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Ag CSP 5001 - 87603502

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VAV Flow Controller-Actuators


Applications Guide

General Information............................................................................................... 2
CSP–5001/5002 Overview...................................................................................................................................2
Controller, Sensor, and Thermostat Functions.......................................................................................................3
Air Flow Sensor Connection.................................................................................................................................4
Rotation Setup......................................................................................................................................................4
Controller Testing.................................................................................................................................................5
System Troubleshooting........................................................................................................................................5
Controller Calibration..........................................................................................................................................6
Minimum and Maximum Flow Limits.............................................................................................................6
VNOM (CFM) Range Setting..........................................................................................................................6
CTE–5100 Series Thermostat Reference................................................................................................................7
Checkout and Calibration..............................................................................................................................7
CTE–5100 Series Cross-reference...................................................................................................................8
Changing a CTE–5100 Thermostat to a Remote Sensor..................................................................................9

Applications.......................................................................................................... 11
Cooling or Heating (Former Ref. # APE-1-5001).................................................................................................11
Auto, Override to Fully Closed, or Override to Fully Open (New).....................................................................12
Cooling with 3-Stage Reheat (Former Ref. # APE-1-5012)..................................................................................13
Cooling with 3-Stage Reheat and 10 Degree Night Setback (New).....................................................................14
Cooling with Heating Changeover (Former Ref. # APE-1-5014)..........................................................................15
Cooling with Heating Changeover and Electric Reheat (Former Ref. # APE-1-50014A)......................................16
Cooling with Heating Changeover and Hot Water Reheat (Former Ref. # APE-1-5014B)...................................17
Cooling with Hot Water Reheat (Former Ref. # APE-1-5017).............................................................................18
Dual Duct, Minimum Air From Cold Duct (Former Ref. # APE-2-5001).............................................................19
Fan Induction with 2-Stage Electric Heat (Former Ref. # APE-3-5001)...............................................................20
CSP–5001/5002 VAV Flow Controller-Actuators  Applications Guide
General Information
CSP–5001/5002 Overview
The electronic analog CSP–5001/5002 VAV flow On older models, a tri-color LED indicates green for
controller-actuators are pressure-independent opening, red for closing and white/off for satisfied
combination controller-actuators designed primarily damper positions. On newer models, two separate
for use on variable air volume terminal units. Air red and green LEDs indicate opening and closing.
flow is sensed by using a single or multi-point
Two models are available:
differential (velocity) pressure measuring station
or pitot tube. Designed with an onboard flow- CSP–5001 CCW to close
through sensor utilizing twin platinum resistance CSP–5002 CW to close
temperature detectors, these models are capable of
controlling a velocity setpoint from 0 to 3,300 fpm Available control options include proportional or
with an accuracy of 3%. two position wet or electric reheat, dual minimums,
fan induction, dual duct, and automation interface.
The CSP–5001/5002 offers full range flow control of
VAV terminal units when used with the CTE–5100 For more information, see the Data Sheet and the
series room ther­mo­stats. Air velocity flow control Installation Guide for the CSP–5001/5002.
limits may be set at the thermostat or internal to the
CSP–5001/5002. The actuator section provides ad­just­
able stops, magnetic clutch and a gear disengage-
ment button.

CSP–5001/5002 VAV Flow Controller-Actuators  Applications Guide

Controller, Sensor, and Thermostat Functions

The Controller: The controller is designed to: The chart below illustrates typical voltage versus ve-
1. Receive a “desired flow” signal from the locity using a CSP with a SSS–1002, single-point flow
thermostat (0–10 volts on terminal “IN”), or sensor. Because this is a flow-through type sensor,
the minimum and maximum settings on the the tubing type will directly affect flow readings. To
controller itself. maintain a close correlation with the factory cali-
bration, installations must use 24 inches of 1/4-inch
2. Compare it to “actual flow” (on terminals
OD x 0.040 wall tubing without restrictions such
“out” and “–”).
as fittings or kinks. The voltage corresponds to both
3. And drive the box open/closed, as required to “IN” (for desired flow) and “OUT” (for actual flow)
match airflow. terminals.
LEDs show which direction the actuator is rotat-
ing (green when opening, red when closing). The The Thermostat: The CTE–5100 series thermostats
CSP–5001 is factory-set to close counter-clockwise; are designed for use with the CSP–5001/5002 Con-
the CSP–5002, clockwise. However, rotation direction trollers and/or most other controls (using a half-wave
is field-changeable via jumper selection (see the Rota- rectifier power supply) requiring a 0–10 volt signal.
tion Setup section). Some of these controls are: the REE–1000/5000 series
relays, the MEP–1200/5000 series actuators, and/or
The CSP–5001 is factory set to measure airflow of the VEP series valves. Utilizing the MEP actuators,
0–3300 fpm at a 0–10 volt signal. This airflow is field the CTE–5100 allows setting minimum and maxi-
adjustable to match a specific requirement within mum control points on the thermostat (see Thermo-
these ranges (see the Controller Calibration section). stat Checkout/Calibration Procedures).
The Flow Sensor: The CSP–5001/5002 controllers use Various thermostat models are available in this series
an onboard flow-through sensor utilizing twin plati- such as: single setpoint DA (5101), single setpoint
num resistance temperature detectors to electroni- RA (5102), dual setpoint DA and RA (5103/5104), and
cally measure air velocity in the duct. dual setpoint both DA (5105).

Typical Voltage/Velocity Chart

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500

Velocity (Feet Per Minute)

(CSP–5001 with the SSS–1002 in a 5-inch duct and 24 inches of 1/4-inch OD x 0.040 wall tubing)

CSP–5001/5002 VAV Flow Controller-Actuators  Applications Guide

Wiring Air Flow Sensor Connection
1. Remove the CSP’s wiring access door by pulling Using 24 inches of 1/4-inch OD x 0.040-inch wall FR
back on the door’s tab and lifting upward. instrument and control tubing, connect the CSP to an
2. Access for wire or cable is via two 5/8 in. (16 mm) SSS–1000 series differential pressure flow sensor:
diameter snap-in shutter bushings located on the 1. Connect the “H” port to the (high side) “H” of the
rear of the CSP’s cover. sensor.
3. Connect conduit to the actuator if required 2. Connect the “L” port to the (low side) “L” of the
(connectors are not supplied—order separately): sensor.
A. HMO–4518 for 1/2 in. flexible conduit. NOTE: To maintain a close correlation with the
B. HMO–4520 compression connector for plenum factory calibration (for 0 to 3300 fpm),
rated cable. installations must use exactly 24 inches
C. HMO–4526 for rigid 1/2 in. conduit. of the tubing without restrictions such as
4. Remove snap-in shutter bushing and replace with fittings or kinks.
the HMO–4518 or HMO–4520 if required. NOTE: The SSS–1000 series differential pressure
5. Connect the CSP to a CTE–5100 thermostat: flow sensor must be mounted with the
arrow pointing in the direction of the air
A. Terminal “16 VDC” to thermostat terminal
B. Terminal “IN” to thermostat terminal “T1” for
cooling or “T2” for heating air flow. Rotation Setup
NOTE: If minimum and maximum velocity limits
will be set at the CSP, then use “T3” for The CSP–5001 is factory-set for CCW to close. The
cooling and “T4” for heating. CSP–5002 is factory-set for CW to close. To reverse
the rotation direction of either controller model:
C. Terminal “OUT” to thermostat terminal “V1”
for velocity readout at thermostat. 1. Remove the access door by pulling back on the
D. Terminal “–” to thermostat terminal “–”. door’s tab and lifting upward.
6. Connect the CSP to a 24 volt AC, –15/+20%, 50/60 2. Position both jumpers in either the CW or CCW
Hz power source: positions as needed. See the diagram.
A. Terminal “~” to the phase side of the 24 volt
AC transformer.
B. Terminal “–” to the neutral or ground side of
the transformer.
7. Replace wiring access door.

CSP–5001/5002 VAV Flow Controller-Actuators  Applications Guide

Controller Testing
Test the CSP actuator’s motor operation:
1. Temporarily disconnect the thermostat reset
connection at Terminal “IN”.
2. Jumper “IN” terminal to the “16 VDC” terminal.
The green Open LED should illuminate. The
shaft drive hub should be rotating the damper A. There is inadequate airflow in the duct leading
open. The damper should go to full open unless to the controller.
the maximum limit was set at the CSP, and then B. The damper may be sticking or at the end of
the damper will only go to the maximum setting. its travel.
If the damper is rotating closed, the “Close” C. The setscrews on the actuator shaft may be
jumpers must be changed. Refer to the Rotation slipping.
Setup section. D. The VNOM potentiometer may have been
3. Jumper “IN” terminal to the “–” terminal. The changed from its factory setting. See the
red Close LED should illuminate. The shaft VNOM Range Setting section.
drive hub should be rotating the damper closed. 5. If the “Requested Flow” and “Actual Flow”
The damper should go to full closed unless the match, but the reading from a flow hood over the
minimum limit was set at the CSP, and then the duct outlet is substantially different, one of the
damper will only go to the minimum setting. If following may be at fault:
the damper is rotating open, the “Close” jumpers A. The tubing to the controller’s flow sensor
must be changed. Refer to Rotation Setup section. may be kinked, too long, or pulled off (fix the
B. The flow sensor in the controller may be bad
(replace the controller).
System Troubleshooting 6. Check box movement, damper rotation, etc.
A. Review “Requested Flow” and “Actual Flow”
The following troubleshooting guide is directed
above to determine if unit should be satisfied
towards single duct cooling applications, the same
(within 50 fpm) or driving open or closed.
concepts can be applied to other configurations.
B. If damper is not moving, verify damper is
1. Verify 24 volts AC at terminals “~” (phase) and not stuck or at end of travel. Check rotation
“–” (ground). Tolerance can be –15% to +20% jumpers for proper position.
(20.4 to 28.8 volts AC) C. Change “Requested Flow “ to drive the
NOTE: When using the same transformer for more unit in the opposite direction. This can be
than one control, the phase and ground accomplished by moving the setpoint sliders
must be consistent with each device. or the steps below.
2. Verify 16 volts DC at terminals “(16 VDC)” and
“(–)”. Tolerance is 15.0 to 17.0 volts DC, power
supply to thermostat. If not correct, disconnect Never jumper terminal “16 VDC” to terminal
the thermostat and recheck. If still incorrect, “–” since this would cause a short and possibly
replace the CSP controller. damage the power supply.
3. Check “Requested Flow” voltage on the “IN” and i. To manually open the box, remove wiring
“–” terminals. Use the Typical Voltage/Velocity from terminal “IN” and jumper terminal
Chart to correlate the voltage with air flow. “IN” to terminal “16 VDC”. This will tell
unit to control at 3300 fpm (full airflow),
4. Check “Actual Flow” voltage on terminal “OUT”
the green LED should turn on, and the box
and “–” for (0–10 volts DC). The “IN” and “OUT”
should drive open).
voltages should match (within a reasonable
tolerance). If they do not, change the setpoint all ii. To manually close the box, remove wir-
the way up or down, wait at least five minutes, ing from terminal “IN”, and jumper “IN”
and measure again. If they still do not match, terminal to “–” terminal. This will tell unit
check for the following: to control at zero fpm (no airflow), the red
LED should be on and the box should drive
CSP–5001/5002 VAV Flow Controller-Actuators  Applications Guide
Controller Calibration
Minimum and Maximum Flow Limits VNOM (CFM) Range Setting
Minimum and maximum flow limits are often set at The CSP range is factory-calibrated with the
the CTE–5100 series thermostat (see the CTE–5100 VNOM potentiometer centered. Using any SSS–
Series Thermostat Reference section). If desired, the 1002/1003/1004/1005 series velocity pickup, tubing,
minimum and maximum limits can be defined by and reducers, the CSP will have a range of 0–3,300
adjusting the appropriate setpoints within the CSP– fpm with a 0–10 volt DC reset control signal.
5001/5002 controller (see below) instead, but do not
Leaving the VNOM at the factory setting is recom-
try to set the limits at BOTH the controller and the
mended! Changing the VNOM potentiometer from
thermostat (or else the limits will not reflect either
the factory setting will alter the calibration between
the controller’s or the thermostat’s limits).
the “IN” and “OUT” voltages. However, the VNOM
To set the velocity limits at the CSP: can be adjusted to match 0–10 volts to a specific ve-
locity range if desired.
1. Remove the access door by pulling back on the
door’s tab and lifting upward. NOTE: In the controller, VNOM stands for
2. Connect a voltmeter to the meter taps (using “NOMinal Volumetric flow rate.”
HSO–5001 test leads). To set the VNOM range:
3. Move the jumper from the NOR (normal) position 1. Remove the access door by pulling back on the
(two left-most pins) to the MIN position (two door’s tab and lifting upward.
right-most pins).
2. Supply the desired velocity to the “H” and “L”
4. Adjust the MIN potentiometer for the desired ports.
minimum voltage.
3. Connect a voltmeter between the “OUT” and “–”
NOTE: MIN must be adjusted first. terminals and adjust the VNOM potentiometer
5. Move the jumper to the MAX position (two center until the voltage equals 10 volts DC.
6. Adjust the MAX potentiometer to the desired
maximum voltage.
7. Return the jumper to the NOR position.

CSP–5001/5002 VAV Flow Controller-Actuators  Applications Guide

CTE–5100 Series Thermostat Reference

Checkout and Calibration

The thermostat (CTE–5100 series) operates on a 16
volt DC power supply from the CSP controller and
outputs a 0–10 volt DC signal on the T(x) terminals
(Direct Acting T1 and Reverse Acting T2). See the
CTE–5100 Series Thermostat Reference Page for de-
tails on which ‘T’ terminals are used on each model
thermostat, but generally T1 and T3 are used for the
cooling mode and T2 and T4 for heating. T1 and T2
are adjustable to limit minimum and maximum flow.
T3 and T4 have a fixed 0–10 volt DC output signal
(over the proportional band).
NOTE: Limits may be set at the CSP or the CTE NOTE: Dials rotate approximately 200° (8:00
thermostat. If setting the min/max limits to 4:00). Turn clockwise to increase or
at the CTE thermostat, the CSP’s Min. dial counterclockwise to decrease. Do not use
must be set fully CCW to 0 and the Max. excessive force on dials. They should turn
dial set fully CW to 100. This will ensure freely and effortlessly. DO NOT force dial
that the CSP will not have any effect on the beyond a stop.
5. Connect voltmeter to the meter taps (using the
1. Required tools: HSO–5001 test leads adapter makes this easier).
• 1/16-inch hex/key wrench A. Connect to the middle and right terminal (see
• Small flat blade (1/8-inch) screwdriver illustration) for the minimum and maximum
• Digital voltmeter capable of displaying a reading.
0–10 volt DC range which will display in B. Connect to the middle and left terminal
hundredths of a volt. for measuring actual flow velocity. (The
• HSO–5001 test leads (optional for meter taps) thermostat must be wired to a controller for
2. Remove the thermostat cover by loosening the this option; see the Applications sections).
setscrews on each side of the thermostat (see 6. Adjust the minimum flow.
illustration). Using a 1/16-inch hex key wrench, A. Push the cooling setpoint slider all the way to
turn the setscrews clockwise until the cover is the right. (This requests minimum flow, and
loose. is normally for heating mode or cooling is
3. Check voltages: satisfied.)
A. Verify 16 volts DC between (+) and (–) B. Set the minimum flow voltage as desired
terminals. using the Min. dial (on the Cooling side of
B. Measure “T(x)” to “–” for output voltage. Use thermostat).
the calibration procedures below to adjust 7. Adjust the maximum flow.
limits if desired. Adjust the setpoint above and A. Push the cooling setpoint slider all the way to
below current room temperature and observe the left. (This requests maximum flow, and is
changes in appropriate “T” voltage. Remove normally for full cooling mode.)
setpoint slider stops (HFO–0027) if necessary. B. Set the maximum flow voltage as desired
NOTE: Always adjust minimum flow limits first. using the Max. dial (on the Cooling side of the
4. Maximum limits will always be greater than thermostat).
minimum limits. (Maximum is additive to 8. Adjust the cooling setpoint slider back to its
minimum.) If in doubt, turn maximum limit fully original position and replace the cover.
clockwise (increase) before proceeding.

CSP–5001/5002 VAV Flow Controller-Actuators  Applications Guide

CTE–5100 Series Cross-reference

CTE–5100 Series Thermostat Cross-reference

Thermostat 5101 5102 5103/ 5104 Terminal Description
Terminals 5105
Velocity input; connect to “out” terminal on
V1 X X X
CSP for readout.
Upper set point output w/o limits (0–10 volt
T3 X X X
fixed signal; can be measured on back of stat).
T1 override, connect to “–” if unused. Voltage
R1 X X X
applied subtracts from T1.
Upper set point output, with limits;
T1 X X X
adjustable at pot. on front of the thermostat.
+ X X X X 16 volts DC power supply input.
12 volts DC output for temperature
12V X X X X
A X X X X. Temperature averaging input.
– X X X X Ground reference.
Lower setpoint output with limits; adjustable
T2 X X X
at potentiometer on front of the thermostat.
T2 override, connect to “–” if unused.*
R2* X X X
Voltage applied subtracts from T2.
T4 X X Lower set point output w/o limits.
Velocity input for readout; connect to “out”
V2 X X
terminal on CSP for readout.

* R2 is auxiliary limit trigger on CTE–5104. Voltage above 1 volt triggers T1 to the Aux. Flow Limit. The
application would be a single duct cooling with reheat where the minimum flow is not enough to satisfy the
reheat demand.

NOTE: If desired, the thermostat scale plate can be reversed so that a blank metal plate appears in the
thermostat window instead of the temperature coil indicator and scale. To do so, remove the cover,
pull out the two retaining pins, reverse the plate, reinsert the pins, and reinstall the cover. This does
not affect the thermostat operation.

CSP–5001/5002 VAV Flow Controller-Actuators  Applications Guide

CTE–5103 DA/RA Thermostat
CTE–5101 DA Thermostat V1 T3 R1 T1 + V A T2 R2 T4 V2
V1 T3 R1 T1 + V A

CTE–5104 DA/RA Thermostat

V1 T3 R1 T1 + V A T2 R2
CTE–5102 RA Thermostat

+ V A T2 R2 T4 V2
CTE–5105 DA/RA Thermostat
V1 T3 R1 T1 + V A T2 R2 T4 V2

Changing a CTE–5100 Thermostat to a Remote Sensor

A thermostat controller with an external temperature underneath the thermistor to remove it. The remote
sensor provides a means to remotely locate the tem- thermistor is then wired to terminals “+12 V” and
perature sensor in the supply or return air duct or in to “A” (as shown in chart below).
an area where remote adjustment of the setpoint is TTE series remote temperature sensor/transmitters
desired. include a three wire sensor with “+”, “A”, and “–”
The CTE–5100 series thermostat can be easily connections. When the TTE series are used as remote
modified to accomplish this application. Since the sensors for the CTE–5100 series, only the “+” and
CTE–5100 series thermostats have an averaging “A” connections are used. These two connections
temperature input, a thermistor can be wired to are to the thermistor (resistance) only (not a voltage
this input and the thermostat’s thermistor can be output). The chart below illustrates the various TTE
removed. The thermistor is clearly visible once models and the appropriate terminal designations.
the scale plate is removed, simply clip both leads

CTE–5100 Series Connections for Remote Sensor

“+12 V” “A”
Model Type
Connection Connection
TTE–1001 Room Sensor Terminal + Terminal A
TTE–2001 Duct Sensor Terminal 1 Terminal 2
TTE–5001/5011 Room Sensor Terminal B Terminal A

CSP–5001/5002 VAV Flow Controller-Actuators  Applications Guide


CTE–5101 Thermostat

Jumper (To Flow Sensor)

V1 T3 R1 T1 + V A
16 O
V I U 24 VAC
TTE–2001 DC N T – – ~
Duct Sensor

Remote Duct Temperature Sensing

CTE–5101 Thermostat

Jumper (To Flow Sensor)

— + H L
V1 T3 R1 T1 + V A
16 O
A V I U 24 VAC
DC N T – – ~

Separate Room

Remote Room Temperature Sensing

CTE–5101 Thermostat

Jumper (To Flow Sensor)

V1 T3 R1 T1 + V A
16 O
V I U 24 VAC
DC N T – – ~

Separate Room

Remote Room Temperature Sensing

CSP–5001/5002 VAV Flow Controller-Actuators 10 Applications Guide

Cooling or Heating (Former Ref. # APE-1-5001)
The CTE–5100 series single-setpoint thermostats are An additional “unrestricted” output (T3 or T4) is
designed for use with CSP–5000 series electronic not affected by minimum/maximum limits and
VAV controllers to operate damper boxes and/ can be used to operate reheat equipment or other
or valves in the HVAC system. As shown in the control devices by utilizing REE series relays (some
diagram, a “requested flow” voltage signal (T1 thermostats vary). See CTE–5100 Series Thermostat
or T2) is wired to the CSP–5001 to adjust airflow Reference section for details on “T” terminals. The
from minimum to maximum flow according to CTE–5101 has a Direct Acting (DA) reset and the
space demand. Minimum and maximum flow limit CTE–5102 employs a Reverse Acting (RA) reset.
adjustments can be made at the thermostat or at the



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NOTE: CTE–5101 for cooling is shown. For heating, use CTE–5102, with terminal T2 for input (“IN”) signal
to CSP–5001 controller.

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CSP–5001/5002 VAV Flow Controller-Actuators 11 Applications Guide

Auto, Override to Fully Closed, or Override to Fully Open (New)
The “Override to Fully Closed” wiring diagram The “Override to Fully Open” wiring illustration
below allows the CTE–5101 thermostat to control the below allows the CTE–5101 thermostat to control the
CSP–5001 controller as normal (Auto) or override CSP–5001 controller as normal (Auto) or override the
flow setting on the CSP–5001 to fully closed. flow setting on the CSP–5001 to fully open.
The SPDT relay switches to select between the two The SPDT relay switches to select between the two
modes (Auto/Fully Closed). In the relay position modes (Auto/Fully Open). In the relay position
shown, the controller will override the flow setting. shown, the controller will override the flow setting.
(Jumping “–” and “IN” drives the actuator fully (Jumping “16 VDC” and “IN” drives the actuator
closed.) fully open.)
When the relay switches, the thermostat will control When the relay switches, the thermostat will control
the VAV box based on demand (Auto). the VAV box based on demand (Auto).

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CSP–5001/5002 VAV Flow Controller-Actuators 12 Applications Guide

Cooling with 3-Stage Reheat (Former Ref. # APE-1-5012)
The CTE–5104 electronic thermostat is a dual- temperature continues to drop, the second stage
setpoint thermostat for heating (RA) and cooling begins and so on (see the first chart). This auxiliary
(DA) applications. The application below uses an flow is used as a second minimum flow before
REE–5001 relay module and three 24 VAC contactors enabling the reheat stages.
for three stages of reheat. When the auxiliary flow is not being used (see the
The diagram below shows a jumper between “T2” second chart), connect the jumper between terminals
and terminal “R2” on the thermostat to permit “R2” and “–” and turn the auxiliary dial fully CCW
auxiliary flow. As the temperature drops below to ensure it will have no effect.
setpoint, the first stage of reheat begins. As the



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CSP–5001/5002 VAV Flow Controller-Actuators 13 Applications Guide

Cooling with 3-Stage Reheat and 10 Degree Night Setback (New)
This configuration is the same as on the previous 10° F warmer than it really is. This inhibits the heat
page except for the simple addition of a SPST relay stages from coming on during the unoccupied mode
or switch and a 41.2 kW resistor. (night setback).
The switch or relay is driven by a night setback NOTE: This configuration requires the system fan
signal from other equipment not shown. When the to be on during setback mode.
contact is closed (e.g., by a timer), the added fixed
resistance indicates that the room is approximately



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CSP–5001/5002 VAV Flow Controller-Actuators 14 Applications Guide

Cooling with Heating Changeover (Former Ref. # APE-1-5014)
The CTE–5103 electronic thermostat is a dual set NOTE: REE–1005 terminal “A” can be used to
point thermostat for heating (RA) and cooling trigger an auxiliary setpoint when used
(DA) applications. When using an TTE–2001 (or with a CTE–5104 or REE–1012. This
STE–1002/1004) duct sensor and an REE–1005 relay terminal can also be used to daisy chain
module (as shown below), an automatic changeover more than one REE–1005 together by
is provided for heating/cooling applications. The wiring Terminal “A” to Terminal “Y” on the
sensor and relay combination will switch between next relay.
the “T1” (cooling) or “T2” (heating) signal to the
VAV terminal based on the temperature of the supply ���
air. ��
������� ������� ������
The factory-defined changeover temperature is 77° F ��� ���� ����
± 4° F. At duct temperature greater than changeover ����
temperature, “T2” is utilized to control heating. ������������ ������������ ������
Below the changeover, the relay switches allow “T1” �����
���������������� ����������������
to control cooling. At 77°, voltage across terminals
“X” and “Y” is approximately 7.75 volts. ������������������������������������������

NOTE: Minimums can be set at zero air flow, but a

minimum of greater than zero is required
for a quick changeover.



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CSP–5001/5002 VAV Flow Controller-Actuators 15 Applications Guide

Cooling with Heating Changeover and Electric Reheat (Former Ref. # APE-1-50014A)
This application utilizes the same controls as Cooling NOTE: REE–1005 terminal “A” can be used to
with Heating Changeover but adds the REE–5001 trigger an auxiliary setpoint when used
relay for electric reheat. When the VAV inlet air with a CTE–5104 or REE–1012. This
temperature becomes warm (such as morning warm- terminal can also be used to daisy chain
up), changeover occurs. In this mode, “T2” controls more than one REE–1005 together by
the CSP–5001. The first stage of heat is enabled when wiring Terminal “A” to Terminal “Y” on the
the space temperature is slightly above the heating next relay.
setpoint (3.5 volts). If the temperature continues to �����
drop, the second stage of heat comes on, followed ����� ����������
���� �����
by the third stage. See the chart for reference of each ��� ��������� ��
heat stage activation. ������ ��
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CSP–5001/5002 VAV Flow Controller-Actuators 16 Applications Guide

Cooling with Heating Changeover and Hot Water Reheat (Former Ref. # APE-1-5014B)

This application operates the same as VAV Cooling NOTE: REE–1005 terminal “A” can be used to
with Heating Changeover and Electric Reheat except trigger an auxiliary setpoint when used
for using a hot water valve instead of electric heating with a CTE–5104 or REE–1012. This
elements for reheat, eliminating the REE–5001 relay. terminal can also be used to daisy chain
more than one REE–1005 together by
The valve used in this example is the VEP–15xx0195
wiring Terminal “A” to Terminal “Y” on the
2-way valve, which uses a 2–10 volt signal for
next relay.
control. When there is hot air in the duct the REE–
1005 initiates the changeover, allowing the heating ������� �������
���� �� �� ����
signal from the thermostat to control airflow. When
there is a call for heat, the thermostat modulates the ����� ��
HW valve. ����

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CSP–5001/5002 VAV Flow Controller-Actuators 17 Applications Guide

Cooling with Hot Water Reheat (Former Ref. # APE-1-5017)

This application uses a CTE–5104 thermostat with a

VEP–43 series hot water valve to control temperature
in the conditioned space. The valve shown below
uses the MEP–5062 actuator for reheat control. ����
�� ��
������ ������
The VEP–43 is a 3-way mixing (globe or ball) valve. �������
With 0 volts DC from the thermostat, the valve
bypasses water from the supply to the return. As the ����
thermostat voltage increases, water begins flowing ������������
into the coil to allow heated air into the space. At 2° ���������������� ����������������
below setpoint the full flow is sent through the coil. ������������������������������������������

NOTE: Jumper “T2” to “R2” for automatic

auxiliary flow for heating.

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CSP–5001/5002 VAV Flow Controller-Actuators 18 Applications Guide

Dual Duct, Minimum Air From Cold Duct (Former Ref. # APE-2-5001)
Dual duct applications can use two CSP–5001 series ������������������������
controllers with a dual-setpoint (RA/DA) thermostat, �������
���� �� �������
as shown below. In this application the CSP–5001 ������ ����
�������� ��
controllers are mounted separately on the cold and ������� ������
hot air duct dampers with each utilizing it’s own �������
flow sensor. ����
The cold-deck controller receives the “T1” signal ���� ���������������� ����������������
from the thermostat while the hot-deck controller ������������������������������������������
receives its requested flow signal from “T2.” Both NOTE: Connect jumper from T2 to R1 (shown) to
units can be set independently for minimum and override cooling minimum to zero, upon
maximum flow settings. In addition, by using the call for heating. Connect R2 to ground (–).
“R1” or “R2” override terminal on the thermostat,
minimum flow can be overridden to zero upon a call ������������������������
for heating (or vise-versa). �������
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� NOTE: Connect jumper from T1 to R2 (not shown)

������������� to override heating minimum to zero upon

� call for cooling. Connect R1 to ground (–).

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CSP–5001/5002 VAV Flow Controller-Actuators 19 Applications Guide

Fan Induction with 2-Stage Electric Heat (Former Ref. # APE-3-5001)

The CTE–5101 electronic thermostat ��������

is a single-setpoint thermostat for �������������������
cooling (DA). In this application, the
thermostat is used with the REE–
5002 relay module, a fan, and two
coils (for two stages of reheat). The ����������������
REE–5002 was designed primarily � �
for use with VAV fan-powered �� �
induction boxes. � � �

� �
�� � �
If the thermostat drops below
setpoint, the relay senses the
decrease in voltage and starts the �
fan. As the temperature continues to ��������������
� ������
drop, the first stage of reheat begins,
and the second stage of reheat �� �� �� �� �
� � �
follows if the thermostat is still not
satisfied. The process reverses as the
room temperature begins to rise.
NOTE: The “X” Terminal is used
for measuring fan trip
voltage only.

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NOTE: The fan has an adjustable

start point between 3 and 8 �

KMC Controls, Inc.

19476 Industrial Drive
New Paris, IN 46553

2005 KMC Controls,
VAV Flow
876-035-02 20 Applications Guide

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