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Climate Change (English

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Here’s what we are going to talk about:

1 . Introduction

2. Cause And Impact Of Climate Change

3. India’s Action Plan On Climate Change

4. Conclusion
What Is Climate Change
Change in long term weather patterns is termed
as climate change.

The climate change has resulted in global

warming as earth has warmed unprecedently over
the last few decades.

Climate Change is a serious environmental

Causes Of Climate
Peoples Concern on Climate Chnage

Not At All Concerned Fairly Concerned

Not V ery Concerned V ery Concerned

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Generating Power Manufacturing Goods
Generating electricity and heat by Manufacturing and industry
burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, produce emissions, mostly from
and natural gas causes a large burning fossil fuels to produce
chunk of global emissions. Most of energy for making things like
the electricity is still produced from cement, iron, steel, electronics,
fossil fuels; only about a quarter plastics, and other goods. Mining
comes from wind, solar, and other and other industrial processes
renewable sources also release gases.
Deforestation Using Transportation
Cutting down forests to create Most cars, trucks, ships, and
farms or pastures, or for other planes run on fossil fuels. That
reasons, causes emissions because makes transportation a major
when trees are cut, they release the contributor of greenhouse
carbon they have been storing. gases, especially carbon-dioxide
Since forests absorb carbon emissions. Road vehicles
dioxide, destroying them also limits account for the largest part, but
nature's ability to keep emissions emissions from ships and planes
out of the atmosphere. continue to grow.
Producing F ood Powering Buildings
Producing food requires energy to Globally, residential and
run farm equipment or fishing boats, commercial buildings consume
usually with fossil fuels. Growing crops over half of all electricity. As they
can also cause emissions, like when continue to draw on coal, oil,
using fertilisers. Cattle produce and natural gas for heating and
methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. cooling, they emit significant
And emissions also come from quantities of greenhouse gas
packaging and distributing food. emissions.
Impacts Of Climate
Hotter Temprature Poverty Issues
Nearly all land areas are seeing Climate change increases the
more hot days and heat waves. factors that put and keep people in
2 0 2 0 was one of the hottest years poverty. Floods may sweep away
on record higher tempratures urban slums, destroying homes and
increases heat related illnesses livelihoods. Heat can make it
and can make it more difficult to difficult to work in outdoor jobs.
work and move around. Wildfires Weather- related disasters displace
start more easily and spread more 2 .3 crore people a year, leaving
rapidly when conditions are hotter many more vulnerable to poverty
More Storms Loss Of Species
Changes in temperature cause Climate change poses risks
changes in rainfall. This results to the survival of species on
in more severe and frequent land and in the ocean. These
storms they cause flooding and risks increase as climb.
landslides, destroying homes Forest fires, extreme weather,
and communities, and costing and invasive pests and
billions of dollars diseases are among many
threats. Some species will be
able to relocate and survive ,
but others will not
Rising Ocean
Water is becoming scarer in The ocean soaks up most of the
more regions .Droughts can heat from global warming. This
stir destructive sand and dust melts ice sheets and raises sea
storms that can move billions levels threatening coastal island
of tons of sand across communities. The ocean also
continents. Deserts are absorbs carbon di oxide, keeping it
expanding reducing land for from the atmosphere. More carbon
growing food. Many people dioxide makes the ocean more
now face the threat of not acidic, which endangers marine life
having enough water on a
regular basis
Not E nough
More Health Risks
F ood
Changes in climate and Changing weather patterns are
increases in extreme weather spreading diseases such as
events are among the reasons malaria. Extreme weather events
behind a global rise in hunger increase diseases and deaths,
and poor nutrition. Fisheries, and make it difficult for health
crops, and livestock may be care systems to keep up. Other
destroyed or become less risks to health include increased
productive. Heat stress can hunger and poor nutrition in
diminish water and grasslands places where people cannot
for grazing. grow or find sufficient food.
Ocean is 2 6 % more
It can even lead to rise in
acidic than before the
refugee crisis
industrial revolution

Nearly 7 0 % of the
great barrier reef is
How Bad
Climate Change
Can Be
Sea levels are rising to
their higest speeds in
2 0 0 0 years
“At Present, We Are Stealing
The Future, Selling It In The
Present And Calling It Gross
Domestic Market .”

—Paul Hawken
As India is also one of those countries which got
affected by climate change so here’s

India Action Plan On

Climate Change
The main target of all these missions is to promote
sustainable development
Deaths Per Y ear Are Linked With Climate
National Solar Mission

1 . The mission was launched in January 2 0 1 0 by the Government of India

2 . It had a set a target of 2 0 ,0 0 0 MW of grid-connected solar power by 2 0 2 2 . It

was revised in June 2 0 1 5 to 1 ,0 0 ,0 0 0 MW by 2 0 2 2 . The total cost for up-
gradation to 1 0 0 GW solar power capacity would be $ 9 4 Billion.

3 . It provides Energy security ,Mitigates the adverse impacts due to Climate

change ,Reduces pollution and health benefits also reduce dependence on
fossil fuels that put a strain on foreign reserves and ecology with this mission
the solar manufacturing sector will get a boost

4 . India is a tropical country where sunshine is available for longer hours per day
in aggregate incident radiation of about 5 0 0 0 trillion kWh/yr. This is too
higher than the current total energy consumption. Hence solar energy has the
potential to be a great source of future energy.
National Mission F or
Sustainable Habitat
1 . The National Mission for Sustainable Habitat was launched in 2 0 1 0 . This program
predominantly concentrates on how cities can cope with the new challenges that
urban dwellers will have to face due to climate change. National Mission for
Sustainable Habitat’s main goal is to make sure that cities are resilient to face the
aftermath effects of climate change. This topic would be of importance in the IAS
Exam for both Prelims and Mains.

2. The objective of this mission was to Design the buildings in such a way that energy
demand is optimized and make sure that there are improvements in energy efficiency,
Facilitate the growth of small and medium cities, management of solid and liquid
waste, special focus on the development of technology for generating power from
waste, improve advanced warning systems to tackle extreme weather, improve the
ability of habitats to adapt to climate change by improving the resilience of
infrastructure, community-based disaster management and to do some changes in
the legal and regulatory framework
National Water Mission

1 . National Water Mission was launched in 2 0 1 1 . With the per capita availability of
water-reducing every year, reducing groundwater tables, prolonged droughts,
floods due to excess rains water conservation and storage is a cause of very
significant concerns for every nation

2. The main purpose of this mission is to conserve water, Minimize its wastage, and to
Manage water resources in such a way that there is an equal distribution of water
across the nation.

3. Therefore, this mission took the objective to increase water use efficiency by 2 0 %
through regulations, differential entitlements and pricing . Water needs of urban
areas is to be met through recycling of wastewater. Water requirements of coastal
cities are to be met through the adoption of low-temperature desalination
technologies .Consult with states to ensure that basin-level management strategies
are made to deal with variability in rainfall and river flows due to climate change.
National Mission F or Green India

1 . Green India Mission was launched in 2 0 1 4 . The primary aim is to protect, restore and
enhance India’s diminishing forest cover

2. This mission took the objective to increase the growth in forest to 5 million hectares and
increase the quality of forest cover in another 5 million hectares non-forest lands. To
increase the quality of degrading moderately dense forests to 1 .5 million hectares ,
ecologically restore open forests which are being degraded to 3 million hectares ,
grasslands revival to 0 .4 million hectares , wetlands revival to 0 .1 0 million hectares

3. ecological restoration of shifting cultivation areas, mangroves, scrub, ravines, cold deserts,
& abandoned mining areas to 1 .8 million hectares with different sub-targets, increase in
forest cover in urban areas and its outskirts to 0 .2 0 million hectares and increase in forest
and tree cover on marginal agricultural lands/fallows and other non-forest lands which
comes under agroforestry to 3 million hectares.
What We Should Do To Help E nd
This Issue
Get Charged Up With
Use Energy Wisely

Eat For A climate Stable

Consume Less, Waste Less

Spread Awareness Divest From Fossil Fuels

The world must come together to confront
climate change. There is little scientific
dispute that if we do nothing, we will face
more drought, famine and mass
displacement that will fuel more conflict
for decades
Human-induced climate change has contributed to changing patterns of
extreme weather across the globe, from longer and hotter heat waves to
heavier rains. Extreme weather is on the rise, and the indications are that it
will continue to increase, in both predictable and unpredictable ways. From
a broad perspective, all weather events are now connected to climate
change. While natural variability continues to play a key role in extreme
weather, climate change has shifted the odds and changed the natural
limits, making certain types of extreme weather more frequent and more

Future is in our hand so make decision wisely you want to sit in the lap of
suffocating atmosphere or in the lap of breathtaking nature

o Wikipedia.org
o Statistica.com
o Y outube.com
o Mnre.gov.in
Thank Y ou

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