Chapter 5 - Earthquake Loads - PD
Chapter 5 - Earthquake Loads - PD
Chapter 5 - Earthquake Loads - PD
Chapter -5
Earthquake Loads
2) the average storey stiffness of the W, is the total dead load of a building or a
structure, including permanent partitions,
lower portion is at least ten times
and applicable portions of other loads listed
the average storey stiffness of the
below :
upper portion, and a) In storage and warehouse occupancies, a
3) the period of the entire structure is minimum of 25 per cent of the floor live load
not greater than 1.1 times the shall be applicable.
V= W …………………… (2.5.1) 1.25×𝑆 (2.5.2)
𝑅 C= 2/3 ………………………..
(𝑉−Ft)𝑊𝑥 ℎ 𝑥
Fx = 𝑛 ………..(2.5.8)
𝑖=1 𝑊 𝑖 ℎ 𝑖
Table - 6.2.22: Seismic Zone Factor or Table - 6.2.25: Site Coefficient, S for
Coefficient, Z Seismic Lateral Forces
Seismic Zone Zone Coefficient Type Description S
1 0.075 S1 A soil profile with either:
2 0.15 a) A rock-like material
3 0.25 characterized by a shear- wave
velocity greater than 762 m/s
or by other suitable means of
classification, or
Table – 6.2.23: Structural Importance
b) Stiff or dense soil condition
Coefficients, I
where the soil depth is less than
Structure Importance Category I
61 meters. (S1<61m)
(see Table-6.1.1 for occupancy)
S2 A soil profile with dense or stiff 1.2
1). Essential facilities 1.25
soil conditions, where the soil
2). Hazardous facilities 1.25
depth exceeds 61 meters.
3). Special occupancy structures 1.00
4). Standard occupancy structures 1.00
S3 A soil profile 21 meters or more
5). Low-risk structures 1.00
in depth and containing more 1.5
than 6 meters of soft to
medium stiff clay but not more
Table – 6.2.24: Response Modification
than 12 meters of soft clay.
Coefficient for Structural System, R
= 27 k
16×16 10×12×150
Column Exterior = ×
12×12 1000
Plan = 32 kip
14×14 10×4×150
Column Corner = ×
12×12 1000
= 8.17 kip
Dir. A → (12×16) inch
Dir. B→ (12×24) inch 6 80×60×150
Slab = × = 360 kip
Column: 12 1000
107.65 × 35583 .5
= 7.64 < 28.82 F5 = = 9.79 kip
17.62 kip
15.66 kip
13.70 kip
11.74 kip
9.79 kip
7.83 kip
5.87 kip
3.91 kip
1.96 kip
Dir. A → (12×15) inch
Dir. B → (12×15) inch
All column size →
(18×18) inch
Slab: Thickness → 7 inch
Storey → 7
Floor Height → 10 ft
Zone → Dhaka
Site → soft stiff clay, depth
of soil layer = 20 m
Structure → Standard
Frame Type → IMRF
Base to 1st floor distance =
Prepared by- Farjana Akter, Senior Lecturer, Stamford University Bangladesh