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Science-4 Q2 Week-3

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Department of Education

National Capital Region

Schools Division of Parañaque City
Self – Learning Module
Science 4 Quarter 2 Week 3
Learning Competencies
Name the specialized structures of terrestrial plants S4LT-11-e-f-9

Identify the specialized structures of the terrestrial plants.

Plants live everywhere on Earth. We call plants that lived or grow on soil as a terrestrial
plant. Whenever they live, like animals, plants adapt to the environment they live to survive.
These adaptations help them live in different climates and conditions.

Let’s Recall (Review)

Identity the parts of the plant on the blank as shown on the picture. Write your answer on
your answer sheet.

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

KEY TERMS habitat – Is the place where the plants live

Terrestrial – living on, in or growing from plants.
Structure – form, composition
Specialize – design for particular purpose
Adaptation – is the adjustment of organisms to their environment in
order to improve their chance at survival in their environment.

What do you see on these plants? Do you find the differences among them?

Rose has thorns on its stem Gumamela (Hibiscus) has no thorns on its stem

Terrestrial plants are plants that grow on land. Some terrestrial plants are small, others are

big. There are plants with big trunks while others have soft stems. Other plants bear flowers
and fruits while others do not.
Terrestrial plants have different leaves. Plant uses its leaves to make food. Leaves
differ in shape and size. The two main types of leaves are broad and needle leaves.
Gumamela or hibiscus and rose have broad leaves while pine tree and mahogany
have needle leaves. Broad leaves easily fall during the cold season, while needle leaves
stay intact.

broad leaves waxy needle leaves

Most leaves have a waxy surface. Waxy surface of most leaves keep water from
escaping during hot weather. Some leaves are hairy, bitter, razor -sharp blade, and
poisonous to protect them from plant eating animals.
Terrestrial plants have different stems. Stems support and give plants shape. It is
where water, minerals and food are stored. Garden plants and flowers like tomato have
soft, flexible, and bendable stem. These plants grow in shorter lives. Other plants have
stiff, woody stem. These stems are hard, thick, and made of layers of bark. They live many
years. Trees and shrubs like guava trees have woody stems. Some stems grow in vine like
string bean, some are thorny, and some are not. Some are short and some are tall and

tomato plant guava string bean cactus

Let’s Apply

Direction: Which of the following terrestrial plants listed below has specialized structures?
Write your answer on your answer sheet.
1. mayana, gumamela, rose, orchid
2. pineapple, Chinese bamboo, guava, apple
3. fern, Chinese bamboo, rosal, cogon
4. coconut, banana, mango, aratiles
5. eggplant, cactus, tomato, potato

Let’s Analyze
Study the picture below and answer the given questions on your answer
1. What is the name of this plant?

2. What special structures does this plant have?
3. Why do you think this plant has that special structure?
Aside from specialized stems and leaves used by plants to survive, they also have
specialized roots, flowers, and seeds to adapt to the environment they grow. These special
structures help plants to meet their needs. Some plants have parts that trap and digest
insects to get needed nutrients.

Learning Competencies

• Name the specialized structures of terrestrial plants S4LT-11-e-f-9


• Identify the specialized structures of the terrestrial plants

Let’s Recall (Review)

Study the list of plants below and identify the specialized structure they possess written on
the word box. Write your answer on your answer sheet.

bitter leaves soft stem hairy stem

poisonous leaves woody stem thorny stem
hairy leaves poisonous stem vine
waxy leaves razor-sharp leaves

1. ampalaya 6. serpent plant

2. guava 7. squash
3. mango 8. nipay
4. kamatsile 9. lemon grass (tanglad)
5. welcome plant 10. rock melon

Let’s Understand

Terrestrial plants have roots that hold them. Roots take in water and nutrients from soil
that the plant needs to produce food. Some plants have taproots (A). A taproot is the main
root that goes deep into the soil. Some plants have fibrous roots (B). Fibrous roots have the
same size and grow long but not deep. Fibrous roots have root hairs that take in water and
nutrients from soil. Other plants like most trees have creeping roots(C). These roots are hard,
not so deep and spread away from plants. Others have tuberous roots (D). Tuberous roots
are very thick roots. They store significant amounts of food to feed the whole plant. They are
a fleshy, enlarged, and modified storage organ. They are modified from the stem.


plant’s taproot fibrous roots creeping roots tuberous roots

Some terrestrial plants produced colorful flowers like roses and zinnias while others have
white color but fragrant or sweet odor flowers like jasmine and sampaguita that attracts
insects to pollinate. Other plants produce stinky odor flowers, example of this is rafflesia to
keep insects away or to attract them.

colorful zinnias flower sampaguita flower rafflesia flower

Other terrestrial plants produce spores like fern plant instead of flowers or seeds to
propagate. Others produce seeds in the fruits and others produce cones.

fern papaya fruit fine tree

Let’s Apply

Directions: Copy the Venn Diagram on your answer sheet then compare the two plants
below according to the special characteristics of their flower.

Rosal Marigold


Let’s Analyze

The picture below is an aratiles tree. On your answer sheet, draw the kind of roots this tree
should have and explain why?

Aratiles Plant roots My explanation

Learning Competencies (Essential Competencies)

• Name the specialized structures of aquatic plants S4LT-lle-f-9


• Identify the specialized structures of aquatic plants

Let’s Recall (Review)

Directions: Find the five (5) terrestrial plants that have specialized structures in the puzzle.
It may be on the vertical, horizontal, or diagonal lines. Write the words on your answer sheet.


Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

Aquatic plants are plants that grow or live in water and that have adapted to living
within an aquatic environment. They are also referred to as Hydrophytes. These plants
require special adaptations for living submerged in water or at the water surface. Aquatic
plants can grow in water or in soil that is permanently saturated with water.
Read, study, and understand the data table.

Water lily Wide, thick buoyant leaves

Lotus Leaves are flat and broad

Water hyacinth It has long roots

Mangrove trees They have widespread branches

Let’s Apply

Directions: Match the name of aquatic plants in Column A with their specialized structures
in Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.
Column A Column B
_____1. Mangroves tree A. has long roots
_____2. Lotus B. has thick and buoyant leaves
_____3. Water lily C. leaves are flat and broad
_____4. Water hyacinth D. has soft green leaves covered with repellant hairs
_____5. Water lettuce E. has spreading branches

Let’s Analyze

Direction: Read the question and write the answer on your answer sheet.
Why do you think those specialized structures are important to water plants?

Learning Competencies (Essential Competencies)

• Cite different benefits of specialized structure of terrestrial plants and aquatic plants


• Enumerate different benefits of specialized structure of terrestrial and aquatic plants

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

Plants play as vital role in keeping people, animals, and the Earth healthy. There are
some plants that have specialized structure both terrestrial and aquatic plants.
Terrestrial and aquatic plants have specialized structures to adapt to their environment,
there are different benefits of the specialize structures of terrestrial and aquatic plants. Below
is a data table to read, study, and understand
Terrestrial Plants Specialize Structure Benefits
Bougainvillea Thorny Stems Animals can’t easily touch them
Banana Big, Broad leaves To efficiently trap more energy
Gabi Waxy leaves Prevent damage of the inner plant
Durian Pungent odor and spiky fruits Animals/Insects cannot easily eat
Cactus Fleshy stems Conserve water for a long time

Let’s Apply

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE of its incorrect. Write your
answer on your answer sheet.
______1. Specialized structures of plants are important to plants in order to adopt to

their environment.
______2. Water lilies have long roots so that they can reach the soil underwater.
______3. Euphoria plants has thorny stems so that animals cannot eat them.
______4. Cogon/talahib leaf has a smooth leaf so that it might not cause harm.
______5. Mangrove trees have wide branches so they can easily bend with the wind.

Let’s Analyze

Directions: Read the situation and answer the questions that follow. Write your answer
on your answer sheet.

Mang Erning is a farmer. He planted his field with sugarcane and corn. Every weekend
he visits his plant to remove weeds. He also cultivates the soil by means of plow. He uses
shirts with long sleeves so that his skin won’t brushes against the leaves of his plants. How do
these plants protect themselves from enemies?

Let’s Try (Evaluation)

Read the question carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write youranswer on
your answer sheet.
_____1. How do you call the place where plants live?
A. vegetation C. vegetative organ
B. reproduction D. habitat

_____2. Where do terrestrial plants live and grow?

A. lives in water C. live in air
B. live on land D. live in moist places
_____3. Where do aquatic plants live?
A. live on land C. live in water
B. live in air D. live in mountains
_____4. Which of the following plants are aquatic?
A. mango tree C. Green ivy
B. water lily D. Rose bush
_____5. What specialized structure is common to rose and bougainvillea?
A. Both have stinging hairs C. Both have thorny stems
B. Both have sticky leaves D. Both have fibrous fruits
_____6. Which of the following plants has hair on its stem?
A. San Francisco C. Mayana
B. Santol D. Lipang aso
_____7. Which of the following plants lives in water for survival?
A. Lotus C. Santol
B. Sampaguita D. Durian
_____8. Which among the following has stingy hairs on their stems that break and
release poison when touched?
A. Nipay C. Santan
B. Gumamela D. Avocado
_____9. Some plants possess special structures and characteristics w/c they use
for defense, survival and food gathering. Which of the following plants
have thorns so that animals cannot easily touch and eat them?

A. Mayana and Santan C. Camia and Gumamela
B. Rosal and Sampaguita D. Bougainvillea and Rose

____10. One morning, Angela waters her plants. Among her plants she noticed
that gabi has more water on its top or what we call morning dew. How do
you call the protective structure that prevent damage of the inner part of
this plant?
A. Thorns C. Waxy leaves
B. Waxy stems D. bad taste
____11. How do sugarcane and corn plants protect themselves from enemies?
A. Their leaves have hairs. C. Their leaves have algae.
B. Their leaves taste better. D. Their leaves have thorns.
____12. Which of the following is an example of a terrestrial plant?
A. talahib C. Algae
B. duckweeds D. Sea lettuce
____13. What specialized structure of the cactus helps it to survive in the desert?
A. It has no leaves through which water can’t escape to the atmosphere.
B. It has spines that protect it from enemies
C. A only
D. A and B
____14. Why carabao don’t feed on cogon and talahib grasses?
A. These plants have offensive odor
B. These plants are poisonous
C. These plants have thorns
D. These plants have razor-shape leaf blade
____15. What specialize structure makes the water hyacinth float on water?
A. light weight of the plant C. light rounded waxy leaves
B. bulbous system filled with air D. spreading, feathery root

Let’s Create

Draw 1 terrestrial plant and 1 aquatic plant of your choice. Write 2-3 sentences about their
specialized structure and how they benefit them. 5 points each.

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