TQM Assignment Revised (1215)
TQM Assignment Revised (1215)
TQM Assignment Revised (1215)
By incorporating all employees in the process of quality improvement, Total Quality Management
(TQM)’s primary objective is to continuously raise the quality of goods and services (Yusuf et al.,
2007). TQM relies on the involvement and commitment of all members of an organization to identify
and eliminate problems, as well as to continuously improve processes, products, and services. Going
through the TQM time line, simple inspection process has been supplemented by quality control and
then quality assurance and later by W. Edwards Deming’s tool i.e. TQM. During 1950s. Deming, a
statistician and consultant, collaborated closely with Japanese industries. He thought that a systematic
management strategy produced quality and that firms might raise the quality of their goods and
services by concentrating on processes rather than specific employees or divisions.
Evolution of TQM
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Term paper on : Total Quality Management Presented on : 06 Jan 2023
Presented to : Center for Doctoral Studies Presented by : Bijay Lama
Rajendra G Jaishi
Deming, a statistician and consultant, collaborated closely with Japanese industries. He thought that a
systematic management strategy produced quality and that firms might raise the quality of their goods
and services by concentrating on processes rather than specific employees or divisions. Japanese made
significant progress in the field of quality (Talha, 2004) and penetrated the US market. And in early
1980s US also started to utilized the concept of TQM to compete with japan. Europe also recognized
the need of need of TQM to survive and in 1990s TQM widespread all over Europe (Evengelos et. al.
2014) and it has since been implemented by organizations in various industries around the world
(Khalifa, 2022).
TQM Application
Organizations are globally tackling significant trials in adapting to changing competitive environments
in the time of commercial liberation (Enquist and Johnson, 2015). Over the previous few years, many
transactions have amplified among organizations everywhere in the world to stay in the economic
situation. At the moment, price, as a last resort, is not a choice but an essential strategy to gratify
consumers and expand company performance. Organizations usually look for better ways and means
to attain excellence and a place to start; these strategies and performance are required for total quality
management (TQM). Investigating the factors influencing the TQM implementation on organizations
performance goals of improving the Quality of goods and services that make consumers delighted.
These days, the importance of Quality in production and its significance is acknowledged by numerous
organizations throughout the world. TQM is used to demarcate as a holistic approach and
organizational attitude that seeks persistent enhancement in all organizational activities and production
and delivery of goods and services that meet the needs and necessities of customers at a cheaper, safer,
better, faster, and more straightforward process than competitors involved (Bhaskar, 2020).
Organizations in numerous industries have adopted TQM as it has changed through time. It has been
used, among other things, to increase an organization's productivity and effectiveness in the
manufacturing, service, healthcare, and even in government sectors. It has set a standard for the
industry (standards and awards like ISO 9000 series, Malcon Baldrige National Quality Award, EFQM
Model, Deming Prize and HKMA Quality Award) , and as well as for the organizations too to market
themselves. Even hospitals are embossing “ISO 9001:2015 certified hospital” in Nepal too but
implementation of the aspect can be challenging for organizations, as it requires a long-term
commitment from leadership and all members of the organization (Gangaram, 2017). It also requires a
culture of continuous improvement to be established within the organization.
Some common issues and challenges that organizations may face while implementing TQM include
(Monika & Deepika, 2013):
Resistance to change: TQM involves making changes to processes, products, and services, and some
employees may be resistant to these changes. It is important for organizations to communicate the
benefits of TQM and involve employees in the implementation process to help reduce resistance to
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Term paper on : Total Quality Management Presented on : 06 Jan 2023
Presented to : Center for Doctoral Studies Presented by : Bijay Lama
Rajendra G Jaishi
Lack of resources: Implementing TQM requires resources such as time, money, and training.
Organizations may not have sufficient resources to implement TQM effectively.
Lack of leadership commitment: TQM requires strong leadership support and commitment to be
successful. Without this commitment, TQM efforts may not be sustained over the long term.
Difficulty in measuring the success of TQM: It can be challenging to measure the success of TQM,
as it involves a focus on continuous improvement rather than on specific targets or objectives. It is
important for organizations to establish clear metrics to measure the success of TQM efforts.
Improper planning: TQM urges for the involvement of all level of employees in development and
implementation of planning. Planning by top level management only may arise the issue during
Problem in identifying customer need : Fail to identifying the needs of customer may result in
supply of unwanted product resulting to dissatisfied customer
Although Deming’s 14 points quality management principle (Create a constant purpose toward
improvement, Adopt the new philosophy, Stop depending on inspections, Use a single supplier for any
one item, Improve constantly and forever, Use training on the job, Implement leadership, Eliminate
fear, Break down barriers between departments, Get rid of unclear slogans, Eliminate management by
objectives, Remove barriers to pride of workmanship, Implement education and self-improvement,
Make "transformation" everyone's job) and PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) cycle to Juran’s quality
trilogy (planning, control and improvement) , Taguchi’s recommendation of “on-line” and “off-line”
quality control, Ishikawa’s cause and effect diagram and other views of TQM that has been suggested
by the GURUs of TQM, there is no specific model for ultimate TQM practice as TQM is a network of
critical factors, practice and tools (Soft and Hard aspect of TQM). Flynn et. al. (1995) has used path
analysis and proposed 10 TQM constructs whereas Zhang et. al. (2000) has identified 11 different
constructs of TQM tested and validated using data from 212 Chinese manufacturing companies. In
similar line, Projogo and Sohal (2004), Sila and Ebrahimpour (2005), Kumar et al (2009) are found
done research and have propounded different construct of TQM for their own research purpose.
(Kothari, Shrimali, & Pradhan, 2017)They identified that Total Quality Management include large
number of construct. They reviewed the literature and found the nine key factors for TQM
implementation and four keys for impact of implementation. They also define that TQM as a
management philosophy for continuous improving performance and excellence based on Top
management commitment & Involvement, Policy positioning with process control and improvement,
applying Research and Development , adopting training and education , maintaining suppliers
empowerment and relationship , having customer relationship ,, employee empowerment and
involvement , by using evaluation and assessment .(Biswakarma, 2017)He found that TQM is
significant tool for success of managing organization. He mentioned that employee engagement has
strong impact on TQM in hospitality industry of Nepal.(Anran Xiao, 2022) They explored that TQM
and ESG (Economic, Social and Government) factors by emerging issues such as cooperating
sustainability. (Dong, 2021) They found that TQM is now required to provide quality products and
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Term paper on : Total Quality Management Presented on : 06 Jan 2023
Presented to : Center for Doctoral Studies Presented by : Bijay Lama
Rajendra G Jaishi
services. Faster deliveries and competitive prices to satisfy customer demand in green development.
TQM is facing huge barriers towards concept of bi-carbon.
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Term paper on : Total Quality Management Presented on : 06 Jan 2023
Presented to : Center for Doctoral Studies Presented by : Bijay Lama
Rajendra G Jaishi
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Term paper on : Total Quality Management Presented on : 06 Jan 2023
Presented to : Center for Doctoral Studies Presented by : Bijay Lama
Rajendra G Jaishi
Conclusion: In general, TQM is still a commonly practiced management strategy that is applicable in
the present corporate environment. It is a useful tool for businesses striving to maintain their
competitiveness in an increasingly dynamic business environment because of its focus on continual
improvement and customer satisfaction. TQM implementation, however, can be difficult and
necessitates a long-term commitment from top management and all employees. Organizations can
overcome these issues and succeed with TQM by using the aforementioned solutions; to overcome
employee reluctance to change, explain the advantages of TQM to them and include them in the
implementation process. Allocate sufficient time, money, and training to support TQM initiatives.
Ensure strong leadership commitment to TQM by involving top management in the implementation
process and setting clear goals and expectations for TQM efforts. Establish precise criteria to measure
the performance of TQM initiatives, and constantly assess development to spot potential improvement
areas. Further, implication of TQM will definitely generates a value and revenue to all stakeholders, its
cost is slightly on higher side. For the small and medium size organizations of Nepal where we
consider the cost/expenses within top 3 priority, implementation of Kaizen can be an alternative as its
synonym is continuous improvement.(Pradhan, 2015) Total Quality Management implementation has
positive relationship with employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction. It also found that the use of
either normative or rational TQM approach is depends on nature of the organizations. (Giroux & Land,
1998) Besides that, in order to overcome debate and critics, use of simple word instead of prepositions
Total Quality Management seems significance. Furthermore, there are scope of future research on
different areas and circumstances where more study can be conducted by using empirical as well as
exploratory research. In addition to that, further study can be conducted to explore challenges of Top
management and its solutions regarding implementation of TQM.
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Term paper on : Total Quality Management Presented on : 06 Jan 2023
Presented to : Center for Doctoral Studies Presented by : Bijay Lama
Rajendra G Jaishi
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Term paper on : Total Quality Management Presented on : 06 Jan 2023
Presented to : Center for Doctoral Studies Presented by : Bijay Lama
Rajendra G Jaishi
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