A Novel CSI-based Fingerprinting For Localization With A Single AP
A Novel CSI-based Fingerprinting For Localization With A Single AP
A Novel CSI-based Fingerprinting For Localization With A Single AP
WiFi-based indoor localization techniques are critical for location-based services. Among them, fingerprint-based
method gains considerable interest due to its high accuracy and low equipment requirement. One of the major
challenges faced by fingerprint-based position system is that in some places there are not enough access points
(AP) to provide features for accurate location. To address that, we propose a novel fingerprint-based system using
only a single AP. We propose a novel phase decomposition method to obtain the phase of multipath provided by
a AP and use the decomposed phase as a fingerprint after the feature exaction by principal component analysis
(PCA). Performance in the laboratory, meeting room, and corridor is investigated, and our system is also compared
with a RSSI-based and a CSI-based fingerprint localization system. As the experimental results suggest, the
minimum mean distance error is 0.6 m in the laboratory, 0.45 m in the meeting room, and 1.08 m in the corridor,
outperforming the other two systems.
Keywords: WiFi network, Indoor localization, Channel state information, Phase decomposition, MIMO-OFDM
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International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
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Zhang et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2019) 2019:51 Page 2 of 14
Fig. 3 Outlier removal. Each red point in this figure denotes the CSI amplitude of the subcarrier of each packet, and the blue circle is the outlier
found by applying Pauta criterion
30 N
4.3 Phase sanitization 1 X d k¼ 1
b¼ ∠CSI ∠CSI k þβþZ ð9Þ
The hardware imperfection makes it impossible to gain 30 i¼1 30 k¼1
the genuine CSI phase. Practically, there are two major
causes of the measurement errors. One is the carrier By subtracting the linear term ank + b from the raw
frequency offset (CFO) as the center frequency is not phase, we obtain the calibrated values as follows:
synchronized between the transmitter and receiver. The
sampling frequency offset (SFO) generated by N
non-synchronized clocks of ADC makes the measure- g k ¼∠CSI k − ∠CSI N −∠CSI 1 1 X
∠CSI nk ‐ ∠CSI k ð10Þ
ment errors different for different subcarriers. The mea- nN ‐n1 30 k¼1
sured phase of subcarrier k is written as follows:
The CSI phase after sanitation is shown in Fig. 4a.
d k ¼∠CSI k þ2π nk Δt k þβþZ
∠CSI ð6Þ Calibrated phases are less fluctuant and more concen-
N trated, in comparison with the raw phases which scatter
where the ∠CSId k and the ∠CSIk denote the measured and randomly over many different angles. The calibrated
the genuine values of the subcarrier k, respectively. nk is phases for about 80 packets at 3 different locations are
the index of sub-carriers, and Δtk indicates the time offset shown in Fig. 4b. As can be seen, the calibrated phases
due to SFO. N is the FFT size from the IEEE 802.11n spe- are stable at one given location and differing in different
cification. β is the unknown phase offset for CFO, and Z is locations, suggesting that it can be very suitable for in-
the measurement noise. It is unlikely to obtain the true door fingerprint positioning.
phase information as the unknown Δtk and Δtk. To elim-
inate phase offset Δtk and Δtk, the linear transformation 4.4 Phase decomposition
algorithm [41] is used to achieve this goal. Compared with RSSI, CSI is a fine-grained information,
The offset b and the slope a are defined as follows: yet the CSI value of each subcarrier is also a superpos-
d N ‐∠CSI
∠CSI d 1 ∠CSI N ‐∠CSI 1 2π ition of some paths due to the bandwidth of WiFi net-
a¼ ¼ ‐ Δt ð7Þ work. In this part, we strive to acquire the phase
nN ‐n1 nN ‐n1 N
30 N N
1 X d 1 X 2πΔt X information of as many paths as possible by designing a
b¼ ∠CSI k ¼ ∠CSI k þ nk þβþZ ð8Þ
30 i¼1 30 k¼1 30N nk ¼1 phase decomposition method.
Set CSI0 as the subcarrier of index 0. According to 2),
In the OFDM system, the symmetric frequency of the CSIk is a linear combination of the phase of each path
subcarriers leads Nnk ¼1 nk ¼ 0. Then, the b is written as and the phase of subcarrier 0. To simplify the notations,
follows: CSIk is represented as follows:
Zhang et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2019) 2019:51 Page 6 of 14
(a) (b)
Fig. 4 a Raw phase vs. calibrated phase. The orange line in is the raw phase value of each packet and the blue line is presented as calibrated
phase after linear transformation algorithm. b Calibrated phase at three different locations. Red, blue, and yellow line illustrate the calibrated
phase of subcarriers at different locations, respectively
L Where
CSI k ¼ S l0 Δlk ð11Þ
l¼1 2 3
1 1 1 1 1
For the path l: 6 Δ14 Δ24 Δ34 Δ44 Δ54 7
6 1 7
6 Δ18 Δ28 Δ38 Δ48 Δ58 77 ð17Þ
S l0 ¼ αl e− j2π f 0 τl 4Δ Δ212 Δ312 Δ412 Δ512 5
ð12Þ 12
Δlk ¼ e−jkΔ f τl Δ116 Δ216 Δ316 Δ416 Δ516
In the 802.11n standard, when BW = 40 MHz and Ng
= 4 (grouping), the index of the sampled subcarriers And
ranges from − 58 to 58, in which the interval of sub-
carrier index is 4. For the convenience of presentation, S0 ¼ diag S 1−29 ; S 2−29 ; S 3−29 ; S 4−29 ; S 5−29 ð18Þ
assuming that there are five paths here, and a Hankel
matrix can be built:
2 3 Thus, X = (VS′)S(VS′)T since S′ = (S′)T X is presented
CSI −58 CSI −54 CSI −50 CSI −46 CSI −42 as follows:
6 CSI −54 CSI −50 CSI −46 CSI −42 CSI −38 7
6 7
X¼6 7
6 CSI −50 CSI −46 CSI −42 CSI −38 CSI −34 7 X¼VΣVT ð19Þ
4 CSI −46 CSI −42 CSI −38 CSI −34 CSI −30 5
CSI −42 CSI −38 CSI −34 CSI −30 CSI −26
It is easy to prove that
2 3
Actually, X is written as follows: 1 1 1 1 1
6 Δ14 Δ24 Δ34 Δ44 Δ54 7
X ¼ ΔSΔT ð14Þ 6 1 7
V¼66 Δ18 Δ28 Δ38
2 3
Δ48 Δ58 77
4Δ Δ12 Δ12 Δ412 Δ512 5
Where 12
2 3 Δ116 Δ216 Δ316 Δ416 Δ16
2 3
Δ1−29 Δ2−29 Δ3−29 Δ4−29 Δ5−29 1 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 1
6 Δ1 Δ2−25 Δ3−25 Δ4−25 5 7
Δ−25 7 6 Δ14 Δ Δ Δ Δ 7
6 −25 6 2 4 2 43 2 44 2 45 2 7
6 Δ−21
Δ2−21 Δ3−21 Δ4−21 Δ5−21 7
7 ð15Þ 6 Δ1
¼ 6 4 Δ4
Δ Δ Δ 7 ð20Þ
4 Δ1 Δ2−17 Δ3−17 Δ4−17 Δ5−17 5 6 1 3 3 43 3 44 3 45 3 7
−17 4 Δ4 Δ2 Δ Δ Δ 5
Δ1−13 Δ2−13 Δ3−13 Δ4−13 Δ5−13 1 4 42 4 43 4 44 4 45 4
Δ4 Δ4 Δ4 Δ4 Δ4
V is a Vandermonde matrix [42]. Therefore, the prob-
S ¼ diag S 10 ; S 20 ; S 30 ; S 40 ; S 50 ð16Þ
lem arises to find a Vandermonde decomposition of X.
We define Δ = VS′. The decomposition algorithm [43] is shown as follows:
Zhang et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2019) 2019:51 Page 7 of 14
Φ0 Φ ¼ ΦΦ0 ¼ I
σ ¼ ΦΛΦ0
With r largest eigenvalues of σ, T-r projection matrix
is yielded:
According to phase decomposition, the phase can be Φ ¼ xp1 xp2 ⋯ xpr ð23Þ
extracted from each path. On the other hand, it cannot
For each location, we project the location matrix into
be used for the calculation of TOF as it contains some
a corresponding matrix as a fingerprint matrix:
unknown phase offset caused by ADC.
F ¼ MΦp ð24Þ
receivers, respectively. The APs operation in IEEE the people at every desk location with the frequent mo-
802.11n mode has three antennas. In some places close bility such as moving in and out of the place, therefore it
to AP, the transmitting antenna and receiving antenna can be a typical dynamic environment. Similar with the
are very close, the signals from different antennas at- laboratory, corridor also can be seen as a dynamic envir-
tenuating very similarly, causing the AP to actively onment since people frequently walk by.
merge similar channels. In this case, we are unable to In training phase, the areas fall into many cells with
obtain the CSI of all three antennas and the channel the size of about 0.6 m × 0.6 m and label each cell
merging process is controlled by internal program of an with a number. At each cell, we collect 1000 packets
AP that could not be intervened. Thereby, we use two of from each AP. During the estimation phase, some
the three antennas as transmitting antennas. cells are randomly selected, and 200 packets are
We select the three experimental scenarios due to dif- gained at each cell. The layout and major parameters
ferent floor areas and mobility. The scenarios can be cat- of three scenarios are shown in Fig. 6 and Table 1,
egorized into static and dynamic based on the mobility, respectively.
which depends on the number of people present and the
frequency of their mobility during experimentation. In
the meeting room, it is almost static with one people sit- 5.2 Performance metrics
ting at their place most of the time during experimenta- Two metrics are used to evaluate the performance of
tion. In contrast, the laboratory is fully occupied with our indoor localization system.
Fig. 6 Floor-plan of the three scenarios. The red points denote the sampling location. At each location, we collect 1000 packets from each AP
Zhang et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2019) 2019:51 Page 9 of 14
Table 1 Main parameters of the scenarios median distance error (MDE) is utilized to represent the
Parameters Laboratory Meeting room Corridor overall performance of positioning system.
Size 23.6 m × 5.8 m 7.2 m × 5.8 m 31.2 m × 1.5 m
Access points 2 2 2
5.3 Overall performance
Cells 81 42 88
The most machine learning algorithms can be catego-
rized into deterministic and probabilistic algorithms, so
5.2.1 Cell estimation accuracy we selected KNN, SVM, and Bayes as matching algo-
The cell estimation accuracy (CEA) suggests the ratio of rithms. KNN and SVM are deterministic algorithms
the number of correctly estimated testing cells to all cell which use the distance between a test fingerprint and
locations during the estimation phase, which is calcu- each training fingerprint from the fingerprint database
lated as follows: to estimate the test location. Bayes algorithm was a
probabilistic algorithm that estimates the test location
1X N
by maximizing the posterior probability.
CEA ¼ I ðyi ¼ ^yi Þ ð25Þ
N i¼1 Three fingerprint matching algorithms are used to
examine the overall performance of our system in the
where N denotes the number of total testing cells. three scenarios with only one AP. The cell estimation
accuracy and median distance error in three scenarios
5.2.2 Median distance error are shown in Fig. 7. It is observed from Fig. 7 that the
The estimation phase may suggest that some testing cells CEA in laboratory is higher than that in the meeting
are being misclassified. Given such circumstances, the aver- room, while the MDE is lower than that in the meeting
age distance between the center points of the estimated cells room and among all scenarios, the corridor also reaches
and true cells are calculated, which is termed as median dis- the maximum MDE and the minimum CEA. This is pri-
tance error. Formally, the median distance error is given by marily because the furniture, the number of people, and
the frequency of their mobility in the meeting room are
1X N
less than those in the laboratory. Thus, the multipath ef-
MDE ¼ ky −^y k ð26Þ
N i¼1 i i 2 fect is small during our experiment. In comparison with
the other matching algorithms, SVM reaches the best
where ‖·‖2 denotes the L2 norm. cell estimation accuracy and the lowest median distance
Combining with the size of cell size, the CEA could be error in both scenarios. The overall performance in the
used to express the precision of positioning and the two different environments is summarized in Table 2.
Fig. 7 Cell estimation accuracy and median distance error in three scenarios. In the top figure blue, orange and yellow bar represent the cell
estimation accuracy for using KNN, Bayes, and SVM as the match algorithm in the laboratory and meeting room, respectively. In the bottom
figure, blue, orange, and yellow bar represent the median distance error for using KNN, Bayes, and SVM as the match algorithm in the laboratory,
in the meeting room and in the corridor, respectively
Zhang et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2019) 2019:51 Page 10 of 14
Table 2 Overall performance prior probabilities, and if there is not enough data for
Scenario Performance metric KNN Bayes SVM calculating the prior probabilities, the location accuracy
Laboratory CEA 0.933 0.918 0.942 would decrease Moreover, in Bayesian algorithm, it is as-
MDE (m) 0.64 1.20 0.60
sumed that the features are independently and identi-
cally distributed; however, this assumption is often not
Meeting room CEA 0.956 0.93 0.97
valid in practice. Therefore, it can be seen from the
MDE (m) 0.58 0.83 0.45 Fig. 9, on the condition of small size of training and esti-
mation samples Bayes achieves the highest MDE com-
5.4 Impact of the number of decomposition path pared to KNN and SVM.
As the number of specific paths in the environment can- KNN calculates the Euclidean distance between the
not be accurately obtained, we can only intuitively as- features of test location and the features in the finger-
sume the number of paths in the environment. We print database to estimate location. The same as Bayes
investigate the impact of the number of decomposition algorithm, it also needs a large amount data to improve
paths, as shown in Fig. 8. It is observed that more de- the location accuracy. SVM is different from KNN, as it
composition paths do not result in higher positioning can build the model for classification only using a few
accuracy. In contrast, due to the noise in the indoor en- samples. Additionally, SVM is good at dealing with
vironment, considerable decomposition path may make high-dimensional and non-linear data.
it difficult for differentiation of each fingerprint, as the The SVM approach performs the best in all of combi-
fingerprint dimension increasing more noise is intro- nations as shown in Table 3. The best accuracy is 0.6 m
duced to the fingerprint. We believe that 2–3 decompos- in the laboratory and 0.45 m in the meeting room. They
ition paths are appropriate in a scenario where the are both reached under the combination of 1 K/200 with
multipath effect is not obvious, and 4–5 decomposition SVM algorithm. In comparison with the other two algo-
paths are appropriate in a multipath effect environment. rithms, Bayes algorithm needs more data to achieve high
accuracy as it calculates the prior and posterior probabil-
5.5 Impact of size of training and estimation samples ities. In brief, a larger amount of data improves the esti-
We have evaluated four combinations: 1 k/200, 500/100, mation of the data characteristics and is conducive to
200/50, and 50/50. Figure 9 presents the MDE of four building a more accurate model to improve the position-
combinations. Bayes algorithm needs to calculate the ing accuracy.
Fig. 8 MDE for different number of decomposition path. In the top figure, blue, orange, and yellow bar represent the median distance error of
different decomposition path by using KNN, Bayes, and SVM as the match algorithm in the laboratory, respectively. In the middle figure, blue,
orange, and yellow bar represent the median distance error of different decomposition path by using KNN, Bayes, and SVM as the match
algorithm in the meeting room, respectively. In the bottom figure, blue, orange, and yellow bar represent the median distance error of different
decomposition path by using KNN, Bayes, and SVM as the match algorithm in the corridor, respectively
Zhang et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2019) 2019:51 Page 11 of 14
Fig. 9 MDE for different size of training and estimation samples. In the top figure, blue, orange, and yellow bar represent the median distance
error of different size of training and estimation samples by using KNN, Bayes, and SVM as the match algorithm in the laboratory, respectively. In
the middle figure, blue, orange, and yellow bar represent the median distance error of different size of training and estimation samples by using
KNN, Bayes, and SVM as the match algorithm in the meeting room, respectively. In the bottom figure, blue, orange, and yellow bar represent the
median distance error of different size of training and estimation samples by using KNN, Bayes, and SVM as the match algorithm in the
corridor, respectively
5.6 Impact of the number of APs KNN and SVM approaches are used for localization.
Although our system only uses one AP to reach ac- This level of reduction is inconsequential in some ap-
curate localization, the number of APs is also a cru- plication scenarios. However, it would be very useful
cial factor for localization. In all scenarios, two APs for Bayes to increase the accuracy whose MDE drop
are used to investigate the impact for positional ac- from 1.21 to 1.08 m in the laboratory and from 0.83
curacy. The MDE for different numbers of APs is to 0.63 m in the meeting room, respectively.
demonstrated in Fig. 10. It is observed that adding an
AP will only reduce the MDE by about 0.05 m when 5.7 Impact of the size of cell
The size of cell is also an important factor that affects
the positon accuracy. We conduct experiments in la-
Table 3 MDE for different sizes of training and estimation boratory, meeting room, and corridor respectively to
analyze the impact of the sizes of cell. We select three
Scenario Sample size KNN (m) Bayes (m) SVM (m)
size of cell which are 0.3 m × 0.3 m, 0.6 m × 0.6 m, and
Laboratory 1K/200 0.64 1.21 0.6 1.2 m × 1.2 m. The results are shown in Fig. 11. As can
500/100 0.79 1.53 0.7 be seen from the figure, the size of 0.6 m × 0.6 m reaches
200/50 1.02 2.31 0.76 the minimum mean distance error. Since the variance of
50/50 1.53 6.54 1.45 the feature in a fingerprint is not small enough com-
Meeting room 1K/200 0.58 0.83 0.45
pared to the distance between two adjacent cells, if the
size is too small, the features of the fingerprint would be
500/100 0.63 1.83 0.54
very similar to that of the fingerprint of the adjacent cell
200/50 1.22 2.95 0.75 in feature space, which would make it difficult to distin-
50/50 1.38 7.36 1.31 guish. Hence, too small size would not help to improve
Corridor 1K/200 1.26 1.58 1.08 positioning accuracy, but would only increase the labor
500/100 1.31 2.03 1.11 and time during building the fingerprint database. On
200/50 1.42 5.34 1.36
the other hand, if the size is too big, the measurement
scale would be more extensive which would not be
50/50 1.49 8.91 2.06
beneficial to improve the position accuracy, too.
Zhang et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2019) 2019:51 Page 12 of 14
Fig. 10 MDE for different number of APs. In the top figure, blue and orange represent the median distance error of different match algorithm
under the one AP and two APs conditions in the laboratory, respectively. In the middle figure, blue and orange represent the median distance
error of different match algorithm under the one AP and two APs conditions in the meeting room, respectively. In the bottom figure, blue and
orange represent the median distance error of different match algorithm under the one AP and two APs conditions in the corridor, respectively
5.8 Comparison with other localization system CSI-based system, we use the same CSI data as that in
Our localization system is compared with two our system. KNN approach is introduced to all the three
fingerprint-based systems, i.e., a RSSI-based system systems for matching fingerprints. The performance of
(RADAR) [33] and a CSI-based system (CSI-MIMO) the three systems under the conditions of one AP and
[20] in the three environments. In the experiments, the two APs are shown in Fig. 11.
RSSI used in the RADAR system is the mean signal Since an AP only provides one RSSI, the RADAR sys-
strength of the three receiving antennas and in the tem lacks features for localization whose MDE is
Fig. 11 Different size of cell. In the figure, blue, orange, and yellow line represents the experiment scenarios. Blue represents the experiment
done in the laboratory, orange line represents the experiment done in the meeting room and yellow line represents the experiment done in the
corridor. Star represents the size of cell is 0.3 m × 0.3 m, circular represents the size of cell is 0.6 m × 0.6 m, and triangle represents the size of cell
is 1.2 m × 1.2 m
Zhang et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2019) 2019:51 Page 13 of 14
Fig. 12 Comparison with other localization system. In the top figure, blue, red, and orange bar represent the median distance error of different
localization system with one AP in the laboratory, meeting room, and the corridor, respectively. In the top figure, blue, red, and orange bar
represent the median distance error of different localization system with two AP in the laboratory, meeting room and the corridor, respectively
15.3 m in laboratory, 12.5 m in the meeting room, and Our future work will focus on more complex scenarios
16.5 m in the corridor, respectively. Two APs contrib- where multiple sensing elements are used to obtain
ute to reducing the MDE for RADAR, the MDE de- more exact information for localization. Research is on-
creases significantly in all three scenarios. Similar to going to verify whether the current system can also be
RADAR, more APs are also conducive to improving the extended to a multi-level floor.
localization accuracy for our system. With two APs, the
MDE of our system is 0.61 m in the laboratory, which Abbreviations
CSI: Channel state information; LBS: Location-based service; MIMO: Multiple
is better than 0.82 m reached by CSI-MIMO. In terms input multiple output; OFDM: Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing;
of one AP, the advantage of our system is apparent, RSSI: Received signal strength indication
reaching 0.64 m in the laboratory, 0.58 m in the meet-
ing room, and 1.12 m in the corridor. Moreover, this is Acknowledgements
The authors would like to thank the reviewers for their helpful advice.
superior over 1.53 m, 1.78 m, and 3.15 m of
CSI-MIMO system, respectively (Fig. 12). Funding
This work is supported by the National key research and development plan
under Grant (No: 2017YFC0804401).
6 Conclusion
Availability of data and materials
In this study, a fingerprint-based localization system is The data used to support the findings of this study can be obtained by
presented that only using a single AP. We use the phase emailing the corresponding author.
information for fingerprinting localization and a linear
transformation algorithm to eliminate the noise in the Authors’ contributions
All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
phase. A new phase decomposition method is proposed to
acquire the phase information of multipath, and a Competing interests
PCA-based algorithm is used to extract features for the The authors declare that they have no conflict of interests.
generation of a fingerprint. The performance in the la-
boratory, the meeting room, and the corridor is validated. Publisher’s Note
The results reveal a minimum mean distance error of Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
0.6 m in the laboratory, 0.45 m in the meeting room, and published maps and institutional affiliations.
1.08 m in the corridor. We also analyze the impact factors Author details
on the localization accuracy of our system and compare 1
School of Information and Control Engineering, China University of Mining
our system with a RSSI-based and a CSI-based fingerprint and Technology, Xuzhou 221000, China. 2IoT Perception Mine Research
Center, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221000, China.
localization system. The results demonstrate that our sys- 3
National and Local Joint Engineering Laboratory of Internet Application
tem outperforms the other two systems. Technology on Mine, Xuzhou 221008, Jiangsu, China.
Zhang et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2019) 2019:51 Page 14 of 14
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