Articles:F019313341 With Cover Page v2
Articles:F019313341 With Cover Page v2
Articles:F019313341 With Cover Page v2
Int ernal At t it ude Survey and Workers Commit ment in Nigerian Banking Indust ry
t arela okpu
Joint Consult at ion and Workers Commit ment in Nigerian Banking Indust ry
Jaja, Set h Accra
IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS)
Volume 19, Issue 3, Ver. I (Mar. 2014), PP 33-41
e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845.
Abstract: This paper examines the Effect of Employee Commitment on Organizational Performance with
special interest in Coca Cola Nigeria Limited. Much of the interest in analysing employee commitment stems
from concern for the behavioural consequences that are hypothesised to result from it. This paper focuses on the
influence of employee commitment on Organisational Performance and Employees’ turnover. Both descriptive
and explanatory research methodologies were adopted in this study. A five point numerically scaled Likert-Type
questionnaire was constructed and administered among selected Staff of Coca Cola Nigeria Limited. The
research hypotheses were tested using the Pearson Correlation Coefficient. The result shows that: the level of
employee commitment of the Staff of Coca Cola Company Plc is very high; there is a fairly high relationship
between employee commitment and organizational performance ; there is also a very high relationship between
employee commitment and employees’ turnover etc. Some of the recommendations made are that: the
management should hire employees who are likely to become linked to the organization; management should
create clear and realistic job and organizational previews. 33 | Page
Effect Of Employee Commitment On Organizational Performance In Coca Cola Nigeria Limited 34 | Page
Effect Of Employee Commitment On Organizational Performance In Coca Cola Nigeria Limited
employees of 15 advertising agencies of Islamabad (Pakistan). They found that employees having greater
employee commitment perform well and employees having good attitude towards work are highly satisfied as
compared to employees who are less inclined towards their work.
Ali, (2010) found that there is positive relationship between corporate social responsibility and
employee commitment as well as between employee commitment and organizational performance. They
therefore concluded that organizations can improve their performance through employees’ commitment by
engaging in social activities since such activities also include the welfare of employees and their families. 35 | Page
Effect Of Employee Commitment On Organizational Performance In Coca Cola Nigeria Limited
conceptual framework about employee commitment from perspective on the individual’s relationship with the
According to Becker’s theory, the relationship between employee and organization are based on the
“contract” of economic exchange behaviour, committed employees are committed because they have totally
hidden or somewhat hidden investments, “side-bets,” they have made by remaining in a given organization. If
someone left, the investments of “side-bet” will be claimed hardly. The term “side-bets” refers to the
accumulation of investments valued by the individual. Becker (1960) argued that over a period of time certain
costs accrue that make it more difficult for the person to disengage from a consistent pattern of activity, namely,
maintaining membership in the organization.
Becker’s approach claimed that a close connection between employee commitment and employees’
voluntary turnover behaviour exist. In fact, it identifies employee commitment as a major predictor in the
explanation of voluntary turnover. This contention was supported by later research that followed Becker’s
theory. According to these studies, commitment should be measured by evaluating the reasons, if any, that
would cause a person to leave his organization.
While the side-bet theory was abandoned as a leading commitment theory, the close relationship
between employee commitment and turnover as advanced by Becker affected most of the later conceptualization
of commitment and established turnover as the main behaviour that should be affected by employee
commitment. The influence of the side-bet approach is evident in Meyer and Allen’s Scale (1991), which might
be named as the continuance commitment. This scale was advanced as a tool for the better testing of the side-bet
approach and is one of the three dimensions of employee commitment outlined by Meyer and Allen (1991). 36 | Page
Effect Of Employee Commitment On Organizational Performance In Coca Cola Nigeria Limited
Sex of Respondents
Male Female
Table 4.2.1 and chart 4.2.1 above shows that the male respondents represent 62% of the total
respondents, while 38% of the respondents are female. It could be deduced from this simple fact that higher
percentage of the Staff of Coca Cola Nigeria Limited is male. 37 | Page
Effect Of Employee Commitment On Organizational Performance In Coca Cola Nigeria Limited
Table 4.2.2 and chart 4.2.2 above show that majority (43%) of the respondents are between the ages of
31 and 40 years, then followed by the respondents that are between the ages of 21 and 30 years-38%. This was
followed by 9% for the respondents that are between the ages of 41 and 50 years while only 1% of the
respondents are above 60 years. None of the respondents is below the age of 20 years. It could be deduced from
the result that the ages between 31 and 40 years and between 21 and 30 years are mostly employed by Coca
Cola Nigeria Limited probably because of their youthfulness and agility. The applicants between the ages of 21
and 30 and those between 31 and 40 are employers’ favourites because they are still very active and interested in
building a strong foundation for their career.
Table 4.2.3 and chart 4.2.3 show that majority of the respondents had HND/University first degree i.e.
49% followed by A’ Level/OND/NCE Holders i.e. 34%; then Secondary School Certificate/Diploma Certificate
Holders i.e. 11%, 4% and 2% of the respondents are professional qualification holders and postgraduate degree
holders respectively. None of the respondents is a primary school leaver. Since the lowest educational
qualification of the respondents is O’ Level/Diploma Certificate, it is an indication that an average Staff of Coca
Cola Nigeria Limited is educated.
The information presented in the above table and chart below that more than half of the respondents to
the questionnaire are Junior Staffs-57%, followed by the Middle Level Officer (36%). 6% of the respondents are
Senior Staff of the company while 1% of the respondents are managers in the company. None of the respondents
is in the management cadre.
From the questionnaire collected, which is presented in table 4.2.5 and chart 4.2.5 above, more than
half of the respondents (51%) have spent between 6 and 10 years in the company. 14% of the respondents have
spent between 11 and 15 years in the company while only 2% of the respondents has spent more than 15years
with the company. It is evident from the above information that majority of the respondents have not spent much
time in the company. 38 | Page
Effect Of Employee Commitment On Organizational Performance In Coca Cola Nigeria Limited
Table 4.3.2: Results of Correlation Between Employee Commitment and Organizational Performance
Employment Commitment Organizational
Employee Pearson Correlation 1.000 0.782
Sign. (1-tailed)
Organizational Performance Pearson Correlation Sig.(1- 0.782 1.000
tailed) 0.214
Source: Computed by Author using SPSS.
Table 4.3.3: Results of Correlation Between Employee Commitment and Employees’ Turnover
Employment Commitment Organizational
Employee Pearson Correlation 1.000 0.992*
Sig. (1-tailed)
Organizational Performance Pearson Correlation Sig.(1- 0.992* 1.000
tailed) 0.041
Source: Computed by Author Using SPSS.
*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed).
alternative hypothesis is accepted. This implies that employee commitment improves the organization’s
performance. This result supports the finding of Khan et al (2010) who also found a positive relationship
between employee commitment and employees’ job performance. It could be deduced from this finding that
organizational performance can simply be improved through employee commitment.
The result of the second hypothesis testing shows that the Pearson Correlation Coefficient for the
relationship between employee commitment and employees’ turnover for on-tail test is 0.992. This result shows
that there is a very high relationship between employee commitment and employees’ turnover. Therefore, the
null hypothesis is rejected while the alternative hypothesis is accepted. This suggests that there is a significant
relationship employee commitment and employees’ turnover. This means that employees’ turnover rate is
highly determined by the level of employee commitment of the workers. This result is in agreement with the
findings of Tumwesigye (2010), which revealed that employee commitment is important in the turnover
5.3 Recommendations
Based on the findings, the following recommendations are hereby suggested:
Since it was found that there is a fairly high relationship between employee commitment and organizational
performance, the management of companies are advised to hire employees who are likely to become linked to
the organization. Before they hire workers, they will have to look for congruence between the individual’s
values and goals and the organization’s values and goals. Values alignment and identification is central to every
conceptualization of employee commitment.
The organization must exhibit a high level of commitment to its employees. If employees are
concerned about losing their jobs, there is very little likelihood of high level of employees’ commitment. If
people are not given adequate resources, facilities and training they will not be likely to view the organization as
being committed to them as well. 40 | Page
Effect Of Employee Commitment On Organizational Performance In Coca Cola Nigeria Limited
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