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Thin Layer Modeling of Corn Grains Using A Hybrid Solar Dryer With LPG

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Thin Layer Modeling of Corn Grains Using a Hybrid

Solar Dryer with Lpg
Suherman, Habib Faisal Yahya
Departement of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University
Semarang, Indonesia

Abstract:- The hybrid sun drying method combines sun In various areas, especially in remote villages, the corn
drying with additional heating, namely LPG. So that the drying process still uses a conventional process, namely drying
drying process can take place more quickly and effectively. under the open sun (open sun drying). Even though it is cheap
The three drying methods that will be compared are Open and easy to do, traditional drying has several drawbacks,
Sun drying, solar dryers, and solar hybrids. The open sun including the possibility of product contamination due to dirt,
drying operation is carried out using only direct sunlight. dust and insects, and spoilage due to sudden and unexpected
The solar drying operation was carried out using a solar rain [3]. the product becomes unhygienic because it is placed
dryer without additional heating, while the drying in an open space, so sometimes sun-dried products cannot be
operation with a hybrid solar dryer varied the drying sold on the market [2]. In addition to drying directly in the sun,
temperature at 40, 50 and 60 °C. The results showed that corn takes 3-5 days of drying to reach the required standard
the average moisture content of corn grains was 13.95% corn moisture content [4].
for 10.5 hours, 13.75% for 6 hours, 13.65% for 7 hours,
13.45% for 5 hours, and 13.65 % for 4.5 hours in Open Sun One solution to overcome the disadvantages of solar
drying, drying without additional sunlight. heater, and drying is to use a “hybrid” solar dryer. This dryer consists of a
solar drying hybrid with temperature variables of 40, 50 solar dryer equipped with a conventional energy source such as
and 60oC. The average drying rates were 0.212 g/minute, LPG gas or biomass. This is so that the solar dryer can be
0.364 g/minute, 0.318 g/minute, 0.439 g/minute and 0.477 operated even when the weather is bad or even during the rainy
g/minute. The results of the thin layer modeling show that season because it does not have to depend entirely on solar
the Two Term model is the most accurate and suitable energy. In addition, drying can be done continuously to save
model for describing the drying characteristics of corn time. [5]. Emissions from burning biomass can also create air
grains for all variables. pollution which causes various health problems. These
emissions contribute to an increase in atmospheric gases such
Keywords:- Grains; Hybrid Solar Drying; Moisture Content; as volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOCs), CO,
Moisture Ratio; Thin Layer. NOx, CH2O, CH4, and SO2 [6]. Using LPG which is more
environmentally friendly can overcome the problem of air
I. INTRODUCTION pollution. So in this research, an experiment will be carried out
drying corn using a hybrid solar dryer with LPG gas. Until now
Cereal grains can provide more energy to humans than there is still little research that discusses hybrid drying in
any other plant. Among these cereal grains is corn. One of the agricultural products, especially in corn.
most important physiological factors for grain storage is its
moisture content. The water content in plants that are growing Damage to foodstuffs can be caused by delays in the
naturally is still fairly high. Corn is mostly harvested at a drying process, drying processes that take too long or too
moisture content of 22% to 35% (wet) to avoid the risk of frost, quickly and uneven drying processes. Temperatures that are too
insects, disease and kernel damage during harvest [1]. Drying high or sudden changes in temperature can also cause damage
is one of the oldest and most widely used food preservation to the corn grains [7], therefore a drying model is needed which
methods by humans which can reduce moisture, reduce the can be used as a reference for modeling the drying of thin layers
water activity of a product, ensure microbial stability and of corn grains. Based on the description above, it is necessary
guarantee the expected product shelf life. Corn for food, to research to obtain a thin layer model that is most suitable for
especially in this case animal feed, must be stored as a dry corn grains.
product with a moisture content below 14% [2].

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
II. MATERIAL AND METHOD B. Experimental Procedures
The drying process is carried out using three drying
A. Corn Grain Pretreatment methods, starting at 09:00 West Indonesia Time, until the
moisture content of the corn grains is less than 14%. The first
way is to dry the Corn Grains in the sun. The second method
consists of natural drying using a solar dryer without additional
energy from LPG. The third method consists of a solar hybrid
dryer and additional LPG energy, with temperature variations
of 40oC, 50oC and 60oC. The gas regulator in the LPG is
regulated and maintained continuously to ensure that the
temperature in the drying chamber follows the desired
temperature variable.

During the experiment, the weather was sunny with only

a few clouds. The experiment started by weighing up to 100 g
of Corn Grains for each tray. Experimental data were recorded
every 30 minutes. Grain mass data were obtained using digital
scales. Relative humidity, temperature, and solar radiation
intensity (in ambient air and drying chamber) were measured
Fig 1. Solar dryer using a temperature relative humidity meter and a solar
intensity meter.

C. Moisture Content Analysis

To calculate the water content, the weight of dry and wet
vermicelli must be obtained. Furthermore, Equation (1) can be
used to calculate the moisture content of vermicelli based on %
wet (M) [9], Mi is the mass of wet Corn Grains (g) while Md is
the mass of dry Corn Grains (g).
M= 𝑥 100 (1)
D. Drying-Rate analysis
Fig 2. blower and burner unit schematic The drying rate can be calculated by dividing the weight
loss of corn grains in the next two measurements by the drying
The main material needed in this study was 5 kg of corn time interval (t), as shown in equation (2) [9]:
grains taken from the corn garden of the Faculty of Animal
Husbandry and Agriculture, Diponegoro University, 𝐌𝐢 − 𝐌𝐝
Semarang, Indonesia. Corn that has been harvested is separated 𝐃𝐑 = (2)
from the cob, then the shelled corn that has been obtained is
first tested for its moisture content using the oven method E. Mathematical Modelling
according to standards recognized by the Association of A total of seven thin film drying models were tested for
Official Agricultural Chemists (AOAC) [8], namely drying it suitability with experimental drying data to obtain the most
in an oven at 105°C until the weight of Corn Grain is constant. suitable drying model in describing the drying characteristics
Furthermore, the initial moisture content of corn grains was of Corn Grains using a hybrid solar dryer. The thin layer model
obtained by 26%. equations and the variables involved describe the heat transfer
and mass transfer that occur during the drying of corn grains,
While the equipment used in this study used a hybrid solar both external and internal transfers [10]. Modeling is done
dryer consisting of a drying chamber unit covered with UV using MATLAB software. Table 1 shows the thin-layer drying
plastic to withstand heat from sunlight in the drying chamber models and their equations [11].
as shown in Figure 1, as well as a blower and burner unit as
illustrated in Figure 2. heating or burner resources using 3 kg Table 1. Thin layer drying models
LPG. In analyzing the initial moisture content of corn grains, No Models Name Model
tools are needed, namely an oven, a porcelain cup, and a 1 Newton MR = exp (−kt)
desiccator. The measuring instruments used are the KRISBOW 2 Page MR = exp (−ktn)
Electronic Kitchen Scale 5 kg Slim Plate digital scales, solar 3 Modified Page MR = exp [−(kt)n]
radiation measuring instruments, namely the BONAD SM206 4 Henderson and Pabis MR = a exp (−ktn)
Solar Power Meter, the KRISBOW Temperature and Relative 5 Logarithmic MR = a exp (−kt) + b
Humidity meter, and the KRISBOW air velocity meter Flexible 6 Wang and Singh MR = 1 + at + bt2
Thermo Anemometer Unit. 7 Midilli et al. MR = a exp (−kt) + bt

IJISRT22DEC1552 www.ijisrt.com 1845

Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Where MR is the moisture ratio, t is the time (min), k is Figure 3 is the drying curve of Corn Grains namely time
the drying constant (s-1), and n, a, and b are the constant values (hrs) vs moisture content (%). At first, the water content in the
of the dimensionless model. The MR is a dimensionless Corn Grains was measured by the oven method and the result
variable and its value can be determined using the following was 26%. In Figure 3 it can be seen that the longer the drying
equation (3) [12]. time, the water content in the corn will also decrease. The water
content in corn grains that is allowed according to the
𝑀−𝑀𝑒 Indonesian National Standard is 14%. The final results of corn
𝑀𝑅 = 𝑀 (3)
0 −𝑀𝑒 seed moisture content in open sun drying, solar drying without
additional heating, and hybrid solar dryer with temperature
M is the moisture content of the corn grains at a certain variables of 40oC, 50oC and 60oC were 13.95%, 13.75%,
time (% wet basis), Mo is the initial moisture content of the corn 13.65%, 13.45% and 13.65.
grains, and Me is the equilibrium moisture content of the corn
grains. However, compared to M or Mo, the Me value is it was found that the fastest drying occurred in hybrid
relatively very small, so its value can be omitted [13]. Then a solar drying with a temperature variable of 60oC with a drying
simpler form of equation (4) will be obtained, namely: time of 4.5 hours and a moisture content of 13.65% was
obtained. The drying time is inversely proportional to the
𝑀 drying temperature, the higher the drying temperature, the
𝑀𝑅 = 𝑀 (4)
𝑜 faster the drying process [15]. This is because the greater the
heat energy used, the greater the mass of liquid that evaporates
To find out how well the thin layer models fit with the from the surface of the material so that the process of diffusion
experimental data, three parameters were used in this study, of water from within the material to the surface of the material
namely the coefficient of determination (R2) and Root Mean will be faster, and the moisture content of Corn Grains will
Square Error (RMSE). The model that best fits the decrease rapidly.
experimental data is the model with the highest R2 value and
the lowest RMSE value. The formulas for these two parameters B. Drying Rate Curve Analysis
are shown in equations (5) and (6) [14]:

1 2
𝑅𝑀𝑆𝐸 = √𝑁 ∑𝑁
𝑖−1(𝑀𝑅𝑒𝑥𝑝,𝑖 𝑀𝑅𝑝𝑟𝑒,𝑖 )

𝑖=1(𝑀𝑅𝑒𝑥𝑝,𝑖 −𝑀𝑅𝑒𝑥𝑝 )(𝑀𝑅𝑝𝑟𝑒,𝑖 𝑀𝑅𝑝𝑟𝑒 )]
𝑅2 = 2 2
∑𝑁 𝑁
𝑖=1(𝑀𝑅𝑒𝑥𝑝,𝑖 −𝑀𝑅𝑒𝑥𝑝 ) ∑𝑖=1(𝑀𝑅𝑝𝑟𝑒,𝑖 −𝑀𝑅𝑝𝑟𝑒 )

Where MRexp is the moisture ratio of the experimental

data, MRpre is the moisture ratio predicted by the thin layer
model, and N is the number of observations.


Fig 4. Corn Seed Drying Rate Curve in Different Drying
A. Moisture Content Analysis
In Open Sun drying, solar drying, and hybrid solar drying
with temperature variables of 40oC, 50oC , 60oC , the average
drying rate was 0.212 g/min, 0.364 g/min, 0.318 g/min, 0.439
g/min, and 0.477 g/min. The fastest drying rate occurred in a
solar hybrid dryer with a temperature variable of 60oC followed
by a temperature variable of 50oC , an unheated solar dryer, a
solar hybrid dryer with a temperature variable of 40oC and the
slowest was Open Sun drying. This is because the main factor
affecting the drying rate is temperature, where the higher the
drying temperature, the faster the drying rate [16]. In addition,
in this study the drying rate of the solar dryer was faster than
that of the solar hybrid at 40oC, because the weather was hotter
when the drying experiment was carried out using a solar dryer
without additional heating, so the temperature in the drying
chamber was higher and the drying process ran faster.
Fig. 3 Corn Seed Moisture Content Curve In Different Drying

IJISRT22DEC1552 www.ijisrt.com 1846

Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
It was found that the drying rate decreased with increasing water content evaporates easily because it is in the liquid phase
drying time. This is because the water content in a material also which fills the cell cavities and spaces between cells. Whereas
decreases [17]. So it can be seen that the fastest drying rate bound water is more difficult to remove because it is
occurs at the beginning of the drying time, then continues to hygroscopically attached to the cell wall [18].
decrease for each variable. This is because on the surface of the
material there is a lot of water, in this case granules, which are C. Thin Layer Drying Modeling
classified as free water. Whereas with increasing time and Table 2. The values of the model constants along with the
drying of the material, what is left behind is water bound to the R2 and RMSE values of the thin layer drying corn grains
cells of the material so that the decrease in the water content of modeling.
the material becomes smaller and finally constant. The free

Method Model Parameters RMSE R2

Newton k = 0.02811 0.0188 0.9847
a = 0.9557 k1= -0.015 b = -1.88E-02 k2=
Two-term 0.0146 0.9908
Page k = 0.003 n = 0.55 0.0350 0.9473
Open Sun Drying
Modified Page k= 0.0047 n= 0.6248 0.0449 0.9131
Henderson and Phabis a = 0.57 k =0.9924 0.0442 0.9159
Logarithmic a = 0.516 k = 0.0923 b =0 .08637 0.0333 0.9521
a = 0.9997 k = 0.0321 n = 0.1129 b =
Midili et al 0.0251 0.9730
Newton a = 0.0583 0.0269 0.9711
a = 0.9923 k1= -0.0251 b= -1.77E-02 k2=
Two-term 0.0149 0.9912
Solar Dryer Page k = 0.0025 n = 1.1522 0.0354 0.9501
Modified Page k = 0,0095 n = 1.5213 0.0339 0.9542
Henderson and Phabis a = 0.56 k = 0.9930 0.0304 0.9632
Logarithmic a = 0.2998 k = 0.0812 b = 0.1985 0.0823 0.7297
Midili et al a = 0.9997 k = 0.0321 n = 0.027 b = 0.0152 0.0219 0.9808
Newton a = 0.1548 0.0106 0.9950
a = 0.9870 k1 = -0.0252 b = -1.88E-02 k2 =
Two-term 0.0046 0.9991
Solar Hybrid
Page k = 0.0015 n = 1.1578 0.0117 0.9939
Modified Page k = 0.0150 n = 0.5812 0.0433 0.9165
Henderson and Phabis a = 0.55 k = 0.9721 0.0255 0.9711
Logarithmic a = 0.2912 k = 0.1 b = 0.1874 0.0633 0.8215
Midili et al a = 1 k = 0.0412 n = 0.0283 b = 0.0167 0.0209 0.9806
Newton k = 0.0548 0.0263 0.9758
a = 0.9998 k1 = -0.0999 b = -3.11E-02 k2 =
Two-term 0.0203 0.9856
Solar Hybrid Page k = 0.0055 n = 1.1128 0.0435 0.9338
(50oC) Modified Page k = 0.0252 n = 0.8213 0.0310 0.9663
Henderson and Phabis a = 0.5489 k= 0.9812 0.0257 0.9768
Logarithmic a = 0.412 k = 0.1456 b = 0.1586 0.0621 0.8647
Midili et al a = 1 k = 0.0432 n = 0.0420 b = 0.060 0.0328 0.9623
Newton k = 0.0125 0.0202 0.9829
Two-term a = 1 k1 = -0.101 b = -3.58E-02 k2 = 0.015 0.0113 0.9946
Page k = 0.0017 n = 1.1151 0.0174 0.9874
Solar Hybrid
o Modified Page k = 0.031 n = 0.85 0.0186 0.9855
(60 C)
Henderson and Phabis a = 0.5501 k = 0.9254 0.0245 0.9748
Logarithmic a = 0.4156 k = 0.1514 b = 0.1585 0.0563 0.8675
Midili et al a = 1 k = 0.0445 n = 0.0410 b = 0.0580 0.0251 0.9736
Table 2:- The values of the model constants along with the R2 and RMSE values of the thin layer drying corn grains modeling

There are seven types of drying models tested in this study models as shown in table 1 From this test, constant values and
to detect the Moisture Ratio behavior of drying corn grains, to correspondence values are obtained for each model tested as
find out which model is suitable for describing the drying shown in table 2.
characteristics of corn grains, the moisture ratio values from the
experimental results are entered into the seven thin layer drying

IJISRT22DEC1552 www.ijisrt.com 1847

Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The model with the smallest R2 and RMSE values has the ACKNOWLEDGMENT
best fit with the experimental data obtained. This shows that the
Two Term model is the best model for presenting the drying of The author would like to thank the Faculty of Agriculture
thin layers of corn grains because it has a large suitability value and Animal Husbandry at Diponegoro University for providing
for the characteristics of thin layers of corn grains. the tools, materials, and places for this research.

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