HR Assignment-Factors Affecting HR Forecasting
HR Assignment-Factors Affecting HR Forecasting
HR Assignment-Factors Affecting HR Forecasting
factors. The external factors are those factors outside the concerned organization or company that
impact its business environment, planning and forecasting processes in general. Since no
forecasting is in view.
The following are some of the external factors that affect HR Forecasting:
1. Economic Situation:
As we know, the more an economy grows, the higher the need for human resource supply. An
economy with high GDP and a thriving market will demand more HR. If the economy is weak,
there will be a decrease in HR need because a company cannot afford investing its limited
resources on too much human resource while the company is not thriving. “The general business
Human resource planning is also affected by labor market and trade unions. Trade unions are the
real demonstrations of how unity is strength. Whatever trade unions decide concerning working
hours or pay level will have a direct impact on HRP and forecasting needs to put that into
Robert L. Mathis and John Harold Jackson, Human Resource Management, 12th ed (Mason, OH: Thomson/South-
western, 2008).p.48
3. Government Law and Regulation
Government drafts various policies to protect the labor. Besides, there may be some policies
related to the industry or amount of labor pay. Such policies affect HR planning and forecasting
4. Technological Changes:
Technological innovations will have an impact on the human resource needed. The positive side
organization. It allows the company to improve its internal processes, core competencies,
relevant markets and organizational structure as a whole. These strategies must be led to
However, technologies replacing human labor will have a negative impact on HR management
and planning. A lot of companies have reduced their workforce by significant percentages due to
technological advancements that have made human power almost irrelevant. Hence forecasting
5. Demographic Changes
As the demography of a society changes, ageing of the population will indirectly influence
“ageing of resources found in the labor market.” (Mendryk and Dylon, 2013). As population
ageing increases, older people increase and the younger ones decline. That means the retiring
part of the society is high and the working one is low. Hence, Mathis and Jackson advice that
aging of the workforce should be one of the variables that should be considered when scanning
1. Organizational Structure:
One of the duties of the HR is establishing the organizational structure. If the structure of an
organization is not flexible enough to fit into the external business competition and business
demands, the organization will be negatively affected. Hence organizational structure and
strategy have a great influence on its human resource practices. (Tahemina Pathan)
customized to the internal working environment of an organization which includes issues such as
dressing code, performance expectation, and the like. Organizational culture may have a positive
Mathis and Jackson.