-fffir BT+f q E{ql
uffi i
4. -...4
TflT -c
lqq 6T 6:TT ti,-jE
--c-- q

tg't- rn-BT I

q. mqrdvr I
' '
s. --c--s- -'
1-@. ElTr:t
F E or

G. g, Tq"q'T Tqq I

E . qq r{ qrr[: fqqT fru ?

Conversational Newari - 2Ll-

({. -**,,
E[ qI:qT Eq'T qqi q[ T E I
{. fl-{q1i b?
s. s-faql- =€qrrer i qm l

fr. qfl gg Eq-r-r{ q' rrq

s-]E T ffiil, frg I

q. FggEqrfrll ?

F. -t

f+q,g ryq ffiTrt q'q'-q

4, qq qTE ur0wrfsr ?

€. gf@r fmri-s-r;m I
$',. gT Eqr: ffi To. or fth ?

({, E , tf, qar fut r

gf@-r r<rf I

m. Eqrf{ o-{r frfr t

\'1 . +ggE,nfrU:
q. t'reu-rtr twn f,fu ir ?
({. Tfi'T- @T qfr I

F. q'qi w
qT: I

qq1 Tfrr irl ?

Conversational Newari - 2L2


tr. 26ffi rTrsqr:{q?


tr. w q? E:qT Tr: I

( \f E
@iHr *1s qr t

4. $$ql -c--
tqd,Fi E,.J
Eol.;fi ept b ?

E,T:TI Etr I

Tqr: Frygs l

td q'<i-f- ^v
Tffi ti qril-: e=r tr I

fr-qrm lrE rfoll I (


{'. qr:fr
i4 4nt I

IT r.lE
?i -- ?q qTT:
€ m. i- :
G - tr'. vr kq-r q-rT I

q' - f{. rrr qfr. or- ?

q. - qr, qT oT E_
H cffi T{r{ Eil, |

fr-€, frew ?

- ,r,rq S
G, S',. W' l

91 (q. as-ift E <5l-5 ?

Cor.versationa]- Neroari _ 2L3

€, - S. ffifft OT ETTT T€:Ti- I

(ffif-ft Errr Es )
T- € fi?-ift qraT q w, {,.n ftft I

s - {. ee ffiifi ETrr Efl- ?

T - {{. grg r ETQ' STrTT q rr1"q-rn- t

?3-i s: , eu.r d t
€-iT. ftd I
H ,- s. qr: E frqr-ft qt b ?
s - s. q-{:: trTsb Eqfi t
oliT sirg aq-r T qqfi t
s-qi g?w,
rtu o:ar @ qga I

ailrwqh I

f{F.TK qTE{ ffi1 g-q qrqT

g. qTEr
s'. qqwoT?
qT rF.?ls t
€. fers t
Conwersationa1 Newari - 27-+


8,, qTqg{oT?

qEft I

q- qT: €rr t eT =r{ ry rcrd oT ?

te. lq$ I r+l{ t lq$ 'l

B'. qq qT T: qi q.r t.
G. qrREsr?
q, E, stg*e I

( qtoq EE.J
* o^
G. ejq O-f
Tfq fr , ettQ eTqT ffi,riT
s. C:
-' .-i

E, qqEb ?

tr. riq FrEo mfrl s: I

q. -u.,Tq
Es.fft Ti OT ?
tr. 6: , I_tk rlf ?
(q. q:dT EO trI I

fr,g{ vraT €sTT qffiT

4r. @ rFf qt'g=ff ?

E. fq oT ritr: d{ b-q.J q,-t, : I

Conwersatio',a]. Newari - 2f.5


s. qrT{woTqt

EFr@U ?

s. frUrffi

Q qT: e qT: +{ rzFrT ?

G. q11 Ag qT: +d e;rT I

s. q t w o-rfs trg a g fa

=r qr:f, E ?

T{ g ;{riz{ ET: I

Eifr qfq q s:fr Be'rql

qr: q\ qr:f, E I

F. STqT IEqTfuM'*I
G. TwEqq,{ I

freg q]q fu"'*,=

9,r, oq I

Tr. qT
s: - g.

,'r sFrH t q'Tqrm cmrft

qqfd rr: r

. s - qi. TWi, e ffirft qqfr Trfl


ir : €. Tircb qT'g q rqrq qq'T:

Conversationa.]- Newar:i - 2L6

sqfr qr: r

6.-S',. fE3- |
s' - G. qTqT6 qT g €gqft T
qqfr'n t
qr,qT es ;qT fqs i
( qrsTws: .w )

S _ T.
::F.-Tq stT T@J E V gqa B[,
ffiTIq E5-RI I eFi
r-s. 9{q'fe{tEqqrhq t

{ - ,t-. qE ilqqr[ s:

r - tr. E ffrr il{qT[ or ?

s - r. €: trr{ ffflrT : g{ f,T

q,.IHFnT I

,r-F. qr:rrqr{b ?

fr - T. *.'qre I

,T - S. qT rrq Krw <r+g ur ?

q-r. €: qrTqFq+tqsr

qTPT q'Tirr Efrh

q. ?
q va
agilgT frrq

Converee.tiona]. Newari - 2L7


T. qT€T


fr' - q. em. Tq' t

€-?fi. E"f{q ?

S - g, q,1,21-1-6 zz ryft qSIi uFi fr ,,

s-s. fw r

T - €. qft Tt qr rFqTd
// qq?fl-q q7 tt$f t

s-6. fEs r


Ir - Tq T {,Tq ilr ?

s - r. s: qq fqfr-+':E m{ q: r

s - s. qfi W, E{ tqo or }l
s'- s. f{s I sFr H t fEfr qqzm:
qrqTqTf, f{6 E.ftf'r. r

Tqq^s: fqfr wr'= qrq-r q: r

Tffi:w =ri g-< I

r-s. ffiftrfq{frfqfr'qr
q-{. fn{iw&gr
s.- q. qrr qr rfl qrq-r € t
Co:ewersational Newari - 2]-.A


fi-wtt qrE STET EAET

s. Egqrsr wr:
' Egq'T':

T, qrar
s. Eg{rpT flq
s- € ffi'f, fr t'q urff, qr r Eq ?

s-r. fiqHm=iftfi* a

G - r. f6 rT s-Tg fi-ri oT ?

r_€. :Eqr: rfi&?etgu: r

€ - T. i-€f, E SOTI E 1Ef7 VT ?

T-G, E: =(JrHq11s'€I
s-r.,Tfr rqfrrwr,rifut
rq3Tf, H: r

G,.T. lrft I
q - fr. rB-iTi n 6qr ft ' -l'

TqIq q '
C.STT{€ - --^-
G: irra ?

I riri.qm I iFIT
q - G. frziT I

qTg OT iT I
,' q:
:rf - B'. qTA r.iTeqTn
I fu: mm I

€ _ tr,. sT sr: ild.ffT s..rr # I

ConweeationaL Newari - 2\9

gIT H qT t TT{qTf, O:fi'
fqq-r i+ r

q- s. fils, fffitr{ ,rnq.n fqs t

G - T, S'T qT qfr qTqT L

r - E. Tf{ oqq qr: r f.ifr fu

qrqrr ; qgr'rT trai q: I

q - G. .T: Fzrr rq{ t

{q_q. sT6q1 ffit aa
=urr T Eq'f+
qr t
q-€. fN'l
{IvK qr"{ .Grf, ({aET q'€T

{. EU{f l4T HOT I ,

€. t,
r. rr"i
q Euqr:qr mr'l
r - €. ftfiryq fl-{ .r6E {f, ?
G - T. eTE gE qql q-d I


q'-s, fqs I

V -q,T. drt_ft qzfi ffi |

Cotrvereationa,L .Newa,ri - ZZO


rFf $qEli ?

{ - s. qr: ftfi'q t'fi W-r e,{ |

q - {'. Esfr<qfimw: r

G - ?. tro: ilr eflfi crq'm $rf, I

q -q. fl*-rfT Tfqr fqfi r


T - G. EqT T E: qT iq-o ui--r

g - s. fr;s, E': vi r"o r

T'- T. fqf,: Eqr q-F- ei fru I

T - {. arrLlTqdrEWq ?
ji - s. qr q{f, &oq qT H{T Tq-ru, I
q - T. Gr: q-{ rrqpi-ki E W ?

Tr - s. fq6 LTflr e'r' fqfi r

Tf, Ed

s. qTHT

({. qTqT.
]Tt. qEE FTvTqT sT{
n - q. 1Tfr L rt"i r6-Tq e.Tf ?

G - S. eis-T{ qq: qT e=rr I

T€b ?
H - H. Tq@qTtzHT I
Conversationa]. Newari - 22L

?l .

ft cq: TT g-r'or ?
g- qi.
q{s: g b ?
qi - q. eiq ilFffiE sTq s: I

gffir :11- t'rftfifq I

T - 79. ffifrr
q -:j'r{E . &rrtEg;- or?j ?

s - G. o*U
-i g, r ferb ?

E - {. HSU E E,
s - €. Esrq E ET wtfl ?i ?

€ - tr. qTg t:lqT q t'i?qTiT

Tr{ q s:fr Eq-r{ ErT:t g l

s- €. sr q'T I ffir ilq crrq I

E< m: 1 $-T:in t"isT-q: I

G-s. fEs tq{{'T lffi'fr I

q'rq--€. flfr t
conversationa't Newa"ri - 222
Append.ix B: G].ossary
l{e hawe attempted. to include in thi-s glossary every word, which
appeare in the first twe::ty-five lessons of Conversationa]-
Newari. Page ref e:'ences are giwen vrhere a vrord is deal-t with
in a granmar note or where a word is listed as lrew Yocabu1ary
for a given conversa,tion. For an introduction to norrn morphology
see pagea 26 - 37, 44 - 45, r1- - 52, ald 5a - 60' For an
int:roduction to the morphology of classifiers see pages 51 54.
For an introduetion to prono'rrns see pages 65 - iO. For arl
introiuction to ve:'b morphol-ogy see pages 79 - E4, 99 1OO,
l-32 - A33, a:'*C 184 - 1E7. lin equals sigr:. fol-l-ov.'ing '4rL
abbreviation ineicates that the forn z'eferr"ed tc '"'ii]. be
].istec fo]-iow:-ng the equa3-e sig:n :-n the g].ossa:'3'. The
cona'€:-:tions usea in the gloesary are tleose CiscusseC in the
pages cj.ted above. Ti:e foil-owing abbreviations har.e been
k = Ireg:rrJ-ar agent fo:'rn (in nou::. ent:"ies).
Irreg::1ar A-fo:rr, (in we=b entries).
liz = Irregular A:-for:B (in werb entries).
3 Baee (11--is is tne glossa:';' e::t:'y fo:'n of a l-exical.
ite*) .
Bf 3ou:r,C fc:"n. Ihe bc';:ld foz'n of a ::u:::e=al is
bou:-rC to z suffixed c]-assifier. Ihe c]-aseifiere
are bor:nd to p::efi>:ec nri::ez.a1s.
C Cl-assifier, bo'u::d to a ;::refixeo ni.ure:a1 .
D Di::ect'l y quantif ; ed by a ::efi>:ed n'r:-irre ra1 (noun
j \
-..^!- v:
c-- ^-
JvD / .

* t_
l/R Quantified eitner d.::'ect15- or irrdirectiy b3, mea-ns
of a classifier |raring the sarne bsse as tiee no'r.ua
qua::tified (a reduplieati we cl.assif ier) (nor:n
ent:i es ) .
fes Fanil-iar (p:'ono:..r.:r a::tri es ) .
Ff Free fora (numera]. eniries).
g?3,: Pa.ge reference for gramllar notes.
llf e Honorific (prono..rn entrj-es).
I - frregr:] ar instrtunentaJ. (noun entries) r
IrreguJ-a= irnpez"ative (verb entries).
K = I:'regul-ar ca.usative (vez"b entries).
Occurs with pJ-uraJ- affix in the sense 'kinds of'
(cl-ass 3 noun entries).
L = Irregr:"1ar ].ong stern form (we:'b entries).
Irregrr't 6r' loca"tir-e forrn (noun entri-es).
Conversationa]. Newari 227
M occurs rrith the plurr, 1 suffix in the serrse '6eweral ,
manyr (c]-ass ] nouns>.
N this symbol is prefixed to otlrer a"bbrewj-a.tions to
indicate a missing form. Ihe foJ.1.owing are
intended onJ-y eE exampJ.es. Other combinations
Illa.3z P"aarr aS well .

NK f,aeke a causatiwe form (verb entries).

idP Lacks a pJ-ura1 form (noun entries).
-L!L, Lacks a c].assificr (noun entries).
llv: Page reference for ner.r woca"buJ-ary.
O This synboJ- is prefixed to other abbrewiations to
ind.icate an optiona3- irreguJ-ar form. r,.Ihere
O is prefixed, t.irc norpho).ogical_I-y reguJ.ar
form is a].so useC. lhe fo] ].ovring a:re examplee
on1y. Other. cornb'inations nay occur as weJ.l .
OA = ?here is 5i optional- irregrrJ-ar A-form. (werb er:.tries)
Ihere is an optional. irregrrJ-ar agentiwe (noun
ent:'ies) .
OB = ?here is an optiona]. base fo='n.
OOb = There ie an optiona). irreguJ-ar oblique stem
for:s (nor.m entries).
OSK = T}" er.e is an optiona]- supp]-etiwe causatiwe
form (verb entries).
T P]-uraI
PII Proper nol:n. These hawe no classifiers e-rrd no
p3.uraJ. forme. PN thus impJ-ies ltrF and NC.
ilP ?he p].ura]- form is replaciwe (ncun entries).
Rsp Respect (pronor:rr entries).
J= Stative forrn (werb entries). l.tost werbs ]-ack
special- stative forms. Ur:_1-ess there is a
notation beginning wi-th S =, there is no
spec:aJ- stative form and I{S is impIied..
Irregu1ar source for::n (noun entries).
srK senantica]-].y irregi.:.lar causatiwe (werb entri-es).
The carrsative forrns of verbs 1abe]-].ed SfK
are 6iven separate entries.
SK = Suppletive causatiwe (werb entries).
V Verb
Conversationa]. Neuari - 224
Vimps Inpersonal- verb. Verbs so marked J-ack imperatiwe
and first person forlrs.
Y = Irregrr]-ar Y-form (ve:rb entries).
YA = Irregr;l-ar YA-fo:-m (verb entri.es.
Il/e lrave chosen to use the fcllowing order for a1phabetiaing
the entries:
d c 'l {t- 1m
{- t

l-spiz"ated, conscna=ts such as ph th kh ch a:rd breathy

consol:ants sucii as bh Ci1 Eil .:E r:n :h l-h are t::eated
as sequences cf tr,'o fe;'ters and nct as digraphs for pu:*poees
of a1phabeti zzai-crt, !l,e digraphs ai :l' n r y' are
sj-nila:']-:!- tree-:ed =s e sequence :f tv:c sJrlibols.

aZ, nolr !La.r: ajg . ii:.';-z wa a;J.n =) pctatoe -ga(l-)

ga.na \!?!iz. ? 'ii'here did .- -.-
,/* ! L/'l \ -,-- l-,
a . rrr V
]:e go .i ust r:.cu ?' 6--.

alte the:'e gI':: 16 , ri-r-; 2i a: Ete, this , this o::e (we:'y

r-fig Sv: Si.' du?t;"::O j-S I:e z.f-) gri: \6 , -v: ,8.
there ? T:--.+--.t
!- le . A . l.-3 ^v.,,V/ .
ti'.!hat is that in (yor:-:'1
anga(l-) 3 ;'a1] -ge-(l-)
11 1a1 \ lf-,:til .

ang-w(1;') I z'{ ng -pa.: ( i) -=*i:tni C a :rc::eta=';,' ur:it

Y. <t !> eii,-r.i-walent ;o fcu-r piee.
Cco'.l s i.,-ith p=ef:xed
appa: 3 b:^i ck -pe.i X nu-ne:'al-s, the final- r.owel
( i) of which me,y assiu:i3.ate
apr'rae Vinps to be too to a: . rryaa rllez ttv,'o
o*-IiLf € d1.-od.hr. tl-hroo
<l t E;', at*. ^ab .
much, excessiwe gE: ^-*^
't 71
avv, iA. i,Ja3-i:3,_a

aj:wsJ-a. 'He
d,hyaba.; e.zpat J t:'ouble -sw(1y)
had too rnrrch rnoney. t IiP <79> .
Asa(n) 1 asectioncf €L2sa. 3 hope -gr.'(1y) K <79> "
Kath.man<iu fanor-rs for
its market pl-ace PN
11 v. <). baa: V to be separate SK =
athya I-ike that nv: 78. phaa: tto separatet.
gn: L72.
ay'sa: if so
bajy j beaten rice -pw -m&:1& i
ay' se.: n, a3-though, elien -nhr,,'(Iy) -bhrrer: (t) -phzr:
though nv: 24. K nv: 1Of.
Convez.sational liewari 225

bakhat J time -gw(Iy) bha-kaa: V to d.enonstrate

IIP <39>. by shouting sl.ogans in
ba-J-J.a: Vimps to be proeession <2>.
strong, durab3-e N - bha-pyy V to eat, drink,
ba'nala,: gri,: L66, rrv: 50 smoke Rsp OI = b}-a-
AJ-so oec-u.rs as a pre- pyya: dyean, ! g?'L: l4l ,
dicate adjectiwe nv: L74.
ni th jvrw <14>
bha.ttvr 2 dowe <34>
bandv;k 3 rif].e -pw Y" K bhaw bhal-y- 1 youJlger
\/)/' brotherts r.iife..or sonts
ban ja; (J-) 2 ped,d.3.er wife <74>.
g:r: 2'7, +, bhaw bhaty- 2 ca* <41>"
ban' 7 fl-oor, g:ro'.rnd
bha': gy-ya: trr to bow down
-s:vr(ly) K <4O> . (to someorre> <62>"
ba:e.: (.r'.t) J peanut j--
1-L^ . sir' rnistll
-d.hya bha:jrv a

-ga(I) i as a respectful
ba: ;ya: 1 gra-r'rdfather <34> term of add:ress for
ba: kha(n > 1 story non-r'elatives . <49>.
-pi.i K
(111> bha l.w 2 bear <41>.
ba: (1) 1 flood -La(1) bha <1> 3 price -gt'(1y)
ilP <2>. K nv: ]-of .
ba: Ian r - c.,rz.rl V to rent a bha y t bha: s- 1 langr:age
i:ouse (fron soneone) -gn(1y) K <41)
Si{ = ba:lanr-ta"a, bhvr 3 plate -pa: (t > K
ffi. 'l i,
b.f . 1/L.
ba:l-an r-taa V to =.ent a.
gn: 132. ' for its
Kathma"ndu famor-rs
book shops PN nrrs 79.
ba:nr-J-a.: Vimps to be good 1-,
bhwayrt rbhwaj-- 7 f,east -gw(l-y)

looking, attractive" K <40> '

A.]-so occurs a6 ar pre-
C.icate adjective with bhwa: (t) C hendfu3. OB =
jvn* <14>. nrr: 16, 50. bhwa: (1).
ba:yr ba:s- 3 overnight Bhr.rban 1 a man's name PN.
stop, shelter, -gw(1yr
NP <41>. ' -E w \+J' bhw5y<n) 2 f1y <75> '
bhaca-: a, ]-itt]-e r2..\r: r-g4. bhwkha: J ea=thquake
i'[yawaa: bha:yr bhaca: -ka(1) ]JP <4) '
bhaca: jaka saa. 'I bhw(ly) 1 seam of a garment
onJ-y !:eow a 1j--btJ.e -gvr(1y) <4>.
Conversationaf Newari 226

Bhwsa;ra:(n) .1 a Newari bwra.: 1 o1d man <4> <14>.

ceremony PN <4>.
br.rry 1 ol.d woman <4> <34>.
bhwtw(1y) ] kitchen stowe bwrr V to mix (with oiI) <4>
-gw(1y) K <4>.
by 2 snake grl: 29.
bhwty 1 a kind. of vege- Fyaknz: 1 a rnants naree PN
tab]-e -sa(l) K <4> <171>.
bhvrt3rrca: 1y 3 kite
-o3.ra:ny J- e sickpersorl. -pa: (t)
1I <4>
b;'='a: rny- a j eick <16C> .
bny J sectioi-: of a cj-trus
i:-uit iI <2> 3ir]' V to gi-.re, a].so r-rsed
' eG a" causatiwe au:ri}-iary
b}:;,'n V to be gocd L - bhy= '
-f,h;rai .t g71
- : EC 6-: 8O, 92, 1O4, nv: >O.
, ,

ccc'.irs as a p:ecicate caia(t) ]-ano s'lloe

ai;: s.tra-e i,riti: j-r, . <L4 > ]
3c c-!-
-r<a(l-> tr <2>.
L*,.i-,. a ^ 1'1 \
ca],- I eighty 3f .
Pidte ) d
- €:v.'( 1;-,> ii <4 > ,

'tc be coo!:ed czy' sz: r:. i.ha ninet;. Ff .

bw Vi 'r:iF,
(cf fcoc> gn: Ea, czz 3 muC -kvr (ty) -kw
*l':t :Jl. 4/;. tr <7> <40>.
bwaa--b1-3 T ic ecclC <61>. .a 2 ca: nh- 1 ::lg::t
br*an iI to stuiy. reaC -ezt -ca:nh* I';F <42>
<3 t6> ' -cai -cy c:::inutive suffix
'br.:::i 7 i-nF:. -- (c:--l-c t-ali s
-ga<'1 > <1> . - ca: (I) C tabl-et (;eCieine ) .
Bv;o.Cha 1 a.oan'E nane fi\i c::e :..cu, Farn 6TI: 56.
\-!rT / '
ci:a- cn€ Ef . nv : iO.
bwdy(::^) i birthiay -ka(1)
rr <4>. chaapwaa ycu iifc En? 58,
bwk V to defeat <4>
eYtaaz V to worship <7>.
bwkhr+('ly) 3 bi=th nark clnakaa once.
-kv(]-y) K <4> chaJ-apr,,'al.a you IIf c gr3: 68.
bwl-wca: 7 rice flour scup ehankya l-ocetiwe form of chs
-ty -pty K <4>. 'you' Pam gr,i 66.
bvi)-vrsya-cwan V to be Circ chanta object form of cha
<4>. '
' you' Fam gr:z 66 .
bwl.hwn' s].or^rl}' <4> cha::, agent form of cha tyottt
bwn' J fi eld -py(k) K
Iam grl: 66.
<2> chaspuaJ-a. ;u'o".r Hf c gr] : 6A "
Conversational Newari 227

charrkya )-ocative form of chykap3rn, pl-uraI of chy tyou'

cha 'you' Fa- grr: 66. Rsp g:o: 67 .
chanta object form of cha. chykya locatirre form of chy
'you' Fam gn: 66. 'yout Rsp gr'z 22, 67,
chan, agentiwe form of c.hra. nv: l-o'
'yo,r' Farn gn: 66. chSzmy genitive pJ-ural form of
chaspwala you IIfc gn: 6g. chy tyott' Rsp gn: 67 '
cha5,' chayay' 1 grand- chypyn' p1uraI of che, 'yout
son OOb = chaYa- <74>' Fam 8:n: 67 '
cha: v to be hard (tactir, chyn vimrrs to be eomfortable

ehazy' *hy? nv t 78. C}.a ch5mrt You agentive form of chy

' RsP gr:i 22 ' 67 '
ana ch'a: Y' w:rna: ? chyn' chw ab.ya: dyya: ?
'iihy cid. you go there?' 'l{h.at did you say?t
clrv,' vrhat ? g:r,: 11 , nv: 10. chytaa obiect fox'm of chy
Chanta chw jvrla ?
' iil.rat !:appened to yo* ? '
'yo'u t Rsp g',i' 22 ' 67 '
Irv: 20. Chytaa mhan,
shr,.'aa Y to send OB = phvr J-a: ? rAre you we].]-?'
chwa gn: 112' cw t hand]-e -pw K <2>
chwa(n) 1 bar:boo shoots kinwcw 'ha.nd,le of a d.igger,
-kiv(ty) f <42>. 6pade' .
chr.rcw(n) 7 uheat f1.our cw? ) topr 1>€ak IIC NP <4> <4O>.
-ptJ' -mhw(1y) -bhwa: (t)_ '-'cwa V to butt OA = cr,"a1a <61-> '
-phe: -Lla',a: K
nv: 116. cwal.ayr crla,lao- 2 she goat
<15> '
chrnmt 2 rl:or.:se, rat <34>
chr^rn, some, arfy nv: 99. sl';an v to live ' to stay' also
Jytaa chwn, majww. as a continuouE a\rx-
,Nothing happened. to 'sed
ilia"ry' osK = taa' 'to
me. I Put' rrv: 44, gz:': J-32, 158.
chy you Rsp gn: 22, nv: ,g. cwan _I1Tn" to seem, to appear'
often with the prefix
chy one Ff. thay'n,-. Jytaa J-a: thwgw
chy v to cross <7>. yaa thayrn' cl"'an'' rI
think I ]-ike this.'
chy-1 v to use <9)'
cwaaa: 1 pen -pw K grt? 45,
chyan' ] house, home nv: 10.
-kha: K nv: 5a' cwkw(ry) 1 latch, bar, bolt
chya(n) J head -gzr(1) -gw(ly) -pw K <42>.
OOb=ch.yc.n'l- K <16I>
Conversational- l[ervari 228

cwl. Y to sirarpen <8>. daa a1-ternate form for iytaa'

g?i 66, rtvi 44, LO7.
cwrl^ras 1 cigarette -rlw
K <14O>. daa: V to beat.
cww V to knee]. dov,'n d"abvr()-y) 7 stage g:+ (ly)
(usuaJ-}y v.'j-th prefix ar
.b! , A \
nha:6a^I1 ,- tto force
to onets heeest, da1 Vimps to be broken
t To bor'r io',''rn, SK = thal 'to break'
Pr'ri3,-n, - laa
Ioeee]. down' .

cJ'- aj snall-. occurs can Yinps to be cl:eair, becorne

.*'iti: suffixeC c:-ass- chea,l:. lilso occurs as &
i f i o-e n-'-v.on
predicate aCjective v;ith
r ^*-a't I

! -'-j t
j u,'r,'. rrY i 1 24 .
t v u. - !'r- u-irlr -
=--.G!i -P
(cra-;ne'ic= cf j.o-6 can ! io tet uP, s:anC
tj::n o-h j ect) , oy-:'hy OSK = than En; -32.
I r+!.in I
-!.^F+t ^.,--.hrr
F,-r. - it1 cnee:).
(of f).at ocject). r+--,

n\r: 79, lcr. A a.r, ' 7, vP3 -I' . Cc L:.:r-s iri th

- / J ev.) C
p:'efi>:eC quaritif iers :
c-v I se,it -kr..' -k',,'(;Y) '.i-
.ta ia::' qa:a ? tiiOv,'
(lbi 6yr@-!
I:. ).
olC is he?' nv: LA4"
a r:= 1 -l \ )L r-::u +
s.n.rta- nri
uL: LJ
.ia]- t .r 1,r i o pr^epare , :ake
/,.^ \ /'; 1C t
s,v*\EAl €r:r. *J, 4j. 1a') 'lnO
rcrrl r.ir'
L.gr-g -F.
$^-. !/ a , ::v . L/ / '

c:\ra1i..'1) see c:,-3:11 > .

i:^o-:i:er <€2>.
*'-' e'dpr
a, *ao
tva !J,
^-t.. ) -rrJ-*-t
-.i": n:':: 158.
dj:aa: ]i to sE-l- r -te,- I i, - Chalra:
- Pl,ra'Y
6::: 9? , 7^-v I l-i8.
tJ a. -i -,.+ v
u:€)ir :,
- ;L- /'i-r ? .--..i tr'rn atrG'.-l].e
*-16\r-l ./ v,v)3^-ur
c5'ka(n) 3 oiL -:]- -p'rla ga{]) K <-v>.
i( <41_)
Cjean z -,.,sa"] th -gi+(l-y) K.
cyJ. \r to reo-,re <e>.
C,hau cha]-y- t curd ' yoghurt
eJrn \i 'Eo gritr-e=, j 3r-n -;rw -ge(!) ii <.!,1 >,
("1 e-tte:.c), cCn;rCSrj
(:naf rrr dhay'n' cli:as- 2 bed. bug.
' =uSiC > <E1:> .
cJ,'nY 3 su.gar -PtY -dha:n;r C dharni, a u-nit of
-rnhw(l-y) K <L46> \'reight equal- to 12 Pau or
about 2. 4 Kg. rrr z L24.

c1a V tobe S=dr.r d,|rwaa-khan 1ir to porr (cooked

rnarw Oll,/date food) into a c].ay Pot, to
ruin, to harm someone <85>
= manta Sfii - day'k
'to prepare' gn: 5, d:rwa(l) I ].ine D i( <42> "
11, 2L, LO6, 1)2, l.r9. gni.;an(1> 2 jackel.
Conversatiorr.a,l Newari 229

dhwn Virnps to be finished dr.rrw 7 nil-k -ty -pty

nv: L79. K <62> <L42>.
dhv,rnk V to finish nv: 139. dyay' dyas- 7 courrtz.y
dhwn' 2 tiger -e:w(1y1 <41>.
dyan V to sl-eep SK = thyan
-dhya C pod (of peanut, Ito prrt to sleep' g::: 132.
dhyaba: J raorley, pice Cya(wa) ]. god grLz 28, 3L.
-ga(]-) ( nv: 78.' dykka- aj sad.
l/aykya o.hyaba; dw. dysan, l imperatiwe form of
the Lras mcney. t
dfy 'to be' Rsp rrv: 44.
dhya-cww V to lean o-rer
<l-98> .
df.fr V to be Rsn =f so rrsed as
a respect ar:xil-iary
dhy(k) C cloC, ba]-1, I = dysan, ,! gr-i L54 ,
l-unp K nlr: L79. nv: 44.
-dhyka(1) cl-assifier
suft'ixed to the jap
adjectivea taa 'J.arge'
ga 7 wonder lTC <79> .
and cy 'sne11 ' . P'e- -ga()-> C (for rour-rd objects,
fe:'s to the height of containers, caps) gn: 53,
aniraate nourrs. OB = nv:11O.
-r'hyka(1). n\r: 165. gan V to i-ntervene (betvreen
C:'ysya 3 vi er: -gr.,'(J-y ) fighters> <85>.
K <4). gan Vimps to be dry.
C-r; V statirre fcrrn of da garra wher e ? gal: 11 , av: 1l-.
'to be' gzr: 5, 11 , Aa: r\'ayrke,a garra dyJ'?
106, L59 , rrv: 10.
'vlhere i-s he rrov,'?'
di,ra(1)- thousand Bf gathw 2 gardcncr.
dwaachy- 'one thcu-
sand' , nydwa(1)- 'tv;o gay I horu ? nv: L24 .
thousand-', swadrra(1)- gay'-ya: V vrhat to do? (an
'three thousa.nd.' expression of heJ.pJ.ess-
nv: 6j.
ness). n1r: L24.
dwa.:e Vimps to be r,rrori.g
ga'. V to be enough, suffice
grr: L73, nv: 1Of .
dwan' 3, C heap D K.
J.ytaa rnary ga:.ta. tTlee
dvigvr 2 €;oat e7r: 59 . bread was Enough f or rl€. I
d.vrha: n, inward. gg-i 7 shawl K <3>.
dr^rn Vimps to be d-ipped ga: (m) 3 vi]-]-age -gw(1y)
(of a pen), to col.J-a- I( (40>
pse OSK = thvrn €r1 : 132-.
Conversa.tiona]- Newa,ri 23O

Ga:nJ<}.ya(]-) 1 a section grra:y, *i0", 3 mustache

laear ts:irtip.:r Pl{. "-
-pw I{ <4O>.
gha(1) 3 pitcher -ga().) gwgu whieh ? rtvz 25,
K <3> <41>. Chytaa gwgiw yaa? 'lrlhieh
ghantaz t hor:r -gw(1y) one d'o you pref er?l
M <4O> gw]-a: ph 7 rose -phr,,re.(]-) K
gha: V to ad.just, put in. <'1>'

gha:y'n, gha:s- t grase -gwIy C pil1' tablet' sma]1

ou:ed' object'
-Pw K <61>
gkrwsa: 7 c]-enched fist gr'rly how much? - lav: 20'
-gw(ly) -thw lvi <5>. €ralJrn, a.gentiwe f orm of gro,Iy
ghvrty 3 a kind of liqui6 'how much?' nv: 79'
medieine -pty -ty -gw(l-y) C (for miscel-laneoug
NP <3>. inanimate objeets> cnt ]-.2,
chJrn, - jww vimps to be
!7 ' 53 ' nrr: L6 '
repuJ-siwe <3>. glllri t help -e:w(Iy) K <39> "
grahan 3 eclipse -gr,r(Iy) gl''n' 7 f orest -gw(J.y) K <f > '
K <4>. glrrr r ni ne Ff .
-g:w irranirnate attributive g'wthyya:r 2 g:rrthi meubez' <3j> "
connectj-we g::.: aI- , 17.
Cwy- ninety Bf.
cw- nine Bf ' gl,rysa: n , dha hu:rd"red. Ff .
gwa-J-a: V to be rorrnd
<I98> eY Yi;:rPs to be rotten <f >"
grva(I)- how many? Bf. g:Jal Y to rub (the eye6>
Gwaa-gaa dhyaba: usually with the prefix'
'How many pice ?t mYkhs: -gYa1 <9.>'
nv: l-1O. gya? V to be afraid <B> "

gwa bhya.:ra: l tomatoes gyeiny- aj intel.J.igent.

-ga(1) -pa(n'1) Gyat'n lhakwnt l- 8. womrnr. name
_d.ha;ny K nv: L1A.
gwanrpa 7 asma1]. pot
-ga(J-) K <7>.
Gwapa:J- l- a. ,oan's name haa V to bring I = hJrn, i /
PN. hat3r5r l/ ,,yw! gn: L14,
nv: Ljg.
gwa-tw1. V to fa).I dom
<t9B> ha(l-) 7 leaf o/e K <41> "
gwa:Iy 3 henl -ga(I_) hanca: la'ter on tod"ay ]r"v: 116.
i( <1g>. IIaxLca": chYan'Yr waa::
'Come to the house ]-ater
on todayJ '
Conwersationa.l Newari - 27]-
Hary L a rnaats name 3lV. jawa:ph 5 a,rrswer -gw(J-y)
hayt t:t ha"e- 2 goose <15> . K <4> <39>.
}eaz 2 bee <35>. ja: 3 cooked. rice -pjra -k*<ty)
K rlv: L79.
-harka(l> C (for J.ong round ja.:ky 7 r:ncooked. rice -ga(]-)
-ma.!ra,: -pha: -mhw(Ly)
}-wa-gan Yimps to be Cril]-ed f nv: LO1.
(of a hole) SK = hwa-
khan rto drill (a hole) ja:(1) 1 net, trap -pw K
gn: L32. <41-> '
hwa-khan V to dri]-l- (a ja:n'c , examination e:w(ly)
hole) g:e: A32. .
hwa.(t > 7 hoJ-e -pwa; (1) D je,: tra: 3 festiwa1 -gr+(].y)
K <5> <40>. K <4> <40>.
hwJ. 7 crowd -gu(Iy) K
jhaa.: V to go, to come Rsp
<39>. I= jlra:6an,i SK=chwaa
'to sendt 6n: 8'9, L13,
hw(l-y) 1 whim, arrger t dB l4'7 , rav: 25. SIK.
in \laya: hww wal.a. jha.nga(1> 2 bird <5>.
'ite becane a:rgry.' NC
NP <5>. jha:san, I imperatiwe of jhaa.;
hwn, that, orrer there grla 'to go, to come t Rsp
, rav: 16. Ilwrr, chyan t trv:89.
' L6
takha: . t fhat horrse over jha:y'k Y to go a.way (d.is-
there is big. t respect) g:e: L17.
hy 7 blood. -ty -pty K -jhwa: (1) C (for ra-rriform
<19>. ob jecte) OB = jwa.: (1).
hf.ay' emphatie partiele jhwl 5 mosquito net -pw
r3v: A6. K <l>.
!r.y(n) 3 Asafoetid.a jhya: (1) 7 window -pa: (t)
-kw(ty) K <5>. K <4P> '
hSrra: 3 d.iamond. -ga.(}) jhy- ten Bf.
OB:hyara: K <5>. jhp, cha- eJ.even Bf .
hiry V to wash <B>. jhfr, cya3- eighteen Bf.
jhjrnrgw- nineteen Bf'
jaha:n 1 famiJ_y <73>. \
jhynrkhw- sixteen Bf.
jaka onJ-yr juet rav: 44.
jhl'nrnhayt - seventeen Bf .
ja(1) 7 ]-ight -gr+(]-y)
K <41>.
jhynrray- twelwe Bf .
jawa: (1) 2 herder <35>.
jhyn,nya: - fifteen Bf ,
Conversatione.I Newari - 232
jlryn tp1ya- fourteen Bf . jytaa object form of jy rIr
grl.s 22, 66, nv; 44"
jhyn,6wa- th.irteen Bf .
i:rw(a> 1 bod.y -gr,r(Iy)
K <41>.
.jhyy w€, oL:jn (exclusiwe) j:ry Vimps te be right,
gp.: 67., appropriate, suitabl-e
.jiryysapwal-a we (i-ncl-usiwe) gn! ].65, nv: 25. Thwgp
gn: 69. cwaaa. jy3.a. 'ThLs pen is
suitabl-e. I
-jw C pair
-jwa(1) C Bair <61>.
kaany J cor:n -ge.(] ) -m.hw(Iy)
.j i'r']n V to hoId, arrest <5> .
-mana.: -pha: K nv: Ll-6.
jwa: (3-) C (for rami form
objects) OB = jhwa:(1). kaasyK 3<39>.
open roof -g:vr(l-y)

jr'rjw ]. king <74>. kae.z V to take, co6t A =

jww V to be , beeorae gn: 11 , kaya: OI = rle.az I g:a: 2l ,
21, 160, nv: 10. 111, nv:20,99.
jy I grr: 22, nv3 58 , 66. k=].a.: (t) ]- wife.
jyaena:n, 3 mopn:ing meal , -ka3-ya C br:nd1e, a -ka]-ya
rice eaten in the morning is larger than a -thw
' -pya -ka(]-) NP nv: 191. 'bunch' nvz L1L.
Chyan'yt jyaana:n, bwta. ka(t> 3 dreggs of wine -pty
The raorning meaJ- is -ty K <2>.
eoo'l"ed rit home kaw z bracksmith <42>.
jya: 1 work -gn(Iy) =rr \+r '
(4o). -ka: C (for brarrching roads) ,

Yen, ya,Iay t wan5ragw taake.:

jya.:pw 2 farmer <4> <35>. lant dw. 'There are many
jykya locative form of jv I I I roads going from Eathma.nd.u
grr: 22, 66, rrv: 20. to Pa.ta.n
jfmy ou.r, my Rsp, genitive ka: 5 thread -pwry -pw
singrrla.r / pJl:ya,, -thw -gw(l.y) K.
inclrrsiwe f orm of jv 'I I ka: an emphatic particJ.e
g:a: 66, rlrr: 50. nv: 111.
jy-n, agentive form of jV ka:l-- 2 death (p1ura1 form is
If r grr, 22, 66. used a,s a, term of abuse)
jy:rirnr w€ (inelusive) ka:1 3 death -gw(]-y) K <73>.
g:e.. . 6'l -
ka:pa(t) 1 cloth -kw(ty)
jysapwa].a we (exc].usive) Hfc -sa: (1) -kw ' K <]-35>.
Conwersation+]. Ner.rari - 237
ka,: sa,: expJ-etive mea.ni:rg- khw(}) 1 Laue ruan <2>
'finefr, tO.K. t.
r?.v: L52. tr,a:ea,:
khwn V to cook (cr:rry)
kanayr na,3pa1-a:yr. gr.: L53 , nv: L39 -
'O.K., (we) wiJ-L meet khwy- sixty 3f.
tomoEow. t khwyea:nrdha sewenty 3f.
ka:r,r3.ya 3 caul-iflower khy 3 feces -kw -pr+a(J-)
' -thwa: (1) -thwa: (k) -pai y'n' -kw(tY) K
K nv: 1r1. <2> <i9>.
ka'.yt l- son
ke.zyayr -
khyanr khyan'c- 3 egg
OB = kazya- €ri.3 45,
rrv:158. -ga(]-) K <4O>.
khyal- V to inwest <9>.
-ka:Jr'rr, C (for ra*iforn
a.nd. bunehed objects). khya: (k) 2 a, ha.r:nting spirit
kha Vimps to be S = khaa <15>.
N = makhw NK gar 11' khya:pw 7 joking -gw(J^y)
2A, 80, L59, rav: 10, K <4>.
7A' khyca'. 2 dog <1O4>.
khan V to see SK = kyan kh3rn V to re j ect , criticize
' to show' grr: L72,
186. <84>.

klnant 1 matter, fact krypa z 3 favor -ka(l-) K

-gr+()-y) rav: 158.
-khanr g serwing (of -kw C l-oad, cubit (measr:re
cooked rice) nv: ]-39, of J.ength eqr.rivalent to
about l-8 i::ches)
klran'- jww Vinps to talk kwa 3 bottom NC NP <44>,
(about someone or sorae
thing) nv: L65. kwa-chy V to decide gr:i ].32.
khasw 7 foe IvC NP <79>. kwaha:n, downward <5>.
kha(t) 3 cart, chariot kwa-jy V to be decid.ed. SK =
-sw(].y) D <41>. kwa-chy 'to decide grl. A32.
khaw kha]-y- 7 oi]. cajce kwa(kh) 2 crow <35>.
-pa: (t) K <41> kwaky(I) 2 a blaek song bird
k]:.a: 2 cock <35> <35>
-kha3 C (for b.ouses) kwathaz 3 room -gw(3-y7
grr: L7, ::.v: 79. -kw(ty) K gEr: 30, nv: 79.
kha.: pa: 7 door -pa3 - jw kway'n; kwan'c- 7 bone
k <40>. -kw(ty) NP <4O>.
khw six Bf, Ff. Kw1ma: (rt) 1 L ma,n 's :lame PN
Conversationa-1 Newari 234

L*<fy> 5 digger, spad e kysy 2 el-ephant <74> .

-pw k <2> <41> ' kysyn 7 kind.s -gw<ry> K
kwmha(l-) 2 potter <39>.
kr.rn V to imprison <84)
kwnt].a 3 two paut zL ].aa V to cut oad.dy <7>.
alter:lative form for 1aa-tha.n v to fil-1 with water
tlYrpa.a nv: 1f1. <g5>.
kwty-wan V to fa-Ll- d.orrn Iad'd'w 3 barls of eweet b::ead
r - kwty-hwn, r <g5>. ga(].) K nv: l-l-O"
-kw(ty) C piece, part of. Ia(kh) 3 water _pty _ty K
ky or I'Ia clryan'yt ky gzL: J2, rlv3 L74.
pasal.ayt day. 'He aatma:(n) 1 a man''s ltame
wi]-l be either at Pr\I <181>.
home or at the store.
3 garden (ry) t"*'3oo'=
kyaba -sw
-kw(ty) X- €rr3 70,
ilH;:;,1""i 717' :;;, .
tav: 89. )-an V to weigh (sonething)
gzl: 1o5' nv3 f7L'
kyahay'(n) I younger
sist-er <14> <62>. lanr 3 road -pw -twa.:(l) -ka':
K nlr: 65.
kyal- V to grind <9>.
k5,'an v to show sn"z l-1o,
ttt"r, -pa: (t) -iw
L'2' nv: 50' 'aoill"*
.r^' *'^^ no questi.on ,^rora
kyant 3 da1 , ]-enti3-s, -'' J\:D-
grr: 11' ,,v: lo'
curry -ty -pty
-mhw(Iy) K nrr: L39. }.a: concessive enphatic particle
nv: 99'
kyan'-khwn v 'to cook
mistake <L77>'
I(Jra.pw1y 3 Kirtipur oB =
- K5rapw(].y) PN. Ia: 7 meat -kw(ty) K <168>.
kyara.: 3 banana -pw I-a: bhe': 7 garlie -thw -dha:n5r
-ka:y'rr, - jhwa: (1) -pa(nr1) -ka.].ya -ga(}).
- jwa: (]-) -thwa: (k) f nv: L1l.
K <4o> 1a:g5m, poet position for,
kyja: I younger brot}.er for tLre benefit of , in
<14>. one's opinion. Jyn, waJra":
ky()-) 2 insect g,., 29 a:1w lana: ' 'r
!" , 3::*'
weighed the potatoes for
=)' him. I Jygw l-a:gp, w€L
kypaz 7 picture -pa: (t) khJrpaa b=11e.a: . 'In my
K nv: 99. opinion, that rope is
Ccrrwersationa]. Newa::i- 275
stro::g.' Chagww yJ-ya 1w'n' 7 gol-d. -kw(ty) -pa:y tn,
K nv:5A.
Ia.: g5m, chwn, *h:a,z s;ya
wang,: cwa.na. t Once I-ya response qu.estion r,rrord. with
upon a time, two gioatc ye6-no qu.esti_ons.
were goi-ag somewhere 1ya:sya ]. young woman <74>.
to do some'work. I
sn: a27. J-y-dhan V to 1ean ba.ek <85>
l.a:ka: (m) 3 shoe -pa: Iy<t> 5 brass -kw(ty) K <3>
- jwa(J-) - jw K 3.ypa: later nv: ILO l,Srpa:
grr: 27, 45, nv: 25. nasPn'ls,3Yr. t (We) will meet
1a:ky or (used in gllestions) later. I
rru: L52. Gwgvr thwgw
La:ky wgl'? t'tr,rhich olle,
this orre or that one?t m&"- negatiwe prefix nv: l_O.
1a: ny l- queerl <14> . maa: dya(wa) 1 Sha:rka.r <42> .
La:sat 7 mattress, mat mace.: 2 chi]-d P=maets
-pa: (t) K <L54>. tE., 72.
tha:(t) 3 hand -pw -pa: -ma.na.: C a mea.sure of wo]-une
K <3> <4o> - eqr.ral. to one-eighth of a
thww V to beat (riee> <3>. pathi or approximate3;r
one pint.
Ihyaa. V to crawl- <9>.
mantzar I minister <34>.
1w V to pul-I-, drag <5>.
manw(kh) 2 person <11> <35>
l-wahanr (t) 3 stone -ga(r ) luarw negatiwe form
K <5> <4o>- of r{a. 'to
be' nv: l-O.
l.wa-man Vimps to forget
<85>. trEry 7 f].at bread -pa: -ta.:
K gn; JA, nv: l_1O.
J-wayt Lwae- 3 d.isease
mata 3 J-amp -pwa": (l-) <j> <rO>.
-gw(].y) K <4O>.
Lwa:k-chya: Y to mix mataa.: -clrww V to try not to
gr3.: 132. hear <7>.
'1. l
J-wa:k-jya: V to be mixed. may'msa:b ]. mistress <73>
SK - lwa:k-chya.: ma:ha:ra:ny 1 gueen <42>.
gn3 1]2. Cha hw1ya
l.wa:k-jyaa.: | 'ltfix ma:ka(l-) 2 raonkey <62> <35>.
with the crowd j' ma:l- Vimps to be necessary,
J-r,ra: pw 3 fight, d.ispute need, N=mwaa: }J-form
-ka(]-) <4> <41>. shortens irregu1arLy before
-ny. Jy-ta.a" bajy ma:t:1.y.
Iw-man Vimpe to remember. I J sti].J- rreed. beaten
rice. t
grrs 84. er,'. 2L, BO, 82, 1l-1, r:v: 10.

Conversa.tiona]. Newari 276

ma:]- V to look for mhw-c5rn V to grab.

gx1: 1l-1, nv! 20. fuIL (for
-mhw(ly) C fist
ma: (1> , garLand' A/g K granuJ,es).
<3>. mhwtr"r 3 mouth -pwa: (1) K
ma.:Iyk 1 master gt1, 2A. <7> '

ma: (m) 1 mother gr.z 27 , mhya: y t mhya: e- 1 da'ughter

28, 45, 59, nvl l-58. grr: 12'
ma:ph-ya: V to forgive uhyca': 3 pocket -paz(t) K
<4>. <7>.
mazraz j 1 majesty <33>. mvlaa^: negative fo:'m of ma:l rto
need. , be neceEsaryt rtv; 20.
ma,:rsy 3 a rice of good
quality -ga(l) -r^rhw(1y)-mwa(I-) C mohar, half a rupee'
-me;r\ai -pha-: K ::v: LO3. fifty pice nrr: 111'
MazyeZ I a w9ma11ts name I'Ir,raty 1 a. maltts rtarne ?N <L63>
PN' I'{r'raty Y,a"z jy 1 a- rnar-rs name
ma : y' me.: E- 7 pul-se Pr{ <L95>.
(large bl.ack grain) ravi].a. 7 1ap D ldP <7>
-ga(1) -rahw(ly) raw(1y) 7 green grain -ga(J-)
-pa: sa(1) -pha:
-ri1erre.'. K <41> -:nhw(Iy) -pa: sa(1) -rrrana,:
nv: f16. -pha z (3) .
-nha anircate attributive rnln:. v to j oin, coIleot,
connecti-we g:r: 11 , L7 . gati:.er'.
ralia 1, C body, animate mwnjya: 7 neeting -gw(1y)
being. grr: 26, 53. K. <40>.
lriaya"'. mhayt san t dw.
-mr{r'y C a unit of wolurae equal
ere is hrair on hris
'T}. to about 2O pathi or 16O
body.' maila or about 20 gal.lons.
mhaa.: negatiwe of nhyaa: mwsya:. 3 soyabeans -ga(I)
Vimps 'to 3.ike to, want -grirw(1y) -kw -pa: sa(l)
tot ?his negatiwe form -rrarra: -pha: K rrY3 116
is impolite <1>.
my 3 fire -kw(ty) K <7> <39> -
mk:.anr-trhw V to be well
rav: 19I. mya 3 scng -pw K <L13> .
mha syyka: byy V to intro- mira- a j other, next myagw
d"uce N = mlaa syykas Saphww tthe other book"
b5ry makhw <164>. myamha manl^rw rtLre other
persont wsa: 'l next
mlrwa.sa(t > 7 forekread ' myagvr
weekr riv'. L24.
-gw(ly) -ga(1> K
Conwersationa]. Nevrarj. piT
lcyac 3 chaj-r -gw(l-y) rxa:nr-ta V to make famous
K <39>. . s?a: L72. 1

ioya InlraGr 3 tongue -pw na:pa-ia3 V to meet (someone)

NP <4O>. intentional-J.y.
myayt myas- 2 brrffal.o. na:pa-3.a; Yimps to meet (some-
mlrja(n) 2 man <l-60> ne) unintentionally NK
:e r: 1l-6 .
mykhaz 5 eye6 -ga(J-) nhaay'- seventy Bf.
K <2>.
myray'-ya: v to come to an nhaaytsa:n'dha eighty ?f'
agreer:ent nv: 13t.. nhan V to eoJ.l.apse <3>.
mJm Vimps to f eeJ. <84 > . nhayr sever! &t , Ff .
mysa3 l- wife <14>. nha: , green a]-gae -kw(ty)
mysaz 2 woman <161>. K <7>.

BIry v to ser:- "'";o";::. ,2. mirror -pa,:(t)

nha: yr rr.Lra: e- 1 nose -pw
rraa v to eat K = nak NP <41> '
srr: L24. nh.w 7 day D NP <1> .
namastya greeting form: rrhrvvr- aj new nhmrgw saphww
hello, good.bye I the new book I
tthe new person', nhwwnba ms.nww
nv: L65. nv; A74.
B&rlr also nv: 20. fffi:13";"T:X*Xrl"_',lI iX;
rlasaz 7 food -ta.: K stor.e.
<f}4>' nhy 3 nasar mu.eus -pty -ty
nata swta , smal-l ta]-k K' <3>.
-ka(I) NP' nl:yaa v to chew.
nayr-rran Y to be exper- nhya-than v to suggest <85>'
ierrced. in eating <85).
,,1a.a.zt i*egu1ar imperatiwe
n}.yathw 1 first wife <54>
form of kaa.: rto taket n):ypya.(n) 7 ta.il. (anima.I
na: (n) 3 rlane. -gw(Iy> tr body part) -pw NP <4> <61> '
r3v: 165. , rawga(l) 5 heart -g:w(].y) N?
-..:.ir : <:.1>- a. j named .
,.[,- i i] , -dan v to be famorrs :iwn v to swal-Iow <3> '
SK = na.:13. r-ta rto make nww! short for r,ranya nwvri
faraoust gn: L32. 'tret's go!' <3>.
Conversationa.]. Newari _
ny two Bf, If,.
pan V to stop, to ?rarm
-nY.. werba3. affix meaaing hands <g5>. one,s
'yet, still , o.a_rtaa"_r1y _pap,
,not yet eaten, ;;, iLq. -**. classifier for {nanrimate
ob5".t" occurring with ta.a_
nvakw(lyt 3 horre (animar ;;:;;,
body part) _pr.r Nt-- ?*d.:I-.
,a thick l""t,i*"y_prrr,saphww
<61-> . sa.phww ,, trri, book , .
nyan v to hearr ask, l-isten pan'Ia 3 orre pau,
bhaa:-nyan 'to ask ;;;--- arternate
form fo. ch*p.<ir.
prf_ce', khanr_nyan.,to papw(tyy-_J
ask about_ something, wing, feather _pa:
grr: J_26, L37, :jv: L52. K <41>.
rryay'- fifty asaa'-warx v to go shopping
Bf . .r- = F868.&_hwn, :
nYaYtsa:nrdha sirty ?f. K = pasa.A._
nya: v *" o:I gn: 2a, paealva i 2 shopkeeper
r3.v: 10, 25.
)-25, <64> .
pa.sa(I) 3 shop, stors _aw(.]-yy
n,ai 2 fish. K g::: jO, 45, nv: I I 2F.
nya: fiwe 3f , 3f nv: 20. ,
:3;";":i"*,In",ffi;] .r,ii
nJm V to be suitable <197>. pasw
Z beast <34>.
nJmy r' father's sister <34>' -pa: (t) c (for flat ob jects
n'Jni f i:.st llv: tT4.
' Jya: such a.s kypa 3 ,pictur.s ?
ny:!:r, ya: al_ya nha:vrUo<rrJ,siiIorr> ,
dl5raba: b_wy. rDo the g:a: 12, L7', 5r:""
;iii;ll=l;";l:l <r> paw patv--- 7 ,.etter, pa*e o/a
\ - v rdy*/. -pw X
nJry- twenty Bf . <41>.
pa: 3 axe _pw K
n3'ychy twenty one 3f. <2>.
-pa: c 1fo, fle.t bread, shoes)
rryysa,: n, dha thirty
3f . €?r: 53 .
pa:khay'(n)- post position,
paa, V to have intercourse the sa.lre of , from grr: for
L2T .
Sya:m.pa:kyay,n, watt, wayta
<2> . nha: ,kar:,
y "
iia. ] lr:nor*o.., ,
pad v title _ew(1yy K ;::::=.::nS;;T:
<39>. rHe gave
a *i==o= trrom
-pa(l> c parrr a measure sy**l' lr.;; ;";;;
r'ueight equiwal.ent to of pa:khay,n,
khan' nyana. ,Ife asked.
about 2OO grams o1. -. U1* son for inforrnation" his
]-ess than haLf , ,oLJ
Corrwersationa]- Newari - 239
pa,:Lw 5 ginger -ka.:ytn, phay 2 sheep OB = phay(s)
-kw(ty) NP <39>. <34>.
pa:l.w- aj epicyr hot (of phay(s) eee phay.
f ood ) <l-61> . phayt phae- 7 wind NP NC
Pa:p 7 ein -Cw<IY> K <41>.
<19>. pha.: 2 hoe <2> <l-1>.
-pa3 sa(].) C fl-at hand.ful,
of, pa3-mful. of (for -pha: eee pha-
granu]-es). phw statj-ve form of pha. I to be
pa:6a: f. friend grx: 28, abIer.
31, 45. phwagy(n> 2 beggnr <75>.
pa3 eat -va.a, V to come al-ong phwkerr, a,Il- tav3 I-LO. Wan,
a.B a. friend., to keep b.jy phwkan, na3-a. tHe
someor:'e comparly I = ate aI-I the bea.te:a :rice. t
pai Ba. -waaz ! rxvi 25.
Jy nan , pa: ga: wa.),a : .
phwsa, 3 head. of the beil NC
t I a'l so came along as Ii.P <4>.
- a friend.. I phy ) sand -mhw(Iy) -kw
paz 6a: -rrara V to go al.ong E <2>,
a,E a friend f = pa:6a3- phya,a V to l-ick <9>.
hwn,: K = pa:sa:-chwaa. phya._tw
V to sit d.own
-pa:y':l ,CbaLL,h:-mp OB = phya-tww nv: L45.
riw: A79. prythyby 3 earth NC NP <4.>.
p}.a Vimps to be abJ.e pw 3, Cl- seed, cJ-assifier for
S - phw NS = maphw tpage' paw K <2>.
nw: l-74.
pha- -pLra: C pathi, unit -pw C (for l.ong thin objeets)
of wol-rrme equival-ent grl3 L7 , 57, nv: 10 when
to 8 mana or about one suffixed to taa- it means
gal-J-on. pha- occura 'thiekt , when srrffixed to
onI-y with the number cy- it means 'thin' <14>.
t one r pha.chy r orae pwa.ri Vimpo to be empty <5>.
patlryt, -pha: occurs
with a.11 other nu-rrbers -pwa.; (1) C (for objects with
nypha: Itwo pathyr an orifice).
swapha: tt}.ree pathy' pwa.: <th> 3 stomaeh ga(]-) K
r:.v: L24. <40> '
phaa V to take <2>. pwja: 3 worship -gw(].y) K
pLraa.: V to separate g:e: <4>.
t12. pwkhr'r(]-y> a pond -gw(Iy) K
Coaversationa]. Newari 24O

pwIa.:nr - aj oId. nv: L65 (1) 2 keeper <41-> "

-pw(l-y) C (for beaten pJry- fourty Bf'
rice) OB = -pw(ty). pyy6a:n,d.ha fifty Ff .
hr::chym5r(n) I- a marr's
r3ame It{ <l-82>.
pwnhy 3 ful-I moorl -ew(Iy) vatina 5 cLrariot -gw(ly)
lI <4>. -kha(t) K <1> "

pwry 1 a ror:nd. piece of z'a,: chyae 2 giant gr,-2 29 ,

flat brea.d -pa2 K 32'
<4> ' raz ja: 1 king <7>.
-pwry C pack, package Ra: ja: 1 a mu,r!'s rrame pN

pwsa: 1 seed -ta: K Ra:m 1 a me,.'s name pl;

pwsa: 3 Iid of an ink Ra: m * **'s na'Ee
pot -gw(Iy) K <4>. }fi' ',Iru}, .
-pw(ty) c (for beaten -rban, c]-assifier suffixed
rice) oB = pw(ly) to taa- e,d c:r- to forr
pww v to repay <8>. ad.jective stems meaning
!larget and rsmal].t
py f or:.r Ff . reepectiweJ-y. Stems
pya- pyay'rar- four Bf . formed in thia way occu.r
FJ a ssr*
tf or:rr (ani_ with inanima.te taollns
mate beings), pyay'n- which! take the elaseifier
Cw ' four' (miocel-1a- -gr+(Iy) <14> '
neous objects)' rha: o-jww v to waniskr <1>.
-pya c handfu1 (for -rhyka(].) c]-assifier euffixed.
cooked rice) r$ri 3-39. to taa_ a.nd. g31- to form
pya(n) 3 e:arlE -ga(I) K ad.jectiwe stems meaning
<42>. 'J-arge' and 'sma"J-J. '
respectively' stems
pya: i 7 onion -thw formed. in thie way occu-r
-ga(a) K g:r.i 70, with animate nour3.6.
45, rav: L32. OB = dhyka(l).
pya?kha(n) 1 p1ay, -rka t C rupee nv: 20.
dance, d.rama -gw(Iy)
K <42> <160>. rYadvwa(I> 3 radio OB =
pya: sy 2 tiek (parasite )
ryadyi'ra -ga(I) K <435> '
pykra:n, outwa.rd <5>.
-pJrrl., pl-rraJ. affix for e1-ass
1 norrns g:a: 26 , 5L.
Conwerea,tiona]. New,ari - 24L

6a- -sa, Lrund.red. sai- occu.r6 san rrrasya twelwe Ff .

only with the nr:meraI sanrn.Layr sewenteen 'tr'f "
'one' : eaclry 'one krr:n-
d.red. I -Ba, occurs with san,nyas fifteen Ff .
other numbere: nysa Ba,rarpy fourteen I.f"
t two hr:nd.red. l
, swasa,
I three hund.:red t . Ean, sa:n, dha. twenty Ff .
sa,a, Vimps to hrow krow sa.rl , swan t thirty Ff .
(to do something) saphw(1y> 5 book -gw(1Y>
rlv: 184. OB = saphw(ty> K gza? 45,
sa.a.t V to cal-J- g:r.: 80. r:v: l-6 .
sabda t word -gw(1y) saphw(ty) eee saphw(1y).
K <39>. seras <p> 5 clrse -gw(1y)
sakalay'n, a.j whole sasa(I) 7 wife'e home
(famiJ-y) used witlrout -gtr(l-y) K <59> "
-m}-a rr!': 191. sawa: (1) 1 taste -ka(l)
Sakalay'n, chyanry' N? <tg1
hyay' dw. rlhe whole >.

famil-y is at home. t saw sa].y- 3 cow feces,

manure -kw(ty) -kw NP
sal-a 2 horse <7>. <41> -
se-].a.: (m) 1 cha].k -kw(ty) sa: 2 cow <7>.
-pw -twa: (k) f <4O>.
sa(l-)SvoiceD-g:vr(].y) 6ai if, although nv: 78.
K <7> <41>. s,ei jaka n3ra,:y'.
r(I) wiJ-l- onl-y buy <it>
sa(I) hund.red. , Ff . SaJ-an, if <it> is good ]-ooking.'
sa:a ma.rrwta wal-a. sa: Vircps to be tasty gra: L67,
' Hund.red.s and hr:ndred.s
of people sr-s. t nv: 174.
s4r. V to move <L97>. 6a: pcst werbal. emphatic parr-
ticle nv: 99.
sandhw(ly) 7 tn:rrk sa: bw(n) 1 soa.p -ga(J-) K
-ga(I) K <41->. <42>.
sangat 1 corrpany -Bvr(Iy) sa:hw 1 merchant <14>.
N? <39>.
sa: (1) 3 compost, ferti1.izer
sarrr 3 hair -pw M <61>.
-kw -mhw(Iy) K <'7>.
san, cley el.ewen Ff .
-6a: <l-> C a unit of ]-ength
g=Te , cJrs: eighteen Ff . equaJ- to nine yards and
sa:e, gw nineteen Ff .
used. in measuring eloth.

sanrkhru sirteen f'f . sa:n, emphatic form of 6a: 'if ,

a,-l though' j
ConversatioaaL Newari - 242
sa:nrdha ten tr.f. dha fourty Ff .
sw wbo ? EorDeone 3 = 6w 6w sy V to die <6>,
nv: 65. }{ay'kaa sw gy 2 lor.ree <5>.
thaytrx,? rhrho is he?'
ew 3 straw -pw -thw -kw syan V to teach <L97>"
-ka1ya NP <5>. sya,n' 7 J-iwer -kw(ty) K <7>"
Bwa V to Iook, to try sye.3 V to ki].]. <6]-> "
(to d,o something)
nv:44. Sya:m 1 a man's name PN
nv: 65.
swa- 6wan,- three Bf. eyka:ry 2 hunter <74>
EwEpa: 'three r (f3.a.t "

ob j ecte) Bwe,rlgw sJrn V to col.J.ect one by one,

' tLrree' (misce].]-aneoue to put orj (a sari> <8>
objects). <84>.
Bl{a"z'ga 3 heaven -gw(Lf) sJrnga 2 3-ion <35>.
NP <79>. . 6yn | 3 wood. -kw -kw(ty) K"
svra-than V to paek 6ysy 1 bottle -ga(]-) K <79>.
6ways.a: than <61> . syy V to rinse, to know 'B>.
swa: (n) 1 flor.rer -thr.;a: (k)
-phwa(1) - jhl.a: (1)
- jwa: (1) </.1>. p1ura1 affix for c].ass 2
-swka= C sirka., amonetary and occasiona11y for class
unit equa]- to twenty J nou:ls gl2: 26, 5L"
firre Piee nv: L32. te.a- aj big bound to a cl-ass-
swkaz 1 thread -gw]y ifier as part of an: a.d.jec-
-pw -twa: (k) K <4O>. tiwa3. stem: ta.arhyka"smha
ma.nr,rw rthe tal.I- marat,
swkhw(J-y> 5 nat -pa: (t) ta-aha:kaagw taz 'tLre long
-thw OB = swkJrw(ty) bridge r, taakha: gw chyant
<41> -
'the l-arge houset.
swkhr.r(ty) see swkhw(].y). aj many taamha uranww
ma^rry men I rrv: 79
swpa: y'n, swpa: e- 3 clorrd
-kw(ty) -paiy'rr, taa Y to put (something into
-dhy<i.> NP <4O>. something) f - tiry!
swtha 7 mor:eing -gw(1y) gn: L52, L39, ::v: L24.
M <39>. ta-dlran V to enla.rge <85>.
sww V to hiid.e <B>. tan V to raise a bid., offer
swy- thirty Bf. more, to add, increase
sn: )-46.
swyka: (1) 2 tai3-or <35>. , Vimps to be l-ost r.v: L12.
Conversa,tiona,I Newari 243

tapwJ-y 3 cap -ga(3.) K thana }:ere rxv: LLO. tlaYrkaa

gy:'. 45, 1?Y: 20. thana iha:y Laz? rVlil-L he
come here?t
I tarkazry 7 wegetab1es
-pw -mhw(LY) -t}.w thayrn, l-ike particle of
-ta2 K nv: It6. po}itenesg or trrcertaintY
r2.v: 59.
ta.sakan, verJrr'mueh OB =
taska,n, *e.Bata.xl, tha.y'n, -clYa.n V to l.ook l-ike,
tastarr, iY:. 172. Eeem like gr:? L58.
lla loanwr,s tasakan, bhSrn ' . tha: jya z 7 weawing -gw(]-y) K.
'Ihat man is very good. t
thyan V to put to eIeep, to
tataz 1 e].der sister <34>. reach, arrj-ve gr:*i Lt2.
tataa.z jw l- elder brother's th.ykay'- a.j expensiwe <l-4>.
wif e <74>
thw- aj th:ie thwgw saphww
tataz jw 1'leusbandrs elder tthie book!, thwsha mazrww
sister. 'this person'.
tat 7 bridge -pw NP <5> -thw C bunch r1Y: ].72"
<40> '
tlrwa thwky this one ggr 15,
-taz C kinds of, patterns ri.v: 1l-.
rav: 119.
tlrwan' 7 beer -ty -pty K
taz(l) - 3 ]-oek and key -jw <7> <40>.
- jwa.(I) K <5> <41->.
thwa.y'ka.(1) this cne Rsp ravs L65.
ta': pw 3 bridge -pw K <4>.
(k) 6ee thwa: (l-).
ta:rSrpLr 7 praise NC NP <4>. -thr.ra:
tha.a. se1f, ovm. -thwa:(]-) C br:nch (of flowers,
cauliflcur) OB = thwa.: (k)
thaa Vinps to make a profit gn: 12, nv: 132.
nv: 132. thwI-ya, .aJa emphatic form of
thaha:n, upward <5>. tLrwa t this I nv: L24.
that V come back gr.. 82, *1* V to dip (a pen), to
nv: 174. !Ian, saphww bury, ea,use to co].lapse
atte. ta,y thakaLa. tHe sa. L12.
put the book there and thww V to cook (rice onl-y)
cape back. I grlz L55, nv: L79.
thal- V to press, break, thv 7 gem -ga(].) K <2>.
gra: 112.
thvv V io touch <8>.
thaLa 3 pot -ga(]-) K
<7> <39>. tw 7 Eugar ca.ne -pw -kw(ty)
tha.:e V to wa.ken, J-ife up, -kw/ -ha:ka(l-> K <2>.
prop up, cause to
stand grr: L32.
Conversationa]- Newari 244
twa-dhw]. V to be broken 'tkra.t persot2 t rw: 99 "
SK = twa-thw1 OB =
twa-d.hww gaz 132, w& he , she, it gr.: 22, 66.
twa-dw]. V to be broken wa and.
SK = twa-thwI OB = 'wa wky- that, that or2.e
twa.-d.ww gta: L1Z. gn: 16, nv: 16.
twan V to drink, to smoke I?a V to eome I = waa": I
ga: 14O, nrr: 184. OSK = haa 'to bringt
twa-thrsl V to brea.k OB = gra: L47 , nlr: 99 .
twa-thww grli L12. wan V to go I = Lrvrn, i
t;wa": <th> 1 mouth -gw(].y) SK = chwa tto sendt
N? <4O). grr: 79, !j2, Ltj, 146.
tw(1) 3 mustard. -ga(1) l{anga(3-) 3 Ind-raehor"'k, a ,

shopping district in
-nl:w(l-3r) K <6>. Kathmandu I1[.
twn V to tear strips off
(of ba.-boo, sugar eane> wank V to rrrn (of co].or)
<85>. sr:i Lj1.
twnr (1) 7 vie3-l- -ga(3.) wara, agentiwe f orn of wa ,he,
sl:e , lt ' gt3: 22 , 66 .
-gw(Iy) OB = -trn'nr <thy>
K grr: 70, nv: b9. wasa(t> 1 cloth -ta: -jw
tr,rn'(thy> 3 see tr.rn,<1>. - jwa(J.> K <4O>.
tww Yimps to cost, be paid waykya locative forn of vra ,he,
0A = twta gn: L53, s}.e I it ' gn: 22, 66.

ty 7 stite!:., sollp yln M way.'kaap3al, they Rsp g71: 67.

<2> <39>. wayka(I) he Rsp gr-i 6T "
tya]. V to press <9>. r^;ayta object form of wa 'he,
tyan Vinps to be about (to she , it I g?1: 22 , 66.
do sometl:ing) nv: a16. waytlrr 2 matd. rran.
Jy wayt tyana:. tI am
' about to corae. t way tn I -mlra 1 mad ma:e Rp
gn: 53.
-tya; ha.1f Bf . n]lay'rka: -
tya.. 'selre:: and a hal_f wa.y'rrr sw(].y) 7 a kind of
rrpees r . madness -gw(]-y) Np <7>.
tysa | 7 ornarnent -ta: - wa: 3 tooth -pw K <4O>.
< 6.1_> . 7 paddy -ka]-ya -mhw(1g)
-pa:sa(1) -dwant K <T>.
wa: <1> 7 fence Ng NP <7>.
w V to bark <8>.
wa:sa(].) 1 medieine -gw(]-y)
w- aj that wgw oaphww -ca: (1) -gwIy I( <41>.
?that book t rrr'}ha manwl{
Corrversa.tiona.l Newari - 245

wk;m, 60r therefore nv: L6.

Wa, ba: n, J-aa: . llkYn,
nya:yt tyana:. IThat
is nicer €io I a^rn going
to brrY it. r
w]. V to apPJ-Y raaacara <B>
I w5rnt 2 mad woman <34>

ya,e. V to l-ike rrvi e9.

ye,-ga: V to be Lrangeil
SK = ya-kha: g:13 L32.
ya-kha: V to hang (some-
one) g:a: 172.
yakwa many, mr:ch. If,v3 99.
ya:n V to spin threa.d. <85>.
ya.nk V to carry gr-i 14O.
yara t , Ka,th:aand.u OA =,
yanry t PI{ <7> .
ya.. V to d.o gr3: 8O, nv: 38,
ya: kana iromed.iatelY <8> .
y(kh) 3 spittal- -pty
-ty NP <4O>.
y} V to waeh.
y(1) 3 ttime -gw(IY) IiI
<41-> '
JrEy their ei:n: 67.
Ymy chyanIyr l(}rwapayr
k}.aa.' r Their horrse
is in Bhakta.pur. t
JrPJna, p]-ura]- of wa 'he,
she, it I gra: 67.
tne V to d-ietu'ibute <84>

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