Pub1179 Web Insag
Pub1179 Web Insag
Pub1179 Web Insag
Maintaining Knowledge,
Training and Infrastructure
for Research and
Development in
Nuclear Safety
The Agency’s Statute was approved on 23 October 1956 by the Conference on the Statute of
the IAEA held at United Nations Headquarters, New York; it entered into force on 29 July 1957.
The Headquarters of the Agency are situated in Vienna. Its principal objective is “to accelerate and
enlarge the contribution of atomic energy to peace, health and prosperity throughout the world’’.
© IAEA, 2003
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Printed by the IAEA in Austria
December 2003
A report by the
International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group
IAEAL 03-00346
by Mohamed ElBaradei
Director General
Over many years research activities have, in a broad sense, been a major
source of expertise in support of the safety of nuclear power. However, in
recent years the level of funding for research provided by governments, as well
as research sponsored by industry, has seen a reduction for various reasons.
Deterioration of the nuclear research and development infrastructure puts at
risk the continuation of the knowledge base and the educational opportunities
that it provides. Ultimately, this will affect the expertise required to deal with
the safety aspects of nuclear installations.
This INSAG report, which was previously issued as INSAG Note No. 4,
discusses the role that safety research has played, the present declining trend
and the circumstances that are critical in maintaining a research infrastructure.
The report describes new and emerging challenges that necessitate continued
support of research and education opportunities and provides recom-
mendations on how sufficient research capacity and competence can be
The report is written for decision makers in government, industry and
international organizations who have responsibility for research activities and
educational facilities.
I am pleased to release this report to a wider audience. The sustainability
of nuclear research infrastructures remains a topical issue of particular concern
for the nuclear community. I hope that the recommendations elicit a proper
1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3. DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
4. NEW CHALLENGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
5. CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1. Like all major technological ventures, nuclear power owes its successful
development to a strong underpinning of research and to keeping a constant
pool of expertise, which has contributed to a good safety record around the
world as well as economic success. Elements of this underpinning must remain
robust if safe nuclear power is to remain an option. Safety in this context must
be viewed in its broadest sense. Safety research and expertise should be
directed not only to topics relating to the safety associated with plant
performance and operation and with accident prevention, but also towards
protection of workers and the public against radiation exposure and protection
of the environment from accidental releases of radioactive material. This
research should also be directed to the safety of nuclear fuel cycle facilities and
other facilities which have the potential to cause radiation exposure, and to the
management of nuclear waste at an acceptable level of safety in the short as
well as the long term.
2. This statement derives from INSAG reports addressing the need for and
benefits derived from research and development. INSAG-121 stated the
following principle:
Principles for Nuclear Power Plants 75-INSAG-3 Rev. 1, INSAG-12, IAEA, Vienna
3. In recent years, funding for long term strategic activities such as research
and development, preserving corporate knowledge and maintaining technical
expertise has been reduced in many countries. Industry funding by the
designers and operators has been reduced as a result of the belief that the
research needed for the initial design of plants has been completed, a lack of
commitment to build new plants, the effects of deregulation and a highly
competitive market place, and a preoccupation with short term profitability
and shareholders’ interests at the expense of long term programmes such as
9. Safety research has never lost its importance, but its scope and emphasis
have changed as challenges to safety have arisen. Past successes in safety
research have permitted the nuclear industry to grow, maintaining public
confidence through well founded designs and operating limits and, particularly,
through sound regulatory practices. Examples of the enhancement of the
regulatory process as a result of research in several countries include: research
on emergency core cooling in the 1970s; research on probabilistic safety
assessment in the 1980s that led to technical advances and the use of probabil-
istic techniques in decision making on safety; and, in the 1990s, ageing research
which improved the understanding of material properties and behaviour and
provided a knowledge base for considering the safety implications of long term
operation of plants, sometimes beyond their initial design lifetimes. Other
examples include: the improved understanding of thermal-hydraulic
phenomena that led to the approval of advanced light water reactor designs;
understanding of severe accident source terms; the improved process of reactor
inspection and oversight; and effective accident management schemes and
emergency plans. Research has enabled sound design, operational and
regulatory decisions and the provision of strong oversight of licensees’
activities. However, in the absence of growth in a number of countries where
significant development of nuclear power has taken place, there is a significant
danger of stagnation or even decline in the research and educational infra-
11. International experience also indicates that the more utility staff are
involved in the application of the knowledge gained from research to the
design, operation and maintenance of an individual plant, the more safety is
enhanced. This application of knowledge gained from research is a way to
improve staff competence and to maintain the knowledge base at the plant.
12. Safety research by both industry and regulatory organizations can only
develop and thrive where several conditions are satisfied. Although the
challenges may be changing, these requirements remain critical to maintaining
the necessary research infrastructure:
disciplines which are specific to nuclear facilities, such as nuclear science
and engineering, reactor physics and radiation related health physics, and
studies of the unique problems associated with the chemistry, materials
and thermal-hydraulic performance of new and existing reactors.
(2) Analytical tools and techniques must be maintained and further
enhanced to better quantify safety margins and thus to facilitate better
(3) Experimental facilities must be maintained to provide data to elucidate
basic physical processes, to confirm and validate mathematical models
used in analytical tools, and to respond to new problems as they arise.
(4) The development of a constant pool of safety experts requires
educational institutions firmly rooted in the pursuit of excellence with
current knowledge of research in all disciplines relating to safety. This can
be kept up only if research institutions are maintained and are active at
the forefront in research activities, and if employment opportunities exist.
In some cases, this may be achieved by in-house training of scientists and
engineers who lack direct education and training in nuclear safety. Unless
the need to maintain a cadre of safety experts is made clear and the
facilities necessary for this purpose are maintained, the infrastructure will
wither and the talent pool will be continuously depleted.
(5) Major nuclear research projects play a significant role. They are of prime
importance for attracting capable scientists and engineers who may
otherwise be absorbed by faster growing technologies that appear more
(6) Achieving the public confidence necessary for continued development of
nuclear technology demands a mature regulator possessing the necessary
tools and expertise to monitor performance and assess the potential for
unintended consequences in order to ensure that there is no undue risk to
the public. These tools must address concerns relating to long term waste
management and radiation effects as well as reactor safety. The public
must also be confident that operators and workers at nuclear facilities are
competent and expert in both generating power and maintaining safety.
13. Even though a good level of safety for nuclear facilities and applications
has been achieved in most countries, there are also areas where improved
knowledge will be necessary to regulate and operate current reactors efficiently
and effectively as they age, and to provide the scientific and technical basis for
the development of innovative nuclear reactors and novel means for the
management and disposal of high level waste. Experience indicates that new
issues will continue to emerge from operational experience, and an enterprising
and dynamic industry will continue to propose innovative initiatives to improve
economics while maintaining safety. A questioning attitude is necessary in
industry and in regulation to evaluate and resolve problems as they arise.
Furthermore, new designs are being proposed which have many characteristics
that differ from those of current plants. Knowledgeable and well trained
personnel are necessary to sustain and enhance the safety of nuclear power and
to provide effective regulation through all its phases, from research and
conceptual design through operation to waste management and decommis-
14. Examples of areas where novel emerging issues of these types have
already been identified are provided below. For each example listed, and for all
other areas that may be identified in a comprehensive evaluation, emphasis
must be placed on understanding the uncertainties and highlighting those
needing attention, as well as on the role of information on the contributors to
the risks in identifying safety related and regulatory related needs.
the area of human performance. We must be prepared to understand these
challenges and to develop means to measure, monitor and trend organizational
and management performance with regard to safety as well as individual
human performance.
18. New reactor concepts (for example, the pebble bed modular reactor or
advanced light water reactors) are under development which appear to have
advantages in terms of both economics and safety over existing plants. Where
there is a reasonable prospect that such new designs may be proposed to a
State’s regulatory authority, it is essential that the regulatory authority
prepares in advance for such a proposal, ensuring that it has the proper mix of
technical skills and experimental facilities to evaluate thoroughly the safety of
such new designs.
19. Similarly, in the fuel cycle, new concepts are under consideration for both
the enrichment of new fuel and the disposal of radioactive waste, and research
expertise is needed. The application of techniques of risk analysis to manufac-
turing and processing facilities for nuclear materials is well under way, but
these facilities differ from reactors and it may be necessary to adopt a different
technique for risk assessments.
20. Analysis of the risk associated with both the interim above ground
storage of spent fuel and the transport of high level waste to final repositories
requires detailed analyses of cask designs and evaluation of material behaviour.
Similarly, the long term storage of radioactive waste will require monitoring as
operational information begins to be compiled. Experience from reactors and
from other industries using advanced technology indicates that operational
observations may necessitate ‘mid-course corrections’ by the regulatory body
as well as by the operator of the facility to maintain safety.
22. The complexities of these techniques and the complex concerns relating
to safety, non-proliferation and operations will require a cadre of safety experts
to evaluate future research needs. Adequate research must be conducted to
understand these new technologies, their associated risks to public health and
safety and the uncertainty in risk estimates, and to evaluate where controls are
needed for the protection of public health or where further research is needed
to reduce uncertainties.
23. Support of the educational infrastructure is a specific and primary
responsibility of government. Industry can and does support educational insti-
tutions in partnership with government. This pattern can be seen in aero-
nautical engineering, chemistry, electronics, biochemistry and other fields of
endeavour in high technology which may be vital to long term national
interests. Nuclear engineering is no different in principle; it is, however, passing
through a difficult period, and these concerns need to be addressed promptly
and with vigour.
24. If the infrastructure for nuclear safety is not maintained, there will be a
steady decrease in expertise, and thus in capability to respond to new
challenges. The lead time in developing replacement educational opportunities
is very long, because most institutions will require an indication of the number
of enthusiastic potential students before investing in new infrastructure, and
potential students may look elsewhere in the absence of an exciting analytical
and experimental programme and a growing career field. Once lost, it would
require massive inputs of resources from many IAEA Member States to
attempt to re-establish the infrastructure, as was done to establish it when
nuclear technology was new. The result could be a downward spiral in which
expertise is lost, influence of the technical community on the decision making
process is diminished, and complacency, fed by diminished technical capability,
begins to exert a strong effect. If such a situation were to arise, it could be a
harbinger of future accidents. In this context, it should also be recalled that
governments that are Parties to the Convention on Nuclear Safety are
committed to taking “the appropriate steps to ensure that sufficient numbers of
qualified staff with appropriate education, training and retraining are available
for all safety related activities in or for each nuclear installation, throughout its
life” (Article 11.2 of the convention). Maintaining the necessary supporting
research infrastructure for nuclear safety is indeed, in the opinion of INSAG,
such an appropriate step.
facilities, highly competent staff and modern analytical tools) must be
maintained and supported by the responsible governmental organizations
as well as by the operating organizations and manufacturers. This support
should include international networking and co-operation, including joint
funding of centres of excellence that have facilities and equipment for use
in nuclear research.
— Education in nuclear science and technology needs to be stabilized in
order to maintain sufficient human resources in sciences and engineering
relating to nuclear safety. Part of the research infrastructure should be
maintained at universities. There is a concern that deterioration of the
research infrastructure may lead over time to a deterioration in safety
which the public will not tolerate. National and international bodies have
a key role to play in ensuring that the skills and capabilities required by
the nuclear industry and its regulators are available and that the infra-
structure required for this is provided for.
— Maintaining the safety of nuclear facilities, a pool of expertise and the
level of safety research is a common concern of IAEA Member States
and therefore, to the extent practicable, research facilities and research
data should be shared in joint research programmes by IAEA Member
— The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD/NEA) is actively engaged in
this effort. It has recently published two important reports dealing with
research capabilities and facilities and with major research programmes
at risk. Following up on the conclusions of these reports, the OECD/NEA
continues to review safety research needs and organizes and sponsors
internationally funded projects which contribute to maintaining key
research facilities and teams. However, it is important that such efforts
encompass all countries having nuclear power programmes. The IAEA
and OECD/NEA could explore this possibility further.
— More frequent interactions among research managers in Member States
should be considered to ensure that full advantage is being taken of the
joint expertise and equipment available around the world. Results of
national research programmes should be made public and broadly
shared. This will increase public confidence and help to ensure that
regulatory processes reflect the state of knowledge.
Abagian, A. A. Lipár, M.
Alonso, A. Servière, G.
Birkhofer, A. Taylor, R.
Díaz, E. Thadani, A.
Högberg, L. Zhang, Y.
Kakodkar, A.
Frescura, G. Madden, V.