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Polarization Analyzer Basic Optics Manual OS 8533A

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Instruction Manual and 012-09200A

Experiment Guide for

the PASCO scientific
Model OS-8533A

Light Sensor
(not included)



© 2005 PASCO scientific

012-09200A Polarization Analyzer

Table of Contents

Section Page
Copyright, Warranty, and Equipment Return ..................................................... ii
Description ....................................................................................................... 1
Mounting a Rotary Motion Sensor .................................................................... 1
Using the Rotary Motion Sensor ....................................................................... 3
Mounting a Light Sensor ................................................................................... 3
Setup for Measuring Light Intensity .................................................................. 4
Verify Malus’ Law of Polarization .................................................................... 5
Teacher’s Guide ................................................................................................ 9
Technical Support ......................................................................... Inside Back Cover

Polarization Analyzer 012-09200A

Copyright, Warranty, and Equipment Return

Please—Feel free to duplicate this manual

subject to the copyright restrictions below.

Copyright Notice Equipment Return

The PASCO scientific 012-09200 Model OS-8533A Should the product have to be returned to PASCO
Polarization Analyzer is copyrighted and all rights scientific for any reason, notify PASCO scientific by
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educational institutions for reproduction of any part of the Upon notification, the return authorization and
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PASCO scientific warrants the product to be free from be packed properly. Carriers will not accept responsi-
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Upon notification, the return authorization and shipping email: techsupp@pasco.com
instructions will be promptly issued. web: www.pasco.com

This manual authored by: Dave Griffith

012-09200A Polarization Analyzer


The PASCO OS-8533A Polarization Analyzer is designed to be mounted on the Optics Bench of the OS-8515
Basic Optics System and to be used with the Basic Optics Light Source (part of the OS-8515 Basic Optics Sys-
tem) and a Light Sensor such as the PASCO CI-6504A, or PS-2106 to explore polarization. When used with the
PASCO CI-6538 or PS-2120 Rotary Motion Sensor, you can measure the relationship between the light inten-
sity transmitted through a set of polarizers and the angle of the polarizers.
Recommended Equipment
Basic Optics System (OS-8515) Light Sensor (CI-6504A or PS-2106)
Rotary Motion Sensor (CI-6538, or PS-2120)
Polarizer Holder
The Polarization Analyzer consists of a Po-
larizer Holder, an Accessory Holder with Polarizer with
Mounting Bracket, two Polarizers, a Retarder Groove

and an Aperature Bracket. The mounting Accessory Holder with

bracket is permanently attached to the Acces- Mounting Bracket
sory Holder. The mounting bracket holds a
Rotary Motion Sensor in position to measure
the angle of one Polarizer as it turns relative
to the other Polarizer. The mounting bracket
includes two thumbscrews and a plastic belt.
The thumbscrews attach the Rotary Motion
plastic belt
Sensor to the bracket. The plastic belt is used
with a Rotary Motion Sensor. thumbscrews Polarizer
The Polarizers and Retarder snap into the
opening at the top of the Accessory Holder
or the Polarizer Holder. The Retarder is a storage holes Retarder
one-quarter wavelength (140 nanometer) re-
tarder. Each Polarizer has an angular scale
near its outside edge marked in ten degree Figure 1: Polarization Analyzer Components
increments with additional marks at 45, 135,
225, and 315 degrees.
One of the Polarizers has a groove on its front edge. Use
Rotary Motion Sensor
this Polarizer with the Accessory Holder. When the Ro-
tary Motion Sensor is mounted on the Accessory Holder
bracket, you can put the plastic belt over the groove on the
rod clamp
front of the Polarizer and a groove on the three-step pulley on
the Rotary Motion Sensor. This allows you to measure the
angular position of the Polarizer as it turns.
Remove two
Mounting a Rotary Motion Sensor screws from the
rod clamp.
Prepare the Rotary Motion Sensor
Phillips head screwriver
You will need a Phillips head screwdriver with a small tip
(e.g., #1).
Figure 2: Remove Rod Clamp
The Rotary Motion Sensor comes with a rod clamp

Polarization Analyzer 012-09200A

attached to one end. Use a Phillips head screwdriver to loosen the two
screws that hold the rod clamp. Remove the rod clamp and screws.
(Please put the rod clamp and screws in a safe place for future use.) “O” ring

The Rotary Motion Sensor also comes with a rubber “O” ring in the
largest groove of the three-step pulley that is attached to the sensor’s three-step pulley

shaft. Remove the “O” ring from the three-step pulley and put the ring
in a safe place for future use. The sensor is now ready to mount on the
Accessory Holder bracket.
Prepare the Mounting Bracket Rotary Motion Sensor

The bracket comes with two thumb- Figure 3: Remove “O” Ring
screws stored in threaded holes on
the side of the bracket. Remove the
Accessory Holder two thumbscrews and set them aside for now.
The bracket also holds the plastic belt. The belt is wrapped twice around
Mounting Bracket two semi-circular notches on the top and bottom edges of the bracket.
Unwrap the belt from the notches and set it aside for now.
plastic belt
Attach the Rotary
Motion Sensor
Turn the Rotary Motion
Sensor so the three-step Accessory Holder three-step pulley

Figure 4: Prepare Bracket

pulley faces the Accessory
Holder and the threaded
holes in the end of the Mounting Bracket
sensor line up with the holes of the Mounting Bracket. Use
the two thumbscrews to attach the Rotary Motion Sensor to
the Mounting Bracket.
Put on the Plastic Belt Rotary Motion Sensor
Loop the bottom of the plastic belt around the three-step Figure 5: Attach Sensor to Bracket
pulley of the
Rotary Motion
Sensor so the bottom
of the belt is in the
groove of the step- Polarizer with Groove
plastic belt
Attach the Polarizer
three-step pulley plastic belt
Get the Polarizer that
has the groove on its
front edge. Slip the
top of the plastic belt
into the groove on
the front edge of the
Polarizer. Snap the
Polarizer into place
Rotary Motion Sensor on the Accessory
Figure 6: Put on Plastic Belt
Figure 7: Attach Polarizer

012-09200A Polarization Analyzer

Using the Rotary Motion Sensor

Mount the Accessory Holder on the Optics Bench Polarizer
The Accessory Holder snaps into the Optics Bench. To move the Rotary Motion
Accessory Holder along the bench, grasp the base of the holder Sensor
and squeeze the locking clip inward. Continue to squeeze inward Holder
on the locking clip as you move the holder to a new position.
When you release the locking clip, the Accessory Holder is held
firmly in place.
locking clip
Rotate the
Rotate the Polarizer
by grasping the edge
of the Polarizer. As
you turn the Polar- position
Optics Bench indicator
izer, the plastic belt
will turn the three- Figure 8: Holder on Bench
step pulley on the
Rotary Motion
Sensor by the same amount. When the Rotary Motion Sensor
is connected to ScienceWorkshop or PASPORT interface, you
Rotary Motion
can measure the angular position of the Polarizer to within
one-quarter degree.

Figure 9: Rotate the Polarizer

Aperature Bracket
Aperture Bracket
The Aperture Bracket has two main components: the Light Holder
locking clip
Sensor Mount and the Aperture Bracket Holder.
Light Sensor Mount
The Light Sensor Mount has an Aperture Bracket Screen, an
Aperture Disk, a large thumbscrew, and a threaded post. You
can use either the large thumbscrew or the threaded post to Optics Bench
attach a Light Sensor to the Light Sensor Mount in one of two
positions. Use the threaded post if you want to hold the Light
Sensor Mount in a rod clamp. The large thumbscrew or the
post is stored in the threaded storage hole on the Light Sensor
Mount when not in use. indicator

Figure 10: Holder on Bench

Aperture Bracket Holder
Two metal thumbscrews attach the Aperture Bracket Holder to
the back of the Light Sensor Mount. The Aperture Bracket Holder snaps into place anywhere along the
center section of the Optics Bench that is part of the OS-8515 Basic Optics System. To move the holder
along the bench, grasp the base of the holder and squeeze the locking clip inward. Continue to squeeze
inward on the locking clip as you move the holder to the new position. When you release the locking clip,
the holder is held firmly in place.
Polarization Analyzer 012-09200A

Aperture Bracket Screen

The Aperture Bracket Screen is designed to help you align the Aperture Disk with a light source. Two
small thumbscrews attach the Aperture Bracket Screen to the front of the Light Sensor Mount.
Aperture Disk
The Aperture Disk has three circular apertures and six slit apertures (numbered one through six). The slit
widths are as follows:
1 = 0.1 mm 2 = 0.2 mm
3 = 0.3 mm 4 = 0.5 mm
5 = 1.0 mm 6 = 1.5 mm
One circular aperture is 8 mm in diameter, the
Aperture Disk same dimension as the opening of the PASCO
Model CI-6504A, CI-6604, or PS-2106 Light
Sensor. A second circular aperture has the same
diameter but has a grid pattern of small holes (0.25


slit apertures

(1 - 6) apertures mm diameter) that allows 10% transmission of light


through the aperture. The third circular aperture is
Aperture Bracket 2 mm in diameter, or one-fourth the diameter of the
Screen larger circular apertures, and translucent.
The Aperture Disk can be rotated to any of the nine
positions to put one of the slits or circular apertures
Figure 11: Aperture Disk in line with a Light Sensor mounted behind the
Aperture Disk.

Using the Aperature Bracket Light Sensor Mount

Aperture Aperture Bracket
Mounting a Light Sensor Holder
Light Sensor Light Sensor
You can use the Aperture Bracket to
mount a Light Sensor on the Optics
Bench. You can use the Light Sensor to
measure the intensity of light through the
Polarizers as you rotate one Polarizer
Aperture Disk
relative to the other.
Light Sensor large thumbscrew
Use either the large thumbscrew or the
into front hole
post to mount a Light Sensor to the Light
Sensor Mount. Position the Light Sensor
on top of the Light Sensor Mount so the
hole in the bottom of the sensor is in line
with the front hole in the mount and the Figure 12: Mount the Figure 13: Light Sensor
opening of the Light Sensor touches the Light Sensor onto Mount
vertical part of the Light Sensor Mount.
Put the threaded end of the thumbscrew or post through the hole and turn the thumbscrew or post clock-
wise to tighten. See Figure 12 & 13.
Snap the Aperture Bracket Holder into the Optics Bench.Rotate the Aperture Disk so the open circular
aperture is in line with the opening to the Light Sensor.

012-09200A Polarization Analyzer

Setup for Measuring Light Intensity

You can use the Basic Optics Bench, Basic Optics Light Source,
Polarization Analyzer, Rotary Motion Sensor, Aperture Bracket, Polarizer Mount
and a Light Sensor to measure the light intensity through the
Polarizers as one Polarizer is rotated relative to the other.
Prepare the Polarizer
Put the second Polarizer in the empty Polarizer Mount that comes

with the Polarization Analyzer.

Mount the Light Source

Put the Basic Optics Light Source at one end of the Basic Optics
Bench. Refer to the OS-8515 instructions. Turn the Light Source
so it produces a “point source” of light that is aimed toward the
other end of the bench.
Mount the Polarization Analyzer Figure 14: Prepare Polarizer
Snap the Polarizer Mount onto the Optics Bench. Snap the Polar-
ization Analyzer with Rotary Motion
Sensor onto the Optics Bench.
Mount the Light Sensor Basic Optics Light Source
Polarizer Holder
Snap the Aperture Bracket Holder
with the Light Sensor onto the Optics Light Sensor
Bench with the Light Sensor opening
toward the Light Source Aperture Bracket

Polarization Analyzer with

Rotary Motion Sensor

Optics Bench

Figure 15: Setup for Measuring Light Intensity

Polarization Analyzer 012-09200A


012-09200A Polarization Analyzer

Verify Malus’ Law of Polarization


– Basic Optics Bench (part of OS-8515) – Light Sensor (CI-6504A or PS-2106)

– Basic Optics Light Source (part of OS-8515) – Rotary Motion Sensor (CI-6538 or PS-2120)
– Polarization Analyzer with Aperture Bracket (OS-8533A)

The purpose of this laboratory activity is to determine the relationship between the intensity of the transmitted
light through two polarizers and the angle, Ø, of the axes of the two polarizers.

A polarizer only allows light which is vibrating
in a particular plane to pass through it. This plane Polarizer 1 Polarizer 2
forms the “axis” of polarization. Unpolarized
light vibrates in all planes perpendicular to the
direction of propagation. If unpolarized light is
incident upon an “ideal” polarizer, only half will
be transmitted through the polarizer. Since in
reality no polarizer is “ideal”, less than half the
light will be transmitted. polarized light, I0
I = I0 cos φ
unpolarized light φ
The transmitted light is polarized in one plane. If
this polarized light is incident upon a second
polarizer, the axis of which is oriented such that
it is perpendicular to the plane of polarization of
the incident light, no light will be transmitted
through the second polarizer.
I = I0cos2 φ
However, if the second polarizer is oriented at an component of polarized light parallel to
axis of Polarizer 2
angle so that it is not perpendicular to the first
polarizer, there will be some component of the Figure 1.1: Polarization
electric field of the polarized light that lies in the
same direction as the axis of the second polarizer,
thus some light will be transmitted through the second polarizer (see the bottom figure).
The component, E, of the polarized electric field, Eo, is found by:

E = E0 cos φ
Since the intensity of the light varies as the square of the electric field, the light intensity transmitted through
the second filter is given by:

where Io is the intensity of the light passing through the first filter and Ø is the angle between the polarization
axes of the two filters.

Polarization Analyzer 012-09200A

Consider the two extreme cases illustrated by this equation:

• If Ø is zero, the second polarizer is aligned with the first polarizer, and the value of cos2Ø is one. Thus the
intensity transmitted by the second filter is equal to the light intensity that passes through the first filter. This
case will allow maximum intensity to pass through.
• If Ø is 90º, the second polarizer is oriented perpendicular to the plane of polarization of the first filter, and the
cos2(90º) gives zero. Thus no light is transmitted through the second filter. This case will allow minimum inten-
sity to pass through.
• These results assume that the only absorption of light is due to polarizer effects. In fact most polarizing films
are not clear and thus there is also some absorption of light due to the coloring of the Polaroid filters.

In this activity, the Light Sensor measures the relative intensity of light that passes through two polarizers. You
will change the angle of the second polarizer relative to the first. The Rotary Motion Sensor measures the
The DataStudio records and displays the light intensity and the angle between the axes of the polarizers. You
can use the program’s built-in calculator to compare the relative intensity to the angle, the cosine of the angle,
and the cosine2 of the angle.

Equipment Setup
1. Mount the Basic Optics Light Sensor

Light Source, Polarizer Aperture Disk

Holder, Polarizer Analyzer
with Rotary Motion Sensor, Polarizers
and Aperture Bracket
Rotary Motion
Holder with Light Sensor as Sensor
shown. (Refer to the Intro- Light Source
duction for more informa-
2. Connect the Light Sensor
and Rotary Motion Sensor
to the computer through a
ScienceWorkshop or
PASport interface (or inter-

faces), and start DataStudio.

Optics Bench

Figure 2: Equipment Setup

012-09200A Polarization Analyzer

Experiment Setup
Select the Sensors and Set the Sample Rate

• Refer to DataStudio on-line help for detailed information on selecting sensors and changing the sample rate.

1. Set up the Rotary Motion Sensor for high resolution (for example, 1440 Divisions per Rotation). Select Large
Pulley (Groove) for the linear calibration (if you are using a PASport Sensor, this step is unecessary).
2. Set the sample rate of both sensors to 20 Hz, or 20 measurements per second.
Select the Display
• Refer to DataStudio on-line help for detailed information selecting and changing displays.
1. Select a Graph display.
2. Set the axes of the Graph display so light intensity is on the vertical axis and angular position is on the horizon-
tal axis.
Prepare to Record Data

• Refer to DataStudio on-line help for detailed information on monitoring and recording data.

1. Turn both Polarizers so they are at the same beginning angle (e.g., zero degrees).
2. Start monitoring data.
3. Rotate one Polarizer back and forth until the transmitted light intensity is maximum.
4. Stop monitoring data.

Record Data
1. Start recording data.
2. Slowly rotate the Polarizer on the Polarization Analyzer in the clockwise direction. Continue to rotate the Po-
larizer until you have made one complete rotation (360 degrees).
3. After one complete rotation, stop recording data.

Analyze the Data

• Refer to the on-line help for DataStudio detailed information on creating and displaying calculations and using
DataStudio for data analysis.
1. Use the Experiment Calculator in DataStudio software to create a calculation of the cosine of the angle between
the Polarizers.
2. Repeat the procedure to create a calculation of the cosine2 of the angle of the Polarizers.
3. Use the Graph display to examine the plot of light intensity versus angle.
4. Change the Graph display to show the plot of light intensity versus the cosine of the angle, and then change the
Graph display to show the plot of light intensity versus the cosine2 of the angle.
5. Use Data Studio software to determine the relationship between the light intensity and the cosine2 of the angle.

Polarization Analyzer 012-09200A

1. What is the shape of the plot of light intensity versus angle?

2. What is the shape of the plot of light intensity versus cosine of the angle?

3. What is the shape of the plot of light intensity versus cosine2 of the angle?

4. Theoretically, what percentage of incident plane polarized light would be transmitted through three Polarizers
which have their axes rotated 17 degrees (0.29 radians) from each other?Assume ideal polarizers and assume
that the second polarizer’s axis is rotated 17 degrees (0.29 radians) from the first and that the third polarizer’s
axis is rotated 17 degrees (0.29 radians) from the second.

5. From your data, determine the answer to Question #4 for the real polarizers.

012-09200A Polarization Analyzer

Teacher’s Guide

Data Analysis
Sample Data
In the data analysis section, the curve fit for the polynomial function is second degree. This indicates that the light
intensity varies as the square of the cosine of φ. This is confirmed by the curve fit for the linear function when
light intensity is compared to the square of the cosine.
Answers to Questions
1. What is the shape of the graph of the intensity versus the
Answers will vary. The shape of the graph of the intensity
vs. the angle is approximately sinusoidal.
2. What is the shape of the graph of the intensity versus the
cosine of the angle?
The shape of the graph of the intensity vs. the cosine of the
angle is a parabola. Sample Data: Light Intensity versus Angle
3. What is the shape of the graph of the intensity versus the
square of the cosine of the angle?
The shape of the graph of the intensity vs. the square of
the cosine of the angle is a straight line.
4. Theoretically, what percentage of incident plane polarized
light would be transmitted through three polarizers which
each have their axes rotated 17 degrees from each other?
Assume ideal polarizers and assume that the first
polarizer’s axis is 17 degrees from the axis of the second
Assuming ideal filters, the intensity passing through the
first filter would be 50% of the initial intensity. The
intensity after the second filter would be reduced by Sample Data: Light Intensity vs. Cosine Angle
cos2(17½) = 0.9145 of the intensity passing through the
first filter. Thus the intensity after passing through two
filters would be 45.73%. The light passing through the
third filter would be reduced by another 0.9145. So the
three polarizers reduces the light intensity to
50%*(0.9145)2 = 41.82%.
5. From your graph, determine the answer to Question #4
for the real polarizers.
Answers will vary. From the example, we see that the
intensity at 17½ is 98%, so the final intensity should be
(.98)2 = 96% of the intensity that passes through the first
filter. Using the sample data we see that only 33% passes
through the first filter, thus the intensity of the light that Sample Data: Light Intensity vs. Cosine2 Angle
passes through three filters is 96% of 33% or 31.68%.

Polarization Analyzer 012-09200A

Technical Support

Feedback Contacting Technical Support

If you have any comments about the product or manual, Before you call the PASCO Technical Support staff, it
please let us know. If you have any suggestions on would be helpful to prepare the following information:
alternate experiments or find a problem in the manual,
please tell us. PASCO appreciates any customer ➤ If your problem is with the PASCO apparatus, note:
feedback. Your input helps us evaluate and improve our - Title and model number (usually listed on the
product. label);
To Reach PASCO - Approximate age of apparatus;
For technical support, call us at 1-800-772-8700 (toll- - A detailed description of the problem/sequence of
free within the U.S.) or (916) 786-3800. events (in case you can’t call PASCO right away,
fax: (916) 786-3292 you won’t lose valuable data);

e-mail: techsupp@pasco.com - If possible, have the apparatus within reach when

calling to facilitate description of individual parts.
web: www.pasco.com
➤ If your problem relates to the instruction manual,
- Part number and revision (listed by month and
year on the front cover);
- Have the manual at hand to discuss your

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