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Chapter 5 - Earthquake Loads - PD

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Chapter -5
Earthquake Loads

An earthquake is a sudden undulation It is the horizontal component of

of a portion of the earth's surface. ground motion that causes structural
Although the ground surface moves in damage and that must be considered in
both horizontal and vertical directions designs of structures located in
during an earthquake, the magnitude of earthquake-prone areas.
the vertical component of ground
motion is usually small and does not During an earthquake, as the
have a significant effect on most foundation of the structure moves with
structures. the ground, the above-ground portion
of the structure, because of the inertia
of its mass, resists the motion, thereby

Prepared by- Farjana Akter, Senior Lecturer, Stamford University Bangladesh


causing the structure to vibrate in the approximated by a set of lateral

horizontal direction (Figure 1). (horizontal) forces applied to the
structure, and static analysis is
performed to evaluate stresses in the

Seismic Loads Analysis Selection of Lateral Force

Method: Seismic lateral forces on
primary framing systems shall be
determined by using either:
 Equivalent Static Force Method
Figure 1: Effect of Earthquakes on a
provided in Sec 2.5.6, or
 Dynamic Response Method given in
Sec 2.5.7
These vibrations produce horizontal
shear forces in the structure. For an
a) The Equivalent Static Force
accurate prediction of the stresses that
Method of Sec 2.5.6 may be used
may develop in a structure in the case
for the following structures:
of an earthquake, a dynamic analysis,
considering the mass and stiffness
I. All structures, regular or irregular,
characteristics of the structure, must
in Seismic Zone-1 and in Structure
be performed.
Importance Category-IV in
Seismic Zone-2, except case b(iv)
However, for low- to medium-height
rectangular buildings, most codes
II. Regular structures under 75
employ equivalent static forces to
meters in height with lateral force
design for earthquake resistance. In
resistance provided by structural
this empirical approach, the dynamic
effect of the earthquake is
Prepared by- Farjana Akter, Senior Lecturer, Stamford University Bangladesh

systems listed in Table-6.2.24, Z = Seismic zone coefficient given in

except case b(iv) below. Table-6.2.22.
III. Irregular structures not more I = Structure importance coefficient
than 20 meters in height. given in Table-6.2.23.
IV. A tower like building or structure R = Response modification coefficient
having a flexible upper portion for structural systems given in Table-
supported on a rigid lower portion 6.2.24.
where: W = The total seismic dead load
1) both portions of the structure defined in Sec-
considered separately can be
classified as a regular structures, [25.5.2 Seismic Dead Load : Seismic dead load,

2) the average storey stiffness of the W, is the total dead load of a building or a
structure, including permanent partitions,
lower portion is at least ten times
and applicable portions of other loads listed
the average storey stiffness of the
below :
upper portion, and a) In storage and warehouse occupancies, a
3) the period of the entire structure is minimum of 25 per cent of the floor live load
not greater than 1.1 times the shall be applicable.

period of the upper portion b) Where an allowance for partition load is

included in the floor design in accordance
considered as a separate structure
with Sec, all such loads but not less
fixed at the base.
than 0.6 kN/m2 shall be applicable.
c) Total weight of permanent equipment shall Design Base Shear: The total be included.]
design base shear in a given direction
shall be determined from the following C = Numerical coefficient given by the
relation: relation:

V= W …………………… (2.5.1) 1.25×𝑆 (2.5.2)
𝑅 C= 2/3 ………………………..


Prepared by- Farjana Akter, Senior Lecturer, Stamford University Bangladesh


S = Site coefficient for soil = 0.073 for RC moment resisting

characteristics provided in Table- frames, and eccentric braced
6.2.25. steel frames.
T = Fundamental period of vibration in = 0.049 for all other structural
seconds, of the structure for the systems.
direction under consideration as hn = Height in meters above the base to
determined by the provisions of Sec- level n. Vertical Distribution of
The value of C need not exceed 2.75 and this Lateral Forces:
value may be used for any structure without
regard to soil type or structure period. Except
In the absence of a more rigorous
for those requirements where Code
procedure, the total lateral force, which
prescribed forces are scaled up by 0.375R, the
minimum value the ratio C/R shall be 0.075.
is the base shear V, shall be distributed
along the height of the structure in Structure Period: accordance with Eq-(2.5.6), (2.5.7) and


The value of the fundamental period, T

of the structure shall be determined V = Ft + 𝑖=1 𝐹𝑖 ……………..(2.5.6)
from one of the following methods: Where,
Fi = Lateral force applied at storey
 Method A: For all buildings the level-I and
value of T may be approximated Ft = Concentrated lateral forces
by the following formula: considered at the top of the building in
addition to the force Fn.
T = Ct (hn)3/4 ………………(2.5.3) The concentrated force Ft acting at the
Where, top of the building shall be determined
Ct = 0.083 for steel moment resisting as follows:
frames.  Ft = .07 TV ≤ 0.025V
When T> 0.7 second ……(2.5.7a)
Prepared by- Farjana Akter, Senior Lecturer, Stamford University Bangladesh

 Ft = 0.0 when T≤ 0.7 second


The remaining portion of the base

shear (V – Ft), shall be distributed over
the height of the building, including
level-n, according to the relation:

(𝑉−Ft)𝑊𝑥 ℎ 𝑥
Fx = 𝑛 ………..(2.5.8)
𝑖=1 𝑊 𝑖 ℎ 𝑖

Base: The level at which the

earthquake motions are considered to
be imparted to the structures or the
level at which the structure as a
dynamic vibrator is supported.

Base Shear: Total design lateral force

or shear due to earthquake at the base
of a structure.

Ductility: Capacity of a structure, or its

members to undergo large inelastic
deformations without significant loss
of strength or stiffness.

Prepared by- Farjana Akter, Senior Lecturer, Stamford University Bangladesh


Prepared by- Farjana Akter, Senior Lecturer, Stamford University Bangladesh


Table - 6.2.22: Seismic Zone Factor or Table - 6.2.25: Site Coefficient, S for
Coefficient, Z Seismic Lateral Forces
Seismic Zone Zone Coefficient Type Description S
1 0.075 S1 A soil profile with either:
2 0.15 a) A rock-like material
3 0.25 characterized by a shear- wave
velocity greater than 762 m/s
or by other suitable means of
classification, or
Table – 6.2.23: Structural Importance
b) Stiff or dense soil condition
Coefficients, I
where the soil depth is less than
Structure Importance Category I
61 meters. (S1<61m)
(see Table-6.1.1 for occupancy)
S2 A soil profile with dense or stiff 1.2
1). Essential facilities 1.25
soil conditions, where the soil
2). Hazardous facilities 1.25
depth exceeds 61 meters.
3). Special occupancy structures 1.00
4). Standard occupancy structures 1.00
S3 A soil profile 21 meters or more
5). Low-risk structures 1.00
in depth and containing more 1.5
than 6 meters of soft to
medium stiff clay but not more
Table – 6.2.24: Response Modification
than 12 meters of soft clay.
Coefficient for Structural System, R

Basic Description of Lateral R S4 A soil profile containing more

Structural Force Resisting System than 12 meters of soft clay 2.0
Moment 1).Special moment characterized by a shear wave
Resisting resisting frames (SMRF) velocity less than 152 m/s.
Frame a) Steel 12
System b) Concrete 12
2). (IMRF), concrete. 8
3). Ordinary moment
resisting frames (OMRF) 6
a) Steel 5
b) Concrete

Prepared by- Farjana Akter, Senior Lecturer, Stamford University Bangladesh


Problem-01: Determine base shear V

and distribute it along each storey
level. Building plan and information Solution:
are given below-
Building weight calculation:
12×16 16×20×150
Beam (A) = × = 64 kip
12×12 1000
12×24 20×18×150
Beam (B) = × = 108 kip
12×12 1000
18×18 10×8×150
Column Interior = ×
12×12 1000

= 27 k
16×16 10×12×150
Column Exterior = ×
12×12 1000

Plan = 32 kip
14×14 10×4×150
Column Corner = ×
12×12 1000
= 8.17 kip
 Dir. A → (12×16) inch
 Dir. B→ (12×24) inch 6 80×60×150
Slab = × = 360 kip
Column: 12 1000

 Interior →(18×18) inch

 Exterior →(16×16) inch ∴ Weight per floor, WDL=
(64 + 108 +27 +32 + 8.17 +360) kip
 Corner →(14×14) inch
= 599.17 kip per floor
 Thickness → 6 inch
∴ Total load per floor , Wx
 Storey → 9 = (WDL + 25% of Live load) kip
 Floor Height → 10 ft = (599.17 + 0.25 × 450) kip
 Zone → Dhaka
 Site → Stiff soil, depth 50 m<61 = 711.67 kip per floor
 Structure → Standard Occupancy
 Frame Type → Moment Resisting ∵Total load, W = (711.67 ×10) kip
(SMRF) = 7116.7 kip
 live load (LL) = 450 kip/floor

Prepared by- Farjana Akter, Senior Lecturer, Stamford University Bangladesh


We have, the seismic parameters,

I=1 R = 12
Z = 0.15 S=1
Floor Weight hx Wx×hx Fx =
Ct = 0.073 hn = 30.49 m
(Wx/floor) (ft) (Kip-ft) (𝑉−𝐹𝑡 )𝑊𝑥 ℎ 𝑥
𝑖=1 𝑊 𝑖 ℎ 𝑖
T= Ct (hn)3/4 (kip)
= .073×(30.49)3/4 1 711.67 10 7116.7 1.96
= 0.947 Sec > 0.7 sec
2 711.67 20 14233.4 3.91

1.25 × S 3 711.67 30 21350.1 5.87

C = 2
T 3

1.25 × 1 4 711.67 40 28466.8 7.83

= 2
0.947 3
5 711.67 50 35583.5 9.79
= 1.296
6 711.67 60 42700.2 11.74

Now, Design base shear, 7 711.67 70 49816.9 13.70

V= ×W
𝑅 8 711.67 80 56933.6 15.66
=( ×7116.7) 9 711.67 90 64050.3 17.62
= 115.29 kip Answer
10 711.67 100 71167 19.57

Again, Ft = 0.07TV ≤ 0.25V ∑Wi × hi = 391419 107.65

[∵T> 0.7 Sec]

= (0.07×0.947× 115.29) ⍰ (𝑉−Ft)𝑊𝑥 ℎ 𝑥
Fx = 𝑛
(0.25×115.297) 𝑖=1 𝑊 𝑖 ℎ 𝑖

107.65 × 35583 .5
= 7.64 < 28.82 F5 = = 9.79 kip

Therefore, Ft = 7.64 kip

∴ V- Ft = 115.29 - 7.64
= 107.65 kip
Prepared by- Farjana Akter, Senior Lecturer, Stamford University Bangladesh

(19.57 + 7.64) kip

17.62 kip

15.66 kip

13.70 kip

11.74 kip

9.79 kip
7.83 kip
5.87 kip

3.91 kip
1.96 kip

Fig: Earthquake distribution each storey

Prepared by- Farjana Akter, Senior Lecturer, Stamford University Bangladesh


Problem-02: Determine the

Equivalent Static Lateral Loads
Do yourself
due to earthquake at each storey
level for internal frame 1-1 of the
Institutional Complex Building
shown in figure. Necessary
information are given below-

 Dir. A → (12×15) inch
 Dir. B → (12×15) inch
 All column size →
(18×18) inch
Slab: Thickness → 7 inch

 Storey → 7
 Floor Height → 10 ft
 Zone → Dhaka
 Site → soft stiff clay, depth
of soil layer = 20 m
 Structure → Standard
 Frame Type → IMRF
 Base to 1st floor distance =
Prepared by- Farjana Akter, Senior Lecturer, Stamford University Bangladesh

Prepared by- Farjana Akter, Senior Lecturer, Stamford University Bangladesh

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