Let Us Celebrate The True This Mas: Christ Christ
Let Us Celebrate The True This Mas: Christ Christ
Let Us Celebrate The True This Mas: Christ Christ
The first Christmas was simple b ut g lorious. Jesus was born in a manger. There were no parties, no reunions, and no loud music. It was simple . But it was also glorious. The God of the universe coming into this world in human flesh and blood. That is just awesome! Out in the fields, the angels proclaimed: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to
1. Praise God last Nov 26, 2011, 16 from CAFE joined thousands of other believers in worshipping Jesus Christ at the Save d Fe stival held at the Araneta Coliseum. 2. Praise God that we were able to pray for other churches in our daily prayer chain. Please pray for us as we Our Christmas today is ve ry diffe re nt from the first Christmas. The first was all about Je sus. The angels and the shepherds understood who Jesus is. So they worshipped Him and celebrated the occasion with much hope and reverence. Unfortunately, many of us today are guilty of not paying homage to the true reason for the season. Christmas today no long e r ce nte rs on Je sus. Perhaps, it is because people do not know enough about Jesus or they are just so preoccupied with their own things. We desire to e mulate what the angels and shepherds did on the first Christmas - joyfully spre ading the ne ws that the long-awaited Savior of the world is born. Please pray with us as we live out our calling in serving our Lord Jesus Christ thru CAFE , MaximizingMarriage.com and other ministries. We want to know more and proclaim the true Christ. continue forming praye r partne rships with other pastors/churches. Our hope is to raise up a mighty army of prayer warriors who will stand in the gap for CAFE Church. 3. Praise God that D LSU CCC (Campus Crusade for Christ) held their Christmas Party at the CAFE Hub last Dec 17. Thank God for the privilege of serving & partnering with DLSU CCC. Please pray that God would allow us to form partnerships with more Christian organizations and churches in the Vito Cruz, Taft area. We're aiming to partner with DLSU CCC, CCF DLSU, & VCF Harrison Plaza. 4. Praise God that through the CAFE JAM, we were able to meet more DLSU/CSB students. Our contacts were able to invite their friends and we just hanged out with them playing music, games, chatting, etc. Praise God for the opportunity to build new friendships.
2. By God's grace, we are still posting one article and a 6. Praise God last December 4, we had "Jog g ing Evang e lism" where we were able to pray for and invite people in Vito Cruz, Taft area to go to CAFE Hub. 7. CAFE's Theme for Nov and Dec is "W orshipping Je sus Till the End ." We are on a journey in worshipping Jesus as the King of Kings, the Provider, Great Healer, the Christ, Forgiver, Coming Lord, the Man of Prayer, and the Risen King. marriag e quote /wallpape r pe r we e k . The articles are getting 50-100 likes with some as high as 160+ likes. 3. By faith, we are offering online counse ling and promoting Maximizing Marriag e work shops. We get emails asking for Christian marriage advice. And there is also one group who is interested in inviting MaximizingMarriage to teach couples in their church.
Prayer Requests
1. Please pray for the upcoming CAFE Le ade rs' se ssions on Christian Apolog e tics at the 22nd Grace Planning & Re tre at on December 28-29. Christian Education Convention in QC last Nov 18-19. 2. Please pray for open opportunities to bring the
2. Praise God for the opportunity for Grace to create the Maximizing Marriag e work shop to churches. we bsite of The Te nt of Elijah (TTOE). TTOE is a 3. Please pray that we will become faithful ministe rs of ministry that shows compassion to the poor by feeding, His word. May we use our time where God will be most caring, & providing a temporary shelter for them. 3. Praise God that we just launched the "Grace glorified. May we be faithful to God's leading for CAFE church and MaximizingMarriage.com ministry. 4. Please pray for Sebs as he teaches the book of Matthew in Faith, Hope Love Praye r I nstitute and Se minary on January to March, 2012. 5. Please pray that we may e ncourag e pastor couple s to work on their own marriages and find their own accountability partners.