Adom RPG
Adom RPG
Adom RPG
Dual-Classing 25
Learning the Rules „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„17
Levels 17
........„ .........„ ........„ .........„ .........„ .
Select Alignment „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 26
Abbreviations .....„.„ ......„ .........„ .........„ . 18 Select Skills „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„. 26
Gnomes . . 38 The Master Skill Table ... 107 Roll High versus Roll Low .................... 143
Wolfs bane ...........„..„................„.„..„....154
................................ ............... .............. . . .....
........ .......................
............................... . .
S urprise 147
................................................. ...............................................
Darkvision 161
Bard 64
..... ... .............................
Initiative 148
....................................................... ............................................
Doors 161
Beastfighter 66
.. . . . . ................. . ......
Combat . . . . . 148
.......................................... ....................................................
Duelist ................................................... 72 Reflex .........„„..„..„„..........„.„..„..„........134 Charging .............................................. 149 Dungeon Survival ................................ 162
Elementalist 74 Will..........................................................134 Set Weapon Against Charge............... 149 City.Adventures.............................................. 165
Order and Chaos...................................136 Cover and Concealment ..„„„...„..„..„. 150 experience and .Advancement................. 171
Monk .......... . .......................................... 84
Mons ter Attack Bonus „„.„..„...„..„..„. 150 Experience Points 171
Good and Evil........... ............................136
Necromancer 86
. ...............................
Ranged Combat ................................... 150 Group Awards „„„„..„„„„„„„„„„..„.„... 171
Corruption ........ .. .
. ... ................... . ........ 138
Priest ...................................................... 92 Mis s ile Weapon Rate of Fire„„...„„....„151 Individual Awards „..„„..„„..„„..„..„„„ 172
Ranger . 94 The Danger System.....................................141 Grenade-Like Missiles„„„„„„„„„„.....„151
. .................................................
Types of Awards................................... 172
Firing into Melee „„„„.„„„„„„„„„„.„„.151
Thief ............................ ..
. ........................ 96 Fate .................................................. . . 141
. .. Experience for Roleplaying „.„„„..„..„ 172
Miss iles that Miss „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„151
Weaponsmith ....................................... 98 Types of Checks ................................... 141 Experience for Defeating Monsters .„ 172
Damage ................................................ 152 Experience for Treas ures„.„..„„„..„..„.173
Wizard . 100 Attribute Checks ............ ...... ..... . .. .. 141
Negative Hit Points ......„„„„„„„.„....... 152
. . . .. . .
.... ............................................
System Shock Checks.......................... 142 Brawling ...........„ ..........„ ..........„ .........„ 152 Story Rewards ..................................„....173
Skill Points . . 105 Attack Rolls ...... ... .......... .......... ......... 142 Coup De Grace„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 152
............................ ... .........
. . . .
Resolving Challenges 142 Garlic, Mirrors , Holy Symbols„„„„„„„153
The Limits of Advancement.... .... .... .174
Reversible Spells .................................. 180 Death ......... „ ..........„ ..........„ ..........„ ...... 266 T-10: Initial Skill Points................................. 105
Casting Spells ...................................... 180 Fire.„ .......... „ ..........„ ..........„ ..........„...... 266
The Drakalor Chain............................ 297 T-11: Skill Check Difficulties ......................... 107
Spell Casting Constraints ....................181 Greed ......... „ ..........„ ..........„ ..........„ ...... 266 The Hamlet ofTerinyo ....................... 298 T-12: Minimum BAB for Martial Skills ........ 109
Powering Spells ...................................181 Knowledge ..........„ ..........„ ..........„...... 266
„ Yggaz, the Fool.....................................298 T-13: Weapon Damage by Skill Level ........... 109
Expending Power Points „„„„„„„„„„„181 Law.„ ..........„..........„ ..........„ ..........„ ...... 266 Rynt, the Village Elder ........................298 T-14: Master Skill Table ..................................112
Life Cas ting„„„„„.„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 182 Life .„.......... ..........„ ..........„ ..........„ ...... 266
Guth'Alak, the Druid ...........................298 T-15: Martia!Armor Skill Effects...................114
Giving in to Corruption „„„„„„„„„„„. 182 Light ........... „ ..........„..........„ ..........„...... 266 Munxip, the Shopkeeper.....................298 T-16: Martial Fighting Style Skill Effects ...... 115
Power Point Recovery „„„„„„„„„„„„„182 Love............„.......... ..........„ ..........„ ...... 266 T-17: Master Experience PointTable ............175
Murder ..........„..........„ .......... ...... 266 T-21: Charm Person Save Intervals ............. 200
Conflicting Spells ................................ 183 ......„ „
Nature ..........„..........„ ...... 266 Appendix B: MindcraftIndex................... 304 T-22: Clenched Fist Damage......................... 201
Spell Details ......................................... 183
........ „ .......... „
Priest Spells (Spell Level 1-7) ...............187 Minderaft Is Not Magie ......................271 T-31: Passplant ............................................... 234
Designation of Open Game Content .306
Wizard Spells (Spell Level 0-4) .......... 188 Using Power Points .............................271
T-32: Prismatic Sphere .................................. 239
OPEN GAME LICENSE. Version i.oa306
Wizard Spells (Spell Level 5-9) ...........189 T-33: Prismatic Spray .................................... 239
Minderaft Saving Throws ...................271
Appendix f: Content of the GMG ..... 308 T-34: Druidic Reincarnation......................... 243
Spell Deseriptions ...............................194 Minderaft Diseiplines .........................271 T-35: Druidic Reincarnation......................... 243
More information about the world of
Religion 263 Coneentration .................................... 272 T-36: Secret Chest .......................................... 247
Ancardia ...............................................308
Foundations........................................ 263 Simultaneous Power Use .................. 272 T-37: Sleep ...................................................... 248
Exploring the World............................308
Zero Power .......................................... 272 T-38: Summon Sylvan Beings....................... 253
Pantheons ............................................ 263 Items & Artifacts .................................308 T-40: Variable Domain Effects ..................... 265
Immortals ............................................ 263 Minderafting Diseiplines .................. 274 Monsters, Monsters, Monsters ..........308 T-41: Ancardian Gods & Goddesses ............. 267
Domains............................................... 264 Psychometabolic Discipline ............... 274 Background Information on the War
Priests................................................... 264 Ps ychometabolic Sciences „„„.„..„„„„ 274 Between Order and Chaos..................309
Druids................................................... 264 Ps ychometabolic Devotions „..„„„„„„ 275 Chaos & Corruption ............................ 309
Chaos .................................................... 264 Clairsentient Disciplines .................... 277 Choices, Choices, Choices .................. 310
Corruption ........................................... 264 Clairs entient Sciences „„„.„.„..„..„„„. 277
The Raad to Immortality .................... 3 10
Clairs entient Devotions„„............„„„. 279
Andor Drakon...................................... 264 More Amazing Art ............................... 310
Psychokinetic Disciplines................... 281
.Appendix f: Content of the GMG Background Information on the War Between Order and Chaos
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ancardia is a land threatened (or already tarn asunder) by the war between Order and Chaos (de
pending on the timeframe your campaign is set in). In The GMG you will find extensive informa
he upcoming ADOM RPG Game Master's Guide (GMG) contains a ton ofextra content relat tion on the war itself, its major players and factions as well as the dark means used by Chaos in
T ed to ADOM and the world ofAncardia as well as highly useful for general gaming. Here we its attempt to conquer Ancardia.
briefly summarize what you can expect:
Chaos e5 Corruption
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
All the rules for exploring dungeons, the wilderness of Ancardia and the vast oceans are con
something eise. A third eye might appear on
tained in the GMG. As well as commentary about other planes of existence and the various di
your head (or your body), giving you the capa-
mensions ruled by all kinds ofgodlings, quasi-deities and other immortals.
bility to see through illusions and the invisibili
ltems e5 Ärtifacts ty, maybe you start to sense beings in other places, grow another
powerful arm, become covered in scales granting resistance to
The GMG contains the descriptions for hundreds of items and dozens of artifacts as well as
damage, grow babbling mouths that occasionally spew forth pow
guidelines for creating even more!
erful spells or are changed into a lean and incredibly fast creature...
the road to power is varied. And something... eise... awaits you at the
Monsters, Monsters, Monsters
end ofthe road ...
Hundreds ofmonsters, many ofthem peculiar to the world of Ancardia, all fully statted, wait for The GMG will present 10 levels of corruption powers, rules for
you. Scale your challenges from level 1 to 36! accumulating Corruption Points (CP) and the changes they bring.
Will you choose the fast path to power and might by siding with Cha
os or try to resist... and for how lang?
Choices, Choices, Choices mere mortal. The GMG lays out the rules for
striving for immortality and becoming a god
Alternate character generation systems
in your own right. Ifyou can survive the com
(leaner, more complex, it's your choice), al
ternate attribute generation systems, rules
for upping the deadliness of combat so that
even a minor peasant might be able to kill a ���.� ..���.����...��............................
The GMG will feature another ton of gor
dragon with a lucky shot (although it would
geous, relevant & amazing full color art, tru
be a legendary deed to achieve this) and so
ly turning ADOM RPG into the most mod
much more wait for you!
ern OSR roleplaying game so far. Marvel at
The Road to lmmortality the fantastic landscapes and beings coming
to life through vivid full page imagery as well
The gods ofAncardia are immortal... but not
as many smaller graphics illustrating Ancar
unkillable. Even Andor Drakon, the mighty
dia, its inhabitants and the forces ofChaos!
Lord of Chaos, is said to once have been a
r� �
Where we invent afictional character to begin our adventures with...
ir�1 �
haracter creation is a s ple an logical
C process with a total of e1ght mam steps
(summarized in the box to the right). Same
ofthese steps may contain smaller sub steps. I. Roll Star Sign & Birthday
Once you get accustomed to both the rules 2. Roll Attribute Scores
and the character creation process it will take a. Apply Star Sign Modifiers
about 10-20 minutes to create a new charac b. Check Character Suitability
ter. Until then you should reserve more time. 3. Select a Race
All subsequent sections in this chapter ex a. Apply Racial Ability Modifiers
plain the details. b. Note Racial Abilities
4. Select a Class
a. Multi-Classing
Roll Star Si n e!f Birthday b. Calculate Experience Modifier
5. Select Alignment
he Stars of Ancardia are powerful. They
T influence the lives ofheroes and villains 6. Select Skills
7. Determine Passessions
alike For all player characters the first char
a. Roll Gold
acter generation step is to determine the star
b. Buy Equipment
sign under which a character was born, fol
8 . Finalize the character
lowed by the specific birthday. Details can
a. Calculate Ability Modifiers
be found in section „Star Signs" starting on
b. Calculate Armor Class
page 130.
c. Calculate Hit Points
d. Calculate Power Points
e. Calculate Age, Height & Weight
Roll Attribute Scores f. Determine Saving Throws
g. Select Languages
oll 4d6 seven times. Drop the lowest die
R for each roll and record the sum of the h. Choose Name
i. Choose Background
remaining dice. Assign each of the scores to
one of the seven attributes (Strength, lntel preference. Note that low Attribute Scores
ligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution, might bar you from selecting certain rac
Charisma, Appearance) according to your es (see section „Select a Race" starting on
Where we introduce the core rule used to resolve all risky actions...
esolving uncertainty calls for an attri Saving Throws are called for whenever the
R bute check, a skill check, a saving throw, Player Character needs to evade some nasty
a system shock check or an attack roll. These effect - e.g. to resist the effects of poison or
five types ofchecks encompass all activities a the lure of a Charm Person spell. The type of
Player Character can engage in. Saving Throw will be dictated by the specific
situation. Saving Throws are resolved using
Where we introduce the limitless powers ofthe mind...
tent with a simple life, come to the Drakalor Yggaz believes he won or lost said battle, and Twyat Pare,. the Sheriff still - there is no shortage of work between
Mountains. up to the adventuring party whether they be . . . crops and the children. And the boys and girls
There are many origin stories to the lieve anything he says. Yet there might be
·R�·����·��i�i���·� ·i·� i��·���· ·�� i��<l· h��· ·�i gh� ofTerinyo are the busiest beings in town, by
hand to decent folk like those found in Ter
name -like ofhow a Titan and a great Drag something eise more mysterious behind Yg the looks ofit -you will hardly see one stand
inyo. Her other hand, however, also extends
on fought and slew each other and their gaz's mostly harmless exterior. ing still for more than a moment. Within the
to unsavory characters who favor a life based
corpses lay jagged along the earth, silent as town's families, however, children are the
stone. The truth hardly matters. You are here, Rynt, the Village elder on thieving, raiding, and murder -or worse.
most willing to talk to adventurers. Perhaps
This reality of frontier life shapes the sher
so it is more pressing to detail what it is you T"�;i�;;; i"� ·�;� ·;i�h"i� ·�·�·�hi�g ·b·�� ·h·�·�d ·�·�;i� iffs single-minded purpose. He walks tall
it is the very idea of a life without farms -
are to find. and simple wisdom. Rynt is the town's re whatever it be, boys and girls alike will glad
in Terinyo, yet raider bands, marauding orc
The mountains themselves form a lang pository ofsaid accumulated knowledge. Old ly stop chasing the birds to speak to a strang
tribes and secret goblin camps trouble his
and winding chain. lts highest peaks are im to the point of needing a cane to walk, Rynt er, especially if you have any apples. And
sleep. What's more, there are more human
possibly tall, so much so that they would be mostly keeps to the small village hall near when that wide-eyed child speaks, the drama
settlements in the Drakalor Chain, and ru
impassable without magic beyond the abil the center of town (a center, it must be said, of Terinyo unfolds: what family's grain was
mors have come ofone derelict town harne to
ities of simple mortals. At first glance, any rather close to the edges). Whatever physical taken by raiders, what little girl's dog went
more than just bandits, but a cunning crime
thing or anyone with any sense would leave prowess he had to leave to his younger years, astray, and how many days it has been since
lord. lt is then no surprise that the sheriff is
this inhospitable place to the beasts that in the village elder's mind is sharp as a tack. He someone's seen the carpenter. Who heard
looking for recruits. Can he count on your
habit it. But! A lone, narrow, yet well-trodden has, through extensive experience, learned the druid whisper of"Kay-oss", how raids are
swords, battle axes, and bows?
path is to be found for those who dare to look. to deal with adventurers' incessant prod to blame for the shortage at Munxip's. 1 know
. .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . .
And it leads inside the Drakalor Chain, open more, and the apples are so juicy, stranger -
ding and endless thirst for information with The Townsfolk
ing into a large central valley. Here, at the bor naught but a smile and a pipe. He also has a . . .. .. ... .. . . .... .... . .............. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
but hey, do you have any candy?
ders of what is reliably known and mapped, Simple life is hardly simple. Farmers are har
few ideas ofhis own about why so many ad
is where adventurers of every known race dy, resilient folk, wise to the comings and go
venturers never return to Terinyo...
come to make a name ... or die trying. ings ofseasons, weather, animals, and crops.
Guth'A.lak, the Druid Their few idle thoughts are occupied with the
. . . next thing that needs be done - work never
1ii·� g�·��� �·��b�·d fig�;� ��·�· ·b·�· f��·�·d ·��·��d·�
The Hamlet of Terinyo ing close to any of the large trees around
stops on a farm. City folk might deem them
unrefined, but farmers know pretty words
Terinyo. Wild birds routinely land on his
uch as the Drakalor Chain does not seem feed no chickens. Farmers' wives are busier
S built for men, yet is man one of Ancar shoulders, and squirrels almost act like he is
another tree - none of which seems to alter
dia's most stubborn and resourceful crea
the almost disquieting aura of serenity ema
tures. Testament to this is the humble village
nating from the man. There is something in
of Terinyo. Here, though surrounded by a
his eyes, however, betraying a deep preoccu
forest where it is rumored huge grizzly bears
are the least of your worries, an adventurer pation with the Balance of Ancardia.
might feel a sense of temporary ease. Birds
chirp, farmers toil and complain, children ..... ..... .. ..... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. .... ... .. .. .. .. ...
Munxip, the Shopkeeper
play in small ponds. The shopkeeper smiles Should you approach his shop, you will hear
at the jingle ofcoin. All is well with the world. the characteristic clap of two sausage-fin
gered hands meeting around the front of a
elemental kind of damage (fire, light 7 7d6 +3/+7 Eagle's Eye, +1 MSP
ning, cold or acid [earth]). Once per level 8 8d6 +3/+8 Sharpshooter (x3), +1 MSP
per day a missile can be charged with this 9 9d6 +4/+9 Elemental Charge (1), +1 MSP
type of energy. This must be announced 10 9d6+3* +4/+9 Multiple Attacks (+2), +1 MSP
ther's here today. Came with a new servant. Today, we hunt sparrows. Aim high, in the trees. level 27 and the fourth at level 36. 14 9d6+15* +5/+10 +1 MSP
The grey-moustached man knows his place. He comes close to the boy and he mentions the steps. It's all in Range Mastery: Increases all ranges by 20% 15 9d6+18* +5/+10 Sharpshooter (x4), +1 MSP
the grip. He walks back afew paces. Looks at the boy miss. Bands a bit tense still -look how your father at level 12, by 50% at level 24 and by 100% 16 9d6+21* +5/+11 +1 MSP
shoots. As the sun grows hotter, the boy's shot a squirrel. Father says to Jan out-quieter that way. Four qui at level 32. 17 9d6+24* +6/+11 +1 MSP
et crossbows walk slow in theforest. Hey! Father! I hit one! The boy turns his head. Near his father, the ser 18 9d6+27* +6/+11 Elemental Charge (2), +1 MSP
vant is loading his own. Father proudly walksforth. Click-clack. Towards his son. Father, wait! That man's 19 9d6+30* +6/+11 +1 MSP
aim-A bolt cuts through the air. There's a groan and a body thumps down to the ground. Birds fly off. The 20 9d6+33* +6/+12 Multiple Attacks (+3), +1 MSP
new servant lies dead on the ground, crossbow bolt in his back. Master-bowman walks forth, coming out of 21 9d6+36* +7/+12 +1 MSP
the shrub. Boy, it's all in the grip. 22 9d6+39* +7/+12 +1 MSP
A rchers are masters at striking at range - are favored. Gains one Martial Skill Point 24 9d6+45* +7/+13 Range Mastery (50%), +1 MSP
I"' with bows, crossbows, slings, anything (MSP) per level (including Ist) that can be 25 9d6+48* +8/+13 Sharpshooter (x5), +1 MSP
that isn't nailed down. They discovered lang used on missile weapon skills, the Light 26 9d6+51* +8/+13 +1 MSP
ago that the best way to win is to never get Armor skill, the Unarmored Combat skill 27 9d6+54* +8/+13 Elemental Charge (3), +1 MSP
Multiple Attacks (+4), +1 MSP
+1 MSP
Prime Attribute: D EX Expert Shooter: The first BAB number is 32 9d6+69* +9/+15 Range Mastery (100%), +1 MSP
Alignment: Any used for melee attacks, the second BAB 33 9d6+72* +10/+15 +1 MSP
Weapons & Armor: Starts trained in all sim number is used for all ranged attacks. 34 9d6+75* +10/+15 +1 MSP
ple weapons, all missile weapons and light Deadshot: Shots at short range receive a +2 35 9d6+78* +10/+15 Sharpshooter (x6), +1 MSP
armor. bonus to hit and damage. 36 9d6+81* +10/+16 Elemental Charge (4), +1 MSP
HD/HP: 1d6/+3 Quick Draw: Can ready his missile weapon T-6: Archer Progression
Skill Categories & Skills: Common, Athlet for shooting without losing an action.
The Constitution modifier no langer is ap
ic, Martial skill and Subterfuge categories Falcon's Eye: At level 3 shots at medium
family trade for generations upon genera
at level 7 Dwarves become able to smell
tions. Dwarves who break with tradition and
precious metals (silver, gold, platinum,
travel new roads often find that their rigid
s Dwarves have b� en wroughtfrom the mou� tain. Non-Dwarves call it legend, but it is as true as mithril, adamantium and eternium) at
worldview is at odds with that ofall other An
-� the deep metal veins ofthe earth. The stone is our ancestry, mettle and nature. lt is no story, no cardian races. They are puzzled by Gnomes'
a range of 10 feet per level. This requires
elf-bard's forlorn song: I was born of a Dwarf, but my forefathers sprung from the bowels of the one turn ofconcentration.
. playful spirit, suspicious of Human inten
mountain. lt was a thunderous, difficult birth, one which shook mother whole, from the peak to the roots. In Tough as a Rock (nth, I9th and 27th level):
tions, and always at war with the Orc, who
the tremor �nd rumbling scream of the stone the first dwarves were pried off of the first cavern walls. They With growing experience Dwarves be
they see as invaders and as aberrations.
were more lrke the stone than we are-strong and tough, offew words, slow to act. I admire those traits. Yet come tougher and tougher until their skin
the great Architect had his plans, and so Morodwyn came to mother in that ancient hour. With a crackfrom
the sky and a flash he connected with her. Lightning quick was his road down the stone's metal veins. And Racial features receives a rock-like quality. At level 11 they
gain Damage Resistance (2), at level 19
within the first �avern there was a great flash as he struck those first Dwarves. They were chiseled, trans Attribute Modifiers: +2 CON, -1 INT, -1 CHA, this increases to Damage Resistance (4) to
formed, and desrgned. So you see, from a union ofOrderly Light and the Mountain we come. Who but fools -1 APP finally become Damage Resistance (6) at
choose to stray from the path set in metal and stone?-Silver-Quill, Dwarven scribe Racial Hit Die: 1d10 level 27.
Spoken Languages: Dwarvish, Common
Culture the metal makes metalcraft sacred as well Tongue, Gnomish. Orcish, Trollish
Speak with Stones (3Ist level): Dwarves now
Physical Äppearance
dom in metal but the roots ofdwarf strength the effects of poison and diseases. At lev
el 23 they turn completely immune to poi
0 warves are a short race, four and a half
lie in stone. The digging is sacred, for it is a
sacrifice of that which inhabits all Dwarves. sons and diseases.
And believing Morodwyn still speaks from feet at the tallest. What their stocky Infravision (Ist level): Dwarves posses m
fravision up to a range of60 feet.
Multiple Attacks: Gains 3/2 attacks per round more than crawl around at 1/3 speed - spe
at level 5, 2 attacks per round at level 10, cifically they are not able to fight, bandage
5/2 attacks per round at level 20 and 3 at themselves, use items or do anything that
tacks per round at level 36. requires concentration or prolonged exer
Lordship: Starting at level 9 a Fighter can set tion). Starting at level 12 they only final
tle down and build a castle (for which he ly die when their hitpoints fall below their
will have to pay himself). Usually he will be negative Fighter dass level.
able to receive a grant ofland (roughly 30
square miles in diameter) as well as the ti
Level HD BAB Abilities
tle of Baron from the local ruler in recog
1d8 +1 Sattle Fury, +1 MSP
nition ofhis bravery (or as a token ofdef
2 2d8 +2 Bravery, +1 MSP
erence to his brutal might). Within weeks
3 3d8 +3 +1 MSP
he will attract 20-200 (2od10) Fighters of
4 4d8 +4 Natural H ealer (1/2), +1 MSP
level 1 who will serve him loyally as lang
5 5d8 +5 Multiple Attacks (3/2), +1 MSP
as they are well-treated. These will be led
6 6d8 +6 H ard to Kill (conscious), +1 MSP
by one captain (Fighter 5). The captain will 7 7d8 +7 +1 MSP
be supported by one sergeant (Fighter 3) 8 8d8 +8 Natural H ealer (1/3), +1 MSP
additional 30-300 (3od10) peasants will 10 9d8+3* +9 Multiple Attacks (2), +1 MSP
lt don't help with the shakes, but it helps with the rest. The horses and their decorated men gallop back Hard to I<ill: Fighters become increasingly 15 9d8+18* +11 +1 MSP
from the field. The Prince now speeds back on his horse towards the line. The soldier hears the Prince's voice, more difficult to kill. At level 6 they no lan 16 9d8+21* +11 Natural H ealer (1/4), +1 MSP
but yet not the words. Then the Prince draws his sword. Screams eruptfrom the men all around the young ger fall unconscious when their HP drop 17 9d8+24* +11 +1 MSP
soldier. She hears her own voice shout the name and the claim. The sun hits herface, bellowing voices, over to zero or below (although they can't do 18 9d8+27* +12 +1 MSP
lapping words, and the spear now points forward. She thinks back to training. Talk is a prelude to battle. 19 9d8+30* +12 +1 MSP
killed to live. Adventuring Fighters sell ic and Martial skill categories are favored. 22 9d8+39* +13 +1 MSP
their sword-lore or work for themselves. Gains one Martial Skill Point (MSP) per 23 9d8+42* +13 +1 MSP
They are well acquainted with the use of ar level (induding Ist). 24 9d8+45* +14 +1 MSP
mor, shields and weapons ofall kinds. That is 25 9d8+48* +14 +1 MSP
how they solve their problems. Special .Abilities 26 9d8+51* +14 +1 MSP
Class features
(+IA) on all saving throws to resist fear. 33 9d8+72* +17 +1 MSP
Prime Attribute: STR ly from damage they receive. At level 4 it 35 9d8+78* +17 +1 MSP
Alignment: Any takes them 1/2 time to heal naturally, at 36 9d8+81* +18 Multiple Attacks (3), +1 MSP
Weapons & Armor: Starts trained m all level 8 it takes only 1/3 the normal time, at T-7: Fighter Progression
weapons, shields and armor types. level 16 is takes 1/4 the normal time and at
* The Constitution modifier no langer is ap
HD/HP: 1d8/+3 level 32 it takes I/5 the normal time.
plied to the extra HP gained.
pointed tops to their ears, and light-colored Speak With Plants (nth level): High Elves
hair, often auburn or gold. Their irises arnber now are able to speak with plants at will.
or purple, they possess a beauty often regard Speak With Elements (ISth level): High Elves
ed as striking or even as fearsorne. now can speak with the elernents (e.g. wa
ter torrents, rain, fog, wind) at will.
Their Role in Äncardia Lightning Speed (I9th level): High elves gain
+io' rnovernent rate and +3 to initiative.
igh Elves rnostly keep to the forests
H which they call their harne, but ofall el Light Sprint (23rd level): The footsteps of
High Elves at this point becorne so light
ven races, they are the ones rnost cornrnon
that they can even cross water or fragile
ly seen arnong others; yet this fact does not
ice while rnoving at running pace. They
rnake thern well liked. They are generally
can cross up to one yard per level before
seen by non-elves as detached and haughty
breaking in. Note that they even rnight
at best. Their great zeal in protecting their
be able to cross rnagrna if they sornehow
land has also seen thern in conflict and war
were protected frorn the heat.
with other races throughout the years. While
Lightning Strike (27th level): High Elves gain
sorne adrnire their grace and good looks frorn
an extra rnelee and rnissile attack.
afar, often High Elves are rnet with distrust.
Move through Trees (3Ist level): Thrice per
l t is unclear if High Elves get their narne as a whole. Their gods ernbody nature and
abstract concepts and are often featured in
(colors dare darnpened).
they nev
er again will
frorn the ancient, tall trees in their forests Magically Attuned (Ist level): High Elves re
sang. Though High Elves can follow Order, forget any-
or frorn their own striking height. Their thin ceive +I PP per level.
Balance or Chaos, and Evil as well as Good, thing they
frarnes are nirnble but relatively frail, and Light Step (3rd level): High Elves no langer
their rnotives can be hard to grasp for those have seen,
they have great talent for rnagic. Their lives seern to exert weight onto the ground
beings who live shorter lives. heard or read.
are incredibly lang, easily reaching a thou (although their physical weight doesn't
They gain a +2
sand Ancardian years. High Elven society is
rooted in the great forests which their tribes
Physical Äppearance change), effectively causing thern to no
langer leave any traces (even when e.g.
bonus to both
igh Elves are quite slender and tall,
H growing to a height of alrnost seven
call harne; they are extrernely protective of rnoving through rnud or fresh snow).
and Wisdorn.
their trees and land. The rnen and warnen Speak With Animals (7th level): High Elves
alike will take several rnates through their feet. They are extrernely fair skinned, have now are able to speak with anirnals at will.