Edrv 0190
Edrv 0190
Edrv 0190
I. Introduction I. Introduction
II. Monogenic Diabetes Genes Associated With T2D, But
ype 1 diabetes (type 1a; hereafter referred to as T1D)
Not T1D
A. KCNJ11 and ABCC8
B. Glucokinase
T and type 2 diabetes (T2D) are of multifactorial eti-
ology, in which genetic predisposition plays a key role.
C. Solute carrier family 2, member 2
Monogenic diabetes is relatively rare. Neonatal diabetes
D. HNF1A and HNF4A
E. Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 homeobox B mellitus (NDM) and maturity-onset diabetes of the young
F. Pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1
Abbreviations: ABCC8, ATP-binding cassette transporter subfamily C member 8; CCND2,
G. Paired box 4 cyclin D2; CHI, congenital hyperinsulinism; e, embryonic day; ER, endoplasmic reticulum;
H. NEUROD1/BETA2 FBS, Fanconi-Bickel syndrome; FGF, fibroblast growth factor; GCK, glucokinase; GDM,
I. Wolfram syndrome 1 gestational diabetes mellitus; GKRP, GCK regulatory protein; GLIS3, Gli-similar 3; GLP-1,
J. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor ␥ glucagon-like peptide-1; GLUT, glucose transporter; G6PC2, glucose-6-phosphatase, cat-
alytic 2; GSIS, glucose-stimulated insulin secretion; GWAS, genome-wide association stud-
III. Monogenic Diabetes Genes Associated With Both T1D ies; HFD, high-fat diet; HLA, human leukocyte antigen; HLH, helix-loop-helix; HNF1A,
and T2D hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 homeobox A; IGT, impaired glucose tolerance; KATP, ATP-
A. Preproinsulin gene, INS sensitive potassium; KCNJ11, potassium inward-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member
11; KPD, ketosis-prone diabetes; MAF, minor allele frequency; MODY, maturity-onset
B. Gli-similar 3
diabetes of the young; NDH, neonatal diabetes, hypothyroidism; NDM, neonatal diabetes
IV. Concluding Remarks mellitus; PAX4, paired box 4; PDX1, pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1; PNDM, per-
manent NDM; PPARA, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor ␣; PPARG, peroxisome
ISSN Print 0163-769X ISSN Online 1945-7189 proliferator-activated receptor ␥; RCAD, renal cysts and diabetes; SGLT2, sodium-glucose
Printed in USA cotransporter 2; SLC2A2, solute carrier family 2, member 2; SUR1, sulfonylurea receptor
Copyright © 2016 by the Endocrine Society 1; T1D, type 1 diabetes; T2D, type 2 diabetes; TH, tyrosine hydroxylase; TNDM, transient
Received October 22, 2015. Accepted March 28, 2016. NDM; TZD, thiazolidinedione; UPR, unfolded protein response; UTR, untranslated region;
First Published Online March 30, 2016 VNTR, variable number of tandem repeats; WFS1, Wolfram syndrome 1.
190 press.endocrine.org/journal/edrv Endocrine Reviews, June 2016, 37(3):190 –222 doi: 10.1210/er.2015-1116
doi: 10.1210/er.2015-1116 press.endocrine.org/journal/edrv 191
Figure 2.
by ABCC8. An exquisitely regulated KATP channel con- in the regulation of insulin secretion. Loss-of-function mu-
trols insulin secretion by coupling -cell metabolism to tations in the KCNJ11 and ABCC8 genes are the most com-
calcium entry. ATP and MgADP are thought to display mon cause of CHI (17). Most of the disease-causing muta-
opposing roles in closing or opening the KATP channel. tions in the KATP channel genes are recessively inherited,
High blood glucose is taken up and metabolized by the leading to medically unresponsive CHI, which frequently re-
-cell that leads to elevated intracellular ATP level and quires near total pancreatectomy to relieve the recurrent se-
closure of the KATP channel. The reduction in K⫹ efflux vere hypoglycemia. Mechanistically, these recessive muta-
gives rise to membrane depolarization, resulting in open- tions adversely affect the biogenesis and turnover of KATP
ing of the voltage-gated Ca2⫹ channel, triggering electrical channels, resulting in defective trafficking of channels to the
activity, Ca2⫹ influx, and insulin secretion (Figure 3A). plasma membrane and altered open-state frequency (18 –
Inactivating mutations in KCNJ11 or ABCC8 result in 20). Increasing numbers of mutations within the nucleotide-
congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI), whereas activating binding domain 2, a hotspot for dominantly acting muta-
mutations in either gene that interferes with the ATP tions in the ABCC8 gene, have been identified in CHI
sensitivity of the KATP channel can lead to NDM (16). patients. These include E1506K, G1479R, R1539Q,
Monogenic mutations in the KATP channel components L1390R, L1431F, Q1459E, A1508P, A1537V, and
have taught us how insulin secretion is regulated and R1420H (21–23). An in-frame heterozygous deletion
how insulin secretagogues such as sulfonylureas work. (I284del) in the KCNJ11 gene (21) and some compound
heterozygous mutations in the ABCC8 gene (24) have also
1. Inactivating mutations in the KCNJ11 and ABCC8 genes been reported in CHI. These inactivating mutations cause
result in CHI hyperinsulinemia predominately through reduced KATP
We will briefly review the molecular basis of CHI because channel activity in pancreatic -cells, which leads to abnor-
it will shed light on the role of the KCNJ11 and ABCC8 genes mal membrane polarization, activation of voltage-gated cal-
doi: 10.1210/er.2015-1116 press.endocrine.org/journal/edrv 193
Table 1. Monogenic Diabetes Genes Associated With Common T1D and/or T2D
Mutations or Variants
Monogenic Diabetes or Associated With Common
Gene Name Major Function Syndromes T1D and/or T2D Refs.
cium channels, and increased Ca2⫹ concentration causing sive CHI patients (28). The mechanism underlying the in-
insulin hypersecretion (Figure 3B). hibition of insulin secretion by octreotide has not been
Dominant KATP channel mutations causing CHI may fully elucidated. Octreotide inhibits Ca2⫹ entry into pan-
predispose to the development of diabetes in adulthood. creatic -cells via voltage-dependent calcium channels,
Nonpancreatectomized KATP-CHI patients eventually en- leading to suppression of insulin secretion (29, 30). In
ter clinical remission and may progress to diabetes in later addition, octreotide may hyperpolarize -cells by activat-
life (23–27), whereas those who are treated by partial pan- ing KATP channel and thus inhibits insulin secretion (31).
createctomy often develop late-onset diabetes that may
require insulin therapy (17). 2. Activating mutations in the KCNJ11 and ABCC8 genes
Diazoxide is one of the primary medications used to lead to PNDM
treat CHI (28). In pancreatic -cells, diazoxide, a K⫹ chan- Gain-of-function mutations in the KATP channel genes
nel opener, binds to SUR1 subunits to increase KATP chan- impair ATP binding to the channel, leading to KATP chan-
nel activity, promoting K⫹ efflux and cell membrane hy- nel opening, membrane hyperpolarization, impaired in-
perpolarization to block insulin release. Octreotide (a sulin release, and NDM (Figure 3C). Activating mutations
somatostatin analog) can be used for diazoxide-unrespon- of KCNJ11 were first identified over a decade ago in pa-
194 Yang and Chan Monogenic Diabetes Genes and Common Types of Diabetes Endocrine Reviews, June 2016, 37(3):190 –222
Figure 3.
tients with PNDM and account for approximately 30% of a few patients display severe developmental delay, epi-
cases (32). Subsequently, gain-of-function mutations of lepsy, and NDM (called DEND syndrome) (38). In addi-
ABCC8 were reported (33, 34); mutations of these two tion to causing NDM, mutations of KCNJ11 and ABCC8
genes have been identified in ⬎ 40% of PNDM patients have been recently linked to MODY (39, 40).
(35). Mutations in KCNJ11 and ABCC8 may also lead to Subtle differences in the primary structure of the
TNDM. More than 100 different mutations in the ABCC8-encoded SUR1 protein can produce diametrically
KCNJ11 and ABCC8 genes have been found in patients opposite phenotypes, as illustrated by the fact that, de-
with PNDM (36). All but one are missense mutations that pending on the specific amino acid substitution, mutations
cause single amino acid substitutions; the only exception at the same amino acid residue may cause either CHI or
to date is an in-frame 15-bp deletion in the KCNJ11 gene NDM. For example, an E1506K substitution in the nu-
(37). Most of the patients with mutations in the KCNJ11 cleotide-binding domain 2 of SUR1 leads to CHI (23, 27),
and ABCC8 genes present with isolated neonatal diabetes; whereas two other mutations at the same residue
doi: 10.1210/er.2015-1116 press.endocrine.org/journal/edrv 195
(E1506D, E1506G) were found to cause NDM (41). KATP ant alone did not predict conversion to diabetes (50); in
channels are activated by Mg-nucleotides (via SUR1) and fact, it might even be protective (51). Recently, Baier et al
blocked by ATP (via Kir6.2). All of these mutations reduce (52) reported that ABCC8 R1420H homozygotes even-
channel activation by MgADP. Different sensitivities to tually developed diabetes, despite being hyperinsulinemic
ATP inhibition could be the basis of these opposing clin- during infancy. Furthermore, the R1420H variant was
ical phenotypes. For example, E1506D and E1506G mu- associated with higher birth weights and a 2-fold increased
tant KATP channels display a markedly impaired sensitiv- risk for T2D in 3.3% of an American Indian population.
ity to ATP, resulting in hyperactive channels associated Their increased birth weights are suggestive of insulin
with impaired insulin secretion and PNDM. In contrast, oversecretion due to insulin being a major growth factor
compared to wild-type channels, the E1506K mutant in utero. However, the physiological mechanisms under-
channels are more sensitive to ATP inhibition, produc- lying the reversal from hyperinsulinemia to diabetes re-
zyme A, leading to impaired insulin and glucagon-like ferent populations (6). An inactivating mutation in GCK
peptide-1 (GLP-1) secretion and increased glucagon re- increases the glucose threshold needed to trigger insulin
lease (58). A recent report showed that carriers of the secretion, although insulin secretion remains regulated
KCNJ11 variant display reduced Ca2⫹ sensitivity of exo- with an elevated threshold that responds to postprandial
cytosis and decreased insulin release (59). As noted above, glucose excursions (69). Therefore, MODY2 patients, un-
the KCNJ11 E23K variant is strongly associated with like other forms of diabetes, present with mild fasting hy-
ABCC8 S1369A. The K23/A1369 variant was found to perglycemia and can be diagnosed at any age (70). Ho-
exhibit increased KATP channel MgATPase activity in mozygous inactivating GCK mutations lead to PNDM
comparison with the nonrisk E23/S1369 haplotype, pro- presenting at birth. Although over 600 mutations affecting
viding a plausible mechanism by which the E23K/S1369A different parts of the GCK gene have been reported, they
haplotype increases susceptibility to T2D (60). are all relatively rare mutations (66). The prevalence of
3. Molecular mechanisms that underlie the association of of 104 (5%) NDM patients with unknown etiology (ex-
variations in the GCK gene and T2D cluding the common genetic causes) were identified to
The activity of GCK can be regulated by glucose-6- carry homozygous SLC2A2 mutations. Four of these five
phosphatase, catalytic 2 (G6PC2) in the -cell and GCK patients first presented with isolated diabetes and later de-
regulatory protein (GKRP, or GCKR) in the liver. In the veloped other features of FBS, suggesting that GLUT2 may
-cell, G6PC2 catalyzes glucose-6-phosphate dephos- play a role in human insulin secretion. Notably, some com-
phorylation, thereby functionally opposing the action of pound heterozygous mutations in the SLC2A2 gene, eg,
GCK. Genetic variants of either gene may affect the bal- c.457_462delCTTATA (p.153_4delLI) and c.1250C⬎G
ance between GCK and G6PC2 activities, resulting in (p.P417R), present an unusually mild clinical course, such as
impaired pulsatile insulin secretion, disrupting proper in- modest glycosuria and tubular proteinuria. Some hallmark
sulin signaling between the pancreas and insulin-sensitive clinical signs of FBS, like hepatomegaly and short stature, are
cating the crucial role of the two amino acids (417 Pro and nephric tubules of the kidney, and the developing pan-
444 Trp) for GLUT2 transport function in humans (101). creas, stomach, and intestine (110). Hnf4a-deficient mice
A recent report showed no difference in insulin secre- display defective gastrulation and die around e9 (111). In
tion during an oral glucose tolerance test in individuals hepatocytes, HNF4A controls the transcription of
with or without the risk allele at SLC2A2 rs5400 (T110I), HNF1A, whereas in pancreatic islets and exocrine cells,
suggesting that neither -cell mass nor insulin secretion is HNF1A controls the transcription of HNF4A through an
significantly affected (102). In agreement with this, this alternate tissue-specific HNF4A promoter (112).
GLUT2 T110I variant displays similar kinetics for glucose
transport as wild-type GLUT2 (101). Additionally, this 1. Mutations in HNF1A and HNF4A lead to MODY3 and
variant is in strong linkage disequilibrium with two other MODY1, respectively
variants (SNPs rs5406 and rs6785803) located in the pro- Mutations in the HNF4A gene lead to the first subtype
with early-onset T2D, lower body mass, and a higher post- a ghrelin receptor antagonist restored glucose homeostasis
challenge plasma glucose (118). Using whole-exome se- in Hnf1␣-null mice (127). Ghrelin suppresses glucose-in-
quencing, MacArthur and colleagues (119) identified a duced insulin secretion, but not basal insulin secretion. It
single low-frequency variant (c.1522G⬎A [p.E508K]) in counteracts cAMP-protein kinase A signaling, a well-es-
HNF1A, which is associated with T2D prevalence in La- tablished pathway of GSIS, by interacting with the GH
tino populations. The variant allele p.E508K is located in secretagogue receptor GHS-R1a on -cells. The suppres-
the HNF1A transactivation domain. Functional studies sion of the cAMP pathway results in activation of delayed
revealed that, despite the preservation of its DNA binding outward K⫹ (Kv) channels and inhibition of Ca2⫹ signal-
activity, the p.E508K variant protein displays compro- ing, causing decreased insulin release (128).
mised transactivation activities on the promoters of In mammals, the HNF4A gene encodes up to nine dis-
SLC2A2 and HNF4A in -cells. Of note, a recent report tinct isoforms, resulting from the use of alternate promot-
factor neurogenin 3 (Neurog3, or Ngn3) expression (135). with underdeveloped and disorganized acini in human fe-
The sequential activation of Hnf1b, Hnf6, and Pdx1 is tuses. The HNF1B R112fsdel mutation causes a frame-
believed to direct the differentiation of endodermal cells shift and a truncated protein lacking part of the POU-
into pancreatic progenitors (136). specific domain (POUS), which is essential for DNA
binding specificity, and the entire POU homeodomain
1. Mutations in HNF1B lead to RCAD syndrome, or MODY5 (POUH), as well as the C-terminal transactivation domain,
In addition to causing PNDM or TNDM in very rare whereas the HNF1B P472fsins mutation leads to a pre-
cases (137), heterozygous mutations in HNF1B cause re- mature stop codon and the insertion of 35 novel amino
nal cysts and diabetes (RCAD syndrome, or MODY5). acids at the C-terminus of the transactivation domain.
HNF1B whole-gene deletions account for approximately Functional studies showed that the truncated R112fsdel
50% of MODY5 cases. To date, more than 50 missense protein, retaining the N-terminal dimerization domain,
Slc2a2 (153–155). Mice lacking Pdx1 fail to form a pan- variant (p.Gly218Alafs*12) in PDX1 is associated with
creas (156). Pancreatic -cell-specific Pdx1 deficiency in high risk of T2D (167). Furthermore, the same study ob-
mice leads to reduced expression of insulin and Slc2a2, served seven previously reported variants (six missense
causing maturity-onset diabetes (155). A large fraction of variants and one in-frame insertion) in PDX1, but none
Pdx1-deleted -cells rapidly acquires ultrastructural and were associated with diabetes (167). In addition, PDX1
physiological features of ␣-cells, suggesting that Pdx1 variants have also been linked to KPD (see Section II.G for
maintains -cell identity and function via repressing an details).
␣-cell lineage (157). Mutations or variants in the PDX1
gene cause PNDM and MODY4 and are also linked to 3. Molecular mechanisms that underlie the association of
common T2D and ketosis-prone diabetes (KPD). mutations in the PDX1 gene and diabetes
As noted above, PDX1 variants associated with en-
underlie the association of PDX1 mutations/variants with lated with a positive therapeutic response to rosiglitazone,
diabetes. but not repaglinide. PAX4 variant rs6467136 GA⫹AA
carriers exhibited greater responses to rosiglitazone ther-
G. Paired box 4 apy than GG homozygotes, with greater decrement of
PAX4, a paired-homeodomain transcription factor, 2-hour glucose level and amelioration of insulin resistance
functions mainly as a transcription repressor (172). Pax4 as well as higher cumulative attainment rates of target
mRNA is initially detected in the ventral spinal cord and fasting and 2-hour glucose levels (182).
pancreatic bud at e9.5 in mice; its expression is later re- In addition to the association of PAX4 variants with
stricted to pancreatic - and ␦-cells, reaching a maximal T2D, one candidate gene association study (183) and a
level at e13.5 to e15.5, and thereafter declining to low linkage analysis (184) reported that PAX4 variants in-
levels. PAX4 is also found to be expressed in adult rodent cluding ⫹1,168 C/A of PAX4 (rs712701) were associated
ment or impairment of GSIS in -cells. Some PAX4 shift to produce a premature truncated protein lacking the
mutations (eg, R121W, IVS7-1G⬎A) seem to increase the activation domain at the C terminus.
susceptibility of -cells to apoptosis upon cytokine or high
glucose exposure (177, 191). Conversely, forced expres- 2. NEUROD1 gene variants and T2D
sion of wild-type PAX4 has been shown to protect cyto- Malecki et al (204) reported that a missense mutation
kine-induced -cell death in isolated human islets (191). In R111L and a cytosine residue insertion (206 ⫹C) in the
general, most MODY patients are treated with sulfonyl- NEUROD1 gene were associated with the risk of T2D. A
ureas, metformin, or insulin (5). A few recent studies have number of studies showed that a common A45T variant at
also documented the efficacy of GLP-1 receptor agonists rs1801262 in NEUROD1 was inconsistently associated
(192, 193) and dipeptidyl peptidase-IV inhibitors (194, with T2D (204 –208). Recent meta-analyses revealed that
195) in these patients. Although it has not been directly this polymorphism is associated with T2D in European
chloride-stimulated insulin secretion in -cells. Wfs1-de- risk in UK and other populations. The frequency at the
ficient -cells display increased susceptibility to ER stress- rs10010131 risk allele is 60%, and it was estimated that
mediated apoptosis (217). the population attributable fraction of rs10010131 is 9%,
explaining 0.3% of the excess familial risk of T2D.
1. Mutations in WFS1 lead to Wolfram syndrome 1 Cheurfa et al (225) examined the association of allelic
Recessive mutations in the WFS1 gene cause pancreatic variations in the WFS1 gene with insulin secretion and risk
-cell death, resulting in a monogenic form of diabetes of T2D in the prospective Data from Epidemiological
known as Wolfram syndrome 1 (WFS1), which is some- Study on the Insulin Resistance Syndrome (DESIR) study.
times referred to as DIDMOAD (diabetes insipidus, They found that the three variants rs10010131 G,
diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy, and deafness). It is note- 1801213 G, and rs734312 A were significantly associated
worthy that, in certain populations, eg, a Lebanese pop- with plasma glucose, glycated hemoglobin A1C levels, and
nonlysosomal cysteine proteases, may be a plausible ther- produces strong antidiabetic effects along with bone loss
apeutic target. This enzyme is thought to be a mechanistic (235). In addition, obesity can activate cyclin-dependent
link between the ER and -cell death in WFS1 (229). Loss- kinase 5 in adipose tissue, resulting in the phosphorylation
of-function mutations of WFS1 increase cytoplasmic cal- of PPARG at serine 273. This modification underlies the
cium levels, leading to calpain activation, which causes ER dysregulation of a number of genes associated with obesity
stress-induced -cell death (230). Treatment with the ry- and insulin resistance in adipose tissue. PPARG ligands
anodine receptor inhibitor dantrolene was shown to re- such as TZDs can block this phosphorylation and confer
duce calcium leakage from the ER to cytosol, lowering their antidiabetic therapeutic effects (236, 237).
cytosolic calcium levels and suppressing calpain activa-
tion; it also prevents cell death in pancreatic -cells and 1. Mutations in PPARG lead to severe insulin resistance
neural progenitor cells. The protective effect of dantrolene and diabetes
may lead to silencing of basal gene transcription (238). A. Preproinsulin gene, INS
Notably, a recent study highlights that motif-altering INS is unique among monogenic diabetes genes in that
SNPs in target genes of PPARG cause differential PPARG INS mutations can cause hyperinsulinemia, hyperproin-
binding to the DNA, modulating the recruitment of co- sulinemia, NDM, MODY10, as well as autoantibody-
operating factors including CCAAT/enhancer binding negative T1D (type 1b) (Figure 4). Moreover, variants of
protein, and thus determine individual disease risk and the the INS gene are also strongly associated with common
response to TZD treatment (246). T1D (type 1a), but inconsistently with T2D.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor ␣ (PPARA)
1. Mutations in the INS gene lead to hyperinsulinemia
is abundantly expressed in the liver, heart, and muscle,
and hyperproinsulinemia
where it plays important roles in the regulation of fatty
Mutations of the INS gene that produce structurally
acid oxidation, lipoprotein metabolism, and glucose ho-
Figure 4.
causing ER stress and -cell apoptosis (see Section II.A.5 In addition, this mutation also produces an aberrant tran-
for details). script with an insertion of a 79-nucleotide pseudoexon
Some INS mutations outside the exonic regions can following exon 2 using a native 3⬘ acceptor site. These two
also cause diabetes. For example, mutations in the intron mutant transcripts have been predicted to undergo non-
regions of the INS gene such as heterozygous c.188 – sense and nonstop-mediated mRNA decay, respectively
31G⬎A (259) and homozygous c.187⫹241G⬎A (260) (260). Notably, a number of single amino acid substitu-
cause PNDM. The intronic c.188 –31G⬎A mutation in- tions in insulin, such as A23S, A23T, L68M, and G84R,
troduces an ectopic splice site leading to the insertion of 29 that had been initially reported as possible deleterious
nucleotides from the intronic sequence into the mature pathogenic mutants in subjects with diabetes (35, 262,
mRNA, which results in an aberrant transcript, producing 263) could represent instances of ascertainment bias
misfolded proteins to induce ER stress and -cell death (264); the same “mutated” insulin molecules were subse-
(259). It is interesting that this c.188 –31G⬎A mutation quently shown to be nonpathogenic incidental variants
was also reported to cause MODY in one family (261). (35, 265–267).
The other intronic c.187⫹241G⬎A mutation introduces Molven et al (268) extended the phenotype of the INS
a donor 5⬘ splice site, producing a truncated 482-bp INS gene mutations to include rare cases of MODY
mRNA product that includes a 237-bp intronic sequence. (MODY10) and type 1b diabetes. They reported the INS
208 Yang and Chan Monogenic Diabetes Genes and Common Types of Diabetes Endocrine Reviews, June 2016, 37(3):190 –222
mutation c.137G⬎A (R46Q) in a MODY10 family and I alleles of INS VNTR (26 to 63 repeats, frequency ⬃70%
the INS mutation c.163C⬎T (R55C) in a type 1b diabetes in Caucasians) are associated with T1D, whereas the class
family who presented with ketoacidosis and insulin de- III alleles (140 to more than 200 repeats, frequency ⬃30%
pendency. The R46Q mutation disrupts a critical hydro- in Caucasians) seem to confer protection against T1D.
gen bond formation, which impairs the stability of the Although these classes of VNTR alleles have little effect on
insulin molecule. The R55C substitution is thought to per- insulin transcript levels in the pancreas, class I alleles are
turb insulin biosynthesis via the introduction of an un- associated with lower levels of insulin mRNA and protein
paired cysteine, as noted in the Akita mouse harboring a in the thymus, which may compromise negative selection
C96Y mutation in the ins2 gene (269, 270), or it may affect and allow more autoreactive T cells to escape into the
proteolytic processing of proinsulin to insulin (268). It is periphery, increasing susceptibility to T1D, whereas the
significant that the C96Y mutation has also been found in higher insulin levels associated with class III alleles may
within the signal peptide region likely impair one or more mutants that cause PNDM (287). Forced expression of
of the earliest events of proinsulin biosynthesis, including mouse proinsulin mutants with either cysteine residue sub-
completion of translocation, excision of the signal pep- stitution (C96Y) or noncysteine residue substitution
tide, initiation of -chain folding, and disulfide bond for- (H29D or L35P), all known to be associated with human
mation (283). For example, R6C and R6H mutations in PNDM (Figure 4), inhibits the production of mature hu-
the INS gene lead to loss of the N-terminal positive charge man insulin in the rat INS-1-derived 832/13 -cell line,
of the 24-amino acid signal peptide, which fails to be fully which coexpresses wild-type human insulin. On the other
translocated across the ER membrane and accumulate in hand, it is noteworthy that the simultaneous introduction
a juxtanuclear cytoplasmic compartment, inducing ER of missense substitutions that replace all six cysteine res-
stress and -cell death (284). The preproinsulin A24D idues of proinsulin fails to repress the secretion of coex-
mutation that affects the last signal peptide residue likely pressed wild-type human insulin. This suggests that path-
transactivator protein GLIS3 (214, 272, 289) (see discus- to that provided by HLA alone. Furthermore, they iden-
sion in the next section), producing up to 90% reduction tified that HLA plus nine SNPs including the one from
in the INS promoter transcriptional activity. GLIS3 could achieve similar prediction accuracy as the
total SNP set for T1D. They proposed a weighted risk
B. Gli-similar 3 model with selected SNPs that could be considered for
GLIS3, a member of the Krüppel-like family of tran- recruitment of at-risk infants into studies of the natural
scription factors, is predominantly expressed in pancreatic history or disease prevention for T1D.
-cells, thyroid, and kidney (290, 291). Interestingly,
GLIS3 is a NDM gene that is also associated with the 3. GLIS3 gene variants and T2D
susceptibility of both common T1D and T2D, as identified Shortly after the report that the GLIS3 variant was
by GWAS and large- scale meta-analyses that include mul- strongly associated with common T1D (295), Dupuis et al
regulation of Ccnd2 transcription (306). Of note, the ef- Individual variants may display disrupted islet enhancer
fects of the susceptibility gene variants examined in iso- activity, which may be an important mechanism for the
lation on the risk of T1D or T2D are typically modest, genetic predisposition of T2D (317, 318). It remains a
often making it a challenge to decipher such subtle effects challenge to translate our knowledge from research in the
by current functional assays (10). The precise mechanisms monogenic diabetes genes into effective forms of treat-
underlying the GLIS3 variants and diabetes remain to be ment. Because many of these have been shown to occur in
fully elucidated. T1D or T2D, we are hopeful that future research into these
genes will provide new insights into disease pathogenesis
and treatment target identification, not only for the rare
IV. Concluding Remarks monogenic disorders, but also for the worldwide epidemic
of T1D and T2D.
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wide association studies to rare variants and beyond. Dia- mized patients with persistent hyperinsulinemic hypogly-
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