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Motivated by
Shri Vinod Kumar(Principal K V CHITRAKOOT)


Page 1


1. Explain why two field lines never cross each other at any point .
2. An electrostatic field line is a continuous curve. That is ,a field line can not have sudden breaks. Why not?
3. Which physical quantity has unit N/C? Is it a vector or scalar quantity?
4. Name the physical quantity whose S.I. unit is J/C. Is it a vector or scalar quantity?
5. What is the angle between the direction of electric field at any

(i) axial point

(ii) equatorial point due to an electric dipole?

6. What orientation of an electric dipole in a uniform electric field corresponds to its

(i) stable & (ii) unstable equilibrium?
7. How much work is done in moving a 500 µ C charge between two points on an equipotential surface?
8. The work done in moving a charge 2 C between two points is 6J.What is the potential difference between
the points?
9. A charge Q µC is placed at the centre of a cube . What would be the flux through one face?


1. The force of attraction between two point charges placed at a distance d apart in a medium is F.

What should be the distance apart in the same medium so that the force of attraction between them
becomes F/4.

2. Give two properties of electric lines of force. Sketch them for an isolated positive point charge.
3. Define equipotential surface . Draw two equipotentials due to a point charge.
4. An electric dipole is free to move in a uniform electric field . Explain its motion when it is placed in (I)
parallel to electric field (ii) perpendicular to electric field.

1.Two point charges 4µC ,--2µC are separated by distance of 1 m in air .At what point on the line joining
the charges is the electric potential zero? (Ans. 2/3 m from 4µC or 1 m from -2µC)
2. Define electric field intensity. Write its S I unit. Write the magnitude and direction of electric field
intensity due electric dipole of length 2a at the mid point of the line joining the two charges.


Page 2
3. A parallel plate capacitor each with plate area A and separation d is charged to a potential difference
V. The battery used to store charge is then disconnected. A dielectric slab of thickness d and dielectric
constant is now placed between the plates. What change if any will take place in (I) charge on the plates
(II) electric field intensity between the plates.
(iii ) capacitance of the capacitor.
Justify your answer in each case.
4. A parallel plate capacitor is charged by a battery and the battery remains connected, a dielectric slab is
inserted in the space between the plates . Explain what changes if any , occur in the values of
(I) potential difference between the plates
(II) electric field between the plates
(III) energy stored in the capacitor.
5.State Gauss”s Theorem in electrostatics. Using this theorem, find the electric field strength near an
infinite plane sheet of charge.
5 Five marks Questions

1. Briefly explain the principle of a capacitor . Derive an expression for the capacitance of
a parallel plate capacitor, whose plates are separated by a dielectric medium.
2. Derive an expression for the energy stored in a parallel plate capacitor C, charged to a
potential difference V . Hence derive an expression for the energy density of a

REMARK: For numerical write appropriate

formula abnd draw figurewith given value


Page 3
Q1. A carbon resistor is marked in coloured bands of red, black, orange and silver. What is the resistance
and tolerance value of the resistor?

Q2. A physical quantity, associated with electric conductivity, has the SI unit ohm meter. Identify
this physical quantity.
Q3. Define electrical conductivity of a conductor and give its S.I. unit.
Q4. Plot a graph showing the variation of resistivity of nichrome with temperature.
Q5. When is a Wheatstone’s Bridge most sensitive?
Q1. Two metallic wires of the same materials have the same length but cross sectional area is in the ratio
of 1:2. They are connected (i) in series and (ii) in parallel. Compare the drift velocities of electrons in
the two wires in both the cases (i) and (ii).
Q2. Derive an expression for the resistivity of a good conductor, in terms of the relaxation time of
Q3. Explain how electron mobility changes from a good conductor(i) when temperature of the conductor is
decreased at constant
potential difference and (ii) applied potential difference is doubled at constant temperature.
Q4.A cell of emf (E) and internal resistance (r) is connected across a variable external resistance (R) Plot
graphs to show variation of (i) E with R (ii) terminal p.d. of the cell (V) with R.
Q5. Two students X and Y perform an experiment on potentiometer
separately using the circuit diagram shown here. Keeping other things unchanged
(i) X increases the value of resistance R
(ii) Y decreases the value of resistance S in the set up
How would these changes affect the position of null point in each case and why?
Q6. Potential difference across terminals of a cell were measured ( in volts ) against different currents ( in
ampere ) flowing through the cell. A graph was drawn which was a straight line ABC. Using the
data given in the graph determine, (i) the emf and (ii) the internal resistance of the cell.
Q1. Prove that the current density of a metallic conductor is directly proportional to the drift
speed of electrons.
Q2. A conductor of length L is connected to a D.C. source of potential V. If the length of the
conductor is tripled by stretching it, keeping V constant, explain how do the following factors
vary in the conductor: (i) drift speed of electron (ii) resistance (iii) resistivity.
Q3. In the metre bridge, the balance point is found to be at 39.5 cm from the end A, when
the resistor Y is of 12.5 ohm. Determine the resistance of X. Why are the connections
between resistors in a metre bridge made of thick copper strips ? What happens if the
galvanometer and cell are interchanged at the balance point of the bridge? Would the
galvanometer show any current?
Q4. How does the resistivity of a conductor and a semiconductor vary with
temperature?Give reasons for each case.

Q5. A potential difference V is applied across the ends of copper wire of length L and
diameter D.
What is the effect on drift velocity of electrons if (i) V is doubled (ii) L is doubled
(iii) D is doubled.
Page 4
Q5 How will u use potentiometer to compare the emf of two cell
Q6 How will u use potentiometer to measure internal resistance o f a cell
Q7 How will you use meter bridge to find unknown resistance


One Mark Questions :

1 Magnetic field lines can be entirely confined within the core of a toroid, but not within a straight
solenoid. Why?

2 An electron is not deflected in passing through a certain region of space. Can we be sure that there is
no magnetic field in that region?
3 In a chamber of uniform magnetic field B, an electron beam enters with velocity v, write the
expression for force experienced by the electrons.
 
Ans: F  e(v XB )
4 An electron beam passes through a region of crossed electric and magnetic fields of strength E and B
respectively. For what value of electron speed, the beam will remain undeflected.
Ans: v = E/B

5 What are the magnitudes of horizontal component (H) of the earth’s magnetic field and the angle of
dip () at the magnetic north pole of earth?
Ans: H = 0 , = 900

6 Why the core of an electromagnet made of ferromagnetic materials.

Ans: due to high permeability and less coercivity.

7 An electron and a proton moving with the same speed enter the same magnetic field at 900 to the
direction of the field. For which of the two particles will the radius of the circular path be smaller?
Ans : r α m ; therefore electron will follow smaller radius.

2/3 Marks Questions :

1 Define the terms 'Magnetic Dip' and 'Magnetic Declination' and horizontalcomponent of earth magnetic
fieldwith the help of relevant diagrams.
2 Write two characteristic properties to distinguish between diamagnetic and paramagnetic materials.

3 Two wires of equal lengths are bend in the form of two loops. One of the loop is square shaped where as
the other loop is circular. These are suspended in a uniform magnetic field and the same current is passed
through them. Which loop will experience greater torque? Give reasons.
4 How does the (i) pole strength and (ii) magnetic moment of each part of a bar magnet changes if it is cut
into two equal pieces parallel to its length?
5 What do you mean by current sensitivity of a moving coil Galvanometer? On what factors do it depends?

6 Why an ammeter should have resistance as low as possible and good quality voltmeter should have large
resistance? Explain.
7 How will the magnetic field intensity at the centre of the circular coil carrying current will


Page 5
change, if the current through the coil is doubled and radius of the coil is halved?

8 An uniform magnetic field gets modified as shown below when two specimen X and Y are

placed in it.
a. Identify specimens X and Y
b. State behavior of lines in X and Y

9 An ammeter and a mili-ammeter are converted form the same galvanometer, out of the which has higher
resistance and why?

10 State two reasons why a galvanometer cannot be used as such to measure current in a given circuit.

Three Marks Questions :

1 Obtain the force per unit length experienced by two parallel conductors of infinite length carrying current
in the same direction. Hence define one ampere.
2 Draw the diagram to show behavior of magnetic filed lines near a bar of (i)copper (ii) Aluminium
(ii)mercury cooled to a very low temperature (4.2k). Also determine the category of material.
3 Derive an expression for the force acting on a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field.Under what
conditions this force is maximum and minimum?
4 Define magnetic susceptibility of materials. Name two elements, one having positive susceptibility and
the other having negative susceptibility. What does negative susceptibility signify.

5 Define the term magnetic moment of current loop. Derive the expression for the magnetic moment when
an electron revolves at a speed ‘v’ around an orbit of radius r in hydrogen atom.

6 With the help of diagram explain how a galvanometer can be converted into an ammeter and a

7 Derive an expression for the magnetic field at a point on the axis of a current carrying circular loop.

Five Marks Questions :

1 Write an expression for force experienced by a charged particle moving in a uniform magnetic field ?
With the help of labeled diagram, explain principle and working of a cyclotron. Show that cyclotron
frequency does not depend upon the speed of particles.
2 State Ampere Circuital Law. Derive an expression for the magnetic field at a point due to straight current carrying
3 Derive an expression for torque acting on a rectangular current carrying loop kept in a uniform magnetic field B.
Indicate the direction of torque acting on the loop.

4 A straight thick long wire of uniform circular cross section of radius ‘a’ is carrying a steady current I. The current is
uniformly distributed across the cross section.Using Ampere’s Circuital law calculate the magnetic field outside
and inside the wire at a distance for (i) r > a (ii) r < a from the axis. What is the magnetic field at the surface of this
wire. Plot the graph showing this variation.


Page 6
Electromagnetic induction and alternating current

1 Mark questions

1. On what factor does the self-inductance of a solenoid depends?

2. Write S.I. unit of magnetic flux. Is it a scalar or a vector?

3. Define self–inductance of a coil. Give its S.I. unit.
4. Defin emutual–inductance of a coil. Give one example.
5. How does the self-inductance of an air coil change, when (i) the number of turns in the coil is
increased (ii) an iron rod is introduced in the coil.

6. A bulb is connected in a closed circuit containing an air cored solenoid an a battery. How does
the brightness of the bulb change, when (i) the number of turns in the coil is increased (ii)an
iron rod is introduced in the coil.

7. The electric current is increasing in a straight wire from A to B .What is the direction of induced
current in the metallic loop kept above the wire as shown in the fig.


8. A bar magnet falls from a height ‘h’ through a metal ring. Will its acceleration be equal to g ?
Give reason for your answer.
9. Why does a metallic piece become very hot when it is surrounded by a coil carrying high
frequency alternating current?

10. The instantaneous current in an ac circuit is i=2.0 sin314t, what is (i) frequency and (ii) rms
value of the current.
11. What is phase difference between voltage and current in LCR series circuit if power factor is
12. What is phase difference between voltage and current in LCR series circuit at resonance?
13. Sketch a graph showing variation of reactance of a capacitor with frequency of the applied
14. Sketch a graph showing variation of reactance of an inductor with frequency of the applied
15. Why a capacitor blocks dc but allow ac?
16. The frequency of ac is doubled, what happens to (i) inductive reactance (ii) capacitive
17. A wire of length l along north south direction is released to fall freely towards the earth. Does
any emf induce its ends?

2/ 3 marks questions

18. What are eddy currents? Give their one use.

19. State Lenz’s law. Show that it is in accordance with the law of conservation of energy.
20. Two identical loops, one of copper and the other of aluminum, are rotated with the same
angular speed in the same magnetic field. Compare (i) the induced emf and (ii) the current
produced in the two coils. Justify your answer.

21. Prove that average power consumed over a complete cycle of ac through an ideal inductor is
22. Prove that average power consumed over a complete cycle of ac through an ideal capacitor is

23. Derive an expression for average power consumed over a complete cycle of ac through an
LCR circuit.
Page 7
24. What is the effect on the mutual inductance between the pair of coil when
(i) the distance between the coils is increased?
(ii) the number of turns in each coil is decreased? Justify your answer in each case.

25. Discuss a series resonant circuit. Derive an expresion for resonant frequenty and show a
graphical variation between current and angular frequency of applied ac. Define quality factor
and derive an expresion for it.

5 marks questions
26. Explain with help of a labelled diagram the principale, construction and working of a transformer.
Derive a relation between various energy losses in a tranformer ? Explain the role of transformer in long
distance transmission of power ?What is transformer Ratio How it is connected with number of turns in
27. Deduce an expression for the self-inductance of a long solenoid of N turns, having a core of relative
permeability .
28. Derive an expression for the emf induced when the are of a rectangular coil placed
perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field is changed.


One Mark Questions :

1 Write the following radiations in ascending order with respect to their frequencies: X-rays, microwaves,
UV rays and radio waves.
2 What is the ratio of speed of infrared and gamma rays in vacuum ?

3 Write the relationship between amplitudes of electric and magnetic field in free space.

4 Why microwaves are used in Radar?

5 State the principles of production of E M waves.

6 Name a device which produces Microwaves.

7 The charging current for a capacitor is 0.25 A. What is the displacement current across its
8 State the condition under which microwave oven heats up a food item containing water molecules
most efficiently.
Ans: The frequency of the microwave should match with the resonant frequency of water molecules.
9 Write the expression for the velocity of E.M waves in terms permittivity and permeability of the
Two Marks Questions :

1 A plane electromagnetic wave travels in vacuum along Y-direction. Write the

(i) ratio of magnitudes,
(ii) directions of its Electric and magnetic field vectors .

2 Write any four characteristics of E.M waves.Write all waves in increasing order of wavelength
3 Why are infrared radiations referred to as heat waves also ? Name the radiations which are
next to these radiations in electromagnetic spectrum having (i) shorter wavelength (ii) longer


Page 8

Three Marks Questions :

1 Identify the following electromagnetic radiations as per the wavelengths given below. Write one
application of each.
(a) 10−3 nm
(b) 10−3 m
(c) 1 nm

2 Give reasons for the following :

(i) Long distance radio broadcasts use short-wave bands.
(ii) The small ozone layer on top of the stratosphere is crucial for human survival.
(iii) Satellites are used for long distance TV transmission.
3 Name the constituent radiation of electromagnetic spectrum which
(a) is used in satellite communication.
(b) is used for studying crystal structure.
(c) is similar to the radiations emitted during decay of radioactive nuclei.
(d) has its wavelength range between 390 nm and 770 nm.
(e) is absorbed from sunlight by ozone layer.
(f) produces intense heating effect.
4 What is meant by the transverse nature of electromagnetic waves ? Draw a diagram showing the
propagation of the an electromagnetic wave along X direction, indicating clearly the directions
of oscillating electric and magnetic fields associated with it.


One Mark Questions :

1 How does the angle of minimum deviation of a glass prism vary, if the incident violet light is
replaced with red light?
Ans: decrease.

2 Why does the bluish colour predominate in a clear sky?

3 Write two application of TIR

4 What type of wavefront will emerge from a (i) point source, and (ii) distance light source?

5 How does the frequency of a beam of ultraviolet light get affected when it goes from air into
glass ?
A ray of light incident on an equilateral glass prism shows minimum deviation of 30°. Calculate
the speed of light through the glass prism.
Ans: No change, v = 3 x 108/ 2

6 How does the power of a convex lens vary, if the incident red light is replaced by violet light?
Ans: Increases

7 The refractive index of a material of refractive index n1. It is immersed in a medium of refractive
index n2. A parallel beam of light is incident on the lens. Trace the path of emergent rays when (i)
n2=n1 and (ii) n2 < n1.


Page 9
8 State the reason,why two independent sources of light cannot be considered as coherent sources.

2/3Marks Questions :

1 Draw a labelled ray diagram of an astronomical telescope in the near point position. Write the
expression for its magnifying power.

2 State two features by which the phenomenon of interference can be distinguished from that of
3 Sketch a schematic diagram depicting electric and magnetic fields for an electromagnetic wave
propagating along the Z-direction. Why an E.M. wave is a transverse wave?

4 If the angle between the pass axis of polarizer and the analyser is 45º, write the ratio of the
intensities of original light and the transmitted light after passing through the analyser.

5 How does the frequency of a beam of ultraviolet light get affected when it goes from air into
glass ?
A ray of light incident on an equilateral glass prism shows minimum deviation of 30°. Calculate
the speed of light through the glass prism.

6 A right-angled crown glass prism with critical angle 41° is placed before an object, PQ, in two
positions as shown in the figures (i) and (ii). Trace the paths of the rays from Pand Q passing
through the prisms in the two cases.

7 Define resolving power of a compound microscope ?Write the expression for it ? How will the resolving
power of a compound microscope change on decreasing the wavelength of light used.
8 A plane wavefront is incident normally on (i) a convex lens (ii) concave mirror. Draw the
refracted / reflected wavefront.

9 How does the (i) magnifying power and (ii) resolving power of a telescope
change on increasing the diameter of its objective? Give reason for your
10 Draw a labelled ray diagram of a reflecting type telescope. Write its any two advantages over
refracting type telescope.

2/3 Marks Questions :

1 Distinguish between unpolarised and plane polarised light. An unpolarised light is incident on the
boundary between two transparent media. State the condition when the reflected wave is totally
plane polarised. Find out the expression for the angle of incidence in this case.

2 A double convex lens made of glass of refractive index 1.6 has its both surfaces of equal radii of
curvature of 30 cm each. An object of 5 cm height is placed at a distance of 12.5 cm from the
lens. Find the position, nature and size of the image.

3 Define critical angle.

For a ray of light traveling from a denser medium of refractive index n 1 to a rarer medium of
refractive index n2, prove that 𝑛𝑛2 = sin ic where ic is the critical angle of incidence for the media.

4 The image of a candle is formed by a convex lens on a screen. The lower half of the lens is
painted black to make it completely opaque. Draw the ray diagram to show the image formation.
How will this image be different from the one obtained when the lens is not painted black ?


Page 10
5 A converging lens has a focal length of 20 cm in air. It is made of material of refractive index 1.6.
If it is immersed in a liquid of refractive index 1.3, what will be its new focal length ?
How does the nature of the lens change if this lens is immersed in a liquid of
refractive index 1.8 ?
6 In a single slit diffraction experiment, the width of the slit is made double the original width.
How does it affect the size and the intensity of the central diffraction band ? Explain.
Draw a graph showing variation of intensity (I) with angle () in single slit diffraction.

7 What is meant by a linearly polarised light ? Which type of waves can be polarised?
Briefly explain a method for producing polarised light.
8 What changes in interference pattern in Young’s double slit experiment
will be observed when (i) light of smaller frequency is used (ii) The
apparatus is immersed in water and (iii) monochromatic light is replaced by White light ?

Five Marks Questions :

Derive the lens formula, for a concave lens, using the necessary ray diagram.
Two lenses of powers 10 D and − 5 D are placed in contact.

(i) Calculate the power of the new lens.

(ii) Where should an object be held from the lens, so as to obtain a virtual image of
magnification 2 ?
2 (a) What are coherent sources of light? Two slits in Young’s double slit experiment are
illuminated by two different sodium lamps emitting light of the same wavelength. Why is no
interference pattern observed?
(b) Obtain the condition for getting dark and bright fringes in Young’s experiment. Hence write the
expression for the fringe width.

(c) If S is the size of the source and its distance from the plane of the two slits, what should be the criterion
for the interference fringes to be seen?
4 Draw the labeled ray diagram for the formation of image by a compound microscope.

Derive the expression for the total magnification of a compound microscope. Explain why both
the objective and the eyepiece of a compound microscope must have short focal lengths.
5 (i) Derive the mirror formula which gives the relation between f, v and u. What is the
corresponding formula for a thin lens?

(ii) Calculate the distance d, so that a real image of an object at O, 15cm in front of a
convex lens of focal length 10cm be formed at the same point O. The radius of curvature of
the mirror is 20cm. Will the image be inverted or erect?

6 (a) How is a wave front different from a ray ? Draw the geometrical shape of the
wave fronts when (i) light diverges from a point source, and (ii) light emerges out of
a convex lens when a point source is placed at its focus.


Page 11
(b) State Huygens’ principle. With the help of a suitable diagram, prove Snell’s law of refraction
using Huygens’ principle.
7 (a) In Young’s double slit experiment, deduce the conditions for (i) constructive, and (ii)
destructive interference at a point on the screen. Draw a graph showing
variation of the resultant intensity in the interference pattern against position ‘x’ on the screen.
(b) Compare and contrast the pattern which is seen with two coherently, illuminated
narrow slits in Young’s experiment with that seen for a coherently illuminated
single slit producing diffraction.
Find expression for fringe width
8 Draw a ray diagram to show refraction of a ray of monochromatic light passing through a glass
prism. Deduce the expression for the refractive index of glass in terms of angle of prism and
angle of minimum deviation.

UNIT VII - Dual Nature of Matter And Radiation

Question related to energy of photon ,
Equation for reference is E=hc/λ or E=hυ
Where E is photo energy, h is Plank’s constant,c is speed of light in vaccum,λ is wavelength of
photon,υ is frequency of photon

Q.No-1)Drawgraph between energy of photon and wave length? 1mark

Q2)Which of the two photons are more enengetic, violet light or red light? 1m
Q3)Yellow light can eject photo electron from a photosensitive surface while orange light can not. Will
blue light and red light eject electron from same surface? 1mark
Q. 4) Draw graph between energy of photon and frequency? 1mark
Q.5)What will be change in energy of photon when wavelength is made double? 1mark
Q.6)What will be change in energy of photon when wavelength decreases? 1mark
Q.7)What will be change in energy of photon when frequency is made half? 1mark
Q.8)What will be change in energy of photon when frequency increases? 1mark
Q9)What will be change in energy of a photon ,when it enters in denser medium from rare medium?

Question based on work function

related equations are φ=hυo OR φ=hc/ λo
Where υo is threshold frequency and λo is threshold wavelength,φ is work function,h is Plank’s
constant,c is speed of light in vaccum.
Q9)What do you mean by threshold frequency? Write its S I unit. 1mark
Q10)What do you mean by threshold wavelength? Write its S I unit. 1mark
Q11)Define work function and write its S I unit? 1mark
Page 12
Q 13) The threshold wavelength of a material is 400nm and during experimentation a student
incidences a radiation of wavelength 500nm. Does he/sheobserved photoelectric emission from
surface? Provide support of your answer. 2mark
Q14) The three materials A, B and C have work functions as 1.1eV, 2.1eV and1.2eV respectively. Write
the threshold frequencies of these materials in ascending order. 1mark
Q15) Two materials A and B have work function as 1.3eV and 1.5 eV. Which one material has more
threshold frequency. Give reason. 2mark
Q16)A photoelectric material has size 3cmX10cmX1mm . Its size changed and made
6cmX20cmx2mm.What will be changed in its work function? 1mark
Question Based on stopping potential, related equations are (Ek)max=eVo and eVo=hυ- φ
Where (Ek) max is maximum kinetic energy of photoelectron, e is electronic charge, Vo is stopping
potential, φ is work function,υ is frequency of photon
Q17)What will be kinetic energy of a photo electron, when a photon of 10eV is incident on a
photosensitive surface of work function 4eV? 1m
Q18) What is stopping potential? Write its S I unit? 1m
Q19)Draw a graph between kinetic energy of photoelectron and frequency of incidence radiation?
Q20)What is nature of graph between kinetic energy of photoelectron and frequency of incidence
radiation? 1m
Q21) Draw a graph between stopping potential and frequency of incidence radiation? 1m
Q22)What is nature of graph between stopping potential and frequency of incidence radiation? 1m
Q23) Draw a graph between stopping potential and frequency of incidence radiation. Using this graph ,
how to calculate (a) threshold frequency, (b) plank’s constant and (c) work function of photoelectric
material. 3m
Q24) Draw a graph between kinetic energy of photoelectron and frequency of incidence radiation. Using
this graph , how to calculate (a) threshold frequency, (b) plank’s constant and (c) work function of
photoelectric material. 3m
Q25) Draw a graph between stopping potential and frequency of incidence radiation. Which quantity is
obtained from (a) slope of graph and (b) intercept made on stopping potential axis. 2m
Question related to intensity(I), frequency(υ) and laws of photoelectric effect.
Q26)Draw a graph between stopping potential and intensity of incidence radiation . 1m
Q27)Draw a graph between stopping potential and frequency. 1m
Q28)Draw a graph between photocurrent and intensity at constant frequency. 1m
Q29)Draw a graph between photocurrent and frequency at constant intensity. 1m
Q30) State the laws of photoelectric effect. 2mark
Q31)Establish Einstein’s equation of photo electric effect. 2 mark
Q32)Explain photoelectric laws of photoelectric effect by applying Einstein’s equation. 2mark
Related ,equations are λ=h/mv OR , λ=h/p OR , λ=h/ (2mEk)1/2 OR λ=h/ (2mqV)1/2 OR
λ=h/ (3mkT)1/2
Where h is Plank’s constant, v is velocity, m is mass, p is linear momentum, q is charge, V is voltage, k
is Boltzmann constant, T is absolute temperature and Ek is kinetic energy of particle

Q33) The momentum of a particle is made double, what will be change in wavelength? 1m
Q34) The kinetic energy of a particle decreases , what will change in de-Broglie wavelength? 1m


Page 13
Q35) The accelerating potential of a charge particle is reduced to( ¼)th , what will be change in de-
Broglie wavelength? 1m
Q36)An electron and a proton are accelerating at same potential , find ratio of their wavelengths? 2m
Q37) A mono atomic gas is kept in a cylinder at temperature T K and now temperature of gas increases.
What will be change in de-Broglie wavelength? 1m
Q38)Does molecule of a gas behave like wave at absolute zero temperature? 1m
Q39) Why not a heavy particle behave like de-Broglie wave? 1m
Q40)An electron is accelerated at potential difference of 100V. Calculate its wavelength. 2m
Q41) Show that Bohr’s second postulate ’the electron revolves around the nucleus only in certain fixed
orbit without radiating energy ‘can be explained on the basis of de Broglie hypothesis of wave nature of
electron. 2m
Q42) Describe Davisson and Germer experiment to establish the wave nature of electrons. Draw a
labeled diagram of apparatus used. 3m
Q43) Draw voltage –current graph for photoelectric effect . 1m

Atoms & Nuclei

1-Marks question
1. Write the S.I unit for the activity of a radioactive nuclide.
2. Write the nuclear decay process for 𝛽-decay of P.
3. Write the formula for the half life of a radioactive nuclei whose decay constant is 𝝀.
4. State two properties of nuclear forces.
5. Write two conclusion of 𝜋-particle scattering expt.
6. Define impact parameter.
7. How is the radius of a nucleus related to its mass number?
8. Two nuclei have mass number in the ratio 1:.What is the ratio of their nuclear radii?
9. Compare nuclear density of two nuclei having mass number 27 and 125.
10. What is a stationary orbit in an atom?

2-Marks questions

1. Draw the graph showing thee variation of binding energy per nucleon with mass number. What
inference you get from this graph.
2. With the help of an example explain, how the neutron to proton ratio changes during alpha
decay of a nucleus.
3. Name the reaction which takes place when a show neutron beam strikes235
U nuclei. Write the
nuclear reaction involved.
4. Explain with an example, where the neutron-proton ratio in a nucleus increases or decreases
due to beta (𝛽) decay.
5. List any two properties of nuclear force which make it different from electrostatics force.
6. Show that the nuclear density is same for all the nuclei.
7. Define the term mass defect and binding energy.


Page 14
8. What is nuclear fusion? Give on representative reaction.
9. Define the term decay constant of a radioactive nucleus.
10. Define the term half-life period of a radioactive substance. Write relation between half life
period and decay constant.
3-Marks questions
1. Define the term half-life period and decay Constant of a radioactive sample. Derive the relation
between these terms.
2. Draw the energy level diagram showing the emission of 𝛽 particles followed by 𝛾-rays by a 60 27𝐶𝑜
3. Will the neutron to proton ratio increase or decrease for nucleus of an element during (i) beta
decay (ii) alpha decay? Support your answer using suitable examples.
4. Explain how 𝛼-particale scattering experiment led Rutherford to estimate the size of the
5. Write the laws of radioactive decay. Find expression
N=N0e- λt
6. Find the expression for the total energy of an electron in the nth orbit of h-atom.
7. A radioactive nucleus ‘A’decays as given below.
0 𝛼
A −1𝑒 A1 A2
If the mass number and atomic number of A1 are 180 and 73 respectively, find the mass number
and atomic number of A and A2.
8. You are given two nuclei 73𝑋 and 43𝑌.Are they isotopes of the same element ? State with reason,
which one of the two nuclei is likely to be more stable.
9. In a nuclear reaction, a substance 𝐴𝑍𝑋 undergoes 𝛼-decay followed by two-successive 𝛽-decay to
yield Y. Write down the nuclear reaction.
10. Why so much energy is liberated in nuclear reaction but not in chemical reaction?
11. 5-Marks questions
1. Stat the basic postulates of Bhor’s theory of atomic spectra. Hence obtain an expression
for radius of orbit and the energy of orbital electron in hydrogen atom.
2. What is meant by natural radioactivity? What types of radiations are emitted? Explain
briefly the nature of their radiations.
3. State and explain the law of radioactive disintegration. Hence define disintegration
constant and half life period. Establish relation between them.
4. What is meant by average life of a radioactive element? Derive an expression for it.


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1. Name the type of biasing of a p-n junction diode so that the junction offers very high resistance.
2. Name one impurity each, which when added to pure si, produces (i) n-type, and (ii)p-type semiconductor.
3. Draw energy band diagram of a p-type semiconductor and n-type semiconductor.
4. Name two factors on which electrical conductivity of a pure semiconductor at a given temperature
5. Draw the voltage- current characteristic of a Zener diode.
6. Draw the voltage – current characteristic of a p-n junction diode in forward bias and reverse bias
7. Give the ratio of the number of holes and number of conduction electrons in an intrinsic semiconductor.
8. How does the energy gap of an intrinsic semiconductor vary, when doped with pentavalent and trivalent
9. How does the thickness of the depletion layer in a p-n junction vary with increase in reverse bias?
10. What is a hole in a semiconductor? And what is it’s charge?
11. What is depletion region in a p-n junction?
1. Explain how the width of depletion layer in a p-n junction diode changes when the junction is forward
and reverse biased.
2. The output of an unregulated d.c. power supply is to be regulated. Name the device that can be used
for this purpose and draw the relevant circuit diagram.
3. Show the biasing of a photodiode with the help of a circuit diagram. Draw graphs to show variations
in reverse bias currents for different illumination intensities.
4. With the help of a diagram, show the biasing of a LED. Give its two advantages.
5. Write a short note on zener diode.
6. Explain Photo voltic cell action.
7. Distinguish between n-type and p-type semiconductor.
8. Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor.
1. What is an intrinsic semiconductor? How can this material be converted into (i) p-type (ii) n-type extrinsic
semiconductor? Explain with the help of energy band diagrams.
2. Explain (i) forward biasing, (ii) reverse biasing of a p-n junction diode.
3. With the help of a circuit diagram, explain the use of p-n junction diode as a full wave rectifier.
4. The ratio of the number density, of free electrons to holes, for three different materials A,B and C are equal to
one, less than one and more than one respectively. Name the type of semiconductor to which A,B and C
belong. Draw labelled energy band diagrams for three materials.
5. On the basis of the energy band diagrams distinguish between metals, insulators and semiconductors.
6. What is a rectifier? With the help of a labelled circuit diagram, explain the working of a half wave rectifier.
Draw input and output wave forms.
7. Explain with the help of a diagram how depletion layer, and potential barrier is formed in a p-n junction diode.


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