OLC 18a.translation
OLC 18a.translation
OLC 18a.translation
Meanwhile news is getting brought from Rome always worse. The Republic was rushing
into ruin. Antony was attempting to increase his own power. Octavian, the youth whom
Caesar had adopted in his own will, had come to Rome; he had assumed the name of
Caesar; he was distributing money to soldiers; he was becoming more powerful with
the days. Senators, having gotten terrified by Antony, were trying to draw Octavian to
their side. An army gets prepared by Octavian. Civil war was overhanging the Republic.
In this crisi Cicero was vehemently opposing Antony and also praised Octavian. And
then Antony led his troops into Gaul and prepared himself for war. Senators, having
gotten roused by Cicero, declared Antony an enemy of the Roman people. They sent
both the consuls and Octavian with armies against him. When they joined in battle,
Antony, having gotten conquered, retreated to Farther Gaul. But both consules got
killed in battle.
Octavian therefore commanded the entire army. Having gotten led by his abition, he
sent legates Romeward. He ordered the Senate to make him consul. When the Senate
did not wish to do this, he led his own army into Italy and hurried toward Rome very
quickly. Having gotten terrified by his arrival, unwilling they conceded to him. Cicero,
despairing for the Republic, retreated to a certain country estate.
Soon Octavian left from Rome and was leading his army as though against Antony.
The greatest battle was getting awaited by all. But when Octavian arrived near the army
of Antony, he stopped and sent legates to Antony; the leaders decided to fix the matter
not by sword but by words. Antony and Octavian and a third general, Lepidus by name,
secretly met and made a treaty. They divided the Roman empire among themselves.
Legates get sent to Rome who order the senators to sanction this triumvirate by law.
deinde triumvirī Rō mam prēcēdunt. urbs occupā tur. senā tō rēs cō guntur
omnia facere quae illī cupiunt. inimīcī triumuirō rum prō scrībuntur; plū rimī
occīduntur bonaque eō rum corripiuntur.
Then the triumvirs procede to Rome. The city gets occupied. Senators are compelled
to do all the tings which those men desire. The enemies of the triumvirs get proscribed;
most are killed and their goods are siezed.