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0 q q 2

• ~- !_- -~· ·1· to r11 iti f1n1ty

p - 0

h e cloc lr11, po tr-n tml 111,orgy o f n !\VS \!'!111

jhU 6 t of
,.i definC 'd as tho ornnu
r,;:irges '- n l o f w o rk do,, 8 rn
onng,ng tho vn1 ,ous clinrg os from 1111111,t e !I01Jaratio11 Example I ' H )<'I l)r_.corn / ,•,,r J d 1;</· {➔ , ii
0 1
1,e 1r rirC'.'sori l posI 1I0 111 l o f o rm lh e requl rod
Rnct iron
rw,~01 , -~!I
r,J! '.,JJ

I II is donot ad by U Fo1 1110 systern of two

sY separ atod b\' dis tance I as shown 111 fl gui o. 3.
t,org('S E. loc tr o Motlv o f' o rc o o f 11 Ce ll (E .M f=.)
c I cine poten tial energ y is g 1ve11 by 1· • 'h9
mtiiqn,urn 1101,:,nt,al d1Herer1c'.) totwoe n the
11 6 a e
, t WJ
oloctr ooos of !h') u,il 11hu11 !'IQ u.mer.' IS ,,,aun
kQq f,r_;rr
u- -r- lhn •~oil 111 ,J.'lll 1<i 1n tho Of)on c., re,.,, l

· Potont1 11 1Diffo renco of a Col l · I' ,~ 1,,9 d Herr;'>C
tenll31 energ y 1s 11,e from of energy, therefore IJ of
I ctnc po Potor, 1I0I botwM n t-uo tnrrr,m~li o! tfle U! I ,~~
Ee . ea sured in Joule (J) 1

1! ,s (11 s drawn fr om ,t or lho ,;.ell 1~ 1ri ".Jo·~'. l Ll ' f,... •

NDUCTOR AND ITS APPLICATIONS S. Intern al Resistance of a Cell : It ,, the cetJ,~

uPERCO . tance
S onnes 111 1911 discovered that certain metals offered lo the flow of current irisioe the ce.1, e 1.-.~·ra
prof K., ys at very low temp eratu re lose the resistance 1s the resistance ottered to tn~ ftowo ' ::u•rerit
d al o ir
an .
con siderably. This h by electro lyte Interna l resistance decreases -1r .n tr e
istance p enomenon is known
increase of the area of plate s and aisc 11 :r tr.e
res er-conductivity. As the temperature decreases,
decrease of the distance between plates
as suP t nee of the material also decreases, but when
res1s a
tn e rature reaches ace rta1n . ..
critical value (called
tem P 8 Determination of internal resistance of a cell :
the ·t· t
- , rem perature or. trans, 10n empe . rature) , the
critica e of the material completely disap pears i.e. it
resistanc ro Then the material behaves as if it is
mes ze • a
beco d ctor and there will be flow of electrons
.con u
super ny resis tance whatsoever. The critica l
wi thout a ·is different for different material. It has
1ernP d that mercury at critical temperature 4.2 K,
been foun K and niobium at critical temperature
d at 7. 25 9.2
1ea super-conductor.
. of super conductors :
Application 5 .
Connect a voltmeter to a cell throug h key K. Also
ductors are used for making very strong connect a resistor R to cell through K First put in key
(i) super con 2
K,. The reading shown by voltmeter gives us the e m f
electromagnets. . of the cell since negligible current flows through cell
d ctivity is playing an important role in due to high resistance of the voltm eter Insert key K
(ii) Super con u esearch and high energy partic ,
material science r le also so that current flows through resistor R. If r 1s the
internal resistance of the cell and V is the readin
~~ - g
. shown by voltmeter, then
uctivity is used to produce very high
(iii) Super con d E
speed computers . I =- - ⇒ E =I (R + r)
R+ r
tors are used for the transmission of ⇒ E =IR+ Ir
(iv) Super con duC
electric power. Here, IR = V the potential difference
So , E = V + Ir
r=-- ...... (1)
It converts chemical energy into elect rical energ 1
Electrochemical cells are of three types : V
1 Primary ce ll 2. Secondary cell 3· Fuel cell V= IRor I= R
so for equation (i)
1. Primary Cell: It is an electrochemical cell , which canno
be recharged , but the chemicals ~ave to be_replac (E-V )R
ed ... .. .(ii)
atter a long use. The react ions taking place in the r=
eel 1 V
are irreversibl e.

Eg.: Daniel cell , Lechlanche cell, Dry cell etc.

[12~j Electricity
So, parall el comt>i natio .
. n •sn
If emf and internal resist ances Ot i\r1~v<l
then , Cf e,,, l'\t,.
cl!II ll\
1. Cells in Series :
<lr~ ' ·

Equivalent EMF . F' . ith polarity)

EL'Q = E ' + E, + . + E" (write EM s +w r + r + .. ... .. r,,
. ..

Eq uivalent internal resistance r"'1 = r, + r✓• J ~

. eries and if r is
d _ E
If n cells each of emf E, are arrange ,n s
- total emf - n
internal resistance of each cell, then
E, r E,r E,r E,r
A ~ f--1 f-······~ B
Upton 3. Cells in Multiple Arc :
n = number of rows
R m = number of cells in each row
nE 1 2 3 m ·

So current in the circuit, I= R+ITT Hl-fH

There may by two cases : , HHl-i
' HHH .,..
(i) If nr << R then 1 =nE
=n x current due to one cell. '-·······-··-i~~·
, R
So, series combination is advantageous .
mn = N (total number of identical
(ii) If nr >> R, then J = _§_ = current due to one cell . The combination of cells is equ · cells) : _
r !Valent t
o sin
So, Series combination is not advantageous .
emf= mE and internal resistan rnr
ce ::: ____ gle ec,,..,
Note : If polarity of m cells is reversed, then equivalent n
e.m .f. = (n-2m) E while the equivalent resistance is mE
Current I=
still nr + R, so current in R will be R+ mr
i=---- For maximum current, nR = mr
2. Cells in Parallel : If m cells each of emf E and internal or R = = internal resistance of th
resistance r be connected in parallel and if this n e equiva1,.,
combination is connected to an external resistance
then the emf of the circuit is E. nE mE
r 1max = -2-r = _2_R_ .
Internal resistance of the circuit = -m .
using mn = N in above equation we get riurnber:
r --E -upto ~ - - :
• : (Nr"
E !--"V\f'v\,--+-~
~-_.,_-=. rows n = ~R

Ex. 9 cells .
, each having the same emf and 3 0 hminler·i
R .
resistance, are .used to draw maximum current throi.,
an external resistance of 3 ohm · find the com b1na:r,._·
E mE ..
r = - - r - = _m_R_+_r of cells .
R+ - Sol. For the condition of maximum current number of ror.
There may by two cases :
n= fi
(i) If mR << r, then I= ~E = m x current due to one cell.

So, Parallel combination is advantageous . so n = ✓9 ; 3 =3

(ii) If mR >> r ' then 1 = _§_

R = current d ue to one cell . so combination will be like 3 rows and 3 cells in ec:

Vibrant Academy (I) Pvt. Ltd.

Ex, If a copper .
Ba tt ery ,s a n arran gement th at creates a dee wire Is str etched to make its radiu s
a I erenc e b etwee n ,ts terminal Sco
· I d 'ff nstant
. 1t I S a
in re . by O ·1 5o1/o, Find
the perce ntage increase
comb1nat1on of a number of cell s in series . s1stance (approximately) .

The impact of battery : Sol, Duet 0

stretching ·
With the discovery of voltaic cell, it was 500 n realised .
: = (5._) 4
resistance changes are in the ratio
that if one constructs a number of cells and ..
. . I f . Joins the , r2
negative term1na o one with the positive . t erm1nal
. of
the other and so on , then the emf (which is th e Potential . or
difference between
. . the el ectrodes in an op en c1rcu1t)
. .
of the combination of cells will be the sum of th , t-. R M
. 'd I II Th.
of the in d1v1 ua ce s. 1:; observation led to a b
e emfs R = - 4 --;- = 4 x o.1s% = o.6 o%
· ·t · 1802 urst of
. act1v1 Y m . Humphrey
. Davy, an Engl1sh .
chemist. made a battery of 60 pairs of zinc a n d copper CTCHING OF A WIRE ON RESISTANCE
piates. The large. emf thus produced . , was use d to get In stretching the d .
·gh current, which could melt iron and plati num wires . change Th' ens,ty of wire usually does not
hl · erefore
1807, he had a battery of almost 300 pl a 1es with . · Volume b f
By e ore stretching = Volume after stretching
W hich he was
. able to decompose chemical sa ts . This 1

led to the discovery of new elements . r ,A,= t 2A2

908, Davy had assembled 2,000 pairs 0 f plates
By 1 R2 f A
•"ith this battery, he created electric arcs and· and - = i x _,
vv R, r, A2
s cceeded in extracting
. the elements lik e b arium
calcium and magnesium from their compounds Thus If information of Ieng th s before and after stretching

ele ctricity took a front seat ,n exploring the na 1ure of· ,s given , then use A, /' 2
rnatter I½= T;
; ; =(:'.)'
The property of a substance by virtue of which ,t
opposes the flow of electric current through ,t ,s If information of radius r 1 and r is given then use
terrned as electrical resistance . Electrical resistance
depends on the size , geometry, temperature and !.2_ =~
r1 A2
internal structure of the conductor

eE eVr.
w e known that , vd = -r = ml
. I = Anevct = Ane -
V m(
= 2 1. Reciprocal of resistivity of a conductor is called its
I= I Ane r conductivity. It is generally represented by 0 .
ml 1
V mr 2. (j =-
R=- = - ⇒ R= 2 p
1 Ane
r Ane 1
RA 3. Unit : ohm- 1.metre -
~) /
.. R = ⇒
p= The res istance of a conducto r depends upon the
ne 2r temp eratu re . As the temperature increases , the
random motion of free electrons also increases. If the
1' is called resist1v1ty (it 1s also called specific resistance).
number density of charge carrier electrons remains
ard ~' = -'22_
ne27r = -1 . er is called conduct1v1ty. Therefore
constant as in the case of a conductor, then the
• • CT increase of random motion increases the resistivity.
: ; ·ent in ::onductor s is proporti ona l to potential The variation of resistance with temperature is given
, f:"enl"'o .
v..., aopl!ed across its ends This is Ohm's Law. by the following relation
-~ 1 -. r-1rn -1 also called siemens m- 1
R1=Rol1 +at +Pt2)

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