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Oral Communication - Budget of Lesson

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Samar
Pinabacdao I District
Pinabacdao Samar
Email: pinabacdaonhs.303617@deped.gov.ph


SY 2022-2023

Grade Level: Senior High School (Core)

Subject: Oral Communication in Context (Grade 11) Quarter 1 & 2/First Semester

Date/ No. of Most Essential Learning Topic Reference Recommended/ Suggested Type of Assessment Initiatives
Days Competencies (MELC) w/code Materials Activities LR Tool

1st QUARTER Explains functions, nature, and Nature and Oral Warm Up Activities Recommended: Remedial/
process of communication. Elements of Communication in 1. Encourage the students to be creative. Activity, Formative Test Enrichment
(Week 1) EN11/12OC-Ia-2 Communicat Context Textbook They could present their outputs through Workshe – Performance activities
4days ion pp. 4, 7-8, 10. skits, songs, or other entertaining ets, Task will be
1. performances. modules, conducted
Fundamental DepEd TV - 2. Encourage students to do self-audit and for those
s of https://www.youtub interpret results.
who didn’t
Communicat e.com/watch? 3. To start the discussion, the teacher will
catch up
ion v=h8_JEfhrxA0 facilitate it like a game show host and
encourage the students to be more active and with the
competitive in giving their ideas quickly. lesson.

Differentiates the various models of Models of Oral 1. To introduce the topic, ask: Is there only Activity, Formative Test Remedial/
(Week 2) communication. EN11/12OC-Ia-3 Communicat Communication in one way to explain how communication Workshe Enrichment
4days ion Context Textbook works? ets, activities
- Shannon pp. 5-6 2. Discuss Aristotle’s Model of modules, will be
Weaver Communication then afterwards, discuss the and conducted
Model DepEd TV - Shannon-Weaver and Transactional Model. videos for those
- https://www.youtub 3. Present videos that shows these who didn’t
Transaction e.com/watch? interactions or you can ask learners to come catch up
Model v=z6VFUpGnQ_0 up with their own. with the

Uses various strategies in order to Strategies to ADM Module – 1. Present a picture and let the students Activity, Formative Test Remedial/
(Week 3) avoid communication breakdown. Avoid Oral identify the reasons of communication Workshe – Performance Enrichment
4days EN11/12OC-Ia-6 Communicat Communication Q1 breakdown. ets, Task activities
– Module 3 2. Ask the students to express their analysis modules, will be
ion about what communication breakdown does and conducted
Breakdown DepEd TV - each photos have. video for those
https://www.youtub 3. Start discussing the lesson presented in a lesson who didn’t
e.com/watch? video. catch up
v=Mw8QC6D0jK with the
M lesson
Examines sample oral Examining https:// 1. Using the web map, let the students give Work Formative Test Remedial/
(Week 4) communication activities. Samples of www.youtube.com/ the different reasons or purposes why people sheet & Enrichment
6days Oral watch? communicate. Video activities
Communicat v=ygLT0DWYXq0 lesson will be
ion ADM Module – 2. Review lesson on Functions of conducted
Activities https:// Communication for those
depedtambayan.net/ who didn’t
oral- catch up
communication-in- with the
context-quarter-1- lesson

 Identifies the various types Types of Oral 1. Encourage students to work in group and Activitys Formative Test
(Week 5) of speech context. Speech communication in creatively present the scenarios in Warm-Up heets/
4days EN11/12OC-Ifj-15 Context Context Textbook – Activity. Props that can be found inside the Workshe Remedial/
p. 29-34 classroom could be integrated in the ets Enrichment
DepEd TV - performance. activities
https://www.youtub 2. With the same group, have them work on will be
e.com/watch? Exercise I on page 31. They are going to conducted
v=rAnGxTMkyBs imagine a scenario in which type of for those
communication is used. who didn’t
3. Synthesize students answer then use it as catch up
segue to the discussion of types of speech with the
contexts. lesson
Activity Formative Test Remedial/
sheets, – Performance Enrichment
Work Task activities
sheets will be
Oral 1. Introduce the concept of speech style, ask conducted
communication in the students how they would ask each of the for those
Context Textbook – following people to wait for them/give them who didn’t
 Distinguishes types of Types of catch up
speeches and speech style. Speech Style p. 35 a moment:
with the
EN11/12OC-Ifj-17  Classmates
https://  Close family or boyfriend/girlfriend
www.youtube.com/  Cashier at a store
watch? 2. Alternatively, list some people and have
v=UwbQXn_57Yw the students identify what type of speech
style they will use when talking to that
person. Have them explain why.

 Responds appropriately and Types of Oral 1. Let students to take a quiz in pair. They Activity Formative Test
effectively to a speech act. Speech Act communication in have to discern the meaning behind the sheet / – Performance
(Week 6) EN11/12OC-Ifj-20 Context Textbook – utterance. Work Test
10 days p. 43-45 2. Before the start of discussion, present a sheet
video of television conversation and with the
https:// same pair, they have to discuss their answer
www.slideshare.net to the questions that will be given.
will be
Oral 1. Let the students go into an imaginary field Formative Test for those
 Employs various Types of
Communication trip by playing “Tara Na Biyahe Tayo”. An Activity – Performance who didn’t
communicative strategies in Communicat
in Context MTV performed by various Filipino Artists. sheet / Test catch up
different situations ive Strategy
While watching the video, the students will Work with the
Textbook pp. 51-
think about what they think is a must-see in sheet lesson
the country. After watching, they have to
group themselves into five members each
and Decide on the “MOST EXCITING
TOURIST SPOT” in the country then assign
a speaker who will share their decision. The
teacher will vote for the “Most Exciting
Tourist Spot in the Philippines”

Explains that a shift in speech Shift in https:// Review the discussion about Speech Work Formative Test Remedial/
context, speech style, speech act, and Communicat www.youtube.com/ Context, Speech Style, Speech Act, and sheets, Enrichment
(Week 2) communicative strategy affects the ion watch?v=Kk_- Communicative Strategy Video activities
16 days following: EN11/12OC-IIab-22; WNygw-c - Lesson will be
 Language Form https://www.youtub conducted
 Duration of interaction e.com/watch? for those
 Relationship of speaker v=dudD4LCl3yw who didn’t
 Role and responsibilities of catch up
the speaker with the
 Message lesson.
 Delivery
Uses principles of effective speech Principles of Oral 1. Let the students form a group of five Activity Formative Test Remedial/
writing focusing: Speech Communication in members and study the scenario to be sheets, – Performance Enrichment
(Week 3)  Audience profile Writing Context Textbook presented. They must discuss the steps in diagram Task activities
16 days  Logical organization pp. 61-68 organizing a particular program. Let them will be
 Duration choose a representative to present/share their conducted
 Word choice output to the class. for those
 Grammatical correctness 2. refer to this activity to introduce the who didn’t
And lesson. Ask: Did you follow a specific set of catch up
 Articulation steps to plan your program? with the
 Modulation lesson.
 Stage Presence
 Facial Expressions,
Gestures, and Movements
 Rapport with Audience
EN11/12OC-IIcj-24; EN11/12OC-
IIcj-25; EN11/12OC-IIcj-25.1-25.5;
EN11/12OC-IIcj-26; EN11/12OC-

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:


SHST I SHS Dept. Head / SHST II School Principal I

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