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Government of Pakistan

National Vocational and Technical Training Commission

Prime Minister’s Hunarmand Pakistan Program

"Skills for All"

Course Contents/ Lesson Plan

Course Title: Water Quality Testing Technician (WQTT)
Duration: 6 Months
Revised Edition
Trainer Name Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR),
Course Title Water Quality Testing Technician (WQTT)
Objectives Employable skills and hands on practice for water quality
and monitoring
This diploma aimed at integrating the different steps in the
water quality monitoring process, from the information needs,
monitoring network design, field and laboratory procedures up
to data collection and processing. The resulting water quality
data can then be evaluated together with the natural water

Course provides an opportunity to build a career in the field of

water and wastewater quality laboratory operation, course start
from basic level and then move towards the advance level.
Starting from introduction of water contamination and
contaminants then move towards use of portable, bench top and
high tech testing instruments. This course will cover the different
techniques for water quality monitoring design, field testing and
laboratory testing, efficiency evaluation of water treatment
technologies, data analysis and reporting.

Main Expectations:
In short, the course under reference should be delivered by
professional instructors in such robust hands-on manner that
the trainees are comfortably able to employ their skills for
earning money (through wage/self-employment) at its
conclusion, where’s hands on practice are not valid than
demonstration will be required through video contents/ project
This course thus clearly goes beyond the domain of the
traditional training practices in vogue and underscores an
expectation that a market centric approach will be adopted as
the main driving force while delivering it. The instructors should
therefore be experienced enough to be able to identify the
training needs for the possible market roles available out there.
Moreover, they should also know the strengths and weaknesses
of each individual trainee to prepare them for such market roles
during/after the training.
1. Specially designed practical tasks to be performed by the
trainees have been included in the Annexure-I to this
document. The record of all tasks performed individually or
in groups must be preserved by the management of the
training Institute clearly labeling name, trade, session etc. so
that these are ready to be physically inspected/verified
through monitoring visits from time to time. The weekly
distribution of tasks has also been indicated in the weekly
lesson plan given in this document.
2. In order to materialize the main expectations, a special
module on Job Search & Entrepreneurial Skills has been
included in the later part of this course (5th & 6th month)
through which, the trainees will be made aware of the Job
search techniques in the local as well as international job
markets (Gulf countries). Awareness around the visa
process and immigration laws of the most favoured labour
destination countries also forms a part of this module.
Moreover, the trainees would also be encouraged to venture
into self-employment and exposed to the main requirements
in this regard. It is also expected that a sense of civic
duties/roles and responsibilities will also be inculcated in the
trainees to make them responsible citizens of the country.
3. A module on Workplace Ethics has also been included to
highlight the importance of good and positive behavior at
work place in the line with the best practices elsewhere in
the world. An outline of such qualities has been given in the
Annexures to this document. Its importance should be
conveyed in a format that is attractive and interesting for the
trainees such as through PPT slides +short video
documentaries. Needless to say that if the training provider
puts his heart and soul into these otherwise non-technical
components, the image of Pakistani workforce would
undergo a positive transformation in the local as well as
international job markets.
In order to maintain interest and motivation of the trainees
throughout the course, modern techniques such as:
• Motivational Lectures
• Success Stories
• Case Studies
These techniques would be employed as an additional training
tool wherever possible (these are explained in the subsequent
section on Training Methodology).
Lastly, evaluation of the competencies acquired by the trainees
will be done objectively at various stages of the training and
proper record of the same will be maintained. Suffice to say that
for such evaluations, practical tasks would be designed by the
training providers to gauge the problem solving abilities of the

1. Motivational Lectures
The proposed methodology for the training under reference
employs motivation as a tool. Hence besides the purely
technical content, a trainer is required to include elements of
motivation in his/her lecture. To inspire the trainees to utilize
the training opportunity to the full and strive towards
professional excellence. Motivational lectures may also include
general topics such as the importance of moral values and civic
role & responsibilities as a Pakistani. A motivational lecture
should be delivered with enough zeal to produce a deep impact
on the trainees. It may comprise of the following:
1. Clear Purpose to convey message to trainees effectively.
2. Personal Story to quote as an example to follow.
3. Trainees Fit so that the situation is actionable by trainees
and not represent a just idealism.
4. Ending Points to persuade the trainees on changing
A good motivational lecture should help drive creativity, curiosity
and spark the desire needed for trainees to want to learn more.
Impact of a successful motivational strategy is amongst others
commonly visible in increased class participation ratios. It
increases the trainees’ willingness to be engaged on the
practical tasks for longer time without boredom and loss of
interest because they can clearly see in their mind's eye where
their hard work would take them in short (1-3 years); medium (3
-10 years) and long term (more than 10 years).
As this tool is expected that the training providers would make
arrangements for regular well-planned motivational lectures as
part of a coordinated strategy interspersed throughout the
training period as suggested in the weekly lesson plans in this

5. Success Stories
Another effective way of motivating the trainees is by means of
Success Stories. Its inclusion in the weekly lesson plan at
regular intervals has been recommended till the end of the
A success story may be disseminated orally, through a
presentation or by means of a video/documentary of someone
that has risen to fortune, acclaim, or brilliant achievement. A
success story shows how a person achieved his goal through
hard work, dedication, and devotion. An inspiring success story
contains compelling and significant facts articulated clearly and
easily comprehendible words. Moreover, it is helpful if it is
assumed that the reader/listener knows nothing of what is being
revealed. Optimum impact is created when the story is revealed
in the form of:-
1. Directly in person (At least 2-3 cases must be arranged by
the training institute)
2. Through an audio/ videotaped message (2-3 high quality
videos must be arranged by the training institute)
It is expected that the training provider would collect relevant
high-quality success stories for inclusion in the training as
suggested in the weekly lesson plan given in this document.
Suggestive structure and sequence of a sample success story
and its various shapes can be seen at annexure III.

3. Case Studies
Where a situation allows, case studies can also be presented to
the trainees to widen their understanding of the real-life specific
problem/situation and to explore the solutions.
In simple terms, the case study method of teaching uses a real-
life case example/a typical case to demonstrate a phenomenon
in action and explain theoretical as well as practical aspects of
the knowledge related to the same. It is an effective way to help
the trainees comprehend in depth both the theoretical and
practical aspects of the complex phenomenon in depth with
ease. Case teaching can also stimulate the trainees to
participate in discussions and thereby boost their confidence. It
also makes classroom atmosphere interesting thus maintaining
the trainee interest in training till the end of the course.
Depending on suitability to the trade, the weekly lesson plan in
this document may suggest case studies to be presented to the
trainees. The trainer may adopt a power point presentation or
video format for such case studies whichever is deemed
suitable but it’s important that only those cases are selected that
are relevant and of a learning value.
The Trainees should be required and supervised to carefully
analyze the cases.
For the purpose they must be encouraged to inquire and collect
specific information / data, actively participate in the
discussions, and intended solutions of the problem / situation.
Case studies can be implemented in the following ways: -
1. A good quality trade specific documentary (At least 2-3
documentaries must be arranged by the training institute).
2. Health & Safety case studies (2 cases regarding safety and
industrial accidents must be arranged by the training
Field visits (At least one visit to a trade specific major industry/
site must be arranged by the training institute)
Entry level of Since intake level is Matriculation/FSC/DAE, the expectations
trainees from the trainees are:
 To have basic knowledge of chemistry, biology, mathematics
and/or physics.
 Knowledge of water and wastewater quality
 To have concept of water pollution
Learning Main Expectation
Outcomes of After successful completion of the course, participants will be
the course able to:
 Understand and apply concepts of water quality and pollution
processes in water resources.
 Developing further knowledge and understanding of some
core scientific concepts and principals about water quality
treatment needs.
 Improving ability to understand and express scientific
knowledge about water quality testing through hi-tech
equipment and bench methods.
 Preparing for the further study and practical work for the
determinations of major water quality test parameters
 Preparing for further practice applications of learned skills in
science and technology as well industrial applications.
By the end of this course, the trainees should be able to
perform the following competencies:
Access to Safe Drinking Water and Sustainable
 Understand the concepts of water policy and sustainable
development goals
 Designing a water quality monitoring project
 Demonstrate different type of water/wastewater sampling
 Demonstrate field monitoring protocols
 Perform testing for physic-chemical and biological
 Assess correctness of water quality testing
 Perform efficiency evaluation of water treatment products and
 Demonstrate water testing outcomes
Water/Wastewater sampling
 Design a workable sampling and analysis plan
 Perform Field Equipment Decontamination methods
 Perform Quality Assurance/Quality Control for Field Sampling
& Analysis Programs
 Calibrate Surface Water Sampling Devices
 Calibrate Sediment Sampling Devices
 Undertake sampling, preservation and transport of samples
considering representativeness and integrity
Physico-Chemical testing
 Design the laboratory analysis plan for water quality
monitoring project
 Select Spatial and temporal monitoring criteria
 Calibrate Turbidity meter, Electrical Conductivity meter, pH
meter, Dissolved Oxygen meter, Flame Photometer, and
Spectrophotometer, and Colorimeter.

Biological testing
 Demonstrate operation of autoclave.
 Select microbial testing method as per customer demand
 Calibrate autoclave, incubators, water baths, pH meter,
Temperature and humidity meter.
 Sterilize all glass ware, surfaces, and incubators
 Perform testing using standard methods
 Report the degree of fitness of water samples
Quality Control Checks
 Demonstrate calibration verification process
 Develop control charts of all test parameters
 Determine method detection limits
 Prepare the quality control samples
 Calculate percent recoveries of test parameters
 Perform test methods validation
 Perform volume deliveries checks
 Calculate uncertainty of test parameters
Job Searching
 Analyze job in local market
 CV building as per job demand
 Analyze job demand in any two-international countries
 Jobs Applying procedure in any two-international countries
 Analyze customer demand
 Perform cost analysis of customer demand
 Conduct market survey for project estimation
 Prepare quotation for customer
 Negotiate with customer
 Deal with customer and sign MOU
 Prepare quotations/ invoice report
 Complete the Work done on site

Soft skills /Teamwork/professionalism

 Develop professionalism
 Motivational Lectures
 Success Stories
 Develop work ethics
 Follow teamwork environments principals
 Ensure punctuality of time
 Ensure job deliverable within assigned time frame
 Show dedication and commitment with your duty
 Be creative in your work
 Ensure positive attitude in group task
 Ensure willing worker attitude in teamwork
 Be goal oriented
 Ensure HSE SOPs
 Obey organizational rules and regulations
 Be loyal with your duty and organization
 Honesty is best policy
Course Total duration of course: 6 months (24 Weeks)
Execution Class, Lab and Field hours:5 hours per day
Plan Theory:20%
Practical: 80%
Weekly hours: 25 hours per week
Total contact hours: 600 hours
Companies Companies Offering Jobs in the respective trade
offering jobs  Water Supply Agencies
in the  Bottled Water Industries
respective  Beverage Industries
trade  Government Organizations
 All Private Institutes who are managing water quality
 Food, pharmaceutical and textile industries
 Companies involved in water treatment business
 NGOs and UN Organizations working on WASH programmes
 Environmental agencies
Job Over large parts of the world, rivers and lakes show increasing
Opportunitie trends of water pollution. This holds especially for developing
s/ job titles countries under economic expansion and increasing population
sizes. Evaluation of the physical, chemical and biological water
quality is essential for the abatement of freshwater pollution. For
this, sound and sustainable water quality assessment is
required. To meet the Sustainable development Goals SDG-6
Target 6.1, 6.2. The Federal/Provincial Govt, international
organizations and private organizations are focusing on water
and wastewater quality, thus working has been started on large
scale. All such organizations have a demand of skilled
professionals water quality technicians.
No of 25
Learning Classroom/ Lab
Instructional Development Platform:
Resources  National Water Quality Laboratory
 National Capacity Building Institute
Learning Material:
 Modules for each course developed by NWQL and NCBI
 Printed books on water testing
 Practical demonstration for each parameter in Laboratory
Course Outline (Module)
Course Outline: Water Quality Testing Technician Course
Schedu Module Title Learning Units Remarks
Week 1 Module-I o Motivational Lecture Home
Water Quality o Course Introduction Assignment
Introduction and o Course Applications
Requirements o Institute/work ethics Task 1
& Motivational o Code and Conducts of institute
Lecture o Water Quality Sources Details may be
o Water Quality Situation in Pakistan seen at
Week 2 Module -II Task 2
 Introduction Task 3
Understand basic o Aim of Course
concepts of o Scope of Learning/Objective
chemistry and o Nature of Matter
o Definition Details may be
Success stories of o States of Matter
water testing seen at
o Classification of Matter Annexure-I
laboratories o Properties of Matter
o Exercise
 Atoms, Molecules, And Ions
o Atomic Theory
o Sub Atomic Particles Monthly Test 1
o Atomic Number
o Molecule
o Chemical Nomenclature
o Ions
o Ionic Formula of Ionic Compounds
o Dissociation of Ions in Water
o Exercise
 Chemical Reactions and Equations
 Chemical Equation
 Chemical Reactions
o Exercise
 Solutions And Their Concentrations
o Solution
o Quantitative Units of Concentration
o Dilutions and Concentration
o Colligative Properties of Solutions
o Buffer Solutions
o Exercise
 Organic Chemistry
o Hydrocarbons
o Alkyl Halides and Alcohols
o Organic Acids Esters
o Nitrogen Containing Compounds
o Sulphur Containing Compounds
o Polymers
o Exercise
 Water Chemistry
 Physical Properties of Water
o Specific heat
o Viscosity
o Surface tension
 Chemical properties of water
o Hydrogen Bonding
o Hydronium Ion Formation
o Self-Ionization of Water
Week 3 Module -III o Pre Sampling Operations Task 4
Water Quality o Collection of Samples (Ground Water)
Sampling and o Water Quality Sampling (Surface Water)
Motivational Lecture o Water Quality Samples for Quality Control Details may be seen
o On site Field Testing at Annexure-I
o Store and transport the samples to laboratory
Monthly Test 1
Week 4 Module -III Task 5
o Introduction Task 7
Physico-chemical o Standard Operating procedure for analysis of Task 8
Analysis of Water Electrical conductivity
(Chemical Lab-I) o Calibration Procedure
& Success stories o Testing
Details may be seen
o Expression of Results
at Annexure-
o Checklist for testing of EC
o Planned Demonstration
o Class Exercises
 TDS (Total Dissolved Solids)
o Introduction
o Standard Operating procedure for analysis of
o TDS measurement
o Quality Control
o Expression of Results
o Precautions
o Checklist for testing of TDS
o Planned Demonstration
o Class Exercises
o Group project
 pH
o Introduction
o Standard Operating Procedure for
o Analysis of pH
o Standards and Reagents
o Sample handling preservation
o Calibration Procedure of pH Meter
o Testing
o Quality Control
o Expression of Results
o Precautions
o Planned Demonstration
o Class Exercises
o Introduction
o Standard Operating Procedure for
 Analysis of Turbidity
o Standards and Reagents
o Analysis Procedure
o Expression of Results
o Quality Control
o Precautions
o High Tech instrument for turbidity analysis
o Checklist for testing of pH
o Planned Demonstration
o Class Exercises
o Group project
Week 5 Module -III Task 12
Physico-chemical o Introduction
Analysis of Water o Standard Operating procedure for analysis of
(Chemical Lab-I) & Details may be seen
Success stories o Principle at Annexure-I
o Interferences
And Motivational o Apparatus Task 9
Lecture o Standards and Reagents Task 10
o Calibration of Flame Photometer Task 11
o Quality Control
o Expression of Results Details may be seen
o Planned Demonstration at Annexure-I
o Class Exercises
o Introduction
o Standard Operating Procedure for analysis of
o Quality Control
o Expression of Results
o Interpretation of Results
o Precautions
o Alternate Testing
o Checklist for testing of potassium
o Planned Demonstration
o Class Exercises
o Definition
o Testing Method
o Principle of Measurement
o Expression of Results
o Quality Control
o Precautions
o High Tech Instrument
o Checklist for testing of chlorine
o Planned Demonstration
o Class Exercises
Week 6 Module -IV Task 12
 CALCIUM Task 13
o Introduction
Physico-chemical o Determination of Calcium
Analysis of Water o Testing methods
(Chemical Lab-II) o Standard Operating Procedure for Calcium by
Details may be seen
EDTA Titrimetric Method
And Success o Principle of Measurement at Annexure-I
stories o Preparation of reagents
o Standardization Procedure Details may be seen
o Calculation at Annexure-I
o Procedure for analysis of sample
o Quality Control
o Expression of Results
o Safety precautions
o Checklist for testing of calcium
o Planned Demonstration
o Class Exercises
o Introduction
o Determination of hardness
o Testing methods
o Standard Operating Procedure for Total
Hardness by EDTA Titrimetric Method
o Quality Control
o Expression of Results
o Safety precautions
o Checklist for testing of hardness
o Planned Demonstration
o Class Exercises
o Group project
o Introduction
o Determination of magnesium
Week 7 Module -IV Task 14
Physico-chemical o Introduction
Analysis of Water
Details may be seen
And Motivational o Principle of Measurement
o Reagents at Annexure-I
o Preparation of mixed indicator
o Preparation and Standardization Of
o 0.1N Hydrochloric Acid
o Preparation and Standardization of
o 0.02N Hydrochloric Acid
o Procedure for analysis of sample
o Quality Control
o Expression of results
o Safety precautions
o Planned Demonstration
o Class Exercises
o Introduction
o Health impacts
o Introduction
o Determination of Carbonates (CO3-2)
o by Titrimetric Method
o Principle of Measurement
o Alkalinity Testing
o Phenolphthalein alkalinity
o Reagents
o Standardization
o Procedure for analysis of sample
o Quality Control
o Safety precautions
o Planned Demonstration
o Class Exercises
Week 8 Module -IV Task 16
 CHLORIDE Task 17
o Introduction

Physico-chemical  Determination of Chlorides (Cl-1) by

Argentometric Method Details may be seen
Analysis of Water
(Chemical Lab-II) o Principle of Measurement at Annexure-I
and Success o Reagents& Glassware
stories o Preparation of Reagents
o Standardization of silver nitrate solution
o Procedure for analysis of sample
o Calculation
o Expression of Results
o Quality Control
o Safety precautions
o Planned Demonstration
o Class Exercises
Week 9 Module -V Task 18
 Introduction of Spectroscopy Task 19
Physico-chemical o Types of spectroscopy
o Application of UV/VS Spectroscopy in water
Analysis of Water
(Chemical Lab-III) &
Motivational Lecture  Basic Principle of spectroscopy Details may be seen
o Types of UV/VIS Spectrophotometer at Annexure-I
o Lambda max (λmax)
o Learning Outcomes
o Class Quiz
 Introduction of UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
o Testing instrument
o Principle of Measurement
o Operation
o Maintenance
o Trouble shooting
o Precautions
o Planned Demonstration
o Learning Outcomes
o Class Quiz
o Introduction
o Determination of Nitrate (NO3-1) by
o Spectrophotometer
o Testing instrument UvLINE -9400
o UV/VIS Spectrophotometer
o Standards and Reagents
o Calibration of Spectrophotometer for Nitrate
o Testing
o Quality Control
o Expression of Results
o Interpretation of Results
o Precautions
o Planned Demonstration
o Learning Outcomes
o Class Quiz
Week 10 Module -V Task 20
o Introduction
Analysis of Water  Determination of Sulphate (SO4-2) by
(Chemical Lab-III) & Spectrophotometer Details may be seen
Success stories o Testing instrument: at Annexure-I
o UvLine 9400 UV/VIS Spectrophotometer
o Standards and Reagents Home Assignment
o Calibration of Spectrophotometer for Sulphate
o Quality Control
o Expression of Results Details may be seen
o Interpretation of Results at Annexure-I
o Precautions
o Planned Demonstration
o Learning Outcomes
o Class Quiz
 Alternate method for the determination of
Sulphates by Colorimeter
o Testing instrument: Colorimeter Model
DR/890 Hach
o Analytical parameters
o Calibration of Colorimeter for sulphate
o Testing
o Quality Control
o Planned Demonstration
o Learning outcomes
o Class Quiz
 Iron:
 Introduction
o Determination of iron (II) by
o Definition
o Testing instrument: Model is UvLine 9400
UV/VIS Spectrophotometer
o Analytical parameters
o Major Components
o Principle of measurement
o Standards and Reagents
o Calibration of spectrophotometer for
o iron
o Testing
o Quality Control
o Expression of Results
o Interpretation of results
o Precautions
o Planned Demonstration
o Learning outcomes
o Class Quiz
 Alternate method for determination of Iron
o Definition
o Testing instrument: DR/2800 Colorimeter,
o Analytical parameters
o Major Components
o Principle of measurement
o Standards and reagents
o Calibration of colorimeter 2800
o Testing
o Quality Control
o Expression of results
o Interpretation of results
o Precautions
o Planned Demonstration
o Learning outcomes
o Class Quiz
Week 11 Module -V Task 22
 Fluoride Task 23
Physico-chemical o Introduction
Analysis of Water
(Chemical Lab-III) &  Determination of Fluoride by ISE Meter
Motivational JENWAY 3345 Details may be
Lecture o Testing Instrument Ion meter Model seen at Annexure-
o Analytical Parameters
o Major Components
o Principle of Measurement
o Standards and Reagents
o Calibration of ISE Meter for Fluoride
o Testing
o Quality Control
o Expression of Results
o Precautions
o Planned Demonstration
o Learning outcomes
o Class Quiz
 Alternate method for the determination of
fluoride (F-) by SPADNS method
o Testing instrument DR/2800 Colorimeter,
o Analytical Parameters
o Principle of measurement
o Standards and reagents
o Calibration of colorimeter DR/2800 for
o Testing
o Quality Control
o Expression of results
o Precautions
o Planned Demonstration
o Learning outcomes
o Class Quiz
Week 12 Module -VI Task 24
 Introduction to Quality Control and Quality
o Quality Assurance Details may be seen
Quality Control and o Quality Control
Quality Assurance& at Annexure-I
 Calibration and Calibration
Success stories
 Verification
Module -VI o Calibration
o Instrument Calibration
o Initial calibration (IC)
o Continued Calibration Verification (CCV)
Quality Control
and Quality  Analysis of Method Blank
Assurance& o Method Blank
Motivational o Purpose
o Evaluation
 Verification of Reproducibility &
o Repeatability
o Reproducibility
 Analysis of Lab Control Sample
o Preparation of Laboratory Control
o Sample
o Analysis of Laboratory Control Sample
 Control Charting and Control Limits
o Preparation of Lab Control Sample for Control
o Analysis of Lab Control Sample
o Setting Control Chart (Mean Chart) Limits
o Using a Mean Chart
o Interpretation of Control Chart Data
o Control Limits
o Warning Limits
o Standard Deviation
o Trending
o Corrective Action
 Competence Checking of Laboratory Analyst
through Audit Blind Samples
o Procedure
o Handling of Lab Control Samples (LCS)
o Analysis
 Analysis of Spiked Matrix Samples
(Laboratory Fortified Matrix Lfm)
o Proficiency Testing
o Analysis of PT Samples
o Submission of Results and Final Report
o Evaluation of PT Results
o Method Detection Limits
o Procedure
o Anion Cation Balance
o Correctness of Analysis
o Procedure
o Measure EC and ions sum
o Measured TDS to EC ratio
Week 14 Module -VII Home Assignment
 Basics and Water microbiology
o Introduction
o Bacteria Task 25
Microbiological o Viruses
Testing of Water& o Fungus
Success stories o Algae
Details may be seen
o Protozoa
o Water Microbiology at Annexure-I
o Total Coliforms
o Fecal Coliforms
o Escherichia coli (E. coli)
 Water Quality Sampling for Microbiological
o Guidelines for Water Sampling
o Preparations for Water
o Quality Sampling
o Sampling Containers for
o Microbiological Analysis
o De-chlorination
o Key Points for Preventing
o Contamination during
o Microbiological Sampling11
o Labeling of microbiological samples
o Sample transportation
o Reception of samples by the laboratory
o Sampling Procedures
o Location of sampling points
o Water can be divided into three basic types
for the purpose of sampling:
 Instrumentation
o Incubator
o Analytical Balance
o Autoclave
o Water Bath
o Safety Precautions
o Refrigerator
o Biology Safety Cabinet
o Microscope
o Hot Air Oven
Week 15 Module -VII Task 26
 Essential Methods for maintaining, Task 27
preparing and using cultures
o Scope
Microbiological o Culture Media
Testing of Water o Reference Strains
Details may be seen
& Motivational o Reference Culture Maintenance Programme
o Sub Culturing Procedure at Annexure-I
Lecture o Purity Check
o Bio-Chemical Tests
o Positive and Negative Controls
o Preservation (Practical Activities)
Method I: Enumeration Of Total Coliforms,
Fecal Coliforms and E.coli by Most Probable
Number (MPN) Method Using Culture Media
o Scope
o Principle
o Resources
o Preparation of Media
o Media Quality Control
o Performance of Sterility Check
o Procedure for Testing
o Procedure
o Confirmed test
o Completed Phase for Coliforms
o Determination of Fecal Coliforms
o Confirmation of E-coli
o IMViC Test:
o Quality Control
o Media Disposa
Week 16 Module -VII Task 28
 Method II: Enumeration of Total Coliforms,
Fecal Coliforms & E. Coli by Membrane
Microbiological Filtration Method Details may be seen
o Scope
Testing of Water& o Principle at Annexure-I
Success stories o Resources of Media
o Sterilizing Solutions
o Media Quality Control
o Performance of Sterility Check
o Sample Size
o Sterilization of Equipment
o Procedure
o Interpretation and Calculation
o Calculation of Coliform Densities
o Expression of Results
o Media Disposal
Week 17 Module – VII Task 29
 Method III: Enumeration of Total Coliforms
and Escherichia Coli Using Colilert IDEXX
Microbiological Quantitative Method
Testing of Water& o Resources
Motivational Lecture o Procedure Details may be seen
at Annexure-I
o Quality Control
 Method IV: Determination of Aerobic Plate
Count (APC)
o Scope
o Principle
o Apparatus and Glassware
o Resources
o Media Preparation and Pouring
o Performance of Sterility Check
o Media Performance Test
o Procedure for Testing
o Enumeration of Aerobic Plate Count
o Disposal of Media
 Method V: Gram Staining Technique
o Scope
o Principle
o Reagents
o Procedure
o Precaution
o Quality Control
 Decontamination of Media and Glassware
o Scope
o Equipment
o Procedure for washing
o Glassware Washing Protocol
Week 18 Module -VIII Task 30
 Heavy Metals & Trace Elements Task 31
o Definition Task 32
Heavy Metals o Sources of Heavy Metals
Analysis of Water on o Heavy Metal Toxicity
AAS& Success o Methods of Heavy Metal
o Determination Details may be seen
 Instrumentation at Annexure-I
o Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
o Working Principal of Atomic
o Absorption Spectrometer (AAS)
o Major Components of Atomic Monthly Test
o Absorption Spectrometer (AAS)
o Working Modes of Atomic Absorption
o Spectrometers (AAS)
o Flame Mode
o Hydride Generation Mode (HGAAS)
o Graphite Furnace Mode
 Determination Of Heavy Metals
o Testing/Determination of Arsenic by Atomic
Absorption Spectrometer
o Purpose
o Scope
o References
o Instrument
o Principle
o Glassware Required
o Reagent Required
o Preparation of 1000 ppb Stock Solution of
Arsenic in Deionized Water
o Preparation of Working Standards of
o Arsenic
o Calibration of AAS for Arsenic in
o Hydride Generation Mode
o Analysis of Arsenic on AAS
 Testing/Determination of Copper (Cu) on
Flame Mode of Atomic Absorption
o Purpose
o Scope
o References
o Instrument
o Principle
o Glassware
o Reagents
o Preparation of Stock Solution and Working
Standards of Copper for Flame Mode
o Calibration of Copper on Flame Mode
o Analysis of Copper on Flame Mode
 Testing/Determination of Manganese (Mn) on
Flame Mode of Atomic Absorption
o Purpose
o Scope
o References
o Instrument
o Principle
o Glassware
o Reagents Preparation of Stock Solution and
Working Standards of Manganese for Flame
o Calibration of Manganese on Flame
o Mode
o Analysis of Copper on Flame Mode
 Testing/Determination of Zinc (Zn) on Flame
Mode of Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
o Purpose
o Scope
o References
o Instrument
o Principle
o Glassware
o Reagents
o Preparation of Stock Solution and Working
Standards of Zinc for Flame Mode
o Calibration of Zinc on Flame Mode
o Analysis of Zinc on Flame Mode
 Testing/Determination of Lead (Pb) by
Atomic Absorption Spectrometer on
Graphite Furnace Mode
o Purpose
o Scope
o References
o Instrument
o Principle
o Glassware
o Reagents
o Preparation of 1000 ppb Stock Solution of
o Preparation of Working Standards for Lead
o Calibration for Lead on Graphite Furnace
o Analysis of Lead on Graphite Furnace
 Testing/Determination of Chromium (Cr) on
Graphite Furnace Mode
o Purpose
o Scope
o References
o Instrument
o Principle
o Glassware
o Reagents
o Preparation of 1000 ppb Stock Solution of
o Preparation of Working Standards for
o Calibration for Chromium on Graphite
o Furnace Mode
o Analysis of Chromium on Graphite Furnace
Week 19 Employable Project/ o Guidelines to the Trainees for selection of
students employable project like final year
Assignment (6 weeks
project (FYP)
i.e. 21-26) in addition of o Assign Independent project to each Trainee
o A project based on trainee’s aptitude and
regular classes.
acquired skills.
o Designed by keeping in view the emerging
OR trends in the local market as well as across
the globe.
On job training o The project idea may be based on
(2 weeks) o Leading to the successful employment.
o The duration of the project will be 6 weeks
o Ideas may be generated via different sites
such as:
o Final viva/assessment will be conducted on
project assignments.
o At the end of session the project will be
presented in skills competition
o The skill competition will be conducted on
zonal, regional and National level.
o The project will be presented in front of
Industrialists for commercialization
o The best business idea will be placed in
NAVTTC business incubation center for
o On job training for 2 weeks:
o Aims to provide 2 weeks industrial training to
the Trainees as part of overall training
o Ideal for the manufacturing trades
o As an alternate to the projects that involve
expensive equipment
o Focuses on increasing Trainee’s motivation,
productivity, efficiency and quick learning
Week 20 Module -IX Task 33
 Introduction Task 34
o What is Waste Water
Wastewater o Types of Wastewater
Testing o Sources of Wastewater
& Success stories  Guidelines for Sampling, Storage and
Preservation Testing in Waste Water Lab

 Determination of Dissolved Oxygen by DO

Meter Method (JENWAY 970)
o Testing Instrument
o Principle of Measurement
o Standards and Reagents
o Calibration Procedure of DO Meter
o Testing
o Quality Control
o Expression of Results
o Interpretation of Results
o Precautions
 Alternate Method for Determination of
Dissolved Oxygen by DO Meter
(Polarographic YSI PRO 20I)
o Principle of Operation
o Calibration of the DO Meter
o Testing
o Precautions
 Determination of Biochemical Oxygen
Demand by Manometric Pressure
Measurement Method
o Definition
o Testing Method
o Standards and Reagents
o Calibration Procedure of Tintometer
o Testing
o Quality Control
o Expression of Results
o Interpretation of Results
o Precautions
 Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand
by Colorimeter (Dichromate Digestion
o Testing Instrument
o Principle of Measurement
o Standards and Reagents
o Calibration Procedure of COD Meter
o Testing
o Quality Control
o Expression of Results
o Interpretation of Results
o Precautions
 Determination of Total Suspended Solids
o Definition
o Testing Instrument
o Principle of Measurement
o Testing
o Precautions
Week 21 Generate report of site Students are introduced to: Task 35
work Task 36
Generate report of site work
Analyze job in local o Decide on the 'Terms of reference'
o Decide on the procedure
o Find the information Details may be seen
o Decide on the structure at Annexure-I
CV building as per job
o Draft the first part of your report
demand o Analyze your findings and draw conclusions
o Make recommendations
o Draft the executive summary and table of
& Motivational o Compile a reference list
Lecture o Revise your draft report
Analyze job in local market
o Review the job requirements.
o Research similar job descriptions.
o Identify the outcomes required for the job.
o Examine the job efficiencies.
o Determine the skills and training required.
o Define the salary bands.
o Continue to evolve the job.
CV building as per job demand
o Write down your Objective.
o Enlist your Key skills and experience.
o Write down your Education.
o Write down your work experience.
o Enlist Additional skills.
o Write down your Interests and activities.
o Enlist References if any.
Week 22 Analyze job demand in Students are introduced to: Task 38
any two-international Task 39
Analyze job demand in any two-international
country Task 40
Jobs Applying o Be clear about why you want to work
procedure in any two-
o Keep an open mind about your choice of
international country location. Details may be seen
o Start with the constraints. at Annexure-I
Analyze customer o Consult with your employer.
demand o Do your research.
o Think transferable skills.
& Success stories
Jobs Applying procedure in any two-
international country
o Determine the type of job you want.
o Decide what country you want to work in.
o Find a job you're interested in.
o Apply for a visa or work permit.
o Update and localize your resume.
o Apply for the job.
Analyze customer demand
o Collection of information from customer.
o Situational analysis and specification of
o Conduct of market survey.
Week 23 Perform cost analysis Students are introduced to: Task 41
of customer demand Task 42
Perform cost analysis as per customer
Conduct market survey demands.
for project estimation
o Categorizing Costs Details may be seen
o Collect Data for Cost Analysis at Annexure-I
o Calculate the Costs
& Motivational Conduct market survey for project estimation 
Lecture o Set a clear goal.
o Know what target market to survey.
o Know what you want to investigate.
o Get help from the people who know surveys.
o Consider the best way to get your answers.
o Administer the survey effectively.
o Conduct a thorough survey analysis.
Week 24 Prepare quotation for Students are introduced to: Task 43
customer Task 44
Prepare quotation for customer
Negotiate /Deal with o Construct your quote clearly and logically
o Include all necessary information
customer and signed
o Try to send your quotes quickly Details may be seen
MOU o Include your contact information like company at Annexure-I
name and phone number and try to follow up
& Success stories quotes with another message after a couple
of days.
o If you miss out on a big deal, try to get
feedback about why you were not chosen.
Was it that your price was too high, or was
your quote lacking in some way?
o If your business can support it, try setting
generous payment terms as an incentive.
Negotiate / Deal with customer and signed
o Term/duration of the MOU.
o Cancellation provisions.
o MOU review process
o Dispute resolution, including (or excluding)
legal actions, negotiations, consultations, or
executive actions.
o Waivers and rights involved in the MOU to
make compensation claims related to the
execution of the MOU against one another.
o Intellectual Property provisions.
o Privacy provisions
o Methods for transferring funds (if applicable).
Week 25 Complete the Work Students are introduced to: Task 45
done on site
Complete the Work done on site
Develop o Collect all related work items
o Develop a process Details may be seen
o Get organized. at Annexure-I
o Set a time to review
o Just do it!
& Motivational Develop professionalism
Lecture o Be productive
o Develop a professional image
o Take the initiative
o Maintain effective work habits
o Manage your time efficiently
o Demonstrate integrity
o Provide excellence.
o Be a problem-solver
o Be resilient
o Communicate effectively
o Develop self-awareness
o Build relationships
Week 26 Develop work ethics Students are introduced to: Task 46

Follow teamwork Develop work ethics

environments o Practice punctuality. Develop the habit of
being on time or early for all appointments. Details may be seen
o Develop professionalism. Professionalism at Annexure-I
goes beyond a crisp white shirt and tie.
& Success stories
o Cultivate self-discipline.
o Use time wisely.
o Stay balanced.

Follow teamwork environments principles

o Effective Communication amongst team
o Reliable team members.
o Good approach to conflict management.
o Strong and effective leadership.
o Effective allocation of resources.
o Mutual respect amongst team members.
o Constructive working relationship.
o Positive approach to diversity and equality.
List of Major Laboratory Equipment
Sr. No Name of item as per curriculum Quantity physically
available at the
training location
1. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer 02
2. UV-Visible Spectrophotometer 02
3. Colorimeter 02
4. pH meter 02
5. Flame photometer 02
6. COD Apparatus 01
7. Conductivity Meter 02
8. Chlorine Meter 01
9. Turbidity Meter 01
10. Temp. & Humidity Meter 01
11. Distillation system 01
12. Analytical Balance 03
13. Magnetic Stirrer and hot plate 01
14. Total Organic Carbon Analyzer 01
15. Microwave Digester 01
16. Chemical Oxygen Demand Apparatus 01
17. BOD Measurement System 01
18. Hot air oven 01
19. Soxhlet Extraction System 01
20. Ultra Sonic Bath 01
21. Muffle Furnace 01
22. Centrifuge 01
23. Vortex Mixer 01
24. Dissolved Oxygen Meter 02
25. Rotatory Evaporator 01
26. GCMS 01
27. Nitrogen sample concentrator 01
28. Grinder 01
29. Filtration Assembly 01
30. Acid Fume Hood 07
31. Biological safety Cabinet 02
32. Membrane Filtration Assembly 04
33. Auto Claves 03
34. Incubators 04
35. Refrigerators 05
36. Autoclave 01
List of essentially Required Certified Reference Material (CRM) in NWQL

Sr. No Chemical Name

1. Arsenic Standard 1000 ppm 500 ml

2. Copper Arsenic Standard 1000 ppm 500 ml

3. Zinc Standard 1000 ppm 500 ml

4. Manganese Standard 1000 ppm 500 ml

5. Chromium Standard 1000 ppm 500 ml

6. Lead Standard 1000 ppm 500 ml

7. Nitrate Standard 1000 ppm 500 ml

8. Sulphate Standard 1000 ppm 500 ml

9. Fluoride Standard 1000 ppm 500 ml

10. Iron Standard 1000 ppm 500 ml

11. Calcium Standard 1000 ppm 500 ml

12. Hardness Standard 1000 ppm 500 ml

13. pH Standard 1000 ppm 500 ml

14. EC Standard 1000 ppm 500 ml

15. Sodium Standard 1000 ppm 500 ml

16. Potassium Standard 1000 ppm 500 ml

17. Turbidity Standard 1000 ppm 500 ml

18. Chloride Standard 1000 ppm 500 ml

19. Bicarbonate Standard 1000 ppm 500 ml

20. Alkalinity Standard 1000 ppm 500 ml

21. All related chemical and glassware required for course parameters
Minimum Qualification of Teachers / Instructor
The qualification of teachers / instructor of this course should be minimum of MSc.
Chemistry/Biochemistry/Environmental Sciences/Microbiology with minimum
5 years of experience in relevant trade.

Supportive Notes

Teaching Learning Material

Books Name Author

Eugene W. Rice
APHA (2017). Standard methods for examination of water and
Roger B. Baird
waste water, 23rd ed. American Public Health Association and
Andrew D.
Water Pollution Control Federation, New York, Washington, DC.
Eaton Lenore S.

Food Control Manual, Food and Agriculture Organization Rafai, FAO

(FAO), Rome Italy 1971.

National Standards for Drinking water quality 2010 (Pak-EPA) Pak -EPA

National Environmental Quality Standards for Municipal and Pak-EPA

Industrial Effluents 1999 (Pak-EPA)
Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality 4 th Edition, 2017 Geneva WHO

Week Task No. Description

Week-1 Task-1 Enlist the different water sources in Pakistan and identify major
sources of pollution for surface as well as groundwater sources
Week-2 Task-2 Explore the difference between:
 Atomic number and Atomic mass
 homogeneous mixture and a heterogeneous mixture
 physical change or a chemical change
 chemical compound and a ionic compound
Task-3 Calculate how many molecules of SO3 are needed to react with
144 molecules of Fe2O3 given this balanced chemical
Fe2O3(s) +3SO3 (g) →Fe2(SO4)3

Week-3 Task-4 Enlist the sterility steps required for microbiological sample
collection; also explain the methodology of grab and composite
Week-4 Task-5 Define Electrical Conductivity (EC); also explain the effect of
temperature on EC.
Task-6 Define TDS, analyze given sample for TDS and evaluate it as
per “National Standards for Drinking water Quality” (NSDWQ).
Task-7 Explain the working principle of pH meter and determined the
pH of given sample.
Task-8 Define NTU and explain the working principle of Turbidity meter
Week-5 Task-9 Enlist three different methodologies being used for the testing
of sodium in water.
Task-10 Explain the working principle of flame photometer for the
determination of potassium
Task-11 Differentiate between free and total chlorine and also explain
the working principle of chlorine in water for disinfection.
Week-6 Task-12 Explain the role of EDTA in determination of calcium by
titrimetric method.
Task-13 Calculate the magnesium from given values of calcium and
Week-7 Task-14 Define alkalinity, prepare 0.1 N Hydrochloric Acid(HCl) from
37% HCl stock
Task-15 Explain the pH ranges at which carbonate, bicarbonate or
hydroxide exist in drinking water.
Week-8 Task-16 Define Argentometric method of determination and explain the
major sources of chloride contamination in surface water
Task-17 Perform the testing of chloride in given sample by
Argentometric method
Week-9 Task-18 Define Spectroscopy, explain the working principle of UV-
Visible Spectrophotometer
Task-19 Explain the testing procedure of Nitrate on Spectrophotometer
Week-10 Task-20 Explain the working principle of colorimeter and analyze water
sample for Sulphates on colorimeter.
Task-21 Explain the effect of iron contamination on physical appearance
of drinking water
Week-11 Task-22 Perform the testing of Fluoride in given sample and also
explain the role of SPADNS solution in the determination of
Fluoride in drinking water
Task-23 Enlist three health effects of fluoride poisoning
Week-12 Task-24 Define method blank and lab control sample, enlist quality
control checks during the analysis
Week-13 Midterm
Week-14 Task-25 Define Microbiological water testing, explain indicator
Week-15 Task-26 perform the de-chlorination process during sample collection
for microbiological water sample
Task-27 Define reference strains and culture media
Week-16 Task-28 Perform sterilization of equipment and explain membrane
filtration (MF) method for the determination of Coliforms
Week-17 Task-29 Explain aerobic plate count (APC) method and perform gram
Week-18 Task-30 Define Beer Lambered Law and explain its importance in
Task-31 Explain working principle of Atomic Absorption
Spectrometer(AAS) for the determination of Arsenic
Task-32 Perform the testing of copper on AAS and also explain the role
of acetylene gas in the analysis of copper on flame mode of
Week-19 Project week
Week-20 Task-32 Explain the working principle of Dissolved Oxygen(DO)meter
Task-33 Perform the Chemical Oxygen Demand(COD) test for the given
Task-34 Enlist the ranges of BOD measurement by tintometric method
depending upon the level of contamination
Week-21 Task-34 Analyze job in local market
Task-35 Build your CV as per job demand
Week-22 Task-36 Analyze job demand in international country.
Task-37 Apply for job in abroad.
Task-38 Analyze customer demand
Week-23 Task-39 Perform cost analysis as per customer demand.
Task-40 Conduct market survey for project estimation
Week-24 Task-41 Prepare quotation for customer
Task-42 Negotiate / Deal with customer and signed MOU
Week-25 Task-43 Complete the Work done on site
Week-26 Task-44 Develop work ethics

Water Quality Testing Technician

What is freelancing and how you can make money online - BBCURDU


What Is the Role of Good Manners in the Workplace? By Qasim Ali Shah | In


Hisham Sarwar Motivational Story | Pakistani Freelancer


21 Yr Old Pakistani Fiverr Millionaire | 25-35 Lakhs a Month Income | Interview


Success Story of a 23 Year - Old SEO Expert | How This Business Works |
Urdu Hindi Punjabi


Failure to Millionaire - How to Make Money Online | Fiverr Superhero Aaliyaan

Success Story

Mentors are provided an observation checklist form to evaluate and share their
observational feedback on how students within each team engage and collaborate in
a learning environment. The checklist is provided at two different points: Once
towards the end of the course. The checklists are an opportunity for mentors to
share their unique perspective on group dynamics based on various team activities,
gameplay sessions, pitch preparation, and other sessions, giving insights on the
nature of communication and teamwork taking place and how both learning
outcomes and the student experience can be improved in the future.

Session- 1 (Communication):
Please find below an overview of the activities taking place Session plan that will
support your delivery and an overview of this session’s activity.

Session- 1 OVERVIEW

Aims and Objectives:

 To introduce the communication skills and how it will work

 Get to know mentor and team - build rapport and develop a strong sense of a
 Provide an introduction to communication skills
 Team to collaborate on an activity sheet developing their communication,
teamwork, and problem-solving
 Gain an understanding of participants’ own communication skills rating at the
start of the program

Activity: Participant Time Teacher Time Mentor Time

Intro Attend and
contribute to the
Understand good
skills and how it
Understand what
skills mean
Understand what
skills are important
for good
Key learning outcomes: Resources: Enterprise skills
 Understand the  Podium  Communication
communication skills and  Projector  Self Confidence
how it works.  Computer  Teamwork
 Understand what  Flip Chart
communication skills  Marker
 Understand what skills
are important for
communication skills

Schedule Mentor Should do

Welcome: Short welcome and ask the Mentor to introduce him/herself.

5 min Provide a brief welcome to the qualification for the class.
Note for Instructor: Throughout this session, please monitor the
session to ensure nothing inappropriate is being happened.

Icebreaker: Start your session by delivering an icebreaker, this will enable you
10 min and your team to start to build rapport and create a team
presentation for the tasks ahead.
The icebreaker below should work well at introductions and
encouraging communication, but feel free to use others if you
think they are more appropriate. It is important to encourage
young people to get to know each other and build strong team
links during the first hour; this will help to increase their motivation
and communication throughout the sessions.

Introduction Provide a brief introduction of the qualification to the class and

& play the “Onboarding Video or Presentation”. In your introduction
Onboarding: cover the following:
1. Explanation of the program and structure. (Kamyab jawan

2. How you will use your communication skills in your professional


3. Key contacts and key information – e.g. role of teacher, mentor,

and SEED. Policies and procedures (user agreements and
“contact us” section). Everyone to go to the Group Rules tab at
the top of their screen, read out the rules, and ask everyone to
verbally agree. Ensure that the consequences are clear for using
the platform outside of hours. (9am-8pm)

4. What is up next for the next 2 weeks ahead so young people

know what to expect (see pages 5-7 for an overview of the
challenge). Allow young people to ask any questions about the
session topic.

Team Activity MENTOR: Explain to the whole team that you will now be
Planning: planning how to collaborate for the first and second collaborative
30 minutes Team Activities that will take place outside of the session. There
will not be another session until the next session so this step is
required because communicating and making decisions outside of
a session requires a different strategy that must be agreed upon
so that everyone knows what they are doing for this activity and



As a team, collaborate on a creative brainstorm on social

problems in your community. Vote on the areas you feel most
passionate about as a team, then write down what change you
would like to see happen.
Make sure the teams have the opportunity to talk about how they
want to work as a team through the activities e.g. when they want
to complete the activities, how to communicate, the role of the
project manager, etc. Make sure you allocate each young person
a specific week that they are the project manager for the weekly
activities and make a note of this.
Type up notes for their strategy if this is helpful - it can be included
underneath the Team Contract.

Session MENTOR: Close the session with the opportunity for anyone to
Close: ask any remaining questions.
5 minutes Instructor:
Facilitate the wrap-up of the session. A quick reminder of what is
coming up next and when the next session will be.
Motivational Lectures and Success Stories (Course Outlines)

Sr # Topic title Contents Theme

1 Success 1. Story of Skill worker 1. Family Background

stories who get good job. 2. How to get Training
2. Entrepreneur /self- 3. How to get job
business 4. Success trait
3. Freelancer 5. Few word of advice for
2 Motivational 1. Soft skills Good Habits
Lectures 2. work Ethics  Punctuality
3. Personality Grooming  Honesty
 Positive attitude
Interpersonal skills

 Determinant
 Consistent
 Welling worker
 Team work
 Initiative
 Hardworking
 Creative
 Enthusiastic
 Goal oriented
 Self-motivated
 Communication
 Loyalty


How to Face Qasim Ali Shah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrQte08Ml90
Problems In

Just Control Qasim Ali Shah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzFs__yJt-w


How to Qasim Ali Shah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhHAQEGehKc


Your Tony Robbins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fS3rj6eIFg

ATTITUDE is Les Brown
Everything David Goggins
Jocko Willink
Wayne Dyer
Eckart Tolle

Control Your Jim Rohn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chn86sH0O5U

Les Brown

TD Jakes

Tony Robbins

Defeat Fear, Shaykh Atif https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s10dzfbozd4

Build Ahmed

Wisdom of Learn Kurooji https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEU7V5rJTtw

the Eagle

The Power of Titan Man https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8LJ5X2ejqU


STOP Arnold https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzSBrJmXqdg

WASTING Schwarzenegger

Risk of Denzel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbnzAVRZ9Xc

Success Washington

S. No Key Information Detail/Description

1. Self & Family Danyal Saleem, who lives in Mirpur (AJK), is an

background example of how hard work and perseverance
can reap rich rewards when bidding for projects
The graphic designer works exclusively on an
online freelancing platform and has earned, on
average, US$20,000 per month for the past
several months. But this isn’t a story of
overnight success – Danyal has had to work
hard to differentiate himself and stay true to his

It was a full year later, in May 2017, when

Danyal finally decided to jump in. He signed up
for one of the numerous sites that connect
designers or coders with people or companies
that have small projects, like designing a logo or
building a website.
He had already started a small business to help
pay for his college education, so he was
nervous and apprehensive about the decision. “I
gave myself two or three months at most. If I
didn’t succeed, then I would go back to running
the business as it was showing potential,” he
If at first, you don’t succeed, try try again

2. How he came on board Certification in graphic designing from STEPS

NAVTTC Training / or (NAVTTC partner institute)
got trained through
any other source

3. Post-training activities Danyal’s area of expertise is in graphic

design. In his first month using Fiverr, he
pitched mostly for projects centered around logo
designing. But it wasn’t so simple. In the first
few weeks, he didn’t hear back from even a
single client, despite pitching for dozens of

“I needed to understand what worked, so I read

blogs, participated in forums, and analyzed
profiles of successful freelancers. It was an
uphill struggle, but I didn’t want to give up,” he

Danyal says he understands why clients would

be apprehensive giving projects to untested
freelancers. They have hundreds of options to
choose from, he explains, and to give a project
to someone with no experience requires a
strong leap of faith.

A slow stream of projects started to come

Danyal’s way. Within a few months, he was
landing an average of a hundred projects every
month, with a large number of repeat clients. He
also expanded the range of his professional
services, branching out from logo design to
business cards, banners, Facebook cover
pages, letterheads, and stationery.

But he’s had to face his fair share of challenges

too. The shoddy state of internet infrastructure
in his city, Mirpur, threatened to derail his
freelancing career. “Sometimes I haven’t had
connectivity for two days straight,” he explains.
“That’s unthinkable for someone who makes his
livelihood on the internet.”

Success Traits Success Traits (characteristics)

Good Habits
4  Punctuality
 Honesty
 Positive attitude
Interpersonal skills

 Determinant
 Consistent
 Welling worker
 Team work
 Initiative
 Hardworking
 Creative
 Enthusiastic
 Goal oriented
 Self-motivated
 Communication
4. Message to others Take the training opportunity seriously
Impose self-discipline and ensure regularity
(under training) Make Hard work pays in the end so be always
ready for the same.
Note: Success story is a source of motivation for the trainees and can be
presented in several ways/forms in a NAVTTC skill development course as
under: -

1. To call a passed out successful trainee of the institute. He will narrate his
success story to the trainees in his own words and meet trainees as well.
2. To see and listen to a recorded video/clip (5 to 7 minutes) showing a
successful trainee Audio-video recording that has to cover the above-
mentioned points.*
3. The teacher displays the picture of a successful trainee (name, trade,
institute, organization, job, earning, etc.) and narrates his/her story in the
teacher’s own motivational words.

* The online success stories of renowned professional can also be obtained

from Annex-II
Workplace/Institute Ethics Guide

Work ethic is a standard of conduct and values for job performance. The modern
definition of what constitutes good work ethics often varies. Different businesses
have different expectations. Work ethic is a belief that hard work and diligence have
a moral benefit and an inherent ability, virtue, or value to strengthen character and
individual abilities. It is a set of values-centered on the importance of work and
manifested by determination or desire to work hard.

The following ten work ethics are defined as essential for student success:

1. Attendance:
Be at work every day possible, plan your absences don’t abuse leave time. Be
punctual every day.
2. Character:
Honesty is the single most important factor having a direct bearing on the final
success of an individual, corporation, or product. Complete assigned tasks
correctly and promptly. Look to improve your skills.
3. Team Work:
The ability to get along with others including those you don’t necessarily like.
The ability to carry your weight and help others who are struggling. Recognize
when to speak up with an idea and when to compromise by blend ideas
4. Appearance:
Dress for success set your best foot forward, personal hygiene, good manner,
remember that the first impression of who you are can last a lifetime
5. Attitude:
Listen to suggestions and be positive, accept responsibility. If you make a
mistake, admit it. Values workplace safety rules and precautions for personal
and co-worker safety. Avoids unnecessary risks. Willing to learn new
processes, systems, and procedures in light of changing responsibilities.
6. Productivity:
Do the work correctly, quality and timelines are prized. Get along with fellows,
cooperation is the key to productivity. Help out whenever asked, do extra
without being asked. Take pride in your work, do things the best you know-
how. Eagerly focuses energy on accomplishing tasks, also referred to as
demonstrating ownership. Takes pride in work.
7. Organizational Skills:
Make an effort to improve, learn ways to better yourself. Time management;
utilize time and resources to get the most out of both. Take an appropriate
approach to social interactions at work. Maintains focus on work
8. Communication:
Written communication, being able to correctly write reports and memos.
Verbal communications, being able to communicate one on one or to a group.
9. Cooperation:
Follow institute rules and regulations, learn and follow expectations. Get along
with fellows, cooperation is the key to productivity. Able to welcome and adapt
to changing work situations and the application of new or different skills.
10. Respect:
Work hard, work to the best of your ability. Carry out orders, do what’s asked
the first time. Show respect, accept, and acknowledge an individual’s talents
and knowledge. Respects diversity in the workplace, including showing due
respect for different perspectives, opinions, and suggestions.

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