Potato Dry 33
Potato Dry 33
Potato Dry 33
Temperat Size of potato Chemicals for These models were fitted in the experimental data
ure cubes blanching using non- linear regression technique. The comparison
of the applicability of all five models was done on the
1 basis of standard error of estimation (SEE) and
cm3 Na2S2O5 coefficient of determination (R2).
NaCl Quality parameters
60° 1.5 cm3 KMS The quality evaluation of the dried product was
C Na2S2O5
carried out on the basis of response variables viz.
2 Rehydration Ratio, Shrinkage Percentage and the Overall
cm3 Na2S2O5
NaCl Rehydration ratio
1 KMS Ranganna [9] reported that for rehydration of fruits
cm3 Na2S2O5 and vegetables any general timing cannot be specified
NaCl due to variations in the chemical composition and
70° 1.5 cm3 KMS processing techniques for the commodities.
C Na2S2O5
cm3 Na2S2O5
cm3 Na2S2O5
80° 1.5 cm3 KMS
C Na2S2O5
cm3 Na2S2O5
Note: K₂S₂O₅ or KMS: Potassium Meta Bisulphite,
NaCl: Sodium Chloride, Na₂S₂O₅: Sodium Meta
Table 1: Variables of the study.
Drying models
Since the moisture ratio curve can better explain the
drying behavior than that of moisture content curve, as
the initial was one in each of the experiment. These
moisture ratio values were used to predict the drying
model for the samples of potato. The following models
were tried to describe the drying characteristics of
Potato cubes [8].
MR = a + b ln( t ) Logarithmic model
MR = e-kt Page’s model
MR = Atb Power law
-kt +(1-a) e-kat
model MR = ae Two
term exponential model MR = ae
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Rehydration time was therefore standardized through trial 400
60 ˚ C ,Na C l
the study.
60 ˚ C ,Na MS
70 ˚ C ,Na C l
For the Rehydration test, 20 min. was found to be 70 ˚ C ,K MS
Mo is tu re C o n te n t ( % d . b )
250 70 ˚ C ,Na MS
cool to the room temperature and the final weight of the 100
Shrinkage percentage 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450
T im e ( m inu te s ) →
The shrinkage percentage is a drying quality assessing Figure 1: Effect of various Temperatures and Chemical treatments on Moisture
content of Potato cubes of 1cm size.
parameter and it must be least for better drying as it
directly affects the rehydration quality of the dried
product. The shrinkage percentage was calculated after
determining the size of the potato cubes before and after
drying using an electronic vernier caliper. Shrinkage
Percentage was calculated using the below given
Over all acceptability
Over all acceptability was calculated with the help of a test panel
consisting of ten panelist of different age groups and
having different
eating habits. The Over All acceptability evaluation was 0
carried out on the basis of a 5 point scale Indian standard 60 ˚ C ,Na C l
60 ˚ C ,K MS
(IS: 6273, 1971). The score sheets were provided with 40 70 ˚ C ,Na C l
60 ˚ C ,Na MS
characters. 0
80 ˚ C ,K MS
80 ˚ C ,Na MS
The optimization of parameters for different response 0
was carried out by using digital computer. Using the
different response-data measurements for all the 25
optimum values for the response variables. Figure 2: Effect of various Temperatures and Chemical
Results and Discussion treatments on Moisture content of Potato cubes of 1.5 cm
Experiments were conducted to characterize the effect
of pretreatments on drying behaviour of 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0
cm potato cubes and optimization of parameters for 450
60 ˚ C ,Na C l
quality dried product obtained through a hot air drier.
The Midilli Equation was found to be best suitable for 400 60 ˚ C ,K MS
discussing the drying behaviour of potato cubes of 60 ˚ C ,Na MS
Mo is tu re C o n te n t ( % d . b )
different Sizes. The data obtained for different 350 70 ˚ C ,Na MS
70 ˚ C ,Na
80 ˚ C C
,Na Cll
acceptability. 100
Drying characteristics 0
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450
After pretreatments, the samples were dried up to T im e ( m inu te s ) →
the safe level of moisture content, which is around 5-6 % Figure 3: Effect of various Temperatures and Chemical treatments on Moisture
on dry weight basis for high moisture foods, reported by content of Potato cubes of 2 cm size.
Predict Coeffici P
or ent
Constan 3.60566 0.000
X1 0.32167 0.000
X2 -0.8572 0.000
X3 - 0.000
0.05500 0.106
- 0.000
0.04833 0.152
0.04500 0.065
- 0.616
- 0.971
Table 4: Regression coefficient of full second order model for rehydration ratio for different samples.
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Source DF SS MS F P
Regression 9 1720.35 191.15 9.41 0.000
Error 17 345.48 20.32
Total 26 2065.83
Table 8: ANOVA for full second order model for Shrinkage percentage.
80°C, potato cube size of 1 cm and blanching chemical
NaCl. affected by all the three parameters, not by an individual
parameter. The minimum shrinkage percentage is the
The result obtained might be due to the low residence desirable characteristic of the dried potato samples. And
time of the sample in oven at high temperature i.e. 80°C it was found to be minimum for a combination of 1.5 cm
which results in lower shrinkage and higher rehydration cube size, KMS as the blanching chemical and at 80°C
potential. drying temperature.
Effect of drying on shrinkage percentage ANOVA of the regression of second order model for
The maximum and minimum shrinkage percentages the shrinkage percentage are given in Table 8. The Table
were also shows that the F-value is 9.41,
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which is greater than the tabulated value hence the interaction of drying air temperature, cube size, and the
modelis significant with coefficient of determination, R2 chemical treatment was insignificant.
equals to 83.3%.
The combined effect of parameters at linear, square
The regression coefficient and probability of factor and interactive levels on shrinkage percentage is reported
influencing the response at linear, quadratic and in Table 11. For individual terms, the combined effect of
interactive levels are reported in Table all three variables is significant at F < 0.01. For the linear
9. The predicted values of percent shrinkage are
terms, the combined effect of temperature, cube size and
computed by the model for all the experimental
the blanching chemical are all significant at F < 0.01. In
conditions to assess the difference between observed and
quadratic terms all the three variables are insignificant. The
predicted values as reported in Table 10.
interactive terms were also not showing any significant
The effect of drying air temperature and cube size combined effect for all the combinations of the variables.
was significant at P < 0.01, while chemical treatment was
significant at P < 0.05. In quadratic terms, drying air Optimization of shrinkage percentage
temperature was significantly effective at P < 0.05. The The results of optimization are shown in Table 12.
effect of sample size and the chemical treatment was The optimum
insignificant on shrinkage percentage value at
quadratic level. The
Predict Coeffici P
or ent
Constan 22.029 0.000
X1 -6.643 0.000
X2 -5.994 0.000
X3 -2.468 0.033
5.160 0.012
0.094 0.960
-0.599 0.749
0.220 0.868
0.522 0.693
-0.564 0.670
Table 9: Regression coefficient of full second order model for shrinkage ratio.
Source DF SS MS F P
Regression 9 19.1389 2.1265 17.67 0.00
Error 17 2.0463 0.1204
Total 26 21.1852
Table 13: ANOVA for full second order model for overall acceptability.
Predict Coeffici P
or ent
Constan 4.4815 0.000
X1 0.05556 0.506
X2 - 0.506
X3 0.88889 0.000
0.0556 0.700
0.3889 0.014
-0.7778 0.000
-0.0833 0.417
-0.0833 0.417
0.0833 0.417
Table 14: Regression coefficient of full second order model for overall acceptability.
Shrinkage Percentage was found to be 12.19% at the The results obtained might be due to high residence
temperature at temperature of 80°C, potato cubes size of time of the samples in the oven which results in lower
2 cm and blanching chemical Na2S2O5. The desirability shrinkage of the capillaries in the potato cubes.
of the results was 100%. Effect of drying on over all acceptability
The mean score of Over All acceptability was found to
be maximum insignificant while the effect of sample size was
i.e 5 for most of the potato cubes dried at 80°C and of significant effective at P<0.05. The effect of the chemical
treatment was significant on Over All Acceptability value
sample size 2cm and chemical treatments of KMS and
at P<0.01. The interaction of drying air temperature, cube
size, and the chemical treatment was insignificant.
ANOVA of the regression of second order model for The combined effect of parameters at linear, square
the Over All Acceptability are given in Table 13. The and interactive levels on Over All Acceptability is
Table shows that the F-value is reported in Table 16.
17.67 and the model is significant with coefficient of
For individual terms, the combined effect of
determination, R2 90.3%. chemical treatment is significant at F<0.01, while the
The regression coefficient and probability of factor combined effect of sample size and drying temperature
influencing the response at linear, quadratic and on the Over All Acceptability is insignificant. For the
interactive levels are reported in Table 14. The predicted linear terms, the combined effect of temperature, cube
values of Overall acceptability are computed by the model size and the blanching chemical are all significant at F <
0.01. In quadratic terms all the three variables are
for all the experimental conditions to assess the
significant at F<0.01.The interactive terms were also
difference between observed and predicted values as
significant at F<0.01.
reported in Table 15.
Optimization of overall acceptability
Effect of variables
The results of optimization are shown in Table 17.
The effect of the chemical treatment was significant at The optimum value of mean sensory score of Over-All-
P<0.01 on the over All Acceptability. The effect of Acceptability was found to be 5 at drying temperature of
drying air temperature and cube size was insignificant. In 60°C, potato cube size of 2 cm and blanching chemical
quadratic terms, drying air temperature was KMS with a desirability of 100%.
This might be because of the extent of browning is
less at lower temperature due to caramalization so it
gives light yellow appearance of dried samples of potato
cubes which in turn appeals the consumers more.
Compromise optimum response
In order to obtain a finished product of good quality, it
is desirable
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