Science Grd.7 Teachers Guide Senior Primary PDF
Science Grd.7 Teachers Guide Senior Primary PDF
Science Grd.7 Teachers Guide Senior Primary PDF
Teacher Guide
Grade 7
Standards Based
Grade 7
Standards Based
First Edition
ISBN: 978-9980-905-36-9
The Grade 7 Teacher Guide was developed by the Curriculum
Development Division of the Department of Education. The development
of this Science Teacher’s Guide was coordinated by Emmanuel Ragu with
the assistance from Moses Koran Hatagen and the Subject Curriculum
Group (SCG) members and the writing team.
Science Teacher Guide
Secretary’s Message.............................................. IV
Introduction............................................................ 1
Key Features.......................................................... 3
Content Overview................................................... 32
Yearly Overview...................................................... 35
Resources.............................................................. 192
Glossary.................................................................. 193
Reference............................................................... 195
Appendices............................................................ 196
Grade 7
Secretary’s Message
The Papua New Guinea Department of Education embraced the challenge
of creating Standards Based Curriculum in response to the Cuba Report
and the Task force Recommendations 2012.
It has been designed with a view of making the students understand the
basic scientific knowledge and skills in accordance with daily experience
and prior knowledge about the environment and understanding of what is
around them in a simple way thus will become the foundation of learning
science at Grade 7.
Teachers are encouraged to read this teacher guide book carefully and
become familiar with the content prior using it so that they can be
confident to try out new concepts and strategies and to teach the content
well. They can also adjust to suit the needs of their students learning
Secretary for Education
Science Teacher Guide
The Grade 7 Science Teacher Guide is developed as a support curriculum
material for the Science Syllabus for Grades 6, 7 and 8 level. The
information and guidelines provided in this book are translated from the
content standards and benchmarks prescribed in the Grades 6, 7 and 8
Primary Science Syllabus into teachable activities. The suggested
teaching and learning ideas provided are to assist you to plan quality
science lessons and how to use benchmarks in relation to the attainment
of standards.
The main purpose is to implement the Grade 7 Science content as
prescribed in Syllabus to teach students in the classroom. This Teacher
Guide must be used in conjunction with the Grades 6, 7 & 8 Syllabus.
Grade 7
Teachers should do the following before and when using this guide:
• Read this teacher guide very carefully to understand the content and
what will be required for your classroom teaching.
• Read the syllabus and become familiar with strands, units, content
standards and benchmarks which are further expanded in this book.
• Take note of science teaching and learning strategies, process and
skills; and content background information to improve and upskill
your teaching pedagogy and content knowledge when teaching in
the classroom.
• Read and understand the structure and content of sample guided
• Read and understand how the assessment plans and tasks are
structured so that you can design appropriate assessment plans.
Figure 1.1: The organization chart above illustrates the link between the
science syllabus and the teacher guide.
Science Teacher Guide
Key Features
The key features outlined in this section are identified as unique to
Science are important in the planning and teaching of Science. The key
features of Grades 6, 7 and 8 Science Curriculum emphasizes
recommended knowledge and skills and processes and provide ideas on
how to teach practical science and its theories with and without a
laboratory and practical Science.
1. Working in a laboratory
1.1 Laboratory equipment
In the Science laboratory, there are many different pieces of equipment.
Before students can begin experiment they need to be able to identify
these items and know what they are used for. Students also need to be
able to spell their names correctly, and draw them when they write report
of experiments.
Test Tubes
It is a cylindrical glass tube whose one end is open while the other closed
end is curved outwards. There are different types of test tubes made of
different types of glasses. Test tubes are available in different sizes. Test
tubes are used for heating and boiling small quantities of chemicals.
It is an open glass container, cylindrical in shape, with a flat
bottom and a lip for pouring. Beakers are available in a wide
range of sizes and are made of different types of glasses.
There are beakers with and without graduations. Beakers are
used for stirring, mixing and heating solutions.
Grade 7
Round-bottom Flask
It is a glass container with spherical bottom and a narrow cylindrical neck.
It is generally used for heating solutions. The round bottom of the flask
allows uniform heating and/or boiling of solutions. Round-bottom flasks
are available in many sizes.
Conical Flask
A conical flask is also known as Erlenmeyer flask. It has a flat
bottom, conical body and a cylindrical neck. It has markings
on its outer surface to indicate the approximate volume of
contents. It is often used to heat solutions and for titration
Glass Tubing/Tube
It is a hollow piece of glass and is open at both the ends. It can be bent
by heating to red hot over a non-luminous Bunsen flame, to transfer
gases from one vessel to another.
Glass Rod
It is also known as stirring rod. It is a solid glass tube. It is
used to stir solutions in flasks and beakers.
A funnel has a conical-shaped mouth and a long tapering neck. It is used
to pour liquids or channel fine grained substances into containers with a
small mouth. It is available in various sizes and is usually made of glass or
China dish
It is also called an evaporating dish. It is made of
porcelain. It is used to evaporate liquids by heating.
It is a long narrow tube with a nozzle at one end and a bulb in the middle.
Nowadays, pipette with a rubber vacuum bulb is also available. A pipette
is used to transfer a measured volume of liquid.
Measuring Cylinder
It is also called graduated cylinder. It is a cylindrical graduated
glass or plastic vessel with a flat bottom and lip for pouring. A
measuring cylinder is used to measure a fixed volume of liquid.
Science Teacher Guide
Retort Stand
It has a long iron rod fixed on a flat base. Clamps can be attached on the
iron rod. It is used for holding apparatus such as round-bottom flasks or
test tubes in a specific position.
Tripod Stand
It has three legs and a triangular base in the middle. It is
made of iron. A tripod stand is used for supporting apparatus
while heating.
Spirit Lamp
It is a device used for heating purposes. It burns alcohol or other liquid
fuel. It has three parts—tank, neck and cap. The fuel is filled in the tank.
A cotton wick that is immersed in the fuel passes through the neck. The
cotton wick soaks up the fuel and burns when lighted. The flame of the
spirit lamp is extinguished by carefully covering it with the cap (cover).
Note: A spirit lamp should never be extinguished by blowing air from the
Bunsen Burner
These days spirit lamps are replaced by another heating
device called Bunsen burner. It consists of a mixing tube
in which gas and air are mixed. The gas comes from the
nozzle and air comes from the air holes. When ignited, it
burns with a blue flame on top of the burner. The flame
can be adjusted by opening or closing the adjustable air
It is like a spoon. It is used to take small quantities of solid chemicals.
Grade 7
It is a long tube made up of glass or plastic with
a vacuum bulb at one end. A dropper is used for
drawing a liquid and releasing a very small quantity
of it at a time.
Watch Glass
It is a circular, slightly concave piece of glass. It is used to evaporate a
liquid, to hold solids while being weighed or as a cover for a beaker.
Reagent Bottle
It is a container used to hold liquid chemicals. It is usually made up
of glass and has a lid which should be replaced immediately after
withdrawing chemical from the bottle.
Gas Jar
It is a glass container with a broad base and broad opening. It is used for
collecting gas during experiments.
Besides these equipment, there are other like test tube brush,
beehive shelf, cork borer, etc. that are used in a chemistry laboratory.
Science Teacher Guide
Grade 7
If students follow the safety rules then accidents will not happen. Many
accidents can be avoided by keeping alert and using common sense.
These are types of accidents that can occur and how to avoid them. And
if an accident does occur, it is the responsibility of the students to report it
to their teacher.
Eye injuries can be caused by liquids splashing into students eyes during
• Always wear safety glasses whenever there is a chance of liquid
splashing into their eyes, especially when heating things.
• Always wear safety glasses when they see the safety glasses
symbol on investigations lessons.
• Never point a test tube towards themselves or anyone else. If they
get a chemical in their eyes, wash it immediately with lots of water,
and tell their teacher. Some laboratories may have a special eye bath
to make this easier.
Fires are always possible when using burners. Therefore students should
do the following:
• Don’t use paper to light a burner, and never place burning things in
rubbish bins.
• If they have long hair, it is essential you tie it back whenever you are
using a burner.
Science Teacher Guide
• If there is a fire, stay calm and call for help. If a person’s hair or
clothing catches fire, remember three rules: stop, drop and roll. The
person must stop moving around, drop to the floor and roll. While
the person is rolling, a fire blanked should be quickly wrapped
around the person to smother the flames.
Grade 7
Writing reports
A report is important because other people can find out what the students
did and what they discovered.
Title – the name of the investigation, students’, groups’ name and the
Aim – students say why they did the investigation. Sometimes this is a
Materials – a list of equipment and chemicals you used in the
Method – students say what they did in the investigation in numbered
steps. Whenever possible include a large, neat diagram of the apparatus.
Results – you record the data. Data includes qualitative observations
(words) and measurements (numbers). Usually these are recorded in a
data table. This makes the data easier to read.
Discussion – students try to explain their results, and list any problems
that they experienced. They might also explain how they could improve
the investigation.
Conclusion – students answer the questioned posed on the aim.
Students will not always be able to make a generalization like this, and in
some cases it may not be possible to make a conclusion at all.
Science Teacher Guide
Making inference:
• Students can usually make several different inferences from the
same observation.
• Observations are correct, provided the observer (student) has been
careful and honest in reporting the observations. However,
inferences made from these observations can be incorrect. They can
be tested by further observations.
• It is important not to confuse observations and inferences.
Otherwise students may think something is a ‘fact’ when it is only an
‘educated guess’.
Grade 7
Making predictions
2.2 Measuring
There are two different types of observations. One is a description in
words, such as the color of a car or the smell of a flower. These
observations are said to be qualitative. The other type of observation
involves measurements, for example, a 80 kg person or 30 cm tail of a
dog. These measurements involve numbers, and are said to be
Note that measurements are made up of a number and unit. For example,
a person’s height might be 170 centimeters. Centimeters are the units
used. Without the units the number has no meaning.
1. Decide which way the scale reads – up, down, or left to the right.
2. Work out what each division on the scale stands for.
3. Find the closest numbered division before the pointer.
4. Count the numbered division to the pointer. Calculate their value.
5. Add the value of these divisions to the numbered division.
Science Teacher Guide
Estimating readings
When reading a scale, students will often find that the pointer lies
between two lines. In these cases they have to estimate the reading. For
example, on the scale below the pointer is between the 0.6 and the 0.7
position, but not exactly in the middle. The reading is more than 0.65 but
less than 0.7. It can be estimated at 0.67.
Remember - students cannot get better measurement than their
measuring instrument allows. All measuring instruments are accurate only
within limits. Scales used on any instrument are marked off into smaller
and smaller divisions. The smallest division determines the accuracy of
the instrument.
It is difficult to say measurement is exact. Mistakes or errors occur in all
measurements. These errors can occur when students make a mistake
reading a scale or writing down the measurement. They can occur
because an instrument is not working properly or because students are
not using it correctly.
Parallax error
Parallax error occurs when students do
not look straight over the pointer. They
need to look square onto a measuring
Grade 7
Bar graphs
Suppose students were investigating how long it took different model
cars to travel down a wooded ramp. Here are the results:
Model car A B C D E
Average time to
travel down a ramp 7 9 4 6 5
Line graphs
Sometimes students may want to show the relationship between two
things being measured. In this case they would draw a line graph of the
data. For example, a group of students was investigating the growth of
seedlings every day. Here are the results:
Before students can start on their line graph, they have to decide which
measurement goes on which axis. On a line graph the independent
measurement goes on the horizontal axis. The dependent measurement
goes on the vertical axis. In this case, time is the independent
measurement, and height is the dependent measurement. Height is the
dependent because the height the seedlings grow depends on how many
days (time) students let them grow.
Science Teacher Guide
3 Height
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2.4 Experimenting
Students have probably heard about scientists doing experiments and
then wondered what the difference is between an experiment and an
investigation. These terms mean much the same thing – scientist carefully
planning laboratory or field work to show that something is true (or not
Designing experiments
The important thing to remember about designing experiments is that
students’ aim must be a statement or question that is able to be tested.
For example, the statement ‘Plants grow better in white light than blue
light’, is easy to design tests for.
When planning experiments and writing reports, students should use the
same headings as they did for writing report. In other words, students
start with a title. Then write an aim, list the materials they will need and
write the method so that others can follow it. Students then collect
results, write their discussion and finally their conclusion.
Grade 7
Learning disabilities impact the way children are able to process and
understand information; they are neurological disorders that might
manifest themselves as difficulty listening, thinking, writing, speaking,
spelling, or doing mathematical calculations. Dyslexia, dyscalculia,
dysgraphia, dyspraxia, visual perception disorders, auditory
processing disorders, and language disorders fall under the umbrella of
learning disorders.
Science Teacher Guide
Grade 7
Metacognitive strategies:
Students plan, monitor, and evaluate their learning of science concepts
and skills.
Advance Organization What is the students’ purpose for solving this problem or doing the
What is the question?
What will students use the information for?
Selective Attention What is the most important information to pay attention to?
Organizational Planning What are the steps in the scientific method students will need to follow?
Self - monitoring Does the plan seem to be working? Are students getting the answer?
Cognitive strategies:
Students interact with the information to be learned, changing or
organizing it either mentally or physically.
Elaborating Prior What do students already know about the topic or type of problem?
Knowledge What experiences students had that are related to this?
How does this information relate to other information?
Resourcing Where can students find additional information about this topic?
Science book?
Taking notes What is the best way to down a plan to record or to summarize the data,
table or list?
Grouping How can students classify this information?
What is the same and what is different?
Making inferences Are there words that students do not know that I must understand to
solve the problem?
Using images What can students draw to help them understand and solve the problem?
Can students make a mental picture or visualize this problem?
Science Teacher Guide
Social/Affective strategies:
Students interact with other to assist learning, or use attitudes and
feelings to help their learning.
Grade 7
5 Learning Cycle
1. Engage
5. Evaluate
2. Explore
4. Elaborate 3. Explain
1. Engage
Activity which will focus student’s attention, stimulate their thinking, and access prior
• KWL (Know already ~ Want to know ~ Learn) This is the “elicit” part
• Brainstorming
2. Explore
Activity which gives students time to think and investigate/test/make
decisions/problem solve, and collect information.
• Perform an Investigation
• Read Authentic Resources to Collect Information
• Solve a Problem
• Construct a Model
3. Explain
Activity which allows students to analyze their exploration. Student’s understanding is
clarified and modified through a reflective activity.
• Student Analysis & Explanation
• Supporting Ideas with Evidence
• Structured Questioning
• Reading and Discussion
• Teacher Explanation
• Thinking Skill Activities: compare, classify, error analysis
Science Teacher Guide
4. Elaborate
Activity which expands and solidifies student thinking and/or applies it to a real-world situation.
• Problem Solving
• Decision Making
• Experimental Inquiry
• Thinking Skill Activities: compare, classify, apply
5. Evaluate
Activity which allows the teacher to assess student performance and/or understandings of concepts, skills,
processes, and applications.
• Any of the Previous Activities
• Develop a Scoring Tool or Rubric
• Performance Assessment
• Produce a Product
• Journal Entry
• Portfolio
Grade 7
Science Teacher Guide
Grade 7
Science Teacher Guide
Teacher Students
• The teacher explains and posts the • Students easily locate learning objectives
standards-based lesson objective(s) in (e.g., an agenda, poster, handout, audio tape),
age-appropriate, student-friendly language. understand the objective(s), and work toward
meeting the objective(s).
• The teacher relays the objective(s) of the
lesson, connects objective(s) to one or more • Students are able to express their
big ideas from previous learning, provides understanding of a lesson’s learning
students with a rationale for learning, and objectives.
revisits lesson goals at the end of the lesson.
• The teacher ensures that all components of
the lesson (e.g., learning activities,
assessment, homework) contribute to the
lesson objectives and to student mastery of
the standard(s).
Grade 7
Teacher Students
• The teacher establishes a purposeful and • Students follow classroom routines well
well-paced lesson structure with multiple enough that minimal time is spent on
ways for students to enter and engage in the listening to instructions and organizational
lesson (e.g., activators to open the lesson; details (such as attendance-taking or
summaries for closure; exit tickets for distribution of class materials).
assessment; breaks during learning time).
• Students begin work when the class is
• The teacher scaffolds smooth transitions scheduled to begin.
between learning activities.
• The teacher accommodates variability in the
amount of time different students need to
complete learning tasks.
Teacher Students
• Instructional strategies (such as • Students respond to opportunities provided by
pre-teaching, cueing, use of multimedia, the teacher to make connections between the
vocabulary review) activate prior knowledge lesson and personal experience.
and maximize accessibility for all students.
• The teacher connects current student
learning with objectives and concepts from
previous lessons, and draws on existing
knowledge (e.g., highlighting big ideas,
patterns and relationships, activating or
supplying background knowledge).
5. Materials are aligned to students’ varied educational and developmental needs.
Examples of practice
• The teacher supports diverse student learning needs by using varied materials
(e.g. manipulative, visuals, adapted text, graphic organizers, multimedia, audio, kinesthetic).
• Assistive technology is utilized where appropriate.
• Print materials are customized (color, font size, audio component) to meet students’ needs.
Science Teacher Guide
6. Presentation of content is designed to meet students’ varied educational and developmental
Examples of practice
Teacher Students
• The teacher knows the variability of • Students engage in activities that are
students’ abilities, readiness, and learning appropriate in terms of complexity and
styles, and appropriately designs learning pacing for their current level of knowledge and
opportunities. skill, and challenge them to the next level of
• The teacher provides all students with entry proficiency.
points into lessons, supporting students’
vocabulary, language needs and conceptual
• Content is revised to maximize access
through adaptations, accommodations, and/
or modifications (e.g., written text and
assessments are accessible through
• The teacher models planning, goal-setting
and strategy development.
7. Depth of content knowledge is evident throughout the presentation of the lesson.
Examples of practice
• All content explained and/or demonstrated throughout the lesson is accurate.
• The teacher explains concepts and ideas in multiple ways to facilitate student understanding
(e.g.,sequencing critical features of a concept, information processing strategies).
• Connections are made across ideas and strands.
• The teacher identifies and corrects misconceptions through exploration and discussion.
8. Instruction includes a range of techniques, such as direct instruction, facilitation, and modeling.
Examples of practice
• Varied instructional strategies target learning objectives.
• Varied instructional approaches anchor the lesson in prior knowledge and build content
• Lesson design includes means for all students to gain access to lesson content through support
from the teacher, other adults in the classroom or peer interactions.
• All students learn thinking and reasoning skills and strategies through think-alouds and other
meta-cognitive approaches modeled by the teacher.
• Appropriately scaffolded instruction makes use of manipulatives, technology, or other means to
support student understanding.
• All students engage in small group work or activities that align to grade-level standards and
learning objectives.
Grade 7
9. Lesson tasks and guiding questions lead students to engage in a process of application, analysis,
synthesis, and evaluation.
Examples of practice
• Probing questions/tasks challenge students to explore concepts/big ideas.
• Classroom discourse and assignments engage all students.
• In response to questions, activities and assignments, students express opinions and defend their
reasoning with evidence while using appropriate content language or visual
• Students engage in application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
• Strategies support students in formulating their thoughts in response to questions
(e.g., adequate wait time, peer sharing, quick-write).
• Students are provided multiple options for expressing what they know (e.g., verbal, written,
physical action, use of technology).
• Student responses direct discussions and set the context for teachable moments.
• Student responses to questions prompt re-teaching to address misconceptions when
• Students pursue ideas that are essential to the lesson.
• Oral and written questions align to grade-level standards and objectives.
10. The teacher paces the lesson to ensure that all students are actively engaged.
Examples of practice
• Wait time is utilized to allow for responses from all students.
• The pacing of the lesson leaves options for student interests, choice and collaborative work.
11. Students articulate their thinking and reasoning in science.
Examples of practice
• Students consistently and appropriately use scientific language and terms that are specific and
relative to the task.
• Students construct an argument showing how available data or evidence support their claim(s).
• Students identify strengths and weaknesses in explanations (their own or those of others).
• Students are prompted to ask questions to identify the premise of an argument, request further
elaboration, refine a research question or engineering problem, or challenge the interpretation of a
data set.
• Students engage in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one or in groups).
• Students are asked to make predictions and explain their thinking about scientific phenomena
and concepts.
• Students have opportunities to share their ideas and possible misconceptions that are
addressed in the lesson.
• Students use representations (such as drawings, graphs, or models) to convey ideas or
proposed explanations.
Science Teacher Guide
12. When working in pairs or small groups, all students are inquiring, exploring, or problem
solving collaboratively.
Examples of practice
Teacher Students
• The teacher holds all students accountable • Students are engaged in sustained
for their contributions to group work. interaction, often in small groups, in order to
• The teacher provides clear guidelines, complete carefully designed academic tasks
that include speaking, listening, reading, and
scaffolding, modeling and expectations
writing or other means of expression.
for group work (e.g., embedded prompts,
checklists, planning templates, defined • Students use multiple means of expression
student roles such as recorder or reporter). (e.g., discussion, debate, data,
demonstration, multimedia) to share their ideas
• There is a gradual release of responsibility
and defend their positions.
from teacher to students for the lesson and
its outcomes. • Students pose questions and/or respond to
material in ways that indicate their
understanding of and reflection on concepts.
13. Opportunities for students to apply new knowledge and content are embedded in the lesson.
Examples of practice
• Application of learning is integrated into lesson design.
• Application of new knowledge in problem-solving situations (not just skills/procedural
knowledge) is evident in student performance and work products.
• Students are given the opportunity to construct and express their understanding to the teacher or
peers through multiple means.
• Students generalize learning to solve unfamiliar problems or to approach unfamiliar tasks.
• Student performance and work products demonstrate progress toward mastery of concepts.
• There is evidence of student-initiated learning (e.g., students pose new problems to be
considered and/or extend knowledge through further research, students generate conclusions).
14. On-the-spot formative assessments check for understanding to inform instruction.
Examples of practice
• Quick, on-the-spot written, recorded or visual assessments (e.g., thumbs-up/thumbs-down, exit
tickets, teacher/student interactions, clicker response to interactive board quiz) are used to gauge
student understanding.
• Students demonstrate understanding of concepts through multiple means of expression
(written, recorded, visual).
• Students receive immediate and specific feedback (from the teacher or other students)
during individual, small group, and/or whole group work to guide their understanding of
important concepts, ideas, and vocabulary.
• The teacher documents students’ level of understanding and utilizes that data to modify or
re-teach, as appropriate.
Grade 7
15. Formative feedback to students is frequent, timely, and informs revision of work.
Examples of practice
• The teacher uses formative assessments to gauge what each student knows/is able to do.
• Students receive and understand specific, frequent and timely documented feedback (e.g.,
written, recorded, visual) regarding their progress toward meeting the standard(s).
• Feedback encourages students to reflect on their learning.
• Standards-based rubrics frame feedback to students.
• Students revise work on the basis of feedback.
• Students design rubrics using clear, standards-based criteria with assistance from the teacher or
• Feedback to students encourages perseverance and fosters efficacy and self-awareness.
• Feedback to students emphasizes effort and improvement, as opposed to competition.
Examples of practice
• Students understand the critical elements of the standards being taught and the expectations for
• Students are aware of what they are learning and why.
• Students can articulate what standards they have mastered, and in what areas they require
additional work.
Science Teacher Guide
Yearly Plan
When planning an instructional program, we begin with the yearly plan.
The yearly plan is organised by terms in a school year. The main or key
information that forms the content of the plan are provided in the syllabus.
These are the:
• strands
• units
• content standards.
Weekly Plan
A weekly plan of the program of instruction is a plan of an instruction
program for teaching and gives the teacher a specific outline of the units,
content standards and performance standards for instruction (teaching)
which the teacher follows in a term. This guides the teacher to organize
the teaching program for the number of weeks in each term.
To compile a plan for a week’s program teachers will need to organize the
plan using the:
• units
• content standards
• benchmarks
• lesson titles.
Teachers should use the term overview to see the order of units
organised, and then use this order to plan the weekly program. The
weekly plan is implemented through a timetable that is planned for the
subjects in the Grades 6, 7 and 8 levels.
Grade 7
Content Overview
This is an overview of the content scope of learning for Grade 7 students
given in the Grades 6, 7 and 8 Science Syllabus. The broad learning
content concepts are:
• Life
• Physical Science
• Earth and Space respectively.
These broad learning concepts are known as strands. From these strands
the units are developed and drawn from the units are the topics followed
by sub-topics. The scope below will help you understand processes in
identifying and scoping the content of learning – strands, units, topics and
sub-topics. The topics and sub-topics are translated and expanded into
content standards and benchmarks.
Strand 1: Life
reproduction in
system in plants
flowering plants
1. Plants
• Properties of
• Reproduction in cells
plants • Plant cells
• Heredity
Pathway • Paths of water in
of water in stem, root and
plants leaves
• Vertebrates and • Properties of
Groups of
2. Animals
invertebrate cells
No contents prescribed for this
grade • Classification of • Animal cells
No contents
• Digestion prescribed for
Circulatory • Circulation
System this grade
Living Together
Changes in the
4. Interaction and
changes by
Science Teacher Guide
• Sources of energy • Electric current
• Lens
electromagnet magnetic field
• Work and
• Mass
• Types of forces • Properties of
• Forces
• Properties of changes
solutions mass of
3. Matter
• Solubility substance
• Separation of
• Atoms • State change
molecules and
• Compounds
Grade 7
Volcano and
and change and structure of
• Sedimentary rocks
of land the Earth • Igneous rocks
1. Our Earth
• Change of land
• Plates and
• Natural
Rock Cycle
• How rocks form
• How rocks
• Atmosphere • Climate
2. Weather and
Weather and
No contents prescribed for this changes
grade • Weather in
Papua New
The Moon • Moon in motion • Motion of the • Space
Earth • Solar system
• Moon phases
Exploring space
Earth’s motion
Science Teacher Guide
Yearly Overview
The yearly overview is a plan designed to organise the learning content
for Grade 7 students. It is a plan developed from the content overview of
learning given in the Grades 6, 7 and 8 Science Syllabus. The syllabus is
translated into a delivery plan for use in the classrooms for a school year.
The plan also promotes sequencing of the learning content from strand,
unit and topic.
Unit 1: Plants Unit 3: Human Body Unit 1: Our Earth Unit 4: Interaction
and relationship in the
Groups of plants Digestive System Natural Resources environment
Living together
Physical Science
Unit 2: Animals Physical Science
Unit 1: Energy
Groups of animals Unit 3: Matter
Light and Lens
Properties of Solutions
Physical Science Physical Science
Earth and Space Pressure Earth and Space Earth and Space
Unit 2: Our Earth Physical Science Unit 2: Weather and Unit 3: Space
Earth’s structure Unit 2: Force and Earth’s motion
Motion Weather Change
Assessment &
Report Writing
Speech Day
10 Testing and compiling of Assessment
Grade 7
Termly Overview
The term overview outlines the content that is to be delivered in a term. It
contains the weeks, strands, units, topics and lesson titles with
suggested number of periods per lesson.
Term 1: Overview
Week Strand Unit Topic Lesson Title (40mins)
2 Groups of plants 1
Classification of Plants 1
Reproduction process in Flowering plants 1
Reproduction process in non-flowering plants 1
Strand 1: Life
Topic Review 2
Unit Review 2
Vertebrates and Invertebrates 1
Unit 2: Animals
Characteristics of Vertebrates 1
Groups of
Classification of vertebrates 1
Characteristics of Invertebrates 1
Classification of Invertebrates 1
5 Topic Review 2
Unit Review 2
Electric current 1
Strand 2: Physical
Earth’s structure
Science Teacher Guide
Term 2: Overview
Week Strand Unit Topic Lesson Title
Week 1: Orientation And Revision Work
Types of nutrients 1
Functions of nutrients 1
Digestive System
2 Digestive organs 1
Strand 1: Life
Mechanism of digestion 1
Role of enzymes 1
Topic Review 2
Unit Review 2
Speed of light 1
Properties of light 1
Strand 2: Physical Science
Reflection of light 1
Light and Lens
4 Refraction of light 1
Unit 1:
Properties of pressure 1
Strand 2: Physical
Pressure in solids 1
Pressure in liquids 1
Pressure in gas 1
Calculating pressure 1
Uses of pressure in daily life 1
Topic Review 2
Characteristics of density 1
Unit 2: Force
Grade 7
Term 3: Overview
Week Strand Unit Topic Lesson Title
Week 1 - Orientation and revision work
2 Types of natural resources
Earth and
Our Earth
Strand 3:
Unit 1:
Importance and uses of natural resources
Conservation of natural resources 1
Types of solutions 1
Solute in a solution – Carbon dioxide 2
Strand 2: Physical Science
Properties of Solutions
Acid Solutions
Alkaline Solution 2
Neutral Solution 2
5 2
Solubility 2
Concentration of solutions 2
6 Separating solutions 2
Topic Review 2
Layers of the atmosphere 1
Types of air pressure 1: Low pressure 1
Types of air pressure 2: High pressure 1
Unit 2: Weather and Climate
Strand 3: Earth and Space
Atmospheric movements 1
Weather Change
Greenhouse effects 1
Types of clouds 1
8 Weather and clouds 1
Water Cycle on Earth 1
Characteristics of weather in Papua New 1
Weather patterns in Papua New Guinea 1
Topic Review 2
Unit Review 2
Science Teacher Guide
Term 4: Overview
Week Strand Unit Topic Lesson Title
Components of an ecosystem 1
2 Living and non-living in the ecosystem 1
relationship in the
Living Together
Interaction and
Roles of organisms in the ecosystem 1
Strand 1: Life
Unit 4:
and Compounds
Earth’s Motion
Unit 3:
8 Seasons 1
Topic Review
Unit Review
Grade 7
Strand Unit Topic Sub-topic Lesson Title)
Flowering and 1 Characteristics of flowering plants
Non-flowering Plants 2 Characteristics of non-flowering plants
Groups of plants
Unit 1: Plants
Groups of
11 Classification of Vertebrates
12 Topic Review
13 Unit Review
Circuits, electric 14 Regularity of electric current in circuits
current, voltage 15 Measuring electric current in circuits
Physical Science
17 Resistance in wires
Strand 2:
Electric current,
voltage, resistance 18 Electric current, Voltage and Resistance
19 Calculating Voltage
Static electricity 20 Properties of Static Electricity
21 Static Electricity at work
22 Topic Review
Composition and 23 Composition of the Earth
structure of the Earth 24 Structure of the Earth
Plates and 25 Movement of tectonic plates
Unit 1: Our Earth
Earth and Space
Earth’s structure
Science Teacher Guide
Strand Unit Topic Sub-topic Lesson Title)
Nutrients 31 Types of nutrients
32 Functions of nutrients
Unit 3: Human Body
Digestive System
Strand 1: Life
42 Refraction of light
Lens 43 Properties of convex lens
44 Function of convex lens
45 Pinhole Camera
46 Application of convex lens
Strand 2: Physical Science
47 Topic Review
48 Unit Review
Pressure 49 Properties of pressure
50 Pressure in solids
51 Pressure in liquids
52 Pressure in gas
Force and Motion
53 Calculating pressure
54 Uses of pressure in daily life
Unit 2:
55 Topic Review
Properties of density 56 Characteristics of density
57 Comparing density of matter
Unit 1: Our
Grade 7
Strand Unit Topic Sub-topic Lesson Title)
Properties of solu- 67 Elements
tions 68 Characteristics of Elements
Strand 2: Physical Science
Properties of solutions
70 Atoms
Unit 3: Matter
84 Greenhouse effects
Cloud and Fog 85 Types of clouds
86 Weather and clouds
87 Water cycle on Earth
Weather in PNG Characteristics of weather in Papua New
89 Weather patterns in Papua New Guinea
90 Topic Review
91 Unit Review
Ecosystem 92 Components of ecosystem
Unit 2: Interaction and
Living together
Strand 1: Life
Science Teacher Guide
Strand Unit Topic Sub-topic Lesson Title)
Atoms 100 Characteristics of atoms
Molecules 104 Characteristic of molecules in matter
105 Molecules and their symbols
Compounds 106 Common compounds and their elements
107 Examples of compounds in everyday life
108 Topic Review
109 Unit Review
Motion of the Earth 110 Earth’s orbit
Strand 3: Earth and
Grade 7
Strand 1: Life
Unit 1: Plants
Topic: Groups of Plants
Monocotyledons have one cotyledon (seed leaf), which is the food store of a seed. They also
have leaves with parallel veins, and flower parts in multiples of three. Dicotyledons have two
cotyledons, leaves with branching, netlike veins, and flower parts in groups of four or five.
Science Teacher Guide
Most of the plants people normally grow in their homes and gardens are seed plants. These
plants have five characteristics in common.
1. Leaves
Seed plants all possess leaves in some pattern and configuration. Leaves vary widely in
appearance and can be very small or large. Leaves are part of the shoot system of the plant that
is located above ground. It is where the photosynthesis, the conversion of light into sugars, take
place. Food is also stored in leaves and released as it is needed by the plant’s cell. Plant
hormone reproduction also takes place in this upper shoot system of the plant.
2. Stems
Seed plants all have stems to help them support the plant and hold the cells for
photosynthesis, food and water transport, as well as cells for reproduction. Stems are where the
flowers are located, which then turn into seeds that create more plants. Not all plants have visible
flowers. Some flowers are very inconspicuous, but serve the same function for seed dispersal as
more lush flowers.
3. Roots
All seed plants have a root system that helps to anchor the plant in place. Roots are generally
underground structures that absorb water and nutrients from the soil and store it for later as it is
needed. Roots can spread broadly within the soil to absorb as much water and nutrition as
possible. Generally, the larger the plant, the wider the root system will spread.
4. Seed-Producing Capability
All seed plants produce seeds as a method of reproduction. Not all plants reproduce this way,
however. Some plants, like mosses, use spores to grow into new environments. Though different
types of seeds may look very different from one another, they all contain the same basic
structures. Seeds all have an embryo, a food storage organ and a seed coat. Seeding is a very
efficient way of creating more plants, which is why there are so many seed-type plants.
5. Vascular System
Plants require a vascular system to carry moisture and nutrients to all parts of the plant and to
maintain its upright structure. Phloem is a vascular tissue that carries food throughout the plant.
Xylem is a vascular tissue that carries water and nutrients to the plant cells. The vascular system
is so important to the plant that damage to these tissues can cause its death.
Grade 7
Ferns have no flowers and reproduce by spores. The spores from the back of the leaves grow to
form a very small heart-shaped plant. Sexual reproduction takes place on this small heart-shaped
plant, resulting in the formation of the large fern seen in many bushes.
Ferns are only one step in a bi-generational life cycle and are flowerless. They do not bear seeds;
instead they produce spores typically on the back of their leaves called fronds. Staghorn ferns are
examples of ferns that produce spores on the tip of their frons. When the spores mature, they are
ejected from the cases and dispersed by the wind
Tomato plants belong to the plant group known as flowering plants or angiosperms. The tomato
plant reproduces sexually, meaning that it requires both female and male organs to produce
seeds. Every tomato seed has a tiny tomato plant inside. When the conditions are just right,
tomato seeds will germinate.
As the seed germinates, the radicle or young root first appears and grows down into the ground.
The cotyledons or seed leaves then appear and grow up towards the Sun and the young plant
develops true leaves. As the plant matures, more leaves develop and flower buds form
(see Figure 1). On mature tomato plants, flowers develop and this is where sexual reproduction
Figure 1: Diagram of the tomato life cycle. The life cycle starts from seeds and as the plant grows
and matures, flowers develop. After pollination and fertilization, fruits develop which contain
seeds, allowing for the life cycle to start again.
Science Teacher Guide
The ovary within the flower develops into a tomato fruit that we eat.
Grade 7
Unit 2: Animals
Invertebrates are animals without a backbone. They do not have internal skeleton made of bone. Of
the planet’s estimated 15-30 million animal species, 90% or more are invertebrates. They occupy
almost all habitats; they can be found crawling, flying, swimming or floating.
The most common vertebrates include sponges, annelids, echinoderms, mollusks and arthropods.
Arthropods include insects, crustaceans and arachnids.
Butterfly Spider
Bee Beetle
Science Teacher Guide
Classification of Vertebrates
Vertebrates are highly cephalized and have well developed organs. They have endoskeleton and a
closed circulatory system. And they have the ability to regulate their body temperature. Of the five
classes of vertebrates birds and animals are endothermic in nature and others like fish, amphibians,
and reptiles are ectothermic in nature.
They have bony endoskeleton which consists of cranium, limb girdles, visceral arches and two pairs
of appendages. Muscles attached to the endoskeleton helps in locomotion and they have ventral
hearts with 2 to 4 chambers. Have a large digestive system with liver, digestive glands and pancreas.
Also have well developed body cavity.
The bloods of the vertebrates contain red blood and white blood corpuscles. They paired kidneys.
The general body plan of the vertebrates consists of head, trunk, appendages and post anal tail.
Classification of vertebrates
Vertebrates are classified into the following five classes.
1. Fish
2. Amphibians
3. Reptiles
4. Birds
5. Mammals
• Animals
– Marsupials
– Primates
– Rodents
– Cetaceans
– Seals
• Give birth to • Have feathers • Have moist • Have scales • Have dry
live babies • Lay eggs skin and fins scaly skin
and feed them • Can live on • Breath under • Lay eggs
milk land and in water through
• Hair or fur on water gills
Grade 7
Characteristics of Invertebrates
General characteristics of invertebrates are as follows:
• The main characteristic that separates invertebrates from other organisms is the absence of the
spinal cord and the backbone.
• They are multicellular organisms, they completely lack cell walls.
• They are devoid hard body endoskeleton.
• Due to the lack of complex skeleton systems, some invertebrates tend to be slow and small in
• Due to the lack of the backbone and complex nervous system the invertebrates cannot occupy
multiple environments, though they are found in the harshest of the environments.
• Body is divided into three parts – head, thorax and the abdomen.
• They do not have large lungs for respiration.
• Respiration is through skin.
• Some invertebrates groups possess a hard, exoskeleton.
Examples of invertebrates:
Crustaceans, Centipedes, Ants, Wasps, Spiders, Locusts, Honey bees, Termites, Cockroach,
Grasshoppers, Crickets, Stick insects, Mantis, Crabs, Star fish, Leeches, Earthworms, etc.
We need food for three reasons:
1. For energy
Food is needed to supply the energy for many body functions such as muscle movement and
keeping a constant body temperature.
Food provides nutrients to help the body perform properly. It is important to enjoy a well-balanced,
healthy diet by consuming a variety of foods to provide all the nutrients our bodies need.
Some nutrients are water soluble, meaning that they dissolve in aqueous solutions. Other nutrients are
fat soluble, meaning that they dissolve in fatty tissues and oils.
Science Teacher Guide
Protein is needed for growth and development. Requirements are higher for babies and children than
for adults.
• Protein is made up of amino acids.
• Some amino acids cannot be made by the body and must be supplied by the diet, known as
essential amino acids.
• Protein foods can be provided from both animal and plant origin.
• Animal sources of protein tend to provide all the essential amino acids, known as a ‘complete’
• Plant sources of protein tend to provide different essential amino acids, so by eating a wide
variety of these foods, you can get all the amino acids you need to make up a ‘complete’ protein
from a vegetarian diet.
Most of the energy (calories) we need should come from carbohydrates. Carbs, along with fat and
protein, provide energy so we can perform our daily activities. Carbs are split into two
Digested quickly; provide immediate burst of energy Digested slowly; provide long lasting, stable energy
For example, For example,
table sugar, honey, soft drinks oatmeal, whole grain bread
Dietary fibre is a term that is used for plant-based carbohydrates that, unlike other carbohydrates
(such as sugars and starch), are not digested in the small intestine, so fibre reaches the large intestine
(helps with the digestion).
There are two main groups of fibre: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fibre reduces cholesterol in the
blood and controls blood sugar levels. Insoluble fibre helps keep your digestive tract in good working
order. They work in different ways so it is important to include both types in your diet. What is
important to remember is that fibre-rich foods typically contain both types of fibre.
Vitamins are essential for our health (the name comes from “vital”). Many different vitamins are
present in food. However, they are required in small amounts to maintain good health. Most of us
should meet our vitamin requirements by eating a healthy, well balanced diet. Certain groups,
however, for example the sick, elderly, post-menopausal women, pregnant women or individuals
following restrictive diets, may need to take an additional vitamin supplement.
Hypervitaminosis is a condition of abnormally high storage levels of vitamins, which can lead to toxic
symptoms. Toxic levels of vitamins are generally a result of high supplement intake or a large intake of
highly fortified foods and not from natural food.
Grade 7
It provides energy, absorbs certain nutrients and maintains your core body temperature. You need
to consume fat every day to support these functions, but some types of fat are better for you than
others. While carbohydrates are the main source of energy in your body, your system turns to fat as a
backup energy source when carbohydrates are not available.
Fatty acids are the building blocks of fat and there are three different types: saturated fatty acids,
monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
While monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats can lower blood cholesterol and help reduce the
risk of heart disease, saturated fats can raise blood cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease.
There is a special sub group of polyunsaturated fatty acids known as Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs).
They are called ‘essential’ as they are not easily manufactured by the body and must be provided by
food. They are split into two groups: Omega 3 and Omega 6.
Trans fatty acids are a form of fat that the body does not actually need and only have adverse effects.
Along with vitamins, minerals are vital nutrients found in food, which help the body to convert food
into energy, control body fluids and build strong bones and teeth.
Minerals are found in a wide variety of foods including fruit, vegetables, cereals, milk and dairy
products, meat and fish. There are two types of minerals your body needs to stay healthy: major and
trace minerals. As their names suggest, these kinds of minerals are divided by need. Your body needs
large amounts of major minerals and only very small amounts of trace minerals for normal function.
• Calcium
• Magnesium
• Potassium
• Sodium
• Phosphorous
• Iron (trace mineral)
When we take a bite out of a kaukau, you chew the mouthful of food a few times, and then swallow it.
That is the last you see of the hamburger. How is the hamburger digested? The diagram of the
digestive system or gut will help answer this question.
The function of the digestive system is to break down the food you eat into smaller molecules, which
are then able to pass from the small intestine into your blood. Digestion is both physical break down
of large lumps of food into smaller one, and the chemical break down of food. The chemical
breakdown occurs with the help of substances called enzymes, which are made in special cells in the
body. These substances speed up chemical reactions, which break down insoluble food molecules
into small soluble ones.
Science Teacher Guide
1. Mouth - Digestion begins here. Food is chewed and broken into smaller pieces. In addition an
enzyme called amylase begins the chemical breakdown of starch.
2. The gullet contains muscles that food in a tube from mouth to the stomach.
3. The stomach is the place in which mechanical digestion occurs by muscles churning food
around to break it into small pieces. Chemical digestion by gastric juice also occurs in the
stomach. The juice contains an enzyme called protease, which breaks down complex protein to
simple protein.
4. In the small intestine there is a little mechanical digestion and a lot of chemical digestion. Bile,
a fluid produced by the liver and stored in the gall bladder, enters the intestines by a tube. Bile
helps in preparing fats and oils for digestion.
5. The large intestines is the place where water is absorbed into the blood stream. No mechanical
or chemical digestion occurs here.
6. The anus is the end of the digestive tube. Undigested food passes out of this opening . this is
called elimination.
Enzymes that break down carbohydrates into sugars such as glucose are called amylases. Amylases
are made in the salivary glands in the mouth and in other glands in the digestive system. Enzymes
called proteases break down proteins into amino acids. These molecules are essential for your body
to build structures such as cell membranes. Proteases are made in glands in the stomach and the
small intestine. The enzymes that break down fats (lipids) are called lipases. Fats are broken down to
fatty acids.
Grade 7
Ecosystems are made up of living and non-living things that interact with each other. Interactions
between organisms can be described in terms of the feeding relationships. Various types of human
activity can affect these interactions.
An ecosystem includes all of the living things (plants, animals and organisms) in a given area,
interacting with each other, and also with their non-living environments (weather, earth, sun, soil,
climate, and atmosphere). Ecosystems are the foundations of the Biosphere and they determine the
health of the entire earth system. In an ecosystem, each organism has its own role to play.
An ecosystem is the sum of both the living (biotic) and nonliving (abiotic) components of a natural
community. The process of energy flows and nutrient cycles make it possible for both the biotic and
abiotic elements to work together. In short, an ecosystem is an interaction and sometimes a
symbiosis that permits organisms to exist in limited spaces. Energy, air, water, soil, soil minerals, and
nitrogen are all important components of an ecosystem.
2. Terrestrial ecosystem
The terrestrial ecosystem encompasses seven major ecosystems such as the tropical rainforest,
savannas, deserts, temperate grasslands, deciduous forests, coniferous forest, and tundra.
Location of a place and climate patterns affect terrestrial ecosystems in a major way.
3. Ocean ecosystem
Ocean ecosystem covers about 75% of the planet. About 40% of all photosynthesis happens in
Science Teacher Guide
Living and non-living elements of an ecosystem have a complex inter-relationship that enables all the
participants within its bounds to flourish. As the biotic organisms and abiotic elements come together,
they play their distinct roles to produce a viable environment for an ecosystem to exist. Biotic
organisms are defined as the living elements such as micro-organisms, animals, and plants. Abiotic
factors are the rocks, soil, air, and water that allow these biotic elements to flourish.
Biotic Abiotic
Components Components
A population consists of all the members of the same type of organism that live in an ecosystem.
Population numbers depend on resources, prey-predator relationships, diseases, and competition. In
any population, growth is limited by factors such as competition, predation, water and disease.
If the population in the areas exceeds that number, many animals won’t get enough to drink. To
survive, they must find water elsewhere.
The water available to animals at this watering hole is a limiting factor in the ecosystem. A limiting
factor is something that restricts the growth and distribution of a population. Limiting factors include
resources such as food, water and space. They can also involve competition, predation, disease,
invasive species, and human activities.
Competition is the struggle among living things to use the same resources in an ecosystem. Some
competition occurs between individuals of the same species. For example, birds of the same species
might compete for the best places to nest. Plants might compete for growing space soil. Two lions
might compete for the same prey.
There is also completion between different species. Owls and hawks hunt the same type of food.
Their completion is limited because they hunt at different times of the day.
Predation occurs when one organism-the predator-catches and feeds on another organism-the prey.
Predation is an important limiting factor in an ecosystem. When prey population grows, predators
have plenty to eat. As a result, the predator population grows.
A disease is a condition that prevents an organism from functioning properly. It is an important limiting
factor because it can stop population growth. Diseases often appear in animal populations weakened
by overcrowding and lack of food and water. Disease can also affect plant populations.
Grade 7
The natural balance of ecosystems can be destroyed when an organism arrives from elsewhere.
Invasive species are plants or animals that are not native to an ecosystem. Invasive species harm
ecosystems because they often have no natural enemies. In such cases, their populations can
increase quickly. They crowd out native species and consume resources. They can also destroy
habitats and disrupt food chains.
A community is the group of living things found in an ecosystem. These living things depend upon
one another for food, shelter and other needs. They also depend upon the nonliving things in the
ecosystem. Organisms that live well in one ecosystem might not survive in another. Alligators for
example, find food and shelter only in warm, wet places. They must also drink lots of water to flush
wastes from their blood.
The structure of the biosphere begins with the organism, population, community and ecosystem.
Science Teacher Guide
Unit 1: Energy
Topic: Electricity
A circuit also includes a source of energy and some resistors. A resistor is a device that resists
electricity flowing through it. Examples of resistors are light bulbs and many devices. They change the
electrical energy into light, heat or sound. Most circuits have a switch. A switch is a device that allows
the current to be turned on or off. When the switch is open, the circuit is broken and therefore the
current stops.
The unit of measure of electric current is ampere (A). One ampere of current is the net flow of about 6
billion billion electrons every second through a point in the circuit.
Grade 7
Measuring Voltage
An electric current is produced by a source of electricity. The forces that
pushes the electricity along a wire is called the voltage. If the voltage is
increased, the force pushing the electricity through the circuit is increased,
and so the current will also be increased. Voltage is measured in volts (V)
using a special instrument called a voltmeter. A voltmeter is connected in
parallel across any electrical device.
Types of Circuits
The parts of an electric circuit can be connected in different ways. In a series circuit, current flows in a
single path. Along the way it may pass through two or more resistors, such as light bulbs. In a series
circuit the current is the same throughout the circuit.
Note that the a switch is used to open and close a circuit. If a switch is open, the pathway is broken
and no charges can flow. Similarly if one of the resistors breaks, it acts alike an open circuit and stops
the current. When a bulb burns out in a series circuit, the electricity stops flowing.
In a parallel circuit, electric current can flow through more than one path to complete the circuit. If all
of the pathways are complete, some of the along each path. When a resistor in one of the pathways
breaks, current can still flow along other paths.
In a parallel circuit, the resistors in each pathway receive the full voltage of the circuit. So bulbs wired
in parallel are quite bright-as bright as if only one were in the circuit. In a series circuit, the voltage is
divided among various resistors. The more bulbs added into a series circuit, the more dimer they are
Science Teacher Guide
Resistance (R)
• the ability to impede the flow of electrons in conductors, measured in Ohms (Ω)
When an electric current moves through a conductor, there is always some electrical resistance to
the current. This is because of the attraction of the electrons to the positive nuclei of the atoms in the
conductor. This attraction is greater in some conductors than in others, giving them a greater
electrical resistance. As the electrons are pushed through a conductor they lose some of their energy
as heat. This waste heat can be a nuisance; for example, computers get hot when used. However the
waste heat is sometimes useful. For example, because nichrome wire has a fairly high resistance, it is
used to make the heating elements in many electrical appliances used around the home. It is usually
coiled to take up less space. The filament of a light bulb is made from a very thin tungsten wire. When
a current is passed through it, the wire becomes so hot that it gives off a brilliant white light.
Grade 7
Ohm’s Law
• Relationship between voltage, current, and resistance
• States that the current in a circuit varies in direct proportion to the potential difference, or
voltage, and inversely with the resistance.
• Used to make calculations in all circuit problems
• V = potential difference (voltage) in volts
• I = electric current in amperes (amps, A)
• R = resistance in ohms Ω
Static Electricity
Have you ever felt a plastic comb pulling your hair when you hold the comb above your head? Have
you heard the crackling sound as you take off your nylon shirt or blouse? This is caused by static
electricity. If the static or stationary electricity is made to move, it can make a spark.
The word ‘electricity’ came from the Greek word ‘electros’, which means amber. Amber is old tree
gum, which becomes charged very easily when it is rubbed with a cloth.
Normally objects have no charge on them because the number of negative charges balances the
number of positive charges. However, when some substances are rubbed together charges can be
moved from one substance to another. This is how static electricity is formed. For example, plastic
rod is rubbed with a piece of cotton cloth; negative charges are rubbed off the plastic rod on to the
cloth. In this way the cotton cloth becomes negatively charged, because it now has more negative
charges. The plastic rod becomes positively charged, as it is now has more positive charges because
of the negative charges lost to the cloth.
Science Teacher Guide
Like all waves, light waves can be transmitted, absorbed, reflected, or refracted. The interation of light
and matter is the basis of vision and of the optical technology.
Electromagnetic waves all travel at the same speed – about 300,000 km (186,000 mil) per second.
This rate of travel is known as the speed of light.
To get an idea if how fast is this, consider that the circumference of Earth is about 40,000 km (25,000
mi). At that speed, light and other electromagnetic waves could travel this distance seven times in one
second! Light cannot travel around the world, however. Another property of light waves is that they
usually travel in a straight line.
Here is a simple way to demonstrate both that light is moving, and it travels in a straight line. Hold
your hand between a light source and wall. What happens? Your hand creates a shadow by blocking
the light and keeping it from traveling to the wall. The shadow is shaped like your hand, because the
light rays move in a straight line as they go past your hand or are absorbed.
If you ever sit at the edge of a swimming pool with your legs in the water, you may notice something
odd. Your legs may appear to bend sharply just below the surface of the water. This optical illusion
results from refraction of the lights coming from your legs.
Refraction is the bending, or changing of direction, of light rays when they pass from one material into
another. If the rays pass through the surface of the material at an angle other than 90 degrees to the
surface, they will refract.
Light moves at different speeds through different materials. When light crosses the surface between
two materials at an angle, it changes direction.
The bouncing of light off a surface is called reflection. The flatness and smoothness of the mirror
ensure that light rays are reflected in an orderly way.
Whenever light reflects off a mirror, it obeys the law of reflection. According to this law, light rays leave
the mirror at the same angle at which they strike the mirror.
As the law of reflection predicts, all of the light rays that strike a plane mirror will reflect off the surface
in a specific direction. So, the light rays leaving the mirror will have the same arrangements that they
had when they struck the mirror. That is why the image of your face has left and right reversed.
Most objects, even if they are highly reflective, are not as smooth as a mirror. Their surfaces have tiny
bumps and pits. These irregularities cause different rays to hit different parts of the surface at different
angles. Each ray reflects off the surface at a different angle and no clear image is formed. The type of
reflection produced by such a surface is called a diffuse reflection.
Grade 7
• Light is reflected when light falls on a smooth polished surface or shinny surface
• The ray of light is reflected in another direction after striking the mirror.
• Light rays that strike the surface (plane mirror) is called the incident ray and the ray that comes
back from the surface (plane mirror) after reflections is known as the reflected ray.
• Angle of incidence (Ði) is the angle between the normal and the incident ray and the angle of
reflection is between the reflected ray and the normal.
• The angle of incidence is always equal to the angle of reflection. This is known as the Law of
The phenomenon of bending away of light from the normal is known as Refraction. The bending of the
light depends on the two medium that the light is traversing. If the light travels from a denser medium
to a lighter medium, the ray tends to bend away from the normal, whereas if the light is travelling from
a lighter medium to a denser medium, then the ray tends to bend towards the normal.
Laws of refraction
• All the three rays that is, incident ray, normal and the refracted ray, lies in the same plane
• The relation between the angle of incidence and angle of refraction is constant and can be
defined as the ratio of sine of both the angles that is, angle of incidence to angle of refraction. The
constant value is also known as Refractive Index (µ).
Light is indeed the fastest entity in the universe, but only in a vacuum. In other words, nothing can
travel faster than light in a vacuum; in other mediums, however, like water, glass etc., it’s quite possi-
ble for other entities to be as fast as – or even faster than – light.
The speed of light depends entirely on the medium through which it’s traveling, and as you can im-
agine, every medium has a different set of properties, which means that light’s speed in one medium
can be assumed to be at least slightly different from another. For instance, the properties of a medium
such as air are different from those of another medium, like water. Similarly, water as a medium is
quite different from glass as a medium.
Science Teacher Guide
Therefore, the speed of light changes when it travels from one medium to another. The moment that a
light ray leaves a certain medium and enters a new one, it refracts, i.e., it bends away from its origi-
nal path. You can actually observe this phenomenon in action in many ways in your everyday life. For
example, try putting a pencil in a jar full of water (as shown in the image below).
Grade 7
A lens is a transparent material that refracts light in such a way as to form an image. Like mirrors,
lenses may be convex or concave. Unlike mirrors, both sides of a lens may be curved.
A convex lens is thicker at the centre than at the edges. Convex lenses are thicker at the middle. Rays
of light that pass through the lens are brought closer together (they converge). A convex lens is a
converging lens.
When parallel rays of light pass through a convex lens the refracted rays converge at one point called
the principal focus. The distance between the principal focus and the centre of the lens is called the
focal length.
A convex lens causes light rays to converge at a focal point. The distance of the focal point from the
center of the lens is the focal point of the lens. The type of image formed by a convex lens depends
on the distance of the object from the lens. If the distance is less than one focal length, the image will
be right-side up and enlarged. A hand lens produces this type of image.
If the distance between the object and the lens is between one and two focal lengths, the image
formed will be up-side down and enlarged. If the distance is more than two focal lengths, the image
will be up-side down and reduced in size. This is the type of image that a camera focuses on film.
Science Teacher Guide
Pressure is an effect on which occurs when force is applied on a surface. Pressure is the amount of
force acting on a unit area. Pressure is the action of one force against another over, a surface. The
pressure P of a force distributed over an area A is defined as:
P = F/A
Properties of Air
Because air has mass, it has pressure. It also has other properties, including density and pressure.
Air pressure is the pressing down of the weight of air on an area. Denser air has more air pressure
than less dense air.
If a force is applied over a smaller surface area, you get a larger pressure
Grade 7
A liquid in a container exerts pressure because of its weight. Pressure in lquids acts in all directions.
The weight of the liquid causes pressure in the container. It also causes pressure in any object in the
Science Teacher Guide
Density can be best explained using the following example. Which would you like to carry up a
hill- a 10kg bag of rice or the same bag filled with feathers? The rice and the feathers take up the
same space in the bag, but the bag of rice is much more heavier than the bag of feathers. This is
because rice is denser than feathers
Density is how much mass is packed into a measured volume. It is usually measured in grams per
cubic centimetre (g/cm3 ). To find the density of something simply us the following formulae:
Mass (g)
Density (g/cm ) = --------------------
Volume (cm3)
To find the volume of regular objects use volume = length x width x height. To find the volume of
irregular shaped objects, use a displacement can to find the volume. Simply drop the object into the
can and measure the volume of water it displaces (pushes out of the way).
All samples of pure substances kept under the same conditions have the same density. A drop of
pure water and a tub-load of pure water both have density of 1g/mL. this is the density of pure water
in liquid state. Liquids with other densities are not pure water.
Remember that density is not the same as mass. For example, lead is much denser than aluminium
if a block of lead and a block of aluminium each have a mass of 10g, what can you conclude about
Grade 7
Unit 3: Matter
Properties of Solutions
Solutions are mixtures that are evenly mixed at the molecular level. You cannot see the particles that
make up the solution. A solution has two parts, a solute and a solvent. The solute is the substance
that is present and lesser amount. The solvent is the substance that is present in the greater amount.
For example, in a sugar solution, the sugar is the solute and the water is the solvent.
Because solution is a mixture, the substance that make up the mixture keep their properties. This
means that sugar can be separated from the solution by evaporation. Many solutions are made of a
liquid solvent and a solid solute such as sugar and water. Other solutions form from other
combinations of gases, liquids and solids.
Scientist use many definitions of acids. One simple definition is that an acid tastes sour when
dissolved in water. Lemon, oranges, lemons, pamellos, limes, apples and vinegar contain weak acids.
Lemons, oranges, pamellos and lime contain citric acid. Apples contain malic acid, sour milk contains
lactic acid and vinegar contains acetic acid. All these food contain weak acids and are harmless. The
stomach also uses acids to digest food.
There are other acids that are strong and are mostly found in the laboratories. The common ones are
the hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid and nitric acid. Strong acids are corrosive and can cause serious
burns to the skin and damage clothes. If you get any acid on your skin or clothes, wash it immediately
with plenty of water.
An acid solution that does not contain very much water in it is said to be concentrated and a
watered-down acid solution is said to be dilute.
When mixing concentrated acids with water to dilute them, be careful and add water to the acid.
Because so much heat is given out as acid dissolves, the mixture bubbles and could splash out
causing burns.
To identify compounds as acids, scientist use a special kind of test paper called a litmus paper.
Litmus paper comes in blue and red strips. Acids turn blue litmus to red.
With an ACID
Litmus indicator is RED
A base feels slippery, tastes bitter and turns red litmus paper blue when dissolved in water. Soap,
detergents and ammonia contain compounds called base. Bases are chemical compound that can
be thought to be chemical opposite to acids. Three common bases that are used in the laboratory are
sodium hydroxide, ammonium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide. Litmus indicator is blue in base. A
good way to remember that the litmus is blue in bases is that “blue” and “base” start with same letter
With a BASE
Litmus indicator is BLUE
Science Teacher Guide
Why can acids and bases be powerful? One reason is that both react strongly with water. As a general
rule, acids add hydrogen ions (H+) when they dissolve in water. Bases add hydroxide ions (OH-) in
water. Both hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions are very unstable. They combine with other substances
very quickly.
When an acid and a base react with each other, H+ ions in the acid and OH- ions in the base
combine to form a neutral water. A compound called a salt is also formed. The reaction is called
Chemical dyes that are one colour in and acidic solution but change to a different colour in a basic
solution are called indicators. The indicators that commonly used in laboratory and the colours they
give when added to an acid or base are shown in the table below.
Coloured dyes in plants, vegetables and flowers are also good indicators. The red colouring in
hibiscus flowers can be extracted by boiling the petals in water in a few minutes. The red solution can
then be used as an indicator. Hibiscus flower indicator is red in acids and green in bases.
Acids and bases react together and neutralise each other. When acids and bases react together they
combine to form a salt and water. This is known as neutralisation reaction. Energy in the form of heat
is always released during a neutralisation reaction.
Neutralisation reactions
Grade 7
Measuring pH
To compare strengths of two acids using a litmus paper won’t work it will turn red in both acids.
Scientists use a scale called the pH scale to measure the strength of an acid or base dissolved in
water. The range of the pH scale is from 0 to 14. Low pH reading means a high concentration of
hydrogen ions. Acids have a pH between 0 and 6. A high pH means a low concentration of hydrogen
ions. Bases have a pH between 8 and 14. Water has a pH of 7. It is neutral and has equal
concentration of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions.
Scientists use special chemicals called indicators to determine the pH of a solution. An indicator is a
chemical that changes colour when mixed with an acid or base. The chemical in the litmus is an
indicator that changes colour in any solution that is not neutral (pH7). Other indicators change colour
over a different range of pH.
Several indicators can be combined into a universal turns a range of colours over a broad
range of pH values. By placing a small drop of an acid or base solution on the paper and comparing
the colour to a key, you can determine the pH of the solution.
Science Teacher Guide
Concentration of Solution
Different substances dissolve in water in different amounts. The amount of a solute that can dissolve
in water is known as the solubility of a substance. The solubility depends on the temperature of the
water and is measured by how many grams of the substance will dissolve in 100 cubic centimeters
of water at that temperature. For example, the solubility of copper sulphate at 200C is 22grams in 100
cubic centimeter of water. The solubility of potassium nitrate at 200C is 29 grams in 100 cubic
centimeters of water.
The solubility of most substances increases with temperature. Sugar, salt, coffee and copper sulphate
becomes more soluble as the temperature of the water increases.
Separating a Solution
To separate a solution, you must make use of the different properties of the mixed materials. You
usually cannot use the size of the particles to separate them, because only very special filters are fine
enough to trap a molecule. There are other properties you can use, however. For example, some
liquids evaporate at fairly low temperatures. You can often allow solvent to evaporate, leaving the
solute behind.
Another way to separate most solutions is to use the different boiling points or melting points of the
substances. Sugar is collected in this way. Growers cut down the sugar cane stems and crush them.
Then the sugar cane juice is collected and heated. The water boils off at 100 degrees, while solid
sugar remains behind.
Atoms are not usually found on their own. Two or more atoms joined together are called a molecule.
Pure substances like iron and copper, whose atoms are all the same, are called elements. An element
is a substance that cannot be broken down into other substances. An atom is the smallest unit of an
element. All atoms of an element contain the same number of protons.
The first elements discovered were the metals gold, tin, copper and iron. Over the years more and
more elements were discovered. In total, 90 elements have been found in the Earth’s rocks, soil, air
and water. Another 20 or so elements, which do not occur naturally, have been made by nuclear
scientists, and more will almost certainly be made in future.
Grade 7
Each element is represented by a symbol. This is a shorthand way of writing the name of the element.
Sometimes the symbol is the first letter of the English name of the element: for example, carbon C.
However, some elements have the same first letter: for example, carbon and calcium. In these cases a
second letter is used: calcium Ca. Note that the first letter is a capital, but the second letter is not. In
some cases the symbol comes from a Greek or Latin name. For example, the symbol for gold is Au.
This comes from the Latin word aurum, which means ‘shining dawn’. Some elements are named after
famous people or places: for example, einsteinium and francium.
Aluminum Al Metal
Argon Ar Non-metal
Bromine Br Non-metal
Calcium Ca Metal
Carbon C Non-metal
Chlorine Cl Non-metal
Copper Cu Metal
Gold Au Metal
Hydrogen H Non-metal
Iodine I Non-metal
Iron Fe Metal
Lead Pb Metal
Magnesium Mg Metal
Mercury Hg Metal
Nitrogen N Non-metal
Oxygen O Non-metal
Phosphorus P Non-metal
Plutonium Pu Metal
Silver Ag Metal
Sodium Na Metal
Sulfur S Non-metal
Zinc Zn Metal
Atoms are usually found on their own. Two or more atoms joined together is called a molecule. For
example, an oxygen molecule consists of two oxygen atoms held together by a chemical bond. A
water molecule is made of two hydrogen atoms bonded to one oxygen atom. This means water
contains two different atoms. Molecules vary in size from tiny hydrogen molecules up to huge protein
molecules in our body. Each of these protein molecules contains about half a million atoms. Only in
recent years have scientists been able to use special microscopes to ‘see’ atoms and molecules.
Science Teacher Guide
All materials can be classified into two groups – pure substances and mixtures. Pure substances
contain atoms or molecules that are exactly the same. Mixtures contain different types of atoms or
molecules. The pure substances can be divided into elements and compounds. Compounds can be
broken down into simpler substances but elements cannot.
All substances
Evenly Unevenly
Elements Compounds
mixed mixed
Oxygen and hydrogen are both elements. They are gases at ordinary temperatures. Water is made up
of oxygen and hydrogen but when we examine water carefully we cannot observe either oxygen or
hydrogen. This is because the oxygen and hydrogen have been joined together.
When elements joined together a new substance is formed. This new substance has properties that
are different from the properties of the original elements. Oxygen and hydrogen are both gases but
when they are joined together the liquid water is formed.
Substances that are made by joining two or more different elements together are called compounds.
Water is a compound. Water can be made from its elements in the laboratory. When hydrogen burns
in oxygen, the liquid water is produced.
Properties of Compounds
All matter can be classified as either a pure substance or a mixture. A substance has a definite
composition and the same composition and properties regardless of where it comes from. A
substance also has uniform composition throughout. A mixture on the other hand has a variable
The properties of a compound are usually different from the properties of element s that make it up.
For example, a shiny silver spoon will turn black when exposed to sulphur compounds in the air. The
black coating is silver sulphide, a compound made of silver and sulphur. It is neither shiny like silver
nor yellow like sulphur.
Grade 7
The temperature increases as you go deeper that rocks are located, the hotter they are. The layer just
below Earth’s crust is the mantle. The mantle is about 2, 900km (1,800mi) thick and makes up more
than two-thirds of Earth’s mass. At the boundary where the upper mantle meets the crust, the mantle
rock is solid. This solid upper mantle and crust combine to form a rigid shell called the lithosphere.
Many scientists believe that the presence of molten iron and nickel in Earth’s core explains why Earth
is surrounded by a magnetic field. According to one theory, convection currents move slowly
throughout the liquid outer core. Electric currents are produced as Earth rotates, setting up Earth’s
magnetic field.
Science Teacher Guide
The idea of giant plates of rock moving slowly across Earth’s surface is called plate tectonics. As you
might expect, the plates move very slowly. Their average speed is about 10cm (4 in.) a year. However,
over millions of years, plates can move thousands of kilometers. There are two kinds of plates.
Oceanic plates consist of almost entirely dense ocean-floor material. Continental plates are made up
of lighter continental rock “riding” on top of denser rock.
Plates interact at their edges, or plate boundaries. There are three ways in which Earth’s plates
interact at their boundaries.
Converging Boundaries
Two plates move toward each other. One plate may move under the
other in a process called subduction.
Diverging Boundaries
Two plates move away from each other. Molten rock rises to fill the gap.
Creating new crust.
Sliding boundaries
Two plates slide past each other, moving in opposite
Earth’s crust moves very slowly. Typically, this motion can hardly be felt. But at times, it can cause
sudden and unexpected changes to Earth’s surface.
An earthquake is a violent shaking of Earth’s crust. The release of built-up energy along a fault is what
makes Earth shake, or quake. That energy released depends on how much rock breaks and how far
the blocks of rock shift.
Mountains form where tectonic plates collide. There are three main types of mountains: fold
mountains, fault-block mountains, and volcanic mountains.
Fold mountains form from colliding plates. Layers of sedimentary rock buckle upward as they are
Grade 7
Fault-block mountains form from movement along large faults. Large blocks of rock drop down,
leaving other areas high.
Volcanic mountains form when magma below Earth’s surface pushes rock layers upward, forming
domes. Volcanic mountains can also result when immense magma bodies cool into huge igneous
bodies called batholiths.
Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are examples of geological activities that usually occur at plate
Renewable resources are replaced through natural processed at a rate that is equal to or greater that
the rate at which they are used, and depletion is usually not a worry.
Non-renewable resources are exhaustable and are extracted faster than the rate at which they
formed. For example, Fossil Fuels (coal, oil, natural gas).
Non renewable resources take millions of years to form. Because of the time it takes to reform them,
they are considered non-renewable.
Science Teacher Guide
The formation of atmosphere
The atmosphere of a planet is an envelope of gas that surrounds the planet, and is held to it by the
force of gravity. The planets have different atmospheres or no atmosphere. The difference in these
atmospheres can be explained by:
1. The distance the planet is from the Sun
2. The composition of the planet
3. The size of the planet, which determines the gravity that holds the atmosphere around the
Earth’s atmosphere is a mixture of gases, liquids, and solids that surrounds the planet. The
atmosphere supports all life on Earth. Weather takes place in the lower atmosphere.
The air we breathe is part of the atmosphere. The atmosphere is the mixture of gases, liquids, and
solids that surrounds Earth. The atmosphere not only provides the air, but it also helps protect us
from the Sun’s harmful radiation. Planets other than Earth have atmosphere, too, but their mixtures of
gases are different.
Earth’s atmosphere is about 78 per cent nitrogen, 21 per cent oxygen. Oxygen is the gas that our
body needs, and you take it in with every breath. The remaining 1 per cent of the atmosphere
includes carbon dioxide makes up about 0.03 per cent of dry air. Neon and helium each make up a
tiny percentage of our atmosphere. The amount of any one gas in the atmosphere can vary. In dry air,
for example, there is little or no water vapour. In the moist air over an ocean, water vapour can make
up four per cent of the air. Carbon dioxide is another gas that is present in the atmosphere in varying
amounts. The amount of carbon increases when fossil fuels are burned.
Grade 7
Mostly methane and hydrogen
Moon No atmosphere
The layer closest to the Earth, where almost weather occurs, is the troposphere. About 90 percent
of the atmosphere’s mass is in the troposphere, the lowest layer. Although it is the thinnest layer, the
troposphere contains about 75 percent of the gases that make up the atmosphere.
Temperature and air pressure decrease with distance from the surface. Air pressure, which is an
important element of weather, is caused by the weight of gases in the atmosphere. Air pressure
affects the water cycle which in turn applies to them.
The stratosphere lies above the troposphere. Air in this layer is much colder and drier than air in the
troposphere. It contains the ozone layer. It is a special form of oxygen which absorbs ultra-violet rays
emitted by the sun. The absorption of this radiation causes temperature to increase with altitude in
the stratosphere.
Science Teacher Guide
The mesosphere lies above the stratosphere. The top of the mesosphere is the coldest part of Earth’s
atmosphere. Almost all the atmosphere’s mass is below the mesosphere, so air pressure in this region
is extremely low-about 1,000 times less than at the Earth’s surface. The temperature of the
mesosphere decrease with altitude.
The thermosphere contains a very low density of gas molecules. Therefore, the absorption of a small
amount of energy causes a large increase in temperature. The thermosphere extends to an altitude of
about 600km. The very thin air of the thermosphere is the first part of the atmosphere struck by
sunlight. Temperatures in the thermosphere can reach 1700˚C.
Although the molecules of gases are too small to see, they have mass. If air had no mass, we would
not be able to feel the wind. Air also exerts pressure. Earth’s gravity pulls gas molecules toward it. Air
pressure is greatest near the surface because air density is higher and the total weight of the air
column above an area is greater. Pressure quickly decreases with height above Earth’s surface.
Earth’s surface is warmer during the day and colder at night. The atmosphere keeps these
temperatures in a moderate range. Earth’s atmosphere is heated by the Earth’s warm surface, not
directly by the Sun. Much of this energy is transferred by convection, which is the transfer of heat by
circulation in a gas or liquid.
Air rises or sinks because if its density. Warm air is less dense than cold air, so it rises. Cold air is
denser than warm air, so it sinks. This can create a loop of moving air. Such a loop is called
convection current. This kind of current forms in both air and water.
Warm and cold air also creates differences in air pressure. Rising warm air lowers the air pressure
below it. Sinking cold air increases the air pressure. As in land and sea breezes, air moves from areas
of high pressure to areas of low pressure. Winds always blow this way.
Convection currents and differences in air pressure are caused by the Sun heating Earth’s surface
unevenly. The areas near the equator receive the most energy from the Sun. The poles receive the
The uneven heating results in low air pressure at the equator and high air pressure at the poles.
Therefore, air tends to move from the poles toward the equator. This tendency, in combination with
Earth’s rotation, creates the planet’s global wind patterns. Regional wind patterns are influenced by
such features as mountains, plateaus, and large lakes.
Grade 7
Sea Breeze
At day time, warm air expands and rises on land at high temperature (low
pressure). Cool air sink along sea low temperature (high pressure). Wind blows
an area of high pressure to low pressure. Wind blows from the sea towards the
Land Breeze
Over the ocean at night, cool air sinks on land at low temperature (high
pressure). Warm air expands and rises on sea at high temperature (low
pressure). Wind blows an area of low pressure to high pressure. Wind blows
from the land towards the sea.
Science Teacher Guide
A cloud is classified by its appearance and altitude. Three of the main groups of clouds are
high,middle, and low clouds. The fourth group contains clouds that develop vertically. They may be
puffy and quiet tall.
Cloud names can be taken apart and put together in various ways. For example, the prefix nimbo-
refers to rain, stratus indicates layers, and cumulo- or cumulus indicates a cloud that forms vertically.
The most common high clouds are cirrus clouds. Other high clouds are given the prefix cirro-, as in
cirrocumulus. Middle clouds are given the prefix alto-. Low clouds are often stratus or nimbostratus
Cloud Types
Grade 7
Unit 3: Space
Earth’s rotation and its revolution causes day and night as well as seasons.
As the Earth rotates from west to east, the sun, moon, stars and planets all seem to move the other
way – from east to west. This is why we the circular star trails in the photo. It is because the Earth
rotates on its axis that we get night and day. As the Earth rotates, only one half of it faces the sun at
one time. While this half is in sunlight, the other half is in darkness.
As well as rotating on its axis, the Earth travels through space around the sun. This is why the stars
appear to change position in the sky throughout the year. For example, Orion (the Saucepan) appears
in the north-east in summer and disappears in the north-west in autumn. We say the Earth revolves
around the sun. The path it follows is called its orbit. This orbit is almost circular, but slightly oval.
The time taken for one complete revolution of the sun is one year. During this time the Earth rotates
3651/4 times. This means there are 3651/4 days in a year. This is very difficult to divide into equal
parts for our days and weeks. So we consider each year as having just 365 days every fourth year, or
leap year, has 366 days.
The Earth stays in its orbit because of the gravitational force of attraction between it and the sun.
Science Teacher Guide
In everyday life, seasons are period of a particular kind of weather. Earth scientists, however, define
season by the position of Earth in its orbit. By this definition, all places on Earth have four seasons:
spring, summer, autumn (fall), and winter. Yet the effect of these seasons is extreme in some places,
while they hardly exist in others.
Near the equator, the Sun’s rays arrive at almost right angles. This causes the Sun’s energy to be
more concentrated. Near the poles, the rays arrive at much sharper angles. This causes the same
amount of sunlight to be spread out. This difference affects average temperatures.
Places closes to the poles, such as McMurdo in Antarctica, have cold weather all year long.
Compare its temperature to those of Papua New Guinea, which is near the equator. Other places have
wide variations in
temperature throughout the
Grade 7
Science Teacher Guide
Sections of
Purpose Description
guided lesson
Lesson title To show what topic of the lesson that is to This is the main topic of the lesson. It also
be taught. has lesson number tagged beside it.
Strands, Unit, Topic, To show which strand, unit, topic and These are main concepts in the syllabus.
Sub-topic sub-topic the lesson title is derived from
and linked to in the syllabus.
Content Standard To indicate which content standard and These describe students’ learning
and Benchmark benchmark the lesson title is linked to in achievements and expectations in the
the syllabus. syllabus.
Key question To promote inquiry learning in science This is where students are encouraged to
lessons and at the same time guide the give their predictions or make inferences
teacher and students to achieve what is to first to the key question prior doing the
be taught and learned in a science lesson. activity or experiment; then summarize the
lesson from their findings which should
answer the key question to confirm and
conclude with facts.
Lesson objective To describe what students should learn at This is the aim of lesson which the teacher
the end of the lesson. wants the students to know and be able to
do when teaching a particular topic.
Teaching period To show how many periods and time it will This is the duration of the lesson that is to
take to teach a lesson. be taught.
Preparations To describe what and how to prepare This is where teachers will identify and
materials such as teaching and describe what teaching and learning
learning aids prior to actual teaching by materials the he or she will need and how
the teacher. he or she will prepare these materials.
Key words To help students know scientific words This includes scientific words that
that is important and new when teaching a students will learn and know. Furthermore,
particular topic in a science lesson. they should be able to spell, pronounce
and know the definitions. Overtime,
students will have developed a list of
vocabulary of scientific terms.
Knowledge, Skills, To state specific of knowledge, skills, This contains KSAVs which are the main
Attitudes and Values attitudes and values to be learned by the learning content that students will learn in
(KSAV) students. a lesson.
Grade 7
Teachers notes To inform the teacher with additional This contains information on hints and tips
information about hints and tips and content of the lesson. Furthermore, this
content background information on the section also contains content background
particular topic that is to be taught in a information on a particular topic that is to
lesson. be taught.
Safety To avoid accidents and injuries that may This contains safety rules that teachers
occur during the experiment or when and students should follow in a lesson.
conducting outdoor activities such as field This section will be applicable when
survey by the students. experiment and outdoor activities are
Assessment To monitor and assess the students to see This highlights the assessment tasks that
if they have acquired and understood the students will do during or after the lesson.
learning content (KSAV) in the lesson. The assessments included in this section
are types of formative assessment.
Lesson procedure To outline the teaching and learning Outlines the flow of the lesson that will
activities that the teacher and students will be taught by the teacher. It also includes
do in a lesson. the students’ activities to show what the
students will do in a lesson.
Challenge for To challenge students with additional This contains additional activities that will
students activities based on the topic that have challenge students to further expand their
been taught in a lesson. knowledge and skills on the topic that
have been learned in a lesson.
Science Teacher Guide
These are the icons that teachers will see in the science guided lesson
samples. Below are icons with their uses to help science teachers to un-
derstand and follow effortlessly.
Teacher’s Notes
Note: Safety will
only be
applicable for
lessons that
experiment or
Lesson Procedure
Key Question
Blackboard PlanPLAN
Challenge for the Students
Grade 7
Content standard: 7.1.2. Students will be able to investigate groups of animals that are ver-
tebrates and invertebrates, and their characteristics.
Benchmark: Classify and profile groups of vertebrates according to their
Key question: How can we classify vertebrates?
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson the should be able to;
• classify vertebrates into different types of vertebrates such as
mammals, birds, amphibians, fish and reptiles on the basis of their
Teaching period: 40 minutes (1 period)
Preparations: Pictures of fish, frog, parrot, snake and dog.
Key word(s): vertebrates, characteristics, mammals, reptiles
Learning content
Teacher’s Notes:
Vertebrates are divided into five major groups according to their characteristics. That is the
fishes, amphibians, retiles, birds and mammals.
Type of Vertebrate Characteristics
Mammals Give birth to live babies and feed milk, have hair or fur on body
Birds Have feathers, lay eggs
Amphibians Have moist skin, can live on land and in water
Fish Have scales and fins, breath under water through gills
Reptiles Have dry scaly skin, lay eggs
Science Teacher Guide
Lesson procedure
Teacher activity Student activity Points to notice
Intro Access prior knowledge Key Question Students will
5 mins Recall the previous lesson on vertebrates How can we classify use their prior
and invertebrates by asking the following vertebrates? knowledge about
questions. classification of
1. What is a vertebrate? vertebrates to link
2. What is an invertebrate? to today’s lesson.
Activity: Activity:
Show the picture of fish, frog, parrot, Observe the pictures closely and
snake and dog to students. point out major distinguishing
Complete the table by filling in the Complete the table by filling in the
missing information. missing information.
Types of Types of
Vertebrate Characteristics Vertebrate Characteristics
vertebrate vertebrate
Dog Dog
Parrot Parrot
Frog Frog
Snake Snake
Grade 7
Conclusion • In our today’s lesson, what did you Summary: The students’
5 mins discover or learn from this lesson? • Vertebrates are divided into five conclusion should
major groups according to their reflect the key
Refer students to their predictions for the characteristics: concepts in the
key question: 1. Mammals lesson.
“How can we classify vertebrates?” 2. Birds
3. Amphibians
Guide students by having them to sum- 4. Fish
marize what they have learnt about 5. Reptiles
‘Classification of vertebrates’.
Use the characteristics that were used to classify vertebrates to differentiate between
vertebrates and invertebrates.
Science Teacher Guide
Content standard: 7.2.1. Students will be able to investigate the function of electricity and the
relationship between electrical currents and voltage.
Benchmark: Use the formula to calculate the voltage.
(Voltage = Current x Resistance).
Key question: How do we find the unknown voltage?
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson the students should be able to;
• calculate the unknown voltage using the given formulae.
Teaching period: 40 minutes (1 period)
Preparations: Flash cards with the formulae of calculating the voltage. (V= I x R )
Key word(s): Voltage, Current, Resistance
Learning content
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and Values
Volt is the unit difference in the electric Make predictions on how to find the Develop curiosity to learn
potential between two points. Example; unknown voltage. more about calculating
resistance of a bulb or other device. voltage.
Infer on how to calculate the
To find the voltage (V) which is the voltage when there is no voltage Show open-mindedness
difference between two points, the current taken or given. when learning about
(I) flowing is taken in amperes is multiplied calculating voltage.
Calculating the voltage of two
by resistance (R) taken in ohms in a
different points using the given Respect views of others.
conductor between two points. V= I x R
formulae, V= I x R.
Communicate ideas and findings
on how to calculate voltage using
verbal and written.
Teacher’s Notes:
To find the voltage (V) which is the difference between two points, the current (I) flowing is
taken in amperes is multiplied by resistance (R) taken in ohms in a conductor between two
points. This can be represented by;
Example: if there is 10 amps (A) of current flowing through the circuit and a resistance (R) or
(Ω) of 11 ohms the voltage (V) is 110;
V= IR = 10A x 11 Ω = 110v
Grade 7
Lesson procedure
Teacher activity Student activity Points to notice
Intro Access prior knowledge Key Question Students will use their
5 mins Ask students questions to elicit How can we classify prior knowledge about
their ideas about the lesson title. vertebrates? voltage to link to
today’s lesson.
What is a voltage?
Science Teacher Guide
Grade 7
Benchmark: Examine the composition and the structure of the Earth.
The Earth is made up of different layers. Making predictions on what is the Develop curiosity to learn
Each layer is physically and chemically Earth made of. more about the Earth’
different. structure.
• The crust is the outer layer of the Infer on the four main layers of the
Earth. It has a very thin layer measur- Earth. Show open-mindedness
ing between 0-60km thick. when learning about the
• The mantle is the widest section of Draw the structure of the Earth. Earth’s structure.
the Earth. It has a thickness of ap-
proximately 2,900 km. Handle and communicate
Communicated findings on the
• The outer core is the layer surround- structure including layers using data with integrity.
ing the inner core. It is a liquid layer, verbal, written and pictorial.
also made up of iron and nickel. Respect views of others.
• The inner core is in the centre and is
the hottest part of the Earth. It is solid
and made up of iron and nickel with
temperatures of up to 5,500°C.
Teacher’s Notes:
• It is important that the students learn the structure of the earth well to link to other lesson that will
follow after this lesson.
• The crust is mainly made of rock. There are two types of crust- continental and oceanic. The
continental crust carries the land and the oceanic crust carries water.
• The mantle is made up of semi-molten rock called magma. In the upper parts of the mantle the
rock is hard, but lower down the rock is soft and beginning to melt.
• The outer core is the layer surrounding the inner core. It is a liquid layer, also made up of iron
and nickel. It is still extremely hot, with temperatures similar to the inner core
• The inner core is in the centre and is the hottest part of the Earth. It is solid and made up of iron
and nickel with temperatures of up to 5,500°C. With its immense heat energy, the inner core is
like the engine room of the Earth.
1. Draw the structure of the Earth with the four main layers.
2. The hottest part of the Earth is found in which layer?
3. In which part of the Earth can you find the molten rock?
Science Teacher Guide
Lesson procedure
Time Points to
Teacher activity Student activity
segments notice
Introduction Access prior knowledge Key Question Students will use
5 mins Ask students questions to elicit their How can we classify vertebrates? their prior
ideas about the lesson title. knowledge on the
structure of the
Q: What is the Earth’s atmosphere Earth.
made up of?
Grade 7
Conclusion In our today’s lesson, what did you Summary: The students’
5 mins discover or learn from this lesson? • The earth is made up of conclusion should
four main layers. reflect the key con-
Refer students to their hypothesis for • The crust is the outer cepts in the lesson.
the key question: layer of the Earth.
What is the Earth made of? • The mantle is the widest
section of the Earth. The mantle
Guide students by having them to is made up of semi-molten rock
summarize what they have learnt called magma.
about structure of the Earth. • The outer core is the layer
surrounding the inner core. It is a
liquid layer.
• The inner core is in the
centre and is the hottest part of
the Earth.
Key words:
1. Crust,
2. Mantle
3. Outer core
4. Inner Core
1. Construct a model of the structure of the Earth using actual descriptions of the four
main layers. vertebrates and invertebrates.
Science Teacher Guide
Content Standard: 7.1.3. Students will be able to investigate the functions of nutrients and the
digestive system.
Benchmark: Examine the various organs of digestive system and their
Key Question: What happens to food from the time it enters the mouth?
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson the students should be able to;
• identify the different digestive organs and state their function.
Teaching period: 40 minutes (1 period)
Preparations: Picture or chart of the digestive system.
Key word(s): alimentary canal, oesophagus, pancreas, rectum
Learning content
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and Values
• Digestion works by moving food • Making predictions on the functions Develop curiosity to learn
through the alimentary canal. It of the digestive organs. more about the functions
begins in the mouth with chew- • Infer on the functions of the digestive of the digestive organs.
ing and ends in the small intes- organs.
tine. • Analyse the process of digestion. Show open-mindedness
• The digestive tract is the long • Communicate ideas and findings on when learning about
tube that opens at both ends. functions of digestive organs using digestion.
Food goes in your mouth and verbal, written and pictorial.
waste is pushed out the opening
Respect views of others.
at the other end, called the anus.
Teacher’s Notes:
Grade 7
Teacher activity Student activity Points to notice
Intro Access prior knowledge Students will use their
5 mins Ask students questions to elicit their prior knowledge link
ideas about the lesson title. to today’s lesson on
Key Question
concentration of a
How do we calculate solution.
Where do all these food that we eat go
concentration of a solution?
Science Teacher Guide
Grade 7
Conclu- • In our today’s lesson, what did you Summary: The students’
sion discover or learn from this lesson? • The digestive system is conclusion should re-
5 mins made up of the alimentary flect the key concepts
Refer students to their predictions for canal (also called the diges- in the lesson.
the key question: tive tract) and the liver, pan-
What happens to food from the time creas and gall bladder.
it enters the mouth? • The alimentary canal is the
long tube of organs that runs
Guide students by having them to from the mouth to the anus.
summarize what they have learnt • After food is being chewed
about the functions of the digestive and swallowed, it enters
organs. the oesophagus. The oe-
sophagus is a long tube that
runs from the mouth to the
• The stomach is a large, sac-
like organ that stores food
and mixes it with digestive
• The liver produces a diges-
tive juice called bile.
• The large intestine absorbs
water and any remaining
nutrients and changes the
waste from liquid to stool.
• The rectum stores solid
waste until it pushes it out of
the body through the anus.
Science Teacher Guide
Grade 7
Content Standard: 7.2.2. Students will be able to investigate the relationship between light and
convex lens.
Benchmark: Explain the mechanism of convex lens such as the eye and camera.
Key Question: How does a pin-hole camera work?
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
• make a pinhole camera and use it successfully.
• know the created image is upside down because of light and hole
which acts as a lens.
Teacher’s Notes:
In this lesson we introduce the idea that images can be formed.
You will need to make a pinhole camera before this lesson.
1. Punch a small hole in the bottom of a tin with a nail. Make the hole small first. If the picture is not bright,
then make the hole a little bigger. DO NOT MAKE THE HOLE TOO BIG.
2. Cover the open end of the tin with a piece of thin tracing paper. Use a rubber band to hold the paper. This is
the screen.
3. Roll a newspaper round the tin to form a viewing tube. Tie the newspaper to the tin with a piece of string.
Problems that may arise
1. If the hole is too small the picture will be dim. If the hole is too big the picture will not be clear.
2. Make sure the thin tracing paper over the end of the tin is not wrinkled. Pull it tight and make it smooth. This
is the screen.
Science Teacher Guide
Teacher activity Student activity Points to notice
Introduction Access prior knowledge Key Question
5 mins Tell the children that they are going
to make a simple instrument that
makes pictures. This is called the
Which part of the
pinhole camera.
container has the highest
Show them the prepared pinhole pressure?
Grade 7
Science Teacher Guide
Grade 7
Content Standard: 7.2.3. Students will be able to investigate the properties of pressure and
examine pressure applied in solid, liquid, and gas.
Benchmark: Examine the pressure applied in solid, liquid, and gas.
Key Question: Which part of the container has the highest pressure?
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson the students should be able to;
• relate depth to pressure in a liquid
• explain pressure in a liquid and state that P=hpg
Teacher’s Notes:
In liquids the molecules are less tightly bound than in solids, and so can move at random in all
directions. It is this random molecular motion that accounts for pressure in all directions.
In solids the molecules are tightly bound so that the weight of a solid acts in a downwards
direction. To illustrate the concept, punch several holes in the side of a tin; then fill the can with
water. Water comes squirting out in all directions where there is a hole; therefore there must
be pressure in all these directions. If all the molecules were joined together than all the water
would come out of one of the holes only, that is, pressure would act in one direction.
Science Teacher Guide
Lesson Procedure
Teacher activity Student activity Points to notice
Intro Access prior knowledge Students will
5 mins Ask students questions to elicit their use their prior
ideas about the lesson title. knowledge about
Key Question
particles in liquids
Which part of the container has the to link to today’s
How do particles behave in liquid form? highest pressure? lesson.
Introduce the lesson title and the key
question for the lesson.
Grade 7
Science Teacher Guide
Content Standard: 7.2.5. Students will be able to investigate the properties and functions of
Benchmark: Compare concentration of solutions and methods of separating
Key Question: How can we describe the concentrated solutions, when we are compar-
ing two solutions with same type of solute and solvent?
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson the students should be able to;
• Compare the concentration of solutions using simple descriptions
such as dilute and concentrated.
Teaching period: 40 minutes (1 period)
Preparations: Sugar, water, beaker and glass rod (stirring rod).
Key word(s): diluted solution, concentrated solution
Learning content
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and Values
• The ratio of solute to solvent is called the • Making predictions on how Develop curiosity to learn
concentration of solution. to describe the concentrated more about diluted and
• Concentration is a measure of how much solutions. concentrated solutions.
solute is dissolved within the solvent. • Infer on the concentrated
• A dilute solution has a small amount of solutions as dilute and con- Show open-mindedness
solute in a large amount of solvent. centrated solutions. when learning about the
• A concentrated solution has a large amount • Compare two solutions comparing concentrated
of solute in a small amount of solvent. (dilute and concentrated) solutions.
with same type of solute and
solvent. Show perseverance to
• Use water and sugar to demonstrate diluted and
demonstrate diluted and concentrated solutions.
concentrated solutions. Respect views of others.
• Communicate ideas and
findings on the concentra-
tion of solutions using verbal
and written.
Teacher’s Notes:
When comparing the concentrations of two solutions with the same type of solute and
solvent, we can use simple description such as: dilute and concentrated.
Grade 7
Lesson Procedure
Teacher activity Student activity Points to notice
Intro Access prior knowledge Key Question Students will use
5 mins Ask students questions to elicit their their prior knowl-
ideas about the lesson title. edge on solutions
What are solutions? to link to today’s
How can we describe the lesson on concen-
concentrated solutions, when we tration of solu-
Introduce the lesson title and the key are comparing two solutions with tions.
question. same type of solute and solvent?
Science Teacher Guide
Activity: Activity:
Comparing concentrated solutions. Comparing concentrated solutions. Strategy:
Experiment: Work in groups
Experiment: 1. Add 3mL of table sugar in
1. Add 3mL of table sugar in 200mL of water. Stir with the spoon After students
200mL of water. Stir with the spoon and leave it for a minute. have answered
and leave it for a minute. 2. Add 1 mL of table spoon the discussion
2. Add 1 mL of table spoon and and in 200 mL of water. Stir with the questions, explain
in 200 mL of water. Stir with the spoon spoon and leave the solution for a to the students
and leave the solution for a minute. minute. that when com-
Observe carefully and compare the two Make observation and comparison paring the con-
solutions. of the two solutions. centrations of two
solutions with the
Discussion questions on findings Discussion questions on findings same type of sol-
Students to go through discussions ute and solvent,
Lead students through the discussion
based on the question and give we can use simple
and pose questions based on their
their feedbacks. description such
findings for the activity.
as: dilute and con-
Question: Response:
Key words
1. Dilute solution
2. Concentrated solution
Introduce the key words for the lesson;
dilute solution and concentrated solu-
Grade 7
Science Teacher Guide
Teacher’s Notes:
Students should already know the names of some gases present in the atmosphere. Copy
the table on the composition of the atmosphere and briefly explain the importance each gas.
Stress that other substances are also present in the atmosphere- water vapour, dust, micro-
organisms. Also emphasize air is a mixture and its composition is not fixed, that is, the
amount of water vapour and dust varies daily and from place to place.
1. Draw a pie chart using the data of the different gases that makes up the
2. What is the most abundant gas found in the atmosphere?
3. How many gases are found in the atmosphere?
Grade 7
Lesson Procedure
Teacher activity Student activity Points to notice
Intro Access prior knowledge Students will use
5 mins Ask students questions to elicit their their prior knowl-
ideas about the lesson title. Key Question edge about the
What is the Earth’s atmosphere atmosphere to link to
Q: What are the characteristics of the made of? today’s lesson.
Science Teacher Guide
Conclusion In our today’s lesson, what did you Summary: The students’ conclu-
5 mins discover or learn from this lesson? • The Earth’s atmosphere sion should reflect
is about 78% nitrogen and 21% the key concepts in
Refer students to their predictions for oxygen. The remaining 1% the lesson.
the key question: includes carbon dioxide, water
What is the Earth’s atmosphere made vapour, and argon.
of? • The atmosphere also
contains tiny pieces of solid ma-
Guide students by having them to terials such as dust, salt, pollen
summarize what they have learnt about and ice
composition of the Earth’s atmosphere. • The atmosphere also
holds small water droplets both
in and apart from the clouds
Grade 7
Key words;
1. Atmosphere
2. Nitrogen
3. Carbon dioxide
4. Argon
5. Water vapour
Science Teacher Guide
Teacher’s Notes:
This lesson is an introductory lesson to biotic and abiotic lesson that will follow after
this lesson. It is therefore important for students to understand the two biotic and
abiotic so that students can describe their relationship in the next lesson.
Grade 7
Lesson Procedure
Teacher activity Student activity Points to notice
Intro Access prior knowledge Students will use their
5 mins Revise the lesson by asking the follow- prior knowledge about
ing questions ecosystem to link to
Key Question
Q: What is an ecosystem? today’s lesson.
What are the components of
Introduce the lesson title and the key
Science Teacher Guide
Show chart with concept map of com- Observe the chart with the Use the concept map
ponents of ecosystem. concept map of components of components of the
of ecosystem. ecosystem in the con-
Activity: tent background infor-
Answer the following questions. Activity: mation in this teacher
1. What are the two main compo- Answer the following ques- guide.
nents of an ecosystem? tions.
1. The two main com-
2. What makes up the biotic com- ponents of an ecosystem are
ponent of an ecosystem? biotic components and abiotic Strategy:
3. What makes up the abiotic 2. Plants and animals Work in groups
component of an ecosystem? make up the biotic component
of an ecosystem.
3. Soil, air, sunlight and
water makes up the abiotic
component of an ecosystem.
Discussion questions on findings
Lead students through the discussion Discussion questions on find-
and pose questions based on their ings
findings for the activity.
Students to go through discus-
sions based on the question
Questions: and give their feedbacks.
1. What is biotic in your own
words? Responses:
Key words
1. Ecosystem
2. Biotic
3. Abiotic
Grade 7
Conclusion In our today’s lesson, what did Summary: The students’ conclu-
5 mins you discover or learn from this lesson? • The components of sion should reflect the
Refer students to their predictions for the ecosystem are categorized key concepts in the
the key question: into abiotic or non-living and lesson.
What are the different components of biotic or living components.
ecosystem? Both the components of eco-
system and environment are
Guide students by having them to same.
summarize what they have learnt about • Biotic components are
components of ecosystem. made up of plants and ani-
• Abiotic animals are
made up of soil, air, sunlight
and water.
Science Teacher Guide
As the Earth spins on its axis in an anti-clockwise direction, the darkened parts move from
darkness to light and into darkness again.
The term day is often referred to describe the time during which half of the earth is facing
the sun. The term night is referred to the other half which is turned away from the sun.
The Earth spins one complete circle every twenty-four hours. This is why in each day those
of us who live in the equator have 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness (night).
Other parts of the world do not have twelve hours of day and night in a twenty-four hour
Grade 7
Lesson Procedure
Teacher activity Student activity Points to notice
Intro Access prior knowledge Key question Students will use their
5 mins Ask students questions to elicit their What is the cause of Day and prior knowledge on
ideas about the lesson title. Night? day and night to link
to today’s lesson.
What is the difference between rota-
tion and revolving?
Science Teacher Guide
Grade 7
Conclusion In our today’s lesson, what did you Summary: The students’ conclu-
5 mins discover or learn from this lesson? • Earth turns around its sion should reflect
axis, an imaginary line that goes the key concepts in
Refer students to their hypothesis for through its center. This motion is the lesson.
the key question: called rotation.
“What causes of day and night on • Earth takes about 24
Earth?” hours to rotate around its axis
Guide students by having them to • When a place on Earth
summarize what they have learnt about faces the sun, it has daytime.
causes of day and night on Earth. When it faces away from the
sun, it has night.
Science Teacher Guide
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• describe the main characteristics of flowering plants.
Flowering plants are also known as angiosperm. Making predictions on the char- Develop curiosity to know
acteristics of flowering. about to know more about
Angiosperms are plants that have flowers and Infer on the main characteristics characteristics of flowering
their reproduction is done by flowers. of flowering plants. plants.
All flowering plants produce seeds. And it is Communicated ideas and find- Show open-mindedness
covered by a fruit. ings on the characteristics of when learning about types
flowering plants using verbal, of characteristics of flower-
written and pictorial. ing plants.
Angiosperms have complicated flowers with
complicated structure. Be responsible by taking
care of plants.
Respect views of others.
There are 2 types of Angiosperms namely
Dicotyledonous Plants and Monocotyledonous
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• describe the characteristics of non-flowering plants.
Grade 7
These plants do not produce flowers, fruits and Making predictions on the char- Develop curiosity to know
seeds. acteristics of non-flowering. about to know more about
Non flowering plants vary in their shape, size Infer on the main characteristics characteristics of non-
and colour. of non-flowering plants. flowering plants.
They are mainly characterized by spore produc- Communicated ideas and Show open-mindedness
tion, absence of flowers and true roots. findings on the characteristics when learning about types
These plants are simpler compared to those of non-flowering plants using of characteristics of non-
flowering plants. verbal, written and pictorial. flowering plants.
Reproduction in non-flowering plants is asexu- Be responsible by taking
ally by producing spores. care of plants.
Gymnosperms are the first nonflowering plants Respect views of others.
to produce seeds.
Non-flowering plants do not carry flowers they
produce spores, fungi or cones the are used for
propagation (reproduction). Algae, moss, fern
and conifer are no flowering plants
Benchmark: Classify and profile different types of flowering and non-flowering plants.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• classify flowering plants using their characteristics.
Different types of flowers (the Angiosperms) Making predictions on how to Develop curiosity to know
can easily be identified by dividing them into classify flowering plants. about to know more about
Monocots or Dicots. Observe the similarities and dif- classifying flowering
ferences in flowering plants. plants.
Monocotyledons have one cotyledon (seed Infer on classifying flowering Show open-mindedness
leaf), which is the food store of a seed. They plants. when learning about clas-
also have leaves with parallel veins, and flower Communicate ideas and find- sifying flowering plants.
parts in multiples of three. ings on classification of flowering Be responsible by taking
Dicotyledons have two cotyledons, leaves with plants using verbal, written and care of plants.
branching, netlike veins, and flower parts in pictorial. Respect views of others.
groups of four or five.
Benchmark: Classify and profile different types of flowering and non-flowering plants.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• classify non-flowering plants using their characteristics.
Science Teacher Guide
Non-flowering plants do have reproductive Making predictions on how to Develop curiosity to know
organs available in the flowers. classify non-flowering plants. about to know more about
Non-flowering plants can further classified as Observe the similarities and dif- classifying non-flowering
with seeds and without seeds. ferences in non- flowering plants. plants.
Gymnosperms are plant with seeds and the Infer on classifying non-flowering Show open-mindedness
embryo is inside a seed. The seed is not cov- plants. when learning about
ered not covered (enclosed) in a fruit. These are Communicate ideas and find- classifying non-flowering
the less advanced type of seed plants. ings on classification of flowering plants.
plants using verbal, written and Be responsible by taking
pictorial. care of plants.
Respect views of others.
Benchmark: Examine the reproduction process in flowering and non-flowering plants.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• describe the reproduction of tomato plant.
Tomato plants belong to the plant group • Making hypothesis on Develop the curiosity to
known as flowering plants or angiosperms. The how flowering plants reproduce. learn about the reproduc-
tomato plant reproduces sexually, meaning • Draw reproductive tion process of flowering
that it requires both female and male organs to structures and describe parts and plants.
produce seeds. Every tomato seed has a tiny functions
tomato plant inside. When the conditions are • Compare the difference
just right, tomato seeds will germinate. between sexual and asexual
• Infer on the fertilization
process in plants.
• Compare the difference
self-pollinated from cross-polli-
• Communicate ideas on
reproduction process in flowering
Grade 7
Benchmark: Examine the reproduction process in flowering and non-flowering plants.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• describe the reproduction process of conifer plant.
Knowledge Skills Attitudes
Conifer is a type of gymnosperm • Making predictions on how Develop the curiosity to know more
plant that produces seeds but do conifer plant reproduces. about the reproduction process of
not produce flowers or fruit. other types of gymnosperm plants
The life cycle of conifer plant: • Infer on the life cycle of Show open-mindedness when
1. Small cones produce male conifer plant including fertilization learning about life cycle of conifer
sex cells that are carried to the reproduction process. plant.
large cones in pollen. Large cones • Compare the difference Be responsible by taking care of
produce female sex cells. between sexual and asexual repro- plants.
2. After fertilization, a seed duction. Respect views of others.
coat develops around the plant Communicate ideas and findings
embryo. The seed provides nour- on the life cycle of tomato plant us-
ishment. ing verbal, written and pictorial.
3. The seed sprout and grows
into a young plant called seedling.
4. The mature tree will pro-
duce male and female cones. The
life cycle will begin again.
Science Teacher Guide
Benchmark: Investigate animals that are vertebrates and invertebrates, and draw appropriate
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• identify animals that are vertebrates and invertebrates.
• Vertebrates are animals with backbone or Makin predictions on verte- Develop curiosity to know
spinal column such as fish, dog, frogs or brates and invertebrates. about to know more about
lizard. Infer on vertebrates and inverte- vertebrates and inverte-
• Invertebrates are animals without brates. brates.
backbones or spinal column such as Compare vertebrates and inver- Show open-mindedness
jellyfish, starfish or earthworms. tebrates. when learning about verte-
Communicate ideas and find- brates and invertebrates.
ings on vertebrates and inverte- Be responsible by taking
brates using verbal, written and care of vertebrates and
pictorial. invertebrates.
Respect views of others.
Key question: What are the different types of vertebrates and invertebrates?
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• Identify different types of vertebrates and invertebrates.
• Vertebrates can be warm-blooded or Making predictions on the dif- Develop curiosity to know
cold-blooded ferent types of vertebrates and about types of vertebrates
• Reptiles, amphibians and most fish are invertebrates. and invertebrates.
cold blooded.
• The body temperature of cold-blooded Infer on the different types of Show open-mindedness
animals depends on the temperature outside vertebrates and invertebrates. when learning about
their bodies. vertebrates and
• Birds and mammals are warm-blooded Compare different types of invertebrates.
vertebrates. They maintain constant internal vertebrates and invertebrates.
body temperatures. Be responsible by taking
• Invertebrates are the largest groups of Communicate ideas and care of different types of
animals. vertebrates and inverte-
findings on types of vertebrates
• Types of invertebrates include echi- and invertebrates using verbal, brates.
noderms, mollusks, arthropods, cnidarians, written and pictorial.
sponge, worms Respect views of others.
Grade 7
Benchmark: Discover the regularity of the electric current flowing through each point of the
Key question: How do we determine the regularity of current and voltage in a circuit?
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• discover the regularity of electric current flowing through each point of the circuit.
Benchmark: Use ammeter and voltmeter to measure electric current and voltage in series and
parallel circuits.
Key question: How do we measure electric current in series and parallel circuits?
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• measure electric current in series and parallel circuits using ammeter.
Science Teacher Guide
• Electric current is measured using a device • Making hypothesis on • Develop curiosity to know
called an ammeter. how to measure electric about measuring electric
• The ammeter is always connected in series current in circuits. currents in circuits.
in the circuit. • Show open-mindedness
• Measure electric cur-
• The SI unit (International accepted unit of when learning about meas-
rent using ammeter in
measurement) for measuring an electric uring electric current in
current is the ampere (amp) and the unit circuits.
symbol ampere (amp) is A. • Taking readings of the • Communicate data with
electric current in series integrity.
and parallel circuits. • Respect views of others.
• Compare the electric
current in measured
in series and parallel
• Communicate ideas
and findings on meas-
uring electric currents
using written, verbal
and pictorial.
Benchmark: Use ammeter and voltmeter to measure electric current and voltage in series and
parallel circuits.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• measure voltage in series and parallel circuits using the voltmeter.
Voltage is the amount of push and is measured Making hypothesis on how Develop curiosity to know
in ‘volts’ which has the symbol V. to measure voltage in about measuring electric cur-
circuits. rents in circuits.
A voltmeter is always wired in parallel where the
voltage will be taken, e.g. dry cell or bulb. Measure electric current Show open-mindedness when
using ammeter in series and learning about measuring elec-
The voltage supplied by the battery is shared parallel circuits. tric current in circuits.
between all the components in a series circuit.
Compare the electric current Communicate data with integ-
in measured in series and rity.
parallel circuits.
Respect views of others.
Communicate ideas and
findings on measuring elec-
tric currents using written,
verbal and pictorial.
Grade 7
Benchmark: Determine that metal wires have resistance to electricity when measuring the
electric current and voltage.
Key question: How do wires affect the resistance in a circuit when measuring electric current and volt-
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• investigate resistance in wires and their effects on voltage and the flow of electric current in a
Benchmark: Explain and compare the relationship between the voltage, electric current, and
Key question: What is the relationship between the voltage, current and resistance?
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
Science Teacher Guide
Ohm’s law states that the amount of current Making predictions on the Develop curiosity to know
passing through a conductor is directly pro- relationship between voltage, about the relationship between
portional to the voltage across the conductor current and resistance. voltage, current and resistance.
and inversely proportional to the resistance of
the conductor. Infer on the relationship Show open-mindedness when
between voltage, current and learning about the relationship
The relationship between voltage, current, resistance. between voltage, current and
and resistance is described by Ohm’s law. resistance.
This equation, i = v/r, tells us that the current, Compare voltage and current
i, flowing through a circuit is directly propor- and; current and resistance. Respect views of others
tional to the voltage, v, and inversely propor-
tional to the resistance, r. In other words, if
Communicate ideas and
we increase the voltage, then the current will
findings on the relationship
increase. But, if we increase the resistance,
between voltage, current and
then the current will decrease.
Benchmark: Investigate the properties and the functions of static electricity.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• Static electricity is the build-up of an elec- • Making predictions on • Develop curiosity to know
trical charge on the surface of an object. the properties of static about the properties of static
It’s called “static” because the charges electricity. electricity.
remain in one area rather than moving or
• Infer on the properties of • Show open-mindedness
“flowing” to another area.
static electricity. when learning about static
• There are two types of charge in static electricity.
• Evaluate effects of
electricity- positive and negative charge.
positive and negative • Respect views of others.
• 1. When two objects have the like charges created by rub-
charges they repel each other and when bing the two balloons.
two objects have two unlike charges they
• Investigate the proper-
attract each other. For example: objects
ties of static electricity
with like charged repel. Two positively
using two balloons.
charged objects placed close to each will
push each other away; they repel each • Communicate ideas and
other. findings on the proper-
ties of static electricity
• 2. Two negatively charged objects
using verbal, written and
placed close to each will push each other
away; they repel each other. For example:
objects with unlike charged attract. When
one object has a negative charge and the
other a positive charge they pull towards
each other; they attract each other.
Grade 7
Benchmark: Investigate the properties and the functions of static electricity.
Key question: What are some examples of static electricity in everyday life?
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
Some examples of static electricity in our day Making predictions on ex- Develop curiosity to know about
to day life: amples of static electricity in examples of static electricity in
everyday life. daily life.
• When we walk on a carpeted floor and
getting shock when touching a door knob Infer on examples of static Show open-mindedness when
or any other metal object is one of the electricity that occurs in our learning about examples of static
best examples of static electricity. day to day life. electricity that occurs in our day
• Clothes stuck to one another after being to day life.
in the dryer is another example of static Compare different examples
electricity. of static electricity in our day Respect views of others.
• When plastic pen passes through a wool- to day life.
len garment, a static electricity is gener-
ated. Because of this the plastic pen can Communicate ideas and
attract small pieces of papers. findings on examples of
• Lightning is one of the main examples of static electricity using ver-
static electricity. The positive and negative bal, written and pictorial.
charges inside the cloud make the electric
current and cause the lightning.
Science Teacher Guide
Strand: Earth And Space Unit: Our Earth Topic: Earth’s Structure
CONTENT STANDARD: 7.3.1. Students will be able to explore the composition and the structure
of the Earth.
Benchmark: Examine the composition and the structure of the Earth.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• describe the composition of the Earth.
The earth is made up of land and cover Making predictions on the composi- Develop curiosity to know
with water and atmosphere. tion of the Earth. about composition of the
The earth’s crust is made of l% potassium Infer on the composition of the Earth. Show open-mindedness
and sodium 2%. when learning about com-
Communicate ideas and findings on position of the Earth.
The mantle under the crust is composed the composition of the Earth using Respect views of others.
of mostly silicate rocks rich in magnesium verbal, written and pictorial.
and iron.
Benchmark: Investigate the different movement of tectonic plates divergent, convergent and
transformed faults.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• describe the movement of plates around the earth’s surface.
Grade 7
The earth’s crust is broken into separate Making predictions on the movement Develop curiosity to know
pieces called tectonic plates. of plates around the earth’s surface. about the cause of moving
plates around the earth’s
The crust and the upper part of the mantle Infer on the causes of movement of surface.
form a rigid layer called the lithosphere. plates around the earth’s surface. Show open-mindedness
The lithosphere is broken up into seven when learning about mov-
major plates and many smaller plates. Communicate ideas and findings on ing plates.
the movement of plates using verbal, Respect views of others.
In the mantle hot material rises towards written and pictorial.
the lithosphere (like hot air rising out of an
open oven - ever opened an oven door
and felt the blast of hot air coming past
your face?). The hot material reaches the
base of the lithosphere where it cools
and sinks back down through the mantle.
The cool material is replaced by more hot
material, and so on forming a large “con-
vection cell”.
This slow but incessant movement in the
mantle causes the rigid tectonic plates to
move (float) around the earth’s surface (at
an equally slow rate).
Benchmark: Investigate the different movement of tectonic plates divergent, convergent and
transformed faults.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• explain how convergent boundary, divergent boundary and transform boundary occur.
The earth’s continents are constantly Making predictions on how tectonic Develop curiosity to
moving due to the motions of the tectonic boundaries occur. know about how tectonic
plates. boundaries occur.
Infer on how tectonic boundaries
The border between two tectonic plates is occur. Show open-mindedness
called a boundary. All the tectonic plates when learning about
are constantly moving — very slowly — Compare the three types of tectonic tectonic boundaries.
around the planet, but in many different boundaries.
directions. Some are moving toward each Respect views of others.
other, some are moving apart, and some
are sliding past each other. Because of Communicate ideas and findings on
these differences, tectonic plate bounda- the how tectonic boundaries occur
ries are grouped into three main types. using verbal, written and pictorial.
1. A convergent boundary occurs where
two plates are pushing toward each
2. A divergent boundary marks two plates
that are moving apart from each other.
3. A transform boundary occurs where
two plates slide past each other.
Science Teacher Guide
Benchmark: Analyse the types of geological events caused by tectonic plate movements such
as earthquakes, volcanoes, and the formation of mountains.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• explain the effects of movements of plates along the transform plate boundaries in relation to
the formation of volcanoes.
Earthquakes occur along the transform fault Making hypothesis on how earth- Develop curiosity to know
boundary because the edge of the boundary quakes form on the plate bounda- about how earthquakes
is not smooth. ries. form on plate boundaries.
The location where the movement of the Model the transform plate boundary Show open-mindedness
earthquake first occurs is called the focus. to demonstrate its effect to cause when learning about the
The point on the surface above the focus is earthquake to form. effects of moving plates
called the epicentre. along plate boundaries.
Draw pictures to demonstrate their
The shaking is caused by the energy re- understanding of effects of transform Show creativity to build
leased when rock moves and is always plate boundary. model of the transform
great at the epicentre. plate boundary to dem-
Communicate ideas and findings on onstrate the formation of
effects of moving plates on the for- earthquakes.
mation of earthquakes using verbal,
written, and pictorial and models. Respect views of others.
Benchmark: Analyse the types of geological events caused by tectonic plate movements such
as earthquakes, volcanoes, and the formation of mountains.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• explain the effects of movements of plates along the convergent plate boundaries in relation to
the formation of volcanoes.
Grade 7
4. If two tectonic plates collide, they • Making predictions on how earth- • Develop curiosity
form a convergent plate boundary. quakes form on the plate bounda- to know about how
Usually, one of the converging plates ries. volcanoes form on the
will move beneath the other, which is plate boundaries.
• Model the convergent boundary
known as subduction. Deep trenches • Show open-minded-
to demonstrate its effect to cause
are often formed where tectonic ness when learning
volcanoes to form.
plates are being subducted and earth- about the effects of
quakes are common. As the sinking • Draw pictures to demonstrate their moving plates along
plate moves deeper into the mantle, understanding of effects of trans- plate boundaries.
fluids are released from the rock caus- form plate boundary. • Show creativity when
ing the overlying mantle to partially building model of
melt. The new magma (molten rock) • Communicate ideas and findings
on effects of moving plates on the converging plate
rises and may erupt violently to form boundary to demon-
volcanoes, often building arcs of is- the formation of volcanoes using
verbal, written, and pictorial and strate the formation of
lands along the convergent boundary. volcanoes.
These island arcs are always landward models.
• Respect views of oth-
of the neighboring trenches. ers.
Benchmark: Analyse the types of geological events caused by tectonic plate movements such
as earthquakes, volcanoes, and the formation of mountains.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• explain the effects of movements of plates along the convergent plate boundaries in relation to
the formation of mountains.
Science Teacher Guide
Mountains are usually formed at what Making predictions on how mountains Develop curiosity to know
are called convergent plate boundaries, form on the plate boundaries. about how mountains form
meaning a boundary at which two plates on the plate boundaries.
are moving towards one another. This type Model the convergent boundary to
of boundary eventually results in a colli- demonstrate its effect to cause moun- Show open-mindedness
sion. Tectonic plate collisions take a long tains to occur. when learning about the
time, as plates only shift a few centimeters effects of moving plates
each year, but they can still be powerful along plate boundaries.
Draw pictures to demonstrate their
enough to form the Earth’s largest moun-
understanding of effects of transform
tain ranges.
plate boundary. Show creativity to build
model of the converging
Fold mountains occur when two tectonic plate boundary to demon-
Communicate ideas and findings on
plates collide at a convergent plate bound-
effects of moving plates on the forma- strate the formation of the
ary, causing the crust to overthicken. This mountains.
tion of mountains using verbal, writ-
process forces the less dense crust to float
ten, and pictorial and models.
on top of the denser mantle rocks – with
Respect views of others.
material being forced upwards to form
hills, plateaus or mountains – while a great-
er volume of material is forced downward
into the mantle.
Grade 7
Content Standard: 7.3.1. Students will be able to explore the composition and the structure of
the Earth.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• identify the different types of essential nutrients that are needed for the body.
There are some essential nutrients that the body Make predictions on the types of Develop curiosity to
needs; nutrients needed for the body. know about types of
1. Carbohydrates Infer on the different types of nutrients.
2. Protein nutrients. Show open-mind-
3. Fat Compare the different types of edness when learn-
4. Water nutrients needed for the body. ing about types of
Communicate ideas and find- nutrients.
5. Vitamins
ings on types of nutrients using Respect views of
6. Minerals
verbal, written and pictorial. others.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students can should be able to;
• state the function of each nutrients in the body.
• Carbohydrates are the main energy source for the Make predictions on the function Develop curiosity to
brain. Without carbohydrates, the body will not of each nutrient in the body. know about functions
function properly. Example fruits, bread, starchy Infer on the function of each of nutrients.
vegetables and sugar nutrients in the body.
• Protein is the major structural component of cells Show open-minded-
and is responsible for the building and repair of Compare functions of each nu- ness when learning
body tissues. Protein is broken down into amino trient in the body. about function of
acids, which are building blocks of protein. each nutrient.
• Fat is an energy source that when consumed, Communicate ideas and findings
increases the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins on function of each nutrient us- Respect views of
including vitamins A, D, E and K. ing verbal, written and pictorial. others.
• Vitamins. Vitamin C is necessary for the synthesis
of collagen, which provides structure to blood
vessels, bone and ligaments.
• Minerals
• Water helps to maintain homeostasis in the body
and transports nutrients to cells. Water also as-
sists in removing waste products from the body.
Science Teacher Guide
Benchmark: Examine the various organs of digestive system and their functions.
Key question: What are the main organs of the digestive system?
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• identify the main organs of the digestive system.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• explain the mechanism of digestion in the body.
Grade 7
Digestion refers to the breakdown of food into Making predictions on how diges- Develop curiosity to
smaller parts that can be absorbed into the blood tion takes place. know about how di-
stream. It allows the body to get the nutrients and gestion takes place.
energy it needs from the food you eat. Infer on the mechanism of diges-
tion in the body. Show open-minded-
How does digestion work? ness when learning
Analyse the mechanism of diges- about mechanism of
The mouth is the beginning of the alimentary canal. tion in the body. digestion.
Digestion starts in the mouth as soon as you take
the first bite of a meal. Chewing breaks the food into Communicate ideas and findings Respect views of
pieces that are more easily digested, while saliva on the mechanism of digestion in others.
mixes with food to begin the process of breaking it the body.
down into a form your body can use.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able;
• describe the roles of ezymes during digestion in the body.
Enzymes in the digestive system are protein mol- Making predictions on the roles of Develop curiosity to
ecules that break down a specific substance. enzymes during digestion. know about the roles
Infer on the roles of enzymes dur- of enzymes during
The enzymes mentioned under the description of ing digestion. digestion.
the pancrease and small intestine are important in
breaking down specific components of human diet Compare different enzymes and Show open-minded-
(carbohydrates, proteins, fats) their functions. ness when learning
about roles of en-
Enzymes involved in digestion include: Communicate ideas and findings zymes during diges-
Salivary amylase – breaks down starch in the mouth on the roles of enzymes using tion in the body.
Pepsin – breaks down protein in the stomach verbal, written and pictorial.
Gastric lipase – breaks down fat in the stomach Respect views of
Trypsin and erepsin – break down wholly and
partially digested proteins into amino acid in the
Science Teacher Guide
Benchmark: Investigate the properties of light and the speed of light.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• describe the speed of light.
Light moves at the fastest known speed in Making predictions on how fast Develop curiosity to know
the universe. Nothing moves faster than (or the light travels. about the speed of light.
even close to) the speed of light. In a vacu-
um, where there is nothing to slow it down, Infer on the speed of light. Show open-mindedness
light travels 186,282 miles per second. when learning about the
Communicate ideas and findings speed of light.
When light travels through matter, like air or on the speed of light using verbal,
water, it slows down some, but it’s still pretty written and pictorial. Respect views of others.
Benchmark: Investigate the properties of light and the speed of light.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• identify the properties of light.
Grade 7
Benchmark: Establish that reflection and refraction of light occurs through different interfaces
such as water and glass.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• explain the cause of lights reflecting on the surfaces.
Benchmark: Establish that reflection and refraction of light occurs through different interfaces
such as water and glass.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• explain the cause of lights refracting on the surfaces.
Science Teacher Guide
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able;
• investigate convex lens and how it behaves.
A lens is a transparent material that refracts Making predictions on how convex Develop curiosity to know
light in such a way as to form an image. lens behave. about characteristics of
convex lens.
A convex lens is thick in the middle and thin Infer on the characteristics of
at the edges. convex lens. Show open-mindedness
when learning about the
A convex lens bends light inwards. So it is Use a hand lens to demonstrate characteristics of convex
called converging lens. the characteristics of convex lens. lens.
Properties and characteristics of convex Communicate ideas and findings Respect views of others.
lens: on properties of convex lens using
• Convex lens are thicker at center. verbal, written and pictorial.
• Converging lens (refract parallel light
rays so they meet)
• A convex causes light to converge at a
focal point.
Key question: How can you change the image produced by a convex lens?
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• investigate the function of convex lens.
Grade 7
The type of image formed by a convex lens Making predictions on how to Develop curiosity to know
depends on the distance of the object from change the image produced by about the function of convex
the lens. If the distance is less than one focal convex lens. lens.
length, the image will be right-side up and
enlarged. A hand lens produces this type of Infer on the function of convex Show open-mindedness
image. lens. when learning about
function of convex lens.
If the distance between the object and the Use convex lens to change image
lens is between one and two focal lengths, of objects and adjust the distance Respect views of others.
the image formed will be up-side down and of the object.
enlarged. If the distance is more than two
focal lengths, the image will be up-side Communicate ideas and findings
down and reduced in size. on the function of convex lens
using verbal, written and pictorial.
Benchmark: Explain the mechanism of convex lens such as the eye and camera.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• identify uses of convex lens in day to day life.
Lenses are used in glasses and contacts to Making predictions on the uses of Develop curiosity to know
help correct vision. They are used in tel- convex lens. about the function of convex
escopes to help view items that are far away lens.
and are used in microscopes to help view Infer on the uses of convex lens.
very small items. Show open-mindedness
Compare different uses of convex when learning about func-
Magnifying glasses and microscopes use lens. tion of convex lens.
convex lenses.
Respect views of others.
A magnifying glass makes an object look Communicate ideas and findings
bigger. Holding it close to an object makes on findings on the different uses
a virtual image of the object form on the of convex lens using verbal and
same side of the glass as the object. When written.
you look through the magnifying glass, this
virtual object seems to be larger than the
real one. The thicker the lens, the larger the
virtual image.
Science Teacher Guide
Strand: Physical Science Unit: Force And Motion Topic: Forces And Pressure
CONTENT STANDARD: 7.2.3. Students will be able to investigate the properties of pressure and
examine pressure applied in solid, liquid, and gas.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to;
• identify the properties of pressure.
Pressure acts on solids, liquids and gases Making hypothesis on the Appreciate the use of
properties of pressure. pressure in daily life
There is a connection to the size of the force and its
area Investigate the properties of Respect the views of
-The smaller the surface area, the higher the pressure by experimenting. their classmates
-The bigger the surface area the smaller the Communicate ideas and findings
pressure on the properties of pressure.
Lesson Title: Pressure in solids Lesson No. 50
Benchmark: Examine the pressure applied in solid, liquid, and gas.
Key question: How can we identify high and low pressure in solids?
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to;
• describe the pressure when a solid comes in contact with a solid.
The pressure of a solid exerted on another solid Making hypothesis on the high Appreciate the use of
surface is its weight in newtons divided by its area and low pressure in solids. pressure in daily life
in square metres
Investigate high pressure and low Apply the under-
Pressure = force (f) / area (a) pressure in solids by experiment- standing of increas-
ing. ing and reducing
To increase pressure- increase the force or reduce pressure in daily life
the area the force acts on. Measure the pressure by Use the
formulae (P = f x a).
To reduce pressure - decrease the force or increase
the area the force acts on. Communicate ideas and findings.
Lesson Title: Pressure in liquids Lesson No. 51
Benchmark: Examine the pressure applied in solid, liquid, and gas.
Key question: Which part contains the high pressure and which part has low pressure.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to;
• investigate the behaviour of pressure in liquids by experimenting.
Grade 7
The pressure in liquids increases with depth Making hypothesis on the pres- Appreciate the use of
sure in liquids. pressure in daily life
Pressure in liquids acts equally in all direction
Investigate the high and low in Apply the under-
Pressure in liquids does not depend on the area of liquids by experimenting. standing of increas-
its surface ing and reducing
Infer on how pressure can be pressure in daily life
The pressure at two points at the same level in the increased or decreased.
same liquid are equal Respect views of
Communicate ideas and findings classmates
Pressure does not depend on the shape or size of on the high and low pressure in
the container liquids.
Benchmark: Examine the pressure applied in solid, liquid, and gas.
Key question: How can we identify low and high pressure in gas?
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to;
• investigate how air behaves when pressure is exerted by experimenting.
The pressure of air is the force that air exerts on Making hypothesis on the Appreciate the use of
objects. pressure in gas. pressure in daily life
The weight of air is called the air pressure Investigate the high and low in gas Apply the
by experimenting. understanding of
Pressure in air acts equally in all direction increasing and
Infer on how pressure can be reducing pressure in
The pressure in gas decreases as you go higher the increased or decreased. daily life
Communicate ideas and findings Respect views of
on the high and low pressure in classmates
Lesson Title: Calculating pressure Lesson No. 53
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• measure the pressure by using the formula.
Science Teacher Guide
Manometers and barometers are used to measure Making hypothesis on how to Appreciate the use of
pressure measure pressure. pressure in daily life
The standard unit of pressure is the Pascal (Pa) Measure the pressure of solids, Develop an attitude
liquids and gases by using the to calculate and
One Pascal equals one newton per square meter. formula. express pressure in
(N/m2) measurements
Communicate ideas and
findings on how to measure Respect views of
pressure. classmates
Lesson Title: Uses of pressure in daily life Lesson No. 54
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• identify uses of pressure in daily life.
Application of pressure in daily life: Making hypothesis on the differ- Appreciate the use of
High Pressure ent uses of pressure in daily life. pressure in daily life
• Hammering a nail.
• Cutting vegetables. Identify different applications of Develop the sense of
• Cutting a tree with an axe. pressure in daily life. applying the knowl-
• Wearing high-heeled shoes. edge of pressure in
Comparing the amount of their daily activities
Low Pressure pressure applied by various daily
activities. Respect views of
• Wearing flat shoes
• Snow shoes reduce pressure between weight
and ice Communicating ideas and
• Tankers and caterpillars (machinery) do not use findings on the applications of
tyres because of their weight. pressure in daily life.
Grade 7
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• understand that density is a characteristics property of a substance.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• compare density of different matter using their properties.
The density of a quantity of matter is its mass Make predictions to compare Develop curiosity to
divided by its volume. It is usually measured at 0 °C density of different matter. know more about the
and at 1 atmosphere of pressure. Infer on how compare density comparing density.
of different matter.
Density is important in determining the bouyancy of Show
materials in fliuds, as well as in comparing materials Compare density of different open-mindedness when
and in other measurements. matter using their properties. learning about
Communicate ideas and comparing density.
findings on comparing matter
using verbal, written and Respect views of
pictorial. others.
Science Teacher Guide
Benchmark: Use the formula to calculate the density. DENSITY = Mass/Volume
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• calculate the density of different matter.
Knowledge Attitudes
Density is the measurement of the amount of mass Make predictions on how to Develop curiosity to
per unit of volume. In order to calculate density, you calculate density. know more about
need to know the mass and volume of the item. calculating density.
Use the equation to calculate
Density is how much matter is contained within a the density of different matter. Show
volume. A dense object weighs more than a less open-mindedness when
dense object that is the same size. An object less Compare measurements of learning about
dense than water will float on it; one with greater density of different matter. calculating density.
density will sink.
Communicate ideas and Respect views of
The density equation is density equals mass per unit findings on calculating density
volume or D = M / V. using verbal and written.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• identify the use and importance of density.
Knowledge Attitudes
Grade 7
One of the most common uses of density is in how Make predictions on the uses of Develop curiosity to
different materials interact when mixed together. density in everyday life. know more about the
Wood floats in water because it has a lower uses of density.
density, while an anchor sinks because the metal Infer on the uses of density in
has a higher density. Helium balloons float because everyday life. Show
the density of the helium is lower than the density of open-mindedness when
the air. Compare uses of density in learning about the uses
different situations. of density.
One well-known application of density is
determining whether or not an object will float on Communicate ideas and Respect views of
water. If the object’s density is less than the density others.
findings on uses of density
of water, it will float; if its density is less than that of
water, it will sink. Ships can float because they have using verbal, written and
ballast tanks that hold air; these tanks provide large pictorial.
volumes of little mass, thus decreasing the density
of the ship. Together with the buoyant force that
the water exerts on the ship, this reduced density
enables the ship to float. In fact, submarines dive
below the surface of the water by emptying their
ballast tanks.
Science Teacher Guide
Strand: Earth And Space Unit: Our Earth Topic: Natural Resources
Content Standard: 7.3.2. Students will be able to investigate the different natural resources in
Papua New Guinea
Benchmark: Identify and classify the different types of natural resources into renewable and
non-renewable resources.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• classify the different types of natural resources as renewable and non-renewable resources.
There are two different types of natural Making predictions on different types Appreciate and value
resources. They are called non-renewable of natural resources. the different types of
resources and renewable resources. natural resources.
Infer on the different types of natural
Non-renewable resources are not easily resources.
replaced. Non-renewable resources include oil,
natural gas, and coal, which are examples of Compare different types of natural
fossil fuels. resources.
Resources that are easily replaced or that can Classify types of natural resources
be used over and over again are called as renewable and non-renewable
renewable resources. Farm crops, animals, resources.
trees, oxygen and fresh water are examples of
renewable resources. Communicate ideas and findings on
the types of natural resources using
verbal, written and pictorial.
Lesson Title: Importance and uses of Natural Resources Lesson No. 63
Benchmark: Examine the importance and uses of natural resources for humans and other
living things.
Key question: Why are natural resources important and how are they useful?
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• explain the importance and state the usefulness of natural resources.
Grade 7
Humans use the natural resources to build Making predictions on why natural Develop curiosity to
houses, grow crops, and raise livestock. resources are important and how know more about the
useful they are in people’s lives. importance and uses
Infer on the importance and of natural resources.
usefulness of the natural resources.
Compare the importance and uses of open-mindedness
different natural resources. when learning about
Communicate ideas and findings on the importance and
the importance of natural resources uses of natural
using verbal, written and pictorial. resources.
Respect views of
Lesson Title: Conservation of natural resources Lesson No. 64
Benchmark: Use basic research skills to investigate how natural resources are conserved and
suggest ways to make improvements.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• propose ways to conserve the natural resources.
Science Teacher Guide
Content Standard: 7.2.5. Students will be able to investigate the properties and functions of
Key question: What is the difference between solute, solvent and solution?
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• distinguish the difference between a solution and suspension.
A solute is a substance that dissolves materials to Making predictions on the Show open-mindedness
form a solution. terms solute, solvent and when learning about
solution. the solute, solvent and
A solvent is a substance that dissolves materials to solution.
form a solution. Compare the difference
between solute, solvent and Respect views of others.
A solution is a mixture of two or more components solution.
that form a homogenous mixture. The component
referred to the solute and/or solutes and solvent Communicate ideas and
and/ or solvents. findings on solute, solvent and
solution using verbal and
Lesson Title: Types of solutions Lesson No. 68
Benchmark: Investigate different types of solutions such as solid to liquid; liquid to liquid; and
liquid to gas.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• identify the different types of solutions such as solid to liquid, liquid to liquid and liquid to gas.
Grade 7
Solutions exist in all states of matter. Make predictions on the Develop curiosity to
Types of solutions: different types of solutions. know more about the
1. Gas in gas ( for example, air) types of solutions.
- Solvent – nitrogen; Solute – oxygen Infer on the different types of
solutions. Show open-mindedness
2. Gas in liquid ( for example, soda) when learning about
Compare the different types of types of solutions.
- Solvent – water; Solute – Carbon Dioxide
Respect views of others.
3. Liquid in liquid (for example, vinegar)
- Solvent – water; Solute – Ethylene gycol Communicate ideas and
findings on the types of
4. Solid in liquid (for example, ocean water) solutions using verbal and
- Solvent – water; Solute – Sodium Chloride written.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• Explain how carbon dioxide can be a solute in liquid solution such soda water and soft drinks.
Most solutions are made of solids dissolved in Making predictions if carbon Develop curiosity to
liquids. dioxide can be a solute in a know more about gas in
liquid solution. a liquid solution.
Solutes, solvents, and solutions can be gases,
liquids and solids. Infer on carbon dioxide as a Show open-mindedness
solute in a liquid solution. when learning about gas
Most liquid solutions are obtained by dissolving a in a liquid solution.
gas, liquid, or solid in some liquid. Soda water, for Communicate ideas and
example, consists of a solution of carbon dioxide findings on carbon dioxide as a Respect views of others.
gas in water. solute in solution using verbal
and written.
Lesson Title: Functions of solution – hydrochloric acid Lesson No. 70
Benchmark: Investigate the functions of solution such as hydrochloric acid in terms of
changing the property of metal.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• describe the effects of hydrochloric acid on metals.
Knowledge Skills Attitudes
Science Teacher Guide
Hydrochloric acid (HCl) is a clear colorless liquid Making prediction on the Develop curiosity to
that is highly corrosive, and considered a strong effects of hydrochloric acid on know more about the
mineral acid. The main applications of HCl are for metals. effect of hydrochloric
pickling steel, acid treatment for oil wells, chemical acid.
cleaning, and chemical processing for large scale Infer on the effects of
production of vinyl chloride. Show open-mindedness
hydrochloric acid on metals.
when learning about
HCl is a strong reducing acid, which makes it highly effects of hydrochloric
Communicate ideas and
corrosive when in contact with most materials. HCl acid.
is monoprotic, which means it has a high level of findings on the effects of
dissociation in water, this creates an overabundance hydrochloric acid on metals
using verbal and written and Respect views of others.
of H+ ions in solution. The overabundance of H+
ions means it has a very low pH level of 0-1. This pictorial.
indicates that it is a highly corrosive substance, and
only a few materials are resistant.
Benchmark: Distinguish the properties of Acid, Alkaline and Neutral solutions.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• Identify various acidic solutions.
Acidic solutions are any solutions that have a higher Identify food that contain weak Appreciate the
concentration of hydrogen ions than water acids- citrus fruits importance acids play in
Acids may be solids, liquid or gases Identify three common acids
that are used in laboratories Take extra care when
Acids contain the element hydrogen and state the uses. handling acids as strong
acids are corrosive
Foods contains weak acids Differentiate between
concentrated acidic solutions
Most acids used in laboratories are strong acids and and diluted acidic solutions
can be corrosive
Use the universal indicator to
Acidic solutions are any solutions that have a higher find out if the solution is acidic
concentration of hydrogen ions than water or not
Grade 7
Benchmark: Distinguish the properties of Acid, Alkaline and Neutral solutions.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• describe alkaline solution as a mixture of base solids dissolved in water.
• give examples of alkalis in daily life.
alkaline solution is a mixture of base solids Describe common uses of Appreciate the uses of
dissolved in water. alkalis in daily life alkalis in our daily life
Bases that are soluble in water are known as alkalis Practice using litmus paper to Take extra care when
find if solution is an alkaline handling bases
Alkali does not react with metals
Benchmark: Distinguish the properties of Acid, Alkaline and Neutral solutions.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• describe neutral solution.
When acids and bases react together they combine Investigate an acidic solution Show curiosity to learn
to form a salt and water. This is known as if a base is added to an acidic how to neutralise acids
neutralisation solution and bases.
An acidic solution becomes less acidic when a base Investigate the effect of neutral Develop a willingness to
is added. This is called neutralising the acid. solution on a litmus indicator learn about neutralizing
acidic and basic
A basic solution becomes less basic when an acid solutions.
is added. This is called neutralizing the base.
Science Teacher Guide
Benchmark: Distinguish the properties of Acid, Alkaline and Neutral solutions.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• identify several indicators that are used to test acids and bases.
Indicators are chemical dyes that are one colour in Investigate the effect of acidic, Show curiosity to learn
acidic solutions but change to a different colour in a alkaline and neutral solutions about how universal
basic solution. on indicators (Universal and indicator can be used to
litmus indicators determine pH value of a
Indicators commonly used in the laboratory are solution
litmus, phenolphthalein, methyl orange and Use the pH scale to identify
bromothymol blue. acids or bases
Benchmark: Distinguish the properties of Acid, Alkaline and Neutral solutions.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• explain solubility and the relationship between solubility and temperature.
Knowledge Skills Attitudes
Solubility is the amount of solute that can dissolve Apply appropriate techniques Show curiosity to learn
in water. to increase the solubility of about the solubility of
substances substances.
The solubility of most substances can be increased
by shaking, stirring or increasing the temperature of Draw graphs to show the
the solvent. relationship between
temperature and solubility rate
There is a limit in the number solids that can
dissolve in a given volume.
Lesson Title: Concentration of solution Lesson No. 76
Key question: How can we identify saturated, unsaturated and diluted solutions based on the solute
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• Compare the different types of solutions based on the solute concentration.
Grade 7
Types of solutions according to solute concentration. Making hypothesis on how to Develop curiosity to
identify saturated, unsaturated know more about the
Saturated solution: and diluted solutions based on types of solutions.
Solution contains maximum amount of solute at a the solute concentration.
given temperature. Show open-mindedness
Infer on the saturated, when learning about
Unsaturated solution: unsaturated and diluted comparing types of
Solution contains less than the maximum quantity of solutions using the solute
solute, or if the solution is not saturated. concentration.
Respect views of others.
Dilute solution: Conduct experiment to identify
Quantity of solute is very less in solution. three solutions using the
solute concentration.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• Use different methods to separate concentrated solutions such as evaporation and
Knowledge Skills Attitudes
Evaporation is a process in which a liquid changes Making hypothesis on how to Develop curiosity to
into gaseous form on heating, allowing the liquid to separate concentrated know more about the
evaporate, leaving soluble behind. solutions. separating solutions
using evaporation and
Crystallisation is method used to obtain pure crystals Conduct experiment using crystallisation methods.
from a solution. It is done by heating the solution in evaporation and
an evaporating dish until it is saturated. The hot crystallisation process to Show open-mindedness
solution is then allowed to cool. Crystal will be separated solutions. when learning about
formed on cooling. They are dried between the separating soltions.
sheets of filter paper. Infer on how to separate Respect views of others.
Science Teacher Guide
Grade 7
Benchmark: Investigate the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere and the properties of its
Key question: What are the different layers of the Earth’s atmosphere?
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• describe the different layers of the Earth’s atmosphere.
Earth’s atmosphere can be divided into four distinct Making prediction on the Develop curiosity to
layers. different layers of the Earth’s know more about the
atmosphere. different layers of the
1. The layer closest to the Earth, where almost Earth’s atmosphere.
weather occurs, is the troposphere. Infer on the different layers of
2. The stratosphere lies above the troposphere. Air the Earth’s atmosphere. Show
in this layer is much colder and drier than air in open-mindedness
the troposphere. It contains the ozone layer. Compare the different layers of when learning about the
3. The mesosphere lies above the stratosphere. the Earth’s atmosphere. different layers of the
The top of the mesosphere is the coldest part of Earth’s atmosphere.
Earth’s atmosphere. Analayse the different layers of Respect views of
4. The thermosphere contains a very low density the Earth’s atmosphere. others.
of gas molecules. Therefore, the absorption of a
small amount of energy causes a large increase
Communicating ideas and
in temperature. The thermosphere extends to an
altitude of about 600km. findings on the different layers
of the Earth’s atmosphere using
verbal, written and pictorial.
Benchmark: Examine the types of air pressure such as low and high pressure.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• describe the causes of low pressure in the atmosphere.
Knowledge Skills Attitudes
Low pressure is caused by the less dense warmer Making predictions on the Show open mindedness
air rising. causes of low pressure in the and curiosity to learn
atmosphere. about low pressure
High-pressure areas and low-pressure areas result
from the way Earth’s surf ace is heated by the Sun. Infer the causes of low pressure
in the atmosphere.
Low pressure circulate counter clockwise
Communicate ideas and
Lower counter clockwise circulation forces air findings on the causes of low
upwards resulting in condensation, cloud formation pressure in the atmosphere.
and precipitation
Science Teacher Guide
Benchmark: Examine the types of air pressure such as low and high pressure.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to;
• describe the cause of high pressure in the atmosphere.
High pressure is caused by the much denser cold air which Making hypothesis Show open mindedness
sinks on the causes of and curiosity to learn
high pressure in the about high pressure.
High-pressure areas and low-pressure areas result from the way atmosphere.
Earth’s surf ace is heated by the Sun.
Identify the causes
Higher pressure circulate clockwise of high pressure.
High clockwise circulation causes a sinking motion in the Infer the causes of
atmosphere resulting in fair/clear and often sunnier skies high pressure in the
ideas and findings
on the causes of
high pressure in the
The uneven heating results in low air pressure at the Communicate ideas and
equator and high pressure at the poles. Therefore findings on the movement of air
the air tends to move from poles to the equator. and effect it has on the ocean.
Grade 7
Key question: How do greenhouse gases increase the temperature of the atmosphere?
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• explain effects of the greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• identify the four main types of clouds.
Science Teacher Guide
A cloud is classified by its appearance and altitude Making hypothesis on the four Show curiosity to learn
main types of clouds. about the different
The prefix Nimbo refers to rain, stratus indicates clouds and how they
layers and cumulo or cumulus indicates a cloud that Infer the four main types of get their names.
forms vertically clouds.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• explain how changes in the air causes weather.
Grade 7
Major changes in weather come from the movement Making predictions on the Show curiosity to learn
of air masses relationship between weather about the relationship
and clouds. between weather and
An air mass is a body of air that can cover clouds.
thousands of square kilometres. Infer on the relationship
between weather and clouds. Show
The leading edge of an air mass, a front, has clouds open-mindedness
and precipitation. Communicate ideas and when learning about the
relationship between
findings about the relationship
weather and clouds.
A front is named for the type of air mass, cold or between weather and clouds
warm, that is moving into an area. using verbal, written and Respect views of
pictorial. others.
A cold front often brings stormy weather. At its
edge, dense cold air pushes warm air out. The warm
air cools as it rises. If the warm air is moist, water
vapour will condense and cumulus clouds will form.
If the warm air rises quickly, severe thunderstorm
will be the result. Usually cold front moves quickly.
After it passes, the weather is cooler and drier.
Key question: How does water from the earth’s surface move the Earth’s atmosphere back to surface?
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• explain the process of water cycle on Earth.
The water cycle is the continuous movement of Making hypothesis on the Show curiosity to learn
water from Earth’s surface to Earth’s atmosphere process of water cycle on about the process of
and back to the surface. Earth. water cycle on Earth.
Energy from the sun causes water in the oceans Infer on the process of water Show
and on land to heat up. When this happens water cycle. open-mindedness when
evaporates and changes from the liquid state to the learning about the
gas state. Compare the different states process of water cycle
involved in the process of water on Earth.
Water vapour in the atmosphere can condense cycle.
into tiny droplets of water and form clouds. When Respect views of
the droplets become heavy enough, they fall to the Communicate ideas and others.
Earth as rain, sleet, hail or snow findings on the process of
water cycle on Earth using
verbal, written and pictorial.
Science Teacher Guide
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• describe the characteristics of weather in PNG.
Papua New Guinea has a climate characterized by Making prediction of the Show curiosity to learn
high temperatures and humidity throughout the year. characteristics of weather in about thecharacteristics
The North West Monsoon season is from December PNG. of weather in PNG.
to March while the South West Monsoon season is
from May to October. Rainfall is at its heaviest in the Infer on the characteristics of Show
highlands with average annual precipitation varying weather in PNG. open-mindedness when
between 2,000 and 5,000 mm (79 to 197 inches). learning about weather
Average monthly temperature ranges in for example of PNG.
Port Moresby from 26 degrees Celsius (79 degrees Compare characteristics of
Fahrenheit) to 28 degrees Celsius (82 degrees weather in the highlands and
coasts of PNG. Respect views of
Fahrenheit) throughout the year
Communicate ideas and
findings on weather in PNG
using verbal, written and
Benchmark: Evaluate the characteristics of weather and weather patterns in Papua New
Key question: What is the weather pattern like in Papua New Guinea?
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• identify the weather patterns of Papua New Guinea.
It is colder in the highlands than on the coast Making predictions on the Show curiosity to learn
because the air temperature decreases with altitude weather pattern of Papua New about the weather
Guinea. patterns in Papua New
The mountain regions play an important part in the Guinea.
weather experienced Infer on the weather pattern of
Papua New Guinea. Respect views of
The height and the direction of the mountain ranges others.
have an effect on the winds Communicate ideas and
findings on weather patterns of
Papua New Guinea.
Grade 7
Benchmark: Examine the relationships of living and non-living organisms in an ecosystem.
Key question: What is the relationship between the living and non-living organism in the ecosystem?
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• explain the relationship between the living and non-living organisms in the ecosystem.
The two most important things to emphasize about Making predictions on the Show curiosity to learn
an ecosystem are that all the members (living and relationship between living about the relationship
non-living) are connected and that changes in one and non-living in the between living and
habitat or organism cause changes in another. ecosystem. nonliving in the ecosys-
Some relationships between members are direct tem.
and obvious. Other relationships are not so obvious.
Infer on the relationship
between living and non-living Show open-mindedness
All living (biotic) and nonliving (abiotic) parts of an in the ecosystem. when learning about the
environment as well as the interaction among them. relationship between
Communicated ideas and living and nonliving in the
Interactions may include; findings on the relationship ecosystem.
Producers (obtain energy by making their own food; between living and nonliving
plants-photosynthesis) in the ecosystem using Respect views of others.
verbal, written and pictorial.
Consumers (obtain energy by consuming their food)
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• state the roles of the producers and consumers in an ecosystem.
Science Teacher Guide
Many interactions between living things are the Describing the roles of Appreciate learning about
result of the need for living things to feed. All living producers and consumers the roles of organisms in
things must have a source of food. the ecosystem
Classify consumers by the
Food is made by organisms called producers. All kind of organisms they eat
green plants are producers. Plants do not eat food.
Plants make their own food through the process of Conclude that many
photosynthesis. Plants take in carbon dioxide and
interactions between living
water from their environment, producing a sugar
things are the result of the
called glucose. This glucose serves as food for the
need for living things to feed
Benchmark: Analyse possible causes and effects of population change of organisms in an
ecosystem such as competing for resources; water, food and space.
Key question: What are some factors that cause population to change in the ecosystem?
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• Identify factors that cause population to change of organisms in the ecosystem.
Population change of organisms in an ecosystem Identify different types of Show concern by being
such as competing for resources; water, food and plant and animal population respectful towards the
space. in a given habitat. environment and the
organisms living in it.
Use graph to show the
relationships between two
animals in a an ecosystem
Grade 7
Benchmark: Analyse possible causes and effects of population change of organisms in an ecosystem
such as competing for resources; water, food and space.
Key question: What would happen if there is a population change of organisms in the ecosystem?
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• explain the effects of population change of organisms in the ecosystem.
Population numbers depend on resources, Making predictions on the Show curiosity to learn
prey-predator relationships, diseases, and effects of population change about the effect of
competition. In any population, growth is limited by of organisms in the population change in the
factors such as competition, predation, water and ecosystem. ecosystem.
Infer on the effects of Show open-mindedness
If the population in the areas exceeds that number, populating change of when learning about
many animals won’t get enough to drink. To survive, organisms in the ecosystem. effects of population
they must find water elsewhere. change in the ecosystem.
Communicate ideas and
The water available to animals at this watering findings on the effects of Respect views of others.
hole is a limiting factor in the ecosystem. A limiting populating change in the
factor is something that restricts the growth and ecosystem using verbal,
distribution of a population. Limiting factors include
written and pictorial.
resources such as food, water and space. They can
also involve competition, predation, disease,
invasive species, and human activities.
Benchmark: Investigate and profile different types of communities in the environment such as
ponds, oceans, and soil.
Key question: What are the different types of communities in the ecosystem?
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• Identify the different types of communities in the ecosystem.
Science Teacher Guide
Biological community is a group of interacting Making predictions on the Show curiosity to learn
populations (different species) living together in the different types of about the types of
same area at the same time. communities in the communities in the
ecosystem. ecosystem.
There are types of communities that live in the
ecosystem such as pond, ocean, soil, river, Infer on the different types of Show open-mindedness
rainforest, grassland and etc. communities in the when learning about the
ecosystem. types of communities in
the ecosystem.
Compare different types of
communities in the Respect views of others.
Grade 7
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• identify the characteristics of an atom.
The protons have a positive Create models of atoms using available show an awareness that
charge and the neutrons have materials technologies resulting from
no charge. The electrons have a knowledge of the atom have
negative charge and are much Differentiate between protons, neutrons and created social and ethical
smaller than the protons and electron issues, risks and costs (e.g.
neutrons atomic bomb)
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• describe the characteristics of elements.
Science Teacher Guide
An element is a pure substance Make predictions on the characteristics of Show curiosity to learn about
that cannot be broken down into elements. the characteristics of
simpler substances. elements.
Infer on the characteristics of elements.
State that elements are the basic Show open-mindedness
building blocks of living and Communicate ideas and findings on char- when learning about
non-living matter acteristics of elements using verbal, written characteristics of elements.
and pictorial.
Not many elements in nature are Respect views of others.
found on their own.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• Explain the difference between atoms and elements.
Grade 7
Atom is the smallest particle of Make predictions on the difference between Show curiosity to learn about
matter. atoms and elements. the differences between
atoms and elements.
Atoms are very small in size and Infer on the difference between atoms and
cannot be seen through naked elements. Show open-mindedness
eyes. when learning about the
Compare the characteristics of atoms and difference between atoms
Atom does not exist in free-state elements. and elements.
in nature. But atom takes part in
a chemical reaction. Communicate ideas and findings on atoms Respect views of others.
and elements using verbal, written and
The properties of matter pictorial.
depend upon the characteristics
of atoms.
Benchmark: Classify common elements in the periodic table into metals and non-metals.
Key question: How can we classify elements using the periodic table?
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• classify elements in the periodic table into metals and non-metals.
A common way to of Making predictions on how to classify Show curiosity to learn about
classifying elements is to put elements using the periodic table. the differences between
them into groups with other atoms and elements.
chemical that have similar Infer on the classification of elements using
properties. There are three large the periodic table. Show open-mindedness
groups; when learning about the
Compare the classification of three groups of difference between atoms
Metals, non-metals, and metal- elements. and elements.
Communicate ideas and findings on Respect views of others.
The arranging of elements into classification of elements using verbal,
different groups on the basis of
written and pictorial.
the similarities in their properties
is called classification of
Science Teacher Guide
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• understand the characteristics of molecules.
A molecule is defined as stable Making predictions on the characteristics of Show curiosity to learn about
neutral groups of at least two molecules. the characteristics of
atoms in a definite arrangement molecules.
held together by very strong Infer on the characteristics of molecules.
chemical bonds. Show open-mindedness
Draw or model molecules of water. when learning about
It can also be defined as a unit of characteristics of molecules.
two or more atoms held together.
Communicate ideas and findings on
characteristics of molecules using verbal, Respect views of others.
For example: two hydrogen written and models or pictorial.
atoms bond with an oxygen atom
and form a molecule of water
Lesson Title: Molecule of elements and their symbols Lesson No. 105
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• identify symbols of molecules of elements.
Atoms of the same element that Making predictions of the symbols of Show an appreciation of
are chemically joined together molecules of elements. scientific attitudes such as
form molecules of element. creativity and
Infer on the symbols of molecules of open-mindedness in creating
Symbols and names of some elements. models to explain the
elements: fundamental nature of things
Hydrogen – H Communicate ideas and symbols of and willingness to
Oxygen – O molecules of elements. re-examine existing models
Nitrogen – N
Carbon – C
Sodium – Na
Magnesium – Mg
Aluminium - Al
Potassium – K
Zinc – Zn
Gold – Au
Copper – Cu
Silver - Ag
Gold - Au
Mercury - Hg
Grade 7
Lesson Title: Common compounds and their elements Lesson No. 106
Benchmark: Analyse the characteristics of common compounds and their elements.
Key question: What are the common compounds and their elements?
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• Identify common compounds and the elements.
Some examples of common Investigate the different types of compounds Show curiosity to learn about
compounds and their elements. the compounds
Use available resources to draw or model the
Compound Elements different types of compounds.
Water Hydrogen and
Sodium chloride Sodium and
(table spoon) chlorine
Carbon dioxide Carbon and
Calcium oxide Calcium and
(lime) oxygen
Copper sulphate Copper, sulphur
and oxygen
Hydrochloric Hydrogen and
acid chlorine
Sugar Carbon,
hydrogen and
Benchmark: Analyse the characteristics of common compounds and their elements.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• identify examples of compounds in everyday life.
Some examples of compounds in Making predictions on examples of Show curiosity to learn about
everyday life. compounds in everyday life. the compounds
Science Teacher Guide
Grade 7
Assessment of learning
Science Teacher Guide
and what they can do. When teachers have this information, programming
can be made purposeful. It can be directed at the learning weakness and
matches the student’s needs.
Assessment Strategies
Assessment strategies are used to conduct or deliver the assessment
tasks planned for the students. There are many options available for
teachers to choose from. The few listed below are recommended for all
the teachers to use to assess students. These include:
• Observations
• Portfolios
• Tests and
• Self and peer assessment
1. Observation
This strategy is very suitable for peer assessing. Students can be tasked
to observe a friend and later report what they saw.
The teacher thinks about and examines work samples from students.
Work samples can be written tasks on paper, small chalkboards or slates,
worksheets, drawing or models. Studying work samples helps the teach-
ers to assess;
• the students level of knowledge and understanding of the learning
taking place
• students thinking skills and their ability to present their own ideas
and be creative
• how much time and effort the students used to do the assigned
• the skills the students used to produce the work and
• if the work meets the result of the content standard.
3. Test
Grade 7
Assessment Tasks
It is important to plan assessment for the whole year using the content
overview and the yearly or term plans. Assessment tasks form the basis
of the assessment processes, of assessing each learner in relation to the
content standards.
Assessment Plan
Teachers are the best assessors of the students and must ensure that all
assessment tasks are;
• clearly stated in language students can interpret
• link to the content standards
• balanced, comprehensive, reliable and fair
• engages the learner.
Science Teacher Guide
Grade 7
The assessment tasks are written from the listed benchmarks stated for
each content standard. This particular activity must have key knowledge
skills attitudes and values that must be assessed. Teachers are the best
assessors of the students and must ensure the all assessment tasks are:
• clearly stated in language students can interpret
• link to the benchmarks and content standards
• balanced, comprehensive, reliable and fair and
• engages the learner.
Strand Unit Topic Stand- Benchmark Assessment Task
Unit 4: Inter- Living to- 7.1.4 Investigate the Explore an ecosystem around
action and gether different components of the school, collect data and
relationship in an ecosystem. present a report on the find-
the environ- ings to explain the simple
ment ecosystem Analyse pos- Write a brief explanation
sible causes and of what will happen if the
effects of population population of a habitat
change of organ- grows
isms in an ecosystem
such as competing
Science Teacher Guide
Unit 1: Earth’s 7.3.1 Examine the Make a model of the structure
Our Earth structure composition and the of the earth and label the dif-
structure of the Earth. ferent layers.
Earth and Space
Unit 1: Groups of 7.1.1 Classify and Use the plants characteristics
Plants plants profile different types chart and classify them under
of flowering and non- seed plants and non-seed
flowering plants. plants.
Unit 1: En- Light and 7.2.2 Explain the Describe the application of
their characteristics.
Unit 3: Digestive 7.1.3 Examine the Draw and label the digestive
Human Body system various organs of diges- system
tive system and their Explain the functions of the
functions. internal organs of the digestive
Unit 2: Pressure 7.2.3 Examine the Draw and use diagrams to
Grade 7
7.2.4 Do an experiment to identify
Physical Sci-
Earth and
Space relation to the tilt of the
Science Teacher Guide
Content Standards: 7.1.3. Students will be able to investigate the functions of nutrients and the
digestive system.
Benchmark: Examine the various organs of digestive system and their functions.
Grade 7
Proficiency Levels
Performance Level of Mastery (Scale) Rating
Criteria (quality) (score)
1. Limited 2. Some 4. Higher 3 0
3. Proficiency
Proficiency proficiency Proficiency marks
Construct a model Could not be Can construct Construct model Independently
with the main parts able to construct model of the of the digestive construct model
of the digestive model of the digestive system system without of the digestive
system included- digestive parts with assistance teacher’s supervi- system with all
mouth, oesopha- from the teacher sion the digestive
gus, liver, large parts
intestine, stomach, 0-6
pancreas, small 7-9 10-12 13-15
intestines and
Recognise the Could not be Can recognise Can recognise the Can recognise
main parts of the able to recognise the main parts main parts of the the main parts
digestive and state and state the of the digestive digestive system of the digestive
its function- functions of the system but could and state their system and fully
mouth, main parts of the not fully state the functions. state the
oesophagus, liver, digestive system functions. functions.
large intestine,
stomach, 0-6
pancreas, small 7-9 10-12 13-15
intestines and
Presentation Could not be Can explain the Can explain the Can explain
Skills- able to able to explain functions of each functions of each the functions
explain the functions of each part of the part of the of each part of
functions of each part of the digestive system digestive system the digestive
part, loud voice, digestive system but lack with little system with
confidence and lack confidence. confidence. confidence.
3-5 6-8 9-10
Other details 0-2 3-5 6-8 9-10
Attitude Often is Occasionally has Usually has a Always has a
publically a negative attitude positive attitude positive attitude
critical of work about the about the about the
and openly dis- assigned task assigned task assigned task
plays a
negative attitude
Total Score: 50
Science Teacher Guide
Teacher’s comments
Grade 7
system state its functions of
included- function- each part,
mouth, mouth, loud voice,
oesophagus, oesophagus, confidence
liver, large liver, large
intestine, intestine,
stomach, stomach,
pancreas, pancreas,
small small
intestines and intestines
rectum. and rectum.
15 15 10 10 50 100%
Joshua 10 8 7 5 30 60%
Gelma 12 10 6 5 33 66%
Peter 9 6 4 2 21 42%
Jennifer 15 10 7 7 39 78%
Emily 5 10 9 5 29 58%
Fredrick 8 12 5 9 34 68%
Recording and Reporting
Teachers should keep almost accurate records of how well the students
have achieved the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values in the content
standards or specifically in the benchmarks in grade six.
Reporting is important in assessment and must be done effectively.
Teachers should report what students have done well and how they can
improve further. Formal reporting through written reports and interviews
are done to inform parents and guardians of the students’ learning
progress and other related areas such as behaviours. Teachers must
ensure that the student has demonstrated and achieved the content
standards independently on a number of occasions. These can be done
formally or informally.
Class Sample recording strategy for all the assessment tasks in a
Assessment type % Evaluation/Remarks
50 30 20 100 100%
7.1.3. 7.2.5.
Teaching Science lessons require resources to help the students under-
stand and meaningfully learn the main concepts and also practice the
skills to explore and follow processes and instructions.
6. Outcomes Edition for Papua New Guinea, Science Grade 6 Teacher Resource Book
7. Outcomes Edition for Papua New Guinea, Science Grade 7 Teacher Resource Book
8. Outcomes Edition for Papua New guinea, Science Grade 8 Teacher Resource Book
These are the words that are used in the teaching and learning of content
for Grade 7 science.
Words Definitions
abiotic factor the non-living part of the ecosystem. temperature, precipitation, wind, soil
and non-living parts of the environment
acid a substance that tastes sour and turns blue litmus paper red when dis-
solved in water
atmosphere the mixture of gases, liquids that surrounds earth
atoms the basic building block of matter
asexual reproduction reproduction in which one parent produces offspring that are identical
biotic factors any living part of the ecosystem. they include all animals, plants and micro-
circuits a complete path that an electric current flows.
concave curving inward
compound a pure substance made up of two or more chemically combined elements
crust a thin outermost layer of the earth
consumer an organism that that eats other organisms
convex curving outward
diffusion process that spreads substances through a gas or liquid from higher to
lower concentration
earthquake violent shaking of earth’s crust as a built-up energy is released.
ecosystem all the different living and non-living things in an area
electric current continuous flow of electric charge along a path.
element a substance that cannot be broken down into other substance
fertilization the process in which a male gamete joins a female gamete to produce a
new cell that develops into an organism.
indicator a chemical that changes colour when mixed with an acid or a base.
invertebrate an animal without a backbone
mantle the thick layer of dense rock that sits beneath earth’s crust
mixture two or more substances that may be combined
molecule a group of two or more atoms held together by covalent bonds.
non- vascular plant a simple plant that lacks true leaves, stems and roots
periodic table the table that arranges the elements according to atomic number
ph scale system of measuring the strength of different acids and bases
plate boundary the edge of a tectonic plate
plate tectonics theory that giant plates of crust are moving slowly across earth’s surface
pressure the amount of force exerted per unit area
producer an organism that produces its own food
reflection light bouncing off a surface
refraction the bending of light rays when they pass from one material into another.
renewable resources a resource that can be used without running out
revolution complete orbit around an object
rotation a complete turn about an axis.
Grade 7
sexual reproduction production of off-spring by the union of male and female gametes
seismic wave a wave that carries the energy released when rock moves at plate bounda-
solubility measure of how much of one substance can dissolve in another substance.
solute a substance that is dissolved in a solution.
solution mixtures that are evenly mixed at the molecular level.
solvent substance that dissolves the solute in a solution
static electricity the build-up of electric charges
tectonic plate an irregular section of the lithosphere that floats on earth’s mantle.
troposphere a layer of earth’s atmosphere closest to earth’s surface and containing
about three-quarters of the atmosphere’s gases
vascular plant a plant with specialised tissues and organs for transporting materials
volume the amount of space that a substance fills
vertebrate an animal that has an internal skeleton or backbone.
voltage measure of the force that moves electrons
epicenter point on earth’s surface directly above the focus of an earthquake.
Science Teacher Guide
Department of Education 2018, Primary Science Syllabus, Grade 6, 7 & 8,
Papua New Guinea.
Grade 7
The appendices section contains template of lesson plan, student
worksheet, sample timetable and other useful information for teachers to
choose from and use in the teaching, learning and assessing of students
in the classroom.
Strand: Unit:
Topic: Sub-topic:
Content Standard:
Key Question:
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to;
Key word(s):
Science Teacher Guide
Teacher activity Student activity Points to notice
Intro Access prior knowledge Students will use their
5 mins Question the students to bring about prior knowledge about
their ideas of prior knowledge and expe- life cycle of plants to link
rience on the topic. Key to today’s lesson.
Key words
Conclu- ² In our today’s lesson, what did Summary: The students’ conclusion
sion you discover or learn from this ________________________ should reflect the key
5 mins lesson? ________ concepts in the lesson.
Grade 7
Title: Discussion Summary
Key question: __________________________
Science Teacher Guide
Key question:
Key word(s):
Grade 7
Summary: (What I have learned today)
Science Teacher Guide
8:15 - 8:40
9:20 –
English Assembly Assembly Assembly Assembly
10:00 –
10:30 –
Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics
11:10 –
Christian Science
11:50 – Religious
12:30 Science Science Education Science Arts
12:30 -
Grade 7
Revised SBC (2018) % (40/60) Slots/week
Access (Movement) 35
Science Teacher Guide
Remem Under
Definitions Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
bering standing
Bloom’s defi- Exhibit Demonstrate Solve prob- Examine Present Compile
nitions memory of understand- lems to new and break and defend information
previously ing of facts situations by information opinions by together in a
learned ma- and ideas by applying ac- into parts making judg- different way
terial by re- organizing, quired knowl- by identify- ments about by combining
calling facts, comparing edge, facts, ing motives information, elements in a
terms, basic and translat- techniques or causes. validity of new pattern
concepts and ing, interpret- and rules in a Make infer- ideas, or or proposing
answers. ing, giving different way ences and quality of alternative
descriptions, find evidence work based solutions.
and stating to support on a set of
main ideas. generaliza- criteria.
Verbs Choose Classify Apply Analyze Agree Adapt
Define Compare Build Assume Appraise Build
Find Contrast Choose Categorize Assess Change
How Demonstrate Construct Classify Award Choose
Label Explain Develop Compare Choose Combine
List Extend Experiment Conclusion Compare Compile
Match Illustrate with Contrast Conclude Compose
Name Infer Identify Discover Criteria Construct
Omit Interpret Interview Dissect Criticize Create
Recall Outline Make use of Distinguish Decide Delete
Relate Relate Model Divide Deduct Design
Select Rephrase Organize Examine Defend Develop
Show Show Plan Function Determine Discuss
Spell Summarize Select Inference Disprove Elaborate
Tell Translate Solve Inspect Estimate Estimate
What Utilize List Evaluate Formulate
When Motive Explain Happen
Where Relationships Importance Imagine
Which Simplify Influence Improve
Who Survey Interpret Invent
Why Take part in Judge Make up
Test for Justify Maximize
Theme Mark Minimize
Measure Modify
Opinion Original
Perceive Originate
Prioritize Plan
Prove Predict
Rate Propose
Recommend Solution
Rule on Solve
Select Suppose
Support Test
Value Theory
Grade 7
Types of Processes
Science Teacher Guide
Types of Skills
Grade 7
Reasoning Skills
Reason is a skill used in making a logical, just, and rational judgement.
Decision-Making Skills
Decision-making involves selection of the best solution from various
alternatives based on specific criteria and evidence to achieve a specific
Analysis Skills
Analysis skills involve examining in detail and breaking down information
into parts by identifying motives or causes, underlying assumptions,
hidden messages; making inferences and finding evidence to support
generalisations, claims, and conclusions.
Synthesis Skills
Synthesis skills involve changing or creating something new, compiling
information together in a different way by combining elements in a new
pattern proposing alternative solutions.
Evaluation Skills
Evaluation skills involve justifying and presenting and defending opinions
by making judgements about information, validity of ideas or quality of
work based on set criteria.
Types of Values
Science Teacher Guide
Types of Attitudes
Grade 7
• The skills students will learn will reflect the specific demands that
will be placed upon them in a complex, competitive,
knowledge-based, information-age, technology-driven economy and
Science Teacher Guide
Types of rubrics
There are two major types of rubrics:
1. Holistic rubric — one global, holistic score for a product or behavior
2. Analytic rubric — separate, holistic scoring of specified
characteristics of a product or behavior.
Grade 7
Parts of a rubric
Criteria/Dimensions (Rows)
Elements that characterise good performance of task
Specify the meaning of each criterion, describe levels of performance
Levels of Mastery/Scales (Columns)
1. Numerical
(For example; 1-5 or actual point’s value)
2. Qualitative
For example;
• exemplary, acceptable, unacceptable
• distinguished, proficient, basic, unacceptable
• novice, apprentice, expert
Science Teacher Guide
• Pre-teach difficult vocabulary and concepts • Provide visuals via the board or overhead
• State the objective, providing a reason for • Use flash cards
listening • Have the student close his eyes and try to
• Teach the mental activities involved in visualize the information
listening — mental note-taking, questioning, • Have the student take notes and use
reviewing colored markers to highlight
• Provide study guides/worksheets • Teach the use of acronyms to help
• Provide script of film visualize lists (Roy G. Biv for the colors of
• Provide lecture outlines the spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green,
blue, indigo, violet)
• Give explanations in small, distinct steps
• Provide written as well as oral directions
• Have the student repeat directions
• When giving directions to the class, leave
a pause between each step so student
can carry out the process in his mind
• Shorten the listening time required
• Provide written and manipulative tasks
• Be concise with verbal information: “Jane,
please sit.” instead of “Jane, would you
please sit down in your chair.”
Grade 7
Science Teacher Guide
Grade 7