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CBSE Grade 12 Revision Paper (Physics) Semester 1 Exam

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Revision Paper Semester 1 Exam

Subject :Physics

Class :CBSE 12
Max Marks:70 Time:3 Hours


(i) All questions are compulsory. There are 31 questions in all.

(ii) This question paper has Five sections : Section A, Section B, Section C
Section D and Section E
(iii) Section A contains 15 questions of one mark each, Section B contains
7 questions of two marks each, Section C contains 7 questions of
three marks each, Section D contains 3 questions of five marks each and section E contains
one Case based study question.
(iv) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice(s) has been provided in
two questions of one mark, two questions of two marks, two questions of
three marks and one questions of five marks weightage. You have to
attempt only one of the choices in such questions.


All questions are compulsory. [15 X 1 =15 ]

1. A charge Q is placed at the centre of the line joining two point charges +q and +q as shown in the

figure. The ratio of charges Q and q is

(a) 4 (b) 1/4 (c) -4 (d) -1/4

2. A parallel plate air capacitor is charged to a potential difference of V volts. After disconnecting the

charging battery the distance between the plates of the capacitor is increased using an insulating

handle. As a result the potential difference between the plates

(a) increases (b) decreases

(c) does not change (d) becomes zero

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Effective Date: 1 January 2018
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3. A cell having an emf E and internal resistance r is connected across a variable external

resistance R. As the resistance R is increased, the plot of potential difference V across R is

given by

4. The magnetic moment of a current I carrying circular coil of radius r and number of turns N

varies as

(a) 1/r² (b) 1/r (c) r (d) r²

5. In an LCR circuit, capacitance is charged from C to 2C. For resonant frequency to remain

unchanged, the inductance should be changed from L to

(a) 4 L (b) 2 L (c) L/2 (d) L/4

For question numbers 6 to10 two statements are given-one labelled Assertion(A) and the other
labelled Reason (R).

Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (A), (B), (C) and

(D) as given below. Each question carries 1 Mark.

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A -If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is correct

explanation of the Assertion.

B - If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not correct

explanation of Assertion.

C - If Assertion is true but Reason is false.

D - If both Assertion and Reason are false.

6 . Assertion (A): If the bob of a simple pendulum is kept in a horizontal electric field, its period of

oscillation will remain the same.

Reason (R): If the bob is charged and kept in a horizontal electric field, then the time period will

be decreased

7. Assertion: Electric potential and electric potential energy are different quantities.

Reason (R): For a system of positive test charge and point charge electric

potential energy = electric potential


Assertion : Two concentric charged shells are given. The potential difference between the

shells depends on charge of inner shell.

Reason : Potential due to charge of outer shell remains same at every point inside the sphere.

8. Assertion:In a simple battery circuit, the point of the lowest potential is positive terminal of the

Reason : The current flows towards the point of the higher potential, as it does in such a circuit

from the negative to the positive terminal.

9 . Assertion :The magnetic field produced by a current carrying solenoid is independent of its

length and cross-sectional area.

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Reason : The magnetic field inside the solenoid is uniform.

10 . Assertion (A): Acceleration of a magnet falling through a long solenoid decrease.

Reason (R): The induced current produced in a circuit always flows in such a direction that it

opposes the change to the cause that produced it.

11. An electron is accelerated through a potential difference V. Write the expression for its final

speed, if it was initially at rest.

12. Two protons of equal kinetic energies enter a region of uniform magnetic field. The first proton

enters normal to the field direction while the second enters at 30 to the field direction. Name

the trajectories followed by them.

13. What is the electric flux through a cube of side 1 cm which encloses an electric dipole?

14. Two point charges 4Q, Q are separated by lm in air. At what point on the line joining the charges

is the electric field intensity zero?


A cell of emf 4 V and internal resistance 1 Ω is connected to a d.c. source of 10 V through a

resistor of 5 Ω. Calculate the terminal voltage across the cell during charging.

15. A plane electromagnetic wave travels in vacuum along y-direction. What can you say about the

direction of electric and magnetic field vectors? ?

SECTION B [7 X 2 =14 ]

16 . Two thin concentric shells of radii r1 and r2 (r2 > r1) have charges q1 and q2. Write the

expression for the potential at the surface of inner and outer shells.


Two point charges 4Q, Q are separated by lm in air. At what point on the line joining the

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charges is the electric field intensity zero?

17. Two conducting wires X and Y of same diameter across a battery. If the number density of

electron in X is twice that in Y, find the ratio of drift velocity of electrons in the two wires

18. Two metallic wires of the same material have the same length but cross-sectional area is in the

ratio 1 : 2. They are connected

(i) in series and

(ii) in parallel.

Compare the drift velocities of electrons in the two wires in both the cases (i) and (ii)

19. Two identical circular loops, P and Q, each of radius r and carrying current I and 21 respectively

are lying in parallel planes such that they have a common axis. The direction of current in both the

loops is clockwise as seen from O which is equidistant from both the loops. Find the magnitude of

the net magnetic field at point O

20. A charge q of mass m is moving with a velocity of v, at right angles to a uniform magnetic field B.

Deduce the expression for the radius of the circular path it describes

In what way is the behaviour of a diamagnetic material different from that of a paramagnetic, when

kept in an external magnetic field?


21. The alternating voltage and current in an electric circuit are respectively given

by E=100sin100πt,I=5sin100πt. What will be the reactance in the circuit?

22 . Identify the electromagnetic waves whose wavelengths lie in the range

(a) 10-11 m < λ < 10-8 m

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(b) 10-4 m < λ < 10-6 m Write one use of each.

Section C [7X3=21]

23 .(a) Derive an expression for the torque experienced by an electric dipole kept in a uniform

electric field.

( b ) The maximum power rating of a 20 resistor is 2.0 kW. (That is, this is the maximum

Power the resistor can dissipate (as heat) without melting or changing in some other

undesirable way). Would you connect this resistor directly across a 300 V d.c. source of

negligible internal resistance? Explain your answer

24.(a ). An ammeter of resistance 0.80 Ω can measure current upto 1.0 A.

(i) What must be the value of shunt resistance to enable the ammeter to measure current

upto 5.0A?

(ii) What is the combined resistance of the ammeter and the shunt?

25. ( a). A square loop of side 20 cm carrying current of 1A is kept near an infinite long straight wire

carrying a current of 2A in the same plane as shown in the figure.

( b) A proton and an alpha particle having the same kinetic energy are, in turn, passed through a

region of uniform magnetic field, acting normal to the plane of the paper and travel in circular

paths. Deduce the ratio of the radii of the circular paths described by them.

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26. Calculate the current that flows in the 1 Ω resistor in the following circuit


Prove that the current density of a metallic conductor is directly proportional to the drift speed of
27. Write the relation for current sensitivity and voltage sensitivity of a moving coil galvanometer?
Using these relations, explain the fact that increasing the current sensitivity may not necessary
increase the voltage sensitivity.
(a)A circular coil of N turns and diameter ‘d’ carries a current ‘I’. It is unwound and rewound to
make another coil of diameter ‘2d’, current T remaining the same. Calculate the ratio of the
magnetic moments of the new coil and the original coil.
(b)The relative magnetic permeability of a magnetic material is 800. Identify the nature of
magnetic material and state its two properties.

28.a .Draw the diagram of a device which is used to decrease high ac voltage into a low ac voltage .

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state its working principle. Write four sources of energy loss in this device.

b. A power transmission line feeds input power at 2200 V to a step-down transformer with its
primary windings having 3000 turns. Find the number of turns in the secondary to get the power
output at 220 V
29. When an inductor is connected to a 200 V dc voltage, a current of 1A flows through it. When

the same inductor is connected to a 200 V, 50 Hz ac source, only 0.5 A current flows. Explain,

why ? Also,calculate the self inductance of the inductor.

Section D [ 3 X 5 = 15 ]
30 . a) . What is the condition for resonance in a series LCR circuit.?Write the graph of variation of

peak current with frequency at resonance.

( b )An inductor of unknown value, a capacitor of 100 μF and a resistor of 10 Ω are connected in

series to a 200 V. 50 Hz a.c. source. It is found that the power factor of the circuit is unity.

Calculate the inductance of the inductor and the current amplitude.


(a)Differentiate between paramagnetic and ferromagnetic substances (Two differences)

(b) Derive an expression for magnetic field at a point on the axis of a circular loop carrying current.

31. a. Describe briefly the process of transferring the charge between the two plates of a parallel plate

capacitor when connected to a battery. Derive an expression for the energy stored in a capacitor.

(b)A 12 pF capacitor is connected to a 50 V battery. How much electrostatic energy is stored in

the capacitor? If another capacitor of 6 pF is connected in series with it with the same battery

connected across the combination, find the charge stored and potential difference across each


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( a )Derive an expression for the electric field at any point on the equatorial line of an electric dipole.

(b)Two identical point charges, q each, are kept 2m apart in air. A third point charge Q of unknown

magnitude and sign is placed on the line joining the charges such that the system remains in

equilibrium. Find the position and nature of Q.

32 .a. Arrive at the balanced condition for Wheatstone’s network.

b .What is the value of x when the Wheatstone’s network is balanced?

P = 500 Ω, Q = 800 Ω, R = x + 400, S = 1000 Ω

33. Case Based Study Question

When a pure resistance R, pure inductor L and an ideal capacitor of capacitance C is connected

in series to a source of alternating e.m.f., then current at any instant through the three elements has

the same amplitude and is represented as I = Iosinwt. However, voltage across each element has a

different phase relationship with the current as shown in graph.

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The effective resistance of RLC circuit is called impedance (2) of the circuit and the voltage leads the

current by a phase angle ϕ.

A resistor of 12Ω a capacitor of reactance 14Ωand a pure inductor of inductance 0.1

H are joined in series and placed across 200 V, 50 Hz a.c. supply.

(i) The value of inductive reactance is

(a) 31.4Ω (b) 32.4Ω (c) 20Ω (d) 30Ω

(ii) The value of impedance is

(a) 20Ω (b) 15Ω (c) 30Ω (d) 21.13Ω

(iii) What is the value of current in the circuit?

(a) 5 A (b) 15 A (c) 10 A (d) 9.46 A

(iv) What is the value of the phase angle between current and voltage?

(a) 53∘ 9′ (b) 63∘ 9′ ′ (c) 55∘ 4′ (d) 50°

(v) From graph, which one is true from following?

(a) VL ≥ VC (b) VL<VC (c) VL>VC (d) VL=VC

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Effective Date: 1 January 2018
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