Design of 220 KV Substation Grounding Grid
Design of 220 KV Substation Grounding Grid
Design of 220 KV Substation Grounding Grid
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1 author:
Mohammed Taha
North China Electric Power University
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Mohammed Abdaldaim Ibrahim, Lin li, and. Ping wang
State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources, North
China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China
II. DESIGN OF 220KV SUBSTATION GROUNDING GRID B. The resistance of ground grid (Rg)
The substation is designed according to the IEEE &NEC4 The resistance of the ground grid (Rg) is given by[9].
U2 / S A for U2
standards[7]-[8]. Adopted to reduce the damage caused by the
lightning and excessive efforts that lead to negative effects on
Rg U1 hb
the substation and the human element. Assessment design of
220kV substation used MALT model of CDEGS, and adopt the h1 S h1 S
U 20 0.5
optimal measures to procure the safety parameters such as the
( U2 S A h1U1S (23.16ln( 2 31.9) 78)
(11.95e A 0.3e A )
touch and step voltages. The area of the substation is 58.5 U1
x36m, and the soil divided into two layers. The depth of first Rg
horizontal layer is 5 m, and the soil resistivity is variables h1 S h
1 S
U2 20 0.5
between 100 to 5000 ȍP IRU ZHQQHU 0HWKRG DQG WKH VRLO A A )
(4 A 4 h1 S A (23.16ln( 31.9) 78
(11.95e 0.3e
resistivity of the second horizontal OD\HU LV ȍP 7KH U1
preliminary design of the substation grounding grid is shown in
(U2 U1 , h1 t hb )
h S h S
U2 15 1 0.25 1
( U2 S A h1U1S (23.16ln( 31.9)78)
(11.55 e A 0.1e A 0.2 e h1 S )
U1 A
g h1 S h1 S h1 S
U 15 0.25
(4 A4 h1 S A (23.16ln( 2 31.9)78
(11.55 e A 0.1e A 0.2 e A )
Fig1. Grounding grid 220Kv substation using CDEGS software.
(U t U )
2 1
A. Soil resistivity (1)
The performance for the resistance was done by using MALT
module of CDEGS program, is obtained by using differences In Fig.1 the purpose of design for the present work is to
value of resistivity, because this value was reduced the touch improve formulation to calculate with a sensible accuracy the
voltage. The touch voltage was very high for some standard grounding resistance of a rod in a homogeneous and two-layer
value of surface soil resistivity it is so dangers for human but in soil. The result of this paper is two normal formulas to be used
high soil resistivity (3000- ȍP >@ 7KDW PHDQV WKLV over with standard resistance formula (used to calculate the
substation will be protected from the risk of touch voltage and resistance rod in difference resistivity soil) For calculated
lightning. In this substation, the conductor of the grounding grounding resistance and soil resistivity by wenner and
Schlumberger Methods.In this paper, by using CDEGS
grid can safety the 220kV substation on high resistivity.
software to simulate grounding grid in vertical and horizontal
multi-layer soil under different conditions, consequently as to
work out engineering equation and analyze its error range and
presented to obtain the behavior of the test methods in all
conditions, a theoretical analysis is made based on a two-layer
soil status. Uniform soil and multilayer soil can be harmonized.
The procedure explained the accurate computation of earthing
suit resistance and the voltage profile. The obtained results
have been established by comparison with other analytical and
numerical methods[10]. Basic equations for calculation the
resistances were developed in the introduction because they are
the foundation of design and analysis. The theory used in the
Fig.2. Resistivity soils with difference spacing using wenner method. design depends on the electrodes with the least number of
Symbol Allowable Computed value grid status
Grid Potential Rise 5000.0000 V 717.1670 V Acceptable
Fig.5. Chart between soil temperature and resistivity for differences soil by
CDEGS software
Fig.6. 3D- regular enhanced for Step voltage resulted used CDEGS software
Fig.7. 3D- regular enhanced for Touch voltage resulted used CDEGS software. In this paper, we focused for design 220kV grounding grid
substation with difference soil resistivity using wenner and
Schlumberger Methods. In the design optimization process, the
step by step transaction for designing earth grid has been
presented for which the design parameters were obtained by
CDEGS Software. It was detected that the touch and step
voltage requires a high increase in the value of soil resistivity.
We adopted the design of this substation to choose suitable
values for quality resistance and resistivity soil to avoid risk for
human and equipment. The high simulation method and the
quantity full equations were used for this purpose. The
suggested technique applies to high and combination earthing
grounding systems furthermore with horizontal and vertical
two-layer soil. The 220kV substation ware built models by the
CDEGS software with the measured data accorded to analysis
design , it results that the Wenner and Schlumberger method
often takes a simple horizontal and vertically layered structure
of upper two layers The consideration was considered that the
earthing for grounding grid substation could be improved by
Fig.8. 3D- computation advanced for step voltage (GPR) by CDEGS software. decrease the grounding potential rise and resistance effect by
controlling the distribution of current injected to the soil.
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