Shape Factors - Field Test Methods
Shape Factors - Field Test Methods
Shape Factors - Field Test Methods
One of the important steps in the evaluation and design of a stormwater retention
pond is the determination of the type of field and laboratory tests and how many
tests should be conducted at a particular site or for a particular retention pond
system. Typically, a soil boring and a hydraulic conductivity test are conducted
for each stormwater retention pond. The number of soil borings and hydraulic
conductivity tests performed are usually based on local experience, regulatory
criteria, site topography, subsurface hydrogeologic conditions, size of pond, pond
geometry and other factors. In some areas, the regulatory agencies have
established criteria for a minimum number of soil borings and hydraulic
conductivity tests. However, judgment and experience are usually applied in the
decision making process. In this course, methods for estimating the required
number of soil borings and hydraulic conductivity tests are presented which will
allow for a consistent and reproducible approach to characterize the shallow
aquifer system for retention pond designs. These methods should be used as a
general guide and more or fewer tests may become necessary based on local
experience and knowledge, regulatory criteria and/or site hydrogeologic
The objective of this course is to introduce a systematic methodology to a
designer of a stormwater retention pond to select the minimum number of soil
borings and hydraulic conductivity tests needed for a particular site and to
present the applicability of the various tests for stormwater retention pond design.
The course will be presented in two parts. The first part will present the soil
borings that are typically used to characterize the subsurface conditions and the
second part will present the hydraulic conductivity test methods and their
applicability for a particular subsurface condition. The course will conclude with
the proposed methods to select the number and type of soil borings and the
number and type of hydraulic conductivity tests needed for a particular site or for
a particular retention pond system. Page 1 of 42
Stormwater Retention - Field and Laboratory Test Methods
A SunCam Green Continuing Education Course
The proposed testing methods and selection of number of tests presented in this
course are intended for the design of stormwater retention ponds in unconfined
shallow aquifer systems.
Soil Borings
To explore the subsurface soil and groundwater table conditions within an area
proposed for a stormwater retention pond, a variety of soil borings, soil
penetration tests and/or ground penetrating radar tests can be performed.
Perhaps the most widely used methods to investigate subsurface conditions
within the shallow depths of an unconfined aquifer, typically conducive for
stormwater retention ponds design, are the Standard Penetration Test (SPT)
borings (ASTM D-1586) or auger borings (ASTM D-1452). Other tests are also
used as supplemental data for the SPT and auger borings. These include cone
penetration tests, ground penetrating radar, and the hand penetrometer.
SPT Borings
The drilling fluid forms a poorly permeable lining of the borehole walls and can
prevent accurate measurement of the groundwater table, which is an important
factor in the design of stormwater retention ponds.
Auger Borings
Auger borings generally provide a more accurate soil profile and a better
estimate of the depth to the groundwater table. The soil profile is developed by
advancing a flight auger at a slow spin rate that preserves the natural soil profile
and then extracting the auger without spinning. This method allows generating a
complete soil profile that can be visually observed on the flight augers and
collection of representative soil samples at any depth. The drilling method does
not introduce any drilling fluids or other substances into the borehole which is
important for measurement of the groundwater table. The groundwater level
stabilizes in the open borehole after drilling and can be measured accurately. It
is important that a sufficient amount of time is allowed for the stabilization of the
groundwater level in the borehole. Typically, a minimum period of 24 hours is
required for fine sand and silty fine sand soils. For clayey fine sand and clay
soils a longer stabilization time may be required.
For shallow depths, 15 feet or less, the auger borings can also be drilled using a
hand auger, which is also known as a bucket auger. The hand auger typically
consists of a 3-inch diameter tube with cutting blades attached to extendable
metal rods and a cross bar. It is manually advanced into the soil and soil
samples are retrieved every 4 inches of the soil profile. This drilling method
allows for a very accurate characterization of the soil profile and continuous soil
For best aquifer characterization, both SPT borings and auger borings can be
drilled to provide an accurate soil profile with soil density data and a reliable
measurement of the groundwater table. However, if only one method is to be
selected, the auger boring method would provide better data for subsurface
characterization of the aquifer system and measurement of the groundwater
table. Page 3 of 42
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A SunCam Green Continuing Education Course
Whenever possible, the soil borings shall be extended to the confining layers of
the effective aquifer system. For practical purposes, the effective aquifer
confining layer can be defined as the first low permeability soil layer. Typical
material of confining layers consists of clay, sandy clay, consolidated silt,
hardpan, rock, impervious limestone or other material with a hydraulic
conductivity of 0.1 feet per day or less. In groundwater hydrology, the effective
hydraulic influence of a retention pond is approximately one width of the pond as
measured below the groundwater table. For example, if the average pond width
is 45 feet and the groundwater table is 10 feet below ground surface, the
effective hydraulic influence of the retention pond will be 55 feet below ground
surface. Therefore, when selecting the minimum depth for the soil borings, it is
helpful to know the size and geometry of the pond and an approximate depth of
the groundwater table.
When planning the soil investigation program for retention ponds, the soil borings
should be extended to the first confining layer (poorly permeable soil with
permeability of 0.1 feet per day or less) or to the effective hydraulic influence
depth of the pond, whichever is less. For small retention ponds or for areas of
highly permeable aquifer systems, often the retention ponds can adequately
perform without utilizing the full depth of the aquifer system. In such cases, the
soil borings should be drilled to a sufficient depth to demonstrate the presence
and continuity of the aquifer, to measure the depth of groundwater table and to
verify sufficient depth of the aquifer for adequate operation of the pond. If a
confining layer is not encountered within the drilled depth of the soil borings, then
the bottom of the soil borings shall be used as the confining layer (bottom of
effective aquifer). Page 4 of 42
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borings for a particular stormwater retention pond. The other factors that can
influence the minimum number of soil borings needed are the amount and
intensity of rainfall, the sensitivity of the downstream drainage systems, the
physical and political consequences of a failed retention system, the regulatory
criteria and enforcement action for a failed retention system, and other related
Minimum number = 1
Maximum number = between 1 and X
NB 1 2 A
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A SunCam Green Continuing Education Course
1. The first component forces the equation to produce a minimum of one (1)
soil boring for each pond. This was based primarily on the local regulatory
criteria but also serves as minimum data needed to understand the site
conditions and to measure site specific depth to the groundwater table.
2. The second component provides for additional soil borings for larger
ponds. The larger the pond, the more soil borings are needed to identify
variability of subsurface conditions and to measure an average depth to
the groundwater table, which can significantly vary over larger areas.
3. The third component allows for additional soil borings based on geometry
of the pond area. For a given pond area, the larger the length to width
ratio the more soil borings are needed to characterize the variability of
subsurface conditions and to measure the average depth to groundwater
Additional components to this equation can be added to account for the other
influencing factors, such as environmental sensitivity, flood sensitivity,
downstream damage potential, local regulatory criteria, and other factors.
However, the equation presented herein is a good starting point to a consistent
and reproducible method to select the minimum number of soil borings needed to
investigate a stormwater retention pond. Page 6 of 42
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Hydraulic Conductivity
The hydraulic conductivity (interchangeably referred to as permeability) can be
defined as the discharge rate through a unit area under a unit hydraulic gradient.
If the seepage rate, perpendicular flow area and hydraulic gradient are known,
the hydraulic conductivity can be calculated for any flow condition in a laboratory
test or in the field. Likewise, for any situation where the seepage velocity is
known at a point at which the hydraulic gradient and soil porosity are also known,
hydraulic conductivity can be calculated. Although the hydraulic conductivity is
usually constant throughout a given material, the magnitude may vary depending
on several factors such as:
All of these factors strongly influence the hydraulic conductivity. The relationship
between the hydraulic conductivity and these factors can be expressed by the
following equation (Darcy 1856):
2 g 2 e3
vC s 1 e
K = hydraulic conductivity
g = the acceleration due to gravity
v = the kinematic viscosity of water
Cs = particle shape factor
D = the weighted or characteristic particle diameter
e = the void ratio Page 7 of 42
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Mi Di
Typical hydraulic conductivity values for granular soils and consolidated materials
are summarized in Table 1. Typical values of hydraulic conductivity for various
soil types in unconfined fine sand and silty fine sand aquifers are presented in
Table 2. There are several direct methods of hydraulic conductivity
measurement which can be performed in the laboratory or in the field. In general,
laboratory tests will yield the most accurate results due to better control of the
test procedures and more accurate measurements of physical parameters of the
soil sample and the water flow rates. Typically, it is possible to obtain relatively
undisturbed soil samples at shallow depths (less than 10 feet) by excavating a pit
and driving a thin-wall, short "Shelby tube" by hand. Obtaining relatively
undisturbed tube samples of sand at more than 10 feet below ground surface or
below groundwater table is generally very difficult.
Typical Values of Hydraulic Conductivity for Various Soils (Bouwer, 1978)
Hydraulic Conductivity
Type of Soil
Clay soils (surface) 0.01 to 0.20
Deep clay beds 10-8 to 10-2
Loam soils (surface) 0.1 to 1.0
Fine sand 1 to 5
Medium sand 5 to 20
Coarse sand 20 to 100
Gravel 100 to 1,000
Sand and gravel mixes 5 to 100
Clay, sand and gravel mixes (till) 0.001 to 0.1
Sandstone 0.001 to 1.0 Page 8 of 42
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Typical Values of Hydraulic Conductivity for Various Soils
In Unconfined Sand Aquifers in Florida, USA (Andreyev & Wiseman, 1989)
Hydraulic Conductivity
Type of Soil
Clayey fine soils and silty fine sands (SM-SC)** 0.01 to 0.5
Slightly silty fine sands (SP-SM) 0.5 to 5
Clean fine sands (SP) 5 to 50
Fine to medium sands (SP) 20 to 100
Laboratory Methods Page 9 of 42
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not require extraction of the soil samples from the Shelby tube. In such a
permeameter, the Shelby tube itself is inserted into the permeameter (without
extracting the soil sample) and the hydraulic conductivity test is conducted. This
minimizes the opportunity for soil sample disturbance during sample extraction
from the Shelby tube and sample preparation. Such a “field-to-lab” permeameter
was designed by Nicolas Andreyev in 1989 and has been successfully used to
measure hydraulic conductivity of loose, sand soil samples for 20 years. A
schematic of this permeameter (not requiring soil sample extraction) is presented
on Figure 1. Page 10 of 42
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Figure 1
Laboratory Permeameter for Undisturbed Tube Soil Samples
( Andreyev, 1989)
aL hf
K= ln
At hi
a = area of the stand pipe
L = length of the soil specimen
A= cross sectional area of the sample
hf = final effective head through the sample
hi = initial effective head through the sample
t = difference in time between initial head (hi) and final head (hf) readings
For the constant head method, a constant hydraulic gradient is applied through
the soil sample and the discharge rate is measured. The equation for constant
head hydraulic conductivity test can be written as follows:
V = volume measured after flow through the soil for time, t
L = length of the soil sample
A = cross sectional area of the soil sample
h = effective hydraulic head applied through the soil sample
t = time duration for which flow through volume, V, was measured. Page 12 of 42
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Field Methods
There are generally three types of field hydraulic conductivity tests, namely:
Steady state or unsteady state pumping tests involve installing a minimum of two
piezometers (or wells) at some measured distance apart, one piezometer is
pumped and the drawdown is measured in the other (observation) piezometer. Page 13 of 42
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Stormwater Retention - Field and Laboratory Test Methods
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Figure 2
Open End Pipe Hydraulic Conductivity Test
(U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1973)
Q = flow rate at saturation
r = radius of the casing Page 15 of 42
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Several other steady and non-steady flow methods are used in determining in-
situ hydraulic conductivity. The Bureau of Reclamation (1974) also recommends
a method where an uncased borehole (or borehole stabilized by fully perforated
piezometer) is used to conduct constant head field hydraulic conductivity test.
This method is also known as the well permeameter method. Figure 3 presents
the schematics for calculating hydraulic conductivity using the Bureau of
Reclamation constant head well permeameter method (Designation E-19). A
discharge time curve and a sample hydraulic conductivity calculation are
presented on Figure 4.
Figure 3
Open-Hole or Piezometer Permeameter Test for Constant Head
(U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1974) Page 16 of 42
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h Q
(sinh-1 - 1)
r 2 T
Condition 1 K= ×
h2 20
h Q
r 2 T
Condition 2 K= ×
1 1 h
-1 20
h +
6 3 Tu
h Q
r 2 T
Condition 3 K= ×
1 h
-2 20
h -
Tu 2 Tu
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Figure 4
Example of Discharge-Time Curve for Well Permeameter Test
(U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1974)
h=3.09 feet
r = 0.30 feet
h/r = 10.3
Q=7.6/200 = 0.038 ft /min.
Q = 54.72 ft /day
T = 20 C
K = 1.85 ft/day
Condition 1
Tu > 3h
The U.S. Department of the Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering Command (1974)
has standard methods of performing variable head tests to estimate the in-situ
hydraulic conductivity by means of cased and uncased holes. Figure 5
summarizes the methods of calculating hydraulic conductivity using the U.S.
Department of the Navy methods. Page 18 of 42
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Figure 5
Variable Head Field Test Methods for Hydraulic Conductivity
(U.S. Dept. of Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, 1974) Page 19 of 42
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Figure 5 (continued) Page 20 of 42
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Figure 6
Variable Head Auger-Hole Method for Field Hydraulic Conductivity
(Boast & Kirkham, 1971) Page 21 of 42
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Hvorslev (1951) conducted studies for the U.S. Corp of Engineers, Waterways
Experiment Station, to measure the hydraulic conductivity from soil borings,
cased boreholes and piezometers. Whenever a boring is drilled or a piezometer
is installed, the initial water level (hydrostatic pressure) measured in the
borehole/piezometer seldom reflects the true ambient water level. The
groundwater must flow to or from the borehole or piezometer until the measured
water level matches the ambient level. The flow of water to or from the
borehole/piezometer will occur until the hydrostatic pressure gradient approaches
zero and the time in which the flow occurs is referred to as "time lag". This time
lag is related to the permeability of the soil and configuration of the piezometer
/borehole. A basic differential equation for time lag can be written as follows:
dy dt
z-y T
z = initial water level difference at time equals 0 (at the stop of pumping)
y = water level above the datum z at some time t
T = time lag
ln( ho ) ln(ho )
= = ln( 2.7) = 1.0
h 0.37ho Page 22 of 42
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Figure 7
Diagram of the Time Lag Field Method for Hydraulic Conductivity
(Hvorslev, 1951) Page 23 of 42
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Figure 8
Constant & Variable Head & Time Lag Hydraulic Conductivity Equations
(Compiled by Hvorslev, 1951) Page 24 of 42
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Pumping Tests Page 25 of 42
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Figure 9
Pumping Test with Two Wells & Drawdown Profile
The pumping well and observation well should be installed with the same
characteristics (same depth and screen interval). Prior to initiating pumping, the
static water level below the top of the casing should be measured in all wells.
Then one well should be pumped at as high a rate as possible (to stress the
aquifer) and the drawdown below the static water level should be measured in
the observation well(s).
For shallow unconfined aquifer pumping tests in sandy aquifers, the yield is
generally low and the groundwater typically mixes with air. Therefore, the volume
of water pumped should be measured using calibrated containers (i.e., 55 gallon
calibrated drums) and the time to fill each container or a fraction should be
recorded. This will yield a better estimate of the average pumping rate for the Page 26 of 42
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For unconfined aquifer short-term pump tests, very few methods are available to
evaluate the data. One reliable method is the match-point method presented in
Lohman (1972). This method consists of plotting the drawdown versus time in the
observation well on a log-log scale paper and superimposing a family of type
curves developed by Boulton (1963). This family of type curves, developed by
Boulton, is presented in Figure 10. Page 27 of 42
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Figure 10
Delayed-Yield Type Curves
U.S Department of Interior Geological Survey, Professional Paper 708
(Boulton, 1963)
r 2Se
4Ts r/B
Q 1
r 2Sl
For a pumping test in an unconfined aquifer the red curve above represents the
best match of drawdown versus time data for a pump test observation well. The
following aquifer conditions and pump test data produced the matching curve:
1. The pumping well and the observation well fully penetrate the unconfined
aquifer with a total saturated thickness of 55.0 feet.
2. The observation well is located 18.3 feet away from the pumping well.
3. Average pumping rate for a 10-hour pump test was 16.5 gpm.
The drawdown results at the observation well are plotted on a log-log paper with
the same scale as the “type-curve” graph presented above. Then the pump test
data curve is matched to the one of the “type” curves. Once the test data is Page 28 of 42
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1. Select any point along the matched line and obtain the values on the left
coordinates from both the “type-curves” graph and the drawdown (s) versus
time (t) curve graph. For the above example, pick any point on the red line
(drawdown line) and follow the purple line to the left to read the following
A constant water level is maintained inside both rings and the amount of water
added to maintain this constant head within the inner ring is measured versus Page 29 of 42
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time. The infiltration rate is then plotted on a log scale versus time on an
arithmetic scale. Infiltration at various times can be predicted using Horton's
equation as follows:
It = infiltration rate as a function of time
Ic = final or ultimate infiltration rate
Io = initial infiltration rate
k = recession constant
t = time
(I o - Ic )
Iv = ∫to I (t ) = Ic + (1 - e - Kt )
Example terms of these equations are presented graphically in Figure 11. For
most soils, k is not constant and it is difficult to obtain an average value. Horton's
equation appears to be most suited for describing infiltration when the water is
applied by rain or sprinkling systems, and then only for relatively short time
periods (Bouwer 1978). It should be realized that field data (I, and t) for
evaluation of the parameters in the empirical infiltration equation must be
obtained for the same conditions as will occur for the infiltration systems to be
predicted with equations. These conditions include duration of infiltration event,
quality of water applied, depth of flooding, velocity of water above ground
(ponded or flowing), soil conditions, and size and geometry of field tests (Bouwer
1978). Page 30 of 42
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Figure 11
Example of Double Ring Infiltrometer Test
Results &Horton’s Infiltration Curve Page 31 of 42
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The main source of error with this technique is lateral diversion of the flow below
the cylinder, which may be due to unsaturated flow (Bouwer 1961;
Swartzendruber and Olsen 1961; Talsma 1970) or to restricting layers in the soil
(Evans et al., 1950). Since the amount of infiltration contributing to the diversions
will be minimal, when infiltration takes place over a large area like a field or
retention pond, the test results will lead to an over-estimation of infiltration rates.
Diversions of flow below the cylinder due to unsaturated flow can be minimized
by increasing the diameter of the cylinder. However, flow diversions due to lateral
flow above restrictive layers deeper in the profile can be avoided only by using
full scale ponds for the infiltration measurements (Bouwer 1978).
If the test is conducted at the depth of the proposed pond bottom and the
surface is representative of post-construction conditions, the test results
are useful to estimate initial infiltration rates, prior to groundwater
mounding conditions.
Once the groundwater mound rises to the pond bottom or higher, the
results of a double-ring infiltrometer test are not valid.
In shallow aquifer conditions where the groundwater mound would
intersect the pond bottom, the use of double-ring infiltrometer tests data
shall be limited to the initial "unsaturated infiltration" analyses only.
The small area of recharge from the double-ring infiltrometer cannot
produce a significant groundwater mound during the test period.
Therefore, the scale factor between the test area and the area of a
retention pond should be realized when using the results of a double-ring
infiltrometer test.
The double-ring infiltrometer test data is useful only to estimate the initial
unsaturated infiltration from stormwater retention ponds, except in deep
groundwater conditions where groundwater mound does not intersect the
pond bottom throughout the entire duration of the stormwater runoff and
recovery period. Page 32 of 42
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All of the field hydraulic conductivity test methods presented in this course
provide reasonably accurate results. Some of the test methods are easier to
install and perform in the field while other test methods are almost impossible to
install and/or perform in sandy unconfined aquifer systems. The following is a
summary of various issues and/or concerns for field hydraulic conductivity tests:
The field open borehole test or the piezometer test must be set up without
significant disturbance to the surrounding soil.
The open borehole shall not be allowed to collapse and/or the walls of the
borehole to cave in during the test.
If casing is installed into a borehole, the soil material in the casing needs
to be removed to the exact depth (bottom of the casing or an exact known
distance below the casing).
If a piezometer is installed, it should be sufficiently developed to mitigate
the installation soil disturbance effects.
All assumptions and conditions of the test method and equation
restrictions shall be satisfied. This is typically ignored and leads to
significant errors in calculating the value of hydraulic conductivity.
Field hydraulic conductivity test methods in open boreholes (without a
piezometer to hold the open borehole walls) in well drained sandy soils
are not appropriate and should not be used.
Cased borehole methods generally provide reasonable results when used
in measuring hydraulic conductivity of sandy soils above the groundwater
Below the groundwater table, only piezometer methods (properly installed
and sufficiently developed) or pump test methods provide reasonable
results. Page 33 of 42
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factors that can influence the minimum number of tests include the total number
of soil borings drilled for the retention pond evaluation and design, the sensitivity
of the downstream drainage systems, the physical and political consequences of
a failed retention system, the regulatory criteria and enforcement action for the
retention system. The designer is typically required to conduct an adequate
investigative and testing program to design an effective retention system, while
maintaining the cost of such an investigation and testing within the locally
accepted levels. For example, in areas where the failure of a retention pond can
create significant flood damage or significant water quality impacts, the level of
investigation and testing will be higher than in areas where a potential pond
failure will have minimal impact and can simply be repaired.
Minimum number = 1
Maximum number = between 1 and X
X= function of the number of soil borings drilled, site complexity, drainage area
sensitivity, regulatory criteria, and other locally sensitive factors.
NK = 1 +
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1. The first component forces the equation to produce a minimum of one (1)
hydraulic conductivity test for each pond. This was based primarily on the
local regulatory criteria but also serves as minimum data needed for the
critical soil layer below the retention pond.
2. The second component provides for additional hydraulic conductivity tests
for larger ponds or for complex aquifer systems. This component is
primarily driven by the number of soil borings that were drilled for the
retention pond, which in itself is an indication of the pond size and/or
There are many field and laboratory test methods which can be used to explore
and estimate hydrogeologic conditions and hydraulic parameters of an aquifer. In
most instances, the limitations of the various methods are not clearly understood.
It is essential to review and fully understand all the parameters and the
assumptions of a particular test method. Often there are specific assumptions
and limitations in the test methods. If these assumptions and limitations are
ignored the test results could provide drastically different (erroneous) values.
Only two soil boring test methods were presented in this course. However, many
other methods exist and are used to characterize the shallow aquifer system.
Some are similar to the auger method or the standard penetration test (SPT) Page 35 of 42
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method, but others such as ground penetrating radar (GPR) and cone
penetration methods are significantly different. The same conclusions can be
drawn for similar test methods that provide results similar to those of the SPT
method, while others can only provide supporting data to the tests described in
this course, such as the GPR method. Regardless of the type of soil drilling or
aquifer characterization methods used, the minimum depth of drilling, the number
of soil borings needed and the methods of hydraulic conductivity testing
presented in the course are still valid.
For best aquifer characterization, both SPT borings and auger borings (or other
similar test methods) can be conducted to provide an accurate soil profile with
soil density data and reliable measurement of the groundwater table. However, if
only one method is to be selected, the auger boring method (or other similar
technique) would provide better data for subsurface characterization of the
aquifer system and measurement of the groundwater table. When planning the
soil investigation for retention ponds, the soil borings should be extended to the
first confining layer or to the effective hydraulic influence depth of the pond,
whichever is less.
Collect samples and test the lowest hydraulic conductivity soil layers
between the pond bottom and groundwater level to calculate the weighted Page 36 of 42
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Weighted Average Kv =
L1 L L L
2 3 ......... n
Kv1 Kv 2 Kv3 Kv n
piezometer slug tests with properly installed and developed wells in deeper
sandy deposits and below the groundwater table and short term or long term
pump tests for multi-layer aquifer systems. A summary of recommended
methods for the various exploration and testing techniques are presented in
Tables 3 and 4.
It should be realized that the information contained in this course is intended for
planning purposes. Good, sound engineering judgment is still needed to
determine when and where a particular test method is applicable to assess the
limitations of each method and the validity of its results.
Recommended Soil and Aquifer Exploration Methods for
Stormwater Retention Pond Infiltration Analyses
Conditions Test Methods
Recommended Laboratory and Field Methods
Hydraulic Conductivity Testing for
Stormwater Retention Pond Infiltration Analyses
Conditions Test Methods
Above Groundwater Table
(sandy soil):
< 4 feet Excavate test pit with post-hole digger or shovel, hand drive
Shelby tube to collect soil sample and perform laboratory
permeameter tests Page 38 of 42
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> 4 feet and < 10 feet Excavate test pit with backhoe or other mechanical equipment,
collect Shelby tube soil sample by hand and perform
laboratory permeameter tests
>10 feet and < 50 feet Drill power auger or hollow stem auger to the desired depth.
Install slotted or perforated casing in the desired test interval.
Conduct field hydraulic conductivity test using well
permeameter method (USBR Designation E-19)
Below Groundwater Table:
< 30 feet (sandy soil) Drill power auger borings to define aquifer system. Install
piezometers to desired depth, develop piezometers, and
stabilize the groundwater level for 24 hours minimum.
Conduct slug test or constant head test (Hvorslev 1951, US
Navy, 1974 and Bouwer 1978)
Average Aquifer Hydraulic Install two or more wells into the desired test depth interval.
Conductivity Determination Conduct a short term or a long term pumping test. Calculate
(any depth & any aquifer type) average hydraulic conductivity using curve-matching method
(Lohman, 1972)
Unsaturated Hydraulic
Conductivity (sandy soil):
Near the surface Conduct Double Ring Infiltrometer (DRI) test and use average
initial infiltration rate as unsaturated vertical hydraulic
conductivity. Alternatively, obtain an undisturbed tube sample
in the vertical direction, conduct a laboratory permeameter test
and then estimate unsaturated hydraulic conductivity by
empirical approximation.
Deep Soil Strata:
Below Confining Unit and Install piezometer(s) to the desired depth and screen below
Groundwater Level Below Bottom confining unit. Grout from bottom of confining unit to land
of Restrictive Soil (sandy soil) surface. Conduct slug test in piezometer(s).
(Hvorslev, 1951; US Navy, 1974)
Deep Soil Strata:
Below Confining Unit and Install two (2) piezometers to the desired depth and screen
Groundwater Level Above Bottom below confining unit. Grout from bottom of confining unit to
of Restrictive Soil (sandy soil) land surface. Conduct long-term pumping test.
(Lohman, 1972)
Restrictive Soil Strata: Collect Shelby tube soil samples by hand or with a drill rig and
Confining layers at any depth conduct laboratory test using a triaxial machine.
(clayey sand, clay, hardpan, rock..) Page 39 of 42
Stormwater Retention - Field and Laboratory Test Methods
A SunCam Green Continuing Education Course
Estimate of Hydraulic
Conductivity after Drilling is Remold sample collected during drilling program to the
Completed: approximate in-situ unit weight and conduct laboratory test
Any depth using a triaxial machine.
Unsaturated Vertical Infiltration Conduct double ring infiltrometer test at the pond bottom level.
(direct method): Compact test surface to the approximate post construction
density. Use final (Ic) infiltration rate determined during the
Near the surface test. Applicable to initial vertical infiltration from pond only. It
is not valid for saturated flow and mounding period of pond
infiltration. Page 40 of 42
Stormwater Retention - Field and Laboratory Test Methods
A SunCam Green Continuing Education Course
Andreyev, N. E., 1985 “Exfiltration from Stormwater Ponds in Central Florida,
MS Thesis, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida Page 41 of 42
Stormwater Retention - Field and Laboratory Test Methods
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