Parakeet Care
Parakeet Care
Parakeet Care
The budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus) also known as common pet parakeet or shell parakeet and
informally nicknamed the budgie, is a small, long-tailed, seed-eating parrot. Budgerigars are the only
species in the Australian genus Melopsittacus, and are found wild throughout the drier parts of Australia
where the species has survived harsh inland conditions for the last five million years. Budgerigars are
naturally green and yellow with black, scalloped markings on the nape, back, and wings, but have been
bred in captivity with colouring in blues, whites, yellows, greys, and even with small crests. Budgerigars are
popular pets around the world due to their small size, low cost, and ability to mimic human speech. The
species was first recorded in 1805, and today is the third most popular pet in the world, after the
domesticated dog and cat.
They are very active, playful birds, and they are incredibly intelligent. Some (but not all) budgies learn to
talk, there are even budgies have a 100+ word vocabulary!
Budgies can easily become finger tame while they are young with some diligent training, even if they were
not hand fed as babies.
Many owners of fully tamed budgies will swear that their budgie thinks it's a human! Even if a budgie is not
tamed, they still make enjoyable pets. Their antics and singing will brighten up any room in your home. And
budgies who are not finger tame still can become friendly towards you, and even still learn to talk.
Many people know them as "parakeets," but their real name is "budgerigar". The word "budgerigar" comes
from the aboriginal people of Australia, the budgie homeland. We like to use "budgie" as a shortened
version of "budgerigar". In English, "budgerigar" or "budgie" is a more accurate name, because "parakeet"
actually refers to a large group of small to medium sized parrot species.
Parakeets have a lifespan of around 10 – 15 years though individuals have been reported to have lived
significantly longer.
Egg laying will start 1-2 days after mating. The female will lay an egg every other day, laying a total of 4-9
eggs. The female will sit on the eggs at all times. The eggs will usually hatch at around 18-20 days.
It is usually easy to tell the sex of a budgerigar over six months old, mainly by the cere colors, but
behaviors and head shape also help indicate sex.
A mature male's cere is usually light to dark blue, but can be purplish to pink in some particular color
mutations, such as Dark-eyed Clears, Danish Pieds (Recessive Pieds) and Inos, which usually display
much rounder heads. Males are typically cheerful, extroverted, highly flirtatious, peacefully social, and very
Females' ceres are pinkish as immatures and switch from being beigish or whitish outside breeding
condition into brown (often with a 'crusty' texture) in breeding condition and usually display flattened backs
of heads (right above the nape region). Females are typically highly dominant and more socially intolerant.
When females get older, their ceres tend to be brown usually, females are often more bossy and rude with
their own gender, but with males they get along better; usually when budgies of different gender are put
together, they tend to be more kind to each other. Some will not even fight or peck at each other for their
life time
Like many birds, budgerigars have tetra chromatic color vision, but all four classes of cone cells operating
simultaneously requires the full spectrum provided by sunlight. The ultraviolet spectrum brightens their
feathers to attract mates. The throat spots in budgerigars reflect UV and can be used to distinguish
individual birds.
Parakeets love to bathe. Some prefer a misting with a spray bottle, others enjoy a good soak in the “tub”
when you offer them a shallow bowl of water. In the wild, parakeets like to roll around in the grass after a
rain shower. In our homes, many parakeets will appreciate a bowl of wet greens, such as parsley, to crawl
around in. Your parakeet will need to bathe 2-3 times a week, and more often if it prefers.
Many people make a mistake in believing that small birds only eat seeds. In fact, many people are told as
much when they purchase their parakeets. That information is wrong and will lead to health problems due
to the bird’s dietary needs not being met. Parakeets need the nutritional advantages of fresh fruits and
vegetable, grains and legumes. Foods such a strawberries, blueberries, broccoli and tomato are all
acceptable options.
Additionally, the bird will need a healthy, organic pellet and fresh water that is changed at least once daily,
served in clean dishes.
Social Behavior
Parakeets are flock creatures, and part of their care is providing social activities. If their human family
members are home a lot, able to hand tame the bird, and give it lots of interaction time, then they will
become its flock. Parakeets can form strong bonds to their human flock mates. If they will be gone a lot,
then the parakeet should be kept in an environment with other parakeets. The human/bird bond may not be
as strong but it is healthier for the birds overall. Without a companion the bird may suffer from depression
and other mental health problems.
Signs of Illness
Irregularities in eating
Sleepiness, lethargy, anti-social behaviors
Stains around vent or change in droppings
Wheezing or sneezing
Discoloration of feathers above nostrils
Sitting on cage bottom, weak, unable to perch
Parakeets are quite inquisitive and active and should always be provided with a supply of toys to keep them
mentally stimulated. Basic toys with bells, beads, and rings will be favorites. Swings and chew toys are
recommended. Keeping toys outside of the cage and rotating them keeps it clear of clutter. Additionally, it
can be greatly beneficial to allow parakeets time outside of their cage so long as steps have been taken to
insure a safe environment for the bird.
Common Behaviors
Stretching - Budgies stretch from time to time to get exercise and to get their blood flowing.
Beak Grinding - While asleep, budgerigars often nibble or grind their beaks.
Preening - To stay clean, budgies preen on a regular basis. They get oil from the "preen gland" at
the base of the tail and use it to keep their feathers in excellent shape.
Fluffing - It's not unusual to see budgies fluff themselves up or shake around, and they usually do
this when they're done preening. It gets their feathers back into order. They may also do this
immediately before taking a nap, and it's sometimes a part of mating behavior.
Chewing and Shredding - Budgerigars' beaks are always growing. To keep them from becoming
overgrown, these birds enjoy shredding things up and chewing on things.
Napping - Around midday, most budgies take naps. They typically nap for 15 to 45 minutes.
Yawning - Whether it's done before a nap or immediately after one, yawning is normal. A budgerigar's
throat might move forward when he yawns, and that's normal too.