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Soil Fertility and Fertilizers-Fifth Edition of Book Now Available

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Soil Fertility and Fertilizers-

Fifth Edition of Book Now Available

L O N G R E G A R D E D as the outstand- Dr. Havlin covers information added to
ing book in its field, Soil Fertility and Fer- this edition in a style which furthers its
tilizers is now available in a Fifth Edition. effectiveness as a teaching tool. Dr.
Authors are Dr. Samuel L . Tisdale, Dr. Havlin, Associate Professor, Soil Fertility,
Werner L . Nelson, Dr. James D. Beaton at Kansas State University, is a former
and Dr. John L . Havlin. winner of the J. Fielding Reed PPI Fellow-
Dr. Tisdale and Dr. Nelson, both now ship award in 1981.
deceased, were authors of the first edition Soil Fertility and Fertilizers, Fifth
of the text published in 1956. Dr. Beaton Edition (ISBN 0-02-420835-3) is available
and new co-author, Dr. Havlin, have dedi- from Macmillan Publishing Company, 445
cated the Fifth Edition to the memory of Hutchinson Avenue, Columbus, OH
Dr. Tisdale and Dr. Nelson. 43235-5677. Phone (800) 257-5755. Cost
of the book is $69.00 plus shipping. •
The text provides a thorough introduc-
tion to the biological, chemical and physi-
cal properties affecting soil fertility and
plant nutrition. The new edition covers all
aspects of nutrient management for prof-
itable crop production, with an emphasis
on minimizing the environmental impact.
It also examines related aspects of soil
and crop management for sustained agri-
cultural productivity. The authors have
included numerous sample calculations,
charts, graphs, photographs, chapter sum-
maries, and worked examples.
Refinements to this edition include a
streamlined presentation to make the text
more accessible for students. Expanded
material relates importance of soil fertil-
ity and nutrient management in sustaining
long-term agricultural productivity.

Fertilizer Management for Today's Tillage Systems

I N C R E A S I N G emphasis on conservation growers, consultants, fertilizer dealers,
tillage and surface residue for erosion Soil Conservation Service personnel,
control and moisture conservation are Extension workers, industry representa-
placing additional importance on proper tives, and others.
fertilizer management for these systems. To order, contact: Circulation Depart-
A publication from agronomists of the ment, PPI, 655 Engineering Drive, Suite
Potash & Phosphate Institute (PPI) high- 110, Norcross, GA 30092-2821. Phone
lights practices that can improve nutrient (404) 447-0335; FAX (404) 448-0439.
use efficiency and increase yields. The price is $2.00 per copy ($1.00 for
The 40-page, 4-color publication is PPI member companies, FAR contribu-
titled Fertilizer Management for Today's tors, universities, government, and educa-
Tillage Systems. It should be of interest to tional organizations). •

30 Better Crops/Summer 1993

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