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Great Wall Motor Company Limited: Announcement of Interim Results For The Six Months Ended 30 June 202 1

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contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability
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長 城 汽 車 股 份 有 限 公 司
(a joint stock company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China with limited liability)
(Stock code: 2333)


ENDED 30 JUNE 2021

The board of directors (the “Board”) of Great Wall Motor Company Limited (the “Company”) is
pleased to announce the unaudited interim results of the Company and its subsidiaries for the six
months ended 30 June 2021. This announcement, containing the full text of the 2021 Interim Report of
the Company, is prepared with reference to the relevant requirements of the Rules Governing the
Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited in relation to preliminary
announcements of interim results. Printed version of the Company’s 2021 Interim Report will be
delivered to the Company’s shareholders and will also be available for viewing on the websites of
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited at www.hkexnews.hk and of the Company at

By order of the Board

Great Wall Motor Company Limited
Xu Hui
Company Secretary

* For identification purpose only


I. The Board, the Supervisory Committee and the directors, supervisors and senior management
of the Company warrant that the information in this interim report is true, accurate and
complete and does not contain any false representations, misleading statements or material
omissions, and severally and jointly take legal liability for its contents.

II. All the directors of the Company attended the Board meeting.

III. This interim report has not been audited.

The financial information in this interim report was prepared in accordance with China Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises and the relevant laws and regulations.

IV. Wei Jian Jun, person-in-charge of the Company, Li Hong Shuan, person-in-charge of the
accounting affairs and Wang Hai Ping, person-in-charge of the accounting department (head
of the accounting department), declare that they warrant the truthfulness, accuracy and
completeness of the financial report in this interim report.

V. Proposal of profit distribution or capitalisation of capital reserve during the Reporting Period
considered by the Board

From January to June 2021, the Company achieved net profit attributable to shareholders of the
parent of RMB3,528,617,024.84. As at 30 June 2021, undistributed profits of the Company were
RMB41,954,304,884.87. The Company proposed to distribute interim cash dividends as of 30 June
2021 to the shareholders of the Company of RMB2,760,863,663.70 based on the total share capital on
the record date for profit distribution, being RMB0.30 per share (tax inclusive).

If the total share capital of the Company changes during the period from the date of disclosure of this
plan to the record date for the implementation of the profit distribution, the Company will maintain
the amount of distribution per share and adjust the total amount of distribution accordingly.

The above proposal has been approved at the 24th meeting of the seventh session of the Board and is
subject to consideration and approval at the shareholders’ general meeting.

VI. Risks relating to forward-looking statements

√ Applicable  Not applicable

Forward-looking statements, such as future plans described in this report, do not constitute an actual
commitment of the Company to investors. Investors should be aware of the relevant investment risks.

VII. Was there any non-operational appropriation of the Company’s funds by its controlling
shareholders and related parties?


VIII. Was there any provision of guarantee to external parties in violation of the stipulated
decision-making procedures?


IX. Was there over half of the directors unable to guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, and
completeness of the interim report disclosed by the Company?


X. Reminder of material risks

During the Reporting Period, there were no material risks resulting in any material impact on the
production and operation of the Company. Risks that the Company may encounter in the course of its
production and operation and its corresponding measures have been detailed in “Other Disclosures”
under Item V of Section 3 headed “Management Discussion and Analysis” of this report.

XI. Others

 Applicable √ Not applicable

Section 1 Section 6
Definitions 8 Significant Events 72

Section 2 Section 7
Corporate Profile and Changes in Shares and Shareholders 89
Key Financial Indicators 10
Section 8
Section 3 Description of Preference Shares 98
Management Discussion and Analysis 15
Section 9
Section 4 Description of Corporate Bonds 99
Corporate Governance 47
Section 10
Section 5 Financial Report 103
Environmental and Social Responsibility 57

Index of Documents Financial statements signed and sealed by the legal representative, person in-
Available for Inspection charge of the accounting affairs and person-in-charge of the accounting

The original auditor’s report with the seal of the accounting firm and signatures
and seals of the certified public accountants.

Section 1 Definitions
In this report, the following expressions shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the following

Definitions for commonly used terms

“A Shares” domestic shares with a nominal value of RMB1.00 each in the share
capital of the Company which are listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange
and traded in Renminbi (Stock Code: 601633);

“A Shareholder(s)” holder(s) of A Share(s);

“Articles” articles of association of the Company, as amended, modified or otherwise

supplemented from time to time;

“Board” the board of directors of the Company;

“Company” or Great Wall Motor Company Limited (長城汽車股份有限公司), a joint stock

“Great Wall Motor” company incorporated in the PRC with limited liability, the H Shares and
A Shares of which are listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the
Shanghai Stock Exchange, respectively;

“Company Law” Company Law of the People’s Republic of China;

“Competing Business” a business that is identical with or similar to the principal business and
other businesses of Great Wall Motor Company Limited;

“CSRC” China Securities Regulatory Commission;

“Great Wall Binyin” Tianjin Great Wall Binyin Automotive Finance Company Limited (天津長城

“Great Wall Holdings” Baoding Great Wall Holdings Co., Ltd. (保定市長城控股集團有限公司);

“Group” Great Wall Motor Company Limited and its subsidiaries;

“H Shares” the overseas-listed foreign shares with a nominal value of RMB1.00 each
in the share capital of the Company which are listed on the Main Board
of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and traded in Hong Kong dollars (Stock
Code: 2333);

“H Shareholder(s)” holder(s) of H Share(s);

“Hong Kong Listing Rules” the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of
Hong Kong Limited as amended from time to time;

“Hong Kong Stock Exchange” The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited;

Section 1 Definitions

“Model Code” Model Code for Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed Issuers as set
out in Appendix 10 to the Hong Kong Listing Rules;

“PRC” the People’s Republic of China;

“Reporting Period” or six months ended 30 June 2021;

“Current Period”

“SFC” The Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong;

“SFO” Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong)
as amended from time to time;

“Shanghai Stock Exchange” Shanghai Stock Exchange; and

“Spotlight Automotive” Spotlight Automotive Limited (光束汽車有限公司).


Section 2 Corporate Profile and Key Financial Indicators


Chinese name of the Company 長城汽車股份有限公司

Abbreviation of Chinese name of the Company 長城汽車
English name of the Company Great Wall Motor Company Limited
Abbreviation of English name of the Company Great Wall Motor
Legal representative of the Company Wei Jian Jun


Secretary to the Board Representative of Securities Affairs

Name Xu Hui (Company Secretary) Chen Yong Jun

Address No. 2266 Chaoyang Road South, No. 2266 Chaoyang Road South,
Baoding, Hebei Province, the PRC Baoding, Hebei Province, the PRC
Telephone 86(312)-2197813 86(312)-2197813
Fax 86(312)-2197812 86(312)-2197812
E-mail address zqb@gwm.com.cn zqb@gwm.com.cn


Registered address of the Company No. 2266 Chaoyang Road South, Baoding,
Hebei Province, the PRC
Postal code of the registered address of the Company 071000
Office address of the Company No. 2266 Chaoyang Road South, Baoding,
Hebei Province, the PRC
Postal code of the office address of the Company 071000
Company’s website www.gwm.com.cn
E-mail address zqb@gwm.com.cn
Principal place of business in Hong Kong Room 1903-1904, 19/F, Hong Kong Trade Centre,
161 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan,
Hong Kong


Designated newspapers for information disclosure China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News
Website designated by the CSRC for publishing www.sse.com.cn
this interim report
Place for inspection of the Company’s interim report Securities & Legal Affairs Department of Great Wall
Motor Company Limited
No. 2266 Chaoyang Road South,
Baoding, Hebei Province, the PRC
Website designated by the Hong Kong Stock www.hkexnews.hk
Exchange for publishing this interim report
The Company’s website for publishing www.gwm.com.cn
this interim report

Section 2 Corporate Profile and Key Financial Indicators


Stock exchanges for

the listing of Stock Previous stock
Stock classes the Company’s shares abbreviation Stock code abbreviation

A Shares Shanghai Stock Exchange Great Wall Motor 601633 –

H Shares Hong Kong Stock Exchange Great Wall Motor 2333 –

Stock exchanges for

the listing of Number of
Stock classes the Company’s shares Listing date issued shares Board lot

A Shares Shanghai Stock Exchange 28 September 6,099,620,569 A Shares 100 shares

2011 (Total shares: 9,199,160,569 shares,
H Shares: 3,099,540,000 shares)
H Shares Hong Kong Stock Exchange 15 December 3,099,540,000 H Shares 500 shares
2003 (Total shares: 9,199,160,569 shares,
A Shares: 6,099,620,569 shares)


√ Applicable  Not applicable

Accounting firm appointed Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP
by the Company (auditor of the Company)

Office address of the accounting 30/F, 222 Yan An Road East, Huangpu District, Shanghai
firm appointed by the Company

Legal adviser to the Company Fangda Partners

(as to Hong Kong law)

Legal adviser to the Company Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm, Beijing (ceased to serve as
(as to PRC law) the A share legal adviser of the Company since 1 July 2021)
Zhong Lun Law Firm (commencing to serve as
the A share legal adviser of the Company since 1 July 2021)

H Share registrar and transfer Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited
office in Hong Kong Shops 1712-1716, 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre,
183 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong

A Share registrar and transfer Shanghai Branch of China Securities Depository and
office Clearing Corporation Limited
14/F, East Tower, China Settlement Building,
No. 188 South Yanggao Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai

Investor and media relations Corporate Link Limited

consultant (H Shares) 5th Floor, Chung Nam Building,
1 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.

Section 2 Corporate Profile and Key Financial Indicators

Principal bankers Bank of China Limited (Baoding Yuhua sub-branch)

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited (Baoding Yonghua
China Construction Bank Corporation (Baoding Hengxiang South
Street sub-branch)
China Everbright Bank Co., Ltd. (Shijiazhuang branch)
China CITIC Bank Co., Ltd. (Baoding branch)
Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. (Baoding branch)
Ping An Bank Co., Ltd. (Guangzhou branch)

Authorised representatives Ms. Wang Feng Ying

Mr. Xu Hui

Financial year-end date 31 December

Executive Directors Mr. Wei Jian Jun (Chairman)

Ms. Wang Feng Ying (Vice Chairman)
Ms. Yang Zhi Juan

Non-Executive Director Mr. He Ping

Independent Non-Executive Directors Ms. Yue Ying

Mr. Li Wan Jun
Mr. Ng Chi Kit

Employee Representative Supervisor Mr. Chen Biao (resigned on 12 May 2021)

Ms. Lu Cai Juan (appointed on 12 May 2021)

Independent Supervisors Ms. Zong Yi Xiang

Ms. Liu Qian

Audit Committee Mr. He Ping

Ms. Yue Ying
Mr. Li Wan Jun
Mr. Ng Chi Kit

Remuneration Committee Mr. Wei Jian Jun

Ms. Yue Ying
Mr. Li Wan Jun

Nomination Committee Mr. Wei Jian Jun

Ms. Yue Ying
Mr. Ng Chi Kit

Strategy Committee Mr. Wei Jian Jun

Ms. Wang Feng Ying
Mr. He Ping
Ms. Yue Ying
Mr. Li Wan Jun

Section 2 Corporate Profile and Key Financial Indicators


(I) Key accounting data

Unit: RMB Currency: RMB

decrease for
the Reporting
Period over the
Reporting Corresponding corresponding
Period period of period of
Key accounting data (January-June) last year last year (%)

Total operating revenue 61,928,368,916.17 35,929,193,647.85 72.36

Operating revenue 61,928,368,916.17 35,929,193,647.85 72.36
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company 3,528,617,024.84 1,146,142,722.90 207.87
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company
after extraordinary gains/losses 2,841,990,421.17 802,452,263.90 254.16
Net cash flow from operating activities 15,109,778,752.15 9,516,544,165.59 58.77

decrease as at
the end of
As at the Reporting
the end of Period over
the Reporting As at the end the end of
Period of last year last year (%)

Net assets attributable to shareholders of

the Company 59,431,834,963.53 57,341,847,584.19 3.64
Total assets 157,177,839,908.30 154,011,490,632.24 2.06

(II) Key financial indicators

decrease for
the Reporting
Period over the
Reporting Corresponding corresponding
Period period of period of
Key financial indicators (January-June) last year last year (%)

Basic earnings per share (RMB/share) 0.39 0.12 225.00

Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share) 0.38 0.12 216.67
Basic earnings per share after extraordinary gains/losses
(RMB/share) 0.31 0.09 244.44
Weighted average return on net assets (%) Increased by 4.04
6.10 2.06 percentage points
Weighted average return on net assets after Increased by 3.47
extraordinary gains/losses (%) 4.91 1.44 percentage points

Section 2 Corporate Profile and Key Financial Indicators

Description of key accounting data and financial indicators of the Company

√ Applicable  Not applicable

During the Reporting Period, the Company continued to focus on product offerings, reinforced
exploration of the international market, and proactively promoted the new energy and
intellectualization-driven development, thereby further optimizing its product mix, improving the
profitability and contributing to an increase in sales volume of automobiles and gross profit.



 Applicable √ Not applicable


√ Applicable  Not applicable

Unit: RMB Currency: RMB

Item of extraordinary gains/losses Amount

Profit or loss from disposal of non-current assets -24,025,980.42

Government grants accounted for in profit and loss account of
the current period, except for government grants closely
related to the Company’s normal operations that were
granted on an ongoing basis at a fixed standard amount or
quantity in accordance with the State’s policies and regulations 539,868,173.86
Gains from disposal of long-term equity investments and investment income
from disposal of wealth management products (losses stated with "-") 77,456,578.42
Gains from fair value change (losses stated with "-") 91,730,731.96
Non-operating gains and losses other than the above items 47,661,718.92
Effect of income tax -46,064,619.07

Total 686,626,603.67


 Applicable √ Not applicable


Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis



1. Principal Business of the Company

Great Wall Motor is one of the largest SUVs and pickup manufacturers in the PRC. It currently
owns five brands, namely Haval, WEY, Great Wall Pick-up, ORA and Tank. The Company, in
cooperation with BMW, has established and put into operation a joint venture named Spotlight
Automotive Limited which is engaged in providing three product categories-SUVs, sedans and
pick-up trucks, as well as manufacturing and supply of related main auto parts.

2. Operating Model

The Company promotes “user-centric” self-reform and innovates in product categories and
technologies to create a leading edge in niche markets. The Company is committed to establishing
a global network integrating R&D, production, supply and sales.

In respect of R&D, the Company always insists on “making targeted investments and pursuing
industry leadership, with a view to accelerating its transformation into a “global technology-driven
mobility company”. The Group has built up a global R&D network spanning “ten places in seven
countries” which revolves around the headquarters in Baoding and covers Germany, the United
States, Japan, India, Austria and South Korea.

With an integration of global high-quality resources, the Company has spent five years and
more than RMB20 billion to develop three technology brands, namely, “Ningmeng”, “TANK”
and “COFFEE Intelligence”, forming a technology ecosystem integrating “automatic driving,
smart cockpit, efficient fuel and new energy”. The Ningmeng Hybrid DHT technology released
by the Company is a world-leading high-efficient, high-performance hybrid solution that breaks
the monopoly of Sino-foreign joint venture companies and points to a new direction for the
development of China’s hybrid technology. Furthermore, the Company maintains industry-leading
technology strength in the fields of traditional fuel powertrain, automatic transmission, hydrogen
fuel cells, intelligentization and unmanned driving.

In respect of procurement of parts and components, the Company strives to build a highly
integrated and adaptable industry-wide supply chain system. The GW4N20 engine independently
developed by Honeycomb Yichuang Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, received
the title of “Top Ten Engines of ‘China’s Heart’”; 9HDCT is the world’s first horizontal P2 9-speed
wet dual-clutch transmission with remarkable fuel saving effect. In addition, the Company’s plant
in Tula formally signed a special purpose investment contract (SPIC) in Russia with the Ministry of
Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, and launched the Russian engine plant project to
continuously deepen the localization of industry chain. Moreover, the Company has established
in-depth cooperation with world-class suppliers such as Bosch, Continental, Valeo and Harman to
build a world-class supply chain system.

Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

In respect of production, the Company has built “13+5” production facilities across the world,
including 13 full-process vehicle production bases and 5 KD plants. In China, its production bases
in Baoding, Xushui, Tianjin, Yongchuan of Chongqing, Taizhou of Jiangsu and Pinghu of Zhejiang
have been completed and put into operation; its production base projects in Zhangjiagang of
Jiangsu and Rizhao of Shandong are progressing smoothly; and its projects in Jingmen of Hubei
and Shangrao of Jiangxi have been formally signed. Overseas, the plant in Tula, Russia is operating
smoothly; the plant in Rayong Province, Thailand has commenced official operation with the first
Haval H6 HEV produced; and the Indian project is also advancing steadily.

In respect of marketing, the Company vigorously employed innovative marketing methods and
expanded overseas markets. As to innovative marketing, Great Wall Motor made full use of the
Internet, marketing network and service system to develop a full range of online and offline
channels and carry out marketing activities such as zero-contact program, cloud group purchase
and live broadcast, which achieved great results.

In addition, Great Wall Motor built strong connections with users and allowed them to name
its products, and thus created a number of popular models, including Haval Big Dog, TANK 300
and ORA series. Meanwhile, Great Wall Motor built a more intimate relationship with users
through cooperation with big IPs and cross-sector fanfare. The Company leveraged its 5 large
regional marketing centers in Russia, Australia, South Africa, South America and the Middle East
to establish presence in more than 60 countries and regions. Outside the PRC, the Company has
built a network of over 500 sales outlets. The Haval brand ranked first in the automotive industry
among the BrandZ Top 50 Globalised Chinese Brands in 2020.

In addition, based on the life cycle of automobiles, the Company extended the automobile
industry chain by venturing into the sales, installation and after-sales service of charging piles for
new energy vehicles.

3. Industry Overview

(1) A significant year-on-year increase in automobile production and sales

From January to June, the production and sales volume of automobiles reached 12,569,000
units and 12,891,000 units, respectively, representing a year-on-year increase of 24.2% and
25.6%, and an increase of 3.4% and 4.4%, respectively, from the corresponding period of

(2) Above-industry-average increase in passenger vehicles with the sales volume of SUVs
exceeding that of sedans

From January to June, the production and sales volume of passenger vehicles amounted
to 9,840,000 units and 10,007,000 units, a year-on-year increase of 26.8% and 27.0%,
respectively, and a decrease of 1.6% and 1.4%, respectively, from the corresponding period
of 2019. By vehicle model, sales volume of SUVs reached 4,731,000 units, exceeding that
of sedans by 87,000 units. From January to June, sales of China-made passenger vehicles
amounted to 4,198,000 units in aggregate, representing a year-on-year increase of 46.8%
and accounting for 42.0% of total sales of passenger vehicles, up 5.7 percentage points
compared with that for the corresponding period last year.

Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

(3) New energy vehicles witnessing a rapid growth in production and sales volume

From January to June, the production and sales volume of new energy vehicles reached
1,215,000 units and 1,206,000 units, both representing a twofold growth rate and an
increase of 94.4% and 92.3% year-on-year compared with that for the corresponding period
of 2019, respectively.

(4) A noticeable increase in the production and sales volume of pick-up trucks

From January to June, the production and sales volume of pick-up trucks reached 280,000
units and 283,000 units, a year-on-year increase of 32.3% and 33.9%, respectively, and
exceeding those of freight vehicles by 18.6 and 14.5 percentage points, respectively.

(5) Surge in automobile exports

From January to June, exports of automobile companies surged 114.7% year-on-year to

828,000 units. By vehicle model, exports of passenger vehicles amounted to 631,000 units,
up 118.6% year-on-year; exports of commercial vehicles amounted to 197,000 units, up
103.2% year-on-year.

Note: The above industry data is sourced from China Association of Automobile Manufacturers.


√ Applicable  Not applicable

1. Forging a clean business environment with integrity

The Company aims to “boost synergy with integrity and pursue development with synergy”,
provides a fair, impartial, simple and transparent work and development platform for employees,
and furnishes a green and healthy cooperation environment for business partners to strive for
co-sharing and win-win results. On 16 July, Great Wall Motor was officially awarded the ISO
37001 Anti-bribery Management System Certificate.

2. Creating value for users

Driven by the “user-centred” core concept, the Company has created and advanced the user
operation model from B2B to C2B with users, established a brand-new business model featuring
“product + software + service”, facilitated the shift of focus in value chain to the back end,
opened up the value chain of the whole life cycle of automobile consumption, and continued to
create value for users to achieve mutual creation, co-sharing and win-win with users.

3. Focusing on brand building to have kept advantages over category consolidated

Over the years, the Company has been upholding the development strategy of having a thorough
understanding of the market and consumer needs, innovating product categories, establishing
new brands leveraging the influence of product categories, sharing quality resources, and forging
“street fashion” and “vogue style” of the new era with the launch of new categories, such as
Haval Da Gou, ORA Hao Mao and TANK 300, which were popular car models for cyber celebrities.

Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

4. Strengthening quality culture and focusing on quality improvement

Upholding the quality culture of “constant refinement”, the Company continuously improves its
quality management to “drive performance growth and sustainable development with high-quality

5. Well-established global supply chain system

The Company has long been committed to independent R&D and production of core parts
and components, which greatly enhances the competitiveness of its automobiles in terms of
technology, quality and cost and lays a foundation for its auto parts companies to develop external
markets. Meanwhile, Great Wall Motor maintains a good partnership with Bosch, Continental and
other international parts groups to jointly build a mature global parts supply system.

6. Targeted research and development to accelerate the transformation to a global

technology-driven mobility company

Dedicated to the research and development philosophy of “making targeted investment to pursue
industry leadership”, the Company continuously improved the hard core strength of “Tech-driven
Great Wall”, and drew upon the three technology brands of “GWM Ningmeng”, “TANK WEY”
and “GWM COFFEE Intelligence”, to continuously introduce new technologies and products
with a focus on the technological ecosystem of autonomous driving, smart cabin, efficient fuel
combustion and new energy, thereby accelerating the transformation to a global technology-
driven mobility company.

7. Talent cultivation

Focusing on the strategy of “growing stronger through talents” and upholding the philosophy of
“cultivating personnel before making cars”, the Company not only launched the “Ten Thousand
Talents Plan” and “Global Talents Plan” (全球人才活水計劃) to build an unprecedented talent
ecosystem, but also successively rolled out two equity incentive schemes in 2020 and 2021, with
more than 10,000 grantees, covering 50% of the core employees. In the future, Great Wall Motor
will continue to adopt equity incentive schemes with a wide coverage, aiming to benefit 100%
of our core employees, so as to realize the transformation from “workers” to “partners” in a real
sense and achieve common development for the Company and talents.


I. Discussion and Analysis of the Business Operation of the Company

Operating Environment

According to data from China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, the production and sales
volume of automobiles in the first half of 2021 amounted to 12,569,000 units and 12,891,000
units respectively, representing increases of 24.2% and 25.6% year-on-year respectively. However,
due to the worsening impact of chip shortage, the monthly sales growth of the automobile
industry declined since the second quarter. The China Passenger Car Association forecasted that
the chip shortage problem is likely to ease in the third quarter. However, car companies will still
face various challenges in the second half of the year as market uncertainties and rising raw
material prices persist.

Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

Financial Review

Unit: RMB Currency: RMB

From 1 January 2021 From 1 January 2020

to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020 Changes
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) %

Total operating revenue 61,928,368,916.17 35,929,193,647.85 72.36

Operating revenue 61,928,368,916.17 35,929,193,647.85 72.36
Revenue generated from the sale of
automobiles (Note 1) 55,210,171,798.89 31,972,487,262.95 72.68
Revenue generated from the sale of
automotive parts and components and
others (Note 2) 6,718,197,117.28 3,956,706,384.90 69.79
Selling expenses (Note 3) 2,444,423,361.03 1,077,470,060.82 126.87
Administrative expenses (Note 4) 1,341,218,155.72 941,176,287.60 42.50
Research and development expenses (Note 5) 1,857,755,050.88 1,220,056,896.97 52.27
Financial expenses (Note 6) -306,464,724.90 155,399,109.54 -297.21
Gross profit (Note 7) 10,063,935,619.16 5,287,554,148.28 90.33
Income tax expenses (Note 8) 407,126,668.90 172,221,427.35 136.40
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the Company (Note 9) 3,528,617,024.84 1,146,142,722.90 207.87
Basic earnings per share 0.39 0.12 225.00
Diluted earnings per share 0.38 0.12 216.67

Increased by
1.53 percentage
Gross profit margin (%) 16.25 14.72 points

Increased by
Percentage of selling expenses to 0.95 percentage
operating revenue (%) 3.95 3.00 point
Decreased by
Percentage of administrative expenses to 0.45 percentage
operating revenue (%) 2.17 2.62 point

(Note 1) The increase in revenue generated from the sale of automobiles was mainly due to the increase in the sales volume of
automobiles during the Reporting Period.

(Note 2) The increase in revenue generated from the sale of automotive parts and components and others was mainly due to: 1)
the increase in the revenue from external sale of automotive parts and components during the Reporting Period; 2) the
increase in revenue from transportation of automobiles as a result of increased sales volume during the Reporting Period.

(Note 3) The increase in selling expenses was mainly due to comparatively lower expenses for the corresponding period of last
year under the impact of COVID-19 in 2020; increase in advertising expenses in line with the launch of new cars and
participation in exhibitions, as well as increases in after-sales service expenses, fees and charges for loans, transportation
expenses, etc. during the Reporting Period.

(Note 4) The increase in administrative expenses was mainly due to the increases in the salaries of management and consulting
service fee during the Reporting Period.

(Note 5) The increase in research and development expenses was mainly due to the increase in research and development
investment during the Reporting Period.

(Note 6) The decrease in financial expenses was mainly due to an increase in exchange gain during the Reporting Period.

(Note 7) The increase in gross profit was mainly due to the increase in the sales volume of automobiles during the Reporting

(Note 8) The increase in income tax expenses was mainly due to an increase in taxable income as a result of increased profits
during the Reporting Period.

(Note 9) The increase in net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company was mainly due to the increase in the sales volume
of automobiles and gross profit.

Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

Current assets and current liabilities

Unit: RMB Currency: RMB

30 June 2021 31 December 2020

(Unaudited) (Audited)

Current Assets 100,910,986,148.22 99,398,966,749.91

Cash and bank balances 22,271,791,978.24 14,588,464,389.52
Held-for-trading financial assets 8,636,895,869.20 4,826,193,896.30
Accounts Receivable 3,220,009,213.01 3,936,156,908.98
Receivables financing 42,952,911,403.78 52,984,556,339.76
Prepayments 933,523,244.22 570,917,965.02
Other receivables 1,007,333,315.46 1,032,243,323.43
Inventories 9,631,035,565.35 7,497,635,549.94
Non-current assets due within one year 2,059,291,193.60 1,884,739,784.73
Other current assets 9,381,307,993.20 11,580,488,006.85
Current Liabilities 76,608,530,529.61 81,165,712,444.73
Short-term borrowings 3,189,958,455.48 7,901,303,207.55
Accounts payable 25,343,634,653.01 33,185,058,889.00
Notes payable 30,474,722,213.60 16,656,076,418.02
Contract liabilities 7,123,732,734.45 8,027,932,832.07
Employee benefits payable 716,386,926.71 2,530,652,915.21
Taxes payable 1,144,627,020.59 2,785,790,936.60
Other payable 4,042,722,799.20 4,116,969,285.61
Other current liabilities 3,105,034,637.33 5,065,113,514.41

Gearing ratio
Unit: RMB Currency: RMB

30 June 2021 31 December 2020

(Unaudited) (Audited)

Total liabilities 97,746,004,944.77 96,669,643,048.05

Total equity 59,431,834,963.53 57,341,847,584.19
Gearing ratio 164.47% 168.58%

Note: Gearing ratio refers to the proportion of total liabilities to total equity in the consolidated balance sheet.

Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

Acquisition and disposal of assets

The Company and its subsidiaries did not have material acquisitions or disposals of assets during
the Reporting Period.

Capital structure

The Group generally finances its day-to-day operations with its own cash and bank borrowings.
As at 30 June 2021, the Company secured short-term borrowings of RMB3,189,958,455.48,
mainly used to replenish daily working capital. The Company secured long-term borrowings of
RMB13,656,389,269.93 (including long-term borrowings due within one year), mainly used for
the construction of domestic and overseas plants and replenishment of daily working capital. For
details of interest rates of the borrowings, please refer to the relevant descriptions of Note (VI) to
the financial statements in this interim report.

The proceeds of RMB3,500,000,000 from the Company’s issue of convertible bonds will be used
for the research and development of new models.

Exposure to foreign exchange risk

Foreign exchange risk represents risks of loss incurred as a result of changes in exchange rates.
Foreign currency assets and liabilities which may influence the Group’s operating results due to
foreign exchange risk are set out as below:

Unit: RMB Currency: RMB

30 June 2021 31 December 2020

Item (Unaudited) (Audited)

Cash and bank balances 2,327,816,148.42 1,371,070,081.90

Held-for-trading financial assets 197,023,680.00 244,394,136.00
Accounts receivable 764,613,025.34 484,028,321.56
Other receivables 1,931,688,103.58 2,453,592,863.34
Accounts payable -2,763,220,666.11 -2,029,321,176.53
Other payables -64,062,474.06 -91,950,695.75
Short-term borrowings -355,305,500.00 -358,869,500.00
Long-term borrowings -3,911,516,630.71 -4,992,239,449.46

The Group paid close attention to the impact of exchange rate changes on the Group’s foreign
exchange risk.

Employment, training and development

As at 30 June 2021, the Group employed a total of 66,574 employees (30 June 2020: 60,297
employees). Employees were remunerated by the Group based on their performance, experience
and prevailing industry practices. The Group’s remuneration policies and packages were reviewed
on a regular basis. As an incentive for employees, bonuses and cash awards may also be given to
employees based on individual performance evaluation. Total staff cost accounted for 8.08% of
the Group’s total operating revenue as at 30 June 2021 (30 June 2020: 8.91%).

Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

Segment information

The Group is mainly engaged in the manufacture and sale of automobiles and automotive
parts and components in the PRC, and the majority of its assets are located in the PRC. The
management determined the reporting segments according to the internal organization structure,
management requirements and internal reporting system of the Group for the purposes of
resource allocation and performance evaluation. As the resource allocation and performance
evaluation of the Group are carried out based on the overall operation of the production and sales
of automobiles and automotive parts and components, the Group has only one business segment
for internal reporting purpose.

Revenue from external customers by location of revenue sources:

For the six months ended 30 June

2021 2020
(Unaudited) (Unaudited)

China 55,295,426,727.95 33,399,911,514.62

Russia 2,006,752,169.62 866,794,619.16
Australia 1,124,337,980.42 193,054,118.09
South Africa 1,109,381,034.60 419,261,155.54
Saudi Arabia 560,875,928.87 279,256,523.66
Chile 407,194,333.86 137,792,821.86
Other overseas countries 1,424,400,740.85 633,122,894.92

Total 61,928,368,916.17 35,929,193,647.85

The Group’s non-current assets located in other countries are not significant.

The Group is not dependent on one or a few major customers.


Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

Business Review

Product sales

Unit: unit

Sales volume (unit) Production volume (unit)

Total for Cumulative Total for Cumulative
Total for corresponding year-on-year Total for corresponding year-on-year
the Reporting period of increase/ the Reporting period of increase/
Car classification Item Period last year decrease (%) Period last year decrease (%)

Pick-up truck Domestic sales 92,903 95,225 -2.44

Export 21,451 6,600 225.02
Sub-total 114,354 101,825 12.30 119,674 97,350 22.93

SUV Domestic sales 407,295 268,210 51.86

Export 39,898 18,579 114.75
Sub-total 447,193 286,789 55.93 442,568 271,344 63.10

Sedan Domestic sales 52,632 9,949 429.02

(mainly NEV) Export 210 1,214 -82.70
Sub-total 52,842 11,163 373.37 52,796 10,296 412.78

Total Domestic sales 552,830 373,384 48.06

Export 61,559 26,393 133.24
Sub-total 614,389 399,777 53.68 615,038 378,990 62.28

The Group has five major brands, namely Haval, WEY, ORA, Great Wall Pickup and TANK, and three
main product categories including SUVs, sedans and pick-up trucks. With respect to product by power
type, it offers traditional energy vehicles and new energy vehicles. The Group boasts leading positions
in the SUV and pick-up truck markets in China. In the first half of the year, the Group, with “user-
orientation” as its focus, continued to transform itself into a “global technology-driven mobility

In the first half of the year, affected by the international chip supply chain, the supply of chips in the
global automobile market tightened. In light of the unstable automobile market situation, the Group
actively responded by taking various measures to reduce the impact of tight chip supply, including
purchasing chips worldwide, accelerating its plan for chip business development, and strengthening
the chip purchase management system. Despite the severe market environment, the Group reported
satisfactory sales performance in the first half of the year, realising a sales volume of 614,389 units,
representing a year-on-year increase of 53.68%; its overseas sales volume continued to reach record
high, amounting to 61,559 units in the first half of the year, representing a significant increase of
133.24% year-on-year.

Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

(1) Haval brand

The “Haval” brand wins the market by category positioning. Its product portfolio has now
covered all SUV sub-markets. In the first half of the year, the Group launched Haval JOLION,
Haval Chitu, Haval Da Gou 2.0T, 3rd Gen Haval H6 2.0T and other models. At the 2021 Shanghai
International Automobile Industry Exhibition (“Auto Shanghai”), the Group debuted the light off-
road X Dog concept car and the high-tech flagship SUV – Haval Shenshou, the latter of which
will be launched in the second half of the year. The Haval Chitu HEV model, equipped with the
“Ningmeng Hybrid DHT” technology, will be launched in the second half of the year. As of July
2021, Haval has accumulated global sales volume of more than 6.5 million vehicles, making it the
best-selling brand for economical SUVs in the world. From January to June, the total sales volume
of Haval reached 389,918 units, up by 48.58% year-on-year. Haval H6, the “national legendary
car”, ranked first in monthly sales volume in the SUV market for 97 months. Haval will continue
to compete in the global SUV market with products’ excellent performance and brand leadership.

(2) WEY brand

The “WEY” brand is a luxury SUV brand under the Group. In 2021, WEY spearheaded the era
of smart technology revolution and established a new brand position as a “new-generation
intelligent vehicle”. During the Period, the WEY brand released WEY Mocha, a brand-new flagship
model and the first product based on the “GWM COFFEE Intelligence” platform. This model,
which applies world-leading technologies, is the first mass-produced vehicle to achieve advanced
autonomous driving among its peers, providing an ideal vehicle for users who are interested in
intelligent technology. Meanwhile, the WEY brand’s innovative use of intelligent hybrid DHT
energy technological solutions breaks down the technical barriers of international brands, by
enabling the vehicle to achieve efficient operation at all speeds. The high-efficient hybrid engine
and dual motor system together make multi-drive mode possible, especially for city driving and
highway driving, thus offering users comfortable and safe driving experience. The intelligent
hybrid DHT technology has been installed in WEY Macchiato and Latte models, which will be
launched in the second half of the year. The “WEY” brand will continue to develop itself as a
user-centric, technology-driven and innovative brand.

(3) Great Wall Pickup

As the leader of pick-up truck, Great Wall Motor saw its cumulative global sales volume of pick-
up trucks reach nearly 2 million since its launch in 1996. The Group’s pick-up trucks have been
exported to Europe, Australia, South America, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Africa and other
parts of the world. In the first half of 2021, the cumulative sales volume reached 114,354 units,
representing a year-on-year increase of 12.30%; among which the overseas sales amounted to
21,451 units, representing a significant increase of 225.02% year-on-year. The Group’s market
share in China has grown rapidly, reaching nearly 50%. At the same time, it took up the top
three spots in the ranking of sales volume of single model. “Great Wall POER” had accumulated
sales of more than 10,000 units in 13 months, and continued to rank first in sales volume of pick-
up trucks. Great Wall Pickup continued to rank first in domestic and export sales volume for 23
consecutive years.

Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

(4) ORA brand

“ORA” is the first independent new energy vehicle brand among Chinese self-owned auto
brand. As a stylish car brand for the new era of mobility, ORA constantly pursues innovation and
high-quality design, using the most advanced technology to provide the latest and best driving
experience to young consumers. In the first half of 2021, ORA announced its positioning as “a car
brand that cares women most in the world”. At Auto Shanghai, ORA emerged with a new brand
image, introducing various new car models including Shandian Mao, Pengke Mao and the first
A+ class SUV. The line-up covered the entire range of sedans and SUVs in the A00-B class market
and attracted wide attention from the market and consumers. In the first half of the year, the
cumulative sales volume of the ORA brand amounted to 52,639 units, representing a significant
year-on-year growth of 428.72%, continuing to rank first in the new energy vehicle segment. A
total of 11,170 units of ORA Hao Mao were sold from January to June, and the number of orders
exceeded 10,000. During the Period, the ORA brand ranked “No. 1 in the automobile industry on
the 2021 China’s Brand and Quality Competitiveness Index”.

(5) TANK brand

The TANK brand is a stylish off-road SUV brand created by Great Wall Motor to cater to the
personalised and diverse mobility needs of the new generation of consumers. It is also Great Wall
Motor’s major achievement in product innovation. The TANK brand successfully breaks down the
barrier between off-road SUV and urban SUV with respect to user experience, by combining the
luxury and smart features of an urban SUV with toughness and performance of an off-road SUV.
It therefore sets the consumption trend in the SUV market and becomes a new growth driver of
the existing market. Adhering to the service principle of “customer-centricity”, TANK precisely
seizes the fashion trend and user’s preference. It establishes a brand new user operation model,
switching from B2B to C2B, by collaborating and sharing benefits with customers to jointly
creating premium brand eco-system experience. During the Period, TANK 300 model continued to
record robust sales, with a total of 34,331 units sold between January and June, leading in the
high-end off-road vehicle market in China.

Digital transformation

Leveraging the Internet and big data technologies as well as livestream e-commerce, Great Wall Motor
explores the new retail model; by delivering seamless online/offline shopping experience and enhancing
and modifying its product circulation and sales process, the Group reshapes the automotive sales
structure and ecosystem. The Group achieves closed-loop marketing and effectively turns marketing
efforts into sales volume, as well as further increases brand loyalty. The Group continues to enhance
customer experience. Each brand offers customers better and faster services through APP, thereby
improving customer stickiness.

Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

R&D strategy

1. Enhanced autonomous driving technology and intelligent driving strategy

In 2009, the Group began its R&D in intelligent driving technology; in 2015, the Group showcased
its Level 3 autonomous driving technology for the first time. Now, it has realised mass production
of Level 2+ vehicles. At the end of December 2020, the Group officially announced a brand new
COFFEE Intelligent Driving’s “331 Strategy”, with the aim to become the leader in autonomous
driving in the era of intelligence. In the next three years, the Group will strive to become the
number one in the industry by the number of customers, by customer experience and by the
scope of solutions to driving scenarios. This year, the Group will become the first in China to
achieve Level 3 autonomous driving in vehicles with redundant systems. It is expected that the
Group will achieve industry-leading Level 4 autonomous driving technology in 2023, which will
increase its competitive advantage in intelligent driving. In the first half of 2021, Great Wall
Motor closely followed the trend of reform in the industry: focused on new energy and intelligent
technology innovation, and accelerated the application of cutting-edge technologies such as high
fuel efficiency, intelligent driving, and smart cabins in new products. At present, 90% of Great
Wall Motor’s vehicles have been installed with Level 2 intelligent driving assistance functions,
while newly launched vehicles are all equipped with connected vehicle technology. At the end
of June, Great Wall Motor COFFEE Intelligence was officially upgraded to version 2.0, with an
important introduction of a whole new electronic and electrical architecture, intelligent wire-
controlled chassis, third-generation autonomous driving computing platform ICU3.0, and the first
smart cabin GC-OS, which will be featured in COFFEE Intelligent Driving and autonomous driving
products to be launched in 2022.

2. Strategic investment in car smart chip company

Early this year, the Group officially ventured into the chip industry with the completion of its
strategic investment in Beijing Horizon Robotics Technology R&D Co., Ltd. (“Horizon Robotics”), a
leading automotive smart chip company in the industry. The said investment combines the Group’s
years of achievement in intelligent technology with Horizon Robotics’ advanced automotive smart
chips and algorithm, with the aim to jointly build an intelligent connected ecosystem and realise
industrialisation development, thus forming a matrix of two strong allies. Such will accelerate the
Group’s exploration of the chip industry.

3. 6Z30 3.0T engine developed entirely by Great Wall Motor

The Group’s self-developed super powertrain comprises 6Z30 3.0T engine and the first domestic
longitudinal 9-speed hydraulic automatic transmission/the first domestic P2 hybrid longitudinal
9-speed hydraulic automatic transmission as its core components. It not only boasts the three
major characteristics of powerful, high-efficient and reliable performance, but also signifies
a technological breakthrough made by a Chinese automobile brand in the field of high-end
powertrain. Great Wall Motor’s 6Z30 3.0T engine also significantly increases transient response
through the use of dual VGT superchargers, dual electronic throttles, integrated water-cooled
intercooling design, etc. to reduce turbo lag. As a result, it achieves excellent power performance
in off-road scenarios. Apart from this, the Group’s 9AT/9HAT transmission boasts a hydraulic
torque converter, which uses fluid to transfer power, and thus improves fuel efficiency while
offering better ride comfort. In-car dual redundant system and intelligent control software will
focus on product’s maneuverability and safety performance in future.

Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

4. Smart cabin software development capability reaching world-class level

In July, the Group’s product digital centre officially obtained ASPICE CL2 (Automotive Spice
Capability Level 2) evaluation certification, signifying that Great Wall Motor became the first
domestic automobile company to receive ASPICE CL2 certification for its smart cabin software
project. The Group’s smart cabin software product development process and quality management
ability have reached world-class level and are leading among mainstream car companies in China.
The Group’s product digital centre not only further enhances cabin software development and
management capability, but also receives international recognition for its comprehensive software
capability, which will provide strong support for COFFEE Intelligence to develop cabin software
with more dimensional capabilities and to incubate more humanised driving scenarios in the

Sales strategy

Introduce new concept store offering extraordinary experience, creating multi-dimensional experience

On 28 May, Great Wall Motor opened its world’s first new retail concept store that offers “new
customer experience” in Central Plaza Bangna, Bangkok of Thailand. With user’s demand and
satisfaction at its core, Great Wall Motor’s new retail concept store not only offers product display and
experience and showcases the Company’s brand, but also features various function areas including
coffee bar, reading area, lounge area and working area. Such design makes the concept store more
than a showroom but a space (User Lifestyle Space) where customers can not only buy cars and enjoy
after-sales service but also engage in leisure and entertainment activities. Leveraging the Internet and
big data technologies, Great Wall Motor’s new retail concept store improves its sales and after-sales
services of automobile products as well as delivers both online and offline shopping experience. The
store reshapes the automotive sales structure and ecosystem of Thailand, while continuing to enhance
Great Wall Motor’s brand value in the global market. It virtually provides customers with “premium
services within reach”.

Management strategies

Establish 3.0 version organisational structure to reconstruct business model

In order to achieve user-orientation, Great Wall Motor is currently building a brand new value system
that engages both enterprises and users.

In the past three years, the Company reconstructed its organisation, system, process and corporate
ecosystem, forming a 3.0 version organisational structure characterised by “strong back-end platform,
large middle platform and small front-end platform”. By accumulating the best and cutting-edge
technologies, as well as making massive investment in research preparation, the back-end platform
enables the Group to lead in technology. The “large middle platform” provides timely business support
to “front-end” platform, which is user-centric. A “one car, one brand, one company” organisational
mechanism has thus been formed. The new organisation has reconstructed the traditional business
model of the automobile industry, building a new C2B model that can make precise and agile
connection with users through digital technology.

Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

Creating “common interests” to facilitate the Company’s sustainable development

On 25 May 2021, the Group formally announced “2021 Share Option Incentive Scheme of Great Wall
Motor Company Limited” and “2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme of Great Wall Motor Company
Limited”, intending to grant 397,101,000 share options to 8,784 participants and 43,184,000 restricted
shares to no more than 586 participants respectively. As of the date of this report, 10,669 participants,
representing 16.89% of the total number of employees of the Company, had been granted under
Great Wall Motor’s equity incentive schemes for 2020 and 2021. Through building an innovative long-
term incentive mechanism, new “common interests” have been formed. Great Wall Motor is effectively
turning employees from “workers doing work” to “partners doing business”, thereby facilitating the
Company’s long-term healthy development. Meanwhile, large-scale equity incentives, stage-by-stage
exercise approach, as well as 20% reserved share options and restricted shares will help Great Wall
Motor attract global talents in various sectors, further satisfying the Group’s enormous needs for core
technology talents and management personnel, as well as fuelling the Company’s sustainable and rapid

Embrace Generation Z

With the rising of the Generation Z consumers, esports, animation and comics, video games, etc, are
setting the direction of the popular culture. Great Wall Motor well understands the preference of the
new generation. At the 19th ChinaJoy held at the end of July 2021, the Group once again bridged
the generation gap of the industry, by introducing a selection of products dedicated to Generation Z.
At the 2021 ChinaJoy, the Haval brand officially launched the Creator Program, providing Generation
Z with a great opportunity to participate in the design of the exterior of all future Haval car models
and modification kits, as well as Haval tie-in cultural and creative products; in return, the creators will
receive a corresponding payment. At ChinaJoy, the WEY brand officially released the virtual image of
the “AI Autobot”, which bridges the emotional distance between WEY and consumers. The ORA brand
unleashed euphoria at ChinaJoy through the establishment of a Cat Planet City and bringing the young
generation’s beloved Ali the fox, Miao Lingdang, Muzen Radio (partner brands) onto the stage. In the
star-studded line up was the new cool Haomao GT. The Group also announced the price list of Haomao
GT for the first time.

Globalisation strategy

1. Global R&D and production systems

Great Wall Motor continued to optimize its implementation of globalization strategy. It has built
a global R&D network spanning “10 places in seven countries” covering Asia, Europe and North
America, with headquarters in China; with respect to production, the Group has established 10
car production bases in China, 3 fully integrated automobile manufacturing plants and 5 KD
(knock-down) factories in overseas markets. At the same time, the Group was also pushing ahead
with automobile projects in South America, Europe and other places; it has established market
presence in over 60 countries and regions, with cumulative overseas sales of more than 700,000
units. In June, Great Wall Motor’s fully integrated automobile manufacturing plants in Rayong,
Thailand, commenced production. It not only signified Great Wall Motor’s intensified development
of the ASEAN markets, but also formed an integral part of the Group’s globalisation strategy.

Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

2. Global sales network

In the first half of 2021, with the process of globalisation accelerating, Great Wall Motor achieved
outstanding performance in overseas markets such as Russia, Australia, Chile and South Africa. In
the first half of 2021, Great Wall Motor’s total sales volume in Russia amounted to 16,754 units,
representing 141.24% year-on-year growth. At present, Great Wall Motor’s product portfolio
for the Russian market comprised 6 types, with over 100 distributors providing comprehensive
premium services to local customers. In future, with the Group’s marketing strategies in ASEAN,
Europe, Australia, Middle East and South America starting to create synergies, more overseas
markets will provide strong support to the stable growth of Great Wall Motor’s operating revenue.

3. Global talent system

Great Wall Motor insists on “not setting any universal standard for people, and basing its
workforce planning on skills and capabilities” when it comes to talent selection. The Group
broke down boundaries within the organisation, flattened management hierarchy, eliminated
age and seniority discrimination by executing “rotating president system” and implementing the
“removal of job titles within the organization”. With respect to innovative talent management,
in addition to “Ten Thousand Talents Plan” and “Global Talents Plan”, the Group implemented
the latest equity incentive scheme, encouraging employees to transit from “workers doing
work” to “partners doing business”. As at the date of this report, participants under the two
tranches of share incentive scheme have exceeded 10,000 on a cumulative basis, covering 50%
of core employees and helping to attract a large number of excellent talents from all over the
world. Great Wall Motor has regarded the fostering and establishment of professional talents
as an important mission. It has a formidable research team, currently comprising domestic and
international specialists and staff with master’s or doctoral degrees. Effective management and
deployment of research talent as well as respect for top-notch technology talent ensure the
continued enhancement of the technological research and development capabilities of Great Wall

4. Global business partnership

In Thailand, Great Wall Motor entered into agreements with its first batch of business partners
at the 42nd Bangkok International Motor Show in March on setting up partner stores across the
country. These partner stores will feature similar overall design concept and functions as those of
GWM retail concept store in Thailand. The Thai business partners are not just dealers, but service
providers like Great Wall Motor, who aim to bring new experience to customers. The aforesaid
collaboration will enable the Group to constantly deliver satisfactory products and services to
the Thai market, thus accelerating the Company’s transformation into a global technology-driven
mobility company.

Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

Major New Models Launched in the First Half of 2021

WEY Mocha, the “New-generation Smart Car”

As a smart flagship car based on the COFFEE

Intelligence platform, it is the only fossil fuel
vehicle equipped with smart driving features like
HWA and NOH and the first car equipped with
Qualcomm 8155 chip. With a brand-new 2.0T+48V
engine and 9DCT transmission, it integrates smart
driving, smart cabin and smart services, and has
a body meeting global safety standards and an
electronically controlled suspension, which can
deliver an interesting, comfortable and secure
WEY Mocha
driving experience. These features make it the best
travel partner for smart, enterprising elites who are
willing to try new things.

Haval Chitu, positioned as a powerful car for the

new generation, is equipped with a new 4B15C
engine which has a maximum power of 135kW, a
maximum torque of 275N • m. and an acceleration
time of only 7.7 seconds from 0 to 100km/h. In
the second half of the year, a hybrid DHT version
with the advantages of being “fast, smooth, quiet,
and energy-efficient” will be introduced to offer
more travel options. The new version will have a
comprehensive fuel consumption of 4.6L/100km.
Haval Chitu In terms of styling, the design language of “Tidal
Awakening Aesthetics” is adopted, and its sporty
and fashionable appearance and interiors are
well received by young people; it has a leading
2,700mm wheelbase in its class, and a wealth of
smart functions such as L2 autonomous driving and
emotion recognition.

Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

Haval JOLION, born on GWM Ningmeng platform,

a new intelligent modular platform, is a key
strategic model targeting the entry-level compact
SUV market. Positioned as “the first car for young
people”, it adopts the design language of “Burning
Love” to embody the passionate pursuit of love
by the younger generation. It treats users like its
first love and gives what young people want in
one go through four industry forward-looking
technologies plus four luxury smart functions. Haval
JOLION meets the driving needs of young first-time
buyers and delivers driving experience beyond their
expectations, thus giving young first-time car owners
the feeling of “first love”.

The 2.0T version is equipped with the first mass-

produced GW4N20 2.0TGDI engine with a Miller
cycle, a high compression ratio of 12:1, a maximum
power output of 155kW, a maximum torque
of 325N · m, a thermal efficiency of 38% and
8% fuel consumption savings, and the second-
generation 7DCT transmission with a comprehensive
transmission efficiency of up to 95.6% which
enables hassle-free gear shifting. It also has a smart
electronic 4WD system and six drive modes. These
features improve the obstacle crossing ability, driving
3rd Gen Haval H6 2.0T
stability and maneuverability of the 3rd Gen Haval
H6 2.0T 4WD version, thus bringing more driving


In the second half of the year, Great Wall Motor will persist with product innovation and introduce
more competitive new models. In the face of the challenges and opportunities brought forth by the
transforming automobile industry, Great Wall Motor organized the “2025 Strategy Global Launch” in
June. With brand new strategic development goals and plans, the Group begins its advancement of
a new development stage. In future, basing on the new positioning of “Global Strategic Planning”,
“Massive R&D Investment”, “Corporate Reform” and “Customer Management”, Great Wall Motor will
insist on its four major strategic directions, namely environmental protection and carbon neutrality,
cognitive AI development, global popular brand and product development, and cooperation,
collaboration, and co-creation, to accelerate its low-carbon and intelligent technology enhancement
and lead in the fields of new energy and AI. By setting the goal to achieve complete carbon neutrality
in 2045, the Group becomes the first automobile company in China to announce its target for
achieving carbon neutrality.

Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

The Group will continue to introduce more competitive models

As the first model equipped with smart hybrid DHT

technology, WEY Macchiato, a new generation of
smart hybrid SUV, has the best performance in the
full speed range and all scenarios, and boasts an
ultra-long range of 1,100km and a fuel consumption
as low as 4.7L per 100km, bringing users a
fast, smooth, quiet, and energy-efficient driving
experience. Macchiato’s smart cabin is equipped
with Qualcomm 8155 chip (which is best-in-class)
and 27 smart driving assistance functions such as
transparent chassis, remote parking, and tracking &
WEY Macchiato reversing, making it a perfect car for young users in
the new travel era.

The new version of the 3rd Gen Haval H6 will have

the full-vehicle FOTA upgrade function, which is rare
for fossil fuel vehicles. In addition, the in-vehicle
information system of the new model will also be
upgraded and equipped with a face recognition
system. In terms of power, the new model is
expected to stick with the power configuration
of the existing model. It will be equipped with a
1.5T/2.0T engine with a maximum power of 169/211
horsepower, and a 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox.
New version of the 3rd Gen Haval H6

Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

The brand new Haval sport sedan draws inspiration

from shark bionics, adopts the design language of
“Black Shark Aesthetics”, and combines the king
of the deep sea with racing genes. It abounds
with visual aesthetic features of a sport sedan and
inherits the practical functions of SUV. It is a new-
generation Haval sedan targeting fashionable young
people and suitable for family travel and sports.

Brand new Haval sport sedan

Haval Shenshou, positioned as a leading new-

generation smart driving model, is an SUV that
meets the needs of consumers for younger,
personalized, exquisite and smart vehicles. As the
strongest Haval model combining GMW Ningmeng
and COFFEE platforms, it inherits Haval’s high-quality
genes and is packed with tech-driven, futuristic
features, making it a dream car for Generation Z.

Haval Shenshou is expected to hit the market in the

Haval Shenshou second half of 2021. As a high-end flagship product
of Haval, Haval Shenshou is the core driver of Haval
brand to go high-end, and undertakes the important
task of increasing its brand value.

In addition, the Group will also launch various upgraded and modified models in the second half of
the year. At the Auto Shanghai, Great Wall Motor showcased its five major brands, namely Haval,
Great Wall Pickup, WEY, ORA and TANK (which made its world’s debut as a standalone brand at Auto
Shanghai), as well as the Group’s five major auto parts subsidiaries also participated in the event. The
car models, including HAVAL Da Gou 2.0T full version, ORA Shandian Cat, ORA Yingtao Cat, TANK 700
and TANK 800, which were built on the Group’s new technology platforms, as well as new platforms
and new products will help the Group further increase its market share.

Tax incentives for high-tech enterprises

In accordance with the Notice Regarding the Announcement of the First Batch of the List of High-
tech Enterprises to be Identified in Hebei Province in 2019 (關於公示河北省 2019 年第一批擬認定高
新技術企業名單的通知) issued by the Torch High-tech Industry Development Center of the Ministry
of Science and Technology (科技部火炬高技術產業開發中心) on 10 September 2019, the Company
was re-accredited as a high-tech enterprise in 2019 (valid for three years) and hence is entitled to an
applicable income tax rate of 15% from 2019 to 2021.


 Applicable √ Not applicable


Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis


(I) Analysis of principal business

1 Analysis of changes of relevant items in the financial statements

Unit: RMB Currency: RMB

Amount for the

Amount for period of
Item the Period last year Changes (%)

Total operating revenue 61,928,368,916.17 35,929,193,647.85 72.36

Operating revenue 61,928,368,916.17 35,929,193,647.85 72.36
Operating costs 51,864,433.297.01 30,641,639,499.57 69.26
Selling expenses 2,444,423,361.02 1,077,470,060.82 126.87
Administrative expenses 1,341,218,155.72 941,176,287.60 42.50
Financial expenses -306,464,724.90 155,399,109.54 -297.21
Research and Development expenses 1,857,755,050.88 1,220,056,896.97 52.27
Net cash flows from operating activities 15,109,778,752.15 9,516,544,165.59 58.77
Net cash flows from investing activities -4,945,518,474.86 -7,491,540,954.58 –
Net cash flows from financing activities -2,640,623,661.44 7,023,606,278.65 -137.60

Reasons for changes in operating revenue: mainly due to increase in sales volume during the
Reporting Period.

Reasons for changes in operating costs: mainly due to increase in sales volume during the
Reporting Period.

Reasons for changes in selling expenses: mainly due to lower selling expenses incurred during
the corresponding period of 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, an increase in
marketing expenses resulting from promotion of new vehicles launched during the Reporting
Period, and an increase in after-sales services and transportation expenses due to increase in
sales volume.

Reasons for changes in administrative expenses: mainly due to an increase in management

remunerations and consultation services fees during the Reporting Period.

Reasons for changes in financial expenses: mainly due to an increase in foreign exchange
gains during the Reporting Period.

Reasons for changes in research and development expenses: mainly due to the increase in
research and development investment during the Reporting Period.

Reasons for changes in net cash flows from operating activities: mainly due to an increase in
cash received from sales of goods as a result of increase in sales volume during the Reporting

Reasons for changes in net cash flows from investing activities: mainly due to an increase in
recovery of principal of wealth management products during the Reporting Period.

Reasons for changes in net cash flows from financing activities: mainly due to an increase in
cash paid for debt repayment during the Reporting Period.

Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

2 Detailed description of any significant change in business type, profit composition or

source of profit of the Company during the Current Period

 Applicable √ Not applicable

(II) Description of significant changes in profit due to non-principal businesses

 Applicable √ Not applicable

(III) Analysis of assets and liabilities

√ Applicable  Not applicable

1. Assets and liabilities

Unit: RMB Currency: RMB

Changes in
Amount as at the amount
Amount as at the end of the as at the end
the end of corresponding of the Current
the Current Amount as at period of Period over
Amount as at Period as the end of the last year as the end of the
the end of a percentage corresponding a percentage of corresponding
the Current of total assets period of total assets period of
Item Period (%) last year (%) last year (%) Description

Cash and 22,271,791,978.24 14.17 14,588,464,389.52 9.47 52.67 The change in cash and bank balances was
bank balances mainly due to the increase in the sales
of products and the receipt of proceeds
from convertible corporate bonds issued
during the Reporting Period.
Held-for-trading 8,636,895,869.20 5.49 4,826,193,896.30 3.13 78.96 The change in held-for-trading financial
financial assets assets was mainly due to increase
in principal guaranteed wealth
management products with floating
Derivative financial 5,911,320.14 0.00 2,271,973.16 0.00 160.18 The change in derivative financial assets
assets was due to the change in the fair
value of the forward foreign exchange
contracts signed by the Group at the
end of the Reporting Period.
Prepayments 933,523,244.22 0.59 570,917,965.02 0.37 63.51 The change in prepayments was mainly
due to increase in prepaid material
expense at the end of the Reporting
Receivables 3,220,009,213.01 2.05 3,936,156,908.98 2.56 –18.19
Inventories 9,631,035,565.35 6.13 7,497,635,549.94 4.87 28.45

Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

Changes in
Amount as at the amount
Amount as at the end of the as at the end
the end of corresponding of the Current
the Current Amount as at period of Period over
Amount as at Period as the end of the last year as the end of the
the end of a percentage corresponding a percentage of corresponding
the Current of total assets period of total assets period of
Item Period (%) last year (%) last year (%) Description

Contract assets 810,975,052.02 0.52 495,298,612.22 0.32 63.73 The change in contract assets was due
to increase in new energy subsidy
receivable by the Company pending
approval of the government department
during the Reporting Period and
expected to be collected within one
Long-term equity 9,123,005,428.33 5.80 8,415,182,722.15 5.46 8.41
Other equity 188,582,800.00 0.12 7,700,000.00 0.00 2,349.13 The change in other equity instruments
instruments investments was due to increase in
investments investment during the Reporting Period.
Other non-current 51,820,372.83 0.03 24,500,000.00 0.02 111.51 The change in other non-current financial
financial assets assets was mainly due to additional
investment made by the Company in
fund enterprises during the Reporting
Investment properties 316,087,019.11 0.20 325,631,402.08 0.21 -2.93
Fixed assets 27,221,676,708.72 17.32 28,609,221,999.83 18.58 -4.85
Construction in progress 2,868,140,569.17 1.82 2,936,380,757.60 1.91 –2.32
Right-of-use assets 275,341,920.99 0.18 238,889,308.01 0.16 15.26
Deferred income tax 1,986,317,701.70 1.26 1,183,302,566.37 0.77 67.86 The change in deferred income tax assets
assets was mainly due to increase in deductible
tax bases, such as share incentive
Other non-current 1,499,489,183.20 0.95 981,595,216.15 0.64 52.76 The change in other non-current assets
assets was mainly due to increase in new
energy subsidy receivable by the
Company pending approval of the
government department and expected
to be collected after one year.

Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

Changes in
Amount as at the amount
Amount as at the end of the as at the end
the end of corresponding of the Current
the Current Amount as at period of Period over
Amount as at Period as the end of the last year as the end of the
the end of a percentage corresponding a percentage of corresponding
the Current of total assets period of total assets period of
Item Period (%) last year (%) last year (%) Description

Short-term borrowings 3,189,958,455.48 2.03 7,901,303,207.55 5.13 –59.63 The change in short-term borrowings
was due to decrease in short-term
borrowings secured from banks during
the Reporting Period.
Derivative financial 1,049,929.88 0.00 4,879,853.91 0.00 –78.48 The change in derivative financial liabilities
liabilities was due to the change in the fair
value of the forward foreign exchange
contracts signed by the Group at the
end of the Reporting Period.
Notes payable 30,474,722,213.60 19.39 16,656,076,418.02 10.81 82.96 The change in notes payable was
mainly due to the increase material
procurement and increase in payment
methods for pledged invoicing during
the Reporting Period.
Contract liabilities 7,123,732,734.45 4.53 8,027,932,832.07 5.21 –11.26
Employee benefits 716,386,926.71 0.46 2,530,652,915.21 1.64 –71.69 The change in employee benefits payable
payable was mainly due to payment of employee
bonuses provided in December 2020
during the Reporting Period.
Taxes payable 1,144,627,020.59 0.73 2,785,790,936.60 1.81 –58.91 The change in taxes payable was mainly
due to decrease in taxes payable as a
result of decrease in sales in June during
the Reporting Period as compared to
December 2020.
Non-current liabilities 1,466,661,159.36 0.93 891,934,592.35 0.58 64.44 The change in non-current liabilities
due within one year due within one year was mainly due
to issuance of senior asset-backed
securities by Tianjin Oula Financial
Leasing Co., Ltd. (天津歐拉融資租賃有
限公司), a subsidiary of the Company,
during the Reporting Period.
Other current liabilities 3,105,034,637.33 1.98 5,065,113,514.41 3.29 –38.70 The change in other current liabilities was
mainly due to repayment of short-term
bonds payable issued in the previous
year by the Company during the
Reporting Period.
Long-term borrowings 13,112,452,936.71 8.34 10,777,205,207.80 7.00 21.67

Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

Changes in
Amount as at the amount
Amount as at the end of the as at the end
the end of corresponding of the Current
the Current Amount as at period of Period over
Amount as at Period as the end of the last year as the end of the
the end of a percentage corresponding a percentage of corresponding
the Current of total assets period of total assets period of
Item Period (%) last year (%) last year (%) Description

Bonds payable 3,517,225,631.22 2.24 – – 100.00 The figures of bonds payable as at the end
of the Reporting Period represented the
amount recognized for the debt portion
of the convertible corporate bonds
issued by the Company and the senior
asset-backed securities issued by Tianjin
Oula Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. (天津
歐拉融資租賃有限公司), a subsidiary of
the Company.
Lease liabilities 473,066,860.95 0.30 495,284,830.49 0.32 -4.49
Capital reserve 2,479,093,630.78 1.58 1,779,310,235.25 1.16 39.33 The change in capital reserve was mainly
due to the increase in capital reserve
as a result of deductible income tax
relating to share incentive scheme
exceeding costs pending recognition
during the Reporting Period
Other equity 336,012,380.39 0.21 – – 100.00 The figures of other equity instruments
instruments as at the end of the Reporting Period
represented the amount recognized for
the equity portion of the convertible
corporate bonds issued by the Company
Less: treasury shares 116,380,271.00 0.07 200,773,416.00 0.13 -42.03 The change in treasury shares was mainly
due to unlocking of the Group’s
restricted incentive shares during the
Reporting Period.

2. Overseas assets

√ Applicable  Not applicable

(1) Asset scale

Of which: overseas assets 162.41 (Unit: 100,000,000 Currency: RMB), accounting for
10.33% of total assets.

(2) Explanation of overseas assets

 Applicable √ Not applicable


Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

3. Restrictions on major assets as at the end of the Reporting Period

√ Applicable   Not applicable

Carrying amount
at the end
Item of the period Reasons for the restrictions

Cash and bank balances 1,207,646,808.76 Security and margin deposits for bank
acceptances, L/C, letter of guarantee
deposits and others
Notes receivable 31,440,208,731.69 Used for issuance of notes payable and
security for short-term borrowings
Intangible assets 82,233,067.75 Used for security over long-term borrowings
Long-term receivables 3,080,601,143.55 Used for security over short-term
borrowings, long-term borrowings and
bonds payable

Total 35,810,689,751.75

4. Description of other matters

 Applicable √ Not applicable

(IV) Analysis of investments

1. Overall analysis of external equity investment

√ Applicable  Not applicable

During the Reporting Period, the total equity investment of the Group was
RMB1,215,638,700, representing an increase of 34.55% as compared with RMB903,502,600
in the corresponding period of last year.

Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

(1) Major equity investment

√ Applicable  Not applicable

amount Percentage of
Name of Investee Principal business (RMB10,000) shareholding

Honeycomb Yichuang Research and development, manufacture, examination, testing, trial production, 89,979 100.00%
Technology Co., Ltd. design and technical services, consulting services, transfer of technology, sale
(蜂巢易創科技有限公司) and after-sales services of automotive parts, components and accessories,
engines and relevant components, transmissions and relevant components,
decelerators and relevant components, new energy generators and relevant
components, new energy controllers and relevant components, smart steering
systems and relevant components, automated driving systems and relevant
components; manufacture of electrical and mechanical equipment; repair
of automotive parts and components; transportation of ordinary goods;
warehousing (excluding flammable and explosive hazardous chemicals)
services; leasing of self-owned properties and equipment; proprietary and
agency businesses of import and export of commodities other than the export
businesses centrally and jointly monopolized by the State authorities and
the import businesses traded by the State-approved companies; enterprise
management consulting services; corporate image planning services; public
relations services; conference services. (Business activities subject to approval
according to law may be carried out only after being approved by the
competent authorities)

Hebei Xiong’an Great Research and development of smart vehicles and driverless technologies; 4,100 100.00%
Wall Motor Technology research and development of automotive electronic control system; research
Co., Ltd. (河北雄安長城 and development and design of electric vehicle charging facilities, technical
汽車科技有限公司) development, technical consultation and technical services; computer-aided
software development and service; research and development of a new
generation of artificial intelligence technology; computer internet information
service (excluding online news); information system integration services;
automobile sales and maintenance. (Business activities subject to approval
according to law may be carried out only after being approved by the
competent authorities)

Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

amount Percentage of
Name of Investee Principal business (RMB10,000) shareholding

Mind Electronics Research and development, design, manufacturing, sales and after-sales service 20,000 100.00%
Company Limited of auto parts and accessories, refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment,
(曼德電子電器有限公司) power electronic components, lighting fixtures, wires and cables, transportation
equipment and counting instruments for production, molds, industrial automatic
control system devices and mechanical parts; road transport of general goods
and special transport (van); import and export of goods or technologies
(except those prohibited by the state or subject to administrative examination
and approval); technical advisory services; enterprise management consulting
services; lease of self-owned buildings, venues and equipment (Business
activities subject to approval according to law may be carried out only after
being approved by the competent authorities)

Chongqing Great Wall Licensed services: car rental; catering services; import and export agency; 1,100 100.00%
Motor Sales Service technology import and export; import and export of goods. (Business activities
Co., Ltd. (重慶長城 subject to approval according to law may be carried out only after being
汽車銷售服務有限公司) approved by the competent authorities, and the specific business projects shall
be subject to the approval documents or permits of relevant departments).
General services: auto parts wholesale; auto parts retail; sales of daily
necessities; sales of new energy vehicles; sales of new cars; sales of metal
products; sales of metal materials; sales of machinery and equipment; sales of
automobile decoration products; sales of instruments; wholesale of electronic
components; sales of used cars; technical services, technical development,
technical consultation, technical exchange, technology transfer and technology
promotion; advertising (non-radio stations, television stations, newspapers
and periodicals publishing units); advertising design and agency; advertising
production; marketing planning; information consulting services (excluding
licensing information consulting services); conference and exhibition services; car
wash service; charging pile sales; sales of motor vehicle charging; motor vehicle
repair and maintenance; used car brokerage; business agent service; ticketing
agency service; internet sales (except for the sale of goods subject to licensing).
(except for services that are subject to approval in accordance with the laws,
business activities should be conducted independently with the business
license(s) in accordance with the laws)

Tide Technology and International trade, equity investment, investment and financing services 3,159.07 100.00%
Trade Company Limited

HWA Ding International International trade, equity investment, investment and financing services 3,225.80 100.00%
Co., Ltd

Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

(2) Major investment in non-equity interest

 Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Financial assets measured at fair value

√ Applicable  Not applicable

Unit: RMB Currency: RMB

Item 30 June 2021

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

Including: Debt instrument investment 8,439,872,189.20
Equity instrument investments 197,023,680.00
Derivative financial assets 5,911,320.14
Other non-current financial assets 51,820,372.83
Financial assets classified as at fair value through
other comprehensive income
Including: Financing with receivables – notes receivable 42,952,911,403.78
Financial assets designated as at fair value through
other comprehensive income
Including: Other equity instrument investments 188,582,800.00

(V) Disposal of major assets and equity interest

 Applicable √ Not applicable

(VI) Analysis of major subsidiaries and investees

√ Applicable  Not applicable

Information of subsidiaries and investees contributing more than 10% of net profit of the

Unit: RMB Currency: RMB

Total assets as Total net assets Operating Operating

Proportion of Proportion of at the end of as at the end of revenue for profit for Net profit for
Full name of Business Registered shareholding voting rights the Reporting the Reporting the Reporting the Reporting the Reporting
subsidiaries nature capital (%) (%) Period Period Period Period Period

Chongqing Sale of auto parts 30,000,000 100 100 29,710,137,932.87 1,038,371,047.77 24,510,118,414.91 1,178,342,900.98 1,016,370,127.70
Yongchuan Great
Wall Auto Parts
Co., Ltd. (重慶市

Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

Total assets as Total net assets Operating Operating

Proportion of Proportion of at the end of as at the end of revenue for profit for Net profit for
Full name of Business Registered shareholding voting rights the Reporting the Reporting the Reporting the Reporting the Reporting
subsidiaries nature capital (%) (%) Period Period Period Period Period

Chongqing Haval Auto selling 5,000,000 100 100 5,944,909,112.83 1,024,331,429.49 19,943,565,976.97 1,116,955,082.86 956,034,192.44
Automobile Co.,
Ltd. (重慶哈弗汽
Tianjin Great Wall Automotive 6,600,000,000 98.18 50 41,035,511,131.30 9,449,932,144.90 1,848,056,005.38 989,778,392.67 742,395,557.31
Binyin Automotive Finance
Finance Co., Ltd.
Nuobo Automotive R & D, 2,283,000,000 100 100 10,189,063,251.50 4,257,835,822.61 4,704,771,713.47 660,159,411.47 586,086,387.68
Systems Co., Ltd. manufacturing
(諾博汽車系統有 and sales of
限公司) auto parts
Jingcheng R & D, 1,000,000,000 100 100 8,507,842,869.66 2,626,713,940.84 5,181,138,226.74 663,977,178.52 581,417,841.53
Engineering manufacturing
Automotive and sales of
Systems Co., Ltd. auto parts
Honeycomb R & D, 3,200,000,000 100 100 3,508,391,297.00 3,251,843,391.27 108,586,455.27 523,071,089.20 522,768,495.59
Yichuang manufacturing
Technology Co., and sales of
Ltd. (蜂巢易創科 auto parts
Baoding Great Wall Logistics and 250,000,000 100 100 151,468,464.36 129,885,558.33 32,835,416.52 378,941,339.68 385,382,358.44
Ants Logistics Co., ordinary goods
Ltd (保定長城螞蟻 transportation

(VII) Structured entities under the control of the Company

 Applicable √ Not applicable


Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis


(I) Exposure to potential risks

√ Applicable  Not applicable

Set out below are the four major potential risks that the Company may be exposed to:

1. Global economic recovery and control over COVID-19 is still subject to instabilities and
uncertainties, and on-going efforts are required to cement the foundation for continuous
business reopening in the PRC;

2. Chip short supply still has pronounced impact on business production, and the surge in raw
material price further intensifies cost pressure for business operations;

3. A new round of technological revolution represented by the development of 5G, AI, cloud
computing, big data and communications equipment drives the in-depth integration of
traditional automobiles and technologies, accelerating the development of intelligent
network-connected automobiles;

4. The automobile industry is shifting from boosting production to de-stocking. With intensified
market competition, the period for effortless business success is over and elimination has
been triggered, which leads to a sharp shrink in the error-tolerance potential for businesses,
and a slight carelessness may result in performance slump.

In light of the above potential risks, the Company has taken the following major measures:

1. Actively promoting globalization: the Company will consolidate the global production layout,
launch a number of global vehicle models in the overseas markets, continue to extend
presence in key strategic markets such as Thailand, Russia, Australia, South America and the
Middle East, and gradually broaden the global layout to contribute to a continuous rise in
sales in the overseas market;

2. Accelerating layout in the chip industry: the Company will accelerate layout in the chip
industry, strengthen the system construction in the chip field, and at the same time
continuously deepen the potential of the brand matrix, open up and cover more blue ocean
markets, and promote the continuous improvement of business performance in full swing;

3. Focusing on new energy and intelligence: Great Wall Motor will deepen layout in new energy
core technologies and industrial chains, seize the vantage point of new energy technologies,
enhance the application of “green energy”, expand the IOT ecosystem based on intelligent
network connection to create user-specific automobiles ecosystem, and provide users with a
considerate cognitive intelligence experience capable of thinking and judgment;

4. Launching continuous reform: Great Wall Motor has established a new strategic positioning
of “global layout”, “R&D investment”, “Group reform” and “user operation” to carry out
comprehensive and thorough innovation and reform, and sharpen its competitiveness.

Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

(II) Other Disclosures

√ Applicable  Not applicable

Interim Dividend

For details, please refer to the relevant descriptions of “Profit Distribution Plan for Ordinary Shares
or Plan for Capitalisation of Capital Reserves” in item III of section 4 “Corporate Governance” in
this report.

Purchase, Sale or Redemption of the Company’s Listed Securities

There were no purchases, sale or redemption of the Company’s listed securities by the Company
or any of its subsidiaries during the Reporting Period.

Corporate Governance

To the knowledge of the Board, the Company has complied with all the principles and code
provisions in the Corporate Governance Code as set out in Appendix 14 to the Hong Kong Listing
Rules during the Reporting Period.

Audit Committee

The Company has set up the Audit Committee for the purposes of reviewing and supervising the
financial reporting process and internal control of the Group. The Audit Committee comprises
three independent non-executive directors and one non-executive director of the Company. At
the meeting held on 26 August 2021, the Audit Committee reviewed the 2021 interim results
announcement, interim report and interim financial report of the Group and gave their opinions
and recommendations to the Board. The Audit Committee is of the opinion that the 2021 interim
results announcement, interim report and interim financial report of the Company comply with
the applicable accounting standards and the Company has made appropriate disclosure thereof.

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee of the Company comprises two independent non-executive

directors and one executive director. The Remuneration Committee is responsible for making
recommendations on the remuneration policies in relation to the directors and senior management
of the Company, and determining the remuneration packages of executive directors and senior
management, including benefits in kind, pensions and compensation payments.

Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee of the Company comprises two independent non-executive

directors and one executive director. The Nomination Committee is responsible for making
recommendations to the Board regarding its size and composition based on business activities,
asset scale and shareholding structure of the Company and making recommendations to the Board
on the standards and procedures for selecting directors and management members.

Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

Strategy Committee

The Strategy Committee of the Company comprises two executive directors, one non-executive
director and two independent non-executive directors. The Strategy Committee provides
recommendations for the management at any time in accordance with the prevailing
market environment and changes in policies and is responsible for reviewing and making
recommendations on the Company’s long-term development strategies and material investment

Compliance with the Model Code

The Company has adopted the Model Code as its own code of conduct regarding securities
transactions by all directors. Having made specific enquiry to the directors and based on the
information available, the Board is of the opinion that all directors have complied with the
provisions under the Model Code during the Reporting Period.

Save as disclosed in this report, information with respect to the Group’s other matters as set out
in paragraph 32 of Appendix 16 to the Hong Kong Listing Rules has not changed materially from
that included in the Company’s 2020 annual report.

Section 4 Corporate Governance


Designated website on Publication

Convening which the resolution date of the
Session date was published resolution Resolution approved

2021 first extraordinary 15 January Shanghai Stock Exchange 15 January The Resolution in Relation to Registration and Issuance of
general meeting 2021 www.sse.com.cn; 2021 Super Short-term Commercial Papers was considered and
Hong Kong Stock Exchange approved

2021 second extraordinary 24 February Shanghai Stock Exchange 24 February The Resolution in Relation to Profit Distribution Proposal
general meeting 2021 www.sse.com.cn; 2021 for the First Three Quarters of 2020 was considered and
Hong Kong Stock Exchange approved

2021 third extraordinary 18 March Shanghai Stock Exchange 18 March The Resolution in Relation to Grant of Reserved Restricted
general meeting 2021 www.sse.com.cn; 2021 Shares to the Directors of the Company's Significant
Hong Kong Stock Exchange Subsidiaries and the connected transaction was considered
www.hkexnews.hk and approved

2020 annual 23 April Shanghai Stock Exchange 23 April The Resolution in Relation to the Audited Financial Report
general meeting 2021 www.sse.com.cn; 2021 for the Year 2020, the Resolution in Relation to the Report
Hong Kong Stock Exchange of the Board for the Year 2020, the Resolution in Relation
www.hkexnews.hk to the Profit Distribution Proposal for the Year 2020, the
Resolution in Relation to the Annual Report of the Company
for the Year 2020 and its Summary, the Resolution in
Relation to the Report of the Independent Directors for the
Year 2020, the Resolution in Relation to the Report of the
Supervisory Committee for the Year 2020, the Resolution
in Relation to the Operating Strategies of the Company
for the Year 2021, the Resolution in Relation to the Re-
appointment of Auditors, the Resolution in Relation to
the Plan of Guarantees to be Provided by the Company
for the Year 2021, the Resolution in Relation to General
Mandate to the Board to Issue A Shares and H Shares and
the Resolution in Relation to General Mandate to the Board
to Repurchase A Shares and H Shares were considered and

Section 4 Corporate Governance

Designated website on Publication

Convening which the resolution date of the
Session date was published resolution Resolution approved

2021 first H shareholders' 23 April Shanghai Stock Exchange 23 April The Resolution in Relation to General Mandate to the Board
class meeting 2021 www.sse.com.cn; 2021 to Repurchase A Shares and H Shares was considered and
Hong Kong Stock Exchange approved

2021 first A shareholders' 23 April Shanghai Stock Exchange 23 April The Resolution in Relation to General Mandate to the Board
class meeting 2021 www.sse.com.cn; 2021 to Repurchase A Shares and H Shares was considered and
Hong Kong Stock Exchange approved

2021 fourth extraordinary 22 July Shanghai Stock Exchange 22 July The Resolution in Relation to the 2021 Restricted Share
general meeting 2021 www.sse.com.cn; 2021 Incentive Scheme (Draft) of Great Wall Motor Company
Hong Kong Stock Exchange Limited and its Summary, the Resolution in Relation
www.hkexnews.hk to the 2021 Share Option Incentive Scheme (draft) of
Great Wall Motor Company Limited and its summary,
the Resolution in Relation to the Appraisal Management
Measures for Implementation of the 2021 Restricted Share
Incentive Scheme of Great Wall Motor Company Limited,
the Resolution in Relation to the Appraisal Management
Measures for Implementation of the 2021 Share Option
Incentive Scheme of Great Wall Motor Company Limited,
the Resolution in Relation to the Proposal to the General
Meeting to Grant Authority to the Board and Such Persons
as Delegated by the Board to Handle in Full Discretion
All Matters in Connection with the 2021 Restricted Share
Incentive Scheme of the Company, the Resolution in
Relation to the Proposal to the General Meeting to Grant
Authority to the Board and Such Persons as Delegated
by the Board to Handle in Full Discretion All Matters
in Connection with the 2021 Share Option Incentive
Scheme of the Company, the Resolution in Relation to the
Amendments to the Articles of Association of the Company
and the Resolution in Relation to the Participation of the
Connected Persons of the Company in the 2021 Restricted
Share Incentive Scheme of the Company under the Terms
and Conditions of Such Scheme Constituting a Connected
Transaction under Hong Kong Listing Rules were considered
and approved

Section 4 Corporate Governance

Designated website on Publication

Convening which the resolution date of the
Session date was published resolution Resolution approved

2021 second H 22 July Shanghai Stock Exchange 22 July The Resolution in Relation to the 2021 Restricted Share
shareholders' 2021 www.sse.com.cn; 2021 Incentive Scheme (Draft) of Great Wall Motor Company
class meeting Hong Kong Stock Exchange Limited and its Summary, the Resolution in Relation
www.hkexnews.hk to the 2021 Share Option Incentive Scheme (draft) of
Great Wall Motor Company Limited and its summary,
the Resolution in Relation to the Appraisal Management
Measures for Implementation of the 2021 Restricted Share
Incentive Scheme of Great Wall Motor Company Limited,
the Resolution in Relation to the Appraisal Management
Measures for Implementation of the 2021 Share Option
Incentive Scheme of Great Wall Motor Company Limited,
the Resolution in Relation to the Proposal to the General
Meeting to Grant Authority to the Board and Such Persons
as Delegated by the Board to Handle in Full Discretion
All Matters in Connection with the 2021 Restricted Share
Incentive Scheme of the Company and the Resolution in
Relation to the Proposal to the General Meeting to Grant
Authority to the Board and Such Persons as Delegated
by the Board to Handle in Full Discretion All Matters in
Connection with the 2021 Share Option Incentive Scheme
of the Company were considered and approved

2021 second A 22 July Shanghai Stock Exchange 22 July The Resolution in Relation to the 2021 Restricted Share
shareholders' 2021 www.sse.com.cn; 2021 Incentive Scheme (Draft) of Great Wall Motor Company
class meeting Hong Kong Stock Exchange Limited and its Summary, the Resolution in Relation
www.hkexnews.hk to the 2021 Share Option Incentive Scheme (draft) of
Great Wall Motor Company Limited and its summary,
the Resolution in Relation to the Appraisal Management
Measures for Implementation of the 2021 Restricted Share
Incentive Scheme of Great Wall Motor Company Limited,
the Resolution in Relation to the Appraisal Management
Measures for Implementation of the 2021 Share Option
Incentive Scheme of Great Wall Motor Company Limited,
the Resolution in Relation to the Proposal to the General
Meeting to Grant Authority to the Board and Such Persons
as Delegated by the Board to Handle in Full Discretion
All Matters in Connection with the 2021 Restricted Share
Incentive Scheme of the Company and the Resolution in
Relation to the Proposal to the General Meeting to Grant
Authority to the Board and Such Persons as Delegated
by the Board to Handle in Full Discretion All Matters in
Connection with the 2021 Share Option Incentive Scheme
of the Company were considered and approved

Description of the Convening of Extraordinary General Meetings Requested by the

Shareholders Holding Preference Shares with Restored Voting Rights

 Applicable √ Not applicable

Description of General Meetings

 Applicable √ Not applicable


Section 4 Corporate Governance


√ Applicable  Not applicable

Name Position Change

Chen Biao Supervisor Resigned

Lu Cai Juan Supervisor Appointed

Explanation for changes in the directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company

√ Applicable  Not applicable

1. Mr. Chen Biao ceased to perform his duties as an employee representative Supervisor and
chairman of the Supervisory Committee of the Company due to changes in personal work
arrangements and applied to resign from the positions of chairman of the Supervisory Committee
and employee representative Supervisor of the Company, with effect from 12 May 2021. Mr.
Chen Biao will continue to assume other positions within the Company upon resignation. At the
16th meeting of the seventh session of the Supervisory Committee of the Company held on 12
May 2021, Ms. Lu Cai Juan was elected as the chairman of the seventh session of the Supervisory
Committee with a term commencing from the date on which such election results were considered
and approved by the Supervisory Committee until the expiry of the seventh session of the
Supervisory Committee.

2. Mr. Hu Shu Jie applied to resign as the deputy general manager of the Company due to personal
reasons. Meanwhile, Mr. Hu Shu Jie will not assume other positions in the Company upon
resignation. Mr. Hu Shu Jie has finished hand-over of corresponding tasks and documents as
required by the Company, and therefore his resignation will not affect the normal business
operation of the Company and is in line with relevant requirements of laws, regulations and
internal policies of the Company. His resignation takes effect upon consideration and approval at
the 24th meeting of the seventh session of the Board to be held on 27 August 2021.


Profit distribution proposal and proposal on capitalisation of capital reserve for the first half
of the year

Any distribution or capital increase Yes

Number of bonus shares
for every 10 shares (share) 0
Dividends for every 10 shares
(RMB) (tax inclusive) 3.00
Number of capitalisation shares
for every 10 shares (share) 0
Details of proposal of profit From January to June 2021, the Company achieved net profit
distribution or capitalisation attributable to shareholders of the parent of RMB3,528,617,024.84.
of capital reserve As at 30 June 2021, undistributed profits of the Company were
RMB41,954,304,884.87. The Company proposed to distribute interim
cash dividends as of 30 June 2021 to the shareholders of the Company
of RMB2,760,863,663.70 based on the total share capital on the record
date for profit distribution, being RMB0.30 per share (tax inclusive).

If there is any change in the total share capital of the Company

between the date of disclosure of this plan and the record date for the
implementation of the profit distribution, the Company will maintain
the amount of distribution per share and adjust the total amount of
distribution accordingly.

The above proposal has been approved at the 24th meeting of the
seventh session of the Board and is subject to consideration and
approval at the shareholders’ general meeting.

Section 4 Corporate Governance



(I) Share incentives disclosed in preliminary announcements without subsequent

development or changes

√ Applicable  Not applicable

Description Inspection index

Announcement on Grant of Reserved For details, please refer to the announcement dated
Restricted Shares or Share Options 28 January 2021 on the websites of Shanghai Stock
to Participants of Great Wall Motor Exchange (http://www.sse.com.cn) (Ann No. 2021-018),
Company Limited Hong Kong Stock Exchange (https://www.hkex.com.hk)
and the Company (https://www.gwm.com.cn)

Announcement on Repurchase and For details, please refer to the announcement dated
Cancellation of Certain Restricted 28 January 2021 on the websites of Shanghai Stock
Shares under the First Grant and Exchange (http://www.sse.com.cn) (Ann No. 2021-022),
Cancellation of Certain Share Options Hong Kong Stock Exchange (https://www.hkex.com.hk)
under the First Grant of Great Wall and the Company (https://www.gwm.com.cn)
Motor Company Limited

First Announcement to Creditors of For details, please refer to the announcement dated
Great Wall Motor Company Limited 28 January 2021 on the websites of Shanghai Stock
in Relation to Repurchase and Exchange (http://www.sse.com.cn) (Ann No. 2021-021),
Cancellation of Partial Restricted Shares Hong Kong Stock Exchange (https://www.hkex.com.hk)
and the Company (https://www.gwm.com.cn)

Second Announcement to Creditors For details, please refer to the announcement dated
of Great Wall Motor Company 1 February 2021 on the websites of Shanghai Stock
Limited in Relation to Repurchase and Exchange (http://www.sse.com.cn) (Ann No. 2021-023),
Cancellation of Partial Restricted Shares Hong Kong Stock Exchange (https://www.hkex.com.hk)
and the Company (https://www.gwm.com.cn)

Third Announcement to Creditors of For details, please refer to the announcement dated
Great Wall Motor Company Limited 3 February 2021 on the websites of Shanghai Stock
in Relation to Repurchase and Exchange (http://www.sse.com.cn) (Ann No. 2021-024),
Cancellation of Partial Restricted Shares Hong Kong Stock Exchange (https://www.hkex.com.hk)
and the Company (https://www.gwm.com.cn)

Section 4 Corporate Governance

Description Inspection index

Announcement on Adjustments to the For details, please refer to the announcement dated
Repurchase Price of Restricted Shares 12 March 2021 on the websites of Shanghai Stock
under the First Grant and Exercise Price Exchange (http://www.sse.com.cn) (Ann No. 2021-033),
of Share Options under the First Grant Hong Kong Stock Exchange (https://www.hkex.com.hk)
under the 2020 Restricted Shares and and the Company (https://www.gwm.com.cn)
Share Options Incentive Scheme of
Great Wall Motor Company Limited

Announcement on Adjustment of the For details, please refer to the announcement dated
Grant Price of the Reserved Restricted 12 March 2021 on the websites of Shanghai Stock
Shares under the 2020 Restricted Share Exchange (http://www.sse.com.cn) (Ann No. 2021-034),
and Share Option Incentive Scheme of Hong Kong Stock Exchange (https://www.hkex.com.hk)
Great Wall Motor Company Limited and the Company (https://www.gwm.com.cn)

First Announcement to Creditors of For details, please refer to the announcement dated
Great Wall Motor Company Limited 31 March 2021 on the websites of Shanghai Stock
in Relation to Repurchase and Exchange (http://www.sse.com.cn) (Ann No. 2021-053),
Cancellation of Partial Restricted Shares Hong Kong Stock Exchange (https://www.hkex.com.hk)
of Great Wall Motor Company Limited and the Company (https://www.gwm.com.cn)

Announcement on Repurchase and For details, please refer to the announcement dated
Cancellation of Certain Restricted 31 March 2021 on the websites of Shanghai Stock
Shares under the First Grant and Exchange (http://www.sse.com.cn) (Ann No. 2021-054),
Cancellation of Certain Share Options Hong Kong Stock Exchange (https://www.hkex.com.hk)
under the First Grant of Great Wall and the Company (https://www.gwm.com.cn)
Motor Company Limited

Announcement on Implementation of For details, please refer to the announcement dated 6

Repurchase and Cancellation of Certain April 2021 on the websites of Shanghai Stock Exchange
Restricted Shares under the First Grant (http://www.sse.com.cn) (Ann No. 2021-055), Hong
of the 2020 Incentive Scheme and the Kong Stock Exchange (https://www.hkex.com.hk) and
Completion of Cancellation of Certain the Company (https://www.gwm.com.cn)
Share Options under the First Grant of
Great Wall Motor Company Limited

Second Announcement to Creditors For details, please refer to the announcement dated 6
of Great Wall Motor Company April 2021 on the websites of Shanghai Stock Exchange
Limited in Relation to Repurchase and (http://www.sse.com.cn) (Ann No. 2021-056), Hong
Cancellation of Partial Restricted Shares Kong Stock Exchange (https://www.hkex.com.hk) and
the Company (https://www.gwm.com.cn)

Section 4 Corporate Governance

Description Inspection index

Third Announcement to Creditors of For details, please refer to the announcement dated 9
Great Wall Motor Company Limited April 2021 on the websites of Shanghai Stock Exchange
in Relation to Repurchase and (http://www.sse.com.cn) (Ann No. 2021-058), Hong
Cancellation of Partial Restricted Shares Kong Stock Exchange (https://www.hkex.com.hk) and
the Company (https://www.gwm.com.cn)

Announcement on Completion of For details, please refer to the announcement dated 9

Repurchase and Cancellation of Certain April 2021 on the websites of Shanghai Stock Exchange
Restricted Shares under the First Grant (http://www.sse.com.cn) (Ann No. 2021-059), Hong
Pursuant to the 2020 Incentive Scheme Kong Stock Exchange (https://www.hkex.com.hk) and
of Great Wall Motor Company Limited the Company (https://www.gwm.com.cn)

Announcement on Unlocking and Listing For details, please refer to the announcement dated 21
of the First Tranche of Restricted April 2021 on the websites of Shanghai Stock Exchange
Shares under the First Grant of the (http://www.sse.com.cn) (Ann No. 2021-063), Hong
2020 Restricted Share and Share Kong Stock Exchange (https://www.hkex.com.hk) and
Option Incentive Scheme of Great Wall the Company (https://www.gwm.com.cn)
Motor Company Limited

Announcement on Fulfillment of Exercise For details, please refer to the announcement dated 28
Conditions of the First Exercise Period April 2021 on the websites of Shanghai Stock Exchange
of Share Options under the First Grant (http://www.sse.com.cn) (Ann No. 2021-069), Hong
of the 2020 Restricted Share and Share Kong Stock Exchange (https://www.hkex.com.hk) and
Option Incentive Scheme of Great Wall the Company (https://www.gwm.com.cn)
Motor Company Limited

Indicative Announcement on Exercise For details, please refer to the announcement dated 7
Restriction Period of the First Exercise May 2021 on the websites of Shanghai Stock Exchange
Period of Share Options under the First (http://www.sse.com.cn) (Ann No. 2021-070), Hong
Grant of the 2020 Restricted Share Kong Stock Exchange (https://www.hkex.com.hk) and
and Share Option Incentive Scheme of the Company (https://www.gwm.com.cn)
Great Wall Motor Company Limited

Indicative Announcement on Exercise For details, please refer to the announcement dated 12
Restriction Period of the First Exercise May 2021 on the websites of Shanghai Stock Exchange
Period of Share Options under the First (http://www.sse.com.cn) (Ann No. 2021-074), Hong
Grant of the 2020 Restricted Share Kong Stock Exchange (https://www.hkex.com.hk) and
and Share Option Incentive Scheme of the Company (https://www.gwm.com.cn)
Great Wall Motor Company Limited

Section 4 Corporate Governance

Description Inspection index

Announcement on Results of the For details, please refer to the announcement dated 13
Reserved Grant of the 2020 Restricted May 2021 on the websites of Shanghai Stock Exchange
Share and Share Option Incentive (http://www.sse.com.cn) (Ann No. 2021-075), Hong
Scheme Kong Stock Exchange (https://www.hkex.com.hk) and
the Company (https://www.gwm.com.cn)

Announcement on Summary of 2021 For details, please refer to the announcement dated 25
Restricted Share Incentive Scheme May 2021 on the websites of Shanghai Stock Exchange
(Draft) of Great Wall Motor Company (http://www.sse.com.cn) (Ann No. 2021-081), Hong
Limited Kong Stock Exchange (https://www.hkex.com.hk) and
the Company (https://www.gwm.com.cn)

Announcement on Independent Exercise For details, please refer to the announcement dated 1
Results and Share Changes of the First June 2021 on the websites of Shanghai Stock Exchange
Exercise Period of Share Options under (http://www.sse.com.cn) (Ann No. 2021-083), Hong
the First Grant of the 2020 Restricted Kong Stock Exchange (https://www.hkex.com.hk) and
Share and Share Option Incentive the Company (https://www.gwm.com.cn)
Scheme of Great Wall Motor Company

Announcement on Independent Exercise For details, please refer to the announcement dated 2
Results and Share Changes of the First July 2021 on the websites of Shanghai Stock Exchange
Exercise Period of Share Options under (http://www.sse.com.cn) (Ann No. 2021-099), Hong
the First Grant of the 2020 Restricted Kong Stock Exchange (https://www.hkex.com.hk) and
Share and Share Option Incentive the Company (https://www.gwm.com.cn)
Scheme of Great Wall Motor Company

Indicative Announcement on Exercise For details, please refer to the announcement dated 2
Restriction Period of the First Exercise July 2021 on the websites of Shanghai Stock Exchange
Period of Share Options under the First (http://www.sse.com.cn) (Ann No. 2021-100), Hong
Grant of the 2020 Restricted Share Kong Stock Exchange (https://www.hkex.com.hk) and
and Share Option Incentive Scheme of the Company (https://www.gwm.com.cn)
Great Wall Motor Company Limited

Self-inspection Report of Great Wall For details, please refer to the announcement dated 22
Motor Company Limited on the 2021 July 2021 on the websites of Shanghai Stock Exchange
Restricted Share Incentive Scheme and (http://www.sse.com.cn) (Ann No. 2021-111), Hong
2021 Share Options Kong Stock Exchange (https://www.hkex.com.hk) and
the Company (https://www.gwm.com.cn)

Section 4 Corporate Governance

Description Inspection index

Announcement on Adjustments to the For details, please refer to the announcement dated 22
List of Participants and the Number July 2021 on the websites of Shanghai Stock Exchange
of Grant of the 2021 Restricted Share (http://www.sse.com.cn) (Ann No. 2021-114), Hong
Incentive Scheme and the 2021 Share Kong Stock Exchange (https://www.hkex.com.hk) and
Option Incentive Scheme of Great Wall the Company (https://www.gwm.com.cn)
Motor Company Limited

Announcement on Granting of For details, please refer to the announcement dated 22

Restricted Shares to Participants of July 2021 on the websites of Shanghai Stock Exchange
the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive (http://www.sse.com.cn) (Ann No. 2021-115), Hong
Scheme and Granting of Share Options Kong Stock Exchange (https://www.hkex.com.hk) and
to Participants of the 2021 Share the Company (https://www.gwm.com.cn)
Option Incentive Scheme of Great Wall
Motor Company Limited

The 2021 Restricted Share and Share For details, please refer to the announcement dated 22
Option Incentive Scheme List of the July 2021 on the websites of Shanghai Stock Exchange
Participants under the First Grant of (http://www.sse.com.cn), Hong Kong Stock Exchange
the Incentive Scheme of Great Wall (https://www.hkex.com.hk) and the Company
Motor Company Limited (https://www.gwm.com.cn)

(II) Incentives undisclosed in preliminary announcements or followed with subsequent


Share Incentive Scheme

 Applicable √ Not applicable

Other descriptions

 Applicable √ Not applicable

Employee Share Ownership Scheme

 Applicable √ Not applicable


Section 4 Corporate Governance

Other incentives

 Applicable √ Not applicable

Information of the 2020 share option incentive scheme during the Reporting Period is as follows:

(1) at the beginning of the Reporting Period, 87,065,300 share options remained outstanding,
which were granted on 27 April 2020, for a maximum term of not more than 48 months, with
an exercise period from 27 April 2021 to 26 April 2024 and exercise price of RMB8.73 each. As
at the end of the Reporting Period, 62,501,498 share options remained outstanding, which were
granted on 27 April 2020, for a maximum term of not more than 48 months, with an exercise
period from 1 July 2021 to 26 April 2024 and exercise price of RMB8.20 each; (2) during the
Reporting Period, 15,721,000 reserved options under the share incentive scheme were granted
on 28 January 2021, for a maximum term of not more than 36 months, with an exercise period
from 28 January 2022 to 27 January 2024 and exercise price of RMB42.15 each. The closing price
of the Company’s A shares immediately prior to the date of such grant was RMB42.15 per share;
(3) during the Reporting Period, 22,671,119 share options were exercised at an exercise price of
RMB8.20 each; (4) during the Reporting Period, 1,583,583 share options were cancelled with an
exercise price of RMB8.20 each; and (5) during the Reporting Period, 0 share options lapsed.

No share options were granted, exercised, outstanding, cancelled or lapsed under the Company’s
2021 share option incentive scheme during the Reporting Period. On 22 July 2021, the 2021 share
option incentive scheme was approved at the general meeting by way of a special resolution.
Subsequently, the Board considered and approved the Resolution on Granting of Restricted Shares
to Participants of the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme and Granting of Share Options to
Participants of the 2021 Share Option Incentive Scheme of Great Wall Motor Company Limited.
For further details regarding the first grant of options after the Reporting Period, please refer to
the announcement of the Company dated 22 July 2021.

In addition, during the Reporting Period, the Company granted the reserved options under
the 2020 share option incentive scheme. Pursuant to relevant requirements of the Accounting
Standards for Enterprises No.11 – Share-based Payment and the Accounting Standards for
Enterprises No.22 – Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments, no accounting
treatment will be made by the Company to the share options on the grant date. The Company
used the “Black-Scholes” option pricing model to determine the fair value of the share options
under the reserved grant. Based on the data as at 28 January 2021, the theoretical value of
18,388,000 Share Options under reserved grant of the Company is RMB195,061,800. Specific
parameters are as follows: current price of subject shares: RMB40.98 per share (the closing price
as at the date of reserved grant, i.e., 28 January 2021); exercise Price of the Share Options:
RMB42.15 per share as determined under the Management Measures for Share Incentives; valid
period: one and two years, respectively (based on the period commencing from the Grant Date
and ending on the first Exercise Date for each respective period); historical volatility:58.49%,
52.58%, respectively (the volatility of the Company for the latest one and two years, respectively);
risk-free rate:2.6957%, 2.7859%, respectively (the yield of PRC treasury bond for one and two
years); dividend yield:0.61% (the average dividend yield of the Company for the latest 12 months).
The calculation results of the value of the Share Options are subject to the option pricing model
adopted and a number of assumptions on the parameters used herein. Therefore, the estimated
value of the Share Options may be subjective and uncertain. For further details of the value of
options granted during the Reporting Period, please refer to the announcement of the Company
dated 28 January 2021.

Section 5 Environmental and Social Responsibility


(I) Description of environmental protection of companies which are defined as key pollutant
discharging units by environmental protection authorities and their subsidiaries

√ Applicable  Not applicable

1. Pollutant discharge

√ Applicable  Not applicable

Name of Adopted
Name of major pollutants Number of Location of emission Verified
company or or specific Way of discharge discharge Emission standards for Total total Excessive
subsidiary pollutants emission outlet outlet concentration pollutants Emissions emissions emission
PH 7.51 – – Nil
Chemical oxygen demand The discharge outlet on the 67.36mg/L Table 4 Tertiary Standard in 15.57 tons 39.14 tons Nil
factory site of Great Wall Integrated Wastewater
Great Wall Ammonia nitrogen Intermittent 13.94mg/L 3.22 tons – Nil
Sewage 2 Motor Company Limited Discharge Standards (GB8978-1996);
Motor Total phosphorus emission 1.92mg/L 0.45 ton – Nil
located at Chaoyang South import water quality requirements for
Company Particulate matter 25.38mg/L Yindingzhuang Sewage Station 3.26 tons – Nil
Five-day BOD 23.64mg/L 3.65 tons – Nil
During the Reporting Period, Great Wall Motor Company Limited was on the list of 2021 key pollutant emission entities in Hebei. During the period, a total of 1,230.01 tons of hazardous
waste was produced, which was disposed of by qualified hazardous waste operators in accordance with the law.
Particulates 11.2mg/m³ Integrated Emission Standards of Air 1.34 tons 19.51 tons Nil
Sulfur dioxide ND Pollutants (DB50/418-2016);Emission – 8.63 tons Nil
Chongqing Standards of Air Pollutants from Boilers
Branch of Exhaust Nitrogen oxides Regular 112mg/m³ 2.90 tons 74.08 tons Nil
23 Around the factory in Chongqing (DB50/658-2016)
Great Wall gas Non-methane hydrocarbons emission 6.16mg/m³ 0.34 ton – Nil
Emission Standard of Air Pollutants
for Surface Coating of Automobile
Company TVOCs 21mg/m³ 0.48 ton 35.85 tons Nil
Manufacturing Industry (DB50/577-2015)
During the Reporting Period, Chongqing Branch of Great Wall Motor Company Limited was on the list of 2021 key pollutant emission entities in Chongqing. During the period, a total of
1,099.02 tons of hazardous waste was produced, which was disposed of by qualified hazardous waste operators in accordance with the law.
PH 7.59 – – Nil
Integrated Wastewater Discharge
Chemical oxygen demand Intermittent Main discharge outlet of 35.9mg/L Standards (GB8978-1996); Quality 2.05 tons 10.18 tons Nil
Rizhao Sewage 1
Weipai Ammonia nitrogen emission the Company 1.54mg/L Standards for Sewage Discharged into 0.08 ton 1.02 tons Nil
Automobile Urban Sewers (GB/T 31962-2015);
Total phosphorus 2.01mg/L 0.06 ton – Nil
Co., Ltd.
Emission Standards of Volatile Organic
(日照魏牌 Exhaust Regular
VOCs 16 Around the factory 4.56mg/m³ Compounds in Shandong Province Part 1: 0.58 ton 18.33 tons Nil
汽車 gas emission
Automobile manufacturing
During the Reporting Period, Rizhao Weipai Automobile Co., Ltd. was on the list of 2021 key pollutant emission entities in Shandong. During the period, a total of 22.4 tons of hazardous
waste was produced, which was disposed of by qualified hazardous waste operators in accordance with the law.
Xushui PH 7.74 – – Nil
Table 4 Tertiary Standard in Integrated
Branch of Chemical oxygen demand 64.55mg/L Wastewater Discharge Standards (GB 27.20 tons 37.03 tons Nil
Main discharge outlets of
Great Wall Intermittent
Sewage Total phosphorus 2 No. 1 plant and No. 2 plant 0.54mg/L 8978-1996); import water quality 0.29 ton 1.427 tons Nil
Motor emission
Suspended solids of Xushui Branch 18mg/L requirements for Dawangdian Treatment 4.46 tons – Nil
Sewage Station
Limited Five-day BOD 26.9mg/L 7.13 tons – Nil

Section 5 Environmental and Social Responsibility

Name of Adopted
Name of major pollutants Number of Location of emission Verified
company or or specific Way of discharge discharge Emission standards for Total total Excessive
subsidiary pollutants emission outlet outlet concentration pollutants Emissions emissions emission
Integrated Emission Standards of Air
Particulates 16.2mg/m³ 9.83 tons – Nil
Pollutants (DB50/418-2016)
Branch of Nitrogen oxides 62mg/m³ Emission Standards of Industrial Furnace 0.15 ton 0.702 ton Nil
Great Wall Exhaust Sulfur dioxide Regular ND Kiln Air Pollutants (DB13/1640 – 2012) – – Nil
17 Around the factory
Motor gas emission
Table 1 in Emission Control Standards of
Volatile Organic Compounds for
Limited Non-methane hydrocarbons 9.1mg/m³ 0.38 ton – Nil
Industrial Enterprises
(DB13/2322 – 2016)
Baoding Great PH 7.75 – – Nil
Machinery Chemical oxygen demand 42mg/L 0.17 ton 3.563 tons Nil
Company Table 4 Tertiary Standard in
Ammonia nitrogen Intermittent Main discharge outlets of 0.40mg/L 0.003 ton 0.2 ton Nil
Limited Sewage 1 Integrated Wastewater Discharge
Suspended solids emission the plant 18mg/L 0.06 ton – Nil
(保定市 Standards (GB 8978-1996)
格瑞機械 Five-day BOD 34.4mg/L 0.06 ton – Nil
有限公司) Phosphate 1.48mg/L 0.003 ton – Nil
PH 7.52 – – Nil
Jingcheng Chemical oxygen demand 97.57mg/L 0.96 ton 4.066 tons Nil
Engineering Table 4 Tertiary Standard in Integrated
Ammonia nitrogen Intermittent Main discharge outlets of 1.20mg/L 0.01 ton 0.675 ton Nil
Automotive Sewage 1 Wastewater Discharge Standards
Suspended solids emission the plant 25.25mg/L 0.17 ton – Nil
Systems Co., (GB 8978-1996)
Ltd. Five-day BOD 23.85mg/L 0.16 ton – Nil
Phosphate 0.49mg/L 0.004 ton – Nil
PH 7.71 – – Nil
Chemical oxygen demand 14.6mg/L Table 4 Tertiary Standard in Integrated 1.579 tons – Nil
Main discharge outlets in
Intermittent Wastewater Discharge Standards (GB 8978-1996);
Sewage Ammonia nitrogen 1 the sewage station of the 14mg/L 0.263 ton – Nil
Baoding Xushui emission import water quality requirements for Dawangdian
Suspended solids plant 69mg/L Industrial Park Sewage Treatment Station 0.523 ton – Nil
Branch of Mind Five-day BOD 33mg/L 0.0004 ton – Nil
Electronics Table 2 Secondary Standard in Integrated 1.444
Company Particulates 3.90mg/m³ Emission Standards of Air Pollutants (GB 0.344 ton tons/ Nil
Limited Exhaust Regular 16297-1996) per year
6 Around the factory
gas emission Table 1 in Emission Control Standards
Non-methane hydrocarbons 2.83mg/m³ of Volatile Organic Compounds for 0.104 ton – Nil
Industrial Enterprises (DB13/2322-2016)

Section 5 Environmental and Social Responsibility

Name of Adopted
Name of major pollutants Number of Location of emission Verified
company or or specific Way of discharge discharge Emission standards for Total total Excessive
subsidiary pollutants emission outlet outlet concentration pollutants Emissions emissions emission
PH 7.82mg/L – – Nil
Chemical oxygen demand 40.25mg/L 0.70 ton 11.15 tons Nil
Emission Standards for Industrial
Ammonia nitrogen Intermittent Main discharge outlet of 11.05mg/L Pollutants of Rubber Products GB 27632- 0.23 ton 0.37 ton Nil
Sewage 1
Suspended solids emission the sewage station 15.25mg/L 2011; Integrated Wastewater Discharge 0.34 ton – Nil
Standards (GB8978-1996)
Five-day BOD 12.00mg/L 0.22 ton – Nil
Total phosphorus 0.82mg/L 0.02 ton – Nil
Nuobo Rubber
Emission Standards for Industrial
Particulates 3.00mg/m³ Pollutants of Rubber Products 0.21 ton 0.678 ton Nil
GB 27632-2011
Table 1 in Emission Control Standards
Exhaust Non-methane hydrocarbons Regular 3.33mg/m³ of Volatile Organic Compounds for 0.24 ton 6.785 tons Nil
16 Around the factory
gas emission Industrial Enterprises (DB13/2322 – 2016)
Sulfur dioxide 5.00mg/m³ Notice on printing and distributing 0.004 ton 0.074 ton Nil
The Plan for Comprehensive Control of
Nitrogen oxides 16mg/m³ Air Pollution in Industrial Furnaces and 0.01 ton 0.459 ton Nil
Kilns (Huan Da Qi [2019] No.56)
Chemical oxygen demand 38mg/L Integrated Wastewater Discharge 0.05 ton 4.245 tons Nil
Ammonia nitrogen 1.66mg/L Standards GB8978-1996; Table 2 0.002 ton 0.15 ton Nil
Main discharge outlet of standard in Emission Standards for
Total phosphorus Intermittent 0.99mg/L 0.002 ton – Nil
Baoding Sewage 1 the sewage station in the Electroplating Pollutants GB 21900 –
Nuobo Auto plant 2008; Import water quality requirements
Decorations Suspended solids 18mg/L for Dawangdian Industrial Park Sewage 0.03 ton – Nil
Company Treatment Station
Particulates 2.40mg/m³ Table 2 Secondary Standard in Integrated 0.152 ton 1.068 tons Nil
Exhaust Regular
Sulfur dioxide 6 Around the factory ND Emission Standards of Air Pollutants – 0.352 ton Nil
gas emission
Nitrogen oxides 9.00mg/m³ (GB16297-1996); 0.01 ton 3.25 tons Nil
Shunping PH 7.85 – – Nil
Precision Ammonia nitrogen 1.36mg/L Table 4 Tertiary Standard in Integrated 0.01 ton – Nil
Casting Branch Main discharge outlet of Wastewater Discharge Standards(GB
Chemical oxygen demand Intermittent 78mg/L 0.58 ton – Nil
of Great Sewage 1 the sewage station in the 8978-1996);import water quality
Suspended solids emission 13mg/L 0.09 ton – Nil
Wall Motor plant requirements for Shunping Qingyuan
Company Five-day BOD 25.4mg/L Sewage Treatment Co., Ltd. 0.18 ton – Nil
Limited Phosphate 0.19mg/L 0.001 ton – Nil

Section 5 Environmental and Social Responsibility

Name of Adopted
Name of major pollutants Number of Location of emission Verified
company or or specific Way of discharge discharge Emission standards for Total total Excessive
subsidiary pollutants emission outlet outlet concentration pollutants Emissions emissions emission
PH 7.85 – – Nil
Ammonia nitrogen 1.36mg/L Table 4 Tertiary Standard in Integrated 0.09 ton – Nil
Shunping Main discharge outlet of Wastewater Discharge Standards (GB
Chemical oxygen demand Intermittent 78mg/L 4.93 tons – Nil
Precision Die Sewage 1 the sewage station in the 8978-1996); import water quality
Suspended solids emission 13mg/L 0.80 ton – Nil
Casting Branch plant requirements for Shunping Qingyuan
of Jingcheng Five-day BOD 25.4mg/L Sewage Treatment Co., Ltd. 1.53 tons – Nil
Engineering Phosphate 0.19mg/L 0.01 ton – Nil
Automotive Non-methane hydrocarbons 2.04mg/m³ Table 2 Secondary Standard in Integrated 0.46 ton – Nil
Systems Co.,
Exhaust Particulates Regular 3.53mg/m³ Emission Standards of Air Pollutants (GB16297-1996); 0.21 ton – Nil
Ltd. 6 Around the factory New Furnace Standard in Table 1 and Table 2 in Emission
gas Sulfur dioxide emission ND – – Nil
Standards of Industrial Furnace Kiln Air Pollutants
Nitrogen oxides 11.7mg/m³ (DB13/1640-2012) 0.24 ton – Nil
Shunping PH 7.85 – – Nil
Precision Ammonia nitrogen 1.36mg/L Table 4 Tertiary Standard in Integrated 0.01 ton 0.188 ton Nil
Casting Branch
Chemical oxygen demand Main discharge outlet of 78mg/L Wastewater Discharge Standards (GB 0.58 ton 1.88 tons Nil
of Jingcheng Intermittent
Sewage Suspended solids emission
1 the sewage station in the 13mg/L 8978-1996); import water quality 0.09 ton – Nil
plant requirements for Shunping Qingyuan
Automotive Five-day BOD 25.4mg/L 0.18 ton – Nil
Sewage Treatment Co., Ltd.
Systems Co.,
Phosphate 0.19mg/L 0.001 ton – Nil
Baoding PH 7.30 – – Nil
Exquisite Suspended solids The discharge outlet at the 20mg/L Table 4 Tertiary Standard in Integrated 0.05 ton – Nil
Automotive Intermittent Chaoyang South Avenue,
Sewage Chemical oxygen demand 2 95mg/L Wastewater Discharge Standards (GB 0.40 ton – Nil
Mould emission the discharge outlet of
Technology Jiaozhuang Sewage Station
Petroleum fractions 0.80mg/L 0.003 ton – Nil
Co., Ltd.
PH 6.8 Table 4 Tertiary Standard in Integrated – – Nil
Suspended solids Intermittent 35mg/L Wastewater Discharge Standards (GB 0.27 ton – Nil
Baoding Yixin Sewage 1 Domestic sewage outlet 8978-1996); import water quality
Ammonia nitrogen emission 4.16mg/L 0.03 ton – Nil
Automotive requirements for Yindingzhuang Sewage
Parts Company Chemical oxygen demand 423mg/L Station 3.50 tons – Nil
Limited Table 1 in Emission Control Standards
Exhaust Intermittent
Non-methane hydrocarbons 4 Around the factory 3.16mg/m³ of Volatile Organic Compounds for 0.45 ton – Nil
gas emission
Industrial Enterprises (DB13/2322 – 2016)

Section 5 Environmental and Social Responsibility

Name of Adopted
Name of major pollutants Number of Location of emission Verified
company or or specific Way of discharge discharge Emission standards for Total total Excessive
subsidiary pollutants emission outlet outlet concentration pollutants Emissions emissions emission
PH 7.46 – – Nil
Suspended solids 37mg/L 0.0004 ton – Nil
Table 4 Tertiary Standard in Integrated
Five-day BOD 55.4mg/L Wastewater Discharge Standards (GB 0.0006 ton – Nil
Intermittent Production wastewater
Sewage Chemical oxygen demand 1 238mg/L 8978-1996); import water quality 0.0004 ton 1.629 tons Nil
emission discharge outlet
requirements for Yindingzhuang Sewage
Ammonia nitrogen 6.46mg/L 0.0002 ton – Nil
Nuobo Station
Automotive Total phosphorus 0.38mg/L – Nil
Co., Ltd. Particulates 2.52mg/m³ Table 2 Secondary Standard in Integrated 0.43 ton – Nil
Sulfur dioxide 3.67mg/m³ Emission Standards of Air Pollutants 0.01 ton – Nil
Exhaust Nitrogen oxides Intermittent 12mg/m³ (GB16297-1996) 0.43 ton – Nil
3 Around the factory
gas emission
Table 1 in Emission Control Standards
Non-methane hydrocarbons 2.46mg/m³ of Volatile Organic Compounds for 0.91 ton – Nil
Industrial Enterprises (DB13/2322 – 2016)
Control Standards of Volatile Organic
Compounds for Industrial Enterprises
Particulates 2.80mg/m³ 0.52 ton – Nil
Baoding (DB13/2322-2016), Emission Standard of
Nuobo Rubber Exhaust Regular Odor Pollutants (GB 14554-93), Emission
3 Around the factory
Production Co., gas emission Standards for Industrial Pollutants of
Ltd. Rubber Products (GB 27632-2011) and
Non-methane hydrocarbons 2.81mg/m³ 0.54 ton – Nil
Integrated Emission Standards of Air
Pollutants (GB16297-1996)
PH 7.42 – – Nil
Xushui Branch Table 4 Tertiary Standard in Integrated
of Honeycomb Chemical oxygen demand 42mg/L Wastewater Discharge Standards 1.238 tons – Nil
Intermittent Main discharge outlet of
Transmission Sewage Ammonia nitrogen 1 0.97mg/L (GB8978-1996); import water quality 0.030 ton – Nil
emission the sewage station
Technology Total phosphorus 0.2mg/L requirements for Dawangdian Treatment 0.005 ton – Nil
Hebei Co., Ltd., Sewage Station
Suspended solids 19mg/L 0.541 ton – Nil
PH 7.51 – – Nil
Baoding Xushui
Suspended solids 18mg/L 1.11 tons – Nil
Chassis Branch Table 4 Tertiary Standard in Integrated
of Jingcheng Five-day BOD Main discharge outlet of 13.80mg/L Wastewater Discharge Standards (GB 0.71 ton – Nil
Engineering Sewage Ammonia nitrogen 2 phase 1, Main discharge 14.60mg/L 8978-1996); import water quality 0.73 ton 1.81 tons Nil
Automotive Chemical oxygen demand outlet of No. 2 plant 46mg/L requirements for Dawangdian Treatment 2.61 tons 4.53 tons Nil
Systems Co., Sewage Station
Total phosphorus 1.85mg/L 0.10 ton 0.5 ton Nil
Total nitrogen 22.20mg/L 1.22 tons 3.02 tons Nil

Section 5 Environmental and Social Responsibility

Name of Adopted
Name of major pollutants Number of Location of emission Verified
company or or specific Way of discharge discharge Emission standards for Total total Excessive
subsidiary pollutants emission outlet outlet concentration pollutants Emissions emissions emission
Chemical oxygen demand 104mg/L 0.03 ton 0.207 ton Nil
Suspended solids 105mg/L Table 4 Tertiary Standard in Integrated 0.30 ton – Nil
Wastewater Discharge Standards (GB
Ammonia nitrogen Intermittent Main discharge outlet of 2.09mg/L 0.0006 ton 0.012 ton Nil
Sewage 1 8978-1996); import water quality
Baoding Great Five-day BOD emission sewage station 26mg/L 0.008 ton – Nil
requirements for Qingyuan County
Wall Scrap Total phosphorus 0.61mg/L Sewage Treatment Station 0.0002 ton 0.002 ton Nil
Car Recycling &
Total nitrogen 4.6mg/L 0.001 ton 0.017 ton Nil
Co., Ltd. Table 1 in Emission Control Standards
Non-methane hydrocarbons 10.9mg/m³ 0.03 ton 0.376 ton Nil
of Volatile Organic Compounds for
Exhaust Intermittent
1 Around the factory Industrial Enterprises (DB13/2322-2016);
gas emission
Table 2 in Integrated Emission Standards
Particulates 4.6mg/m³ 0.03 ton 0.2 ton Nil
for Air Pollutants (GB16297- 1996)
PH 7.8 – – Nil
Suspended solids 26.5mg/L 0.82 ton – Nil
Table 2 Tertiary Standard in Integrated 10.596 96.313
Chemical oxygen demand Intermittent West side of the factory 176mg/L Nil
Sewage 2 Wastewater Discharge Standards (DB tons tons
emission site
Five-day BOD 57.1mg/L 12/356-2018) 4.908 tons – Nil
Ammonia nitrogen 15.1mg/L 0.88 ton 5.85 tons Nil
Total phosphorus 0.84mg/L 0.043 ton 1.541 tons Nil
Branch of Table 1 in Emission Control Standards
Great Wall of Volatile Organic Compounds for 15.655 398.29
VOCs 9.21mg/m³ Nil
Motor Industrial Enterprises(DB12/524 – tons tons
Exhaust Regular 2020): Automobile manufacturing
Company 55 Around the factory
gas emission
Limited Sulfur dioxide ND Table 2 Secondary Standard in Integrated 0.132 ton – Nil
Nitrogen oxides 96mg/m³ Emission Standards of Air Pollutants 6.472 tons – Nil
Particulates 3.9mg/m³ (GB16297-1996) 0.521 ton – Nil
During the Reporting Period, Tianjin Haval Branch of Great Wall Motor Company Limited was included in the list of 2021 key environmental pollutant emission entities of solid
Solid and
and hazardous waste in Tianjin. During the Current Period, a total of 741.37 tons of hazardous waste was generated, which was legally disposed of by the manufacturer with
hazardous Nil
the qualification of hazardous waste management. 68 boxes of ordinary solid waste (length*width*height: 3.45m*2.2m*1m) were generated, which was disposed of by qualified

Section 5 Environmental and Social Responsibility

Name of Adopted
Name of major pollutants Number of Location of emission Verified
company or or specific Way of discharge discharge Emission standards for Total total Excessive
subsidiary pollutants emission outlet outlet concentration pollutants Emissions emissions emission
PH 7.81 – – Nil
Chemical oxygen demand 118mg/L 2.943 tons – Nil
Table 2 Tertiary Standard in Integrated
Suspended solids Intermittent West side of the factory 78mg/L 0.117 ton – Nil
Sewage 1 Wastewater Discharge Standards (DB
Five-day BOD emission site 35.2mg/L 0.803 ton – Nil
Ammonia nitrogen 1.1mg/L 0.032 ton – Nil
Total phosphorus 1.32mg/L 0.035 ton – Nil
Tianjin Branch
of Nuobo Table 1 Surface Painting in Emission
Automotive Control Standards of Volatile Organic
VOCs 23.4mg/m³ 3.964 tons – Nil
System Co., Compounds for Industrial Enterprises
Exhaust Regular (DB12/524-2020)
Ltd. 10 Around the factory
gas emission
Particulates 3.1mg/m³ Table 2 Secondary Standard in Integrated 0.701 ton – Nil
Sulfur dioxide ND Emission Standards of Air Pollutants – – Nil
Nitrogen oxides ND (GB16297-1996) – – Nil
Solid and During the Reporting Period, Tianjin Branch of Nuobo Rubber Production Company Limited was included in the list of 2021 key environmental pollutant emission entities of solid and hazardous
hazardous waste in Tianjin. During the Current Period, a total of 368.19 tons of hazardous waste was generated, which was legally disposed of by the manufacturer with the qualification of hazardous
waste waste management. 225 boxes of ordinary solid waste (length*width*height: 3.45m*2.2m*1m) were generated, and disposed of by qualified manufacturers.
Tianjin Haval
Branch of Great
Wall Motor
Solid and During the Reporting Period, Tianjin Haval Branch of Great Wall Motor Company Limited – Chassis Business Department was included in the list of 2021 key environmental pollutant emission
hazardous entities of solid and hazardous waste in Tianjin. During the Current Period, a total of 75.19 tons of hazardous waste was generated, which was legally disposed of by the manufacturer with
Limited –
waste the qualification of hazardous waste management.
Tianjin Haval
Branch of Great
Wall Motor
Solid and During the Reporting Period, Tianjin Haval Branch of Great Wall Motor Company Limited – Dynamics Business Department was included in the list of 2021 key environmental pollutant emission
hazardous entities of solid and hazardous waste in Tianjin. During the Current Period, a total of 52.02 tons of hazardous waste was generated, which was legally disposed of by the manufacturer with
Limited –
waste the qualification of hazardous waste management. 61 boxes of ordinary solid waste (length*width*height: 3.45m*2.2m*1m) were generated, and disposed of by qualified manufacturers.

Noise: There are no cultural, educational or other noise-sensitive sites around the factory
sites. The noise emitted was lower than the requirements stipulated in Boundary Noise
Emission Standards for Industrial Enterprises (GB12348-2008).

Section 5 Environmental and Social Responsibility

In the first half of 2021, a total of 7,484 tons of hazardous waste consisting mainly of
sludge, paint waste and contaminated waste was produced, representing a unit production
of 0.012 ton per vehicle. Such waste was transferred in accordance with the Law of the
People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid
Waste 《中華人民共和國固體廢物污染環境防治法》
( ), Notice on the Application of Dynamic
Solid Waste Information Management Platform 《固體廢物動態信息管理平台應用有關工作的通
知》), the Notice on the Relevant Procedures of Launching Tianjin's Hazardous Waste Online
Transfer Supervision Platform for the Transfer of Hazardous Wastes in the City of Tianjin
《關於啟動天津市危險廢物在線轉移監管平台辦理危險廢物市內轉移相關手續的通知》 ), Notice
of Chongqing Ecological Environment Bureau on Strengthening Information Management
of Solid Waste 《重慶市生態環境局關於強化固體廢物信息化管理有關工作的通知》
( ) and the
procedures for obtaining approval of transfer established by the competent authorities in
Tianjin, Baoding, Chongqing and Rizhao. Hazardous waste in Tianjin was transferred to
Tianjin Hejia Veolia Environmental Services Co., Ltd. (天津合佳威立雅環境服務有限公司),
Tianjin Binhai Hejia Veolia Environmental Services Co., Ltd. (天津濱海合佳威立雅環境服務有
限公司), Tianjin Dong Bang Lead Resources Recycling Co., Ltd. (天津東邦鉛資源再生有限公
司), Tianjin Sanyi Langzhong Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. (天津三一朗眾環
保科技有限公司), Hengshui Ruitao Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. (衡水睿韜
環保技術有限公司), and Leting County Haichang Environmental Protection Technology Co.,
Ltd. (樂亭縣海暢環保科技有限公司) for disposal. Hazardous waste of Baoding was transferred
to Cangzhou Jihuan Veolia Environmental Services Co., Ltd. (滄州冀環威立雅環境服務有限公
司), Hebei Fenghua Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. (河北風華環保科技股份有
限公司), Baoding Kelin Heating Co., Ltd. (保定科林供熱有限公司), Tangshan Youyi Shengxing
Renewable Resources Co., Ltd. (唐山優藝勝星再生資源有限公司), Laishui BBMG Environmental
Protection Technology Co., Ltd. (淶水金隅冀東環保科技有限公司), Hebei Songhe Renewable
Resources Co., Ltd. (河北松赫再生資源股份有限公司) and other companies for disposal.
Hazardous waste in Shandong was transferred to Shandong CROC Environmental Technology
Co., Ltd. (山東中再生環境科技有限公司) and Shandong Keneng Environmental Resources
Technology Co., Ltd. (山東科能環保資源科技有限公司) for disposal. Hazardous waste in
Chongqing was transferred to Chongqing Buyuan Environmental Protection Technology Co.,
Ltd. (重慶埠源環保科技有限公司), Chongqing Lite Juxin Resource Recycling Technology Co.,
Ltd. (重慶利特聚欣資源循環科技有限責任公司), Chongqing Yunxin Environmental Protection
Industry Development Co., Ltd. (重慶雲鑫環保產業發展有限公司) and Chongqing Herun
Zhongtian Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. ( 重慶市禾潤中天環保科技有限
公司) for disposal. General solid waste produced by the Company is comprised mainly of
domestic waste. In the first half of 2021, a total of 5,623 tons of general solid waste was
produced, representing a unit production of 0.01 ton per vehicle, which was disposed of by
the qualified waste recycling service providers engaged by the Company.

Section 5 Environmental and Social Responsibility

2. Construction and operation of anti-pollution facilities

√ Applicable  Not applicable

In compliance with national laws and regulations as well as emissions standards, the
waste emissions indicators of the Company and its major subsidiaries adhered to the most
stringent domestic requirements currently in force. Emissions levels of sewage, exhaust
gas, noise and solid waste complied with requirements.①Sewage: sewage from plant sites
was fully treated at sewage treatment plants of the Company, undergoing pre-treatment,
biochemical treatment, filtering and disinfection procedures, with the treated grey water
used for flushing and greening. Licensed discharge of the remaining grey water was made
through the municipal sewage network, and the levels of sewage pollutants discharged were
much lower than the emissions limits required by laws and regulations.②Exhaust gas: VOCs
and RTO produced by stoving were treated by combustion, exhaust gas from spraying and
coating was treated by zeolite rotor and combustion facilities on top of the existing Giovanni
treatment facilities based on their characteristics, undergoing adsorption, desorption
and combustion procedures so as to achieve the treatment of VOCs in exhaust gas from
spraying and coating. Treated exhaust gas was discharged through exhaust vents at height
after meeting the required standards. A real time monitoring system for organic exhaust
gas was installed and the discharge situation of VOCs was transmitted to environmental
authorities in real time, with supervision by environmental authorities.③Noise: in order to
reduce noise, the Company proactively adopted various noise prevention and mitigation
measures to reduce the impact on the environment. Installation of acoustic shields and
anti-vibration bases for noise-generating equipment and constructing green belts in the
vicinity of noise sources were the main measures undertaken for preventing and controlling
noise. Effectively keeping off and lowering noise ensured eliminating noise efficiently for
meeting the required emissions standards.④Waste management: the Company tackled the
process of waste management at source by storing waste by type and setting up temporary
storage sites for solid waste. It also placed emphasis on recycling of resources, with all
useful waste of value sold to external parties or re-used and worthless waste handled by
dedicated waste disposal companies for compliant disposal. Hazardous waste reduction was
implemented to cut hazardous waste at source and at end. Dedicated storage sites meeting
requirements, equipped with smart monitoring systems and connected with environmental
authorities through the Internet, were set up for all hazardous waste. Real time supervision
by government authorities round the clock during the year can ensure that waste storage
and disposal meet the required standards.

Section 5 Environmental and Social Responsibility

3. Environmental impact assessment on construction projects and administrative

permits concerning environmental protection

√ Applicable   Not applicable

The Company carried out environmental impact assessment for and final environmental
protection acceptance check on each of the new construction, conversion and expansion
projects, and enforced the requirements of the environmental impact assessment system,
the "Three Simultaneities" system and relevant laws and regulations by strictly complying
with laws and regulations such as the Regulations on the Administration of Construction
Project Environmental Protection 《建設項目環境保護管理條例》
( ) and the Environmental
Impact Assessment Law of the People's Republic of China 《中華人民共和國環境影響評價
法》) promulgated by the State Council, and the Interim Measures for the Final Environmental
Protection Acceptance Check on Construction Projects 《建設項目竣工環境保護驗收暫行辦
法》) promulgated by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.

All projects of the Company and its major subsidiaries obtained approval in environmental
impact assessment in accordance with the law while relevant auxiliary environmental
facilities passed the respective environmental protection acceptance check and obtained a
pollutant discharge permit (permit no.: 91130000105941835E001Z). The Company regularly
conducted third-party environmental monitoring in accordance with Technical Specifications
for Application and Issuance of Pollutant Discharge Permit – Automobile Manufacturing
Industry, with all results meeting the required standards.

4. Emergency plan for environmental contingency

√ Applicable   Not applicable

In order to lower and prevent potential environmental risks effectively, the Company
established emergency preparation and response procedures, formulated an environmental
contingency plan (File No. 130603-2021-025-L), and completed the filings with the
local environmental protection bureau. To ensure the feasibility and effectiveness of the
contingency plan, the Company developed measures that should be adopted to control
incidents and emergencies with previous occurrences or potential ones that might occur,
and drills on the internal environmental contingency plan would be conducted on an annual

Section 5 Environmental and Social Responsibility

5. Voluntary environmental monitoring plan

√ Applicable   Not applicable

Carrying out third-party monitoring of pollutant discharge on schedule in accordance with

the requirements of Technical Specifications for Application and Issuance of Pollutant
Discharge Permit – Automobile Manufacturing Industry 《排污許可證申請與核發技術規範汽車

① Regularly monitoring the discharge of sewage, keeping monitoring records, installing

automatic PH, flow, COD, ammoniacal nitrogen, total nitrogen and total phosphorus
monitoring equipment, and transmitting data in real-time;

② Regularly monitoring the discharge of VOCs, and installing online VOC monitoring

③ Regularly monitoring noise on a voluntary basis and appointing external parties to

monitor noise, ensuring that the monitoring results meet the requirements of the
relevant standards.

6. Administrative punishment imposed due to environmental issues during the

Reporting Period

 Applicable  √ Not applicable


Section 5 Environmental and Social Responsibility

7. Other environmental information which require disclosure

√ Applicable   Not applicable

According to the relevant requirements under the Environmental Protection Law of the
People's Republic of China 《中華人民共和國環境保護法》
( ) and the Measures for the
Disclosure of Environmental Information by Enterprises and Institutions (Order No. 31 of
the Ministry of Environmental Protection) 《企業事業單位環境信息公開辦法》
( (環保部第31
號令)), the key pollutant discharge units announced by the local environmental protection
departments in the places where the Company and its major subsidiaries are located are
Great Wall Motor Company Limited, Xushui Branch of Great Wall Motor Company Limited,
Dingxing Branch of Great Wall Motor Company Limited, Jingcheng Engineering Automotive
Systems Co., Ltd., Baoding Exquisite Automotive Mould Technology Co., Ltd., Nuobo
Automotive Systems Co., Ltd., Baoding Nuobo Rubber Production Co., Ltd., Baoding Yixin
Automotive Parts Company Limited, Baoding Great Wall Scrap Car Recycling & Dismantling
Co., Ltd., Xushui Branch of Honeycomb Transmission Technology Hebei Co., Ltd., Baoding
Xushui Jinggong Chassis Branch of Jingcheng Engineering Automotive Systems Co., Ltd.
(精誠工科汽車系統有限公司保定徐水精工底盤分公司), Nuobo Rubber Production Company
Limited, Baoding Xushui Optoelectronics Branch of Mind Electronics Company Limited (曼德
電子電器有限公司保定徐水光電分公司), Baoding Nuobo Auto Decorations Company Limited
(保定諾博汽車裝飾件有限公司), Shunping Precision Casting Branch of Great Wall Motor
Company Limited (長城汽車股份有限公司順平精工鑄造分公司), Shunping Precision Casting
Branch of Jingcheng Engineering Automotive Systems Co., Ltd. (精誠工科汽車系統有限公
司順平精工鑄造分公司), Shunping Precision Die Casting Branch of Jingcheng Engineering
Automotive Systems Co., Ltd. (精誠工科汽車系統有限公司順平精工壓鑄分公司), Baoding
Great Machinery Company Limited (保定市格瑞機械有限公司), Tianjin Haval Branch of Great
Wall Motor Company Limited, Tianjin Haval Branch of Great Wall Motor Company Limited
– Chassis Business Department, Tianjin Haval Branch of Great Wall Motor Company Limited
– Dynamics Business Department, Tianjin Branch of Nuobo Automotive System Co., Ltd,
Chongqing Branch of Great Wall Motor Company Limited and Rizhao Weipai Automobile
Co., Ltd. Relevant topics and sections on environmental information have been created on
the Company's official website to publish the Company's environmental-related information.

Section 5 Environmental and Social Responsibility

(II) Description of environmental protection of companies other than key pollutant

discharging units

√ Applicable  Not applicable

1. Administrative punishment imposed due to environmental issues

 Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Reference to other environmental information disclosed by key pollutant discharging


√ Applicable  Not applicable

In order to build green factories, develop environmental-friendly enterprises, apply the

concept of green development, advocate the build-up of an ecological system in a disciplined
manner and follow the path towards green manufacturing with determination, the
Company’s subsidiaries focused on accomplishing the following tasks during the Reporting

1. They stepped up the establishment of management offices and systems to further raise
basic management standards. All subsidiaries of the Company had their environmental
management offices and management staff, which formed an environmental
management network across the Company. Environmental management rules and
regulations were formulated and enforced stringently so that environmental work was
under management.

2. In compliance with national laws and regulations as well as emissions standards, the
waste emissions indicators of the Company and its major subsidiaries adhered to the
most stringent domestic requirements currently in force. Emissions levels of sewage,
exhaust gas, noise and solid waste complied with requirements, and sewage from
plant sites was fully treated at sewage treatment plants of the Company, undergoing
pre-treatment, biochemical treatment, filtering and disinfection procedures, with the
treated grey water used for flushing and greening. Licensed discharge of the remaining
grey water was made through the municipal sewage network, and the levels of sewage
pollutants discharged were much lower than the emissions limits required by laws and
regulations. VOCs and RTO produced by stoving were treated by combustion, exhaust
gas from spraying and coating was treated by zeolite rotor and combustion facilities
on top of the existing Giovanni treatment facilities based on their characteristics,
undergoing adsorption, desorption and combustion procedures so as to achieve the
treatment of VOCs in exhaust gas from spraying and coating. Treated exhaust gas
was discharged through exhaust vents at height after meeting the required standards.
In order to reduce noise, the Company proactively adopted various noise prevention
and mitigation measures to reduce the impact on the environment. Installation of
anti-vibration bases for noise-generating equipment, constructing green belts in the

Section 5 Environmental and Social Responsibility

vicinity of noise sources and provision of acoustic shields (sound proof rooms) were the
main measures undertaken for preventing and controlling noise. Effectively keeping
off and lowering noise ensured eliminating noise efficiently for meeting the required
emissions standards. The Company tackled the process of waste management at source
by storing waste by type and setting up temporary storage sites for solid waste. It
also placed emphasis on recycling of resources, with all useful waste of value sold to
external parties or re-used and worthless waste handled by dedicated waste disposal
companies for compliant disposal. Dedicated storage sites meeting requirements,
equipped with smart monitoring systems and connected with environmental authorities
through the Internet, were set up for all hazardous waste. Real time supervision by
government authorities round the clock during the year helped ensure that waste
storage and disposal could meet the required standards.

3. They improved the construction of various pollution control facilities by increasing

financial commitment to environmental protection on an ongoing basis. All enterprises
of the Company had built comprehensive pollution prevention and control facilities for
the comprehensive treatment of various types of pollution such as sewage, exhaust
gas and noise pollution, and for the lawful and compliant disposal of hazardous waste.
In recent years, the Company kept increasing financial commitment to environmental
protection, especially the prevention and control of air pollution, thus having made due
contributions to improving air quality.

4. They gained access to environmental laws and regulations in a timely manner to

conduct compliance evaluation. The regulations governing environmental impact
assessment on construction projects were enforced stringently for the new, renovation
and expansion projects of all enterprises to make sure the “Three Simultaneities”
system for environmental protection was enforced. The application for pollutant
discharge permit was completed and self- and third-party monitoring was carried out.

5. They participated in more environmental exhibitions at home and abroad so as to

learn and bring in new, state-of-the-art environmental technologies, and carried out
whole-process control over pollutant emissions to achieve the management philosophy
of waste reduction at source and treatment at the end simultaneously to raise pollution
treatment standards and reduce the generation of pollutants.

6. The Company had established a sound environmental risk emergency response

mechanism. All enterprises had formulated an Emergency Plan for Unexpected
Environmental Pollution Incidents. Environmental training and emergency drills for
unexpected environmental incidents would be conducted every year to make sure that
environmental management staff are familiar with environmental-related skills and that
they can handle emergency quickly, orderly and efficiently when these incidents occur.

3. Reasons for not disclosing other environmental information

 Applicable √ Not applicable


Section 5 Environmental and Social Responsibility

(III) Description of subsequent development of or changes in disclosed environmental

information during the Reporting Period

 Applicable √ Not applicable

(IV) Information on efforts conducive to promoting ecological protection, pollution prevention

and control and undertaking environmental responsibility

√ Applicable  Not applicable

The Company has proactively established sound environmental management systems, and received
the Environmental Management Systems Audit Certification (ISO14001:2004) since 2008. It passed
the revised audit certification (ISO14001:2015) in 2020, ensuring the suitability, adequacy and
effectiveness of the environmental management system in the Company.

(V) Measures adopted for reducing carbon emissions during the Reporting Period and their

√ Applicable  Not applicable

During the Reporting Period, Great Wall Motor proactively promoted renewable clean energy and
further strengthened the implementation of energy conservation and emission reduction targets,
and continuously reduced its own energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions through
technical means such as technological transformation and equipment upgrading, optimizing
management and control and shifting to green energy from traditional energy.



√ Applicable  Not applicable

1. On 10 January 2021, Great Wall Motor donated RMB5 million to the Red Cross Society of Hebei
Province for purchasing anti-COVID-19 materials and other medical consumables, in support of
the pandemic control efforts in Shijiazhuang and Xingtai, and guaranteeing the safety of frontline
medical personnel and volunteers.

2. On 15 March 2021, accompanied by the Education Director of Jianzha County, the feet comprising
Haval H9 riders and editors from Jinche Channel, Free Riders and SUV Encyclopedia, as well as
the staff of Qinghai Qingcheng Automobile Sales and Service Co., Ltd. (青海青誠汽車銷售服務有
限公司), a distributor of Haval, Tsinghua alumni and Hailan Adventure Travel Agency, delivered
the donated school uniforms, supplies, toys and other materials to the students of two primary
schools in Jianzha County, Qinghai Province, to help accomplish their dreams through deeds

Section 6 Significant Events


(I) Undertakings of the de facto controller, shareholders, related parties, acquiring parties
of the Company and the Company and other undertaking parties involved during the
Reporting Period or subsisting to the Reporting Period

√ Applicable  Not applicable

Reasons for Next step

failure of plan (if
performance undertakings
Any time Strict and (if undertakings cannot be
Date and frame for timely cannot be performed in
Background of Type of Undertaking Description of duration of performance performance performed a timely
undertakings undertakings party undertakings undertakings (yes/no) (yes/no) timely) manner)

Undertakings Resolving Great Wall Motor From 1 January 2012, Great Wall Motor Company From January No Yes – –
relating to the related party Company Limited (長城 汽車股份有限公司) would not enter 2012,
initial public transaction Limited (長城 into any transactions relating to automotive permanent
offering of the 汽車股份有限 parts and components with Hebei Baoding Tai
shares of the 公司) Hang Group Company Limited (河北保定太行
Company 集團有限責任公司) and Baoding Tai Hang Pump
Manufacturing Company Limited (保定市太行製泵

Section 6 Significant Events

Reasons for Next step

failure of plan (if
performance undertakings
Any time Strict and (if undertakings cannot be
Date and frame for timely cannot be performed in
Background of Type of Undertaking Description of duration of performance performance performed a timely
undertakings undertakings party undertakings undertakings (yes/no) (yes/no) timely) manner)

Undertakings Resolving Baoding 1. Baoding Innovation Great Wall Asset Management From 10 No Yes – –
relating to the business Innovation Company Limited (保定創新長城資產管理有限公司) December
initial public competition Great is currently neither directly nor indirectly engaged 2010,
offering of the of the same Wall Asset in any competing business. permanent
shares of the industry Management
Company Company 2. As long as Baoding Innovation Great Wall Asset
Limited Management Company Limited (保定創新長城資產
(保定創新 管理有限公司) remains as a related party that has
長城資產管理 control over Great Wall Motor Company Limited
有限公司) (長城汽車股份有限公司), its directly or indirectly
controlled subsidiaries would not in any way,
directly or indirectly, engage in any existing or
potential competing business.

3. Subject to the same conditions, Great Wall Motor

Company Limited (長城汽車股份有限公司) shall
have the right of first refusal over the investment
or other business opportunities relating to
competing business that Baoding Innovation Great
Wall Asset Management Company Limited (保定創
新長城資產管理有限公司) will pursue or may get in
the future.

Section 6 Significant Events

Reasons for Next step

failure of plan (if
performance undertakings
Any time Strict and (if undertakings cannot be
Date and frame for timely cannot be performed in
Background of Type of Undertaking Description of duration of performance performance performed a timely
undertakings undertakings party undertakings undertakings (yes/no) (yes/no) timely) manner)

Undertakings Resolving Wei Jian Jun 1. The subsidiaries directly or indirectly controlled by From 10 No Yes – –
relating to the business Mr. Wei Jian Jun are neither directly nor indirectly December
initial public competition engaged in any competing business. 2010,
offering of the of the same permanent
shares of the industry 2. As long as Mr. Wei Jian Jun remains as a related
Company party who has control over Great Wall Motor
Company Limited (長城汽車股份有限公司), the
subsidiaries directly or indirectly controlled by him
would not in any way, directly or indirectly, engage
in any existing or potential competing business.

3. Subject to the same conditions, Great Wall Motor

Company Limited (長城汽車股份有限公司) shall
have the right of first refusal over the investment
or other business opportunities relating to the
competing business that the subsidiaries directly or
indirectly controlled by Mr. Wei Jian Jun will pursue
or may get in the future.

Section 6 Significant Events

Reasons for Next step

failure of plan (if
performance undertakings
Any time Strict and (if undertakings cannot be
Date and frame for timely cannot be performed in
Background of Type of Undertaking Description of duration of performance performance performed a timely
undertakings undertakings party undertakings undertakings (yes/no) (yes/no) timely) manner)

Undertakings Others Baoding 1. The undertaking party undertakes to exercise From 6 No Yes – –
relating to re- Innovation its rights as a shareholder in accordance with November
financing Great the relevant laws, regulations and the relevant 2020,
Wall Asset provisions of the Articles of Association of Great permanent
Management Wall Motor Company Limited, not to interfere with
Company the Company’s operation or management activities
Limited (保 beyond its authority, and not t infringe on the
定創新長城資 Company’s interests.
司), Wei Jian 2. The undertaking party undertakes to effectively
Jun perform relevant compensation recovery
measures developed by Great Wall Motor and
any undertaking made by the undertaking party
thereon in relation to the compensation recovery
measures. If the undertaking party violates such
undertakings and consequently causes any loss to
Great Wall Motor or any investor, the undertaking
party is willing to assume relevant legal liabilities to
Great Wall Motor or the investor.

3. If China Securities Regulatory Commission

(“CSRC”) puts forth new regulatory requirements
on compensation recovery measures or the relevant
undertakings in the period from the date of these
undertakings to the completion of the public
issuance of A Share convertible corporate bonds,
and the undertakings above cannot meet such new
regulatory requirements of CSRC, the undertaking
party undertakes to make additional undertakings
in accordance with the latest requirements of

Section 6 Significant Events

Reasons for Next step

failure of plan (if
performance undertakings
Any time Strict and (if undertakings cannot be
Date and frame for timely cannot be performed in
Background of Type of Undertaking Description of duration of performance performance performed a timely
undertakings undertakings party undertakings undertakings (yes/no) (yes/no) timely) manner)

Other All Directors 1. I undertake to perform my duties as a Director From 6 No Yes – –

and senior and/or a senior management of the Company and November
management uphold the legitimate rights and interests of the 2020,
Company and all Shareholders of the Company permanent
faithfully and diligently.

2. I undertake not to convey any benefits to other

entities or individuals for free or under unfair
terms or otherwise jeopardise the interests of the

3. I undertake to limit my spending when

performing my duties as a Director and/or a senior

4. I undertake not to use the assets of the Company

in making investments or expenditures other than
in relation to the performance of my duties.

5. Within my duties and scope of my lawful

authorisation, I undertake to fully procure that the
remuneration system formulated by the Board or
the remuneration and assessment committee under
the Board will correspond to the implementation of
the recovery measures of the Company, and I will
vote in favour of the relevant proposals considered
by the Board and at the Shareholders’ General
Meeting (if voting rights are applicable).

Section 6 Significant Events

Reasons for Next step

failure of plan (if
performance undertakings
Any time Strict and (if undertakings cannot be
Date and frame for timely cannot be performed in
Background of Type of Undertaking Description of duration of performance performance performed a timely
undertakings undertakings party undertakings undertakings (yes/no) (yes/no) timely) manner)

6. If the Company adopts any share incentive scheme

in the future, within my duties and scope of my
lawful authorisation, I undertake to fully procure
that the conditions for the exercise of the right of
the share incentive scheme will correspond to the
implementation of the recovery measures of the
Company, and I will vote in favour of the relevant
proposals considered by the Board and at the
Shareholders’ General Meetings (if voting rights are

7. From the date of this undertaking letter to the

completion of implementation of the Public
Issuance of Convertible Corporate Bonds of the
Company, if the CSRC promulgates other new
regulatory provisions on the recovery measures
and the relevant undertakings, and the above
undertakings cannot satisfy such new regulatory
provisions as promulgated by the CSRC, I
undertake to issue supplementary undertakings
then according to the latest stipulations of the

8. I undertake to fully execute the relevant recovery

measures formulated by the Company and
each undertaking I made in relation to recovery
measures. If I breach such undertakings and cause
any loss to the Company or investors, I am willing
to bear the relevant legal responsibility to the
Company or investors in accordance with the laws.

Section 6 Significant Events



 Applicable √ Not applicable


 Applicable √ Not applicable


√ Applicable  Not applicable


Description of appointment or dismissal of accounting firm

 Applicable √ Not applicable

During the Reporting Period, the Company continued to engage Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
Certified Public Accountants LLP as its auditor and there was no change of the accounting firm.

Change of the accounting firm during the audit period

 Applicable √ Not applicable

(II) Explanation of the Company on “non-standard auditor’s report” issued by the accounting

 Applicable √ Not applicable



 Applicable √ Not applicable


 Applicable √ Not applicable


 The Company had material litigations and arbitrations during the Reporting Period
√ The Company had no material litigations and arbitrations during the Reporting Period


 Applicable √ Not applicable


Section 6 Significant Events



 Applicable √ Not applicable


(I) Related party transactions relating to daily operations of the Company

1. Matters disclosed in preliminary announcements without subsequent development or


 Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Matters disclosed in preliminary announcements with subsequent development or


√ Applicable   Not applicable

(1) The Group and Great Wall Holdings Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Great
Wall Holdings")

On 20 February 2019, the Company held the 16th meeting of the sixth session of
the Board, at which the Resolution on the Contemplated Ordinary Related Party
Transactions for 2019-2021 was approved in relation to the estimated aggregate
amount of ordinary transactions for leasing, provision of leases, purchase of products,
sales of products, purchase of services and provision of services between the Group and
Great Wall Holdings from 2019 to 2021. The resolution was considered and approved
at the second extraordinary general meeting for 2019 held by the Company on 12 April
2019. For details, please refer to relevant announcements published by the Company
on 20 February 2019 and 12 April 2019.

On 19 June 2020, the Company held the 2nd meeting of the seventh session of the
Board, at which the Resolution on the Lease Agreement with Chongqing Chuangban
and Adjustment of Ordinary Related Party Transactions for 2020-2021 was considered
and approved to adjust the caps of ordinary related party transactions for purchase
of services, provision of services, leasing, and provision of leases between the Group
and Great Wall Holdings for 2020-2021. For details, please refer to the announcement
published by the Company on 19 June 2020.

Section 6 Significant Events

On 15 January 2021, the Company held the 11th meeting of the seventh session of the
Board, at which the Resolution on Revision of the Annual Cap of the Ordinary Related
Parties Transactions in 2021 was considered and approved to adjust the annual cap
of ordinary related party transactions of the Group's purchase of services from Great
Wall Holdings in 2021. For details, please refer to the announcement published by the
Company on 15 January 2021.

Set out below are the ordinary related party transactions conducted as of 30 June 2021
between the Group and Great Wall Holdings (including companies directly or indirectly
controlled by Great Wall Holdings and companies in which the de facto controllers of
Great Wall Holdings serve as directors):

Currency: RMB Unit: 0'000

amount Reasons for the relatively large
Estimated cap for January difference between the estimated
Type for 2021 to June 2021 amount and the actual amount

Purchase 1,799,100.00 146,367.51 Mainly due to the relatively small

of products number of battery packs purchased
from related parties as a result of
the small sale scale of new energy
vehicles of the Company
Sales 1,038,920.00 27,906.93 Mainly due to the small purchase
of products scale of new energy vehicles of the
Company by related parties
Purchase 38,500.00 16,609.25 –
of services
Provision 8,900.00 2,233.49 –
of services
Leasing 98,400.00 17,255.07 Mainly due to the relatively small
number of plants and equipment
leased from related parties by the
Company in the first half of 2021
Provision 3,400.00 667.86 –
of leases
Total 2,987,220.00 211,040.11 –

Note: The above lease transactions include rentals of short-term, low-value leases and the rentals for the year in
relation to leases of right-of-use assets.

The total amount of the ordinary related party (connected) transactions between
the Group and Baoding Great Wall Holdings Company Limited (including companies
directly or indirectly under its control) in January to June 2021 did not exceed the
estimated cap for 2021. Transactions in relation to the provision of leases are exempt
from all requirements of reporting, annual review, announcement, and independent
shareholders' approval under Chapter 14A of the Hong Kong Listing Rules.

Section 6 Significant Events

(2) The Group and Tianjin Great Wall Binyin Automotive Finance Company Limited ("Great
Wall Binyin")

The Company held the 20th meeting of the sixth session of the Board on 24 June 2019,
at which the Resolution on Deposits with Tianjin Great Wall Binyin Automotive Finance
Company Limited (天津長城濱銀汽車金融有限公司) and Related Party Transactions was
considered and approved in relation to the estimated amount of deposits with Great
Wall Binyin, a related party of the Company, subject to a maximum daily balance
of deposits at RMB7.5 billion, RMB9 billion and RMB10 billion respectively for each
year from 2019 to 2021. The resolution was considered and approved at the third
extraordinary general meeting held by the Company on 9 August 2019.

On 9 December 2019, the Company held the 27th meeting of the sixth session of
the Board, at which the Resolution on the Increase in Deposits with Tianjin Great
Wall Binyin Automotive Finance Company Limited (天津長城濱銀汽車金融有限公司) by
Great Wall Motor Company Limited and Other Ordinary Related Party Transactions was
considered and approved, pursuant to which the Company will increase its deposit cap
with Great Wall Binyin, a related party, to RMB8.7 billion (the increased amount was
RMB1.2 billion) in 2019 and its deposit cap to RMB11.5 billion (the increased amount
was RMB2.5 billion) in 2020.

On 28 August 2020, the Company held the 6th meeting of the seventh session of the
Board, at which the Resolution on Adjustment of Ordinary Related Party Transactions
with Tianjin Great Wall Binyin Automotive Finance Company Limited (天津長城濱銀汽車
金融有限公司) was considered and approved to adjust the cap of the ordinary related
party transactions for purchase of services, provision of services, sales of products and
provision of leases between the Group and Great Wall Binyin from 2020 to 2021.

On 23 October 2020, the Company held the 8th meeting of the seventh session of
the Board, at which the Resolution on the Increase in Deposits with Tianjin Great
Wall Binyin Automotive Finance Company Limited (天津長城濱銀汽車金融有限公司) by
Great Wall Motor Company Limited and Related Party Transactions was considered and
approved, pursuant to which the Company will increase its deposit cap with Great Wall
Binyin, a related party, to RMB11.7 billion (the increased amount was RMB200 million)
in 2020 and its deposit cap to RMB12.7 billion (the increased amount was RMB2.7
billion) in 2021.

For details, please refer to the announcements published by the Company on 24 June
2019, 9 August 2019, 9 December 2019, 28 August 2020 and 23 October 2020 in
designated media for information disclosure.

Section 6 Significant Events

As of 30 June 2021, ordinary related party transactions between the Group and Great
Wall Binyin are as follows:

Deposits between the Group and Great Wall Binyin in January to June 2021

Currency: RMB Unit: 0'000

Maximum amount
Estimated daily cap of single-day deposit Reasons for the relatively large
of deposit balance balance in 2021 difference between the estimated
Type for 2021 (January to June) amount and the actual amount

Deposit 1,270,000 1,021,400 Mainly due to maturity of certain

fixed deposits of the Company

Other daily related party transactions between the Group and Great Wall Binyin

Currency: RMB Unit: 0'000

Actual amount Reasons for the relatively large

Estimated cap in 2021 difference between the estimated
Type for 2021 (January to June) amount and the actual amount

Sales of products 12.10 1.94 –

Purchase of 150,000.00 20,490.72 Mainly due to the decrease in
services the number of contracts as the
Company brought in bank discount
channels through which the
discount business was diverted to
the bank
Provision of 7,796.00 2,094.79 –
Provision of 120.00 28.67 –
Total 157,928.10 22,616.12 –

Note: Great Wall Binyin is a related party under the Listing Rules of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Accordingly,
the deposit transactions contemplated with Great Wall Binyin constitute related party transactions under the
Listing Rules of the Shanghai Stock Exchange but do not constitute connected transactions under the Hong
Kong Listing Rules.

Section 6 Significant Events

(3) The Group and Spotlight Automotive Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Spotlight

On 12 June 2020, the Company held the 1st meeting of the seventh session of
the Board, at which the Resolution on the Contemplated Ordinary Related Party
Transactions with Spotlight Automotive was considered and approved to estimate the
ordinary related party transactions between the Group and Spotlight Automotive. The
resolution was considered and approved at the 2020 second extraordinary general
meeting held on 10 July 2020. For details, please refer to the relevant announcements
published by the Company on 12 June 2020 and 10 July 2020, respectively.

As of 30 June 2021, the related party transactions between the Group and Spotlight
Automotive are as follows:

1. The Group sold products to Spotlight Automotive. The actual amount of related
party transactions was RMB1.41 million.

2. The Group provided services to Spotlight Automotive. The actual amount of

related party transactions was RMB54,321,000.

3. The Group provided lease income to Spotlight Automotive. The actual amount of
related party transactions was RMB14,000.

The ordinary related party transactions between the Group and Spotlight Automotive
for the year from January to June 2021 did not exceed the corresponding estimated

Note: Spotlight Automotive is a related party under the Listing Rules of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Accordingly,
the relevant transactions between the Company and Spotlight Automotive constitute related party transactions
under the Listing Rules of the Shanghai Stock Exchange but do not constitute connected transactions under
the Hong Kong Listing Rules.

For details of development of ordinary related party transactions of the Company,

please refer to Note (XI) Related Parties and Related Party Transactions to the financial

3. Matters undisclosed in preliminary announcements

 Applicable √ Not applicable

For details of related party transactions not disclosed in preliminary announcements, please
refer to Note (XI) Related Parties and Related Party Transactions to the financial report.

Section 6 Significant Events

(II) Related party transactions relating to acquisition of assets or acquisition or disposal of

equity interest

1. Matters disclosed in preliminary announcements without subsequent development or


 Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Matters disclosed in preliminary announcements with subsequent development or


 Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Matters undisclosed in preliminary announcements

 Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Disclosure about the achievement or otherwise of agreed results during the

Reporting Period

 Applicable √ Not applicable


Section 6 Significant Events

(III) Material related party transactions in respect of joint foreign investments

1. Matters disclosed in preliminary announcements without subsequent development or


 Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Matters disclosed in preliminary announcements with subsequent development or


 Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Matters undisclosed in preliminary announcements

 Applicable √ Not applicable

(IV) Amounts due to or from related parties

1. Matters disclosed in preliminary announcements without subsequent development or


 Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Matters disclosed in preliminary announcements with subsequent development or


 Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Matters undisclosed in preliminary announcements

 Applicable √ Not applicable

(V) Financial business between the Company and its related financial companies, and
between financial companies controlled by the Company and related parties

 Applicable √ Not applicable

(VI) Other material related party transactions

 Applicable √ Not applicable

(VII) Others

 Applicable √ Not applicable

Except for the related party transactions between the Group and Hebei Baocang Expressway
Co. Ltd., between the Group and Great Wall Binyin as well as between the Group and Spotlight
Automotive, the related party transactions set out in Note (XI) to the financial statements all
constitute connected transactions and continuing connected transactions in accordance with Hong
Kong Listing Rules. The Company has complied with relevant requirements under the Chapter 14A
of the Hong Kong Listing Rules, completed relevant approval, disclosure procedures or has been
exempted from complying with the reporting, annual review, announcement and independent
shareholders' approval requirements under Chapter 14A of the Hong Kong Listing Rules.

Section 6 Significant Events


1. Trust, contracting and leasing

 Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Material guarantees performed during or outstanding as at the end of the Reporting


√ Applicable  Not applicable

Unit: RMB Currency: RMB

Guarantees provided by
the Company for external parties (excluding those for subsidiaries)

Total amount of guarantees during the Reporting Period

(excluding guarantees provided for subsidiaries) 0
Total amount of guarantees outstanding as at
the end of the Reporting Period (A)
(excluding guarantees provided for subsidiaries) 0

Guarantees provided by the Company for subsidiaries

Total amount of guarantees for subsidiaries during the Reporting Period 1,898,899,803.02
Total amount of guarantees for subsidiaries outstanding as at
the end of the Reporting Period (B) 9,751,736,467.40

Total amount of guarantees (including guarantees

provided for subsidiaries) provided by the Company

Total amount of guarantees (A+B) 9,751,736,467.40

Total amount of guarantees as a percentage of
the net asset value of the Company (%) 16.41
Of which:
Amount of guarantees provided for shareholders,
parties which have de facto control and their related parties (C) 0
Amount of guarantees directly or indirectly provided for parties
with a gearing ratio exceeding 70% (D) 850,000,000.00
Total amount of guarantees in excess of 50% of net asset value (E) 0
Total amount of guarantees of the above three items (C+D+E) 850,000,000.00
Statement on the contingent joint liability in connection
with unexpired guarantees None

Section 6 Significant Events

Details of guarantee 1. The above incurred guarantee amount to subsidiaries during the Reporting Period refers
to the utilized amount within the approved guarantee amount during the Reporting

2. The above guarantee balance to subsidiaries as at the end of the Reporting Period refers
to the sum of the amount un-withdrawn and the amount withdrawn and not repaid
among utilized amount within the approved guarantee amount.

3. In April 2020, the Company held a general meeting of shareholders to consider

and approve the provision of guarantee equivalent to US$1 billion to Billion Sunny
Development. As at 30 June 2021, the guarantee balance was RMB4,547,138,100.

4. In November 2019, the Board of the Company considered and approved the provision
of guarantee of RMB1 billion to Tianjin Oula Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. (天津歐拉融
資租賃有限公司), an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. In April 2020,
the Company held a shareholders' general meeting, at which the Resolution on the
Estimated Guarantee Amount Provided by the Company to Controlled Subsidiaries was
considered and approved, pursuant to which the estimated total additional guarantee
amount to controlled subsidiaries did not exceed RMB12,503.30 million. Provided that
the estimated total amount was not exceeded, the guarantee amount to controlled
subsidiaries can be allocated among subsidiaries within the Company. In August 2020,
the Company provided RMB2 billion of guarantee for Tianjin Oula Financial Leasing Co.,
Ltd., and Baoding Yijian Start Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd. (保定一見啟動汽車銷售
服務有限公司), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, provided RMB200 million of
guarantee for Tianjin Oula Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. As at 30 June 2021, the guarantee
balance was RMB2,396,406,500. In April 2021, the Company provided RMB0.4 billion of
guarantee for Jingcheng Engineering Auto Parts (Yangzhong) Co., Ltd (精誠工科汽車零部
件(揚中)有限公司). As at 30 June 2021, the guarantee balance was RMB400 million.

5. In December 2019, the Board of the Company considered and approved the provision
of guarantee of RMB975,224,000 to Honeycomb Power System (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. (蜂巢
動力系統(江蘇)有限公司), an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. In April
2020, the Company held a general meeting of shareholders to consider and approve the
plan for increasing guarantee of RMB500 million to Honeycomb Power System (Jiangsu)
Co., Ltd. As at 30 June 2021, the guarantee balance was RMB943,328,000.

6. In January 2020, the Company held a Board meeting to consider and approve the
provision of a guarantee of RMB158.86 million to Honeycomb Drive System (Jiangsu) Co.,
Ltd., an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. In April 2020, the Company
held a general meeting of shareholders to consider and approve the plan for increasing
guarantee of RMB1 billion to Honeycomb Drive System (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. On 23 April
2021, the Company held a shareholders' general meeting to consider and approve the
plan for increasing guarantee of RMB800 million to Honeycomb Drive System (Jiangsu)
Co., Ltd. As at 30 June 2021, the total guarantee balance was RMB700 million.

7. In April 2020, the Company held a shareholders' general meeting to consider and approve
the plan for increasing guarantee of RMB900 million to Honeycomb Drive System (Jiangsu)
Co., Ltd. As at 30 June 2021, the total guarantee balance was RMB764,864,000.

8. In April 2020, the Company held a general meeting of shareholders to consider and
approve the Resolution on the Estimated Guarantee Amount Provided by the Company
to Controlled Subsidiaries, pursuant to which the estimated total additional guarantee
amount to its controlled subsidiaries will not exceed RMB12,503.30 million. As at 23 April
2021, the utilised guaranteed amount was RMB8,697,138,100.

In April 2021, the Company held a shareholders' general meeting to consider and
approve the plan for increasing guarantee of RMB6,200 million to controlled subsidiaries
in 2021. As at 30 June 2021, the utilised guarantee balance was RMB200 million.

Note: The exchange rate of US dollar against Renminbi was based on the Renminbi central parity rate (USD1=RMB6.4601) as
announced by the People's Bank of China on 30 June 2021; the exchange rate of Euro against Renminbi was based on the
Renminbi central parity rate (EUR1=RMB7.6862) as announced by the People's Bank of China on 30 June 2021.

Section 6 Significant Events

3. Other material contracts

 Applicable √ Not applicable


 Applicable √ Not applicable


Section 7 Changes in Shares and Shareholders


(I) Table of changes in shares

1. Explanation for changes in shares

Unit: share

Before Changes (+,-) After

Number of Percentage Bonus from Number of Percentage
shares (%) New issue shares reserve Others Subtotal shares (%)

I. Shares with selling restrictions 48,684,300 0.53 1,149,150 0 0 –24,611,700 –23,462,550 25,221,750 0.27
1. State-owned shares 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2. State-owned legal person shares 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. Other domestic shares 48,684,300 0.53 1,149,150 0 0 –24,611,700 –23,462,550 25,221,750 0.27
Including: Domestic non-state-
owned legal person
shares 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Domestic natural
person shares 48,684,300 0.53 1,149,150 0 0 –24,611,700 –23,462,550 25,221,750 0.27
4. Foreign shares 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Including: Overseas legal
person shares 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Overseas natural
person shares 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
II. Tradable shares without selling
restrictions 9,127,269,000 99.47 22,671,119 0 0 23,998,700 46,669,819 9,173,938,819 99.73
1. Ordinary shares denominated
in RMB 6,027,729,000 65.69 22,671,119 0 0 23,998,700 46,669,819 6,074,398,819 66.03
2. Domestic listed foreign shares 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. Overseas listed foreign shares 3,099,540,000 33.78 0 0 0 0 0 3,099,540,000 33.69
4. Others 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
III. Total number of shares 9,175,953,300 100 23,820,269 0 0 –613,000 23,207,269 9,199,160,569 100.00

2. Explanation for changes in shares

√ Applicable  Not applicable

(I) Repurchase and cancellation of certain restricted shares granted under the 2020
incentive scheme

On 28 January 2021, the Company held the thirteenth meeting of the seventh session
of the board of directors, at which the Resolution on the Repurchase and Cancellation
of Certain Restricted Shares under the First Grant and Cancellation of Certain Share
Options under the First Grant of the 2020 Restricted Shares and Share Options
Incentive Scheme of the Company was considered and approved, permitting the
Company to repurchase and cancel the restricted shares of resigned participants. The
aggregate number of restricted shares under the first grant repurchased and cancelled
was 613,000 shares. Cancellation of the abovementioned certain restricted shares was
completed on 9 April 2021, and the Company’s total share capital was reduced from
9,175,953,300 shares (including 6,076,413,300 A shares and 3,099,540,000 H shares)
to 9,175,340,300 shares (including 6,075,800,300 A shares and 3,099,540,000 H

Section 7 Changes in Shares and Shareholders

(II) Reserved grant under the 2020 restricted share and share option incentive scheme

On 28 January 2021, the Company held the 13th meeting of the seventh session of the
Board, at which the Resolution on Grant of Reserved Restricted Shares or Share Options
to Participants was considered and approved and a total of 149 participants contributed
capital for subscription, pursuant to which the Company granted a total of 1.14915
million restricted shares to 149 participants. The Company completed share registration
with China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Shanghai Branch on 12 May
2021, and the Company's total share capital was increased from 9,175,340,300 shares
(including 6,075,800,300 A shares and 3,099,540,000 H shares) to 9,176,489,450
shares (including 6,076,949,450 A shares and 3,099,540,000 H shares).

(III) Unlocking of the First Tranche of Restricted Shares under the First Grant and the
Fulfilment of the Exercise Conditions of First Exercise Period of Share Options under the
First Grant of the 2020 Restricted Share and Share Option Incentive Scheme

On 14 April 2021, the Company held the seventeenth meeting of the seventh session
of the board of directors, at which the Resolution on the Achievement of the Unlocking
Conditions of the First Tranche of Restricted Shares under the First Grant and the
Fulfilment of the Exercise Conditions of First Exercise Period of Share Options under
the First Grant of the 2020 Restricted Share and Share Option Incentive Scheme of
the Company was considered and approved. Pursuant to the above resolution, the
Board is of the view that the unlocking conditions of the first exercise period of share
options under the first grant of the 2020 Incentive Scheme of the Company have been
fulfilled. The number of participants entitled to the unlocking is 276, and the number
of restricted shares under the first grant eligible for unlocking is 23,998,700. The
28,239,034 share options of 1,598 participants under the first grant of 2020 Incentive
Scheme of the Company within the first exercise period were exercised in accordance
with relevant requirements. During the exercise period from 7 May 2021 to 30 June
2021, 22,671,119 shares under the share option incentive scheme have been registered
with China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Shanghai Branch through
independent exercise, and the Company's total share capital was increased from
9,176,489,450 shares (including 6,076,949,450 A shares and 3,099,540,000 H shares)
to 9,199,160,569 shares (including 6,099,620,569 A shares and 3,099,540,000 H

Section 7 Changes in Shares and Shareholders

3. Impact of changes in shares on financial indicators such as earnings per share and
net assets per share after the Reporting Period until the date of the interim report (if

√ Applicable  Not applicable

There is no significant impact of changes in shares on financial indicators such as earnings

per share and net assets per share after the Reporting Period until the date of the interim

4. Other discloseable information considered as necessary by the Company or required

by securities regulatory authorities

 Applicable √ Not applicable

(II) Changes in shares with selling restrictions

√ Applicable  Not applicable

Unit: share

Increase in
Number Number the number Number
of shares of shares of shares of shares Number
with selling with selling with selling with selling of shares
restriction restrictions restrictions restriction with selling Reason Date
at the unlocked during during cancelled during restriction at for the of unlocking
Name of beginning the Reporting the Reporting the Reporting the end of the selling of the selling
shareholder of the period Period Period Period Reporting Period restriction restriction

Restricted shares 24,342,150 23,998,700 0 306,500 36,950 Share incentive 27 April 2021 –
for employees 26 April 2022
(first grant)

Restricted shares 14,605,290 0 0 183,900 14,421,390 Share incentive 27 April 2022 –

for employees 26 April 2023
(first grant)

Restricted shares 9,736,860 0 0 122,600 9,614,260 Share incentive 27 April 2023 –

for employees 26 April 2024
(first grant)

Restricted shares 0 0 574,575 0 574,575 Share incentive 28 January 2021 –

for employees 27 January
(reserved grant) 2022

Restricted shares 0 0 574,575 0 574,575 Share incentive 28 January 2022 –

for employees 27 January
(reserved grant) 2023

Total 48,684,300 23,998,700 1,149,150 613,000 25,221,750 / /


Section 7 Changes in Shares and Shareholders


(I) Total number of shareholders:

Total number of shareholders as at the end of Reporting Period (person) 135,402

(II) Table of shareholding of the top 10 shareholders and the top 10 shareholders of tradable
shares or shares without selling restrictions as at the end of the Reporting Period

Unit: share(s)

Shareholding of the top 10 shareholders

decrease Number of Number of
during the shares held at shares held Pledged, earmarked or frozen
Name of shareholder Reporting the end of Percentage with selling Condition of Type of
(full name) Period the period (%) restrictions shares Number shareholder

Baoding Innovation Great Wall 0 5,115,000,000 55.60 0 Pledged 1,823,990,000 Domestic non-
Asset Management Company (A Shares) (A Shares) (A Shares) (A Shares) state-owned
Limited (保定創新長城資產 legal person

HKSCC NOMINEES LIMITED 496,552 3,085,189,001 33.54 – Unknown – Overseas

(H Shares) (H Shares) legal person

China Securities Finance 0 196,889,089 2.14 – Unknown – Others

Corporation Limited (A Shares) (A Shares)

National Social Security –3,840,668 50,000,000 0.54 – Unknown – Others

Fund Portfolio 103 (A Shares) (A Shares)

Hong Kong Securities 19,298,108 48,552,831 0.53 – Unknown – Others

Clearing Company Limited (A Shares) (A Shares)

China Construction Bank 13,299,678 29,836,200 0.32 – Unknown – Others

Corporation – Huaxia (A Shares) (A Shares)
Energy Reform Equity
Securities Investment Fund

CITIC Securities – CITIC Bank 12,396,560 12,396,560 0.13 – Unknown – Others

– CITIC – Dividend Value (A Shares) (A Shares)
One-year Mixed Collective
Asset Management Plan

Section 7 Changes in Shares and Shareholders

Shareholding of the top 10 shareholders

decrease Number of Number of
during the shares held at shares held Pledged, earmarked or frozen
Name of shareholder Reporting the end of Percentage with selling Condition of Type of
(full name) Period the period (%) restrictions shares Number shareholder

Taikang Life Insurance Co., Ltd. 642,531 11,491,433 0.12 – Unknown – Others
– Investment Link (A Shares) (A Shares)
– Positive Growth

China Life Insurance 2,988,300 8,615,900 0.09 – Unknown – Others

Company Limited – Dividend (A Shares) (A Shares)
– Personal Dividend-
-005L-FH002 Shanghai
-FH002 滬)

KB Asset Utilization-KB China –1,005,079 8,000,021 0.09 – Unknown – Others

Mainland Fund (KB 資產運用 (A Shares) (A Shares)
-KB 中國大陸基金)

Shareholding of the top 10 shareholders holding shares without selling restrictions

Number of tradable
shares without selling Class and number of shares
Name of shareholder restrictions held Class Number

Baoding Innovation Great Wall Asset 5,115,000,000 (A Shares) RMB-denominated 5,115,000,000 (A Shares)
Management Company Limited ordinary shares
HKSCC NOMINEES LIMITED 3,085,189,001 (H Shares) Overseas listed 3,085,189,001 (H Shares)
foreign shares
China Securities Finance Corporation Limited 196,889,089 (A Shares) RMB-denominated 196,889,089 (A Shares)
ordinary shares
National Social Security Fund Portfolio 103 50,000,000 (A Shares) RMB-denominated 50,000,000 (A Shares)
ordinary shares
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited 48,552,831 (A Shares) RMB-denominated 48,552,831 (A Shares)
ordinary shares
China Construction Bank Corporation – Huaxia Energy 29,836,200 (A Shares) RMB-denominated 29,836,200 (A Shares)
Reform Equity Securities Investment Fund ordinary shares
CITIC Securities – CITIC Bank – CITIC – Dividend Value 12,396,560 (A Shares) RMB-denominated 12,396,560 (A Shares)
One-year Mixed Collective Asset Management Plan ordinary shares
Taikang Life Insurance Co., Ltd. 11,491,433 (A Shares) RMB-denominated 11,491,433 (A Shares)
– Investment Link – Positive Growth ordinary shares
China Life Insurance Company Limited – Dividend 8,615,900 (A Shares) RMB-denominated 8,615,900 (A Shares)
– Personal Dividend--005L-FH002 Shanghai ordinary shares
KB Asset Utilization-KB China Mainland Fund 8,000,021 (A Shares) RMB-denominated 8,000,021 (A Shares)
ordinary shares
Description of the related party relationship or There is no related party relationship between Baoding Innovation Great Wall Asset
acting in concert among the above shareholders Management Company Limited (保定創新長城資產管理有限公司), the controlling
shareholder of the Company, and other shareholders. In addition, the Company is not
aware of any related party relationship among the other shareholders mentioned above.

Description of the shareholders holding –

preference shares with restored voting rights
and their shareholding

Number of shares held by the top 10 shareholders holding shares with selling restrictions and the
terms of restrictions

 Applicable √ Not applicable


Section 7 Changes in Shares and Shareholders

Shares Held by Substantial Shareholders (SFO Requirements)

As at 30 June 2021, the following shareholders (excluding the directors, supervisors and chief
executives of the Company) had interests or short positions in shares and underlying shares of the
Company as recorded in the register required to be kept under section 336 of the SFO:

Approximate Approximate percentage of
percentage of percentage of total number of
Name Number of shares A Shares (%) H Shares (%) shares (%)

Baoding Innovation Great Wall Asset Management 5,115,000,000 (L) 83.86 – 55.60
Company Limited (Note 1) (A Shares)
Baoding Great Wall Holdings Company Limited 5,115,000,000 (L) 83.86 – 55.60
(保定市長城控股集團有限公司) (Note 2) (A Shares)
Schroders Plc 302,095,000(L) – 9.75(L) 3.28
(H Shares)
BlackRock, Inc. 167,666,844(L) – 5.41(L) 1.82
(H Shares)
15,849,000(S) – 0.51(S) 0.17
(H Shares)
Citigroup Inc. 165,229,478(L) – 5.33(L) 1.80
(H Shares)
25,096,631(S) – 0.80(S) 0.27
(H Shares)
137,300,019(P) – 4.42(P) 1.49
(H Shares)
Han Xue Juan (Note 3) 5,115,000,000 (L) 83.86 – 55.60
(A Shares)
Management Centre of Collective Assets of 5,115,000,000 (L) 83.86 – 55.60
Nandayuan Town, Lianchi District, Baoding (A Shares)
(Note 4)

(L) denotes a long position in shares of the Company

(S) denotes a short position in shares of the Company
(P) denotes shares available for lending

Section 7 Changes in Shares and Shareholders


(1) Baoding Innovation Great Wall Asset Management Company Limited (保定創新長城資產管理有限公司) (formerly known
as Baoding Woerte Management Consultant Company Limited (保定市沃爾特管理諮詢有限公司)) was established on 1
December 2005. Its place of incorporation is Baoding, Hebei Province, the PRC and its registered address is 2066 Chaoyang
South Street, Lianchi District, Baoding. Its business scope covers investments in manufacturing, real estate and horticulture
industries, as well as corporate planning and management consultancies (operations that require pre-approvals according to
laws and administrative regulations or as prescribed by the State Council can only be conducted after obtaining approvals).
As at 30 June 2021, 62.854%, 0.125%, 0.001% and 37.02% equity interest in Baoding Innovation Great Wall Asset
Management Company Limited (保定創新長城資產管理有限公司) were held by Baoding Great Wall Holdings Company
Limited (保定市長城控股集團有限公司), Mr. Wei Jian Jun, Ms. Han Xue Juan and Management Centre of Collective Assets
of Nandayuan Town, Lianchi District, Baoding (保定市蓮池區南大園鄉集體資產經管中心) respectively, while 99% and 1%
equity interest in Baoding Great Wall Holdings Company Limited (保定市長城控股集團有限公司) were held by Mr. Wei Jian
Jun and Ms. Han Xue Juan respectively. Therefore, Baoding Innovation Great Wall Asset Management Company Limited (保
定創新長城資產管理有限公司) is a company controlled by Baoding Great Wall Holdings Company Limited (保定市長城控股
集團有限公司) which is in turn controlled by Mr. Wei Jian Jun, and Mr. Wei Jian Jun is deemed to be interested in all the
shares of the Company held by Baoding Innovation Great Wall Asset Management Company Limited (保定創新長城資產管理
有限公司) pursuant to the SFO.

(2) As at 30 June 2021, Baoding Great Wall Holdings Company Limited (保定市長城控股集團有限公司) held 62.854% equity
interest in Baoding Innovation Great Wall Asset Management Company Limited (保定創新長城資產管理有限公司) and
is deemed to be interested in all the shares of the Company held by Baoding Innovation Great Wall Asset Management
Company Limited (保定創新長城資產管理有限公司) pursuant to the SFO.

(3) As at 30 June 2021, Ms. Han Xue Juan, the spouse of Mr. Wei Jian Jun, held 0.001% equity interest in Baoding Innovation
Great Wall Asset Management Company Limited (保定創新長城資產管理有限公司) and 1% equity interest in Baoding Great
Wall Holdings Company Limited (保定市長城控股集團有限公司). Ms. Han Xue Juan is deemed to be interested in all the
shares of the Company in which Mr. Wei Jian Jun is interested pursuant to the SFO.

(4) As at 30 June 2021, Management Centre of Collective Assets of Nandayuan Town, Lianchi District, Baoding (保定市蓮池
區南大園鄉集體資產經管中心) (formerly known as Management Centre of Collective Assets of Nandayuan Town, Nanshi
District, Baoding (保定市南市區南大園鄉集體資產經管中心)) held 37.02% equity interest in Baoding Innovation Great Wall
Asset Management Company Limited (保定創新長城資產管理有限公司) and is deemed to be interested in all the shares of
the Company held by Baoding Innovation Great Wall Asset Management Company Limited (保定創新長城資產管理有限公司)
pursuant to the SFO.

Save as disclosed above, as at 30 June 2021, so far as the directors, supervisors and chief
executives of the Company are aware, no other person (excluding the directors, supervisors and
chief executives of the Company) had interests or short positions in the shares and underlying
shares of the Company as recorded in the register required to be kept under section 336 of the

Section 7 Changes in Shares and Shareholders

Directors’ and supervisors’ interests in securities

As at 30 June 2021, the interests and short positions of each of the directors, supervisors and
chief executives of the Company in the shares, underlying shares and debentures of the Company
or any of its associated corporations (within the meaning as defined in Part XV of the SFO), which
were required to be notified to the Company and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange pursuant to
Divisions 7 and 8 of Part XV of the SFO (including the interests and short positions which they
were taken or deemed to have under such provisions of the SFO), or which were required to be
recorded in the register required to be kept as referred to in section 352 of the SFO (including
the interests and short positions which they were taken or deemed to have under such provisions
of the SFO) or were otherwise required to be notified to the Company and the Hong Kong Stock
Exchange pursuant to the Model Code as set out in Appendix 10 to the Hong Kong Listing Rules,
are set out as follows:

Approximate Approximate percentage of
Name of Capacity/nature of Number of percentage of percentage of total number
director/supervisor interest shares A Shares (%) H Shares (%) of shares (%)

Mr. Wei Jian Jun Interests in controlled 5,115,000,000 (L) 83.86 – 55.60
companies (A Shares)
Mr. Wei Jian Jun Interests in controlled 37,998,500 (L) – 1.23 0.41
companies (H Shares)

Total 5,152,998,500 (L) – – 56.01

(A Shares + H Shares)

(L) denotes a long position in shares of the Company.


As at 30 June 2021, Baoding Innovation Great Wall Asset Management Company Limited (保定創新長城資產管理有限公司) was
controlled by Baoding Great Wall Holdings Company Limited (保定市長城控股集團有限公司) which was in turn controlled by Mr.
Wei Jian Jun. Accordingly, pursuant to the SFO, Mr. Wei Jian Jun is deemed to be interested in the 5,115,000,000 A Shares held
by Baoding Innovation Great Wall Asset Management Company Limited (保定創新長城資產管理有限公司) and 37,998,500 H Shares
held by Baoding Great Wall Holdings Company Limited (保定市長城控股集團有限公司).

Save as disclosed above, so far as the directors of the Company are aware, as at 30 June 2021, none of the directors, supervisors or
chief executives of the Company had any interests or short positions in any shares, underlying shares or debentures of the Company
or any of its associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO), which were required to be notified to the
Company and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange pursuant to Divisions 7 and 8 of Part XV of the SFO (including the interests or short
positions which they were taken or deemed to have under such provisions of the SFO), or which were required to be recorded in
the register required to be kept as referred to in section 352 of the SFO or were otherwise required to be notified to the Company
and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange pursuant to the Model Code. For this purpose, the relevant provisions of the SFO shall be
construed as if they were applicable to the supervisors.

(III) Strategic investor or general legal person becoming top ten shareholders as a result of
placing of new shares

 Applicable √ Not applicable


Section 7 Changes in Shares and Shareholders


(I) Changes in the shareholding of current and resigned directors, supervisors and senior
management during the Reporting Period

√ Applicable  Not applicable

Unit: share(s)

The number The number Increase/decrease

of shares held at of shares held at of shares during
the beginning of the end of the Reporting Reasons for
Name Position the period the period Period such changes

Hu Shu Jie Senior Management 2,000,000 2,000,000 0 –

Zhao Guo Qing Senior Management 1,380,000 1,380,000 0 –
Xu Hui Senior Management 430,000 430,000 0 –

Other explanation

√ Applicable  Not applicable

Note: Mr. Hu Shu Jie disposed of 200,000 A Shares held by him through centralized bidding on 23 July 2021, upon which
his shareholding in the A Shares of the Company was reduced to 1,800,000, and disposed of 20,000 A Shares through
centralized bidding on 27 July 2021, upon which his shareholding in the A Shares of the Company was further reduced to
1,780,000. For details of such share disposal, please refer to the Announcement on the Plan of Centralized Bidding and
Share Disposal by Senior Management Members of Great Wall Motor Company Limited (Ann No. 2021-092) dated 15 June
2021 published by the Company on the website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The Company has reported the change in
shares in the business system of Shanghai Stock Exchange as required.

(II) Stock options granted to directors, supervisors and senior management during the
Reporting Period

 Applicable √ Not applicable

(III) Other Explanations

 Applicable √ Not applicable


 Applicable √ Not applicable


Section 8 Description of Preference Shares

 Applicable √ Not applicable

Section 9 Description of Corporate Bonds



 Applicable √ Not applicable


√ Applicable  Not applicable

(I) Issuance of convertible bonds

The Company held the 9th meeting of the seventh session of the Board on 6 November 2020, at
which the Resolution on Issuance of A Share Convertible Corporate Bonds was considered and
approved. Proceeds raised from the proposed issuance of A share convertible corporate bonds will
be used for the new models R&D project and the GDC project to enhance the competitiveness of
the principal business of the Company.

The A share convertible corporate bonds and the A shares to be converted into will be listed
on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the total proceeds raised therefrom will not exceed RMB8
billion (RMB8 billion inclusive). The A share convertible corporate bonds will be issued at par value
of RMB100 each.

The Company held the fourth extraordinary general meeting in 2020, the third H Shareholders’
class meeting in 2020 and the third A Shareholders’ class meeting in 2020 on 18 December 2020,
at which the aforementioned proposed issuance of A share convertible corporate bonds was
considered and approved.

The Company held the 14th meeting of the seventh session of the Board on 12 March 2021, at
which the revised issuance plan of the aforementioned proposed issuance of A share convertible
corporate bonds was considered and approved. The total amount of the convertible bonds
proposed to be issued was revised to not exceed RMB3.5 billion (RMB3.5 billion inclusive). The
actual amount of the proceeds raised shall be determined by the Board of the Company or its
authorised persons within the above range, subject to the authorisation by the shareholders at the
shareholders’ general meetings of the Company. All of the proceeds are proposed to be used for
the following projects after deduction of issuance expenses:

Unit: RMB0’000

Amount of
Total project proceeds raised
Project name investment to be invested

New models R&D project 630,970.81 350,000.00

GDC project 798,002.54 0.00

Total 1,428,973.35 350,000.00


Section 9 Description of Corporate Bonds

As approved by CSRC Permit [2021] No.1353, the Company publicly issued 35,000,000 A share
convertible corporate bonds on 10 June 2021 at a par value of RMB100 each, totaling RMB3.5
billion with a term of 6 years. The convertible bonds issued can be converted during the period
from 17 December 2021 to 9 June 2027. The initial conversion price of the convertible corporate
bonds is RMB38.39 per share.

As approved by the Self-regulation Decision [2021] No.287 of Shanghai Stock Exchange,

the convertible corporate bonds of RMB3.5 billion was listed and traded on Shanghai Stock
Exchange from 8 July 2021 with the abbreviation of “Great Wall Motor Convertible Bonds”
and stock code of “113049”, and the closing price on 8 July 2021 was RMB142.07 each. The
total amount of proceeds raised was RMB3.5 billion, and the actual net proceeds raised were
RMB3,487,972,641.51. The utilised proceeds have been used in line with the purposes previously

Total proceeds and details of utilisation:

Total proceeds from Planned use Proceeds Proceeds Expected

the issuance of A share of proceeds utilized as of unutilized as of timeline for
convertible corporate previously 30 June 2021 30 June 2021 utilisation of
bonds (RMB0’000) disclosed (RMB0’000) (RMB0’000) unutilised proceeds

350,000.00 New models 0 350,000.00 On or before

R&D project 31 December 2023

GDC project 0 0 On or before

31 December 2025

Note: Proceeds from the public issuance of A share convertible corporate bonds were received on 17 June 2021. As of the date
hereof, the previously invested funds have not been replaced with the proceeds raised. Therefore, proceeds utilized as of 30
June 2021 was 0.

Holders of the Company’s A share convertible corporate bonds are natural persons holding
accounts with Shanghai Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation
Limited, legal persons, securities investment funds and other investors in compliance with legal

(II) Holders and guarantors of convertible bonds during the Reporting Period

Name of convertible corporate bonds Great Wall Motor Convertible Bonds

Number of holders of convertible bonds at the end of period 487,344
Guarantors of convertible bonds of the Company Nil
Significant changes in the profitability, Nil
assets and credit status of the guarantors

Section 9 Description of Corporate Bonds

The top ten convertible bond holders are as follows:

Name of holders of Convertible bonds held as at Proportion

convertible corporate bonds the end of the period (RMB) (%)

Baoding Innovation Great Wall Asset 2,760,000,000 78.86

Management Company Limited
National Social Security Fund Portfolio 103 31,745,000 0.91
China Construction Bank Corporation – 17,096,000 0.49
Huaxia Energy Reform Equity Securities
Investment Fund (中國建設銀行股份有限
Taikang Life Insurance Co., Ltd. – Investment 6,585,000 0.19
Link – Positive Growth (泰康人壽保險有限
Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd. 5,203,000 0.15
China Life Insurance Company Limited – 4,723,000 0.13
Dividends – Personal Dividends-005L –
FH002 Shanghai (中國人壽保險股份有限
Taikang Life Insurance Co., Ltd. – Universal – 3,440,000 0.10
Personal Universal Products (D) (泰康人壽
Shanghai Gaoyi Asset Management 3,381,000 0.10
Partnership (Limited Partnership) -
Gaoyi Xiaofeng No.2 Letter Fund
The Industrial and Commercial Bank of 3,213,000 0.09
China – China Universal Mobile Internet
Stock Securities Investment Fund
Taikang Life Insurance Co., Ltd. - Dividends – 3,125,000 0.09
Personal Dividends – 019L – FH002

(III) Changes in convertible bonds during the Reporting Period

 Applicable √ Not applicable

(IV) Cumulative conversion of convertible bonds to shares during the Reporting Period

 Applicable √ Not applicable


Section 9 Description of Corporate Bonds

(V) Previous adjustments to conversion price

 Applicable √ Not applicable

(VI) Information on the Company's liability and credit changes as well as the cash arrangement
for future annual debt repayment

According to the Credit Rating Report of Great Wall Motor Company Limited for Public Issuance
of A-Share Convertible Corporate Bonds in 2020 issued by China Chengxin International Credit
Rating Co., Ltd. (中誠信國際信用評級有限責任公司) on 17 May 2021, the Company’s issuer credit
rating is AAA with stable rating outlook, and the credit rating of the bonds is also AAA. As of
the end of 2020, the total liabilities of the Company were RMB96.67 billion, and the gearing
ratio was 62.77%. The Company maintains an excellent issuer credit rating and sound solvency
indicators. Meanwhile, the Company generates stable profitability and has desirable development
prospects with strong solvency and risk aversion to ensure the capital requirements for repaying
the principal and interest of the current tranche of convertible corporate bonds.

(VII) Other information of convertible bonds


Section 10 Financial Report (Unaudited)

Review Report
De Shi Bao (Yue) Zi (21) No. R00056
(Page 1 of 1)


We have reviewed the accompanying financial statements of Great Wall Motor Company Limited (hereinafter
“Great Wall Motor”), which comprise of the consolidated and the Company’s balance sheets as at 30 June
2021, and the consolidated and the Company’s income statements, the consolidated and the Company’s
statements of changes in shareholders’ equity and the consolidated and the Company’s cash flow statements
for the six months then ended, and the notes to the financial statements. The directors are responsible for
the preparation and presentation of these interim consolidated financial statements. Our responsibility is to
issue a review report on these interim consolidated financial statements based on our review.

We conducted our review in accordance with “Chinese Certified Public Accountants Review Standards No.
2101-Review of Financial Statements”. This standard requires us to plan and conduct the review procedures,
accordingly provide limited assurance that whether there is no significant misstatement of the Great Wall
Motor ‘s financial statement. A review is limited to procedures as enquiry of entity’s relevant staff and
analytical review of financial data, providing lower level of assurance than for an audit. Since we have not
conducted audit, we do not express an audit opinion.

Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the above interim
financial statements of the Company which comprised the consolidated and the Company’s financial position
as at 30 June 2021, and the consolidated and the Company’s operating results and cash flows for the six
months then ended are not prepared, in all material aspects, in accordance with the Accounting Standards
for Business Enterprises.

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA LLP. Chinese Certified Public Accountants:

Shanghai, China (Engagement Partner)
Tong Chuan Jiang

Yang Ning

27 August 2021

The review report and the accompanying financial statements are English translations of the Chinese review
report and statutory financial statements prepared under accounting principles and practices generally
accepted in the People’s Republic of China. These financial statements are not intended to present the
financial position and results of operations and cash flows in accordance with accounting principles and
practices generally accepted in other countries and jurisdictions. In case the English version does not conform
to the Chinese version, the Chinese version prevails.

Consolidated Balance Sheet

At 30 June 2021

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
Item Notes (Unaudited) (Audited)

Current Assets:
Cash and bank balances VI.1 22,271,791,978.24 14,588,464,389.52
Held-for-trading financial assets VI.2 8,636,895,869.20 4,826,193,896.30
Derivative financial assets 5,911,320.14 2,271,973.16
Accounts receivable VI.3 3,220,009,213.01 3,936,156,908.98
Financing with receivables VI.4 42,952,911,403.78 52,984,556,339.76
Prepayments VI.5 933,523,244.22 570,917,965.02
Other receivables VI.6 1,007,333,315.46 1,032,243,323.43
Inventories VI.7 9,631,035,565.35 7,497,635,549.94
Contract Assets VI.8 810,975,052.02 495,298,612.22
Non-current assets due within one year VI.10 2,059,291,193.60 1,884,739,784.73
Other current assets VI.9 9,381,307,993.20 11,580,488,006.85

Total Current Assets 100,910,986,148.22 99,398,966,749.91

Non-Current Assets:
Long-term receivables VI.10 2,242,136,437.17 2,445,172,072.69
Long-term equity investments VI.11 9,123,005,428.33 8,415,182,722.15
Other equity instrument investments 188,582,800.00 7,700,000.00
Other non-current financial assets 51,820,372.83 24,500,000.00
Investment properties VI.12 316,087,019.11 325,631,402.08
Fixed assets VI.13 27,221,676,708.72 28,609,221,999.83
Construction in progress VI.14 2,868,140,569.17 2,936,380,757.60
Right-of-use assets VI.15 275,341,920.99 238,889,308.01
Intangible assets VI.16 5,923,280,028.16 5,543,378,486.80
Development expenditure VI.17 4,399,941,770.52 3,723,471,858.34
Long-term prepaid expenses 171,033,820.18 178,097,492.31
Deferred tax assets VI.18 1,986,317,701.70 1,183,302,566.37
Other non-current assets 1,499,489,183.20 981,595,216.15

Total Non-current Assets 56,266,853,760.08 54,612,523,882.33

TOTAL ASSETS 157,177,839,908.30 154,011,490,632.24


Consolidated Balance Sheet

At 30 June 2021

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
Item Notes (Unaudited) (Audited)

Current Liabilities:
Short-term borrowings VI.19 3,189,958,455.48 7,901,303,207.55
Derivative financial liabilities 1,049,929.88 4,879,853.91
Notes payable VI.20 30,474,722,213.60 16,656,076,418.02
Accounts payable VI.21 25,343,634,653.01 33,185,058,889.00
Contract liabilities VI.22 7,123,732,734.45 8,027,932,832.07
Employee benefits payable VI.23 716,386,926.71 2,530,652,915.21
Taxes payable VI.24 1,144,627,020.59 2,785,790,936.60
Other payables VI.25 4,042,722,799.20 4,116,969,285.61
Non-current liabilities due within one year VI.26 1,466,661,159.36 891,934,592.35
Other current liabilities VI.27 3,105,034,637.33 5,065,113,514.41

Total Current Liabilities 76,608,530,529.61 81,165,712,444.73

Non-current Liabilities:
Long-term borrowings VI.19 13,112,452,936.71 10,777,205,207.80
Bonds payable VI.28 3,517,225,631.22 —
Lease liabilities VI.29 473,066,860.95 495,284,830.49
Deferred income VI.30 3,208,415,493.49 3,461,818,011.07
Deferred tax liabilities VI.18 608,158,968.37 543,719,984.62
Long-term employee benefits payable 70,420,985.42 71,927,409.33
Other non-current liabilities 147,733,539.00 153,975,160.01

Total Non-current Liabilities 21,137,474,415.16 15,503,930,603.32

TOTAL LIABILITIES 97,746,004,944.77 96,669,643,048.05

Share capital VI.31 9,199,160,569.00 9,175,953,300.00
Other equity instruments VI.32 336,012,380.39 —
Capital reserve VI.33 2,479,093,630.78 1,779,310,235.25
Less: Treasury shares VI.34 116,380,271.00 200,773,416.00
Other comprehensive income VI.53 (595,790,978.39) (582,862,109.97)
Surplus reserve VI.35 6,175,434,747.88 6,175,434,747.88
Undistributed profits VI.36 41,954,304,884.87 40,994,784,827.03

Total Equity Attributable to Shareholders

of the Company 59,431,834,963.53 57,341,847,584.19
Minority Interests — —

TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 59,431,834,963.53 57,341,847,584.19

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 157,177,839,908.30 154,011,490,632.24

The accompanying notes form part of the financial statements.

The financial statements on pages 104 to 262 were signed by:

Wei Jian Jun Li Hong Shuan Wang Hai Ping

Legal Representative Chief Financial Officer Head of Finance Section

Balance Sheet of the Company

At 30 June 2021

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
Item Notes (Unaudited) (Audited)

Current Assets:
Cash and bank balances XV.1 14,437,405,392.23 8,756,050,336.15
Held-for-trading financial assets 8,325,872,189.20 4,016,432,928.41
Derivative financial assets 1,384,540.03 —
Accounts receivable XV.2 11,942,494,458.18 9,278,226,610.26
Financing with receivables 20,628,688,971.42 37,159,982,957.50
Prepayments 297,287,820.73 657,535,961.33
Other receivables XV.3 4,714,878,872.69 4,391,458,493.12
Inventories 4,948,133,489.22 4,075,258,224.43
Contract Assets 810,975,052.02 495,298,612.22
Non-current assets due within one year 268,480,951.53 264,492,224.27
Other current assets 8,595,895,348.07 10,787,263,182.60

Total Current Assets 74,971,497,085.32 79,881,999,530.29

Non-current Assets:
Long-term receivables 640,843,455.92 630,885,424.04
Long-term equity investments XV.4 20,074,668,556.70 18,144,163,194.40
Other equity instrument investments 7,700,000.00 7,700,000.00
Other non-current financial assets 51,820,372.83 24,500,000.00
Investment properties 2,412,322,650.03 2,455,536,361.29
Fixed assets 15,562,781,249.79 16,852,363,213.04
Construction in progress 1,456,102,861.19 1,049,647,367.59
Right-of-use assets 184,548,476.13 158,651,281.83
Intangible assets 4,592,311,544.35 4,533,032,149.12
Development expenditure 3,075,419,616.72 2,455,351,941.05
Long-term prepaid expenses 45,775,046.97 51,750,050.97
Deferred tax assets 1,554,236,290.34 686,850,172.69
Other non-current assets 1,396,772,805.98 884,747,717.05

Total Non-Current Assets 51,055,302,926.95 47,935,178,873.07

TOTAL ASSETS 126,026,800,012.27 127,817,178,403.36


Balance Sheet of the Company

At 30 June 2021

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
Item Notes (Unaudited) (Audited)

Current Liabilities:
Short-term borrowings 2,562,338,600.52 6,261,242,481.54
Notes payable 12,776,864,008.77 3,746,210,934.89
Accounts payable 27,340,397,325.59 39,366,003,020.54
Contract liabilities 9,564,465,566.24 8,742,706,895.39
Employee benefits payable 362,572,851.80 1,556,145,949.54
Taxes payable 423,571,273.52 1,547,533,730.50
Other payables 3,566,183,156.13 3,656,737,043.47
Non-current liabilities due within one year 262,487,888.23 259,759,032.70
Other current liabilities 2,036,960,853.07 4,108,961,593.27

Total Current Liabilities 58,895,841,523.87 69,245,300,681.84

Non-current Liabilities:
Long-term borrowings 7,860,000,000.00 5,505,000,000.00
Bonds payable 3,159,523,314.04 —
Lease liabilities 404,952,857.09 431,282,148.98
Deferred income 2,438,678,491.56 2,334,887,049.14
Other non-current liabilities 131,792,828.77 136,620,018.20

Total Non-current Liabilities 13,994,947,491.46 8,407,789,216.32

TOTAL LIABILITIES 72,890,789,015.33 77,653,089,898.16

Share capital 9,199,160,569.00 9,175,953,300.00
Other equity instruments 336,012,380.39 —
Capital reserve 2,494,596,099.00 1,826,846,471.39
Less: Treasury shares 116,380,271.00 200,773,416.00
Other comprehensive income (126,820,610.55) (213,330,570.55)
Surplus reserve 4,890,446,242.43 4,890,446,242.43
Undistributed profits 36,458,996,587.67 34,684,946,477.93

TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 53,136,010,996.94 50,164,088,505.20

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 126,026,800,012.27 127,817,178,403.36


Consolidated Income Statement

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Item Notes (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

I. Total operating income 61,928,368,916.17 35,929,193,647.85

Including: Operating income VI.37 61,928,368,916.17 35,929,193,647.85
Less: Total operating costs 58,998,921,517.40 35,061,611,555.84
Including: Operating costs VI.37 51,864,433,297.01 30,641,639,499.57
Taxes and levies VI.38 1,797,556,377.67 1,025,869,701.34
Selling expenses VI.39 2,444,423,361.02 1,077,470,060.82
Administrative expenses VI.40 1,341,218,155.72 941,176,287.60
Research and development expenses 1,857,755,050.88 1,220,056,896.97
Financial expenses VI.41 (306,464,724.90) 155,399,109.54
Including: Interest expenses 231,611,304.18 122,272,851.94
Interest income 350,511,691.45 323,015,932.34
Add: Other income VI.42 496,946,952.72 208,119,036.81
Investment income VI.43 650,630,133.59 430,962,648.75
Including: Investment income from joint ventures
and associates 644,272,899.77 496,255,875.90
Gains from changes in fair value VI.44 91,730,731.96 25,556,189.78
Impairment losses on credit VI.45 (26,228,429.92) (45,134,797.18)
Impairment losses on assets VI.46 (259,759,418.15) (310,947,319.89)
Gains (losses) from disposal of assets VI.47 (24,025,980.42) (15,655,663.23)

II. Operating profit 3,858,741,388.55 1,160,482,187.05

Add: Non-operating income VI.48 92,698,807.84 169,479,190.92
Less: Non-operating expenses VI.49 15,696,502.65 11,597,227.72

III. Total profit 3,935,743,693.74 1,318,364,150.25

Less: Income tax expenses VI.50 407,126,668.90 172,221,427.35

Consolidated Income Statement

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Item Notes (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

IV. Net profit VI.51 3,528,617,024.84 1,146,142,722.90

(I) Classification by going concern:
Net profit under going concern 3,528,617,024.84 1,146,142,722.90
(II) Classification by attribution of ownership:
1. Net profit attributable to shareholders
of the Company 3,528,617,024.84 1,146,142,722.90
2. Profit or loss attributable to minority interests — —

V. Net other comprehensive income after taxes VI.53 (12,928,868.42) (106,423,968.65)

Net other comprehensive income attributable to shareholders
of the Company after taxes (12,928,868.42) (106,423,968.65)
Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to
profit or loss (12,928,868.42) (106,423,968.65)
Translation difference of financial statements
denominated in foreign currency (56,673,665.08) (134,303,845.99)
Changes in fair value of financial assets classified as at fair
value through other comprehensive income 43,744,796.66 27,879,877.34
Net other comprehensive income attributable to minority
interests — —

VI. Total comprehensive income 3,515,688,156.42 1,039,718,754.25

Total comprehensive income attributable to shareholders of
the Company 3,515,688,156.42 1,039,718,754.25
Total comprehensive income attributable to minority interests — —

VII. Earnings per share:

(I) Basic earnings per share VI.52 0.39 0.12
(II) Diluted earnings per share VI.52 0.38 0.12

Income Statement of the Company

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021

For the period For the period
from 1 January to from 1 January
30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Item Notes (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

I. Operating income XV.5 58,047,822,739.69 34,208,397,883.25

Less: Operating costs XV.5 54,480,342,291.66 31,665,205,763.84
Taxes and levies 1,662,831,239.17 932,932,016.36
Selling expenses 2,098,918,468.36 889,955,662.99
Administrative expenses 809,235,632.48 640,079,574.66
Research and development expenses 1,249,376,201.08 911,041,055.49
Financial expenses (103,332,708.22) (193,664,675.20)
Including: Interest expenses 192,613,051.88 70,409,771.16
Interest income 301,146,521.70 268,166,130.13
Add: Other income 206,693,313.80 177,813,647.66
Investment income XV.6 6,027,940,884.69 3,663,424,964.14
Including: Investment income from
joint ventures 668,096,166.49 496,255,875.90
Gains from changes in fair values 11,588,100.82 31,532,584.94
Gains (losses) on credit impairment 3,133,763.47 (29,455,439.15)
Impairment losses on assets (225,571,518.94) (65,722,081.15)
Losses from disposal of assets (19,886,795.32) (4,460,830.25)

II. Operating profit 3,854,349,363.68 3,135,981,331.30

Add: Non-operating income 33,938,526.49 47,896,693.48
Less: Non-operating expenses 10,901,863.08 9,299,947.34

III. Total profit 3,877,386,027.09 3,174,578,077.44

Less: Income tax expenses (465,761,049.65) (130,709,768.97)

IV. Net profit 4,343,147,076.74 3,305,287,846.41

Net profit under going concern 4,343,147,076.74 3,305,287,846.41

V. Net other comprehensive income after taxes 86,509,960.00 52,853,523.50

Other comprehensive income that will be
reclassified into profit or loss 86,509,960.00 52,853,523.50
Changes in fair value of financial assets
classified as at fair value through other
comprehensive income 86,509,960.00 52,853,523.50

VI. Total comprehensive income 4,429,657,036.74 3,358,141,369.91


Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Item Notes (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

I. Cash Flows from Operating Activities:

Cash receipts from the sales of goods and rendering of
services 77,721,927,397.39 56,493,574,576.29
Receipts of tax rebate 844,700,599.62 404,589,231.38
Other cash receipts related to operating activities VI.54(1) 1,589,361,073.91 1,873,757,462.97
Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities 80,155,989,070.92 58,771,921,270.64
Cash payments for goods purchased and services received 50,852,873,973.21 39,409,669,781.99
Cash payments to and on behalf of employees 5,928,962,340.27 4,396,305,218.52
Payments of various types of taxes 5,416,525,028.46 2,590,236,412.39
Other cash payments related to operating activities VI.54(2) 2,847,848,976.83 2,859,165,692.15
Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities 65,046,210,318.77 49,255,377,105.05
Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities VI.55(1) 15,109,778,752.15 9,516,544,165.59

II. Cash Flows from Investing Activities:

Cash receipts from disposals and recovery of investments 17,309,096,321.53 14,880,350,000.00
Cash receipts from investment income 292,347,968.24 210,377,471.63
Net cash receipts from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
assets and other long-term assets 121,675,840.48 131,674,338.19
Net cash receipts from disposal of subsidiaries and other
business units VI.55(2) — 328,500,000.00
Other cash receipts relating to investing activities VI.54(3) 53,000,000.00 —
Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities 17,776,120,130.25 15,550,901,809.82
Cash paid to purchase and construct fixed assets, intangible
assets and other long-term assets 3,832,385,765.11 2,561,771,947.28
Cash paid for investments 18,889,252,840.00 20,391,595,817.12
Other cash payments related to investing activities VI.54(4) — 89,075,000.00
Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities 22,721,638,605.11 23,042,442,764.40
Net Cash Flow from Investing Activities (4,945,518,474.86) (7,491,540,954.58)

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Item Notes (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:

Cash receipts from capital contributions 209,805,495.80 215,456,295.00
Cash receipts from borrowings 5,468,446,455.11 8,936,178,831.57
Cash receipts from bond issues 4,837,000,000.00 2,000,000,000.00
Other cash receipts related to financing activities VI.54(5) — 264,777,223.55
Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities 10,515,251,950.91 11,416,412,350.12
Cash repayments of borrowings 7,875,803,898.01 2,781,874,595.80
Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits or
settlement of interest expenses 2,796,042,954.49 1,602,234,929.70
Cash repayments of bonds 2,257,671,700.00 —
Other cash payments related to financing activities VI.54(6) 226,357,059.85 8,696,545.97
Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities 13,155,875,612.35 4,392,806,071.47
Net Cash Flow from Financing Activities (2,640,623,661.44) 7,023,606,278.65

IV. Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and

Cash Equivalents (50,982,451.60) 125,011,597.32

V. Cash Flows from Operating Activities: 7,472,654,164.25 9,173,621,086.98

Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 13,591,491,005.23 8,777,231,585.64

VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents VI.55(3) 21,064,145,169.48 17,950,852,672.62

Cash Flow Statement of the Company

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Item Notes (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

I. Cash Flows from Operating Activities:

Cash receipts from the sales of goods and rendering of services 73,513,230,044.37 49,366,556,803.16
Receipts of tax rebate 825,906,213.06 233,770,494.88
Other cash receipts related to operating activities 795,284,229.56 1,047,786,251.55
Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities 75,134,420,486.99 50,648,113,549.59
Cash payments for goods purchased and services received 58,141,383,347.24 37,181,734,862.35
Cash payments to and on behalf of employees 3,196,632,706.69 2,736,192,469.19
Payments of various types of taxes 2,957,860,243.62 1,818,564,737.71
Other cash payments related to operating activities 2,326,119,775.70 1,837,314,841.39
Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities 66,621,996,073.25 43,573,806,910.64
Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities XV.7(1) 8,512,424,413.74 7,074,306,638.95

II. Cash Flows from Investing Activities:

Cash receipts from disposal of investments 14,441,543,927.17 6,610,000,000.00
Cash receipts from investment income 3,818,604,867.91 1,260,431,123.13
Cash receipts from disposal of subsidiaries and
other business units 1,500,000.00 329,000,000.00
Net Cash receipts from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets
and other long-term assets 150,406,456.87 847,484,469.94
Other cash receipts relating to investing activities 514,670,970.15 —
Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities 18,926,726,222.10 9,046,915,593.07
Cash paid to purchase and construct fixed assets, intangible assets
and other long-term assets 1,869,126,914.08 1,399,293,959.29
Cash paid for investments 17,531,688,608.71 12,330,002,627.74
Other cash payments related to investing activities — 103,000,000.00
Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities 19,400,815,522.79 13,832,296,587.03
Net Cash Flow from Investing Activities (474,089,300.69) (4,785,380,993.96)

Cash Flow Statement of the Company

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Item Notes (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:

Cash receipts from capital contribution 209,805,495.80 215,456,295.00
Cash receipts from borrowings 4,805,148,000.00 5,500,000,000.00
Cash receipts from bond issues 3,500,000,000.00 2,000,000,000.00
Other cash receipts related to financing activities 7,336,222.63 29,886,569.52
Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities 8,522,289,718.43 7,745,342,864.52
Cash repayments of borrowings 6,145,000,000.00 1,650,000,000.00
Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits or
settlement of interest expenses 2,722,021,676.53 1,549,895,770.84
Cash repayments of bonds 2,000,000,000.00 —
Other cash payments related to financing activities 153,206,310.63 1,203,952.03
Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities 11,020,227,987.16 3,201,099,722.87
Net Cash Flow from Financing Activities (2,497,938,268.73) 4,544,243,141.65

IV. Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and

Cash Equivalents (3,376,535.76) 2,809,700.05

V. Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents 5,537,020,308.56 6,835,978,486.69

Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 8,728,034,521.63 4,876,599,293.72

VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents XV.7(2) 14,265,054,830.19 11,712,577,780.41

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021 (Unaudited)
Attributable to the shareholders of the Company
Less: Other Total
Other equity Treasury comprehensive Undistributed Minority shareholders’
Item Share capital instruments Capital reserve shares income Surplus reserve profits interests equity

I. Balance at the beginning

of the period 9,175,953,300.00 — 1,779,310,235.25 200,773,416.00 (582,862,109.97) 6,175,434,747.88 40,994,784,827.03 — 57,341,847,584.19
II. Changes in the current
period 23,207,269.00 336,012,380.39 699,783,395.53 (84,393,145.00) (12,928,868.42) — 959,520,057.84 — 2,089,987,379.34
(I) Total comprehensive
income — — — — (12,928,868.42) — 3,528,617,024.84 — 3,515,688,156.42
(II) Owners’
contributions and
reduction in capital 23,207,269.00 336,012,380.39 288,145,587.82 (70,931,498.00) — — — — 718,296,735.21
1. Capital
from owners 23,820,269.00 — 185,985,226.80 23,902,320.00 — — — — 185,903,175.80
2. Conversion options
of convertible
bonds classified as
equity instruments — 336,012,380.39 — — — — — — 336,012,380.39
3. Amount of
included in
owners’ equity — — 104,226,171.02 — — — — — 104,226,171.02
4. Cancellation of
restricted stock
and unlocking of
restricted shares (613,000.00) — (2,065,810.00) (94,833,818.00) — — — — 92,155,008.00
(III) Profit distribution — — — (13,461,647.00) — — (2,569,096,967.00) — (2,555,635,320.00)
1. Distribution to
shareholders — — — (13,461,647.00) — — (2,569,096,967.00) — (2,555,635,320.00)
(IV) Transfers within
owners’ equity — — — — — — — — —
(V) Special reserve — — — — — — — — —
(VI)Others — — 411,637,807.71 — — — — — 411,637,807.71
III. Balance at the end of the
period 9,199,160,569.00 336,012,380.39 2,479,093,630.78 116,380,271.00 (595,790,978.39) 6,175,434,747.88 41,954,304,884.87 — 59,431,834,963.53

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2020 (Unaudited)
Attributable to shareholders of the Company
Other Total
Less: comprehensive General Undistributed Minority shareholders’
Item Share capital Capital reserve Treasure shares income Surplus reserve risk reserve profits interests equity

I. Balance at the beginning of

the period 9,127,269,000.00 1,411,251,654.42 — (240,814,343.11) 5,755,670,511.31 — 38,345,853,094.28 — 54,399,229,916.90
II. Changes in the current period 49,303,500.00 285,407,513.19 203,130,420.00 (106,423,968.65) — — (1,148,000,402.10) — (1,122,843,777.56)
(I) Total comprehensive income — — — (106,423,968.65) — — 1,146,142,722.90 — 1,039,718,754.25
(II) Owners’ contributions and
reduction in capital 49,303,500.00 195,292,937.70 215,456,295.00 — — — — — 29,140,142.70
1. Capital contributions
from owners 49,303,500.00 166,152,795.00 215,456,295.00 — — — — — —
2. Amount of share—based
payments included in
owner’s equity — 29,140,142.70 — — — — — — 29,140,142.70
(III) Profit distribution — — (12,325,875.00) — — — (2,294,143,125.00) — (2,281,817,250.00)
1. Distributions to
shareholders — — (12,325,875.00) — — — (2,294,143,125.00) — (2,281,817,250.00)
(IV) Transfers within owners’ equity — — — — — — — — —
(V) Others — 90,114,575.49 — — — — — — 90,114,575.49
III. Balance at the end of the period 9,176,572,500.00 1,696,659,167.61 203,130,420.00 (347,238,311.76) 5,755,670,511.31 — 37,197,852,692.18 — 53,276,386,139.34

Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity of the Company

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021 (Unaudited)

Less: Other Total

Other equity Capital Treasure comprehensive Surplus Undistributed shareholders’
Item Share capital instruments reserve shares income reserve profits equity

I. Balance at the beginning

of the period 9,175,953,300.00 — 1,826,846,471.39 200,773,416.00 (213,330,570.55) 4,890,446,242.43 34,684,946,477.93 50,164,088,505.20
II. Changes in the current
period 23,207,269.00 336,012,380.39 667,749,627.61 (84,393,145.00) 86,509,960.00 — 1,774,050,109.74 2,971,922,491.74
(I) Total comprehensive
income — — — — 86,509,960.00 — 4,343,147,076.74 4,429,657,036.74
(II) Owners’ contributions
and reduction in
capital 23,207,269.00 336,012,380.39 288,145,587.82 (70,931,498.00) — — — 718,296,735.21
1. Capital contributions
from owners 23,820,269.00 — 185,985,226.80 23,902,320.00 — — — 185,903,175.80
2. Conversion options
of convertible
bonds classified as
equity instruments — 336,012,380.39 — — — — — 336,012,380.39
3. Amount of
payments included
in owners’ equity — — 104,226,171.02 — — — — 104,226,171.02
4. Cancellation of
stock shares
and unlocking of
restricted shares (613,000.00) — (2,065,810.00) (94,833,818.00) — — — 92,155,008.00
(III) Profit distribution — — — (13,461,647.00) — — (2,569,096,967.00) (2,555,635,320.00)
1. Distributions to
shareholders — — — (13,461,647.00) — — (2,569,096,967.00) (2,555,635,320.00)
(IV) Transfers within
owners’ equity — — — — — — — —
(V) Special reserve — — — — — — — —
(VI)Others — — 379,604,039.79 — — — — 379,604,039.79
III. Balance at the end of
the period 9,199,160,569.00 336,012,380.39 2,494,596,099.00 116,380,271.00 (126,820,610.55) 4,890,446,242.43 36,458,996,587.67 53,136,010,996.94

Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity of the Company

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2020 (Unaudited)

Less: Other Total

Treasure comprehensive Surplus Undistributed shareholders’
Item Share capital Capital reserve shares income reserve profits equity

I. Balance at the beginning of the period 9,127,269,000.00 1,458,787,890.56 — (148,477,708.08) 4,890,446,242.43 34,065,936,877.18 49,393,962,302.09
II. Changes in the current period 49,303,500.00 285,407,513.19 203,130,420.00 52,853,523.50 — 1,011,144,721.41 1,195,578,838.10
(I) Total comprehensive income — — — 52,853,523.50 — 3,305,287,846.41 3,358,141,369.91
(II) Owners’ contributions and reduction
in capital 49,303,500.00 195,292,937.70 215,456,295.00 — — — 29,140,142.70
1. Capital contributions from owners 49,303,500.00 166,152,795.00 215,456,295.00 — — — —
2. Amount of share-based payments
included in owner’s equity — 29,140,142.70 — — — — 29,140,142.70
(III) Profit distribution — — (12,325,875.00) — — (2,294,143,125.00) (2,281,817,250.00)
1. Transfer to surplus reserve — — — — — — —
2. Transfer to general risk reserve — — — — — — —
3. Profit distribution — — (12,325,875.00) — — (2,294,143,125.00) (2,281,817,250.00)
(IV) Transfers within owners’ equity — — — — — — —
1. Capitalization of capital reserve — — — — — — —
2. Capitalization of surplus reserve — — — — — — —
3. Loss offset by surplus reserve — — — — — — —
4. Others — — — — — — —
(V) Special reserve — — — — — — —
1. Transfer to special reserve in the period — — — — — — —
2. Amount utilized in the period — — — — — — —
(VI) Others — 90,114,575.49 — — — — 90,114,575.49
III. Balance at the end of the period 9,176,572,500.00 1,744,195,403.75 203,130,420.00 (95,624,184.58) 4,890,446,242.43 35,077,081,598.59 50,589,541,140.19

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


1. Company Overview

Great Wall Motor Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) is registered
in Baoding, Hebei Province, which is the main city for its core business as well. The controlling
shareholder of the Company is Baoding Innovation Great Wall Asset Management Company
Limited and the ultimate controlling shareholder is Wei Jianjun.

The Company was originally named as Baoding Great Wall Motor Group Company Limited. On
5 June 2001, upon the approval by Office of the Stock Reform Leading Panel of the People’s
Government of Hebei Province with Ji Gu Ban [2001] No. 62 , Baoding Great Wall Motor Group
Company Limited was reorganized to Baoding Great Wall Motor Company Limited. On 28 May
2003, upon the approval by Hebei Administration for Industry and Commerce, Baoding Great Wall
Motor Company Limited was renamed Great Wall Motor Company Limited.

The Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) are principally engaged in the manufacturing and
sales of automobiles and components and parts of automobiles and related after-sales services,
processing and manufacturing of moulds, repairing of automobiles, transportation of general
goods and specific transportation (by truck). The legal representative of the Company is Wei Jian

2. The scope of consolidated financial statements

The Company’s and consolidated financial statements have been approved by the Board of
Directors on 27 August 2021.

The scope of consolidated financial statements of this period refers to Note VIII “interest in other
entities”. Changes in the scope of consolidated financial statements of this period mainly refer to
Note VII “changes in consolidation scope.”

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


Basis of preparation

The Group has applied the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (“ASBE”) and guidelines,
interpretations and other related provisions promulgated by the Ministry of Finance (“MoF”). In
addition, the Group also discloses relevant financial information according to the requirements of
Rules on Compiling the Information Disclosure of the Company that Issue Stocks Publicly No.15-
General Provision on Financial Report (revised in 2014) by China’s Securities Regulatory Commission,
the “Companies Ordinance” of Hong Kong and the “Listing Rules of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong

Basis of accounting and principle of measurement

The Group’s financial statements have been prepared on an accrual basis. Except for certain financial
instruments which are measured at fair value, the financial statements are prepared under the historical
cost convention. In the event that impairment of assets occurs, a provision for impairment is made in
accordance with the relevant regulations.

Under historical cost method, assets are measured at the amount of cash or cash equivalents or the
fair value of considerations paid. Liabilities are measured at the amount of money or assets actually
received under the current obligations, or the amount of a contract presenting current obligations, or
the amount of cash or cash equivalents expected in daily activities to repay the debts.

Fair value is the price that willing parties receive from the sale of an asset or pay for the transfer of
a liability in an orderly transaction on the measurement date. Whether the fair value is observable or
measured by valuation techniques, the measurement and disclosure in this financial statement were all
based on it.

Fair value measurements are recognized at three levels, based on the observability of the input value
of fair value and the importance of such input value to the overall fair value measurement, which are
described as follows:

• Level 1 inputs are quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that
the entity can access at the measurement date;

• Level 2 inputs are inputs, other than quoted prices included in Level 1, that are observable for the
asset or liability, either directly or indirectly;

• Level 3 inputs are unobservable inputs for the asset or liability.

Going concern

The Group has evaluated its ability of going concern for the next 12 months since 30 June 2021. No
events or matters are found to have significant doubts about the ability. Thus, the financial statements
have been prepared under the assumption of going concern.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


1. Statement of compliance with the ASBEs

The financial statements have been prepared in compliance with the Accounting Standard for
Business Enterprises to truly and completely reflect the Company’s and consolidated financial
position of the Company as at 30 June 2021, the Company’s and consolidated statement of
changes in shareholders’ equity and the Company’s and consolidated operating results and cash
flows for the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021.

2. Accounting year

The Group has adopted the calendar year as its accounting year, i.e. from 1 January to 31

3. Operating cycle

Operating cycle refers to the period from assets for production obtained to cash or cash
equivalents realized. The operating cycle of the Company is 12 months.

4. Functional currency

Renminbi (“RMB”) is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the Company
and its domestic subsidiaries operate. The Company’s foreign subsidiary chooses its functional
currency on the basis of the primary economic environment in which it operates. The Group
adopts RMB to prepare its financial statements.

5. Accounting treatment of business combinations involving enterprises under common

control and business combinations not involving enterprises under common control

Business combination includes business combinations involving enterprises under common control
and business combinations not involving enterprises under common control.

5.1 Business combinations involving enterprises under common control

A business combination involving enterprises under common control is a business

combination in which the same party or parties ultimately control all of the combining
enterprises both before and after the combination, and that control is not transitory.

Assets and liabilities obtained in the business combination are recognized at their carrying
amounts at the date of merger as recorded by the party being combined. The difference
between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained and the carrying amount of the
consideration paid for the combination is adjusted to capital reserves. If the capital reserve is
not sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess is adjusted to retained earnings.

Expenditures directly attributable to the combination are charged to profit or loss when

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


5. Accounting treatment of business combinations involving enterprises under common

control and business combinations not involving enterprises under common control

5.2 Business combinations not involving enterprises under common control and goodwill

A business combination not involving enterprises under common control is a business

combination in which all of the combining enterprises are not ultimately controlled by the
same party or parties before and after the combination.

The combination costs of the purchaser shall be the fair value of the assets paid, the
liabilities incurred or assumed and the equity instruments issued in exchange for the control
over the acquire on the acquisition date. The combining party records overheads during the
business combination, including the expenses for audit, legal services, assessment, and other
administrative expenses, in profit or loss for the current period when incurred.

Identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of acquiree qualifying for the
conditions of recognition acquired by the acquirer in business combination are measured at
fair value on the acquisition date.

For the difference that the combination cost is larger than the portion of fair value of net
identifiable assets of acquiree acquired in combination, it is recognized as goodwill as an
asset, and initially measured at cost. For those with combination cost lower than the portion
of fair value of net identifiable assets of acquiree acquired in combination, re-verification
is carried out on the measurement of the fair value of all identifiable assets, liabilities and
contingent liabilities as well as the combination cost. For those revised combination cost still
lower than the portion of fair value of net identifiable assets of acquiree, they are credited
to profit or loss for the current period.

Goodwill occurs as a result of combination shall be recognized separately in the consolidated

financial statement and measured at cost less accumulated impairment losses.

5.3 Acquire assets through the acquisition of subsidiaries

For the acquisition of subsidiaries not constituting a business, the acquisition cost is allocated
to each single identifiable asset and liability at fair value, and no goodwill or purchase gain
will be recognized.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


6. Preparation of consolidated financial statements

The scope of consolidated financial statements is determined based on control. Control means
that the Group has the power over the investee, ownership of variable income by participating in
the relevant activities of the investee, and the ability to use the power over the investee to affect
the amount of its income. Once changes in relevant facts and circumstances lead to changes in
the relevant elements involved in the above control definition, the Group reassess control.

The combination of subsidiaries begins with the Group’s achieving the control of the subsidiary,
and ceases with losing control.

For a subsidiary disposed of by the Group, the operating results and cash flows before the date
of disposal (the date when control is lost) has been appropriately included in the consolidated
income statement and consolidated statement of cash flows.

For a subsidiary acquired through a business combination not involving enterprises under common
control, the operating results and cash flows from the acquisition date (the date when control is
obtained) are included in the consolidated income statement and consolidated statement of cash
flows, as appropriate.

For a subsidiary acquired through a business combination involving enterprises under common
control, no matter where the business combination occurs at any point in the reporting period,
it shall be deemed to have replaced the consolidation scope of the Group from the date when
the subsidiary is under the control of the ultimate controlling party. The operating results and
cash flow from the date when it is under the control of the ultimate controlling party have
been appropriately included in the consolidated income statement and consolidated cash flow

Major accounting policies and accounting years adopted by the subsidiaries are defined according
to the standardized accounting policies and accounting years stipulated by the Company.

All significant intra-group accounts and transactions between the parent company and its
subsidiaries or between subsidiaries are eliminated on consolidation.

The portion of a subsidiary’s equity that is not attributable to the parent is treated as minority
interests and presented as “minority interests” in the consolidated balance sheet within owners’
equity. The portion of net profits or losses of subsidiaries for the year attributable to minority
interests is presented in the consolidated income statement under the “net profit” item as profit
or losses attributable to “minority interests”.

Even if the loss of a subsidiary shared by minority shareholders exceeds its share of the initial
shareholders’ equity, the balance will still be offset against the minority interests.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


6. Preparation of consolidated financial statements (continued)

For the transaction of acquiring minority interests of its subsidiaries, treated as equity transaction,
the book value of shareholder’s equity attributed the Company and that of minority interests
should be adjusted to reflect the change in the Company’s interest in the subsidiaries Differences
between the adjustment amount of minority shareholders’ equity and the fair value of the
consideration paid should be adjusted to capital reserve. If the differences exceed capital reserve,
retained earnings shall be adjusted.

When the Group loses control over a subsidiary due to disposal of certain equity interest or other
reasons, any retained interest is re-measured at its fair value at the date when control is lost.
The difference between (i) the aggregate of the consideration received on disposal and the fair
value of any retained interest and (ii) the share of the former subsidiary’s net assets cumulatively
calculated from the acquisition date according to the original proportion of ownership interest
is recognized as investment income in the period in which control is lost, and is offset against
goodwill. Other comprehensive income associated with investment in the former subsidiary is
reclassified to investment income when control is lost.

7. Classification of joint arrangements and accounting treatments of joint operations

A joint arrangement is classified into joint operation and joint venture, depending on the
rights and obligations of the parties to the arrangement, which is assessed by considering
the structure and the legal form of the arrangement, the terms agreed by the parties in the
contractual arrangement and, when relevant, other facts and circumstances. A joint operation is
an arrangement whereby the parties that have joint control of the arrangement have rights to the
assets and obligations for the liabilities. A joint venture is a joint arrangement whereby the parties
that have joint control have rights to the net assets of the arrangement.

The Group accounts for investments in joint ventures using equity method. Refer to Note III,
14.3.2 “Long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method” for details.

When a group entity undertakes its activities under joint operations, the Group as a joint operator
recognizes in relation to its interest in a joint operation: Its assets, including its share of any assets
held jointly; Its liabilities, including its share of any liabilities incurred jointly; Its revenue from the
sale of its share of the output arising from the joint operation; Its share of the revenue from the
sale of the output by the joint operation; and Its expenses, including its share of any expenses
incurred jointly. The Group accounts for the assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses relating to
its interest in a joint operation in accordance with the accounting standards applicable to the
particular assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


7. Classification of joint arrangements and accounting treatments of joint operations


When the Group invest or sell assets(except that such assets constitute a business), only profit
or loss arising from the transaction attributable to parties involved in such joint operation is
recognized prior to the resale of the assets to third parties by joint operations. When there is an
impairment of the asset investment or sale, the Group recognizes such loss in full.

When the Group purchase assets or others from joint operations (except that such assets
constitute a business), only profit or loss arising from the transaction attributable to parties
involved in such joint operation is recognized prior to the resale of the assets to third parties.
When there is an impairment of purchased assets, the Group recognizes such loss based on its

8. Recognition criterion of cash and cash equivalents

Cash comprises cash on hand and deposits that can be readily withdrawn on demand. Cash
equivalents are the Group’s short-term (usually due within three months from the purchase date
on), highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which
are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.

9. Translation of transactions and financial statements denominated in foreign currencies

9.1 Transactions denominated in foreign currencies

At initial recognition, foreign currency transactions are translated into the reporting currency
using the spot exchange rate prevailing at the date of transaction.

As at the balance sheet date, monetary items denominated in foreign currency are exchanged
to Renminbi by adopting the prevailing exchange rate on that date. Foreign exchange
difference arising from the difference between the prevailing exchange rate on that date
and the prevailing exchange rate on initial reorganization or on the previous balance sheet
date are all credited to profit or loss for the current period, with the exception that foreign
exchange differences for specific borrowings denominated in foreign currency and qualifying
for conditions of capitalization are capitalized during the capitalization year and credited to
the cost of relevant assets.

Non-monetary items denominated in foreign currency that are measured at historical cost
are still measured at amount denominated in reporting currency exchanged at the prevailing
exchange rate at the transaction date. Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at fair
value are translated at the spot exchange rate on the date when the fair value is determined.
The difference between the translated functional currency amount and the original functional
currency amount is treated as a change in fair value (including exchange rate changes) and
included in the current profit and loss or recognized as other comprehensive income.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


9. Translation of transactions and financial statements denominated in foreign currencies


9.2 Translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currency

To prepare consolidated financial statements, the financial statements denominated in

foreign currency of a foreign operation are translated to RMB in compliance with the
following requirement: assets and liabilities on the balance sheet are translated at the spot
exchange rate prevailing at the balance sheet date; all equity (except undistributed profits)
items are translated at the spot exchange rates at the dates on which such items arose;
income and expenses and profit appropriation items in the income statement are translated
at the spot exchange rate at the date of transaction; the retained earnings at the beginning
of the year/period is the translated undistributed profits at the end of prior year; the
retained earnings at the end of the year/period is presented as the translated items of profit
distribution; all exchange differences of assets, liabilities and shareholders’ equity resulting
from the translation are recognized separately as “other comprehensive income” in the
shareholders’ equity on the balance sheet.

Cash flow dominated in foreign currency or from foreign subsidiaries shall be translated at
the spot exchange rate when it incurs. Effects arising from changes of exchange rate of cash
and cash equivalents is regarded as a reconciling item and presented separately as “Effect of
changes in exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents” in the cash flow statement.

The opening balances of the year and prior year’s figures are presented according to
the translated amounts of the financial statements of the prior year. The balance at the
beginning of the year/period and the amount actually incurred in the prior year/period are
presented at the translated amount of the financial statements of the prior year.

When the control on foreign operation is lost due to the disposal of ownership interests
of foreign operation or partial disposal of equity investment or other reasons, exchange
differences of foreign currency statements attributable to the shareholders of the parent
company related to such foreign operation and presented under shareholder’s equity item in
the balance sheet are all transferred to profit or loss for the current year.

10. Financial instruments

The Group shall recognize a financial asset or a financial liability in its statement of financial
position when, and only when, the Group becomes party to the contractual provisions of the

Where financial assets are purchased or sold in a regular way, assets to be received and liabilities
to be borne for it are recognized on the date of transaction, or sold assets are derecognized on
the date of transaction.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


10. Financial instruments (continued)

Financial assets and financial liabilities are measured at fair value at initial recognition. For the
financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL), related transaction
expenses are directly charged to the profit or loss for the year; for other financial assets and
liabilities, relative expenses are included in the initial recognized amount. For account receivables,
excluding significant financing components, regardless of financing components of contracts less
than one year, and, measured under Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.14-Revenue
(“Revenue Standard”), the transaction price accordingly to the Revenue Standard is adopted for
initial recognition.

Effective interest method is the method that is used in the calculation of the amortized cost of a
financial asset or a financial liability and in the allocation and recognition of the interest revenue
or interest expense in profit or loss over the relevant year.

Effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash payments or receipts
through the expected life of the financial asset or financial liability to the gross carrying amount
of a financial asset or to the amortized cost of a financial liability. When calculating the effective
interest rate, the Group shall estimate the expected cash flows by considering all the contractual
terms of the financial instrument (for example, prepayment, extension, call and similar options)
but shall not consider the expected credit losses.

Amortized cost of a financial asset or financial liability is the amount at which the financial asset
or financial liability is measured at initial recognition minus the principal repayments, plus or
minus the cumulative amortization using the effective interest method of any difference between
that initial amount and the maturity amount and, for financial assets, adjusted for any loss

10.1 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets

After initial recognition, the Group measures different financial assets at amortized costs,
fair value through other comprehensive income or fair value through profit or loss.

If the contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows that
are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding and the
financial asset is held within a business model whose objective is achieved by collecting
contractual cash flows, the Group shall classify the financial asset into the financial asset
measured at amortized cost. This type of financial instruments mainly comprises cash and
bank balances, the accounts receivable, other receivables, other current assets – deposits
with non-bank financial institutions and long-term receivables (excluding finance lease

If contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows that
are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding, and the
financial asset is held within a business model whose objective is to hold financial assets in
order to collect contractual cash flows and sell the financial assets, such asset is classified
into financial assets measured at FVTOCI. Financial assets classified as at FVTOCI are
presented by the Group as financing with receivables in financial statements.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


10. Financial instruments (continued)

10.1 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets (continued)

On initial recognition, the Company may, based on an individual financial asset, irrevocably
designate a non-tradable equity instrument investment, which is non-contingent
consideration and recognized in business combination not involving enterprises under
common control as financial asset measured at FVTOCI. Such financial assets are presented
as other equity instrument investments.

The Group’s purpose of holding the financial assets is for trading if one of the following
conditions is satisfied:

• The purpose of acquiring the financial assets is to sell the assets in the near future.

• The relevant financial assets are, on initial recognition, a part of the centrally managed
identifiable financial instrument portfolio, and the objective evidence indicates that
short-term profit model exists in the near future.

• The relevant financial assets are derivative instruments. However, derivatives that
meet the definition of financial guarantee contracts and those designated as effective
hedging instruments are excluded.

Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss (“FVTPL”) include those
classified as at FVTPL and those designated as at FVTPL:

• Financial assets that are not qualified to be classified as financial assets at amortized
cost or financial assets at FVTOCI are classified as financial assets at FVTPL.

• Upon initial recognition, in order to eliminate or significantly reduce accounting

mismatch, the Group will irrevocably designate financial assets at FVTPL.

Other than derivative financial assets, the financial assets at FVTPL are presented as held-
for-trading financial assets. Those due after one year from the balance sheet date (or with
no fixed term) and expected to be held for more than one year are presented as other non-
current financial assets.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


10. Financial instruments (continued)

10.1 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets (continued)

10.1.1 Financial assets at amortized cost

The financial asset at amortized cost is subsequently measured at amortized cost using
the effective interest method. Gain or loss arising from derecognition, impairment or
amortization is recognized in profit or loss.

Interest income from financial assets at amortized cost is recognized based on the
effective interest method. The Group calculates interest income by applying the
effective interest rate to the gross carrying amount of the financial asset except the
financial asset subsequently becoming credit-impaired, and the Group subsequently
recognizes their interest income based on amortized costs and effective interest rate of
such financial assets. If the credit impairment no longer exists due to an improvement
in credit risk of the financial instruments subsequently, the Group recognizes interest
income based on applying effective interest rate to gross carrying amount of the
financial assets.

10.1.2 Financial assets at FVTOCI

Impairment gains or losses on a financial asset at FVTOCI and the interest income
calculated using the effective interest method shall be recognized in profit or loss.
Except for them, changes in fair value of such financial assets shall be recognized in
other comprehensive income. The amount of such financial asset recognized in profit
or loss of each period is equal to the amount deemed as measured at amortized cost
all the time and recognized in profit or loss of each period. When the financial asset is
derecognized, the cumulative gain or loss previously recognized in other comprehensive
income is transferred from other comprehensive income to profit or loss.

Changes in fair value of non-tradable equity instrument investment designated as at

FVTOCI are recognized in other comprehensive income. When the financial asset is
derecognized, the cumulative gain or loss previously recognized in other comprehensive
income are transferred from other comprehensive income to retained earnings. During
the period that the Group holds these non-tradable equity instrument, the Group has
established the right of collecting dividends, whose economic benefit is probably flow
into the Group, and the amount of the dividends can be reliably measured, then the
Group will recognize dividends in profit or loss.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


10. Financial instruments (continued)

10.1 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets (continued)

10.1.3 Financial assets at FVTPL

Financial assets at FVTPL shall be subsequently measured at fair value. Gains or losses
from change in fair value and dividends and interest income related to such financial
assets shall be recognized in profit or loss.

10.2 Impairment of financial instruments and other items

The Group accounts for impairment and recognizes loss allowance for financial assets
measured at amortized cost, financial assets classified as at FVTOCI and other items (lease
receivables and contract assets) based on expected credit losses (“ECL”).

The Group measures a loss allowance equivalent to the amount of lifetime expected credit
losses for the contract assets or accounts receivable arising from transactions adopting
Standards for Revenue, and the financing lease receivables arising from transactions adopting
ASBEs No. 21 – Leases.

For other financial instrument, the Group assesses changes in credit risks of the relevant
financial asset since initial recognition at each balance sheet date. If the credit risks of the
financial instrument has been significantly increased since initial recognition, the Group will
make a loss allowance at an amount of lifetime expected credit loss; if not, the Group will
make a loss allowance for the financial instrument at an amount in the future 12-month
expected credit losses. Increase in or reversal of credit loss provision is included in profit or
loss as loss/gain on impairment, except for financial assets classified as at fair value through
other comprehensive income. The Group recognizes credit loss provision for financial assets
at FVTOCI in other comprehensive income and recognizes loss/gain on impairment in profit
or loss for the period, without reducing the carrying amount of the financial assets presented
in the balance sheet.

The Group has made a loss allowance against amount of lifetime expected credit losses in
the prior accounting period. However, at the balance sheet date, the credit risk on a financial
instrument has not increased significantly since initial recognition; the Group will measure
the loss allowance for that financial instrument at an amount in the future 12-month
expected credit losses. Reversed amount of loss allowance arising from such circumstances
shall be included in profit or loss as impairment gains.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


10. Financial instruments (continued)

10.2 Impairment of financial instruments and other items (continued)

10.2.1 Significant increase in credit risk

The Group will make use of reasonable and supportable forward-looking information
that is available to determine whether credit risk has increased significantly since
initial recognition through comparing the risk of a default occurring on the financial
instrument as at the reporting date with the risk of a default occurring on the financial
instrument as at the date of initial recognition.

The Group will take the following factors into consideration when assessing whether
credit risk has increased significantly:

(1) Existing or forecast adverse changes in business, financial or economic conditions

that are expected to cause a significant change in the borrower’s ability to meet
its debt obligations.

(2) An actual or expected significant change in the operating results of the borrower.

(3) Significant increases in credit risk on other financial instruments of the same

(4) A significant adverse change in the regulatory, economic, or technological

environment of the borrower.

(5) Significant changes in the expected performance and behavior of the borrower.

The Group may assume that the credit risk on a financial instrument has not increased
significantly since initial recognition if the financial instrument is determined to have
low credit risk at the reporting date. If the risk of default of a financial instrument is
low, the borrower is highly capable of meeting its contract cash flow obligations in the
short term, and the financial instrument is considered to have a lower credit risk even if
there is a negative change in the economic situation and operating environment over a
longer period of time, but it may not necessarily reduce the borrower’s performance of
its contract cash obligations.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


10. Financial instruments (continued)

10.2 Impairment of financial instruments and other items (continued)

10.2.2 Credit-impaired financial assets

A financial asset is credit-impaired when one or more events that have a detrimental
impact on the estimated future cash flows of that financial asset have occurred.
Evidence that a financial asset is credit-impaired include observable data about the
following events:

(1) Significant financial difficulty of the issuer or the borrower;

(2) A breach of contract by the debtor, such as a default or delinquency in interest or

principal payments;

(3) The creditor, for economic or legal reasons relating to the debtor’s financial
difficulty, granting a concession to the debtor;

(4) It becoming probable that the debtor will enter bankruptcy or other financial

(5) The disappearance of an active market for that financial asset because of financial
difficulties of the issuer or the debtor.

10.2.3 Recognition of expected credit losses

The Group recognizes credit losses for the relevant financial instruments and other
items on an individual basis or a collective basis. Where the provision matrix is used
to assess credit losses on a collective basis, the Group classifies financial instruments
into different groups based on similar credit risk characteristics. Similar credit risk
characteristics include type of financial instruments, credit risk rating, initial recognition
date, remaining contract period, industry of debtor, geographical location of debtor,
value of collaterals relative to the financial assets, etc.

ECL of relevant financial instruments is recognized based on the following methods:

• For a financial asset, credit loss is the present value of difference between the
contractual cash flows and the cash flows that the Group expects to receive.

• For a lease receivable, credit loss is the present value of difference between the
contractual cash flows and the cash flows that the Group expects to receive.

• For credit-impaired financial assets at the balance sheet date, credit loss is the
difference between the gross carrying amount of financial assets and the present
value of expected future cash flows discounted at original effective interest rate.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


10. Financial instruments (continued)

10.2 Impairment of financial instruments and other items (continued)

10.2.3 Recognition of expected credit losses (continued)

The Group’s measurement of ECL of financial instruments reflects factors including

unbiased probability weighted average amount recognized by assessing a series of
possible results, time value of money, reasonable and supportable information related
to historical events, current condition and forecast of future economic position that is
available without undue cost or effort at the balance sheet date.

10.2.4 Written-off of financial assets

The Group shall directly reduce the gross carrying amount of a financial asset when the
Group has no reasonable expectations of recovering a financial asset in its entirety or a
portion thereof. A Written-off constitutes a derecognition event.

10.3 Transfer of financial assets

The Group shall derecognize a financial asset when: (1) the contractual rights to the cash
flows from the financial asset expire, (2) the financial asset has been transferred and
substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset is transferred to
the transferee; or (3) although the financial asset has been transferred, the Group neither
transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset
but has not retained control of the financial asset.

For a transfer of a financial asset in its entirety that satisfies the derecognition criteria, the
difference between the carrying amount at the derecognition date of the financial asset
transferred and the sum of the consideration received from the transfer of the financial
asset and the amount correlating to the derecognition part in the accumulated amount
originally recognized in changes in fair value of other comprehensive income is recognized
in profit or loss. If the transferred financial asset is the non-tradable equity instrument
investment designated as at FVTOCI, cumulative gain or loss that has been recognized in
other comprehensive income should be removed from other comprehensive income but be
recognized in retained earnings.

For a transfer of a financial asset in its entirety that does not satisfy the derecognition
criteria, the Group will continuously recognize the transferred financial asset in its entirety.
Considerations received should be recognized as a financial liability.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


10. Financial instruments (continued)

10.4 Classification of financial liabilities and equity instruments

Financial instruments issued by the Group are classified into financial liabilities or equity
instruments on the basis of the substance of the contractual arrangements and the economic
nature not only its legal form, together with the definition of financial liability and equity
instruments on initial recognition.

10.4.1 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial liabilities

On initial recognition, financial liabilities are classified into financial liabilities at fair
value through profit or loss and other financial liabilities. Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

Financial liabilities at FVTPL include financial liabilities held for trading (including
derivatives that are financial liabilities) and financial liabilities designated as at
FVTPL. Financial liabilities at FVTPL are presented as financial liabilities held-for-

A financial liability is classified as held-for-trading if one of the following

conditions is satisfied:

• It has been assumed principally for the purpose of repurchasing in the near

• On initial recognition, it is part of a portfolio of identified financial

instruments that the Group manages together and there is objective evidence
that the Group has a recent actual pattern of short-term profit-taking.

• It is a derivative that is not designated as a financial guarantee contract and

effective as a hedging instrument.

Financial liabilities at FVTPL are subsequently measured at fair value, and any gains
or losses arising from changes in fair value and any dividend or interest expenses
on the financial liabilities are recognized in profit or loss.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


10. Financial instruments (continued)

10.4 Classification of financial liabilities and equity instruments (continued)

10.4.1 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial liabilities (continued) Other financial liabilities

Other financial liabilities of the Group are subsequently measured at amortized

cost, and any gains or losses arising from derecognition and amortization are
included in profit or loss. Other financial liabilities include short-term borrowings,
notes payable, accounts payable, other payables, other current liabilities, long-
term borrowings, bonds payable, etc.

10.4.2 Derecognition of financial liabilities

The Group derecognizes a financial liability (or part of it) only when the underlying
present obligation (or part of it) is discharged. An agreement between the Group
(an existing debtor) and an existing lender to replace the original financial liability
with a new financial liability with substantially different terms is accounted for as an
extinguishment of the original financial liability and the recognition of a new financial

When the Group derecognizes a financial liability or a part of it, it recognizes the
difference between the carrying amount of the financial liability (or part of the financial
liability) derecognized and the consideration paid (including any non-cash assets
transferred or new financial liabilities assumed) in profit or loss.

10.4.3 Equity instruments

An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets
of the Group after deducting all of its liabilities. The issuance (including refinance),
repurchase, selling or cancellation of these instruments are treated as change in equity.
The enterprise should not recognize changes in the fair value of the equity instruments.
The related transaction costs are deducted from equity.

Distributions to holders of an equity instrument shall be recognized by the Group

directly in equity.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


10. Financial instruments (continued)

10.5 Derivatives

Derivative financial instruments include forward exchange contracts. Derivatives are initially
measured at fair value at the date when the derivative contracts are entered into and are
subsequently re-measured at fair value.

10.6 Offsetting a financial asset and a financial liability

Where the Group has a legal right that is currently enforceable to set off the amount of the
recognized financial assets and financial liabilities, and intends either to settle on a net basis,
or to realize the financial asset and settle the financial liability simultaneously, a financial
asset and a financial liability shall be offset and the net amount is presented in the balance
sheet. Except for the above circumstances, financial assets and financial liabilities shall be
presented separately in the balance sheet and shall not be offset.

10.7 Convertible bonds

Convertible bonds issued by the Group that contain liability and conversion option are
classified separately into respective items on initial recognition. Conversion option that is
settled by the exchange of a fixed amount of cash or another financial asset for a fixed
number of the Company’s own equity instruments is accounted for as equity.

At the initial recognition, the fair value of liability component of the convertible bonds is
determined based on the market value of similar bonds which have no conversion option.
The balance of issue price and the fair value of liability is the value of conversion option and
is recognized in other equity instruments.

In subsequent periods, the liability component of the convertible bonds is carried at

amortized cost using the effective interest method. The conversion option classified as
equity remains in equity. No gain or loss is recognized in profit or loss upon conversion or
expiration of the option.

The transaction costs incurred for issue of convertible bonds are allocated between the
components of liabilities and the components of equity instruments, using the distribution
method consistent with the overall issue cost. Transaction costs relating to the equity
component are charged directly to equity. Transaction costs relating to the liability
component are included in the carrying amount of the liability component and amortized
over the period of the convertible bonds using the effective interest method.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


11. Financing with receivables

For the notes receivable classified as at fair value through other comprehensive income, the
portion within one year (inclusive) since acquisition is presented as financing with receivables.
Refer to Note III.10.1, 10.2 and 10.3 for the relevant accounting policies.

12. Inventories

12.1 Classification of inventories

Inventories of the Group mainly include raw materials, work-in-progress, finished products
and low-value and short-lived consumables. Inventories are initially measured at cost. Cost of
inventories includes costs of purchase, costs of conversion and other expenditures incurred in
bringing the inventories to their present location and condition.

12.2 Valuation method of inventories upon delivery

The actual cost of inventories upon delivery is calculated using the weighted average

12.3 Recognition of net realizable value of inventories

At the balance sheet date, inventories are calculated at the lower of cost and net realizable
value. Provision for inventory impairment is made when the net realizable value is lower than
the cost.

Net realizable value represents the estimated selling price of inventories minus cost estimated
to incur upon completion, estimated selling costs and relevant taxes during normal course
of business. When determining the net realizable value of inventory, basis is relied on the
actual evidences obtained while the objectives of inventories holding and the impact of post
balance sheet date event are also considered.

For large quantity and low value items of inventories, provision for decline in value is made
based on categories of inventories. For items of inventories relating to a product line that are
produced and marketed in the same geographical area, have the same or similar end uses or
purposes, and cannot be practicably evaluated separately from other items in that product
line, provision for decline in value is determined on an aggregate basis. Provision for decline
in value of other inventories is made based on the excess of cost of inventory over its net
realizable value on an item-by-item basis.

When the provision for inventory depreciation is made, if the factors affecting the previous
write-down of the inventory value have disappeared, causing the net realizable value of the
inventory to be higher than its book value, the amount of the original provision shall be
reversed and the reversal shall be included in profit or loss for the current period.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


12. Inventories (continued)

12.4 Inventory count system

The inventory count system shall be on a perpetual basis.

12.5 Amortization of low-value and short-lived consumables and other turnover materials

Turnover materials are materials that can be reused many times and still be remained in
original condition after gradual transfer of their value but are not recognized as fixed assets,
including low-value and short-lived consumables and other turnover materials.

Low-value and short-lived consumables and other turnover materials are amortized by
number of usage or one-time Written-off.

13. Contract assets

13.1 Method and criteria of recognition of contract assets

Contract assets refer to the Group’s right to consideration in exchange for goods or services
that the Group has transferred to a customer when that right is conditioned on something
other than the passage of time. The Group’s unconditional (i.e., depending on the passage
of time only) right to receive consideration from the customer is separately presented as

13.2 Determination and accounting treatment of ECL of contract assets

Refer to Note (III) 10.2 for recognition method and accounting treatment of ECL of the
relevant contract assets.

14. Long-term equity investments

14.1 Judgement criterion of determining joint control or significant influence over the

Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which

exists only when decisions about the relevant activities require unanimous consent of the
parties sharing control. Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and
operating policy decisions of an enterprise, except to control or joint control the formulation
of such policies together with other parties. In determining whether there is control or
significant influence over the investee, potential voting right factors (such as the convertible
corporate bonds for the year and the exercisable stock warrants for the year of the investee
and other invested units held) were taken into account.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


14. Long-term equity investments (continued)

14.2 Determination of initial investment cost

For a long-term equity investment acquired through business combination involving

enterprises under common control, shares of book value of owners’ equity of combined party
in financial statements of ultimate controlling party is recognized as initial investment cost
of long-term equity investment at the date of combination. The difference between initial
investment cost of long-term equity investment and cash paid, non-cash assets transferred
and book value of liabilities assumed, is adjusted in capital reserve. If the balance of capital
reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess is adjusted to retained earnings.

For a long-term equity investment acquired through business combination involving

enterprises not under common control, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity
investment acquired shall be the cost of acquisition.

Any audit, legal service, appraisement and other agency expense and other administration
expense occurred during combination, the acquiree shall recognize those expenditure in
profit or loss.

Long-term equity investment acquired otherwise than through a business combination is

initially measured at its cost.

14.3 Method for subsequent measurement and profit or loss recognition

14.3.1 Long-term equity investments accounted for using the cost method

The Company’s separate financial statements adopted cost method to account for
the long-term equity investments of subsidiaries. A subsidiary is an investee that is
controlled by the Group.

Under the cost method, a long-term equity investment is measured at initial investment
cost. The additional or recouped investment made, the cost of the long-term equity
investment should be adjusted accordingly. Investment income is recognized in the
period in accordance with the attributable share of cash dividends or profit distributions
declared by the investee.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


14. Long-term equity investments (continued)

14.3 Method for subsequent measurement and profit or loss recognition (continued)

14.3.2 Long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method

The Group accounts for investments in associates and joint ventures, using the equity
method. The associate refers to the investee which can be greatly influenced by the
Group. Joint venture refers to a joint venture arrangement in which the Group only has
rights to the net assets of the arrangement.

Under the equity method, where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity
investment exceeds the investor’s interest in the fair value of the investee’s identifiable
net assets at the acquisition date, no adjustment shall be made to the initial investment
cost. Where the initial investment cost is less than the investor’s interest in the fair
value of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date, the difference
shall be charged to profit or loss for the current year, and the cost of the long-term
equity investment shall be adjusted accordingly.

Under the equity method, the Group recognizes its share of the net profit or loss and
other comprehensive income of the investee for the period as investment income and
other comprehensive income for the period. Meanwhile, carrying amount of long-term
equity investment is adjusted; the carrying amount of long-term equity investment
is decreased in accordance with its share of the investee’s declared profit or cash
dividends; other changes in owners’ equity of the investee other than net profit or
loss and other comprehensive income are correspondingly adjusted to the carrying
amount of the long-term equity investment, and recognized in the capital reserve. The
Group recognizes its share of the investee’s net profit or loss based on the fair value
of the investee’s individual identifiable assets, etc. at the acquisition date after making
appropriate adjustments. If the accounting policies and accounting periods adopted by
the investee are inconsistent with those of the Company, the financial statements of
the investee will be adjusted by the accounting policies and accounting periods of the
Company, based on which the investment income and other comprehensive income will
be recognized. For transactions entered into between the Group and its associates and
joint ventures, if the assets invested or sold do not constitute the business, the portion
of the profit or loss from the unrealized internal transactions attributable to the Group
calculated at the attributable proportion will be offset, based on which the investment
income or loss is recognized. However, for the loss arising from the unrealized internal
transactions between the Group and its investees, the impairment losses on the
transferred assets will not be offset.

The Group discontinues recognizing its share of net losses of the investee after the
carrying amount of the long-term equity investment together with any long-term
interests that in substance form part of its net investment in the investee is reduced
to zero. If the Group has incurred obligations to assume additional losses of the
investee, a provision is recognized according to the expected obligation, and recorded
as investment loss for the period. Where net profits are subsequently made by the
investee, the Group resumes recognizing its share of those profits only after its share of
the profits exceeds the share of losses previously not recognized.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


14. Long-term equity investments (continued)

14.3 Method for subsequent measurement and profit or loss recognition (continued)

14.3.3 Disposal of long-term equity investments

On disposal of a long-term equity investment, the difference between the carrying

amount of the investment and the actual consideration paid is recognized in current
profit or loss.

Where the Group loses control over investee due to disposal of part of shares, during
preparing separate financial statement, if remaining shares after disposal can make joint
control or significant influence on investee, they are accounted under equity method,
and adjusted as if they are accounted under equity method since the acquisition date;
if remaining shares after disposal cannot make joint control or significant influence on
investee, they are accounted according to recognition and measurement of financial
instruments. The difference between fair value on date of losing control and book value
is recognized in profit or loss of current period.

15. Investment properties

Investment property refers to real estate held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation, or
both, including leased land use right, land use right held and provided for transferring after
appreciation, leased constructions, etc.

Investment property is initially measured at cost. Subsequent expenditures related to an

investment property shall be included in cost of investment property only when the economic
benefits associated with the asset will likely flow to the Group and its cost can be measured
reliably. All other subsequent expenditures on investment property shall be included in profit or
loss for the current year when incurred.

The Group adopts cost method for subsequent measurement of investment property, which is
depreciated or amortized using the same policy as that for buildings and land use right.

When an investment property is sold, transferred, retired or damaged, the amount of proceeds on
disposal of the property net of the carrying amount and related taxes and surcharges is recognized
in profit or loss for the current year.

When the Group has evidence indicating the self-occupied land, houses and buildings are
converted to leasing, the carrying amount of such fixed assets and intangible assets, before the
conversion are transferred to investment properties.

When the Group has evidence indicating the property held to earn rentals or for capital
appreciation are converted to self-occupation, the carrying amount of such properties before the
conversion are transferred to fixed assets.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


16. Fixed assets

16.1 Recognition criteria

Fixed assets are tangible assets that are held for use in the production or supply of goods or
services, for rental to others, or for administrative purposes and have a useful life of more
than one accounting year. Fixed assets are only recognized when their related economic
benefits are likely to flow to the Group and their cost can be reliably measured. Fixed assets
are initially measured at cost.

For subsequent expenses related to fixed assets, if the economic benefits related to such
fixed assets is likely to inflow and its cost could be reliably measured, they are capitalized
to fixed assets cost and the carrying amount of replacement will be derecognized. Other
subsequent expenses other than the above are charged to profit or loss for the current year
when incurred.

16.2 Depreciation method

A fixed asset is depreciated over its useful life using the straight-line method since the
month subsequent to the one in which it is ready for intended use. The useful life, estimated
net residual value rate and annual depreciation rate of each category of fixed assets are as

Estimated Annual
Depreciation residual value depreciation
Category (years) rate (%) rate (%)

Buildings 8-40 5 2.38-11.88

Machinery and equipment 10 5 9.50
Transportation vehicles 4-10 5 9.50-23.75
Electronic equipment and others 3-10 5 9.50-31.67

Estimated net residual value of a fixed asset is the estimated amount that the Group would
currently obtain from disposal of the asset, after deducting the estimated costs of disposal, if
the asset was already of the stage and in the condition expected at the end of its useful life.

16.3 Other explanations

If a fixed asset is upon disposal or no future economic benefits are expected to be generated
from its use or disposal, the fixed asset is derecognized. When a fixed asset is sold,
transferred, retired or damaged, the amount of any proceeds on disposal of the asset net of
the carrying amount and related taxes is recognized in profit or loss for the current year.

The Group reviews the useful life and estimated net residual value of a fixed asset and the
depreciation method applied at least once at each financial year-end, and account for any
change as a change in an accounting estimate.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


17. Construction in progress

Construction in progress is recognized based on the actual construction cost, including all
expenditures incurred for construction projects, capitalized borrowing costs for the construction
in progress before it has reached the working condition for its intended use, and other related
expenses during the construction year. A construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets
when it has reached the working condition for its intended use.

18. Borrowing costs

Borrowing costs include interest, amortization of discount or premiums related to borrowings,

ancillary costs incurred in connection with the arrangement of borrowings and exchange
differences arising from foreign currency borrowings. For borrowing costs that are directly
attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset, when expenditures
for the asset and borrowing costs are being incurred, activities relating to the acquisition,
construction or production of the asset that are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended
use or sale have commenced, such borrowing costs shall be capitalized as part of the cost of that
asset; and capitalization shall discontinue when the qualifying asset is ready for its intended use
or sale. Other borrowing costs shall be recognized as expense during the current year in which
they are incurred.

Where funds are borrowed for a specific purpose, the amount of interest to be capitalized shall
be the actual interest expense incurred during the current year less any bank interest earned
from depositing the borrowed funds before being used into banks or any investment income on
the temporary investment of those funds. Where funds are borrowed for general purpose, the
Group shall determine the amount of interest to be capitalized on such borrowings by applying a
capitalization rate to the weighted average of the excess amounts of cumulative expenditures on
the asset over and above the amounts of specific-purpose borrowings. The capitalization rate shall
be the weighted average of the interest rates applicable to the general-purpose borrowings.

Qualifying assets are assets (fixed assets, inventories, etc.) that necessarily taking a substantial
year of time for acquisition, construction or production to get ready for their intended use or sale.

19. Intangible assets

19.1 Valuation method, useful life, impairment test for intangible assets

Intangible assets include land use right, software and non-patent technology, etc.

An intangible asset shall be measured initially at cost.

Land use right acquired shall normally be recognized as an intangible asset. Self-constructed
buildings (e.g. plants), related land use right and the buildings shall be separately accounted
for as intangible assets and fixed assets. For buildings and structures purchased, the purchase
consideration shall be allocated among land use right and the buildings on a reasonable
basis. If there is any difficulty in making a reasonable allocation, the consideration shall be
recognized in full as fixed assets.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


19. Intangible assets (continued)

19.1 Valuation method, useful life, impairment test for intangible assets (continued)

Except the land assets with ownership, when an intangible asset with a finite useful life is
available for use, its original cost less estimated net residual value and any accumulated
impairment losses provided is amortized over its estimated useful life using the straight-line
method. The intangible assets with infinite useful life are not amortized. The useful life and
annual amortization rate of each category of intangible assets are as follows:

Depreciation depreciation rate
Category years (%)

Land use right 50 2.00

Software and others 2-10 10.00-50.00
Non-patent technology 2-10 10.00-50.00

The Group shall review the finite useful life of an intangible asset and the amortization
method applied at the end of the period. A change in the useful life or amortization method
used shall be accounted for as a change in accounting estimate.

Details of impairment test for intangible assets are set out in Note III “20. Impairment of
long-term assets”.

19.2 Research and development expenditure

The internal research and development expenditures of the Group are classified into research
phase expenditure and development phase expenditure.

Expenditure arising from the research phase is accounted for in profit or loss for the current
year when incurred.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


19. Intangible assets (continued)

19.2 Research and development expenditure (continued)

Expenses incurred during the development phase that satisfy the following conditions are
recognized as intangible assets, while those that do not satisfy the following conditions are
accounted for in the profit or loss for the current year:

(1) It is technically feasible that the intangible asset can be used or sold upon completion;

(2) There is intention to complete the intangible asset for use or sale;

(3) The intangible asset can produce economic benefits, including there is evidence that
the products produced using the intangible asset has a market or the intangible asset
itself has a market; if the intangible asset is for internal use, there is evidence that
there is usage for the intangible asset;

(4) There is sufficient support in terms of technology, financial resources and other
resources in order to complete the development of the intangible asset, and there is
capability to use or sell the intangible asset;

(5) The expenses attributable to the development phase of the intangible asset can be
measured reliably.

If the expenses incurred during the research stage and the development stage cannot be
distinguished separately, all development expenditure incurred are accounted for in the profit
or loss for the current period.

20. Impairment of long-term assets

The Group reviews the long-term equity investments, investment property measured at cost
method, fixed assets, construction in progress and intangible assets and right-of-use assets with
definite useful lives at the balance sheet date to determine whether there is any indication that
they have suffered an impairment loss. If an impairment indication exists, the recoverable amount
is estimated.

The recoverable amount should be estimated of the individual asset. If it is not possible
to estimate the recoverable amount of the individual asset, the Group shall determine the
recoverable amount of the asset group to which the asset belongs. The recoverable amount of
assets are determined at the higher of the net amount after deducting the disposal expenses from
the assets’ fair value and the current value of the assets’ estimated future cash flow.

If the recoverable amount of an asset or asset group is less than its carrying amount, a provision
for impairment loss of the asset will be made for the reduction and is charged to profit or loss for
the current period.

An impairment loss once recognized shall not be reversed in a subsequent year.


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


21. Long-term prepaid expenses

Long-term prepaid expenses are expenses which have incurred but shall be amortized over the
current year and subsequent years of more than one year. Long-term prepaid expenses are
amortized evenly over the estimated benefit year.

22. Contract liabilities

Contract liabilities refers to the Group’s obligation to transfer goods or services to a customer
for which the Group has received consideration from the customer. Contract assets and contract
liabilities under common contract are presented as net.

23. Employee benefits

23.1 Accounting treatment of short-term employee benefits

In the accounting year in which employees have rendered services, the Group shall recognize
the short-term employee benefits that actually occurred as liability, and charged to profit or
loss for the current year or cost of relevant assets. The Group shall recognize the amount of
employee welfare that actually occurred and charged to profit or loss for the current year or
cost of relevant assets.

During the accounting year which employees rendered service, medical insurance, work-
related injury insurance, maternity insurance and other social security contributions and
housing provident fund paid by the Group, as well as labor union funds and employees’
education expenses extracted by requirement. Based on the required accrual basis and
proportions in order to determine the appropriate amount of employee benefits, such
employee benefits shall be recognized as corresponding liabilities, and charged to profit or
loss during current year or cost of relevant assets.

23.2 Accounting treatment of post-employment benefits

The Group’s post-employment benefits include defined contribution plans and defined
benefit plans.

In the accounting year which employees rendered services, the amount of the defined
contribution plans shall be recognized as liability and charged to profit or loss during current
year or cost of relevant assets.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


23. Employee benefits (continued)

23.2 Accounting treatment of post-employment benefits (continued)

For defined benefit plans, the Group puts welfare obligation generated from defined benefit
plans according to formula defined by anticipated accumulative welfare method to period
of employees’ rendering service, and recognizes it in profit or loss or related costs of assets.
Costs of employee benefits generated from defined benefit plans are classified into following

(1) Costs of service(including costs of service of current period, costs of service of prior
period and gains or losses on settlement);

(2) Net interest on net liabilities of defined benefit plans(including interest income of
scheme assets, interest expenses of obligation of defined benefit plans and interest
influenced by asset limit); and

(3) Change arising from remeasurement of net liabilities of defined benefit plans.

Service costs and net interest of net liabilities of defined benefit plans are recognized in
profit or loss of current period or related costs of assets. Changes from recalculation of net
liabilities of defined benefit plans (including actuary gains or losses, amount of return of
scheme assets less net interest of net liabilities of defined benefit plans, change influenced
by asset limit less net interest of net liabilities included in defined benefit plans) are
recognized in other comprehensive income.

24. Provisions

Provisions are recognized when the Group has a present obligation related to a contingency, it is
probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation, and the
amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.

The amount recognized as a provision is the best estimate of the consideration required to settle
the present obligation at the balance sheet date, taking into account factors pertaining to a
contingency such as the risks, uncertainties and time value of money.

Where all or some of the expenditure required to settle a provision is expected to be reimbursed
by a third party, the reimbursement is recognized as a separate asset only when it is virtually
certain that reimbursement will be received, and the amount of reimbursement recognized does
not exceed the carrying amount of the provision.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


25. Share-based payment

A share-based payment is a transaction which the Group grants equity instruments in return for
services rendered by employees. All of the Group’s share-based payments are equity-settled share-
based payments.

Equity-settled share-based payments in exchange for services rendered by employees are measured
at the fair value of the equity instruments granted to employees at the grant date. Such amount
is recognized as related costs or expenses on a straight-line basis over the vesting period, based
on the best estimate of the number of equity instruments expected to vest, with a corresponding
increase in capital reserve.

At each balance sheet date during the vesting period, the Group makes the best estimate
according to the subsequent latest information of change in the number of employees who are
granted with options that may vest, etc. and revises the number of equity instruments expected
to vest. The effect of the above estimate is recognized as related costs or expenses, with a
corresponding adjustment to capital reserve.

26. Revenue

The revenue from the Group are mainly from selling automobiles and components and parts of
automobiles; processing and manufacturing of moulds; providing services and so on.

The Group recognizes revenue based on the transaction price allocated to such performance
obligation when a performance obligation is satisfied, i.e. when control of the goods or services
underlying the particular performance obligation is transferred to the customer. A performance
obligation represents the commitment that a good and service that is distinct shall be transferred
by the Group to the customer. Transaction price refers to the consideration that the Group is
expected to charge due to the transfer of goods or services to the customer, but it does not
include payments received on behalf of third parties and amounts that the Group expects to
return to the customer.

Should one of the following conditions is satisfied, it is a performance obligation performed within
a certain period of time. The Group recognizes revenue within a period of time in accordance with
the progress of contract performance. The conditions are: (1) The customer obtains and consumes
the economic benefits brought by the contract at the same time performing the contract; (2) The
customer is able to control the products under construction during the Group’s performance;
(3) The products of the Group have irreplaceable uses, and the Group has the right to ask for
payment for the cumulative part that has been completed so far during the entire contract period.
Otherwise, the Group recognizes revenue at the point the customer obtains control of the relevant
goods or services.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


26. Revenue (continued)

If the contract includes two or more performance obligations, at contract inception, the Group
allocates the transaction price to single performance obligation according to relative proportion of
the stand-alone selling prices of the goods or services promised by single performance obligation.
However, where there is conclusive evidence that the contract discount or variable consideration
is only related to one or more (not all) performance obligations in the contract, the Group shall
allocate the contract discount or variable consideration to relevant one or more performance
obligations. The stand-alone selling price is the price at which the Group would sell a promised
good or service separately to a customer. If a stand-alone selling price is not directly observable,
the Group shall consider all information that is reasonably available to the Group and maximize
the use of observable inputs and apply estimation methods consistently in similar circumstances.

Variable consideration

For contracts that contain variable consideration, the Group estimates the amount of consideration
to which it will be entitled using either the expected value method or the most likely amount. The
estimated amount of variable consideration is included in the transaction price only to the extent
that it is highly probable that such an inclusion will not result in a significant revenue reversal
in the future when the uncertainty associated with the variable consideration is subsequently
resolved. At each balance sheet date, the Group updates the estimated transaction price.


For sales with quality assurance terms, if the quality assurance provides a separate service to the
customer other than ensuring that the goods or services sold meet the established standards, the
quality assurance constitutes a single performance obligation. Otherwise, the Group will account
for the quality assurance responsibility in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises No. 13 – Contingencies.

27. Government grants

Government grants are monetary assets and non-monetary assets gratuitous acquired from the
government. Government grants are recognized when they meet the requirements of government
grants and is receivable.

Government grants are measured in accordance with the amount received or receivable if they are
monetary assets.

27.1 Judgement criteria and accounting treatment of government grants related to asset

A government grant related to an asset is charged against carrying amount of related assets
or recognized as deferred income and evenly included in profit or loss over the useful life of
the related asset.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


27. Government grants (continued)

27.2 Judgement criteria and accounting treatment of government grants related to


For a government grant related to income, if the grant is a compensation for related
expenses or losses to be incurred in subsequent years, the grant is recognized as deferred
income, and recognized in profit or loss over the period in which the related costs are
recognized. If the grant is a compensation for related expenses and losses already incurred,
the grant is recognized immediately in profit or loss for the current period.

Government grants related to the Group’s daily activities are included in other income in
accordance with its economic substance. Otherwise, government grants are included in non-
operating income or expense.

28. Income tax

28.1 Current income tax

At the balance sheet date, current income tax liabilities (or assets) for the current and prior
periods shall be measured at the amount expected to be paid (or recovered) according to the
requirements of tax laws.

28.2 Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

For temporary differences between the carrying amounts of certain assets or liabilities and
their tax base, or between the nil carrying amount of those items that are not recognized as
assets or liabilities and their tax base that can be determined according to tax laws, deferred
tax assets and liabilities are recognized using the balance sheet liability method.

Deferred tax is generally recognized for all temporary differences. Deferred tax assets for
deductible temporary differences are recognized to the extent that it is probable that taxable
profits will be available against which the deductible temporary differences can be utilized.
However, for temporary differences associated with the initial recognition of goodwill and
the initial recognition of an asset or liability arising from a transaction (not a business
combination) that affects neither the accounting profit nor taxable profits (or deductible
losses) at the time of transaction, no deferred tax asset or liability is recognized.

For deductible losses and tax credits that can be carried forward, deferred tax assets are
recognized to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available
against which the deductible losses and tax credits can be utilized.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


28. Income tax (continued)

28.2 Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities (continued)

Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for taxable temporary differences associated with
investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, except where the Group is able
to control the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference and it is probable that the
temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future. Deferred tax assets arising
from deductible temporary differences associated with such investments and interests are
only recognized to the extent that it is probable that there will be taxable profits against
which to utilize the benefits of the temporary differences and they are expected to reverse in
the foreseeable future.

At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates,
according to tax laws, that are expected to apply in the year in which the asset is realized or
the liability is settled.

At the balance sheet date, the carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed and
reduced if it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available in the
future to allow the benefit of deferred tax assets to be utilized. Such reduction in amount is
reversed when it becomes probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available.

28.3 Income tax expenses

Income tax expense comprises current income tax expense and deferred income tax expense.

Current and deferred income tax expenses or income are recognized in profit or loss for the
period, except when they arise from transactions or events that are directly recognized in
other comprehensive income or in shareholders’ equity, in which case they are recognized in
other comprehensive income or in shareholders’ equity; and when they arise from business
combinations, in which case they adjust the carrying amount of goodwill.

28.4 Offsetting of income tax

When the Group has a legal right to settle on a net basis and intends either to settle on a
net basis or to realize the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously, current tax assets
and current tax liabilities are offset and presented on a net basis.

When the Group has a legal right to settle current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis,
and deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities rate to income taxes levied by the same
taxation authority on either the same taxable entity or different taxable entities which intend
either to settle current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis or to realize the assets and
liabilities simultaneously, in each future year in which significant amounts of deferred tax
assets or liabilities are expected to be reversed, deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities
are offset and presented on a net basis.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


29. Lease

A lease is a contract whereby the lessor conveys to the lessee in return for a consideration the
right to use an asset for an agreed period of time.

At inception/modification of the contracts, the Group assesses whether the contract is, or
contains, a lease. Unless the terms and conditions of the contract are changed, the Group does
not reassess whether a contract is, or contains, a lease.

29.1 The Group as lessee

29.1.1 Separation of a lease

For a contract that contains one or more lease or non-lease components at the same
time, the Group separates the individual lease component and non-lease component of
the contract and allocates the consideration in the contract to each lease component
on the basis of the relative stand-alone price of the lease component and the aggregate
stand-alone price of the non-lease components.

29.1.2 Right-of-use assets

Except for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets, the Group recognizes right-
of-use assets at the commencement date of the lease. The commencement date of a
lease is the date that the underlying asset leased out by the lessor is available for use
by the Group. Right-of-use assets are initially measured at cost, which includes the

• the amount of the initial measurement of the lease liability;

• any lease payments made at or before the commencement date, less any lease
incentives received (if any);

• any initial direct costs incurred by the Group; and

• an estimate of costs to be incurred by the Group in dismantling and removing

the underlying assets, restoring the site on which it is located or restoring the
underlying asset to the condition required by the terms and conditions of the
lease, exclusive of the cost incurred for production of inventories.

Right-of-use assets is depreciated by the Group in accordance with relevant regulations

on depreciation in Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.4 – Fixed Assets.
Right-of-use assets in which the Group is reasonably certain to obtain ownership of
the underlying leased assets at the end of the lease term are depreciated over the
remaining useful life of the leased assets. Otherwise, right-of-use assets are depreciated
over the shorter of lease term and the remaining useful life of the leased assets.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


29. Lease (continued)

29.1 The Group as lessee (continued)

29.1.2 Right-of-use assets (continued)

The Group determines whether a right-of-use asset is impaired and makes accounting
treatments in accordance with relevant regulations in Accounting Standard for Business
Enterprises No.8 – Impairment of Assets, and account for the identified impairment

29.1.3 Lease liabilities

At the commencement date of a lease, except for short-term lease and leases of low-
value assets, the Group initially measures the lease liability at the present value of
lease payments that are unpaid at that date. In calculating the present value of lease
payments, the Group uses the interest rate implicit in the lease as the discount rate.
The Group uses the incremental borrowing rate if the interest rate implicit in the lease
is not readily determinable.

Lease payments refers to payments relating to the right to use leased assets during the
lease term which are made by the Group to the lessor, including:

• fixed payments and in substance fixed payments, less any lease incentives
receivable (if any);

• variable lease payments that depend on an index or a rate;

• the exercise price of a purchase option reasonably certain to be exercised by the


• payments of penalties for terminating a lease, if the lease term reflects the Group
exercising the option to terminate the lease; and

• amounts expected to be paid under residual value guarantees provided by the


Variable lease payments that depend on an index or a rate, are initially measured using
the index or rate as at the commencement date. Variable lease payments not included
in the measurement of the lease liabilities, are recognized in profit or loss, or in the
cost of relevant assets, in the period of those payments.

After the commencement date of a lease, the Group calculates interest expenses of
lease liabilities for each period of the lease term based on fixed periodic rate and
recognizes the expenses in profit or loss or cost of related assets.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


29. Lease (continued)

29.1 The Group as lessee (continued)

29.1.3 Lease liabilities (continued)

Subsequent to the commencement date of a lease, in case of any of the following

circumstances, the Group re-measures lease liabilities and makes a corresponding
adjustment to the related right-of-use assets, if the book value of the right-of-use asset
has been reduced to zero, but the lease liability still needs to be further reduced, the
Group calculates the difference in the current profit and loss:

• the Group re-measures the lease liabilities at the present value of revised lease
payment discounted at revised discount rate due to the changes of lease term or
results of assessment on purchase option.

• the Group re-measures the lease liabilities at the present value of revised lease
payment discounted at original discount rate due to the changes in amount
payable estimated based on guaranteed residual value or the index or ratio used
to determine the amount of lease payment.

29.1.4 Short-term leases and leases of low-value assets

The Group elects not to recognize right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for short-term
leases and leases of low-value assets of transportation vehicle, machinery and electronic
equipment. A short-term lease is a lease that at the commencement date, has a lease
term of 12 months or less and does not contain any purchase options. A lease of a low-
value asset, is a lease that the single underlying asset, when is new, is of low value. The
Group shall recognize the lease payments associated with short-term leases and leases
of low-value assets as the cost of the related assets or profit or loss on a straight-line
basis over the lease term.

29.1.5 Lease modifications

The Group accounts for a lease modification as a separate lease if:

• the modification increases the scope of the lease by adding the right to use one
or more underlying assets; and

• the consideration for the leases increases by an amount commensurate with

the stand-alone price for the scope of increase which is adjusted based on
circumstances of such contract.

For a lease modification that is not accounted for as a separate lease, the Group
reallocates the revised contract consideration, re-determines the lease term and re-
measures the lease liabilities at the present value of the revised lease payments
discounted using the revised discount rate.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


29. Lease (continued)

29.1 The Group as lessee (continued)

29.1.5 Lease modifications (continued)

If the scope of the lease is narrowed or the lease term is shortened as a result of the
lease modification, the Group reduces the carrying amount of the right-of-use assets
accordingly, and record the relevant gains or losses of partial or complete termination
of the lease into the current profit and loss. In case of re-measurement of lease
liabilities due to other lease modifications, the Group adjusts the carrying amount of
the right-of-use assets accordingly.

29.2 The Group as lessor

29.2.1 Separation of a lease

For a contract that contains lease and non-lease components simultaneously, the Group
applies the standards of revenue to allocate consideration in a contract to lease and
non-lease components. The basis of the allocation is the separately stand – alone price
of the lease component and the non-lease component.

29.2.2 Classification of lease

A lease is classified as a finance lease if it transfers substantially all the risks and
rewards incidental to ownership of an underlying asset. Other leases which are not
finance leases are operating leases. The Group as lessor under operating leases

Receipts of lease under operating leases are recognized as rental income on a

straight-line basis over the term of the relevant lease. Initial direct costs related
to operating leases incurred by the Group are capitalized when incurred, and are
recognized in profit or loss for the current period on the same basis as recognition
of rental income over the lease term.

The variable receipts of lease received by the Group that are related to operating
leases and not included in receipts of lease are recognized in profit or loss for the
period when they are incurred.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


29. Lease (continued)

29.2 The Group as lessor (continued)

29.2.2 Classification of lease (continued) The Group as lessor under finance leases

At the commencement date, the Group uses the net lease investment as the
accounting value of the finance lease receivables and derecognizes the finance
lease assets. The net investment in the lease is the sum of the unguaranteed
residual value and the present value of the lease receipts that have not been
received at the commencement date, discounted at the interest rate embedded in
the lease.

The amount of lease receivable refers to the amount that the Group should collect
from the lessee for the purpose of transferring the leased assets during the lease
term, including:

• fixed payments and in substance fixed payments to be paid by the lessee,

less any lease incentives receivable (if any);

• variable lease payments that depend on an index or rate;

• exercise price of purchase options, if it is reasonably determined that the

lessee will exercise the option;

• payments of penalties for terminating a lease, if the lease term reflects the
Group exercising the option to terminate the lease; and

• The residual value of the guarantee provided to the Group by the lessee,
a party related to the lessee and an independent third party who has the
financial ability to perform the guarantee obligation.

The variable lease receipts that are not included in the measurement of net
investment in the lease investment are recognized in current profit or loss when
actually incurred.

The Group calculates and recognizes interest income for each period of the lease
term based on a fixed periodic interest rate.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


29. Lease (continued)

29.3 Sale and leaseback transaction

29.3.1 The Group acts as a seller-lessee

The Group assesses whether the transfer of the asset in the sales and leaseback
transaction constitutes a sale in accordance with the standards of revenue. If the
transfer of the asset is not a sale, the Group continues to recognize the transferred
assets and should recognize a financial liability equal to the transfer proceeds.
Such financial liability is accounted for applying Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises No.22 – Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments. If the
transfer of an asset constitutes a sale, the Group shall measure the right-of-use asset
arising from the leaseback at the proportion of the previous carrying amount of the
asset that relates to the right of use and recognize only the amount of any gain or loss
that relates to the rights transferred to the lessor.

30. Accounting treatment of asset securitization business

The Group securitizes certain financial lease receivables (“trust property”) and trusts assets to
specific-purpose entities, which will issue senior asset-backed securities to the investors. The
Group holds subordinated asset-backed securities, which will not be transferred until the principal
and interest of the senior asset-backed securities are paid off. As an asset service provider,
the Group renders services such as asset maintenance and daily management, formulation of
annual asset disposal plans, formulation and implementation of asset disposal plans, signing
relevant asset disposal agreements and regular preparation of asset service reports. At the same
time, as a liquidity support institution, the Group provides liquidity support before the principal
of senior asset-backed securities is fully paid in order to make up the difference in interest or
principal. Subsequent to the payment of the trust taxes and relevant expenses, the trust property
is preferentially used to repay the principal and interest on the senior asset-backed securities.
The remaining trust property after repaying all the principal and interest will be accounted for
as the income from subordinated asset-backed securities which are attributable to the Group.
As the Group has retained substantially all the risks and rewards relating to the trust property,
the trust property is not derecognized. At the same time, the Group has effective control over
specific-purpose entities and has included them in the scope of consolidated financial statements.

In applying the accounting policies for securitized financial assets, the Group has considered the
extent to which the risks and rewards of assets transferred to other entities and the extent to
which the Group exercises its control over such entities:

• The Group derecognizes the financial asset when it has transferred substantially all the risks
and rewards of the ownership of the financial asset;

• The Group continues to recognize the financial asset when it retains substantially all the risks
and rewards of the ownership of the financial asset.

• The Group will consider whether it has control over the financial asset when it neither
transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of the ownership of the financial
asset. If the Group retains no control, the Group will derecognize the financial asset and
recognize the rights and obligations generated or retained during transfer as assets or
liabilities respectively. If the Group retains the control, the Group will recognize the financial
asset based on the extent of its continuing involvement in the financial asset.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021



In the application of the Group’s accounting policies, which are described in Note III, the Group is
required to make judgements, estimates and assumptions about the carrying amounts of items in
the financial statements that cannot be measured accurately, due to the internal uncertainty of the
operating activities. These judgements, estimates and assumptions are based on historical experiences
of the Group’s management as well as other factors that are considered to be relevant. Actual results
may differ from these estimates of the Group.

The Group regularly reviews the aforesaid judgments, estimates and assumptions on the basis of
continuous operation. Where the changes in accounting estimates only impact the current year, the
impact shall be recognized during the current year; where such changes impact both the current and
future years, the impact shall be confirmed during the current and future years when such changes

Significant judgements made in the application of accounting policies

The Group has made the following important judgments in the application of accounting policies,
which had a significant impact on the amounts recognized in the financial statements:

Capitalization of development expenditure

If the expenditure in the development stage meets the conditions as described in Note III 19.2, it
shall be capitalized, or included in the current profit and loss if not. Whether the expenditure in the
development stage is capitalized or expensed requires significant judgment and estimates.

Determination of the lease term of lease contract with renewal option

For the lease contract signed by the Group as the lessee with the renewal option, the Group needs to
use judgment to determine the lease term of the lease contract. An assessment of whether the Group
is reasonably certain to exercise this option will affect the length of the lease term, which will have a
significant impact on the amount of lease liabilities and right-of-use assets recognized.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021



Key assumptions and uncertainties in accounting estimates

The following are the critical assumptions and uncertainties which may cause material adjustments to
the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities concerning the future at the date of balance sheet:

Provision for decline in value of inventories

The Group recognizes provision for decline in value of inventory according to net realizable value of the
inventory. Provision for inventory impairment is required to be recognized when there is sign showing
that the net realizable value is lower than cost. Recognition of net realizable value involves judgment
and estimation. If the result of re-estimation differs from current estimation, such difference will impact
the book value of inventory for the corresponding period.

Useful life of fixed assets

The Group estimates the useful life of fixed assets based on experience of actual useful life of fixed
assets of similar nature and function. If the useful life of a fixed asset is shortened, the Group will
adopt measures to accelerate the depreciation of the fixed asset or eliminate fixed assets which are idle
or technologically obsolete.

Recognition of deferred tax assets

The realization of deferred tax assets is mainly determined by future actual earnings and actual tax rate
of temporary difference in future utilization year. If the actual future earning is less than estimates, or
the actual tax rate is lower than estimates, the recognized deferred income tax asset shall be reversed,
and be recognized in the income statement in the year in which the reversal is incurred. If the actual
earnings accrued in the future is more than estimates, or the actual tax rate is higher than estimates,
such deferred tax asset shall be recognized in the consolidated income statement in the year in which
they are incurred.

After-sales service expenses

The Group undertakes the warranty obligation for the vehicles sold within a certain warranty period,
and accrues the after-sales service expenses according to the sales volume and estimated cost
standards. If the actual after-sales service expenses are greater or less than the expected amount, it will
affect the profit and loss of the period.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


1. Major tax types and rates

Tax type Basis Tax rate

Value-added tax Purchase/Sales (Note) 3%, 5%, 6%, 9%, 13%

Consumption tax Sales 3%, 5%
Urban maintenance and Value-added tax and 5%, 7%
construction tax consumption tax
Education surcharge Value-added tax and 3%
consumption tax
Enterprise income tax Taxable income (Note) 20%, 21%, 22%, 25%,
28%, 30%, 30.04%
Real estate tax Original cost/rental The property tax on the Group’s
income of the real owner-occupied properties is calculated
estate and paid at 70% of the properties’ original
value, subject to the tax rate of 1.2%;
and the property tax on the leased properties
is calculated and paid based on 12% of
the rental income.
Land use tax Usable area of the land Corresponding tax rate

Note: Except for the tax concessions described in Note (V) 2, the above table lists the applicable tax rates or the comprehensive tax
rates for the Group’s related subsidiaries for 2020 and for the period from 1 January 2021 to 30 June 2021.

2. Tax incentives and approvals

2.1 Income tax incentives

2.1.1 Income tax incentive policy for recruitment of disabled

Pursuant to the Circular on Granting Tax Credit and Exemption relating to Enterprise
Income Tax on the Recruitment of Disabled (關於安置殘疾人員就業有關企業所得稅優
惠政策問題的通知) (Cai Shui [2009] No. 70) (the “Circular”) issued by the MoF and
the State Administration of Taxation, the Company and its subsidies, Baoding Great
Machinery Company Limited (保定市格瑞機械有限公司) (“Baoding Great”), Baoding
Yixin Automotive Parts Company Limited (保定億新汽車配件有限公司 ) (“Baoding
Yixin”), Nobo Rubber Production Company Limited (諾博橡膠製品有限公司) (“Nobo
Rubber”), Jingcheng Engineering Automotive Systems Co., Ltd. (精誠工科汽車系統有限
公司) (“Jinggong Motor”), Nobo Automotive Systems Co., Ltd. (諾博汽車系統有限公司)
(“Nobo Automotive”), satisfied all conditions as prescribed in the Circular for deduction
100% of the wages paid to disabled staff from taxable income when determining
income tax and passed the examination of relevant authorities, and they were entitled
to deduct 100% of the actual wages paid to disabled staff from the taxable income
when determining enterprise income taxes.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021

V. TAXATION (continued)

2. Tax incentives and approvals (continued)

2.1 Income tax incentives (continued)

2.1.2 Income tax exemption for new and high-tech enterprise

In accordance with the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China
and other relevant regulations, the Company and its subsidiaries, Baoding Great and
Mind Electronics Appliance Company Limited (“Mind Electronics”), were re-identified
as new high-tech enterprises in 2019 with the validity term of three years; and the
Company’s subsidiaries, Jinggong Motor, Nobo Automotive and Nobo Rubber, were
identified as new high-tech enterprises in 2019 with the validity term of three years,
subject to the applicable income tax rate of 15% from 2019 to 2021. The Company’s
subsidiaries, HYCET Transmission Technology Hebei Co., Ltd. (“HYCET Transmission
Technology”) and HYCET Engine System (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. (“HYCET Engine System”),
were identified as new high-tech enterprises in 2020 with the validity term of three
years, subject to the applicable income tax rate of 15% from 2020 to 2022.

2.1.3 Income tax credit for encouraged industry enterprises in the western region

In accordance with Cai Shui [2011] No. 58 Circular regarding the Tax Policies of the
Strategy of Further Development of Western Region issued by the Ministry of Finance,
the General Administration of Customs and the State Administration of Taxation, the
Company and its subsidiaries, including Chongqing Haval Motors Co., Ltd. (“Chongqing
Haval”), Chongqing Yongchuan Great Wall Automotive Parts Co., Ltd. (“Chongqing
Parts”), Chongqing Great Wall Automobile After-sales Service Co., Ltd. (“Chongqing
Great Wall After-sales”), Chongqing Weipai Auto Sales Co., Ltd. (“Chongqing
Weipai”), Chongqing Haval Logistics Co., Ltd. (“Chongqing Haval Logistics”),
Jingcheng Engineering Automotive Components (Chongqing) Co., Ltd. (“Chongqing
Jinggong Motor”), Nobo Automotive Parts (Chongqing) Co., Ltd. (“Chongqing Nobo
Parts”), Mind Automotive Parts (Chongqing) Co., Ltd. (“Chongqing Mind”), HYCET
Transmission Technology (Chongqing) Co., Ltd. (“HYCET Transmission Chongqing”)
and HYCET Engine System (Chongqing) Co., Ltd. (“HYCET Engine Chongqing”), comply
with the provisions of the above circular and are therefore subject to the reduced
rate of 15% of the enterprise income tax from 2018 to 2020. In accordance with the
No. 23 Announcement of 2020 of the Ministry of Finance regarding the Continuation
of Enterprise Income Tax Policies for Western Development issued by the Ministry
of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation and the National Development and
Reform Commission, the above companies comply with the provisions of the circular
and therefore continue to be subject to the reduced rate of 15% of the enterprise
income tax from 2021 to 2030.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021

V. TAXATION (continued)

2. Tax incentives and approvals (continued)

2.1 Income tax incentives (continued)

2.1.4 Income tax credit for small-scaled minimal profit enterprise

In accordance with Cai Shui [2019] No. 13 Circular regarding Implementation of

General and Preferential Tax Reduction and Exemption Policies for Small Profit-making
Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration, for
the Group’s small profit-making enterprises in 2020, the portion of income tax for the
year of less than RMB1 million shall be recognized in taxable income at a reduced rate
of 25% and the enterprise income tax shall be levied at the rate of 20%; the portion of
income tax for the year of more than RMB1 million but less than RMB3 million shall be
recognized in taxable income at a reduced rate of 50% and the enterprise income tax
shall be levied at the rate of 20%.

In accordance with the Announcement 2021 No. 12 Announcement regarding

Implementation of Preferential Income Tax Policies for Small Profit-making Enterprises
and Individual Industrial and Commercial Households issued by the Ministry of Finance
and the State Taxation Administration for the period from 1 January 2021 to 31
December 2022, in respect of the portion of taxable income for the year of less than
RMB1 million derived by the Group’s small profit-making enterprises, the enterprise
income tax shall be levied at a further reduced rate of 50% on the basis of preferential
policies stipulated in Article Two of the above Cai Shui [2019] No. 13 Document.

2.2 Value-added tax incentives

Value-added tax concessionary policies on fostering disabled people

According to the requirements under the Circular on Preferential Tax Policy for Promoting
Disabled Employment (關於促進殘疾人就業增值稅優惠政策的通知) (Cai Shui [2016] No. 52)
issued by the MoF and State Administration of Taxation, Baoding Great and Baoding Yixin,
subsidiaries of the Company, were entitled to immediate refund of value-added tax as
they satisfied the requirements of: 1) the number of disabled staff bears 25% of the total
headcount of the subsidiaries on a monthly basis (including 25%); 2) and the number of
recruited disabled staff is more than 10 persons (including 10). Namely, these subsidiaries
are subject to “the income from production and sales of commodities or the provision of
processing, repair and maintenance services accounted for 50% of the taxation income for
the purposes of value added tax and business tax” as approved by relevant authorities. The
cap of VAT refund is subject to specific standard set out by the local tax authorities (above
county-level) calculated on the basis of 4 times of the applicable minimum wages approved
by the Provincial People’s government of where the taxpayer located for each actually
employed disabled employee.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


1. Cash and bank balances

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Audited)

RMB 603,403.11 123,868.02
EUR 27,041.89 25,258.93
GBP 14,423.80 14,342.01
HKD 6,544.64 6,619.84
JPY 3,253.27 4,785.71
USD 4,295.07 4,338.15
THB 53.59 1,664.19
SGD 1,493.64 1,533.67
AUD 218.87 1,068.97
ZAR 692.18 352.25
RUB 50.87 50.23
KRW 40.60 42.66

Bank balances:
RMB 17,976,614,835.21 17,991,613,257.53
USD 1,613,505,313.47 1,611,156,442.23
RUB 331,803,202.94 331,803,202.94
ZAR 390,061,005.14 390,061,005.14
AUD 499,107,040.59 499,107,040.59
EUR 66,557,965.98 66,557,965.98
NZD 121,477,533.30 121,477,533.30
JPY 27,089,880.73 27,089,880.73
INR 19,103,809.12 19,103,809.12
THB 17,519,724.43 16,799,004.15
HKD 29,450.13 29,450.13
GBP 97,311.07 97,311.07
KRW 516,585.84 516,585.84

Other cash and bank balances:

RMB 1,203,619,676.51 993,533,222.52
EUR 3,282,204.72 3,440,129.15
USD 32.30 32.62
THB 744,895.23 —

Total 22,271,791,978.24 14,588,464,389.52

Including: Overseas cash and bank balances 2,450,095,594.72 1,495,805,297.44


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


1. Cash and bank balances (continued)

As at 30 June 2021, the Group had restricted cash and bank balances of RMB1,207,646,808.76,
in which guarantee on bank acceptances amounted to RMB959,981,496.57, guarantee on
letter of credit amounted to RMB7,167,672.43, guarantee on bank guarantee amounted to
RMB83,199,537.36, car deposits amounted to RMB151,670,970.15, and other guarantees
amounted to RMB5,627,132.25.

As at 31 December 2020, the Group had restricted cash and bank balances of
RMB996,973,384.29, in which guarantee on bank acceptances amounted to RMB971,399,925.80,
guarantee on letter of credit amounted to RMB18,579,697.88, guarantee on letter of guarantee
amounted to RMB5,559,848.84 and other guarantees amounted to RMB1,433,911.77.

2. Held-for-trading financial assets

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Audited)

Financial assets classified as at fair

value through profit or loss 8,636,895,869.20 4,826,193,896.30
Including: Equity instrument investments 197,023,680.00 244,394,136.00
Debt instrument investment – wealth
management products 8,439,872,189.20 4,581,799,760.30

Total 8,636,895,869.20 4,826,193,896.30

3. Accounts receivable

(1) Disclosed by aging:

30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 31 December 2020 (Audited)
Credit loss Credit loss
Aging Amount provision Ratio (%) Amount provision Ratio (%)

Within 1 year 3,230,539,644.36 (34,522,804.97) 1.07 3,946,193,292.36 (25,263,566.23) 0.64

1 to 2 years 51,529,604.25 (34,065,221.15) 66.11 45,453,666.97 (30,275,484.12) 66.61
2 to 3 years 6,816,243.35 (288,252.83) 4.23 49,000.00 — —
Over 3 years 320,211,461.21 (320,211,461.21) 100.00 323,423,439.77 (323,423,439.77) 100.00

Total 3,609,096,953.17 (389,087,740.16) 10.78 4,315,119,399.10 (378,962,490.12) 8.78

The analysis of aging of accounts receivable is based on the time of revenue recognition.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


3. Accounts receivable (continued)

(2) Disclosed by classification of method of credit loss provision

30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 31 December 2020 (Audited)
Carrying amount Credit loss provision Credit loss provision Credit loss provision
Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio
Category Amount (%) Amount (%) Book value Amount (%) Amount (%) Book value

Credit loss provision

by individuals 320,211,461.21 8.87 (320,211,461.21) 100.00 – 320,211,461.21 7.42 (320,211,461.21) 100.00 –
Credit loss provision
assessed by
portfolios 3,288,885,491.96 91.13 (68,876,278.95) 2.09 3,220,009,213.01 3,994,907,937.89 92.58 (58,751,028.91) 1.47 3,936,156,908.98

Total 3,609,096,953.17 100.00 (389,087,740.16) 10.78 3,220,009,213.01 4,315,119,399.10 100.00 (378,962,490.12) 8.78 3,936,156,908.98

Description of accounts receivable for which credit loss provision has been assessed by

As part of the Group’s credit risk management, the Group uses the credit period of
receivables and overdue aging as the basis to assess the expected credit losses of various

Credit risk on the accounts receivable with credit loss provision assessed by portfolios and
their expected credit losses are as follows:

30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 31 December 2020 (Audited)
Expected Carrying Credit loss average Carrying Credit loss
Aging loss rate amount provision Book value loss rate amount provision Book value

Within credit period 0.00%-4.00% 3,197,498,752.63 (15,330,492.89) 3,182,168,259.74 0.00%-8.00% 3,919,489,150.75 (13,132,949.42) 3,906,356,201. 33
1-180 days overdue 10.00%-50.00% 51,642,528.16 (13,801,574.89) 37,840,953. 27 10.00%-50.00% 33,652,855.49 (3,852,147.84) 29,800,707.65
Overdue more than
1 180 days 100.00% 39,744,211.17 (39,744,211.17) — 100.00% 41,765,931.65 (41,765,931.65) —

Total 3,288,885,491.96 (68,876,278.95) 3,220,009,213.01 3,994,907,937.89 (58,751,028.91) 3,936,156,908.98


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


3. Accounts receivable (continued)

(3) Provision, recovery or reversal of credit loss provision for the year:

30 June 2021 (Unaudited)
Lifetime ECL Lifetime ECL
Credit loss provision (not credit-impaired) (credit-impaired) Total

Balance at 1 January 2021 (16,985,097.26) (361,977,392.86) (378,962,490.12)

-Transfer to credit impairment occurred 2,078,153.94 (2,078,153.94) —
Provision (29,132,067.78) (3,836,903.41) (32,968,971.19)
Reversals 14,906,943.32 7,936,777.83 22,843,721.15
Written-off — — —
Balance at 30 June 2021 (29,132,067.78) (359,955,672.38) (389,087,740.16)

(4) Top five entities with the largest balances of accounts receivable:

Proportion of
the amount to Closing balance
the total accounts of credit loss
Name of entity Closing balance receivable (%) provision

Entity I 603,998,409.00 16.74 —

Entity II 320,211,461.21 8.87 (320,211,461.21)
Entity III 216,877,720.44 6.01 —
Entity IV 186,963,140.61 5.18 —
Entity V 185,045,685.37 5.13 —

Total 1,513,096,416.63 41.93 (320,211,461.21)


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


4. Financing with receivables

Notes receivable

(1) Classification of notes receivables:

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
Classifications (Unaudited) (Audited)

Bank acceptances 42,944,243,771.81 52,984,327,499.38

Commercial acceptances 8,667,631.97 228,840.38

Total 42,952,911,403.78 52,984,556,339.76

Note: The Group classifies notes receivable as financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income.

(2) Pledged notes receivable as at the end of the period:

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
Classifications (Unaudited) (Audited)

Bank acceptances 31,440,208,731.69 15,720,649,546.68

Total 31,440,208,731.69 15,720,649,546.68

Note: The Group pledged notes receivable for the issuance of notes payable and loan pledge at the end of the period.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


4. Financing with receivables (continued)

Notes receivable (continued)

(3) Notes endorsed and discounted by the Group to other parties but yet undue by the end of
the period are as follows:

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
Classifications (Unaudited) (Audited)

Bank acceptances 11,929,244,920.89 11,721,122,482.09

Total 11,929,244,920.89 11,721,122,482.09

The aforesaid notes endorsed and discounted by the Group to other parties but yet undue
will fall due within 1 to 12 months. According to the relevant provisions of the Law of
Negotiable Instruments, if the acceptance bank refuses to pay, the holder has the right of
recourse against the Group (“continuing involvement”).

The Group believes that the Group has transferred almost all the risks and rewards of the
above-mentioned notes, therefore, the book value of the settled accounts payable and
related accounts payable is derecognized. The maximum losses and undiscounted cash
flows for continuing involvement and repurchases are equal to their book value. The Group
believes that continuing involvement in fair value is not significant.

The Group holds that the acceptance bank of bank acceptances held by the Group has
relatively high credit rating with no significant credit risk and no impairment allowance has
been made.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


5. Prepayments

(1) Prepayments by aging:

30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 31 December 2020 (Audited)
Aging Amount Ratio (%) Amount Ratio (%)

Within 1 year 881,738,773.46 94.45 547,830,643.42 95.95

1 to 2 years 36,963,608.71 3.96 18,497,017.19 3.24
2 to 3 years 13,334,881.52 1.43 3,350,849.71 0.59
Over 3 years 1,485,980.53 0.16 1,239,454.70 0.22

Total 933,523,244.22 100.00 570,917,965.02 100.00

Description of aging of prepayments:

Prepayments with aging over one year are mainly amounts prepaid to raw material suppliers
which are not settled.

(2) Top five entities with the largest balances of prepayments

Proportion of
the amount to
the total
Name of entity Amount prepayments (%)

Supplier 1 71,499,762.16 7.66

Supplier 2 63,000,379.72 6.75
Supplier 3 30,000,000.00 3.21
Supplier 4 29,312,198.65 3.14
Supplier 5 21,479,848.44 2.30

Total 215,292,188.97 23.06


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


6. Other receivables

6.1 Summary of other receivables

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
Category (Unaudited) (Audited)

Interest receivable 4,049,093.78 4,918,260.87

Other receivables 1,003,284,221.68 1,027,325,062.56

Total 1,007,333,315.46 1,032,243,323.43

6.2 Interest receivable

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Audited)

Interest of bank deposits 4,049,093.78 4,918,260.87

Total 4,049,093.78 4,918,260.87

6.3 Other receivables

(1) Disclosed by aging:

30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 31 December 2020 (Audited)
Credit loss Credit loss
Aging Amount provision Ratio (%) Amount provision Ratio (%)

Within 1 year 712,643,314.73 (27,500.00) — 587,097,781.01 (1,568,892.00) 0.27

1 to 2 years 33,525,780.93 (2,009,962.54) 6.00 421,573,388.10 (441,070.54) 0.10
2 to 3 years 249,462,063.13 — — 11,240,685.50 (169,838.00) 1.51
Over 3 years 9,860,363.43 (169,838.00) 1.72 9,593,008.49 — —

Total 1,005,491,522.22 (2,207,300.54) 0.22 1,029,504,863.10 (2,179,800.54) 0.21


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


6. Other receivables (continued)

6.3 Other receivables (continued)

(2) Other receivables classified by nature are as follows:

Carrying amount Carrying amount
at 30 June 2021 at 31 December 2020
Nature (Unaudited) (Audited)

Proceeds from land transfer 305,601,261.00 305,601,261.00

Taxes refunds 254,369,937.10 208,189,608.83
Current amounts 180,490,479.17 263,857,876.83
Security and margin deposits 65,233,104.42 45,407,775.33
Petty cash 20,960,772.41 19,421,424.35
Others 178,835,968.12 187,026,916.76

Total 1,005,491,522.22 1,029,504,863.10

(3) Analysis of credit loss provision

30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 31 December 2020 (Audited)
Expected Expected
average Carrying Credit loss average Carrying Credit loss
Aging loss rate amount provision Book value loss rate amount provision Book value

the contractual
repayment period — 1,003,284,221.68 — 1,003,284,221.68 — 1,027,325,062.56 — 1,027,325,062.56
Overdue more than
1-180 days 100.00% 2,207,300.54 (2,207,300.54) — 100.00% 2,179,800.54 (2,179,800.54) —

Total 1,005,491,522.22 (2,207,300.54) 1,003,284,221.68 1,029,504,863.10 (2,179,800.54) 1,027,325,062.56

The Group determines the expected credit losses for other receivables based on
historical experience data and forward-looking information. For the period from 1
January to 30 June 2021 and the year of 2020, the Group’s assessment methods and
major assumptions have not changed.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


6. Other receivables (continued)

6.3 Other receivables (continued)

(4) Credit loss provision

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
Lifetime ECL Lifetime ECL
(not credit- (credit-
Credit loss provision 12-month ECL impaired) impaired) Total

Balance at 1 January 2021 — — (2,179,800.54) (2,179,800.54)

Provision — — (27,500.00) (27,500.00)
Reversals — — — —
Written-off — — — —
Transferred to Phase 2 — — — —

Balance at 30 June 2021 — — (2,207,300.54) (2,207,300.54)

(5) Top five entities with the largest balances of other receivables:

Proportion of
the amount to
Carrying the total other
Name of entity Nature amount Aging receivables (%)

Entity 1 Proceeds from transfer of land 305,601,261.00 Within 3 year 30.39

Entity 2 Current amounts 176,442,379.06 Within 1 year 17.55
Entity 3 Export taxes refunds 186,940,178.48 Within 1 year 18.59
Entity 4 VAT refunds 49,899,871.95 Within 1 year 4.96
Entity 5 Security deposits 21,443,442.40 Within 1 year 2.13

Total 740,327,132.89 73.62

The Group has no other receivables related to government grant.


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


7. Inventories

(1) Inventories by category

30 June 2021 (Unaudited)
Provision for
Carrying decline in value
Item amount of inventories Book value

Raw materials 3,894,192,624.08 (82,172,373.55) 3,812,020,250.53

Work-in-progress 1,555,150,983.73 (6,450,111.02) 1,548,700,872.71
Finished goods 3,900,307,495.40 (85,886,048.92) 3,814,421,446.48
Low-valued and
short-lived consumables 457,658,312.11 (1,765,316.48) 455,892,995.63

Total 9,807,309,415.32 (176,273,849.97) 9,631,035,565.35

31 December 2020 (Audited)
Provision for
Carrying decline in value
Item amount of inventories Book value

Raw materials 2,137,316,444.20 (75,239,433.33) 2,062,077,010.87

Work-in-progress 1,034,892,022.64 (2,356,527.12) 1,032,535,495.52
Finished goods 4,148,465,163.79 (127,368,004.77) 4,021,097,159.02
Low-valued and
short-lived consumables 383,746,011.91 (1,820,127.38) 381,925,884.53

Total 7,704,419,642.54 (206,784,092.60) 7,497,635,549.94


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


7. Inventories (continued)

(2) Provision for decline in value of inventories

differences of
31 December 2020 Decrease denominated in 30 June 2021
Inventories by category (Audited) Provision Reversals Written-off foreign currencies (Unaudited)

Raw materials 75,239,433.33 80,082,450.35 (1,601,164.29) (71,495,155.35) (53,190.49) 82,172,373.55

Work-in – progress 2,356,527.12 6,702,752.62 — (2,609,168.72) — 6,450,111.02
Finished goods 127,368,004.77 69,428,101.20 (2,373,145.79) (108,545,307.54) 8,396.28 85,886,048.92
Low-valued and short
lived consumables 1,820,127.38 — — (54,810.90) — 1,765,316.48

Total 206,784,092.60 156,213,304.17 (3,974,310.08) (182,704,442.51) (44,794.21) 176,273,849.97

(3) Analysis of provision for decline in value of inventories

Reasons for
reversal or Percentage of
written-off the reversal to
Basis of of provision for the closing
provision for decline in value balance of the
decline in value of inventories inventory during
Item of inventories during the year the year (%)

Raw materials Note 1 Note 2 0.04

Work-in-progress Note 1 Note 2 —
Finished goods Note 1 Note 2 0.06
Low-valued and short-lived
consumables Note 2 —

Descriptions of inventories:

Note 1: As the estimated net realizable value of some vehicle products was lower than the inventory cost as at the end of
the period, provision for decline in value of inventories had been made for raw materials, work-in-progress and
finished goods correspondingly.

Note 2: As the estimated net realizable value of certain inventories was higher than the inventory cost as at the end of the
period, the provision for decline in value of inventories for the previous year has been reversed. In addition, as the
inventories for which provision for decline in value has been made in the previous year was sold during the year,
the provision for decline in value of inventories has been written off.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


8. Contract assets

30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 31 December 2020 (Audited)
Carrying Provision for Carrying Provision for
Item amount credit losses Book value amount credit losses Book value

Receivables from state subsidies 2,207,747,858.00 — 2,207,747,858.00 1,369,375,238.82 — 1,369,375,238.82

Less: Reclassified as other
non-current assets 1,396,772,805.98 — 1,396,772,805.98 874,076,626.60 — 874,076,626.60

Total 810,975,052.02 — 810,975,052.02 495,298,612.22 — 495,298,612.22

9. Other current assets

Other current assets are set out as follows:

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Audited)

Deposits in non-bank financial institutions (Note 1) 7,930,219,562.52 10,372,657,928.59

Taxes to be deducted 1,209,470,404.57 983,865,528.03
Mould (Note 2) 178,360,928.55 160,634,603.11
Prepayment of enterprise income tax 10,145,367.76 12,812,308.70
Paint for vehicles 4,114,067.49 4,152,853.69
Others 48,997,662.31 46,364,784.73

Total 9,381,307,993.20 11,580,488,006.85

Note 1: The deposits in non-bank financial institutions are stored in Tianjin Great Wall Binyin Automotive Finance Co., Ltd. (天津
長城濱銀汽車金融有限公司) (“Automotive Finance”).

Note 2: The estimated usage time is less than one year.


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


10. Long-term receivables

(1) Long-term receivables

30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 31 December 2020 (Audited)
Carrying Credit loss Book Carrying Credit loss Book Discount
Item amount provision value amount provision value rate range

Performance bond 544,961,156.54 — 544,961,156.54 536,237,810.75 — 536,237,810.75 3.28%

Land advances 364,363,250.91 — 364,363,250.91 359,139,837.56 — 359,139,837.56 2.93%
Finance lease receivables 3,453,285,011.81 (61,181,788.49) 3,392,103,223.32 3,479,640,317.72 (45,106,108.61) 3,434,534,209.11 0 to 19.51%
Including: Unearned
finance income (382,262,752.61) — (382,262,752.61) (412,896,793.31) — (412,896,793.31)
Sub-total 4,362,609,419.26 (61,181,788.49) 4,301,427,630.77 4,375,017,966.03 (45,106,108.61) 4,329,911,857.42
Less: Long-term receivables
due within one year 2,059,291,193.60 — 2,059,291,193.60 1,884,739,784.73 — 1,884,739,784.73

Total 2,303,318,225.66 (61,181,788.49) 2,242,136,437.17 2,490,278,181.30 (45,106,108.61) 2,445,172,072.69

(2) Credit loss provision

30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 31 December 2020 (Audited)
Carrying amount Credit loss provision Carrying amount Credit loss provision
Ratio Ratio Book Ratio Ratio Book
Category Amount (%) Amount (%) value Amount (%) Amount (%) value

Credit loss
provision by
portfolios 4,362,609,419.26 100.00 (61,181,788.49) 1.40 4,301,427,630.77 4,375,017,966.03 100.00 (45,106,108.61) 1.03 4,329,911,857.42

Total 4,362,609,419.26 100.00 (61,181,788.49) 4,301,427,630.77 4,375,017,966.03 100.00 (45,106,108.61) 4,329,911,857.42


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


10. Long-term receivables (continued)

(2) Credit loss provision (continued)

Finance lease receivables

In order to mitigate the risk on finance lease receivables, the Group classifies the finance
lease receivables into five risk levels as normal, special mention, sub-standard, doubtful and
loss based on the transaction records and information obtained from external resources,
using the credit risk rating system. During the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021
and the year of 2020, the Group’s assessment methods and major assumptions have not

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021
Lifetime ECL
(not credit- Lifetime ECL
Credit loss provision impaired) (credit-impaired) Total

Balance at 1 January 2021 (29,475,547.50) (15,630,561.11) (45,106,108.61)

Provision (25,881,297.72) (35,300,490.77) (61,181,788.49)
Reversal 15,313,198.14 29,792,910.47 45,106,108.61
Written-off — — —
— Transfer to credit
impairment occurred 14,162,349.36 (14,162,349.36) —
Balance at 30 June 2021 (25,881,297.72) (35,300,490.77) (61,181,788.49)

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


11. Long-term equity investment

The details of long-term equity investment are as follows:


Changes for the period

or loss
recognized Adjustment Cash Provision Closing
31 December Decrease under the to other Other dividends for balance of
2020 in equity comprehensive equity or profits impairment 30 June 2021 impairment
Investee (Audited) Increase investment method income changes declared losses Others (Unaudited) provision

Joint venture
Automotive Finance 8,394,182,722.15 — — 668,156,001.58 — — — — — 9,062,338,723.73 —
Shanghai Junying
(Limited Partnership)
(“Shanghai Junying”) 21,000,000.00 — — (59,835.09) — — — — — 20,940,164.91 —
Jiangsu Baojie
Co., Ltd. — 5,000,000.00 — — — — — — — 5,000,000.00 —
Haomo.AI Technology
Co., Ltd. — 40,370,040.00 — (5,643,500.31) — — — — — 34,726,539.69 —

Total 8,415,182,722.15 45,370,040.00 — 662,452,666.18 — — — — — 9,123,005,428.33 —


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


12. Investment properties

The investment properties measured at cost:

Item Buildings Land use right Total

I. Original carrying amount

31 December 2020 (Audited) 435,470,231.68 17,642,880.27 453,113,111.95
Additions for the year 21,361,759.21 4,556,941.37 25,918,700.58
1. Acquisition 10,195,741.24 — 10,195,741.24
2. Transfer from intangible assets — 4,556,941.37 4,556,941.37
3. Transfer from construction in progress 6,000,000.00 — 6,000,000.00
4. Transfer from fixed assets 5,166,017.97 — 5,166,017.97
Decrease for the year (25,930,691.34) — (25,930,691.34)
1. Transfer to fixed assets (23,665,271.16) — (23,665,271.16)
2. Transfer to construction in progress (2,265,420.18) — (2,265,420.18)
Foreign currency translation differences (2,883,349.42) — (2,883,349.42)
30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 428,017,950.13 22,199,821.64 450,217,771.77

II. Accumulated amortization and depreciation

31 December 2020 (Audited) 124,866,540.66 2,615,169.21 127,481,709.87
Additions for the year 10,259,428.91 806,046.79 11,065,475.70
1. Provision or amortization 8,739,167.03 190,859.70 8,930,026.73
2. Transfer from intangible assets — 615,187.09 615,187.09
3. Transfer from fixed assets 1,520,261.88 — 1,520,261.88
Decrease for the year (4,088,028.12) — (4,088,028.12)
1. Transfer to fixed assets (4,088,028.12) — (4,088,028.12)
Foreign currency translation differences (328,404.79) — (328,404.79)
30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 130,709,536.66 3,421,216.00 134,130,752.66

III. Book value

30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 297,308,413.47 18,778,605.64 316,087,019.11
31 December 2020 (Audited) 310,603,691.02 15,027,711.06 325,631,402.08

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


13. Fixed assets

Information of fixed assets:

Machinery and Transportation Other
Item Buildings equipment vehicles equipment Total

I. Original carrying amount

31 December 2020 (Audited) 16,726,259,821.46 25,403,612,858.24 457,125,499.86 9,180,096,606.03 51,767,094,785.59
Additions for the year 1,037,321,624.71 724,495,728.77 56,099,328.08 608,626,890.85 2,426,543,572.41
1. Acquisitions 11,591,021.92 138,816,978.09 49,850,581.68 389,989,495.77 590,248,077.46
2. Transfer from construction in progress 1,002,065,331.63 585,259,263.49 1,557,397.53 218,331,970.30 1,807,213,962.95
3. Transfer from inventories — 419,487.19 4,609,658.87 305,424.78 5,334,570.84
4. Additions due to acquisition of subsidiaries — — 81,690.00 — 81,690.00
5. Transfer from investment properties 23,665,271.16 — — — 23,665,271.16
Decrease for the year (728,724,076.63) (1,022,635,571.48) (55,774,180.75) (280,409,854.55) (2,087,543,683.41)
1. Disposals or retirement (537,074.04) (155,995,176.16) (55,019,519.22) (102,119,891.19) (313,671,660.61)
2. Decrease in transfer to construction in
progress — (605,791,796.45) (47,134.81) (91,382,141.16) (697,221,072.42)
3. Transfer to investment properties (5,166,017.97) — — — (5,166,017.97)
4. Others (723,020,984.62) (260,848,598.87) (707,526.72) (86,907,822.20) (1,071,484,932.41)
Exchange differences (28,889,101.13) 27,248,869.64 (9,406,287.11) (12,232,151.37) (23,278,669.97)
30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 17,005,968,268.41 25,132,721,885.17 448,044,360.08 9,496,081,490.96 52,082,816,004.62

II. Accumulated depreciation

31 December 2020 (Audited) 3,315,328,707.13 12,787,138,493.47 265,839,846.17 6,153,815,109.66 22,522,122,156.43
Additions for the year 311,316,452.56 1,133,746,762.89 28,248,499.09 500,758,042.82 1,974,069,757.36
1. Provision 307,228,424.44 1,133,746,762.89 28,248,499.09 500,758,042.82 1,969,981,729.24
2. Transfer from investment properties 4,088,028.12 — — — 4,088,028.12
Decrease for the year (1,683,289.10) (253,861,926.56) (20,033,128.99) (79,376,841.00) (354,955,185.65)
1. Disposals or retirement (163,027.22) (111,666,073.59) (20,015,673.17) (71,568,301.17) (203,413,075.15)
2. Decrease in transfer to construction in
progress — (141,859,590.36) — (7,555,584.76) (149,415,175.12)
3. Transfer to investment properties (1,520,261.88) — — — (1,520,261.88)
4. Others — (336,262.61) (17,455.82) (252,955.07) (606,673.50)
Exchange differences 108,899.37 28,273,453.07 (4,959,778.41) (22,890,639.12) 531,934.91
30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 3,625,070,769.96 13,695,296,782.87 269,095,437.86 6,552,305,672.36 24,141,768,663.05

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


13. Fixed assets (continued)

Machinery and Transportation Other
Item Buildings equipment vehicles equipment Total

III. Provision for impairment

31 December 2020 (Audited) 204,878.87 169,248,091.98 7,065,315.29 459,232,343.19 635,750,629.33
Additions for the year — 8,515,675.43 293,830.53 98,180,801.73 106,990,307.69
1. Provision for the year (Note) — 8,515,675.43 293,830.53 98,180,801.73 106,990,307.69
Decrease for the year — (5,872,476.62) (1,419,493.22) (16,078,334.33) (23,370,304.17)
1. Disposals or retirement — (5,239,227.50) (1,419,493.22) (15,690,641.10) (22,349,361.82)
2. Decrease in transfer to construction in
progress — (633,249.12) — (387,693.23) (1,020,942.35)
30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 204,878.87 171,891,290.79 5,939,652.60 541,334,810.59 719,370,632.85

IV. Net book value

30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 13,380,692,619.58 11,265,533,811.51 173,009,269.62 2,402,441,008.01 27,221,676,708.72
31 December 2020 (Audited) 13,410,726,235.46 12,447,226,272.79 184,220,338.40 2,567,049,153.18 28,609,221,999.83

As at 30 June 2021, among the fixed assets, the net book value of properties without property
ownership certificates amounted to RMB1,944,536,077.81 and the application of relevant title
certificates is in progress.

Note: In the current period, a provision for impairment of fixed assets of RMB106,990,307.69 was made due to the cessation of
production in some vehicle models, changes in production process, damage and equipment aging.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


14. Construction in progress

(1) The breakdown of construction in progress is as follows

30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 31 December 2020 (Audited)
Carrying Impairment Carrying Impairment
Item amount provision Net book value amount provision Net book value

Renovation and
expansion of the
parts project 1,326,915,820.62 (1,579,912.08) 1,325,335,908.54 1,355,780,197.32 (1,579,912.08) 1,354,200,285.24
Rizhao OEM project 14,348,267.74 — 14,348,267.74 384,673,289.13 — 384,673,289.13
Xushui vehicle project 266,896,184.72 (270,205.02) 266,625,979.70 226,772,455.83 (270,205.02) 226,502,250.81
Xushui parts project 301,279,363.91 (960,417.23) 300,318,946.68 171,129,474.74 (771,640.79) 170,357,833.95
Vehicle project of
Chongqing Great
Wall 67,657,389.24 — 67,657,389.24 160,348,604.22 — 160,348,604.22
Phase I, II and III
and extension of
the industrial park 212,010,521.01 (3,602,004.61) 208,408,516.40 144,940,439.04 (3,500,468.05) 141,439,970.99
Xushui supporting
facilities project 136,427,954.42 — 136,427,954.42 136,427,954.42 — 136,427,954.42
Russia 80000 OEM
and living area
project 70,855,292.89 — 70,855,292.89 67,505,194.25 — 67,505,194.25
Other projects under
construction 66,410,596.56 — 66,410,596.56 64,160,487.98 — 64,160,487.98
Tianjin vehicle project 40,240,330.72 (65,763.73) 40,174,566.99 33,752,549.44 (65,763.73) 33,686,785.71
New technology
centre 17,440,400.72 — 17,440,400.72 28,184,966.18 — 28,184,966.18
Tianjin parts project 28,433,010.76 (391,347.30) 28,041,663.46 19,491,172.77 (1,475,022.67) 18,016,150.10
Other vehicle projects 326,095,085.83 — 326,095,085.83 150,876,984.62 — 150,876,984.62

Total 2,875,010,219.14 (6,869,649.97) 2,868,140,569.17 2,944,043,769.94 (7,663,012.34) 2,936,380,757.60


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


14. Construction in progress (continued)

(2) Changes in major construction in progress


Other Proportion of capitalized
31 December Additions for Transferred to deductions investment interest Sources 30 June 2021
Item Budget amount 2019 (Audited) the period fixed assets (Note) to budget (%) amount of fund (Unaudited)

Renovation and expansion

of the parts project 10,140,453,769.45 1,355,780,197.32 1,102,419,335.98 (1,084,541,985.18) (46,741,727.50) 52.14 — internal funds 1,326,915,820.62
Xushui parts project 9,732,490,629.01 171,129,474.74 168,089,159.35 (36,924,376.73) (1,014,893.45) 77.76 — internal funds 301,279,363.91
Xushui vehicle project 12,040,105,346.38 226,772,455.83 54,318,346.22 (10,487,495.50) (3,707,121.83) 86.04 — internal funds 266,896,184.72
Phase I, II and III
reconstruction and
extension of the industrial
park 2,101,930,234.48 144,940,439.04 99,787,618.78 (8,689,662.08) (24,027,874.73) 67.87 — internal funds 212,010,521.01
Xushui supporting facilities
project 193,250,000.00 136,427,954.42 — — — 70.60 — internal funds 136,427,954.42
Russia 80000 OEM and
living area project 3,457,127,700.00 67,505,194.25 33,808,963.38 (20,081,794.74) (10,377,070.00) 94.81 — internal funds 70,855,292.89
Vehicle project of
Chongqing Great Wall 2,774,545,157.00 160,348,604.22 29,040,650.55 (121,717,305.53) (14,560.00) 77.44 — internal funds 67,657,389.24
Other research and
development projects 424,762,067.00 64,160,487.98 15,258,384.03 (13,008,275.45) — 88.34 — internal funds 66,410,596.56
Tianjin vehicle project 5,590,810,931.00 33,752,549.44 13,705,067.36 (933,691.16) (6,283,594.92) 96.13 — internal funds 40,240,330.72
Tianjin parts project 4,366,736,757.00 19,491,172.77 13,452,209.86 (514,436.44) (3,995,935.43) 90.21 — internal funds 28,433,010.76
New technology centre 1,727,202,349.00 28,184,966.18 2,265,420.18 (7,768,689.34) (5,241,296.30) 94.77 — internal funds 17,440,400.72
Rizhao OEM project 831,203,900.00 384,673,289.13 128,352,582.01 (498,677,603.40) — 61.91 — internal funds 14,348,267.74
Other vehicle projects 350,889,258.45 150,876,984.62 186,604,585.04 (3,868,647.40) (7,517,836.43) 96.25 — 326,095,085.83

Total 53,731,508,098.77 2,944,043,769.94 1,847,102,322.74 (1,807,213,962.95) (108,921,910.59) — 2,875,010,219.14

Note: Included in other decreases is the decrease of RMB38,980,155.18 due to transfer of intangible assets.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


14. Construction in progress (continued)

(3) Provision for impairment of construction in progress for the period

Provision for
Item the period Reason for provision

Phase I, II and III reconstruction and 101,536.56 Vehicle model discontinued

extension of the industrial park
Xushui parts and components project 428,579.81 Vehicle model discontinued

Total 530,116.37

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


15. Right-of-use assets

Land use Buildings and Machinery and Transportation
Item rights structures equipment equipment Total

I. Original carrying amount

31 December 2020
(Audited) 3,776,062.46 171,216,999.66 125,922,440.88 13,098,922.96 314,014,425.96
Additions for the period 14,652,447.85 49,680,687.93 62,407,351.69 7,646,256.14 134,386,743.61
Deductions for the period — (22,207,986.85) (275,448.07) — (22,483,434.92)
Exchange differences — (3,286,328.27) (302,439.24) (129,389.68) (3,718,157.19)
30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 18,428,510.31 195,403,372.47 187,751,905.26 20,615,789.42 422,199,577.46

II. Accumulated depreciation

31 December 2020
(Audited) 3,543,188.65 47,985,916.71 17,887,968.02 5,708,044.57 75,125,117.95
Additions for the period 2,706,046.79 25,261,537.55 58,967,979.39 3,084,887.22 90,020,450.95
1. Provision 2,706,046.79 25,261,537.55 58,967,979.39 3,084,887.22 90,020,450.95
Deductions for the period — (16,877,555.90) — — (16,877,555.90)
Exchange differences — (1,087,908.15) (182,577.09) (139,871.29) (1,410,356.53)
30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 6,249,235.44 55,281,990.21 76,673,370.32 8,653,060.50 146,857,656.47

III. Provision for impairment

31 December 2020
(Audited) — — — — —
30 June 2021 (Unaudited) — — — — —

IV. Net book value

31 December 2020
(Audited) 232,873.81 123,231,082.95 108,034,472.86 7,390,878.39 238,889,308.01
30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 12,179,274.87 140,121,382.26 111,078,534.94 11,962,728.92 275,341,920.99

Other explanations:

The Group leased a number of assets, including land use rights, buildings, machinery and
equipment, and transportation equipment with a lease term of 2–10 years. The simplified
treatment of short-term lease expenses and low-value asset lease expenses included in profit or
loss for the period is RMB83,967,831.10. The total cash outflow related to the lease in the period
was RMB244,063,668.20.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


16. Intangible assets

(1) Intangible assets are set out as follows

Land use Software and Non-patent
Item rights others technology Total

I. Original carrying amount

31 December 2020 (Audited) 3,460,006,990.70 872,563,754.68 3,446,514,509.74 7,779,085,255.12
Additions for the period 18,915,980.66 115,089,907.58 910,536,220.29 1,044,542,108.53
1. Acquisition 18,879,900.00 51,430,980.37 22,808,743.65 93,119,624.02
2. Internal research and development — 887,727,476.64 887,727,476.64
3. Acquisition of subsidiaries — 24,714,852.69 — 24,714,852.69
4. Transferred from construction in progress 36,080.66 38,944,074.52 — 38,980,155.18
Deductions for the period (4,556,941.37) (8,295,412.77) (31,004,270.39) (43,856,624.53)
1. Other transfer-out — (6,625,296.49) (9,197.00) (6,634,493.49)
2. Disposal — (1,670,116.28) (30,995,073.39) (32,665,189.67)
3. Transfer to investment properties (4,556,941.37) — — (4,556,941.37)
Exchange differences — (21,844,533.07) — (21,844,533.07)
30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 3,474,366,029.99 957,513,716.42 4,326,046,459.64 8,757,926,206.05

2. Accumulated amortization
31 December 2020 (Audited) 611,905,438.70 180,418,729.38 1,443,382,600.24 2,235,706,768.32
Additions for the period 34,687,566.08 35,293,912.13 533,171,169.87 603,152,648.08
1. Provision 34,687,566.08 35,293,912.13 533,171,169.87 603,152,648.08
Deductions for the period (615,187.09) (1,390,037.44) (1,702,096.64) (3,707,321.17)
1. Disposal — (1,390,037.44) (1,700,080.86) (3,090,118.30)
2. Transfer to investment properties (615,187.09) — — (615,187.09)
3. Other transfers-out — — (2,015.78) (2,015.78)
Exchange differences — (505,917.34) — (505,917.34)
30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 645,977,817.69 213,816,686.73 1,974,851,673.47 2,834,646,177.89

III. Net book value

31 December 2020 (Audited) 2,848,101,552.00 692,145,025.30 2,003,131,909.50 5,543,378,486.80
30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 2,828,388,212.30 743,697,029.69 2,351,194,786.17 5,923,280,028.16

The proportion of intangible assets arising from internal research and development at
the end of the period to balance of total intangible assets is 39.69%(31 December 2020:

As at 30 June 2021, among the intangible assets, the net book value of land use rights
without land use rights certificates amounted to RMB21,785,400.00 (31 December 2020:
RMB22,052,160.00), and the application of relevant land use rights certificates is in progress.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


17. Development expenditure

Decrease for the period
Transferred to
31 December 2020 Increase for Recognized as profit or loss for 30 June 2021
Item (Audited) the period intangible assets the period (Unaudited)

Automobile development project 3,723,471,858.34 1,704,561,056.73 (887,727,476.64) (140,363,667.91) 4,399,941,770.52

18. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

(1) Deferred tax assets before offsetting

30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 31 December 2020 (Audited)
Deductible Deductible
temporary Deferred temporary Deferred
Item differences tax assets differences tax assets

Impairment provision for credit 452,476,829.19 75,138,674.08 427,025,488.11 69,251,630.05

Provision for decline
in value of inventories 173,590,742.66 10,902,430.48 205,686,239.07 39,498,348.55
Impairment of fixed assets 611,054,982.17 92,864,501.47 535,333,656.11 81,293,065.06
Impairment of construction in progress 6,869,649.97 1,056,979.75 7,663,012.34 1,149,451.84
Amortization of intangible assets 1,309,657,574.64 196,576,068.26 1,046,406,237.32 157,024,747.07
Accrued expenses which are
deductible upon payment 843,440,534.32 138,968,750.42 797,672,942.98 132,205,493.79
Contract liabilities 2,701,116,302.86 405,160,085.09 3,903,264,967.12 585,484,144.84
Deductible loss 6,840,278,336.93 1,120,629,956.88 1,995,931,166.34 356,759,669.24
Deferred income 673,225,182.47 113,184,825.37 640,425,397.60 109,161,228.78
Share-based payment 1,773,747,991.08 258,260,940.41 113,877,914.34 17,458,610.98
Right-of-use assets and lease liabilities 435,820,018.35 65,411,762.56 440,684,751.78 66,134,044.49
Unrealized profit arising from
internal transactions 1,027,227,936.07 202,513,977.88 1,114,213,712.65 230,825,282.22
Others 424,415,574.41 43,451,677.88 384,559,164.61 70,870,478.28

Total 17,272,921,655.12 2,724,120,630.53 11,612,744,650.37 1,917,116,195.19


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


18. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities (continued)

(2) Deferred tax liabilities before offsetting

30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 31 December 2020 (Audited)
Taxable Taxable
temporary Deferred temporary Deferred
Item difference tax liabilities difference tax liabilities

Effect of accelerated depreciation

of fixed assets under tax law 8,577,700,690.61 1,339,900,698.65 8,332,742,298.65 1,272,442,794.79
Changes in fair value of
held-for-trading financial assets 25,324,886.38 3,798,732.95 17,342,098.73 2,601,314.81
Interest receivable 9,049,862.40 2,262,465.60 9,958,015.38 2,489,503.84

Total 8,612,075,439.39 1,345,961,897.20 8,360,042,412.76 1,277,533,613.44

(3) Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities disclosed at net amount after

30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 31 December 2020 (Audited)
Offset amount of Offset amount of
deferred tax Deferred tax deferred tax Deferred tax
assets and assets (liabilities) assets and assets (liabilities)
Item liabilities after offsetting liabilities after offsetting

Deferred tax assets (737,802,928.83) 1,986,317,701.70 (733,813,628.82) 1,183,302,566.37

Deferred tax liabilities 737,802,928.83 (608,158,968.37) 733,813,628.82 (543,719,984.62)

(4) Details of unrecognized deferred tax assets

30 June 2021
Item (Unaudited)

Deductible losses 1,827,830,134.09

Total 1,827,830,134.09

(5) The aforementioned unrecognized losses will expire in 2024 and subsequent years.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


19. Short-term borrowings and long-term borrowings

(1) Short-term borrowings

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Audited)

Pledged loans (Note 1) 300,459,347.73 —

Guaranteed loans (Note 2) 659,403,811.64 518,892,759.31
Credit loans 2,230,095,296.11 7,382,410,448.24

Total 3,189,958,455.48 7,901,303,207.55

Note 1: The pledged loans represent the borrowings obtained in the manner of notes receivable pledged by the Company,
the long-term receivables pledged by the Company’s subsidiary, Tianjin ORA Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. (“Tianjin
ORA”), and the accounts receivable pledged by the Company’s subsidiary, HYCET Engine.

Note 2: The guaranteed loans represent (1) the borrowings obtained by the Company, for which, Innovation Great
Wall, the Company’s parent company, acts as the guarantor and (2) the borrowings obtained by the Company’s
subsidiaries, HYCET Engine and HYCET Transmission System (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. (“HYCET Transmission”), for which
the Company acts as the guarantor.

(2) Long-term borrowings

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Audited)

Credit loans 6,825,415,277.74 4,468,984,902.75

Secured loans (Note 1) 543,093,182.23 530,000,000.00
Guaranteed loans (Note 2) 5,642,902,628.59 5,583,035,130.25
Pledged loans (Note 3) 644,978,181.37 902,641,018.28
Less: Long-term borrowings due within one year (543,936,333.22) (707,455,843.48)

Total 13,112,452,936.71 10,777,205,207.80

Note 1: The secured loans at the end of the period represent the borrowings obtained by the Company in the manner of
the land use rights pledged as collateral and the land use rights pledged as collateral by HYCET Transmission, the
Company’s subsidiary.

Note 2: At the end of the current period, the guaranteed loans represent the amounts borrowed by the Company’s
subsidiary, for which the Company acts as the guarantor and the amounts borrowed by the Company, for
which Baoding Great Wall Venture and Investment Co., Ltd. (“Great Wall Venture and Investment”) acts as the
guarantor. Such loans carry interest at the rate of 1.10% to 4.18% per annum, and will be repaid within one to
five years.

Note 3: The guaranteed loans at the end of the period represent the borrowings obtained by Tianjin ORA, the Company’s
subsidiary, among which the borrowings of RMB179,302,629.37 are also guaranteed by the Company which acts
as the guarantor.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


20. Notes payable

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
Category (Unaudited) (Audited)

Bank acceptances 30,421,931,574.43 16,527,845,466.47

Commercial acceptances 52,790,639.17 128,230,951.55

Total 30,474,722,213.60 16,656,076,418.02

21. Accounts payable

(1) Accounts payable disclosed as follows:

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Audited)

Within 1 year 25,187,055,654.25 33,054,604,779.30

1-2 years 93,314,861.10 79,431,200.20
2-3 years 32,622,330.65 34,840,072.32
Over 3 years 30,641,807.01 16,182,837.18

Total 25,343,634,653.01 33,185,058,889.00

The aging analysis of accounts payable is based on the time of purchasing materials, goods
or receiving services.

(2) Accounts payable aged over one year with significant amount:

30 June 2021
Item (Unaudited) Reason for outstanding or transfer

Supplier 1 19,977,880.20 Payment terms have not been reached

Supplier 2 13,070,035.42 Payment terms have not been reached
Supplier 3 12,472,000.00 Payment terms have not been reached
Supplier 4 7,243,015.24 Payment terms have not been reached
Supplier 5 4,825,000.00 Payment terms have not been reached

Total 57,587,930.86

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


22. Contract liabilities

30 June 2021 31 January 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Audited)

Receipts in advance 6,418,221,905.77 7,457,906,810.59

Maintenance service charges 512,145,752.81 438,583,123.01
Maintenance service 163,789,387.61 79,333,040.71
Transportation service 29,575,688.26 52,109,857.76

Total 7,123,732,734.45 8,027,932,832.07


The income recognized in the current period and included in the book value of the contract liabilities at the beginning of the

The amount of RMB7,691,037,210.34 in the book value of contract liabilities at the beginning of the period has been recognized as
income in the current period. The book value of contract liabilities at the end of the period is expected to be recognized as income
within one year.

23. Employee benefits payable

(1) Employee benefits payable disclosed as follows:

31 December 2020 30 June 2021
Item (Audited) Increase Decrease (Unaudited)

1. Short-term employee benefits 2,527,738,688.47 4,653,836,465.74 (6,473,818,847.84) 707,756,306.37

2. Post-employment benefits-defined
contribution plan 2,914,226.74 348,365,733.79 (342,649,340.19) 8,630,620.34

Total 2,530,652,915.21 5,002,202,199.53 -6,816,468,188.03 716,386,926.71


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


23. Employee benefits payable (continued)

(2) Short-term employee benefits payable disclosed as follows:

31 December 2020 30 June 2021
Item (Audited) Increase Decrease (Unaudited)

I. Salaries, bonuses, allowances and

subsidies 2,224,616,977.93 3,498,755,029.18 (5,136,610,496.24) 586,761,510.87
II. Staff welfare 164,255,673.17 309,526,363.79 (468,696,877.78) 5,085,159.18
III. Staff bonuses and welfare fund 280,505.14 — — 280,505.14
IV. Social insurance premiums 2,998,934.15 174,838,821.21 (149,954,011.21) 27,883,744.15
Including: Medical insurance 2,632,158.37 156,769,520.53 (132,032,183.66) 27,369,495.24
Work-related injury
insurance 32,590.90 15,914,814.07 (15,730,909.50) 216,495.47
Maternity insurance 334,184.88 2,154,486.61 (2,190,918.05) 297,753.44
V. Housing provident funds 1,364,747.02 104,769,252.10 (104,516,249.84) 1,617,749.28
VI. Labor union expenditures 12,813,354.92 10,420,701.03 (15,455,043.46) 7,779,012.49
VII. Employees’ education expenses 1,677,597.94 4,346,535.12 (4,450,488.47) 1,573,644.59
VIII. Service charge 119,730,898.20 551,179,763.31 (594,135,680.84) 76,774,980.67

Total 2,527,738,688.47 4,653,836,465.74 (6,473,818,847.84) 707,756,306.37

(3) Defined contribution plan

31 December 2020 30 June 2021
Item (Audited) Increase Decrease (Unaudited)

1. Basic endowment insurance 3,535,599.00 333,564,754.13 (327,980,268.92) 9,120,084.21

2. Unemployment insurance (621,372.26) 14,800,979.66 (14,669,071.27) (489,463.87)

Total 2,914,226.74 348,365,733.79 (342,649,340.19) 8,630,620.34

Employees of the Group are required to join a pension plan operated by the local
government. Under such plan, the Group is required to make contribution at a fixed
percentage of the salaries of its employees. Except for the monthly payment and deposit
fees, the Group no longer undertakes further payment obligations. The corresponding
expenditure is included in the relevant asset cost or current profit and loss when incurred.

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021, basic endowment insurance payable of the
Group amounted to RMB333,564,754.13; the unemployment insurance payable amounted to

As at 30 June 2021, basic endowment insurance payable of RMB9,120,084.21 of the Group

has not yet been paid and have been paid after the reporting period.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


24. Taxes payable

30 June 2021 31 January 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Audited)

Value added tax 249,782,647.86 732,429,081.95

Consumption tax 240,283,874.14 1,071,983,685.43
Enterprise income tax 405,802,405.29 777,547,545.22
Individual income tax 23,459,034.04 17,933,613.64
Urban maintenance and construction tax 32,114,546.99 59,119,440.12
Education surcharges 23,036,898.68 50,351,545.44
Stamp duty 18,753,991.18 25,422,843.56
Real estate tax 3,852,997.89 2,442,800.18
Others 147,540,624.52 48,560,381.06

Total 1,144,627,020.59 2,785,790,936.60


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


25. Other payables

Other payables disclosed by nature are as follows:

30 June 2021 31 January 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Audited)

Project payment 1,130,335,077.56 1,008,473,684.74

Equipment payment 880,950,455.01 1,062,552,430.27
Deposits 647,637,616.81 696,242,630.93
Restricted share under repurchase obligations 116,057,328.00 200,579,316.00
Output VAT relating to advance receipts for goods 841,582,495.44 951,189,559.38
Others 426,159,826.38 197,931,664.29

Total 4,042,722,799.20 4,116,969,285.61

26. Non-current liabilities due within one year

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
Item Notes (Unaudited) (Audited)

Long-term borrowings due within one year VI.19 543,936,333.22 707,455,843.48

Bonds payable due within one year VI.28 730,286,400.48 —
Leased liability due within one year VI.29 192,438,425.66 184,478,748.87

Total 1,466,661,159.36 891,934,592.35

27. Other current liabilities

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Audited)

Short-term bonds payable — 2,024,547,945.20

Accrued advertising and media service expenses 1,048,840,021.06 1,107,100,281.68
Accrued after-sale warranty expenses 889,049,762.84 922,892,133.49
Accrued transportation costs 214,396,453.78 140,383,987.95
Accrued technology development expenditure 189,690,654.38 141,619,378.21
Accrued utilities fees 37,369,543.62 39,141,648.17
Others 725,688,201.65 689,428,139.71

Total 3,105,034,637.33 5,065,113,514.41


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


27. Other current liabilities (continued)

Additions and deductions of short-term bonds payable:

Par Issued in the Accrued Repaid in the Closing
Title of bonds value Issue date Term Issue amount Opening balance current period interests current period balance

20 Great Wall Motor

SCP001 100.00 20 May 2020 270 days 2,000,000,000.00 2,024,547,945.20 — 5,948,911.98 (2,030,496,857.18) —

Total 2,000,000,000.00 2,024,547,945.20 — 5,948,911.98 (2,030,496,857.18) —

28. Bonds payable

(1) Bonds payable

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Audited)

Asset-backed securities 1,087,988,717.66 —

Convertible corporate bonds 3,159,523,314.04 —
Less: Bonds payable due within one year (730,286,400.48) —

Total 3,517,225,631.22 —

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


28. Bonds payable (continued)

(2) Changes in bonds payable


Premium Repayments Less: Bonds

Name of Par Issue Bond Opening Issue for Interest accrued amortization for payable due 30 June 2021
bonds value date period Issue amount balance the period at par value and others the period within one year (Unaudited)

21 ORA 1A
(Note 1) 100.00 27/01/2021 454 days 407,000,000.00 — 407,000,000.00 5,263,507.66 — (261,810,890.00) (150,452,617.66) —
21 ORA 2A
(Note 1) 100.00 13/04/2021 834 days 930,000,000.00 — 930,000,000.00 7,536,100.00 — — (579,833,782.82) 357,702,317.18
converted by
Great Wall
(Note 2) 100.00 17/06/2021 6 years 3,500,000,000.00 — 3,500,000,000.00 402,739.73 (340,879,425.69) — 3,159,523,314.04

Total - - - 4,837,000,000.00 — 4,837,000,000.00 13,202,347.39 (340,879,425.69) (261,810,890.00) (730,286,400.48) 3,517,225,631.22

Note 1: As the initiator, Tianjin ORA, the Company’s subsidiary, issued fixed-rate senior asset-backed securities of
RMB407 million on 21 January 2021, which will have been fully repaid before April 2022; as the initiator,
Tianjin ORA issued fixed-rate senior asset-backed securities of RMB930 million on 13 April 2021. The Group
holds all the subordinated asset-backed securities, and the senior asset-backed securities will have been repaid
before July 2023. The Group does not derecognize the financial assets relating to asset securitization and and
accounts for the financing amount of issuance of senior asset-backed securities as the bonds payable

Note 2: As approved by Zheng Jian Xu Ke [2021] No. 1353, the Company issued six-year A-share convertible corporate
bonds with the face value of RMB100 and the aggregate par value of RMB3.5 billion on 10 June 2021. The
coupon rate of the convertible corporate bonds per annum is 0.2% in the first year, 0.4% in the second year,
0.6% in the third year, 0.8% in the fourth year, 1.5% in the fifth year and 2.0% in the sixth year. The interest
is paid annually, and the principal will be repaid upon maturity with the payment of the interest for the last
year. The conversion period of A-share convertible corporate bonds issued this time starts from the first trading
day after six months upon expiration of the issue end date of convertible bonds (17 June 2021) to the maturity
date of convertible bonds, i.e. from 17 December 2021 to 9 June 2027. At the date of issue, the components
of liabilities in the convertible corporate bonds are initially recognized at fair value, and the portion of issue
cost in excess of the portion of initially recognized components of liabilities is accounted for as the components
of equity.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


29. Leased liabilities

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Audited)

Leased liabilities 665,505,286.61 679,763,579.36

Subtotal 665,505,286.61 679,763,579.36
Less: Leased liabilities recognized in non-current
liabilities due within one year (Note VI 26) (192,438,425.66) (184,478,748.87)

Total 473,066,860.95 495,284,830.49

30. Deferred income

31 December 2020 Increase for Decrease for 30 June 2021
Item (Audited) the period the period (Unaudited)

Government grants 3,461,818,011.07 1,024,810,280.65 (1,278,212,798.23) 3,208,415,493.49

Total 3,461,818,011.07 1,024,810,280.65 (1,278,212,798.23) 3,208,415,493.49

Projects related to government grants:

31 December Amount recognized
2020 Increase in grant in other income 30 June 2021 Related to an asset/
Type (Audited) for the period for the period Other transfer-out (Unaudited) related to income

Infrastructure supporting fund 615,534,947.93 — (12,070,087.94) — 603,464,859.99 Related to an asset

Government industrial policy supporting fund 2,152,995,342.01 911,470,280.65 (161,181,451.45) (746,939,779.71) 2,156,344,391.50 Related to an asset/income
Soft soil foundation subsidy 216,608,534.16 — (2,766,730.18) — 213,841,803.98 Related to an asset
New technical center infrastructure
construction project 23,834,736.96 — (7,103,630.29) — 16,731,106.67 Related to an asset
Urban construction fund 338,927,078.35 35,000,000.00 (1,308,795.46) (327,878,850.68) 44,739,432.21 Related to an asset
Energy-saving gasoline direct injection
engine project 50,833,333.33 — (5,000,000.00) — 45,833,333.33 Related to an asset
110KV transformer substation project 24,514,938.68 — (588,358.56) — 23,926,580.12 Related to an asset
Renovation and expansion of expert
apartment project 10,000,000.00 — — — 10,000,000.00 Related to an asset
New energy vehicle testing platform — 60,000,000.00 (1,867,575.02) — 58,132,424.98 Related to an asset
Automobile proving ground construction project — 10,000,000.00 — — 10,000,000.00 Related to an asset
Others 28,569,099.65 8,340,000.00 (6,940,556.19) (4,566,982.75) 25,401,560.71 Related to an asset/income

Total 3,461,818,011.07 1,024,810,280.65 (198,827,185.09) (1,079,385,613.14) 3,208,415,493.49


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


31. Share capital

Changes for the period
Opening Bonus transfer Closing
Item balance New issue shares from reserve Others balance

Share capital 9,175,953,300.00 23,820,269.00 — — (613,000.00) 9,199,160,569.00

Note: As described in Note (XII), in accordance with the Group’s 2020 equity incentive plan, the Group cancelled 613,000
restricted shares repurchased, granted 1,149,150 and issued 22,671,119 shares due to exercise of share options.

32. Other equity instruments

Financial instruments
outstanding Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance

Portion of equity instruments

convertible into corporate
bonds ((VI 28) — 336,012,380.39 — 336,012,380.39

Total — 336,012,380.39 — 336,012,380.39

33. Capital reserve

Item balance Additions Deductions Closing balance

For the period from 1 January

to 30 June 2021 (Unaudited):
Capital premiums (Note 1) 1,630,673,880.89 185,985,226.80 (2,065,810.00) 1,814,593,297.69
Other capital reserves (Note 2) 148,636,354.36 515,863,978.73 — 664,500,333.09

Total 1,779,310,235.25 701,849,205.53 (2,065,810.00) 2,479,093,630.78

For the period from 1 January

to 30 June 2020 (Unaudited):
Capital premiums 1,466,607,789.89 166,152,795.00 — 1,632,760,584.89
Other capital reserves (55,356,135.47) 119,254,718.19 — 63,898,582.72

Total 1,411,251,654.42 285,407,513.19 — 1,696,659,167.61


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


33. Capital reserve (continued)

Note 1: The increase in capital premium for the period is due to the exercise of the restricted shares and stock options upon
expiration, which are granted by the Group to incentive targets. The deductions for the period are due to the Company’s
cancellation of the restricted shares repurchased. Details are set out in Note (XII).

Note 2: The increase in other capital reserves for the period mainly represents the equity-settled share-based payment expenses
(details are set out in Note (XII)) and the effect of income tax relating to equity incentive plan to be included in the
owners’ equity.

34. Treasury shares

Item Opening balance Additions Deductions Closing balance

Treasury shares related to restricted stock

repurchase obligations 200,773,416.00 23,902,320.00 (108,295,465.00) 116,380,271.00

Total 200,773,416.00 23,902,320.00 (108,295,465.00) 116,380,271.00

Note: The additions in treasury shares for the period are due to the Group’s granting of restricted shares to incentive objects
during the period and the reductions in treasury shares for the period are due to the Group’s distribution of cash dividends
to holders of restricted shares which are expected to be unlocked in the future and the unlocking or repurchase cancellation
of restricted shares repurchased. Details are set out in Note (XII).

35. Surplus reserve

Item Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance

For the period from 1 January to

30 June 2021 (Unaudited):
Statutory surplus reserve 5,827,386,126.02 — — 5,827,386,126.02
Discretionary surplus reserve 2,855,650.48 — — 2,855,650.48
Reserve fund 93,354,946.63 — — 93,354,946.63
Tax credit for social welfare enterprises 251,838,024.75 — — 251,838,024.75

Total 6,175,434,747.88 — — 6,175,434,747.88

For the period from 1 January to

30 June 2020 (Unaudited):
Statutory surplus reserve 5,411,592,550.81 — — 5,411,592,550.81
Discretionary surplus reserve 2,855,650.48 — — 2,855,650.48
Reserve fund 89,384,285.27 — — 89,384,285.27
Tax credit for social welfare enterprises 251,838,024.75 — — 251,838,024.75

Total 5,755,670,511.31 — — 5,755,670,511.31


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


36. Undistributed profits

Proportion of
appropriation or
Item Amount allocation

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021

Undistributed profits at the beginning of the period 40,994,784,827.03
Add: Net profits attributable to the shareholders
of the parent company of the period 3,528,617,024.84
Less: Distribution of cash dividends (2,569,096,967.00) (1)

Undistributed profits at the end of the period 41,954,304,884.87

For the period from 1 January to 30 June

Undistributed profits at the beginning of the period 38,345,853,094.28
Add: Net profits attributable to the shareholders
of the parent company of the period 1,146,142,722.90
Less: Distribution of cash dividends (2,294,143,125.00)

Undistributed profits at the end of the period 38,345,853,094.28

(1) Cash dividends approved at the shareholders’ meeting held in the current period

The Proposal on Profit Distribution Plan for the First Three Quarters of 2020 was deliberated
and passed at the Company’s second extraordinary shareholders’ meeting in 2021 on
24 February 2021 to distribute cash dividends of RMB0.28 (tax inclusive) per share to all
shareholders with a total cash dividend of RMB2,569,096,967.00.

(2) Distribution of profits determined subsequent the balance sheet date

According to the proposal of the board of directors, the Company intends to pay a cash
dividend of RMB2,760,863,663.70 to shareholders based on Total share capital on the equity
registration date, that is, RMB0.30 (tax included) of cash dividend per share. The above
dividend distribution plan has yet to be approved by the meeting of shareholders.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


37. Operating income and operating costs

(1) Operating income and operating costs

For the period from 1 January to 30 June For the period from 1 January to 30
2021 (Unaudited) June 2020 (Unaudited)
Item Income Costs Income Costs

Principal operating activities 60,749,754,157.14 50,719,505,695.42 35,214,125,518.90 30,071,731,977.04

Other operating activities 1,178,614,759.03 1,144,927,601.59 715,068,128.95 569,907,522.53

Total 61,928,368,916.17 51,864,433,297.01 35,929,193,647.85 30,641,639,499.57

(2) Revenue arising from contracts

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Category of contracts (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

Income from the sales of automobiles 55,210,171,798.89 31,972,487,262.95

Income from the sales of automotive
parts and components 3,106,872,713.71 1,654,605,080.26
Revenue from rendering of services 1,576,232,782.74 1,045,388,345.05
Income from the sales of moulds and others 856,476,861.80 541,644,830.64
Other income 1,116,695,410.12 677,982,776.80
Revenue from contracts with customers 61,866,449,567.26 35,892,108,295.70
Rental income 61,919,348.91 37,085,352.15

Total 61,928,368,916.17 35,929,193,647.85

(3) Description of amortization to remaining performance obligations

At the end of the reporting period, the income corresponding to the performance obligations
for which a contract has been signed but not yet been fulfilled or not been fully fulfilled
amounted to RMB8,877,342,106.27, which is expected to be recognized in one year.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


38. Taxes and levies

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

Consumption tax 1,320,075,389.83 733,632,424.57

City maintenances and construction tax 162,542,984.55 84,911,624.94
Educational surcharges 116,931,143.64 73,268,922.20
Stamp duty 92,855,555.19 51,535,323.77
Land use tax 32,678,714.40 31,367,525.22
Real estate tax 68,028,489.71 44,748,103.50
Others 4,444,100.35 6,405,777.14

Total 1,797,556,377.67 1,025,869,701.34

39. Selling expenses

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

Transportation expenses 319,187,637.10 144,193,509.85

After-sale services expenses 426,546,422.27 11,005,395.80
Wages and salaries 205,879,212.07 152,606,290.46
Advertising and media services fees 1,191,033,252.59 635,030,715.42
Consulting service fee 84,261,287.16 54,471,367.76
Port charges 47,830,182.25 14,309,827.21
Travelling expenses 16,930,321.87 10,239,296.16
Share-based payments 11,597,337.43 3,128,065.44
Others 141,157,708.28 52,485,592.72

Total 2,444,423,361.02 1,077,470,060.82


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


40. Administrative expenses

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

Wages and salaries 654,074,392.27 444,074,156.46

Depreciation and Amortization 135,330,046.29 140,042,384.22
Business reception fees 8,562,531.72 4,221,671.96
Office expenses 85,992,378.13 46,635,498.68
Repair and maintenance fees 172,701,243.86 123,736,467.38
Auditors’ remuneration 769,105.19 821,554.36
Consulting service fee 149,010,890.33 75,473,055.91
Share-based payments 34,950,102.57 9,798,066.69
Others 99,827,465.36 96,373,431.94

Total 1,341,218,155.72 941,176,287.60

41. Financial expenses

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

Interest expense 231,611,304.18 122,272,851.94

Including: Interest expense from lease liabilities 14,087,093.69 1,482,188.22
Interest income (350,511,691.45) (303,031,858.89)
Foreign currency translation differences (192,828,278.95) 338,847,219.33
Discounted long-term receivables — (19,984,073.45)
Others 5,263,941.32 17,294,970.61

Total (306,464,724.90) 155,399,109.54


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


42. Other income

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

Government grants 486,133,764.53 200,379,099.65

Individual income tax rebate 7,006,510.27 6,852,304.25
Weighted deduction of input tax 3,806,677.92 887,632.91

Total 496,946,952.72 208,119,036.81

Government grants recognized in other income:

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January Related to an
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020 asset/related to
Item (Unaudited) (Unaudited) income

Automobile retirement subsidy 207,353,322.91 — Related to income

Research and development subsidy for talent
technology 36,468,919.00 — Related to income
Immediate refund of VAT of welfare enterprises 18,617,289.03 16,998,875.82 Related to income
Special funds for technological upgrading 6,950,000.00 — Related to income
Subsidy for replacing training with work 4,507,700.00 — Related to income
Grants from Economic Development Commission 2,500,000.00 — Related to income
Special grants for attraction of investment and
the wisdom 2,000,000.00 — Related to income
Comprehensive subsidy for Jiangyan plan 1,900,000.00 — Related to income
New energy vehicle subsidy 1,637,712.84 3,379,953.82 Related to income
Special funds for intelligent manufacturing 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 Related to income
Tax preferences for retired soldiers 1,052,836.14 — Related to income
Subsidies for job stabilization rebate in
unemployment insurance institute 578,514.72 17,511,053.08 Related to income
Import discount subsidy 511,860.00 3,237,571.00 Related to income
Others 1,728,424.80 5,333,991.92 Related to income
Related to an asset/
Amortization of deferred income 198,827,185.09 152,417,654.01 income

Total 486,133,764.53 200,379,099.65


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


43. Investment income


For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

Long-term equity investment income under equity

method 644,272,899.77 496,255,875.90
Investment income from disposal of held-for-trading
financial assets 75,004,234.08 51,623,507.81
Losses on derecognition of discounted bills (71,099,344.60) (117,965,967.60)
Investment income from disposal of derivative
financial assets/liabilities 2,452,344.34 —
Net profit or loss on disposal of subsidiaries — 1,049,232.64

Total 650,630,133.59 430,962,648.75

There are no significant restrictions on remittance of investment income of the Group.

The Group has no gains on investments from listed companies.

44. Gains or losses from changes in fair values

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
Source of gains (losses) from to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
changes in fair values (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

Held-for-trading financial assets

Including: Equity instrument investment 80,215,641.62 (8,466,024.00)
Wealth management products 9,118,583.62 35,102,991.47
Derivate financial assets/liabilities 1,632,206.72 (380,777.69)
Other non-current financial assets 764,300.00 (700,000.00)

Total 91,730,731.96 25,556,189.78


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


45. Impairment losses on credit

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

Accounts receivable (10,125,250.04) (36,513,249.35)

Other receivables (27,500.00) (784,446.00)
Long-term receivables (16,075,679.88) (7,837,101.83)

Total (26,228,429.92) (45,134,797.18)

46. Impairment losses on assets

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

I. Loss on decline in value of inventories (152,238,994.09) (289,122,943.68)

II. Loss on impairment of fixed assets (106,990,307.69) (21,655,007.26)
III. Loss on impairment of construction in progress (530,116.37) (169,368.95)

Total (259,759,418.15) (310,947,319.89)

47. Losses from disposal of assets

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

Losses from disposal of assets (24,025,980.42) (15,655,663.23)

Including:Losses from disposal of fixed assets (13,595,145.13) (19,741,004.20)
Gains (losses) from disposal of
construction in progress (10,618,042.72) 4,125,647.79
Gains (losses) from disposal of
intangible assets 20,544.78 (61,543.50)
Gains from disposal of
right-of-use assets 166,662.65 21,236.68

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


48. Non-operating income

(1) Breakdown of non-operating income is as follows:

For the period For the period included in
from 1 January from 1 January non-recurring
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020 gains and losses
Item (Unaudited) (Unaudited) for the period

Government grants 29,340,586.27 134,064,435.71 29,340,586.27

Gains from compensation 38,388,143.10 21,415,132.36 38,388,143.10
Unpayable amount 1,195,814.98 682,428.88 1,195,814.98
Others 23,774,263.49 13,317,193.97 23,774,263.49

Total 92,698,807.84 169,479,190.92 92,698,807.84

(2) Government grants recognized in non-operating income of the period:

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January Related to an
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020 asset/related to
Item (Unaudited) (Unaudited) income

Industrial development funds 18,874,007.47 105,987,054.40 Related to income

Financial subsidy — 27,786,081.31 Related to income
Others 10,466,578.80 291,300.00 Related to income

Total 29,340,586.27 134,064,435.71


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


49. Non-operating expenses

For the period For the period included in
from 1 January from 1 January non-recurring
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020 gains and losses
Item (Unaudited) (Unaudited) for the period

Expenditures for donations 7,516,558.71 9,518,294.26 7,516,558.71

Expenses for compensations and fines 973,278.67 1,723,799.62 973,278.67
Others 7,206,665.27 355,133.84 7,206,665.27

Total 15,696,502.65 11,597,227.72 15,696,502.65

50. Income tax expenses

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

Current tax expenses 755,025,813.23 311,703,227.57

Deferred tax expenses (347,899,144.33) (139,481,800.22)

Total 407,126,668.90 172,221,427.35


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


50. Income tax expenses (continued)

Reconciliation of income tax expenses to accounting profits is as follows:

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

Total profit 3,935,743,693.74 1,318,364,150.25

Income tax rate 25% 25%
Income tax calculated at tax rate of 25% 983,935,923.44 329,591,037.56
Changes in opening balances of deferred tax
assets/liabilities due to the change in tax rate 340,593.38 —
Effect of special tax exemption (201,154,555.29) (124,498,687.25)
Effect of additional deduction for research and
development expenses (253,862,770.97) (111,477,436.81)
Tax effect of non-taxable income (164,210,605.93) (127,364,882.15)
Effect of weighted deduction for the disabled (4,932,459.79) (3,743,765.97)
Tax effect of non-deductible expenses 21,512,130.44 23,016,059.81
Effect of deductible loss not recognized for
deferred tax assets for the period 25,498,413.62 186,699,102.16

Total 407,126,668.90 172,221,427.35

51. Net profit

Net profit of the Group has been arrived at after charging (crediting):

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Item Notes (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

Depreciation and amortization for

investment properties VI.12 8,930,026.73 6,925,507.71
Depreciation for fixed assets 1,969,520,550.96 1,918,303,923.71
Depreciation for right-of-use assets VI.15 90,020,450.95 14,478,164.97
Amortization of intangible assets 602,896,190.53 335,339,694.58
Total amount of depreciation and
amortization 2,671,367,219.17 2,275,047,290.97
Gains (losses) from disposal of assets VI.47 (24,025,980.42) (15,655,663.23)
Rental income from investment properties 33,625,811.86 22,669,257.09
Employee benefits expense 4,120,221,772.17 2,798,470,218.57
Research and development expenses 1,857,755,050.88 1,220,056,896.97
Losses on decline in value of inventories VI.7 152,238,994.09 289,122,943.68

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


52. Basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share

(1) Calculation of basic earnings per share

The basic earnings per share is calculated based on the current net profit attributable to
ordinary shareholders of the Company, deducting the cash dividends distributed to holders
of restricted shares that are expected to be unlocked in the future, divided by the weighted
average number of outstanding ordinary shares (excluding the number of restricted shares).

For the period

from 1 January For the period from
to 30 June 2021 1 January to 30 June
Item (Unaudited) 2020 (Unaudited)

Basic earnings per share (RMB/share) 0.39 0.12

(2) Calculation of diluted earnings per share

Diluted earnings per share is calculated by dividing the adjusted current net profit
attributable to the owners of the parent company by the adjusted weighted average number
of outstanding ordinary shares in the current period under the assumption that all dilutive
potential ordinary shares have been converted.

For the period For the period

from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share) 0.38 0.12


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


53. Other comprehensive income

Amount incurred in the current period
Less: Amount
included in other
comprehensive Attributable to
Amount income and owners of Attributable to
31 December incurred for transferred to Less: the parent minority
2020 current period profit or loss Income tax company interests 30 June 2021
Item (Audited) before tax for the period expenses after tax after tax (Unaudited)

Other comprehensive income that will not be

reclassified to profit or loss — — — — — — —
Including: Remeasurement of changes in net
liabilities of defined benefit plans (5,496,728.08) — — — — — (5,496,728.08)
Other comprehensive income that will be
reclassified to profit or loss — — — — — — —
Including: Changes in fair value of financial
assets at FVTOCI (311,054,327.39) 51,464,466.66 — (7,719,670.00) 43,744,796.66 — (267,309,530.73)
Translation differences of financial statements
denominated in foreign currencies (266,311,054.50) (56,673,665.08) — — (56,673,665.08) — (322,984,719.58)

Total other comprehensive income (582,862,109.97) (5,209,198.42) — (7,719,670.00) (12,928,868.42) — (595,790,978.39)

54. Notes to cash flow statements

(1) Other cash received relating to operating activities

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

Interest income 184,943,452.95 133,025,403.19

Government grants 1,321,787,321.19 1,510,169,715.41
Finance lease expenses 12,408,546.77 —
Reparations (penalty) income 38,388,143.10 19,764,572.51
Others 31,833,609.90 210,797,771.86

Total 1,589,361,073.91 1,873,757,462.97


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


54. Notes to cash flow statements (continued)

(2) Other cash payments relating to operating activities

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

Advertising and media services fee 558,269,285.67 482,838,234.14

Transportation costs and port charges 298,927,852.08 129,984,063.40
Technology development expenditures 650,212,850.63 531,463,517.57
Finance leases – 552,286,005.81
After-sale services expenses and repair costs 633,090,036.79 279,972,101.70
Business reception fees and office expenses 84,330,248.18 28,242,843.12
Travelling expenses 30,272,327.74 22,592,801.87
Consultation fees 237,577,384.15 103,798,430.51
Payment of software usage fees on
behalf of others 163,196,740.78 151,601,933.00
Others 191,972,250.81 576,385,761.03

Total 2,847,848,976.83 2,859,165,692.15

(3) Other cash received relating to investing activities

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
(Unaudited) (Unaudited)

Collection of current amounts 53,000,000.00 —

Total 53,000,000.00 —

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


54. Notes to cash flow statements (continued)

(4) Other cash payments relating to investing activities

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

Receivables — 89,075,000.00

Total — 89,075,000.00

(5) Other cash received relating to financing activities

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
(Unaudited) (Unaudited)

Decrease in restricted bank deposits — 264,777,223.55

Total — 264,777,223.55

(6) Other cash payments relating to financing activities

For the period For the period

from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
(Unaudited) (Unaudited)

Decrease in lease liabilities 153,057,909.53 8,696,545.97

Expenses on issue of convertible bonds 11,659,000.00 —
Increase in restricted bank deposits 59,002,454.32 —
Repurchase of treasury shares 2,637,696.00 —

Total 226,357,059.85 8,696,545.97


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


55. Supplementary information of cash flow statements

(1) Supplementary information of cash flow statements

For the period from For the period from
1 January to 1 January to
30 June 2021 30 June 2020
Supplementary information (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

1. Reconciliation of net profits to cash flow

from operating activities:
Net profits 3,528,617,024.84 1,146,142,722.90
Add: Impairment losses on assets 259,759,418.15 310,947,319.89
Impairment losses on credit 26,228,429.92 45,134,797.18
Depreciation of fixed assets 1,969,520,550.96 1,918,303,923.71
Depreciation of right-of-use assets 90,020,450.95 14,478,164.97
Amortization of intangible assets 602,896,190.53 335,339,694.58
Amortization of long-term prepaid expenses 29,284,832.33 11,187,486.49
Depreciation and amortization of
investment properties 8,930,026.73 6,925,507.71
Losses(Gains) from fair value changes (91,730,731.96) (25,556,189.78)
Losses(Gains) on disposal of assets 24,025,980.42 15,655,663.23
Amortization of deferred income (198,827,185.09) (152,417,654.01)
Financial expense (24,674,770.37) (20,509,238.11)
Investment losses (income) (721,729,478.19) (548,928,616.35)
Decrease in deferred tax assets (Less: increase) (412,338,128.08) (222,664,608.59)
Increase in deferred tax liabilities (Less: decrease) 64,438,983.75 83,182,808.37
Decrease in inventories (Less: increase) (2,290,842,606.88) 1,495,839,815.49
Decrease in operating receivables (Less: increase) 10,273,042,748.30 7,977,523,853.52
Increase in operating payables (Less: decrease) 1,868,930,844.82 (2,903,181,428.31)
Others 104,226,171.02 29,140,142.70

Net cash flows from operating activities 15,109,778,752.15 9,516,544,165.59

2. Major investing and financing activities

that do not involve cash receipts and
Right-of-use assets recognized for leased fixed assets 134,386,743.61 25,131,504.52

3. Net changes in cash and cash equivalents:

Cash balance at the end of the period 21,064,145,169.48 17,950,852,672.62
Less: Cash balance at the beginning of the period 13,591,491,005.23 8,777,231,585.64

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 7,472,654,164.25 9,173,621,086.98


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


55. Supplementary information of cash flow statements (continued)

(2) Net cash received in the period for disposal of subsidiaries

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

Cash or cash equivalents received in

current period for disposal of subsidiaries — 329,000,000.00
Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by
subsidiaries at the date of losing
control — 500,000.00
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries — 328,500,000.00

(3) Components of cash and cash equivalents

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Audited)

I. Cash 21,064,145,169.48 13,591,491,005.23

Including: Cash on hand 661,511.53 183,924.63
Bank deposits ready to be
withdrawn on demand 21,063,483,657.95 13,591,307,080.60

II. Cash and cash equivalent balance at the

end of the period 21,064,145,169.48 13,591,491,005.23

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


56. Assets with limited ownership or use right

Carrying amount
at the end of
Item the period Reasons for the restrictions

Cash and bank balances Bank acceptance deposits, L/C Guarantee

1,207,646,808.76 deposits, guarantee deposits and others
Notes receivable Used for issuance of notes payable and pledge
31,440,208,731.69 on short-term borrowings
Intangible assets 82,233,067.75 Mortgage of long-term borrowings
Long-term receivables Pledge on short-term borrowings, long-term
3,080,601,143.55 borrowings and bonds payable

Total 35,810,689,751.75

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


57. Monetary items denominated in foreign currency

(1) Monetary items denominated in foreign currency

balance of Closing
foreign Exchange balance of
Item currency rate RMB

Cash and bank balances

Include: USD 235,694,020.09 6.4601 1,522,606,939.20
RMB 786,154,783.25 1.0000 786,154,783.25
EUR 1,882,991.74 7.6862 14,473,051.11
JPY 75,887,412.84 0.0584 4,431,824.91
HKD 43,057.76 0.8321 35,828.36
GBP 12,496.91 8.9410 111,734.87
SGD 311.00 4.8027 1,493.64
AUD 77.36 4.8528 375.42
RUB 572.86 0.0888 50.87
KRW 7,122.81 0.0057 40.60
THB 129.98 0.2015 26.19

Accounts receivable
Include: USD 112,199,531.64 6.4601 724,820,194.37
EUR 3,756,820.64 7.6862 28,875,674.80
RMB 1,277,066.02 1.0000 1,277,066.02

Other receivables
Include: EUR 1,605,234.00 7.6862 12,338,149.57

Accounts payable
Include: EUR 1,561,764.39 7.6862 12,004,033.46
JPY 723,471,703.77 0.0584 42,250,747.50
USD 1,603,995.58 6.4601 10,361,971.85
HKD 1,411.40 0.8321 1,174.43
RMB 46,919,488.87 1.0000 46,919,488.87

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


57. Monetary items denominated in foreign currency (continued)

(1) Monetary items denominated in foreign currency (continued)

balance of Closing
foreign Exchange balance of
Item currency rate RMB

Other payables
Include: EUR 1,787,960.84 7.6862 13,742,624.59
USD 3,695,487.63 6.4601 23,873,219.66
JPY 77,741,255.31 0.0584 4,540,089.31
HKD 10,427,457.07 0.8321 8,676,687.03

Short-term borrowings
Include: USD 55,000,000.00 6.4601 355,305,500.00

Long-term borrowings
Include: EUR 340,805,161.29 7.6862 2,619,496,630.71
USD 200,000,000.00 6.4601 1,292,020,000.00

58. Net current assets

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Audited)

Current assets 100,910,986,148.22 99,398,966,749.91

Less: Current liabilities 76,608,530,529.61 81,165,712,444.73

Net current assets 24,302,455,618.61 18,233,254,305.18

59. Total assets less current liabilities

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Audited)

Total assets 157,177,839,908.30 154,011,490,632.24

Less: Current liabilities 76,608,530,529.61 81,165,712,444.73

Total assets less current liabilities 80,569,309,378.69 72,845,778,187.51


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


1. Business combination not involving enterprises under common control

(1) Acquisition of assets in the form of acquisition of subsidiaries in the current period

Basis for
Time point Cost of Proportion Method determination
of equity equity of equity of equity Acquisition of acquisition
Name of acquiree acquired acquired acquired (%) acquired date date

Zhongtai International
Insurance Brokerage
(Beijing) Co., Ltd.
(“Zhongtai International
Insurance”) 2 June 2021 36,481,877.24 100.00 Cash 2 June 2021 Note 1

Note 1: In accordance with the Interpretation No. 13 Revised Business Definition, the Group concluded that Zhongtai
International Insurance does not constitute the business, and the acquisition date is the date on which the acquirer
obtains the effective control over the related asset portfolios of the acquiree.

(2) Combination cost

Combination cost Amount

Cash 36,481,877.24
Total combination cost 36,481,877.24
Less: The portion of fair value of net identifiable assets acquired 36,481,877.24
Difference between the combination cost and the fair value of
the identifiable net assets obtained —

(3) Identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree at the acquisition date

Zhongtai International Insurance
Acquisition date Acquisition date
Item Fair value Carrying amount

Current assets 11,781,877.24 11,781,877.24

Non-current assets 24,796,542.69 81,535.10
Current liabilities 96,542.69 96,542.69
Net assets 36,481,877.24 11,766,869.65
Less: Minority interests — —
Net assets acquired 36,481,877.24 11,766,869.65

Note: The fair value of identifiable assets and liabilities is assessed and determined using the market approach.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


1. Business combination not involving enterprises under common control (continued)

(4) Operating results and cash flows of the acquiree from the beginning of the period in
which the acquisition took place to the acquisition date:

From the acquisition
date to the end of the
period in which the
Item acquisition took place

Operating income —
Operating costs and expenses 20,191.63
Total loss (20,191.63)
Net loss (19,182.05)
Net cash flow from operating activities (99,199.92)
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (99,199.92)

2. Business combination involving enterprises under common control

There is no business combination involving enterprises under common control during the current

3. Disposal of subsidiaries

No subsidiary was disposed of in the current period.

4. Changes in consolidation scope for other reasons

Newly established subsidiaries during the current period:

Title Establishment time

Sanya Jiashang Management Service Co., Ltd. (“Sanya Jiashang”) January 2021
Mind Automotive Parts (Jingmen) Co., Ltd. (“Jingmen Mind”) February 2021
Tianjin Great Wall Investment Co., Ltd. (“Tianjin Great Wall Investment”) February 2021
Chongqing Great Wall Auto Sales Service Co., Ltd.
(“Chongqing Great Wall Sales”) April 2021
Jingcheng Engineering Automotive Parts (Jingmen) Co., Ltd.
(“Jinggong Jingmen”) May 2021
Zhangjiagang Automobile Research and Development Co., Ltd.
(“Zhangjiagang Research and Development”) May 2021

No subsidiary was deregistered in the current period.


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


1. Interests in subsidiaries

(1) Structure of the Group

Subsidiaries invested by the Group:

Proportion of
shareholdings (%)
Place of Proportion of voting
principal Place of rights (%)
Full name of subsidiaries operations registration Business nature Direct Indirect

Great Wall Baoding Huabei Automotive Gaobeidian Gaobeidian Manufacture of 100.00 —

Company Limited (保定長城華北汽車有限 automotive parts
責任公司) (“Great Wall Huabei”) and components
Baoding Great Baoding Baoding Manufacture of 100.00 —
automotive parts
and components
Baoding Nobo Rubber Production Co.,Ltd Baoding Baoding Manufacture of 100.00 —
(保定市諾博橡膠製品有限公司) automotive parts
(“Baoding Nobo”) and components
Beijing Great Automotive Components Co., Beijing Beijing Manufacture of 100.00 —
Ltd. (北京格瑞特汽車零部件有限公司) automotive parts
(“Beijing Great”) and components
Baoding Great Wall Auto Sales Co., Ltd. Baoding Baoding Marketing and sale 20.18 79.82
(保定長城汽車銷售有限公司) of automobiles
(“Great Wall Sales”)
Tide Technology and Trade Company Limited Hong Kong Hong Kong Investment and 100.00 —
(泰德科貿有限公司) (“Tide Technology financing services
and Trade”)
Mind Electronics Baoding Baoding Manufacture of 100.00 —
automotive parts
and components
Tianjin Great Wall Lean Automotive Parts Tianjin Tianjin Manufacture of 100.00 —
Company Limited (天津長城精益汽車零部件 Development Development automotive parts
有限公司) (“Tianjin Lean”) Zone Zone and components
Baoding Great Wall Ants Logistics Co., Ltd Baoding Baoding Logistics and 100.00 —
(保定長城螞蟻物流有限公司) ordinary goods
(“Great Wall Ants”) transportation
Ningxia Great Wall Automobile Rental Co., Ltd. Yinchuan Yinchuan Buildings rental 100.00 —
(寧夏長城汽車租賃有限公司) Economic and Economic and
(“Ningxia Rental”) Technological Technological
Baoding Great Wall Resource Recycling Co., Ltd Baoding Baoding Processing, recycling 100.00 —
(保定長城再生資源利用有限公司) and sale of waste
(“Great Wall Resource Recycling”) and used material

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


1. Interests in subsidiaries (continued)

(1) Structure of the Group (continued)

Subsidiaries invested by the Group: (continued)

Proportion of
shareholdings (%)
Place of Proportion of voting
principal Place of rights (%)
Full name of subsidiaries operations registration Business nature Direct Indirect

Baoding Exquisite Automotive Mould Baoding Baoding Research, 100.00 —

Technology Co., Ltd. development and
(保定市精工汽車模具技術有限公司) manufacture of
(“Exquisite Mould”) auto moulds
Rizhao Weiyi Automobile Co., Ltd. Rizhao Rizhao Manufacture of 100.00 —
(日照威奕汽車有限公司) automotive parts
(“Rizhao Weiyi”) and components
Beijing Great Wall Dongsheng Business Beijing Beijing Business information — 100.00
Consulting Co., Ltd. consultation
("Great Wall Dongsheng")
Shanghai Salon Zhixing Industrial Co., Ltd. Shanghai Shanghai Research and — 100.00
(“Shanghai Salon”) development of
auto technology
and technical
Haval Motors Australia Pty Ltd Australia Australia Auto selling 38.50 61.50
(“Haval Australia”)
Russian Havel Automobile Co., Ltd Russia Russia Auto selling — 100.00
Australia Sinyos Technology And Trade Pty Ltd Australia Australia Auto selling — 100.00
Russia Haval Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Russia Russia Auto manufacture 70.58 29.42
(“Russia Manufacturing”)
Haval Motors South Africa Limited South Africa South Africa Auto selling 100.00 —
(“Haval South Africa”)
Baoding Great Wall Scrap Car Recycling & Baoding Baoding Scrap car recycling 100.00 —
Dismantling Co., Ltd. and dismantling
(“Scrap Car Recycling and Dismantling”)
Great Wall Japan Motor Co., Ltd. Yokohama, Yokohama, Research and design — 100.00
(長城日本技研株式會社) Japan Japan of automobile and
auto parts
Great Wall Motor Europe Technical Center Germany Germany Research and design 100.00 —
GmbH (長城汽車歐洲技術中心有限公司) of automobile and
(“Europe Technical Center”) auto parts
Great Wall India Research and Development India India Research, design and 99.90 0.10
Private Limited (長城印度研發私人有限公司) sales of automobile
(“India R&D”) and auto parts

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


1. Interests in subsidiaries (continued)

(1) Structure of the Group (continued)

Subsidiaries invested by the Group: (continued)

Proportion of
shareholdings (%)
Place of Proportion of voting
principal Place of rights (%)
Full name of subsidiaries operations registration Business nature Direct Indirect

Zaoqi Financial Leasing Company Limited Baoding Baoding Finance Lease 75.00 25.00
(棗啟融資租賃有限公司) business
(“Zaoqi Financial Leasing”)
American HAVAL Motor Company USA USA Technology research 100.00 —
(美國哈弗汽車有限公司)(“American HAVAL”) and development
of automobile
American HAVAL Motor technology, LLC USA USA Technology research — 100.00
(美國哈弗汽車科技 Limited liability company) and development
of automobile
American HAVAL Asset Management, LLC USA USA Real estate — 100.00
(美國哈弗資產管理 Limited liability company)
Billion Sunny Technical Energy Korea Korea Research and design — 100.00
(億新科技能源有限公司) of automobile and
auto parts
Great Wall Motor Austria Research & Austria Austria Research and design — 100.00
Development Co., Ltd. of automobile and
(長城汽車奧地利研發有限公司) auto parts
Baoding Billion Sunny Consulting Baoding Baoding Technology — 100.00
Service Co., Ltd. information
consultation service,
and trade
consultation service
Guangzhou Great Wall Auto Sales Company Guangzhou Guangzhou Auto selling 100.00 —
Limited (廣州長城汽車銷售有限公司)
(“Guangzhou Great Wall Sales”)
Xiamen Great Wall Auto Sales Co., Ltd. Xiamen Xiamen Auto selling 100.00 —
(“Xiamen Great Wall Sales”)
Chongqing Auto Parts Chongqing Chongqing Sales of automotive 100.00 —
Chongqing Haval Chongqing Chongqing Auto selling 100.00 —
Tianjin Euler Tianjin Tianjin Finance leasing 75.00 25.00

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


1. Interests in subsidiaries (continued)

(1) Structure of the Group (continued)

Subsidiaries invested by the Group: (continued)

Proportion of
shareholdings (%)
Place of Proportion of voting
principal Place of rights (%)
Full name of subsidiaries operations registration Business nature Direct Indirect

Honeycomb Yichuang Technology Co., Ltd. Baoding Baoding Manufacture of 100.00 —

(蜂巢易創科技有限公司) automotive parts
(“Honeycomb Yichuang”) and components
Jinggong Motor Baoding Baoding Manufacture of 100.00 —
automotive parts
and components
Nobo Automotive Baoding Baoding Manufacture of 100.00 —
automotive parts
and components
Nobo Rubber Baoding Baoding Manufacture of — 100.00
automotive parts
and components
Baoding Nobo Automotive Decoration Co., Ltd. Baoding Baoding Manufacture of — 100.00
(保定諾博汽車裝飾件有限公司) automotive parts
and components
Chongqing Jinggong Motor Chongqing Chongqing Manufacture of — 100.00
automotive parts
and components
Chongqing Nobo Parts and Components Chongqing Chongqing Manufacture of — 100.00
automotive parts
and components
Hebei Xiong’an Great Wall Motor Technology Baoding Baoding Automobile and 100.00 —
Co., Ltd. (河北雄安長城汽車科技有限公司) R&D of unmanned
(“Xiong’an Great Wall”) vehicles
Honeycomb Power System (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. Zhenjiang Zhenjiang R&D of automobile — 100.00
(蜂巢動力系統(江蘇)有限公司) dynamic system
(“Honeycomb Power”)
Honeycomb Drive System (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. Zhenjiang Zhenjiang R&D of new energy — 100.00
(蜂巢傳動系統(江蘇)有限公司) vehicle transmission
(“Honeycomb Drive”) system
Honeycomb Electric Drive System (Jiangsu) Zhenjiang Zhenjiang R&D of new energy — 100.00
Co., Ltd. (蜂巢電驅動系統(江蘇)有限公司) vehicle electric
drive system
Honeycomb Intelligent Steering System (Jiangsu) Zhenjiang Zhenjiang R&D of auto — 100.00
Co., Ltd. (蜂巢智能轉向系統(江蘇)有限公司) intelligent steering
system and its

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


1. Interests in subsidiaries (continued)

(1) Structure of the Group (continued)

Subsidiaries invested by the Group: (continued)

Proportion of
shareholdings (%)
Place of Proportion of voting
principal Place of rights (%)
Full name of subsidiaries operations registration Business nature Direct Indirect

Jingcheng Gongke Automotive Parts and Zhenjiang Zhenjiang Manufacture of — 100.00

Components (Yangzhong) Co., Ltd. automotive parts
Chongqing Mind Chongqing Chongqing Manufacture of — 100.00
automotive parts
and components
Chongqing Haval Logistics Chongqing Chongqing Logistics and — 100.00
ordinary goods
Chongqing Great Wall After-sales Chongqing Chongqing Customer Service 100.00 —
Chongqing Weipai Chongqing Chongqing Sales of automobile 100.00 —
and auto parts
Nuochuang Automotive Technology (Shanghai) Shanghai Shanghai Development of — 100.00
Co., Ltd. (諾創汽車科技(上海)有限公司) technologies of
automotive parts
Baoding Yijian Start Automobile Sales Service Baoding Baoding Auto-selling: 100.00 —
Co., Ltd. (保定一見啟動汽車銷售服務有限公司) Wholesale and retail
(“Baoding Yijian Start”) of car accessories
Honeycomb Transmission Technology Baoding Baoding R&D of new energy — 100.00
vehicle transmission
Yijian Start (Chongqing) Automobile Sales Service Chongqing Chongqing Auto-selling: — 100.00
Co., Ltd. Wholesale and retail
of car accessories
Yijian Start (Ji’nan) Automobile Sales Service Ji’nan Ji’nan Auto-selling: — 100.00
Co., Ltd. (一見啟動(濟南)汽車銷售服務 Wholesale and retail
有限公司) of car accessories
Qingdao Yijian Start Automobile Sales Service Qingdao Qingdao Auto-selling: — 100.00
Co., Ltd. (青島一見啟動汽車銷售服務有限公司) Wholesale and retail
of car accessories
Zaoqi (Xi’an) Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd. Xi’an Xi’an Auto-selling: — 100.00
(棗啟(西安) 汽車銷售服務有限公司) Wholesale and retail
of car accessories

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


1. Interests in subsidiaries (continued)

(1) Structure of the Group (continued)

Subsidiaries invested by the Group: (continued)

Proportion of
shareholdings (%)
Place of Proportion of voting
principal Place of rights (%)
Full name of subsidiaries operations registration Business nature Direct Indirect

Yijian Start (Nanjing) Automobile Sales Service Nanjing Nanjing Auto-selling: — 100.00
Co., Ltd. (一見啟動(南京) 汽車銷售服務 Wholesale and retail
有限公司) of car accessories
Yijian Start (Dongguan) Automobile Sales Service Dongguan Dongguan Auto-selling: — 100.00
Co., Ltd. Wholesale and retail
of car accessories
Yijian Start (Lanzhou) Automobile Sales Service Lanzhou Lanzhou Auto-selling: — 100.00
Co., Ltd. Wholesale and retail
of car accessories
Zaoqi (Wenzhou) Automobile Sales Service Co., Wenzhou Wenzhou Auto-selling: — 100.00
Ltd. (棗啟(溫州) 汽車銷售服務有限公司) Wholesale and retail
of car accessories
Chengdu Zaoqi Automobile Sales Service Co., Chengdu Chengdu Auto-selling: — 100.00
Ltd. (成都棗啟汽車銷售服務有限公司) Wholesale and retail
of car accessories
Hefei Yijian Start Automobile Sales Service Co., Hefei Hefei Auto-selling: — 100.00
Ltd. (合肥一見啟動汽車銷售服務有限公司) Wholesale and retail
of car accessories
Kunming Mibang Automobile Sales Service Co., Kunming Kunming Auto-selling: — 100.00
Ltd. (昆明米邦汽車銷售服務有限公司) Wholesale and retail
of car accessories
Yijian Start (Zhengzhou) Automobile Sales Service Zhengzhou Zhengzhou Auto-selling: — 100.00
Co., Ltd. Wholesale and retail
of car accessories
Yijian Start (Taiyuan) Automobile Sales Service Taiyuan Taiyuan Auto-selling: — 100.00
Co., Ltd. Wholesale and retail
of car accessories
Honeycomb Electric Drive Technology Hebei Baoding Baoding R&D of new energy — 100.00
Co., Ltd. (蜂巢電驅動科技河北有限公司) vehicle electric
drive system
Honeycomb Intelligent Steering Technology Baoding Baoding R&D of auto — 100.00
Hebei Co., Ltd intelligent steering
(蜂巢智能轉向科技河北有限公司). system and its
Yijian Start (Wuhan) Automobile Sales Service Wuhan Wuhan Auto-selling: — 100.00
Co., Ltd. Wholesale and retail
of car accessories

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


1. Interests in subsidiaries (continued)

(1) Structure of the Group (continued)

Subsidiaries invested by the Group: (continued)

Proportion of
shareholdings (%)
Place of Proportion of voting
principal Place of rights (%)
Full name of subsidiaries operations registration Business nature Direct Indirect

India Haval Automobile Private Co., Ltd. India India Auto manufacturing 99.90 0.10
(印度哈弗汽車私人有限公司)(“India Haval”) and selling
Nanning Yijian Start Automobile Sales Service Nanning Nanning Auto-selling: — 100.00
Co., Ltd. (南寧一見啟動汽車銷售服務 Wholesale and retail
有限公司) of car accessories
Yijian Start (Beijing) Automobile Sales Service Beijing Beijing Auto-selling: — 100.00
Co., Ltd. Wholesale and retail
of car accessories
Nobo Automotive Parts (Taizhou) Co., Ltd. Taizhou Taizhou Manufacture of — 100.00
(諾博汽車零部件(泰州)有限公司) automotive parts
and components
Jingcheng Engineering Automotive Parts Taizhou Taizhou Manufacture of — 100.00
(Taizhou) Co., Ltd. automotive parts
(精誠工科汽車零部件(泰州)有限公司) and components
HWA Ding International Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Hong Kong International trading 100.00 —
(“HWA Ding International”) & investment and
Nobo Automotive Parts (Rizhao) Co., Ltd. Rizhao Rizhao Manufacture of — 100.00
(諾博汽車零部件(日照)有限公司) automotive parts
and components
Jingcheng engineering auto parts (Rizhao) Rizhao Rizhao Manufacture of — 100.00
Co., Ltd automotive parts
and components
Great Wall Motor Sales (Thailand Sales) Co., Ltd. Thailand Thailand Sales of automobile — 100.00
and auto parts
Honeycomb Zhixing transmission system (Jiangsu) Taizhou Taizhou Manufacture of — 100.00
Co., Ltd automotive parts
and components
Honeycomb Weiling Power Technology (Jiangsu) Taizhou Taizhou Manufacture of — 100.00
Co., Ltd automotive parts
and components
Nobo auto parts (Ningyang) Co., Ltd Ningyang Ningyang Manufacture of — 100.00
automotive parts
and components

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


1. Interests in subsidiaries (continued)

(1) Structure of the Group (continued)

Subsidiaries invested by the Group: (continued)

Proportion of
shareholdings (%)
Place of Proportion of voting
principal Place of rights (%)
Full name of subsidiaries operations registration Business nature Direct Indirect

Shanghai Yuefan Information Technology Shanghai Shanghai Technology 100.00 —

Co., Ltd. (上海玥泛信息科技有限公司) development,
("Shanghai Yuefan") consulting and
Mande auto parts (Rizhao) Co., Ltd Rizhao Rizhao Manufacture of — 100.00
automotive parts
and components
Nobo auto parts (Pinghu) Co., Ltd Pinghu Pinghu Manufacture of — 100.00
automotive parts
and components
Chongqing Transmission Chongqing Chongqing Manufacture of — 100.00
automotive parts
and components
Qichuang International Co., Ltd Hong Kong Hong Kong International trade, — 100.00
equity investment,
investment and
financing services
Xunqi International Co., Ltd Hong Kong Hong Kong International trade, 100.00 —
equity investment,
investment and
financing services
Yuefan International Co., Ltd Hong Kong Hong Kong International trade, — 100.00
equity investment,
investment and
financing services
Yixintong Technology (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. Tianjin Tianjin Technology — 100.00
(“Yixintong Technology”) development,
consulting and
Chongqing Power Chongqing Chongqing Manufacture of — 100.00
automotive parts
and components
Mande auto parts (Taizhou) Co., Ltd Taizhou Taizhou Manufacture of — 100.00
automotive parts
and components

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


1. Interests in subsidiaries (continued)

(1) Structure of the Group (continued)

Subsidiaries invested by the Group: (continued)

Proportion of
shareholdings (%)
Place of Proportion of voting
principal Place of rights (%)
Full name of subsidiaries operations registration Business nature Direct Indirect

Mande Optoelectronics (Taizhou) Co.,Ltd Taizhou Taizhou Manufacture of — 100.00

automotive parts
and components
Nobo auto parts (Shenyang) Co., Ltd Shenyang Shenyang Manufacture of — 100.00
automotive parts
and components
Nobo Automotive Technology Co., Ltd. Suzhou Suzhou Automotive — 100.00
research and
consulting services
Nobo Automotive Parts (Zhangjiagang) Suzhou Suzhou Manufacture of — 100.00
Co., Ltd. automotive parts
Jingcheng Engineering Automotive Systems Jiaxing Jiaxing Manufacture of — 100.00
(Pinghu) Co., Ltd. automotive parts
Jingcheng Engineering Automotive Parts Suzhou Suzhou Manufacture of — 100.00
(Zhangjiagang) Co., Ltd. automotive parts
Great Wall Motor Investment Holding Netherlands Netherlands Investment platform — 100.00
Co., Ltd.
Xiangyun Technology Logistics (Taizhou) Taizhou Taizhou Logistics and daily — 100.00
Co., Ltd. (“Xiangyun Logistics Taizhou”) cargo transportation
Xiangyun Technology Logistics (Pinghu) Jiaxing Jiaxing Logistics and daily — 100.00
Co., Ltd. cargo transportation
Weipai Automotive Germany Co., Ltd. Germany Germany Sales of autos and — 100.00
their parts
Mind Automotive Parts (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Thailand Thailand Manufacture of — 100.00
automotive parts
Nobo Automotive Systems (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Thailand Thailand Manufacture of — 100.00
automotive parts
Xiangyun Technology Logistics (Rizhao) Rizhao Rizhao Logistics and daily — 100.00
Co., Ltd. cargo transportation

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


1. Interests in subsidiaries (continued)

(1) Structure of the Group (continued)

Subsidiaries invested by the Group: (continued)

Proportion of
shareholdings (%)
Place of Proportion of voting
principal Place of rights (%)
Full name of subsidiaries operations registration Business nature Direct Indirect

Jingcheng Engineering Automotive Parts Thailand Thailand Manufacture of — 100.00

(Thailand) Co., Ltd. automotive parts
Shanghai Great Wall Motor Technology Shanghai Shanghai Technical development 100.00 —
Co., Ltd. (“Shanghai Motor Technology”) and consulting
Tianjin Zhixin Financing Guarantee Co. Ltd. Tianjin Tianjin Financing guarantee 100.00 —
(“Tianjin Zhixin”) business
Nobo Automotive Parts (Jingmen) Co., Ltd. Jingmen Jingmen Manufacture of — 100.00
automotive parts
Feige Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. Zhangjiagang Zhangjiagang Automobile technical — 100.00
development and
consulting services
Sanya Jiashang (Note 1) Sanya Sanya Economic information — 100.00
Jingmen Mind (Note 1) Jingmen Jingmen Manufacture of — 100.00
automotive parts
Tianjin Great Wall Investment (Note 1) Tianjin Tianjin Investment platform 100.00 —
Chongqing Great Wall Sales (Note 1) Chongqing Chongqing Auto sales 100.00 —
Jinggong Jingmen (Note 1) Jingmen Jingmen Manufacture of — 100.00
automotive parts
Zhangjiagang Research and Development Suzhou Suzhou Automobile research 100.00 —
(Note 1) and development

Note 1: Such companies represent the new subsidiaries established in the current year.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


1. Interests in subsidiaries (continued)

(1) Structure of the Group (continued)

Subsidiary acquired through business combination not under common control:

Proportion of
shareholdings (%)
Place of Proportion of voting
principal Place of rights (%)
Full name of subsidiaries operations registration Business nature Direct Indirect

Billion Sunny Development Company Limited Hong Kong Hong Kong Investment holding — 100.00
Nobo Automotive Germany Holding Company Netherlands Netherlands Investment holding — 100.00
Noble Automotive Systems (Germany) Co., Ltd. Germany Germany Manufacture of — 100.00
(formerly “noble Automotive Systems automotive parts
Nobo Automotive Germany GmbH Germany Germany Investment holding — 100.00
Motuls Ceiling Holdings & Co., Ltd. (formerly Germany Germany Investment holding — 100.00
known as “Nobo Automotive Holdings &
Co., Ltd.”)
Great Wall Motor Manufacturing (Thailand) Thailand Thailand Auto manufacturing — 100.00
Company Limited
Hycet Engine System (Thailand) Company Thailand Thailand Manufacture of — 100.00
Limited automotive parts
Zhongtai International Insurance Beijing Beijing Insurance broker 100.00 —

Subsidiaries acquired through business combination under common control:

Proportion of
shareholdings (%)
Place of Proportion of voting
principal Place of rights (%)
Full name of subsidiaries operations registration Business nature Direct Indirect

Baoding Yixin Baoding Baoding Manufacturing of 100.00 —

automotive parts
Changyou Haoche (Tianjin) Automobile Import Tianjin Tianjin Sales of automotive 100.00 —
and Export Co., Ltd (常有好車(天津) parts and
汽車進出口有限公司) (“Changyou Haoche”) components

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


2. There is no transaction incurred which gives rise to changes in proportion of equity in

subsidiaries while the subsidiaries are still held by the Company in this period.

3. Interests in joint ventures or associates

(1) Important joint ventures

Proportion of
shareholdings (%) Accounting
Place of Proportion of procedures for
Full name of principal Place of voting rights (%) investment in
joint venture operations registration Business nature Direct Indirect joint associates

Automotive Finance Tianjin Tianjin Automotive Finance 94.29 — Equity Method

Description on that the shareholding proportion of the joint venture is different from the
proportion of voting right:

According to the Articles of Association, the relevant activities of Auto Finance shall be
decided upon unanimous approval by the board of directors. Therefore, the Company
implements joint control over Auto Finance.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


3. Interests in joint ventures or associates (continued)

(2) Important financial information of significant joint ventures

30 June 2021/
For the period
from 1 January
to 30 June 2021

Cash and deposits with the central bank 477,855,538.80

Deposits with other banks 3,489,779,949.21
Total assets 41,035,511,131.30
Total liabilities 31,585,578,986.40

Minority interests
Equity attributable to the shareholders of the Company 9,449,932,144.90

Share of net assets calculated based on the proportion

of ownership interest 9,277,943,379.86
-Others (215,604,656.13)
Carrying amount of investments in equity of joint ventures 9,062,338,723.73

Operating income 1,848,056,005.38

Income tax expenses 247,465,185.77
Net profit 742,395,557.31
Other comprehensive income —
Total comprehensive income 742,395,557.31

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


The Group’s major financial instruments include cash and bank balances, held-for-trading financial
assets, derivative financial assets/liabilities, accounts receivable, financing receivables, other receivables,
other current assets – deposits with non-bank financial institutions, long-term receivables, investments
in other equity instruments, other non-current financial assets, borrowings, accounts payable, notes
payable, other payables, bonds payable, etc. Details of these financial instruments are disclosed in Note
(VI). The risks associated with these financial instruments and the risk management policies adopted
by the Group to mitigate such risks are set out below. The management of the Group manages and
monitors such risk exposures to ensure such risks are limited to a prescribed level.

The Group adopts sensitivity analysis technique to analyze how the profit and loss for the period and
shareholders’ equity would have been affected by reasonably possible changes in the relevant risk
variables. As it is unlikely that risk variables will change in an isolated manner, and the interdependence
among risk variables will have significant effect on the amount ultimately influenced by the changes in
a single risk variable, the following are based on the assumption that the change in each risk variable is
on a stand-alone basis.

1. Objective and policies of risk management

The objective of the risk management of the Group is to maintain an appropriate balance between
risks and return so to minimize the negative effects of risks against the Group’s operating results
in order to maximize the benefits of shareholders. Based on such objective, the principle strategy
of the Group’s risk management is to identify and analyze all types of risks of the Group, establish
appropriate risk tolerance thresholds, carry out risk management procedures and perform risk
monitoring on all kinds of risks in a timely and reliable manner, thus controlling the risk exposures
within a prescribed level.

1.1 Market risk

1.1.1 Currency risk

Currency risk is the risk that losses will occur because of changes in foreign exchange
rates. In addition, there are current amounts denominated in foreign currencies
between companies under the Group, which also exposes the Group to the foreign
currency risk. The assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies which may
have impact on the Group’s performance as a result of the currency risk are as follows:

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Audited)

Cash and bank balances 2,327,816,148.42 1,371,070,081.90

Held-for-trading financial assets 197,023,680.00 244,394,136.00
Accounts receivable 764,613,025.34 484,028,321.56
Other receivables 1,931,688,103.58 2,453,592,863.34
Accounts payable (2,763,220,666.11) (2,029,321,176.53)
Other payables (64,062,474.06) (91,950,695.75)
Short-term borrowings (355,305,500.00) (358,869,500.00)
Long-term borrowings (3,911,516,630.71) (4,992,239,449.46)

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


1. Objective and policies of risk management (continued)

1.1 Market risk (continued)

1.1.1 Currency risk (continued)

The Group closely monitors the effects of changes in the foreign exchange rates on the
Group’s currency risk. Except for the above items, currency risk is not involved in the
Group’s other financial instruments.

Sensitivity analysis on currency risk

Where all other variables are held constant, the effects of potential reasonable changes
in exchange rates on the profit or loss and the shareholders’ equity before tax for the
year are set out below:

For the period from 1 January to
30 June 2021
Effect on
Item Change in exchange rate Effect on profit equity

USD 5% increase against RMB 63,015,454.23 63,015,454.23

USD 5% decrease against RMB (63,015,454.23) (63,015,454.23)
EUR 5% increase against RMB (98,732,008.81) (98,732,008.81)
EUR 5% decrease against RMB 98,732,008.81 98,732,008.81
JPY 5% increase against RMB 2,638,649.51 2,638,649.51
JPY 5% decrease against RMB (2,638,649.51) (2,638,649.51)
RUE 5% increase against RMB 25,397,098.04 25,397,098.04
RUE 5% decrease against RMB (25,397,098.04) (25,397,098.04)
AUD 5% increase against RMB 10,096,327.38 10,096,327.38
AUD 5% decrease against RMB (10,096,327.38) (10,096,327.38)

Note: The potential reasonable changes in other exchange rates has limited effect on the profit or loss and the
shareholders’ equity before tax for the year. The effect of the above changes in exchange rates has taken into
account the effect of the forward foreign exchange contracts held by the Group.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


1. Objective and policies of risk management (continued)

1.1 Market risk (continued)

1.1.1 Currency risk (continued)

Sensitivity analysis on currency risk (continued)

For the period
from 1 January to 30 June 2020
Effect on
Effect on shareholders’
Item Change in exchange rate profit equity

USD 5% increase against RMB (11,752,654.48) (11,752,654.48)

USD 5% decrease against RMB 11,752,654.48 11,752,654.48
EUR 5% increase against RMB (88,852,374.47) (88,852,374.47)
EUR 5% decrease against RMB 88,852,374.47 88,852,374.47
AUD 5% increase against RMB 3,406,008.80 3,406,008.80
AUD 5% decrease against RMB (3,406,008.80) (3,406,008.80)

Note: The potential reasonable changes in other exchange rates has limited effect on the profit or loss and the
shareholders’ equity before tax for the year.

1.1.2 Interest rate risk

The Group’s cash flow interest rate risk of financial instruments relates primarily
to variable-rate bank borrowings. It is the Group’s policy to keep its borrowings at
floating rate of interests and constantly pay close attention to the effect of interest rate
changes on the interest rate risk exposed to the Group.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


1. Objective and policies of risk management (continued)

1.1 Market risk (continued)

1.1.2 Interest rate risk (continued)

Sensitivity analysis on interest rate risk

Sensitivity analysis on interest rate risk is based on the following assumption: the
changes in market interest rate may have impact on the interest or expenses of variable
rate financial liabilities.

On the basis of the above assumption, where all other variables are held constant, the
effects of potential reasonable changes in interest rates on the profit or loss and the
shareholders’ equity before tax for the period are set out below:

For the period from 1 January to
30 June 2021
Effect on
Effect on shareholders’
Item Changes in exchange rates profit equity

Long-term Increase of 100 basis points (57,039,242.85) (57,039,242.85)

Long-term Decrease of 100 basis points 57,039,242.85 57,039,242.85

For the period from 1 January to

30 June 2020
Effect on
Effect on shareholders’
Item Changes in exchange rates profit equity

Long-term Increase of 100 basis points (17,624,678.80) (17,624,678.80)

Long-term Decrease of 100 basis points 17,624,678.80 17,624,678.80
Short-term Increase of 100 basis points (4,024,620.00) (4,024,620.00)
Short-term Decrease of 100 basis points 4,024,620.00 4,024,620.00

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


1. Objective and policies of risk management (continued)

1.1 Market risk (continued)

1.1.3 Other price risks

The Group’s price risks mainly arise from investments in held-for-trading equity
instruments, investments in other equity instruments and other non-current financial
assets. For held-for-trading equity instruments, the Group is exposed to the risk of
changes in securities market. In addition, the Group invested in some unlisted equity
and industry funds for the long-term strategic purposes. The Group closely monitors the
market changes in order to reduce the price risks of equity security investments.

If the fair value of the listed shares held by the Group at the end of the period
increases or decreases by 10% while all other variables are held constant, pre-tax effect
on the shareholders’ equity of the Group at the end of the period would increase or
decrease by RMB19,702,368.00.

1.2 Credit risk

As at 30 June 2021, the Group’s maximum exposure to credit risk which will cause a
financial loss to the Group due to failure to discharge an obligation by the counterparties,
including the carrying amounts of the respective recognized financial assets as stated in the
consolidated balance sheets. For debt instruments measured at fair value, book value reflects
its risk exposure but not the maximum risk exposure, and the maximum risk exposure will
change with future changes in fair value.

The Group only transacts with the third parties having good credit records, and most of
the sales transactions are settled by receipts in advance or bank acceptances. In order to
minimize the credit risk, the Group has delegated a team responsible for determination
of credit limits, credit approvals and other monitoring procedures to ensure that follow-
up action is taken to recover overdue debts. In addition, the Group reviews the recoverable
amount of the financial assets at each balance sheet date to ensure that adequate expected
credit loss are made for related financial assets. In this regard, the management of the
Group considers that the Group’s credit risk is significantly reduced.

The Group’s cash and bank balances are deposited in banks with high credit ratings and
the acceptance bank in which financing with receivables – bank acceptances receivable
are deposited with bank of relatively high credit ratings, thus cash and bank balances and
financing with receivables have limited credit risk.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


1. Objective and policies of risk management (continued)

1.2 Credit risk (continued)

The amounts due from joint ventures to the Group mainly represent the deposits with
financial institutions other than banks and the Group regularly monitors the operating results
of the joint ventures. The Group controls the credit risk through the asset value held by
these entities and the power of jointly controlling the relevant activities of these entities.
For other receivables, the Group performs regular assessment on the recoverability of other
receivables based on the historical settlement records, the past experience and the forward-
looking information that is reasonable and supportable.

As at 30 June 2021, details of top five largest amounts due from customers and top five
largest amounts of other receivables are set out in Note (VI) 3 and 6. In addition, the Group
has no significant concentration of credit risk, with exposure spread over a number of
counterparties and customers.

As at 30 June 2021, details of credit risk on the Group’s accounts receivable, other
receivables and financing lease receivables and their expected credit losses are set out in
Note VI 3, 6 and 10.

1.3 Liquidity risk

In the management of the liquidity risk, the Group monitors and maintains a level of
cash and cash equivalents deemed adequate by the management to finance the Group’s
operations and mitigate the effects of fluctuations in cash flows. The management monitors
the utilization of bank borrowings and ensures compliance with loan covenants.

At the end of each period, the maturity analysis for non-derivative financial liabilities and
lease liabilities held by the Group which is based on undiscounted remaining contractual
obligations is as follows:

30 June 2021 (Unaudited)
Within 1 year 1 – 5 years Over 5 years Total

Short-term borrowings 3,235,519,518.21 — — 3,235,519,518.21

Notes payable 30,474,722,213.60 — — 30,474,722,213.60
Accounts payable 25,343,634,653.01 — — 25,343,634,653.01
Other payables 4,042,722,799.20 — — 4,042,722,799.20
Long-term borrowings
(due within 1 year inclusive) 567,446,301.55 12,889,221,869.90 530,000,000.00 13,986,668,171.45
Lease liabilities
(due within 1 year inclusive) 233,101,389.60 480,863,911.40 — 713,965,301.00
Bonds payable
(due within 1 year inclusive) 741,758,544.81 493,832,413.66 3,745,000,000.00 4,980,590,958.47

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


2. Capital management

The Group manages its capital through optimizing the structure of liabilities and shareholders’
equity to ensure that the entities within the Group can continue as a going concern while
maximizing returns to the shareholders.

The Group’s capital structure consists of the Group’s net debt (the net amount of borrowings and
bonds payable after deducting cash and bank balances as disclosed in Note (VI) 1, 19 and 28) and
the shareholders’ equity.

The Group is not subject to any externally mandatory capital management requirement. The
management of the Group reviews the capital structure of the Group on a regular basis.


1. Fair value at the end of the period of assets and liabilities measured at fair value

Some of the Group’s financial assets are measured at fair value at the end of each reporting
period. The following table gives information about how the fair value of these financial assets
are determined (in particular, the valuation techniques and inputs used).

Fair value at the end of the period
Item Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total

I. Continuous fair value measurement

(i) Financial assets at fair value through
profit or loss
1. Held-for-trading financial assets — — — —
(1) Debt instrument investment — 8,439,872,189.20 — 8,439,872,189.20
(2) Equity instrument investment 197,023,680.00 — — 197,023,680.00
2. Derivative financial assets — 5,911,320.14 — 5,911,320.14
3. Other non-current financial assets — — 51,820,372.83 51,820,372.83
(ii) Financial assets classified as at fair value through
other comprehensive income
1. Financing with receivables – notes
receivable — 42,952,911,403.78 — 42,952,911,403.78
(iii) Financial assets designated as at fair value through
other comprehensive income
1. Other equity instrument investments — — 188,582,800.00 188,582,800.00
Total assets continuously measured at fair value 197,023,680.00 51,398,694,913.12 240,403,172.83 51,836,121,765.95
(i) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
1. Derivative financial liabilities — (1,049,929.88) — (1,049,929.88)
Total liabilities continuously measured at fair value — (1,049,929.88) — (1,049,929.88)

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


2. The basis of market prices determined on level 1 of the fair value hierarchy

Items at level 1 of the fair value hierarchy mainly refer to held-for-trading financial assets, and the
market price is determined based on the value of the open market stocks.

3. Qualitative and quantitative information of valuation techniques and key inputs on level
2 of the fair value hierarchy

Items at level 2 of the fair value hierarchy mainly refer to held-for trading financial assets –
wealth management products, future foreign exchange settlement contracts and financing with
receivables – notes receivable. Cash flow discount method is adopted for valuation techniques
of fair values, and the inputs are contract-linked observable inputs, forward exchange rate,
observable interest rate, etc.

4. Qualitative and quantitative information of valuation techniques and key inputs on level
3 of the fair value hierarchy

Items at level 3 of the fair value hierarchy mainly refer to other equity instrument investments
and other non-current financial assets. The asset-based approach and the market approach are
adopted for valuation techniques of fair value of other equity instrument investments and other
non-current financial assets.

5. Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities which are not measured at fair value

Except for the items shown in the table below, the management of the Group believes that the
carrying amounts of the financial assets and financial liabilities recorded at amortized cost in the
financial statements as at 30 June 2021 approximate their fair values.

Carrying amount Fair value
Item 30 June 2021 31 December 2020

Bonds payable
-Convertible corporate bonds (Note) 3,495,536 4,972,450
Asset-backed securities (due within 1 year inclusive) 1,087,989 1,090,719

Note: The carrying amount of the Convertible corporate bonds includes the carrying amount of the components of liabilities and
the components of equity.

The fair value of Convertible corporate bonds is the unadjusted quoted price in the active market,
which is determined by items at level 1 of the fair value hierarchy.

The fair value of asset-backed securities is determined by the future cash flow discount method,
and the market rate of return of other financial instruments with similar contract terms, credit risk
and residual term is taken as the discount rate, which is determined by items at level 2 of the fair
value hierarchy.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


1. Parent company of the Company

Proportion of Proportion of
shareholding voting rights
in the Company in the Company
Place of Nature of Registered as at 30 June as at 30 June
Name of company registration business capital 2021 (%) 2021 (%)

Innovation Great Wall Baoding Investment 5,000,000,000.00 55.60 55.60

The ultimate controlling shareholder of the Company is Wei Jian Jun.

2. Subsidiaries of the Company

Details of the subsidiaries of the Company are set out in Note (VIII).

3. Joint ventures of the Company

Details of the joint ventures of the Company are set out in Note (VIII).

4. Other related parties of the Company

Name Relationship with the Group

Baoding Great Wall Holding Group Co., Ltd. and Company directly controlled by ultimate controlling shareholder
its subsidiaries
(“Great Wall Holding and its subsidiaries”)
Spotlight Automotive Limited (“Spotlight Automotive”) Joint venture invested by the Company
Hebei Baocang Expressway Co. Ltd. Ultimate controlling shareholder serving as director of the company
Baoding Taihang Plastic Steel Door And Window Co., Ltd. Company directly controlled by family members closely related with ultimate
controlling shareholder
Great Wall Venture and Investment Ultimate controlling shareholder serving as director of the company
Baoding Xushui Haval City Medical Service Co., Ltd.. Subsidiary of a company over 30% indirectly controlled by ultimate controlling
(保定市徐水區哈弗城醫療服務有限公司) shareholder
Baoding Aihecheng Senior High School Co., Ltd. family members closely related with Ultimate controlling shareholder serving as
(保定市愛和城高級中學有限公司) director of the company and company over 30% indirectly controlled by ultimate
controlling shareholder
Baoding Great Wall School in Lianchi District Private non-enterprise units indirectly controlled by ultimate controlling shareholder
Baoding Great Wall School Dawangdian Branch Private non-enterprise units indirectly controlled by ultimate controlling shareholder
Hebei Olive Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. Company directly controlled by related person
Han Xuejuan Related natural person

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


5. Related party transactions

(1) Related party transactions in the purchase and sale of goods, provision and
acceptance of services

Purchase of goods/acceptance of services

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Related parties Related party transaction (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

Great Wall Holding and its subsidiaries Purchase of goods 1,463,359,349.60 351,452,608.27
Receipt of services 166,096,646.51 12,774,562.84
Rental expenses and others 57,666,581.62 14,286,238.77
Automotive Finance Acceptance of services 204,907,152.44 —
Baoding Taihang Plastic Steel Door And Purchase of goods
Window Co., Ltd. 315,747.90 —
Hebei Baocang Expressway Co. Ltd. Receipt of services 3,634.25 —

Sales of goods/rendering of services

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Related parties Related party transaction (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

Great Wall Holding and its subsidiaries Sale of goods 278,029,006.48 111,044,329.48
Rendering of services 22,334,921.62 14,436,471.83
Rental income and others 6,670,047.52 8,130,271.30
Automotive Finance Sale of goods 19,398.66 —
Rental income and others 21,234,679.94 17,592,050.80
Interest income from deposits 167,592,405.59 158,474,250.26
Spotlight Automotive Rendering of services 54,320,742.18 58,728,817.18
Sale of goods 1,410,385.56 —
Rental income 14,422.02 14,422.02
Hebei Baocang Expressway Co. Ltd. Rendering of services — 14,122.26
Great Wall Venture and Investment Rental income 8,555.45 5,350.46
Baoding Xushui Haval City Medical Service Other income
Co., Ltd. — 176.99
Baoding Great Wall School in Lianchi District Sale of goods 1,040,331.55 —
Han Xuejuan Sale of goods 256,460.18 —

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


5. Related party transactions (continued)

(2) Emolument for key management

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

Emolument for key management 9,752,542.53 6,537,565.16

Key management are the individuals who are authorized and responsible for planning,
supervision and control of corporate activities, including directors, general manager, chief
accounting officer, deputy general managers, and other administration officers.

(3) Other related party transactions

(a) Deposits with related parties

Changes in deposits with related parties:

31 December 2020 Deposit in Recovery in 30 June 2021
Related party (Audited) the period the period (Unaudited)

Automotive Finance 10,214,100,000.00 3,589,000,000.00 (6,041,100,000.00) 7,762,000,000.00

(b) Guarantees provided by related parties

Whether the
Guaranteed Commencement Expiry date guarantee has
Guarantor Currency amount date of guarantee of guarantee been fulfilled

Innovation Great Wall USD 55,000,000.00 30 December 2021 29 December 2024 No

Great Wall Venture and Investment RMB 600,000,000.00 16 September 2022 15 September 2024 No

(c) Right-of-use assets and lease liabilities

The Group and its related parties have entered into a number of new lease agreements
during the current period. Except for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets,
the Group recognized right-of-use assets and lease liabilities of RMB88,972,215.14.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


6. Amounts due from/due to related parties

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
Accounts Related parties (Unaudited) (Audited)

Accounts receivable Great Wall Holding and its subsidiaries 186,651,694.13 70,948,135.28
Accounts receivable Spotlight Automotive 66,797,346.48 145,369,654.64
Accounts receivable Automotive Finance 2,989,833.30 15,022,359.57
Accounts receivable Other related parties — 1,352.76

Sub-total of accounts receivable: 256,438,873.91 231,341,502.25

Other receivables Great Wall Holding and its subsidiaries 2,406,545.15 2,671,208.90
Other receivables Automotive Finance 4,208.40 —
Other receivables Spotlight Automotive 50,000.38 —

Sub-total of other receivables: 2,460,753.93 2,671,208.90

Prepayments Subsidiaries controlled by Great Wall 20,073,011.20 1,374,175.75

Sub-total of prepayments: 20,073,011.20 1,374,175.75

Financing with receivables Subsidiaries controlled by Great Wall 34,057,697.02 26,039,295.96

Sub-total of financing with receivables: 34,057,697.02 26,039,295.96

Other current assets Automotive Finance 7,930,219,562.52 10,372,657,928.59

Sub-total of other current assets: 7,930,219,562.52 10,372,657,928.59


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


6. Amounts due from/due to related parties (continued)

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
Accounts Related parties (Unaudited) (Audited)

Accounts payable Great Wall Holding and its subsidiaries 371,448,415.89 477,902,762.45
Accounts payable Automotive Finance 103,692,724.94 69,582,569.11
Accounts payable Other related parties — 132,007.80

Sub-total of accounts payable: 475,141,140.83 547,617,339.36

Other payables Great Wall Holding and its subsidiaries 20,247,721.77 20,549,123.28
Other payables Automotive Finance 38,460.92 26,681.50
Other payables Other related parties 329,881.08 431,058.60

Sub-total of other payables: 20,616,063.77 21,006,863.38

Contract liabilities Subsidiaries controlled by Great Wall 54,057,045.00 88,812,963.71

Contract liabilities Automotive Finance 34,342.91 39,823.01

Sub-total of contract liabilities: 54,091,387.91 88,852,786.72

Notes payable Great Wall Holding and its subsidiaries 275,500.00 —

Notes payable Other related parties 215,529.30 —

Sub-total of notes payable 491,029.30 —

Lease liabilities Great Wall Holding and its subsidiaries 549,532,648.44 573,131,597.95
Sub-total of lease liabilities: 549,532,648.44 573,131,597.95


1. General information of share-based payments

Unit: Share
Restricted shares Share options

31 December 2020 48,684,300.00 86,756,200.00

Total number of equity instruments granted by the Company during
the current period 1,149,150.00 15,721,000.00
Total number of the Company’s equity instruments unlocked/vested during
the period 23,998,700.00 22,671,119.00
Total number of the Company’s equity instruments lapsed during
the period 613,000.00 435,300.00

30 June 2021 25,221,750.00 79,370,781.00

Range of exercise prices and remaining contractual life of the
Company’s share options outstanding at the end of the period See other explanations See other explanations
Range of exercise prices and remaining contractual life of the
Company’s restricted shares outstanding at the end of the period See other explanations See other explanations

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


1. General information of share-based payments (continued)

Other explanations:

In accordance with the Proposal for the 2020 Restricted Share and Share Option Incentive
Plan (First Revision) and Its Summary of Great Wall Motor Company Limited , the Proposal for
Performance Assessment Method for the 2020 Restricted Share and Share Option Incentive Plan
(Revision) of Great Wall Motor Company Limited , and the Proposal for the Shareholders’ Meeting
Authorizing the Board of Directors and Authorized Persons to Manage Matters Pertaining to
the 2020 Restricted Share and Share Option Incentive Plan passed by the Company’s 2020 first
extraordinary shareholders’ meeting, 2020 first H-share shareholders’ meeting and 2020 first
A-share shareholders’ meeting, respectively, the Proposal for Adjusting the Name List of Incentive
Objects and Number of Granting Shares of the 2020 Restricted Share and Share Option Incentive
Plan of Great Wall Motor Company Limited and the Proposal for Granting Restricted Shares and
Share Options to the Incentive Objects of the 2020 Restricted Share and Share Option Incentive
Plan of Great Wall Motor Company Limited (“2020 Equity Incentive Plan”) passed by the 34th
meeting of the 6th session of Board of Directors on 27 April 2020. The Company granted
49,303,500 restricted shares for the first time to 281 incentive objects at a price of RMB4.37 per
share on 27 April 2020.

The Proposal for Granting Reserved Restricted Shares or Share Options to the Incentive Objects
of Great Wall Motor Company Limited passed by the 13 th meeting of the 7 th session of Board
of Directors on 28 January 2021 and the Proposal for Adjusting the Granting Price of Reserved
Restricted Shares of the 2020 Restricted Share and Share Option Incentive Plan of Great Wall
Motor Company Limited passed by the 14 th meeting of the 7 th session of Board of Directors on 12
March 2021, the Company granted 1,149,200 reserved restricted share to 149 incentive objects at
a price of RMB20.8 per share on 28 January 2021.

Unlocking of restricted shares of the above incentive objects is subject to certain business
and individual performance conditions. Vesting period of restricted shares in the first grant is
respectively 1 year, 2 years and 3 years since the first grant date, and that of reserved restricted
shares is respectively 1 year and 2 years since the first grant date. During the vesting period, cash
dividends of the holders of restricted shares granted the Company can be cancelled.

Pursuant to 2020 Equity Incentive Plan, the Company granted for the first time share options of
87,065,300 ordinary shares to 1,651 incentive objects at an exercise price of RMB8.73 per share
on 27 April 2020 and reserved share options of 15,721,000 ordinary shares to 497 incentive
objects at an exercise price of RMB42.15 per share on 28 January 2021. Exercise of share options
of the above incentive objects is subject to certain business and individual performance conditions.
Share options granted are subject to different vesting periods. The vesting period of share options
in the first grant under the incentive plan is respectively 1 year, 2 years and 3 years since the first
grant date, and that of reserved share options is respectively 1 year and 2 years since the first
grant date.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


2. Equity-settled share-based payment

Method for determining the fair value of equity
instruments on the grant date See other explanations

The basis for determining the number of Based on the number of

exercisable equity instruments restricted shares/options granted,
the Company makes the best
estimate of the number of
restricted shares/options
that are expected to be
exercised in each period in
the unlock/exercise arrangement
Reasons for the significant difference between N/A
the current estimate and the previous estimate
The cumulative amount of equity-settled share-based 218,104,085.36
payments included in the capital reserve
The total amount of expenses recognized for equity-settled 104,226,171.02
share-based payments in the current period

Other explanations:

For the aforementioned restricted shares incentive plan, the fair value of restricted shares is
measured based on the Company’s ordinary stock market price.

For the above-mentioned share option incentive plan, the Company calculates the fair value of
share options on the grant date according to the “Black Scholes Option Pricing Model”. The main
parameters selected in the model are the underlying share price, exercise price, option validity
period, and the Company’s recent 1-year, 2-year, and 3-year volatility, the 1-year, 2-year, and
3-year interest rate of China’s government bonds, and the Company’s average dividend rate in the
last 12 months.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


1. Significant commitments

Capital commitments

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
(Unaudited) (Audited)

Contracted for but not provided

-Commitments for acquisition or construction of
long-term assets 2,724,676 3,113,367

Total 2,724,676 3,113,367


1. Segment reporting

The Group is mainly engaged in the manufacture and sales of automobiles and automotive
parts and components in the PRC, and the majority of its assets are located in the PRC. The
management determined the reporting segments according to the organization structure,
management requirements and internal reporting system of the Group for the purposes of
resource allocation and performance evaluation. As the resource allocation and performance
evaluation of the Group are carried out based on the overall operation of the production and sales
of automobiles and automotive parts and components, the Group has only one business segment
for internal reporting purpose.

Revenue from external customers by location of revenue sources:

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

Revenue from external customers in China 55,295,426,727.95 33,399,911,514.62

Revenue from external customers in other countries 6,632,942,188.22 2,529,282,133.23

Total 61,928,368,916.17 35,929,193,647.85

The Group’s non-current assets located in other countries are not significant.

The Group is not dependent upon one or several important customers.


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


1. Cash and bank balances

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Audited)

RMB 143,972.85 102,779.57
GBP 14,423.80 14,342.01
HKD 6,544.64 6,619.84
USD 3,326.05 3,359.41
JPY 1,765.05 1,910.30
SGD 1,493.64 1,533.67
RUB 50.87 50.23
KRW 40.60 42.66
THB 26.19 28.32

Bank balances:
RMB 12,889,978,664.33 7,611,642,662.68
USD 1,371,685,263.46 1,112,235,938.68
EUR 2,706,030.78 2,571,378.85
JPY 386,757.95 674,710.16
GBP 97,311.07 745,464.72
CHF 29,158.91 33,700.53

Other cash and bank balances:

RMB 172,350,562.04 28,015,814.52

Total 14,437,405,392.23 8,756,050,336.15

Including: Overseas cash and bank balances — —

At 30 June 2021, the Company had restricted cash and bank balances of RMB172,350,562.04,
including security and margin deposits for bank acceptances of RMB20,679,591.89 and car
deposits of RMB151,670,970.15.

At 31 December 2020, the Company had restricted cash and bank balances of RMB28,015,814.52,
including security and margin deposits for bank acceptances of RMB15,430,646.29 and L/C
guarantee deposits of RMB12,585,168.23.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


2. Accounts receivable

(1) Disclosed by aging:

30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 31 December 2020 (Audited)
Credit loss Credit loss
Aging Amount provision Proportion (%) Amount provision Proportion (%)

Within 1 year 10,216,752,555.62 (32,838.10) 0.00 7,403,477,944.66 (69,666.30) 0.00

1 to 2 years 358,452,097.67 (29,147,460.53) 8.13 1,640,412,294.16 (29,089,310.53) 1.77
2 to 3 years 1,378,576,685.72 — — 260,279,546.33 — —
Over 3 years 332,433,021.94 (314,539,604.14) 94.62 320,910,491.35 (317,694,689.41) 99.00

Total 12,286,214,360.95 (343,719,902.77) 2.80 9,625,080,276.50 (346,853,666.24) 3.60

The aging analysis of the above accounts receivable is based on the time of revenue

(2) Disclosed by classification of credit loss provision method

30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 31 December 2020 (Audited)
Carrying amount Credit loss provision Credit loss provision Credit loss provision
Category Amount Ratio (%) Amount Ratio (%) Book value Amount Ratio (%) Amount Ratio (%) Book value

Credit loss provision

by individuals 314,539,604.14 2.56 (314,539,604.14) 100.00 – 314,539,604.14 3.27 (314,539,604.14) 100.00 –
Credit loss provision
assessed by
portfolios 11,971,674,756.81 97.44 (29,180,298.63) 0.24 11,942,494,458.18 9,310,540,672.36 96.73 (32,314,062.10) 0.35 9,278,226,610.26

Total 12,286,214,360.95 100.00 (343,719,902.77) 2.80 11,942,494,458.18 9,625,080,276.50 100.00 (346,853,666.24) 3.60 9,278,226,610.26

Description of the accounts receivable for which credit loss provision has been assessed by

As part of the Company’s credit risk management, the Company assesses the expected credit
losses for various categories of accounts receivable based on their credit periods and overdue

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


2. Accounts receivable (continued)

(2) Disclosed by classification of credit loss provision method (continued)

Credit risk on the accounts receivable with credit loss provision assessed by portfolios and
their expected credit losses are as follows:

30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 31 December 2020 (Audited)
Expected Carrying Provision for Expected Carrying Carrying Expected
Aging loss rate amount credit losses loss rate amount amount loss rate Book value

Within the
credit period 0.00%-4.00% 11,942,468,594.18 (12,039.58) 11,942,456,554.60 0.00%-8.00% 9,278,225,493.96 (860.74) 9,278,224,633.22
Overdue for
1-180 days 10.00%-50.00% 51,728.00 (13,824.42) 37,903.58 21.00%-50.00% 2,232.60 (255.56) 1,977.04
Overdue for over
180 days 100.00% 29,154,434.63 (29,154,434.63) – 100.00% 32,312,945.80 (32,312,945.80) –

Total 11,971,674,756.81 (29,180,298.63) 11,942,494,458.18 9,310,540,672.36 (32,314,062.10) 9,278,226,610.26

(3) Provision, recovery or reversal of credit loss provision during the current period:

30 June 2021 (Unaudited)
Lifetime ECL
(Not credit- Lifetime ECL
Provision for credit losses impaired) (Credit-impaired) Total

Balance at 1 January 2021 (1,116.30) (346,852,549.94) (346,853,666.24)

- Transfer to credit impairment occurred — — —
Provision (25,864.00) — (25,864.00)
Reversal 1,116.30 3,158,511.17 3,159,627.47
Balance at 30 June 2021 (25,864.00) (343,694,038.77) (343,719,902.77)

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


2. Accounts receivable (continued)

(4) Top five entities with the largest balances of accounts receivable:

Proportion of
the amount to the total Closing balance of
Name of entity Closing balance accounts receivable (%) credit loss provision

Subsidiary 1 1,991,917,979.22 16.21 —

Subsidiary 2 1,927,891,077.47 15.69 —
Subsidiary 3 1,925,007,758.25 15.67 —
Subsidiary 4 1,389,777,058.86 11.31 —
Subsidiary 5 562,600,729.82 4.58 —

Total 7,797,194,603.62 63.46 —

3. Other receivables

3.1 Summary of other receivables

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
Category (Unaudited) (Audited)

Interest receivable 3,675,742.88 4,742,577.11

Dividends receivable 654,781,266.67 5,333,938.44
Other receivables 4,056,421,863.14 4,381,381,977.57

Total 4,714,878,872.69 4,391,458,493.12


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


3. Other receivables (continued)

3.2 Other receivables

(1) Disclosed by aging:

30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 31 December 2020 (Audited)
Credit loss proportion Credit loss
Aging Amount provision (%) Amount provision Ratio (%)

Within 1 year 1,941,049,596.23 — — 2,221,591,104.88 — —

1 to 2 years 669,004,909.75 — — 2,141,471,593.34 — —
2 to 3 years 1,438,411,631.47 — — 10,618,969.35 (169,838.00) 1.60
Over 3 years 8,125,563.69 (169,838.00) 2.09 7,870,148.00 — —

Total 4,056,591,701.14 (169,838.00) — 4,381,551,815.57 (169,838.00) —

(2) Disclosed by nature are as follows:

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
(Unaudited) (Audited)
Nature of other receivables Carrying amount Carrying amount

Proceeds from land transfer 305,601,261.00 305,601,261.00

Current amounts 180,490,479.17 226,857,876.83
Tax refunds 163,235,676.18 171,353,176.26
Security and margin deposits 32,287,909.65 31,446,658.15
Petty cash 15,958,122.88 15,432,303.62
Others 3,359,018,252.26 3,630,860,539.71

Total 4,056,591,701.14 4,381,551,815.57


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


3. Other receivables (continued)

3.2 Other receivables (continued)

(3) Assessment of credit loss provision:

30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 31 December 2020 (Audited)
Expected Expected Expected
average Carrying Provision for average Carrying Carrying average
Aging loss rate amount credit losses loss rate amount amount loss rate Book value

Indefinite/Within the
repayment period — 4,056,421,863.14 — 4,056,421,863.14 — 4,381,381,977.57 — 4,381,381,977.57
Overdue for
over 180 days 100.00% 169,838.00 (169,838.00) — 100.00% 169,838.00 (169,838.00) —
Total 4,056,591,701.14 (169,838.00) 4,056,421,863.14 4,381,551,815.57 (169,838.00) 4,381,381,977.57

The Company recognizes the expected credit losses on the other receivables based on
the historical experience data and forward-looking information. For the period from 1
January to 30 June 2021 and in 2020, the Company’s assessment method and major
assumptions remained unchanged.

(4) Credit loss provision:

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
Lifetime ECL Lifetime ECL
Provision for credit losses 12-month ECL (Not credit-impaired) (Credit-impaired) Total

Balance at 1 January 2021 — — (169,838.00) (169,838.00)

Provision — — — —
Reversal — — — —
Write-off — — — —
Balance at 30 June 2021 — — (169,838.00) (169,838.00)

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


3. Other receivables (continued)

3.2 Other receivables (continued)

(5) Top five entities with the largest balances of other receivables:

Proportion of
the amount to Closing balance
the total other of credit loss
Name of entity Nature of amounts Amount Aging receivables (%) provision

Subsidiary 1 Intra-group current 1,956,929,056.66 Within 3 years 48.24 —

Subsidiary 2 Intra-group current 401,468,791.73 Within 1 year 9.90 —
Subsidiary 3 Intra-group current 414,639,377.40 Within 3 years 10.22 —
Entity 1 Proceeds from land 305,601,261.00 Within 3 years 7.53 —
Entity 2 Current amounts 176,442,379.06 Within 1 year 4.20 —

Total 3,255,080,865.85 80.24 —

The Company has no other receivables related to government grants.

4. Long-term equity investments

Breakdown of long-term equity investments:

30 June 2021 (Unaudited) 31 December 2020 (Audited)
Impairment Impairment
Item Carrying amount provision Book value Carrying amount provision Book value

Investments in subsidiaries 10,991,389,668.06 — 10,991,389,668.06 9,728,980,472.25 — 9,728,980,472.25

Investments in joint ventures 9,083,278,888.64 — 9,083,278,888.64 8,415,182,722.15 — 8,415,182,722.15

Total 20,074,668,556.70 — 20,074,668,556.70 18,144,163,194.40 — 18,144,163,194.40


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


4. Long-term equity investments (continued)

Breakdown of investments in subsidiaries is as follows:

31 December Provision for Closing balance
2020 Capital Others 30 June 2021 impairment of impairment
Investee (Audited) increase Decrease (Note (XII)) (Unaudited) losses provision

Great Wall Huabei 268,092,310.00 — — — 268,092,310.00 — —

Baoding Nobo 72,240,000.00 — — — 72,240,000.00 — —
Beijing Great 12,539,100.00 — — — 12,539,100.00 — —
Baoding Great 23,000,000.00 — — — 23,000,000.00 — —
Tide Technology and Trade 257,353,665.00 31,590,650.00 — — 288,944,315.00 — —
Mind Electronics 334,953,244.45 200,000,000.00 — 365,750.00 535,318,994.45 — —
Baoding Yixin 28,503,900.00 — — — 28,503,900.00 — —
Great Wall Ants 87,123,001.18 — — 1,934,683.19 89,057,684.37 — —
Ningxia Rental 20,000,000.00 — — — 20,000,000.00 — —
Great Wall Resource Recycling 10,000,000.00 — — — 10,000,000.00 — —
Exquisite Mould 5,000,000.00 — — — 5,000,000.00 — —
Great Wall Sales 8,000,000.00 — — 2,021,131.33 10,021,131.33 — —
Shanghai Salon 1,753,399.68 — (1,500,000.00) (253,399.68) — — —
Rizhao Weipai 375,998,513.27 — — 694,904.83 376,693,418.10 — —
Haval South Africa 25,912,080.00 — — — 25,912,080.00 — —
Russia Manufacturing 1,077,239,835.57 5,871,090.45 — — 1,083,110,926.02 — —
Scrap Car Recycling &
Dismantling 5,000,000.00 — — — 5,000,000.00 — —
Haval Australia 43,773,250.00 — — — 43,773,250.00 — —
Europe Technology Center 33,428,802.00 — — — 33,428,802.00 — —
India Research and
Development 28,082,810.70 — — — 28,082,810.70 — —
American Haval 169,620,600.00 — — — 169,620,600.00 — —
Tianjin Lean 186,363,431.80 — — — 186,363,431.80 — —
Guangzhou Great Wall Sales 34,500.00 — — — 34,500.00 — —

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


4. Long-term equity investments (continued)

Breakdown of investments in subsidiaries is as follows: (continued)

31 December Provision for Closing balance
2020 Capital Others 30 June 2021 impairment of impairment
Investee (Audited) increase Decrease (Note (XII)) (Unaudited) losses provision

Tianjin ORA 562,500,000.00 — — 183,431.57 562,683,431.57 — —

Xiamen Great Wall Sales 33,000.00 — — — 33,000.00 — —
Zaoqi Financial Leasing 127,517,638.71 — — — 127,517,638.71 — —
Jinggong Motor 1,000,883,929.21 — — 646,807.70 1,001,530,736.91 — —
Nobo Automotive 2,192,661,361.28 — — 385,000.00 2,193,046,361.28 — —
Honeycomb Yichuang 2,171,030,000.00 899,790,000.00 — — 3,070,820,000.00 — —
Chongqing Parts 6,483,037.05 — — 517,883.02 7,000,920.07 — —
Baoding Yijian Start 200,014,527.04 — — 36,531.24 200,051,058.28 — —
Chongqing Weipai 270,000.00 — — — 270,000.00 — —
Chongqing Great Wall
After-sales 283,938.11 — — 9,065.34 293,003.45 — —
Changyou Haoche 20,027,669.47 — — 11,797.77 20,039,467.24 — —
India Haval 20,731,008.88 — — — 20,731,008.88 — —
HWA Ding International 60,684,500.00 32,257,958.71 — — 92,942,458.71 — —
Chongqing Haval 52,847.22 — — 34,371.77 87,218.99 — —
Great Wall Dongsheng 1,388,007.75 — — (1,388,007.75) — — —
Chongqing Haval Logistics 394,318.86 — — (394,318.86) — — —
Tianjin Zhixin 100,000,000.00 — — — 100,000,000.00 — —
Shanghai Yuefan 190,000,000.00 — — 543,329.70 190,543,329.70 — —
Yixintong Technology 5,702.91 — — (5,702.91) — — —
Xiangyun Logistics Taizhou 6,542.11 — — (6,542.11) — — —
Xiong’an Great Wall — 41,000,000.00 — — 41,000,000.00 — —
Tianjin Great Wall
Investment — 50,000.00 — — 50,000.00 — —
Chongqing Great Wall Sales — 11,000,000.00 — — 11,000,000.00 — —
Zhongtai International
Insurance — 36,481,877.24 — — 36,481,877.24 — —
Shanghai Motor Technology — — — 530,903.26 530,903.26 — —

Total 9,728,980,472.25 1,258,041,576.40 (1,500,000.00) 5,867,619.41 10,991,389,668.06 — —

Note: Other increases mainly represent the Company’s granting of restricted shares to employees of its subsidiaries and share-
based payment expenses recognized on shares options.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


4. Long-term equity investments (continued)

Details of investments in the joint ventures are set out below:


Changes for the period

income or Adjustment Provision Closing
31 December Decrease loss recognized to other Other Cash dividends for balance of
2020 in under the equity comprehensive equity or profits impairment 30 June 2021 impairment
Investee (Audited) Increase investment method income changes declared losses Others (Unaudited) provision

Automotive Finance 8,394,182,722.15 — — 668,156,001.58 — — — — — 9,062,338,723.73 —

Shanghai Junying 21,000,000.00 — — (59,835.09) — — — — — 20,940,164.91 —

Total 8,415,182,722.15 — — 668,096,166.49 — — — — — 9,083,278,888.64 —

5. Operating income and operating costs

(1) Operating income and operating costs

For the period from 1 January For the period from 1 January to
to 30 June 2021 30 June 2020
(Unaudited) (Unaudited)
Item Income Costs Income Costs
Principal operating activities 56,492,304,561.60 53,042,532,020.79 33,253,251,511.87 30,905,436,587.52
Other operating activities 1,555,518,178.09 1,437,810,270.87 955,146,371.38 759,769,176.32

Total 58,047,822,739.69 54,480,342,291.66 34,208,397,883.25 31,665,205,763.84

(2) Revenue from contracts

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Category of contracts (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

Revenue from sales of automobiles 52,700,961,876.34 31,122,548,843.70

Revenue from sales of automotive parts 3,516,917,964.73 1,749,805,815.04
Revenue from rendering of services 274,424,720.53 380,896,853.13
Other income 1,395,420,926.06 828,127,888.98
Revenue from contracts with customers 57,887,725,487.66 34,081,379,400.85
Rental income 160,097,252.03 127,018,482.40

Total 58,047,822,739.69 34,208,397,883.25


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


6. Investment income


For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

Income from long-term equity investments

under cost method 5,381,192,625.51 3,256,573,486.20
Income from long-term equity investments
under equity method 668,096,166.49 496,255,875.90
Investment income from disposal of
held-for-trading financial assets 39,643,309.43 26,144,272.87
Losses on derecognition of discounted bills (60,991,216.74) (116,399,941.50)
Investment income on disposal of long-term
equity investments — 851,270.67

Total 6,027,940,884.69 3,663,424,964.14

There are no significant restrictions on remittance of investment income of the Company.


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


7. Supplementary information to the cash flow statement

(1) Supplementary information to the cash flow statement

For the period For the period
from 1 January from 1 January
to 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2020
Supplementary information (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

1. Reconciliation of net profit to cash flow

from operating activities:
Net profit 4,343,147,076.74 3,305,287,846.41
Add: Impairment losses of assets 225,571,518.94 65,722,081.15
Losses (gains) on credit impairment (3,133,763.47) 29,455,439.15
Depreciation of fixed assets 1,083,611,577.08 1,120,700,736.18
Depreciation of right-of-use assets 75,305,472.27 4,976,115.40
Amortization of intangible assets 489,866,691.44 283,672,583.51
Amortization of long-term prepaid expenses 5,975,004.00 5,901,429.81
Depreciation and amortization of investment
properties 62,703,538.07 54,079,954.43
Losses on disposal of assets 19,886,795.32 4,460,830.25
Amortization of deferred income (193,501,685.15) (143,293,542.92)
Financial expenses 12,119,046.45 (110,858,252.60)
Income from changes in fair value (11,588,100.82) (31,532,584.94)
Investment income (6,088,932,101.43) (3,779,824,905.64)
Decrease in deferred tax assets (Less: increase) (503,048,541.39) (133,402,152.40)
Increase in deferred tax liabilities (Less: decrease) — 1,182,077.53
Decrease in inventories (Less: increase) (1,008,966,675.01) 956,338,331.10
Decrease in operating receivables (Less: increase) 14,483,786,439.10 10,279,250,285.36
Increase in operating payables (Less: decrease) (4,578,736,430.01) (4,866,949,775.53)
Others 98,358,551.61 29,140,142.70

Net cash flows from operating activities 8,512,424,413.74 7,074,306,638.95

2. Significant investing and financing activities which

do not involve cash receipts and payments:
Distributed dividends offset by notes receivable 1,111,831,446.35 —
Right-of-use assets recognized by leased fixed assets 101,478,114.64 18,706,984.10

3. Net changes in cash and cash equivalents:

Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 14,265,054,830.19 11,712,577,780.41
Less: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 8,728,034,521.63 4,876,599,293.72

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 5,537,020,308.56 6,835,978,486.69


Notes to the Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


7. Supplementary information to the cash flow statement (continued)

(2) Composition of cash and cash equivalents

30 June 2021 31 December 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Audited)

I. Cash 14,265,054,830.19 8,728,034,521.63

Including: Cash on hand 171,643.69 130,666.01
Bank deposits ready to be
withdrawn on demand 14,264,883,186.50 8,727,903,855.62
II. Closing balance of cash and cash
equivalents 14,265,054,830.19 8,728,034,521.63

Supplementary information
For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


For the period from For the period from
1 January to 1 January to
30 June 2021 30 June 2020
Item (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

Profit or loss on disposal of non-current assets (24,025,980.42) (15,655,663. 23)

Government grants recognized in profit or loss (other
than grants which are closely related to the Company’s
business and are either in fixed amounts or determined
under quantitative methods in accordance with the
national standard) and other income 539,868,173.86 331,063,581. 54
Income from disposal of long-term equity investments
and investment income (loss) from disposal of wealth
management products 77,456,578.42 52,672,740.45
Gains (losses) on changes in fair value 91,730,731.96 25,556,189.78
Other non-operating income or expenses other than the
above 47,661,718.92 23,817,527.49
Tax effects (46,064,619.07) (73,763,917.03)

Total 686,626,603.67 343,690,459.00

The Group recognizes the non-recurring profit or loss items in accordance with the requirements of the
Explanatory Notice for Information Disclosure of Companies with Public Offering of Securities No. 1 –
Non-recurring Profit or Loss.

Supplementary information
For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021


The return on net assets and EPS have been prepared by the Group in accordance with Information
Disclosure and Presentation Rules for Companies Making Public Offering of Securities No. 9 –
Calculation and Disclosure of Return on Net Assets and Earnings per Share (Revised 2010) issued by
China Securities Regulatory Commission.

For the period from 1 January to return on EPS
30 June 2021 (Unaudited) net assets (%) Basic EPS Diluted EPS

Net profit attributable to ordinary

shareholders of the Company 6.10 0.39 0.38
Net profit after deduction of non-recurring
profit or loss attributable to ordinary
shareholders of the Company 4.91 0.31 0.31

For the period from 1 January to return on EPS
30 June 2020 (Unaudited) net assets (%) Basic EPS Diluted EPS

Net profit attributable to ordinary

shareholders of the Company 2.06 0.12 0.12
Net profit after deduction of non-recurring
profit or loss attributable to ordinary
shareholders of the Company 1.44 0.09 0.09

The supplementary information provided by the management of Great Wall Motor Company Limited was
signed by the followings:

Legal Representative: Wei Jian Jun

Chief Financial Officer: Li Hong Shuan

Head of Finance Section: Wang Hai Ping

August 27, 2021

Baoding, Hebei Province, the PRC, 27 August 2021

As at the date of this announcement, members of the Board comprise:

Executive Directors: Mr. Wei Jian Jun, Ms. Wang Feng Ying and Ms. Yang Zhi Juan.

Non-executive Director: Mr. He Ping.

Independent Non-executive Directors: Ms. Yue Ying, Mr. Li Wan Jun and Mr. Ng Chi Kit.

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