Here we are doing fine thanking God for your reply for our prayer
request. I thank our Mighty Lord for thanking us for contacting you
there. It's a good thing to hear from you for allowing us to use your
ministry's website teachings as well as to affiliate as the Lord's family
through sharing His Holy word.
About Printing the teaching! We will in Jesus name. About your coming,
He is the Lord Himself who will show you how, when and and what time
as per His own will. Our aim is to be blessed after you have been
provided by the Lord since your ministry name is a mobile Blessing
ministry from Alabama Usa. I do believe that God will use you as His
own vessel to help us for strengthening our young fellowship to grow
May I assure you that our main aim is study the Holy word so as to
know more in order to spread the same by preaching to the needy and
poor in faith who're many to reach our only caring and Saving Lord
Jesus Christ. Through teaching, more people will understand who is
God, Lord Jesus and also the Holy Spirit.
1. Josephine Nyaboke
2. Jailus Mogaka
3. Tom Matureti
4. John Nyakegita.
We are not established with any organization.
We ar a young independent Bible Based group Fellowship.
Our vision:
Our main vision is to seek through passing true paths of
knowing and understanding the truth of the true Gospel of our
Mighty Lord Jesus Christ.
Our Goal:
Our goal is to see that our Almighty living God's Holy name is
known to many.
About Progressing:
We just started with few family members but as we continued
to pray! God tourched others whereby we started growing from
one by one after doing visitation for outreach. From that time
we are currently 83 udults and the children.
About income:
We are blessed to conduct a poultry keeping project for our
income generating activities.
Am also doing a small bricks making projects for our daily
bread. Our main aim is to partner through sharing the Lord's
Holy Gospel.
I surly thank our Lord for your prayers to us here. We will also
keep you in our daily prayers in Jesus Holy name. About your
We will try to go through your ministry's library for our study
enjoyment. We thank our Lord for allowing us to print your
teachings for our Spiritual growth. thanking God for giving us
the link
Am glad thanking God for attaching two pdf files that will help
us for more information about your history.
May God of Mercy, Joy, Grace and Love be with you and other
Servants of the Most High Living God when you go out and
come in from His ministry work around the world. AMEN
In case of a question, you can let us know!
Praying to hear from you in Jesus name.
Yours in His Holy service.
Brother Josphat and sister vellah.