Chapter 102 NCDs
Chapter 102 NCDs
Chapter 102 NCDs
Chapter two: Non –communicable diseases
Non –communicable diseases
"Chronic diseases & conditions defined as " an impairment of bodily structure and\or
function that necessitates a modification of the patient's normal life and has persisted
over an extended period of time "
Also defined as compromising all impairment or deviations from normal which have
one or more of the following characteristics :
1-are permanent 2- leave residual disability
3-are caused by non-reversible pathological alteration
4-require special training of the pt for rehabilitation
5- may be expected to require a long period of supervision , observation or care.
Non communicable diseases "NCD" include : cardiovascular , renal disease ,
DM , obesity , cancer and blindness.
Prevention :
Can be primary by preventing risk factors or tertiary prevention .
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Chapter two: Non –communicable diseases
Coronary heart disease
Impairment of heart function due to inadequate blood flow to the heart compare
to its need caused by obstructive coronary circulation to the heart.
Manifestation of chronic heart disease : angina , myocardial infarction ,
irregularities of the heart , cardiac failure and sudden death .
Measuring the burden of disease
1- Proportional mortality ratio 2- loss of life expectancy
3-CHD Incidence rate 4-prevalance rate
5-age specific rate 6-case fatality rate
7-medical care 8-measurement of risk factor level
Risk factors :
1- Smoking 2- hypertension 3- serum cholesterol
2- Other risk factors : diabetes , genatic , physical activity , hormones , type A
personality , alcohol , oral contraceptive and miscellaneous .
Prevention :
a- population strategy :
1-prevention in whole population
control of underlying or risk factors in whole population.
Diatery change : reduction of fat intake to 20-30 % of total energy intake
Consumption of saturated fat to limit less than 10 % of total energy intake
Reduction of cholesterol
Increase in complex carbohydrates
Avoidance of alcohol consumption and reduce salt intake
Cessation of smoking and reduction of blood pressure
2-primordial prevention.
The novel approach to primary prevention of CHD, It involves preventing
the emergence and spread of CHD risk factors and life style that have not
yet appeared.
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Chapter two: Non –communicable diseases
Classification of blood pressure measurements:
1-normal <130 <85
2- high normal 130 – 139 85-90
3- mild hypertension 140-159 90-99
4- moderate 160-179 100-109
5- severe >180 >110
Classification; primary ' essential " or secondary .
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Chapter two: Non –communicable diseases
Diabetes mellitus
Heterogeneous group of diseases characterized by a state of chronic hyperglycemia
resulting from diversity oFetiologies ,environmental and genetic acting jointly.
Classification :
1- DM
a- (IDDM ,Type 1
b- (NIDDM,Type 2)
c- Malnutrition related DM
d- Secondary to disease or drug.
2- Impaired glucose tolerance
3- Gestational DM.
Problem statement :
Diabetes is an iceberg disease.
Now type 2 DM seen in all age group .
There is increase of prevelance of DM due to : population growth,
urbanization & age structure.
Natural history :
Epidemiological determinants :
1- Agent : pancreatic defect , destruction of beta cell , defect in insulin synthesis ,
decrease insulin sensitivity & auto immune
2- Host factors : age , sex , genatic factors , genatic markers , immune
mechanism , obesity & maternal diabetes
3- Environmental factors : sedentary life style , diet , malnutrition , alcohol , viral
infection , chemical agents , stress
Screening of DM :
1- Urine examination 2-blood sugar examination.
Target population :
1- age of 40 or above 2-family history 3- obese 4-woman who had baby
weighting 4.5 kg or more. 5-woman who had excess weight gain during
6- Pt with premature atheroscelarosis.
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Chapter two: Non –communicable diseases
Prevention &care :
1-Primary prevention :
a- Population strategy : prevent the risk factors
b- High risk strategy
2-secondary prevention :
When diabetes is detected should treated. The aim of treatment : i- to maintain
blood glucose within normal ii-to maintain ideal body weight
Treatment : i- diet only ii- diet and insulin.
Follow up : i- glycosylated hemoglobin ii- self care iii-home blood glucose
Abnormal growth of adipose tissue due to enlargement of fat cell size "hypertrophic
obesity" or increase in fat cell number "hyperplastic obesity".
Is expressed in BMI.
Android obesity : abdominal fat distribution. Has more cells per unit ,higher blood
flow , more cortisol receptor, more androgen receptors, lead to development of
insulin resistant and metabolic syndrome.
Gynoid obesity: peripheral fat distribution.
Epidemiological determinant :
- Socio economic status - The aetiology of obesity is
- Eating habits complex ,and one of multiple
- Psycholosocial factors causation :
- Family tendancy - Age : occur at any age
- Endocrine factors - Sex : obesity more in women
- Education but overweight is common in
- Smoking men.
- Ethinicity - Genatic factors
- Dru - Physically inactivity
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Chapter two: Non –communicable diseases
Classification BMI RISK of comorbidity
Underweight <18.5 low
Normal range 18.50 – 24.99 average
Overweight >= 25.00
Pre-obese 25- 29.99 increased
Obese class 1 30.00-34.99 moderate
Obese class 11 35.00-39.99 severe
Obese class 111 >= 40.00 Very severe
BMI values are age independent and same for both sex.
Asessment of obesity ;
1- Body weight :
Widely used but not an accurate .
( )
a- Body mass index (Quetelet's index)= ( )
( )
b- Ponderal index = ( )
c- Borca index = height (cm)-100
( )
d- Lorentz's formula = Ht (cm) -100 - ( ) ( )
e- Corpulence index =
2- Skin fold thickness: rapid and non-invasive, may taken from: mid triceps ,
biceps , sub scapular and supra iliac joint.
3- Waist circumference and waist : hip ratio
Hazards of obesity :
A)increased morbidity : hypertension , diabetes , gall bladder , heart disease.
B)increased mortality
Prevention &control :
Weight control is maintaining weight within healthy range of BMI (18.5-24.9 )
Prevention of obesity achieved by :
1-diatery change 2- increase physical activity 3-other " appetite
suppressing agent.
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Chapter two: Non –communicable diseases
Visual acuity of less than 3\60 (snellen) or its equivalent. "Inability to count fingers in
day light at a distance of 3 meters.
Causes of blindness:
In developed countries: Accidents , glaucoma , diabetes , vascular diseases , cataract
and degeneration of ocular tissue.
In developing country : cataract , vitamin A deficiency ,corneal ulcer , glaucoma and
macular degeneration .
In childhood :xerophthalmia , congenital cataract & glaucoma , optic atrophy and
refractory error .
Epidemiological determinants :
1-age 2-sex "more in female"
3-malnutrioun 4-occupation 5-social class and social factors.
Prevention of blindness :
The component of prevention of blindness in national programme :
1- Initial assessment : assess magnitude , geographic distribution & causes of
2- Methods of intervention :
a-primary eye care :promotion of personal hygiene, sanitation , good dietary
b-secondary care : definitive management of common blinding conditions.
c-tertiary care:
d-specific programe: trachoma control , vitamin A prophylaxis.
3- Long term management :
4- Improving the quality of life.
5- Evaluation
Vision 2020 : the right to sight
The objective is to assist member countries in developing sustainable systems
which enale them to eliminate avoidable blindness.
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Chapter two: Non –communicable diseases
Group of disease characterized by abnormal growth of cells , ability to invade
tissues and can lead to death .
Major categories :carcenomas , sarcomas , lymphomas.
It is a second common cause of death.
Uterine and oropharynx cancer are predominantly environmental related.
Causes of cancer :
Environmental factors : tobacco , alcohol , diatery factors , occupational , viruses ,
parasites , customs and life style.
Genetic factors.
Cancer control:
1- Primary prevention : control of tobacco and alcohol , personal hygiene , reduce
exposure to radiation , immunization , control air pollution , treatment of
precancerous conditions , legislations & cancer education.
Early warning sign :
Lump or hard area in breast
Change in wart , persistent change in bowel habits , persistant cough ,
excessive loss of blood & loss of weight
2- Secondary prevention :
a- Cancer registration
b- Early detection of cases
c- Treatment
Cancer screening :
Defined as " search for unrecognized malignancy by means of rapidly
applied test "
Methods of screening :
1-Mass screening by comprehensive cancer detection examination
2-mass screening at single sites
3-selective screening.
Screening for cancer cervix : by Pap smear.
Screening for breast cancer: breast self examination , palpation by
physician , thermography & mammography.
Oral cancer :
Risk factors :Tobacco , alcohol , precancerous condition.
Cancer of cervix :
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Chapter two: Non –communicable diseases
Normal epithelium dysplasia cancer in situ
invasive cancer
Caused by HPV.
Risk factors :Age (25-45 ) , genital warts , marital status , oral
contraceptive pills , socioeconomic class.
Breast cancer :
Risk factors :Age >35 years , family history , parity , early menarche and late
menopause , hormonal factors , prior breast biopsy , diet , socioeconomic status
Prevention of Lung cancer:
1- Primary prevention :
i. Public information and education.
ii. Legislative and restrictive measures
iii. Smoking cessation activities
iv. National and international coordination.
2- Secondary prevention.
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