An Introduction To Domestic Wastewater Treatment R1
An Introduction To Domestic Wastewater Treatment R1
An Introduction To Domestic Wastewater Treatment R1
P: (877) 322-5800
An Introduction
To Domestic
1.1 Purpose. This introduction provides general information, illustrative guidance, and
criteria for the design of domestic wastewater treatment.
1.2 Scope. Criteria presented here are applicable to new and upgraded domestic
wastewater treatment facilities. This course provides information on how to determine
the sizes of wastewater treatment unit operations.
1.4 Special design considerations. In the design for the expansion of existing
treatment works or construction of new facilities, the designer may offer criteria on new
treatment processes for consideration. Pollution control facilities will incorporate the
latest proven technology in the field. Technology is considered proven when
demonstrated successfully by a prototype plant treating similar wastewater under
expected climatic conditions. If treatment level is obtained, operational performance and
maintenance records would have been adequately documented to verify the capability
of the process.
2.1 Location. The major factors in the selection of suitable sites for treatment facilities
include the following: topography; availability of a suitable discharge point; and
maintaining a reasonable distance from living quarters, working areas and public use
areas of the proposed facilities, as reflected by the master plans. The siting criteria for
the water pollution control facility should consider State wellhead protection
requirements for drinking water sources. In the absence of a state requirement, a
minimum distance of 1,000 feet should be maintained between a drinking water source
and any proposed water pollution control facility. For on-site treatment systems, rainfall
and soil characteristics are major criteria. For plants of 50,000 gallons per day or less,
treatment capacity will be more than 500 feet from the facilities when this minimum
distance will not result in unacceptable noise or odor levels. Larger plants, and
wastewater treatment ponds regardless of size, will be more than one-quarter mile from
such facilities. Greater distance may be required when such facilities are located on the
leeward side of the treatment plant; in areas subject to prolonged or frequent air
stagnation or fog/mist cover; and at a lower elevation than the treatment works, with
surface and ground water flowing from the treatment plant toward the occupied area.
2.1.1 Cold climate. Exceptions to the 500-foot restriction can be made for cold climate
module complexes where the treatment system is part of the module complex.
However, sewage treatment works will not be located within the same module as living
2.1.2 Septic tank systems. Standard septic tank systems with subsurface drain fields
do not fall under the 500-foot restriction. Distance reductions must not result in creation
of unacceptable noise levels when plant equipment is in operation.
2.2 Space requirements. Sufficient space must be allocated not only for suitable
arrangement of the initial units and associated plant piping but also to accommodate
future expansion. Future expansion includes the provision of increased capacity for
2.3 Access. The site will be selected so that an all-weather road is available or can be
provided for access to the plant. Available rail sidings will also be utilized when
practical. Consideration should be given, during layout of buildings, roads, fencing and
appurtenances, to winter conditions such as snow drifting and removal. Considerable
energy savings may result from partially earth protected north walls, from solar passive
collectors, and from proper insulation. Evergreen shrubs planted in the correct location
may dampen cold prevailing winter winds, but if planted in an incorrect position, can
cause drifts or interfere with snow removal.
3.1.1 Standards. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issues effluent
standards covering the discharge of toxic and hazardous pollutants. Strict limitations on
discharges of these pollutants should be imposed.
3.1.4 Local regulations. In general, local governments do not specify requirements for
wastewater treatment facilities. Construction of wastewater facilities must conform to
applicable zoning and Occupational and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements.
3.3 Primary treatment. Primary treatment is defined as physical or, at times, chemical
treatment for the removal of settleable and floatable materials.
2. Primary Treatment
a. Sedimentation Waste streams containing 1. Reduces inorganic and organic 1. Possible septicity and odors
settleable suspended solids solids loadings in subsequent biological
units 2. Adversely affected by
variations in the nature of the
2. By far the least expensive and most waste
common method of solid/liquid
separation 3. Moderately large area
3. Suitable for treatment of wide variety
of wastes
5. Demonstrated reliability as a
treatment process
b. Dissolved air flotation Waste streams containing 1. Removes oils, greases and High power and maintenance
oils, fats, suspended solids suspended solids cost
and other floatable matter.
Can be used for both 2. Less tank area than a sedimentation
clarification and thickening. tank
6. No color reduction
c. Aerobic-anaerobic Biologically treatable organic 1. Low construction costs 1. Large land area required
ponds wastes
2. Non-skilled operation 2. Algae in effluent
3. Sludge disposal
4. Advanced Treatment
a. Activated carbon adsorption Waste streams 1. Removes 1. High equipment costs
containing trace nonbiodegradable organics
amounts of organics from wastewaters 2. Carbon costs –
and color-, taste- and a. pH adjustment
odor-producing 2. Removes taste and odor b. Initial carbon
compounds producing compounds c. Make-up carbon
5. Sludge
a. Anaerobic digestion Biodegradable solids 1. Methane production 1. Heat required
4. Limited throughput
b. Centrifugation Non-abrasive, non- 1. Solids concentration 1. Equipment costs
corrosive sludges
2. Compact equipment 2. Skilled labor
4. High throughput
c. Sand beds (including wedge Organic or inorganic 1. Solids concentration 1. Land area required
wire and vacuum assisted) sludges
2. Low chemical costs; 2. Weather problems;
polymer sometimes used a. Winter – freezing
b. Summer – odor
d. Presses Organic or inorganic 1. Solids concentration 1. High capital and operating costs
2. Compact equipment 2. Precoat and chemical conditioning
7. Sludge Disposal
a. Incineration (regular and Combustible organic 1. Excellent sludge volume 1. High equipment costs
fluidized) sludges (25 – 33% reduction
solids) 2. Fuel and power costs
2. Kills biological organisms
3. Air pollution potential
3. Possible by-product
recovery 4. Ash disposal required
a. Heat
b. Valuable metals 5. Sophisticated equipment
b. Wet oxidation Combustible organic 1. Produces easily handled 1. High initial costs
sludges (3 - 10% solids) product
2. Fuel and power costs
2. Kills biological organisms
3. High organic concentration in
3. Possible by-product effluent stream
Table 3-3
Approximate performance data for various wastewater processes (1)
Process Constituent, effluent from process, mg/L Waste for
ss (4) BOD (4) COD (4) N (4) NH 3 (4) P (4) ultimate
(200) (200) (450) (30) (15) (10) disposal
Imhoff tank 80 120 350 25 15 9 Sludge
Rotating biological disks 25 13 100 20 5 7 Sludge
Trickling filter processes:
Conventional (low rate) 25 18 100 20 1 7 Sludge
Conventional (high rate) 30 20 100 25 15 7 Sludge
Tower filter 30 20 100 25 15 7 Sludge
Activated sludge process:
Complete mix 20 15 90 20 12 7 Sludge
Contact stabilization 20 15 90 20 12 7 Sludge
Extended aeration 20 15 90 15 2 7 Sludge
Aerated lagoon (with settling) 20 15 90 25 2 7 Sludge
Oxidation ditch (with settling) 20 15 90 25 2 7 Sludge
Stabilization pond processes:
Aerobic (aerated) 170 60 200 25 1 9 Sludge (3)
Aerobic-anaerobic 120 40 150 15 1 4 Sludge (3)
(natural aeration)
Aerobic-anaerobic 90 25 140 15 1 4 Sludge (3)
(partial mechanical aeration)
Anaerobic (2) 100 40 140 15 1 4 Sludge (3)
Land treatment processes:
Slow rate 2 4 80 5 1 0.5
Overland flow 4 6 90 10 4 4
Rapid infiltration 2 4 50 10 1 0.5
(1) Under ideal conditions
(2) Usually followed by aerobic or facultative ponds
(3) Following pretreatment
(4) Concentration in incoming wastewater, mg/L
4.1 General. The required treatment is determined by the influent characteristics, the
effluent requirements, and the treatment processes that produce an acceptable effluent.
Influent characteristics are determined by laboratory testing of samples from the waste
stream or from a similar waste stream, or are predicted on the basis of standard waste
streams. Effluent quality requirements are set by Federal, interstate, State, and local
regulatory agencies. Treatment processes are selected according to influent-effluent
constraints and technical and economic considerations.
4.2 Design population. Treatment capacity is based on the design population, which
is the projected population obtained by analysis. The design population is determined
by adding the total resident and one-third the non-resident populations and multiplying
by the appropriate capacity factor (taken from Table 4-1 for smaller communities), which
allows for variations in the using population. The resident population is determined by
adding the following:
Table 4-1
Capacity Factors
Effective Population Capacity Factor
Under 5,000 1.50
5,000 1.50
10,000 1.25
20,000 1.15
30,000 1.10
40,000 1.05
50,000 1.00
Table 4-3
Example of sewage characteristics
Residents Non-residents
Item (lb/capita for 24 hours) (lb/capita for 24 hours)
Suspended solids 0.20 0.10
Biochemical oxygen 0.20 0.10
Oil and grease 0.09 0.05
4.4.1 Variations in wastewater flow. The rates of sewage flow at military installations
vary widely throughout the day. The design of process elements in a sewage treatment
plant is based on the average daily flow. Transmission elements, such as conduits,
siphons and distributor mechanisms, will be designed on the basis of an expected peak
flow rate of three times the average rate. Clarifiers will be designed for a peak hourly
flow rate (i.e., 1.75 times the average daily rate). Consideration of the minimum rate of
flow is necessary in the design of certain elements, such as grit chambers, measuring
devices and dosing equipment. For this purpose, 40 percent of the average flow rate will
be used.
4.4.2 Average daily wastewater flow. The average daily wastewater flow to be used
in the design of new treatment plants will be computed by multiplying the design
population by the per capita rates of flow determined from Table 4-2, and then adjusting
for such factors as industrial wastewater flow, stormwater inflow and infiltration. Where
Figure 4-1
Infiltration allowances Average wastewater flow is usually expressed in million gallons per day, but will
be calculated in the appropriate units for the design of the unit process under
4.4.4 Industrial flow. Industrial wastewater flows will be minimal at most military
installations. When industrial flows are present, however, actual measurement is the
best way to ascertain flow rates. Modes of occurrence (continuous or intermittent) and
period of discharge must also be known. Typical industrial discharges include
wastewaters from the following:
— wastewater treatment plant itself
— maintenance facilities
— vehicle wash areas
— weapons cleaning buildings
— boiler blowdowns
— swimming pool backwash water
— water treatment plant backwash
— cooling tower blowdown
— fire fighting facility
— photographic laboratory
— medical or dental laboratories
4.6 Capacity factor. A capacity factor (CF) taken from Table 4-1 is used to make
allowances for population variation, changes in sewage characteristics, and unusual
peak flows. The design population is derived by multiplying the actual population (called
the effective population) by the appropriate capacity factor. Where additions are
proposed, the adequacy of each element of the plant will be checked without applying
the capacity factor. When treatment units are determined to be deficient, then capacity
factors should be used to calculate the plant capacity required after expansion.
However, the use of an unnecessarily high CF may dilute waste sufficiently enough to
adversely affect some biological processes. If the area served by a plant will not,
according to the best current information, be expanded in the future, the capacity factor
should not be used in designing treatment components in facilities serving that area.
The following equation (Eq 4-1) may be used to estimate total flow to the sewage plant
where domestic, industrial and stormwater flows are anticipated.
Concentrations presented above are in milligrams per liter which is equivalent to parts
per million (ppm). These values represent an average waste; and therefore, should only
be used where detailed analysis is not available. When the water supply analysis for the
installation is known, the above analysis will be modified to reflect the normal changes
to the constituents in water, as they arrive at the wastewater treatment plant. Changes
will be as follows:
4.7.3 Industrial loading. Industrial waste loadings can also be characterized to a large
extent by normal sewage parameters. However, industrial waste contains contaminants
not generally found in domestic sewage and is much more variable than domestic
sewage. This is evident in terms of pH, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen
demand, oil and grease, and suspended solids. Other analyses (e.g., heavy metals,
thermal loading, and dissolved chemicals) may also be necessary to fully characterize
an industrial waste. Each industrial wastewater must be characterized individually to
determine any and all effects of the treatment processes.