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Defence Works Procedure: Box 8.1: Objectives of DWP 2007

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Chapter 8


Introduction formal allocation of funds and technical

1. Defence Works Procedure outlines the sanction having first been obtained from
methods to be followed for planning and the Competent Authority in each case.
execution of defence works. It ensures (e) Under no circumstances the
standardisation/uniformity of procedures thereby expenditure should exceed the budget
ensuring timely completion of projects. The allotment made for any works or under any
present procedures in vogue are given by the sub head of maintenance during the
document known as Defence Works Procedure, Financial Year except if it is possible to
2007 (DWP 2007) issued vide GOI letter No. B/ meet excess expenditure on one item by
01247/Q/Policy (Works Procedure)/237/D equivalent savings on another by transfer
(Works – I) dated 21 June 2007. The objectives of funds within financial power.
of DWP are outlined in Box 8.1. (f) The final cost of any service should
Box 8.1 : Objectives of DWP 2007 not exceed the amount of Administrative
Approval by more than 10%. If it does,
 To ensure that all defence works and
sanction of the Competent Financial
services ie capital, revenue and maintenance,
Authority in the form of a Financial
are completed with minimum of delay.
Concurrence (FC), a Corrigendum or a
 To ensure completion of works in a cost Revised Administrative Approval is to be
effective manner compatible with the efficient taken.
functioning of the Defence Services.
(g) The CFA, according Administrative
Approval, should be kept informed of the
Basic Principles
progress of the works till their completion,
2. The basic principles governing DWP 2007 through regular periodical reports.
are as follows :-
(h) No project/work/services should be
(a) No new works should be split to bring it within the powers of a CFA
sanctioned without careful attention to at a lower level.
the assets or facilities already available
Classification of Works
and the time and cost required to complete
the new works. 3. Works in a hospital can be classified as
under :-
(b) Adequate provisions should be
ensured for works and services already in (a) Original Works. This includes minor
progress before new works and services work (upto Rs. 1.00 lakh), revenue work
are undertaken. (more than Rs. 1.00 to Rs. 2.00 lakhs), low
budget capital work (more than Rs. 2.00
(c) If an approved work is not
and less than Rs.15.00 lakhs) and major
commenced within one year of the date of
works (Rs15.00 lakhs and above). These
Administrative Approval, fresh
have been outlined in Box 8.2. Works/
Administrative Approval of the Competent
services like construction of buildings,
Financial Authority (CFA) should be taken.
workshops, storage depots, etc including
(d) No works/services should be their internal fittings and fixtures as well as
executed without Administrative Approval, roads, E/M services, water supply,

Defence Works Procedure 71

Box 8.2 : Classification of Original Works
Original Works

Minor Works Revenue Works Low Budgeted Work Major Works

(Upto Rs 1 lakh) (More than Rs 1 lakh (More than Rs 2 lakhs and (Rs 15 lakhs and
upto Rs 2 lakh) less than Rs 15 lakhs) above)

drainage, other utility services, ‘Special Works’. These are approved

arboriculture, ranges, furniture etc, as well only when exceptional local
as purchase and additions constitute conditions justify the necessity, or as
original works. Reconstruction of buildings an important experimental measure.
and roads, widening of roads, additions Special works, should not be
and alterations necessitated by approved if the effect would be to
administrative/technical reasons, works
introduce a new practice or change
necessary to bring into use buildings and
of scales.
services newly purchased/acquired or
those previously abandoned or rendered (c) Repairs. It comprises of all
unusable by extraordinary causes such as maintenance and periodical services,
storm, fire or earthquake also fall in the renewals and replacements as well as
category of original works. alterations and improvements necessitated
(b) New Original Works are further sub by technical or engineering reasons and is
divided as follows :- described in para 42.
(i) Authorised Works. Works/ Annual Works Programme and Budgeting
services for which scales are
4. Details of budgetary heads for
authorised in regulations or by
appropriation of funds are given in Appendix ‘A’
separate orders of a general or
to GOI letter No. B/01247/Q/Policy (Works
specific nature issued by the
Government of India are referred to Procedure)/237/D (Works – I) dated 21 June
broadly as ‘Authorised Works’. The 2007.
scales as applicable to AFMS are as 5. No new works should be sanctioned and/
under :- or commenced in any financial year unless :-
(aa) Scales of Accommodation (a) In case of major capital works, each
for Armed Forces Hospitals costing Rs.15.00 lakhs or more is included
(2003). in the Annual Major Works Programme
(ab) Scales of Accommodation (AMWP) for the relevant financial year of
for Defence Services (1983). the concerned service or organisation as
(ac) Scales of Furniture for Armed approved by Government of India.
Forces Hospitals(1990). (b) In case of low budgeted capital
(ii) Special Works. Items of works, it is included in the Annual Low
works/services not falling within sub Budgeted Capital Works Programme of
para (i) above are referred to as the concerned command or formation of

72 Defence Works Procedure

equivalent level and duly approved by the Box 8.3 : Steps in Processing of New
GOC-in-C or an equivalent. Capital Works
(c) In case of revenue works and minor  Demand for and Planning of New Works.
works, these are planned and approved at
 Acceptance of Necessity.
appropriate CFA’s level against bulk funds
placed at their disposal for this purpose  Preparation of Approximate Estimates (AEs).
by Command Headquarters in each  Administrative Approval.
financial year.  Appropriation of Funds.
6. Service HQs may direct Command HQs  Technical Sanction.
and other lower formations to plan new works
 Tender Action.
programmes for two years at a time, including
holding Board Proceedings and preparation of  Contract Action.
“Rough Costs”, after careful assessment of  Execution of Works.
liabilities of “Carry Over W orks” and of
“Anticipated Budgetary Ceilings” on new works for consideration and approval. The Statement
and physical capacity of the engineers. of Case should include the following :-
7. The Annual Works Programme for major (a) The need and scope of the works
capital works costing Rs.15.00 lakhs or more proposed.
for the relevant financial year should be prepared
(b) Whether besides construction works,
and submitted by 31st October and approved by
the Government before 31st December of the the proposed project includes
previous financial year. procurement/manufacture/installation/
storage of new/special equipments or
8. The Annual Low Budgeted Capital Works
armaments or setting up new operation
Programme should be prepared and approved
related facility including special repair and
at the GOC-in-C or equivalent level before 31st
maintenance of capital assets with which
March of the previous financial year after careful
the civil works have to be integrated.
assessment of the liability of ongoing works. All
such works as well as major revenue works (c) The type of construction whether
should be completed within twelve months of their authorised or special, permanent or
commencement. temporary that is required.
9. Minor works should not be carried over. (d) The target date by which the
Hence, these works should be planned and completion of the proposed works are
sanctioned well in time in consultation with the desired.
concerned Garrison Engineer for feasibility of
(e) The desired location and availability
execution so as to ensure their completion during
the same financial year. of land, if any.

Processing of Major Capital Works (f) If land is not available, the time likely
to be taken for obtaining the same and for
10. The main stages in planning, sanctioning
site development, environment clearance,
and execution of new major capital works are
given in Box 8.3.
(g) Extent of external services or utilities
11. Demand for new major capital works
of preparatory nature required.
should be submitted in the form of a Statement
of Case, to the Competent Financial Authority (h) Need for engaging an outside
consultancy agency, if any. Consultancy

Defence Works Procedure 73

charges for the same will not exceed 3% 15. Accommodation Statement part II.
of the total cost of the project. Subsequent to the completion of
(j) Rough Cost Estimate. As given in accommodation statement part I,
the format at Appendix ‘B’ to the DWP ‘Accommodation Statement part II’ is prepared
by user unit and MES authorities which gives
details of the work projected. ‘Line Plan’ of
(k) Engineer Appreciation. As given hospital, if having bed compliment less than 200
in the format at Appendix ‘C’ to the DWP is prepared by Zonal Engineers and having bed
2007. complement of 200 or more is prepared by E6
12. After examination and approval of the section (Hospital Planning Cell) of E-in-C’s
Statement of Case, the Competent Financial Branch as per existing policy.
Authority will convene a Recee-cum-Siting and 16. The approval of these Boards is required
Costing Board for examining the various features to be communicated to engineer authorities
of the new works proposal, need, if any, for within a period of 45 days of its submission after
compressing the normal time frame of carrying settling observations, if any.
out the works, issue of a “go-ahead” sanction for 17. Respective engineer authorities namely
preliminary works in case of works proposals CE Zones will, accordingly, submit the
costing more than Rs.1 crore and delegation of Approximate Estimates part I and II, within four
special powers to the Chief Engineer for weeks of receipt of approved Board
planning and execution of the works and make Proceedings from respective CFAs.
neccessary recommendations.
18. If it is proposed to engage any outside
13. The completed Board Proceedings consultancy agency for carrying out any part of
including Accommodation Statement Part I and the proposed works services at the planning and/
II and Line Plan will be required to be submitted or execution stages, either for technical reasons
within three months from the approval of Annual or for compressing the time-frame of the works
Works Programme in the following manner :- then the cost estimate for such consultancy
should be indicated by the engineers and
(a) Works to be Sanctioned by MoD
accepted by the CFA while according
and Service HQ. The Board Proceedings
Administrative Approval to the proposal and
should be checked at Command HQ and
should not exceed 5 % of the rough cost
approved at Service HQ level.
(b) Works to be Sanctioned at 19. Approximate Estimate Part I. The
Command HQ Level. The board to be engineer authorities will prepare the
submitted to Area HQ/Corps HQ/ Approximate Estimates in the prescribed
equivalent HQ of Navy and Air Force and Performa (Appendix ‘E’) as indicated in the
approved by GOC-in-C and equivalent approved Statement of Case and/or Board
ranks in other services. Proceedings/DPR. It includes office and
14. Accommodation Statement Part I for domestic accomodation, requirements for MES
Hospitals. It is prepared by user unit and constructional staff, consultancy charges,
consists of details of departments and wards external services if any and other technical
with bed distribution, manpower (Officers, JCOs, requirements.Consultancy charges not
OR and Civilians) and total single and married exceeding 3% may be included in the estimates.
accommodation, vehicles and ammunition Any additional expenditure on consultancy will
authorised to the unit. require the approval of concerned CFA. No

74 Defence Works Procedure

special items of works or superior specifications requiring Administrative Approval of a CFA of
will be included without specific approval of the the level of Service Headquarters/Government,
Competent Financial Authority. such proposals may be submitted to the CFA
20. Approximate Estimate Part II. It explains along with both Board Proceedings and
the basis of cost of items enumerated in Approximate Estimates for obtaining
Approximate Estimate Part I. Acceptance of Necessity and Administrative
Approval at the same time.
21. In case of new works projects, the cost of
which may require approval of the Government, 23. Administrative Approval. This will be
the Service HQs will convene and approve such accorded by the Competent Financial Authority
Board Proceedings. In case of works requiring (CFA) for the execution of the works after due
Cabinet approval, a Detailed Project Report examination of the Approximate Estimates as
(DPR) will be prepared and submitted to the given in Box 8.4 as per Appendix ‘D’ of DWP
Government for consideration and approval. 2007. It will state clearly whether the works being
approved are authorised or special. It will be
22. Acceptance of Necessity. Acceptance
ensured that Approximate Estimates are
of Necessity at lower level is based on rough
updated to conform to prevailing percentage of
cost. However, at the level of Ministry, it is based
market variation and difference in cost of stores.
on detailed ‘Approximate Estimate’. If, after
As far as possible these administrative
careful consideration of the new works proposal
approvals are to be accorded before the
as explained in the Statement of Case and the
commencement of the financial year in which the
Board Proceedings, it is decided to carry out
works are to commence.
the proposed works/services, then formal orders
are issued by the Competent Financial Authority, 24. Time for completion of the works will be
accepting the necessity of the proposed works clearly indicated in the Administrative Approval.
and ordering the preparation of Approximate Delay in commencement of the works beyond
Estimates. The CFA will also ascertain that 12 months would necessitate a Revised
funds will be made available at the appropriate Administrative Approval. Time frame for pre
time for carrying out the works before passing administrative approval is given in Box 8.5 as
such orders. In case of new works, proposals per Appendix ‘F’ of DWP 2007.

Box 8.4 : Financial Powers for Acceptance of Need and Administrative Approval
Without Concurrence With Concurrence
of IFA (Rs in lakhs) of IFA (Rs in lakhs)
CFA Authorised Special Authorised Special
Works Works Works Works
GOI Full Full Full Full
 COAS 120.00 20.00 1500.00 75.00
GOC-in-C 75.00 7.00 500.00 30.00
 Corps Cdr 37.00 3.75 300.00 15.00
Area Cdr/GOC Div 22.00 0.75 200.00 8.00
Sub Area/Bde Cdr 15.00 0. 50 100.00 2.00
Stn Cdr 5.00 0.50 - -
QMG - - 50.00 2.00

Defence Works Procedure 75

Box 8.5 : Time frame for Pre Administrative Approval ( in Weeks)
Initiation of Demand for new works with Statement of Case, RIC 6
and Engineer Appreciation
Approval of case by Command and convening of Board of Officers 3-5
Board Proceedings 9
Scrutiny of BPs and Acceptance of Necessity 3
Preparation of AEs 6
Scrutiny of AEs by E-in-C Branch 6
Processing of BPs and AEs by Service HQ 2
Scrutiny of AEs and Administrative Approval by Service HQ 9
Receipt of Administrative Approval 2
Total 46-48 Weeks

25. Administrative Approval will be considered (a) Sanction should be restricted to

as release of the works and conveyed by a letter items like collection of stores, clearance
specifying the budgetary source from which of area, external services, construction
funds will be provided in the year the work is of essential temporary accommodation
sanctioned. A copy of this letter together with a for staff and stores, residential
copy of the Approximate Estimates will be sent accommodation for construction staff.
to the CDA concerned and to the engineer (b) The go ahead sanction should not
adviser concerned who will issue such technical exceed 20% of the rough cost estimate for
instructions as may be required. the entire project made by the Engineer
26. Revised Administrative Approval. If it
becomes necessary to obtain a revised 28. Processing of Low Budgeted Works.
Administrative Approval, a Revised Estimate In case of low budgeted works, ie original works
has to be prepared with the original and revised costing more than Rs. 2.00 lakhs, but less than
Rs. 15.00 lakhs, these works are sanctioned by
figures shown in parallel columns of the
the CFAs after the Annual Low Budgeted Works
comparative statement. There is no limit to the
Programme has been approved and bulk
number of times that an estimate may be revised.
allotment of funds for this purpose in the relevant
Immediate action should be taken to revise financial year have been made to the respective
estimates as and when the occasion demands. CFAs.
No change in the scope or site is permissible.
29. Revenue and Minor Works. These
27. Urgent Works. If delay is anticipated in works are sanctioned by the CFA after
issue of Administrative Approval, then in cases considering the SOC and AEs against bulk
of urgent military reasons, the CFA is allotments for this purpose made in the relevant
empowered to order commencement of work on financial year. No Board Proceedings is
essential items of required work prior to issue necessary in such works. In case of minor works
of Administrative Approval. The go ahead less than Rs. 50,000/-, no AEs are necessary.
sanctions accorded by CFAs under such 30. Technical Sanction. This is issued by a
circumstances should be subject to the following Competent Engineer Authority. This is a
conditions :- guarantee that the proposals are structurally

76 Defence Works Procedure

sound and that the estimates are accurately 33. Execution of Works. The execution of
calculated and are based on adequate data. It works and their supervision are carried out by
is only after the technical sanction that the tender the engineer-in-charge as per MES Regulations.
documents are issued. 34. Monitoring and Review. To enable
31. Tender Action. After the schedule of work effective monitoring and timely correction of the
for a project has been technically sanctioned by works in progress, quarterly progress reports
the Competent Engineer Authority, tenders can indicating physical and financial progress of all
be invited for the execution of the work by major capital works has to be prepared and
advertising in news papers and Indian Trade submitted to the respective CFAs for
information and direction. Work Review
Journals, giving notices inviting applications for
Committees have been set up for each Service
issue of tenders. For projects requiring approval
Dte by the MoD at the level of Joint Secretary
of E-in-C, separate guidelines are issued by the
including Defence (Finance) representative for
E-in-C with the approval of Defence Finance. For
carrying out quarterly review of planning and
works costing upto Rs 5 lakhs, this process of implementation of works projects costing more
tender issue can be dispensed with and tenders than Rs. 15 crores.
can be distributed to selected eligible contractors
who are already on the approved list of MES. 35. In case of all projects costing more than
Rs. 1 crore, a representative of the user has to
32. Acceptance of Contracts. No officer is be nominated as Project Officer to coordinate
empowered to accept a contract which is likely functional aspects of the user’s requirements
to cause excess over the amount of with the engineers, from the commencement to
administrative approval after taking into account the completion of the project.
a tolerance limit of 10% over administrative
36. In addition, depending on the relative
approval. When excess amount is required over importance and value of various works/projects,
the tolerance limit of 10% over administrative Project Management Committees may be set
approval, which cannot be met by saving on other up at the level of Ministry of Defence, Service
items, a report must be made to the Competent HQs, Command HQs and other formations and
Engineer Authority who granted the technical entrusted with responsibilities and powers to
sanction for the work. If there is time to curtail the review the progress of works, resolve
work or modify it, the orders of the CFA should bottlenecks and take decisions to ensure timely
be taken. If no modification is ordered, a revised and cost-effective completion of such works. The
estimate can be prepared and Revised user’s representative, the Zonal Chief Engineer
Administrative Approval of CFA must be taken. and Defence (Finance)/IFA representative are

Box 8.6 : Composition of Project Management Committee

 Senior Engineer Officer DGW/ADG Chairman
(To be nominated by E-in-C)
 Rep of Users/Service HQs. Member
 Rep of Def (Finance)/IFA Member
Rep of Def (Finance/Works)
(in case of works projects Member
approved by Government)
 Zonal/Project Chief Engineer Member
 Project Officer Addl CE (Plg) of Zonal CE

Defence Works Procedure 77

to be associated with such Project Management authorities and staff at all levels. For smooth
Committees as per Appendix ‘H’ of DWP 2007 integration of the medical agencies with rest of
(Box 8.6). the team, certain guidelines are laid down in
37. Completion Reports. On completion of succeeding paras in accordance with DGMS
the work, completion reports have to be rendered letter No B/75346/DGMS-3E dated 07 Jul 2008
in accordance with procedure in the form set out within the scope of DWP-2007. Flow chart of
in Appendix ‘I’ to DWP 2007. Part ‘A’ of the form hospital project is given in Box 8.7. Time
has to be completed as soon as the project is schedule for hospital projects as given in above
physically completed and forwarded through mentioned letter is given in Box 8.8 and should
engineer channels to the Engineer Advisor of the be strictly followed so that Administrative
CFA. After being noted, this will be returned direct Approval for the hospital projects can be
to the CE concerned for completion of Part ‘B’. obtained in a reasonable time frame. The various
The financial closure of the project ie, part ‘B’ steps involved in planning hospital projects are
will be rendered as soon as possible but not later as given in following paragraphs.
than 12 months from the date of physical 39. Pre Administrative Approval Stage. It
completion of the project. includes the following steps :-
Planning Hospital Projects. (a) Acceptance of Necessity in terms
38. The process of hospital construction is of Inclusion in AMWP. Need for new
highly complex and requires intense involvement hospital project is established first at Fmn
of medical authorities, architects, engineer level followed by allotment of priority by

Box 8.7 : Flow Chart of Hospital Project

Initiation - User

Acceptance of Necessity by Fmn HQ

Recce cum Siting cum Costing Board

Accn Statement I by User

Board Proceedings Accn Statement II by User and Engineer Rep
Line Plan - E-in-C (E6)/Zonal Engineer Rep
AEs - Engineer Rep

QMG’s Branch User Dte - Scrutiny of Accn Statement I and II

Line Plan
Special Works MoD (Assoc Fin) for
E-in-C Branch
Scrutiny of AEs- E2 (A)
Dte of Utility
E6 (Hospital Planning Cell)

QMG’s Branch Govt CCS (Projects Over Rs 200 Crore)

78 Defence Works Procedure

Box 8.8 : Time Schedule of Hospital Projects

Nomenclature Date Responsibilty

Inclusion in tentative MWP Mar Project Offr/MO (HS)
Submision of Accommodation Statements Apr Comdt/CO of the hospital/ADMS/
Part I and II DDMS Area/Corps/CPO/MG (Med)
Preparation of line drawings Jun Hospital Planning Cell/E-6
or concerned Zonal Engineers
Completion of BPs Jul
BPs reaching AHQ (QMG) 01 Aug Concerned Comd HQ
Scrutiny of Accn Statement Part I and II, Director Hospital Projects (O/o DGMS)
line drawings
Concurrence of MoD on special item of Director Hospital Projects (O/o DGMS)
Scrutiny of Accn statement Part II, line Hospital Planning Cell/E-6,
drawings Director Hospital Projects (O/o DGMS)
AEs reach AHQ [E-2 (Army), E-in-C Br] 01 Sep QMG’s Branch
Scrutiny of AEs complete 01 Oct E-in-C Branch/E-2 (Army)
Submission from QMG to MoD/Works 01 Dec
Process by MoD/Finance
Issue of Administrative Approval

respective Command HQs. DGMS HQs (Med) to ensure that for all such
(Army)/Line Dte allots fresh priority to boards, only hospital administration
hospital projects forwarded by Command qualified officers must be detailed and if
HQs keeping in view Rough Indication of such officers are not available within the
Cost (RIC), availability of ceiling and OP jurisdiction of a particular command, Office
logistic priority. As a present policy, of DGMS (Army) to be approached to
separate MWP ceiling is earmarked detail the officer from other command. The
centrally by QMG for hospital projects out Board Proceedings should contain the
of the total funds allocated by MOD for following which and to submitted to the
defence works. convening authority after completion :-
(b) Recee cum Siting cum Costing (i) Necessity and brief scope of
Board. Once the tentative AMWP is work ie SOC.
submitted to MoD, siting cum costing (ii) Accommodation Statement
board is to be convened by the respective Part I. This document is prepared by
Competent Financial Authority. In case of user unit. In order to ascertain the
hospitals, the RIC ranges from Rs. 15 correctness, the accommodation
crores to Rs. 300 crores, depending on the statement part I must be forwarded
size of the hospital, hence, CFA is Govt of to Dte Gen Med Services (Army) for
India. A representative of DGMS (Army) is comments and necessary
co-opted for all such boards, in addition to rectification before it is submitted to
the representative of user unit. Command the board.
Defence Works Procedure 79
(iii) Accommodation Statement (c) Preparation of AEs. Approved copy
Part II. Subsequent to the completion of BPs is forwarded to Competent
of the Accommodation Statement Engineer Authority for preparation of AEs
Part I, Accommodation Statement which are then submitted to CFA through
Part II is prepared by user, Q staff and proper channel. Common problems
engineer authority and should be encountered during scrutiny of AEs at E-
forwarded to ‘Hospital Planning Cell’ in-C’s Branch are for example, rate
(E-in-C’s Branch) for review/ analysis not attached, many provisional
comments (if any), so that architects items incorporated, market rates not
have a clear picture about the bed supported by documents, heat load factor
distribution/ancillary departments calculation not done for AC, calculation and
while evolving the line plan layout of requirement of electric panels not
subsequently. It should have summary done properly, sewage treatment plant
of plinth area of hospital buildings, calculation not done, clearance from
OTM accommodation, married central ground water authorities not
accommodation, etc. It should be obtained, clearance of fire advisor not
forwarded for concurrence of DGMS taken and reasons for superior
(Army) to avoid any amendment at specifications not forwarded.
final stage.
(d) Cabinet Committee on Security
(iv) Rough Cost. (CCS) Projects. All projects costing more
(v) Engineers Appreciation. than Rs 200 crores need approval of CCS
(vi) Line Plan and Site Plan of the for accepting the liability of the expenditure.
Hospital Projects. Line Plans for all Key features of CCS Projects are as
hospitals of bed strength 200 beds under :-
and above is made by E-6/E-in-C’s (i) ‘Detailed Project Report
Branch. Approximate time for (DPR)’ contains a CCS paper which
making line drawings is two months gives details of total accommodation
after availability of all site data, exact required, number of phases to be
measurements, contour plans, constructed year wise with the cash
drawings of existing buildings, digital flow and details of special items.
survey of the area, etc. Frequent
change in line drawing based on the (ii) DPR is forwarded to QMG
perception of users is an important Branch of Army HQ through
factor that causes delay at this stage. respective Command HQs which
links BPs and AEs and forwards it to
(vii) Certificate for availability of MoD/IFA for concurrance.
defence land by DEO and assured
availability of water and electricity for (iii) QMG Branch processes the
the hospital. DPR with MoD/D (W orks) for
approval of CCS.
(viii) Detailed Planning of E/M
services. (iv) Once approved, the project is
included in AMWP.
(ix) Special items of work, if any, with
sufficient justification. These items/ Post Administrative Approval
works may be required due to local 40. After the Administrative Approval is
factors and are to be cleared by accorded and work is released, MES carries
Asociate Finance at MoD, if their cost out technical planning. This involves the
exceeds Rs. 75 lakhs. following :-

80 Defence Works Procedure

(a) Preparation of tender drawings. (b) Tender planning takes a long time
(b) Designing of internal and external due to the following reasons :-
services. (i) Frequent changes in drawings
(c) Issue of technical sanction by CEA. due to different perception of user
(d) Culmination of all the preceeding
planning stages leads to contract planning. (ii) Dispute over specifications.

41. Time schedule prescribed as per DWP for (iii) Large projects take long time due
this activity is 25 weeks for tender planning and to splitting of tenders like AC, mani-
33 - 80 weeks for execution of work. However, fold, electrification, plumbing civil
this period for any hospital project may get works for technical portion and civil
works for OTM, etc.
extended due to the undermentioned reasons.
Do’s and Don’ts for CO/Comdt/Project Officer (iv) Long lead time in planning leads
are summarised in Box 8.9 :- to cost overrun, leading to delay and
reprocessing for revised Administra-
(a) Site clearance, tree cutting, EIA clear-
tive Approval.
ance, fire authority clearance takes long
time due to lack of specific instructions on (v) Any changes in scope of work
the subject and shifting of responsibility leads to reprocessing for revised Ad-
for the same by one agency to another. ministrative Approval.

Box 8.9 : Do’s and Don’ts for Implementing DWP

Do’s Don’ts
Prepare AMWP for the relevant FY and sub-  Split project/work/services to bring it
mit by 31st Oct of the previous FY. within the powers of a CFA at a lower level.
 Take prior clearance from appropriate authori-  Exceed the amount of Administrative
ties for various tasks. Approval by more than 10%.
 Take due care while preparing  Do frequent changes in drawings,
Accommodation Statement part I and II and Line specifications and scope of works.
 Carry over minor works to next financial
 Maintain continous liason and pursue with year.
engineer authorities to monitor progress.
 Include special items of works unless
 Take fresh Administrative Approval of CFA these are absolutely necessary.
if approved work is not commenced within one
year of the date of Administrative Approval.
 While including special item of works in DPR,
must enclose a SOC fully justifying the requirement
of each special item of work.
Include consultancy charges (if consultancy
is required for the project) in the SOC of major
 Adhere to time limits.
Meticulously follow provisions of DWP- 2007.

Defence Works Procedure 81

(c) Common problems like leakages, accomodation and essential services. They are
seepages, failure of central AC, also responsible for construction and
improper laying of AC ducts, poor finishes, maintenance of roads, airfields and
mismatch of services provided and actual fortifications.
requirements in completed projects. 44. MES Works are usually executed as per
42. To reduce time required to complete Regulations for the MES. In some
hospital construction within accepted time frame, circumstances, however, the work is carried out
following measures should be undertaken :- by troops labour or by directly employed civilian
labour under MES supervision. Where troops
(a) All new projects should utilise the labour is used (Engineer, Pioneer Corps or other
provision of consultancy and should arms units), the Unit Cdr assumes the role of
include the cost of consultancy in AEs as the contractor but the Unit Cdr has got no power
per 29 (c) of DWP. to spend money for purchasing any material nor
(b) Continuous liaison and pursuance can he make any payment to the troops labour.
with engineer authority to obtain technical Where labour is directly employed, the MES
sanction and tender planning should be Officers are responsible for the administration,
carried out by Project Monitoring Group. accommodation, medical and sanitary
arrangement for the labour forces.
(c) Project Officer, CPO at Command
HQs should bring to the notice of Comdt/ Maintenance Repairs
CO, ADMS/DDMS and MG (Med) any 45. Scope of Repairs. Repairs can be of
hurdles, technical difficulties and problem following types :-
areas which may be solved through
(a) Ordinary Repairs. These are of the
meetings and directions at higher level.
following categories which will be carried
(d) Project Monitoring Group should out in accordance with MES Standing
carry out monthly meetings on site, liaison Orders :-
with concerned engineers and contractor (i) Petty repairs.
to monitor the progress and quality of con-
struction. (ii) Periodical services as per MES
Regulations ‘Table ‘G’.
(e) Changes in drawings should be
based on scientific planning and (iii) Replacements and renewals
designing. costing up to *Rs.1,50,000/- for each
(f) Handing/taking over of completed
hospital buildings should be carried out at (iv) Repairs, renewals and
the earliest which will help in early replacements of E/M installations
and other external utilities costing up
commissioning of hospital building.
to *Rs.2,00,000/- in each case.
(g) Coordination and proactive (*Subject to formal approval on file
approach by Comdt/CO of the hospital and by Competent Authority).
medical commanders at all levels with user,
No Administrative Approval is
engineers at various levels, Q representa-
necessary for ordinary repairs including
tives, Station HQ representatives and MoD.
purchase and maintenance of ordinary
MES Works Procedure tools and plants for this purpose. Allotment
43. The MES exist to provide the Army, the of funds for the purpose implies
Navy, and the Air Force and certain Ministry of Administrative Approval.
Defence establishments like the ordnance (b) Special Repairs. It consists of
factories and DRDO with suitable authorised renewals and replacements as well as

82 Defence Works Procedure

alterations and improvements costing (d) Moving in and out of units.
beyond the monetary ceiling for ordinary
(e) Timed programme of periodical
repairs in each case. The Garrison
Engineer will be the competent authority
for grouping of buildings for the purpose (f) Demands for urgent repairs.
of special repairs. Special repairs will be (g) Storm damages.
treated as original works, but irrespective
of the cost, all special repairs will be Procedure for Repairs
budgeted for under Revenue Head. 48. Units, after internally prioritising the items
46. MES authorities are not responsible for demanding maintenance repairs in a particular
repairs to hired/leased buildings unless it is financial year, are to project them to the Station
specified in the hiring agreement. MES is HQ by Sep/Oct of the previous year. A Board of
responsible for repairs of the following :- Officers is constituted for the station. The GE of
the Station/Formation will finalise the Annual
(a) Buildings. Repairs to buildings Maintenance Programme with each user unit
consists of maintenance, petty repairs, finalise it with the Station Commander, laying
replacement, renewals and periodical down priorities for the entire station.
services inclusive of internal water supply,
electrical and sanitary systems. MES is 49. Fund allotment for repairs in the Annual
also responsible for sweeping chimneys Maintenance Programme are based on the
in unit lines and cleaning of glass panes plinth area rates of the unit under consideration
of skylight in hospital wards, storage sheds (As per ‘Norms of Expenditure for maintenance
and hangars. of Govt buildings by MES vide GOI, MoD
letter No.87966/E3W (PPC)/1103/DO II/D (W-
(b) Roads. Repair of roads consist of
I) dated 03 Jul 1998 as given in Box 8.10. Plinth
patch and petty repairs, surface renewals
area rates for allotment are classified as
and maintenance/renewals of drains,
residential and non residential buildings, the
culverts, bridges and causeways. It also
latter of which a hospital forms a part. The rates
includes maintenance and renewal of
are also classified for building maintenance and
signposts, milestones and boundary
electrical maintenance as well as they vary if the
structures for repair are concentrated or
(c) Installations. Repairs to scattered.
installations consist of maintenance and
(a) These plinth area rates do not cover
renewals (up to Rs. 50,000/-) of water
expenditure on conservancy charges,
supply and electrical systems, ice plants,
mechanical sewage disposal plants, maintenance and running of air conditioner
workshops, air conditioners, refrigerators installations, lifts, pumps and sub stations.
and timber factories. Funds should be provided for these
services on actual requirements.
(d) Furniture. Repairs consist of
maintenance and renewals of authorised (b) In respect of accommodation
furniture holdings of MES supply. situated at altitudes more than 5,000 ft and
accomodation at Andaman and Nicobar
47. Initiation of Repairs. Repairs are initiated group of Islands, the plinth area rates for
as a result of the following : - civil engineering maintenance prescribed
(a) Half yearly inspection. above, have to be increased by 10% for
(b) Inspection by engineer staff. electrical maintenance and 50% for
residential and 25% for non residential
(c) Scrutiny of unit demand registers. buildings.

Defence Works Procedure 83

Box 8.10 : Plinth Area Rates for Electrical Engineering Maintenance

Category of Building Rates in Rs per sqm for day to day

Services, Repairs and Maintenance
Concentrated Group Scattered Group
Residential Buildings
Single/Md JCOs/OR Qtrs and anciliaries 11.60 14.30
Single/Md Offrs Qtrs other than the residence 14.30 16.50
of GOC
OR/JCOs Messes 18.90 -

Offrs Messes, Insp Bungalows, Institutes 18.90 -

and Residence of GOC (Div, Area, Corps and
Command) and equivalent offrs of other
Non Residential Buildings
 Office buildings (Any type except in sub 16.50 18.90
para (ii) below) storage accomodation (Any
type), Wksps, garages and technical accom-
Offrs accommodation (Adm block only) of 18.90 -
Fmn HQs down to Sub Area, and equivalent in
other services, trg accn of Cat ‘A’ Est of Army
and corresponding institutions of the Navy/AF/
R and D and Tech accn of R and D Labs.
MI Room and Hospitals 37.80

(c) These modified plinth area rates for obtained after a survey has been
normal repair and special repairs will be conducted on annual basis.
in supersession of the Ministry of Defence (f) The actual maintenance expenditure
letter No.87966/E 2 (PWC)/523/DO-II/D is restricted to allotment made by Govt.
(W-I) dated 20 Jul, 93. Scales prescribed
for items other than normal repairs to (g) The plinth area rates of civil and
internal electrical installation in buildings, electrical engineering maintenance for
in Govt letter No. 13 (39)/12/D/(Works-I) high rise buildings located in coastal areas
dated 10 Apr 1975 will continue to be in respect of single/married officers and
operative. Maintenance grant for perimeter JCOs quarters other than residence of
and external lighting shall be demanded as GOC is as under :-
on required basis. (i) Electrical Engineering. From
(d) The above norms do not include the Rs 11.60 per sqm to Rs. 13.20 per
replacement cost of bulbs and tubes, funds sqm.
for which should be demanded separately. (ii) Civil Engineering. From Rs
(e) No norms should be prescribed for 14.30 per sqm to Rs. 29.50 per sqm.
special repairs (electrical) and that 50. Unit Demand Register. A repair book
estimates shall be prepared for each set (IAFW-1805) is to be maintained in the
of building individually and sanction quartermaster’s office of each unit in which all

84 Defence Works Procedure

necessary repairs are recorded. This book is to cost of the building as on date (E-in-C Br
be examined by a responsible MES letter No. 89311/E2 (WPC) dated 10 Nov
representative at regular intervals (generally 1980).
once a week) and demands noted for inclusion
Periodical Services
in the programme. Enquiry office of the MES
also receives and records demands for repairs 54. These comprise the external/internal
and organises urgent services where necessary. painting, lettering, whitewashing, distempering,
51. Urgent Repairs. These comprise of staining, tarring, oiling of buildings etc. required
repairs to water supplies, electrical wiring, from time to time to keep them in neat, clean
leaking roofs, sanitary systems, cooking and serviceable condition. The normal intervals
apparatus, dangerous structures etc. These are and variations of these services mentioned in
initiated by the user unit and sent to SDO for Table ‘G’ (as amended vide E-in-C letter
subsequent processing. If not considered urgent, No.80168/POL/E2/WPC dated 06 Apr 94) of
SDO returns the demand back with the request Para 229 MES Regulations is reproduced in Box
for inclusion in the unit demand register. 8.11.

52. Storm Damage. In the case of extensive 55. These may be reduced/increased by prior
damages to structures/buildings of the unit by sanction of the CWE, but any extension thereof
storms, a Court of Inquiry is to be convened by may be sanctioned by GE. The GE will decide
the Station Cdr with the MES representative as the number of coats of paint etc. necessary in all
a member to assess the damages. Depending cases.
on the findings of the court and decision thereon, 56. Variations. Variations of the intervals laid
MES carries out necessary repairs. In case of down above may be made as follows:-
minor storm damages, immediate action is
taken to carry out the necessary repairs. (a) Hospitals wards may be
distempered half yearly if requisitioned by
53. Special Repairs. In initiating special the CO/Commandant hospital.
repairs, both the user and MES staff must ensure
the following :- (b) Rooms in hospitals in which
infectious diseases have occurred may
(a) Repairs are carried out only to those (after disinfections by the medical
buildings that after repairs will become authorities) be redistempered, repainted
habitable and would remain occupied
etc on the certificates of a medical officer
that the work is necessary.
(b) No proposals relating to surplus
(c) Internal painting of schools may be
buildings are initiated.
executed every three years.
(c) No money is spent on special repairs
(d) Lime wash in mortuary may be done
to structures that are beyond economical
earlier on the certificate of a medical officer
that the work is necessary.
(d) Additions/alterations constituting
(e) The external wood work and iron
major/minor works are not included.
work of new buildings, except those to be
(e) Superior specifications are allowed treated yearly should be repainted within
from engineering and not administrative two years of the completion and thereafter
considerations. at the normal intervals.
(f) All necessary repairs to the assets (f) Steel palisading, etc, in exposed
are included in the proposals. situations and steel shutters, etc, may be
(g) The cost of special repairs should not treated to prevent rusting when considered
exceed more than 50% of the assessed necessary by the CWE.

Defence Works Procedure 85

Box 8.11 : Periodical Services
Internal and External Lime Washing (White or Tinted)
Half yearly Pantries, cookhouses and other building or rooms where food is dealt with,
bakeries, grain stores, foul linen stores, mortuaries, latrines and urinals.
Yearly All other buildings except store houses in general but including medical and
QM stores of hospitals.
Every 2 years Store houses excluding medical and QM stores of hospitals.
Distempering (Including Whitening of Ceilings)
 Yearly One coat of oil bound distemper for hospital wards, operation theatres,
specialist consulting rooms, dental surgery and x-ray rooms.
Every 2 years One coat of distemper for offices, schools etc or two coats of distemper
where one coat is authorised every year.
Every 4 years Two coats of distemper where one coat is authorised every two years.
Tarring and Treating with Wood Preservative
Yearly One coat on all wood work, iron work, etc not otherwise treated for following
in the hospitals: wards, operation theatres, specialist consulting rooms,
MI room waiting rooms, admn officers rooms, labour rooms, dental surgery,
x-ray room, pantry, sanitary, foul linen stores, cook houses, and other bldgs/
rooms where food is served.
Every 2 years One coat on all wood work, iron work etc not otherwise treated for following
in the hospitals: admn bldgs except admns officers rooms, bath rooms,
dispensary, laboratory, mortuary, medical and QM stores.
Every 3 years Two coats on all wood work, iron work, etc, not otherwise treated for all
buildings/portions except those mentioned above.
Internal Painting and Oiling
Yearly One coat on all wood work, iron work, wall surfaces, ceilings etc not
otherwise treated for following in hospitals: wards, operation theatres,
specialist consulting rooms, MI room, waiting rooms, admn offrs rooms,
labour rooms, dental surgery and x-ray rooms.
Every 2 years One coat on all woods work, iron work etc not otherwise treated for following
in hospitals : pantries, sanitary, foul linen stores, cook houses and other
buildings/rooms where food is dealt with.
Every 3 years One coat on all wood work, iron work etc not otherwise treated for following
in hospitals : admn buildings except admn officers rooms, bath rooms,
dispensary, laboratory, mortuary, medical and QM stores.
Every 4 years One coat on all wood work, iron work etc not otherwise treated for all
buildings/portions except those mentioned above.
Sweeping of Chimneys
Monthly Unit cookhouses

(g) The following may, at the discretion less than one year has passed since the
of GE, be carried out in officers quarters service in question was last carried out :-
at every change of occupancy provided not (i) Internal painting to the extent of

86 Defence Works Procedure

one fourth the normal periodical 6. Ministry of Defence letter No.87966/E 2 (PWC)/
expenditure on internal painting. 523/DO-II/D (W-I) dated 20 Jul, 93.
7. E-in-C letter No.80168/POL/E2/WPC dated 06 Apr
(ii) External painting to the extent of 94.
one third the normal periodical
8. GOI, MoD letter No.87966/E3W (PPC)/1103/DO
expenditure on internal painting. II/D (W-I) dated 03 Jul 1998.
(iii) One coat of distemper. 9. SOA for Armed Forces Hospitals, 2003.
(h) In the case of factories/installations 10.GOI, MoD letter No B/01247/Q/Policy(Works
falling under the Factories Act, the intervals Procedure)/237/D(Works-I) dated 21 June 2007 (DWP
of periodical service may be reduced to
11. DGMS letter No B/75346/DGMS-3E dated 07 Jul
conform to the requirements of the Act or
Rules framed there under.
(j) Proposed periodicity may be suitably
altered by the CWE if there is a reduction
in the allotment of maintenance of funds,
so as to avoid diversion of funds authorised
for other buildings.
57. The execution of periodical services in a
building should, whenever possible, be
synchronised so that all such services in the
buildings may be carried out at the same time. It
may, therefore, be expedient to advance or
postpone the time when certain portions of the
work would normally fall due.
58. DWP 2007 ensures that all defence
works and services ie capital, revenue and
maintenance are completed with minimum of
delay and in a cost effective manner compatible
with efficient functioning of the Defence Services.
Planning a hospital is a combined responsibility
of user, planners, commanders, architects,
engineers and contractors. MES plays an
important role right from the beginning to the
completion of all the Defence Works including
hospital projects.
1. GOI letter No. 13 (39)/12/D/(Works-I) dated 10 Apr
2. E-in-C Br letter No. 89311/E2 (WPC) dated 10 Nov
3. Services Regulation of MES - Addition/alteration,
maintenance of buildings, 1982.
4. SOA, Defence Services, 1983.
5. Scales of Furniture for Armed Forces hospitals,

Defence Works Procedure 87

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