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Potato Dry 33

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Performance Evaluation and Process Optimization of Potato Drying using Hot Air Oven

Keywords: Potato cubes; Rehydration ratio; Shrinkage

between the moisture present in the food and the
Percentage; Overall Acceptability; Optimization
moisture in air and this gradient is responsible for the
Introduction moisture migration or the mass transfer phenomenon.
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is one of the unique Drying is generally carried out for two main reasons,
and most potential crops having high productivity, one to reduce the water activity which eventually
supplementing major food requirement in the world. It is increase the shelf life of food and second to reduce the
rich in carbohydrates, proteins, phosphorus, calcium, weight and bulk of food for cheaper transport and
vitamin C, β-carotene and has high protein calorie ratio. storage. Drying methods can be broadly classified into
Amongst the world’s important food crops, Potato is the solar drying and mechanical drying. Although it’s difficult
fourth important food crop after wheat, rice and maize to classify all the possible drying methods, some of the
because of its’ great yield potential and high nutritive basic and commonly used methods are: convective
value. The ratio of protein to carbohydrate is higher in drying, contact drying, cabinet drying, fluidized bed
potato than in many cereals and other tuber crops [1]. It drying, pneumatic drying, osmotic drying, freeze drying,
constitutes nearly half of the world’s annual output of all radiation drying, super-heated steam drying etc.
root and tuber crops and has always remained in the top
ten since last twenty years. India ranks fourth in area Potato being a high moisture food is rich in enzyme
with 14 lakh hectares and the third largest country in the namely peroxidases and cannot be sun-dried, as the
world in production of potato after China and Russian traditional sun drying is a slow process and makes such
federation with a production of 294.94 million tonnes food materials susceptible to fungal growth. It may also
and productivity of 17.86 tonnes per hectare. result in the loss of product quality from color
degradation, microbial growth and poor rehydration etc.
Potato drying was undertaken because it is a popular Thus the drying process must be undertaken in a closed
daily product and despite the availability of indigenous dryer. Being the better method for drying the high
raw potatoes for snack production, Jammu and Kashmir moisture foods, use of hot air oven for drying of potato
imports products worth Rupees 1000 million every year. cubes was analyzed. The main part of the present study
The valley region produces more than 20,000 tons of was to use the hot air oven as a cabinet dryer for drying
potatoes annually and is readily available throughout the the potato cubes and evaluating its performance for
year at a cheap price. The major commercial variety quality dried product. A hot air oven fitted with fan for
grown in Kashmir is “Kufri Jyoti” which is very suitable circulation of air within the cabinet of oven is similar to
for instant flakes and chips. So there is a huge scope for that of a Hot Air Cabinet Dryer. Keeping this point in
the processing industries of potatoes in Kashmir. view the experimental set up was chosen for the study.
Drying is the process of removal of water or any
other solvent by evaporation from a solid, semi-solid
or liquid material [2]. It is a thermo-physical and unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
physico-chemical process whose dynamic principles are medium, provided the original author and source are
governed by heat and mass transfer laws, both inside and credited.
outside the products. In the most common cases, a gas
stream, like air stream, applies the heat by convection
and carries away the vapor as humidity. Now as the
heat is conducted through the food, the temperature
within the food rises; being a simultaneous heat and mass
transfer phenomenon it increases the water vapor
pressure of the moisture present within the food matrix.
The medium used for drying the food i.e. hot air in
convective drying has a low value of water vapor
pressure at high temperature; which creates a vapor
pressure gradient
initially using infra- red moisture meter, manufactured by
Tashabah India Co. Infrared moisture meter used was a
Materials and Methods semi-automatic moisture meter, which gave moisture
The drying performance of a hot air oven was content value directly on wet basis. In experiments, weight
evaluated for potato cubes of different sizes, at different loss of samples was measured using digital balance having 5
temperatures and different pre- treatments. The quality kg capacity with a least count of 0.1 g. Weight differential
parameters viz. rehydration ratio, percentage shrinkage was converted into corresponding moisture loss for
and over all acceptability of dried product were evaluated calculating moisture content value at each interval of
and optimized. Details of the material, methodology and drying time.
the experimental design are as below: Equilibrium moisture content
Preliminary experiments The equilibrium moisture content was found by trial
In order to determine the levels of variables as well as and error method. The equilibrium moisture content was
to assess the feasibility of the study, various preliminary tried at 1 and 2% less than the final moisture content
experiments were carried out in the processing laboratory sustained during the experiments. The drying models were
of division of Agriculture Engineering as follows: linearized and regression analysis carried out, on the basis
of linear regression it was found that 1% less value gave
In the very first phase of preliminary experiments the
the best result, which confirm the findings of Burande [5],
oven was tested at experimental temperatures viz. 60, 70
Pandey [6] and Goyal [7].
and 80°C and the time taken by the oven to attain the set
temperature was noted. It was found for all the
experimental temperatures that oven is taking
approximately one hour to equilibrate with the required
temperature. The oven attained the set temperature with a
deviation of ± 1°C. The central tray was found to be
satisfactory for the drying purpose as there was almost
uniform air flow pattern measured through anemometer.
After selection of tray, temperature distribution over the
surface was determined by placing digital temperature
meters at the perimeter and center of the tray. The result
of which shows that there is only variation of ± 0.5°C.
The quantity of chemicals to be used for blanching was
calculated by using the concentration of chemicals as
per the reviews on the effect of pretreatments on potato
cubes [3]. Blanching experiments were conducted in
which solid to syrup ratio was kept at 1:3 and dipping
time was 5 minutes as suggested by several research
workers [4].
Experimental design
The variables of the study were: drying air
temperature, potato cube size and the different blanching
chemicals. The ranges of the variables under study were
selected on the basis of earlier research work, and the
constraints related with the hot air drying of potato. The
three levels of each variable were taken and reported in
Table 1. A 3 x 3 full factorial design was used to decide
the combination of independent variable levels in each
experiment. The plan consists of 27 experiments, and the
total number of experiments was divided into three
groups based on the cube sizes.
Determination of moisture content
Moisture content of potato cubes was determined
Page 2 of 9 bt Midilli model

Temperat Size of potato Chemicals for These models were fitted in the experimental data
ure cubes blanching using non- linear regression technique. The comparison
of the applicability of all five models was done on the
1 basis of standard error of estimation (SEE) and
cm3 Na2S2O5 coefficient of determination (R2).
NaCl Quality parameters
60° 1.5 cm3 KMS The quality evaluation of the dried product was
C Na2S2O5
carried out on the basis of response variables viz.
2 Rehydration Ratio, Shrinkage Percentage and the Overall
cm3 Na2S2O5
NaCl Rehydration ratio
1 KMS Ranganna [9] reported that for rehydration of fruits
cm3 Na2S2O5 and vegetables any general timing cannot be specified
NaCl due to variations in the chemical composition and
70° 1.5 cm3 KMS processing techniques for the commodities.
C Na2S2O5
cm3 Na2S2O5
cm3 Na2S2O5
80° 1.5 cm3 KMS
C Na2S2O5
cm3 Na2S2O5
Note: K₂S₂O₅ or KMS: Potassium Meta Bisulphite,
NaCl: Sodium Chloride, Na₂S₂O₅: Sodium Meta
Table 1: Variables of the study.

Drying models
Since the moisture ratio curve can better explain the
drying behavior than that of moisture content curve, as
the initial was one in each of the experiment. These
moisture ratio values were used to predict the drying
model for the samples of potato. The following models
were tried to describe the drying characteristics of
Potato cubes [8].
MR = a + b ln( t ) Logarithmic model
MR = e-kt Page’s model
MR = Atb Power law
-kt +(1-a) e-kat
model MR = ae Two

term exponential model MR = ae
Page 3 of 9
Rehydration time was therefore standardized through trial 400
60 ˚ C ,Na C l

runs for the dehydrated potato cubes to be produced during 60 ˚ C ,K MS

the study.
60 ˚ C ,Na MS
70 ˚ C ,Na C l
For the Rehydration test, 20 min. was found to be 70 ˚ C ,K MS

Mo is tu re C o n te n t ( % d . b )
250 70 ˚ C ,Na MS

optimum time as there was no significant weight gain 200

80 ˚ C ,Na C l
80 ˚ C ,K MS

after 20 min. A sample of 2 g was dipped in 100 ml of 80 ˚ C ,Na MS

boiling water (98°C) for 20 min. and then allowed to 150

cool to the room temperature and the final weight of the 100

cooled samples was noted. 50

Shrinkage percentage 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450
T im e ( m inu te s ) →

The shrinkage percentage is a drying quality assessing Figure 1: Effect of various Temperatures and Chemical treatments on Moisture
content of Potato cubes of 1cm size.
parameter and it must be least for better drying as it
directly affects the rehydration quality of the dried
product. The shrinkage percentage was calculated after
determining the size of the potato cubes before and after
drying using an electronic vernier caliper. Shrinkage
Percentage was calculated using the below given
Over all acceptability
Over all acceptability was calculated with the help of a test panel
consisting of ten panelist of different age groups and
having different
eating habits. The Over All acceptability evaluation was 0
carried out on the basis of a 5 point scale Indian standard 60 ˚ C ,Na C l
60 ˚ C ,K MS

(IS: 6273, 1971). The score sheets were provided with 40 70 ˚ C ,Na C l
60 ˚ C ,Na MS

the product and panelists were requested to mark the 0 70 ˚ C ,K MS

product according to their liking. Then the average 70 ˚ C ,Na MS

scores of the panelists were computed for different 35

80 ˚ C ,Na C l
Mo is tu re C o n te n t ( % d . b )

characters. 0
80 ˚ C ,K MS

80 ˚ C ,Na MS

The optimization of parameters for different response 0
was carried out by using digital computer. Using the
different response-data measurements for all the 25

0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180

experimental runs, the response matrix and design matrix
210 240 270 300 330 360 390
was prepared. A multiple linear regression was carried
420 450
out in Minitab 13 to obtain the coefficients of full second 20
0 T im e (
order model along with the detailed statistics. Design
m inu te s )
Expert 7.0 software was also used to carry out the
15 →
optimization of linear as well as compromised



optimum values for the response variables. Figure 2: Effect of various Temperatures and Chemical
Results and Discussion treatments on Moisture content of Potato cubes of 1.5 cm
Experiments were conducted to characterize the effect
of pretreatments on drying behaviour of 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0
cm potato cubes and optimization of parameters for 450
60 ˚ C ,Na C l
quality dried product obtained through a hot air drier.
The Midilli Equation was found to be best suitable for 400 60 ˚ C ,K MS
discussing the drying behaviour of potato cubes of 60 ˚ C ,Na MS

Mo is tu re C o n te n t ( % d . b )
different Sizes. The data obtained for different 350 70 ˚ C ,Na MS
70 ˚ C ,Na
80 ˚ C C
,Na Cll

pretreatments and drying temperature was optimized on

70 ˚ C ,K MS
80 ˚ C ,K MS
the basis of response variables viz. Rehydration ratio, 200
80 ˚ C ,Na MS
Percentage shrinkage and mean sensory score of overall 150

acceptability. 100

Drying characteristics 0
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450
After pretreatments, the samples were dried up to T im e ( m inu te s ) →

the safe level of moisture content, which is around 5-6 % Figure 3: Effect of various Temperatures and Chemical treatments on Moisture
on dry weight basis for high moisture foods, reported by content of Potato cubes of 2 cm size.

different researchers. The moisture content, moisture

The moisture ratio value at zero time of drying was
ratio and drying rate at 30 minutes time interval were
one and on successive drying, it decreased non-linearly.
calculated and used for studying the drying behavior.
So these curves better describe the effect of variables on
It was seen that for the drying at different drying as compared to moisture content curves, as the
temperatures the moisture loss increased with the initial moisture contents vary for different
increase in temperature. And for the cubes of same size
and treated with the same chemical, it was observed that
the final moisture content obtained was least at 80°C as
shown in Figures 1-3. For cubes of different sizes and at
different drying times the type of the chemical used for
blanching affected the rate of moisture loss and the rate
being maximum for NaCl and minimum for NaMS.
Page 4 of 9
experiments while as the initial moisture ratio was same second order model and the regression coefficient and
for all experiments.
probability of factors influencing the response at linear,
The drying rate curves for the experiments shows that quadratic and interactive levels are reported in Table 4.
for similar drying conditions large sized samples require The predicted values of rehydration ratio are computed
much more drying time as compared to small sized cubes by the model for all the experimental conditions to assess
owing to longer distance for the moisture to travel the difference between observed and predicted values as
through the large sized potato cubes. reported in Table 5.
Calculation of best fit model to characterize the The coefficient with P-value less than 1% and 5%, affect
drying behavior of potato cubes the response at the respective level of significance. The
Drying models were fitted to the experimental data in coefficient with P-value more than 10% was considered as
their non-linearized forms using non-linear regression insignificant. The sign and magnitude of the coefficients
technique. The comparison of the applicability of all indicate the effect of variable on the response. Negative
the five models was done on the basis of standard error sign of the coefficient indicates a decrease in the
of estimation (SEE) and coefficient of determination response when the level of that variable is increased
(R2). The model constant along with detailed statistical while positive sign indicates increase in the response
analysis including coefficient of determination and with increase in the level of the variable.
standard error of estimation were calculated for three The effect of drying air temperature, cube size and
sizes. Average of R2 and SEE for different sizes and the chemical treatment was significant at P<0.01. In
models are given in Table 2. quadratic terms, drying air temperature was significantly
effective at P < 0.1, while the sample size was
Table 2 indicates that the standard error for estimation
significantly effective at P < 0.01 and the quadratic terms
was the least in Midilli’s model as compared to other
models for all conditions of experiments, as well as the of the effect of chemical treatment was not significant on
coefficient of determination was highest in Midilli’s the rehydration value. The interaction of drying air
model as compared to all other models. Thus on the basis temperature, and cube size was significant at P < 0.1 and
the interaction of the other combinations was
of R2 and SEE, the Midilli’s model is found to be more
insignificant on the rehydration ratio.
satisfactory than the other models for experimental data.
The combined effect of parameters at linear, square
Effect of drying on rehydration ratio
and interactive levels on rehydration ratio is reported in
The maximum and minimum rehydration ratios were Table 6. For individual terms, the combined effect of all
affected by all the three parameters, not by an individual three variables is significant at F < 0.01. For the linear
parameter. The larger value of rehydration ratio is the terms, the combined effect of temperature, cube size and
desirable characteristic of the dried samples and it was the blanching chemical are all significant at F < 0.01. In
found to be maximum for a combination of 1cm potato quadratic terms also all the three variables are significant
cube size, NaCl as the blanching chemical and at 80°C at F < 0.01. The interactive terms were not showing any
drying temperature. significant combined effect for all the combinations of
ANOVA of the regression of second order model for the variables.
the rehydration ratio are given in Table 3. Optimization of rehydration ratio
The experimental data of the rehydration ratio was The results of optimization are shown in Table 7. The
fitted in the optimum values of rehydration ratio was found to be
4.84 at the temperature of

Statistical Pages Model Logarithmic Midilli Model Power Law Two-Term

parameters Model Model Exponential Model
R2 99.70 98.78 99.88037 90.1663 99.54
SEE 0.018348 0.027627 0.014298 0.083034 0.022103
Table 2: Average value of coefficient of determination and standard error of estimation of moisture ratio models for
various cube sizes.
Source DF SS MS F P
Regressio 9 15.5486 1.7276 276.86 0.00
n 0
Residual 17 0.1061 0.0062
Total 26 15.6547
Table 3: ANOVA of full second order model for Rehydration ratio.

Predict Coeffici P
or ent
Constan 3.60566 0.000
X1 0.32167 0.000
X2 -0.8572 0.000
X3 - 0.000
0.05500 0.106
- 0.000
0.04833 0.152
0.04500 0.065
- 0.616
- 0.971
Table 4: Regression coefficient of full second order model for rehydration ratio for different samples.
Page 5 of 9

Expt. No. X1 X X3 Obs. RR Pred.

1 -1 -1 -1 4.2 4.265
2 -1 -1 0 4.1 4.103
3 -1 -1 1 4.03 4.038
4 -1 0 -1 3.6 3.502
5 -1 0 0 3.3 3.339
6 -1 0 1 3.23 3.273
7 -1 1 -1 2.45 2.462
8 -1 1 0 2.34 2.298
9 -1 1 1 2.26 2.232
10 0 -1 -1 4.49 4.498
11 0 -1 0 4.32 4.325
12 0 -1 1 4.28 4.248
13 0 0 -1 3.88 3.780
14 0 0 0 3.67 3.606
15 0 0 1 3.59 3.528
16 0 1 -1 2.66 2.785
17 0 1 0 2.53 2.610
18 0 1 1 2.49 2.532
19 1 -1 -1 4.89 4.841
20 1 -1 0 4.65 4.656
21 1 -1 1 4.58 4.568
22 1 0 -1 4.03 4.168
23 1 0 0 3.96 3.982
24 1 0 1 3.81 3.893
25 1 1 -1 3.32 3.219
26 1 1 0 3.08 3.032
27 1 1 1 2.98 2.942
Table 5: Effect of drying on rehydration ratio.

SOUR Degrees of SS MSS Fc

CE Freedom
X1 4 1.9065 0.476625 76.875
Individual X2 4 13.366 3.3415 538.95
X3 4 0.3019 .07547 12.17*
Linear X1, X2, X3 3 15.3756 5.1252 826.6*
)(X12) , (X ) , (X
Quadratic 22 32 3 0.147 0.049 7.9**
Interactive (X1X2), 3 0.0259 0.000863 0.139
F (4,17,0.01) = 4.67, F(4,17,0.05) = 2.97, F(3,17,0.01) = 5.19, F(3,17. 0.05) =3.20
Significant at: **F<0.01 *F<0.05
Table 6: ANOVA for total effect of individual parameter, linear, interactive and square terms on Rehydration ratio for
different samples.

Temperature Size Chemicals Rehydration Desirability %

1.00 (80°C) -1.00 (1cm) -1 (NaCl) 4.84 98.2
Table 7: Optimization of rehydration ratio.

Source DF SS MS F P
Regression 9 1720.35 191.15 9.41 0.000
Error 17 345.48 20.32
Total 26 2065.83
Table 8: ANOVA for full second order model for Shrinkage percentage.
80°C, potato cube size of 1 cm and blanching chemical
NaCl. affected by all the three parameters, not by an individual
parameter. The minimum shrinkage percentage is the
The result obtained might be due to the low residence desirable characteristic of the dried potato samples. And
time of the sample in oven at high temperature i.e. 80°C it was found to be minimum for a combination of 1.5 cm
which results in lower shrinkage and higher rehydration cube size, KMS as the blanching chemical and at 80°C
potential. drying temperature.
Effect of drying on shrinkage percentage ANOVA of the regression of second order model for
The maximum and minimum shrinkage percentages the shrinkage percentage are given in Table 8. The Table
were also shows that the F-value is 9.41,
Page 6 of 9
which is greater than the tabulated value hence the interaction of drying air temperature, cube size, and the
modelis significant with coefficient of determination, R2 chemical treatment was insignificant.
equals to 83.3%.
The combined effect of parameters at linear, square
The regression coefficient and probability of factor and interactive levels on shrinkage percentage is reported
influencing the response at linear, quadratic and in Table 11. For individual terms, the combined effect of
interactive levels are reported in Table all three variables is significant at F < 0.01. For the linear
9. The predicted values of percent shrinkage are
terms, the combined effect of temperature, cube size and
computed by the model for all the experimental
the blanching chemical are all significant at F < 0.01. In
conditions to assess the difference between observed and
quadratic terms all the three variables are insignificant. The
predicted values as reported in Table 10.
interactive terms were also not showing any significant
The effect of drying air temperature and cube size combined effect for all the combinations of the variables.
was significant at P < 0.01, while chemical treatment was
significant at P < 0.05. In quadratic terms, drying air Optimization of shrinkage percentage
temperature was significantly effective at P < 0.05. The The results of optimization are shown in Table 12.
effect of sample size and the chemical treatment was The optimum
insignificant on shrinkage percentage value at
quadratic level. The

Predict Coeffici P
or ent
Constan 22.029 0.000
X1 -6.643 0.000
X2 -5.994 0.000
X3 -2.468 0.033
5.160 0.012
0.094 0.960
-0.599 0.749
0.220 0.868
0.522 0.693
-0.564 0.670
Table 9: Regression coefficient of full second order model for shrinkage ratio.

Expt. No. X1 X X3 Obs. %Shrinkage Pred.

1 -1 -1 -1 36.55 41.967
2 -1 -1 0 40.94 40.14
3 -1 -1 1 36.55 37.115
4 -1 0 -1 39.633 36.223
5 -1 0 0 41.86 33.832
6 -1 0 1 28.06 30.243
7 -1 1 -1 30.86 30.667
8 -1 1 0 22.5 27.712
9 -1 1 1 24.5 23.559
10 0 -1 -1 30.1 29.422
11 0 -1 0 25.9 28.117
12 0 -1 1 39.6 25.614
13 0 0 -1 25.06 23.898
14 0 0 0 25.33 22.029
15 0 0 1 12.66 18.962
16 0 1 -1 16.5 18.562
17 0 1 0 15.5 16.129
18 0 1 1 15 12.498
19 1 -1 -1 26 27.197
20 1 -1 0 29.6 26.414
21 1 -1 1 25.6 24.433
22 1 0 -1 25.9 21.893
23 1 0 0 12.26 20.546
24 1 0 1 14.86 18.001
25 1 1 -1 16 16.777
26 1 1 0 15.89 14.866
27 1 1 1 15.77 11.757
F(4,17,0.01) = 4.67, F(4,17,0.05) = 2.97, F(3,17,0.01) = 5.19, F(3,17. 0.05) =3.20
Significant at: **F<0.01 *F<0.05
Table 10: Effect of drying on shrinkage percentage.
Page 7 of 9

SOUR Degrees of SS MSS Fc

CE Freedom
X1 4 957.9 239.47 11.78*
Individual X2 4 651.25 162.81 8.01**
X3 4 118.83 29.7 1.46
X1, X2, X3
Linear 3 1550.75 516.9 25.43*
X21 2, X2, X
Quadratic 2 3 3 161.93 53.97 2.65
Interactive (X1X2), 3 7.67 2.556 0.1257
Table 11: ANOVA for total effect of individual parameter, linear, interactive and square terms on Shrinkage Percentage
for different samples.

Temperature Size Chemicals Shrinkage Desirability %

0.64 ( ≈ 80°C) 0.92 ( ≈ 2cm) 1 (NaMS) 12.19 100
Table 12: Optimization of shrinkage percentage.

Source DF SS MS F P
Regression 9 19.1389 2.1265 17.67 0.00
Error 17 2.0463 0.1204
Total 26 21.1852
Table 13: ANOVA for full second order model for overall acceptability.

Predict Coeffici P
or ent
Constan 4.4815 0.000
X1 0.05556 0.506
X2 - 0.506
X3 0.88889 0.000
0.0556 0.700
0.3889 0.014
-0.7778 0.000
-0.0833 0.417
-0.0833 0.417
0.0833 0.417
Table 14: Regression coefficient of full second order model for overall acceptability.
Shrinkage Percentage was found to be 12.19% at the The results obtained might be due to high residence
temperature at temperature of 80°C, potato cubes size of time of the samples in the oven which results in lower
2 cm and blanching chemical Na2S2O5. The desirability shrinkage of the capillaries in the potato cubes.
of the results was 100%. Effect of drying on over all acceptability
The mean score of Over All acceptability was found to
be maximum insignificant while the effect of sample size was
i.e 5 for most of the potato cubes dried at 80°C and of significant effective at P<0.05. The effect of the chemical
treatment was significant on Over All Acceptability value
sample size 2cm and chemical treatments of KMS and
at P<0.01. The interaction of drying air temperature, cube
size, and the chemical treatment was insignificant.
ANOVA of the regression of second order model for The combined effect of parameters at linear, square
the Over All Acceptability are given in Table 13. The and interactive levels on Over All Acceptability is
Table shows that the F-value is reported in Table 16.
17.67 and the model is significant with coefficient of
For individual terms, the combined effect of
determination, R2 90.3%. chemical treatment is significant at F<0.01, while the
The regression coefficient and probability of factor combined effect of sample size and drying temperature
influencing the response at linear, quadratic and on the Over All Acceptability is insignificant. For the
interactive levels are reported in Table 14. The predicted linear terms, the combined effect of temperature, cube
values of Overall acceptability are computed by the model size and the blanching chemical are all significant at F <
0.01. In quadratic terms all the three variables are
for all the experimental conditions to assess the
significant at F<0.01.The interactive terms were also
difference between observed and predicted values as
significant at F<0.01.
reported in Table 15.
Optimization of overall acceptability
Effect of variables
The results of optimization are shown in Table 17.
The effect of the chemical treatment was significant at The optimum value of mean sensory score of Over-All-
P<0.01 on the over All Acceptability. The effect of Acceptability was found to be 5 at drying temperature of
drying air temperature and cube size was insignificant. In 60°C, potato cube size of 2 cm and blanching chemical
quadratic terms, drying air temperature was KMS with a desirability of 100%.
This might be because of the extent of browning is
less at lower temperature due to caramalization so it
gives light yellow appearance of dried samples of potato
cubes which in turn appeals the consumers more.
Compromise optimum response
In order to obtain a finished product of good quality, it
is desirable
Page 8 of 9

Obs. OAA Pred.

Expt. No. X1 X X3
1 -1 -1 -1 3 3.17
2 -1 -1 0 5 4.84
3 -1 -1 1 5 4.95
4 -1 0 -1 3 2.73
5 -1 0 0 4 4.48
6 -1 0 1 5 4.67
7 -1 1 -1 3 3.06
8 -1 1 0 5 4.89
9 -1 1 1 5 5.17
10 0 -1 -1 3 3.34
11 0 -1 0 5 4.92
12 0 -1 1 5 4.95
13 0 0 -1 3 2.81
14 0 0 0 5 4.48
15 0 0 1 4 4.59
16 0 1 -1 3 3.06
17 0 1 0 5 4.81
18 0 1 1 5 5.00
19 1 -1 -1 5 3.62
20 1 -1 0 5 5.12
21 1 -1 1 5 5.06
22 1 0 -1 3 3.00
23 1 0 0 4 4.59
24 1 0 1 5 4.62
25 1 1 -1 3 3.17
26 1 1 0 5 4.84
27 1 1 1 5 4.95
Table 15: Values of overall acceptability.

SOUR Degrees of SS MSS Fc values

CE Freedom
X1 4 0.2407 0.060175 0.49979
X2 4 1.1296 0.2824 2.345
Individual 5
X3 4 18.0184 4.5046 37.4*
X1, X2,X3
Linear 3 14.3334 4.7778 39.68
2 22X1 ,X32,X 3 4.5555 1.5185 12.6*
Interactive X1X2,X1X3,X 3 0.2499 0.8033 6.67*
F(4,17,0.01) = 4.67, F(4,17,0.05) = 2.97, F(3,17,0.01) = 5.19, F(3,17. 0.05) =3.20
Significant at: **F<0.01 *F<0.05
Table 16: ANOVA for total effect of individual parameter, linear, interactive and square terms on Over-All Acceptability
for different samples.

Temperature Size Chemicals Over All Desirability %

-0.87( ≈ 60°C) 0.99 (≈ 2cm) 0 (KMS) 5.07 100
Table 17: Optimization of overall acceptability.

Temperatur Size Chemic Rehydration Shrinkage Over-All Desirabili

e als Ratio Percentage Acceptability ty %
1.00 (80°C) -0.87 0 4.58 24.97 5.00 79.6
(1cm) (KMS)
Table 18: Compromise optimize values of the response variables.
that rehydration ratio and mean sensory score of overall
acceptability responses should be high and the shrinkage From Table 18 it was found that 1.0 cm cube sizes
gives better responses at 1% KMS as blanching solution
percentage should be low. Further the previous analysis
and at 80°C drying temperature with a desirability of
indicates that the Over-All acceptability is affected,
about 80% (≈79.6%). This might be because of the less
significantly, only by the blanching solution. The
residence time of samples in the oven at higher
compromise optimum points for the different sizes,
temperature, which in turn revealed less shrinkage and
temperatures and blanching chemicals were estimated
deterioration in color and consequently better rehydration
using Design Expert Software, with respect to all the
of samples.
responses. The compromise optimum points are given in
Table 18 and revealed that 1.0 cm cube size gives a Conclusions
product better than that for the 1.5 and 2.0 cm cube sizes. The following conclusions were drawn from the results
of this study:
Page 9 of 9
1. The rate of moisture content depletion was range of variables are higher at optimum point
dependent on all the three variables, and the than at central point.
moisture content depletion was higher at high
temperature and for small cube size. While as the 9. The dehydrated cubes stored very well in
moisture depletion was quicker for NaCl and polyethylene and HDPE bags for a period of over
slowest for NaMS. 72 days and their overall acceptability was
2. The moisture ratio curves could be mathematically
described satisfactorily by Midilli’s model.
3. Drying time increases as the temperature decreases
and the cube size increases.
4. The rehydration ratio is high for the samples dried
at higher temperatures and for the smaller cube
sizes. It was also high when 2% NaCl was used as
the blanching chemical.
5. Shrinkage Percentage was lower for high drying
temperature and 1.5 cm cube size and 1% KMS
blanching solution.
6. Over All Acceptability was found to be maximum
for KMS and NaMS blanching solutions and was
higher at 80°C drying temperature and for larger
cube sizes. Over All acceptability was mainly
dependent on the blanching chemical as it mainly
depends upon appearance i.e. extent of browning.
7. Compromise optimum level of the three variables
(i.e. drying temperature, sample cube size and the
blanching chemical) for the responses, namely,
rehydration ratio, shrinkage percentage and over all
acceptability was 80°C (coded value = 1), 1cm cube
size ( coded value = -0.87) and KMS. The
corresponding values of the responses were
4.58415, 24.9798 and 5 respectively.
8. Contour plots showing the effect of variables on
responses at center point and compromise
optimum points reveal that the

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