Regional Economic Growth Effectiveness of Local Revenues and Equalization Funds
Regional Economic Growth Effectiveness of Local Revenues and Equalization Funds
Regional Economic Growth Effectiveness of Local Revenues and Equalization Funds
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- The rapid development of regions requires a increase, because high economic growth is expected to be able
large allocation of development funds, causing local to absorb labor and reduce poverty rates.
government spending to also increase. The amount of
regional expenditure is determined by the amount of income Increasing local revenues must be done by local
of the region concerned. Regional income plays an governments in order to be able to finance their own needs, so
important role in the welfare of the community and creating that the dependence of local governments on the central
regional independence. This study aims to determine and government is reduced and in the end the regions can be
analyze the effect of Regional Native Income and independent. Each region in Indonesia has different financial
Equalization Fund on Economic Growth in Maros Regency. capabilities in supporting the financing of its regional activities,
This research was conducted in Maros district, South this is often the cause of fiscal inequality between regions due
Sulawesi Province, Republic of Indonesia. This research to the imbalance between regional revenues and regional
uses a quantitative approach with data collection methods expenditures. Therefore, to overcome fiscal inequality, the
in the form of data collection through documentation and Central Government allocates funds from the State Budget to
available data. The source of data in this study is in the form fund regional needs in order to implement decentralization. The
of secondary data, namely in the form of documents transfer of power and authority of regional government which
regarding the realization of local original income and was originally Centralized became Decentralization so that the
equalization funds obtained from the Regional Finance and government created regional autonomy [1]. The fund in
Assets Agency of Maros Regency and data on the realization question is the Equalization Fund which consists of the General
of economic growth seen from the Gross Regional Domestic Allocation Fund, the Special Allocation Fund, and the Profit
Product on the basis of constant prices obtained from the Sharing Fund. The Equalization Fund is a source of regional
Regional Development Agency of Maros Regency. Data revenue sourced from the State Budget to support the
analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis with IBM implementation of local government authority to achieve the
SPSS statistical program version 25.0. The results showed goal of granting regional autonomy, especially to improve
that (1) Regional Original Income had a positive and community services and welfare. The main purpose of
significant effect on Economic Growth, (2) the Equalization providing the Equalization Fund is to overcome fiscal gaps
Fund had a positive but not significant effect on economic between central and local governments, fiscal gaps between
growth. local governments, improve the tax system, and improve low
fiscal efficiency.
Keywords: Local Income, Equalization Fund, Economic
Growth. The implementation of regional autonomy that focuses on
districts and cities is characterized by the handover of a number
I. INTRODUCTION of authorities to determine the allocation of resources owned for
regional expenditures by adhering to the principles of
Economic growth is a picture of the economic condition compliance, needs, and regional capabilities listed in the
of a region, sustainable economic growth is a picture of the regional budget [2]. A region can be said to be an autonomous
work of the government, both nationally and regionally, in region if the regional government has the ability to dig up its
prospering and increasing the prosperity of the community. own finances. Autonomous regions must have the authority and
High economic growth comes from high regional revenues, so ability, and strive to minimize dependence on the central
the role of local governments must be able to explore the government as much as possible. Each level of government can
potential of the regions to become sources of regional income. manage its finances to finance its respective local duties and
The government is free to form policies and design government authorities, this can be said to be an ideal balance between the
finances that can affect the progress and prosperity of the central government and local governments [3].
region. With high economic growth, people's welfare will
Table 1. Data on Economic Growth, Regional Native Income and Maros Regency Balance Fund 2015 -2020
No. Year Local Revenue (Rp) Equalization Fund (Rp) Gross Regional Domestic Product on the Economic
Basis of Constant Prices (Million Rp) Growth (%)
1 2015 141.487.686 759.792.905 10.916.729,1 8,44
2 2016 165.023.896 11.953.999,2 9,50
3 2017 194.999.054 903.546.699 12.768.318,4 6,81
4 2018 219.844.780 988.704.969 13.558.738,1 6,19
5 2019 203.706.048 966.759.310 13.726.282,7 1,24
6 2020 311.275.815 987.802.524 12.233.660,1 -10,87
Source : Central Statistics Agency of Maros Regency, 2022
Table 1 shows that central government assistance in the Economic growth is a way to see an increase in the
form of equalization funds can boost economic growth in Maros economic capabilities of a region. Every country certainly
Regency. The economic growth of Maros Regency in 2017- wants its people to be able to have a good level of welfare in
2019 decreased by 2.75%. In 2019 experienced a sharp decline order to have a good quality of life as well. Indicators that can
at 1.24%, this is because in that year people's movements began be used to see the level of public welfare through the size of
to be restricted due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus investment and the pace of economic growth. by knowing how
outbreak. In addition, economic growth in 2020 experienced a the pace of economic growth it has.
drastic decline of -10.87% from the previous year due to the
covid-19 virus stopped almost all economic activities. Investment is one of the important indicators for economic
growth. Investments can also help grow the business climate.
II. LITERATURE REVIEW The more investment is made, the more new businesses will
emerge. This will have an impact on the availability of jobs and
With the rapid development of each region in Indonesia, employment, will support the growth of purchasing power, so
this is in line with the beginning of the emergence of policies that it can help increase economic growth. Furthermore,
regarding regional autonomy and fiscal decentralization. The investment will have a positive impact on the production
implementation of decentralization is related to the central process in an increasingly enterprising business, then it will also
government and local government, one of which is the have an impact on increasing household consumption. In
establishment of autonomous regions and the legal handover of addition, the Economic Growth Rate is a chain index of each
power from the central government to local governments to take economic activity. The resulting index numbers can be based on
care of their respective governments and provide opportunities the prevailing price as well as the constant price. In general,
for regions to explore local potential for the realization of what is often used or analyzed by economists is the Economic
regional financial independence [2]. Regional Autonomy aims Growth Rate of constant prices, because it describes the real
to ensure that the Central Government can be separated from growth of production in each sector. The amount of this
unnecessary burdens in handling regional domestic affairs, thus percentage of economic growth is seen to determine the level
providing opportunities for regions to better learn, understand, of welfare of life owned by the community.
and respond to various matters in implementing government
policies [1]. An area with rapid and stable economic growth is able to
become a developed area. This is because this economic growth
A. Economic Growth is able to help in infrastructure development even better. As a
Economic growth is a picture of the economic condition result, facilities in various areas of life will also be better
of a region, sustainable economic growth is a picture of the fulfilled and maintain the welfare of their people. This growth
work of the government, both national and regional, in rate is viewed from year to year to find out whether growth is
prospering and increasing community prosperity [4]. Economic up or down.
growth is a benchmark for the development of economic
activities where goods and services produced by the community B. Local Revenue
increase in the long term or in other words, economic growth is The implementation of development in the regions
a process of changing economic conditions that are more requires a lot of funds and the regions cannot only expect
increasing than the previous year. A measure often used in equalization funds from the center, so the regions must be able
calculating national-scale economic growth is Gross Domestic to explore the potential of the regions to be used as financing
Product [4]. for routine expenditures and regional development
expenditures in order to increase their income [5][6]. Law No.
Table 2 shows that economic growth in Maros Regency economic growth in Maros Regency has increased from year to
has increased. In 2012 it reached 11.14%, this is the highest and year although the percentage increase is still fluctuating.
lowest achievement in 2020 of -10.87%. This data indicates that
Table 3. Data on the Realization of Original Regional Income of Maros Regency in 2012-2020
No year Local Revenue Ln Local Revenue
(Rp) (%)
1 2012 60.364.408.988 24,82
2 2013 79.513.862.571 25,10
3 2014 118.267.910.133 25,50
4 2015 141.487.685.605 25,68
5 2016 165.487.675.628 25,83
6 2017 194.999.053.694 26,00
7 2018 219.813.979.862 26,12
8 2019 248.747.244.304 26,24
9 2020 219.096.914.071 26,11
Average 25,71
Source: Regional Finance and Assets Agency of Maros Regency, data processed 2022
The equalization fund is the transfer of funds sourced from to economic growth [11]. This is in line with the results of
the State Budget given to the regions to fund regional needs in research which states that local income and economic growth
order to carry out decentralization. Table 4 above shows that the have a positive relationship. Local revenue is a financial
equalization fund provided by the government to Maros structure obtained by the region to carry out development
Regency was stable with an average of 27.42% from 2012 to activities in its area [3][11].
2020. Based on tables 3 and 4 explained that the balance fund
disbursed by the government is greater than the original income Local revenues can contribute to the improvement of
of the Maros Regency area, this indicates that Maros Regency's Maros County's financial performance, because local income is
financial dependence on transfer income from both the central a resource that can be utilized in the context of regional
and provincial governments is relatively high. development so as to create economic growth. As one of the
sources of regional revenue, the original regional income will
Local financial dependence shows how much local reflect the level of regional independence. The higher and
governments depend on transfer revenues, both from the central greater the original regional income to the total regional
and provincial governments. The largest contribution of transfer income, this shows the independence of the region in financing
income is found in the Equalization Fund such as the General the development of the region.
Allocation Fund, which is one of the transfers of
central/provincial government funds to local governments Effect of Equalization Fund on Economic Growth
sourced from state budget revenues, allocated with the aim of Based on the results of a partial significant test, it shows
equitable distribution of financial capabilities between regions that the equalization fund has a positive but not significant
to fund the needs of local governments in the context of effect on economic growth in Maros Regency, this is indicated
implementing decentralization. by the t-count value of 0.876 < t-table 1.94318 and the
significant value of the equalization fund of 0.415 > 0.05 so that
B. Discussion it can be interpreted that the balance fund variable has a positive
but not significant effect on Economic Growth in Maros
Effect of Local Revenue on Economic Growth Regency. The results of the study can be related to the theory
The results of statistical data using the SPSS 25 program, that the equalization fund is a fund sourced from the State
show that partially the original regional income has a positive Budget which is allocated to the regions to fund regional needs
and significant effect on Economic Growth in Maros Regency in the context of decentralization [6]. Maros County
which is indicated by the t-count value of 2.921 > t-table 1.9438 Government local revenues derived from the equalization fund
in addition to the significant value of the original income of the consist of a tax or non-tax revenue sharing fund, a general
area 0.027 < 0.05 so it can be interpreted that the original allocation fund and a special allocation fund. The balance fund
income of the region has a positive and significant effect on from the central government received by Maros Regency is
economic growth in Maros Regency. This means that the higher used to reduce the fiscal gap between the central government
the original income generation of the region, the higher the and local governments. The level of regional financial
economic growth of the area. The results of this study are in independence will continue to increase if the original regional
accordance with the results of research which states that local income is greater than the equalization fund [2].
indigenous income has an influence that is directly proportional