Principles of Management and Management Process
Principles of Management and Management Process
Principles of Management and Management Process
Qualification in
Human Resource
Assessment modes
Closed book Examination.
01. Principles of Management & Management Process........................................................ 4
02.Functions of Management ............................................................................................. 12
Management Levels
Middle Management
The middle management consists of
departmental and functional heads such as
the Head of HR, Head of Marketing, Head of
IT and Head of Operations etc. Middle
management is also called the strategic level
of management since its they who develop the
strategies to achieve the goals and objectives
set by the top management. Middle
management is also responsible for
implementation of those strategies &
organization’s policies in order to achieve the
objectives & goals set by the top
management. They are also responsible for
planning short term & more tactical strategies
to achieve short-term objectives that are
linked to the overall objectives of the
Decisional 07. Entrepreneur - Initiate improvement projects & new ideas etc.
08. Disturbance Handler - Take corrective action & resolve conflicts
09. Resource Allocator - Deeside who gets what resource
10. Negotiator - Represent department interests & handling unions
Introduction to Functions of
Management is all about setting and
achieving goals and has four important
functions that should be carefully
management in order for the management
effort to be successful in any organization.
Short Range Plans (01 year or less) and other functions in order for the
Short range plans are usually for 1 year or organization to achieve its overall goals.
less. These are tactical plans that need to be It should be noted that objectives set at the
achieved in the short run to help the corporate level & also the functional levels
organization to achieve their long range plan. need to be “SMART” objectives which
means Specific, Measurable, Achievable,
Planning Process Realistic and Time Bound.
Vision & Mission
Setting objectives Environmental Analysis
Environmental Analysis Next step in the planning process is to
Designing strategies conduct a detailed environmental analysis of
Developing policies the business environment both internal
Developing procedures and rules external.
Deciding & finalizing budgets Stated below are two of the most commonly
used tools for such analysis:
Vision & Mission
Vision is a dream that you want to achieve in PESTEL Analysis
the future. The vision is long term & not short PESTEL is an external environmental
term & will explain where your organization analysis. It involves a critical analysis of the
wants to be in the future. Mission is Political, Economic, Socio Cultural,
developed from the Vision. A Mission Technological, Ecological & Legal
statement is a detailed statement about “The environmental factors that affect your
purpose of the organization” and answers the business. Hence a study of these factors &
question “why are we in business” and how it affects your business is crucially
explains the value it adds to the stakeholders important if a business is to be successful.
of the organization.
SWOT Analysis
Re-visiting the Vision & the Mission is the SWOT analysis is more an internal analysis
first step in the management process since of your Strengths & Weaknesses and also an
objectives need to be developed in line with analysis of the external Opportunities &
the Vision & Mission of the organization. Threats that may have an impact on the
business. A SWOT analysis will tell you the
Setting Goals & Objectives
strengths that the organization currently
The next step in the planning process is to set
possess & also the weaknesses that should be
goals and objectives for the organization. This
overcome & also opportunities that can be
includes development of long term, medium
used & also the future threats that you need
term and short term objectives and also
to guard against, plan & be prepared for.
breaking down these objectives function wise
While above Two tools are the most
for Example: What should be the objectives
commonly used, there are some other very
of Sales, Marketing, HR, Finance
useful tools such as the Porter Five force
model, McKinsey 7S framework & the
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Matching job demands with the Today’s teams are different from the teams of
applicant’s ability (Right people at the the past: They’re far more diverse, dispersed,
right place) digital, and dynamic (with frequent changes in
Orientation of the new employees to the membership). But while teams face new
new organizational environment hurdles, their success still hinges on a core set
Training on job functions & required of fundamentals for group collaboration.
knowledge & skills.
Retaining qualified & experience staff.
- Harvard Business Review -
Job rotation, Jobs enlargement, Job
enrichment Controlling
Performance appraisals, rewards &
recognition. Controlling can be defined as that function of
Compensation, benefits & other staff management which helps to seek planned
welfare. results from the subordinates, managers and
at all levels of an organization.
Directing (Leading) The controlling function helps in measuring
the progress towards the organizational goals
DIRECTING is said to be a process in which & brings any deviations, & indicates
the managers instruct, guide and oversee the corrective action.
performance of the workers to achieve
predetermined goals. Directing is said to be
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the heart of management process. Planning,
organizing, staffing have got no importance Establishing standards for performance
if direction function does not take place. (Ex. Targets, Lead times etc.)
Monitoring & measuring actual
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Comparing actual achievements with
Directing & Leading the members of the established standards
organization to move in the direction that will Corrective action.
achieve the objectives of the organization.
This involves providing over all leadership & Importance of control
directions towards clear goals of the Increasing size of business
organization though effective Motivation for efficient employees
communication, clear work procedures, For complete discipline
responsibility, delegation & empowerment. Helpful in future planning
Directing (Leading) will ensure that all the Aids efficiency
members of the organization are aware of all Decrease in risk
the goals & objectives of the company & are Helpful in coordination
moving in the direction that will achieve the Helpful in decentralization
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Human Resource Management is
the process of recruiting, selecting, inducting
employees, providing orientation, imparting
training and development, appraising the
performance of employees, deciding
compensation and providing benefits,
motivating employees, maintaining proper
relations with employees and their trade.