Defence Works Procedure: Box 8.1: Objectives of DWP 2007
Defence Works Procedure: Box 8.1: Objectives of DWP 2007
Defence Works Procedure: Box 8.1: Objectives of DWP 2007
Processing of Major Capital Works (f) If land is not available, the time likely
to be taken for obtaining the same and for
10. The main stages in planning, sanctioning
site development, environment clearance,
and execution of new major capital works are
given in Box 8.3.
(g) Extent of external services or utilities
11. Demand for new major capital works
of preparatory nature required.
should be submitted in the form of a Statement
of Case, to the Competent Financial Authority (h) Need for engaging an outside
consultancy agency, if any. Consultancy
Box 8.4 : Financial Powers for Acceptance of Need and Administrative Approval
Without Concurrence With Concurrence
of IFA (Rs in lakhs) of IFA (Rs in lakhs)
CFA Authorised Special Authorised Special
Works Works Works Works
GOI Full Full Full Full
COAS 120.00 20.00 1500.00 75.00
GOC-in-C 75.00 7.00 500.00 30.00
Corps Cdr 37.00 3.75 300.00 15.00
Area Cdr/GOC Div 22.00 0.75 200.00 8.00
Sub Area/Bde Cdr 15.00 0. 50 100.00 2.00
Stn Cdr 5.00 0.50 - -
QMG - - 50.00 2.00
Initiation - User
respective Command HQs. DGMS HQs (Med) to ensure that for all such
(Army)/Line Dte allots fresh priority to boards, only hospital administration
hospital projects forwarded by Command qualified officers must be detailed and if
HQs keeping in view Rough Indication of such officers are not available within the
Cost (RIC), availability of ceiling and OP jurisdiction of a particular command, Office
logistic priority. As a present policy, of DGMS (Army) to be approached to
separate MWP ceiling is earmarked detail the officer from other command. The
centrally by QMG for hospital projects out Board Proceedings should contain the
of the total funds allocated by MOD for following which and to submitted to the
defence works. convening authority after completion :-
(b) Recee cum Siting cum Costing (i) Necessity and brief scope of
Board. Once the tentative AMWP is work ie SOC.
submitted to MoD, siting cum costing (ii) Accommodation Statement
board is to be convened by the respective Part I. This document is prepared by
Competent Financial Authority. In case of user unit. In order to ascertain the
hospitals, the RIC ranges from Rs. 15 correctness, the accommodation
crores to Rs. 300 crores, depending on the statement part I must be forwarded
size of the hospital, hence, CFA is Govt of to Dte Gen Med Services (Army) for
India. A representative of DGMS (Army) is comments and necessary
co-opted for all such boards, in addition to rectification before it is submitted to
the representative of user unit. Command the board.
Defence Works Procedure 79
(iii) Accommodation Statement (c) Preparation of AEs. Approved copy
Part II. Subsequent to the completion of BPs is forwarded to Competent
of the Accommodation Statement Engineer Authority for preparation of AEs
Part I, Accommodation Statement which are then submitted to CFA through
Part II is prepared by user, Q staff and proper channel. Common problems
engineer authority and should be encountered during scrutiny of AEs at E-
forwarded to ‘Hospital Planning Cell’ in-C’s Branch are for example, rate
(E-in-C’s Branch) for review/ analysis not attached, many provisional
comments (if any), so that architects items incorporated, market rates not
have a clear picture about the bed supported by documents, heat load factor
distribution/ancillary departments calculation not done for AC, calculation and
while evolving the line plan layout of requirement of electric panels not
subsequently. It should have summary done properly, sewage treatment plant
of plinth area of hospital buildings, calculation not done, clearance from
OTM accommodation, married central ground water authorities not
accommodation, etc. It should be obtained, clearance of fire advisor not
forwarded for concurrence of DGMS taken and reasons for superior
(Army) to avoid any amendment at specifications not forwarded.
final stage.
(d) Cabinet Committee on Security
(iv) Rough Cost. (CCS) Projects. All projects costing more
(v) Engineers Appreciation. than Rs 200 crores need approval of CCS
(vi) Line Plan and Site Plan of the for accepting the liability of the expenditure.
Hospital Projects. Line Plans for all Key features of CCS Projects are as
hospitals of bed strength 200 beds under :-
and above is made by E-6/E-in-C’s (i) ‘Detailed Project Report
Branch. Approximate time for (DPR)’ contains a CCS paper which
making line drawings is two months gives details of total accommodation
after availability of all site data, exact required, number of phases to be
measurements, contour plans, constructed year wise with the cash
drawings of existing buildings, digital flow and details of special items.
survey of the area, etc. Frequent
change in line drawing based on the (ii) DPR is forwarded to QMG
perception of users is an important Branch of Army HQ through
factor that causes delay at this stage. respective Command HQs which
links BPs and AEs and forwards it to
(vii) Certificate for availability of MoD/IFA for concurrance.
defence land by DEO and assured
availability of water and electricity for (iii) QMG Branch processes the
the hospital. DPR with MoD/D (W orks) for
approval of CCS.
(viii) Detailed Planning of E/M
services. (iv) Once approved, the project is
included in AMWP.
(ix) Special items of work, if any, with
sufficient justification. These items/ Post Administrative Approval
works may be required due to local 40. After the Administrative Approval is
factors and are to be cleared by accorded and work is released, MES carries
Asociate Finance at MoD, if their cost out technical planning. This involves the
exceeds Rs. 75 lakhs. following :-
41. Time schedule prescribed as per DWP for (iii) Large projects take long time due
this activity is 25 weeks for tender planning and to splitting of tenders like AC, mani-
33 - 80 weeks for execution of work. However, fold, electrification, plumbing civil
this period for any hospital project may get works for technical portion and civil
works for OTM, etc.
extended due to the undermentioned reasons.
Do’s and Don’ts for CO/Comdt/Project Officer (iv) Long lead time in planning leads
are summarised in Box 8.9 :- to cost overrun, leading to delay and
reprocessing for revised Administra-
(a) Site clearance, tree cutting, EIA clear-
tive Approval.
ance, fire authority clearance takes long
time due to lack of specific instructions on (v) Any changes in scope of work
the subject and shifting of responsibility leads to reprocessing for revised Ad-
for the same by one agency to another. ministrative Approval.
Do’s Don’ts
Prepare AMWP for the relevant FY and sub- Split project/work/services to bring it
mit by 31st Oct of the previous FY. within the powers of a CFA at a lower level.
Take prior clearance from appropriate authori- Exceed the amount of Administrative
ties for various tasks. Approval by more than 10%.
Take due care while preparing Do frequent changes in drawings,
Accommodation Statement part I and II and Line specifications and scope of works.
Carry over minor works to next financial
Maintain continous liason and pursue with year.
engineer authorities to monitor progress.
Include special items of works unless
Take fresh Administrative Approval of CFA these are absolutely necessary.
if approved work is not commenced within one
year of the date of Administrative Approval.
While including special item of works in DPR,
must enclose a SOC fully justifying the requirement
of each special item of work.
Include consultancy charges (if consultancy
is required for the project) in the SOC of major
Adhere to time limits.
Meticulously follow provisions of DWP- 2007.
(c) These modified plinth area rates for obtained after a survey has been
normal repair and special repairs will be conducted on annual basis.
in supersession of the Ministry of Defence (f) The actual maintenance expenditure
letter No.87966/E 2 (PWC)/523/DO-II/D is restricted to allotment made by Govt.
(W-I) dated 20 Jul, 93. Scales prescribed
for items other than normal repairs to (g) The plinth area rates of civil and
internal electrical installation in buildings, electrical engineering maintenance for
in Govt letter No. 13 (39)/12/D/(Works-I) high rise buildings located in coastal areas
dated 10 Apr 1975 will continue to be in respect of single/married officers and
operative. Maintenance grant for perimeter JCOs quarters other than residence of
and external lighting shall be demanded as GOC is as under :-
on required basis. (i) Electrical Engineering. From
(d) The above norms do not include the Rs 11.60 per sqm to Rs. 13.20 per
replacement cost of bulbs and tubes, funds sqm.
for which should be demanded separately. (ii) Civil Engineering. From Rs
(e) No norms should be prescribed for 14.30 per sqm to Rs. 29.50 per sqm.
special repairs (electrical) and that 50. Unit Demand Register. A repair book
estimates shall be prepared for each set (IAFW-1805) is to be maintained in the
of building individually and sanction quartermaster’s office of each unit in which all
52. Storm Damage. In the case of extensive 55. These may be reduced/increased by prior
damages to structures/buildings of the unit by sanction of the CWE, but any extension thereof
storms, a Court of Inquiry is to be convened by may be sanctioned by GE. The GE will decide
the Station Cdr with the MES representative as the number of coats of paint etc. necessary in all
a member to assess the damages. Depending cases.
on the findings of the court and decision thereon, 56. Variations. Variations of the intervals laid
MES carries out necessary repairs. In case of down above may be made as follows:-
minor storm damages, immediate action is
taken to carry out the necessary repairs. (a) Hospitals wards may be
distempered half yearly if requisitioned by
53. Special Repairs. In initiating special the CO/Commandant hospital.
repairs, both the user and MES staff must ensure
the following :- (b) Rooms in hospitals in which
infectious diseases have occurred may
(a) Repairs are carried out only to those (after disinfections by the medical
buildings that after repairs will become authorities) be redistempered, repainted
habitable and would remain occupied
etc on the certificates of a medical officer
that the work is necessary.
(b) No proposals relating to surplus
(c) Internal painting of schools may be
buildings are initiated.
executed every three years.
(c) No money is spent on special repairs
(d) Lime wash in mortuary may be done
to structures that are beyond economical
earlier on the certificate of a medical officer
that the work is necessary.
(d) Additions/alterations constituting
(e) The external wood work and iron
major/minor works are not included.
work of new buildings, except those to be
(e) Superior specifications are allowed treated yearly should be repainted within
from engineering and not administrative two years of the completion and thereafter
considerations. at the normal intervals.
(f) All necessary repairs to the assets (f) Steel palisading, etc, in exposed
are included in the proposals. situations and steel shutters, etc, may be
(g) The cost of special repairs should not treated to prevent rusting when considered
exceed more than 50% of the assessed necessary by the CWE.
(g) The following may, at the discretion less than one year has passed since the
of GE, be carried out in officers quarters service in question was last carried out :-
at every change of occupancy provided not (i) Internal painting to the extent of