Online Power Trfo Analysis
Online Power Trfo Analysis
Online Power Trfo Analysis
Abstract — The approach to the maintenance of devices and the other side, efforts are made to innovate and to improve the
systems has strongly changed in the last years, thanks to the reliability of the electrical system itself. In particular there is a
availability of more and more sophisticated technologies. In growing interest about the employment of advanced
particular, when the servicing involves very critical processes, a maintenance strategies such as CBM (Condition Based
new interesting strategy is represented by the Condition Based Maintenance): the service activity is no longer based on the
Maintenance (CBM). It is based on the continuous observation of expected lifespan of the components, but it is planned starting
some physical parameters which permits to infer the status of the from the continuous monitoring of their status.
system and thus to detect the need to service it. In this paper a
novel monitoring method is proposed. It allows the application of The aim of this paper is to propose a technique allowing the
CBM techniques to one of the least reliable components in HV implementation of CBM for high voltage systems and in
and MV systems: the transformer bushing. particular for one of their least reliable component: the
Starting from some theoretical and practical considerations, it transformer bushing. It has been estimated that they are
will be shown that it is possible to measure the capacitance and responsible for almost half of the failures occurring in High
the power factor of transformer bushing, without putting the Voltage (HV) and Medium Voltage (MV) transformers [2].
plant out of order. It is known that these two parameters are
particularly useful to schedule the maintenance activity. Until now, the status of the bushings has been assessed
This goal can be achieved by superimposing a high frequency through complex procedures which usually require to put the
sinusoidal voltage between the bushing tap and the ground. Some transformer offline and sometimes even to remove it. The
considerations prove that having chosen a proper frequency, the limits of this approach are clear: the status of the bushing
consequent current is much more sensitive to the bushing cannot be assessed continuously and the cost is extremely high.
capacitance than to the other impedances. Finally the Moreover the electrical utilities are prone to reduce the
architecture of a measurement system is also presented. frequency of the tests: this unavoidably raises the fault
Keywords- diagnostic, power transformer bushings, power Basically, these are the reasons which pushed to investigate
factor and capacitance. for new methods allowing to continuously assess the wear
status of transformer bushings. In the literature some papers
I. INTRODUCTION reporting on-line diagnostic method can be found [2-5]. All of
It is a matter of fact that the importance of the electrical them perform a dynamic analysis of diagnostic indexes that are
energy is continuously growing nowadays. Everyone is aware someway related to the main characteristic parameters of the
of the increasing number of electrical, electronic and automatic bushings [3]: capacitance and power factor. The assessment of
devices both in industrial processes and in everyday life. the status of the bushings is based on the time evolution of the
Moreover, it is clear that the new infrastructures and services parameters (or indexes) rather than on their instantaneous
are designed to achieve maximum efficiency and comfort, values.
objectives that are usually met through a massive employment According to the aforementioned approach, in this paper
of electrical-powered systems. These are so widespread that a the theoretical background of a new method for the assessment
sudden interruption of their operation often results in huge of the wear status of power transformer bushings are presented.
discomforts and sometimes could dramatically affect the The technique has been developed with the aim to allow the
regular carrying out of human activities. Meaningful examples on-line monitoring of the device and to overcome some typical
are the blackouts occurred in the last years: many city districts limits of the other methods presented in the literature.
and industrial areas were put offline and almost all sort of
activities were forced to stop (Italy September 2003, USA and
Canada August 2006, Italy, Germany and France November
2006, etc.). II. STATE OF THE ART
The first method reported in the literature we consider is the
These facts show the increasing importance of an
so called “sum current method” [4]. This approach is based on
uninterrupted power supply. The grid operators are focusing
the Kirchhoff current law, and it analyses the sum of the three
their efforts to improve the reliability of the transmission and
currents drawn by known impedances connected to the bushing
distribution systems through a tighter coordination between
taps. Supposing that the line voltages are symmetric and both
them and the adjustment of the management policies [1]. On